Administrative Law - III Sem

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Time: Note: Note: 10. " 12. Note: 13. 14 16. 16. Code No. E-18693/8L FACULTY OF LAW LL.B (3 YDC) t-Semester Examination, August 2023 Subject: Law 3:Hours Max. Marks: 80 PART-A Answer any FIVE questions. (8 x6 = 30 Marks) Relation of Constitutional and Administrative Law Theory of separation of Powers Ministerial functions Quasi Judicial Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation Personal bias ‘Speaking order Public Corporations PART -B. ‘Answer any TWO questions. (2x 15 = 30 Marks) Explain and distinguish subordinate, conditional and delegated legislations. State the permissible limits of delegated legislation. Make a critical evaluation of the doctrine of Rule of Law. Discuss how violation of principles of natural justice as a ground for judicial control of administrative action: What is the importance of Lokpal in India and state the reasons for not establishing this institution till date? PART-C. Answer any TWO questions. (2x10 = 20 Marks) Ram was. managing Director in the special planning authority. The authority allotted the plots of three associations comprising family members or relatives of Ram. Decide. ‘A government has framed rules under the Statute prescribing a fee in the nature of capitation fee. However the statute had prohibited capitation fee Is the government decision is valid? Discuss. ‘A Government truck is employed in famine relief operations. On account of the drivers negligence the truck over terms. One of the passengers in the truck is injured and sued the government for damages, Decide. ‘An applicant before an administrative tribunal is aggrieved by decision of the tribunal. Advise him as to which forum he can appeal Code No: E-18693 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B (3YDC) / LL.B. (3 YDC) (Honours) Ill Semester Examinations, April / May 2023 Subject: Law Paper Ill: Administrative Law Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80 PART-A Note: Answer any five questions. (5x6 = 30 Marks) ‘Sources of Administrative law Counseil d'ttat Conditional legislation Henry Vil clause Principles of Natural Justice ‘Administrative Discretion Constitutional Remedies Public Corporations (Corporations) eNoasene PART-B. Note: Answer any two questions. (2x 15 = 30 Marks) 9. Administrative Law witnessed rapid growth- Elucidate? 10. A man should not be a judge in his own cause-Discuss. 11. Give an account on judicial Activism and Public Interest Litigation? 12, Evaluate the position of government's liability for contracts. What are the Constitutional restrictions on such contracts? PART -C Note: Answer any two questions. (2x 10 = 20 Marks) 13, Air India regulations conferred power on its Managing Director to extend the tenure of an air hostess beyond 35 years at his option. The regulations have not specified the standards as to the exercise of the discretionary powers. Are the regulations, valid? 14. °X’a citizen files a writ for enforcement of law designed to eradicate Social evil State contents that ‘X’ has no ‘Locus Standi’. Decide. 15, Rajesh’s wife lost her life because of the negligence of the employees of the state public ‘works department, Rajesh's plea to seek justice outside the cour fell on deaf ears Advice Rajesh. 16. An excise authority gives a contract to a non-participant in an auction conducted by it by denying the contract to the highest hidden at the auction. The excise authority contends that it has the inherent power to do so. Examine the validity of such power. Code. No. D-12515/BL FACULTY OF LAW LLB. (3 YDC) / LL.B. (Honours) (3 YDC) Ill - Semester Examination, November 2022 Subject: Law Paper: Ill - Administrative Law Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 PART-A /e questions (5x 6 = 30 Marks) Note: Answer any Definition of Administrative Law Rule of Law The French Administrative Law System of checks and Balances Subordinate Legislation Pecuniary Bias Domestic Tribunal Promissory estoppels, PART-B Note: Answer any two questions (2x 15 = 30 Marks) 9 Discuss the reasons for growth of Administrative law 10 Examine the concept of theory of sepafation of powers in India. U.K. and U.S. A 11 Explain the reasons for the growth and Classification of delegated legislation. 12 Enumerate the salient features of principles of natural Justice. PART Note: Answer any two questions (2x 10 = 20 Marks) 13 “A was an applicant for the post of professor of Law. He was also an ex-officio member of the selection committee. Finally he was selected. “B” who was another applicant for the same post was not selected. “B" wants to challenge the selection process. Advise him 14 Acar was owned and maintained by the state government for the official use of the distriet.collector. Due to rash and negligent driving of the car, a pedestrian was, killed in the accident with the same car. Is the government liable to pay damages to the defendants? Discuss, 15 Municipal authorities in an urban area did not clear the garbage for more than one month causing thereby lot of nuisance and health related problems to the inhabitants. Explain the proper writ that could be issued by the high court to compel the authorities to do their duty. 16 The government has granted mining lease in fallour of politically influential person on pick and choose basis. A public spirited citizen wants to file petition challenging the government action. Gan be do so. What type of relief he can ask for? 7 Code. No. D-12478 FACULTY OF LAW LLB. (3 YDC) / LL.B. (3 YDC) (Honours) I! - Year Ill Semester Examit April / May 2022 Subject: Law Paper : Ill - Administrative Law Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 PART -A Note: Answer any five questions. (8x6 = 30 Marks) 1. Administrative Law 2. Theory of Separation of powers 3, Quasi - Judicial functions 4, Judicial control of delegated Legislation 5. Lokpal 6. Pecuniary bias p 7. Rule of Locus standi 8. Public corporation ¢ PART -B. Note: Answer any two questions. ) (2x15 = 30 Marks) 9. Discuss the reasons for the growth of adiministfative law 10. Critically examine the principles of Ruleoffaw propounded by A.V. Dicey 11, Explain the classification of agfnstrative action 12, Enumerate the salient feafes of Principles of natural Justice PART -C Note: Answer any two)questions. (2x 10 = 20 Marks) 13. A an applicant for the post of professor of law. He was also a member of the selection committee. Finally he was selected. B, another applicant for the same post was nof'gelected. He wants to challenge the selection process. Advise him. 14. A, Gives "Licence was revocked by the police authority on the ground of miscandvet. Without giving him a reasonable opportunity to rebut the allegations made against him. The cab driver filled a petition. Can he succeed. 15. The Government has granted mining lease in favour of politically influential person con pick and choose basis. A public spirited citizen want to file a petition challenging the government action can he do so? What type of relief he can ask for? 46. A court has exceeded its jurisdiction and decided the matter and has given a decree. What kind of Remedy can be sought in the matter? Explain with reasons. 7 y fons. Code No. 721/BL a FACULTY OF LAW LL.BYSYDC) / LL.B. (Honours) (3 YDC) II-Year Ill-Semester Examination, ARY dy ‘September 2021 eee Subject: LAW “ng Tao Paper - Ill: Administrative Law Time: 2 Hours Max. Mark: PART-A Note: Answer any four questions (4x 10 = 40 Marks) 1 New Deposition 2 Quasi Legislative functions 3. Doctrine of Resjudicata 4° Injunction 5 Ombudsman 6 Essentials of Hearing process 7 Right to Information 8 Sovereign functions PART-B. Note: Answer any one question. (1.x 20 = 20 Marks) 9 Define administrative law and discuss it3)nature and scope. 410 Discuss the principle “Audi Alteram partem” in the light of decided cases. 11 Highlight the role of Administrative Tribunals as adjudicating authorities and comment on powers of the High Court in relation to the Tribunals. 12 Explain the control of public corporations with specific reference to “Lokpal” and “Lok Ayukta’ of states, PART-C Note: Answer any one question. (1.x 20 = 20 Marks) 13 An action was taken by college authorities against ‘A’, a student. He approached the court for redressal through a Writ. Discuss. 14 Ram Was debarred after an enquiry from appearing for University exam, on the ground of ‘Unfair means’ ram was not given an opportunity to defend. Ram wants to challenge. Advise Ram. 15 Acab driver's license was revoked on the ground of alleged misconduct without giving reasonable opportunity to him to rebut the allegations made against him. Is there any violation of principles of nature justice in this case? Examine 16 X,Y, and Z are appointed as judges of High Court. An advocate files a petition before the High Court challenging their appointments. Discuss whether an advocate has locus standi to challenge the appointment of judges. Code No. 721 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) /LL.B. (3 YDC) (Hons) II- Year IIl~ Semester /B.A. LL.B. (5 YDC)/B.B.A. L.L.B. (5 YDC) IV Year Vil Semester Examination, February 2024 Subject: LAW Paper : Il Administrative Law Time : 2 hours Max. Marks : 80 PART-A Note: Answer any four questions. (4x10 = 40 Marks) 1. Definition of Administrative law 2. Delegated Legislation 3. Quasi-Judicial function 4 Subordinate legislation 5. Pecuniary Bias 6 Audi Alteram partem 7 Domestic Tribunal 8 Public Corporation PART-B. Note: Answer any one questions. (1x 20 = 20 Marks) 9 Define Administrative Law’Explain the relationship between Administrative Law and Constitutional Law. 10 Critically examine the principle’of rule of law as propounded by A.V. Dicey. 11 Explain the classification of Administrative action, 12 White a detailed note onthe rule of Fair Hearing, PART-B Note: Answer any one questions. (1 x 20 = 20 Marks) 13 °A° was an applicant forthe post of professor of law, He was also an ex-officio, member of the selection committee. Finally he was selected. “B° another applicant for the some post was not selected, °B’ wants to challenge the selection process ~ Advise him 14 A department of the Central Government framed certain rules under a law However such rules were not published for information of concerned citizens Are such rules legally enforceable? Explain with reasons, 15 An MLA belonging to opposition party was arrested and detained by the police depriving him of his right to attend the assembly session. What are the remedies available to him against the state law lessners? 16 X entered into a contract with the state financial corporation for a loan of Rs.10 rores forthe construction of a hotel, On the basis of agreement X started the onstruction work by spending his own money. The loan which was previously Sanctioned was refused by the corporation. What remedies are available to X under law? Code No. §119/BL FACULTY OF LAW LL. B (3 YDC) I! Year Ill Semester! BA LLB (5 YDC)/BBA LLB (5 YDC)/B.Com LLB (5 YDC) IV Year VII Semester Examination, October 2020 Subject: Law : Ill Administrative Law Time: 2 hours nee Max. Marks: 80 PART — A (4x 10 = 40 Marks) ‘Answer any four of the following 1, Definition of Administrative Law 2. Excessive delegation 3. Quas-Juicial Function 4. Doctrine of Proportionality 5. Rule of Promissory Estopple 6. Commission of Inquiry 7. Quo Warranty 8. Check and Balance Theory PART —B (1 x20 ‘Answer any one of the following 8, White a brief note on the Administrative Tribunals? 10 Marks) 10. Discuss the concept of ‘Locus Standi" and Public Interest Litigation?. 11. Explain the Contractual Liabilty of Government in light of decided Cases? 12. Brief on Dicey’s Principle of Rule of Law. PART —C (1x20 = 20 Marks) Answer any one of the following 18. & Habeots corpus petition was filed before a High Court under Article 226 on the ground {hat the detention order was ilegal. I was dismissed. Thereafter another writ wae led ‘Supreme Court for same relief. Is it maintainable? Decide? "4. P entered info Contract with the state financial corporation for loan of 10 crores for ution ofa Dam, On basis of agreement, P stared constuction work by spending his own money. The loan was refused by financial corporation which had been Previously sanctioned. What remedies are available to P under law? ae arcce ment tuck is employed in famine relist operations. Due 1 drivers negligence Ihe truck overturns. One of the passengers in the truck i injured and he sued ho ‘government for damages. Decide? 16. A Tribunal of limited Jurisdiction exercised jurisdiction over the dispute, erroneously interpreting a statutory provision and ‘NO authority to pass. This was challenged in the court of la 1e subject matter of a Passed an order, where it has Ww? Decide on the case? Code No. 15113 / BL FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC)/ LL.B (Hon,) (3 YDC) II ~ Year 111 ~ Semester Examination, July / August 2019 Subject: LAW Paper - I) Administrative Law Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 80 PART ~ A (5x6 = 30 Marks) Answer any Five of the following. Droit Administratit (Check and Balance Theory Quasi-Judicial Function Legislative Control Lokpal Doctrine of Sovereign immunity Post Decisional Hearing Exclusion of Judicial Review evoOmsens PART ~ B (2x15 = 30 Marks) Answer any Two of the following. 9 Explain on the modem trends of Doctrine of separation of powers in relation to UK. and USA. 10 Elaborate on rule against bias and kinds of Bias 411 Write about principle of Natural Justice 12 Write a brief note on Concept of Locus Standi and Public Interest Litigation, PART -C (2x10 = 20 Marks) Answer any Two of the following. 19 Couple of students were caught by the University Squads while copying in the Board Exam. The students gave an undertaking to the Registrar that they will never copy in future. Both of them were debarred fromm appearing the examination for an year. Students contend that they were not given opportunity. Discuss the legalities 44 The State Legislature enacted an Act and Rules. Government wanted to enforce the rules of the act, but has not released any official gazette or order Can the government enforce such rules on public at large? Decide on the remedies for the grievances of public giving reasons 15 °P" was an applicant for the post of “Chief Executive Otficer”. He is member of selection ‘committee. P was selected for the post Q who also applied for the post did not get selected. Decide what ground does Q have as remedies, 16 A Court has exceeded its jurisdiction and decided the matter and has given a decree ‘What kind of remedy can be sought in the matter? Explain with reasons. Code No. 15113 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. YDC) / LL.B (Hons,) (3 YDC) II-Year Ill-Semester / B.A. LL.B (5 YDC) / B.B.A. LL.B. (5 YDC) (B.Com. LL.B. (5 YDC) IV - Year Vil ~ Semester Examination, January ! February 2019 Subject: LAW Paper - I Administrative Law Time : 3 hours, Max. Marks : 80 PART — A (5x6 = 30 Marks) Answer any Five of the following : 1 Theory of separation of powers Ministerial functions Conditional legislation Departmental bias ‘Speaking orders Writ of Mandamus Doctrine of sovereign immunity Lok Ayukta PART-B (2x15 Answer any Two of the following : 9 Define “Administrative Law and discuss the relation between ‘Constitutional Law’ and ‘Administrative Law’ 0 Marks) 10 What is delegated legislation? What are the reasons for the growth of delegated legislation? 11 Explain the doctrine of audi alteram partem with the help of decided cases. 12 Discuss the contractual liability of government PART~C (2x14 Answer any Two of the following 13 Under the sales tax act, power is delegated to the Government to determine the rate of tax between the minimum and maximum prescribed in the act. A trader challenged it in the court on the ground of excessive delegation. Will he succeed? Examine = 20 Marks) 14 4 State Government, with a view to promote start up industries, declared sales tax holiday tothe effect that the product of news industries will be exempted from the levy sracres fax, /A company started the construction of an industry relying upon the Statement. Later the slate Government changed its policy and the entre product was subjected to tax. The company file d @ petition in the court challen, the action of the Government. Decide. sre tne Code No. 15, 2- 18 The principal of a law college passed on order of expulsion from college against the boy students on the basis of a complaint from girl students. It was challenged on the ground that the statements of girl students were recorded behind the back of the boy students and no opportunity was afforded to the boy students to cross examine the Gitlstudents. Decide. 16 Some ornaments were stole from the house of Mr. X. They were recovered by the police in the course of investigation and they were kept in the custody of police under the order of the court. However, the omaments were stolen from police Custody before the disposal of the case. After the final disposal of the case, Mr. X applied for return of the omaments or their equivalent value. Should the Government compensate Mr. X? Discuss sb Code No. 9561/BL. FACULTY OF LAW LLB (3YDC) / LLB (3YDC) (Honours) Il-Year III-Semester, Examination, August / September 2018 Subject: Law Paper-lil: Administrative Law Time: 3 Hours ‘Max.Marks: 80 PART-A (5X6=30 Marks) Answer any of Five questions: “Droit administratiff Theory of Separation of powers Rule Making action of Administrative Authority, Official bias Delegated Legisiation Doctrine of Ultra virus ‘Audi Alteram Partem Dicey’s principles of Rule of Law eID RON+ PART-B ( 2X 15 =30 Marks) 9 Define administrative Law. Distinguish between Administrative Law and Constitutional Law. 10 Critically examine the principles of Rule of Law as propounded by A.V. Dicey. 11 Explain the classification of administrative action, 12 "Audi Alteram partem Rule ( is hear other side -Explain PART-C (2X10=20 Marks) 13 A.was an applicant for the post of Professor of Law. He was also a member of the Selection Committee. Finally he was selected. 8 another applicant for the same post was not selected B wants to challenge the Selection Process. Advise him 14 Adhiver's Licence was revoked by the Police authority on the ground of Misconduct, ‘Without giving him a reasonable opportunity to rebut the allegations made against him. The cab driver filed a petition. Can he succeed 15 Ahad let out his Flat to 8 for 99 year at the rate E 2500 a year. He however due to war conditions, agreed to reduce the rent by fity percent. After the war was over tenants returned. A demanded full amount of rent to which B objected relying on AS assurance. Advise A 16 An organization, working to curb the evil of corruption, filed a petition before the ‘Supreme Court seeking a writ of Mandamus against the Government Bill Is the petition maintainable? Give reasons Code No. 9730 / BL FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (8 YDC)/ LL.B. (Honours) (3 YDC) Il Year Ill - Semester Examination, May / June 2018 Subject: LAW Papor : Il Administrative Law Time : 3 hours ‘Max, Marks : 80 PART —A (5x 6 = 30 Marks) Answer any Five of the following : Sources of Administrative Law Rule of Law Quasi judicial funetions Henry Vill clause Official bias Domestic tnbunals Doctrine of Proportionalty Quo warrants PART—B (2x 15= 30 Marks) Answer any Two of the following : 9 Discuss in detail the judgment of the Supreme Court in In Re Delhi Laws Act case 10 Explain the soope and application of the principle of audi alteram partem, 11 Enumerate the grounds on the bases of which the courts exercise control over abuse of administrative discretion, 12 Disouss contractual liability of government with the help of decided cases. PART ~C (2x10 = 20 Marks) Answer any Two of the following : 13 An applicant for the post of Professor of Law was also a member of the selection committee by virtue of the position held by him at that time, Will such a situation vitiate his selection? Discuss 14 The Uniform Civil code was enacted by the Parliament conferring power on the Central Government to appoint a day for its commencement, But the Government has failed to exercise power, as a result the law in question was not in force for ten years from the date of ts enactment. A public spinted citizen filed 2 wile petition Seeking a direction to the Government to bring the law into force. Gan he succeed? Discuss. 15 The passport of a journalist was impounded by the Indian Government in public interest without giving him an opportunity before taking the impugned action. Is it violative of the principles of natural justice? Decide, 16 A car was owned and maintained by the Stale Government for the official use of the District Judge. Que to rash and negligent driving of the car, a pedestrian was killed. 1s the government liable to pay damages to the dependants? Discuss Code No. 9564 FACUI_TY OF LAW LLB. (3 YDC)/ LL.B. (Hons.) (3 /DC) li Year Ill Semester Examination, March / April 2018, Subject LAW Paper Ill: Administrative Law Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 PART ~ * (5x6=30 Marks) Answer any FIVE of the following: 1) Define Administrative Law © Droit Administra. eo) @% Doctrine of separation of powers fa’ a oy eae, y 8 Nemo Judox in causa sua Pecuniary bias NN ‘Writ of Mandamus Promissory estoppels ¢ PART ~ B (2x15 20 Marks) ‘Answer any TWO of the following quest] ng 9 Define Administration law. Explain thefel ti sewoan Admire nd 10 Examine the concept of theory o separ en of powers in nda, UK end USA NW a detailed note onthe Rdleot Fair Hearing {2 Discus the Tortous habit the Goverment the fight oi Constitutional law. Ie #\ PART-C+2x10= 20 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following questic ns: ‘An M.LA. belonging (8 opposition party vas arrested and detained by the police, ~~ depriving him of his right to atlend the acsembly session. What are the to him agaigst the"state lawlessness? nedies available 14 Xa giSranaht mpaye tavlrg ina Jovemment vehicle ued fr Fain Ret Sofie dus negigece om verel he vehement cat aodlst he sate or damages expan 418 A Tribunal of limited jurisdiction exercise Jurisdiction over the subject matter of dispute by erroneously interpreting a statutory provi: ion, and passed an order which it has no ‘authorty to pass. This was challenged th ough a writ petition. Wil the petitioner succeed? Iyes what type of writ can be issued in euch a case? The Governmsnt har 19'S + in faveu of poiitizaly infuc. lel person on pick ‘end choose basis. A public spinted citi”. wents to fle a pettion challenging the ‘government action. Can be do 50? What '/p@ of relief he can ask for ? Code No. 575 FACULTY OF LAW LLB (3YDC)/ LLB (Honours) (3 YDC) i-Year Semester B.A. LLB. (5 Yoc) (BBA LLB (5YDC) IV Year Vil- Semester Examination, dan /Pee so Subject: LAW Paper - Ill: Adri istrative Law ~ Time : 3 hours Max. Mark: PART—A (! x6 = 30 Marks) oat ‘Answer any Five of the following. 1 Droit Administratit Rule of L Conditional Legislation Laying on the table Policy bias Writ of mandamus Doctrine of Proportionality Lokpal PART-B (2.4 Answer any Two of the following. & Discuss with the help of decided esses thé\judicial contro! exercised over delegated legislation 19 Gaalain the scope and application of the maxim audi alteram partem, 11 Restrictive rules of standing are antithsis toa healthy system of ‘administrative law’ ~ Elucidate "2 Discuss the tortious liabilly ofthe Government n the light of decided cases PART—C (2x 10 = 20 Marts} Wo! any Two of wie feiiowing, 13 An act of Parliament contains an ‘enablin Government may make rules to carryout Contains @ provision that the rules made fules were enacted in the Act itself, Dy judicial review of rules 30 Marks) 'g clause’ which provides that the Central the purposes of the Act, The Act also under the Act would have effect as if the "scuss whether such a clause precludes 15 In a newly formed state, the Governm: Aetna, state would be exempted from sales tax for a period of twee years. iing on this assurance, new industries were established in the atone Later, the Government retracted its assurance a 'd sought to impose sales tax on’ the "Becios, © (Re $d industries. This 02 chalenged tough a wt poy Device, nt gave assurance that new industrial 16°A tibunal of limited jurisdiction, exercise d Wiehe paetToneously interpreting a slatutory provision, and parsed order Wal tne h3s,N0 authorty to pass, This was challenged iiwouch avec Petition. Lune Petitioner succeed? “i yes, whut typo of wit ean be escent such a case? jurisdiction over the subject matter of Code No. 575/ BL FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC)/ LL.B (Hons.) (3 YDC) I! - Year Ill - Semester Examination, May / June 2017 Subject: LAW Paper : Ill ‘Administrative Law Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 80 PART ~A (5x 6= 30 Marks) Answer any Five of the following : ‘Sources of Administrative Law Rule of Law Local Self Government Separation of Powers Ombudsman Estoppel Fair Hearing Administrative Discretion PART —B (2x 15= 30 Marks) Answer any Two of the following : $ Explain the remedies available against the State 10 How do you classify administrative functions? 44 Critically examine judicial contol of administrative action 12 Narrate the government's tortious liablity and contractual liably PART-C (2x10 = 20 Marks) Answer any Two of the following : 13 A cab driver's license was revoked by the commissioner of Police on the ground that he was unfit to retain it. Advise. 14 A company was engaged primarily in manufacturing and selling of sugar. The state promised tax holiday for 5 years to such companies. Subsequently, the state went back. Advise 15 Awife was selected for the post of lecturer in a college by a selection committee. Her husband was a member of the selection committee. Decide. 16 A student was found with a piece of paper in his pocket on which relevant matter was written. The university debarred him from appearing examination for 2 years. Comment Code No. 3093 FACULTY OF LAW LLB. (8 YDC) II-Year Ill Semester Examination, December 2016 Subject; LAW Paper - lll: Administrative Law Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 80 PART -A (5x 6= 30 Marks) Answer any Five of the following : Droit Administrative Rule of Law Lokayukta Doetrine of legitimate expectation X PART—B (2x15 =g0 Mitks) Answer any Two of the following : 9 Explain the reasons forthe growth ofa je law. 11 Explain the review of ony Answer any Two ofthe Yowing {0 9ne Govemement paces te passponot 8 person without hearing. Desi 14 A pedestriatwas knocked down by a jeep belonging to the Govemment. His wido state for damages. Decide. 15 Selectionlof a person for appointment is an administrative, discretionary function, Whelféf such selection can be challenged on the ground that persons not selected were not heard? Comment. 16 A delinquent soldier had been dismissed for remaining absent without taking leave. Decide whether the punishment is justified.

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