Law of Property - III Sem

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Code No. £-18692/ BL FACULTY OF LAW LLB (3 YDC) Ill-Semester Examination, August 2023, Subject: Law Paper - II : Law of Property Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 (5x 6 = 30 Marks) Contingent interest Immovable property Doctrine of Election Onerous gift ‘Simple Mortgage Lease 1 2. 3 4 5. Marshalling 6 7, 8 Quasi Easements PART-B Note: Answer any TWO questions. (2x 15 = 30 Marks) 9. Ingeneral “Property of any kind may be transferred’. Explain with exceptions. 10. Who is an ostensible owner? Whena transferee from an ostensible owner get ‘a good title against the real owner? 11. What is Sale? Distinguish betwéen Sale and Contract for sale. 12. Explain the important ingredients of a gift. When is a gift revocable? PART-C Note: Answer any TWO questions. (2x 10 = 20 Marks) 13. Mr. Verikata Rao makes a gift to Priyanka, Bhoomika and Deepika. Priyanka and Bhoomika accept the gift while Deepika refuses. What happens to the gift: 14. Bharath Kumar, grandson of Savithri Devi, is expecting legacy under Savithri Devi's will. During the lifetime of Savithri Devi. Bharath Kumar transfers his expectancy to Raghu Suryavanshi, Is it valid? Decide. 15. Apropertyis transferred to ‘A’ for life, then to his first son (unborn) for life and then to ‘B’ absolutely. Is the transfer valid? 16. ‘A’lets a farm to 'B' for the life of ‘C’. C’ dies, but 'B’ continues in possession with ‘A’ consent. What is the effect of such possession? Code No: E-18692 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B (3 YDC) / LL.B (3 YDC) (Honours) Ill Semester Examinations, April | May 2023 Subject: Law Paper -II: Law of Property Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80 PART-A Note: Answer any five of the following. (5x 6 = 30 Marks) Kinds of property Doctrine of Lis Pend dens Fixed charge Simple mortgage Actionable claims Forfeiture Capacity to execute will Easements PNOPEENH PART-B Note: Answer any two of the following. (2x 15 = 30 Marks) 9. What properties cannot be transferred? Explain this with the provisions of the transfer of property Act. 10. Distinguish between marshalling and contribution of citing legal provisions and case law. 11, Discuss the essentials of lease. State how leases are made? 42, What is meant by doctrine of election? Is there any different between Indian and English aw on this aspect?” PART-C Note: Answer any two of the following. (2x10 = 20 Marks) 43. X sold his adjacent land to Y with a condition that Y or his legal heirs should not construct any building on that land, Examine the validity of the condition. 414. X buys land from Y and gets possession. But later he was dispossessed by Z owing to defect in title. What is the remedy available to X? 45. The Government wants to lease a land situated in a scheduled area for commercial purpose. Is it valid? 46. transferred his property to an unborn person who is in mother’s womb. Decides the rights of unborn person. Code No: D-12514/BL FACULTY OF LAW LL.B (3YDC)/ LL.B. (Honours) (3 YDC) Ill Semester Examinations, November 2022 Subject: Law Paper ~ Il: Law of Property Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80 PART-A Note: Answer any five questions. (5x6 = 30 Marks) Concept of Property Transfer to Unborn person Doctrine of Election Fraudulent Transfer Mortgage Lease Codicil Actionable Cla PART-B Note: Answer any two questions (2x 15 = 30 Marks) 9. What properties cannot be transferred?"Explain this with the provisions of the Transfer of property Act. 10. Explain the differences between iortgage and charge of immovable properties. 411. Who is an ostensible Owner? Explain the rights of the transferee from ostensible owner. 12, Define the term ‘easement’ and explains different kinds of easements. PART-C. Note: Answer any two questions (2x 10 = 20 Marks) 419. P transferred his lands to Q and the easements over those lands to R. @ disputed the transfer of easements to R. Advise Q. 14. A filed a suit against B for possession of property X which is subject matter of mortgage by conditional sale pending the suit, B transferred property X to C for consideration. Discuss the rights of A. 15. A makes an absolute gift of a house in favour of B with a condition that B shall not transfer it Is the gift valid? Discuss, 16. ‘X’ a non-tribal purchases land from ‘Y’ a tribal. ‘Z'is a tribal and neighbour of ‘Y object. The same —Discuss. en Code No. D-12477 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) (Honours) / LL.B (3 YDC) Il Year Il Semester Examination, ‘April / May 2022 ‘Subject: Paper — I: Law of Property Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 PART-A Note: Answer any five questions. (6 x 6 = 30 Marks) Immovable property Doctrine of Lispendens Fraudulent transfer English mortgage Estoppels, Kinds of leases Gifts| Definition of easement eVoasens PART -B. (2x 15 = 30 Marks) Note: Answer any two que © Define the term “property” and explain wijat kind8“f properties may be and may not be transferred. 10 Explain the different kinds of mortgélges. 11 Define easement and explain the difféfent ways of acquisition of easements, 12 What are the different modes of termination of lease? PART -C Note: Answer any two,questions. (2x 10 = 20 Marks) 13 Property is transféyred to "A" for life and the remainder to his eldest son on attaining 21 years off€ge, “A” has no son the date of transfer, but was daughter. Is the transferred valid? Decide 14 “A” purchases property in the name of ‘8’. ‘B sel authority, A sues to recover the property from * the same property to °C’ without A's Decide. 15A transfer 1 acre land to his sister in law, if she will desert her husband. Is the transferred of 1 acre land valid? 16 “A” allowed his neighbour B to park his car in A's house. After some time, A refused to park the car of B. B claimed itis easement right ~ Decide. Code No. 720/BL 5 a FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) / LL. B. (3 YDC) (Honours) II - Year Ill ~ Semester Examination, August / September 2021 Subject: LAW Paper: I- Law of Property Time: 2 hours Max. Marks: 80 PART- A. Note: Answer any four questions. (4x10 = 40 Marks) Tangible Property Doctrine of Part-Performance Agreement of Sale Death bed gifts Codicit Charge Void conditions Marshalling OVOnReNs PART=B Note: Answer any one question. (1.x 20 = 20 Marks) 9 Define Mortgage and what are the different kinds of Mortgage. 10 Explain the Doctrine of Election with decided cases. 11 Discuss the essentials of lease. 12 Explain what is meant by easement and different kinds of easements, PART-C. Note: Answer any one question. (1x 20 = 20 Marks) 13 A purchasés_a house from B without making proper enquiries relating to the house. «Later it was found that the house is mortgaged with C. What is the remedy available to B. 14 A sélis.a house with a condition that B the purchaser has a reside in it and should sell the property to any other person. Is the condition valid, 15 A transfers Rs.5000 to B as condition that he shall marry with the consent of C, DandE. E dies. B marries with the consent of C and D. Is the condition fulfilled. 16 A transfer property to B, C, D and E all alive on the date of transfer successively, ‘and then the eldest son of E altained 21 years. Decide the validity of the transfer. Code No. 720 vs 4 ‘ 352 aeRO FACULTY OF LAW LLB. (3 YDC) / LL.B. (3 YDC) (Hons.) II Year Ill - Semester Examination, February 2021 Subject : LAW Paper : Law of Property Time : 2 hours Max. Marks : 80 PART-A Note: Answer any four questions. (4 x410)=40 Marks) 1. Definition of immovable property 2. Mode of Transfer 3. Transfer to unborn persons 4 Doctrine of Lis pendens. 5. Usufructuary Mortgage 6 Kinds of leases 7. Definition of easement 8 Executors of will PART-B Note: Answer any one question of the following. (1x20 = 20 Marks) 9 What kind of property mayibe transferred? Explain. 10 Explain the Doctrine of Part-performance. 11 What are the Rights and liablities of mortgagee and mortgagor? Explain 12 Distinguish between i) Lease and license ii) Exchange and Gift PART-C Note: Answer any one question of the following. (1x 20 = 20 Marks) 13 Property is transferred to “A" for life and the remainder to his eldest son on attaining 18 years of age. A has no son on the date of transfer. Is the transfer valid? Decide, 14 “A” purchases property in the name of B. B, sells the property to ‘C’ without A s authority. A sues to recover the property from *C” ~ Decide. 15 “A” makes a gift to B, C and D. B and C accepted the gift while D refuses. What happens to the git? 16 The Government of T.S. wants to lease a land situated in a scheduled area for ‘commercial purpose. Is it valid? Code No. 5118/BL FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) Il-Year Ill-Semester Examination, October 2020 Subject: LAW Paper Il: Law of Property i Max. Marks : 80 PART - A (4x10=40 Marks) Answer any FOUR of the following Kinds of property What property is Transferable? Doctrine election Fraudulent Transfer Kinds of mortgages Lease Easements Nature of bequests PART ~ B (1x20 20 Marks) Answer any One of the following questions: 9 What kind of property may not be transferred? Explain. 10 Explain Doctrine of Feeding the Grant by Estoppel. 11 Explain different kinds of mortgages 12 Define easement and explain the different ways of acquisition of easement, PART> C (1x20 = 20 Marks) Answer any One of the following questions: 13 °A" Hindu male owing separate property dies leaving his widow “W" and his brother 8. B transfer his right to succeed to the Estate of “A” infavour of D. Is the transfer valid? 44 A transfer Rs.20 lakhs to his niece, if she will desert her husband. Is the transfer valid? 415 A takes ‘lease of a Building for being used as a dyeing factory. He stores chemicals in the Building needed for his business. The building is bunt down and damage is caused Because of storage of chemicals. Discuss the labilty of ‘A 16 ‘A”allowed his neighbor B to park his car in A’s House. After some time, A refused to park the car of B. State whether B can claim the easement right? Decide. Code No. 15112/ BL FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) / LL.B (Hon,) (3 YDC) It - Year I11 ~ Semester Examination, July / August 2019 Subject: LAW Paper - Il Law of Property Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 80 PART ~ A (5x6 = 30 Marks) Answer any Five of the following. Chattels 1 2 Charge 3. Exchange 4. Death bed gifts 5 Easement 6 Notice 7 Perpetuity Period 8 Vested Interest PART ~ B (2x15 = 30 Marks) ‘Answer any Two of the following, 9. Explain the difference between Natural Rights and Easements 10 Discuss the difference between lease and license 14. Explain the conditions restraining alienation 12 Explain the Doctrine of Holding out PART - C (2x10 = 20 Marks) Answer any Two of the follo 9 43.4 touring talkies was installed on a mortgaged land. Cinema equipment such as projector. a discal engine were installed in a temporary shed on the land, Whether the machinery was immovable properly or movable property? 14 A refuses a registered letter, which contains certain information relating to property which A proposes to purchase. Later he refuses to know the complete information of the property. Discuss. 45 The appellant created a trust in respect of the lands in question for the purpose of the running a free public dispensary and for giving scholarship to students for pursuing their ‘studies The settler appointed himself as the sole trustee. Justily 46 A expecting that C, his aunt, who had no issues, would bequeath her house worth Rs 50,000 transfers it to B Is the transfer valid? Code No. 15112 FACULTY OF LAW Lg (3 YOC) / LLB (Hon.) (3 YDC) I1- Year I1I-Semester Examination, January 2019 Subject: Law Paper- II: Law of Property Max. Marks: 80 PART - A (5X6=30 Marks) (Short Answer Type) ‘Answer any FIVE of the following: Immovable property Conditional transfer Rights of unborn person Vested interest Doctrine of Lispendence Kinds of Mortgage Kinds of lease License PART — B (2X15=30 Marks) ‘Answer any TWO of the following questions: ‘9, What property may be transferred and property may not be transferred? Explain 40. What are the rights and liabilities of the seller and the buyer before and after compilation of sale 11. Define Mortgage and explain different kinds of mortgages. 412. What are the different modes of termination of lease? PART —C (2x1 ‘Answer any TWO of the following questions: 43. A. Hindu male owning separate property dies leaving his widow B and his brother C. C lransfer his right to succeed to the estate of A, in favour of D. Is the transfer valid? 20 Marks) 14. "A" purchases property in the name of °B’. B sales the property to “C* without A's authonty “A” sues to recover the property from C. Decide 48. Some property transferred to D in case of A, B and C shall all dies under the age of 18 years. Examine what type of interest is vested in D? 16 Amakes a gift to XY and Z. X and Y accept while Z refuses. What happens to the gift? Code No. 9729/ BL FACULTY OF LAW LL.B (3 YDC)/ LL.B. (Hons.) (3 YDC) I~ Year Ill Semester Examin: ‘August | September 2018 Subject: Law Paper =I Law of Property Time: 3 hours ‘Max. Marks: 80 PART ~ A (5 x 6 = 30 Marks) Answer any FIVE of the following Attestation | Immovable property Standing timber Condition precedent Lease Codicil ‘Subrogation Exchange eronsens PART ~ B (2x 15 = 30 Marks) ‘Answer any two of the following. 9 Explain the essentials of sale 10 Explain the Doctrine of feeding the grant by Estoppel 11 Discuss the requirements of wnting a document of wil 42 Explain the essential characteristic of feature of easements. PART —C (2 x 10 = 20 Marks) Answer any two of the following. 43-'A’ transfer his property to 'B' for life. then after his death, to his son ‘C’ for life and after his death to his son D’ absolutely. Is such transfer valid? Decide, 44 B transfer Rs. 10 lakhs to his niece. if she is willing to desert her husband D. Is the transfer valid? 415 A, B and C are co-owners of a house to which an easement is annexed. A without the consent of B and C releases the easement. Discuss, 16 An Estate is transferred to A until he shall marry and after that it extend to B. What kind of interest is treated against B? Gode No. 9560 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B, (3 YDC)ILL.B. (Hons.) (3 YDC) Il -YearIll-Semestor Examination, ‘March | April 2018 Paper - Il: Law of Property Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 0 PART ~ A (5x6=30 Marks) 'swer any FIVE of the following: Define Transfer of property Contingent interest \ 3. Lis pendenca —Jewulensy Ut Qy & Kinds of mortgage A Gift Doctrine of election 7, Actionable claims Lease ¢ PART - B (2x]5 590 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following ques} 8 What property may be and what propel pay not be Transferred? Explain Explan the Doctrine Election unger law 2f property. ‘Asch s ment by matgege? Apparat rte rahe anit of meraeaee (33 alin nese astern gg ge tert as of seamets lk Answer any TWO of nN ing questions: 4 Property is transferred 1 A" for lif ané the remainder to his eldest son on attaining oy 25 years ofgge. *A’ has no son on the slate of transfer. Is the transfer valid? Decide, 6" 14 A patogs partyin ne namo of 8 Bee the property to C without “A” s authority fécover the property from C. Decide. 49’ odetfed a will in respect of his propsty infavour of ¥ by means of a registered wil. Later he wanted to modify the will, Advise him as to the procedure Xs ‘Amakes agit to X,Y. and:Z.X and'Y’acoepted while: refuses, Whet happens to the Gift? oO col peopedy arog be avd cabal fori + baneonbte Pefely — “orcas aunt be -toramsftrcl explain 7 sferdimce —— yekrune pak fabio snes 4 dodgums Q dleckion © mbkgegpe doly ark Kost wenkgs fe paienblt dant — @ Ye 3 6 ake 3 € ambinged” heute 1 Code No. 574/ BL FACULTY OF LAW 3 YC) ll Year Ill — ‘May / June 2017 Subject: LAW Paper : Il Law of Property Examination, LLB. (3 YDC)/ LL.B. (Hons.) ( ‘Semester i ‘Max. Marks : 80 ime : 3 hours = 30 Marks) PART-A (5X Answer any Five of the following : @V9OHRONs Al 9 The definition of Immovable Property Vested interest Doctrine of “Election” - Doctrine of *Lispendens” Transfer by ‘Ostensible owner” Usufructuary Mortgage Sub-lease Executors of will PART-B (2x 15= 30 Marks) \nswer any Two of the followin: Explain the doctrine of Part-Performance 410 What are the rights and liabiltes of the seller and buyer of the property? Explain 11 Explain the term “lease”, Also mention essentials for valid lease, 42 Explain the rights and liabilities of Mortgagor and Mortgage A PART—C (2x 10= 20 Marks) inswer any Two of the following : 43 Property is transferred to Rama for life and the remainder to his elder son on attaining 21 years of age. Rama, has no son on the date of transfer. Is the transfer valid? Decide. 14 Property X, Y and Z are subjected to a Mortgage. The mortgagors sell the equity of redemption of X to A of Y to B and of Z to C. If the mortgagee satisfied his mortgage out of X what remedy is available to A? 15 A takes a lease of a building for being used as a dyeing factory He stores chemicals there, needed for his business. The Building Is burnt down and much damage is caused because of storage of those chemicals. Discuss the liability of A 16 Mr. Siva allowed his friend Mr. Rama to park his car in his house. After some time Mr Siva refused to park the car in his house. Mr Rama claimed that i easement right Decide. Code No. 574 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (Hons.) (3 YDC) / L.L.B. (3 YC) II-- Year Ill- Semester Jan. / Feb. 2017 Subject: LAW Papor : i ean Max. Marks : 80 PART—A (°x6= 30 Marks) 037 Answer any Five of the following. 1 tmmevable op 2 Contingent interest 3. Attestation 4 Un-bom person 5. Lis pendense 5 Doctrine of Election i 7 Lease ™ 8 Definition of Easement ae PART B (23:15 = 30 Marks) Answer any Two of the following: 8 Explain the doctine of paftperotinance. What are the differences between Incian law and Englshjay? fon 0 zat and rights ani abies of pats toa sale ; gage. Explain the essentials for a valid mortgage 12 Explain the term ase". Also mention essentials fora valid lease. PO PART=C (2x 1¢ = 20 Marks) Answef any. Tio of the following. 19 Somia,property shall be transferred to D in case A, Band C, all die under the age f 18 years. Examine what type of interest is vested in D. "4 The Telangana State Government wants fo lease a land situated in a scheduled ‘rea for commercial purpose. Is it valid? 18 &tansferred bis property to an unborn person whois in mother’s womb. Decide the rights of the unborn person, 16 0 buys @ house from 8 and gels posersi'sr. But later he was dispossessed by Coming ‘defeut intitle. What is the remedy available to A? Code No. 3092 FACULTY OF LAW LLB. (3 YDC) II Year Ill- Semester Examination, Subject: LAW Paper : Il Law of Property December 2015 Max, Marks : 80 Time : 3 hours PART —A (6 x 6 = 30 Marks) Answer any Five of the following : 1. Definition of movable property Spes Successionis © Vested interest Attestation - Oral Transfer XY Simple Mortgage Lease License ¢ mini ea Answer any Two of the following : 9 What property can not be transferred? exoasen 10 Explain the doctrine of parpeytéupance with suitable iltustrations a 11 what are the rights i idbifies of the seter and buyer before and ater completion of sale? 12 Define Cosemenl, Epa how easements are classified. 0 Marks) \) PART—C (2x10 sey fo of the following = ' 18 B tragsfgss Rs 10 lakhs to his niece, if she is willing to desert her husband D. Is the trafister valid? "44 purchases property in the name of B. B sells the property to C without A's authority. A sues to recover the property from C. Decide 18 A transferred his immovable property to an unbom person who is in mother's womb. Decide the rights of unborn person, 16 A allowed his neighbour B to park his car in A's house. After some time A. refused to park B's car in his house. B claimed it : itas easement right. Decide “ z60t Code No. 3092 FACULTY OF LAW LLB. (3 Y0C) IN—Year Ill— Semester Examination, December 2015 Subject: LAW Paper : It Law of Property ‘Time : 3 hours ‘Max. Marks : 80 PART —A (6x6 = 30 Marks) Answer any Five of the following 1. Definition of movable property 2. Spes Successionis 3. Vested interest 4 Attestation 5. Oral Transfer 6 i a ‘Simple Mortgage Lease ce License PART-B (2, larks) Answer any Two of the following : 9. What property can not be transferred? 10 Expiain the doctrine of parypaytéqpbnce wit suitable iustations 41 What are the cats 1 fies of the seller and buyer before and after campo of ale? 12 Define easement, Explain how easements are classified. Sy) PART =C (2x 10= 20 Marks) Ansi fo of the following : ° {3 B tthosteps Rs.10 lakhs to his niece, if she is willing to desert her husband D. Is the tahisfer valid? 14 A purchases property in the name of B. B sells the property to C without A's ‘authority. A sues to recover the property ftom C. Decide. 15 A transferred his immovable property to an unborn person who is in mother's womb. Dacide the rights of unborn person. 16 A allowed his neighbour B to park his car in A’s house. After some time A refused to park B's carin his house. B claimed it as easement right. Decide, Timi Ans Sa ae Code No. 622/ BL FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) I Year Ill- Semester Examination, June 2014 Subject: LAW Paper - Il: Law of Property hours : Max. Marks : 80 PART —A (5x6 = 30 Marks) iswer any Five of the following : Definition of immovable property Notice Contingent interest Unborn person Rule against perpetuity Lis pendence English Mortgage Definition of Easement PART ~B (2x 15= 10 Marks) Answer any Two of the following : 9. 10. 14 12, What property may be transferred? And what property may not be transferred. Mention the circumstances in which transfer of property can be made for the benefit ‘of unborn person ~ Explain. What are the rights and liablities of Mortgagor? Define easement. Explain the essential features of easement PART-C (2x14 10 Marks) Answer any Two of the following = 13, 14, ‘Some property is transferred to "A" for lfe and the remainder to his eldest son on attaining 21 years of age. A has no son on the date of transfer. Is the transfer valid? Decide A.B and C who owned different parts of a property mortgaged them to D. D permitted A to redeem his portion on payment of a portion of the mortgage amount. Discuss whether B and C can redeem their shares on payment of their proportionate shares of debt. ‘A, makes a gift to X, Y and Z. X and Y accept while Z refuses. What happens to the gift? A takes a lease of a building for being used as a dyeing factory. He stores chemicals there, needed for his business. The building is burnt down and much damage is caused because of storage of those chemicals. Discuss the liabilty of A. Code No. 622 FACULTY OF LAW tation, January / February 2014 Subject: LAW Paper: Law of Property ee " Max. Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hours PART~A(5 <6 = 30 Maths) Write short notes on any FIVE of the fotlowing: 4, Spes Successionis Réclrictive covenant CYested interest Charge Unpaid seller Rights of finder of goods ZL) Licence Ceti PART —B (2 15 = 30 Marks) Answezsiny TWO of the following:

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