Interface 1 Test U3 Extra
Interface 1 Test U3 Extra
Interface 1 Test U3 Extra
1 The boys ______________ football every day. They’re Real Madrid fans.
2 I ______________ to ______________ on my mp3 player. My favourite band is Metallica.
3 We ______________ TV every night. The Simpsons is our favourite programme.
4 I ______________ the ______________ in my free time. I’ve got a computer in my bedroom.
5 I ______________ my friends in the park after school and we play basketball.
6 They _________________ _______ comics. Manga is their favourite type.
7 We ______________ up ______________ at weekends – until one or two am.
8 In our free time we ______________ ______________ We love buying new clothes.
9 I ______________ my bike on Sunday mornings. I cycle 30 kilometres.
10 I ______________ on the ______________ a lot – my mobile, not the phone in the house
Score __/10
4 Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets.
6 Complete the sentences with the present simple form or the verbs in brackets and the correct
form of the verbs in the box.
I love sport. I play basketball and football and I like riding my bike every day after school.
I don’t surf the internet or play computer games. That’s boring! In the evening I do my
homework and then I go to the park with my dog, Robbie. I play football with him! He
loves playing it.
Adam 13
I like making cakes. My favourite cake is healthy because it isn’t chocolate cake, it’s
carrot cake. It’s delicious! On Saturdays I like meeting my friends in the town centre. We
go to a café and drink milkshakes. I love strawberry milkshakes. They’re my favourite! I
buy fashion magazines every week. I love looking at the clothes in them.
Amy 12
My favourite thing is my phone. I love surfing the internet on it. I also play games on my
phone. I like watching football on TV, but I don’t play it. I don’t like doing sports or active
things! I like heavy metal and I love listening to my favourite bands. I’ve got their songs
on my phone.
John 13
10 You are going to write a blog for an internet website about you, your family and friends. Write
about 80 words. Include information about lifestyle and free-time activities.
Score __/10
a) You are the assistant in a café. Ask Student B questions and complete the table below with his /
her order.
Student B
b) Now look at the menu below and decide what you want to eat and drink. Answer Student B’s
questions and order something to eat and drink.
Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/30
Reading __/20
Writing __/10
Listening __/10
Speaking __/10
TOTAL __/100
a) You are in a café. Look at the menu below and decide what you want to eat and drink. Answer
Student A’s questions and order something to eat and drink.
b) Now you are the assistant in a café. Ask Student A questions and complete the table below with
his / her order.
Student A
Score __/10
Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/30
Reading __/20
Writing __/10
Listening __/10
Speaking __/10
TOTAL __/100