WAH5 Term 3 Standard Test
WAH5 Term 3 Standard Test
WAH5 Term 3 Standard Test
a b c d e
1 What did David buy on Friday? 2 Where did he put the ticket?
a b a b
3 What did he do after he got home? 4 Who came into his room in the morning?
a b a b
a b
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gave had visited walked went
4 Read and write the jobs from the box. There are three words that Score: /5
you don’t need.
architect builder engineer explorer hairdresser inventor journalist photographer
1 Betty Yesterday, my mum talked to a famous singer. She asked him lots of questions and then, she
wrote it all down. It’s going to be in the newspaper next week.
2 Peter I love making things. Yesterday, I worked at the top of a very tall building in Madrid. The work can
be dangerous, so I wear big boots and a helmet. I’m going to work in a small house next week. They
need a new bedroom.
3 Anna Last week, my dad’s pictures were in a magazine. He’s got a good camera, so he showed me
how to take great photos. He’s going to have a big exhibition next week.
4 Robert I love travelling. Last year, I went to Brazil for six months. We were in the middle of the rainforest.
We studied all the plants and animals and we found out about the people who lived there. We tried to
find new places.
5 Helen Yesterday, I visited my dad at his shop. He spends a lot of the day talking to people. I washed
their hair and my dad cut and dried it. My dad didn’t want me to cut any hair, so I cleaned the floor
and tidied everything away.
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caving gloves rafting rope wetsuit
1 These are things you wear on your hands to keep them warm.
2 In this activity, you go into deep holes under the ground.
3 In this activity, you wear a helmet and sit in a small boat with other people
and go down a very fast river.
4 This is something you wear to keep you warm when you swim in cold water.
5 You tie this around you to keep you safe when you go rock climbing.
a b c d e
Sarah is a journalist and on Friday, she’s going to Sarah isn’t going to stay in London. She’s going to
fly to London. It’s going to be a long day! She’s fly back to Madrid again, later in the evening.
going to work at home in the morning and then, When she arrives back in Spain, she’s going to go
after lunch, she’s going to catch a taxi to the straight back to the office and she’s going to write
airport. the interview for her magazine. She’s probably
When she arrives in London, she’s going to go to a going to work all night because the story is going
restaurant near the Tower of London. She’s going to print the next day!
to meet a famous actor, David Tomas. He’s going On Saturday morning, Sarah’s going to buy lots of
to tell her all about his new film. She’s going to ask copies of the magazine and she’s going to give
David lots of questions and take his photo. them to all her friends.
Total: /30
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