Doosan 741 Road Compressor Manual
Doosan 741 Road Compressor Manual
Doosan 741 Road Compressor Manual
Machine models represented in this manual may be used in various locations world−wide. Machines sold and shipped
into European Union Territories require that the machine display the CE Mark and conform to various directives. In
such cases, the design specification of this machine has been certified as complying with EC directives. Any
modification to any part is absolutely prohibited and would result in the CE Certification and marking being rendered
invalid. A declaration of that conformity follows:
(b) A unique specification for USA/Canada is adopted and tailored to Use of the generator to supply load(s) greater than those specified.
the territory. Use of unsafe or unserviceable electrical equipment connected to
the generator.
All components, accessories, pipes and connectors added to the Use of electrical equipment:
compressed air system should be: (a) Having incorrect voltage and/or frequency ratings.
. of good quality, procured from a reputable manufacturer and,
wherever possible, be of a type approved by the company. (b) Containing computer equipment and/or similar electronics.
. clearly rated for a pressure at least equal to the machine maximum
allowable working pressure.
. compatible with the compressor lubricant/coolant. The company accepts no responsibility for errors in translation of
. accompanied with instructions for safe installation, operation and this manual from the original English version.
Details of approved equipment are available from the company service DOOSAN COMPANY
The use of repair parts / lubricants / fluids other than those included
within the approved parts list may create hazardous conditions over
which the company has no control. Therefore the company cannot be
held responsible for equipment in which non−approved repair parts are
The intended uses of this machine are outlined below and examples
of unapproved usage are also given, however the company cannot
anticipate every application or work situation that may arise.
This machine has been designed and supplied for use only in the
following specified conditions and applications:
. Compression of normal ambient air containing no known or
detectable additional gases, vapours. or particles
. Operation within the ambient temperature range specified in the
GENERAL INFORMATION section of this manual.
E. Portable Light Tower Alternator − The earlier of twelve (12) THE ABOVE WARRANTIES ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER
months from shipment to or the accumulation of 2,000 hours of WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, (EXCEPT THAT OF
operation by the initial user. Light Source model only, the earlier TITLE), AND THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES OF
of twenty−four (24) months from shipment to or the accumulation MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
of 4,000 hours of operation by the initial user. PURPOSE.
The warranty against defects will include replacement of the complete Airend, provided the original Airend is returned assembled and unopened.
The optional limited warranty is the earlier of 60 months from shipment to, or the accumulation of 10,000 hours of service. The optional warranty
is limited to defects in major components (rotors, housings, gears and bearings), and is automatically available when the following conditions are met:
2. Submissions of proof that Doosan fluid, filters and separators have been used. Refer to the Operation and Parts manual for the correct fluids, filters
and separator elements required.
*BARE AIREND − pertains to major airend parts (rotors, housings, gears and bearings).
**AIREND COMPONENTS − pertains to auxiliary attachments to the bare airend (seals, pumps, valves, tubes, hoses, fittings and filter housing).
WARNING: Electrical shock risk. WARNING − Pressurised component or WARNING − Hot surface.
WARNING − Pressure control. WARNING − Corrosion risk. WARNING − Air/gas flow or Air discharge.
WARNING − Pressurised vessel. WARNING − Hot and harmful exhaust gas. WARNING − Flammable liquid.
WARNING − Maintain correct tyre pressure. WARNING − Before connecting the tow bar WARNING − For operating temperature
(Refer to the GENERAL INFORMATION or commencing to tow consult the below 0C, consult the operation and
section of this manual). operation and maintenance manual. maintenance manual.
Do not remove the Operating and Maintenance Do not operate the machine without the guard
Do not stack.
manual and manual holder from this machine. being fitted.
Do not stand on any service valve or other Do not operate with the doors or enclosure
Do not use fork lift truck from this side.
parts of the pressure system. open.
Use fork lift truck from this side only. Emergency stop. Tie down point
Never operate unit without first observing all safety warnings and Compressed air can be dangerous if incorrectly handled. Before
carefully reading the operation and maintenance manual shipped from doing any work on the unit, ensure that all pressure is vented from the
the factory with this machine. system and that the machine cannot be started accidentally.
Ensure that the machine is operating at the rated pressure and that
Ensure that the operator reads and understands the decals and
the rated pressure is known to all relevant personnel.
consults the manuals before maintenance or operation.
Do not use petroleum products (solvents or fuels) under high The safety valve located in the separator tank must be checked
pressure as this can penetrate the skin and result in serious illness. periodically for correct operation.
wear eye protection while cleaning unit with compressed air to prevent
debris from injuring eye(s).
Whenever the machine is stopped, air will flow back into the
compressor system from devices or systems downstream of the
Rotating fan blade can cause serious injury. Do not operate without machine unless the service valve is closed. Install a check valve at the
guard in place. machine service valve to prevent reverse flow in the event of an
unexpected shutdown when the service valve is open.
Materials Radiator
The following substances may be produced during the operation of Hot engine coolant and steam can cause injury. Ensure that the
this machine: radiator filler cap is removed with due care and attention.
. brake lining dust
. engine exhaust fumes Do not remove the pressure cap from a HOT radiator. Allow radiator
to cool down before removing pressure cap.
Ensure that adequate ventilation of the cooling system and exhaust Generator sets
gases is maintained at all times.
The generator set is designed for safety in use. However, the
responsibility for safe operation rests with those who install, use and
The following substances are used in the manufacture of this maintain it. The following safety precautions are offered as a guide,
machine and may be hazardous to health if used incorrectly: which, if conscientiously followed, will minimise the possibility of
accidents throughout the useful life of this equipment.
. compressor lubricant
. engine lubricant
. preservative grease Emergency Stop Controls
. rust preventative
. diesel fuel Important Note:− In addition to the key operated emergency stop
. battery electrolyte control on the main control panel, a second control is provided at the
socket control panel in the event of electrical hazards associated with
AVOID INGESTION, SKIN CONTACT AND INHALATION OF generator operation. Use this second control to immediately isolate all
FUMES. electrical power to all sockets, then use the key control to stop the
Should compressor lubricant come into contact with the eyes, then
irrigate with water for at least 5 minutes. Operation of the generator must be in accordance with recognised
electrical codes and local health and safety codes.
Should compressor lubricant come into contact with the skin, then
wash off immediately. The generator set should be operated by those who have been
trained in its use and delegated to do so, and who have read and
understand the operator’s manual. Failure to follow the instructions,
Consult a physician if large amounts of compressor lubricant are procedures and safety precautions in the manual may increase the
ingested. possibility of accidents and injuries.
Consult a physician if compressor lubricant is inhaled. Do not start the generator set unless it is safe to do so. Do not
attempt to operate the generator set with a known unsafe condition. Fit
a danger notice to the generator set and render it inoperative by
Never give fluids or induce vomiting if the patient is unconscious or disconnecting the battery and disconnecting all ungrounded
having convulsions. conductors so others who may not know of the unsafe condition will not
attempt to operate it until the condition is corrected.
Safety data sheets for compressor and engine lubricants should be
obtained from the lubricant supplier. An earth point is provided beneath the socket outlets.
Never operate the engine of this machine inside a building without The generator set should only be used with the earth point
adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing exhaust fumes when working on connected directly to the general earth/ground mass. An earth spike kit
or near the machine. is available as an optional extra for this purpose (refer to the parts
This machine may include such materials as oil, diesel fuel,
antifreeze, brake fluid, oil/air filters and batteries which may require WARNING: DO NOT OPERATE THE MACHINE UNLESS IT HAS
proper disposal when performing maintenance and service tasks. BEEN SUITABLY EARTHED.
Contact local authorities for proper disposal of these materials.
To ensure full braking efficiency, the front (towing eye) section must
Prior to attempting to make or break electrical connections at the always be set level.
generator set, stop the engine, disconnect the battery and disconnect
and lock out the ungrounded conductors at the load end.
When adjusting variable height running gear:−
Keep all parts of the body and any hand−held tools or other
conductive objects, away from exposed live parts of the generator set Ensure front (towing eye) section is set level
engine electrical system. Maintain dry footing, stand on insulating
surfaces and do not contact any other portion of the generator set when
making adjustments or repairs to exposed live parts of the generator When raising towing eye, set rear joint first, then front joint.
set engine electrical system.
When lowering towing eye, set front joint first, then rear joint.
Replace the generator set terminal compartment cover as soon as
connections have been made or broken. Do not operate the generator
set without the terminal cover secured firmly in place.
Close and lock all access doors when the generator set is left After setting, fully tighten each joint by hand and then tighten further to
unattended. the next pin. Refit the pin.
Attempt repairs only in clean, dry, well lighted and ventilated areas.
Connect the generator set only to loads and/or electrical systems Safety chains / connections and their adjustment
that are compatible with its electrical characteristics and that are within The legal requirements for the joint operation of the breakaway
it’s rated capacity. cable and safety chains are as yet unidentified by 71/320/EEC or UK
regulations. Consequently we offer the following advice / instructions.
. the tyres and towing hitch are in a serviceable condition. a) Loop the chains onto the towing vehicle using the towing vehicle
. the canopy is secure. hitch as an anchorage point, or any other point of similar strength.
. all ancillary equipment is stored in a safe and secure manner.
. the brakes and lights are functioning correctly and meet necessary b) When adjusting the safety chains there should be sufficient free
road traffic requirements. length in the chains to allow normal articulation, whilst also being short
. break-away cables/safety chains are connected to the towing enough to prevent the towbar from touching the ground in the event of
vehicle. an accidental separation of the towing vehicle from the trailer.
7/26E, 7/31E
7/26E, 7/31E
7/26E+, 7/31E+
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
1 7/26E 7/31E 1807 MIN 2713 MIN 405 1610 365 870 1235 1226 1072 940 1390 1205
fixed height − unbraked 1823 MAX 2766 MAX
2 7/26E+ 7/31E+ 1787 MIN 2733 MIN 405 1835 320 995 1315 1226 1115 1390 1195
fixed height − unbraked 1803 MAX 2786 MAX
3 7/26E 7/31E 1996 MIN 2942 MIN 405 1610 365 870 1235 1226 1072 940 1390 1205
fixed height − braked 2012 MAX 2955 MAX
4 7/26E+ 7/31E+ 1996 MIN 2942 MIN 405 1835 320 995 1315 1226 1115 1390 1205
fixed height − braked 2012 MAX 2995 MAX
5 7/26E 7/31E 1935 MIN 2869 MIN 405 MIN 1610 365 870 1235 1226 1072 940 1390 1205
variable height − unbraked 2130 MAX 3077 MAX 782 MAX
6 7/26E+ 7/31E+ 1962 MIN 2908 MIN 310 MIN 1835 320 995 1315 1226 1115 1390 1195
variable height − unbraked 2154 MAX 3137 MAX 685 MAX
7 7/26E 7/31E 2198 MIN 3195 MIN 405 MIN 1610 365 870 1226 1072 940 1390 1205
variable height − braked 2334 MAX 3368 MAX 720 MAX
8 7/26E+ 7/31E+ 2198 MIN 3235 MIN 400 MIN 1835 320 995 1315 1226 1115 1390 1205
variable height − braked 2334 MAX 3408 MAX 720 MAX
9 7/26E 7/31E 2408 MIN 3314 MIN 405 1610 365 870 1235 1226 1072 940 1390 1205
fixed height − extended 2424 MAX 3367 MAX
10 7/26E+ 7/31E+ 2408 MIN 3354 MIN 406 1835 320 995 1315 1226 1115 1390 1205
fixed height − extended 2424 MAX 3407 MAX
11 7/26E 7/31E permanent skid 1764 1610 200 59 870 1030 940 665 1545 745
12 7/26E 7/31E shipping skid 1764 1610 150 374 870 1020 940 665 650 715
13 7/41 fixed height below 1980 MIN 2990 MIN 415 1650 350 870 1230 1354 1220 1072 940 1390 1205
750 kg 1996 MAX 3040 MAX
14 7/41 fixed height below 1910 MIN 2999 MIN 450 1650 365 870 1235 1369 1220 1072 940 1390 1205
900 kg 1930 MAX 3052 MAX
15 7/41+ fixed height below 1980 MIN 3000 MIN 415 1808 350 970 1330 1354 1220 1138 1138 1390 1205
750 kg 1996 MAX 3050 MAX
16 7/41+ fixed height below 1910 MIN 3009 MIN 450 1808 365 970 1335 1369 1220 1138 1138 1390 1205
900 kg 1930 MAX 3062 MAX
17 7/41 variable height below 2135 MIN 3145 MIN 400 MIN 1650 365 870 1235 1369 1220 1072 940 1390 1205
750 kg 2316 MAX 3365 MAX 820 MAX
18 7/41 variable height below 2260 MIN 3322 MIN 405 MIN 1650 365 870 1235 1369 1220 1072 940 1390 1205
900 kg 2440 MAX 3577 MAX 840 MAX
19 7/41+ variable height 2135 MIN 3155 MIN 405 MIN 1808 365 970 1335 1369 1220 1138 1138 1390 1205
below 750 kg 2316 MAX 3370 MAX 820 MAX
20 7/41+ variable height be- 2260 MIN 3332 MIN 405 MIN 1808 365 970 1335 1369 1220 1138 1138 1390 1205
low 900 kg 2440 MAX 3587 MAX 840 MAX
21 7/41 permanent skid 1787 1650 200 93 870 1070 1204 940 780 1230 860
22 7/41 shipping skid 1787 1650 150 338 870 1070 1204 940 780 650 830
23 7/41 fixed height below 1980 MIN 2990 MIN 415 1650 350 972 1335 1470 1220 1072 940 1390 1205
750 kg BB 1996 MAX 3040 MAX
24 7/41+ fixed height below 1980 MIN 3000 MIN 415 1808 350 1075 1425 1470 1220 1138 1138 1390 1205
750 kg BB 1996 MAX 3050 MAX
25 741 fixed height extended 2360 MIN 3449 MIN 450 1650 365 870 1235 1369 1220 1072 940 1390 1205
2380 MAX 3502 MAX
Operating ambient temperature. In the event that PRO−TEC is not available and / or the end user
CE regions −10C TO +46C (14F TO 115F) needs to use an approved single grade engine oil, the complete system
High ambient temp. −10C TO +52C (14F TO 126F) including separator / receiver, cooler and pipework must be flushed
clear of the first fill fluid and new Doosan oil filters installed.
Maximum discharge temperature. 120C (248F) When this has been completed, the following oils are approved:
Cooling system. Oil injection for ambient temperatures above −23C (−9F),
SAE 10W, API CF−4/CG−4
Oil capacity. 7,0 litres (1,8 US GAL)
(7/26E), (7/31E) Safety data sheets can be obtained on request from your
Doosan dealership.
Oil capacity. 8,0 litres (2,1 US GAL)
(7/41) For temperatures outside the specified ambient range, consult the
Maximum oil system temperature. 120C (248F)
Maximum oil system pressure. 8,6 bar (125 PSI)
− The A−weighted emission sound power level Shipping weight. 800 kg (1764 lbs)
The operating conditions of the machinery are in compliance with ISO Maximum horizontal towing force. 12,1 kN (2720 lbs)
3744:1995 and EN ISO 2151:2004 Maximum vertical coupling load
(nose weight). 90 kg (198 lbs)
COMMISSIONING Ensure that the correct fork lift truck slots or marked lifting / tie down
points are used whenever the machine is lifted or transported.
Upon receipt of the unit, and prior to putting it into service, it is
important to adhere strictly to the instructions given below in PRIOR TO
STARTING. When selecting the working position of the machine ensure that
there is sufficient clearance for ventilation and exhaust requirements,
observing any specified minimum dimensions (to walls, floors etc.).
Ensure that the operator reads and understands the decals and
consults the manuals before maintenance or operation.
Adequate clearance needs to be allowed around and above the
machine to permit safe access for specified maintenance tasks.
Ensure that the position of the emergency stop device is known and
recognised by its markings. Ensure that it is functioning correctly and
that the method of operation is known. Ensure that the machine is positioned securely and on a stable
foundation. Any risk of movement should be removed by suitable
means, especially to avoid strain on any rigid discharge piping.
Support the front of the machine, fit the wheel chocks to stop the
machine moving and attach the drawbar. Refer to the torque value table
in the MAINTENANCE section of this manual for the correct torque
WARNING: All air pressure equipment installed in or connected
to the machine must have safe working pressure ratings of at least
the machine rated pressure, and materials compatible with the
compressor lubricant (refer to the GENERAL INFORMATION
CAUTION: section).
This is a safety critical procedure. Double check the torque settings
after assembly
Fit the propstand and coupling. Remove the supports and set the
WARNING: If more than one compressor is connected to one
machine level.
common downstream plant, effective check valves and isolation
valves must be fitted and controlled by work procedures, so that
one machine cannot accidentally be pressurised / over
pressurised by another.
Before towing the unit, ensure that the tyre pressures are correct
(refer to the GENERAL INFORMATION section of this manual) and
that the handbrake is functioning correctly (refer to the
MAINTENANCE section of this manual). Before towing the unit during
the hours of darkness, ensure that the lights are functioning correctly
(where fitted).
WARNING: If flexible discharge hoses are to carry more than 7 bar
pressure then it is recommended that safety retaining wires are
Ensure that all transport and packing materials are discarded. used on the hoses.
PRIOR TO STARTING 5. Drain the fuel filter water separator of water, ensuring that any
released fuel is safely contained.
1. Place the unit in a position that is as level as possible. The design
of the unit permits a 15 degree lengthways and sideways limit on out
of level operation. It is the engine, not the compressor, that is the limiting 6. Open the service valve(s) to ensure that all pressure is relieved
factor. from the system. Close the service valve(s).
2. Check the engine lubrication oil in accordance with the operating 8. Check the radiator coolant level (with the unit level).
instructions in the Engine Operator’s Manual.
Check the air restriction indicator(s). Refer to the MAINTENANCE
3. Check the compressor oil level in the sight glass located on the section of this manual.
separator tank.
When starting or operating the machine in temperatures below or
4. Check the diesel fuel level. A good rule is to top up at the end of each approaching 0C, ensure that the operation of the regulation system,
working day. This prevents condensation from occurring in the tank. the unloader valve, the safety valve, and the engine are not impaired
by ice or snow, and that all inlet and outlet pipes and ducts are clear of
ice and snow.
CAUTION: Use only specified diesel fuels (see engine section for
STARTING THE MACHINE . Close service valve as soon as engine runs freely.
WARNING: Under no circumstances should volatile liquids such . Do not allow machine to run for long periods with service valve
as Ether be used for starting this machine. open.
. Allow the machine to run unloaded for a short period of time to . High engine water temperature
reduce the engine temperature.
CAUTION: To ensure an adequate flow of oil to the compressor at low
. Turn the start switch to the 0 (off) position. temperature, never allow the discharge pressure to fall below 3,5 bar.
NOTE: As soon as the engine stops, the automatic blowdown valve will DECOMMISSIONING
relieve all pressure from the system. When the machine is to be permanently decommissioned or
dismantled, it is important to ensure that all hazard risks are either
eliminated or notified to the recipient of the machine. In particular:−
Initial 500 Daily Weekly Monthly 3 Monthly. 6 Monthly. 12 Monthly.
miles 250 hrs. 500 hrs 1000 hrs
/850 km
Scavenge line C
Pressure system C
Engine breather element C
Pressure gauge C
Pressure regulator C
Separator tank (2) exterior CR
Lubricator (Fill) C
Safety valve C
Hoses R
Separator tank (2) interior C
Compressed air can be dangerous if incorrectly handled. Before . warning signs indicating that Maintenance Work is in Progress are
doing any work on the unit, ensure that all pressure is vented from the posted in a position that can be clearly seen.
system and that the machine cannot be started accidentally.
. the discharge pipe / manifold area is depressurised by opening the . High discharge air temperature switch
discharge valve, whilst keeping clear of any airflow from it.
. High engine water temperature switch
. Alternator/drive belt failure circuit.
MINIMUM PRESSURE VALVE − WHEN FITTED . Low engine fuel level switch.
NOTE: Pressure will always remain in the part of the system between
the minimum pressure valve and the discharge valve after operation of Low engine oil pressure switch.
the auto blowdown valve.
At three month intervals, test the engine oil pressure switch circuit
as follows:
This pressure must be relieved by carefully:
. Start the machine.
(a) Disconnecting any downstream equipment.
(b) Opening the discharge valve to atmosphere.
NOTE: Do not press the load button.
(Use hearing protection if necessary).
. Remove a wire from one terminal of the switch. The machine should
. the machine cannot be started accidentally or otherwise, by posting shutdown.
warning signs and/or fitting appropriate anti−start devices.
Prior to opening or removing panels or covers to work inside . Connect it to an independent low pressure supply (either air or oil).
a machine, ensure that:− . The switch should operate at 1,0 bar.
. Refit the switch.
. anyone entering the machine is aware of the reduced level of
protection and the additional hazards, including hot surfaces and
intermittently moving parts. Temperature switch(es).
At three month intervals, test the temperature switch circuit(s) as
. the machine cannot be started accidentally or otherwise, by posting follows:
warning signs and/or fitting appropriate anti−start devices.
. Start the machine.
. the work carried out is limited to only those tasks which require the . Disconnect each switch in turn. The machine should shutdown.
machine to run.
. Re−connect the switch.
High water temperature switch CAUTION: If there is any indication of the formation of varnishes,
At twelve month intervals, test the water temperature switch by shellacs or lacquers on the filter element, it is a warning that the
removing it from the machine and immersing in a bath of heated compressor lubricating and cooling oil has deteriorated and that it
oil. The switch should operate at 105C. Refit the switch. should be changed immediately. Refer to LUBRICATION later in this
SCAVENGE LINE Disconnect all hoses and tubes from the separator tank cover plate.
Remove the drop−tube from the separator tank cover plate and then
The scavenge line runs from the combined orifice/drop tube in the remove the cover plate. Remove the separator element.
separator tank, to the orifice fitting located in the airend.
Examine the orifice, check valve and hoses at every service or in
the event of oil carryover into the discharge air. Examine the filter element. Examine all hoses and tubes, and
replace if necessary.
COMPRESSOR OIL FILTER For 7/26E and 7/31E models replace element O−ring in every
Refer to the MAINTENANCE CHART in this section for the reassembly.
recommended servicing intervals.
Do not remove the staple from the anti−static gasket on the
separator element since it serves to ground any possible static
WARNING: Do not remove the filter(s) without first making sure build−up. Do not use gasket sealant since this will affect electrical
that the machine is stopped and the system has been completely conductance.
relieved of all air pressure. (Refer to STOPPING THE UNIT in the
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS section of this manual).
Engage the adaptor in the cover plate with the drop−tube integral Reset the restriction indicator by depressing the rubber diaphragm.
with the filter, reconnect all hoses and tubes to the separator tank cover
Assemble the dust collector box parts, ensuring that they are
correctly positioned.
Replace the compressor oil (refer to LUBRICATION later in this
Before restarting the machine, check that all clamps are tight.
WARNING: Hot engine coolant and steam can cause injury. When The fan belt(s) should be checked regularly for wear and correct
adding coolant or antifreeze solution to the engine radiator, stop tensioning.
the engine at least one minute prior to releasing the radiator filler
cap. Using a cloth to protect the hand, slowly release the filler cap,
absorbing any released fluid with the cloth. Do not remove the FUEL SYSTEM
filler cap until all excess fluid is released and the engine cooling
The fuel tank should be filled daily or every eight hours. To minimise
system fully depressurised.
condensation in the fuel tank(s), it is advisable to top up after the
machine is shut down or at the end of each working day. At six month
intervals drain any sediment or condensate that may have
WARNING: Follow the instructions provided by the antifreeze
accumulated in the tank(s).
supplier when adding or draining the antifreeze solution. It is
advisable to wear personal protective equipment to prevent skin
and eye contact with the antifreeze solution. FUEL FILTER WATER SEPARATOR
If the fuel filter water separator contains a filter element it should be
AIR FILTER ELEMENTS replaced at regular intervals (see the SERVICE/MAINTENANCE
The air filter should be inspected regularly (refer to the
SERVICE/MAINTENANCE CHART) and the element replaced when
the restriction indicator shows red or every 6 Months (500 hours), HOSES
whichever comes first. The dust collector box(es) should be cleaned
daily (more frequently in dusty operating conditions) and not allowed to All components of the engine cooling air intake system should be
become more than half full. checked periodically to keep the engine at peak efficiency.
Check the seal at the end of the element and replace if any sign of
damage is evident.
Keep the battery terminals and cable clamps clean and lightly 1 Handbrake lever
coated with petroleum jelly to prevent corrosion. 2 Draw bar and bellows
3 Handbrake lever pivot
The retaining clamp should be kept tight enough to prevent the
battery from moving. 4 Transmission lever
5 Brake cable
6 Breakaway Cable
At 500 hour intervals it is necessary to inspect the external surfaces
of the system (from the airend through to the discharge valve(s))
including hoses, tubes, tube fittings and the separator tank, for visible Requirements:
signs of impact damage, excessive corrosion, abrasion, tightness and
During the adjustment procedure always start with the wheel brakes.
chafing. Any suspect parts should be replaced before the machine is
put back into service. Always rotate the wheel in the direction of forward movement.
Ensure that an M10 safety screw is fitted to the handbrake pivot.
The brake actuators must not be pre−tensioned − if necessary loosen
See the GENERAL INFORMATION section of this manual. the brake linkage [7] on the brake equalisation assembly [8].
Check that brake actuators and cables [11] operate smoothly.
Check the wheel nut torque 20 miles (30 kilometres) after refitting
the wheels. Refer to the TORQUE SETTING TABLE later in this
Check and adjust the brake linkage at 500 miles (850Km) then 7 Brake linkage
every 3000 miles (5000Km) or 3 months (whichever is the sooner) to
compensate for any stretch of the adjustable cables. Check and adjust 8 Equalisation assembly
the wheel brakes to compensate for wear.
9 Compression spring
10 Equaliser plate
1: Preparation
Jack up the machine The compression spring [9] must only be lightly pre−tensioned and
Disengage the handbrake lever [1]. when operating must never touch the axle tube.
Never adjust the brakes at the brake linkage [7].
Fully extend the draw bar [2] on the overrun braking system.
Final test
Check the fastenings on the transmission system (cables, brake
equalisation system and linkage).
Check the handbrake cable [5] for a small amount of play and adjust if
necessary (Variable height only)
Check the compression spring [9] for pre−tensioning.
Test run
If necessary carry out 2−3 test brake actions.
12 Adjusting screw Test brake action
13 Cable entry Check the play in brake linkage [7] and if necessary adjust the length
of brake linkage [7] until there is no play.
Width across flats of adjusting screw [12]
Brake size Key width Apply the handbrake while rolling the machine forward, travel of the
160x35 / 200x50 SW 17 handbrake lever up to 2/3 of maximum is allowed.
250x40 SW 19
300x60 SW 22
Re−adjusting the overrun braking system
Re−adjustment of the wheel brakes will compensate for brake lining
Tighten adjusting screw [12] clockwise until the wheel locks.
wear. Follow the procedure described in 2: Brake Shoe Adjustment.
Loosen adjusting screw [12] anti−clockwise (approx. ½ turn) until the
wheel can be moved freely. Check the play in the brake linkage [7] and re−adjust if necessary.
Slight dragging noises that do not impede the free movement of the Important
wheel are permissible. Check the brake actuators and cables [11]. The brake actuators must
not be pre−tensioned.
This adjustment procedure must be carried out as described on both Excessive operation of the handbrake lever, which may have been
wheel brakes. caused by worn brake linings, must not be corrected by re−adjusting
(shortening) the brake linkage [7]
When the brake has been adjusted accurately the actuating distance
is approximately 5−8mm on the cable [11] Re−adjustment
The handbrake lever [1] should be engaged forcefully several times to
3: Compensator assembly adjustment set the braking system.
Check the setting of the brake equalisation assembly [8], which should
Variable Height models be at right angles to the pulling direction.
Check the play in the brake linkage [7] again, ensuring that there is no
Fit an M10 safety screw to the handbrake pivot. play in the brake linkage and that it is adjusted without pre−tension
Disconnect the handbrake cable [5] at one end. Check the position of the hand brake lever [1], cable [5] (with little play)
and the compression spring [9] (only slight pre−tension). The start of
Pre−adjust brake linkage [7] lengthways (a little play is permissible) and resistance of the handbrake lever should be approximately 10−15mm
re−insert the cable [5], adjusting it to give a small amount of play. above the horizontal position.
Remove the M10 safety screw from the handbrake pivot. Final test
All Models Check the fastenings on the transmission system (cables, brake
equalisation system and linkage)
Engage the handbrake lever [1] and check that the position of the
equaliser plate [10] is at right angles to the pulling direction. If Apply the handbrake while rolling the machine forward, travel of the
necessary correct the position of the equaliser plate [10] on the cables handbrake lever up to 2/3 of maximum is allowed.
Check the handbrake cable [5] for a small amount of play and adjust if
The compression spring [9] must only be slightly pre−tensioned and necessary (Variable height only)
when engaged must not touch the axle tube.
Check the compression spring [9] for slight pre−tensioning.
SPEED AND PRESSURE REGULATION ADJUSTMENT Adjust the service valve on the outside of the machine to maintain
7 bar without the throttle arm moving from the full speed position. If the
Normally, regulation requires no adjusting, but if correct adjustment throttle arm moves away from the full speed position before 7 bar is
is lost, proceed as follows: attained, then turn the adjusting screw clockwise to increase the
pressure. Optimum adjustment is achieved when the throttle arm just
Refer to the diagram above. moves from its full speed position and the pressure gauge reads 7,2
A: Throttle arm
B: Adjusting screw Close the service valve. The engine will slow to idle speed.
ft lbf Nm ft lbf Nm
Airend to engine 29−35 39−47 Fan guard 9−11 12−15
Autella clamp to exhaust 9−11 12−15 Lifting bail bracket to engine 29−35 39−47
Discharge manifold to frame 29−35 39−47 Running gear front to chassis 63−69 82−93
Drive pins to engine flywheel 57−69 77−93 Running gear rear to chassis 63−69 82−93
Drop Leg 53−63 72−85 Running gear drawbar to axle 29−35 39−47
Euro−Loc adaptor to separator tank 58−67 78−91 Separator tank to frame 18−22 24−30
Exhaust flange to manifold 17−21 23−28 Service pipe (−20jic) 106−133 143−180
Note: Fluids listed as “preferred” are required for extended 30C 86F XHP405
Compressor oil carryover (oil consumption) may be greater with 20C 65F
the use of alternative fluids.
10C 50F
Machine fails to load when Faulty load solenoid. Replace the solenoid. Check the electrical circuit by feeling for movement
the load button is pressed. whilst depressing the load button.
CAUTION: If the nylon tubes to the lubricator are disconnected then WARNING: Major leakages or spillages must be drained before
ensure that each tube is re−connected in its original location.
the machine is towed.
WARNING: The rear space of the unit must be drained daily of any
rainwater. Check and ensure correct tilt angle is attained during
Oil capacity: 2 litres
Oil specification: POLYMER CANOPY
Refer to the Tool Manufacturer’s Manual.
Check the lubricator oil level and fill as necessary.
Check the lubricator oil level and fill as necessary.
Check the lubricator oil level and replenish as necessary.
BUNDED BASE Both hinged and fixed canopies are made of Linear Low Density
Polyethylene − LLDP.
Use only cleaning agents suitable for LLDP material. “PVC Cleaner”
This machine can be fitted with bund equipment to contain leakages is recommended.
and spillages, which occur within the machine enclosure.
Never use cleaning agents which can cause chemical damage of
the canopy surface.
The bund will contain all fluids normally installed in the machine,
plus an additional 10%. Never use sharp cleaning tools or abrasive cleanings agents. They
may cause scratches or other mechanical damage of the canopy
When fitted with bund, the machine must only be operated when
level. Rain water dropping through the top discharge grille on the Temperatures above 80C may cause heat damage of the canopy.
canopy is contained at the rear inner space of the machine and must
be drained daily. This space is sealed from the front inner space of the Do not expose the units with polymer canopy option to temperatures
machine. above 80C.
The inner surface of the polymer canopy is covered with a heat
Drains for engine coolant, engine oil and compressor oil are located protective surface. This protects the canopy from heat generated within
at the front of the machine. the machine, especially engine exhaust. Removal or failure of this heat
protection may cause canopy heat damage.
A drain for the rear space of the unit is located at the rear left side Do not use high pressure water jet cleaning directly at the decals
behind the left hand fender. area. It may cause damage or removal of the decals.
Socket outlets:
110V 1ph & 230V 1ph 1 x 32 amperes Ensure that the safety procedure to be applied is based on the
2 x 16 amperes appropriate national regulations.
230V 3ph 1 x 16 amperes
400V 3ph + 230V 1ph 400V 3ph = 1 x 16 amperes
Ensure that the safety procedure is followed at al times.
230V 1ph = 2 x 16 amperes
Earth leakage protection is provided by a single residual current
Ensure that suitable guidance codes are available to indicate safe
device. Miniature circuit breakers (MCB) are fitted to provide both
working practices, and any hazards to avoid.
overcurrent and short circuit protection for the generator.
STARTING THE MACHINE NOTE: As soon as the engine stops, the automatic blowdown valve will
relieve all pressure from the system.
CAUTION: Do not start or stop the machine with the CAUTION: Never allow the machine to stand idle with pressure in the
compressor/generator mode switch in the Generator position. system.
All normal starting functions are incorporated in the key operated
switch. In the event that the unit has to be stopped in an emergency, TURN
. Turn the key switch to position 1, the alternator charge light will
. Turn the key switch to position 3 (engine start position).
If the machine has been switched off because of a machine
malfunction, then identify and correct the fault before attempting to
. Release to position 2 when the engine starts. re−start.
. Release to position 1 when the alternator charge light is If the machine has been switched off for reasons of safety, then
extinguished. ensure that the machine can be operated safely before re−starting.
At temperatures below 0C or if there is difficulty starting first time: Refer to the PRIOR TO STARTING and STARTING THE UNIT
instructions earlier in this section before re−starting the machine.
. Do not destroy batteries or components containing asbestos The earth leakage circuit breaker should also be tested every 3
without containing the materials safely. months. A proprietary test meter should be used to induce live to earth
preset flow at each socket outlet. This current flow will produce the
required earth fault check. The test should be conducted in accordance
. Do not dispose of any pressure vessel that is not clearly marked with appropriate national standards.
with its relevant data plate information or rendered unusable by drilling,
cutting etc.
Instruments and controls
. Do not allow lubricants or coolants to be released into land surfaces A Voltmeter is provided to indicate the output voltage.
or drains.
Miniature circuit breakers provide over−current protection. In the
. Do not dispose of a complete machine without documentation event of excess current the appropriate circuit breaker will trip to the
relating to instructions for its use. OFF position
An earth leakage circuit breaker provides additional protection in
Ensure all electrical equipment is properly maintained and the event of a leakage to earth in excess of 30 milliamperes on the
controlled. connected appliance or in the connections to the generator.
Ensure all earth connections are secure and regularly maintained. For alternator maintenance refer to Mecc Alte operation and
maintenance manual.
Short circuit. Check for a short circuit and rectify the fault as necessary.
Fault in appliance. Check the appliance and rectify the fault as necessary.
A circuit breaker fails to Circuit breaker latching Repair or replace as necessary.
re−set whilst the machine mechanism faulty.
DESCRIPTION: be operated at least once per month for 10 minutes, with the engine
The cold start option serves to improve starting conditions in winter
operation at ambient temperatures from −10C to −30C. For this
purpose the unit is equipped with an independent coolant heater. be inspected by a specialist at the beginning of the winter season
or earlier.
SAFETY: (differences for Cold start −30C)
Compressor Compressor
With regard to the possibility of the regulation system freezing at
ambient temperatures below 0C, pay attention to the required warm Operating ambient temperature.
up time. Do not apply full load to the engine at ambient temperatures −30C TO +46C (−22F TO 115F)
below −10C before completing the warm up time.
Oil capacity. 7,5 litres (2 US GAL)
(7/26E), (7/31E)
Coolant heater
The heater must not be operated in the following situations: Oil capacity. 8,5 litres (2,25 US GAL)
In filling stations and tank stock.
In enclosed rooms (e.g. garages), not even via the timer. Compressor − approved:
Mobil ATF SHC, SAE 10W
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Let the engine run at idle speed for at least 5 minutes for −10C
(differences for Cold start −30C (−22F)) (14F) ambient temperature, to 15 minutes for −30C (−22F)
ambient temperature.
Starting the machine
(At ambient temperature −10C to −30C (14F to −22F)) After this warm up period it is safe to apply full load to the engine.
Use button A “Push after warm up” on the instrument panel to load
the engine.
Read carefully the Operation and maintenance instructions Thermo
Top E and the Operation instruction of the Timer 1533 before
operating the heater. The cold start option is equipped with a temperature sensor on the
separator cover which does not allow the machine to apply full
engine load until the temperature exceeds −10C (14F).
Switch on the coolant heater via the Timer 1533 (4). The heater start
can be done automatically at the pre−set time on the Timer 1533 (4).
Warm up the engine for at least 10 to 20 minutes depending on the
ambient temperature (−10C to −30C (14F to −22F)).
Turn the key switch to position 3 (engine start position). Hold in this
position for no longer than 20 seconds. If the engine does not fire
wait 30 seconds before the next start attempt.
Do not allow machine to run for long period with service valve open. Warm up before loading engine
(For ambient temperature −10C to −30C (14F to −22F))
Switch of the coolant heater. Do not allow the coolant heater to run
together with the engine.
3TNV82A, 3TNV88 & 4TNV88
3TNV82A, 3TNV88 & 4TNV88
Main data and specifications
Engine identification
After sales support
Check before operation
Check and operation after start− up
Operation and care of a new engine
Lubricating system
Cooling system
Fuel system
Air intake system
Routine maintenance
Model: 3TNV82A
Model: 3TNV88
The following is the detail of a label required for engine emission control information, along with location.
Label location:
Diesel Fuel Specifications In Europe and in the United States. as well as some other countries,
non−mineral oil based fuel resources such as RME (Rapeseed Methyl
Diesel fuel should comply with the following specifications. The table Ester) and SOME (Soybean Methyl Ester), collectively known as
lists several worldwide specifications for diesel fuels. FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters), are being used as extenders for
mineral oil derived diesel fuels.
Diesel Fuel Specification Location Yanmar approves the use of bio−diesel fuels that do not exceed a blend
NO. 2−D, NO. 1−D, USA of 5% (by volume) of FAME with 95% (by volume) of approved mineral
ASTM 0975−94 oil derived diesel fuel. Such bi−diesel fuels are known in the
marketplace as B5 diesel fuels.
EN590:96 European Union
These B5 diesel fuels must meet certain requirements.
IS0 8217 DMX International
1. The bio−fuels must meet the minimum specifications for the country
BS 2869−A1 or A2 United Kingdom in which they are used.
JIS K2204 Grade No. 2 Japan In Europe, bio−diesel fuels must comply with the European
Standard EN1 4214.
KSM−2610 Korea
In the United states, bio−diesel fuels must comply with the
GB252 China
American Standard ASTM D−6751.
ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL FUEL REQUIREMENTS 2. Bio−fuels should be purchased only from recognized and
authorized diesel fuel suppliers.
The fuel cetane number should be equal to 45 or higher.
The sulphur content must riot exceed 0.05% by volume. Less than
0.05% is preferred.
For electronically controlled engines 4TNV84T−Z, 4TNV98−2,
4TNV98−E, and 4TNV98T−2, it is mandatory to use fuel that does
not contain 0.05% or more sulphur content.
In general, using a high sulphur fuel may possible result in corrosion
inside the cylinder.
Bio−Diesel fuels. See Bio−Diesel Fuels.
NEVER mix kerosene. used engine oil, or residual fuels with the
diesel fuel.
The water and sediment in the fuel should not exceed 0.05% by
Keep the fuel tank and fuel−handling equipment clean at all times.
The quality of engine oil can affect engine performance, startability Using a mixture of different brands or quality of oils will adversely affect
and engine life. the original oil quality; therefore, never mix different brand or different
type oils.
Use of unsuitable engine oil will result in piston ring, piston and
cylinder seizure and accelerate surface wear causing increased oil Do not use API, CA, CB grade and reconstituted engine oil
consumption, lowered output and, finally engine failure. To avoid this, Engine damage due to improper maintenance, or using oil of the
use the specified engine oil.
improper quality and/or viscosity, is not covered by the warranty.
1) Engine Oil Selection
2) Oil Viscosity
Engine oil viscosity affects engine startability, performance, oil
consumption, wear and the potential for seizure, etc. Always ensure
that lubricants with the correct viscosity for the operating temperature
are used. Refer to fig 12.
Fig. 12
When handling Long Life Coolant Antifreeze, wear protective
rubber gloves not to contact with it. If contact with the eyes or skin
should occur, wash with clean water
Fig. 16
CAUTION: When removing the radiator filler cap, while the engine is
still hot, cover the cap with cloth, then turn it slowly to gradually release
the internal steam pressure. this will prevent anyone from being
A. Filler cap scalded by hot steam spurting out from the filler neck.
B. Filler port (engine oil)
Add coolant mixed to the correct ratio: 50/50 ethylene glycol/water.
C. Dipstick
D. Upper limit Radiator Cap Condition
E. Lower limit After the replenishment of the coolant, install the radiator filler cap.
F. Dipstick Make sure the cap is securely installed.
Fuel level
Check the remaining fuel oil level in the fuel tank and re−fuel if
Do not open the canopy or door if you see or hear steam or engine (5) Abnormal Engine Noise
coolant escaping. Wait until no steam or engine coolant can be seen or
In the event of any abnormal engine noise, please consult your local
heard before opening the engine canopy or door. Doosan branch or dealer.
Do not remove the radiator filler cap if the engine coolant in the
reserve tank is boiling. Also do not remove the radiator filler cap while (6) State of the Exhaust Smoke
the engine and radiator are still hot. Scalding fluid and steam can be
Check for any abnormal exhaust smoke color.
blown out under pressure if either cap is taken off too soon.
If no steam or engine coolant can be seen or heard, open the canopy ENGINE STOPPING
or door. If the engine coolant is boiling, wait until it stops before
proceeding. The engine coolant level should be between the “MAX (1) Close service valves.
COLD” and “MIN” marks on the reserve tank.
(2) Before stopping the engine, cool down the engine by operating it at
reduced load about three minutes. In this period, check the engine
noise for abnormalities.
When performing the following items, the daily inspection items should also be carried out.
Establish a periodic check plan according to the operating conditions and make sure to conduct checks at specified intervals. Otherwise, malfunctioning
may occur to shorten the engine life.
As special knowledge and skill are required for items marked with , consult your local branch or distributor.
System Check item Daily Every 50 Every 250 Every 500 Every Every
hours hours hours 1000 2000
hours hours
Fuel oil Fuel tank oil level check and refill
Draining from fuel tank
Draining from oil / water separator
Cleaning oil / water separator
Fuel filter replacement
Engine oil level
g oil Engine oil replacement
1st time 2nd &
Engine oil filter replacement after
Check & addition cooling
Radiator fin checking & cleaning
Cooling fan V−belt checking & adjusting
1st time 2nd &
g water after
Cooling water replacement
or every 1
Cooling water path flushing & maintenance
Fuel & cooling water pipe replacement
Rubber hoses or every 2
Operating Governor lever & accelerator check & adjust
Intake and Air cleaner element cleaning & replacement
Electrical Battery electrolyte check and recharging
Adjust intake I exhaust valve clearance
Cylinder head
Lapping intake I exhaust valve seats
Engine oil and engine oil filter replacing procedures are as follows.
Remove the oil filler cap to drain easily while draining the engine oil.
7) Fill with the new engine oil until it reaches the specified level as
explained in OPERATION section.
Do not overfill the oil pan with engine oil. Be sure to keep the specified
level between upper and lower limit on the dipstick.
8) Warm up the engine by running for 5 minutes while checking any oil
9) Stop the engine after warming up and leave it stopping for about 10
minute to recheck the engine oil level with dipstick and replenish the
engine oil. If any oil is spilled, wipe it away with a clean cloth.
1014mm 710mm 913mm
D. Radiator fan
A. Adjust the V−belt tension by prying with a wooden bar
E. Set bolt
B. Alternator
F. Alternator
C. Adjusting bracket
G. Deflection
H. Press with thumb
I. Crankshaft V−pulley
Use of genuine Doosan fan belt
J. V−belt
Always use genuine Doosan fan belts as they provide high driving
ability and long operating durability. Use of non−Doosan fan belts could
2) If necessary, adjust the V−belt tension (deflection). To adjust the result in premature belt wear or belt elongation leading to engine
V−belt tension, loosen the set bolt and move the alternator to tighten the overheating or excessive belt noise.
3) Visually check the V−belt for cracks, oiliness or wear. If any , replace
the V−belt with new one.
“New, V−belt” refers to a V−belt which has been used less than 5 To help avoid being injured, check and adjust the fan belt tension with
minutes on a running engine. engine stopped.
Slacken the drain valve ‘E’ until water drains from the vent tube. Always disconnect the (−) Negative battery
cable first before disconnecting the battery cables
When all the water has been evacuated, tighten the drain valve ‘E’ and from battery. An accidental “Short circuit” may
follow the “fuel system air bleeding” procedure below. cause damage, fire and or personnel injury.
And remember to connect the (−) Negative battery cable (back onto the
battery) LAST.
Fuel System Air Bleeding Do not come in contact with battery electrolyte
The entry of air into the fuel system will cause difficult engine starting
Pay sufficient attention to avoid your eyes. or skin
or engine malfunction.
from being in contact with the fluid. The battery
When carrying out service procedures such as emptying the fuel tank, electrolyte is dilute sulfuric acid and causes burns.
draining the filter/separator, and changing the fuel filter element be sure Wash it off immediately with a large amount of
to bleed air from the fuel system. fresh water if you get any on you.
B. Lower limit Replace the fuel filter at specified intervals before it is clogged with dust
to adversely affect the fuel flow. Also, replace the fuel filter after the
C. Upper limit engine has fully been cooled.
1) Remove the fuel filter using a filter wrench (customer procured).
When removing the fuel filter, hold the bottom of the fuel filter with a
Inspection every 250 hours operation piece of rag to prevent the fuel oil from dropping. If you spill fuel, wipe
such spillage carefully.
(1) Checking and cleaning radiator fins.
2) Clean the filter mounting surface and slightly apply fuel oil to the
gasket of the new fuel filter.
Beware of dirt from air blowing 3) Install the new fuel filter manually turning until it comes into contact
with the mounting surface, and tighten it further to 1/2 at a turn, using
a filter wrench. Tightening torque: 11.815.6Nm(1.21.6kgfm)
Wear−protective equipment such as goggles to
protect your eyes when blowing compressed air. Applicable fuel filter Part No.
Dust or flying debris can hurt eyes.
All engines CPN 15892747
The cartridge and bowl contain fuel. Take care not to spill it during
disassembly and reassembly.
The fuel filter/separator also provides primary filtration and the element
‘C’ should be changed every 500 operating hours or 6 months,
whichever comes first.
Change procedure:
Unscrew the element ‘C’ from the head taking care not to spill fuel inside
the machine. Drain any fuel within into a suitable container, then
unscrew the clear bowl ‘D’ from the element.
Discard the old element into a suitable container.
Remove the old ‘O’ ring from the bowl ‘D’ and install the new one
supplied with the element. Apply a light coat of clean engine oil to the
‘O’ ring and screw the bowl ‘D’ onto the new element ‘C’.
Using a clean cloth, wipe the sealing face of the filter/separator head
A. Dust, dirt.
to ensure correct seating of the sealing ring.
B. Radiator fins
Fill the element/bowl assembly with clean fuel oil then apply a light coat
C. Air blow of clean engine oil to the new element seal ring.
7/26E, 7/31E, 7/41
Screw the new element onto the head firmly by hand. (6) Checking and adjusting cooling fan V−belt (2nd time and after)
Follow the “fuel system air bleeding” procedure. see “inspection after Check and adjust the cooling fan V−belt tension every 250 hours
every 50 hours operation” section 2. operation from 2nd time and on.
See “inspection after initial 50 hours” section (2)
A dirty air cleaner element reduces the amount of intake air, causing
reduced engine output and possible engine damage. (2) Replacing the air cleaner element
Also, a damaged element leads to abrasion of cylinders and valves, Air cleaner
resulting in increased oil consumption, reduced output and shortened
engine life. Engine performance and life vary with the air intake conditions.
A dirty air cleaner element reduces the amount of intake air, causing
reduced engine output and possible engine damage.
Also, a damaged element leads to abrasion of cylinders and valves,
resulting in increased oil consumption, reduced output and shortened
engine life.
Replace the air cleaner element every 500 hours, even if it is not
damaged or dirty. When replacing the element, clean the inside of the
air cleaner case. If the unit has an air cleaner with double elements, do
not remove the inner element. If the engine output is still reduced (or the
dust indicator still actuates), when the outer element has been
replaced, replace the inner element.
C Indicator
Applicable fuel filter Part No.
D Red signal
All engines CPN 15892747
Air cleaner with dust indicator 4) Bleed the fuel system. Refer to section 2 of inspection at 50 hours
This indicator is attached to the air cleaner. When the air cleaner
element is clogged, air intake resistance becomes greater and the dust
indicator signal turns to red indicating the element needs to be
changed. IMPORTANT:
Be sure to use genuine Yanmar part (super fine mesh filter). Otherwise,
When the signal turns to red, replace the element. Then press the dust it results in engine damage, uneven engine performance and shorter
indicator button to reset the indication. engine life.
Inspection every 1000 hours operation Inspection every 2000 hours operation
(1) Replacing cooling water (1) Flushing the cooling system and checking the
cooling system parts
Cooling water contaminated with rust or water scale −reduces the
cooling effect. Even when antifreeze agent (LLC) is mixed, the cooling As this maintenance requires specialized knowledge and skill, consult
water gets contaminated due to deteriorated ingredients. Replace the your dealer. Rust and water scale will accumulate in the cooling system
cooling water at least Once a year. through many hours of operation. This lowers the engine cooling effect.
1) Remove the header tank cap. And for the engine oil cooler (4TNV98T), they quickly deteriorate the
engine oil.
2) Remove the bottom radiator hose of the radiator and drain the
cooling water. Cooling system parts: radiator, cooling water pump, thermostat,
cylinder block, cylinder head, oil cooler (4TNV98T).
3) After draining the cooling water, reconnect the hose.
(2) Checking and replacing fuel hoses and cooling water hoses
4) Fill radiator and engine with cooling water via the header tank.
As this maintenance requires specialized knowledge and skill, consult
Beware of scalding by hot water your dealer. Regularly check the rubber hoses of the fuel system and
Wait until the temperature goes down before draining the Cooling water. cooling water system. If cracked or degraded, replace them with new
Otherwise, hot water may splash to cause scalding. one. Replace the rubber hoses at least every 2 years.
(2) Checking and adjusting the fuel injection valve (3) Lapping the intake and exhaust valves
As the adjustment requires specialized knowledge and skill, .consult As this maintenance requires specialized knowledge and skill, consult
your dealer. This adjustment is needed to obtain the optimum injection your dealer. The adjustment is necessary to maintain proper contact of
pattern for full engine performance. the valves and seats.
(4) Checking and adjusting the fuel injection timing
(3) Adjusting intake / exhaust valve clearance As this maintenance requires specialized knowledge and skill, consult
As this adjustment requires specialized knowledge and skill, consult your dealer.
your dealer. The adjustment is necessary to maintain the correct timing
for the opening and closing of valves. Neglecting the adjustment will Checking and adjusting the EPA emission related parts.
cause the engine to run noisily and result in poor engine performance
and other damage. The inspection and servicing require specialized knowledge and
techniques. Consult your dealer or distributor.
EPA allows to apply maintenance schedule for emission related parts
as follow.
1. Oil level. Check that the oil level is between the max. and the min. level marks.
Add oil to the max. level mark if it is below the min. level.
If it is above the max. level mark, drain oil until the max. level is reached.
2. Engine oil replacement Change at 500 hours or 6 months, whichever comes first.
3. Oil filter element Change at 500 hours or 6 months, whichever comes first.
4. Fuel leakage Replace any damaged or malfunctioning parts which could cause leakage.
5. Draining water in fuel Drain off water in the fuel filter/separator bowl.
6. Fuel filter element Replace both primary (filter/separator) and secondary elements at 500 hours or 6 months whichever come first.
7. Injection nozzle check Check injection opening pressure and spray condition. (This is a recommended maintenance item ). Consult
your local branch or distributor.
8. Coolant level. Check coolant level and add coolant if necessary.
9. Coolant leakage check Replace any damaged or malfunctioning parts which could cause leakage.
10. Radiator filler cap fitting The radiator cap must be installed tightly and sealing correctly.
11. Fan belt tension check Check and adjust fan belt deflection. Look for cracks, fraying and wear. Replace if necessary.
12. Coolant temperature Normal running temperature is 75 to 85C (167 to 185F). Check and repair the cooling system if temperature
is abnormal.
13. Coolant replacement Change coolant at intervals of 1000 hours or 12 months, whichever comes first.
14. Radiator external face Check monthly. Clean at intervals of 250 hours or 3 months, whichever comes first. In very dusty environments,
cleaning more frequent cleaning might be necessary.
15. Cooling system circuit Clean at intervals of 1000 hours or 12 months, whichever comes first.
16. Radiator filling cap Check radiator pressure cap periodically for proper operation. Consult your local branch or distributor.
function check
17. Battery electrolyte level Replenish with distilled water if necessary.
18. Battery cleaning Clean the terminals
19. Battery charge condition If cranking speed is too slow to start the engine, charge the battery.
20. Air filter element Change element at 500 hrs or sooner if the restriction indicator shows red.
21. Cylinder compression Consult your dealer or distributor
22. Valve clearance check Check and adjust every 1000 hours. Consult your dealer or distributor
This item contains a simple troubleshooting. When a failure takes place on your engine, diagnose the cause referring this troubleshooting. Should the
cause of failure not be detected or you are unable to manage the failure, consult your machine supply source or nearest company engine service outlet.
Starter turns but engine does not Control rack is stuck at no fuel
fire. position.
Engine malfunction in high speed Uneven fuel injection amount between cylinders.
Radiator clogged.
Engine over−loaded.
Insufficient airflow/restriction.
Excessive oil consumption Incorrect oil Wrong selection of type and viscosity.
Incorrect fuel.
Faulty turbocharger
Natural consumption.
Faulty alternator.