BITS F452 - Blockchain Technology - Prof. Geetha
BITS F452 - Blockchain Technology - Prof. Geetha
BITS F452 - Blockchain Technology - Prof. Geetha
3.Reference Books
R1: Narayanan, Arvind, Joseph Bonneau, Edward Felten, Andrew Miller, and Steven Goldfeder. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technologies: a comprehensive introduction. Princeton University
Press, 2016
R2. The Book of Satoshi: The Collected Writings of Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto' Champagne (2014) ISBN: 9780996061315
R3..Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies: A Comprehensive Introduction' Narayanan, Bonneau, Felton, Miller & Goldfeder (2016) ISBN: 9780691171692
R4. Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain' Antonopoulos (2017) ISBN: 9781491954386.
R5. The Internet of Money (1-3 Volumes): Andreas M. Antonopoulos
4.Online Resources:
(i) MIT Open Courseware on Blockchain Technology
5. Course Plan:
Lecture Topics to be covered Chapter in the Text Book
Learning Objectives
1-5 To get an overview of Blockchain Technology Defining Blockchain and Distributed Ledger, Blockchain Properties: Decentralized, Transparent, TB: Ch 1
Immutable and secure. R1: Ch 0,1
Blockchain Applications. Types of Blockchain: Public, private, and consortium based blockchain, When to
use, and when not to use Blockchain, History of Blockchain.
6-8 To get introduced to computing models and Centralized, Decentralized and Distributed Systems, Decentralization vs distributed, P2P systems, TB: Ch 1
P2P networking properties of P2P systems, P2P communication architecture. P2P network
applications: File sharing, P2P network for blockchain
9-12 To understand the foundational concepts and Cryptographic Hash Functions, Digital Signatures, Public Keys as TB: Ch3 R1:
Blockchain Data Structure Identities, Hash Pointers and Hash chain and Merkel tree, Consensus mechanisms Ch1
13-18 To learn about the Blockchain Characteristics Decentralized Identity management, Transactions, incentivizing and mining. Distributed Consensus TB: Ch4
(PoW), Cryptocurrency as the first blockchain application. Mechanics of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Scripts, Storing R1: Ch 2,3,4,5,6
and Using Bitcoins, Mining in Bitcoin. R2, R3
19-21 To understand other Consensus Mechanisms Proof of storage, proof of stake, proof of deposit, proof of burn, proof of activity. algorithms for adjusting TB: Ch5 R1: Ch
difficulty and 8
retargeting. Limitations of Bitcoin, alternative cryptocurrencies. R4, R5
22-27 History, Purpose and types of smart contracts, Introduction to Ethereum, bitcoin vs Ethereum stack. P2P TB: Ch 6, 7,8
To know about Smart Contracts and Ethereum network in Ethereum, consensus in Ethereum, scripts in Ethereum, Smart contracts (Ethereum Virtual R1: Ch 11
Machine). Developing and executing smart contracts in Ethereum. State and data structure in Ethereum.
28-33 Need for consortium. Hyperledger stack, Multichain blockchain. Innovation in Hyperledger, smart TB: Ch 9
To understand Private and Consortium based
contracts, and distributed applications in hyperledger.
Blockchain: Hyperledger
To explore Case studies/ Enabling Application of blockchain in privacy and security, IoT and smart cities, Business and Industry, Data TB: Ch 10,11 R1: Ch11
Technologies and applications management, e-Governance
6.Evaluation Scheme:
Quizzes (2 nos.)
(Evenly spaced out – 5% to be completed before 10% Closed Book
mid sem)
Term Project
(evaluation at different milestones-5% to be 20% Open Book
completed before mid sem)