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Gregoriadis et al. (1999) “Vaccine Entrapment in Liposomes.”
Methods 19:156-162.
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Protein Vaccine Ajvants Obviate the Need for TLR Agonists in
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Mishra et al. (2007) "Liposomes as adjuvant for combination
vaccines.” Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 45:237-241.
* cited by examiner
U.S. Patent US 9,603,799 B2
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U.S. Patent US 9,603,799 B2
U.S. Patent Mar. 28, 2017 Sheet 28 of 28 US 9,603,799 B2
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As evidenced by Table 1, all of the tetanus vaccines Example 2. In these embodiments the molar ratio of DPPC:
currently out in the market employ an adjuvant system that DOPC:cholesterol was 40:25:20 and that of the charged
requires a storage environment at Some temperature range lipid was 15. Chicken egg lysozyme and tetanus light chain
above Zero (ie. 2°C.-8°C.) but no more than 10°C. for any (TLC) were used as model protein antigens, respectively.
period of time. More importantly, for the vast majority of The charged liposomal adjuvants with the associated protein
these vaccines, instruction is provided that, should the antigen were immunogenic and did not lose their immuno
vaccines be exposed to freezing (ie. Sub-Zero) temperatures, genic activity after multiple freeze-thaw cycles and also
the product should be discarded. 60 additional freezing to -40° C. during lyophilization. Thus,
The immunogenicity of a new liposomal adjuvant con they can be used in vaccine formulations as an alternative to
sisting of a lipid blend composition comprising the follow Aluminum salt adjuvants.
ing lipids: Dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), Dio The vaccine adjuvant designed provides a technological
leoyl phosphatidylcholine (DOPC), Cholesterol was tested platform for development of immunogenic, freeze-stable
with either a negative charge lipid: Dipalmitoyl phosphati 65 vaccines, preventing product damage during accidental
dylglycerol (DPPG) in Example 1 or with a positively freezing in the cold chain. The liposomal vaccine adjuvant
charged lipid: Octadecylamine (Stearylamine, SA) in can be used to develop vaccines that are stable against
US 9,603,799 B2
13 14
freezing. The novel freeze-dried liposomal vaccine demon Preparation of Liquid and Lyophilized Liposomal Vaccines
strated efficacy similar to that of a liquid aluminum-phos (Formulations 1 & 2)
phate based vaccine as measured by the antibody response Specific amounts of DPPC, DOPC, cholesterol and DPPG
to an antigen, preferably lysozyme, in mice. The results in a molar ratio of 40:25:20:15 were dissolved in a co
showed that the liposomal vaccine was freeze-stable and did
not lose its immunogenic activity upon freezing/freeze Solvent containing chloroform, methanol, and water. The
drying. lipid blend was dried in a 45° C. water bath under a stream
Such a liposomal vaccine product offers numerous advan of nitrogen gas, and any remaining residual solvent was
tages over aluminum-based vaccines in regards to safety, removed under vacuum overnight to ensure complete des
freeze-stability, tolerability, biodegradability, and versatility. 10 iccation.
It is recommended to use this adjuvant instead of aluminum The dried lipid-blend (50mg) was hydrated in 1 ml of an
based adjuvants in current freeze sensitive vaccines against
for example diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), 8.9 mg/ml lysozyme stock solution and vortexed to form
influenza and anthrax. The novel vaccine adjuvant designed MLVs. In order to improve the entrapping efficacy, the
thus provides a technological platform for development of 15
liposome solution was freeze-thawed five times using an
immunogenic, freeze-stable vaccines, preventing product acetone-ice bath and a warm-water bath. The liposome
damage during accidental freezing in the cold chain. mixture was centrifuged at 14,000 rpm for 20 min to
EXAMPLES separate the liposomes from the unbound lysozyme solution.
The unbound lysozyme in Supernatant was removed and the
I. Vaccine Preparation Using Lysozyme as the amount of unbound lysozyme in the Supernatant was deter
Antigen mined by UV spectroscopy (n=3). The average unbound
concentration was subtracted from the initial lysozyme
Vaccine Preparation concentration to acquire the concentration of bound/en
The immunogenicity of a lysozyme-liposomal vaccine 25 trapped lysozyme.
(Lipo-LyZ) was investigated before and after freeze-drying
(Formulations 1 and 2, respectively). Lysozyme adsorbed to The liposome pellet containing entrapped lysozyme was
Adju-PhoSR (Adju-LyZ) was used as an aluminum salt resuspended in 1 ml of a sterile filtered 10% w/w sucrose
based vaccine reference. Also a solution of lysozyme with solution and vortexed. To reduce the size of liposomes and
out adjuvant was used as a reference. The four different 30
to obtain a more homogenous particle distribution, the
formulations are summarized in Table 2. All formulations liposome solution was extruded five times through two 800
were prepared in a laminar flow hood using depyrogenated nm polycarbonate filters in a 10 ml extruder using nitrogen
vials and utensils, as it is described below. gas at pressures around 50-100 psi. Lysozyme concentration
in the concentrated liposome solution was determined and
TABLE 2 adjusted to 200 ug/ml by diluting the solution in 10%
Formulation descriptions Sucrose. The lysozyme concentration in the final Solution
was determined by UV spectroscopy.
Formula- Lyopro- Dosage
tion Adjuvant Antigen tectant form Eight vials were filled with 1 ml of liposome solution
each. Four of the vials were freeze-dried in a lyophilizer by
1 DPPCDPPG? Chicken Sucrose Liquid 40
first freezing the solution at -45° C. at 1°C./min and holding
DOPCCholesterol Egg
(Lipo-Lyz (Aq)) Lysozyme it at this temperature for 2 hours. Primary drying was
2 DPPCDPPG? Chicken Sucrose Lyophilized performed at -20° C. shelf temperature for 20 hours at a
DOPCCholesterol Egg chamber pressure of 150 mTorr. After primary drying, the
(Lipo-LyZ (FD)) Lysozyme
3 Aluminum Chicken Sucrose Liquid 45
shelf temperature was increased to 25° C. at a rate of 0.2°
phosphate Egg C./min. Secondary drying was performed at 25° C. shelf
(Adju-Phos (R) Lysozyme temperature for 10 hours at a chamber pressure of 100
(Adju-Lyz (Aq)) mTorr.
4 None Chicken Sucrose Liquid
(Lyz) Egg Preparation of 200 ug/ml Lysozyme/Adju-Phos(R Vaccines
Lysozyme 50 (Formulation 3)
Preparation of a 9 Mg/ml Stock Lysozyme Solution in PBS In order to prepare an aluminum salt based vaccine, 0.5 ml
In order to prepare 1 L phosphate buffer saline (PBS), 1 of 8.9 mg/ml lysozyme stock solution and 1 ml 2% (20
pouch PBS powder was dissolved in 1 L water for injection mg/ml) Adju-Phos(R suspension were mixed in a 1.5 ml
(WFI). The mixture was then stirred on a magnetic stirrer for 55
centrifuge tube and stored for 42 minutes at room tempera
5 minutes. The solution was then filtered through a 0.22 um ture to allow for lysozyme to be adsorbed to Adju-Phos. The
Polyvinylidene Difluoride (PVDF) filter, using a Corning 1 mixture was then centrifuged for 5 min at 5,000 rpm to pellet
L Filter System and a vacuum pump. the adsorbed lysozyme-Adju-Phos(R complex. The superna
50.1 mg lysozyme was weighed using an analytical bal tant was removed and measured by UV spectroscopy to
ance. 5 ml of PBS was measured using a sterile, 5 ml pipette 60 determine the amount of unbound lysozyme. The concen
and added to the lysozyme powder. The solution was stirred tration of bound lysozyme was determined by Subtracting
on a magnetic stirrer for 3 minutes until the solution was this value from the initial added amount. Based on the
dissolved. The solution was then filtered through a 0.22 um amount of bound lysozyme, 10%. Sucrose solution was
sterile filter. The actual concentration of lysozyme in the added to the Adju-Phos(R/lysozyme pellet to acquire a total
filtered solution was determined by UV Spectrophotometry. 65 weight of 28 g. This would give an adjuvant:antigen ratio of
This stock solution was used in preparation of different 24 w/w, i.e. similar to that used in Lipo-formulations (For
vaccine formulations. mulations 1 and 2), further described in Table 3.
US 9,603,799 B2
15 16
TABLE 3 For the liposomal formulations, the mean particle diam
eter was also determined after one year storage of the
Final Formulation Target Concentration (mg/ml) and Ratios samples at 2-8° C. The lyophilized liposome sample was
Target Target Target also stored at room temperature more than two years. This
Adjuvant LyZoSyme ratio sample was reconstituted and analyzed by DLS (Table 6b).
Formula- Concentration Concentration (Adjuvant
tion Name (mg/mL) (mg/mL) LyZ) Mice Immunization
1 Lipo-LyZ (Aq) 5 O.2O 25 100 ul (2x50 ul) of each formulation was injected intra
2 Lipo-Lyz(Lyo) 5 O.2O 25 muscularly (IM) in the shoulder of four female CD-1 mice
3 Adu-LyZ (Aq) O.71 O.O3 24 10 (Charles River, Hollister Calif.). A booster shot was admin
4 Lyz O O.2O O
istered on day 14. Twenty mice were tested in groups of four.
16 were used for vaccine testing and 4 were naive mice as
Preparation of Lysozyme with No Adjuvant in 10% Sucrose negative control. All of the animals were observed imme
(Formulation 4) diately after dosing and daily thereafter. On Day 28, serum
In order to prepare a lysozyme solution with no adjuvant, 15 was collected from the immunized mice as well as the
10 ml of 200 g/ml lysozyme solution was prepared by control group and the antibody response to each vaccine was
diluting 226 ul lysozyme stock solution (8.9 mg/ml) with determined by Indirect Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent
10% sucrose until a total weight of 10 g was obtained. Assay (Indirect ELISA) to chicken egg lysozyme.
Concentration of lysozyme in the final formulation was
determined by UV spectroscopy. Statistical analysis of the induced immune responses was
UV Spectroscopy performed, including a two-tail t-test. Differences were
50 ul of each sample was diluted in PBS as needed and considered significant if p <0.05.
analyzed in an Agilent 8453 UV spectrophotometer (Agilent The study design and group designation are Summarized
Technologies, USA) equipped with a Peltier cell holder at in Table 4.
Study Group Designations
Group? Study Event
Test No. mice, Dose Day 28
Article if group Volume Sex Day 0 - Dose Day 14 - Dose Terminal Bleed
1 4 100 ul in F Intramuscular Intramuscular Cardiac Puncture
two sites
2 4 100 ul in F Intramuscular Intramuscular Cardiac Puncture
two sites
3 4 100 ul in F Intramuscular Intramuscular Cardiac Puncture
two sites
4 4 100 ul in F Intramuscular Intramuscular Cardiac Puncture
two sites
5 (naive 4 NA F None - Naive Animals Cardiac Puncture
20° C. and a 1 cm path length quartz cell was used. Data was Prior to dosing, animals will be arbitrarily assigned to
collected in a wavelength range of 200-500 nm, with an treatment groups. On Day 0, each mouse will be injected IM
integration time of 10 seconds at 1 nm intervals. The 45 with 100 ul of test article (50 ul in each shoulder) using an
concentration of lysozyme was determined by Eqn. 1. appropriate size Syringe and beveled needle (i.e. 1 cc insulin
C-(A2so-Abstsaso), e. (Eqn. 1) Syringe w/26 gauge (or Smaller) needle).
Group 1 was dosed with Formulation 1 (Lipo-LyZ (Aq));
Where Abs, so is the light scattering interference at 280 Group 2 was dosed with Formulation 2 (Lipo-LyZ (Lyo));
nm determined by logarithmic regression extrapolation 50
Group 3 was dosed with Formulation 3 (Adju-LyZ (Aq));
through absorbencies at 320 and 350 nm, and Aso is the Group 4 was dosed with Formulation 4 (Lyz). Group 5
absorbance at 280 nm. An extinction coefficient (e) of 2.63 animals were naive animals and did not receive any test
ml/(mgXcm) was used to calculate the lysozyme concentra article. On Day 14, each animal received a booster injection
tion (C) in mg/ml according to Eqn 1. The average concen of the appropriate test article. On Day 28, animals were
tration of lysozyme was calculated based on three readings. 55
exsanguinated via cardiac puncture.
Particle Size Characterization Using Dynamic Light Scat
tering (DLS) The blood was collected into tubes containing no antico
All samples were analyzed on a Precision Detector DLS agulant. The tubes were centrifuged at -2800 rpm for at least
instrument PD2000DLSPP' and PDDLS/CoolBatch 90T 10 minutes. Sera were placed into appropriately labeled
using quartz cuvettes (Precision Detectors). Measurements 60 tubes and stored at -16° C. to -22° C. until analysis by
were done at 20° C. using a refractive index of 1.3330 and ELISA for chicken egg lysozyme IgG antibodies.
a viscosity of 0.01002 Poise. Sample time was 15 usec and Test Article Preparation
3 sec run duration with a total of 60 accumulations per Group 1: SP-255a: Formulation 1 (lysozyme--liposomes):
measurement. Data was analyzed using Precision Decon One vial was used per scheduled dosing time point for all
volve software. Each sample was analyzed in triplicate. The 65 animals in the dose group. Prior to injection, the vial was
mean hydrodynamic diameter by intensity and standard gently inverted at least 10 times and then gently swirled to
deviation (SD) were calculated (n=3). obtain a homogenous mixture.
US 9,603,799 B2
17 18
Group 2: SP-255b: Formulation 2 (lyophilized lysozyme-- before and after freeze-drying of liposomes. When these
liposomes): One lyophilized vial and one diluent vial was samples were characterized after one year storage at 5° C.
used per scheduled dosing time point for all animals in the the mean particle diameter were relatively unchanged with
dose group. Prior to injection, the lyophilized cake was the corresponding values of 639 nm (+6 nm) and 647 nm
reconstituted with 1 ml of diluent. The reconstituted vial was 5 (t14 nm) for the liquid and lyophilized liposomes, respec
Swirled to obtain a homogenous mixture. tively (Table 7a, b).
Group 3: SP-256a, Formulation 3 (lysozyme+Adju The mean particle diameter for the lyophilized liposomal
Phos): One vial was used per scheduled dosing time point
for all animals in the dose group. The vial was vigorously vaccine sample that was stored at room temperature for 28
shaken to obtain good homogeneity. 10 months (Table 7b) was 691 nmit58 nm. Surprisingly, after 2
Group 4: SP-256b, Formulation 4 (lysozyme in 10% years of storage of the lyophilized vaccine at room tempera
Sucrose): One vial was used per scheduled dosing time point ture, the particle size of liposomes is unchanged and no
for all animals in the dose group. Prior to injection, the vial aggregation is observed.
was gently inverted at least 10 times and then gently Swirled The average particle size in Adju-LyZ formulation was
to obtain a homogenous mixture. 15 >2000 nm and thus outside the range of the DLS instrument.
Group 5: Naive animals; no test article was administered. According to literature, the particle size of Adju-Phos(R) is in
Dosing Procedure the range of 1-10 um. The mean hydrodynamic diameter of
Four groups of 4 CD-1 female mice were dosed intra lysozyme in solution was 8.4+1.4 nm (Table 6).
muscularly with 100 ul of test article on Day 0 and Day 14.
Serum was collected from each animal on Day 28. Addi- 20 TABLE 6
tionally, serum was collected from 4 naive female CD-1
mice on Day 28 as a control group. The serum was frozen Characterization of Final Vaccine Formulations, Mean Particle
and stored at -80° C. until analysis by ELISA for chicken Diameters and Antibody Titers of the Vaccines
egg lysozyme IgG antibodies.
Determination of Amount Bound and Unbound Lysozyme 25 Measured Particle Antibody
The concentration of lysozyme stock solution, unbound Lysozyme (mg/ml) diameter (nm) titer (mg/ml)
and bound lysozyme, was determined by UV spectroscopy. Vaccine Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
The results are listed in Table 5. According to these results,
the concentration of lysozyme stock solution was 8.9 mg/ml Lipo-LyZ (Aq) 0.26 (+0.01) 707 (+5) 177 (+68)
(+0.1), the concentration of free lysozyme in the Supernatant 30 Lipo-LyZ (Lyo) 0.27 (+0.03) 667 (+113) 306 (+207)
was determined to be 5.9 mg/ml (+0.0) out of 8.9 in the Adju-Lyz (Aq) 0.03 (+0.00) >2000 478 (+136)
liposome-lysozyme solution supernatant and 2.2 (+0.0) LyZ (Aq) 0.22 (+0.00) 8.4 (+1.4) 50 (+50)
mg/ml (out of 3.0 mg/ml) in the Adju-Phos(R)-lysozyme
Supernatant. The amounts of bound/entrapped lysozyme to Particles were outside the upper size limit of the DLS instrument and could not be
Adju-Phos(R/liposomes were thus 26% w/w and 34% w/w, 35 measured accurately
respectively. These values are in the expected range.
Measurements of Bound and Unbound Lysozyme
Adjuvant Lysozyme Unbound
Concentration Concentration Initial free Bound Entrapped
No Name (mg/mL) (mg/mL) Adjuvant LyZ (mg/mL) (mg/mL) (%)
1 Lipo- 50 8.9 0.1 S.6 5.9 O.O 3.0 - O.O 34
2 Lipo-Lyz 50 8.9 0.1 S.6 5.9 O.O 3.0 - O.O 34
3 Adju-Lyz 2O 3.0 - 0.1 6.7 2.2 O.O O.8 O.O 26
4 Lyz O 8.9 0.1 O
quantifies tetanus toxoid-specific IgG in mouse serum of Preparation of Lipid Blend
vaccinated or immunized animals (ELISA Kit Cat No. In order to prepare the cationic liposomes, two vials were
930-130-TMG, Alpha Diagnostic International, San Anto prepared, each with about 6.6 mg SA, 48.6 mg DPPC, and
nio, Tex., USA). 12.7 mg cholesterol added to 1.6 ml of 20 mg/ml DOPC/
The material for the ELISA consisted of the following: 55 chloroform (32 mg). The total amount of lipid in each vial
mouse anti-tetanus toxoid IgG ELISA was used for quanti was 100 mg.
tative determination of anti-tetanus toxoid IgG in serum. Similarly, to prepare the anionic liposomes, two vials
This kit included tetanus toxoid coated strip plate (Part were prepared, each with about 43.5 mg DPPC, 16.6 mg
930-111, lot 11045P6), anti-tetanus toxoid IgG calibrators DPPG, and 11.5 mg cholesterol in 1.45 ml DOPC/chloro
(10 U/ml, 20 U/ml. 40 U/ml and 80 U/ml), mouse X-tetanus 60 form (29 mg). The total amount of lipid in each vial was 100
toxoid IgG (as positive control, part 930-132), low NSB ng.
sample diluent (Part TBTm). TMB substrate, and stop Since all the lipids failed to dissolve in chloroform, an
solution (part 80101, dilute sulfuric acid). Wash solution 83% methanol/water solution was added to obtain a clear
concentrate (Cat. WB-100), sample diluent concentrate (Cat. solution. The lipid blends were first dried in a 45° C. water
No. SD-20T) and anti-mouse IgG-HRP-conjugate concen 65 bath under nitrogen gas, and then the residual solvent was
trate (Part H-MsC-112b) were also utilized. The wash solu removed under vacuum overnight, to ensure complete des
tion was diluted 100x in milliO water prior to use. A working iccation. Two lipid blend vials were used per study.
US 9,603,799 B2
23 24
Preparation of 10 ug/ml TLC Stock Solution at pH 7.4 or pH shelf temperature to remove any residual water from the
4.0 in 0.05% Tween cake. A Summary of drying conditions are described in Table
A 0.05% Tween-20 solution was made by diluting 25 ul 9.
Tween-20 in 5 ml water. In Study 1, each vial of lyophilized
recombinant Tetanus light chain (10 ug) was reconstituted 5 TABLE 9
with 1 ml 0.5% Tween-20 solution to obtain a 10 ug/ml Freeze-Drying Conditions
tetanus solution in 20 mM HEPES (pH 7.4) and 1.25%
lactose. Freeze-drying Time Rampf
In Study 2, 0.05% Tween-20 solutions were made either steps Temperature (Minutes) Hold Pressure
in citrate buffer (pH 3.7) or in 20 mM HEPES (pH 7.4) with Freezing +5 15 H 1 ATM
1.25% lactose. 1 ml of each solution was used for reconsti -45 60 (120) R 1 ATM
tution of one TLC vial. -45 60 (240) H 1 ATM
Primary -45 60 H 150 (100) mTorr
Hydration of Lipid Blend Drying -30 (-40) 30 R 150 (100) mTorr
Cationic and anionic lipid blends were then hydrated with 15 -30 (-40) 1200 H 150 (100) mTorr
0.9 ml of the TLC stock solutions. In Study 1, both cationic Secondary +25 240 R 150 (100) mTorr
Drying +25 600 H 150 (100) mTorr
and anionic liposomes were made at pH 7.4, whereas in
Study 2, the liposomes were made at pH 7.4 and 4.0, The parenthetical values are parameters used in Study 2.
respectively. The mixtures were stirred on a magnetic stirrer
for 15 minutes and sonicated for 10 seconds until the lipids Preparation of Diluents
were totally hydrated into a milky homogenous Solution. Diluents (reconstitution solutions for the freeze-dried
Multiple Freeze-Thaw Cycles vaccines) were also prepared for the lyophilized samples by
In order to improve the entrapping efficacy, the liposome filling 1 ml of WFI into five vials.
Solutions were freeze-thawed three times using an acetone Preparation of TLC without Adjuvant
ice bath and a warm-water bath. The solutions were then 25 In Study 2, 0.15 ml of TLC solution (10 ul in 0.05%
diluted to a concentration of 6 ug/ml TLC in Study 1 and 5 Tween-20) was diluted in 2.5 ml HEPES, 10% trehalose,
ug/ml in Study 2. 0.05% Tween-20 (pH 7.4) to obtain a 0.6 g/ml TLC
Extrusion Solution.
To reduce the size of liposomes and to obtain a more Mice Immunization
homogenous particle distribution, each liposome solution 30 50 and 100 ul (2x50 ul) of each formulation was injected
was extruded ten times through two 800 nm polycarbonate IM in the shoulder of five female CD-1 mice (Charles River,
filters (Nucleopore) in a 10 ml Extruder (Northern Lipids) at Hollister Calif.) in Study 1 and 2, respectively. A booster
50 psi using nitrogen gas. shot was administered on day 14. Mice were tested in groups
Dialysis of five. 5 naive mice were used as negative control and did
In order to separate the free TLC from the incorporated 35
not receive any injections. All of the animals were observed
TLC, the liposome solutions were dialyzed through Float immediately after dosing and daily thereafter. On Day 28,
A-Lyzer G2 (Spectrum labs) with 300,000 Da (Study 1) or serum was collected from the immunized mice as well as the
1,000 kDa (Study 2) molecular weight cut off (MWCO) control group. All animal testing was conducted according
membranes against PBS buffer (pH 7.4) overnight (Study 1). to an approved Animal Care and Use Protocol (ACUP). The
In Study 2, 1.5 ml of liposomes were dialyzed against 40
either 1.25% lactose, 20 mM citrate buffer, pH 4.0 (anionic animal studies were carried out in an animal facility that is
liposomes) or 500 ml of 1.25% lactose, 20 mM HEPES fully accredited by the Association for Assessment and
(cationic liposomes) overnight (18 hrs). Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International.
Indirect ELISA Methods and Results
300,000 Da MWCO membranes were used because lipo
somes would be unable to pass, but the free TLC, which is 45 Immunogenicity to the tetanus toxoid was evaluated using
smaller (50,000 Daltons), would be able to pass through the a mouse anti-tetanus toxoid IgG ELISA kit that detects and
membrane. quantifies tetanus toxoid-specific IgG in mouse serum of
Filling vaccinated or immunized animals (ELISA Kit Cat No.
After dialysis each solution was transferred to a tube in a 930-130-TMG, Alpha Diagnostic International, San Anto
sterile hood. 50 nio, Tex., USA).
A solution containing 100 ml 10 wt.% trehalose in 10 mM The mouse sera was diluted (100:900 ul) in the working
Hepes buffer was prepared by dissolving 238.3 mg HEPES sample diluent (10x). Then each sera was diluted from 1:10
and 10 g trehalose in 90 g water until final weight of solution to 1:100 in LNSB buffer (10x).
reached 100 g (pH of the buffer was measured to be 7.05) Each well of a 96-well polystyrene microtiter plate (Alpha
and sterile filtered using a 0.22 micron filtration flask. 55 Diagnostics) was incubated with 200 ul wash buffer for 5
4.5 ml 10% trehalose in a 10 mM Hepes solution was min. The wells were then rinsed and 100 ul of each diluted
added to 0.5 ml of each liposome solution. Assuming a 20% sample was added. The plate then incubated for one hour on
entrapment efficiency for TLC in liposomes, the concentra an orbital shaker (VWR) at 150 rpm. The plate was removed
tion of TLC should be about 0.1 ug/ml for cationic lipo and washed four times using washing buffer. 100 ul HRP
Somes and anionic liposomes in the Study 1, and 0.4 ug/ml 60 conjugated IgG Anti-Mouse antibody was diluted in 9900 ul
in the Study 2. working solution diluent. 100 ul of the diluted solution was
Freeze-Drying subsequently added to each well and incubated for 30 min.
For each formulation, five of the vials were freeze-dried The wells were then washed again five times and 100 ul
in a Vertis Freeze-dryer (Vertis Genesis 12XL) by first TMB substrate was added to each well. The wells were
freezing the solution at -45° C. and then subliming the ice 65 incubated in the dark for 15 minto allow for the reaction and
at -30° C. and -40°C. under high vacuum in Study 1 and color change to take place. When the color in the wells
2, respectively. Secondary drying was performed at 25°C. turned blue, 100 ul stop solution was added to each well.
US 9,603,799 B2
25 26
Absorbance of each well was measured at 450 nm (and Characterization of Antibody Response by Indirect ELISA
also at 630 nm to normalize for well background), using a for Liposomes with 0.1 ug/ml TLC (Study 1)
Spectromax(R) 190 microplate reader (Molecular Devices). The amount of mouse anti-tetanus antibody from the
Two duplicate readings were obtained per sample at each immune response of each of the formulations was deter
wavelength. The absorbance at 630 nm were subtracted from 5 mined using a standard curve (FIG. 5) generated from a
the corresponding values at 450 nm to reflect the amount of purified preparation of mouse anti-tetanus antibody.
antibody in the serum at each dilution. The mean of two The average quantified immune response to the tetanus
duplicate readings were calculated for each sample. vaccines from each group of mice and the standard devia
A standard curve was plotted using the absorbance values 10
tions are shown in Table 11. The average immune response
for the standards with known mouse anti-tetanus toxoid for cationic liposomes-TLC (0.1 ug/ml) was also examined
antibodies at 10 U/ml, 20 U/ml, 40 U/ml and 80 U/ml. (FIG. 8) compared to a no adjuvant control.
Mouse anti-tetanus toxoid antibody titers were calculated Anionic liposomes did not show a significant immune
from absorbance readings that fell on the standard curve for response with tetanus at the dose used (50 ul of 0.12 lug/ml
the mouse anti-tetanus toxoid standards and corrected for at t=0 and 14 days, i.e. 6 ng TLC and 0.3 mg lipid per
dilution factors (the mouse sera was diluted one hundred injection). Cationic liposomes induced 4-6 times more anti
fold in all cases, except in cases of mice immunized with body titers against tetanus toxoid than TLC without adjuvant
cationic liposomes. The sera of mice immunized with liquid (Table 11).
and lyophilized cationic liposomes (TLC 0.4 g/ml (Study
2)) were diluted totally one thousand fold and five hundred TABLE 11
fold, respectively).
The mean and standard deviations of the antibody titers Average antibody response formulation
for each formulation were calculated. The mean values of calculated from standard curve (FIG. 5
antibody titers for 5 mice were calculated for all samples. Antibody Particle
The mean values obtained for each sample was subtracted 25 response' Diameter (nm)
from those obtained for naive mice. Two-sample, one-tailed Sample ID Formulation (U/mL) Mean SD
t-Tests were performed for the mean antibody titers of the
liquid and lyophilized anionic and cationic liposomes (Study SP-318-6 No adjuvant 871 - 1451
SP-318-2 Anionic liposome (liquid) 82 - 271 S21 37
2) to see whether lyophilization induced a significant dif SP-318-3 Anionic liposome (FD) 1,183 + 1,655 357 12
ference in immunogenicity of the formulations. An alpha SP-318-4 Cationic liposome (liquid) 5,605 + 6,399 313 8
level of 0.05 was used. A p-value was calculated. If the 30 SP-318-5 Cationic liposome (FD) 3,358 + 3,395 349 25
p-alpha, the difference in the immunogenicity of the for
mulations before and after lyophilization would be signifi These values are already corrected for the amount obtained for naive mice (73 126).
These data are obtained from particle size distribution by intensity using smoothness 20
(n = 3).
Particle Size Characterization Using Dynamic Light Scat
tering (DLS) 35 Results from Study 2
50 ul of each liposomal vaccine was diluted 40-60 times The particle size analysis results for Study 2 are presented
and analyzed on a Precision Detector DLS instrument (FIG. 9a-d) and Table 12, with no significant change in the
(PD2000DLSplus and PDDLS/CoolBatch90T) using quartz mean particle diameter of liposomes observed by DLS
cuvettes (Precision Detectors). Measurements were done at before and after freeze-drying. The results show that the
20° C. using a refractive index of 1.3330 and a viscosity of mean particle diameter of anionic liposomes were more or
0.01002 Poise. Sample time was 15 usec and 3 sec run less unchanged after freeze drying.
duration with a total of 60 accumulations per measurement. The mean particle diameter of cationic liposomes had
Data was analyzed using Precision Deconvolve software.
Each sample was analyzed in triplicate. A Smoothing param increased slightly from 462 (+37) to 512 (+106) nm after
eter of 20 was applied. The mean hydrodynamic diameters freeze drying. This increase in particle size did not have any
by intensity and standard deviations (SD) were calculated 45 significant impact on the immune response obtained in mice
(n-3). (Tables 12 and 13).
Results from Study 1
In Study 1, the particle size characterization of liposomal TABLE 12
vaccines with 0.1 g/rat TLC was analyzed. Representative
particle size distribution by intensity were shown (FIG. 50 Data Summary for Immune Responses and Particle
Sizes of the Liposomal Formulations with 0.4
7a-d), with mean particle diameters (n=3) and standard mg/ml TLC (Study 2) (n = 5/formulation
deviations listed in Table 10.
Mouse Anti
Particle Tetanus Toxoid
55 Sample
Diameter (nm) IgG (U/mL)
Vaccine Mean SD Mean SD
Particle Size Data for Liposomal Vaccine
with 0.1 Lig/ml TLC (Study l SP-329-2 Anionic liposomes- 311 8 7,080 + 8,916
TLC (Aq)
SP-329-3 Anionic liposomes- 315 - 24 3,621 + 5,525
Diameter (nm) TLC (FD)
Samples ID Formulation Mean SD 60 SP-329-4 Cationic liposomes- 462 - 37 30,633 + 40,697
SP-318-2 Liquid anionic liposomes S21 37 TLC (Aq)
SP-318-3 Lyophilized anionic liposomes 357 12 SP-329-5 Cationic liposomes- 512 106 34,140 + 44,228
SP-318-4 Liquid cationic liposomes 313 8 TLC (FD)
SP-318-5 Lyophilized cationic liposomes 349 25 SP-329-6 TLC ND 1,316 + 1,741
These data are obtained from particle size distribution by intensity using smoothness 20 65 In these values, the response obtained for naive mice has already been subtracted.
These data are obtained from particle size distribution by intensity using smoothness 20
(n = 3). (n = 3).
US 9,603,799 B2
27 28
Characterization of Antibody Response by Indirect ELISA As evidenced in FIG. 13a, there was a considerable
for Liposomes with 0.4 ug/ml TLC (Study 2) distinction across the dose dependent range of immune
The amount of mouse anti-tetanus antibody from the response in aggregate levels of anti-tetanus antibody IgG
immune response of each of the formulations was deter raised between the anionic and cationic variants of the lipid
mined using a standard curve (FIG. 10) generated from a 5 adjuvants used in both studies. Specifically, the cationic
purified preparation of mouse anti-tetanus antibody. The liposomes, whether liquid or freeze-dried, raised at least five
average quantified immune response to the tetanus vaccines times the antibody levels when compared with the anionic
from each group of mice and the standard deviations were liposomes.
calculated (FIG. 11) and summarized (Table 12). Average A deeper analysis of the data from the dose dependent
amounts of mouse anti-tetanus antibody for cationic lipo 10 ranges of immune response across all TLC formulations
somes with TLC (0.4 ug/ml) in study 2 are compared to TLC found a benefit of anionic liposomes as compared to TLC
without adjuvant in FIG. 8.
As indicated, TLC alone had a very low amount of alone (FIG. 13b). The anionic liposome formulations were
antibodies induced (FIG. 11; Table 12). The liquid and prepared at two different pH concentrations, depending on
lyophilized anionic liposomes induced approximately five lipid content (higher lipid content formulations were pre
and three times as many antibodies, respectively, as the TLC 15 pared at pH 4 and lower lipid content formulations were
alone. The liquid and lyophilized cationic liposomes showed prepared at pH 7).
almost a forty- and fifty-fold increase in antibodies, respec Additional examination of comparisons of the immuno
tively. genicity in mice of different formulations as a function of
The results reveal that there is a significant difference TLC concentration was also undertaken (FIG. 14a). Spe
between the cationic and anionic liposome formulations, cifically, when analyzing immunogenicity as a function of
with the cationic liposomes inducing a much stronger total TLC injected (ng), the data consistently indicates the
immune response. The liposomal vaccines retained their benefit of the cationic formulations (both liquid and freeze
immunogenic activity after multiple freeze-thaws and also dried) when compared with the anionic formulations. Such
after freeze-drying. benefit remains even when the data are viewed in a log scale
The results reveal that there is a significant difference 25 format (FIG. 14b), indicating the remarkable improvement
between the cationic and anionic liposome formulations, attained with respect to immunogenicity when altering the
with the cationic liposomes inducing a much stronger charged lipid in the liposomal vaccine adjuvant from DPPG
immune response. Two-sample, one-tailed t-Tests were per (anionic) to SA (cationic). This additionally would enable
formed for the immune response obtained for liquid and the development of vaccine requiring a lower dose of TLC,
lyophilized anionic and cationic liposomes to see whether 30 therefore reducing costs as well as potential negative reac
lyophilization induced a significant difference in immuno
genicity of the formulations. An alpha level of 0.05 was tions to an individual’s immune system.
used. For the anionic formulations, a p-value of 0.243 was V. Stability Analysis from Studies
obtained, and for the cationic formulations a p-value of
p=0.450 was obtained, with all results summarized at Table
13. Since alpha<p in both cases, it cannot be concluded that 35 Lyophilized liposomal tetanus vaccines (SP-318-3,
there was a significant difference in the formulation after SP-318-5, SP-329-3 and SP-329-5) were stored at 5° C.i.2°
lyophilization in either case. C. for about 1 year. At the end of this time they were also
stored at room temperature (22° C.2° C.) for 2 days and
TABLE 13 then tested in mice for immunogenicity. In these studies the
40 dose was increased from 50 ul to 80 ul for anionic liposomes
Parameters for the T-Test (Study 2 with 0.1 g/ml TLC (SP-318-3 and SP-318-5 from Tetanus
study 1).
TLC-Anionic liposomes TLC-Cationic liposomes Since the lyophilized liposomal vaccine vials from Study
Freeze- Freeze 2 of tetanus were limited, the mice received only 1 dose in
Liquid dried (FD) Liquid dried (FD) 45 the groups receiving anionic and cationic liposomes con
X = 7,080 X = 3,621 X = 30,633 X = 34,140
taining 0.4 ug/ml TLC and 2.5 mg/ml adjuvant (lipid)
Sx = 8,916 Sx = 5,525 Sx = 40,697 Sx = 44,228 (SP-329-3 and SP-329-5). The sera of mice were analyzed 2
n =5 n=5 n=5 n=5 weeks after the 1st dose by ELISA (as previously detailed)
Ha: Liq > FD, t = 0.7374, Ha: Liq < FD, t = -0.1305, and at the end of study, i.e. 28 days after the 1st dose.
df = 6.68, p = 0.243 df = 7.945 p = 0.450 50 1 Year Stability Study of TLC Liposomes at 2-8° C.
The IgG response against tetanus toxoid in mice obtained
The mean particle size for cationic and anionic liposomes after the first shot, 14 days after the shot, showed that in
were relatively constant before and after freeze-drying average for both anionic liposomes (SP-318-3 and SP-329
(Table 12). There was a slight increase in mean particle size 3), similar IgG response was obtained in mice (490+76 U/ml
for the cationic liposomes after freeze-drying. According to 55 and 470+48, respectively). This showed that increase of the
statistical analysis this increase in particle size did not amount of TLC injected from 10 ng to 40 ng in each case,
significantly affect the immune response of the vaccine or increase in the amount of adjuvant (lipid) injected from
formulation. Average amounts of mouse anti-tetanus anti 0.48 mg to 2.5 mg in each case, did not have any effect on
body for anionic liposomes with TLC (0.4 ug/ml), both the immune response obtained in mice after Such a short
liquid and freeze-dried, were compared against TLC without 60 time as 14 days after the 1st shot. Similar results were
adjuvant (FIG. 12). obtained for cationic liposomes at lower dose of TLC (10
ng) and lipid (0.48 mg), i.e 445+76 U/ml.
IV. Comparison of Studies 1 and 2 However, the cationic liposomes at higher dose (40 ng
TLC and 2.5 mg lipid) gave a higher immune response
The results obtained for the studies above are plotted as a 65 (1,268+237 U/ml), 14 days after the 1st shot was received by
function of lipid adjuvant or TLC in the dose received by mice, as detailed and compared with specific stability ele
mice (FIGS. 13-15). ments from each composition (Table 14).
US 9,603,799 B2
29 30
Stability Results for Cationic and Anionic Lyophilized Liposomes Associated with TLC
Wol. Total Immune response (28
inji lipid response days after 1st
TLC time Conc Ratio (14 days shot or 14
Booster TLC in point Lipid after 1st (Lipid TLC) after 1st days after
ID Antigen shot (ug/mL) (ng) (ul) (ug/mL) shot (ug) (ugug) shot) 2nd shot)
SP-318-3 TLC Y O.12 10 8O 6OOO 480 50,000 490 76 TBD
(1 Year at (expecting
5° C.) 1,300)
SP-318-5 TLC Y O.12 10 8O 6OOO 480 50,000 445 76 TBD
(1 Year at (expecting
5° C.) 4,000)
SP-329-3 TLC N O4O 40 100 25,000 2,500 62,500 470 - 48 TBD
(1 Year at (expecting
5° C.) 2,000)
SP-329-5° TLC N O4O 40 100 25,000 2,500 62,500 1,268 + 237 TBD
(1 Year at (expecting
5° C.) 6,000)
SP-318-3 is the anionic liposomal vaccine with 0.12 ugml TLC and 6,000 ugml lipid
SP-318-5 is the cationic liposomal vaccine with 0.12 lug/ml TLC and 6,000 ugml lipid
SP-329-3 is the anionic liposomal vaccine with 0.40 ugml TLC and 25,000 ugml lipid
SP-329-5 is the cationic liposomal vaccine with 0.12 lug/ml TLC and 25,000 ugml lipid
Immunogenicity was also assessed (FIG. 15a-b) as com 25 ings falling within the scope of the generic disclosure also
pared across lipid charge (anionic versus cationic) and time form part of these inventions. This includes the generic
after first shot. Final prophetic amounts are plotted based on description of each invention with a proviso or negative
expected values after 28 days as read from linear regression limitation removing any subject matter from the genus,
lines from actual values attained after 28 days and 2 shots. regardless of whether or not the excised materials specifi
It is also clear that all liposomal vaccines described in the cally resided therein. In addition, where features or aspects
present invention provide a better immune response, with of an invention are described in terms of the Markush group,
Sustained greater immunogenicity, and a lower antigen dose, those schooled in the art will recognize that the invention is
as compared to TLC adsorbed to the Adju-Phos(R)-like also thereby described in terms of any individual member or
systems of the prior art. subgroup of members of the Markush group. It is also to be
All of the features disclosed in this specification may be understood that the above description is intended to be
combined in any combination. Each feature disclosed in this illustrative and not restrictive. Many embodiments will be
specification may be replaced by an alternative feature apparent to those of in the art upon reviewing the above
serving the same, equivalent, or similar purpose. Thus, description. The scope of the invention should therefore, be
determined not with reference to the above description, but
unless expressly stated otherwise, each feature disclosed is 40
should instead be determined with reference to the appended
only an example of a generic series of equivalent or similar claims, along with the full scope of equivalents to which
features. As used in this specification and in the appended such claims are entitled. Those skilled in the art will
claims, the singular forms include the plural forms. For recognize, or will be able to ascertain using no more than
example the terms “a,” “an,” and “the include plural routine experimentation, many equivalents to the specific
references unless the content clearly dictates otherwise. 45 embodiments of the invention described. Such equivalents
Additionally, the term “at least preceding a series of are intended to be encompassed by the following claims.
elements is to be understood as referring to every element in
the series. The inventions illustratively described herein can What is claimed is:
suitably be practiced in the absence of any element or 1. An injectable immunogenic composition comprised of
elements, limitation or limitations, not specifically disclosed 50 a liposome-associated antigen, wherein said liposome com
herein. Thus, for example, the terms “comprising,” “includ prises: dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), dioleoyl
ing.” “containing.” etc. shall be read expansively and with phosphatidylcholine (DOPC), cholesterol and stearylamine
out limitation. Additionally, the terms and expressions (SA) wherein said antigen is entrapped within the aqueous
employed herein have been used as terms of description and compartment of said liposome, entrapped within the lipid
not of limitation, and there is no intention in the use of Such 55 bilayer, and/or adsorbed to the liposomal surface wherein
terms and expressions of excluding any equivalents of the the DPPC:DOPC:cholesterol:positively charged lipid molar
future shown and described or any portion thereof, and it is ratio is 40:20-30:20:10-20; wherein said antigen is at least
recognized that various modifications are possible within the one member selected from the group consisting of poly
scope of the invention claimed. Thus, it should be under nucleotides, polypeptides, recombinant proteins, synthetic
stood that although the present invention has been specifi 60 peptides and protein extract isolated from pathogens
cally disclosed by preferred embodiments and optional selected from the group consisting Corynebacterium diph
features, modification and variation of the inventions herein theria, Bordetella pertussis, influenza virus, hepatitis B
disclosed can be resorted by those skilled in the art, and that virus, Clostridium botulinum and Bacillus anthracis and
Such modifications and variations are considered to be further wherein the composition includes lysozyme.
within the scope of the inventions disclosed herein. The 65 2. The immunogenic composition of claim 1, wherein the
inventions have been described broadly and generically injectable, liposomal vaccine is formulated as a lyophilized
herein. Each of the narrower species and Subgeneric group composition.
US 9,603,799 B2
31 32
3. The immunogenic composition of claim 1, further
wherein the liposomes maintain a mean hydrodynamic par
ticle diameter of between about 300 nm to about 1000 nm.
4. The immunogenic composition of claim 1, wherein the
liposomal vaccine maintains immunogenicity after
lyophilization and in the presence of at least one lyopro
5. The immunogenic composition of claim 4, wherein the
at least one lyoprotectant is selected from the group con
sisting of Sucrose, trehalose and mannitol. 10
6. The immunogenic composition of claim 1, wherein the
liposomal composition is stable after storage at Sub-Zero
temperatures and room temperatures for a period of time
greater than six months.
7. The immunogenic composition of claim 1, wherein the 15
vaccine is formulated in the absence of a co-adjuvant.
k k k k k