Dreams and Disruptions - Play Mat
Dreams and Disruptions - Play Mat
Dreams and Disruptions - Play Mat
Draw one
movement or leader planetary disruptor
scenario archetype
Prompts Prompts
With this leader or movement, How might this disruptive or
how might your hybrid future catastrophic event of a
world evolve or change? planetary scale change or
Draw three to four What would the story be if the impact your hybrid future
emerging drivers of leader or movement is world?
________? What would your hybrid future
change What innovations, strategies, and world look like?
policies could emerge? How might this world respond,
How would they execute these? mitigate, and manage this
Prompts What would their legacy be? crisis?
Using these drivers of change Would their leadership style be How might your hybrid future
as scaffolding and logic for effective in your scenario? world thrive in this scenario?
your scenarios, what would the Create a catchy or provocative
story be in your hybrid future title for your scenario
Draw one How might this future look or
time horizon feel like?
How would these drivers of
change interact with each
dreams &
a foresight game
play mat
Draw one Draw one
Draw one
movement or leader planetary disruptor
scenario archetype
Prompts Prompts
With this leader or movement, How might this disruptive or
how might your hybrid future catastrophic event of a
world evolve or change? planetary scale change or
Draw three to four What would the story be if the impact your hybrid future
emerging drivers of leader or movement is world?
________? What would your hybrid future
change What innovations, strategies, and world look like?
policies could emerge? How might this world respond,
How would they execute these? mitigate, and manage this
Prompts What would their legacy be? crisis?
Using these drivers of change Would their leadership style be How might your hybrid future
as scaffolding and logic for effective in your scenario? world thrive in this scenario?
your scenarios, what would the Create a catchy or provocative
story be in your hybrid future title for your scenario
Draw one How might this future look or
time horizon feel like?
How would these drivers of
change interact with each
dreams &
a foresight game
play mat