Aze Aze StyleGuide

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Azerbaijani Style Guide

Table of Contents
1 Welcome ............................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Reference material........................................................................................................................ 5
2 Microsoft voice ..................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Choices that reflect Microsoft voice ............................................................................................. 6
2.1.1 Word choice .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Sample Microsoft voice text ......................................................................................................... 7
2.2.1 Address the user to take action ............................................................................................ 7
2.2.2 Explanatory text and providing support ............................................................................... 8
2.2.3 Promoting a feature .............................................................................................................. 9
2.2.4 Providing how-to guidelines ................................................................................................. 9
3 Inclusive language ............................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Avoid gender bias........................................................................................................................ 11
3.2 Accessibility ................................................................................................................................. 12
4 Language-specific standards ............................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Grammar, syntax and orthographic standards ........................................................................... 13
4.1.1 Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.2 Acronyms ............................................................................................................................ 14
4.1.3 Adjectives ............................................................................................................................ 15
4.1.4 Articles ................................................................................................................................ 16
4.1.5 Capitalization ...................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.6 Compounds ......................................................................................................................... 18
4.1.7 Conjunctions ....................................................................................................................... 19
4.1.8 Genitive ............................................................................................................................... 20
4.1.9 Localizing colloquialism, idioms, and metaphors ............................................................... 20
4.1.10 Modifiers ............................................................................................................................. 21
4.1.11 Nouns .................................................................................................................................. 21
4.1.12 Prepositions ........................................................................................................................ 22
4.1.13 Pronouns ............................................................................................................................. 23
4.1.14 Punctuation ......................................................................................................................... 23
4.1.15 Sentence fragments ............................................................................................................ 27
4.1.16 Subjunctive.......................................................................................................................... 28
4.1.17 Symbols ............................................................................................................................... 28
4.1.18 Verbs ................................................................................................................................... 28
5 Localization considerations ................................................................................................................. 29
5.1 Accessibility ................................................................................................................................. 30
5.2 Applications, products, and features .......................................................................................... 30
5.3 Trademarks ................................................................................................................................. 31
5.4 Software considerations ............................................................................................................. 31
5.4.1 Arrow keys .......................................................................................................................... 31
5.4.2 Error messages .................................................................................................................... 31
5.4.3 Keys ..................................................................................................................................... 33
5.4.4 Keyboard shortcuts ............................................................................................................. 35
5.4.5 Numeric keypad .................................................................................................................. 37
5.4.6 Shortcut keys....................................................................................................................... 37
5.5 Voice video considerations ......................................................................................................... 40
5.5.1 English pronunciation ......................................................................................................... 41
5.5.2 Tone .................................................................................................................................... 43
5.5.3 Video voice checklist ........................................................................................................... 43
1 Welcome

Welcome to the Microsoft Localization Style Guide for Azerbaijani (Latin). This guide will
help you understand how to localize Azerbaijani (Latin) content in a way that best
reflects the Microsoft voice.
Before you dive in:

• Make sure you understand the key tenants of the Microsoft voice.
• Familiarize yourself with the recommended style references in Azerbaijani (Latin).
1.1 Reference material

Unless this style guide or the Microsoft Language Portal provides alternative
instructions, use the orthography, grammar, and terminology in the following

Normative references
These normative sources must be adhered to. Any deviation from them automatically
fails a string in most cases. When more than one solution is possible, consult the other
topics in this style guide for guidance.

1. Azərbaycan dilinin orfoqrafiya lüğəti, Bakı, 2004.

2. Budaqova Z.İ. Azərbaycan dilində durğu işarələri, Bakı, 1977.
3. "Azerbaijani language orthographic rules" approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of
Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated August 5, 2004.
4. Budaqova Z.İ. Azərbaycan dilinin qrammatikası, Bakı 1960

Informative references
These sources are meant to provide supplementary and background information.

1. Musayev O. İngiliscə-Azərbaycanca lüğət, Bakı 2003.

2. Musayev O. İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, Bakı 1996.
3. Kazımov Q.Ş. Müasir Azərbaycan dili. Sintaksis. Bakı: 2000.
4. Seyidov Y. Azərbaycan ədəbi dilində söz birləşmələri, Bakı 1989.

2 Microsoft voice
Microsoft’s brand personality comes through in our voice and tone—what we say and
how we say it. The design renaissance across Microsoft products, services, and
experiences hinges on crisp simplicity.

Three principles form the foundation of our voice:

• Warm and relaxed: We’re natural. Less formal, more grounded in honest conversations.
Occasionally, we’re fun. (We know when to celebrate.)
• Crisp and clear: We’re to the point. We write for scanning first, reading second. We
make it simple above all.
• Ready to lend a hand: We show customers we’re on their side. We anticipate their real
needs and offer great information at just the right time.
The Microsoft voice targets a broad set of users from technology enthusiasts and casual
computer users. Although content might be different for different audiences, the
principles of Microsoft voice are the same. However, Microsoft voice also means
keeping the audience in mind. Choose the right words for the audience: use technical
terms for technical audiences, but for consumers use common words and phrases

These key elements of Microsoft voice should also extend across Microsoft content for
all language locales. For each language, the specific choices in style and tone that
produce Microsoft voice are different.

2.1 Choices that reflect Microsoft voice

Translating Azerbaijani (Latin) in a way that reflects Microsoft voice means choosing
words and grammatical structures that reflect the same style as the source text. It also
means considering the needs of the audience and the intent of the text.

The general style should be clear, friendly, and concise. Use language that resembles
conversation observed in everyday settings as opposed to the formal, technical
language that is often used for technical and commercial content.

When you are localizing source text written in Microsoft voice, feel free to
choose words that aren’t standard translations if you think that’s the best way to stay
true to the intent of the source text.

Because Microsoft voice means a more conversational style, literally translating the
source text may produce target text that is not relevant to customers. To guide your
translation, consider the intent of the text and what the customer needs to know to
successfully complete the task.

2.1.1 Word choice


Use approved terminology from the Microsoft Language Portal, where applicable
for example for key terms, technical terms, and product names.

Short word forms and everyday words

Microsoft voice text written in US English prefers the short, simple words spoken
in everyday conversations. In English, shorter words are generally friendlier and
less formal. Short words also save space on screen and are easier to read quickly.
Precise, well-chosen words add clarity, but it is important to be intentional about using
everyday words that customers are accustomed to.

Azerbaijani Microsoft voice can be conveyed through the use of shortened form of
words and everyday words. If there is a space limitation, shorter but not abbreviated
phrases should be preferred. Take care to adhere to approved terminology and not use
different target terms for already established and approved terms.

en-US source Azerbaijani

Azerbaijani word usage
term word

application proq Use "proq" instead of "tətbiqiproqram" or "proqram."

browser veb-səyyah Use "veb-səyyah" instead of "vebbaxışproqramı."

Use for the localization of "click” instead of "basın" or

click klikləmək

2.2 Sample Microsoft voice text

The source and target phrase samples in the following sections illustrate the intent of
the Microsoft voice.

2.2.1 Address the user to take action

US English Azerbaijani target Explanation

The password isn’t correct, so Parol düzgün olmadığı üçün The user has entered an
please try again. Passwords yenidən cəhd edin. Parollar incorrect password so
are case-sensitive. böyük-kiçik hərflərə provide the user with a short
həssasdır. and friendly message with
the action to try again.

This product key didn't work. Bu məhsul açarı işləmədi. The user has entered
Please check it and try again. Onu yoxlayın və yenidən incorrect product key. The
cəhd edin. message casually and politely
asks the user to check it and
try again.
All ready to go İşə başlamaq üçün hər şey Casual and short message to
hazırdır inform user that setup has
completed, ready to start
using the system.

Would you like to continue? Davam etmək istərdinizmi? Use of the second person
pronoun "you" to politely ask
the user if they would like to

Give your PC a name–any Kompüterinizə istədiyiniz adı Address the user directly
name you want. If you want verin. Fon rəngini dəyişmək using second person
to change the background istəsəniz, kompüter pronoun to take the
color, turn high contrast off parametrlərində yüksək necessary action.
in PC settings. kəskinliyi söndürün.

2.2.2 Explanatory text and providing support

US English Azerbaijani target Explanation

Yeniləmələr quraşdırılıb, lakin

The updates are installed, The language is natural, the
onların işləməsi üçün
but Windows Setup needs way people talk. In this case
Windows Quraşdırması
to restart for them to work. voice is reassuring, letting the
yenidən başladılmalıdır. O
After it restarts, we’ll keep user know that we’re doing the
yenidən başladıldıqdan sonra
going from where we left work. Use of "we" provides a
biz tərk etdiyimiz yerdən
off. more personal feel.
davam edəcəyik.

Əgər indi yenidən

If you restart now, you and Voice is clear and
başlatsanız, siz və bu
any other people using this natural informing the user what
kompüterdən istifadə edən
PC could lose unsaved will happen if this action is
digər insanlar saxlanmamış işi
work. taken.
itirə bilərsiniz.

This document will Siz yanlış və ya çatışmayan

be automatically moved to xüsusiyyətləri düzəltdikdən Voice talks to the
the right library and folder sonra, bu sənəd avtomatik user informatively and directly
after you correct invalid or olaraq düzgün kitabxana və on the action that will be taken.
missing properties. qovluğa aparılacaq.

Something bad happened! Səhv baş verib! Özü yüklənən Without complexity and using
Unable to locate USB fləş qurğunuzu short sentences inform the user
downloaded files to create yaratmaq üçün yüklənmiş what has happened.
your bootable USB flash faylları tapmaq mümkün
drive. deyil.

2.2.3 Promoting a feature

US English Azerbaijani target Explanation

Şəkilli parol toxunuş ekranlı Promoting a specific

Picture password is a new way
kompüterinizin qorunmasına feature with the use of
to help you protect your
kömək etməyin yeni bir em-dash to emphasis
touchscreen PC. You choose the
yoludur. Ancaq sizə məxsus the specific
picture—and the gestures you
olan bir parol yaratmaq üçün requirements to enable
use with it—to create a password
— şəkli və birlikdə istifadə the feature which in this
that’s uniquely yours.
edəcəyiniz jestləri — seçin. case is picture password.

Promoting the use of

Proqramlara kompüterinizin apps.
Let apps give you yeri, adı, hesab şəkli və digər Depending on the
personalized content based on domen məlumatlarına context of the string we
your PC’s location, name, account əsaslanaraq, sizə can add some more
picture, and other domain info. fərdiləşdirilmiş məzmun familiarity to the text by
vermək imkanı verin. using everyday
words for e.g. PC.

2.2.4 Providing how-to guidelines

US English Azerbaijani target Explanation

Geri qayıtmaq və işinizi

To go back and save your Short and clear action
saxlamaq üçün İmtina et
work, click Cancel and finish using second person
klikləyin və əməliyyatı
what you need to. pronoun.

To confirm your current Cari şəkilli parolunuzu Voice is simple and natural.
picture password, just watch təsdiq etmək üçün yenidən The user isn’t overloaded
the replay and trace the ifaya baxın və şəklinizdə with information; we tell them
example gestures shown on göstərilən nümunə jestləri only what they need to know
your picture. izləyin. to make a decision.
Məhsul açarını daxil Speak to the user directly and
It’s time to enter the
etməyin vaxtıdır. Siz naturally using second person
product key. When you
İnternetə qoşulanda pronoun "you" on clear
connect to the Internet, we’ll
Windows-u sizin üçün actions to enter the product
activate Windows for you.
aktivləşdirəcəyik key.

3 Inclusive language
Microsoft technology reaches every part of the globe, so it's critical that all our
communications are inclusive and diverse. These guidelines provide examples on how to
use inclusive language and avoid habits that may unintentionally lead to
marginalization, offense, misrepresentation, or the perpetuation of stereotypes.

General guidelines

Comply with local language laws.

Use plain language. Use straightforward, concrete, and familiar words. Plain and
accessible language will help people of all learning levels and abilities. Some examples
include using a two-syllable word over a three-syllable word or several clear words
instead of one complicated term or concept.

Be mindful when you refer to various parts of the world. If you name cities,
countries, or regions in examples, make sure they're not politically disputed. In examples
that refer to several regions, use equivalent references—for example, don't mix
countries with states or continents.

In text and images, represent diverse perspectives and circumstances. Depict a

variety of people from all walks of life participating fully in activities. Show people in a
wide variety of professions, educational settings, locales, and economic settings.

Don't generalize or stereotype people by region, culture, age, or gender, not even if
the stereotype is positive. For example, when representing job roles, choose names that
reflect a variety of gender identities and cultural backgrounds.

Don't use profane or derogatory terms.

Don’t use slang that could be considered cultural appropriation.

Don't use terms that may carry unconscious racial bias or terms associated with
military actions, politics, or controversial historical events and eras.

The following table contains examples of preferred and recommended language to

convey inclusivity, as well as terms and expressions that should not be used.

Use this Not this Use this Not this

English examples Target examples

primary/subordinate master/slave əsas/yardımçı sahib/qul

demilitarized zone demilitarizasiya edilmiş

perimeter network perimetr şəbəkəsi
(DMZ) zona (DMZ)

stop responding hang söhbəti dayandırın asın

expert guru ekspert quru

colleagues; everyone; guys; ladies and həmkarlar; hər kəs; yoldaşlar; xanımlar və
all gentlemen dostlar cənablar

parent mother or father valideyn ana və ya ata

3.1 Avoid gender bias

Use gender-neutral alternatives for common terms. Avoid the use of compounds
containing gender-specific terms (kişi, qadın, etc.).

The table that follows contains examples of gender-biased words or compounds that
should be avoided in Azerbaijani and the alternative that should be used to promote
gender inclusivity.

Use this Not this Comments

Target examples

etibarlı insan The term “etibarlı insan sözü” means “reliable person’s
kişi sözü
sözü word”; “kişi sözü” means “man’s word.”

The term “mərd insan kimi yaşamaq” means “to live as

mərd insan kimi kişi kimi
brave person”; “kişi kimi yaşamaq” means “to live as a
yaşamaq yaşamaq
When presenting generalization, use plural noun forms (for example, insanlar,
fərdlər, tələbələr, etc.).

Note: There are no specific guidelines for pronouns, as Azerbaijani does not have
gendered pronouns.

3.2 Accessibility

Microsoft devices and services empower everyone, including people with disabilities, to
do the activities they value most.

Focus on people, not disabilities. Don't use words that imply pity, such as dilxor olan
və ya və ya əzab çəkən. The preferred option is not to mention a disability unless it's

The following table contains examples that illustrate people-first language.

Use this Not this Use this Not this

English examples Target examples

person with a imkanları məhdud olan

handicapped əlil
disability şəxs

person without a normal person; healthy imkanları məhdud normal insan;

disability person olmayan şəxs sağlam insan

Use generic verbs that apply to all input methods and devices. In procedures and
instructions, avoid verbs that don't make sense with alternative input methods used for

The table that follows contains an example employing a verb that can apply to all input
methods and devices.

Use this Not this Use this Not this

English example Target example

Select Click Seçin Klikləyin

Keep paragraphs short and sentence structure simple—aim for one verb per
sentence. Read text aloud and imagine it spoken by a screen reader.
Spell out words like və, üstəgəl, and haqqında. Screen readers can misread text that
uses special characters like the ampersand (&), plus sign (+), and tilde (~).

4 Language-specific standards
This part of the style guide contains information and guidelines specific to Azerbaijani

4.1 Grammar, syntax and orthographic standards

This section includes information on how to apply the general language and syntax rules
to Microsoft products, online content, and documentation.

4.1.1 Abbreviations

Common abbreviations

You might need to abbreviate some words in the UI (mainly buttons or options
names) due to lack of space. This can be done in the following ways:

Try not to abbreviate any word down to less than three letters, otherwise it will not be
comprehensible. Also, end the abbreviations with a consonant and a period, except for
scientific symbols or measurement units. If it is necessary to add affixes after the
abbreviation put period and then add the suffix.

List of common abbreviations:

Azerbaijani example Acceptable abbreviation

məsələn (+) məs.

və sairə (+) və s.

telefon (+) tel.

bu kimi (+) b.k.

azərbaycanca (+) azərb.

dəqiqə (+) dəq.

saniyə (+) san.

eramızdan əvvəl (+) e.ə

bizim eranın (+) b.e.

4.1.2 Acronyms

Acronyms are words made up of the initial letters of major parts of a compound term.
Some well-known examples are WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), DNS
(Domain Name Server) or HTML (Hypertext Markup Language).

Acronyms are written with capital letters. Some acronyms, such as Laser, have become
common nouns, and are treated as such.

Localized acronyms

An English acronym can be localized either into another acronym or abbreviation in

Azerbaijani. Two other options are by leaving the original acronym untranslated (if it has
been widely recognized by the reader) and by adding some descriptions (if it has no
equal terms in Azerbaijani). The following table lists some examples of acceptable
localized acronyms in Azerbaijani.

en-US source Azerbaijani target







In some occasions, an English word or phrase can be localized into an Azerbaijani

acronym or abbreviation for two reasons:

1. Making the target text shorter and simpler;

2. The Azerbaijani acronym or abbreviation is more popular or acceptable to the readers.
The following table lists some examples of English words or phrases that may be
localized into Azerbaijani acronyms or abbreviations:

en-US source Azerbaijani target

drugs narkotik maddə

people with AIDS QİCS xəstələri

General Shareholder Meeting Baş Səhmdarlar İclası

Anniversary of İldönümü

Unlocalized acronyms

If an acronym must remain in English throughout a manual or other text, the first time it
occurs, write its acronym in English in normal style followed in parentheses by the full
form and its Azerbaijani equivalence.


en-US source Azerbaijani target

AP AP (Access Point/Giriş Nöqtəsi)

POS POS (Point of Sale/Satış Nöqtəsi)

UI UI (User Interface/İstifadəçi İnterfeysi)

4.1.3 Adjectives

In Azerbaijani (Latin), adjectives should be handled in the following manner.

Adjectives are localized directly with appropriate terminology. There are no limitations
on their localization.

en-US source Azerbaijani target

Windows 11 is a fast operating system. Windows 11 sürətli əməliyyat sistemidir.

Possessive adjectives

The frequent use of possessives is a feature of English language. However in Azerbaijani

(Latin), possessive adjectives are handled in the following way: Possessive adjectives are
also usually omitted (e.g. your keyboard, your software) and only affixes are needed—as
in "my computer.“ In most cases the meaning of the sentence is not affected by this
omission, as the personal pronoun is implicit in the verbal form.

4.1.4 Articles

General considerations

As there are not articles in Azerbaijani, we usually omit them in the target translation.
However, articles should be rendered carefully into Azerbaijani, considering the context.
Translating definite and indefinite articles always in the same way should be avoided.
Similarly, using "bir" for indefinite articles is not always the right practice. Definite
articles should inflect the related words with proper suffixes.

Unlocalized feature names

Microsoft product names and non-translated feature names are used without definite or
indefinite articles in the English language. We treat them in this way: product names and
non-translated feature names should also be treated as proper nouns in Azerbaijani.


English example Azerbaijani example

Windows Autopilot (+) Windows Autopilot

Windows Analytics (+)Windows Analytics

Localized feature names

Translated feature names are handled in the following way: translated feature names are
used with a definite or indefinite article as they are not treated as proper names.

English example Azerbaijani example

Hide the Task Manager when it is minimized (+) Kiçildikdə Tapşırıq Menecerini gizlədin

Articles for English borrowed terms

When faced with an English loan word previously used in Microsoft products, consider
the following options:

• Motivation: Does the English word have any formally motivated features that would
allow a straightforward integration into the noun class system of the Azerbaijani (Latin)
language? Such loan words usually follow the syntactic and morphological rules of
Azerbaijani language.
• Analogy: Is there an equivalent Azerbaijani (Latin) term whose article could be used?
• Frequency: Is the term used in other technical documentation? If so, what article is used
most often?

The internet may be a helpful reference here.

Please always consult the Language Portal to confirm the use of a new loan word and
its proper article to avoid inconsistencies.


en-US source Azerbaijani target

Task Manager Tapşırıq Meneceri

4.1.5 Capitalization

In English headings, all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and subordinate
conjunctions (such as "that," "until," and "which") are capitalized. Please do not apply
the same principle to Azerbaijani headings. Instead, follow the normal Azerbaijani
capitalization rules. The same rule applies to software strings.

If the first word in the English source string is capitalized, the corresponding first word in
the target language should also be capitalized. If the word in the English source string is
not capitalized, the corresponding first word in the target language should also not be
capitalized, unless language-specific rules specify different capitalization.

Many more nouns and verbs are capitalized in the English source string than would
normally be expected. You should not try to mimic the capitalization in the source
strings, but use your knowledge of the spelling conventions of Azerbaijani to decide
which words in a string to capitalize and which to leave lower-case. Over-capitalization
is awkward and leads to inconsistencies in the translation materials.

Should an English noun be capitalized in the source string and be translated by two
words in the target language, be consistent in capitalizing either both words or neither
word, or capitalize one word and not the other. Be consistent in the application of
spelling rules.

The following items are capitalized in Azerbaijani:

• First letter of Menu, Commands. E.g., File, Insert etc.

• The first letter of the word in phrase consisted of several words. E.g. İdarə paneli.
• The first letter of sentence, indentation, title.
• The first letter of abbreviated names of months, days etc. E.g., Yan, İyn, B.e, Tel.
• Names of Microsoft products which cannot be translated into Azerbaijani stay as in

Note Taking into consideration the difference in writing the names of days, months,
peoples and nations, languages etc. you should refer to the normative sources.

4.1.6 Compounds

Generally, compounds should be understandable and clear to the user. Overly long
or complex compounds should be avoided. Keep in mind that unintuitive compounds
are ultimately an intelligibility and usability issue.

The main types of compounds are as follows: combination of two nouns without any
affixation, combination two verbs with different infixes between them, simple adjective
stem+ noun stem, two common nouns+ participle, repetition of two nouns with hyphen,
numeral +numeral, etc.

en-US source Azerbaijani target

(+) Çoxpəncərəli
Multi window
(-) Çoxsaylı pəncərə

4.1.7 Conjunctions

For en-US Microsoft voice, use of conjunctions is another way to help convey a
conversational tone. Starting a sentence with a conjunction can be used to convey an
informal tone and style.

Azerbaijani Microsoft voice can be conveyed through similar use of contractions. Avoid
using slashes whenever possible. For example, in many cases you can substitute them
with conjunction “və.”

en-US source text Azerbaijani old use of Azerbaijani new use of

conjunctions conjunctions

After getting new Cihaz yeni funksiyalar əldə Yeni funksiyalara görə
features, old features can etdikdən sonra köhnə köhnə məzmun düzgün
be incorrectly displayed. məzmunun düzgün göstərilməyə bilər.
göstərilməmə təhlükəsi var.

If missing files are on the Olmayan fayllar digər Əgər olmayan fayllar digər
other device, you can cihazdadırsa, digər cihazları cihazdadırsa, digər
sync other devices with bu cihazla sinxronlaşdıra cihazları bu cihazla
this one. bilərsiniz. sinxronlaşdıra bilərsiniz.

This indicated strength Bu göstərici cari şəbəkənin Bu göstərici hazırkı

of the current gücünü göstərir. Beləki, şəbəkənin gücünü
connection. The more zolaqların sayı hazırkı göstərir. Zolaq nə qədər
the bars, the stronger siqnalının gücünün çox olarsa, hazırkı siqnal
the signal is. səviyyəsini əks etdirir. bir o qədər güclü olar.
4.1.8 Genitive

Additions to a product or component name are either added with a hyphen or a

periphrastic construction needs to be used.

Convention 1 (e.g. Attaching a genitive "s" to (trademarked) product names

is not feasible, as it could be interpreted as a modification of such names.)


English source Azerbaijani target

(-) Microsoft’s products (-)Microsoftun məhsulları

(+) Microsoft products (+) Microsoft-un məhsulları

(+) Products by Microsoft (+) Microsoft məhsulları

4.1.9 Localizing colloquialism, idioms, and metaphors

The Microsoft voice allows for the use of culture-centric colloquialisms, idioms and
metaphors (collectively referred to "colloquialism").

Choose from the following options to express the intent of the

source text appropriately.

• Do not attempt to replace the source colloquialism with an Azerbaijani colloquialism that
fits the same meaning of the particular context unless it is a perfect and natural fit for
that context.
• Translate the intended meaning of the colloquialism in the source text (as opposed to
literally translating the original colloquialism in the source text), but only if the
colloquialism’s meaning is an integral part of the text that can’t be omitted.
• If the colloquialism can be omitted without affecting the meaning of the text, omit it.

en-US source Azerbaijani target

Let the cat out of the bag Sirri ifşa etmək

4.1.10 Modifiers

In Azerbaijani localized text you often need to add information to another element in
the sentence. This is called modifier. A modifier can be an adjective, an adverb, or
a phrase or clause acting as an adjective or adverb.


en-US source Azerbaijani target

Graham Graham şirkəti

4.1.11 Nouns

General considerations

The noun is a notional part of speech. It includes words denoting substances, living
beings, lifeless things and abstract notions. Nouns have some categories in Azerbaijani.
One of them is category of case. As Azerbaijani is an agglutinative language affixes play
a dominant role, so all cases are formed with their specific suffixes. And as we know
English has two cases, common and genitive. Common case can be translated in
different cases depending on the position and meaning of the noun. As a rule genitive
case is translated as is in Azerbaijani.

Plural formation

The plurality suffix is added after the root of the nouns to make it plural. As noun does
not agree with numbers in quantity and does not accept plurality suffix with numbers.


English example Azerbaijani translation

Show gridlines (+) Tor xətlərini göstər

Show in two pages (+) İki səhifədə göstər

4.1.12 Prepositions

Be aware of proper preposition use in translations. Many translators, influenced by the

English language, omit the preposition, or change the word order.

For the Microsoft voice, use of prepositions is another way to help convey a casual or
conversational tone. Starting or ending a sentence with a preposition is acceptable
practice in conveying Microsoft voice.

Prepositions do not exist in Azerbaijani as separate part of speech and uses syntactic
case marking on nouns. Please see below nouns added to the English example to
illustrate how these constructions are to be expressed in Azerbaijani. It is also possible
to add demonstrative pronouns in the target translation, but try to avoid this.

US Expression Azerbaijani Expression Comment

(+) miqrasiya edin

migrate to Fayllara miqrasiya edin
(-) bura miqrasiya edin

Migrate from (-) buradan miqrasiya edin Fayllardan miqrasiya edin

import to (-) bura idxal edin

import from (-) buradan idxal edin

export to (-) bura ixrac edin

export from (-) buradan ixrac edin

update to (+) təzələyin

upgrade to (+) yeniləyin

change to (+) dəyişdirin

click on (+) klikləyin

connect to (+) qoşulun

welcome to ... (+) …. xoş gəlmisiniz

4.1.13 Pronouns

Different from English, since Azerbaijani is an agglutinative language, we don't use a

separate pronoun (i.e., your) to indicate possession, which means we don't add any extra
word but add only some affixes. Thus, omit possessive pronouns (adjectives) in your
translations (i.e., your keyboard, your software), unless they are needed, as in "My
computer." In most cases the meaning of the sentence is not affected by this omission,
as the personal pronoun is implicit in the verbal form.

Although we should NOT ignore these affixes in the Azerbaijani text, we should not
overuse the possessive suffix, or the text will become too heavy. They should be used in
a way that will make the final text read natural in Azerbaijani.


English example Azerbaijani example Explanation

Windows cannot start Windows sisteminizi Avoid using possessive

your system. If the başlada bilmir. Problem marker "your" unless
problem persists, contact davam edərsə, şəbəkə ownership is important in
your network inzibatçınızla əlaqə saxlayın. context.

4.1.14 Punctuation

Please follow the basic rules for the use of punctuation marks in Azerbaijani. As
Azerbaijani uses a character set that is based on the Latin alphabet, make sure to include
a space after punctuation marks including commas and periods.

English example Azerbaijani example

User can access user data such as İstifadəçi kontaktlar kimi istifadəçi məlumatına daxil
contact. ola bilər.

Use lowercase after a comma, unless the word needs to be capitalized. For exceptions,
look at normative sources.

English example Azerbaijani example

Remote phone user can access user

(+) Uzaq telefonun istifadəçisi kontaktlar, mesajlar
data such as contacts, messages and
və fayllar kimi istifadəçi məlumatına daxil ola bilər.

For example you can create a group (+) Məsələn, Dostlar, Ailə və ya Ofis kimi gruplar
like: Friends or Family, or Office yarada bilərsiniz.

Use comma after "for example" in Azerbaijani. Avoid repeating "or" between
homogenous parts of the sentence as it is not grammatically correct in Azerbaijani.
Instead, use comma after the homogenous words, use "or" only between the last two
homogenous words. When the phrase "for example" comes in the middle of the
sentence put comma before and after it.

Do not use a comma before the "etc." abbreviation. Instead put a period after it


A single space is traditionally placed after a colon. In Azerbaijani no space is placed

before a colon.


US English Azerbaijani target

Below instructions apply to localization: Tərcüməyə bu qaydalar tətbiq edilir:

Dashes and hyphens

Three different dash characters are used in English:


The hyphen is used to divide words between syllables, to link parts of a compound
word, and to connect the parts of an inverted or imperative verb form. Please note
hyphenation rules while breaking single words. And additions to a product or
component name are also added with a hyphen. In Azerbaijani a hyphen has no spaces
before or after and should not be used instead of a dash.


(+) İnternet-mağaza

En dash

The en dash is used as a minus sign, usually with spaces before and after. Space is
omitted only when the minus is used to show that the number is negative. Please keep
source format this case as there are not any special rules for Azerbaijani.


(+) 1 – 2 = –1

The en dash is also used in number ranges, such as those specifying page numbers. No
spaces are used around the en dash in this case.

Example: Səhifə 3–5

Em dash

The em dash should only be used to emphasize an isolated element or introduce an

element that is not essential to the meaning conveyed by the sentence.

English example Azerbaijani example

When the car was finally delivered—after 3 Avtomobil nəhayət çatdırıldıqda—3 ay

months—she refused to buy it. sonra—o, almaqdan imtina etdi.
Ellipses (suspension points)

Ellipsis (…) is a mark or series of marks that usually indicate an intentional omission of a
word or a phrase from the original text. An ellipsis can also be used to indicate a pause
in speech, an unfinished thought, or, at the end of a sentence. An ellipsis character after
a status message signifies that an operation may take some time, for example as in the
following examples:

English example Azerbaijani example

Downloading updates... (+) Yeniləmələr yüklənir…

Sending account... (+) Hesab göndərilir…

Keep in mind the following when using ellipses/suspension points:

Make sure you remove all spaces before the ellipsis sign, even when this is used in
source text.


Use a period in all complete sentences. After a period, the following word is always
capitalized, unless this period is used in an abbreviation. When an abbreviation is ending
a sentence, only one period is written.

Do not use a period in titles or headings.

Quotation marks

Quotation marks are used when referring to original source or speech.

In US source strings, you may find software references surrounded by English quotation
marks. Please follow the basic rules for the use of quotation marks in Azerbaijani. Note
that there are several kinds of quotation marks: chevrons (« »), curly quotation marks
(“ ”), straight quotation marks (" ") and simple quotation marks (‘ ’). Use preferably
straight quotation marks on your text.

Do not use angle brackets (<>) instead of quotation marks.

The cited text is usually written between quotation marks.


In English, there is no space between the parentheses and the text inside them.This rule
refers to Azerbaijani as well.


US English Azerbaijani target

(soft) (proq)

4.1.15 Sentence fragments

For the Microsoft voice, use of sentence fragments helps convey a conversational tone.
They are used whenever possible as they are short and to the point.

en-US long form en-US sentence fragment

Use the following steps. Here’s how

Azerbaijani modern voice can be conveyed through the use of sentence fragments.

en-US source text Azerbaijani long form Azerbaijani sentence


Use the following steps. Aşağıdakı addımlardan istifadə Bu qaydada:


Before installing the Proqramı quraşdırmazdan əvvəl Proqramı quraşdırmazdan

program prepare the aşağıda sadalananları əvvəl aşağıdakıları hazırlayın:
following: hazırlayın:

For additional Əlavə məlumat üçün bunu Əlavə məlumat üçün baxın:
information, see: nəzərdən keçirin:

Error occurred while Şəklin ölçüsünü azaldarkən Şəklin ölçüsünü azaldarkən

resizing the image. Try səhv baş verdi. Daha sonra səhv. Daha sonra cəhd edin.
again later. cəhd edin.
4.1.16 Subjunctive

The subjunctive mood expresses unreal or problematic actions (i.e. non-facts). Such
sentences are translated as the certain form of the verb. You may refer to above
indicated informational sources for more information.


US English Azerbaijani target

I wish it was still in use. Kaş hələ də istifadə edilərdi.

4.1.17 Symbols

Ampersand (&)

For the ampersand symbol - always translate “&” as “and” when it refers to running text.
Do not keep “&” in the target, unless it is part of a tag, placeholder, shortcut or other
type of code.

4.1.18 Verbs

For US English Microsoft voice, verb tense helps to convey the clarity of Microsoft voice.
Simple tenses are used. The easiest tense to understand is the simple present, like we
use in this guide. Avoid future tense unless you are describing something that will really
happen in the future and the simple present tense is inapplicable. Use simple past tense
when you describe events that have already happened.

Be consistent in how you translate verbs in error messages. Sometimes in English it is

grammatical to omit the predicate "be" in error messages, but in Azerbaijani you should
always translate "to be" even if it is omitted in the source and be consistent in your
usage across all error messages. Be concise without changing the meaning of the source

English example Azerbaijani example Explanation

The document is too large. (+) Sənəd çox böyükdür. Be consistent in your usage
Document too large. of the verb "to be"
Access was denied. (+) Girişdən imtina edildi. In complete sentences,
Access denied. use verbs and the same
tense as in the source

The file "%s" is an unknown (+) "%s" faylının qrafik Rephrase "is" with "have"
graphics format. formatı naməlumdur. if necessary to produce
an appropriate

The application may attempt (+) Proqram qrafiki may + Verb can be
to convert the graphic. dəyişdirməyə cəhd edə rephrased as Verb +
bilər. possibly

A problem occurred while (+) "%1!s!" şəbəkə Shorten and rephrase if

trying to connect to the paylaşdırılmasına necessary to A problem
network share "%1!s!." qoşularkən səhv baş verdi. occurred while
connecting to the
network share "%1!s!"

The following error occurred: (+) Səhv: "%1!s!" (səhv Shorten this construction
"%1!s!"(error #%2!lx!) #%2!lx!) where possible, e.g. Error:
"%1!s!" (error #%2!lx!).

An unknown error has (+) Naməlum səhv. Shorten this construction

occurred./ No error occurred. (+) Səhv yoxdur. where possible, e.g.
Unknown error./ No error

5 Localization considerations
Localization means that the translated text needs to be adapted to the local language,
customs, and standards.

The language in Microsoft products should have the "look and feel" of a product
originally written in Azerbaijani (Latin), using idiomatic syntax and terminology, while at
the same time maintaining a high level of terminological consistency, so as to guarantee
the maximum user experience and usability for our customers.
5.1 Accessibility

Accessibility options and programs are designed to make the computer usable
by people with cognitive, hearing, physical, or visual disabilities.

Hardware and software components engage a flexible, customizable user

interface, alternative input and output methods, and greater exposure of
screen elements. Some accessible products and services may not be available in
Azerbaijani-speaking markets. Please double-check with the appropriate resources.

General accessibility information can be found at


5.2 Applications, products, and features

Application/product names are often trademarked or may be trademarked in the future

and are therefore rarely translated. Occasionally, feature names are trademarked, too
(e.g., IntelliSense™). Before translating any application, product, or feature name, please
verify that it is in fact translatable and not protected in any way.

Those product names that are very well localizable or contain a well localizable part are
usually localized. Please always check their translation in Terminology Studio.

Preposition "for" is always translated in product names, unless the whole product name
(including "for") is trademarked or copyrighted.

Example: "Windows Hello for Business" is "Biznes üçün Windows Hello."

Version numbers

Version numbers always contain a period (e.g. Version 4.2). Please note the following
punctuation examples of "Version x.x":

US English Azerbaijani target

4.2 4.2

Version numbers are usually also a part of version strings, but technically they are not
the same.
5.3 Trademarks

Trademarked names and the name Microsoft Corporation shouldn’t be localized

unless local laws require translation and an approved translated form of the trademark
is available. A list of Microsoft trademarks is available for your reference at the following

5.4 Software considerations

This section refers to all menus, menu items, commands, buttons, check boxes, etc.,
which should be consistently translated in the localized product.

5.4.1 Arrow keys

The arrow keys move input focus among the controls within a group. Pressing the right
arrow key moves input focus to the next control in tab order, whereas pressing the left
arrow moves input focus to the previous control. Home, End, Up, and Down also have
their expected behavior within a group. Users can’t navigate out of a control group
using arrow keys.

5.4.2 Error messages

Error messages are messages sent by the system or a program, informing the user of an
error that must be corrected for the program to keep running. The messages can
prompt the user to take action or inform the user of an error that requires rebooting the

Considering the underlying principles of Microsoft voice, translators are encouraged to

apply them to ensure target translation is more natural, empathetic, and not robot-like.

English term Correct Azerbaijani translation

Something went wrong. Bir problem yarandı.

Not enough memory to process this command. Bu əmrin icrası üçün yaddaş azdır.

Azerbaijani style in error messages

It is important to use consistent terminology and language style in the localized error
messages, and not just translate them as they appear in the US product.
Standard phrases in error messages

When translating standard phrases, standardize. Note that sometimes the US uses
different forms to express the same thing.

The phrases below commonly occur in error messages. When you are translating them,
try to use the provided target phrases. However, feel free to use other ways to express
the source meaning if they work better in the context.


English Translation Example

Mümkün deyil
Cannot …
Mümkün olmadı Yükləmək mümkün deyil
Could not …

Failed to …
Uğursuz nəticələndi Yükləmə uğursuz nəticələndi
Failure of …

Cannot find …
Could not find …
Tapılmadı Yükləmə tapılmır
Unable to find …
Unable to locate …

Not enough memory

Insufficient memory
Yaddaşda yer azdır Yaddaşda yer azdır
There is not enough memory
There is not enough memory available

... is not available

… mövcud deyil Fayl mövcud deyil
... is unavailable
Error messages containing placeholders

When localizing error messages containing placeholders, try to find out what will replace
the placeholder. This is necessary for the sentence to be grammatically correct when the
placeholder is replaced with a word or phrase. Note that the letters used in placeholders
convey a specific meaning, see examples below:

%d, %ld, %u, and %lu means <number>

%c means <letter>

%s means <string>

Examples of error messages containing placeholders:

"Checking Web %1!d! of %2!d!" means "Checking Web <number> of <number>."

"INI file "%1!-.200s!" section" means "INI file "<string>" section."

5.4.3 Keys

In English, references to key names, like arrow keys, function keys and numeric keys,
appear in normal text (not in small caps). Names of keys appearing on keyboard should
not be translated.

Key names

English Key Name Azerbaijani (Latin) Key Name

Alt Alt

Backspace Backspace

Break Break

Caps Lock Caps Lock

Ctrl Control

Delete Delete

Down Arrow Aşağı ox

English Key Name Azerbaijani (Latin) Key Name

End End

Enter Enter

Esc Escape

Home Home

Insert Insert

Left Arrow Sola ox

Num Lock Num Lock

Page Down Page Down

Page Up Page Up

Pause Pause

Right Arrow Sağ ox

Scroll Lock Scroll Lock

Shift Shift

Spacebar Boşluq düyməsi

Tab Tab

Up Arrow Yuxarı ox

Windows key Windows düyməsi

Menu Key Menyu düyməsi

Print Screen Print Screen

5.4.4 Keyboard shortcuts

Sometimes, there are underlined or highlighted letters in menu options, commands

or dialog boxes. These letters refer to keyboard shortcuts, which help the user to
perform tasks more quickly.





The following table lists special options for keyboard shortcuts in US-English interfaces
and describes whether each option is allowed in Azerbaijani:

Keyboard shortcuts special Usage: Is it allowed? Notes


"Slim characters," such as I, No

l, t, r, f can be used as
keyboard shortcuts

Characters with No Note that it can be difficult

downstrokes, such as g, j, y, to see the
p and q can be used as keyboard shortcut
keyboard shortcuts underline for these

Example: Option

Extended characters can be Yes

used as keyboard shortcuts

An additional letter, Yes

appearing between brackets
after item name, can be
used as keyboard shortcuts

A number, appearing Yes

between brackets after item
name, can be used as
keyboard shortcut

A punctuation sign, Yes

appearing between brackets
after item name, can be
used as keyboard shortcut

Duplicate Yes
keyboard shortcuts are
allowed when no other
character is available

No keyboard shortcut is Yes

assigned when no more
characters are available
(minor options only)

Content writers usually just refer to “keyboard shortcuts” in content for a general
audience. In localization, however, we distinguish the following terms:

Term Usage

A subtype of keyboard shortcut. A letter or number that the user types to access UI
controls that have text labels. Access keys are assigned to top-level controls so that
access the user can use the keyboard to move through the UI quickly.
key Example: F in Alt+F
Example in UI localization: H&ome
In keyboard shortcuts, most access keys are used with the Alt key.

The letter or number that appears in the ribbon when the Alt key is pressed.
key In UI localization, the key tip is the last character present in the strings after the
tip “`” character.
Example: In UI localization Home`H
A subtype of keyboard shortcut. A key that the user types to perform a common
action without having to go through the UI. Shortcut keys are not available for every
Example: Ctrl+N, Ctrl+V
ut key
In keyboard shortcuts, most shortcut keys are used with the Ctrl key.
Ctrl+letter combinations and function keys (F1 through F12) are usually the best
choices for shortcut keys.

5.4.5 Numeric keypad

It is recommended that you avoid distinguishing numeric keypad keys from the other
keys, unless it is required by a given application. If it is not obvious which keys need to
be pressed, provide necessary explanations.

5.4.6 Shortcut keys

Shortcut keys are keystrokes or combinations of keystrokes used to perform

defined functions in a software application. Shortcut keys replace menu commands and
are sometimes given next to the command they represent. While access keys can be
used only when available on the screen, shortcut keys can be used even when they are
not accessible on the screen.

Standard shortcut keys

US English Azerbaijani Azerbaijani

US Command
Shortcut Key Command Shortcut key

General Windows Shortcut keys

Help window F1 Kömək pəncərəsi F1

Context-sensitive Help Shift+F1 Kontekst üzrə Kömək Shift+F1

Display pop-up menu Shift+F10 Peyda olan pəncərəni Shift+F10


Cancel Esc İmtina Esc

Activate\Deactivate menu F10 Menyu zolağının F10

bar mode aktiv/qeyri-aktiv

Switch to the next primary Alt+Tab Növbəti əsas proqrama Alt+Tab

application keçid

Display next window Alt+Esc Növbəti pəncərəni Alt+Esc


Display pop-up menu for Alt+Spacebar Pəncərə üçün peyda Alt+Spacebar

the window olan menyunu göstər

Display pop-up menu for Alt+- Aktiv törəmə pəncərə Alt+-

the active child window üçün peyda olan
pəncərəni göstər

Display property sheet for Alt+Enter Cari seçim üçün Alt+Enter

current selection xüsusiyyət vərəqini

Close active application Alt+F4 Aktiv proqram Alt+F4

window pəncərəsini bağla

Switch to next window Alt+F6 Proqramdakı növbəti Alt+F6

within (modeless- qeyri-modal pəncərəyə
compliant) application keç

Capture active window Alt+Prnt Scrn Aktiv pəncərə təsvirini Alt+Prnt Scrn
image to the Clipboard Mübadilə buferinə

Capture desktop image to Prnt Scrn İş masasının təsvirini Prnt Scrn

the Clipboard Mübadilə buferinə

Access Start button in Ctrl+Esc Tapşırıq panelində Başla Ctrl+Esc

taskbar düyməsinə müraciət
Display next child window Ctrl+F6 Növbəti törəmə Ctrl+F6
pəncərəni göstər

Display next tabbed pane Ctrl+Tab Növbəti tab-vərəqəli Ctrl+Tab

paneli göstər

Launch Task Manager and Ctrl+Shift+Esc Tapşırıq meneceri və Ctrl+Shift+Esc

system initialization sistemin başladılması

File Menu

File New Ctrl+N Fayl, Yeni Ctrl+N

File Open Ctrl+O Fayl, Aç Ctrl+O

File Close Ctrl+F4 Fayl, Bağla Ctrl+F4

File Save Ctrl+S Fayl, Saxla Ctrl+S

File Save as F12 Fayl, Fərqli saxla F12

File Print Preview Ctrl+F2 Fayl, Çapa önbaxış Ctrl+F2

File Print Ctrl+P Fayl, Çap et Ctrl+P

File Exit Alt+F4 Fayl, Çıxış Alt+F4

Edit Menu

Edit Undo Ctrl+Z Redaktə, Ləğv et Ctrl+Z

Edit Repeat Ctrl+Y Redaktə, Təkrar et Ctrl+Y

Edit Cut Ctrl+X Redaktə, Kəs Ctrl+X

Edit Copy Ctrl+C Redaktə, Köçür Ctrl+C

Edit Paste Ctrl+V Redaktə, Əlavə et Ctrl+V

Edit Delete Ctrl+Backspace Readktə, Sil Ctrl+Backspace

Edit Select All Ctrl+A Redaktə, Hamısını seç Ctrl+A

Edit Find Ctrl+F Redaktə, Tap Ctrl+F

Edit Replace Ctrl+H Redaktə, Əvəz et Ctrl+H

Edit Go To Ctrl+G Redkatə, Keç Ctrl+G

Help Menu

Help F1 Kömək F1

Font Format

Italic Ctrl+I Kursiv Ctrl+I

Bold Ctrl+B Qalın Ctrl+B

Underlined\Word underline Ctrl+U Altdan xətt/Sözün Ctrl+U

altından xətt

Large caps Ctrl+Shift+A Böyük hərflər Ctrl+Shift+A

Small caps Ctrl+Shift+K Kiçik hərflər Ctrl+Shift+K

Paragraph Format

Centered Ctrl+E Mərkəzə Ctrl+E

Left aligned Ctrl+L Sola Ctrl+L

Right aligned Ctrl+R Sağa Ctrl+R

Justified Ctrl+J Eninə Ctrl+J

5.5 Voice video considerations

A good Microsoft voice video addresses only one intent (one customer problem), is not
too long, has high audio quality, has visuals that add to the information, and uses the
right language variant/dialect/accent in voiceover.

Successful techniques for voicing video content

• Focus on the intent. Show the best way to achieve the most common task and stick to it.
• Show empathy. Understand and acknowledge the viewer’s situation.
• Use SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Include search phrases in the title, description,
and headers so that people can easily find the topic.
• Talk to the customer as if (s)he is next to you, watching you explain the content.
• Record a scratch audio file. Check for length, pace and clarity.

5.5.1 English pronunciation

General rules

Generally speaking, English terms and product names left unlocalized in target material
should be pronounced the English way. For instance, Microsoft must be pronounced the
English way. However, if your language has an established pronunciation for some
common term (such as "server") the local pronunciation should be used. Moreover,
pronunciation can be adapted to the Azerbaijani phonetic system if the original
pronunciation sounds very awkward in Azerbaijani.

Example English phonetics Azerbaijani phonetics

SecurID [sı’kjuər aı di:] [sekyuə aydi]
.NET [dot net] [nöqtə net]
Skype [skaip] [skaip]

Acronyms and abbreviations

Acronyms are pronounced like real words, adapted to the local pronunciation:

Example Azerbaijani phonetics










Other abbreviations are pronounced letter by letter.

Example English phonetics Azerbaijani phonetics

ICMP [aysiempi] [aysiempi]

IP [aypi] [aypi]

TCP/IP [tisipi/aypi] [tisipi/aypi]

XML [iksemel] [iksemel]

HTML [eyçtiemel] [eyçtiemel]

OWA [ouiei] [ouiei]

SQL [eskyuel] [eskyuel]


"http://" should be left out; the rest of the URL should be read entirely.

"www" should be pronounced as dabl yu, dabl yu, dabl yu.

The "dot" should be omitted, but can also be read out. If read out, then it must be
pronounced the Azerbaijani way, as nöqtə

Example Phonetics [dabl yu dabl yu dabl yu maykrosoft nöqtə kom]

Punctuation marks

Most punctuation marks are naturally implied by the sound of voice, e.g. ? ! : ; ,
En dash (–) are used to emphasize an isolated element. It should be pronounced as a
comma, i.e. as a short pause.

Special characters

Pronounce special characters such as / \ ˘ < > + - using the Azerbaijani

translations approved in the Microsoft Language Portal.

5.5.2 Tone

Use a tone matching the target audience, e.g. more informal, playful and inspiring tone
may be used for most Microsoft products, games etc., or formal, informative, and factual
in technical texts etc.

5.5.3 Video voice checklist

Topic and script

• Apply the following Microsoft voice principles:

o Single intent
o Clarity
o Everyday language
o Friendliness
o Relatable context


• Includes the intent

• Includes keywords for search

Intro: 10 seconds to set up the issue

• Put the problem into a relatable context

Action and sound

• Keep something happening, both visually and audibly, BUT…

• …maintain an appropriate pace
• Synchronize visuals with voice-over
• Fine to alternate between first and second person
• Repetition of big points is fine

• Eye is guided through the procedure

o Smooth, easily trackable pointer motions
o Judicious callout use
• Appropriate use of motion graphics and/or branding-approved visuals


• Recaps are unnecessary

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