procedure care.
Why do we need to study bioethics?
• Euthanasia
- Medical policies and patient rights
legislation are ever-changing (e.g. uniform, - It is a practice of intentionally ending a life to
license, no drinking and smoking) relieve pain and suffering
- Health care systems function differently - A doctor is allowed by law to end a person’s
than before life by a painless means, if the paint and
- Clinical practice now involves decision- their family agree.
making about many new issues - It can be classified as:
○ Voluntary and involuntary- patient
Difference between ETHICS and MORAL
○ Passive and active- inject
• ETHICS - Physician- Assisted Suicide- A doctor
assists a patient to commit suicide if they
- Ethics is the discipline about moral or request it. Intentionally helping a person
philosophy on moral. commit suicide by providing drugs for self-
- Ethics is a philosophical discipline about administration, at that person’s voluntary
problems that deals with the art of the living. and competent request.
- Ethics is not merely obeying the law. - REASONS:
Though in many instances, laws are 1. Utility- economic constraints from the
statements of considered ethical positions increasing health costs of the growing
and most of the time, obeying the law is an elderly population, mainly the chronically
element of ethical behavior. ill.
- “I will live like this because I know it is right” 2. Hedoism- when quality of life is poor or
• MORAL life is burdensome and useless then the
person, like a hurt animal can be killed.
- Moral is a system of norms or rules, written 3. Autonomy- a request for an elderly
or not, about human behavior. death may be an attempt of the patient
- It is not a like with religious norms. to regain control whether only in
Religious norms are more absolute, without deciding when to die; it is practicing the
conditions and inevitable than moral ones. “right to die”.
When religious norm is broken, a man felt - Dysthanasia- is delaying or postponing
he committed a mistake against his dignity death beyond its natural time by all mean
- Moral= human dignity available. The person is kept alive
- “How should I live, what’s beneficial to all, artificially.
right or wrong” - Orthonasia- is allowing death at its natural
- Universal Principle time. Deliberate or stopping of artificial or
heroic means of maintaining life. Passive
• Abortion
• Birth Control or Contracepton
- It is the deliberate termination of human
- It is a method or device used to prevent
pregnancy, most often performed during the
first 28 weeks of life
- Natural methods: calendar method,
- Spontaneous Abortion- inevitable
- Induced Abortion- sinadya
- Artificial methods: condoms, pills,
- Health Care Providers may need to explore
implants, Intrauterine device?
their own feelings or beliefs about abortion
before assisting in these procedures. They • Stem Cell Technology
must also be aware of client’s feelings prior
to performing such procedure so that - It is a rapidly developing field that combines
the efforts of cell biologists, geneticists, and
clinicians and offers hope of effective
treatment for a variety of malignant and • Injected- opium, heroin or diacetylmorphine or
non-malignant diseases. morphine diacetate or diamorphine
- The scientific term for adult stem cells is
•Inhaled- rugby, methamphetamine hydrochloride
somatic stem cells. They are found in
or shabu
umbilical cord blood, bone marrow, blood,
peripheral blood stem cells, menstrual • Ingested- methylnediocymethamphetaine or
blood, skin, teeth and placental tissues ecstasy, marijuana
- Embryonic stem cells are taken from
donated human embryos that are not Statistics
needed for invitro fertilization these are only - 1972~20,000/ 37million
used with the permission of the parents. - 1997~1.7 million/ 69 million
The blastocysts grows in the petri dish for - 1999~ 3.4 million/ 75 million
six months, producing a cell line, which - 2004~ 6.7 million/ 86 million
contains millions of stem cells. - Shabu and marijuana are the illegal drugs
- Today the most common medical treatment preferred by Filipinos aged 10 to 44 years
using stem cells are transplants to patients - 65% of crimes are committed by suspects
with serious diseases of blood, such as that are drug addicts
leukemia or lymphoma
How does drug work
• Homosexuality
• Shabu/meth
- Sexual attraction or the tendency to direct
sexual desire toward another of the same - Methamphetamine hydrochloride stimulates
sex: the quality or state of being release of excessive dopamine (dopamine
homosexual. is produced in the nerve cells of the ventral
- LGBT rights tegmental area and is concerned with
- Marriage Rights pleasure regulation in the brain. Upon
- Sex Change entering the nerve cell, meth causes the
stimulates release of dopamine which then
ADOLESCENT ISSUES binds to specialized receptors of other
VICES nerve cells creating the typical “rush”
- Any bad habit that provides pleasure to, yet Effects of using drugs
causes bad effects on the person who - Drug depence → drug addiction
practices it. a. Drug tolerance- person no longer
- Examples: drug use, excessive alcohol respond eme need na ng higher dosage
drinking, shopping, internet use, smoking, b. Physical dependence- physical need for
sex, copying, gambling, vandalism a drug accompanied by unpleasant
Why do we have to talk about vices withdrawal symptoms
c. Psychological dependence- sakit na sya
- To learn about the influences that make - Personal and social disorganization
people practice these habits that are - Serious and sometimes fatal diseases
considered vices - Hypersexual behavior
- To learn about the effects of these activities
to the people who do them SMOKING
- To prevent people from developing these - “suicide in slow motion”
habits - One in every three Filipino teenagers aged
- To diminish and gradually eliminate these 13 to 15 were already smokers, despite the
habits (for those tho have already existence of Republic Act 9211 or the
developed them) Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003. [World
DRUG USE Health Organization, 2007: Global Tobacco
Youth Survey (GYTS)]
- Those who were raised with both parents - Feel more talkative
present were less likely to smoke than those - And more confident
who grew up with a single parent - Skilled performance (such as driving0
- Those who have close relationship with become impaired
parents were less likely to smoke [Teen - Intellectual functioning, behavioral control,
Tobacco Epidemic in Asia, 2004] and judgement become less efficient (As
more alcohol is ingested)
- Coma (extreme intoxication)
- Acts as depressant and slows down the - Each of these behavioral effects varies
brain’s activities according to how the adolescent’s body
- If used in sufficient amounts, it will damage metabolizes the alcohol, the individual’s
or even kill biological tissues including body weight, the amount of alcohol
muscle and brain cells ingested, and whether previous drinking has
- In 1994, 60% or 5.3 million Filipino youths led to tolerance
were said to be drinking alcoholic
- About 4.2 million of them are males and 1.1 • Family
million are females
- Family time
- On the average, Filipino youths starts
drinking alcohol at the age of 16 or 17. • Adolescent development
However, there are also many cases when
children as young as 12 years old are - Curiosity
already drinking alcoholic beverages. - High-stimulation experiences: Appetite for
- About 37 percent of the respondents in the adventure and predilection for risks
survey have continued the habit of drinking • Friends
alcohol while 33 percent said they only drink
alcoholic beverages on special occasions. - Peer pressure
Some 17 percent said they have already - PEERsuasion
decided to stop the vice of drinking
• Culture
- Among girls, drinking is more acceptable
than smoking. But is its considered more - Media
appropriate for men than for women to
drink. Why do adolescent take drugs (smoking and
- The teenagers said their family, friends, and drinking)
the mass media have influenced them to - Pleasurable sensations
experiment with drinking alcohol - Adapt to an ever-changing environment
- The study indicated that those who are - Reduce tension and frustration
more likely to drink are those: - Relieve boredom and fatigue
a. Who are not living with parents (for - Escape the harsh realities of the world by
example, college students living in giving inner peace, joy relaxation,
dormitories kaleidoscopic sensations, surges of
b. Whose parents approve drinking exhilaration, or prolonged heightened
c. Who frequently attending social situation
gatherings - Curiosity- intrigued by sensational accounts
d. Who enjoy going out to parties, bars and of drugs in the media, or even popular
discos songs
e. Who do not take part in sport activities - Social reasons- allows adolescents to feel
Effects of Alcohol more comfortable and enjoy the company of
- Reduced inhibition (lack of self
consciousness) REDUCTION
- Impaired judgements
• the first approach is primary prevention for non- 3. Group therapy- the therapist interacts with
users. each individual within a small group of
people (normally no more than ten) and
- Involved here are the Department of
encourages them to interact with one
Education, Labour and Employment; The
Commission on Higher Education; and other
4. Couple therapy- the working through of
government and non-government agencies.
problems between two individuals (who
The mass media- both broadcast and print,
need not to be related) with a mental-health
also play an important role here
• The secondary approach is secondary prevention
Prevention: reducing “the incidence of new cases of
for “experimenters” and casual drug users
mental disorder in the population by combating
- The Department of Health is the lead harmful forces which operate in the community and
agency here, with support from the by strengthening the capacity of people to
Department of Social Work and Community withstand stress” (Caplain, 1974 as cited in Adams
Developments, the local government units and Gullote, 1989)
and the Philippine National Police
• The third approach is tertiary prevention for
1. Education
addicts and recovering persons
- By increasing our knowledge we can
- The Department of Health is also the lead change attitudes and behavior that hurt
agency here. ourselves or others
- Example: Public service announcements,
Agencies printed materials, etc.
- Narcotic Foundation of the Philippines 2. Community Organization/ Systems
- Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency - It is focused on achieving a more equitable
- Narcotics Group of the Philippine National distribution of power to improve the
Police (PNP) standard of living of a group of people within
- National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) a community
Narcotics Division - Example: Neighborhood associations,
- Bureau of Customs Drug Interdiction Unit rehabilitation of housing stock
- National Drug Law Enforcement and 3. Competency Promotion
prevention Coordination Centre (DEP - It promotes a feeling of being a part of,
Centre) rather than apart from, society. It
- National Anti-Drug Program of Action encourages feelings of worth, care for other,
- Department of Health(DOH) and belief in oneself
- Dangerous drug board - Example: Art and theater programs,
assertiveness training.
PREVENTION AND CURE 4. Natural care giving
- It recognizes the ability within each of us to
• Therapy- involves the ability to determine the
help a fellow human being. It involves
mental health status of clients and provide them
behaviors such as sharing of knowledge,
with the help necessary to improve their coping
experiences, companionship, and when
necessary, confrontation
FOUR BASIC CATEGORIES OF THERAPY - Examples: coaches, lawyers, friends