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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the reward of

Bachelor of commerce




Accredited with Grade “A” by NAAC I12B Status by UGCI Approved by AICTE

MAY 2022


Dr.S. Umameshwari

Internal Guide External guide

Dean, School of Management Studies

Submitted for the viva voice examination held on

Internal Examiner External Examiner


RAJESH KUMAR B P (39740187). Hereby declare that the Project Report entitled
guidance of Dr.UMAMAHSHWARI .Assistant Professor,School of Business
Administration is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of




I am pleased to acknowledge my sincere thanks to Board of Management of

SATHYABAMA for their kind encouragement in doing this project and for completing it
successfully. I am grateful to them.

I convey my sincere thanks to Dr. BHUVANESWARI G., Dean, School of Business

Administration and Dr. PALANI A., Head, School of Business Administration for
providing me necessary support and details at the right time during the progressive

I would like to express my sincere and deep sense of gratitude to my Project Guide
Dr.S. UMAMAHESHWRI, Assistant Professor of the Department, School of Management
guidance, suggestions and constant encouragement paved way for the successful
completion of my project work.

I wish to express my thanks to all Teaching and Non-teaching staff members of the
School of Business Administration who were helpful in many ways for the completion of
the project.




1 1.1 Introduction 9
1.2 Statement of problem 10
1.3 Importance of the study 11
1.4 Objective of the study 13
1.5 Scope of the study 13
1.6 Limitations of the study 13
3.2 Research Design 20
3.3 Sampling Technique 21
3.4 Sources of Data 22
3.5 Structure of Questionnaire 22
3.6 Sample size 22
3.7 Hypothesis/ Analytical tools 22
4.1 Data analysis 23

4.2 Hypothesis testing 55


5.1 findings 57
5.2 suggestions
5.3 conclusion



Global warming has become the primary concern all around, and so there is a
necessity to adopt regulations to contain the ever-increasing emission of
greenhouse gases. With the contemporary technology in place, transportation and
communication have undergone an exemplar change. The automobile companies
have felt the need to innovate vehicles that will not depend on fossil fuels. As a
result, many companies have invested in R&D to bring forth electric bikes. The
study focuses on understanding the customer perception towards the electric two-
wheelers across Chennai city. Responses' were collected from around 120 bike
users to analyze the essential factors relevant to the purchase of electric bikes.
The data was analyzed using Univariate and bivariate tools such as chi-square
and one-way ANOVA.

4.1 Gender 23

4.2 Age 24

4.3 Education 25

4.4 Occupation 26

4.5 Family Annual Income 27

4.6 No of Earnings in the Family 28

4.7 Marital Status 29

4.8 Source of Awareness about E-Bike 30

4.9 Source of Information 31-32

4.10 Influence in buying decision 33

4.11 Opinion about Electric Bike 34

4.12 Level of Awareness that motivated 35-39

4.13 Level of agreement that influence to buy 40-44

4.14 Suggest E-bike to friends/relatives 45

4.15 Present promotional activity 46

4.16 When have you bought E-bike 47

4.17 On an average when do you use E-bike 48

4.18 How many kilometers does E-bike give 49

4.19 Benefits provided by the government 50

4.20 How long does it take to charge E-bike 51

4.21 Level of agreement that avoids to 52-53

purchase E-bike
4.22 Is E-bike environmental friendly worth 54
Paying money



4.1 Gender 23

4.2 Age 24

4.3 Education 25

4.4 Occupation 26

4.5 Family Annual Income 27

4.6 No of Earnings in the Family 28

4.7 Marital Status 29

4.8 Source of Awareness about E-Bike 30

4.9 Source of Information 31-32

4.10 Influence in buying decision 33

4.11 Opinion about Electric Bike 34

4.12 Level of Awareness that motivated 35-39

4.13 Level of agreement that influence to buy 40-44

4.14 Suggest E-bike to friends/relatives 45

4.15 Present promotional activity 46

4.16 When have you bought E-bike 47

4.17 On an average when do you use E-bike 48

4.18 How many kilometers does E-bike give 49

4.19 Benefits provided by the government 50

4.20 How long does it take to charge E-bike 51

4.21 Level of agreement that avoids to 52-53

purchase E-bike
4.22 Is E-bike environmental friendly worth 54
Paying money



In today’s competitive and fast paced world, automobiles plays a

very pivotal role in any individuals overall life. Be it the productivity, performance or
coping with livelihood issues, vehicles saves a significant amount of time and
efforts aiding as a bridge between different commuting points. Majority of Indians
depend on twowheelers to cater their mobility needs.

Travelling has come long way from the days of the walking to various
forms of modern transportation of the globalised world. The people use to travel by
walking in the ancient times. Those were the days when people use to travel with
the help of natural resources and without affecting the nature. The pace of time
has totally transverse mode of transports in the world. The evolution of the
transportation has made giant leaps to the current stature. The travelling time of
the ancient times has been reduced drastically with the innovation of the science.
The journey of the development of the transports has drastically decreased the
travel time. The scientific inventions in the field of transport are still evolving. The
days of animal transportation for travelling are completely extinct in the modern
world. The high power cars, bullet trains and air transport has made the transport
sector as one of the prime sector that indulges in the manufacturing. The
manufacturing base of the transport sector has high use of research and
development in enhancing the performance of the vehicle. There are large number
of vehicles and brands that has been used in the country for the transportation

The usage of the engine in the vehicles has been largely developed
with the help of the research and development wing based on the feedback and
intention of the consumers of the market. The steam engine stood the primary in
the beginning rather evolved and has come to the usage of electric engine in the

polluted world. The classical evolution of the engines has put forward lot of
environmental problems in the society. This environmental friendliness has been
the need of the hour in the 21st century. The flow of the vehicles at the world level
has been constantly and geometrically incrediability to absorb the emitted
pollutants. The research is looking forward to evaluate the potential degrading
effects of the petrol and diesel engine of the environment. The mode of transport
has also been changing the preferences towards the electric engines.

The growth of the electric engines can be traced back to the 17th century. The
strong foundation and need for the electric engine is not realized in that century.
The globalised and modern world is realizing the importance of the electric
engines in all ways of the life to minimize the effect of other modes of transport to
the environmental degradation. The consumers preferences and attitudes is
deviating to a certain extent towards the usage of the electric engines. These
preferences of the consumers will be added advantage to the manufacturers who
are willing to adapt to the change. The probable flexible manufacturer can become
the market mover of the automobile segment in the future.


The electric engines have been used in all modes of transports now-a-days.
The much needed segment is the passenger segment of the automobile sector.
The two-wheelers of the modern world has the sounds to attract the consumers
but at the cost of degrading the environment. There are lot of research and
development that is going on to create the sports and ultra modern bikes to attract
the most potential younger generation of the society. The societal changes will
have an strong impact on the Nature’s environment.The cost of using the modern
bikes might affect the survival of the environment. The number of the vehicles on
the roads has been increasing which is due to the customer’s needs and wants.
The safety and convenience has been the prime motives behind such drastic
increase in the number of two wheelers in the country.

The developing economy of India is having a large fleet of passenger
vehicles. The passenger vehicle segment is seeing lot of new vehicles riding down
the streets each and every month. The problem of using the conventional engines
is causing considerable damage to the environment. The regulating authorities are
having lot of problems with the emissions created by the conventional engines.
The consumers choose preferably the conventional bikes to that of the innovative
eco-friendly bikes. The consumers’ perception towards the conventional bikes to
that of the conventional system of passenger vehicles has vital role in the
transitional phase to eco-friendly bikes. The emissions caused by the conventional
bikes are making the government and consumers think towards the alternatives.
But the comfort and economy of the bikes using conventional engines is being the
Hurdle in the change of the consumers’ preference.

The consumers have lot of choices, when it comes to two wheeler segment.
The Electric Bike has been the innovation of the 21st century to mitigate the
environmental problems of the society. The evolution of the Electric Bike has
proved to be a great challenge for the conventional engines in the automobiles
segment. The perception of the consumers plays a vital role in the development of
the Electric Bike in the Indian economy. The perception acts as the mediation of
the consumer preferences towards the product. The Electric Bike on that note has
to oblige the consumers with reasonable price, comfort and other consumer
friendly features. The perception of the consumers might change with the above
features of the Electric Bike. The problems of adapting to new standards, the cost
involved in it and transition to new technology will take time based on the
consumers perception towards the Electric Bike which will be focus of the study.


The two-wheeler segment of the Indian automobile sector acts as the

major contributor towards the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country. The
automobile industry has the contribution of more than 7 percent of the GDP. The
two wheeler is the backbone of the automobile industry in India. The two wheeler
segment has the market share of more than 75 percent. The automobiles sector is

constantly depending on the conventional sources of transportation. The need for
alternative sources of transportation has arisen due to the pollutants arising from
the conventional engines. There is a structural change that has been introduced to
overcome the environmental problems. The two-wheeler segment is going through
transitional phase in our country.

The two-wheelers segment of the automobiles sector is having the

necessity to re-model themselves to exist in the economy. The companies that
adapt to the changes will be having the marker-mover advantage when it comes to
the Electric Bike. The Electric Bike are having lot of features that has to be
disseminated to the consumers to make this transitional phase successful. The
perception of Electric Bike has to be assessed to know the minds of the
consumers. The Electric Bike have to be made popular to solve the problem of
environmental degradation. The Electric Bike on that note has to be consumer
friendly. The assessment on this note will enable to predict the future of the
Electric Bike in our country.

The perception of the consumer becomes the prime importance for

the growth of the Electric Bike. The Electric Bike have to meet the perception of
the consumers in the selection over the conventional bikes. The study assumes
significance on that note that the perception of the Electric Bike has to be
assessed to know the validation in the automobile market. The consumer
preferences will be the main factor in the future of Electric Bike.

The electric vehicle industry is in the early growth phase in our

country. The general public needs to be made aware of these developments, to
make this successful. The electric vehicle will be emerging as a critical component
in making an emission-free environment. The purpose of the study is to
understand the awareness about electric bikes; the preference of the customers.


1. To understand the awareness level of consumers about the electric bike in

select area of the study

2. To analysis the benefits and barriers about the use of Electric Bike for the
consumers in chennai district.

3. To study the factors influencing the buying behaviour of consumers perception

towards Electric bike.


The study which is titled as the study on consumer perception and

awarness towards the Electric Bike in chennai district aims at assessing the
buying behavior of the people. The study mainly aims to identify the buying
behavior of the consumers in purchasing the Electric Bike and various factors that
influence the customers to support the same. The customers cost and benefit that
are to arise in the using of the Electric Bike is also analysed. The study is
conducted at the one of the industrially supported area of chennai district in Tamil
Nadu. The study is based on the customers’ perception towards the use of the
electric bikes. The factors that influence them to opt for the Electric Bike reveals
the buying attitude of the consumer. It also lays down the various driving forces
that makes the consumers to purchase the Electric Bike


The research study conducted use to have minor limitations based on the
conceptions and practical implications. The various limitations of the study that
were identified to have minimal impact are listed below:

a. The study has taken the total population of the district as the population
for the study. The confidentiality of the information of the consumers made
it impractical to collect the data regarding the owners of the e-bike. This has
made the researcher to adopt the district population from which the sample
was selected.

b. The results of the study are applicable only to the buying behavior of the
Electric Bike and cannot be applicable to the other category of the bikes
that are available in the automobiles market.

c. The lack of time can also be considered as a factor in maximizing the number of
samples that are used in the study. The opinions must be biased on the variables
of income and personal details which might have minimal impact on the outcome
of the study results.



“As per Census 2011, 37% people using motorized modes to

commute to work relied on two-wheelers compared to 33% for buses and 8% for
private cars” (Kumar & Prakash, 2020). The havoc created by pandemic Covid-19
since the onset of year 2020 and hence the new normal of WFH (work from home)
was expected to impact the two wheeler segment heavily. However the latest data
released by the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) as on October
2020, shows a clear spike of 16.88% in the total domestic sales of two-wheelers
(Priya, 2020)

The above statistics are clear indicator to the increasing demand of

two wheelers automobiles on one side, but there are various darker facet to it,
which cannot be ignored. Owing to this increasing demand of vehicles, India is
facing a mammoth issue of emission of fine carbon particles from vehicles,
throwing is a serious threat to human health, ecological systems, and regional and
global climate regimes (Kumar, et al., 2018). \

Moreover, (Howarth, 2019; Shafiee & Topal, 2009; Chedid, Kobrosly,

& Ghajar, 2007) has argued that transport sector is the primary cause of
increasing demand, exhausting oil reserves faster. It was predicted that the oil
reservoir will become extinct by 2052.

Addressing to the Goals 7 & 13 of sustainable development goals

(SDGs) to transform our world, even the Policy makers are forced to take action
and Niti Ayog has worked out Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) policy to promote
and boost the usage of electric vehicles (NITI Aayog & World Energy Council,

Weinert et al. (2007) surveyed bike and e-bike users in Shijiazhuang,
to identify differences in travel characteristics and attitudes. They concluded that
owing to faster urbanization, e-bikes facilitates individuals to travel long distance
with judicious use of energy. E-bikes were savior for those who were deprived of
public transport. Women were found skeptical about the speed capability of e-bike;
however in comparison to regular bikes they felt safe while crossing the traffic
signals/intersections on e-bike.

Fu (2008) proposed the system of entire life cost/benefit parametric

assessment from the user’s perspective for the choice of the best refueling
procedure for electric bikes. Analyst contended that exchanging batteries at the
gas stations was one of their most chosen strategy. Be that as it may, all methods
of electric bikes have shortfalls comparative with the fuel framework. The
inadequacy was for the most part owing to the impediment of battery execution,
and expected advantages towards environment protection were not understood by

Weinert et al. (2008) used the method of force field analysis to

analyze China’s future technical, and market growth of electric two-wheelers
(E2W). The authors concluded that the main factors driving the growth of the E2W
market were: technological advances in electric 2-wheeler and battery technology,
strong local regulatory support in the form of banning of gasoline-powered
motorcycle, loose implementation of electric 2-wheeler standards, and worsening
public transit bus services.

Ranjan et. al. (2013) studied various factors influencing the buying
behavior and purchase intensions towards electric scooter respectively. Key
factors influencing customer purchasing behavior were identified. The factors
emerged in the study were identified as trend & fashion, features & brand equity,
added value, engine power and advertisement. Analysis of demographic profile of
consumers revealed that the differences in the impact on customers’ purchase
behavior towards E2W were due to the factors viz. comfort, mileage, design, style,
optimum speed, maintenance cost, reliability, brand image, advertising, spare
parts availability, after-sale service and resale value. E-scooters were found to be

more appropriate in the younger age group of 15-25. High-income and higher
education individuals showed more favorable intentions for purchasing e-bikes.

Alamelu et al. (2015) concluded that consumers’ behavior can be

shaped towards purchase of E2W by providing required infrastructure such as
increased number of recharge stations, models with varied carrying capacity, and
government incentives. Long term guaranties and warranties for the spare parts
influences the customer preference towards e-bikes. The battery technology
should meet the range requirements of the commuter, recharging and affordability
can also be considered by the manufacturer to minimize ownership costs along
with battery leasing choices.

Mendoza et al. (2016) contrasted two traditional slow charging

facilities for E2Ws with the environmental characterization of the life cycle in order
to determine the best solution addressing environmental concerns and to provide
environmental improvement criteria. Research has found that if no life cycle
environmental standards are implemented during planning, design, and
management, the public urban charging network for E2Ws can lead to related
environmental impacts. The deployment of EVs calls for the continuous provision
and wide-ranging incorporation of supporting facilities and infrastructure.

Important long-term environmental savings can be accomplished by

finding urban synergies through the implementation of eco-design concepts with
an objective towards the development of sustainable urban ecosystems for electric
vehicles. Through offering standards and guidance for the implementation of
charging facilities in public and private areas, the participation of policy makers
and government authorities can promote the convergence of environmental
requirements between the technological and socio-economic perspectives.

Fishman & Cherry (2016) discovered numerous findings on different

subjects. It was found that core motivation for the use of e-bikes is how the ability
to maintain speed is achieved with minimum efforts while using e-bikes in hilly

areas and in hot conditions. In addition, veterans were attracted to e-bikes, as they
find a standard bike too physically taxing. To minimize sedentary lifestyle illnesses,
e-bikes have been used. Since e-bike users tend to ride more often and for longer
durations than normal bicycle riders, e-bikes may contribute to increasing the
overall levels of physical activities of riders. E-bike users were found to have
higher perceived safety levels in most of the Chinese and North American studies.
But higher levels of aberrant activity have been observed in Chinese studies of e-
bike users at intersections. In China, the risk of e-bike accidents tends to be higher
than for standard bicycles.

Many researchers have explained various factors that motivates and

influences the automobile buying behavior. Ghasri et al. (2019) revealed that
Millennials looked for better design in EVs, along with less impact of them on the
environment; whereas generation Z perceived EVs to be superior in terms of
safety. Consumers have put higher weights to the financial incentives available
with EVs as compared to discounts offered on operating costs or parking
expenses. The results infer that Gen Y were more inclined towards embracing
electric vehicles compared to Gen X and Z. Gen Y were found to be the least
sensitive cohort to purchase price against Gen X. Financial incentives to
consumers in form of rebate or discount on the purchase price was found to be
more effective than assigning the same incentive to manufacturers to reduce the
purchase price.

Huang (2019) examined the variables, such as, influencing the

satisfaction level of users, intention to recommend, and willingness of users to
accommodate electric two-wheelers (E2Ws). Based on a sample of 315
Taiwanese, the findings of the hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed
that the variables of satisfaction, positive emotions, and riding experience
predicted whether users expected to recommend a two-wheeler. The findings also
show that the key factor that affected the desire of a rider to buy an E2W was
external motivation. Study also posited that Hedonic and pragmatic experiences of
consumers during two-wheeler usage may affect the satisfaction and intrinsic
motivation of the users more positively.

Owing to growing number of electric vehicles in Vietnam and based
on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) Thuy & Hong (2019) studied the high
school students in Hanoi city to identify the factors that influence their attitude and
intention towards E2W usage and their affected level. They concluded that factors
viz. “perceptions of economic benefit”, “usage convenience”, “friendly
environmental awareness” and “stylish design” influenced the attitude towards
E2W usage. Whereas the intention to use E2Ws was found to be influenced by
“subjective norm”, “attitude toward E2W usage” and “the attraction of motorcycles”.

The psychological and demographic measures of the intention to

purchase an e-bike were investigated by Simsekoglu & Klöckner (2019). It was
found that age, perceived advantages, social norms and familiarity were positively
influencing intention of buying an electric bike. It was found that perceived
challenges related to usability and safety were negatively influencing the buying
consideration of an electric bike. Perceived advantages were found to be low in
non-users. They also perceived higher obstacles (as compared to the users of e-
bikes) towards purchase of e-bikes. For both e-bike users and non-users,
environmental factors have been the greatest obstacle to e-bike use.



The research design provides the path through which it is to be

travelled for the solving the problems that are raised by the research study. It acts
as the guiding light for the researcher to solve the problem. The research of
consumer perception towards Electric Bike is empirical in nature. The study is
based on the direct observation and collecting of facts from the consumers based
on the opinions. The study of empirical nature will also make the study to explore
the various factors that induce the consumers to react to the buying situations. The
direct observation will also enable to collect secondary information from the

sample respondent through their gestures. The study on that note has to follow the
research design of the empirical studies to identify the consumer perception
towards the Electric Bike in chennai city.


The complete survey of the population involved in the study is

adopted only where there is feasibility in the form of minimum number of
population, complete list of the population and economical power to carry out the
study. The above said factors are to be considered in going for survey method.
The complete enumeration of the population is highly impossible in individualistic
research studies unless the population frame is small. The research where the
survey is not possible presents the options of going for sampling. The sampling is
the process of selection of the representative part of the population for conducting
the research. The sampling helps to save the unnecessary wastage of time and
money. The sampling design gives the outline for the selection of most appropriate
sampling method that is to be followed for the research. The research which aims
to measure the consumer perceptions towards the Electric Bike has to select the

holders of the Electric Bike for the study. The details about the holders of Electric
Bike cannot be obtained from the dealers as the details are classified information
which cannot be issued to the outsiders. The seriousness is that in some cases it
might bring legal battles to the dealers who provide those information to the third
parties. This situation disables the researcher to collect the details of the e-bike
holders in the chennai district. The unavailability of the details of the Electric Bike
holders will make the research to adopt non-probability sampling method. The
non-probability sampling can only be adopted for the study as the population
involved in the study is finite but the collection of the details about the population
frame is declared impractical.


The sampling technique that is to be involved for the study is non-

probability sampling techniques. There are various methods under the non-
probability sampling methods. The study finds convenient sampling as the most
appropriate sampling method for the current research. The other forms of the non-
probability sampling methods are considered inappropriate due to the fact that the
owners of the Electric Bike are very scarce among the general population. It is
convenient for the researcher to collect the when and where it is possible to collect
the data from the owners of the Electric Bike. Therefore the more appropriate
sampling technique to be followed for the study is the convenient sampling. The
population of the total chennai district is considered to be the population of the
study from which the sampling is calculated.The chennai district has the
population of 4646732 peoples. Based on the population the sample is calculated
using the Z formula.
The online sample size calculator was used to assess the sample
size. The sample size was based on the margin of error and confidence level of
the population distribution. The margin of error wasd fixed at 5 percent an
confidence level was ascertained to be 99 percent. The formula for the sample
size has determined that the sample that is to be selected for the study is 108.


Sources of Data begins with figuring out what sort of data is needed,
followed by the collection of a sample from a certain section of the population.
Next, you have to utilize a certain tool to gather the data from the chosen sample.
The two types of sources of data are:
Primary data: The Primary data for this study was collected through
Secondary data: Secondary data was collected from external sources like
Websites, Journals etc.


The questionnaire follows a simple and basic layout. It is made easy for the
participants to respond to the questionnaire without any delay or confusion. The
set of question and the answer options present in the questionnaire are
predetermined and are constructed by myself based on general questions
regarding the main topic.


The sample size for the project had a target of 70-100 participants. The
fixed target of the sampling size has been achieved as the total number of
respondents for the 15 survey questionnaire was 108. Total of 108 responses
helped the project to analyze more response and it helped to derive a conclusion
regarding customer perception and awarness towards E-bikes.


A chi-square statistic is one way to show a relationship between two
categorical variables. In statistics, there are two types of variables: numerical
(countable) variables and non-numerical (categorical) variables.


4.1. TABLE:


4.1 CHART:

The Gender plays a vital role in the selection of the type of bike that has been
used for travelling. The categories of male and female have the representation
more or less equally where male has got 79.6% percent and female has got 20.4%
percent respectively. The demographic variable of age does not have equal
representation from both the categories which will help to infer when it comes to
the usage of the Electric Bikes.

4.2 TABLE:
Below 25 74

26-35 24

36-45 8

Above 45 2


The age has been categories into five categories with the interval of 10 years
except the first and last category. The majority of the respondents are in the
category of below years which forms 68.5 percent of the sample involved in the
study. There are 22.2 percent of the respondents who are in the category of 25-35
years followed by the category of 36-45years with the representation of
7.4%percent and lowest representation1.9% is from higher age category of above
45 years



No formal education 2
School level 4
College level 87
Professional qualification 15


The education level of the respondents reveals the literacy level of the sample
selected for the study. The education level has been categorized into four levels in
which most of the respondents involved in the study are from the college level
which accounts to 80.6 percent which is followed by 13.9 percent formed by the
professional qualification. The least respondents are from the others category
which forms 9.3%.


Business people 10
Employed 28
Agricultural 1
Student 69



The occupation of the sample helps to determine the attitude of each class of
groups towards the usage of the Electric Bikes. The students group that has the
majority of the respondents with 63.9% percent which is followed by the employed
category with the percent of 25.9% and followed with the category of Business
people with the percentage of 9.3 and the least percent of 0.9 is agriculturalist.

Below 100000 25
Below 100001-200000 22
Below 200001-300000 31
Below 300001-400000 11
Above 400000 18

4.5 CHART:

The family income of the respondents is main source of determinant in purchasing
the bike. The Income is categorized into four groups with the interval of Rs. 1,
00,000. The most of the respondents are in the category of persons who are
earning Below Rs. 1,00,000 with aggregate of 23.1 percent which is followed by
the category of Rs. 1,00,001- 2,00,000 with 20.4 percent of the respondents. The
category that is of lowest percent is the Rs. 3,00,001- 4,00,000 which has percent
of 16.7. This clearly examines that majority of the respondents are having lower
income levels.



One 72

Two 28

Three 8


The number of members too affects the affect the choice of the bikes that is
to be bought in the family. The options are classified into three categories. The
highest of the respondents have replied that they have one memberis earning in
the family. This has the support of 66.7 percent of the respondents and next level
of no of members earning in the family is from 1-2 members with 25.9 percent.
The least of the responses is received in the above 3 and above members which
has a percent of 7.4 percent. This variable shows that the number of members
earning in the family is less.



Married 25
Unmarried 83


From the above table it is interrupted that majority 76.9 percentare unmarried and
23..1 percent are married.
Majority 76.9 percent are unmarried



Advertisement 27 25

Representative 1 0.9

Friends/Relatives 16 14.8

Exhibition 3 2.8

Social Media 58 53.7

Others 3 2.8


From the above table it is interrupted that majority 53.7% came aware of E-bikes
through social media and 25% came aware through Representatives and 14.8% came
aware by Friends and Relatives and 2.8% became aware of exhibitions and same that of
2.8% came aware through other sources and 0.9% came aware through representatives.


COMMUNICA Very % Rar % Occ % Freq % Ver %

TION Rarely ely asio uentl y
CHANNEL nall y Fre
y que
Print media 28 26 47 43. 25 23. 7 6.4 1 0.9
5 1
T.v 16 15 46 43 33 30 10 9.2 3 2.7
Social Media 7 6. 23 21. 48 44. 20 18.5 10 9.2
4 2 4
Blogs 16 14 27 25 29 26. 36 33.3 0 0
.8 8


Print Media
The print media has been playing vital role in the passing of
communication to the Electric Bikes users. The respondents reveals that the 0.9
percent of them receive information about the Electric Bikes in print media very
frequently followed by the frequently category with the 6.4 percent of the
respondents. There are 23.1percent of the respondents who have noticed the

advertisement occasionally. The rarely and very rarely categories has got the
respondents response to the extent of 26 percent and 43.5 percent respectively.

TV/ Radio Broadcasting

The TV/ Radio Broadcasting of the information has been frequently giving
the information to the consumers and it has the support of 9.2 percent of the
respondents involved in the study. There are 2.7 percent of the respondents who
are very frequently receiving the information and 30 percent who are remaining
neutral to the broadcasting of TV/Radio Broadcasting. There are 43 percent of the
respondents rarely see the information on the TV/ radio broadcasting and 15
percent of the respondents are very rarely having the information communicated in
the TV/ Radio Broadcasting.

Social Networks
The social networks have been not able to communicate the information as
effective as the previous channels of communication. The majority of respondents
are neutral towards the view which is supported by 44.4 percent. There are 18.5
percent of the respondents who have frequently watched the advertisement and
9.2 percent of the respondents have watched the video very frequently. The
advertisement in the social networks are rarely and very rarely watched with the
respective percent of 21.2 and 6.4


The blogs are rarely communicated the information to the users where 25
percent of the respondents are rarely watching the information on the blogs and
very rarely watching to the extent of 14.8 percent. There are 0 percent watching
very frequently the information on the blogs and 33.3 percent are frequently
watching the advertisement on the blogs. The major view is that blog has not been
able to communicate the information on the Electric Bikes very frequently when
compared to the print media.

4.10 TABLE


Yes 75 69.4

No 33 30.6

4.10 CHART

The influence of the advertisement of the buying decision of the Electric
Bikes is having lot of impact on the minds of the consumers. The consumers are
having influence based on the attractiveness of the information they see on the
advertisement. There are respondents involved in the study to the extent of 69.4
percent have accept that the advertisement is having significant influence for
buying the Electric Bikes. There are 30.6 percent of the respondents involved in
the study who think otherwise they don’t have any influence based on the
advertisements given given by the Electric Bikes manufacturers. This helps to
ascertain that the advertisement is having significant impact on the buying
decision of the Electric Bikes.

4.11 TABLE

opinion about the NO OF PERCENTAGE

advertisement influence your
decision for owning Electric
Strongly Agree 15 13.9

Agree 54 50

Neutral 30 27.8

Disagree 4 3.7

Strongly Disagree 5 4.6

4.11 CHART

The influencing capacity of the Electric Bikes due to the advertisement is also
assessed based on likert’s five point scale. The respondents involved in the study
have agreed to the extent of 50 percent and have strongly agreed by 13.9 percent.
There are 27.8 percent of the respondents who are neutral towards the view, 3.7
percent of the respondents disagree and 4.6 percent of the respondents who have
strongly disagree towards the statement. The influence of advertisement on the
purchase decision of the Electric Bikes is evident from the opinions of the
respondents involved in the study.

4.12 TABLE
S.no Factors Highl % Aw % Neut % Un % Highl %
y are ral Awar y
awar e Una
e ware
1 Environment 69 63 28 25 10 9.2 1 0.9 0 0
friendly .8 .9

2 Less 24 22 50 46 23 21. 10 9.2 1 0.9

maintainance .2 .2 2

3 More 28 25 48 44 29 26. 2 1.8 1 0.9

safety .9 .4 8
4 No 20 18 38 35 33 30. 12 11.1 5 4.6
registration .5 .1 5

5 Government 23 21 46 43 26 24 10 9.2 3 2.7

subsidies .2

6 Positive 27 25 50 46 22 20. 6 5.5 3 2.7

Benefits to .2 3

7 Protect earth 39 36 46 43 19 17. 3 2.7 1 0.9

from various .1 5
8 Reduce fixed 52 48 39 36 10 9.2 2 1.8 5 4.6
monthly cost .1 .1
9 Economically 27 25 55 50 17 15. 5 4.6 4 3.7
Feasible .9 7
10 Insurance 24 22 35 32 28 26 20 18.5 1 0.9
benefits .2 .4

11 Energy 26 24 58 53 18 16. 5 4.6 1 0.9
efficiency .7 6

12 Less 26 24 52 48 22 20. 5 4.6 3 2.7

complicated .1 3

4.12 CHART


The users are highly aware to the extent of 63.8 percent and 25.9 percent
of the users are in the aware category. There are 9.2 percent of the respondents
who are neutral towards the view. The respondents to the extent of 0.9 percent are
unaware towards the environment friendly feature of the Electric Bikes.

Less running and maintenance cost

. There are 46.2 percent of the respondents who are aware and 22.2
percent of the respondents are highly aware towards the view. There are 21.2
percent of the respondents are neutral that Electric Bikes are less running and
involves low maintenance cost. The respondents to the extent of 9.2 percent and
0.9 percent have been unaware and highly unaware of the Electric Bikes features.

More safety
There are 44.4 percent of the respondents who are aware and25.9
percent of the respondents highly aware about the feature of more safety. The
respondents to the extent of 1.8 percent and 0.9 percent have been unaware and
highly unaware regarding the safety features of the Electric Bikes and 26.8 are
neutral to this.

No registration fee
There are 35.1 percent of the respondents who are aware that there is no
registration fee for the respondents and 18.5 percent of the respondents are
having high awareness about the registration fees. There are 30.5 percent of the
respondents who are neutral towards the features. The unaware category of the
respondents is having the support of 11.1 percent and 4.6 percent are highly
unaware towards the feature of the Electric Bikes

Government Subsidies
There are 30.40 percent of the respondents who are highly unaware and
12.20 percent of the respondents are unaware about the government subsidies
provided for the Electric Bikes. There are 18.10 percent of the respondents who
are neutral towards the view. The users of the Electric Bikes are aware to the
extent of 9.2 percent and 2.7percent of the respondents are highly aware about
the government subsidies provided by the government.

Positive Benefits to Health conditions

There are 46.2 percent of the respondents who are aware about the health
benefits, 25 percent of the respondents are highly aware about the health benefits
of using the Electric Bikes. There are 20.3 percent of the respondent who are
neutral. There are also 2.7 percent of the respondents who are unaware and 0.9
percent of the respondents are highly unaware of the health conditions that are to
arise due to the usage of Electric Bikes.

Protecting earth from various pollution
The responses recorded reveal that majority are highly aware of the
situation to the extent 36.1percent respectively. There are 43 percent of the
respondents who have aware about the view. There are 2.7 percent of the
respondents who are unaware of the view and 0.9 percent of the respondents are
highly unaware of the situation that Electric Bikes are protecting the earth from
various pollutions.and 17.5 percent are neutral

Reduce fixed monthly expenditures on fuel

There are 9.2 percent of the respondents who are neutral and 36.1percent
of the respondents are aware. There are 48.1percent of the respondents are
highly aware that the Electric Bikes reduce fixed monthly expenditure. There are
1.8 percent of the respondents who are unaware and 4.6 percent of the
respondents are highly unaware of that Electric Bikes reduce monthly expenditure

Economically feasible option

There are 15.7 percent of the respondents who are neutral towards the
view and 50.9 percent of the respondents who are aware that the Electric Bikes
are economically feasible option. There are 25 percent of the respondents who
have highly aware of the condition. The respondents to the extent of 4.6 percent
and 3.7percent are unaware and highly unaware of the condition that Electric
Bikes are economically feasible option.

Insurance benefits to the Electric Bikes holder

There are 34.90 percent who are aware of the insurance benefits and 13.90
percent of the bike holders are highly aware of the insurance benefits. There are
22.30 percent of the respondents are neutral towards the category. The Electric
Bikes users are unaware and highly unaware to the insurance benefits that arise
due to the usage of the Electric Bikes to the limit of 18.5percent and 0.9 percent

Energy Efficient
The Electric Bikes are energy efficient which is aware by the 53.7percent of
the respondents and 16.6 percent of them are neutral towards it. There are 24
percent of the respondents who are highly aware of the position. The respondents
to the extent of 4.6 percent are unaware and 0.9 percent of the respondents are
highly unaware of the energy efficiency of the Electric Bikes.

Less complicated riding

There are 48.1 percent of the respondents who are aware and they form
the majority along with 24 percent of the respondents. There are 20.3 percent of
the respondents who are neutral towards the view. There are 4.6 percent of the
respondents are unaware and 2.7 percent of the respondents are highly unaware.

4.13 TABLE

Level of Str % Agr % Ne % Disag % Stro %

Agreement ong ee utra ree ngly
y l
Agr gree

Reasonable 21 19. 28 25. 21 19.4 29 26.8 9 8.3

price 4 9

Model and 10 9.2 43 39. 47 43.5 8 7.4 0 0

design 8

weight 19 17. 57 52. 28 25.9 3 2.7 1 0.9

5 7

Safety 27 25 55 48. 21 19.4 5 4.6 0 0


Incentives 19 17. 51 47. 34 31.4 3 2.7 1 0.9

5 2

Milage 24 22. 44 40. 33 6.4 7 6.4 0 0

2 7

Speed 13 12 58 53. 30 27.7 7 6.4 0 0


Comfort 26 24 56 51. 24 22.2 2 1.8 0 0


Usable 40 37 42 38. 20 18.5 5 4.6 1 0.9


Easy 34 31. 42 38. 23 21.2 7 6.4 2 1.8

maintainance 4 8

Lower tax 25 23. 57 52. 21 19.4 4 3.7 1 0.9

1 7

Less 36 33. 45 41. 23 21.2 3 2.7 1 0.9

dependence 3 6
on natural

uncomplicated 27 25 50 46. 26 24 4 3.7 1 0.9


Less noise 50 46. 42 38. 14 12.9 2 1.8 0 0

pollution 2 8

Quick 18 16. 43 39. 33 30.5 12 11.1 2 1.8

recharge 6 8

Sufficient 22 20. 39 36. 23 21.2 18 16.6 6 5.5

service 3 1

4.13 CHART


Reasonable price of the bike

The majority of the 62.50 percent of the respondents have highly disagree
the reasonable price along with the 8.3 percent of the respondents. There are also
19.4 percent of the respondents neutral towards the view. There are 25.9percent
of the respondents who are agreed and 19.4 percent of them are strongly agree
about the reasonable price of the Electric Bikes.

Model and Design
The model and design of the Electric Bikes that provides the comfort is
neutral by the 43.5 percent of the respondents on the majority and 39.8 percent of
the respondents who are agree with the view. There are 9.2 percent of the
respondents strongly agree towards the view,7.4 percent of the respondents are st

Weight and quality

There are 25.9 percent of the respondents who are neutral towards the view. The
weight and quality of the Electric Bikes is known by 52.7 percent who are in the
agreed category and 17.5 percent of the respondents are strongly agree. The
respondent to the extent of 2.7 percent disagree and 0.9 percent of them are
highly disagree the feature of weight and quality.

The safety feature of the Electric Bikes is agreed by 48.1 percent of the
respondents and 19.4 percent of the respondents are neutral towards the view.
There are 25 percent of the respondents strongly agree about the safety of the
Electric Bikes. There are 4.6 percent of the respondents disagree.

Incentives from the government

. There are 47.2 percent of the respondent on the majority agree the incentives for
the Electric Bikes, 17.5 percent of the respondents are strongly agree about the
incentivers provided by the government and 31.4 percent of the respondents are
neutral towards it.There are 0.9 percent of the respondents who strongly disagree
and 2.7 percent of the respondents disagree the incentives provided by the

. The majority of 40.7 percent of the respondents agree the condition and 22.2
percent of the respondents strongly agree the. There are30.5 percent of the

respondents who are neutral towards the view. There are 6.4 percent of the
respondents who disagree about the mileage of the Electric Bikes.

The speed of the Electric Bikes is having majority of 51.8 percent agree are
towards the speed of the Electric Bikes. There are 37.7percent of the respondents
who strongly agree and 1.8 percent of the respondents disagree.There are 27.7
percent of the respondents who are neutral towards the speed .

Comfort Ability
The responses reveals that on the majority 51.8 percent of the respondents
agree with the comfort-ability of the Electric Bikes along with 24 percent of the
respondents who are strongly agree and 22.2 percent of the respondents are
neutral towards the view. There are 1.8 percent of the respondents disagree the
comfort ability of the Electric Bikes.

Usable by all household members

The majority of the respondents to the extent of 38.8 percent and 37 percent of
the respondents strongly agree and agree this.and There are 18.5 percent of the
respondents who are neutral towards the view. The respondents to the extent of
4.6 percent disagree and 0.9 percent of the respondents strongly disagree about
the usage of the Electric Bikes by the other household members.

Easy Maintenance of the Electric Bikes

The easy maintenance of the Electric Bikes is having a consideration that there is
38.8 percent of them agree with the maintenance of the Electric Bikes along with
the 31.4 percent of the respondents who are strongly agree about the use of
Electric Bikes. There are 21.2 percent of the respondents are neutral towards the
stance. There are 6.4 percent of the respondents disagree and 1.8 percent of the
respondents strongly disagree about the easy maintenance of the Electric Bikes
Lower tax burden
There are 19.4 percent of the respondents who are neutral towards the view
along with the 52.7 percent of the respondent who agree the lesser tax and 23.1

percent of the respondents strongly agree. There are 3.7 percent of the
respondents disagree and 0.9 percent of the respondents strongly disagree
lowering of the tax burden while purchasing the Electric Bikes.

Less dependence on conventional energy resources

There are 41.6 percent of the respondents who agree of the view along with 33.3
percent of the respondents strongly disagree and there are 21.2 percent of the
respondents who are neutral to the aspect. The respondents involved in the study
strongl disagree and disagree to the extent of 0.9 percent and 2.7 percent

Uncomplicated driving nature

The uncomplicated driving nature of the Electric Bikes have been agreed by the
respondents to the extent of 46.2 percent and 25 percent stongly agree this
statement. There are 24 percent who are neutral towards it. There are
respondents strongly disagree and disagree towards the driving nature to the
extent of 0.9 percent and 3.7 percent.

Less noise pollution

There is less noise pollution from the Electric Bikes. The statement was tested
and the responses received from the respondents reveal that there are 46.2
percent of the respondents strongly agree and 38.8 percent of the respondents
also agree with this, and 12.9 percent of the respondents are neutral. There are
1.8 percent of the respondents strongly disagree the noise pollution created by
the Electric Bikes.
Quick recharging time
There are 39.8 percent on the majority agree towards the recharging time of the
Electric Bikes along with 16.6 percent of the respondents. There are11.1 percent
of the respondents disagree and 1.8 percent of the respondents strongly disagree
about the quick recharging time of the Electric Bikes.and 30.5 percent are neutral
towards the charging time.

4.14 TABLE


Yes 94 87

No 12 13

4.14 CHART

From the above chart majority 87 percent of the respondents are interested to
suggest the Electric bike to their friends and relatives and least of 13 percent are not
willing to suggest the Electric Bike to their friends and relatives
From this majority 87% respondents would like to suggest for operating the
Electric Bike.

4.15 TABLE
Yes 67 62

No 41 38

4.15 CHART

The present promotional activity is having strong influence on the opting the
Electric Bikes. The Electric Bikes users have revealed that they are highly satisfied
with the advertisement given for the promotion of the Electric Bikes. There are 62
percent of the respondents who are satisfied with the promotional activity.

4.16 TABLE
Less than 2 years 44 55.7
2-4 years 25 31.6
More than 4 years 10 12.7

4.16 CHART

From the above chart majority of 55.7percent of respondents have purchased the
Electric Bikes only less than two years and followed by that 31.6 percent purchased the
Electric Bike between 2-4 years and least of 12.7 percent are owning the Electric bike for
more than 4 years.

4.17 TABLE
Everyday 37 44.6

Twice 17 20.7

Weekly 3 3.6

Occasionally 10 12

Rarely 16 19.3

4.17 CHART

From the above chart it is interpreted that majority of the respondent 44.6 percent
use their Electric Bike Everyday and 20.5 percent respondents use their Electric bike
twice a week and 19.3 percent use their Electric Bike Rarely and 12 percent use
occasionally and 3.6 percent use weekly once.
From this majority 44.6 percent are using the Electric Bike Daily and least of 3.6
percent are using the Electric bike ateast weekly once.

4.18 TABLE


Upto 10 kms 14 13

11-20 7 8.3

21-30 13 12

31-40 19 17.6

Above 40 53 49.1

4.18 CHART

From the above chart the data is interpreted as majority 49.1 percent of
respondents said that approximately Electric Bikes give above the milage of 40 kms and
17.6 respondents saying that the milage of Electric bike is in the average of 31-4o kms
and 13 percent said that it is upto 10kms and 12 percent said that it gives a minimum of
21-30 kms and 8.3 percent said it is within the milage of 11-20 kms.
From this majority 49.1 percentage said that the maximum milage is above 40 kms
and least of 8.3 said that it is upto 11-20 kms

4.19 TABLE
Sales free tax 65 64.4
More preference to take 29 28.7
driving license
No pay the bike tax 48 47.5
Excempted from parking 14 13.9
others 24 23.8

4.19 CHART

From the above chart it is interpreted that everyone is aware of the subsidies
provided by the government for the purchase of Electric Bike. Majority of 64.4 percentage
of respondents are known about the sales tax free for the purchase of the Electric Bike
and 47.5 percent are aware of the no pay the bike tax and 28.7 percent said that they
know about it is compulsory for the more preference to take the driving license and 13.9
percent are known about the exempted from the parking charges and 23.8 percent know
other benefits provided by the government.
From this majority 64.4 percent and 47.5 percent of them are aware about the
sales tax free and No pay to the bike tax.

4.20 TABLE


Upto 2 hrs 13 12
2-4 hrs 25 23.1
5-7 hrs 30 27.8
8-9 hrs 28 25.9
overnight 12 11.1

4.20 CHART

From the above table it is interpreted that majority 27.8 percent
respondents have said that it takes upto 5-7 hours for charging the battery of the
Electric Bikes and 25.9 percent says that it takes upto 8-9 hrs to charge the battery
of the Electric Bike and 23.1 percent said that it takes upto 2-4 hrs to charge the
Electric Bike and 12 percent and 11.1 percent respondents says it takes upto 2 hrs
and overnight to charge the Electric Bike.
From this majority of respondents said that it takes 5-7 hours to charge the
Electric bike and least of 12 percent and 11.1 percent said that it takes upto 2
hours and overnght to charge the Electric Bike.

4.21 TABLE

S Factors Str % ag % neut % disa % Stro %

l. on re ral gree ngly
n gly e disa
o ag gree
1 Cost of the 56 51 34 31.4 14 12.9 3 2.7 1 0.9
bike is very .8
2 Lack of info 21 19 57 52.7 24 22.2 4 3.7 2 1.8
and .4
3 Low milage 17 15 47 43.5 31 28.7 11 10.1 2 1.8
4 High 19 17 31 28.7 31 28.7 21 19.4 6 5.5
maintenanc .5
e cost

5 Less trendy 12 11 52 48.1 33 30.5 7 6.4 4 3.7

6 Inability to 32 29 40 37 25 23.1 7 6.4 4 3.7
go for long .6
7 Failure to 27 25 49 45.3 25 23.1 4 3.7 3 2.7
travel at
8 Unable to 28 25 48 44.4 23 21.2 8 7.4 1 0.9
carry heavy .9
9 Life of the 22 20 52 48.1 27 25 5 4.6 2 1.8
battery .3
used is
very low

1 Can’t make 37 34 36 33.3 24 22.2 9 8.3 2 1.8
0 mountain .2

4.21 CHART


The major problems as per the results are Cost of the bike is very high,
Lack of adequate information and knowledge, Low mileage, Less trendy, Lack of
social status in having Electric Bikes, Inadequate recharging stations, Lack of
services centers, In-ability to go for long rides, Failure to travel at high speeds,
Unable to carry heavy luggage, Resistance to change and Life of the battery used
is very low. These problems has to be addressed to increase the users of the
Electric Bikes and to attract potential new customers.
The users of the Electric Bikes involved in the study are feeling that these
variables are not proving to be major hindrance and those variables are High
maintenance charges, Efficiency related problems, Unable to carry heavy
luggages make mountain travelling.

4.22 TABLE

YES 100 92.6

NO 8 7.4

4.22 CHART

From the table it is interpreted that majority of 92.6 percentage of
respondents think that environmentally friendly electric bike is worth paying for the
money and least of 7.4 percent said that it is not worth paying the money.

TEST (CHI SQUARE) A chi-square (χ 2 )statistic is a test that measures
how a model compares to actual observed data. The data used in calculating a
chi-square statistic must be random, raw, mutually exclusive, drawn from
independent variables, and drawn from a large enough sample. For example, the
results of tossing a fair coin meet these criteria.


On an average how often do you use your electric bike.

Ho - There is a significant difference between the age and the usage of E-
H1- There is no significant different between the age and the usage of

The Alpha value is 0.05 and P value is0.533.
Hence the P value is greater than the alpha value the null hypothesis
cannot be rejected.Therefore there is significant difference between difference
between the age and the usage of E-Bike.


The major findings of the study identified through the course of the study is
presented in the following

1.The users of the Electric Bikes involved in the study have the approval of
51.8 percent who consider the cost of the Electric Bikes is very high.

2. The print media has the highest percentage when it comes to

dissemination of the information about the Electric Bikes.

3. The maintenance of the Electric Bikes has been high which was felt by
28.7 percent of the respondents involved in the study.

4. The Electric Bikes advertisement has influence on the respondents to

purchase the Electric Bikes to the extent of 69.4 percent.

5. The respondents in the study have revealed that the Electric Bikes has
been environment friendly which is supported by 63.8 percent

6. The respondents involved in the study are new to the usage of the
Electric Bikes which is revealed by the usage of the Electric Bikes which is
supported by less than 2 years category with the 55.7 percent.

7. The usage of the Electric Bikes is restricted for only few days in a week.
The Electric Bikes usage to such extent will damage the parts of Electric Bikes due
to non-operation. The usage of the Electric Bikes to such effect will damage
prolonged usage of the Electric Bikes.

8. The approximate usage of the Electric Bikes involved in the study is only
11-20 kms. The average usage of the Electric Bikes is minimum among the
sample respondents involved in the study. The approximate usage is very much
low when compared to the conventional bikes.

9. The majority of the respondents of the study have revealed that they
would suggest the usage of the Electric Bikes to their friends and relatives.

10. The promotional activities are having significant impact on the purchase
of the Electric Bikes which is supported by majority of the respondents.

11. Majority 43.5 percent are neutral to the model and design of the
bike,which should be improved.

12.majority of them agree that the monthly fixed cost for fuel is reduced.


The study has also found certain areas of concern where there has to be
additional care to be taken to promote and develop the brand of Electric Bikes in
the minds of the users and potential new customers.
1. The concept of the Electric Bikes is still new in the part of the study area.
The cost of the Electric Bikes is considered to be high and it need to be reduced to
attract more consumers for the usage of Electric Bikes.
2. There is a need to increase the convenience for the Electric Bikes users
on the areas of charging, mileage and carrying capacity of bikes. These areas
have to be concentrated by the Research and Development of the Electric Bikes
companies to enhance the convenience of Electric Bikes. This will promote the
Electric Bikes.
3. There is lack of awareness among the public regarding the registration
fees and incentives for the Electric Bikes. There is a need for creating the
awareness that Electric Bikes has no registration fees and there are various

incentives provided by the government for the purchase of Electric Bikes. This will
create lot of potential buyers to buy Electric Bikes.
4.The promotional campaigns of the Electric Bikes are not satisfactory
among the users of the Electric Bikes. The initiatives of conducting promotional
campaign will create large pool of consumers to be attracted towards the Electric
5. Electric Bikes are used only for short distance because of low battery
capacity, so manufacturers should concentrate on research and development to
increase the capacity of Electric Bikes.
6.Another major problem in Electric Bikes is the need for frequent charging
of the batteries, to overcome this problem charging centers should be opened at
various places.

The Electric Bikes have been the order of the day in this polluted world. The
Electric Bikes are slowly and steadily finding it s space in the two-wheeler segment.
The segment is now been facing stiff competition from the availability of the
Electric Bikes. The need for reduction in the pollution is taken by the consumers
who are environment conscious. The study has highlighted the awareness levels
of the consumers are high when it comes to the understanding of the Electric
Bikes. The conventional bikes are gradually losing their market space to the
Electric Bikes. This is due to the enhanced awareness among the public regarding
the pollution created by the conventional system of travelling.


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1. Gender
a) Male. b) Female

2.Age of the Respondent

A.below 25years. B. 25-35years C. 36-45 years D.Above 45 years

a) No Formal Education b) school level c)college level d) professional qualification

a) Business people b) Employed c) Agriculturalist d) Student

5.Family Annual Income

a) Below Rs.100000 b) Rs.1000001-200000 c) Rs.200001-300000 d) Rs.300000-
400001 d) Above Rs.400000.

6.No of earning in the family other than you.

a)One b) two c) three and above

7.Marital Status
a) Married b) unmarried


1. State the source of awareness about the E-bikes

a) Advertisement
b) Representative
c) Friends/relatives
d) Social media.

2. How often do you notice on communication channels about the information on
Electric bikein general?
Likert’s scale- very frequently,frequently,occasionally,rarely,very rarely.
a) Print media
b) Tv/radio broadcasting
c) Social media
d) Blogs

3. Did advertisement influence your buying decision for Electric bike?

a) Yes
b) No

4. If yes what is your opinion about the advertisement influence your decision for
owningElectric bike?
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Neutral
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree

5. State your level of awareness on the following statement that motivated you to
operating forElectric bike .
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Neutral
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
1. Environment Friendly
2. Less maintenance and running cost
3. More safety
4. No registration fee
5. Government subsidies
6. Positive benefits to health

7. Protect earth from various pollution
8. Reduced fixed monthly cost on fuel
9. Economically feasible option
10. Insurance benefits to electric bikes
11. Energy efficiency
12. Less complicated driving nature

6.state your level of agreement on the following statement that influences to buy
Electric bike.
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Neutral
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
1. Reasonable price
2. Model and design
3. Weight and quality
4. Safety
5. Incentives from government
6. Milage
7. Speed
8. Comfort ability
9. Usable by all the household members
10. Easy maintenance
11. Lower tax burden
12. Less dependence on conventional sources
13. Uncomplicated driving nature
14. Less noise pollution
15. Quick recharge time
16. Sufficient service stations.

7. Would you like to suggest your friends and relatives to operating for Electric
a) Yes
b) No

8. Is the present promotional activity about the Electric sufficient enough for you to
make thepurchase decision?
a) Yes
b) No

9. When have you bought Electric bike?

a) Less than 2 years
b) 2-4 years
c) More than 4 years

10. . On average how often do you use your Electric bike?

a) Everyday
b) Twice a week
c) Weekly once
d) Occasionally
e) Rarely

11. Do you approximately know how many kilometers does E-bikes give
a) Upto 10kms
b) 11-20kms
c) 21-30kms
d) 31-40kms
e) Above 40 kms

12. what are the benefits are provided by the government?

a) Sales free tax
b) More preference to take driving license
c) No pay bike tax

d) Exempted from parking charges
e) Others

13. Do you know how long does it take to get charged for your Electric bike?
a) Upto 2 hrs
b) 2-4 hrs
c) 5-7 hrs
d) 8-9 hrs
e) Overnight

14. state your agreement level on the following factors that avoids you in choosing
an electric bike.
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Neutral
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree

1. Lack of adequate information and knowledge

2. Low milage
3. High maintenance charges
4. Less trendy
5. Inability to go for long rides
6. Failure to travel at high speed
7. Unable to carry heavy luggage
8. Life of the battery used is very low
9. Can’t make mountain travelling.
10. Cost of the bike is very high.

15. Do you think environmentally friendly Electric bike is worth paying money for?
a) Yes
b) No.


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