• Reading accuracy – Can recognize simple words and phrases related to familiar topics if supported by
• Reading comprehension – Can understand basic sentences naming familiar everyday items,
if supported by pictures.
• Response to spoken prompts – Can recognize key information (e.g. place, time) about everyday events,
if spoken slowly and clearly.
• Listening accuracy – Can hear the individual vowel and consonant sounds in simple words, if supported
by pictures.
• Spoken acts – Can draw simple conclusions about people in pictures (eg. “he’s happy”), using a limited
range of fixed expressions.
• Spoken accuracy and appropriacy – Can read out loud short, familiar phrases with intelligible
• Written production – Can write answers to questions about where things are, using simple language.
• Written production – Can write simple sentences using familiar words, given prompts.
Key vocabulary Phonics STEAM Grammar Culture
bridge The sounds s /s/ as hills Go straight. beautiful
down in soup, sh /ʃ/ as land Don’t go straight. Cornwall
in shoe, j /dʒ/ as in
flower landforms Turn left. England
jump, and ch /tʃ/ as
forest in chicken layers Don’t turn right. fresh
hill cheese see mountains The ball is under the table. giants
left cherry shell push The doll is next to the box. grass
path chicken shoe rocks The eraser is on the shelf. oxygen
right jeep shop tectonic plates The car is in front of the ball. roof
rock juice soup towels The teddy bear is in the box. secret garden
straight jump sun volcanoes The hat is behind the box. Singapore
tree The book is near the eraser. walls
up The ball is opposite the doll.
The train is above the eraser.
Students will categorize and count. Then they will total amounts.
Make your own picture dictionary.
This feature occurs in each Vocabulary lesson and
encourages students to process new vocabulary
through drawing and writing.
8 Our world
How can I create a nature scrapbook?
4 089
Listen and point. Then
sing along and dance.
TIME Climb up! tree
The trees are green. The trees are high.
The sky is blue. The sky is, too.
3 Where do you look? Write a and b. I’m having fun in the trees
with you!
I’m having fun in the trees
with you!
Then say. You can add your own ideas.
a b Climb up, climb up,
Climb up, climb very high!
Don’t look down,
Look, look at the sky!
1 I look up. 2 I look down. climb up
look down
120 one hundred and twenty one hundred and twenty-one 121
Lesson flow
Warm up
• Play a game of Simon says with classroom
I will learn about the directions up and down. instructions. Say Simon says sit down, stand up,
open your book, close your book, take out your
KEY LANGUAGE pencil, put away your pencil, point at the board,
point at the door, and so on. Each command you
give should be preceded with Simon says. When
tree you don’t say Simon says, students shouldn’t do
up the command. Try to trick them by going faster and
I don’t like it. faster. As a student makes a mistake, they sit out.
It’s great!
It’s okay.
1 090
Listen, point, and repeat.
1 hill 2 bridge 3 tree 4 flower 5 6
2 Look and read. Put a check or cross in the box. 4 The man is going left.
3 This is a path. 4 This is a forest.
Make your own
picture dictionary. Add any
nature words you know.
5 This is a bridge.
flower forest
122 one hundred and twenty-two one hundred and twenty-three 123
Lesson flow
Warm up
• Play Stop go. Have students walk around the
I will learn nature and direction words. classroom and freeze when you say Stop! Then
they start again when you say Go!
KEY LANGUAGE • Give other directions, like run, skip, dance. If you
bridge path don’t have a lot of space, have students walk, run,
and dance on the spot.
down right
flower rock Lesson objective
forest straight
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
hill tree learn nature and direction words.
left up
• Involve Students will learn 12 new nature and
direction words that relate to their lives.
7 left. .
Milly Leo Mrs. Hay’s 4 right.
1 Anna and are going to farm.
The girl is going to the .
2 has a brother and sister.
4 093
read. Then listen
again and dance. Turn left!
Turn right!
Walk Don’t walk.
Don’t dance!
Turn left!
2 Where is she going? Read and draw the correct path . Turn right!
1 Go straight. Jump!
Don’t stop!
2 Turn left.
Jump, jump, jump!
3 Turn right.
4 Don’t turn left. Turn right.
5 Go straight.
124 one hundred and twenty-four one hundred and twenty-five 125
Lesson flow
Warm up Lesson Video Presentation Practice Practice Code Cracker Production Objective
objective Practice review
1 094
Read and listen. Circle the new word. Get the
a forest a bridge a trampoline
Up an d
down! 2
I’m on the bridge!
Me, too!
Up and down
Up and down!
126 one hundred and twenty-six one hundred and twenty-seven 127
Lesson flow
1 Listen and repeat. Then
2 096
Listen and repeat. Then 1 099
Listen and read. Then label
write s or sh. write j or ch. the picture. How are mountains
1 oup 1 ump
mountain tectonic plate 1 Make mountains with towels.
2 un 2 uice
3 oe 3 icken Push!
4 ell 4 erry
3 4
Listen and chant. Make shell shapes. Push quickly.
Land is made of rocks. There are many Push slowly.
Chicken and cheese different rocks of different colors. Hills
You can use pasta! and mountains are made of rocks. .
and juice in the shop. 2 Check or cross
There are rocks under the earth. These
Soup in the shop, 1 I push and the towels …
rocks are called tectonic plates.
Shells in the shop! go up
Paint the shapes. 2 Count and write how many go down
layers. Then ask and answer.
look like mountains
Put it on the MATH 2 I think …
refrigerator. 1 blue ZONE tectonic plates move
2 red tectonic plates make
3 white mountains, hills, and
5 Listen and play
Stick a magnet.
the game.
s = left j = up
How many layers of blue rock are there? Watch a video
sh = right ch = down about rocks.
128 one hundred and twenty-eight one hundred and twenty-nine 129
Lesson flow
Warm up
• Play Follow the leader with sounds. Say the /s/
I will learn the sounds s, sh, j, and ch. ssssss! sound while doing a sliding action like a
snake and then change to /ch/ sounds and start
KEY LANGUAGE acting and sounding like a train: choo choo! Then
change again and say the /j/ jjjjj! while jumping,
The sounds s /s/ as in soup, sh /ʃ/ as in shoe, j /dʒ/
and then the /sh/ shhh! while doing a sleeping
as in jump, and ch /tʃ/ as in chicken.
cheese see • Have students copy the sounds and actions. If you
cherry shell think your students are too mature for the actions,
chicken shoe just do the sounds and have them follow as you
jeep shop do them. The more proficient your students are
with sounds, the more frequently you can change
juice soup
the sounds you make.
jump sun
1 Listen and repeat. Then
2 096
Listen and repeat. Then 1 099
Listen and read. Then label
write s or sh. write j or ch. the picture. How are mountains
1 oup 1 ump
mountain tectonic plate 1 Make mountains with towels.
2 un 2 uice
3 oe 3 icken Push!
4 ell 4 erry
3 4
Listen and chant. Make shell shapes. Push quickly.
Land is made of rocks. There are many Push slowly.
Chicken and cheese different rocks of different colors. Hills
You can use pasta! and mountains are made of rocks. .
and juice in the shop. 2 Check or cross
There are rocks under the earth. These
Soup in the shop, 1 I push and the towels …
rocks are called tectonic plates.
Shells in the shop! go up
Paint the shapes. 2 Count and write how many go down
layers. Then ask and answer.
look like mountains
Put it on the MATH 2 I think …
refrigerator. 1 blue ZONE tectonic plates move
2 red tectonic plates make
3 white mountains, hills, and
5 Listen and play
Stick a magnet.
the game.
s = left j = up
How many layers of blue rock are there? Watch a video
sh = right ch = down about rocks.
128 one hundred and twenty-eight one hundred and twenty-nine 129
Lesson flow
Warm up
• Ask students if they can see a mountain from their
I will learn about landforms. house. Ask Do you know any mountains in your
area? Have you climbed up a mountain? Do you
KEY LANGUAGE know any famous mountains?
hills push
Lesson objective
land rocks
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
landforms tectonic plates learn about landforms.
layers towels
mountains volcanoes • Involve Students will learn about landforms and
what makes mountains.
MATH ZONE • Explain to students that tectonic plates under the
earth’s surface move and push rocks together.
2 Count and write how many layers. Then ask Over thousands of years, this forms different
and answer. landforms, including mountains.
(Answers: 1 4, 2 4, 3 5, Total 13) • You may want to have students guess the results
• Point out the picture to students and explain before they do the experiment.
that the colors and lines represent the layers of • Extra Read the story Simeli Mountain by the
rock under the earth. As a class, count the blue Brothers Grimm about a mountain that appears
layers. Then have students write the number (4) and opens and closes for two brothers.
on the line.
• Tell students to count and write the number of Objective review
layers of each color and then to add all of the • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know about
layers to find a total. landforms.
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
COLLABORATION can do by asking them to explain how mountains
This activity encourages Collaboration. For further are made.
support download our Collaboration checklist.
• Have students work in pairs to ask and answer
about the number of layers of each color.
• Digital literacy Have students find a diagram
online to show tectonic plates below the earth.
Experiment time
How are mountains made?
• Go to the Pearson English Portal and click on
“Resources,” for more teaching resources about
this topic, including a video about rocks.
above 1 100
Listen and check the correct picture.
near a b c
next to
in front of
1 Where are they? Read 2 Look. Then write. 2 Play Guess which picture. 4 Choose and complete
the sentences. Then tell
and check or cross . Is the duck under the bridge?
your partner what to draw.
in front of under on
1 The gray and red bird is behind No, it isn’t. Use these words.
Picture a!
the tree. 1 The rabbit is the tree.
hill path forest tree
2 The brown bird is in the tree. 2 The frog is the flower.
bridge flower
3 The white bird is above
the tree.
3 The lizard is the rock. 3 101
Now listen. Then draw.
1 Draw a
4 The black bird is opposite 2 Draw a
the tree. CODE CRACKER
3 The is next to /
5 The red and brown bird is near in front of / under / on /
the tree.
behind / above /
6 The purple bird is near the tree. near the .
130 one hundred and thirty one hundred and thirty-one 131
Lesson flow
Warm up
• Review up, down, left, right with the class. Give
I will use words to describe where things are. students several instructions that they have to
follow. Say point up, down, left, right. Stand up,
KEY LANGUAGE sit down. Step left, right. Look up, down. Look left,
The ball is under the table. right. Students do the actions as they hear them.
The doll is next to the box.
Lesson objective
The eraser is on the shelf.
The car is in front of the ball. • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
The teddy bear is in the box. use words to describe where things are.
The hat is behind the box.
• Involve Students will be able to say the locations
The book is near the eraser.
of things in relation to other things.
The ball is opposite the doll.
The train is above the eraser.
above 1 100
Listen and check the correct picture.
near a b c
next to
in front of
1 Where are they? Read 2 Look. Then write. 2 Play Guess which picture. 4 Choose and complete
the sentences. Then tell
and check or cross . Is the duck under the bridge?
your partner what to draw.
in front of under on
1 The gray and red bird is behind No, it isn’t. Use these words.
Picture a!
the tree. 1 The rabbit is the tree.
hill path forest tree
2 The brown bird is in the tree. 2 The frog is the flower.
bridge flower
3 The white bird is above
the tree.
3 The lizard is the rock. 3 101
Now listen. Then draw.
1 Draw a
4 The black bird is opposite 2 Draw a
the tree. CODE CRACKER
3 The is next to /
5 The red and brown bird is near in front of / under / on /
the tree.
behind / above /
6 The purple bird is near the tree. near the .
130 one hundred and thirty one hundred and thirty-one 131
Lesson flow
Warm up
• Play 20 and out! Students have to stand in a circle
I will understand and give instructions to play and count upwards from 1 to 20. Choose one student
a game. to begin. They can say either one, two or three
numbers in their initial sequence (1, 1–2, or 1–2–3).
KEY LANGUAGE The next student continues to count upwards. picking
up the sequence from where the previous student
Draw a path.
ended, again choosing to count either one, two, or
Draw a hill. three numbers in their turn. Then the next student
The path is next to the hill. takes their turn. And so on. The person who has to
Draw three flowers in front of the hill. say 20 is out and sits down. Then the game restarts
from 1 with the remaining students.
• The last person standing is the winner.
• Play the audio again if necessary. Check the • Have students work in pairs and draw a picture
answer with students. based on their partner’s instructions. Say Tell
your partner what to draw.
• Ask students to describe the pictures that
weren’t described in the audio. • Encourage them to ask each other questions to
clarify, e.g., On the right? Under or near?
Objective review
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can
2 Play Guess which picture. understand and give instructions to play a game.
• Assist Write Is the _____ in / on / under / near / • Digital literacy If you have a camera, take pictures
in front of / next to the _____. on the board. of your students in action and show them what
• Have students ask yes or no questions to guess they look like when they are busy learning English.
a picture. Say Choose a picture. Your partner Make sure you ask permission from the parents to
asks questions to find out which picture it is. do this.
Demonstrate a conversation with one of the • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
students. can do by reviewing the prepositions using
classroom material.
3 101 Now listen. Then draw.
(Answer: The drawing will look like this:)
… understand and
give instructions
to play a game.
132 one hundred and thirty-two one hundred and thirty-three 133
Lesson flow
Warm up Lesson Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 At home Now I can Objective
objective review
The path is straight.
Listen and follow. Say the number. She’s sleeping in the bedroom.
He’s looking for a book.
Turn left.
Whose hat is it? It’s Sally’s hat.
The dog is drinking.
He’s in the bathroom.
He’s making a cake in the kitchen.
Test your
Whose hat is it? with English
Young Learners
It’s Sally’s hat.
1 2 3 4
134 one hundred and thirty-four one hundred and thirty-five 135
Lesson flow
Beautiful gardens
3 Choose and complete. walls rocks trees
1 Look at the pictures. What places can you see? Say. 3 Plants, , and flowers make our cities beautiful.
2 103
Listen and read.
4 Talk to a partner about the gardens.
Wow! It’s a secret garden!
It’s very old!
Fun Fact!
1 Put earth in a flower pot.
136 one hundred and thirty-six one hundred and thirty-seven 137
Lesson flow
Warm up Lesson Pre-reading Reading Comprehension Comprehension My Culture Production Production Objective
objective review
Warm up
• Show a picture of a garden. As a class, brainstorm
I will learn about gardens in other countries. things in a garden and write a list on the board.
Start them off by saying In a garden, I can see
KEY LANGUAGE flowers. Ask What else can you see in a garden?
• Students add four more letters) to the grid. Then 1 Say the words. Then circle.
following the examples in Activities 1, 2, and 3, (Answers: 1 juice j, 2 soup s, 3 cherry ch,
they tell their partner how to reach those places. 4 shell sh)
5 Make a stop sign. Then play the Dance! Stop! • Critical thinking: observation. The sounds are placed
game. in a different order for each word and are different
• Students make stop signs then tell each other what colors in each row. This helps students to focus on
to do in the Dance! Stop! game. When they hold the letters and not get distracted by the colors.
up their stop signs, everyone must freeze.