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8 Our world

• Reading accuracy – Can recognize simple words and phrases related to familiar topics if supported by
• Reading comprehension – Can understand basic sentences naming familiar everyday items,
if supported by pictures.

• Response to spoken prompts – Can recognize key information (e.g. place, time) about everyday events,
if spoken slowly and clearly.
• Listening accuracy – Can hear the individual vowel and consonant sounds in simple words, if supported
by pictures.

• Spoken acts – Can draw simple conclusions about people in pictures (eg. “he’s happy”), using a limited
range of fixed expressions.
• Spoken accuracy and appropriacy – Can read out loud short, familiar phrases with intelligible

• Written production – Can write answers to questions about where things are, using simple language.
• Written production – Can write simple sentences using familiar words, given prompts.

Key vocabulary Phonics STEAM Grammar Culture
bridge The sounds s /s/ as hills Go straight. beautiful
down in soup, sh /ʃ/ as land Don’t go straight. Cornwall
in shoe, j /dʒ/ as in
flower landforms Turn left. England
jump, and ch /tʃ/ as
forest in chicken layers Don’t turn right. fresh
hill cheese see mountains The ball is under the table. giants
left cherry shell push The doll is next to the box. grass
path chicken shoe rocks The eraser is on the shelf. oxygen
right jeep shop tectonic plates The car is in front of the ball. roof
rock juice soup towels The teddy bear is in the box. secret garden
straight jump sun volcanoes The hat is behind the box. Singapore
tree The book is near the eraser. walls
up The ball is opposite the doll.
The train is above the eraser.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 204 03/08/2020 14:06

Students will make a nature scrapbook. They will choose things in nature and then find or draw pictures.
They will categorize the things they find. They will be encouraged to describe the things and where they are
found: under a tree, in a pond, etc. They will be encouraged to talk about the things they like in nature.
Materials: paper, markers, pencils, glue


Students will learn about how mountains are formed. They will think about the earth and learn about
layers under the earth, movement, and tectonic plates. They will experiment using towels to show the
earth’s layers making mountains.
Materials: towels or paper towels

Pearson English Portal digital resources

Go to the Pearson English Portal and click on “Resources,” for more teaching resources, including videos
and games.


• Students will learn about algorithms by using logical reasoning to predict an outcome.
• Students will understand and perform simple functions.

Students will categorize and count. Then they will total amounts.


Students will learn how to show concern for each other.

Make your own picture dictionary.
This feature occurs in each Vocabulary lesson and
encourages students to process new vocabulary
through drawing and writing.

Make shell shapes.

Students use paper, paints and pasta to design and
color shells that they make into fridge magnets. flower forest
Act out the story in groups.
This feature occurs in each Story lab lesson and will
help students revisit and produce core language
learned so far in the unit, as well as collaborate
with other students in a fun context.


Students will learn about beautiful gardens in different countries around the world.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 205 03/08/2020 14:06

How can I create a nature scrapbook?

8 Our world
How can I create a nature scrapbook?

1 Look at the picture. How do

you feel? Circle and say.

I don’t like it! It’s great! It’s okay.

2 Stick the items on the picture.

4 089
Listen and point. Then
sing along and dance.

TIME Climb up! tree
The trees are green. The trees are high.
The sky is blue. The sky is, too.
3 Where do you look? Write a and b. I’m having fun in the trees
with you!
I’m having fun in the trees
with you!
Then say. You can add your own ideas.
a b Climb up, climb up,
Climb up, climb very high!
Don’t look down,
Look, look at the sky!
1 I look up. 2 I look down. climb up
look down
120 one hundred and twenty one hundred and twenty-one 121

Lesson flow

Warm up Critical Lesson Presentation Practice Practice Song Objective

thinking objective review

Warm up
• Play a game of Simon says with classroom
I will learn about the directions up and down. instructions. Say Simon says sit down, stand up,
open your book, close your book, take out your
KEY LANGUAGE pencil, put away your pencil, point at the board,
point at the door, and so on. Each command you
give should be preceded with Simon says. When
tree you don’t say Simon says, students shouldn’t do
up the command. Try to trick them by going faster and
I don’t like it. faster. As a student makes a mistake, they sit out.
It’s great!
It’s okay.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 206 03/08/2020 14:06

CRITICAL THINKING • Introduce the stickers (tree bridge, up, down)
• Draw a tree on the board and ask What can I by pointing at them and saying the words.
find in and around the tree? Accept answers in Encourage students to say the words out loud.
both English and L1. Supply language in English • Ask students to look at the picture and guess
that students may say in their own language, where the stickers go.
e.g., leaf, branches, bugs, rock, animals, flowers. • Assist Have a volunteer come to the board and
• Ask How can I make a nature scrapbook? demonstrate where the stickers go by holding
Explain that students will make a nature up their Student’s Book. As they do this, say Yes,
scrapbook as their final project, then ask them the tree bridge goes here. or That’s right. The up
in L1 what they need to be able to complete arrow goes there.
the project. Write ideas on the board (things in • To reinforce critical thinking, ask students
nature, plants, etc.). questions in L1 to ensure understanding and
• Involve Next, ask students to think about what encourage discussion around the reasons for their
they will learn so that they can complete the guesses. Ask Why do you think it goes there?
project in English (vocabulary for trees, plants,
flowers, geographical formations). Ask them to CRITICAL THINKING
discuss ideas with their partner.
• Assist Go around the class and ask each
student to share one idea. Write the ideas on 3 Where do you look? Write a and b. Then say.
the board. Encourage students to use English, You can add your own ideas.
but also accept ideas in L1. (Answers: 1 b, 2 a)
• Demonstrate the phrases I look up and I look
• Involve Students will learn to sing a song with the
down with actions. Then have students follow
directions up and down. The rhythm, music, and
along with actions as they repeat.
actions will help both memory and recall of the
new language. • Point at the pictures and ask Where do you
look? Elicit answers from students (I look down
Lesson objective to see a river. I look up to see the sky.).
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will • Challenge Ask students to say other things they
learn about the directions up and down. look down to see (feet, the ground, bugs, dogs,
etc.) and other things they look up to see (tall
COMMUNICATION buildings, birds, airplanes, butterflies, etc.)
1 Look at the picture. How do you feel? Circle
and say. 4 089 Listen and point. Then sing along and dance.
• Ask students to look at the picture. Ask What • Play audio 089 and ask students to read along with
can you see? Point. Say Yes, trees, a ladder, the song quietly.
climbers! Revise previous vocabulary. Ask Can • Play the audio again. Have students sing along and
you see a boy? Look, a girl. What else can you show them the actions. You may need to repeat
see? How do they feel? the song with actions a few times for students to
• Say Imagine this is you. Ask How do you feel? remember them.
(I don’t like it!/It’s great!/It’s OK.) • Actions: tree (arms out to mime being a tree), down
• Differentiation Stretch: Ask students if they like (look down in surprise), up (mime climbing up a
treetop adventures and if they have been to ladder).
forest adventure parks. Find out if they know • Students practice singing several times to become
any such places nearby. familiar with the tune, actions, and lyrics, then get
them up and dancing. You don’t need space. They
CRITICAL THINKING can dance by their desks. Let them have fun and
come up with their own ideas for dance movements.
2 Stick the items on the picture. Objective review
(Answers: Students stick the tree bridge sticker • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know the
between the rope ladder and rope, the up directions up and down.
arrow next to the rope ladder, and the down • Involve Encourage awareness of what students can
arrow next to the rope.) do by eliciting the new vocabulary words and their

M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 207 03/08/2020 14:06

Are you up in a tree?

Are you up in a tree? I will learn

and direct
nature 3 Label the picture. Use the words from 1.

1 090
Listen, point, and repeat.

1 hill 2 bridge 3 tree 4 flower 5 6

5 path 6 forest 7 rock 8 left

4 Look at 3. Read. Then write the 5 091
Now listen,
correct words. check, and say the
1 The boy is walking down the hill.

2 The girl is climbing up the tree. The boy is walking

up the hill.
9 right 10 up 11 down 12 straight
3 The dog isn’t running straight.

2 Look and read. Put a check or cross in the box. 4 The man is going left.

5 The woman is going right.

1 This is a hill. 2 This is a tree. 6 There are six yellow flowers.

3 This is a path. 4 This is a forest.
Make your own
picture dictionary. Add any
nature words you know.
5 This is a bridge.
flower forest

122 one hundred and twenty-two one hundred and twenty-three 123

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Presentation Practice Practice Practice Practice Picture Objective

objective dictionary review

Warm up
• Play Stop go. Have students walk around the
I will learn nature and direction words. classroom and freeze when you say Stop! Then
they start again when you say Go!
KEY LANGUAGE • Give other directions, like run, skip, dance. If you
bridge path don’t have a lot of space, have students walk, run,
and dance on the spot.
down right
flower rock Lesson objective
forest straight
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
hill tree learn nature and direction words.
left up
• Involve Students will learn 12 new nature and
direction words that relate to their lives.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 208 03/08/2020 14:06

1 090 Listen, point, and repeat.
• Point at each of the photos and ask What’s this?
5 091 Now listen, check, and say the
to elicit any words students already know.
• Play audio 090. Students listen, point at the
(Answers: 1 The boy is walking up the hill.,
photos, and repeat the words.
2 The girl is climbing down the tree. 3 The dog
• Monitor In L1, ask students which words they is running straight., 4 The man is going right.,
think will be easy to say and remember and which 5 The woman is going left., 6 There are six pink
words they’ll have to learn. flowers.)
Practice • Play audio 091. Ask students to listen to the
2 Look and read. Put a check or cross in sentences describing the activities in the picture
the box. and check their answers to Activity 4.
(Answers: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ) • Play the audio again and pause after each
sentence so students can repeat. Pay attention
• Ask students to look at the pictures and elicit what
that they use correct rhythm and stress.
they can see.
• Monitor As you check the answers, ask students
• Then ask students to read the sentences. Ask them
to spell the words and ask volunteers to come
if they notice anything that doesn’t match. As a
to the board and write the words.
class, identify the sentences that do not describe
the pictures. • Differentiation Stretch: Have more confident
students work in pairs and point at the pictures
• Say Look and read. Have students check the
in a random order and ask a partner What’s
sentences that are true in relation to the pictures
this? Say the correct sentences in a random order
and cross the ones that describe something else.
and have students point at them in the picture.
3 Label the picture. Use the words from 1. CREATIVITY
(Answers: 1 tree, 2 forest, 3 hill, 4 bridge, 5 rock, Picture dictionary
6 path, 7 flowers) 6 Make your own picture dictionary. Add any
• Ask What can you see in the picture? Elicit nature nature words you know.
words. (Suggested extra words: river, sky, sun, moon,
• Have students work in pairs to identify the labeled stars, outside)
objects. Have them write the things on the picture. • Ask students to use the same notebook they
Tell them to refer to Activity 1 if they need help started in the first unit to record words in a
with the words and spelling, etc. picture dictionary.
• Monitor Give students extra time to write. Walk • Show students the examples in the Student’s
around checking and helping. Encourage those Book and encourage them to use their
who show signs of frustration. Writing in another imagination to draw pictures of the target
language can be challenging! language instead of copying the pictures in
the book.
• Encourage students to write the words neatly
4 Look at 3. Read. Then write the correct words.
under the pictures they draw.
(Answers: 1 up, 2 down, 3 is, 4 right, 5 left,
• Extra Have students show each other the new
6 pink)
pictures they drew in the picture dictionary.
• Practice up, down, left, right with actions around Then give them the opportunity to look over
the class. all of the words in their picture dictionaries
• Demonstrate the activity by reading the first and share some of their favorites with their
sentence and then looking for the activity in the classmates.
picture in Activity 3.
• Monitor Have students read all of the sentences Objective review
and point at the relevant parts of the picture • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can use
before writing anything. As a class, identify the nature and direction words.
incorrect words in the sentences. • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
• Have students write the correct words on the lines can do by eliciting the new vocabulary words and
provided. having students point at pictures of them.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 209 03/08/2020 14:06

Language lab 1

Language lab 1 I will unde

rstand 3 Look at 2 again. Now complete the directions to the other place.
and give
instructions 1 straight. 5 straight.
2 right. 6 .
1 092
Watch. Then choose and write. 3 left.
Turn right.

7 left. .
Milly Leo Mrs. Hay’s 4 right.
1 Anna and are going to farm.
The girl is going to the .
2 has a brother and sister.

4 093
read. Then listen
again and dance. Turn left!
Turn right!
Walk Don’t walk.
Don’t dance!

Turn left!
2 Where is she going? Read and draw the correct path . Turn right!

1 Go straight. Jump!
Don’t stop!
2 Turn left.
Jump, jump, jump!
3 Turn right.
4 Don’t turn left. Turn right.

5 Go straight.

6 Don’t turn right. Turn left.

5 Create a dance for your friends. Use these words.
7 Turn right. Stop.
kick jump run dance stop turn walk
The girl is going to the . Don’t stop!
Turn left!

124 one hundred and twenty-four one hundred and twenty-five 125

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Video Presentation Practice Practice Code Cracker Production Objective
objective Practice review

• Put the flashcards for Unit 8 on the board.

Ask students to classify the items as things or
I will understand and give instructions. directions. Have them classify the things as made
by humans or natural.
KEY LANGUAGE • Differentiation Have more confident students
order hill, rock, path, flower, bridge, tree, forest in
Go straight.
alphabetical order. Ask less confident students to
Don’t go straight. say things from the vocabulary list that they have
Turn left. in their neighborhood.
Don’t turn right.
Lesson objective
Warm up • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
• Show students the flashcards and have them say understand and give instructions.
the words.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 210 03/08/2020 14:06

• Involve Students will demonstrate an • Write the instructions on the board as they say
understanding of instructions they hear and read. them.
They will learn how to give instructions. • Tell students there are various ways to get there.
Tell them to write their own instructions to the
other place.
1 092 Watch. Then choose and write.
• Have them follow each other’s written instructions.
(Answers: 1 Leo, Mrs. Hay’s, 2 Milly)
• Have students read the sentences and predict
where the words in the box go.
• Tell students to choose and write as they listen. 4 093 Listen and read. Then listen again
Play the video Unit 8: Visit to a Farm or audio 092. and dance.
• Monitor Play the video or audio again. Ask some • Students look at the children dancing and the
comprehension questions: What animals did Leo instructions on the right. Say Let’s listen and
see? (cows, a horse, goats) What did they say at read. Play audio 093 and have students follow
the end? (Welcome to the world, little goats.) in their Student’s Books.
• Then say Let’s listen and dance. Play the audio
Presentation again as students listen, sing, and dance.
• Play the video again and ask students to repeat • Have volunteers come to the front and
the instructions Anna gave Leo. Write them on the demonstrate their dance for others to follow.
board: Close your eyes / Don’t open your eyes /
Walk / Go straight / Don’t open your eyes / Open CREATIVITY COLLABORATION
your eyes / Turn right / Stop. Introduce the phrases
to the class with actions. Then have them listen, This activity encourages Collaboration. For further
repeat, and do the actions. support download our Collaboration checklist.
• Have students work in pairs, saying the Production
instructions and doing the actions for each other.
5 Create a dance for your friends. Use these
• Play some upbeat music of your choice to
2 Where is she going? Read and draw the
• Give students time to think and write some
correct path.
instructions for a dance. They use the words
(Answer: The girl is going to the forest.) in the box to help them and the lyrics from
• Tell students to read the instructions and draw the song.
the path the girl takes. • In pairs, students tell each other how to do
• Monitor Check answers with the class. Draw their dances, and they practice them. Tell
the path on the board as students read it. students to keep the instructions simple.
• Challenge Have students write different • Play music again for students to dance their
instructions for the girl on the path. Then, in new dances.
pairs, have them read their instructions and
follow the path. They could go from the forest Objective review
to the bridge or vice versa.
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can
• Extra Make a path in the classroom through understand and give instructions.
the desks and have students work in pairs to
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
give each other instructions through the path.
can do by having them share their dances with
the class.
3 Look at 2 again. Now complete the directions to
the other place.
(Answers: 1 Go, 2 Turn, 3 Turn, 4 Don’t turn,
5 Go, 6 Don’t turn left. 7 Turn, Stop. / The girls is
going to the bridge.)
• Have students look at Activity 2 again and ask
volunteers to say a route to the other place
(the bridge).


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 211 03/08/2020 14:06

Story lab

Story lab I will read

5 I have bread
and cheese
Come down, Milly!

story abou and ice cream! She can’t!

helping ot t
hers. Wow! Thank
you, Mrs. Hay!

1 094
Read and listen. Circle the new word. Get the
a forest a bridge a trampoline

Up an d
down! 2
I’m on the bridge!

Oh, no! Look at Milly!

Wow! This is an amazing forest!
1 Yes! Well done, Milly! 8
I’m going up!

Me, too!

Up and down
Up and down!

Look at that bridge!

Let’s jump with Milly!

It’s fantastic here!

Values Show concern for each other.
Come down
now! Be careful! 2 Look at the story. Circle 3 Who is helping Milly? Read and
T (True) or F (False).
check or cross .
1 The children climb up. T/F
1 This is an amazing forest!
I can see 2 Miss Kelly climbs on
Okay! 2 Get the trampoline!
our school! the bridge. T/F
3 I can see our school!
3 Mrs. Hay has lots of food. T/F

4 Milly jumps down. T/F

4 Act out the story in groups.
5 They all jump on the How do you help your friends?
And the castle and the farm! trampoline. T/F

126 one hundred and twenty-six one hundred and twenty-seven 127

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Pre-reading Reading Comprehension Values Act out Objective

objective Comprehension review

LESSON OBJECTIVE Lesson objective

I will read a story about helping others. • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
read a story about helping others.
Warm up
• Involve Students will listen to and read a
• Have students stand up and remind them of the
story about helping others. They will use the
actions for the song on page 121.
information from the pictures and words to
• Play audio 089 and have students sing along and understand the story.
do the actions.
• Monitor Ask more confident students to stand Pre-reading
at the front of class for others to copy. Watch • Ask students to look at the pictures and have them
and listen to students and provide support if guess what will happen in the story in L1. Write
needed. Take notes on any general issues with some ideas on the board.
pronunciation and intonation.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 212 03/08/2020 14:06

• Once you’ve read the story together, you can
compare these ideas and discuss any similarities or
differences with students. This activity encourages Collaboration. For further
support download our Collaboration checklist.
Act out
4 Act out the story in groups. How do you help
1 094 Read and listen. Circle the new word.
your friends?
(Answer: a trampoline)
• Put students in groups of six and ask them
• Play audio 094 and have students listen and to decide who plays each character. The
follow the story in their Student’s Books. Ask characters are Anna, Leo, Tom, Miss Kelly,
Which is the new word? (trampoline) Which Mrs. Hays, and Milly.
words do you already know? (forest, bridge, • Assist Before students act out the story,
school, castle, bread, cheese, ice cream) have them read it as a group. Then have
• Challenge Have students close their Student’s them read it again with each student reading
Books. Hold up the story cards one by one their character’s lines. This will help them to
and ask students to retell the story in their remember their lines.
own words. • Have each group of students act out the story
in different corners of the classroom. If you
Comprehension have time, ask each group to act out the story
2 Look at the story. Circle T (True) or F (False). in front of the rest of the class.
(Answers: 1 T, 2 F, 3 T, 4 T, 5 T) • Extra Have students work in pairs to brainstorm
things they climb up and things they go down.
• Read the statements as a class. Then ask students
Then have them act out doing different activities
to read the statements and circle T (True) or F
while others guess what they are doing (climbing
up a ladder, going up an escalator, going up
• Assist Write the first statement on the board and an elevator, climbing down a tree, sliding down
demonstrate how and where to find the place in a slide, sliding down a pole, jumping out of a
the story. plane and going down in a parachute, going up
• Extra Have students make up true or false and down on a roller coaster).
statements for the class to answer.
Objective review
Values • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can read a
Comprehension story about helping others.
3 Who is helping Milly? Read and check or • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
cross . can do by asking them to read a few lines from
(Answers: 2 Get the trampoline. Anna, Leo, the story.
Tom, Mr. Mud, and Miss Kelly are all helping
Milly, who is stuck on the bridge)
• Draw students’ attention to the frame where
Milly is stuck (6). Ask What’s wrong? (She can’t
move. She’s afraid. She’s stuck on the bridge.)
• Ask How do they solve the problem? (They use
the trampoline.) Who helps? (everyone) Point
out that the children show concern for Milly and
help her.
• Have students think of different ways in which
we show concern for each other and ways to be
kind and helpful.
• Have them demonstrate scenarios in pairs.
They could practice asking Are you okay? when
someone is sad. They could help someone up
when they fall down or they might offer to
carry things for someone.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 213 03/08/2020 14:06

Phonics lab

Phonics lab I will learn

j, and ch so s, sh,
Experiment lab I will learn
landforms. t

1 Listen and repeat. Then
2 096
Listen and repeat. Then 1 099
Listen and read. Then label
write s or sh. write j or ch. the picture. How are mountains
1 oup 1 ump
mountain tectonic plate 1 Make mountains with towels.
2 un 2 uice
3 oe 3 icken Push!
4 ell 4 erry

3 4
Listen and chant. Make shell shapes. Push quickly.
Land is made of rocks. There are many Push slowly.
Chicken and cheese different rocks of different colors. Hills
You can use pasta! and mountains are made of rocks. .
and juice in the shop. 2 Check or cross
There are rocks under the earth. These
Soup in the shop, 1 I push and the towels …
rocks are called tectonic plates.
Shells in the shop! go up
Paint the shapes. 2 Count and write how many go down
layers. Then ask and answer.
look like mountains
Put it on the MATH 2 I think …
refrigerator. 1 blue ZONE tectonic plates move
2 red tectonic plates make
3 white mountains, hills, and
5 Listen and play
Stick a magnet.

the game.
s = left j = up
How many layers of blue rock are there? Watch a video
sh = right ch = down about rocks.

128 one hundred and twenty-eight one hundred and twenty-nine 129

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Presentation Practice Chant Production Practice Objective

objective review

Warm up
• Play Follow the leader with sounds. Say the /s/
I will learn the sounds s, sh, j, and ch. ssssss! sound while doing a sliding action like a
snake and then change to /ch/ sounds and start
KEY LANGUAGE acting and sounding like a train: choo choo! Then
change again and say the /j/ jjjjj! while jumping,
The sounds s /s/ as in soup, sh /ʃ/ as in shoe, j /dʒ/
and then the /sh/ shhh! while doing a sleeping
as in jump, and ch /tʃ/ as in chicken.
cheese see • Have students copy the sounds and actions. If you
cherry shell think your students are too mature for the actions,
chicken shoe just do the sounds and have them follow as you
jeep shop do them. The more proficient your students are
with sounds, the more frequently you can change
juice soup
the sounds you make.
jump sun


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 214 03/08/2020 14:06

Lesson objective • Play audio 097 a couple of times and have
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will students join in with the chant.
learn the s, sh, j, and ch sounds. • Monitor Have students say the chant in pairs,
alternating lines, then saying the last line
• Involve Students will learn the sounds s, sh, j, and together. Go around the room listening to their
ch through words that have these sounds. pronunciation. Pay particular attention to the s,
sh, j, and ch sounds.
1 095 Listen and repeat. Then write s or sh. CREATIVITY
(Answers: 1 s, 2 s, 3 sh, 4 sh)
• Write s and sh on the board and demonstrate the 4 Make shell shapes.
sounds. Ask students if they know any words that
• Have students find the template at the back of
start with these letters. Write a list on the board.
the Student’s Book and cut out the shell shape.
• Assist Play the Phonics Pronunciation video. Ask
• Have them write as many sh words as they can
students to sit and watch quietly. Play it again and
think of on the shell shape.
ask students to copy what they see and hear.
• Tell them to paint and decorate the shell.
• Have students look at the pictures in Activity 1.
Elicit the names of the things they know. (soup, • Hand out magnets for students to stick on the
sun, shoe, shell). shell to make it into a refrigerator magnet. Tell
them to put it on the refrigerator when they get
• Play audio 095 and have students repeat the
words, pointing at the correct pictures as they
do so. • Extra Have students walk around the room
showing each other their shells and saying
• Say Now write s or sh. Students complete the
the words.
words with the correct letters. Check as a class.
Encourage students to spell the whole word.
Practice 5 098 Listen and play the game.
2 096 Listen and repeat. Then write j or ch. • Teach students the movements first. For words
(Answers: 1 j, 2 j, 3 ch, 4 ch) beginning with the s sound, they put their arms to
• Write j and ch on the board and demonstrate the the left; for the sh sound, they put their arms right;
sounds. Ask students if they know any words that for the j sound, they put their arms up; and for
start with these letters. Write a list on the board. the ch sound, they put their arms down. Practice
without the audio until students feel confident
• Have students look at the pictures in Activity 2.
with the movements.
Elicit the names of the things they know (jump,
juice, chicken, cherry). • Play audio 098. Have students listen and respond.
• Play audio 096 and have students repeat the • Extra Have students work in groups of four to
words, pointing at the correct pictures as they take turns saying sounds for their group as they
do so. move.
• Say Now write j or ch. Students complete the • Differentiation Encourage confident students
words with the correct letters. Check as a class. to make up a chant of their own using the new
Encourage students to spell each word. sounds.
• Extra Ask students to work in pairs. One says the Objective review
four sounds as their partner points at the pictures.
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know the s,
Then tell them to change roles.
sh, j, and ch sounds.
COMMUNICATION • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
Chant can do by eliciting words with the s, sh, j, and
ch sounds.
3 097 Listen and chant.
• Check that students understand the meanings
of the words in bold. Ask Which things can
you eat? What is meat? What can you put in a
sandwich? Which word is a liquid? Which word
is a place?


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 215 03/08/2020 14:06

Experiment lab

Phonics lab I will learn

j, and ch so s, sh,
Experiment lab I will learn
landforms. t

1 Listen and repeat. Then
2 096
Listen and repeat. Then 1 099
Listen and read. Then label
write s or sh. write j or ch. the picture. How are mountains
1 oup 1 ump
mountain tectonic plate 1 Make mountains with towels.
2 un 2 uice
3 oe 3 icken Push!
4 ell 4 erry

3 4
Listen and chant. Make shell shapes. Push quickly.
Land is made of rocks. There are many Push slowly.
Chicken and cheese different rocks of different colors. Hills
You can use pasta! and mountains are made of rocks. .
and juice in the shop. 2 Check or cross
There are rocks under the earth. These
Soup in the shop, 1 I push and the towels …
rocks are called tectonic plates.
Shells in the shop! go up
Paint the shapes. 2 Count and write how many go down
layers. Then ask and answer.
look like mountains
Put it on the MATH 2 I think …
refrigerator. 1 blue ZONE tectonic plates move
2 red tectonic plates make
3 white mountains, hills, and
5 Listen and play
Stick a magnet.

the game.
s = left j = up
How many layers of blue rock are there? Watch a video
sh = right ch = down about rocks.

128 one hundred and twenty-eight one hundred and twenty-nine 129

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Pre-reading Reading Math Practice Experiment Objective

objective Practice time review

Warm up
• Ask students if they can see a mountain from their
I will learn about landforms. house. Ask Do you know any mountains in your
area? Have you climbed up a mountain? Do you
KEY LANGUAGE know any famous mountains?

hills push
Lesson objective
land rocks
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
landforms tectonic plates learn about landforms.
layers towels
mountains volcanoes • Involve Students will learn about landforms and
what makes mountains.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 216 03/08/2020 14:06

Pre-reading 1 Make mountains with towels.
• Ask students if they know the names of any • Tell students they will make a mountain.
volcanoes or high mountains in their country. Demonstrate making the mountain with a towel.
• In L1, ask if they have ever wondered how the Ask a volunteer to read out the instructions to you
mountains were formed. as you follow them. Then have students try it out
for themselves.
Reading • If it is not possible to use towels, this experiment
1 099 Listen and read. Then label the picture. can also be done with strips of different-colored
(Answers: 1 mountain, 2 tectonic plate) paper or strips of modeling clay.
• Allow students time to look at the pictures and • Have students experiment by doing the activity
think about the labels. several times, sometimes quickly and sometimes
slowly. Let students observe the different
• Then play audio 099 and have students listen and
“mountain” shapes which the strips or towels
read. Play the audio again and ask students to
make. They could then draw what they have
label the picture.
• Ask comprehension questions: What is land made
2 Check or cross .
of? (rocks) What are hills and mountains made of?
(rocks) What are the rocks that can move under (Answers: 1 , , 2 )
the earth called? (tectonic plates) • Have students read and check or cross based on
what they saw during their experiment.

MATH ZONE • Explain to students that tectonic plates under the
earth’s surface move and push rocks together.
2 Count and write how many layers. Then ask Over thousands of years, this forms different
and answer. landforms, including mountains.
(Answers: 1 4, 2 4, 3 5, Total 13) • You may want to have students guess the results
• Point out the picture to students and explain before they do the experiment.
that the colors and lines represent the layers of • Extra Read the story Simeli Mountain by the
rock under the earth. As a class, count the blue Brothers Grimm about a mountain that appears
layers. Then have students write the number (4) and opens and closes for two brothers.
on the line.
• Tell students to count and write the number of Objective review
layers of each color and then to add all of the • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know about
layers to find a total. landforms.
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
COLLABORATION can do by asking them to explain how mountains
This activity encourages Collaboration. For further are made.
support download our Collaboration checklist.

• Have students work in pairs to ask and answer
about the number of layers of each color.
• Digital literacy Have students find a diagram
online to show tectonic plates below the earth.

Experiment time
How are mountains made?
• Go to the Pearson English Portal and click on
“Resources,” for more teaching resources about
this topic, including a video about rocks.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 217 03/08/2020 14:06

Language lab 2

Language lab 2 I will use wo

to describ rds
Draw a forest! I will unde
give instru
rstand and
e wher ctions to pl
things are. e a game.

above 1 100
Listen and check the correct picture.
near a b c

next to

in front of

1 Where are they? Read 2 Look. Then write. 2 Play Guess which picture. 4 Choose and complete
the sentences. Then tell
and check or cross . Is the duck under the bridge?
your partner what to draw.
in front of under on
1 The gray and red bird is behind No, it isn’t. Use these words.
Picture a!
the tree. 1 The rabbit is the tree.
hill path forest tree
2 The brown bird is in the tree. 2 The frog is the flower.
bridge flower
3 The white bird is above
the tree.
3 The lizard is the rock. 3 101
Now listen. Then draw.
1 Draw a
4 The black bird is opposite 2 Draw a
the tree. CODE CRACKER
3 The is next to /
5 The red and brown bird is near in front of / under / on /
the tree.
behind / above /
6 The purple bird is near the tree. near the .

3 Look at 1 and 2. Ask and answer with a partner.

Where’s the blue bird?

It’s behind the tree.

130 one hundred and thirty one hundred and thirty-one 131

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Presentation Practice Practice Production Objective

objective review

Warm up
• Review up, down, left, right with the class. Give
I will use words to describe where things are. students several instructions that they have to
follow. Say point up, down, left, right. Stand up,
KEY LANGUAGE sit down. Step left, right. Look up, down. Look left,
The ball is under the table. right. Students do the actions as they hear them.
The doll is next to the box.
Lesson objective
The eraser is on the shelf.
The car is in front of the ball. • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
The teddy bear is in the box. use words to describe where things are.
The hat is behind the box.
• Involve Students will be able to say the locations
The book is near the eraser.
of things in relation to other things.
The ball is opposite the doll.
The train is above the eraser.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 218 03/08/2020 14:06

Presentation Practice
• Show the class the positions with a ball or a book 2 Look. Then write.
and a chair, eliciting the positions students may (Answers: 1 in front of, 2 on, 3 under)
already know as you go. • Review the words in the box by asking students to
• Ask students to listen and point as you read out show you the positions with a pencil and a book.
loud the positions in the picture. • Ask students to look at the picture and complete
• Assist Invite volunteers to the front of the class. the sentences with the words in the box.
Say a position and have volunteers put a book or • Write the sentences on the board and invite
a ball in that position. Say Put the ball in the box. students to fill in the missing words for the class.
Put the book on / under / next to / behind / in front
of / near / above the chair. Show opposite with two COMMUNICATION
books opposite each other, moving them around
to keep them opposite one another.
3 Look at 1 and 2. Ask and answer with a
• Extra If you would like to increase students’
vocabulary and help them be more observant,
describe the birds in the picture in Activity 1. • Review the animals in the picture with students.
Have them follow along and point. Say The bird Ask What animals can you see? (rabbit, cat,
in the tree is an owl. The bird next to the tree is a lizard, fish, frog)
woodpecker. The bird behind the tree is a pigeon. • Write Where’s the _____? on the board and
The bird under the log is a sparrow. The bird practice the example sentence with the class.
opposite the tree (next to the stream) is a heron. • Students work in pairs. Have them ask each
The bird in front of the tree is a blackbird. The bird other about the locations of the animals.
flying near the tree is a macaw/parrot. The bird Say Ask and answer with a partner.
above the tree is a stork. You may want to tell
them the names of the birds in L1, too.
Objective review
CRITICAL THINKING • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can use
words to describe where things are.
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
1 Where are they? Read and check or cross .
can do by having them demonstrate positions as
(Answers: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ) you say them.
• Ask a volunteer to read the first sentence as you
find the bird and point it out in the picture in
the Student’s Book. Say The gray and red bird
isn’t behind the tree. It’s next to the tree. Cross.
• Have students read and cross or check the
sentences according to the picture.
• Monitor As you check the answers with the
class, ask students to correct the sentences that
had crosses (1 The gray and red bird is next to
the tree. 5 The red and brown bird is under
the log.).


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 219 03/08/2020 14:06

Draw a forest!

Language lab 2 I will use wo

to describ rds
Draw a forest! I will unde
give instru
rstand and
e wher ctions to pl
things are. e a game.

above 1 100
Listen and check the correct picture.
near a b c

next to

in front of

1 Where are they? Read 2 Look. Then write. 2 Play Guess which picture. 4 Choose and complete
the sentences. Then tell
and check or cross . Is the duck under the bridge?
your partner what to draw.
in front of under on
1 The gray and red bird is behind No, it isn’t. Use these words.
Picture a!
the tree. 1 The rabbit is the tree.
hill path forest tree
2 The brown bird is in the tree. 2 The frog is the flower.
bridge flower
3 The white bird is above
the tree.
3 The lizard is the rock. 3 101
Now listen. Then draw.
1 Draw a
4 The black bird is opposite 2 Draw a
the tree. CODE CRACKER
3 The is next to /
5 The red and brown bird is near in front of / under / on /
the tree.
behind / above /
6 The purple bird is near the tree. near the .

3 Look at 1 and 2. Ask and answer with a partner.

Where’s the blue bird?

It’s behind the tree.

130 one hundred and thirty one hundred and thirty-one 131

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Practice Practice Practice Production Objective

objective review

Warm up
• Play 20 and out! Students have to stand in a circle
I will understand and give instructions to play and count upwards from 1 to 20. Choose one student
a game. to begin. They can say either one, two or three
numbers in their initial sequence (1, 1–2, or 1–2–3).
KEY LANGUAGE The next student continues to count upwards. picking
up the sequence from where the previous student
Draw a path.
ended, again choosing to count either one, two, or
Draw a hill. three numbers in their turn. Then the next student
The path is next to the hill. takes their turn. And so on. The person who has to
Draw three flowers in front of the hill. say 20 is out and sits down. Then the game restarts
from 1 with the remaining students.
• The last person standing is the winner.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 220 03/08/2020 14:06

Lesson objective • Then have students listen again and this time
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I allow them to draw.
will understand and give instructions to play • Play the audio again and give students the
a game. opportunity to complete their drawings.
• Involve Encourage them to compare their
• Involve Students will give each other instructions drawings with others.
to draw a picture.


Practice Production
1 100 Listen and check the correct picture. 4 Choose and complete the sentences. Then tell
your partner what to draw. Use these words.
(Answer: b)
• Do an example as a class. Write complete
• Quickly review the items that students can
sentences on the board, eliciting answers from
see in the pictures (bridge, path, hill, tree,
the class. Then read and draw the picture.
duck, river).
• Have students work alone to complete the
• Tell students that they are going to listen to a
sentences with words from the box.
description. Say Listen and check the correct
picture. Play audio 100. • Give students a piece of blank paper.

• Play the audio again if necessary. Check the • Have students work in pairs and draw a picture
answer with students. based on their partner’s instructions. Say Tell
your partner what to draw.
• Ask students to describe the pictures that
weren’t described in the audio. • Encourage them to ask each other questions to
clarify, e.g., On the right? Under or near?

Objective review
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can
2 Play Guess which picture. understand and give instructions to play a game.
• Assist Write Is the _____ in / on / under / near / • Digital literacy If you have a camera, take pictures
in front of / next to the _____. on the board. of your students in action and show them what
• Have students ask yes or no questions to guess they look like when they are busy learning English.
a picture. Say Choose a picture. Your partner Make sure you ask permission from the parents to
asks questions to find out which picture it is. do this.
Demonstrate a conversation with one of the • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
students. can do by reviewing the prepositions using
classroom material.
3 101 Now listen. Then draw.
(Answer: The drawing will look like this:)

• Ask students to close their eyes and listen. They

must not draw. Make sure they listen to the end
of the recording. Play audio 101.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 221 03/08/2020 14:06

Make a nature scrapbook


Make a nature scrapbook
Create Show and tell
Step 2
Step 1
How can I create Share your work
my nature scrapbook? and ideas with friends.
Stick or draw pictures.
Research How can I start
I like that idea! Thank you.
Write about the pictures.
my nature scrapbook?
What things from nature can Write where you can see
you see in your town or country? Decide what to put in natural things and why
your scrapbook. you like them.
Write down where they are
or … Choose how many pages
you need for trees, birds,
… find out where they are. and flowers.
List things you see every day. Decide what photos you Where is
that flower?
Learn their names. want and what things you
will draw. It’s behind my house!
I like the colors!

Amazing rocks in Hunan, China.

Now I can ..
What’s this flower?
Write about …
It’s a tulip.
• What it is … use nature and
direction words.
• Where it is
Look out for flowers, birds, and … give and
• Why I like it trees when you travel to school. understand
Count how many you see.
… describe where
things are using
next to, behind,
in front of.

… understand and
give instructions
to play a game.

132 one hundred and thirty-two one hundred and thirty-three 133

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 At home Now I can Objective
objective review

• Involve Students will make a nature scrapbook.

Each student will collect and paste or draw things
I will make a nature scrapbook. found in nature that interest them. They will use
the language learned from the unit.
Warm up
Step 1
• Bring in photos of things found in nature from
magazines, books, or the internet. Place them on
the board and ask students to say what they are. • Have students work individually. Ask them to think
Help where necessary. about things from nature they can see in their
town or country. Ask Where are they? Say List
Lesson objective things you see every day. Find out their names.
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will • For homework, ask students to find photos and
make a nature scrapbook. pictures of things from nature they like.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 222 03/08/2020 14:07

• As a class, brainstorm the names of things in nature At home
they want to say. You may want to do this in L1. Look out for flowers, birds, and trees when you
What’s the name of this flower? Which tree is that? travel to school. Count how many you see.
• Assist Help students think about who they can ask • Have students share the things they see on the
for information and who can help them get photos way to school. Have them say how many they saw.
and information about interesting things from
• Have students report back to the class with their
nature in their town.
findings. They could bring in photos of the things
Step 2 they have seen.
Plan Now I can …
• Tell students to take out their notes from Step 1. • Show students the Now I can … box and read the
Say Decide what to put in your scrapbook. examples. Ask students to repeat and then check
• Have students organize their scrapbook. Say understanding in L1.
Decide how many pages you need for trees, birds, • Involve Ask students to think about how they feel
and flowers. about these statements.
• Tell students to decide what photos they want and • Have students draw four light bulbs in their
what things they will draw. notebooks and for each light bulb draw light lines
Step 3 coming from it to show how confident they are
about each statement. The more lines they draw
Create radiating from each light bulb, the more confident
• Hand out paper. Have students stick or draw they feel about the statement.
pictures. • Monitor Have students choose the statement they
• Have students write about the pictures. Tell them are the most confident about. Then have them tell
to write about where people can see the natural the rest of the class. Make notes of the statements
things. Tell them to write about why they like that the fewest students choose and make sure
them. you review the content in the future.
• Monitor Walk around to monitor and check as
they are doing this. If they make mistakes, tell Objective review
them it’s OK, they can do another draft. Allow • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can make a
them to make as many drafts as they need. nature scrapbook.
• Give students the opportunity to check their work. • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
can do by asking them questions about their
COLLABORATION nature scrapbooks. Ask What is your favorite thing
This activity encourages Collaboration. For further in your scrapbook? Where can you find it?
support download our Collaboration checklist.
Assessment pack
Step 4 • To assess students’ progress at the end of the unit,
Show and tell have them complete the Unit 8 Unit Test.
• Have students share their work with others. • To assess whether students have reached the
Perhaps put their work up around the room so listening and speaking targets for this unit, give
they can view each other’s work as though they them the Unit 8 Speaking Test.
are in a gallery. • Arrange one-to-one sessions with each student
• Give students sticky notes to write kind and use the prompts to evaluate their listening
comments on and stick them up near the work. and speaking abilities.
• For grammar and vocabulary assessment, have
Extra task students complete the Practice and Unit Tests in
• Have students work in small groups to share in the Assessment Pack.
their nature scrapbooks what they saw.
Pearson English Portal games
• Have them vote as a class on the scrapbook
they like the most. Go to the Pearson English Portal and click on
“Resources,” then “Games” for a class game about
• Make the nature scrapbooks they have
nature and direction words.
produced available to other students in the
school. You could display them in the school
foyer, library, or hall. Encourage students to take
pride in their work.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 223 03/08/2020 14:07

4 Checkpoint

4 Checkpoint UNITS 7 AND 8

2 Read and follow. Draw the arrows.
1 Turn right. 2 There are flowers next to
the bridge.

The path is straight.
Listen and follow. Say the number. She’s sleeping in the bedroom.
He’s looking for a book.
Turn left.
Whose hat is it? It’s Sally’s hat.
The dog is drinking.
He’s in the bathroom.
He’s making a cake in the kitchen.

3 Follow the arrows. Choose and write.

bathroom right forest rock in front of sleeping
behind Sally’s isn’t straight

1 Is she sitting a tree? 2 The cats are the

Yes, she is! house.

There’s a path in the . Look at the !

He’s in the . She making a cake.

She’s cleaning.
Whose hat is it? It’s
hat. The path is .

Turn . She’s in the bedroom.

4 Ask and answer with a partner.

Test your
Whose hat is it? with English
Young Learners
It’s Sally’s hat.

1 2 3 4

134 one hundred and thirty-four one hundred and thirty-five 135

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Listening Reading Writing Speaking Objective

objective review

LESSON OBJECTIVE Lesson objective

I will review language and vocabulary from Units • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
7 and 8. review Units 7 and 8.

Warm up • Involve Students will review all of the language

learned in Units 7 and 8. They will consolidate
• Ask students to look over Units 7 and 8 to refresh
their knowledge in a series of activities to test all
their memories about the content. Tell them to
four skills.
look at the grammar pages and read examples of
the grammar. Have them share examples of the
grammar they have learned in Units 7 and 8.
• Have them review their picture dictionaries and
reread the stories in the units.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 224 03/08/2020 14:07

Listening Writing
1 102 Listen and follow. Say the number. 3 Follow the arrows. Choose and write.
(Answers: 1 4, 2 1) (Answers: 1 behind, forest, bathroom,
• Ask students to look at the pictures and listen Sally’s, right, column 4, 2 in front of, rock, isn’t,
carefully. Explain that they will hear questions and straight, sleeping, column 2)
answers or sentences about some of the pictures. • Students read and complete the sentences by
Tell them to follow the path for the pictures they following the paths the arrows make to the
hear about and then they should say the number pictures described in Activity 1.
of the column below the final picture. • Assist Tell students to read carefully because most
• Play audio 102. Students listen carefully and of the missing words are part of the sentence
follow the path of pictures. structure.
• Monitor Check answers with the class. Play the • After students complete the sentences, they can
audio again if needed. You could pause the audio say the number below the final picture in the path.
after each sentence to check whether students are • Monitor Check answers with the class. Show
following the correct path. students the path on the board by circling the
• Challenge In groups of three, one student makes correct answers and drawing arrows between
sentences about the pictures in a path from the them.
top to the bottom of the page. The second student
follows the path and says the number at the COMMUNICATION
bottom. The third student listens and corrects any Speaking
mistakes in the language used. The three students 4 Ask and answer with a partner.
repeat this two more times and swap roles.
• Ask two students to read the examples in the
Reading speech bubbles. Then explain to students that
2 Read and follow. Draw the arrows. they can ask and answer about any of the
pictures in Activity 1. Encourage them to use
(Answers: 1 , , , , column 4, 2 , ,
language they have learned in Units 7 and 8,
, , column 1)
and in other units, too.
• Students read the sentences and follow the paths • Monitor Watch students and provide support if
of pictures in Activity 1. They add an arrow in the needed. Ask individual students questions and
box to show which direction they move from one listen to their answers, then have them ask you
picture to the next. questions. Take notes on any general issues
• After students read the final sentences, they say with pronunciation and intonation.
the number below the final picture in the path. • Extra Encourage more confident students to
• Monitor Check answers with the class. Show ask about words they don’t know in English
students the paths on the board by circling the and to look them up in the dictionary.
correct answers and drawing arrows between
them. Objective review
• Differentiation Stretch: Have students write • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know Units
their own path in their notebook and give it to 7 and 8.
their partner to find the answer. Support: Have
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
students who need more support draw the arrows
know by asking questions about the pictures in
on the grid in Activity 1 as they read before
Activity 1.
drawing them next to the sentences.
• Encourage awareness of what students have
learned by eliciting new language from Units 7
and 8. Ask What words did you learn in Units
7 and 8? What questions and answers can you
remember from Units 7 and 8? Accept all answers.
• Have students go to the Progress Chart in their
Workbooks and stick on their Now I can stickers.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 225 03/08/2020 14:07

Beautiful gardens

Beautiful gardens
3 Choose and complete. walls rocks trees

1 There are giants made of in the garden in Cornwall.

2 You can grow plants on !

1 Look at the pictures. What places can you see? Say. 3 Plants, , and flowers make our cities beautiful.

2 103
Listen and read.
4 Talk to a partner about the gardens.
Wow! It’s a secret garden!
It’s very old!

The Lost Gardens I like the garden on the roof!

of Heligan Me, too!

It looks fresh and green!

The Lost Gardens of Heligan are very

old. They are in Cornwall, England.
Let’s make it
The gardens are beautiful now. There are giants in the gardens! beautiful again!
The giants are made of rock.
My Culture
Find out about interesting gardens
This is a giant’s head! This giant
in your country.
Look at its hair. It’s made is tired. It’s
of leaves and grass.
This giant is watching
5 Design and make a
something! garden in a pot.

Fun Fact!
1 Put earth in a flower pot.

Singapore–the Garden City!

2 Add stones and small flowers
You can grow plants on walls! and plants.

3 You can have a castle, a house,

Singapore is a big city. There are lots of
beautiful gardens. Many people live in a river, or a bridge in your garden.
apartments, and they don’t have gardens
or yards. But some people grow flowers
on roofs and on walls. Plants, trees, and
6 Describe your garden
in a pot.
flowers make cities look beautiful, and
they make oxygen.
This is my garden pot. It has
purple flowers and a bridge!

136 one hundred and thirty-six one hundred and thirty-seven 137

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Pre-reading Reading Comprehension Comprehension My Culture Production Production Objective
objective review

Warm up
• Show a picture of a garden. As a class, brainstorm
I will learn about gardens in other countries. things in a garden and write a list on the board.
Start them off by saying In a garden, I can see
KEY LANGUAGE flowers. Ask What else can you see in a garden?

beautiful giants secret garden

Lesson objective
Cornwall grass Singapore
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
England oxygen walls learn about gardens in other countries.
fresh roof
Many people don’t have gardens. • Involve Students will read about gardens in
England and Singapore.
They grow plants on roofs.
Plants make oxygen.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 226 03/08/2020 14:07

Pre-reading MY CULTURE
COMMUNICATION • Read the Culture sentence: Find out about
interesting gardens in your country. Students talk
1 Look at the pictures. What places can you see? about interesting gardens in their country.
• Have students look at the photos in this lesson CREATIVITY
and say the places they can see. (They may Production
know park and city.) The places are the Lost 5 Design and make a garden in a pot.
Gardens of Heligan in Cornwall, England, and
• Ask students what they can see in the garden
the city/state garden of Singapore.
in the photo (a path, a house, a chair, rocks,
• Extra Have students look at the photos and plants).
name other things they recognize, e.g., Look! A
• Read the instructions together around the class.
rock / grass / a face / a boy / buildings / plants.
• Have students design a small garden on a piece
of paper. They might like to use the vocabulary
in the unit for inspiration.
2 103 Listen and read.
• Have them talk about their design with a
• Pre-teach the word giant with a drawing on the partner, e.g., There’s a path and a castle. There
board. Check understanding in L1. are trees on the left and flowers on the right.
• Play audio 103. Students will hear about gardens
in Cornwall and Singapore. Point out these places COMMUNICATION
on a map.
• Ask comprehension questions orally: Are the Lost
Gardens of Heligan young or old? What can you 6 Describe your garden in a pot.
find in the gardens? What are they made of? What • Have students describe their gardens with This/
are the giants doing? Is Singapore a big or small That is, These/Those are, Next to, Near, It has …
city? Why do many people not have gardens or • Have them work in pairs to describe their
yards? Where do some people grow flowers? gardens to each other.
Comprehension • Remind students to show appreciation for each
other’s gardens: Oh! That’s nice. It’s very pretty.
3 Choose and complete.
• Then invite some students to give short
(Answers: 1 rocks, 2 walls, 3 trees)
presentations to the class.
• Indicate the sentences and say Read the • Extra This could be extended to finding out
information about the Lost Gardens of Heligan about gardens in other countries that are not
and Singapore again and complete the sentences. taught on page 136.
• Walk around to check that students are reading
and completing the sentences. Help and Objective review
encourage students as you do this.
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can talk
COMMUNICATION about gardens in other countries.
Comprehension • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
can do by showing them some famous gardens
4 Talk to a partner about the gardens.
and eliciting what they can see.
• Write I like/I don’t like …, _____ has/doesn’t
have …, and There is/There are … on the board.
• Ask for volunteers to talk about the gardens on
page 136 to the class.
• Have students work in pairs. Say Talk to a
partner about the gardens.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 227 03/08/2020 14:07

Workbook answer key and notes

1 Look, choose, and write. Story lab

(Answers: 1 bridge, 2 up, 3 down) 1 Look, choose, and complete.
2 Choose and write. (Answers: 1 This, forest, that bridge,
2 on, bridge, going, Me too, 3 fantastic, our school,
(Answers: I look up. I can see an owl, the sun,
castle, farm)
a bird, a bat. I look down. I can see a porcupine,
a river, a rock, a snake.) 2 Which words are in the story? Check or
cross .
• Coding: Events: complete skeleton/incomplete
event plans (Answers: goat , down , forest , trampoline ,
cake , house , fantastic , up , amazing ,
3 042 Choose and complete. Then listen and
farm )
(Answers: green, blue, you, up, down, trees, sky, 3 Order and write.
fun, you) (Answers: 1 Well done, Milly!, 2 Come down now!,
3 Get the trampoline!, 4 Let’s jump with Milly!)
Are you up in a tree?
4 Read and check .
1 Do the crossword.
(Answers: Across: 2 forest, 4 hill, 6 bridge,
Down: 1 path, 2 flower, 3 rock, 5 tree) Who … The Milly Miss Mrs. Mr.
children Kelly Hay Mud
3 043 Look, listen, and say. Then match.
likes the
(Answers: 1 c, 2 a, 3 b)
Language lab 1 climbs up?
1 Choose and write. climbs
(Answers: 1 Turn left, 2 Turn right, 3 Don’t turn down?
left, 4 Don’t turn right, 5 Go straight) has lots of
2 Follow, find, and write. food?
(Answers: 1 farm, 2 store, 3 library, 4 school) jumps down?
• Students can check how to write the town words jumps on the
by looking at Unit 1 in their Student’s Books. trampoline?
• Coding: Algorithms/sequencing: Use logic to helps Milly?
predict the outcome of a series of steps.
5 Look, read, and circle.
3 How do you get there? Look at 2. Circle and
write. (Answers: Mrs. Hay, bread, cheese, ice cream, happy)
(Answers: 1 straight / 3 / left / Go / 3, 6 What happens next? page 128
2 straight / 3 / Turn right / Go / 3) (Answers: Students’ own answers)
4 Now add more letters to 2 and tell a partner
where to go. Phonics lab

• Students add four more letters) to the grid. Then 1 Say the words. Then circle.
following the examples in Activities 1, 2, and 3, (Answers: 1 juice j, 2 soup s, 3 cherry ch,
they tell their partner how to reach those places. 4 shell sh)
5 Make a stop sign. Then play the Dance! Stop! • Critical thinking: observation. The sounds are placed
game. in a different order for each word and are different
• Students make stop signs then tell each other what colors in each row. This helps students to focus on
to do in the Dance! Stop! game. When they hold the letters and not get distracted by the colors.
up their stop signs, everyone must freeze.


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 228 03/08/2020 14:07

2 Write ch, sh, s, or j and match. 3 Now play the True or False game with your
(Answers: 1 chicken e, 2 shop a, 3 shell c, partner.
4 cheese d, 5 juice f, 6 soup b) • Students follow the example given to make
3 044 Choose and write. Then listen and chant. statements about their own pictures. Their partner
decides if the statements are true or false.
(Answers: I have new shoes! I can jump! Jump,
jump, jump in the sun!) PROJECT AND REVIEW
• Let students try and figure out where the words go 1 Write and check or cross for your scrapbook.
before you play the chant. • Students check or cross according to what they
• This involves the critical thinking skills of prediction have found for their scrapbooks and what form
and decision making. they take. They might have photos, drawings, or
actual items such as leaves or pressed flowers.
Experiment lab
• For the column “What’s it called?,” students will
1 Circle T (True) or F (False). probably find it easy to name any animals which
(Answers: 1 T, 2 T, 3 F, 4 F, 5 T, 6 F) they have included, but also encourage them to
find out the names of the specific flowers, birds, or
Experiment time trees which they like.
1 Answer for you. Write and circle 2 Read and circle for you.
(Answers: Students’ own answers) (Answers: Students’ own answers)
2 Draw your towel mountains. Then choose for you 3 Draw your favorite thing. Then write and circle.
and write.
4 Circle 8 words. Then find and underline them in 5.
• Students draw their “towel mountains.” Their
(Answers: bridge, jumping, down, up, tree, hill,
drawings will probably look something like the
river, mountain)
picture of the towel mountain on page 129 of the
Student’s Book. • Pre-reading activity: students find and circle these
words in the word snake.
• Then they write their opinion about their own
towel mountains. • Then they find and underline them in the reading
texts in Activity 5.
Language lab 2 5 Look, read, and match.
1 Choose and write. (Answers: 1 c, 2 a, 3 b, 4 d)
(Answers: 1 next to, 2 in, 3 behind, 4 under,
6 Read and complete to describe pictures in 5.
5 on)
Use words from 4.
2 Where are they? Do the math. Then choose and (Answers: a bridge, river, b jumping, hill,
write. c up, tree, d down, mountain)
(Answers: Rabbit: 35 + 35 = 70, Cat: 25 x 4 = 100,
Lizard: 8 x 5 = 40, Bird: 15 x 2 = 30, 4 CHECKPOINT
1 under, bridge, 2 behind, tree, 3 on, rock, 4 in, tree) 1 Find the words and complete.
(Answers: 1 juice, drinking, 2 making, 3 turn, left,
Draw a forest!
4 next, tree)
1 045 Listen, draw, and match.
2 Draw a path.
• Students draw a big tree on the left, a small tree
on the right, red flowers under the big tree, yellow • Students draw a path through the flowchart.
flowers under the small tree, a blue bird in the big 3 Look at 2. Circle and write. Then ask and answer.
tree, and a red bird in the small tree. (Answers: Students’ own answers)
• Coding: Functions. Be able to understand and
• Students look at the path they drew in Activity 2
perform simple functions such as receiving orders
and answer the questions.
and drawing a picture.
2 Work with a partner. Choose and tell them BEAUTIFUL GARDENS
where to draw four more things. 1 Choose, complete, and match.
• Students give instructions to each other about (Answers: 1 walls b, 2 garden a, 3 giants a,
what to draw and where to draw it in the picture 4 city b, 5 beautiful b, 6 rock a)
in Activity 1.
2 Read and check T (True) or F (False).
(Answers: 1 T, 2 F, 3 F, 4 T)


M08 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 229 03/08/2020 14:07

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