ADDICT (Init Combat Table) (1e, OSRIC)
ADDICT (Init Combat Table) (1e, OSRIC)
ADDICT (Init Combat Table) (1e, OSRIC)
C. If either or both parties are surprised, use the result of that side’s d6 roll to determine for how long they are
1. Each pip on the d6 equals one segment of inactivity due to surprise.6
The duergar surprise others 1 in 6 more often,7 so Tenser and Otis will be surprised on a roll of 1
or 2 on d6. They roll a 2, and thus will be surprised for two segments.
2. In cases where percentages were used, divide the result of the d% roll by 162/3 (rounding all
fractions up) to determine the number of segments lost.8
The duergar roll a 12 on d%, so they will be surprised for one segment.
3. If only one side was surprised, then it will be inactive for the indicated number of segments.
4. If both sides are surprised, subtract the lesser result from the greater to determine the net amount of
segments lost to the more-surprised side.9
Since Tenser and Otis are surprised for two segments, and the duergar are surprised for only one
segment, the net result is one segment of action lost to Tenser and Otis.
Gary Gygax, Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons® Dungeon Masters Guide, rev. ed. (U.S.A.: TSR, Inc., 1979), 61.
Gary Gygax, Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons® Players Handbook (U.S.A.: TSR, Inc., 1978), 24.
Leigh L. Krehmeyer, “Surprise!”, DRAGON®, May 1988: 74.
Gary Gygax, Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons® Monster Manual II (U.S.A.: TSR, Inc., 1983), 61.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 61.
Gygax, Monster Manual II, 61.
Krehmeyer, 74.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 61-62.
5. Characters with Dexterity reaction adjustments are individually surprised for more or less segments
than the rest of their side, depending on the amount of the penalty or bonus.10
a. This only applies when the character’s side is already surprised. A reaction penalty does
not create surprise in an unsurprised individual.11
b. Reaction bonuses do not apply to characters carrying more than “light gear” (12” base
movement), although reaction penalties always do.12
Since Tenser has a 16 Dexterity,13 he is able to negate his one segment of surprise.14 Otis has a 17
Dexterity,15 which would normally offset two segments of surprise.16 However, on this trip, he is
wearing non-magical chain mail (his chain mail +2 having been left in Nulb).17 This drops his
movement rate to 9”,18 and negates his reaction adjustment.
6. A surprised character armed with a crossbow of speed can fire it in the 2nd segment of surprise, if
he is surprised for more than one segment.19
D. During each segment of surprise, members of the non-surprised side can perform one of the following
1. Make a full round of melee attacks in one segment.20
For the one segment that he is surprised, any duergar near enough can make their full number of
melee attacks against Otis.
2. Make a full round of missile attacks in one segment (or three times that rate if the missiles are
If, instead, the duergar have their light crossbows cocked and loaded, they can each fire three bolts
at poor Otis. If the crossbows were not at the ready, they can still fire one bolt each.
3. Take one segment of movement (1’ per 1” of movement rate).22
The duergar are wearing plate mail, and thus move at 6”.23 Several of them decide to advance,
covering 6’ distance in the one segment of surprise.
4. Cast a one-segment spell, or begin casting a longer spell.24
One of the duergar happens to be a cleric. He can cast a command spell at Otis in the one
segment of surprise.25 If he chooses to cast hold person instead, the spell will go off four segments
into the first full round of combat.26
5. Spend one segment performing any other action that can normally be completed in six seconds
(e.g., drawing a weapon, drinking a potion, activating certain wands, etc.).
E. An individual who, due to a reaction bonus, is surprised for fewer segments than the rest of his side can only
perform actions D 3-5, above, during the segments that he is no longer surprised.
For the one segment that Otis is surprised, Tenser (who is not) could choose to move up to 12’,27 or perhaps
let loose a volley of magic missiles instead.28 He could also choose to get a head start on casting a longer
spell, such as death spell, which would then take effect five segments into the first full round.29
F. Similarly, an individual who, due to a reaction bonus, is surprised for fewer segments than the rest of his side
cannot be targeted by actions D 1-2, above, during the segments that he is no longer surprised.30
Since Tenser is up and on his guard (i.e., not surprised), the duergar cannot target him with their missile or
melee weapons. The cleric, however, could choose to cast command on him, instead of on Otis.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 62.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 101.
Brian Blume et al., The Rogues Gallery (U.S.A.: TSR Games, 1980), 47.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 11.
Gary Gygax with Frank Mentzer, The Temple of Elemental Evil (U.S.A.: TSR, Inc., 1985), 32-34.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 11.
Gygax and Mentzer, 32-34.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 27.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 168.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 62.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 102-103.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 27.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 61.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 43.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 45.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 102.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 67.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 83.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 71.
II. Determine distance, if unknown, between the parties.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 49.
Robert J. Kuntz with Douglas J. Behringer, “Robilar Remembered: Lord Robilar & Co.,” The Oerth Journal 7 (June 1998): 41-43.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 39.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 62.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 39.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 62.
5. Surprise: Surprise can only be a factor in close encounter situations. If either or both parties are
surprised, the distance must be either 1” to 3” or it must be less as determined under the actual
area modifier. Thus if the actual area were a 40’ X 60’ room, if surprise exists the distance
between the parties will be 1” to 3”.42
In the next cave, Robilar and Quij surprise another group of lizard men. Encounter distance would
normally be 1” to 3”, but, since this cave is only 20’ wide, 2” is the maximum distance possible.
6. Light: The illumination factor or visual capability of the concerned parties will affect encounter
distance as follows.
a. A light source reliance limits the encounter distance to twice the normal vision radius of
the source (2 X radius of the light source).
b. Infravision and/or ultravision operate only to the stated limit of their range and limit
encounter distance accordingly.43
In the last tunnel, which is dark, Robilar uses his long sword +3 for light.44 It sheds light in a 20’
radius,45 so the maximum distance for any encounter is 40’. If Quij looks up ahead with his
infravision,46 though, then the maximum encounter distance will be 60’.47
A. The DM should mentally note what actions the “monsters” plan to take, prior to knowing what the PC’s will
B. Each player should describe what his character will do this round.48
1. Spell casters must note what spell they intend to cast at the beginning of each round.49
2. Other intentions may be declared in a more general manner (e.g., “I fire my bow” or “I attack with
my sword”).
3. Any delay on the part of a player to declare intentions should be considered as a like delay in the
character’s actions, on a six second to one segment basis.50
Decisions, decisions… Poor Otto cannot decide whether to cast his irresistible dance or geas on
the evil cleric. After about 20 seconds of hemming and hawing, he finally decides to go with the
dance. The DM rules that the spell will go off three segments later than usual — in segment 8
instead of segment 5.51
A. A bow specialist who begins the round with arrow nocked, shaft drawn, and target in sight is entitled to loose
that arrow prior to any initiative check.52
Yrag eyed his elven companion skeptically. “Specialists? Bah! In my day, we didn’t have no stinkin’
specialists. All weapons did the same amount of damage.53 You either knew how to use one, or you didn‘t.”
Just then, a group of gnolls rounded a bend up ahead. Neither side was surprised, but the elf had an arrow
nocked and readied, and loosed it before Yrag even knew what was happening. To Yrag’s astonishment, the
elf fired two more arrows thereafter,54 hitting and killing three gnolls. “Gee, I only got two with my sword.55
Tell me about this specialization thing again…”
B. A crossbow specialist who begins the round with crossbow cocked and aimed, and target in range, also gets
a free shot before initiative is rolled.56
C. Any other exceptional actions that occur prior to initiative should be resolved here.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 62.
Kuntz and Behringer, 41.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 102.
Gary Gygax, Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons® Monster Manual, 4th ed. (U.S.A.: TSR Games, 1979), 76.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 102.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 71.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 65.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 71.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 90.
Gary Gygax, Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons® Unearthed Arcana (U.S.A.: TSR, Inc., 1985), 18.
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, Dungeons & Dragons®, ed. Eric Holmes, 2nd ed. (Lake Geneva, WI: TSR Hobbies, Inc., 1974,
–78), 18.
Gygax, Unearthed Arcana, 18.
Robert J. Kuntz and Gary Gygax, Mordenkainen‘s Fantastic Adventure (U.S.A.: TSR, Inc., 1984), 31.
Gygax, Unearthed Arcana, 18.
V. Resolve psionic combat on a segment-by-segment basis.57
A. Compare each psionic’s chosen attack mode to his opponent’s chosen defense mode. ALL ATTACKS AND
B. Adjust attack and defense strength totals to reflect that segment’s expenditures, as well as any points lost due
to attack.59
C. Repeat steps A & B until the psionic combat has ended, one or both psionics are affected by a more
mundane attack form during the round, or ten segments have passed.60
The young apprentice stared down the illithid. “Are you sure about this?” asked Mordenkainen. “Hey, trust me,” the
youth replied. “Them mind flayers aren’t the only ones with psionic powers.” In segment 1, the illithid attacked with
its psionic blast,61 which the apprentice defended against with thought shield. Mordenkainen, too, was in the area of
effect, and needed to make a saving throw of 5 or better.62 He passed easily.
Then, the apprentice retaliated with a psychic crush, which the illithid defended against with mind blank. The psionic
matrix gave a 9% chance of instant death.63 A roll of 05 killed the illithid instantly. The smug apprentice looked
back to his master. “See, I told you!” Mordenkainen fumed quietly. “I hate psionics. Who on Oerth came up with
THAT idea?”
VI. Determine initiative for the round by rolling a d6 for each side. The higher of the two rolls is said to possess the
initiative for that melee round.64
A. Each participant does not make a separate initiative roll. However, the Dexterity Attacking adjustment is
added to (or subtracted from) the initiative roll for each missile-firing combatant on an individual basis.65
1. Initiative bonuses do not apply to characters carrying more than “light gear” (12” base
2. Initiative penalties always apply.
B. One exceptional monster, the spectator, rolls d8 for initiative, rather than d6.67
Leomund faces off against the spectators beneath Bone Hill.68 The spectators score a 5 (on d8) for initiative.
Poor Leomund can only roll a d6, but he, too, manages to roll a 5 — a tie! However, since Leomund is
throwing his dagger +2,69 he is able to add his reaction bonus to the die roll. His 16 Dexterity70 gives him a
+1 bonus,71 so his 5 becomes a 6, and he wins initiative.
C. Certain magic items, notably the crossbow of speed,72 short sword of quickness,73 and scimitar of speed,74
allow the wielder to strike first regardless of the initiative result.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 76-78.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 39.
Gygax, Monster Manual, 70.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 78.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 76.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 62.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 64.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 102.
Lenard Lakofka, The Secret of Bone Hill (U.S.A.: TSR Hobbies, Inc., 1981), 27-28.
Lakofka, The Secret of Bone Hill, 14.
Lenard Lakofka, “Leomund’s Life,” The Oerth Journal 10 (July 1999): 78-84.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 11.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 168.
Gygax, Unearthed Arcana, 104.
Gygax, Unearthed Arcana, 106.
VII. Generally, the results of whatever actions are decided upon by the party with initiative are determined first, followed by
the results of whatever actions are decided upon by the party which lost the initiative.75 Ties usually indicate that
attacks occur simultaneously.76 Special cases are listed below.
A. Multiple Attack Routines: When one or more creatures involved in combat are permitted to use their
attack routines twice or more often during the round, then the following initiative determinants are employed.
1. When the attack routine may be used twice, then allow the side with this advantage to attack FIRST
and LAST with those members of its group who have this advantage.77
a. If it is possessed by both parties, the initiative roll determines which group strikes FIRST
and THIRD, which group strikes SECOND and LAST.78
b. If one or both groups have members allowed only one attack routine, it will always fall in
the middle of the other attacks, the order determined by dicing for initiative, when
Erac’s Cousin squares off against Serten the cleric. As a 7th level fighter,80 Erac’s Cousin has an
attack rate of 3/2,81 so he can attack twice in the first round.82 Serten has but one attack, so it will
come between the two attacks of his opponent. If Tenser were to drop in and cast haste on Serten,
then they would both have two attacks,83 and would need to dice for initiative.
2. If one party has the ability to employ its attack routines thrice, then the other party dices for initiative
to see if it, or the multi-routine group, strikes first in the mid-point of the round.84
If, on the other hand, Erac’s Cousin (being a 16th level magic-user85) cast haste on himself, then
he could attack three times per round,86 and Serten only one. They would need to roll for initiative
to determine who struck first in the middle of the round, but Erac’s Cousin would always attack first
and last.
3. Extrapolate for routines which occur four or more times in a round by following the method
4. Note that a routine is the attack or attacks usual to the creature concerned, i.e. a weapon (or
weapons) for a character, a claw/claw/bite routine for a bear (with incidental damage assessed as
it occurs — the hug, for example). A 12th level fighter is allowed attack routines twice in every odd
numbered melee round, for example, and this moves up to three per round if a haste spell is cast
upon the fighter.88
5. This rule applies to multiple missile attacks as well as to multiple melee attacks; thus, a longbow
(rate of fire 2) will generally fire FIRST and LAST in the round.
B. Charge: Normal melee is not possible when the opponents begin the round over 1” distant.89 A round must
be spent closing.90 Alternatively, the attacker may choose to charge. This action brings the charging party
into combat on the charge round, provided movement rate (plus bonus) allows this.91
1. Movement Rate of Charging Creatures:
a. Outdoors, charging bipeds receive a 1/3 movement bonus. Charging quadrupeds receive
a 1/2 movement bonus.92
b. Indoors, movement rate for all charging creatures is doubled.93
c. Encumbered creatures may not charge.94
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 61.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 63.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 62-63.
Blume et al., 42.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 25.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 63.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 74.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 63.
Gary Gygax, “From the Sorcerer’s Scroll,” THE DRAGON, May 1980: 30.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 74.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 63.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 66.
2. Armor Class of Charging Creatures:
a. There is no dexterity bonus allowed for charging creatures.95
b. Creatures with no dexterity bonus become one armor class worse.96
c. There is no penalty to AC 10 creatures for charging, however.97
3. Melee at End of Charge:
a. Initiative is NOT checked at the end of charge movement.98
b. The opponent with the longer weapon/reach attacks first.99
c. Charging creatures gain +2 on their “to hit” dice if they survive any opponent attacks
which occur first.100
4. To detemine the timing of a charge attack vs. an opposing spell caster, compare the segments of
movement required to the casting time of the spell.
Bigby nervously tries to complete his grasping hand spell as the giant charges at him. The spell
requires seven segments to cast.101 The giant moves at 12”,102 which is doubled to 24”, or 24’ per
segment,103 indoors. He has 200’ to close, and will do so in (200 ÷ 24) nine segments. Bigby will
get his spell off after all.
C. Spell Casting: Even when a spell caster has won the initiative, it is possible for an opponent’s attack to occur
before the completion of (and thus disrupt) the spell.
1. If combat is spell vs. spell, the spell with the shorter casting time will be completed first, with the
initiative result breaking ties in casting times.
Bigby and Riggby just cannot take the name jokes anymore. They decide to settle the matter with a
magical duel. (The winner will deal with Diggby and the others afterwards.) Bigby decides to get it
over with quickly, and starts casting meteor swarm (nine segments).104 Riggby, on the other hand,
opens with flame strike (eight segments).105 Initiative is irrelevant; Riggby’s spell will go off before
Bigby‘s. If Bigby had been using his clenched fist spell (also eight segments),106 then initiative
would have decided which spell was completed first.
2. If the spell caster is being attacked by a melee weapon with a speed factor rating, use the following
procedure to determine when the weapon strikes.
a. When the attacker wins initiative, the weapon will always strike prior to spell completion.
b. When initiative is tied, a straight comparison of weapon speed factor to spell casting time
will determine which occurs first. Simultaneous results are possible.107
c. When the attacker loses initiative, subtract the attacker’s losing initiative die from the
weapon speed factor (treating negative numbers as positive), and compare the result to
the spell casting time to determine which occurs first. Again, simultaneous results are
The two spell casters have closed to melee range. Bigby starts casting power word, kill (one
segment).109 Riggby attacks with his staff of the serpent.110 If Riggby wins initiative, he will strike
first. If initiative is tied, the one-segment spell will beat the speed factor 4 staff.111 As it turns out,
Bigby wins initiative 6-4. Riggby’s speed factor (4) minus his losing die roll (4) equals 0, so he
actually beats the one-segment spell. (He still needs to score a hit, though.)
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 66.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 86.
Gygax, Monster Manual, 44-45.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 102.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 92.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 49.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 89.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 66-67.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 93.
Kuntz and Gygax, 32.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 38.
3. If the spell caster is being attacked by missile weapons, or by natural weaponry without a speed
factor rating (such as a monster’s claw/claw/bite), use the following procedure to determine when
the attack strikes.
a. When the attacker wins initiative, the attack will always strike prior to spell completion.
b. When the attacker loses initiative, or when initiative is tied, the attack will occur on the
segment indicated by the caster’s initiative die. Compare this to the spell casting time to
determine which occurs first. Simultaneous results are possible.112
The duel comes to a grinding halt when an out-of-control air elemental turns on Bigby.113 It starts
to attack, while Bigby tries to cast protection from evil, 10’ radius (three segments) to keep it away
from him.114 Bigby wins initiative 4-1, so the elemental’s attack will come on segment 4, after the
spell is completed. Bigby is safe — for the moment.
4. When the attacker has multiple attack routines, only the first attack has an opportunity to disrupt a
spell (unless the spell requires a full round to cast).
While Riggby takes the opportunity to cast cure light wounds on himself (five segments),115 Bigby’s
loyal archers116 begin firing on him. The timing of their first volley will be determined by initiative.
Riggby wins initiative 3-2, but that means that the first volley of arrows arrives in segment 3, before
the completion of the spell. If the spell is not disrupted, his spell will take effect in segment 5. The
second volley of arrows will strike thereafter.
5. A magic-user may cast two cantrips in a single round.117 In such a case, the timing of the first
cantrip is determined as above. The second cantrip will be cast 1-4 segments later.118
Having exhausted all of his more useful spells, Bigby must now resort to casting cantrips.
Meanwhile, Riggby is preparing a light spell with which to blind Bigby.119 The light spell will be
completed in four segments.120
Bigby’s first cantrip, spider, will be cast in the first segment. (No cantrip has a casting time longer
than 1/2 segment.)121 His second cantrip, yawn, will be completed d4 segments later. Bigby rolls a
3, so his second cantrip will take effect in segment 4 — the same time as Riggby’s light spell, so an
initiative roll is needed to determine which spell will go off first in that segment.
6. The spell caster cannot use his or her dexterity bonus to avoid being hit during spell casting; doing
so interrupts the spell.122
7. Any successful attack, or non-saved-against attack, upon the spell caster interrupts the spell.123
8. The above procedures for resolving the timing of attacks against spell casters also apply to
opponents using magical devices with specific activation times (such as rods, staves, and wands).
These functions, however, will not be automatically disrupted by a successful attack (unless the
wielder is slain or otherwise incapacitated).
Completely out of spells at this point, and low on hit points, Bigby resorts to his wand of cold
[frost].124 He uses two charges to create a cone of cold.125 This function has an activation time of
only two segments.126
Riggby tries to hit Bigby with his hammer +2.127 Initiative is tied, so the weapon speed factor (4)128
is compared to the activation time of the wand (2). The cone of cold will go off before Riggby can
try to hit Bigby. Even if Riggby had won initiative and struck first, the cone of cold would take effect
unless the blow incapacitated Bigby.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 65.
Gygax, Monster Manual, 37.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 75.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 43.
Gygax, “From the Sorcerer’s Scroll,” 11.
Gygax, Unearthed Arcana, 45.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 44.
Gygax, Unearthed Arcana, 45.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 65.
Kuntz and Gygax, 31.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 135.
Kuntz and Gygax, 32.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 38.
D. Weapon Speed Factor: When initiative is tied, weapon speed factors are used to determine who strikes the
first blow.129
1. The opponent with the weapon which has the lower speed factor will strike first,130 subject to the
following conditions.
a. The initiative roll must be tied.131
b. Both combatants must be using melee weapons with speed factors.132
c. Both combatants must have an odd or even number of attacks in the round (as per VII A,
Otis has finally caught up with Robilar, after the latter’s reckless freeing of Zuggtmoy.133 The two
come to blows. Otis is fighting with a battle-axe, while Robilar wields his long sword +3.134 Otis,
as a 10th level ranger,135 is allowed three attacks every two rounds.136 Robilar, as a 19th level
fighter,137 is entitled to two attacks every round.138 Therefore, in the first round, they will each have
two attacks.139
Initiative dice are rolled, and tied 3-3. Speed factors are then consulted. Robilar’s long sword
(speed factor 5)140 is faster than Otis’ battle-axe (speed factor 7),141 so Robilar will strike FIRST and
THIRD, while Otis strikes SECOND and LAST.142 In the second round, however, Otis will have but
one attack, so initiative and speed factors will be irrelevant — Robilar will strike FIRST and LAST,
with Otis attacking in the middle.143
2. When weapon speed factor is the determinant of which opponent strikes first in a melee round,
there is a chance that one opponent will be entitled to multiple attacks.144
a. Compare the score of the lower-factored weapon with that of the higher.
b. If the difference is at least twice the factor of the lower, or five or more factors in any
case, the opponent with the lower-factored weapon is entitled to two attacks before the
opponent with the higher weapon factor is entitled to any attack whatsoever.145
c. If the difference is ten or greater, the opponent with the lower-factored weapon is entitled
to two attacks before the opponent with the higher weapon factor is allowed to attack,
and one further attack at the same time the opponent with the higher-speed-factored
weapon finally is allowed to attack.146
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 66.
Gygax and Mentzer, 28.
Kuntz and Behringer, 41.
Gygax and Mentzer, 32-34.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 25.
Kuntz and Behringer, 41.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 25.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 63.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 38.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 63.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 66.
3. Note that such speed factor considerations are not applicable when either closing or charging to
melee, but after an initial round of combat, or in cases where closing/charging was not necessary,
the speed factor considerations are applicable.147
Zagyg, amused by all this pointless bickering, plucks Tenser, Otis, and Robilar out of the space-
time continuum, and drops them into a demi-plane of his own devising at a time in their pasts
when they were all 1st level. He gives Tenser a dagger, Otis a club, and Robilar an awl pike.
(Zagyg always did have a soft spot for ol’ Robilar.) Zagyg also loads the mystical dice of fate such
that the three always tie for initiative. Then he sits back to watch.
In the 1st round, the reluctant combatants close to striking distance, so no melee takes place.148 In
the 2nd round, a comparison of weapon lengths determines who strikes when. Robilar’s pike
(18‘)149 is first, followed by Otis’ club (3‘)150, and, finally, Tenser‘s dagger (15“).151 Speed factors
are not considered (per 1 & 2, above) as this was their first round of combat after closing.
In round 3, however (with initiative tied), the speed factor rules apply Because there is a ten-point
difference in speed factors between Tenser’s dagger and Robilar’s pike, Tenser is allowed to attack
twice before Robilar, and once more at the same time as Robilar. The difference between Robilar’s
pike and Otis’ club is nine. Because the difference (9) is at least twice the lower factor (4) — or five
or more in any case — Otis can also attack twice before Robilar, although without the benefit of a
third attack as Tenser has. Thus, the attack sequence this round is Tenser/Otis, Tenser/Otis,
Tenser/Robilar. At the end of the round, Zagyg loses interest in the whole thing, sends everyone
back to his respective place and time, and takes it upon himself to start designing a completely new
game system from scratch. THE END.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 66.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 38.
A party of good and neutral adventurers is exploring a dungeon. The party includes a cavalier, a paladin, a cleric, a druid,
a fighter, a barbarian, and a ranger (all human). They round a corner and encounter a party of evil marauders, including
a human magic-user, a human illusionist, a dwarven thief, a human acrobat, a dwarven assassin, a human monk, and a
human bard.
Surprise dice are rolled. The barbarian — and, by association, his party — only has a 10% chance to be surprised.152 (The
dungeon does not qualify as “familiar” terrain.) He rolls a 69 on d%, and thus is not surprised. On the evil side, the monk,
being 7th level, (and thus the whole red party) is normally surprised 22% of the time.153 However, the clever cleric had
previously cast silence 15’ radius on his torch. The DM rules that the thus-silenced blue party will increase their surprise
chances by 1 in 6 (162/3%). This modifier is added to the monk’s base 22%, yielding a net 382/3% (or 39%) chance of
surprise. The monk rolls 38 on d%; therefore, his side will be surprised.
Dividing the monk’s result of 38 by 162/3 (and rounding up), we find that his party will be surprised for three segments.
Several members of the red party have reaction adjustments from high Dexterity, though, and thus will not be surprised for
the full three segments. The illusionist, the thief, and the bard each have a 17 Dexterity, so they will only be surprised for
one segment.154 The acrobat has a 16 Dexterity, and so will only be surprised for two segments.155
A d3 is rolled to determine the distance between the parties. This is found to be 20’. The blue party swings into action.
The cavalier and the paladin declare that they will charge the magic-user and illusionist, respectively. They are both
wearing plate mail, and move at 6”.156 Their doubled charge movement is 12”, or 12’ per segment. It will take them two
of their surprise segments to complete the charge. The barbarian also decides to charge the magic-user. His movement
rate is 15”,157 doubled to 30” for charging. He can complete the charge and strike in one segment.
The cleric tosses away his silenced torch and begins casting another silence 15’ radius spell at the magic-user. The casting
time is five segments,158 only three of which can be completed during surprise. The spell will take effect two segments into
the first full round of combat. The druid decides to throw his spear +2 at the illusionist. The fighter will sip from his potion
of invisibility in the first segment. A result of 2 on d4+1 indicates that the potion will take effect two segments later.159 The
ranger, meanwhile, decides to let loose with her light crossbow. She did not have it cocked and loaded, but is still entitled
to take her normal rate of fire (3/2, as she is a specialist)160 in each segment of surprise. She fires at the acrobat.
Now we begin to resolve these actions. First, in surprise segment 1, the ranger makes her first attack with her light
crossbow. She is firing at the acrobat, who is AC 8 (but AC type 10). The ranger rolls an 11. Since she is a specialist
firing at point blank range, she gets a +2 bonus.161 She also gets another +2 bonus because she is firing bolts +2.162
Finally, a light crossbow vs. AC type 10 receives an additional +3 bonus.163 This makes the final result an 18. As the
ranger is 8th level, an 18 hits AC -4, thus hitting the acrobat easily.164 Damage is 2(d4+2),165 +2 for magic.166 The ranger
rolls a 4, and inflicts 14 hp of damage.
The druid then throws his spear +2 at the illusionist, who is AC 7 (AC type 10). The druid rolls a 5. The +2 magic bonus
makes this a 7,167 but the -2 penalty for medium range drops it to a 5 again.168 (There is no adjustment for a thrown spear
vs. AC type 10.)169 As the druid is 12th level, this hits AC 9 — not quite good enough.170
Gygax, Unearthed Arcana, 19.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 30.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 11.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 27.
Gygax, Unearthed Arcana, 18.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 45.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 119.
Gygax, Unearthed Arcana, 18.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 168.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 38.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 74.
Gygax, Unearthed Arcana, 18.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 168.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 38.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 74.
The barbarian completes his charge at the magic-user, who is AC 10. He is wielding a long sword +1, with a hand axe in
his off hand.171 The barbarian gets to make two attack rolls — one for each weapon. With the sword, he rolls a 17, hitting
easily. Damage is d8,172 +1 for his 17 Strength,173 +1 for magic.174 He inflicts 7 hp of damage with the sword. For his
axe attack, he rolls even better — a 19! This causes d6+1 damage, for 4 hp.175 The magic-user sustains 11 hp of
Now, the ranger fires her second crossbow bolt, again at the acrobat. A roll of 15 hits, causing another 8 hp of damage.
At the end of the first segment of surprise, the cavalier and paladin are halfway through their charge, and the cleric is in the
midst of casting a spell. We proceed to the second surprise segment.
As noted earlier, the illusionist, the thief, and the bard were only surprised for one segment, so they are on their guard now.
In addition, the monk has a heavy crossbow of speed, which he can fire in this segment (despite still being surprised). He
targets the paladin. The DM decides that the illusionist, who sees the paladin barreling down on him, will start to cast
improved invisibility on himself. The casting time is four segments,176 so the invisibility will take effect two segments into the
first full round of combat.
The dwarven thief, who has been hidden from view in the second rank, will attempt to hide in shadows. The bard,
meanwhile, begins casting heat metal on the entire blue party, save the druid. The casting time is also four segments;177
thus, the spell will be completed two segments into the first full round.
On the blue side, the cavalier and paladin will complete their charge movement. The cleric is still casting silence 15’
radius. The druid begins casting barkskin on himself. The casting time is three segments,178 so it will be completed one
segment into the first full round. The fighter slowly advances while waiting for his potion to take effect. The barbarian
continues to attack the still-surprised magic-user, and the ranger continues firing her light crossbow.
Due to his magic heavy crossbow of speed, the still-surprised monk fires first in this segment. He rolls a 7. The +1 bonus
for the magic crossbow, together with his bolts +2, makes this a 10.179 However, the paladin is AC type 2, so the heavy
crossbow takes a -1 penalty.180 The net result is 9, which, for a 7th level monk, hits AC 7.181 The bolt glances harmlessly
off the paladin’s plate mail.
The barbarian’s attack rate is 3/2,182 so he will attack twice this segment. As his “attack routine” is with two weapons, he
gets to strike twice with each. His first attack rolls are 13 (for his long sword +1) and 8 (for his hand axe). Both hit the AC
10 magic-user, for a total of 10 hp. The ranger also has a rate of fire of 3/2, but, as she fired twice last segment, she can
only fire once this segment. She rolls a 14, hitting the acrobat for 12 hp this time. The acrobat only had 10 hp left, so he
is now unconscious.183
The cavalier completes her charge against the magic-user, rolling a 4. She is 9th level, and receives a +2 “weapon of
choice” bonus,184 a +1 bonus for her magic long sword +1, and a +2 bonus for charging. The cavalier also receives a
+2 bonus with a long sword vs. AC type 10.185 This makes her net result 11, which hits AC 1186 — more than enough to hit
the magic-user. She rolls d8 for damage, +1 for her 16 Strength,187 +1 for magic. The magic-user takes 7 hp of
damage. She had only 4 hp left, so she, too, is now unconscious.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 70.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 37.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 9.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 165.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 37.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 97.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 56.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 55.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 168.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 38.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 74.
Kim Mohan, “Arcana update, part I”, DRAGON®, Nov. 1985: 14.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 82.
Gygax, Unearthed Arcana, 14.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 38.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 74.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 9.
At the same time, the paladin completes his charge against the illusionist. He rolls a 3. The paladin, however, receives +3
for his 18/00 Strength,188 +2 for “weapon of choice“, +1 for his magic long sword +1, +2 for charging, and +2 for long
sword vs. AC type 10. This totals 13, which, for an 11th level paladin, hits AC -3!189 (The paladin could not miss.)
Damage is d8, +6 for Strength,190 +1 for magic. A roll of 5 equals 12 hp of damage to the illusionist, which also ruins his
Since the magic-user has fallen, the barbarian wants to make his second attack routine against the adjacent illusionist.
However, since the illusionist is no longer surprised, he is not vulnerable to “free” attacks anymore. The barbarian can
engage him, but will not have an opportunity to score damage until the first full round of combat.
At the end of two surprise segments, the cleric and druid are still casting spells. The cavalier, paladin, and barbarian are
engaged in melee. The soon-to-be invisible fighter is closing to striking distance, and the ranger has been firing her light
On the red side, the magic-user and acrobat have been incapacitated, the illusionist is in melee with the paladin and
barbarian, the thief is hiding in shadows, and the bard is casting a spell. The assassin and the monk are still surprised.
The third and final surprise segment now begins.
The illusionist, who will not likely survive the first full round of combat (what with the paladin and the barbarian both wailing
away at him), decides to start casting mass suggestion. The casting time is six segments,191 so it will take effect five
segments into the first round. He hopes that the dice let him get this spell off in time. The bard, meanwhile, is continuing
the heat metal spell that she started last segment.
In the blue party, the cavalier will attack the still-surprised assassin. The paladin and barbarian are still engaged with the
illusionist, but do not get an opportunity to strike for damage until the first full round (since the illusionist is up and on his
guard). The cleric and druid are still occupied with their spells. The fighter continues closing (at 9”, he moves a total of 18’
in the second and third segments), while the ranger fires her light crossbow at the monk.
The ranger again is entitled to two shots this segment. For her first attack, she rolls a 17. This should hit the monk without
question; however, being a monk, he is allowed a save vs. petrification to dodge the missile.192 The monk rolls a 3, failing
the save.193 The ranger’s crossbow bolt hits for the maximum of 14 hp. At the same time, the cavalier takes the first of her
two attacks against the assassin. She rolls an 18, undoubtedly enough to hit the AC 10 assassin. The damage is only 5
hp, though — barely a scratch.
For her second attack, the ranger rolls a 13. The monk again fails his save vs. petrification, and suffers another 8 hp of
damage. The cavalier also hits the assassin again, for another 5 hp. At the end of this, the third surprise segment, the
fighter’s potion takes effect. He is now invisible.194 Surprise is over, and the first full round of combat begins.
Both sides declare actions. The DM decides that, while the illusionist continues casting his spell, the hidden thief will attempt
to backstab the paladin.195 The assassin will strike at the cavalier, the monk will return fire on the ranger, and the bard will
finish her heat metal spell. The players announce that the cavalier, paladin, and barbarian will continue attacking their
respective opponents, as the cleric and druid complete their spells. The ranger will again fire at the monk, while the
invisible fighter moves into position to strike at the bard next round. For the first time in this encounter, initiative is rolled.
Also for the first time in this encounter, the dice favor the red party, which wins initiative 6-5. Now, the timing of everyone’s
actions is determined.
The monk, with his heavy crossbow of speed, automatically fires first. He rolls a 4. This is increased to 7 with magic
bonuses. The ranger is AC type 5, which grants another +2 bonus, for a 9 total.196 This only hits AC 7.197 The ranger is
AC 4, so the bolt again glances off harmlessly.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 9.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 74.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 9.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 99.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 30.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 79.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 126.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 27.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 38.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 74.
The druid’s barkskin spell takes effect now, improving his AC from 6 to 5.198 Next, the cleric’s silence 15’ radius spell goes
off (without a saving throw) against the unconscious magic-user.199 While this enhances the fighter’s invisibility (and,
unfortunately, the thief’s hide in shadows), it is not quick enough to silence the bard. Having won initiative, the bard’s heat
metal spell takes effect just slightly earlier in segment 2 than the cleric‘s spell.
Since the fighter became invisible, he can no longer be targetted, but the cavalier and paladin (both of whom are wearing
plate mail) are affected, as is the barbarian (who is unarmored, but wielding metal weapons). On this, the first round of
the spell, their metal items become uncomfortably warm.200 Both the cleric and ranger are wearing magical chain mail +1,
which is entitled to a save vs. magical fire.201 They both pass the save, and their armor is unaffected by the spell (although
they will be unable to draw any metallic weapons).
It was determined earlier that the illusionist’s spell would be completed in segment 5. He is being attacked by both the
paladin (with a long sword +1) and the barbarian (with a long sword +1 and a hand axe). Subtracting the blue party’s
losing initiative roll of 5 from the weapon speed factors (5 and 4, respectively), and treating negative numbers as positive, it
is seen that the weapons will strike in segment “0” (the very beginning of the round) and segment 1, both before the spell is
completed. (The poor illusionist did not make out so well after all.)
The paladin rolls a 1. Unbelievably, this is sufficient to hit AC 1!202 (No official AD&D® rule states that a “to hit” roll of 1
always misses.) The illusionist suffers 10 hp of damage, and loses his spell (again). The barbarian, for his part, rolls a 5
with his long sword +1. He receives +1 for his 17 Strength, +1 for magic, and +2 vs. AC type 10, giving him a total of 9.
For an 8th level barbarian, this hits AC 5,203 and so causes 6 hp of damage. The barbarian’s hand axe attack (another
19!) inflicts 4 hp more, killing the illusionist.
Now the hidden thief can make his backstab attack against the paladin. (Despite the fact that the thief’s side won the
initiative, the paladin is entitled to two attacks per round,204 while the thief has but one; thus, the paladin will always strike
first.) The red party’s luck being what it is, the thief rolls a 3. Even with a +4 bonus for striking from behind,205 he still
suffers a -1 penalty for using a long sword vs. AC type 3.206 (The paladin’s shield is negated.)207 This totals a 6, which, for
an 8th level thief, doesn’t even hit AC 10.208 He misses horribly, and is now plainly visible209 (and a likely target for the
paladin’s second attack routine).
The cavalier now makes her first attack against the assassin. (Again, since she receives two attacks per round,210 and the
assassin only one, the cavalier will always strike first, regardless of initiative.) She rolls an 11, and hits again, this time for a
full 10 hp.
The assassin returns the attack, rolling a 17. This is modified by -2 for long sword vs. AC type 2.211 The net result of 15,
for a 9th level assassin, hits AC 1.212 The cavalier is in plate mail and shield, with a 16 Dexterity, and so has AC 0.213 The
assassin’s sword barely misses. She will need to roll an 18 or better to hit.214
The ranger, who is entitled to only one shot this round, fires at the monk. This time she rolls a 5, +2 for specialization, +2
for magic, and +3 vs. AC type 10, for a net result of 12. This hits the AC 5 monk, who yet again fails his save vs.
petrification, and suffers 14 hp of damage. The monk is now unconscious.
The paladin, as predicted, makes his second attack against the foolish thief who attempted to backstab him. As was
illustrated earlier, the paladin cannot miss AC 1 or worse, and thus does not even bother to roll. He hits the thief for 11 hp
of damage. The cavalier, meanwhile, makes her second attack on the assassin. She rolls a 17, and inflicts 9 hp more.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 55.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 45.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 56.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 43.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 74.
Gygax, Unearthed Arcana, 22.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 27.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 38.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 70.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 74.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 28.
Gygax, Unearthed Arcana, 22.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 38.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 74.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 11, 36.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 74.
At the end of the first full round of combat, the illusionist is dead. The cavalier is engaged with the assassin, while the
paladin and barbarian are similarly engaged with the thief. Except for the cleric, druid, and ranger (who never advanced
forward), everyone is silenced. The cavalier, paladin, barbarian, cleric, and ranger are under the effects of the bard’s heat
metal spell. The invisible fighter is in striking distance of the bard. The monk is unconscious at -1 hp, while the acrobat
and magic-user each suffer 1 hp of bleeding damage (leaving them at -3 and -4, respectively).215
Actions are now declared for round 2. The DM decides that the magic-user, acrobat, and monk will all lay on the ground
bleeding (not that they have much choice). The thief and assassin will continue attacking their opponents, while the bard
(who is unaware of the invisible fighter) will drink half of her potion of super-heroism. The DM rules that she will need one
segment to take it from her pouch,216 one segment to drink it, and a further d4+1 = three segments before it takes effect.
The players declare that the cavalier, paladin, and barbarian will continue attacking their respective opponents. The cleric,
who is outside the silenced area, will cast light on the bard’s eyes. The casting time is four segments.217 The druid will cast
flame blade (three segments),218 while the ranger (also unaware of the invisible fighter’s position) will fire on the bard.
Initiative dice are rolled, and the blue party wins 4-3.
The cavalier, paladin, fighter, barbarian, and ranger are each allowed two attacks this round.219 Initiative is irrelevant for
them, even though they won. The cavalier hits the assassin with a roll of 8, causing 4 hp of damage. The paladin
automatically hits the thief, for 11 hp. The barbarian hits with his long sword +1, doing another 3 hp of damage, but
misses with his hand axe on a roll of 2.
The now-visible220 fighter strikes the bard for a whopping 17 hp (d8, +6 for 18/00 Strength, +3 for double
specialization,221 +1 for magic long sword +1)! Unfortunately, this puts him in the line of fire of the ranger. Since the
fighter and bard are both humans (and thus about the same size), the ranger has a 50/50 chance of hitting either of
them.222 The DM’s secret die roll indicates that the fighter will be the target. The blue party’s luck continues, however, as
the ranger rolls a 1 and misses her ally. The druid’s flame blade spell now takes effect, followed by the cleric’s light spell.
The bard, however, easily makes her saving throw with a 16, so the light spell goes off immediately behind her.223
It is now the red party’s turn to act. The bard’s potion of super-heroism kicks in. She is a 7th level fighter, and so gains
three levels and 2d10 + 3 = 17 hit points.224 A roll of 5d4 indicates that the effects will last for eleven rounds,225 but this is
divided by two (six rounds), as she drank only half of the potion.226
Meanwhile, the thief attacks the barbarian (figuring he is less likely to hit the plate-armored paladin). He rolls a 10. As the
barbarian is AC type 10, this is modified to a 12, which hits AC 7.227 The unarmored barbarian, however, with his 18
Dexterity, is AC 2228 — not much worse than the paladin after all! The thief does not feel at all good about this. On the
other side of the melee, the assassin again swings at the cavalier. As was determined earlier, she needs to roll an 18 or
better to hit. She rolls a 15, and misses again.
Now, the blue fighter-types get their second attacks. The ranger, seeing that she no longer has a clear shot, will hold her
fire. The cavalier hits the assassin for 4 hp more. The paladin and barbarian kill the thief. The fighter hits the bard again,
this time for 14 hp (which is subtracted from the temporary 17 hp the bard gained from her potion of super-heroism).229
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 82.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 71.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 44.
Gygax, Unearthed Arcana, 42.
Gygax, Unearthed Arcana, 18, 22.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 126.
Gygax, Unearthed Arcana, 18.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 63.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 44.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 127.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 125.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 74.
Gygax, Unearthed Arcana, 18.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 127.
At the end of round 2, the arms and armor of the cavalier, paladin, and barbarian are now “hot”, and they each suffer d4
damage from the heat metal spell.230 The damage rolls are 3, 1, and 3, respectively (this being the only damage they have
sustained thus far). The illusionist and thief are dead. The magic-user, acrobat, and monk each lose another hit point to
bleeding, leaving them at -5, -4, and -2, respectively. The assassin is still engaged with the cavalier, and the bard with the
fighter. Spells in effect are the aforementioned heat metal on most of the blue party, silence 15’ radius on all the melee
combatants, and barkskin and flame blade on the druid. The bard will have the benefit of her potion of super-heroism for
five more rounds.
Actions are now declared for round 3. The assassin continues fighting the cavalier, while the bard will attack the fighter
with her broadsword +3. The cavalier will continue to attack the assassin, as the fighter will the bard. The barbarian will
drop his hot weapons and pick up the unconscious magic-user’s staff. The paladin will drop his sword and shield, and
begin removing his hot armor. The cleric and the ranger will move up behind the cavalier and paladin, respectively. The
druid will charge the assassin.
Initiative dice are again rolled, and tied 5-5. The DM rules that the barbarian can easily retrieve the magic-user’s staff in
one round. The paladin, however, will need four rounds to remove his plate mail.231 The cleric and ranger each take their
movement (which is of little consequence to the timing of attacks).
The fighter and bard are each entitled to two attacks this round. Since initiative was tied, weapon speeds are used to
determine the order of attack. However, both swords have the same speed factor (5),232 so the attacks will be truly
simultaneous. The fighter hits the bard with a 13, causing 13 hp of damage. The bard hits the fighter with a 19, causing
10 hp of damage.
The cavalier is also entitled to two attacks this round, and thus she strikes before the assassin. She rolls an 8, and hits for 6
hp of damage. The assassin only had 6 hp left, so she is unconscious. The DM allows the druid, who was charging the
assassin, to continue on to the bard. He will strike last in the round.
The fighter and bard now make their second attacks against each other. The fighter hits with a 12, causing 14 hp of
damage. The bard also hits with a 12, causing 9 hp of damage. As she is less than 10’ away, the cavalier may also take
her second attack on the bard.233 She rolls a 13, and hits for 9 hp.
Now the druid completes his charge. Unfortunately, he rolls a 3. The +2 bonus for charging makes this a 5. However,
the flame blade is treated as a scimitar,234 which has a -1 penalty against the bard’s AC type 5.235 The druid’s net result of
4 misses.
The arms and armor of the cavalier and paladin are now “searing”, and they each suffer 2d4 damage from the heat metal
spell.236 The rolls are 8 and 6. The cavalier, who is still in her helmet, passes out.237 The paladin, who would have
removed his helmet first, does not pass out, but they will both be disabled for 1-4 days from the burns.238 (“Finally,” thinks
the bard.)
At the end of round 3, only the bard remains active on the red side. She is engaged with the fighter and the druid. The
unconscious magic-user, acrobat, and monk each lose another hit point, bringing them down to -6, -5, and -3,
respectively. The cavalier and paladin are down on the blue side, with the cleric, ranger, and barbarian standing nearby.
Actions are declared for round 4. The bard will fight on. The cleric will help the fallen cavalier out of her armor, while the
ranger does the same for the paladin. The barbarian will close with the bard, while the fighter and druid continue to
Initiative is rolled, and the bard wins 3-2. However, the bard’s attack rate is 3/2,239 and she only has one attack this round.
Therefore the fighter, with 2/1, is allowed to strike first. He rolls a 17, and hits for 15 hp. The bard returns the attack. She
hits with an 18, but only does 5 hp of damage. Then the druid attacks, but, alas, he rolls a 1 and misses completely. The
fighter’s second attack roll, though, is a 10, which hits for 17 hp and kills the bard. The melee is over.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 56.
Kim Mohan, Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons® Wilderness Survival Guide (U.S.A.: TSR, Inc., 1986), 65.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 38.
Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide, 66.
Gygax, Unearthed Arcana, 42.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 38.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 56.
Gygax, Players Handbook, 25, 118.
What follows on the next two pages are a pair of charts, useful as a graphic tool for comparing which of two actions occurs
first in a round. (Thanks to Dragonsfoot members Link and WSmith for their early work with this format!)
Move vs.
Longer Longer #AT, Longer
CHARGE Missile Missile Casting Turn
Reach Reach then Reach
Higher Higher
#AT, #AT,
Same Same Same d6 vs. Same
MISSILE then Missile then
Time Time Time Casting Time
Same Same
Time Time
Higher Higher Higher Higher Higher
#AT, #AT, #AT, #AT, #AT,
MISSILE d6 vs. Same
then then then Missile then then
MULTI Casting Time
Same Same Same Same Same
Time Time Time Time Time
Casting Casting Casting Casting Casting Casting
MELEE Casting
Time vs. Time vs. Time vs. Time vs. Time, Time vs.
SPELL or Time vs.
Caster’s Speed Caster’s Caster’s then Caster’s
d6 Factor d6 d6 Same d6
Same Same Same Same Same d6 vs. Same
Time Time Time Time Time Casting Time
MELEE: Natural attack forms without speed factor ratings.
SF: Attacks with melee weapons; speed factor is used to break ties in 2nd & subsequent rounds.
MULTI: Combatant with more attacks strikes first & last; use d6 or SF when both have odd or even # of attacks.
CHARGE: Initiative not checked; weapon length / reach determines who strikes first.
MISSILE: Dexterity Reaction/Attacking Adjustment added to (or subtracted from) individual’s d6 roll; “Tied d6” includes this.
MULTI: Missile rate of fire greater than 1; treated the same as MELEE MULTI,
MULTI but also includes DEX adjustment.
SPELL: Completed after # of segments casting time; includes scrolls, potions, & other magic devices with activation times.
TURN: Subject to initiative determination, but cannot be interrupted unless cleric is incapacitated.
Move vs.
Longer Longer #AT, Longer
CHARGE Missile Missile Casting Turn
Reach Reach then Reach
Higher Higher
#AT, #AT,
High d6 High d6 High d6 High d6 High d6
MISSILE then Missile then
(+ DEX) (+ DEX) (+ DEX) (+ DEX) (+ DEX)
High d6 High d6
(+ DEX) (+ DEX)
Higher Higher Higher Higher Higher
#AT, #AT, #AT, #AT, #AT,
MISSILE High d6 High d6
then then then Missile then then
High d6 High d6 High d6 High d6 High d6
(+ DEX) (+ DEX) (+ DEX) (+ DEX) (+ DEX)
Casting As Shorter
Casting Casting Casting Casting
Time vs. MELEE Casting Casting
Time vs. Time vs. Time vs. Time vs.
SPELL (Speed or Time vs. Time,
Caster’s Caster’s Caster’s Caster’s
Factor - MELEE Move then
d6 d6 d6 d6
Low d6) W/ SF High d6
TURN High D6 High D6 High D6 Turn High D6 High D6 High D6 High D6
Caster’s d6 vs. Casting Time: Compare segment indicated by caster’s initiative die to casting time.
Casting Time vs. Caster’s d6: Compare casting time to segment indicated by caster’s initiative die.
Casting Time vs. (Speed Factor - Low d6): Compare casting time to absolute value of (speed factor minus losing d6).
Casting Time vs. Move: Compare casting time of spell to segments of movement.
Casting Time vs. Speed Factor: Compare spell casting time to weapon speed factor.
High d6: Party with higher initiative roll acts first.
High d6 (+ DEX): Missile-user adjusts d6 roll according to Dexterity before comparing.
Higher #AT: Individual with most attacks acts first.
Longer Reach: Individual with longer weapon/reach strikes first.
Low Speed Factor (after round 1): Speed factor is used to break ties after 1st round of melee (unless no charging/closing).
Missile: Initial missile fire will always beat a charge, as the “reach” of a missile weapon is greater than any melee weapon.
Move vs. Casting Time: Compare segments of movement to casting time of spell.
Same Time: Both parties act simultaneously; damage accrues to each.
Shorter Casting Time: When combat is spell vs. spell, the faster spell will be completed first; initiative is used to break ties.
Speed Factor vs. Casting Time: Compare weapon speed factor to spell casting time.
Turn: Turning undead will always beat a charge, as the “reach” of the turning cleric is greater than any melee weapon.
This chart (also first developed by Dragonsfoot members Link and WSmith) illustrates the sequence of attacks between
combatants with multiple attack routines. The timing of spells (and similar actions) is always keyed to the opponent’s first
attack, regardless of how many he is permitted. When two or more opponents have attacks in the same row, initiative (or
weapon speed, where applicable) determines the order of attacks for that row.
Cartoon by the late David C. Sutherland III, originally published in The Strategic Preview c. 1976.
(Thanks to Paul J. Stormberg for posting this on EN World.)
Blume, Brian, with Dave Cook and Jean Wells. The Rogues Gallery. U.S.A.: TSR Games, 1980.
Gygax, Gary. “From the Sorcerer’s Scroll.” THE DRAGON, May 1980: 10-11, 30.
Gygax, Gary. Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons® Dungeon Masters Guide. rev. ed. U.S.A.: TSR, Inc., 1979.
Gygax, Gary. Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons® Monster Manual. 4th ed. U.S.A.: TSR Games, 1979.
Gygax, Gary. Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons® Monster Manual II. U.S.A.: TSR, Inc., 1983.
Gygax, Gary. Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons® Players Handbook. U.S.A.: TSR, Inc., 1978.
Gygax, Gary. Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons® Unearthed Arcana. U.S.A.: TSR, Inc., 1985.
Gygax, Gary, and Dave Arneson. Dungeons & Dragons®. Ed. Eric Holmes. 2nd ed. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR Hobbies, Inc., 1974, –78.
Gygax, Gary, with Frank Mentzer. The Temple of Elemental Evil. U.S.A.: TSR, Inc., 1985.
Kuntz, Robert J., and Gary Gygax. Mordenkainen‘s Fantastic Adventure. U.S.A.: TSR, Inc., 1984.
Kuntz, Robert J., with Douglas J. Behringer. “Robilar Remembered: Lord Robilar & Co.” The Oerth Journal 7 (June 1998): 41-44.
Lakofka, Lenard. “Leomund’s Life.” The Oerth Journal 10 (July 1999): 78-84.
Lakofka, Lenard. The Secret of Bone Hill. U.S.A.: TSR Hobbies, Inc., 1981.
Mohan, Kim. “Arcana update, part I.” DRAGON®, November 1985: 12-16.
Mohan, Kim. Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons® Wilderness Survival Guide. U.S.A.: TSR, Inc., 1986.
Thanks also to the dozens of Dragonsfoot users who took the time to vote and post in the various A.D.D.I.C.T. polls. It’s done!