The Brief Family Relationship Scale A Brief Measur
The Brief Family Relationship Scale A Brief Measur
The Brief Family Relationship Scale A Brief Measur
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The Relationship dimension of the Family Environment Scale (FES; Moos & Moos, 1994), which
consists of the Cohesion, Expressiveness, and Conflict subscales, measures a person's perception
of the quality of their family relationship functioning. This study investigates an adaptation of the
Relationship dimension of the FES for Alaska Native youth. We tested the adapted measure, the
Brief Family Relationship Scale (BFRS), for psychometric properties and internal structure with
284 12 to18 year-old predominately Yup'ik Eskimo Alaska Native adolescents from rural, remote
communities. This non-Western cultural group is hypothesized to display higher levels of
collectivism traditionally organized around an extended kinship family structure. Results
demonstrate a subset of the adapted items function satisfactorily, a three-response alternative
format provided meaningful information, and the subscale's underlying structure is best described
through three distinct first-order factors, organized under one higher order factor. Convergent and
discriminant validity of the BFRS was assessed through correlational analysis.
Alaska Native; cohesion; expressiveness; conflict; family relationships; family climate
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There is need for valid measures of family functioning in research with youth on a number
of topics across diverse cultural settings, including family relations, resilience, and
protection from substance abuse and psychopathology. We report here on a cultural
adaptation of the Relationship dimension of the Family Environment Scale (FES; Moos &
Moos, 1994) with a sample of rural Yup'ik Alaska Native youth. The FES has been
criticized for low reliabilities when used with youth and people from non-Western cultural
backgrounds (e.g., Ma & Leung, 1990; Roosa & Beals, 1990; Sanford, Raymond, & Zucker,
1999). The objectives of this study were to (1) assess the scale structure of the BFRS, (2)
investigate the item characteristics of the item pool for their functioning and for optimal
response level calibration for Alaska Native youth, and (3) assess the evidence for validity
of the BFRS score interpretations.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Carlotta Ching Ting Fok, Department of Psychology, University of
Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6480.
Fok et al. Page 2
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Participants were 284 Alaska Native 12- to 18-year-olds from rural, remote Alaska
communities. Most (194) were recruited from a boarding school in Southeast Alaska, with
the remainder coming from a predominately Yup'ik regional hub community in
Southwestern Alaska. The sample was 57.7% female and the mean age was 15.5 (SD=1.5)
Brief Family Relationship Scale (BFRS)—The BFRS is adapted from the 27-item
Relationship dimension of the FES (Moos & Moos, 1994), consisting of Cohesion,
Expressiveness, and Conflict subscales (9 items each). These subscales measure support,
expression of opinions, and angry conflict within a family.
Validity measures
Communal Mastery Family scale (CMFS; α = .76): The CMFS is a 4-item measure
adapted for Alaska Native youth from the 10-item Communal Mastery scale (Jackson,
McKenzie, & Hobfoll, 2000), measuring resources provided by the family for coping with
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Reasons for Life scale (RFLS; α = .83): The RFLS is a new 13-item scale designed for
Alaska Native adolescents, adapted from Osman et al.'s (1996) Brief Reasons for Living-
Adolescent scale. The RFLS explores beliefs and experiences that contribute to sense of
meaning in life, and is hypothesized inversely related to suicidal ideation.
Youth Community Protective Factors scale (YCPFS; α = .77): The YCPFS is a six-item
scale adapted from the Yup'ik Protective Factors scale for adults (Allen et al., 2006).
Support and Opportunities subscales tap youth perceptions regarding the extent of these
protective factors available to young people in their community.
Alaska Native Cultural Identification scale (ANCIS): Is an eight-item scale adapted from
the Orthogonal Cultural Identification scale (Oetting & Beauvais, 1990-1991) that measures
home and dominant cultural identification in Alaska Native youth. The ANCIS has two
four-item subscales, Alaska Native Cultural Identification (ANCI; α = .77) and White
American Cultural Identification (WACI; α = .63).
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After re-writing items with the assistance of focus groups, we pilot tested and removed
poorly functioning items, leaving an 8-item Cohesion subscale, 4-item Expressiveness
subscale, and 7-item Conflict subscale, totaling 19 items (see Appendix).
Participants were recruited through active parental consent and youth assent procedures
approved by the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) IRB. They were paid $15 for
completing measures, which were administered in school computer labs via a secure web
server based at UAF. Responses on all measures were via a continuous analog scale with a
pointer in the shape of a salmon with three semantic anchors placed below the scale (“Not at
all, Somewhat,” and “A lot.”).
grouped the intervals in a manner that approximated a normal distribution: 1-7 = 1, 8-11 = 2,
12-15 = 3, 16-18 = 4, 19-20 = 5. Principal components analysis suggested each subscale was
ltm package in R (Rizopoulos, 2006), to examine the relation between responses on the
items to the underlying latent construct measured by each subscale. We follow the
procedures of Marshall, Orlando, and Jaycox (2002) in reporting the IRT results.
Results of the item parameter estimates showed that the 18 items overall provided
satisfactory discrimination. Item 9 provided the highest discrimination index, and item 17
was the least discriminating. Examining the option probability curves led us to recode the
data to three options by collapsing options 2-4. The amount of overlap between categories 2
and 4 suggested that these three categories might be providing redundant information. Table
2 reports the IRT results for this three-category calibration, including the discrimination or
slope parameter (a), and the location parameters (bs) for each item.
Location parameter values in Table 2 show that for Cohesion items 1, 12, 14, and Conflict
Resolution items 5, 11, 13, endorsing a higher response option for these items occurred at
relatively low levels of the latent trait attribute tapped by the subscale, indicating these items
provided more information for individuals at low levels of these attributes. To investigate
the item information further, we examined the item information functions for each subscale
for the three-category calibration. Item 9 provided the greatest amount of information,
especially at slightly below and slightly above-average levels, and items 10 and 17 provided
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the least information. Items 1, 7, 11, and 16 supplied moderate to high information at below
or slightly above-average levels. The items that provided low to moderate information
across most ranges were items 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, and 18.
Final CFA Results—We then reran the CFA analysis, adjusted to correspond with these
IRT findings, testing the 18-item second-order, 3-factor model using 3-category calibration
of the rating scale against the original 5-category calibration. The difference in BICs was
31.9, a substantial improvement in fit for the three anchor point calibration (Raftery, 1993).
Items 10 and 17 provided little unique information according to the IRT information curves
and were removed from the final scale. The improvement in fit after removing items 10 and
17 was significant, Δχ2(31) = 64.6, p < .01, ΔBIC = 87.2. The final 16-item second-order
three-factor CFA using the three-category calibration was a nearly acceptable fit, χ2 (101)
=164.9, χ2/df=1.63, GFI=.93, CFI=.95, and RMSEA=.05. Internal consistency of was
acceptable for Cohesion (M=15.73, SD=2.70, α = .83) and Conflict (M=13.06, SD=2.51, α
= .80), and for the full scale BFRS (M=34.76, SD=5.53, α = .88), but weaker for
Expressiveness (M=5.97, SD=1.47, α = .65).
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These internal consistency values were slightly higher than those reported in the manual on
the Cohesion and Conflict subscales, and slightly lower on the Expressiveness subscale. The
comparatively low internal consistency of the Expressiveness subscale found in this study
may stem from poor fit of the construct of expressiveness in this non-Western cultural
group. We explored the BFRS with a non-Western North American indigenous cultural
group in part because we hypothesized the group was representative of an orientation with
alignments towards collectivism (Oyserman, Coon, & Kemmelmeier, 2002), possessing
somewhat different values orientations to family relationships. The Expressiveness subscale
may not perform as well with this and other non-Western groups, in comparison with
mainstream American cultural groups more aligned with individualistic orientations to
family functioning. This echoes Ma and Leung's (1990) similar findings of low reliabilities
with the Expressiveness subscale in Hong Kong and stated concerns that some items may
not have equivalent meaning. Future research will be needed to determine whether the
Expressiveness subscale can be adapted for use with non-Western cultural groups.
The BRFS scores correlated in the expected direction with the CMFS scores (r=.51, p<.01),
the RFLS scores (r=.48, p<.01), and the YCPFS scores (r=.44, p<.01) (see Table 3). As
expected, the weakest convergent validity correlation, between the BFRS and the YCPFS
scores (r = .44), was significantly greater in magnitude than the strongest discriminant
validity correlation, between BFRS and ANCI scores (r=.18; t=-4.87, p<.01).
Carlotta Ching Ting Fok and James Allen, Department of Psychology and Center for Alaska Native Health
Research, Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks; David Henry, Department of Psychology and
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Institute of Health Research, University of Illinois at Chicago. The People Awakening (PA) Team includes the
Yupiucimta Asvairtuumallerkaa Councils, the Ellangneq Councils, the Yup'ik Regional Coordinating Council, the
Ellangneq Advisory Group, and the Ellangneq, Yupiucimta Asvairtuumallerkaa, and Cuqyun Project Staff. The
Yupiucimta Asvairtuumallerkaa Councils included Sophie Agimuk, Harry Asuluk, Thomas Asuluk, T.J. Bentley,
John Carl, Mary Carl, Emily Chagluk, James Charlie, Sr., Lizzie Chimiugak, Ruth Jimmie, Jolene John, Paul John,
Simeon John, Aaron Moses, Phillip Moses, Harry Tulik, and Cecelia White. The Ellangneq Councils includes
Catherine Agayar, Fred Augustine, Mary Augustine, Paula Ayunerak, Theresa Damian, Lawrence Edmund, Sr.,
Barbara Joe, Lucy Joseph, Joe Joseph, Placide Joseph, Zacheus Paul, Charlotte Phillp, Henry Phillip, Joe Phillip,
Penny Alstrom, Fred Augustine, Mary Augustine, Paula Ayunerak, Theresa Damian, Shelby Edmund, Flora
Patrick, Dennis Sheldon, Isidore Shelton, Catherine Agayar, Theresa Damian, Freddie Edmund, Shelby Edmund,
Josie Edmund, and Flora Patrick. The Yup'ik Regional Coordinating Council includes Martha Simon, Moses Tulim,
Ed Adams, Tammy Aguchak, Paula Ayunerak, Sebastian Cowboy, Lawrence Edmunds, Margaret Harpak, Charles
Moses, Raymond Oney. The Ellangneq Advisory Group includes Walkie Charles, Richard Katz, Mary Sexton, Lisa
Rey Thomas, Beti Thompson, and Edison Trickett. The Ellangneq Project Staff includes Debbie Alstrom, Carl
Blackhurst, Rebekah Burkett, Diana Campbell, Arthur Chikigak, Gunnar Ebbesson, Aaron Fortner, John Gonzalez,
Scarlett Hopkins, Nick Hubalik, Joseph Klejka, Charles Moses, Dora Nicholai, Eliza Orr, Marvin Paul, Michelle
Dondanville, Jonghan Kim, Rebecca Koskela, Johanna Herron, and Stacy Rasmus. We also acknowledge the
invaluable contributions of James A.Walsh.
This research was funded by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the National Center for
Minority Health Disparities [R21AA0016098, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, PI: James
Allen; R24MD001626, National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities, PI: James Allen;
R21AA015541, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, PI: Gerald V. Mohatt; R01AA11446,
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism & National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities,
PI: Gerald V. Mohatt; P20RR061430, National Center for Research Resources, PI: Gerald V. Mohatt] and a
University of Alaska International Polar Year Postdoctoral Fellowship award to the first author. We also want to
thank all of the People Awakening Team including participants, community co-researchers, our Coordinating
Council and our project staff for their assistance in completing this research.
16. In our family we really get along well with each other.
4. In our family we can talk openly in our home.
8. In our family we sometimes tell each other about our personal problems.
2. In our family we argue a lot. (R)
19. In our family we raise our voice when we are mad. (R)
Note. Items with (R) are reverse-keyed. Only the final 16 items are shown here. Three items,
10 (In our family we do things for each other without being asked), 15 (In our family we
work out our problems), and 17 (In our family we are usually careful about what we say to
each other), were removed in the process of our analyses.
Allen J, Mohatt GV, Hazel K, Rasmus M, Thomas L, Lindley S. The tools to understand: Community
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2000. p. 275-300.
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Ma HK, Leung MC. The adaptation of the Family Environment Scale to Chinese children and
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Oetting ER, Beauvais F. Orthogonal cultural identification theory: The cultural identification of
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Figure 1.
Confirmatory factor analyses comparison between the unidimensional, first-order three
orthogonal factor, and second-order three-factor models.
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Table 1
Model Fit Indexes for the Unidimensional, First-Order Three Orthogonal Factor, Second-Order Three-Factor, and Other Models
First-Order Three Orthogonal Factor 19 790.5(168) 4.71 914.74 .78 .70 .11
Second-Order Three-Factor Three-Category Calibration 16 164.9(101) 1.63 362.60 .93 .95 .05
Note. CFA = confirmatory factor analysis; BIC = Bayesian information criteria; GFI = graduated fit index, CFI = comparative fit index; RMSEA = root mean square error of approximation
Table 2
Item Parameters for Three-Category Calibration for the 18-Item BFRS
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Item a b1 b2
1 2.20 -2.31 0.34
3 1.56 -1.09 1.84
6 1.74 -2.14 1.16
7 2.90 -1.41 0.85
10 1.27 -1.48 2.12
12 2.06 -2.20 0.43
14 2.35 -2.43 -0.83
16 2.11 -1.77 0.75
4 1.67 -1.23 0.92
8 1.88 -1.05 1.28
17 0.70 -2.45 2.29
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2 1.57 -1.66 1.57
5 1.88 -2.42 0.39
9 3.91 -1.31 0.69
11 2.11 -1.93 0.25
13 1.56 -2.02 -0.16
19 1.77 -0.57 1.82
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Table 3
Correlation among the BFRS Scale, Subscales, and Validity Measures
2. Cohesion .86**
3. Expressiveness .82** .60**
Note. BFRS=Brief Family Relationship Scale; CMFS = Communal Mastery Family scale; RFLS= Reasons for Life scale; YCPFS= Youth Community Protective Factors scale; ANCI= Alaska Native
Cultural Identification; WACI= White American Cultural Identification.
The Conflict subscale score is reverse-keyed, such that a higher Conflict score represents lower conflict in the family, or more positive family relationships.