MS Overview of Valuation Methodologies
MS Overview of Valuation Methodologies
MS Overview of Valuation Methodologies
Table of Contents
Valuation Fundamentals
Com parable Precedent Discounted Leveraged
Com panies Transactions Cash Flow Buyout
• Total value of company, belonging to all providers of capital • Value belonging to holders of ordinary equity after net debt and
preferred claims have been serviced
• Represents value available to service claims of all investors, including
holders of both debt and equity securities • Market value of a company’s ordinary equity
• Also known as aggregate value, asset value, total value and firm value • Represents flows available to holders of equity after debt and preferred
claims have been serviced
• Unlevered free cash flows (or free cash flows to the firm, “FCFF”) • Calculate the present value of the unlevered free cash flows and of
represent the normalised cash flows available to all providers of the terminal value using an appropriate cost of capital
capital to the firm
• The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) represents a firm's • Determines the range of prices that a financial buyer would be
average cost of capital from all sources, including common stock, willing to pay for an asset assuming a range of target rates of
preferred stock, bonds, and other forms of debt return
– Aggregate Value/EBIT
+ Net Debt = Short-Term Debt + Long-Term Debt - Cash & Cash equivalents
+ Other Debt Adjustments = Preferred Stock + Capitalised Leases + Unfunded Pension Liabilities, etc
+ Minority Interests
= Aggregate Value
Relative or market-based valuation relies on the market price of Intrinsic or absolute valuation is a method of valuing a business based
comparable companies operating in a similar industry as the basis of on the present value of its future cash flows
its valuation
It relies on the valuer’s expectations of how the business will evolve,
including its growth rate, margins, and investment levels
There are 2 main relative valuation methodologies: There are 2 main fundamental / intrinsic valuation methodologies:
Com ps
Com ps
DCF Valuation
x – y% WACC
DCF Valuation
x – y% Terminal Grow th
• Comparable companies • Provides company’s implied value in the public equity markets through analysis of
analysis implies a comparable companies’ trading and operating statistics
company’s value based on • Does not include control premium
public company
• Apply multiples derived from similar or “comparable” publicly traded companies to
benchmarks through the
Description company’s operating statistics
analysis of comparable
companies’ trading and • Reliability depends on the level of comparability of other publicly traded companies
operating statistics – Factors include industry of operation, range of products, revenue base (size),
geographical presence, profitability and growth
• A change of control premium may be applied to estimate private market value
• Key concepts include
– Selection of comparable
Based on public information
Market efficiency implies that, in theory, trading valuation should reflect all available
– Matching of correct information including trends, business risk, growth characteristics, etc
earnings type to relevant Advantages
Values obtained can be reliable indicator of the value of the company for a minority
– Collection and calculation
of key financial inputs
– Calendarisation of Difficult to find large sample of truly comparable companies; it is difficult/impossible to
earnings adjust for differences in the underlying business of comparable companies
– Despite “market efficiency” arguments, sometimes difficult to explain different valuations
and trading levels for apparently similar companies
Disadvantages Trading valuation of a company may be affected by thin trading activity, small
capitalization, poor research coverage, and small public float
Stock prices may be impacted by outside variables such as M&A activity in the sector,
regulatory scrutiny, etc
Does not take into account control premiums
3 Calculate and Apply Valuation Multiples to the Financial Metrics of the Company being Valued
• Comparable companies are selected based on their business and financial characteristics
– Products
– Product mix
– Geographical markets
– Customers
– Leverage
– P/E
– Dividend yield (while not a “multiple” dividend yield is a commonly used valuation benchmark)
– Utilities: AV/Capacity
– FIG: Price/Book
– Useful for explaining variations in trading multiples and for determining an appropriate level of leverage for a similar, publically listed company
1. Net Income is the most common, though you may also use PBT, particularly If there are differences in tax rates across the companies you are reviewing
Sales (Revenue) • Receipts from the sale of goods and services (excludes other income and • Income statement in latest financial report
interest income) • Often disclosed in results or other investor presentations
• Ideally based on continuing operations
EBITDA • Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation • Income statement in latest financial report
• EBIT + depreciation and amortisation, or Revenue – operatingexpenses before • May need to go to notes to find individual items (e.g. depreciation/amortisation)
depreciation and amortisation if not disclosed in income statement
• Should exclude one-off and non-core items, and should ideally be based on • Often disclosed in results or other investor presentations and should be on a
continuing operations normalised basis
EBIT • Earnings before interest expense/income and taxes • Income statement in latest financial report
• Pre-tax income + net interest expense, or EBITDA – depreciation and • May need to go to notes to find individual items if not disclosed in income
amortisation statement
• Should exclude one-off and non-core items, and should ideally be based on • Often disclosed in results or other investor presentations and should be on a
continuing operations normalised basis
Net Incom e (“NPAT”) • Consists of after-tax income from continuing operations, after preferred • Income statement in latest financial report
dividends • Often disclosed in results or other investor presentations and should be on a
• Should exclude one-off items and ideally be based on continuing operations normalised basis
Earnings per Share • Net income / w eighted average shares outstanding • Income statement in latest financial report
(EPS) • Often disclosed in results or other investor presentations and should be on a
normalised basis
Minority Interests • Book value of the equity in the company’s subsidiaries not ow ned by the • Balance sheet in latest financial report
company itself
Net Debt • Calculated as short term debt + long term debt -cash & cash equivalents • Balance sheet in latest financial report
• May make adjustments for preferred equity, finance leases (may even • May need to go to notes for adjustments
capitalise operating leases w here significant, although w ill then need to add-
back operating lease expense to EBITDA and EBIT) and unfunded pension
Capital Expenditure • Expenditure on capital goods (i.e. property, plant and equipment) • Cash flow statement in latest financial report
(“Capex”) • May include expenditure on intangibles for some businesses (e.g. software
Share Price • Used to calculate market capitalisation, w hich also forms an input into • Financial databases (e.g. CapIQ, Bloomberg)
aggregate value
• Last tw elve months trading range is also relevant to provide a sense for how
the stock has performed recently
Total Shares • Used to calculate market capitalisation, w hich also forms an input into • Ideally, found from the most recent relevant company filing
Outstanding aggregate value
• Theoretically, should include dilution for in-the-money options outstanding
Net Debt, Other Debt • Used to calculate aggregate value and relevant leverage metrics • Ideally, found from the most recent relevant company filings (i.e. latest annual,
Adjustments and • Most common adjustments are finance leases and preference shares/hybrids. semi-annual or quarterly for US companies)
Minorities US companies w ill also have unfunded pension liabilities • How ever, this can be time consuming and may not add much value w here the
• Some industries w ill also require other adjustments comparables set is large and the use is for business development. Use
financial databases w here more practical, but be sure to check reasonableness
Financial Year End • Used to “calendarise” historical and forecast financials to a common year end • Historical financials: Financial statements adjusted to a corresponding time
for comparability period / financial databases
• Forecast financials: Financial databases
Historical Financials • Used to calculate last tw elve months (“LTM”) trading multiples, forward trading • Ideally, found from company filings. Most relevant metrics (revenue, EBITDA,
multiples w here calendarising to an earlier financial year end, and historical EBIT, NPAT, etc) are often disclosed directly in results/investor presentations
operating metrics • Again, this can be time consuming and may not add much value. Use financial
databases w here more practical, but be sure to check reasonableness
Forecast Financials • Used to calculate forward trading multiples and projected operating metrics • Based on broker consensus estimates w hich can be pulled from financial
databases, but check to make sure that estimates are reasonable
Financial 31 July 31 July 31 July
Year-End 2012 2013 2014
1 Month 11 Months
of FY2012 of FY2013
Trading Comparables(1)
Calendarised to June Year End
Current Price Market Cap Agg Value AV / EBITDA (x) AV / EBITA (x) AV / EBIT (x) P / E (x) Net Debt / EBITDA (x)
Company (lcl/share) (NZ$MM) (NZ$MM) FY12 FY13 FY14 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY12 FY13 FY14
Transpacific 0.85 1,680 3,314 6.0x 5.8x 5.5x 9.9x 9.1x 8.5x 10.5x 9.7x 9.0x 18.0x 13.9x 11.0x 2 .4x 2.3x 2.2x
Tox Free 2.77 400 460 7.1x 6.5x 5.9x 10.6x 9.6x 8.7x 10.9x 9.9x 8.9x 17.0x 14.2x 12.6x 0 .9x 0.8x 0.8x
Mean 6.6x 6.1x 5.7x 10.2x 9.4x 8.6x 10.7x 9.8x 8.9x 17.5x 14.1x 11.8x 1.7x 1.6x 1.5x
Median 6.6x 6.1x 5.7x 10.2x 9.4x 8.6x 10.7x 9.8x 8.9x 17.5x 14.1x 11.8x 1.7x 1.6x 1.5x
Lassila & Tikanoja 10.50 643 821 5.7x 5.3x 5.0x 9.1x 8.2x 7.6x 11.3x 9.9x 9.0x 16.8x 12.0x 10.9x 1.2x 1.1x 1.1x
Seche Environnement 27.00 366 668 4.7x 4.6x 4.3x 8.1x 8.5x 7.9x 8.1x 8.6x 8.0x 16.4x 16.8x 13.3x 2.1x 2.1x 2.0x
Shanks Group 0.79 615 1,044 5.1x 5.1x 4.7x 9.9x 9.6x 8.6x 10.8x 10.5x 9.3x 12.1x 12.8x 11.0x 2.1x 2.1x 1.9x
Suez 8.42 6,753 22,525 6.3x 5.7x 5.4x 10.2x 9.5x 8.9x 12.9x 11.9x 10.9x 13.4x 12.3x 10.7x 3.5x 3.2x 3.0x
Veolia 8.12 6,527 34,362 7.5x 7.5x 7.2x 11.3x 11.1x 10.4x 15.3x 14.9x 13.7x NM 13.8x 10.3x 5.1x 5.1x 4.9x
Casella Waste Systems 4.54 216 812 7.3x 6.7x 6.6x 21.4x 21.0x NA 21.8x 21.5x NA NM NM NA 5.4x 4.9x 4.8x
Republic Services 28.03 12,515 21,128 7.0x 7.0x 6.6x 10.2x 10.2x 9.5x 11.2x 11.2x 10.4x 15.8x 14.2x 13.2x 2.9x 2.8x 2.7x
Waste Connections 30.61 4,610 5,679 9.3x 8.8x 8.0x 13.5x 12.9x 12.2x 14.3x 13.7x 12.9x 22.5x 21.3x 19.7x 1.7x 1.6x 1.5x
Waste Mangement 32.32 18,313 30,546 7.5x 7.3x 7.0x 11.7x 11.4x 10.8x 12.0x 11.7x 11.0x 15.4x 14.5x 13.4x 2.9x 2.8x 2.7x
Progressive Waste Solutions 19.78 2,841 4,497 6.9x 6.7x 6.5x 11.3x 11.2x 10.7x 13.6x 13.5x 12.7x NM 17.7x 15.9x 2.5x 2.5x 2.4x
Mean 6.7x 6.4x 6.1x 11.7x 11.4x 9.5x 13.1x 12.6x 10.6x 16.1x 14.7x 12.8x 3.0x 2.9x 2.7x
Median 7.0x 6.7x 6.6x 10.2x 10.2x 9.2x 12.0x 11.7x 10.7x 15.8x 14.0x 12.1x 2.9x 2.8x 2.7x
1. Market data as at 15 October 2012
3 Calculate and Apply Valuation Metrics to the Financial Metrics of the Company being Valued
• Premiums paid only relevant – 30 day and 90 day share prices calculated as a volume-w eighted average (“VWAP”)
for public market acquisitions
• Best source VWAP data is Bloomberg
– Represents the percentage
paid above an “unaffected”
share price
– Unaffected share price
calculated prior to
announcement of the
transaction or when it was
rumoured in the market Valuation Multiples
• Represents price paid as a multiple of a given earnings metric
• Valuation multiples relevant – Relevant for both public and private market transactions
for both public and private
market transactions • Typical multiples include
– Typical multiples include – AV/EBITDA
P/E – P/E
– Industry-specific metrics
may be relevant (e.g. AV/2P • Methodology is the same as trading comparables
reserves for oil & gas)
• May also consider pre and post-synergies multiples
P/LTM Earnings
Median P/Es
Pre 2007 20.9x
2007 16.8x
2008 8.6x
40.2 2009-11 16.1x
25.0 24.0 Mean: 17.7x
21.2 21.2 20.7 20.1 Median: 16.7x
19.5 18.6
20 17.8 17.6 16.8 16.6 16.2 16.1 16.0 15.9 14.9 14.6 13.8
11.0 11.0 9.9 9.8 8.6 7.7
Date 10/06 1/06 9/00 4/02 3/00 12/07 3/06 4/00 4/02 12/09 12/09 7/07 3/00 5/07 8/06 11/04 6/09 11/10 6/11 6/08 8/11 6/07 5/08 9/09 11/03 12/07 11/08 7/08
Platinum IPO
Colonial (Life) / CBA
Perennial / IOOF
Aviva / NAB
AustChoice / Deakin
Ord Minett / AWM
Western Pacific / Snowball
Count / CBA
Bridges / Tower
Genesys / AXA AP
Plan B IPO
1. Based on FY10E NPAT for AXA’s Australian and NZ business; NAB bid since terminated (included for reference)
2. Revised proposal, based on FY11E NPAT for AXA’s Australian and NZ business
29-Dec-10 Tower Australia Dai-ichi Life 71% 1 ,760 21.5x 2.9x 1 .4x Life insurer acquisition
15-Nov-10 AXA AP Aust & NZ AMP 100% 4 ,154 16.0x 2.6x 1 .2x Life insurer acquisition
17-Dec-09 AXA AP Aust & NZ NAB 100% 4 ,610 19.5x n.a. 1.4x Major bank acquisition
25-Sep-09 ING Australia ANZ 51% 1 ,760 11.8x 1.7x 1 .2x Exit by parent (in JV with ANZ)
22-Jun-09 Aviva Australia NAB 100% 9 25 16.1x 0.9x 1 .1x Exit by parent
8-Aug-08 Tower Australia Dai-ichi Life 30% 3 76 23.2x 2.3x 1 .6x Strategic investment by Dai-ichi
30-Jan-06 PrefSure Life Tower Group 100% 1 45 20.7x 1.3x 1 .1x Exit by parent
26-Aug-02 BT Financial Group Westpac 100% 9 00 n.a. n.a. n.a. Major bank acquisition
30-Apr-02 ANZ (49% JV) ING (51% JV) 49% 3 ,753 20.1x 1.9x n.a. Major bank JV
23-Apr-02 Rothschild Australia Westpac 100% 3 23 24.0x n.a. n.a. Major bank acquisition
10-Apr-00 MLC NAB 100% 4 ,610 20.7x 5.3x 2 .0x Major bank acquisition
9-Mar-00 Colonial (Life Business) CBA 100% 5 ,456 17.6x n.a. 1.5x Major bank acquisition
9-Mar-00 Colonial (FM Business) CBA 100% 2 ,235 23.5x 2.0x n.a. Major bank acquisition
Valuation is highly sensitive to underlying assumptions for cash flows (i.e., validity of
projections), terminal value calculation and discount rate
Terminal value often represents significant portion of total value
Impervious to market dynamics and associated control premia, theoretical valuation may
Disadvantages misrepresent what would actually be paid for a business
Change in
EBITDA - Unlevered Tax - Capex - Working Capital = FCFF
• EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation
• Unlevered tax = EBIT x tax rate
• Capex = expenditure on capital goods/non-current intangibles
• Working capital = short term operational assets (receivables, inventories, other current assets excluding cash) –
short term operational liabilities (payables, income taxes payable, other current liabilities excluding debt)
• Approach allows individual assumptions underlying forecasts to be assessed and sensitised internally – can provide
greater confidence in forecasts
Theoretically, it is appropriate to assume a perpetual growth rate that is in line with the annual growth rate of the economy. Typical to assume
• The cost of equity should • Risk-free rate = relevant government bond yield (e.g. US Government 10-year government bond)
reflect both compensation • Beta = company’s equity beta, a measure of risk of the particular company vs. the overall market portfolio (Bloomberg or CIQ)
for the time value of money • Equity risk premium = Excess return of the market portfolio over the risk-free rate (depending on Bank’s guidance)
and the riskiness of the
stock (volatility of returns
around the mean)
After-tax Cost of Debt / Capital 1 –Debt / Capital
Debt x Ratio + Cost of Equity x Ratio = WACC
• Debt/capital ratio = target or current long term debt / (debt + market value of equity ratio)
• Theoretical cost of equity • Rate at which an investment may earn interest without incurring any risk with respect to
requires estimation of amount or timing of cash flows
– Risk-free rate Risk-Free Rate • Typically based on the yield on a government security with a tenor equal to that of the
– Beta investment being valued
• Common to use the current yield on 10-year Australian government bonds
– Equity risk premium
• Measure of the risk of the particular company vs. the overall market portfolio
• Where the company being valued is listed, there are a number of methods for calculating
– Bloomberg adjusted beta (go to the <BETA> screen on a Bloomberg terminal). Calculate
over 3+ years (if possible) and on a monthly returns basis (1)
Beta – Calculate directly using historical stock and index returns
– Average of broker estimates
• Where the company being value is not listed
– Select a set of comparable, listed companies and calculate an average unlevered
beta(2). Re-lever the beta for the capital structure of the company being valued
Equity Risk • Excess return of the market portfolio over the risk-free rate
Premium • Dependent on Bank’s guidance
1. Bloomberg adjusted betas are calculated as (1/3) + (2/3) x unadjusted beta. This adjustment assumes that all company betas should approach 1 over time
2. Unlevered beta = levered beta / [1 + (D/E)*(1-t)]
Valuation Date CF3
PV3 =
12/31/05 6/30/06 12/31/06 6/30/07 12/31/07 6/30/08 12/31/08
1 2
PV4 =
12/31/05 6/30/06 12/31/06 6/30/07 12/31/07 6/30/08 12/31/08 6/30/09 12/31/09
1 2 3
• The mid-year convention does apply to discounting the terminal value to the present value when the perpetual
growth method has been used
A$MM, June Year End FY09A FY10A FY11A FY12E FY13E FY14E FY15E FY16E FY17E FY18E FY19E FY20E
EBITDA 29 29 36 36 40 44 44 45 46 47 48 49
D&A (14) (17) (16) (16) (16) (17) (18) (18) (19) (20) (20) (21)
EBIT 15 11 19 20 23 26 26 27 27 27 28 28
Less: Tax at 30% (4) (3) (6) (6) (7) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8)
EBIT (1-T) 10 8 14 14 16 18 19 19 19 19 19 20
Less: Maintenance Capex (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6)
Less: Expansionary Capex (1) 0 (2) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Less: Remedial Capex (0) (2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Less: Change in WC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Plus: D&A 16 16 17 18 18 19 20 20 21
FCFF 24 26 28 31 32 33 34 35 35
• Leveraged buyout analysis • Determines the range of prices that a financial buyer would be willing to pay for an asset
determines what price a assuming a range of target rates of return
financial sponsor would be • Analysis is heavily dependent on the cash flow profile of the asset, leverage and exit value
willing to pay for an asset assumptions
assuming a certain rate of Description
• This is not a “valuation
methodology” per se, but
an ability to pay analysis
based on a financial
Reflects methodology used by financial sponsors and hence represents a theoretically
sponsor’s desired equity
sound view of what private equity might be willing to pay for an asset
return and the
leveragability of a business
• Often viewed as a floor Advantages
valuation and typically
yields lower values than an
traditional discounted cash
flow valuation
May not be appropriate for all businesses – will depend on ability for the business to
sustain leverage and for a financial sponsor to exit its investment in 3 – 5 years
– Only a relevant benchmark where potential bidder field includes private equity
Requires additional assumptions around leverage and exit multiples
IRR can be sensitive to leverage and exit multiple assumptions
3 Leverage
Total Increase in Value
Liabilities &
Shareholders’ Priority in cash
Equity Typical Characteristics/Comments “waterfall”
• Priority claim on the assets
• Imposes restrictive maintenance covenants on company
• Pricing: Floating rate LIBOR + 200–325 bps (N.B. swaps)
Bank Debt
40% • Maturity: 5–9 years
• A, B, C tranches
• Repayment: A amortizes over life of loan, B and C in bullet
• “Junk” Bonds
High Yield • 10-year, 5-year non-callable
20% • Pricing: Benchmark bond + 400–700 bps
• Methodology is similar to a • From a technical perspective, it is therefore similar to a levered DCF analysis
levered DCF valuation • However, LBO analysis approaches valuation from the specific perspective of LBO Sponsors; the key valuation
drivers therefore are:
• IRR is the primary output
– Debt capacity: maximizing leverage, within standard market parameters, will allow the financial sponsor to
that is used to guide
investment decisions maximize purchase price, given desire to contribute as little equity as possible
– Essentially the discount – Equity returns: once debt capacity has been ascertained, equity commitment will be determined by target
rate which, when applied assumed exit proceeds and equity returns, typically in the range of 20 – 25% historically
to the cash flows and
price paid for the – The interaction of these two factors will determine the LBO valuation
company under analysis,
• While financial sponsors consider many methodologies to calculate a “take-out” valuation, the most important pricing
gives a present value of
zero consideration is the projected return generated by the investment
– An IRR of 20% is – Basic question is “what price could be paid for the asset assuming a certain capital structure and a target return?”
typically considered to be
the rate of return on
equity to attract interest
from private equity
Cash 2 5 6 10 2
Uses A$MM % Total x EBITDA
Acquisition Price 266 95% 7.5x Total Net Debt 131 110 105 86 57
Transaction Costs 13 5% 0.4x
Mezzanine Upfront Fee - - - EBITDA 37 40 42 43 49
Minimum Cash Balance 2 1% 0.1x
Add: Non-Cash Items 2 2 2 3 2
Total Uses 281 100% 7.9x
Joint Venture Adj. (1) (1) 1 1 1
Com ps
Com ps
DCF Valuation
x – y% WACC
DCF Valuation
x – y% Terminal Grow th
Modelling Best Practices (1/2)
• Always do all calculations in your model (and in cells) - do not use your calculator. This makes it
easier for someone else to reconcile the model
• Don’t scatter your assumptions and inputs. Make sure your inputs and assumptions are where
they should logically be
• Avoid having numbers and formulae in the same cell. Reference formulae to input cells
• A good model is • A model should always be able to be checked with a calculator and the print-out
– Simple and easy to – Make sure your model is set up so that it is easy to quickly print out a version for a senior to
– Formatted cleanly
– Has as few sheets as
possible • Note data and sources of inputs (use “comments” function)
– Easily printed
• Use consistent line and column headings
• Never enter the same number or assumption twice. If it makes sense to show the assumption
again, link it to the original input
• Use logical names for different versions of the model and don’t forget to save regularly a new
• Don’t use macros if you don’t really need them. You will very rarely need macros
• Keep formulae simple—if you have a complicated formula, break it down. This will make it easier
for yourself and anybody else to review the logic
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