Standard for
the Installation
of Sprinkler Systems
2007 Edition
NEPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471
‘An International Codes and Standards Organization-Pyright 2006 by Nationa Fixe Protection Association (NFPA). Licensed by agrezment, fr individual use and single download on Saptember 25, 206 to NORMAN MACDONALD of FLEXHEAD INDUSTRIE
Nother eposecton ar wansmisin ony form permed witout rien person of APPA Farnmues torent unread vu conte cea.
Nominal Plank | Beam or Joist
Pipe Size "Thiele Face
a. mm eam | om
Uproand somm | s 7% | 2 3
nclading in,
2 mm | 4 we | 2 a
Bin 80 mm
Sin, 0mm
‘in ne
9.2 Tastallation of Pipe Hangers.
9.2.1 General. Coiling Sheathing. Unless the requirements of met, sprin-
ler piping shall be supported independently of the celling
sheathing. Toggle hangers shall be permitted only for the sup-
port of pipe 1' in. (40 mi) or smaller in size under ceilings
of hollow tile ar metal lath and plaster. Storage Racks. Where sprinkler piping is installed in
“storage rack, piping shall be supported from the storage rack
structure or building in accordance with all applicable provi-
sions of Sections 9.2 and 9.3.* Building Seucture.
9.2.18. Unless the requirements of apply, sprin-
leler piping shall be substantially supported from the building
structure, which must support the added load of the water
filled pipe plus a minimum of 250 Ib (114 kg) applied at the
point of hanging, except where permitted by 9211.2,
92.183, and 92.141. Trapeze hangers shall be used where necessary to
‘runsfer loads to appropriate structural members
‘Table Maximum Distance Between Hangers (ftia,)" Flexible Sprinkler Hose Fittings. Listed flexible sprinkler hose fiuings and theiran-
choring components intended for use in installations con-
necting the sprinkler system piping to sprinklers shall be in-
stalled in accordance with the requirements of the listing,
including any installation instructions. When installed and supported by suspended ceil:
ings, the ceiling shall meet ASTM 635, Standard Specification
forthe Manufacture, Peformance, and Testing of Metal Suspension
‘Stems for Acoustical Tle and Lay Jn Panel Ciings, and shall be
installed in accordance with ASTM C636, Standard Practice for
Installation of Metal Ceiling Suspension Systons for Acoustical Tie
‘and Lay: Panels,° Where flexible sprinkler hose fitings exceed 6
(1.83) in length and are supported by asuspended ceiling,
hhanger(s) attached to the structure shall be required to en-
‘sure that the maximum unsupported length does not exceed
6 ft (1.88m)
9.2.14 Metal Deck.* Branch line hangers attached to metal deck shall be
permitted only for the support of pipe 1 in, (25 mm) or
smaller in size, by drilling or punching the vertical portion of
the metal deck and using through bolts. The distance from the bottom of the bolt hole to
the bottom of the vertical member shall be not les than 3.
(95mm). Where sprinkler piping is installed below ductwork,
piping shall be supported from the building structure or from
the duetwork supports, provided such supports are capable of
‘handling both the load of the ductwork and the load specified
9.2.2 Maximum Distance Between Hangers.
92.2.1 The maximum distance between hangers shall not
exceed that specified in Table 92.2.1(a) or Table 92.2.1(b),
except where the provisions of 9.2.4 apply. The maximum distance berween hangers for listed.
nonmetallic pipe shall be modified as specified in the indi-
vidual product listings.
% 1 me im
"Nominal Pipe Size (in.)
2% 8 4 5 6 8
Steel pipe exceptthreaded N/A 120 120 150
Threaded ighwallsieel N/A. 120. «120.120
Capper tube 80 89 100 100
ne 55 60 65,70
Pohpbutyene (FS) N/A S847 50
Ponbulene (C19) Br 34 3h as
Dual ron pipe N/A_N/A_N/A_N/A
150 150 150150150150 150150
120 120 120 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
120 120 120 150 150 150150150
80 90 100 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Bll N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
N/A N/A 150 N/A 150 N/A__150 150
"Note: IS iron — pipe size; CTS — copper tube size‘Pytight 2006 by Nations! Fire Protecton Association (NFPA). Licensed, by agresmant, for individual use and single download on Saptumbar 25, 2006 to NORMAN MACDONALD of FLEXHEAD INDUSTRIE
‘Nother posucon or tavombson nay orm pelted an wien perisin oF NFPA Formquees Oo ep arava are core eerie
FIGURE A9.1.23 Example of Additional Hangers Utilized
+o Eliminate Non-Axial Loads,
‘The building structure is only required to hana the weight
of the wateriled pipe and components, while the hangers are
required to handle 8 umes the weight of the watefilled pipe. In
audition, a safety factor load of 250 I (114 kg) is added in both
Cases. The dference in requirements has to do wih thediferent
‘ays that loads ate calulated and safety factors are applied.
‘When sprinkle system load are given to structural engineers
for calculation ofthe structural elements in the building, they
apply their own safety factors in order to determine what struc
tral members and hanging locations will be accepuable
‘In contrast, when sprinkler system loads are calelated for
the hangers themselves, there is no explicit safety factor, 0
[NFPA mandates a safely factor of § mes the weight of the
A9.2.,3.8 Examples ofareas of use include cleanrooms, sus
pended ceilings, and exhaust duct
9.21383 The committee evaluation of flexible sprinkler
hhose fitings supported by ceilings was based on a
‘comparison of the weight of a6 f, 1 in. diameter Schedule 40
vatenfilled unsupported armover weighing approximately 13 Ib
to the weight of a 6 ft, 1 in diameter waterfilled flexible hose
fitsing weighing approximately 1b. The information provided to
the committee showed that dhe maximum load shed to the sus
pended ceiling by the flexible hos fitting was approximately 6 Ib
and that a suspended ceiling meeting ASTM C 635, Standard
for the Marufacer, Performance, ond Tasting of Metal
Suspension Stems of Acoustical Tie ard Lay-n Panel Clings, and
installed in accordance with ASTM G 636, Standard Practice for
‘Insallation of Metal Citing Suspension Systems jr Acoustical Tile ud
Layln Panels can substantially support that load, In addition, the
supporting material showed that the flexible hose connection
‘can be attached to the suspended ceilings because it allows the
‘necessury deflections under seismic condi
BD 07 eaten
AG21.4.1 The requirements of are based on metal
decks only but can be applied to other applications such as
concrete or gypsumllled metal decks
9.2.2 Where copper tube is to be installed in moist areas or
other environments conducive to galvanic corrosion, copper
hangers or ferrous hangers with an insulating material should
be uted,
9.23.2 The hangers required by Chapter 9 are intended
to accommodate general loading such as check valves, con-
trol valves, or dry or deluge valves. Where additional equip-
ment such as backflow prevention assemblies and ather de-
vices with substantial loads are added, additional hangers
should be considered.
A9.23.22 See FigureA9.
Les than 6 (1.8 m) it}
A9. The “starter length" isthe first piece of pipe on a
branch line between the main, riser nipple, or drop and the
first sprinkler. Starter pieces that are less than 6 ft (1.83 m) in
length do not need a hanger of their own because they are
‘supported by the main, However, if the intermediate hanger
fon the main is omitted, the starter piece needs 0 have a
Inanger because the main is going to be supported from the
branch lines
A9.23.4 Sprinkler piping should be adequately secured to
restrict the movement of piping upon sprinkler operation,
‘The reaction forces caused by the flow of water through the
sprinkler could result in displacement of the spriner, thereby
adversely affecting sprinkler discharge. Listed CPVC pipe and
listed polybutylene pipe have specific requirements for piping
‘support to include additional pipe bracing of sprinklers. See Fig:
AG23A4 See FigueA92.844(a) and FigureA923.4.4(b).
A928 See FigureA9.2.35,
AG23.5.2 See Figure A923...
A9.25.3 This arrangement is acceptable to establish and so-
eure the rser’s lateral position but not to support the riser's
vertical load.
A92.54.2 The restraint required by 9.25.42 is needed to
prevent accumulated vertical movement when the risers pres-
Surized, Restraint is generally provided by use of arser clamp
atthe underside of a floor slab.