PC Atomic Structure E
PC Atomic Structure E
PC Atomic Structure E
Lec-1: Dalton’sAtomic theory, Cathode rays-Properties & Experiments for charge and specific charge
Lec-9: Angular probabilityof orbitals & applications based on quantum number & pending discussion.
* The above schedule is tentative & can be modified as per the batch.
Special Highlights
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"In order to have a clear understanding of some of the concepts of Atomic Structure, an elementary
knowledge of concepts from other topics is required. The following section gives an overview of such
concepts which would be used during the chapters. Students are advised to get acquainted to these
terms and formulae as these would be frequently used in the chapters. An in-depth knowledge in the
following areas at this level is not required and these would be covered in detail later as a part of course
curriculum in Physics."
(b) Potential Energy [Due to Electrostatic force]
P.E. + ve for forces of repulsion & P.E. –ve for forces of attraction.
* For the above expression to be applicable velocity should be to the magnetic field vector..
John Dalton 1808, believed that matter is made up of extremely minute indivisible particles, called
atom which takes part in chemical reactions. These particles can neither be created nor be destroyed.
However, modern researchers have conclusively proved that atom is no longer an indivisible particle.
Modern structure of atom is based on Rutherford's scattering experiment, quantization of energy and
wave mechanical model.
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Can you guess how and into what an atom can be divided ?
The works of J.J. Thomson and Ernst Rutherford actually laid the foundation of the modern picture of
the atom. It is now verified that the atom consists of several sub-atomic particles like electron, proton,
neutron, positron, neutrino, meson etc. Out of these particles, the electron, proton and the neutron are
called fundamental subatomic particles.
Does all the atoms contain all the three fundamental subatomic particles
4. ELECTRON (-1e0 , e)
4.1 Electron was discovered by J.J. Thomson (1897) and it is a negatively charged particle.
4.2 Cathode rays were discovered by William Crooke & J.J. Thomson using a cylindrical hard glass tube
fitted with two metallic electrodes. This tube was known as discharge tube. They passed electricity
(10,000V) through a discharge tube at very low pressure. Blue rays emerged from the cathode. These
rays were termed as Cathode rays.
High voltage
– +
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The television picture tube is a cathode ray tube in which a picture is produced
due to fluorescence on the television screen coated with suitable material.
Similarly, fluorescent light tubes are also cathode rays tubes coated inside
with suitable materials which produce visible light on being hit with cathode
R.A. Millikan measured the charge on an electron by oil drop experiment. The
charge on each electron is –1.602 × 10–19 C.
The specific charge (e/m) on electron was first determined by J.J. Thomson.
e/m = 1.758 × 10–11 C/kg
Cathode P1
Fluoroscent screen
P2 O1
anode Magnet
Firstly the magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the plane of the figure and directed inward. This
deflects the electrons downward striking the screen at O1. Magnetic force Fm = q × v × B.
Now the electric field is applied between the plates P1 & P2. This exerts a force on the electron in the
upward direction. The strength of electric field (E) is so adjusted that electrons strikes at point O on the
Electric force Fe = q × E
Since there is no net deviation, Fm = Fe
qvB = q.E.
v … (1)
Since V is the potential difference voltage between the anode and cathode,
1 2qV
q.V m.v 2 v … (2)
2 m
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E 2qV 2qV E 2 q E2
From equation (1) & (2) 2
B m m B m 2B 2V
e E2
For electron, q = e
m 2B 2V
Knowing the values of E, B & V (which are experimentally controlled), we can calculate e/m.
This value is found to be 1.76 × 1011 coulomb per kg.
The e/m ratio for electron was found to be same irrespective of the nature of cathode and nature of gas
taken in discharge tube. This shows that the electrons are universal constituent of all matter.
R.A. Millikan (1868-1953) devised a method known as oil drop experiment (1906-14), to determine
the charge on the electrons. In this method, oil droplets in the form of mist, produced by the atomiser,
were allowed to enter through a tiny hole in the upper plate of electrical condenser. The downward
motion of these droplets was viewed through the telescope, equipped with a micrometer eye piece. By
measuring the rate of fall of these droplets, Millikan was able to measure the mass of oil droplets. The air
inside the chamber was ionized by passing a beam of X-rays through it. The electrical charge on these oil
droplets was acquired by collisions with gaseous ions. The fall of these charged oil droplets can be
retarded, accelerated or made stationary depending upon the charge on the droplets and the polarity
and strength of the voltage applied to the plate. By carefully measuring the effects of electrical field
strength on the motion of oil droplets, Millikan concluded that the magnitude of electrical charge, q, on
the droplets is always an integral multiple of the electrical charge, e,
That is, q = n e, where n = 1, 2, 3...............
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He found that the charge on the electron to be – 1.6 ×10–19 C. The present accepted value of electrical
charge is – 1.6022 ×10–19 C. The mass of the electron (me) was determined by combining these results
with Thomson's value of e/m ratio.
Calculation of mass of electron. With the help of the experiments discussed above, it is possible to
calculate the values of e/m ratio and also the charge (e) on the electron. The mass (m) of the electron can
be calculated as follows.
e (1.60 10 19 C )
Mass of electron (m)
e / m (1.76 108 Cg 1 ) 9.10 10 g 9.10 10 kg
28 31
An electron may be defined as : A fundamental particle present in an atom, which carries one unit
negative charge (1.60 × 10–19 C) and negligible mass (9.1 × 10–28 g) which is 1/1837 of the mass of an
atom of hydrogen.
1. An electron gun accelerates the e- through 320 volts which enters in a uniform magnetic field of
6×10–4 tesla acting as to it and an electric field of 6.4 ×103 volt/m, then calculate the ratio for no net
deviation for cathode rays.
e E2 (6.4 103 )2
Sol. = 1.77 ×1011 Coulomb/kg
m 2VB 2 2 320 (6 10 4 ) 2
2. In oil drop experiment, the terminal velocity of an oil droplet was found to be 1 mm/sec in absence of
electric field and 2mm /sec (in upward direction) in presence of electric field of strength 6.75 ×106
V/m. If the density of oil is 1 gm/ml and viscosity of air is 2×10–5 N – S/m2, calculate (i) the radius of oil
drop (ii) the charge on oil drop. (given that the drag force on the oil droplet will be equal to 6rv & is
acting opposite to the motion of the oil drop)
Sol. v1 1103 m / sec, v2 2 103 m / sec ,
E 6.75 106 V / m, oil = 103 kg/m3, n = 2 ×10–5 N – S/m2
4 3 9 nv1
(i) 6n.r.v1 r , oil .g r
3 2 oil g
9 2 10 5 10 3
3 10 6 m
2 10 10
We know that an atom is electrically neutral, if it contains negatively charged electrons it must also
contain some positively charged particles. This was confirmed by Goldstein in his discharge tube
experiment with perforated cathode. On passing high voltage between the electrodes of a discharge tube
it was found that some rays were coming from the side of the anode which passed through the holes in
the cathode. These anode rays (canal rays) consisted of positively charged particles formed by ionization
of gas molecules by the cathode rays. The charge to mass ratio ( e/m value) of positively charge particles
was found to be maximum when the discharge tube was filled with hydrogen gas as hydrogen is the
lightest element. e/m varies with the nature of gas taken in the discharge tube. The positive particles are
positive residues of the gas left when the gas is ionized.
5.1 Introduction
Proton was discovered by Goldstein and it is positively charged particle. It is a component particle of
anode rays. Goldstein (1886) used perforated cathode in the discharge tube and repeated cathode
rays experiment and observed the formation of anode rays. These rays were also termed as positive or
canal rays.
Cathode rays
Anode rays
To Vaccum pump
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Can you guess why specific charge of cathode rays is independent of the gas
taken whereas that of anode rays is dependent.
6. NEUTRON (0n1, n)
Neutron was discovered by James Chadwick (1932) according to the following nuclear reaction,
9 4 12 1 11 4 14 1
4 Be 2 He 6 C o n or 5 B 2 He 7 N o n
The reason for the late discovery of neutron was its neutral nature.
3. The mass to charge ratio for A+ ion is 1.97 × 10–7 kg C–1. Calculate the mass of A atom.
Sol. Given = 1.97 × 10–7
After discovery of electron and proton attempts were made to find out their arrangement in an atom. The
first simple model was proposed by J.J. Thomson known as Thomson’s atomic model.
He proposed that the positive charge is spread over a sphere of the size of the atom (i.e. 10–8 cm radius)
in which electrons are embedded to make the atom as whole neutral.
This model could not explain the experimental results of Rutherfords -particle scattering, therefore it
was rejected.
Positively charged
+ – + sphere
– –
+ – +
+ Electron
+ –
– +
Po s itive c harge s pre aded thro ugho ut the s phere
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Rutherford carried out -particles scattering experiment by the bombardment of high speed
-particle on thin foil of gold, emitted from radium and gave the following observations, which was
based on his experiment.
Very few Thin gold Few
substance foil
Lead block
Lead plate
with hole Few
8.1 Observations :
(a) Most of the - particles (nearly 99%) continued with their straight path.
(b) Some of the - particles passed very close to the centre of the atom and deflected by small angles.
(c) Very few particles thrown back (180º).
Very Few
of –rays
Atom of metal foil
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8.4 Di st ance of cl osest appr oach : When the -particle approaches the nucleus to made a head-
on collision with the nucleus, the -particle approaches the nucleus until coulombic potential
Z1Z 2 e 2 1
energy of repulsion , k , becomes equal to its initial K.E., m.v2.
r 2
1 2
Z1Z 2 e 2
Thus mv = k
2 r
k z1z 2 e 2
Hence, the distance of closest approach, r =
1 2
The nucleus must be further smaller than the distance of closest approach.
4 4
Sol. Volume of nucleus = r3 = (10–13)3 cm3
3 3
4 VN 10–39
Volume of atom = (10–8)3 cm3, VAtom = = 10–15
3 10–24
VNucleus = 10–15 × VAtom
5. With what velocity should an particle travel towards the nucleus of a Cu atom so as to arrive at a
distance 1013 m .
1 kz1z 2 k 2e 63e
Sol. mv2 = r 2 = 2
2 min
2k 2e 63e
v 2 2
m rmin
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v = 2 = 6.3 × 106 m/s
m .rmin
v / 108 s 1 15
10 20 30 40
Atomic number (Z)
6. If the straight line is at an angle 45° with b= 1 calculate frequency when atomic number Z is 50.
(A) 2000 (B) 2010 (C) 2401 (D) None
Ans. (C)
Sol. tan 45 1 a
b=1 a= tan
50 1 49 s 1
2401s 1. z
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The atom of an element X having mass number (A) and atomic number (Z) may be represented by a
Element Mass number
Atomic number X
e.g. 9 F , 8 O 16 , 7 N 14 etc.
Isobars : ( 40
19 K ,
20 Ca ) , ( 147 N , 14
6C )
Isotones : ( 39
19 K ,
20 Ca ), ( 146 C , 16
8O )
8. Total number of electrons, protons and neutrons present in the nucleus of 92U238 is
(A) e = 92, p = 92, n= 146 (B) e = 92, p = 92, n= 148
(C) e = 0, p = 92, n= 146 (D) None of these
Ans. (C)
Sol. There is no electron in the nucleus.
ne = 0, np = 92, nn = 238–92 = 146
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11. WAVE
A wave motion is a means of transferring energy from one point to another point without any actual
transportation of matter between these points. When we throw a piece of stone on the surface of water
in a pond, we observe circles of ever increasing radius, till they strike the wall of the pond. When we put
a piece of cork on the surface of this water, we observe that the cork moves up and down as the wave
passes, but the piece does not travel along with the waves. The water waves carries the energy but there
is no transfer of matter. Thus in a wave motion, disturbance travels through the medium, but the medium
does not travel along with the disturbance.
Crest Wavelength
(i) Wave length () : The distance between two adjacent crest or trough of the wave (or the distance
between two similar neighbouring points)
(ii) Time period (T) : Time for one complete oscillation of wave is called the period (T).
Time taken by the wave to travel a distance equal to one wavelength. If C is the
speed of wave, then C =
(iii) Frequency () : Number of oscillations per unit time is called frequency.
(iv) Wave number ( ) : Number of wavelength per unit length.
(v) Amplitude (A) : It is the height of crest or depth of a trough of a wave.
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Direction of propagation
ic f
11.3 Electromagnetic Spectrum
Arrangement of various types of electromagnetic radiations in order of their increasing (or decreasing)
wavelengths or frequencies is known as electromagnetic spectrum.
= –14 –11 –9 –7 –6 –5 –3 –1 0
10 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
–10 –8 –4 –2
10 10 10 10
When light coming from a source is dispersed by a prism, light of different wavelength are deviated
through different angles and get separated. This phenomenon is called dispersion and such a dispersed
light may be received on a photographic plate or it may be viewed directly by eye. A collection of
dispersed light giving its wavelength composition is called a spectrum.
12.1 Types of spectrum
1. Emission spectrum : A substance gets excited on heating at a very high temperature or by giving
energy and subsequently radiations are emitted. These radiations when analysed with the help of
spectroscope, spectral lines are obtained. A substance may be excited-
(a) By heating at a higher temperature.
(b) By passing electric current at a very low pressure in a discharge tube filled with a gas.
(c) By passing electric current into metallic filament.
Emission spectra may be classified as :
(i) Continuous spectrum : When sunlight is passed through a prism, it gets dispersed into continuous
bands of different colours. If the light of an incandescent object is resolved through prism or
spectroscope, it also gives continuous spectrum of colours.
Violet 4000 Å
Red 6500 Å
Narrow beam
of while light Infrared
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(ii) Line spectrum : If the radiations obtained by the excitation of a substance are analysed with the
help of a spectroscope, a series of thin bright lines of specific colours are obtained. There is dark
space in between two consecutive lines. This type of spectrum is called line spectrum or atomic
spectrum. For example on heating sodium chloride or any other salt of sodium in Bunsen flame
bright yellow light is emitted. The emitted light when viewed through a spectroscope two isolated
yellow lines separated by dark space are obtained. The wave lengths of these lines are 5890Å and
2. Absorption spectrum
When the white light of an incandescent substance is passed through any other substance, this
substance absorbs the radiations of certain wavelength from the white light. On analysing the
transmitted light we obtain a spectrum in which dark lines of specific wave lengths are observed.
These lines constitute the absorption spectrum. The wave length of the dark lines correspond to
the wavelength of light absorbed.
A body can emit or absorb energy only in terms of the integral multiples of quantum, i.e.
E = n . h , where n = 1, 2, 3, .......
i.e. a body can emit or absorb energy as h, 2h ....... but it can not emit or absorb energy in fractional
values of h such as 1.5 h, 2.5 h.
Einstein supported the planck’s theory and explained the photoelectric effect considering that
electromagnetic radiations also propagate in the form of photon. Energy of each photon depends on
frequency of light E h .
Since wave character of light explains the interference and diffraction phenomenon while the particle
character explains, black body radiations and photoelectric effect, the light was considered to have
wave as well as particle character [Dual character of light.]
1. Wave nature : diffraction, interference, polarisation.
2. Particle nature : photoelectric effect.
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9. (i) What is the energy and wavelength of photons of frequency 3.4 MHz ?
(ii) Also calculate the energy per mole of photons of the same wavelength.
Sol. = 3.4 MHz = 3.4 × 106 Hz = 3.4 × 106 s–1
c 3 x 108 ms 1
3.4 x 106 s 1
Energy, E h = 6.626 × 10-34 × 3.4 × 106 J
= 2.253 × 10-27J
Energy per mole of photon = 6.02 × 1023 × 2.253 × 10 -27 J mol-1
= 1. 356 × 10-3 J mol-1
10. The vapours of Hg absorb some electrons accelerated by a potential diff. of 4.5 volt as a result of which
light is emitted. If the full energy of single incident e is supposed to be converted into light emitted by
single Hg atom, find the wave no. of the light.
hc hc
Sol. E = e.V = = = 3.63 ×106 m–1
Electron Metal
Work function or threshold energy may be defined as the minimum amount of energy required to eject
electrons from a metal surface.
According to Einstein,
Maximum kinetic energy of the ejected electron = absorbed energy - work function
1 1 1
mv2max = hv – hv0 = hc
2 0
Stopping potential : The minimum potential at which the photoelectric current becomes zero is called
stopping potential.
If V0 is the stopping potential , then
h 0 K.E.max .
eV0 = h (v – v0) or V0 =
e e
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KE of K.E. of
photo electrons
v0 v
Frequency of absorbed photons Intensity of
incident radiation
11. The minimum energy required to overcome the attractive forces electron and surface ofAg metal is 7.52
× 10– 19 J. Calculate the maximum K.E. of electron ejected out fromAg which is being exposed to U.V.
light of = 360 Å
Sol. Energy absorbed =
6.62 10 27 3.0 10 10
360 10 8
= 5.52 × 10–11 erg
= 5.52 × 10–18 Joule
Maximum kinetic energy of electron= ( 7.52 × 10–19) – (0. 552 × 10–19)
= 6.968 × 10–19 Joule
12. A metal was irradiated by light of frequency 3.2 × 1015 s1. The photoelectron produced had its KE,
2 times the KE of the photoelectron which was produced when the same metal was irradiated with a
light of frequency 2.0 ×1015 S1. What is work function.
Sol. E1 = hv1–0, E2 = hv2 – 0
E1 hv1 0 h 3.2 1015 0
E 2 hv 2 0 , 2 = h 2 1015 0
0 = 319.2 KJ/Mol
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Electrons excited
by absorbing
(Energy absorbed)
Energy radiated
n=1 when electrons
(K) n = 2 fall back
(L) n = 3 (Energy emitted)
(M) n = 4
(N) n = 5 n = 6
(vi) The radiation is emitted or absorbed as a single quantum (photon) whose energy is equal to the difference
in energy of the electron in the two orbits involved. Thus, E h , where h =Planck's constant and v,
frequency of the radiant energy. Hence the spectrum of the atom will have certain fixed frequency.
(vii) The lowest energy state (n=1) is called the ground state. When an electron absorbs energy, it gets
excited and jumps to an outer orbit. It has to fall back to a lower orbit with the release of energy.
According to Coulomb’s law, the electrostatic force of attraction (F) between the moving electron
and nucleus is -
KZe 2
F =
Where : K = constant = = 9 × 109 Nm2/C2
4 0
mv 2
and the centripetal force F=
mv 2 KZe 2
Hence =
r r2
KZe 2
or, v2 = …(1)
From the postulate of Bohr,
n 2h 2
or, v2 = …(2)
4 2m 2r 2
From equation (1) and (2) :
n 2h 2
r =
4 2mKZe 2
2Ze 2
on putting the values of e and h,
v 2.188 10 6 m / sec
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(iv) Calculation of energy of an electron :
The total energy of an electron revolving in a particular orbit is -
T. E. = K. E. + P. E.
The K.E. of an electron = mv2
and the P.E. of an electron = –
1 KZe 2
Hence, T.E. = mv2 – .........(3)
2 r
mv 2 KZe 2 KZe 2
But = or mv2 =
r r2 r
Substituting the value of mv2 in the equation (3)
KZe 2 KZe 2 KZe 2
T.E. = – =–
2r r 2r
KZe 2
So, T.E. = –
Substituting the value of ‘r’ in the equation of T.E. .
kZe2 4 2 Ze 2 mk 2 2 Z 2 e 4 mk 2
E = × =–
2 n 2h 2 n 2h 2
Thus, the total energy of an electron in nth orbit is given by
2 2 Z 2 e 4 mk 2
En =
n 2h 2
= – 13.6 × eV / atom
= – 21.8 × 10–19 × J / atom
= – 313.6 × Kcal / mole
All the above relationships between Total Energy, Kinetic Energy and
Potential Energy are applicable when P.E. at infinity is assigned as zero.
Can you guess what will be the changes if this reference value is changed
to something else?
kZe 2 1 kZe 2 1 kZe 2
P. E. = – , K. E. = , T. E. = –
r 2 r 2 r
T.E. –K.E.
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(vi) Calculation of the number of revolutions of the electron in an orbit per second
velocity of the electron
Number of revolutions per sec. = Circumference of the orbit
v nh 1 nh
= = × [On substituting the value of v from mvr = ]
2r 2mr 2r 2
42 mr 2
nh nh 4 2 mze 2 k
4 2 m n h
No. of revolutions per second = = 2 2
42 mr 2
4 2 mz 2 e 4 k 2
n 3h 3
3 3
42 mr 2 nh
Time taken for one revolution (Time period) = =
nh 4 2 mz 2 e 4 k 2
13. The radius of an orbit of hydrogen atom is 0.85 nm. Calculate the velocity of electron in this orbit.
Sol. r = r0 n2 n2 = 16,
Z 1
V = V0. = 2.186 × 106 × = 5.44 × 105 m/s
n 4
14. The energy of an excited H-atom is –3.4 eV. Calculate angular momentum of e– in the given orbit.
Z2 13.6
Sol. E = – 13.6 2 n2 = 4
n 3 .4
nh h
Angular momentum = mvr = =
15. Ionisation energy of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. Calculate the ionisation energy for Be3+ in the first
excited state.
Sol. Ionization energy of hydrogen = - E1 ( Energy of first Bohr orbit )
Z2 12
I.E. E1 13.6 2 13.6 2 13.6 eV
n 1
Ionization energy of Be3+
Z =4
n =2 ( for 1st excited state )
I.E. 13.6 2 54.4 eV
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1 1 1
R 2 2
c n1 n 2
Where R is a constant known as Rydberg's constant its value is 109, 67800 m–1 .
Although H- atom consists only one electron yet it's spectra consist of many spectral lines because
electrons in different hydrogen atoms absorb different amount of energies and are excited to
different energy levels. Since life time of electrons in these excited states is very small, they return
to some lower energy level or even to the ground state in one or more jumps
n n 1
Maximum number of lines produced when an electron jumps from nth level to ground level = .
(A) Lyman Series
(a) It is a first series of spectral series of H.
(b) It was found out in ultraviolet region in 1898 by Lyman.
(c) It’s value of n1 = 1 and n2 = 2, 3, 4 where ‘n1’ is ground state and ‘n2’ is called excited state of
electron present in a H - atom.
(d) If the electron goes to n1 = 1 from n2 = 2 — first Lyman series
If the electron goes to n1 = 1 from n2 = 3 — Second Lyman series
If the electron goes to n1 = 1 from n2 = 4 — third Lyman series ----- so on.
1 1LM 1 OP
(e) R H 12 2 where n2 > 1 always.
N n2 Q
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(f) For marginal line or limiting line n2 = . Hence the wavelength of marginal line = for all series.
So, for lyman series it is
(B) Balmer series :
(a) It is the second series of H-spectral series.
(b) It was found out in 1892 in visible region by Balmer.
(c) Balmer series was found out before all series because it was found in visible region.
(d) It’s value of n1 = 2 and n2 = 3, 4, 5 ...........
(e) If the electron goes to n1 = 2 from n2 = 3 — First Balmer series
If the electron goes to n1 = 2 from n2 = 4 — Second Balmer series
If the electron goes to n1 = 2 from n2 = 5 — third Balmer series .... so on
n1 22 4
(f) The wavelength of marginal line of Balmer series =
1 F
1 1 I
RH 2 2
2 n2
JK where n2 > 2 always
1 1LM 1
RH 2 2
3 n2 Q where n2 > 3 always.
1 1 LM 1 OP
(f) R H 4 2 2
N n2 Q Where n 2 > 4 always.
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1 n2 62 36
(e) The wavelength of marginal line of Humphrey series = R R R
1 LM 1 1 OP
(f) RH 6 2 n2 where n2 > 6.
Note : - line = first line of series.
Similarly -line = second line of series
For example : First line (-line) of Paschen series will be from n2 = 4 to n1 = 3
2 2 me 4 k 2
or, RH = = Rydberg constant
ch 3
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16. Calculate the wavelength of radiation emitted, producing a line in Lyman series, when an electron falls
from fourth stationarystate in hydrogen atom.
1 1 1
Sol. = RZ2 2
n1 n 2
1 1 1
=R 2 2 (For H-atom, Z = 1, Lyman series; n1 = 1)
1 4
= 9.7 × 10–8 m
17. Calculate the wave no. for the shortest wavelength transition in the Balmer series of atomic hydrogen.
Sol. For shortest wavelength n2
1 1 R
V R 2 2 = = 27419.25 cm–1
2 4
18. Calculate the energy emitted when electrons of 1.0 gm atom of Hydrogen undergo transition
giving the spectral lines of lowest energy in visible region of its atomic spectra. Given that , RH = 1.
1 × 107 m-1, c = 3 × 108 m / sec, h = 6. 625 × 10-34 J sec.
Sol. Visible region of H- spectrum correspond to Balmer series n1 = 2, n2 = 3 (for minimum energy
transition )
1 1 1 1 1
1 / R H 2 2 R H 2 2 1.110 7
1 1 1
n1 n 2 2 3 4 9
[RH = 109677 cm–1 = 109677 × 100 m–1 1.1 107 m–1]
6.55x107 m
hc 6.625x10 34 x3x108
E = 3. 03 × 10-19 Joule
6.55x10 7
Energy released by 1 gm atom of H ( 1 mol )
= 3. 03 × 10-19 × 6. 023 × 1023 = 18 . 25 × 104 J = 182. 5 k J
16.5 Failure of Bohr Model
(i) Bohr theorywas very successful in predicting and accounting the energies of line spectra of hydrogen
i.e. one electron system. It could not explain the line spectra of atoms containing more than one electron.
(ii) This theory could not explain the presence of multiple spectral lines.
(iii) This theory could not explain the splitting of spectral lines in magnetic field (Zeeman effect) and in
electric field (Stark effect). The intensity of these spectral lines was also not explained by the Bohr
atomic model.
(iv) This theory could not explain uncertainty principle.
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The wavelength decreases if the value of mass (m) increases i.e. de Broglie equation is applicable in the
case of smaller particles like electron and has no significance for larger particles.
19. What is de Broglie wavelength for a hydrogen atom moving with a velocity of 2000 ms-1 ? (Atomic
mass of hydrogen = 1. 00797 a.m. u )
Sol. Mass of a hydrogen atom = g = 1.68 × 10–24 g = 1.68 × 10–27 kg
6.02 1023
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20. An electron having velocity 2 × 106 m/s has uncertainty in kinetic energy is × 10– 21 J, then
calculate the uncertainty in position (inAngstrom, Å) of the electron. [Given : h = 6.62 × 10–34 J-sec]
Sol. KE= mv2 v = 2 × 106 m/s
d(KE) = mvdv
d( KE ) h
dv = ....(1) But x = 4 m v ....(2)
h 6.62 10 34 2 10 6
x = ; x = = 500 Å
d (KE ) 6.62
4 m 4 10 21
d 2 d 2 d 2 82 m
+ + + (E – V) = 0
dx 2 dy 2 dz 2 h2
Where x, y and z are cartesian coordinates of the electron; m = mass of the electron; E = total energy of
the electron; V= potential energy of the electron; h = Planck’s constant and (psi) = wave function of
the electron.
Significance of : The wave function may be regarded as the amplitude function expressed in terms of
coordinates x, y and z. The wave function may have positive or negative values depending upon the
values of coordinates.
The main aim of Schrodinger equation is to give a solution for the probability approach. When the
equation is solved, it is observed that for some regions of space, the value of is positive and for other
regions the value of is negative. But the probabilitymust be always positive and cannot be negative. It
is, thus, proper to use 2 in favour of .
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Node Node
2s 3p
n l Rnl
3/ 2
1s 1 0 2 e zr / a 0
3/ 2
Z Zr
2s 2 0 2 e zr / 2a 0
0 a0
3/ 2
1 Zr Zr Zr / 2a 0
2p 2 1 e
3 2a
0 a0
where, Z = atomic number, a0 = radius of first Bohr orbit of hydrogen.
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4 4 3 2 2
r 3 (dr)3 3rdr(r dr) r 3 = [(dr ) 3r dr 3r (dr ) ]
3 3
Since dr is very small, so the terms can be neglected.
dv 3r 2dr 4r 2dr
Radial probability of finding an e– in a shell of thickness dr at a distance 'r'
= R2 (r) 4r 2dr ; = 4r 2R2 (r)dr Radial distribution function.
Radial Probability Density curves are between 2r vs r whereas Radial Probability Distribution curves
which would be more useful are between 4r2 2r vs r..
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Can you determine what would be the area under the curve for Radial Probability
Distribution Curves?
h2 2r
Where a0 = constant = Bohr radius 0.529 Å &
4 2mke 2 na 0 , For 1 s, n = 1.
2. For 2 s, R(r) = 3/ 2
(2 )e / 2 [n 2]
2 2a 0
3. For 3 s, R(r) = 3/ 2
(6 6 2 )e / 2 [n = 3]
9 3a 0
4. For 2 p, R(r) = 3/ 2
e / 2 [n 2]
2 6a 0
1 / 2
5. For 3 p, R(r) = 9 6 a3 / 2 (4 ) e [n 3]
1 2 / 2
6. For 3 d, R(r) = 9 30 a 3 / 2 e [n 3]
2 r / a0
R(r) = a 3 / 2 e . Since this is an exponential function. As r increases, R(r) decreases.
R(r) 1s
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Can you plot the probability density curves R2(r) and probability distribution
curves 4r2R2(r)
Can you find the radial distance where radial probability will be maximum
node (Radial)
Note that 2a appears in the exponential and shows that as r increases, the
R(r) function in 2 s decreases more slowly than, does for 1 s, which has
in the
exponential that why 2s electron tends to stay farther from the nucleus, and
has higher energy than does the 1 s - electron. The pre-exponential factor
2 in the function R(r) for 2 s controls the sign of the function. For small
r r
values of r, a is smaller than 2, and R(r) is +ve, but for larger values of r, a is
0 0
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At r = 2a0, the factor 2 zero and the radial function R(r) becomes zero, this is called as radial
Similarlyfor 3 s:
nodes (radial)
Two radial nodes
In general, for an ns-orbital, there are (n - 1) radial nodes. The point (at a
finite distance from nucleus) at which the probability of finding the electron
is zero is called a nodal point.
1 r r 1
= e = r e r / 2a 0
2 6a0 3 /2
a0 2a0 2 6a0 5/ 2
For 3 p :
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3d (There is no node)
4r2 R2
3d (There is no node)
rmax r
1. For the same value of n, the distance of max probability, rmax of various orbitals is inversely dependent
upon the value of .
, rmax
(rmax )3 s (rmax )3p (rmax )3d
2. Penetration power of an orbital is a measure of its closeness to the nucleus. Due to the additional
maximas in 3 s curve, electron in 3 s spends some of its time near the nucleus making it to be more
penetrating than 3 p which in turn more penetrating than 3 d.
3s 3p 3d
Decreasin g order of penetration power
(iii) On the average a 2s electron spends its time a greater distance from the nucleus than the 1s electron -
consistent with the observation that (r1s)max < ( r2s)max
(iv) The position of the principal (i.e. largest) maximum depends on n and l. For fixed l, as n increases the
position of the principal maximum moves to larger r values. (For fixed n, the position of the principal
maximum moves to shorter r values as l increased.)
i.e., (r2p)max < (r2s)max ; (r3d)max < (r3p)max < (r3s)max ; r2p max < ( r3p) max
1s 2s 2p
R(r) R R
r r
R2 R2 R2
r r r
(3 s) (3 s) (3 s)
R(r) R (r)
nodes 4 2 r 2R 2
r r r
(3 p) (3 p) (3 p)
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R(r) R (r)
4 2r 2R2 (r)
r r
(3 d) (3 d) (3 d)
r r r
4 2r 2R 2 (r) 4 r 2R 2 4 2r 2R 2
0.529 A r
r r
Bohr rdius
= 0.529 A
two lobes
two lobes
f 2 (, ) f 2 (, )
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For px orbital, = 1 no. of angular nodal = 1 (yz plane)
For py orbital, nodal plane (xz plane)
For pz orbital, nodal plane (xy plane)
For dxy orbital, = 2 therefore 2 nodal planes
d xy
Nodal planes: xz & yz planes
For dyz orbital : xy & xz planes are nodal planes.
d x22 - yy22
for dx Y
nodal planes
Can you guess where will be the two angular nodes for d z 2 located ?
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Zeeman effect.
(e) For a given value of ‘n’ the total value of ‘m’ is equal to n2.
(f) For a given value of ‘l’ the total value of ‘m’ is equal to (2l + 1).
(g) Degenerate orbitals - Orbitals having the same energy are known as degenerate orbitals.
e.g. for p subshell Px, Py and Pz are degenerate orbital
(h) The number of degenerate orbitals of s subshell = 0.
+ 1/2 –1/2
(b) The value of ‘s’is + ½ or – ½, which is signified as the spin or rotation or direction of electron on it’s axis
during the movement.
(c) The spin may be clockwise or anticlockwise.
(d) It represents the value of spin angular momentum which is equal to s( s 1) .
(e) Maximum spin of an atom = ½ × number of unpaired electron.
21. The correct order of atomic orbitals in terms of energy between 8s and 8p orbital are
(A) 7d, 6f (B*) 5g, 6f, 7d (C) 6d, 7f (D) 4h, 5g, 6f, 7d
Sol. (n+l): 8s 8 + 0 = 8
8p 8 + 1 = 9
5g 5 + 4 = 9
6f 6 + 3 = 9
7d 7 + 2 = 9
correct order 8s 5g 6f 7d 8p
22. Which of the following set of quantum number is valid/invalid. In case of valid set write the symbol of the
orbital it represents [may have more than one answers] & in case it is invalid mention the reason.
n l m
(i) 3 not known 0
(but less than 3)
(ii) –2 –1 +1
(iii) 4 2 –1
Sol. (i) Valid, 3s/3px/3py/3pz/ 3d 2 2 / 3d 2 /3dxy/3dxz/3dyz
x y z
(ii) Invalid 'n' cannot be negative
(iii)Valid 4d 2 2 / 4d z2 /4dxy/4dxz/4dyz
x y
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21.1 s-orbital (l = 0) : These orbitals are spherical and symmetrical about the nucleus. The probability of
finding the electron is maximum near the nucleus and keeps on decreasing as the distance from the
nucleus increases. There is vacant space between two successive s-orbitals known as radial node. But
there is no radial node for 1s orbital since it is starting from the nucleus.
The size of the orbital depends upon the value of principal quantum number (n). Greater the value of n,
larger is the size of the orbital. Therefore,
2s-orbital is larger than 1s orbital but both of them are non-directional and spherically symmetrical
in shape.
21.2 p-orbital (l = 1): The probability of finding the p-electron is maximum in two lobes on the opposite
sides of the nucleus. This gives rise to a dumb-bell shape for the p-orbital. For p-orbital l = 1.
Hence, m = -1, 0, +1. Thus, p-orbital have three different orientations. These are designated as
px, py & pz depending upon whether the density of electron is maximum along the x y and z axis
respectively. As they are not spherically symmetrical, they have directional character. The two lobes
of p-orbitals are separated by a nodal plane, where the probability of finding electron is zero.
The three p-orbitals belonging to a particular energy shell have equal energies and are called
degenerate orbitals.
21.3 d-orbital (l = 2):
For d-orbitals, l = 2. Hence m = -2,-1, 0, +1, +2. Thus there are 5 d-orbitals. They have relatively
complex geometry. Out of the five orbitals, the three (dxy, dyz, dzx) project in between the axis and the
other two d z 2 and d x 2 y 2 lie along the axis.
21.4 Spherical nodes : The spherical surface where probability of finding the electron is zero, is called
spherical nodes.
No. of spherical nodes in any orbital = n – l – 1
21.5 Nodal Plane : This is a plane passing through the nucleus where the probability of finding the electron
is zero.
Number of nodal plane in a orbital = l
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(ii) In an atom any two electrons may have three quantum numbers identical but fourth quantum
number must be different.
(iii) Since this principle excludes certain possible combinations of quantum numbers for any two electrons
in an atom, it was given the name exclusion principle. Its results are as follows :
(a) One orbital cannot have more than two electrons.
(b) The maximum capacity of a main energy shell is equal to 2n2 electrons.
(c) The maximum capacity of a subshell is equal to 2(2l + 1) electrons.
(d) Number of sub-shells in a main energy shell is equal to the value of n.
(e) Number of orbitals in a main energy shell is equal to n2
(iv) According to this principle an orbital can accommodate at the most two electrons with spins
opposite to each other. It means that an orbital can have 0, 1, or 2 electron.
(v) If an orbital has two electrons they must be of opposite spin.
Correct Incorrect
(1) Chromium Cr 24 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5 4s1 or [Ar] 3d5 4s1
(2) Copper Cu 29 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s1 or [Ar] 3d10 4s1
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Element At.No. 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s 4p 4d 4f 5s 5p 6d 5f
H 1 1
He 2 2
Li 3 2 1
Be 4 2 2
B 5 2 2 1
C 6 2 2 2
N 7 2 2 3
O 8 2 2 4
F 9 2 2 5
Ne 10 2 2 6
Na 11 2 2 6 1
Mg 12 2 2 6 2
Al 13 2 2 6 2 1
Si 14 2 2 6 2 2
P 15 2 2 6 2 3
S 16 2 2 6 2 4
Cl 17 2 2 6 2 5
Ar 18 2 2 6 2 6
K 19 2 2 6 2 6 1
Ca 20 2 2 6 2 6 2
Sc 21 2 2 6 2 6 1 2
Ti 22 2 2 6 2 6 2 2
V 23 2 2 6 2 6 3 2
*Cr 24 2 2 6 2 6 5 1
Mn 25 2 2 6 2 6 5 2
Fe 26 2 2 6 2 6 6 2
Co 27 2 2 6 2 6 7 2
Ni 28 2 2 6 2 6 8 2
*Cu 29 2 2 6 2 6 10 1
Zn 30 2 2 6 2 6 10 2
Ga 31 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 1
Ge 32 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 2
As 33 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 3
Se 34 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 4
Br 35 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 5
Kr 36 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6
Rb 37 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 1
Sr 38 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 2
Y 39 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 1 2
Zr 40 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 2 2
*Nb 41 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 4 1
*Mo 42 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 5 1
Tc 43 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 5 2
*Ru 44 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 7 1
*Rh 45 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 8 1
*Pd 46 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 10
*Ag 47 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 10 1
Cd 48 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 10 2
In 49 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 1
Sn 50 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 2
* Exceptional electronic configuration
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d4 (1)
3 exchanges by 1st e – 2 exchanges by 2nd e – Only 1 exchange by 3rd e –
d5 (2) (3)
d5 (1) –
4 exchanges by 1st e – 3 exchanges by 2nd e
2 exchange by 3rd e –
1 exchange by 4th e –
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Q.2 A beam of some kind of particle of velocity 2 × 107 m/s is scattered by a gold (z = 79) foil. Find specific
charge of this particle (charge / mass) if the distance of closest approach is 7.9 × 10–14 m.
Q.3 With what velocity should an -particle travel towards the nucleus of a copper atom so as to arrive at a
distance 10–13 meter from the nucleus of the copper atom?
Q.4 A photon having = 800 Å causes theionization of anitrogen atom. Give theI.E. per mole ofnitrogen in KJ.
[Given : E = 1240 eV-nm, 1eV = 96.43 kJ/mol]
Q.5 With what velocity should an particle travel towards the nucleus of a Cu atom so as to arrive at a
distance 1013 m .
Q.7 The reaction between H2 and Br2 to form HBr in presence of light is initiated bythe photo decomposition
of Br2 into free Br atoms (free radicals) by absorption of light. The bond dissociation energy of Br2 is
192.86 KJ/mole. What is the longest wavelength of the photon that would initiate the reaction.
[Given : E = 1240 eVnm]
Q.8 The quantum yield for decomposition of HI is 0.2. In an experiment 0.01 moles of HI are decomposed.
Find the number of photons absorbed.
number of molecules decomposed
[Given : Quantum yield = number of photons subjected ]
Q.9 Calculate the wavelength of the radiation that would cause photo dissociation of chlorine molecule if the
Cl- Cl bond energy is 241 KJ/mol.
Q.10 The dissociation energy of H2 is 430.53 KJ/mol. If H2 is exposed to radiant energy of wavelength
253.7 nm, what % of radiant energy will be converted into K.E.
Q.11 The eyes of certain member of the reptile familypass a single visual signal to the brain when the visual
receptors are struck by photons of wavelength 132.6 nm . If a total energy of 3 10 14 J is required to
trip the signal, what is the minimum number of photons that must strike the receptor.
Q.12 Find the number of photons of radiation of frequency 5 × 1013 s–1 that must be absorbed in order to melt
one gm ice when the latent heat of fusion of ice is 331.5 J/g.
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Q.13 Suppose 1017 J of light energy is needed by the interior of the human eye to see an object. How many
photons of green light ( = 550 nm) are needed to generate this minimum amount of energy.
Q.14 O2 undergoes photochemical dissociation into 1 normal oxygen atom (O) and more energetic oxygen
O*. If (O*) has 1.967 eV more energy than (O) and normal dissociation energy of O2 is 498 kJ mol–1
, what is the maximum wavelength effective for the photochemical dissociation of O2?
Q.15 A bulb emits light of = 4500Å. The bulb is rated as 150 watt and 8 percent of the energy is emitted as
light. How many photons are emitted by the bulb per second?
Q.16 Calculate the wavelength of radiation emitted, producing a line in Lyman series, when an electron falls
from fourth stationarystate in hydrogen atom.
[Given : R = 912 Å]
Q.17 Calculate energyof electron which is moving in the orbit that has its radius. sixteen times the radius of first
Bohr orbit for H–atom.
[Given : E1,H = 2.176 × 10–18 J/atom]
Q.18 The wavelength of a certain line in the Paschen series in 1094.4 nm of H-atom. What is the value of nhigh
for this line.
Q.19 Wavelength of the Balmer H line is 6565 Å. Calculate the wavelength of H , line of same hydrogen
like atom.
Q.20 Calculate the Rydberg constant R if He+ ions are known to have the wavelength difference between the
first (of the longest wavelength) lines of Balmer and Lyman series equal to 133.7nm.
Q.21 What transition in the hydrogen spectrum would have the same wavelength as the Balmer transition, n=4
to n = 2 of He+ spectrum.
Q.22 Calculate the total energyemitted when electrons of 1.0 g atom of hydrogen undergo transition giving the
spectral line of lowest energy in the visible region of its atomic spectrum.
[Given : E1(H) = 2.176 × 10–18 ]
Q.23 H- atom is exposed to electromagnetic radiation of 1028 Å and gives out induced radiations (radiations
emitted when e– returns to ground state).Calculate of induced radiations.
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Q.25 Calculate the wavelength in angstrom of photon that is emitted when an e in Bohr orbit n=2 returns to
the orbit n=1. The ionization potential of the ground state of hydrogen atom is 2.17×1011 erg/atom.
Q.26 The radius of an orbit of hydrogen atom is 0.85 nm. Calculate the velocity of electron in this orbit.
Q.27 The velocity of e in a certain Bohr orbit of the hydrogen atom bears the ratio 1:275 to the velocity of
light. What is the quantum no. "n" of the orbit and the wave no. of the radiation emitted for the transition
from the quatum state (n+1) to the ground state.
Q.28 A doubly ionised lithium atom is hydrogen like with atomic number z = 3. Find the wavelength of the
radiation required to excite the electron in Li2+ from the first to the third Bohr orbit.
[Given : R = 912 Å]
Q.29 Estimate the difference in energy between I and II Bohr Orbit for a hydrogen atom.At what minimum
atomic number a transition from n=2 to n=1 energy level would result in the emission of Xrays with
= 3.0 × 108 m? Which hydrogen like species does this atomic number correspond to.
Q.30 Calculate the wave number for the shortest wavelength transition in the Balmer series of atomic hydrogen.
[Given : RH = 1.097 × 107 m–]
Q.31 1.8 g hydrogen atoms are excited to radiations. The study of spectra indicates that 27% of the atoms are
in 3rd energy level and 15% of atoms in 2nd energy level and the rest in ground state. If I.P. of H is
21.7 × 1012 erg. Calculate
(i) No. of atoms present in III & II energy level.
(ii) Total energy evolved when all the atoms return to ground state.
Q.32 The energy of an excited H-atom is –3.4 eV. Calculate angular momentum of e– in the given orbit.
Q.33 The vapours of Hg absorb some electrons accelerated by a potential diff. of 4.5 volt as a result of which
light is emitted. If the full energy of single incident e is supposed to be converted into light emitted by
single Hg atom, find the wave no. of the light.
Q.34 If the average life time of an excited state of H atom is of order 10–8 sec, estimate how many orbits an e–
makes when it is in the state n = 2 and before it suffers a transition to n =1 state.
Q.36 A single electron orbits around a stationary nucleus of charge +Ze where Z is atomic number and ‘e’ is
the magnitude of the electric charge. The hydrogen like species required 47.2 eV to excite the electron
from the second Bohr orbit to the third Bohr orbit. Find
(i) the value of Z and give the hydrogen like species formed.
(ii) the kinetic energy and potential energy of the electron in the first Bohr orbit.
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Q.37 A stationary He+ ion emitted a photon corresponding to a first line of the Lyman series. The photon
liberated a photoelectron from a stationaryH atom in ground state. What is the velocity of photoelectron.
Q.38 A sample of H-atoms containing all the atoms in some excited state is irradiated with light of wavelength
and atoms get re-excited to further higher orbit. On removing the light source, atoms de-excite to
ground state with emission of radiations. The emission spectrum thus obtained consists of ten spectral
lines corresponding to ten different wavelengths. Out of the ten spectral lines, seven lines have wavelength
smaller than the incident while onlytwo of them have wavelengths longer than the incident wavelength.
Determine the orbit number in which electrons were present initially.
Q.39 A proton captures a free electron whose K.E. is zero & forms a hydrogen atom of lowest energy-level
(n = 1). If a photon is emitted in this process, what will be the wavelength of radiation? In which region
of electromagnetic spectrum, will this radiation fall? (Ionisation potential of hydrogen = 13.6 volt,
h = 6.6 × 10–34K/s, C = 3.0 × 108 m/s)
Q.40 The ionisation energy of the hydrogen atom is given to be 13.6 eV.Aphoton falls on a hydrogen atom
which is initially in the ground state and excites it to the (n = 4)state.
(a) show this transition in the energy-level diagram &
(b) calculate the wavelength of the photon.
Q.41 The angular momentum of an electron in a Bohr's orbit of H-atom is 3.1652×10–34 kg-m2/sec. Calculate
the wavenumber in terms of Rydberg constant (R) of the spectral line emitted when an electron falls from
this level to the ground state.[Use h = 6.626 × 10–34 Js]
Q.42 In the Bohr's model, for unielectronic species following symbols are used
rn,z Radius of nth orbit with atomic number "z"
Un,z Potential energy of electron in nth orbit with atomic number "z"
Kn,z Kinetic energy of electron in nth orbit with atomic number "z"
vn,z Velocity of electron in nth orbit with atomic number "z"
Tn,z Time period of revolution of electron in nth orbit with atomic number "z"
Calculate z in all cases.
(i) U1, 2 : K1,z = – 8 : 1 (ii) r1,z : r2, 1 = 1 : 8
(iii) v1, z : v3, 1 = 9 : 1 (iv) T1, 2 : T2, z = 9 : 32
Represent your answer as abcd, where a, b, c and d represent number from 0 to 9. a, b, c and d
represents the value of "z" in parts (i), (ii) ,(iii) & (iv). Suppose your answer is 1, 2, 3 & 4 then
the same must be filled in OMR sheet as1234.00.
Q.43 Calculate the energy required to excite one litre of hydrogen gas at 1 atm pressure and 298K to the first
excited state of atomic hydrogen. The energy for the dissociation of H – H is 436 KJ mol–1.
Q.44 Calculate the threshold frequency of metal if the binding energy is 198.9 KJ mol1 of electron.
[Given : NA = 6 × 1023]
Q.45 Calculate the binding energy per mole when threshold wavelength of photon is 240 nm.
[Given : hc = 20 × 10–26 , NA = 6 × 1023]
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Q.46 A metal was irriadated by light of frequency 3.25 × 1015 s1. The photoelectron produced had its KE,
2 times the KE of the photoelectron which was produced when the same metal was irradiated with a
light of frequency 2.0 ×1015 s1. What is work function.[Given :NA = 6 × 1023]
Q.47 U.V. light of wavelength 800 Å & 700 Å falls on hydrogen atoms in their ground state & liberates
electrons with kinetic energy 1.8 eV and 4 eV respectively. Calculate planck’s constant.
Q.48 The K.E. of an electron emitted from tungsten surface is 3.06 eV. What voltage would be required to
bring the electron to rest.
Q.49 A light source of 320 watt emit monochromatic light of wavelength 6200 Å. If all emitted photons are
made to strike on metal plate of work function equal to 1.8 eV and quantum yield is 25% then photocurrent
observe is
Q.50 What will be the KE of photoelectron ejected by a metal upon irradiation with electromagnetic radiation
of wavelength equal to that of the last line in Lyman series of He+ ion?
I.P. of metal = 3.8 eV.
Q.51 When light of frequency 3.2 × 1016 Hz is used to irradiate a metal surface the maximum kinetic energy
of the emitted photoelectron is 3/4 of the energy of irradiating photon then the threshold frequency of the
metal would be :
Q.54 Through what potential difference must an electron pass to have a wavelength of 500 Å.
Q.55 To what effective potential a proton beam be subjected to give its protons a wavelength of 1 ×1010 m.
Q.56 What is de Broglie wavelength associated with an e– accelerated through potential difference = 100 KV.
Q.57 Calculate the de-broglie wavelength associated with motion of earth (mass 6 × 1024 Kg) orbiting around
the sun at a speed of 3 × 106 m/s.
Q.58 What should be the velocity of an electron so that its momentum becomes equal to that of a photon of
wavelength 5200Å.
Q.59 What should be the potential difference, applied between the plates, to accelerate the protons, such that,
they have a wavelength of 300 nm?
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Q.61 A base ball of mass 200 g is moving with velocity 30 × 102 cm/s. If we can locate the base ball with an
error equal in magnitude to the of the light used (5000 Å), how will the uncertainty in momentum be
compared with the total momentum of base ball.
Q.62 An electron has a speed of 40 m/s, accurate up to 99.99%. What is the uncertainty in locating its
Q.63 The uncertaintyin the location of circulating electron is equal to its de-Broglie wavelength. The minimum
percent error in its measurement of velocity under this circumstance will be approximately
Q.65 Calculate the distance of spherical nodes for '3s' orbital from nucleus?
1 2r
R3s = 9 3a 3 / 2 (6 – 6 + ) e 2
2 where = na
0 0
Q.68 Calculate magnitude of orbital angular momentum of an e– that occupies 1s, 2s , 2p , 3d , 3p.
Q.69 A compound of Vanadium has magnetic moment of 1.73 BM. Work out electronic configuration of
Vanadium ion in the compound.
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(ii) Increasing order of magnetic moment among the following species is ________.
Na+, Fe+3, Co2+, Cr+2
(iii) If in the hydrogen atom P.E. at is chosen to be 13.6 eV then the ratio of T.E. to K.E. for 1st orbit of
H-atom is ________.
(iv) The light radiations with discrete quantities of energy are called ______.
(v) Assume that the potential energy of a hydrogen atom in its ground state is zero. Then its energyin the first
excited state will be__________.
Q.3 Which electronic level would allow the hydrogen atom to absorb a photon but not to emit a photon
(A) 3s (B) 2p (C) 2s (D) 1s
Q.5 The angular momentum of an electron in a certain orbit of Li+2 ion is 3.15 × 10–34 (in SI units). What will
be the potential energy of electron in that orbit ?
(A) –13.6 eV (B) –27.2 eV (C) + 13.6eV (D) –53.4 eV
Q.7 The shortest wavelength of He atom in Balmer series is x, then longest wavelength in the Paschen series
of Li+2 is
36 x 16 x 9x 5x
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5 7 5 9
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Q.8 An electron, a proton and an alpha particle have kinetic energies of 16E, 4E and E respectively. What is
the qualitative order of their de Broglie wavelengths?
(A) e > p = (B) p = > e (C) p > e > (D) < e » p
Q.9 The ratio of difference in wavelengths of 1st and 2nd lines of Lyman series in H–like atom to difference in
wavelength for 2nd and 3rd lines of same series is:
(A) 2.5 : 1 (B) 3.5 : 1 (C) 4.5 : 1 (D) 5.5 : 1
Q.10 X-rays are emitted as the electrons deep within atoms having many electrons fall to lower energy states.
What is the difference in energy between two levels if a transition between them gives rise to 0.5 Å X-
(A) 24.8 eV (B) 24.8 KeV (C) 24.8 MeV (D) none of these
Q.11 If radius of second stationary orbit (in Bohr's atom) is R. Then radius of third orbit will be
(A) R/3 (B) 9R (C) R/9 (D) 2.25R
Q.12 Wavelength of radiations emitted when an electron jumps from stateAto C is 3000 Å and it is 6000 Å
when the electron jumps from state B to state C. Wavelength of the radiations emitted when an electron
jumps from stateAto B will be
(A) 6000 Å (B) 3000 Å (C) 4000 Å (D) 2000 Å
Q.13 The ratio of wave length of photon corresponding to the -line of Lyman series in H-atom and -line of
Balmer series in He+ is
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 1 : 2 (C) 1 : 4 (D) 3 : 16
Q.14 Three energy levels P, Q, R of a certain atom are such that EP < EQ < ER. If 1, 2 and 3 are the wave
length of radiation corresponding to transition R Q ; Q P and R P respectively. The correct
relationship between 1, 2 and 3 is
1 1 1 2 1 1
(A) 1 + 2 = 3 (B) (C) 3 = 1 2 (D)
3 1 2 3 1 2
The value of (n2 + n1) and n 22 n12 for He+ ion in atomic spectrum are 4 and 8 respectively. The
wavelength of emitted photon when electron jump from n2 to n1 is
32 9 9 32
(A) R (B) R (C) 32 R (D) 9 R
9 H 32 H H H
Q.16 Number of possible spectral lines which maybe emitted in bracket series in H atom, if electrons present
in 9th excited level returns to ground level, are
(A) 21 (B) 6 (C) 45 (D) 5
Q.17 A mosquito of 2 mg is moving with a speed of (20 0.1) m/sec. Uncertainty in its position is:
(A) 2.64 × 10–29 m (B) 2.64 × 10–28 m (C) 2.64 × 10–34 m (D) 2.64 × 10–31 m
Q.18 The wavelength associated with a golf weighing 200g and moving at a speed of 5m/h is of the order
(A) 10–10m (B) 10–20m (C) 10–30m (D) 10–40m
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Q.19 The longest wavelength of He+ in Paschen series is "m", then shortest wavelength of Be+3 in Paschen
series is (in terms of m):
5 64 53 7
(A) m (B) m (C) m (D) m
36 7 8 64
Q.20 What is uncertainityin location of a photon of wavelength 5000Å if wavelength is known to an accuracy
of 1 pm?
(A) 7.96 × 10–14 m (B) 0.02 m (C) 3.9 ×10–8 m (D) none
Q.21 Approximate De-Broglie wavelength ratio of particle with respect to proton is, if both are accelerated
through same potential difference :
1 1
(A) (B) (C) 2 (D) 8
8 2
Q.22 El ectromagneti c radi ati ons havi ng = 310 Å are subjected to a metal sheet having work
function = 12.8 eV. What will be the velocity of photoelectrons with maximum Kinetic Energy..
(A) 0, no emission will occur (B) 2.18 × 106 m/s
(C) 2.18 2 × 106 m/s (D) 8.72 × 106 m/s
Q.24 When an excited hydrogen atom returned to its ground state, some visible quanta were observed along
with other quanta. Which of the following transitions must have occurred?
(A) 2 1 (B) 3 1 (C) 3 1 (D) 4 1
Q.25 A photon of 300 nm is absorbed by a gas and then re-emits two photons. One re-emitted photon has
wavelength 496 nm, the wavelength of second re-emitted photon is :
(A) 759 (B) 857 (C) 957 (D) 657
Q.27 According to Bohr's atomic theory, which of the following relations is/are incorrect?
(A) Kinetic energy of electron 2
(B) The product of velocity of electron and the principal quantum number z2
(C) Frequency of revolution of the electron in an orbit
(D) Coulombic force of attraction on the electron
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Q.28 A mono electronic species in energy level with energy 'X' was provided with excess of energy so that it
jumps to higher energy level with energyY. If it can emit 6 wavelengths originated from all possible
transition between these group levels, then which of the following relation is correct:
(Here n is the principal quantum number of energy level X) :
(A) X/Y = (n – 1)2 (B) X/Y = 1 + 3/n
(C) (X / Y) = 1+3/n (D) X/Y = n/6
Q.29 The transition from the state n = 4 to n = 3 in a He+ ion results in ultraviolet radiation. Infrared radia-
tion will be obtained in the transition from :
(A) n = 2 n = 1 (B) n = 3 n = 2 (C) n = 4 n = 2 (D) n = 5 n = 4
Q.31 Wavelength of the de-Broglie wave of an electron revolving in the sixth orbit of the hydrogen atom is :
(r0 is the Bohr's radius = 0.529 Å)
(A) r0 (B) 12r0 (C) 6r0 (D) 24r0
Q.32 Graph between kinetic energy of photoelectron KE(max) Vs frequency(v) of an incident photon is given
when light is incident on a metal plate during photoelectric experiment :
KE(max) (Joule)
Q.33 The energy of an electron in the first Bohr orbit of H atom is 13.6 eV . The possible energy value(s) of
the excited state(s) for electrons in Bohr orbits of hydrogen is/are :
(A) 3.4 eV (B) 4.2 eV (C) 6.8 eV (D) + 6.8 eV
Q.35 The quantum numbers +1/2 and –1/2 for the electron spin represent:
(A) rotation of the electron in clockwise and anticlockwise direction respectively.
(B) rotation of the electron in anticlockwise and clockwise direction respectively.
(C) magnetic moment of the electron pointing up and down respectively.
(D) two quantum mechanical spin states which have no classical analogue.
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Q.36 Rutherfords experiment , which established the nuclear model of atom, used a beam of :–
(A) - particles, which impinged on a metal foil and get absorbed.
(B) - rays, which impinged on a metal foil and ejected electron.
(C) Helium atoms, which impinged on a metal foil and got scattered.
(D) Helium nuclie, which impinged on a metal foil and got scattered.
Q.37 An atom has a mass of 0.02 kg & uncertainity in its velocity is 9.218 × 10–6 m/s then uncertainity in
position is : (h = 6.626 × 10–34 J - s)
(A) 2.86 × 10–28 m (B) 2.86 × 10–32 cm (C) 1.5 × 10–27 m (D) 3.9 ×10–10 m
Q.38 Energy of H–atom in the ground state is –13.6 eV , Hence energy in the second excited state is –
(A) –6.8 eV (B) –3.4 eV (C) –1.51 eV (D) –4.3 eV
Q.39 Uncertainity in position of a particle of 25 g in space is 10–5 m. Hence uncertainty in velocity (ms–1) is
(Planck’s constant h = 6.6 × 10–34 Js)
(A) 2.1 × 10–28 (B) 2.1 × 10–34 (C) 0.5 × 10–34 (D) 5.0 × 20–24
Q.40 In Bohr series of lines of hydrogen spectrum, third line from the red end corresponds to where one of the
following inter-orbit jumps of electron for Bohr orbits in an atom of hydrogen.
(A) 4 1 (B) 2 5 (C) 3 2 (D) 5 2
Paragraph for question nos. 41 to 43
The French physicist Louis de Broglie in 1924 postulated that matter, like radiation, should exhibit a dual
behaviour. He proposed the following relationship between the wavelength of a material particle, its
linear momentum p and planck constant h.
h h
= =
p mv
The de Broglie relation implies that the wavelength of a particle should decreases as its velocityincreases.
It also implies that for a given velocity heavier particles should have shorter wavelength than lighter
particles. The waves associated with particles in motion are called matter waves or de Broglie waves.
These waves differ from the electromagnetic waves as they
(i) have lower velocities
(ii) have no electrical and magnetic fields and
(iii) are not emitted by the particle under consideration.
The experimental confirmation of the de Broglie relation was obtained when Davisson and Germer, in
1927, observed that a beam of electrons is diffracted by a nickel crystal.As diffraction is a characteristic
property of waves, hence the beam of electron behaves as a wave, as proposed by de Broglie.
Werner Heisenberg considered the limits of how precisely we can measure properties of an electron or
other microscopic particle like electron. He determined that there is a fundamental limit of how closely
we can measure both position and momentum. The more accurately we measure the momentum of a
particle, the less accurately we can determine its position. The converse is also true. This is summed up
in what we now call the "Heisenberg uncertainty principle: It is impossible to determine simultaneously
and precisely both the momentum and position of a particle. The product of uncertainty in the position,
x and the uncertainty in the momentum (mv) must be greater than or equal to . i.e.
x (mv)
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Q.41 The correct order of wavelength of Hydrogen (1H1), Deuterium (1H2) and Tritium (1H3) moving with
same kinetic energy is
(A) H > D > T (B) H = D = T (C) H < D < T (D) H < D > T
Q.42 The transition, so that the de-Broglie wavelength of electron becomes 3 times of its initial value in He+ ion
will be
(A) 2 5 (B) 3 2 (C) 2 6 (D) 1 2
Q.43 If the uncertainty in velocity & position is same, then the uncertainty in momentum will be
hm h h 1 h
(A) (B) m (C) (D)
4 4 4m m 4
Q.45 In a collection of H-atom, electrons make transition from 5th excited state to 2nd excited state then
maximum number of different types of photons observed are
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 15
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Q.46 The difference in the wavelength of the 1st line of Lyman series and 2nd line of Balmer series in a hydrogen
atom is
9 4 88
(A) (B) (C) (D) None
2R R 15R
Q.47 The wave number of electromagnetic radiation emitted during the transition of electron in between two
levels of Li2+ ion whose principal quantum numbers sum is 4 and difference is 2 is
(A) 3.5 R (B) 4 R (C) 8 R (D) R
Q.49 If proton in the nucleus of hydrogen atom is replaced by positron (+1e0) having the charge of proton but
mass that of electron, the wave number of the lowest energy transition in the Lyman series of the above
designated H-atom considering the nuclear motion will be equal to
3 3 RH 3
(A) RH (B) RH (C) (D) RH
4 8 2 2
Q.50 Due to inter electronic repulsion, an electron experiences less nuclear charge. It is, therefore, said that
inner electronic shells electrons shield the nucleus. The actual nuclear charge experienced by an electron
is called effective nuclear charge. If the electrons in K-shell shields the nucleus to the extent of 0.5 (say)
each. What will be the wave number of the spectral line arising out of n = 4 to n = 2 transition in Li atom?
3 3 RH
(A) RH (B) RH (C) (D) 8RH
4 8 4
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Assertion Reason
Q.51 Statement-1: Energy emitted when an electron jump from 5 2 (energy level) is less than
when an electron jump from 2 1 in all 'H' like atom.
Statement-2: The |total energy difference| between 1st & 2nd energy level is greater than that of
any two energy level provided level '1' is not part of those two energy levels.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.
Q.52 Statement-1 : Emitted radiations will fall in visible range when an electron jump from
higher level to n = 2 in Li+2 ion.
Statement-2 : Balmer series radiations belong to visible range in H-atoms.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.
Q.53 Statement-1 : Radial part of wave function of 4px and 3py are not same.
Statement-2 : Radial part of wave functions depends on l & m and angular part of wave function
depends on n & l.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.
Q.55 In a H-like sample electrons make transition from 4th excited state to 2nd state then
(A) 10 different spectral lines are observed
(B) 6 different spectral lines are observed
(C) Number of lines belonging to the Balmer series is 3.
(D) Number of lines belonging to the Paschen series is 2.
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Q.57 If, in hydrogen atom, radius of nth Bohr orbit is rn, frequencyof revolution of electron in nth orbit is fn and
area enclosed by nth orbit is An, which of the following graphs is / are correct?
rn log An
(A) (B)
n log n
log rn fn
(C) (D) f1
log n log n
Q.59 If uncertainty in velocity is 6.62 × 10–2 m/s for a particle of mass of gm. Its uncertainty in position
may be
(A) 0.5 × 10–18 (B) 10–18
(C) 0.8 × 10–18 (D) 0.5 × 10–17
Q.60 Column I & column II contain data on Schrondinger Wave–Mechanical model, where symbols have
their usual meanings.Match the columns.
Column I Column II (Type of orbital)
(A) (P) 4s
(D) atleast one angular node is present (S) any of the 6d orbital
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(B) Electron moving in 3rd orbit in H-atom (Q) Total energy of electron is
(–)13.6 × 9eV
2.188 106
(C) Electron moving in 1st orbit in Li+2 ion (R) Velocityofelectron is m/sec
(D) Electron moving in 2nd orbit is Be+3 ion (S) De-broglie wavelength of electron is Å
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(JEE ADVANCED Previous Year's Questions)
Q.1 The magnetic moment of cobalt of the compund Hg[Co(SCN)4] is [Given : Co+2]
(A) 3 (B) 8 (C) 15 (D) 24 [JEE 2004]
Q.2 The radius of which of the following orbit is same as that of the first Bohr’s orbit of hydrogen atom?
(A) He+ (n = 2) (B) Li2+ (n = 2) (C) Li2+ (n = 3) (D) Be3+ (n = 2)
[JEE 2004]
Q.3 Given in hydrogenic atom rn, Vn, E, Kn stand for radius, potential energy, total energy and kinetic energy
in nth orbit. Find the value of U,v,x,y. [JEE 2006]
(A) U= K (P) 1
rn E
(B) x (Q) –2
(C) rn Zy (R) –1
(Z =Atomic number)
(D) v = (Orbital angular momentum of electron (S) 0
in its lowest energy )
Q.4 Match the entries in Column I with the correctly related quantum number(s) in Column II. Indicate
your answer by darkening the appropriate bubbles of the 4 × 4 matrix given in the ORS. [JEE 2008]
Column I Column II
(A) Orbital angular momentum of the (P) Principal quantum number
electron in a hydrogen-like atomic orbital
(C) Shape, size and orientation of hydrogen (R) Magnetic quantum number
like atomic orbitals
(D) Probability density of electron at the nucleus (S) Electron spin quantum number
in hydrogen-like atom
Q.6 Energy of the state S1 in units of the hydrogen atom ground state energy is
(A) 0.75 (B) 1.50 (C) 2.25 (D) 4.50
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Q.8 The work function () of some metals is listed below. The number of metals which will show
photoelectric effect when light of 300 nm wavelength falls on the metal is [JEE 2011]
Metal Li Na K Mg Cu Ag Fe Pt W
(eV ) 2.4 2.3 2.2 3.7 4.8 4.3 4.7 6.3 4.75
Q.9 The maximum number of electrons that can have principal quantum number, n = 3, and spin quantum
number, ms = , is [JEE 2011]
Q.10 The kinetic energy of an electron in the second Bohr orbit of a hydrogen atom is [a0 is Bohr radius]
h2 h2 h2 h2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
42 ma 02 162 ma 02 322 ma 02 64 2 ma 02
[JEE 2012]
Q.11 The atomic masses of He and Ne are 4 and 20 a.m.u., respectively. The value of the de Broglie wavelength
of He gas at –73°C is “M” times that of the de Broglie wavelength of Ne at 727°C. M is
[JEEAdvance 2013]
Q.12 In an atom, the total number of electrons having quantum numbers n = 4, | ml | = 1 and
ms = – is [JEEAdvance 2014]
Q.13 P is the probabilityof finding the 1s electron of hydrogen atom in a spherical shell of infinitesimal thickness,
dr, at a distance r from the nucleus. The volume of this shell is 4r2dr . The qualitative sketch of the
dependence of P on r is [JEEAdvance 2016]
(A) (B)
0 r 0 r
(C) (D)
0 r 0 r
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Answer Q.14, Q.15 and Q.16 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table.
The wave function, n, l ,m is a mathematical function whose value depends upon spherical
polar coordinates (r, , ) of the electron and characterized by the quantum numbers n, l and
ml . Here r is distance from nucleus, is colatitude and is azimuth. In the mathematical
functions given in the Table, Z is atomic number and a 0 is Bohr radius.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
n,l,m l(r)
(i) n ,l ,m e 0
(II) 2s orbital (ii) One radial node (Q) Probability density at nucleus
(IV) 3dz orbital (iv) xy-plane is a nodal plane (S) Energy needed to excite
electron from n =2 state to
n = 4 state is 27 times the
energy needed to excite
electron from n = 2 state to
n = 6 state
Q.14 For He+ ion, the only INCORRECT combination is [JEEAdvance 2017]
(A) (I) (i) (R) (B) (II) (ii) (Q) (C) (I) (i) (S) (D) (I) (iii) (R)
Q.15 For the given orbital in column 1, the only CORRECT combination for any hydrogen-like species is
[JEEAdvance 2017]
(A) (I) (ii) (S) (B) (IV) (iv) (R) (C) (III) (iii) (P) (D) (II) (ii) (P)
Q.16 For hydrogen atom, the only CORRECT combination is [JEEAdvance 2017]
(A) (II) (i) (Q) (B) (I) (iv) (R) (C) (I) (i) (P) (D) (I) (i) (S)
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(JEE Main Previous Year's Questions)
Q.1 Which of the following sets of quantum numbers is correct for an electron in 4f orbital?[AIEEE- 2004]
1 1
(A) n = 4, = 3 , m = + 4, s = + (B) n = 4, = 4 , m = – 4, s = –
2 2
1 1
(C) n = 4, = 3 , m = + 1, s = + (D) n = 4, = 3 , m = – 2, s = +
2 2
Q.2 Consider the ground state of Cr atom (Z = 24). The numbers of electrons with the azimuthal quantum
numbers, =1 and 2 are, respectively [AIEEE- 2004]
(A) 12 and 4 (B) 12 and 5 (C) 16 and 4 (D) 16 and 5
Q.3 The wavelength of the radiation emitted, when in a hydrogen atom electron falls from infinityto stationary
state 1, would be [AIEEE- 2004]
7 –1
(Rydberg constant = 1.097×10 m )
(A) 91 nm (B) 192 nm (C) 406 nm (D) 9.1×10–8 nm
Q.4 Which one of the following sets of ions represents the collection of isoelectronic species ?
(A) K+, Ca2+, Sc3+, Cl– (B) Na+, Ca2+, Sc3+, F– [AIEEE- 2004]
+ – 2+ 3+ + 2+ 3+ –
(C) K , Cl , Mg , Sc (D) Na , Mg , Al , Cl
(Atomic nos.: F = 9, Cl = 17, Na = 11, Mg = 12, Al = 13, K = 19, Ca = 20 , Sc = 21)
Q.5 In a multi-electron atom, which of the following orbitals described by the three quantum numbers will
have the same energy in the absence of magnetic and electric fields ? [AIEEE- 2005]
(a) n = 1, = 0, m = 0 (b) n = 2, = 0, m = 0 (c) n = 2, = 1, m = 1 (d) n = 3, = 2, m = 1
(e) n = 3, = 2, m = 0
(A) (b) and (c) (B) (a) and (b) (C) (d) and (e) (D) (c) and (d)
Q.6 Of the following sets which one does NOT contain isoelectronic species ? [AIEEE- 2005]
(A) CN–, N2, C22– (B) PO43–, SO42–, ClO4–
(C) BO33–, CO32–, NO3– (D) SO32–, CO32–, NO3–
Q.7 According to Bohr's theory, the angular momentum of an electron in 5th orbit is - [AIEEE 2006]
(A) 1.0 h/ (B) 10 h/ (C) 2.5 h/ (D) 25 h/
Q.8 Uncertainty in the position of an electron (mass = 9.1 × 10–31 kg) moving with a velocity 300 m/s,
accurate upto 0.001 %, will be (h = 6.63 × 10–34 Js) [AIEEE 2006]
(A) 5.76 × 10 m –2
(B) 1.92 × 10 m –2
(C) 3.84 × 10 m (D) 19.2 × 10–2 m
Q.9 Which of the following sets of quantum numbers represents the highest energy of an atom ?
[AIEEE 2007]
(A) n = 3, = 1, m = 1, s = +½ (B) n = 3, = 2, m = 1, s = +½
(C) n = 4, = 0, m = 0, s = +½ (D) n = 3, = 0, m = 0, s = +½
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Q.10 The ionization enthalpy of hydrogen atom is 1.312 × 106 J mol–1. The energy required to excite the
electron in the atom from n = 1 to n = 2 is [AIEEE 2008]
(A) 6.56 × 10 J mol –1 5
(B) 7.56 × 10 J mol –1
Q.11 In an atom, an electron is moving with a speed 600m/s with an accuracy of 0.005%. Certainity with
which the position of the electron can be located is (h = 6.6 × 10–34 kg m2 s–1, mass of electron,
em = 9.1×10–31 kg) [AIEEE 2009]
(A) 1.52 × 10–4 m (B) 5.10 × 10–3 m (C) 1.92 × 10–3 m (D) 3.84 × 10–3 m
Q.12 The energy required to break one mole of Cl–Cl bonds in Cl is 242 kJ mol–1. The longest wavelength
of light capable of breaking a single Cl–Cl [AIEEE 2010]
(A) 594 nm (B) 640 nm (C) 700 nm (D) 494 nm
Q.13 Ionisation energy of He+ is 19.6 × 10–18 J atom–1. The energy of the first stationary state (n = 1) of Li+2
is – [AIEEE 2010]
Q.17 The correct set of four quantum numbers for the valence electrons of rubidium atom (Z = 37) is :
[JEE Main 2014]
1 1 1 1
(A) 5, 1, 0, + (B) 5, 1, 1, + (C) 5, 0, 1, + (D) 5, 0, 0, +
2 2 2 2
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Q.18 Which of the following is the energy of a possible excited state of hydrogen ? [JEE Main 2015]
(A) – 3.4 eV (B) + 6.8 eV (C) + 13.6 eV (D) – 6.8 eV
Q.19 A stream of electrons from a heated filament was passed between two charged plates kept at a potential
difference V esu. If e and m are charge and mass of an electron, respectively, then the value of h/
(where is wavelength associated with electron wave) is given by : [JEE Main 2016]
(A) 2meV (B) meV (C) 2meV (D) meV
Q.20 The radius of the second Bohr orbit for hydrogen atoms is : [JEE Main 2017]
(Planck's Const. h = 6.6262 × 10–34 Js;
mass of electron = 9.1091 × 10–31 kg;
charge of electron e = 1.60210 ×10–19 C;
permittivity of vacuum 0 = 8.854185 × 10–12 kg–1 m–3 A2)
(A) 4.76Å (B) 0.529 Å (C) 2.12 Å (D) 1.65 Å
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(Potential Problems Based on CBSE)
Very short Answer Question :
Q.1 A certain particle carries 2.5 ×10–16C of static electric charge. Calculate the number of electrons present
in it.
Q.2 What is the main difference between electromagnetic wave theory and Planck’s quantum theory?
Q.3 Which of the following relate to wave nature of light or particle nature or both?
(a) Interference (b) Diffraction (c) Photoelectric effect
(d) Black body radiation (e) Planck’s equation, E = hv
(f) Einstein equation, E = mc2
Q.4 Why spliting of spectral lines takes place when the source giving the spectrum is placed in a magnetic
Q.5 Why the ball hit with a hockey by a player does not make a wave?
Q.6 What is the angular momentum of an electron in (i) 2s orbital (ii) 4f orbital
Q.7 An atom of an element contains 29 electrons and 35 neutrons. Deduce (i) the number of protons and (ii)
the electronic configuration of the element.
Q.8 Which of the following are isoelectronic species i.e., those having the same number of electrons?
Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, S2–, Ar.
Q.9 W hat is the lowest value of 'n' that allows 'g' orbitals to exist?
Q.11 A hypothetical electromagnetic wave is shown in Figure. Find out the wavelength of the radiation.
2.16 pm
Q.12 Calculate the wavelength, frequency and wavenumber of a light wave whose period is 2.0 ×10–10 s.
Q.13 Yellow light emitted from a sodium lamp has a wavelength () of 580 nm. Calculate the frequency ()
and wavenumber ( ) of the yellow light.
Q.14 The Balmer series in the hydrogen spectrum corresponds to the transition from n1 = 2 to n2 = 3, 4, .....
This series lies in the visible region. Calculate the wave number of line associated with the transition in
Balmer series when the electron moves to n = 4 orbit. [RH = 109677 cm–1)
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Q.15 What is the wavelength of light emitted when the electron in a hydrogen atom undergoes transition from
an energy level with n = 4 to an energy level with n = 2?
Q.16 Calculate the wavenumber for the longest wavelength transition in the Balmer series of atomic hydrogen.
Q.17 Accordingto de-Broglie, matter should exhibit dual behaviour, that is both particle and wavelike properties.
However, a cricket ball of mass 100 g does not move like a wave when it is thrown by a bowler at a
speed of 100 km/h. Calculate the wavelength of the ball and explain why it does not show wave nature.
Q.18 Out of electron and proton which one will have, a higher velocity to produce matter waves of the same
wavelength? Explain it.
Q.19 An ion with mass number 37 possesses one unit of negative charge. If the ion conatins 11.1% more
neutrons than the electrons, find the symbol of the ion.
Q.21 The electronic configuration of valence shell of Cu is 3d10 4s2 . How is this configuration explained?
Q.22 Nickel atom can lose two electrons to form Ni2+ ion. The atomic number of nickel is 28. From which
orbital will nickel lose two electrons.
Q.23 How manyelectrons in an atom may have the following quantum numbers?
(a) n = 4, ms = – (b) n = 3, l = 0
Q.25 Calculate the total number of angular nodes and radial nodes present in 3p orbital.
Q.26 If the diameter of a carbon atom is 0.15 nm, calculate the number of carbon atoms which can be placed
side by side in a straight line across length of scale of length 20 cm long.
Q.28 Threshold frequency, v0 is the minimum frequencywhich a photon must possess to eject an electron from
a metal. It is different for different metals. When a photon of frequency 1.0 × 1015 s–1 was allowed to hit
a metal surface, an electron having 1.988 × 10–19 J of kinetic energywas emitted. Calculate the threshold
frequency of this metal. Show that an electron will not be emitted if a photon with a wavelength equal to
600 nm hits the metal surface.
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Q.29 Following results are observed when sodium metal is irradiated with different wavelengths. Calculate (a)
threshold wavelength and, (b) Planck’s constant.
(nm) 500 450 400
v 10–5 (cm s–1) 2.55 4.35 5.35
Q.30 A photon of wavelength 4 × 10–7 m strikes on metal surface, the work function of the metal being
2.13 eV. Calculate (i) the energy of the photon (eV), (ii) the kinetic energy of the emission, and (iii) the
velocity of the photoelectron (1 eV= 1.6020 10–19 J).
Q.31 What is the energy in joules, required to shift the electron of the hydrogen atom from the first Bohr orbit
to the fifth Bohr orbit and what is the wavelength of the light emitted when the electron returns to the
ground state? The ground state electron energy is –2.18 × 10–11 ergs.
Q.32 Calculate the energy and frequency of the radiation emitted when an electron jumps from n = 3 to n = 2
in a hydrogen atom
Q.33 When an electric discharge is passed through hydrogen gas, the hydrogen molecules dissociate to produce
excited hydrogen atoms. These excited atoms emit electromagnetic radiation of discrete frequencies
which can be given by the general formula.
1 1
v = 109677 2
ni n f
What points of Bohr’s model of an atom can be used to arrive at this formula? Based on these points
derive the above formula giving description of each step and each term.
Q.34 Why was a change in the Bohr model of atom required? Due to which important development(s),
concept of movement of an electron in an orbit was replaced by the concept of probability of finding
electron in an orbital? What is the name given to the changed model of atom?
Q.35 Show that the circumference of the Bohr orbit for the hydrogen atom is an integral multiple of the de
Broglie wavelength associated with the electron revolving around the orbit.
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Q.2 Given H for the process Li(g) Li+3(g) + 3e– is 19800 kJ/mole & IE1 for Li is 520 then IE2 & IE3
of Li+ are respectively (approx, value)
(A) 7505, 11775 (B) 520, 19280 (C) 11775, 19280 (D) Data insufficient
Q.3 In a discharge tube, there are only two hydrogen atoms. If the electrons in both atoms are
de-exciting from 4th orbit, the minimum and maximum number of spectral lines should respectively be
(A) 1, 3 (B) 2, 3 (C) 3, 4 (D) 1, 4
Q.4 For which of the following orbital wave function does not change its sign at any distance from the
(A) 3d (B) 2p (C) 2s (D) 1s
Q.5 In a sample of H-atom if only 3 atoms are present and all are in 6th excited state then maximum possible
photons of different wavelengths are
(A) 9 (B) 10 (C) 11 (D) 12
Q.6 The number of waves fitting into the 3rd excited state of H, He+ and Li2+ are, respectively :
(A) 3 in each case (B) 3, 2 and 1 (C) 3, 6 and 9 (D) 4 in each case
Paragraph for question nos. 8 to 10
Three laser guns labelled as I, II and III have power 2 watt, 3 watt and 5 watt (Not necessary in same
order) are used to produce photocurrent from metal plate. Number of photons emitted by laser guns are
4 × 10 18 , 5 × 10 18 and 9 × 10 18 per sec. Metal plate have threshold energy
4.5 × 10–19 J. Neither the power nor the number of photons emitted by a particular laser gun is known
and it is known that all capable photons emit a photoelectron.
Q.8 Minimum possible wavelength of emitted photoelectron is :
(A) 680 Å (B) 30 Å (C) 480 Å (D) None of these
Q.10 Ratio of maximum to minimum photocurrent which can be passed through the circuit-
(A) 5/4 (B) 9/5 (C) 9/4 (D) 9/2
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Q.11 The orbital angular momentum of an electron (l = 1) makes an angle of 45° from Z -axis. The
Lz of electron will be
h h h h
(A) 2 2 (B) 0 2 (C) (D) 3 2
Q.12 According to Hund's rule, the distribution of electron within the various orbitals of a given sub-shell is
one which is associated with
(A)Minimumspinmultiplicity (B) Maximum spin multiplicity
(C) Maximum energy (D) Minimum total spin
Q.13 An electron has an orbital angular momentum equal to 6 . How many Z- components of this are
(A) One (B) Three (C) Four (D) Five
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Q.14 What is the spin angular momentum of N-atom (Z = 7): EC = 1s22s22p3 (GS)
3 h 15 h 1 h
(A) Zero (B) (C) (D) 2 2
4 2 4 2
Assertion Reason
Q.15 It is a data sufficiency problem in which it is to be decided on the basis of given statements
whether the given question can be answered or not. No matter whether the answer is yes or no.
Question : Is the orbital of hydrogen atom 3px?
1 / 2 r
Statement-1: The radial function of the orbital is R(r) = ( 4 ) e , =
9 6 a 30 / 2 2
Statement-2: The orbital has 1 radial node & 0 angular node.
(A) Statement (1) alone is sufficient.
(B) Statement (2) alone is sufficient
(C) Both together is sufficient.
(D) Neither is sufficient
(A) must be single valued (B) dxdydz 1
(C) must be finite and continuous (D) represents a standing wave
Q.19 In a hypothetical H-atom the mass of electron & it charge is double of what we consider then calculate
the total energy of electron in the Ist orbit of such a hypothetical H-atom ?
[Assuming all others concepts and parameter to be same as we considered in Bohr's model.]
Q.20 A potential difference of 20 KV is applied across an X-raytube. Find the minimum wavelength of X-ray
Q.21 He atom can be excited to 1s1 2p1 by = 58.44 nm. If lowest excited state for He lies 4857cm–1 below
the above. Calculate the energy for the lower excitation state.
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Q.22 X-rays emitted from a copper target and a molybdenum target are found to contain a line of wavelength
22.85 nm attributedto the K line of animpurityelement. The K lines of copper (Z = 29) and molybdenum
( Z = 42) have wavelength 15.42 nm and 7.12 nm respectively. Using Moseley’s law, v1/2 = a (Z – b)
calculate the atomic number of the impurity element.
Q.23 An energy of 68 eV is required to excite a hydrogen like atom from its second Bohr orbit to the third.
The nuclear charge is Ze. Find the value of Z, the kinetic energy of the electron in the first Bohr orbit and
the wavelength of the radiation required to eject the electrons from the first Bohr orbit to infinity.
Q.24 A particle of charge equal to that of an electron and mass 208 times the mass of the electron moves in a
circular orbit around a nucleus of charge +3e.Assuming that the Bohr model ofthe atom is applicableto this
system, (a) derivean expression for theradius of the nthbohr orbit, (b) find thevalue of nforwhich the radius
of the orbit is approximatelythe same as that of the first Bohr orbit for the hydrogen atom, and (c) find the
wavelength ofthe radiation emitted whentherevolvingparticle jumpsfrom the thirdorbitto the first.
ke 2
Q.25 Suppose the potential energy between electron and proton at a distance r is given by 3 .
Use Bohr’s theory to obtain energy of such a hypothetical atom.
Q.26 Find the wavelength of the first line of He+ ion spectral series whose interval between extreme line is
1 1 4 1
2.745110 cm
1 2
Q.28 Photon having wavelength 12.4 nm was allowed to strike a metal plate having work function 25 eV.
Calculate the
(a) Maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons emitted in eV.
(b) Wavelength of electron with maximum kinetic energy in Å.
(c) Calculate the uncertainity in wavelength of emitted electron if the uncertainity in the momentum is
6.62 × 10–28 Kg m/sec.
Q.29 Electron present in single electron specie jumps from energy level 3 to 1. Emitted photons when passed
through a sample containing excited He+ ion causes further excitation to some higher energy level
(Given : En = –13.6 ). Determine
(i)Atomic number of single electron specie.
(ii) principal quantum number of initial excited level & higher energylevel of He+.
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Q.30 A cylindrical source of light which emits radiation radially (from curved surface) only, placed at the
centre of a hollow, metallic cylindrical surface, as shown in diagram.
The power of source is 90 watt and it emits light of wavelength 4000 Å only. The emitted photons strike
the metallic cylindrical surface which results in ejection of photoelectrons.All ejected photoelectrons
reaches to anode (light source). The magnitude of photocurrent is [Given : h = 6.4 × 10–34 J/sec.]
Q.31 In a sample of H-atoms, electron make transition from ground state to a particular excited state where
path length is five times of de-Broglie wavelength. Now excited electron make back transition to the
ground state producing all the possible photons of different energies. If photon having 2nd highest energy
of this spectrum is used to excite the electron of 2nd excited state of Li2+ ion, then calculate the final
excited state of Li2+ ion.
Q.32 Calculate the masses of photons corresponding to the first lines of Lyman and Balmer series of the
atomic spectrum of hydrogen are in the ratio.
Q.33 A hydrogen like atom with atomic number Z is in higher excited state of quantum number "n". this excited
state atom can make a transition to the first excited state by successively emitted two photons of energy
10.2 eV and 17eV respectively.Alternatively, the atom from the same excited state can make a transition
to 2nd excited state by emitting photons of energy 4.25 eV and 5.95 eV, respectively.
Determine Z and n.
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Q.1 6.4×10–13 J, 2.1×10–13J, 3.4×10–14m Q.2 1.39 × 108 C/kg
Q.3 6
6.3 × 10 m sec –1 Q.4 1494.66 KJ/mol Q.5 6.3 × 106 m/s
Q.6 0.5080 Q.7 6200 Å Q.8 3 × 1022
Q.9 –7
4.96 × 10 m Q.10 8.68 % Q.11 20,000
Q.12 10 22 Q.13 28 photons Q.14 174 nm
Q.15 27.2 × 1018 Q.16 972.8 Å Q.17 – 1.36 × 10–19 Joules
Q.18 6 Q.19 4863 Å Q.20 1.096 × 107 m–1
Q.21 n1 =1, n2=2 Q.22 1.82 × 105 J/mol Q.23 6563 Å ; 1216 Å ; 1028 Å
Q.24 –12
5.425×10 ergs, 3.7×10 cm –5 Q.25 1220 Å
Q.26 5
5.44 × 10 m/s 4
Q.27 2 ; 9.75 × 10 cm –1 Q.28 114 Å
Q.29 10.2 eV , z = 2 Q.30 27425 cm–1
Q.31 292.68×1021 atoms, 162.60×1021 atoms, 832.50 KJ Q.32 h/
Q.33 3.63 ×106 m–1 Q.34 8 ×106 Q.35 6530×1012Hz
Q.36 340 eV , – 680 eV 8
Q.37 3.09 × 10 cm/sec Q.38 3
Q.39 910 Å ;U.V Q.40 973.5 Å Q.41 R
Q.42 1233.00 Q.43 97.819 KJ Q.44 5 ×1014 s–1
Q.45 500 KJ/mol Q.46 298.35 KJ/mol Q.47 6.57 ×10–34 Js
Q.48 3.06 V Q.49 40Amp Q.50 50.6 eV
Q.51 8 × 1015 Hz Q.52 6.64 Å Q.53 0.79 Å
Q.54 6.03×10–4 Volt Q.55 0.0826 Volts Q.56 3.88 pm
Q.57 3.68 × 10–65 m Q.58 1400 m/s Q.59 9.12 × 10–9 V
Q.60 1.05×10–13 m Q.61 1.75 × 10–29 Q.62 0.0144 m
93 3 93 3
Q.63 8 Q.64 300303 Q.65 a0, a0
2 2
h h h
Q.66 6 Q.67 r0 = 2a0 Q.68 0;0; 2 ; 6 ; 2
2 2 2
Q.69 [Ar] 3d1
(i) 3 eV (ii) Na+, Co2+, Cr2+, Fe3+ (iii) zero
(iv) photons (v) 23.8 eV
Q.1 D Q.2 D Q.3 D Q.4 D Q.5 B
Q.6 D Q.7 B Q.8 A Q.9 B Q.10 B
Q.11 D Q.12 A Q.13 A Q.14 B Q.15 C
Q.16 B Q.17 B Q.18 C Q.19 D Q.20 B
Q.21 A Q.22 C Q.23 C Q.24 A Q.25 A
Q.26 D Q.27 B Q.28 C Q.29 D Q.30 C
Q.31 B Q.32 C Q.33 A Q.34 A Q.35 D
Q.36 D Q.37 A Q.38 C Q.39 A Q.40 D
Q.41 A Q.42 C Q.43 A Q.44 A Q.45 C
Q.46 B Q.47 C Q.48 A Q.49 B Q.50 A
Q.51 A Q.52 D Q.53 C Q.54 BC Q.55 BCD
Q.56 AC Q.57 AB Q.58 CD Q.59 ABCD
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Q.60 (A) P, (B) P,Q,S, (C) P, R (D) Q, S Q.61 (A) S, (B) R, (C) Q, (D) P
Q.1 C Q.2 D Q.3 (A) Q, (B) P, (C) R, (D) S
Q.4 (A) Q,R (B) P, Q, R,S (C) P, Q, R (D) P, Q Q.5 B Q.6 C
Q.7 B Q.8 4 Q.9 9 Q.10 C Q.11 5
Q.12 6 Q.13 D Q.14 D Q.15 D Q.16 D
Q.1 CD Q.2 B Q.3 A Q.4 A Q.5 C
Q.6 D Q.7 C Q.8 B Q.9 B Q.10 C
Q.11 C Q.12 D Q.13 B Q.14 D Q.15 D
Q.16 D Q.17 D Q.18 A Q.19 A Q.20 C
Q.1 1563
Q.2 According to electromagnetic wave theory, the energy is emitted or absorbed continuously whereas
according to Planck’s quantum theory, energy is emitted or absorbed discontinuously, i.e. in certain
definite packets called ‘Quanta’.
Q.3 (a) wave nature (b) wave nature (c) Particle nature (d) Particle nature
(e) both particle and wave nature (f) Particle nature
Q.4 In the presence of magnetic field, the orbitals present in a sub-shell (which were degenerate) take up
different orientations. In other words, degeneracy is broken.
Q.5 Mass of the ball is large and so wavelength is negligible (because )
Q.6 Angular momentum of electron in anyorbital = l (l 1)
for 2s orbital , l = 0, angular momentum = 0(0 1) =0
h h
For 4f orbital, l = 3, angular momentum = 3(3 1) = 3
Q.7 (i) 29 protons Q.8 Na , Mg , Ca ; Ar, S and K+
+ 2+ 2+ 2–
1 1 1
Q.14 v = 109677 cm n 2 n 2 = 109677 ×
2 2 4 2 = 20564.4 cm
1 2
Q.15 486 nm Q.16 1.523 ×106 m–1
Q.17 m = 100, g = 0.1 kg, v = 100 km/hr = ms–1
= = 238.5 × 10–36 m
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Q.1 B Q.2 A Q.3 D Q.4 D Q.5 C
Q.6 D Q.7 C Q.8 B Q.9 D Q.10 D
Q.11 C Q.12 B Q.13 D Q.14 C Q.15 B
Q.16 CD Q.17 ABCD Q.18 ABC Q.19 – 13.6 × 32 eV
Q.20 0.62 Å Q.21 3.3 × 10–18 J Q.22 24 Q.23 6 ; 489.6 eV , 25.28 Å
n2 h2 n6 h6
Q.24 rn = n = 25 ; 55.2 pm Q.25 E =
4K 2 3e 2 208 m e 384 m3 K 2 e 4 6
Q.26 4689 Å Q.27 303.89 Å , 2.645 × 10–9 cm
Q.28 (a) 75 eV ; (b) 1.414 Å ; (c) 2 × 10–14 m
Q.29 Energy of emitted photons can not be greater than 13.6 eV (otherwise He+ will ionise) therefore single
electron specie must be hydrogen energy emitted = E3 – E1
= – 1.51 + 13.6 = 12.09
For He ion this energy corresponds to excitation from 2 to 6.
Q.30 10 amp Q.31 11th Q.32 27 : 5 Q.33 n = 6 , Z = 3
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