Development Methodologies For Formula One Aerodynamics: 2.1. The Wind Tunnel 2.1.1. Wind Tunnel Configuration
Development Methodologies For Formula One Aerodynamics: 2.1. The Wind Tunnel 2.1.1. Wind Tunnel Configuration
Development Methodologies For Formula One Aerodynamics: 2.1. The Wind Tunnel 2.1.1. Wind Tunnel Configuration
The greater part of aerodynamics development for Formula One involves optimization using objective functions
of downforce and the lift-drag ratio (L/D), and verification of effects using wind tunnels and CFD in the development
process. As examples of development methodologies used to advance this optimization process, this paper will discuss
aerodynamics development tools, including wind tunnels and CFD, and the conventional development indices that
employed these tools. In addition, the paper will introduce new indices for analysis of the effect of tire deformation
on the aerodynamic load and analysis of transient aerodynamic characteristics during deceleration, and will also consider
the findings made regarding air flows using these indices.
from these structures, a moving belt was used to control outside. The wheels were not in contact with the model,
the occurrence of boundary layers. As a result, ground and changes in ride height, therefore, did not generate a
surface boundary layers were not built above the limit reaction force in the model. However, slight inaccuracies
height (approximately 3 mm) of the boundary layer pitot remained in geometries, including infinitesimal changes
rake measurement, and the free stream was confirmed in the camber of the wheels, and the distance between
to be maintained. the inner faces of the wheels and the adjacent vehicle
To help ensure that the belt was not lifted by the low parts. The wheel-on configuration used a suspension
pressure under the vehicle, suction was applied from system with the same geometry as an actual vehicle. The
underneath the belt when a plastic belt was used, and a suspension was specially designed not to constrain the
tensile force was applied between the front and rear drive motion of the pushrod, and could therefore remove a
shafts when a stainless steel belt was used. reaction force from the ground. However, bump and
In order to minimize the minute deformation of the rebound of the suspension would produce a slight
different parts of the model when aerodynamic loads amount of friction and a spring force which results in a
were applied, the effect of expansion and contraction of reaction force to the model and for this reason care was
materials due to temperature, and temperature drift in necessary on corrections of the zero point (tare
measurement devices, the temperature at the test section measurements) of the measurement devices.
was maintained at a constant level during tests. For 50% Formerly, rigid tires with trapezoidal cross-sections
model tests, the temperature was held at 25˚ C, and a (manufactured from aluminum or CFRP) which
wind speed of approximately 45 m/s was used during the reproduced the squashed shape close to the contact patch
optimization process. around their entire circumferences were employed. More
recently, however, it has become standard practice to use
2.1.2. Configuration of wind tunnel models and 50% scale rubber tires provided by tire suppliers for
measurement instruments wind tunnel model use.
This section will first discuss the basic configuration Tare measurements were normally conducted while
of a 50% model (Fig. 2). The model was supported by rotating the belt at a low speed, with a wind speed of
a strut from the ceiling. The lower section of the strut zero. Reproducing all the vehicle orientations that were
was fitted with a pivot to help enable the orientation of to be measured and taking tare measurements at each
the model to be changed, an actuator, and a six- measurement point during this process would help enable
component load cell to measure the aerodynamic load on more accurate measurements. However, this method was
the model. disadvantageous in terms of measurement time. In many
The spine (framework) of the model was covered by cases therefore, measurement time was reduced by taking
a replaceable bodywork. The front and rear of the spine one vehicle orientation as representative for tare
were fitted with laser ride-height sensors, to control pitch measurements, or multiplying by the linear
angle and vehicle height. Three-component load cells approximation of the ride height at this representative
were positioned at the bases of the front wings (FW) and orientation and the highest and lowest ride heights.
the rear wings (RW) to measure downforce, drag, and
pitching moment. 2.1.3. Flow visualization techniques
The model was also fitted with yaw-, roll-, and steer- PIV measurements were conducted with the technical
control mechanisms, for the reproduction of complex assistance of the Honda Fundamental Technology
vehicle orientations. In addition, the entire floor of the Research Center. This section will discuss the set-up for
wind tunnel, including the moving belt, was capable of three-dimensional PIV measurements.
yaw rotation. The model was also fitted with A seeding device was positioned behind a heat
anemometers at the radiator (vane anemometers or exchanger, in a space between flow-smoothing
differential pressure gauges), pressure scanners to honeycombs. The seeding particles were glycol-based,
measure the static pressure at each part, and single-axis and had a diameter of 1 micrometer. The laser optical
load cells able to measure the drag on each wheel. The system, situated outside the path of the wind, illuminated
wheel support method is discussed below. the periphery of the model. By changing the path of the
Two types of wheel support were available: wheel- optical system and the position of the cameras, it was
off and wheel-on. In the wheel-off configuration, the
wheels were supported by wheel support arms from
6 comp. load cell RW load cell
Pressure scanners
FW load cell
Knife edge
Suction Wind speed Wheel drag
Belt speed load cells
Laser ride height sensors
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Development Methodologies for Formula One Aerodynamics
possible to take measurements in the x, y, and z Considering the results, (b) shows a good separation
directions (Fig. 3). However, there were limits to the position and wake size, but the wake is excessively large
ability to take measurements in areas where the laser in the case of (c). The result is in accord with the
could not physically reach, such as the x cross-sections simulation settings in which the air speed around the tire
of the inboard faces of the tires. was over-estimated.
As in the case of the tires, simulation methods for
2.2. Computational Fluid Dynamics other parts were also studied, and it was decided that the
As indicated above, the importance of CFD in following simulation methods would be used for the full-
Formula One development projects has today grown to vehicle simulation:
rival that of wind tunnels. The point to be observed in The tetra mesh was used as the basic elements, and
the use of CFD is whether the air flows around vehicles prisms were created from surface triangle mesh on the
in wind tunnels and on a race track are qualitatively and wings. 1 mm surface mesh was used for the airfoil
quantitatively reproduced. To provide an example, this sections, and 2-4 mm surface meshes were used for other
section will consider the method used when obtaining a parts. Figure 5 shows the mesh used for the FW. The
correlation between wind tunnel and CFD results for a actual first height of the boundary layer mesh was 10 µm.
wake behind a tire. Using a cocoon around the periphery of the vehicle,
The air flow around a rotating tire was elucidated in the surface mesh size was increased to 10 mm. Figure
a wind tunnel using a tire and PIV measurement 6 shows an image of a cocoon. Total pressure on the
equipment. Figure 4 shows a vector diagram for a tire cocoon was largely controlled within an overall iso-
center-section obtained using PIV measurements. Here, surface pressure of CpT=0.7.
the position of the commencement of separation from the In the case of the volume meshes, the mesh number
top of the tire and the size of the wake will be focused differed depending on the growth rate from contiguous
on. (a) shows the results of PIV measurements, and (b) meshes. A growth rate of 1.7 would generate a mesh
and (c) show CFD results. The surface mesh was number of about 50 million, while a growth rate of 1.1
approximately 1 mm, and the realizable k-ε model was would produce a mesh number of about 300 million.
used as the turbulence model. (b) shows results for y+- Figure 7 shows the difference in space mesh density
1, and (c) shows results for y+-10. y+ expresses the state produced by a difference in the growth rate. It is clear
of the flow as a dimensionless number calculated from
the friction velocity at the nearest wall, the distance to
the nearest wall, and local kinetic viscosity. For the
simulation of separation, it was taken as effective to
place the first mesh on the viscous sub-layer (y+-1). The
height of the first mesh for Y+-1 was 10µm.
CCD camera 2
Cylindrical lens
Traverse system
Traverse along x -axis
(a) PIV (b) CFDy+ - 1 (c) CFDy+ - 10 (a) Propagation 1.7 (b) Propagation 1.1
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that a low growth rate helps to enable a high mesh number of RH points per map varies with the purpose
density to be maintained even in areas distant from the of the map. The maps used in development feature a
object. comparatively low number of RH, while the maps used
Figure 8 shows the Cp distribution under the vehicle. in vehicle dynamics analyses (termed “mapping data”)
It was possible to maintain a higher mesh density around are selected to incorporate a larger number of RH.
the vehicle in the case of (b), which was generated using Using these RH maps, vehicle downforce was
a cocoon, than was the case for (a), generated without optimized in relation to target drag for each circuit.
using a cocoon. This minimized the effect of numerical
diffusion and, as a result, produced strong suction. This 3.2.2. Adding yaw (cross-winds), steer, and roll
indicates the effectiveness of using a high mesh density The recent advancement in wind tunnel facilities and
and conducting the simulation within the effective wave the associated control technologies have enabled yaw,
numbers. steer, and roll to be added to the tests in addition to RH
A Linux device with a 128 GB memory was used to control. This has helped to enable aerodynamics
run PrePost. The calculation server was equipped with development using vehicle orientations closer to actual
a 1024-core Xeon® 3.0 GHz CPU, using InfiniBand conditions. Yaw (or cross-winds) and steer have become
interconnects. At a growth rate of 1.1 generating 300 indispensable elements in recent aerodynamics
million meshes, 24 hours was required to converge development for Formula One, and developments are
enough for FLUENT 6.3 with 256 parallel computations. now conducted using complex vehicle orientations in a
single RH map in which yaw, steer, and roll are
3.1. Regulations
The major part of aerodynamics development for
Formula One consists of optimization of the form of the
vehicle within the scope allowed by the FIA regulations.
In addition to specifying the “regulation box,” the scope
within which any aero parts must fit (Fig. 9), the
regulations also contain a flat-bottom rule prohibiting the
three-dimensional shape of the vehicle floor, a shadow
rule prohibiting the use of wings and other projections
that would provide ground effects in certain areas, and
a rule specifying the number of RW vanes.
The regulations are also revised every few years in
order to control vehicle speed increases resulting from
Fig. 9 Regulation box and F1 chassis
the ongoing evolution of aerodynamics.
3.2. Ride Height Map
3.2.1. The ride height map defined 60
Using an advanced control logic, a simulation was
Rear RH [mm]
conducted of the 50% model in the wind tunnel at the 50
ride height (RH) of an actual vehicle, and aerodynamic 45
performance was evaluated as the arithmetic mean of 40
multiple RH. These multiple vehicle orientations form 35
what is termed an RH map, which plays an important
role in determining in what direction the vehicle can be 20
optimized. Figure 10 shows an example of an RH map. 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
The most basic type of RH map is formed by Front RH [mm]
selecting representative RH figures that enclose groups
of RH measurements drawn from circuit data. The Fig. 10 Ride height map
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Development Methodologies for Formula One Aerodynamics
Given this, together with the evolution of systems for orientation is considered as a reduction in effective
controlling changes in vehicle orientation, a method of downforce.
discretely reproducing a sequence of vehicle orientations Even today, methods of evaluation of aerodynamic
linked to cornering while braking and accelerating on an performance and the vehicle dynamic performance it
RH map was developed. This is termed a trajectory map. generates are still being explored at the wind tunnel
During actual cornering, a vehicle turns at a specific test stage.
angular velocity. Because of this, the air flows at the
front and rear of the vehicle have different inflow angles. 4. Formulation of New Development Indices
The angular velocity is greater in the case of a Formula
One vehicle than a normal car, and its effect therefore This chapter will discuss the new development
cannot be ignored. The difference in the front-rear inflow indices to be analyzed, the effect of tire deformation on
angle is particularly pronounced during low- and aerodynamic load and the transient characteristics of the
medium-speed cornering, when the angular velocity is aerodynamic load produced on the RW during
high in relation to vehicle speed, and viewed from the deceleration.
perspective of a vehicle, the air flow appears bent. This
is termed a curved flow (Fig. 11). 4.1. Effect of Tire Deformation on Aerodynamic
Curved flow could not, of course, be reproduced in Characteristics
wind tunnel tests. CFD was therefore used to investigate When the vehicle is cornering, accelerating, or
its effect, and the phenomenon was responded to by decelerating, the tires are constantly deformed due to
adding a type of yaw correction to the trajectory map. vertical, lateral, and longitudinal forces (Fig. 12).
However, the only loads that can be applied to the tires
3.2.4. Weighting and penalties during full-scale wind tunnel tests are the vertical force
Trajectory maps functioned very well to reproduce from the weight of the vehicle and the aerodynamic
the characteristics of specific corners, but lacked downforce. Similarly to model-scale wind tunnel tests,
flexibility in terms of evaluation of the overall dynamic it is only possible to apply vertical loads from the wheels
performance of the vehicle attributed to aerodynamics. and tires, and some side force from the belt. In other
In addition, the importance of minimizing shifts in the words, the deformation of the tires due to side force or
vehicle’s aerodynamic center (CoP) when the vehicle longitudinal force when the vehicle is cornering,
orientation changes was reconfirmed from the accelerating or decelerating cannot be accurately
perspective of vehicle dynamic performance. reproduced in a wind tunnel. It was therefore necessary
Given this, the viable options were weighting of the to study the effect of tire deformation on the
RH and the application of penalties in response to shifts aerodynamic performance of the vehicle when it is
in the CoP. Weighting of the RH involves consideration actually running on a race track, and use the data
of importance of low-, medium-, and high-speed corners, obtained to formulate new indices for aerodynamics
and employing a weighted means weighted towards RH development, such as methods of reproducing tire
corresponding to the corners where the level of deformation effect in a wind tunnel. This new index then
contribution to lap times is higher. The application of enables an aerodynamically robust vehicle against tire
penalties is a method of quantifying and evaluating the deformation to be developed.
level of robustness to changes in vehicle orientations, in First, the forces acting on the tires when the vehicle
which shift of the CoP as a result of changes in vehicle is running on a track were reproduced in rig tests, and
the shapes of deformed tires were obtained using three-
Equivalent air flow condition dimensional shape measurement systems. Using these
At low-speed corners At low-speed corners shapes, CFD was employed to analyze air flows, helping
to clarify the effects of the deformed tires to the
Body side slip aerodynamic performance of the vehicle. Next, a method
of reproducing these flows in a wind tunnel was
This chapter will focus on tire deformation due to
side force, which displayed the highest level of
contribution to vehicle aerodynamics.
Body side slip
Yaw rate
Vertical force
Side force
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4.1.1. Circuit data of 7000 N. The side wall of the tire is deflected by
The forces acting on the tires when the vehicle is in approximately 20 mm in the lateral direction at close
operation were calculated from the pushrod load and proximity to the road surface.
other parameters. As an example, Fig. 13 shows the side
force on the left front tire during a single lap of a circuit 4.1.3 Analysis of flow when front tire is deformed by
obtained from circuit data, and Fig. 14 shows the side force
vertical position of the tire axis resulting from the force The measured front tire shape was analyzed using
acting on the tire. The maximum side force acting on CFD. This analysis showed that, in comparison to a tire
the outer tire reaches a maximum of 10000 N, and the with no side force acting on it, approximately 5% of the
vertical displacement of the tire axis, i.e., the amount of vehicle’s downforce was lost when a side force of 9000
vertical squash displaced by the tire, is as high as 25 mm N acted on the tire. Figure 17 shows the total pressure
due also to the vertical force from the downforce acting distribution close to the road surface with and without
at the moment. In addition, during deceleration, a load a side force acting on the tire. The results show that the
of approximately 5000 N acts on the tire in a rearward position of the separation point on the outboard-side wall
direction. of the tire moves back significantly when a side force
acts on the tire.
4.1.2. Shape measurement of deformed tires This backwards shift of the separation point changes
The loads acting on tires for vehicles running on the circulation around the tire in the XY planes, and the
track were reproduced in rig tests (Fig. 15), and the tire wake which previously flowed to the outboard of the
shapes of the tires were measured using three- vehicle now flows under the vehicle (Fig. 18). The fact
dimensional measurement systems, including FARO, that this reduces the dynamic pressure underneath the
Vectron, and T-Scan. However, because these were static
loads, the deformation of the tire due to centrifugal force
during rotation was not reproduced. As an example, Fig.
16 shows the shape of a tire subjected to a side force
Side force [N]
Fig. 16 Snapshots of scanned tire
120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
Time [s]
Tire loaded radius [mm]
(a) Baseline
120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
Time [s] (b) Fy: 9000 N
Fig. 14 Front tire loaded radius on track Fig. 17 Total pressure distribution
Fy: 9000 N
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Development Methodologies for Formula One Aerodynamics
vehicle, resulting in a decline in downforce, can be seen downforce, which agrees with the CFD results
from the change in the static pressure underneath the qualitatively as well.
vehicle when the tire goes from a state of no side force Despite differences in the exact shape of tire
to one in which side force is acting (Fig. 19). deformation, both CFD and wind tunnel results showed
Next, the reason for the shift of the separation point that the deformation of the tires produces a backwards
was analyzed. First, a simulation was conducted to apply shift of the separation point, which causes the loss of
the surface form of a tire with no side force acting on downforce on the vehicle.
it to outboard side of a tire with a side force applied
(Fig. 20). The resulting forward shift of the separation 4.1.4. Analysis of flow when rear tire is deformed by
point resulted in a recovery of 4% of the 5% loss in side force
downforce. CFD was used to conduct an analysis for the rear
Next, the shape of the tire contact patch was focused tires in the same way as previously conducted for the
on, and a simulation was conducted with an edge applied front tires. The results showed that approximately 4% of
to the corner of the leading edge of the outboard side the vehicle’s downforce was lost when a side force of
of the tire with a side force applied (Fig. 21). In this 6500 N was applied, as compared to a state in which no
case, 4.5% of the downforce was recovered as well, side force was applied. Figure 23 compares the total
producing a result almost identical to that for a tire with
no side force acting on it.
Next, this phenomenon was reproduced using a 50%
model in a wind tunnel. However, because side force
cannot be applied to the tires in a wind tunnel, at first
only the vertical displacement was reproduced.
Figure 22 shows the results of measurement taken
using two-component PIV. As in the case of the CFD
results, the deformation of the tire resulted in the (a) Baseline
backwards shift of the separation point on the outboard-
side wall of the tire. It also showed 3% loss of
Baseline packer
Outboard Inboard
Flow direction
Fig. 21 Result of edged contact patch corner Fig. 23 Tire wake comparison (total pressure)
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pressure distribution close to the diffuser for tires with tunnel tests, as discussed in Section 4.1.3. In addition,
no side force and a side force of 6500 N. When the side PIV confirmed that this change in the normalized
force is applied, the separation area of the inner side of downforce occurred with the shift of the separation point
the tire becomes large (shown by the solid circle in the on the outboard side of the tire.
figure), simultaneously, as was the case for the front tire, Figure 26 shows the shape of a front tire when the
the separation point shifts to the rear (shown by the downforces generated at vehicle speeds of 40 m/s and
broken circle in the figure), and the wake of the tire 70 m/s were statically loaded on it. The results show that
flows to the center of the vehicle (shown by the solid the increase in load relaxes the apex of the outboard side
square in the figure). The fact that this becomes a of the contact patch, and increases the degree of
blockage and results in the decline of the diffuser flow, deformation of the bottom of the tire.
with a consequent decline in the vehicle’s downforce, However, in addition to the effect of the deformation
can be judged from the change in the static pressure of the tires, the effects of deflection of bodywork due
underneath the vehicle when the tire goes from a state to wind and variations in the position of the suspension
of no side force to one in which side force is applied arms are also included in the changes in the downforce,
(Fig. 24). and these effects, however small they may be, need to
be taken into account.
4.1.5. Verification of effect using full-scale wind tunnel
tests 4.1.6. Effect of differences between tire manufacturers
The results obtained from CFD and model-scale wind The shape of the deflection of the side of the tire and
tunnel tests were verified using an actual vehicle in the the shape of the contact patch also differ between tire
wind tunnel. Due to the system limitations of the wind manufacturers, and the effects of these parameters
tunnel, it is impossible to apply any loads to the tires therefore also differ. For example, if tires manufactured
other than the weight of the vehicle and the downforce. by maker A and maker B which display an identical
Therefore, changes in the downforce produced by amount of squashing are compared using CFD, the
changes in wind speed were used to vary the amount of vehicle downforce when maker B’s tires are used will
squash of the tires in the vertical direction, the effect of be approximately 5% lower. As Fig. 27 shows, this is
which was analyzed. At this time, RH was adjusted by because the separation point on the outboard of maker
varying the length of the push rods. B’s front tires shifts rearward, and the wakes from the
Figure 25 shows the amount of squashing of the inner sides of the maker’s rear tires are large. This
front tires and the rate of change of normalized tendency matches the changes in magnitude of the
downforce against wind speed. The downforce at a wind normalized downforce in the full-scale wind tunnel tests
speed of 30 m/s was employed as the standard for the
rate of change of downforce. Normalized downforce
declines with the squashing of the tires as the downforce Wind speed: 40 m/s
increases with increasing wind speed. This matches the
Wind speed: 70 m/s
tendency of results from CFD and the model-scale wind
-5.000e-02 Outbd Inbd Outbd Inbd
0.0 10.0
Squash amount [mm]
-2.0 Downforce 8.0
Front squash 7.0
-4.0 Rear squash 6.0
5.0 Maker B
-6.0 4.0
-8.0 2.0
-10.0 0.0
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Wind speed [m/s]
Fig. 25 Squash and downforce change Fig. 27 Total pressure under floor
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Development Methodologies for Formula One Aerodynamics
(Fig. 28). However, because the shape of the contact 4.2.1. Test conditions
patch also changes with the camber and other First, in order to make non-aerodynamic factors such
parameters, a conclusion cannot be drawn until these as deformation of the RW under loads correspond to
other factors are taken into consideration. conditions when the vehicle was actually running on a
race track, the aerodynamic loads in a towing tank and
4.1.7. Methods of reproducing tire deflection in wind that on a track were coordinated. If the forces in air and
tunnel in water are coordinated, i.e., the dynamic pressure is
In order to obtain stable aerodynamic performance on made constant,
the track, it was necessary to increase robustness against
tire deformation. This made it necessary to reproduce q= ρU 2 = const
worst-case scenarios in wind tunnel development. It was 2
considered that using the pushrods to apply vertical loads where ρ: density and U: speed,
to the tire, or, as shown in Fig. 29, using a roller to push then at an atmospheric temperature of 25˚C and a
the side wall from the inner side of the tire, would be water temperature of 15˚C, the speed in water will be
effective methods of doing so.
4.2. Transient Aerodynamic Characteristics during Uwater = Uair = 0.034Uair
Data obtained during track test had indicated the i.e., the speed in water will be one-thirtieth of that
possibility that normalized downforce declined when the in air. The Reynolds number at this time is given by
vehicle was decelerating. In particular, it was possible
that the normalized downforce was declining because of Uwaterνair
Rewater = Reair = 0.47 Reair
the development of a boundary layer at the RW due to Uairνwater
deceleration and the fact that the RW wake overtook it.
An actual RW was therefore used in slow-motion tests where ν: dynamic viscosity coefficient. The Reynolds
in a water towing tank, and the occurrence or non- number in water is half its value in air, but considering
occurrence of separation and the changes in load when changes in vehicle speed and the results of model-scale
the vehicle was decelerating were analyzed. wind tunnel tests, this was in an allowable range.
When the Froude number is made constant,
4.6 U2
Fr = = const
4.5 gL
4.4 where g: acceleration and L: reference length, the
acceleration in water is expressed by
U 2water
gwater = gair = 0.0012gair
Maker A
U 2air
Maker B i.e., acceleration in water is 1/1000 of that in air.
Given this, it is possible to conduct slow-motion tests
3.9 in water, and transient aerodynamic loads during
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
deceleration, which are challenging to measure when the
Wind speed [m/s]
vehicle is actually running on a race track due to error
factors, can be measured with a high degree of accuracy.
Fig. 28 Normalized downforce comparison
During this program of tests, deceleration tests from
0.005-0.05 G and fixed-speed tests from 1.02-2.94 m/s
(corresponding to 106-307 km/h in air) were conducted.
Fig. 29 Method of deforming rubber tire in wind tunnel Fig. 30 Towing tank
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component load cell and a mounting rig were attached when, for example, dealing with higher-load RW or
to the towing train, and the RW was positioned upside- studying aeroelasticity. In addition, the towing tank was
down in 1 m of water. To help prevent waves from being an effective means of reproducing new fluid phenomena,
generated on the surface of the water, an acrylic plate such as when studying the possibility of a decline in the
was positioned close to the surface (Fig. 31). normalized RW downforce during deceleration due to the
rear-tire wakes overtaking the RW.
4.2.3. Test results
In order to investigate the existence of transient 5. Afterword
aerodynamic characteristics during deceleration, the RW
downforce when decelerating from 2.94 m/s This paper has discussed aerodynamics development
(corresponding to 307 km/h in air) at 0.005 G indices used until 2008, and new indices such as the
(corresponding to 4.2 G in air) was compared with analysis of the effect of tire deformation on aerodynamic
values for driving at a constant speed (Fig. 32). The loads and the analysis of transient aerodynamic
same tests were conducted with braking G-force varied characteristics during deceleration. These efforts
down to 0.05 G. No transient characteristics during deepened understanding of the air flow around the
deceleration were observed during these tests, verifying vehicle actually running on a race track.
that the RW was fulfilling its function as a unit
according to design targets even when the vehicle was Acknowledgments
The result indicated that towing tank tests were an The authors wish to take this opportunity to offer
effective method of verifying performance on a track their sincere thanks to all the staff members of the
former BAR and HRF1 for their many years of
assistance in aerodynamics developments, and also to the
Acrylic plate staff of IHI Corporation who generously offered their
advice and assistance in the towing tank tests.
Fig. 31 RW assembly
Deceleration: 0.005 G
Constant speed
Constant speed
Downforce [N]
Constant speed
Atsushi OGAWA Shujiro YANO Susumu MASHIO
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Speed [m/s]
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