Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence
9 + S
4 O N
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1 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1. What is the name of the type of benefit C. Dashboard
in which information is known to improve D. KPI
decision making?
4. Retrieving system information to check re-
A. Tangible benefit
source availability before a package is ex-
B. Intangible benefit ecuted (OnPreExecute), is one of the tasks
C. Strategic benefit of
A. Event parameter
D. Productive profit
B. Task parameter
2. This is a broad term to describe a system C. Package parameter
of storing data on a different server and
D. Project parameter
accessing it via a network. The server
could be offsite or onsite. E. there is no right answer
A. cloud 5. Decision making is the process of
B. cookie A. choosing the best from available alter-
C. algorithm
B. going with the opinion of the majority
D. ethics
C. both of these
3. It is the process that allows organizations D. none of these
to move data from multiple sources, refor-
mat and clean it, and load it into another 6. Which of the following is not a feature of
database, data mart, or data warehouse an SSD?
for analysis, or into another operational A. Clarify the strategic map
system to support a business process. B. fast response time
A. ETL C. integration between all systems
B. Pentaho D. availability of historical information
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. A
7. A database is essential to all shopping 12. What does OLTP stand for?
websites. A. Over-speed Transparent Processing
18. The environment in which organizations 23. An analysis type that describe “why did it
operate today is becoming each day happen”
A. simpler A. Historical
B. more complex B. Operational
C. impossible C. Analytical
D. a norm D. Predictive
19. Market basket analysis is a useful and fun 24. Boeing is a global aerospace company
way to explain data mining to a less tech- known for its aircraft manufacturing. How
nologically savvy audience, but it has little does Boeing leverage business intelligence
commercial significance. to improve its operations?
A. TRUE A. By using business intelligence to ana-
lyze customer feedback and improve prod-
B. Faux
uct design.
20. The data is stored, retrieved & updated in B. By implementing business intelligence
tools for financial analysis and reporting.
A. OLAP. C. By utilizing business intelligence to op-
B. OLTP. timize supply chain logistics and minimize
D. By leveraging real-time data analytics
D. FTP. to optimize production schedules and en-
hance efficiency.
21. How can social network analysis help busi-
nesses? 25. The way to build a good story with Data
A. Identifying the right target market for with 3 “easy steps” is
a product or service A. Introduction information conclusion
B. Produce financial reports for the com- B. setup conflict resolution
C. problem conflict resolution
C. Increase the company’s social media
D. problem solution call-to-action
D. Running traditional marketing cam- 26. In ROLAP, data is stored in multidimen-
paigns sional arrays.
A. True
22. Concept that refers to data sets so large
that traditional computer applications of B. False
data processing are not sufficient to deal
27. What 4 tasks do organizations use BI for?
with them and to the procedures used to
find repetitive patterns within that data. A. Informing; Deciding; Decoding;
Project Manager
A. Business intelligence
B. Informing; Deciding; Problem solving;
B. MySQL Project Manager
C. Artificial intelligence C. Informing; Deciding; Extracting;
D. Big Data Project Manager
18. B 19. B 20. B 21. A 22. D 23. C 24. D 25. B 26. B 27. B
28. A 29. B 30. A 30. C 31. B 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. C 36. A
A. Perform data related task
D. Using the internet to collect more data,
B. Data Visualization sometimes unwillingly
C. Its ETL tool
44. Which one of the following is not an imple-
D. its DataBase mentation activity for an information sys-
39. How many components does a business in- tem?
telligence system include? A. System documentation
A. 1 B. A marketing plan
B. 2 C. User training and development
C. 3 D. Software development
D. 4
45. In data mining, classification models help
40. In which of the phases of the first stage in prediction.
of the BI project do we take into account
what the end users are like? A. TRUE
A. Determination of objectives B. Faux
B. Determination of needs 46. Why is one of the characteristics of busi-
C. Determination of the characteristics of ness tools flexibility?
the organization A. So that the tools are easy to use
D. Definition of user characteristics
B. Since they allow different data sources
41. Identifies the primary location where data to be automatically loaded.
is collected C. Since the information can be personal-
A. Source data ized.
B. Data set D. Since it guarantees user access to all
C. Database data.
D. Server 47. What scientific discipline studies methods
42. It is the dimension that is shared in multi- for extracting knowledge or information
ple Data Marts from big data?
37. D 38. A 39. C 40. D 41. A 42. D 43. C 44. B 45. A 46. C 47. B 48. A
A. A query that is made out of the blue 57. What BI approach do the different depart-
without any prior knowledge ments of the company take into account?
B. creating a one-off, “on demand” re- A. Object-Process Driven Approach
port from BI or analytics software that an-
B. Joint Approach
swers a specific business question.
C. Event-Driven Approach
C. A latin phrase that helps to confuse
people that you are talking to. D. Value-Chain Data Approach
49. B 50. C 51. A 51. C 52. B 53. A 54. A 55. B 56. C 57. B 58. D
58. This is an approach to selling goods and 63. This is a service that permits a user to use
services in which a prospect explicitly one set of login credentials (e.g., name and
agrees in advance to receive marketing in- password) to access multiple applications.
formation. The service authenticates the end user for
all the applications the user has been given
A. customer managed relationship
rights to and eliminates further prompts
B. data mining when the user switches applications dur-
ing the same session.
C. permission marketing
A. single sign-on
D. one-to-one marketing
B. marketing
E. batch processing
59. If you are driving a bus and, at the first D. patent
stop, 13 passengers get on and 11 get off,
at the second, 6 get on and 1 get off, and 64. What is a predictive model used for?
at the third, 13 get on and 7 get off, then A. Describe a behavior based on known
what is the name of the driver? behaviors
A. Don’t be ATTENTION! and tell me B. Predict a correlation between data
B. It’s me C. Find a link between explanatory vari-
C. Otto Mann (The Simpson) ables and a variable to predict
61. The data Warehouse is 66. What is the task taking the most time in a
day of Data Scientist?
A. read only.
A. Communication
B. write only.
B. Work with data
C. read write only.
C. Report
D. none.
D. none of above
62. Application Software is designed to 67. What does OLAP stand for
A. Retrieve A. Online transformational processing
B. Analyze B. Online transaction processing
C. Transform C. Online transitional processing
D. All the above D. Online Logical Analyse Protocol
59. B 60. C 61. A 62. D 63. A 64. C 65. A 66. B 67. B 68. A
68. K Means algorithm is used for cluster anal- 74. How do we get actionable insights from
ysis data?
D. 4GiB A. webinar
B. dark post
70. What are the 4 components of a KPI
C. geotargeting
A. Metric, Purpose, Status and Trend D. bio
B. Metric, Purpose, Structure and trend
76. What protocol is associated with the Web
C. Metric, Pupose, status, Target browsing (WWW) service?
D. Metric, Purpose, Stucture, target A. FTP
71. Based on several criteria, banks classify
customers C. HTTP
A. 3
B. 4 77. Which discipline allows you to carry out
exploratory analyzes and discover, for ex-
C. 5 ample, customer profiles?
D. 6 A. Datta Shading
B. le data mining
72. KPI is an abbreviation of
C. le deep learning
A. Key Performance Indicators
D. le deep faking
B. Key Processes Indicators
78. ETL is it?
C. Key Performance Identifier
A. Extraction-Treatment-Change
D. Key Processes Identifier
B. Extraction-Transformation-Chargement
73. Which of the perspectives refers to human
capital? C. Extraction-Processing-Loading
A. Learning D. none of above
B. Internal Processes 79. What is E-R model used for?
C. Customers A. To extract content from the database
D. Finance B. To design and visualize database
69. D 70. A 71. C 72. A 73. A 74. D 75. A 76. C 77. B 78. B 79. B
rithms. A. Sales increase
A. TRUE B. Apply business strategies
B. FAUX C. Launch marketing campaign
81. IS stands for D. Offer new products
A. Internal services 87. In the marketing department, what is busi-
B. Information systems ness intelligence useful for?
C. International sales A. Link information to relate cost/benefit
D. Intelligent strategy B. Identify customer segments and help
study their behavior
82. It can be considered that the essence of
Business Intelligence is C. Understand customer needs to take
A. Streamline decision making advantage of market opportunities
B. Generate knowledge from data and in- D. Identify market segments and retain
formation the most profitable customers
C. Data transformation and integration 88. What are some of the business environ-
D. Analysis and representation of data mental factors that make the business be-
coming more complex?
83. What is the port used with the DNS ser-
vice? A. Supplier demand, advertisement com-
panies, and technology
A. 43
B. Supplier demand, markets, societal,
B. 53
and advertisement companies
C. 60
C. Markets, consumer demands, technol-
D. 777 ogy, and societal
84. These costs depend on what is already in- D. Advertisement companies, consumer
stalled. If a data warehouse is in use, then demands, and societal
the principal hardware needed is a data
mart specifically for BI and, perhaps, an 89. What are data called that describe the
upgrade for the data warehouse. physical characteristics of the data?
A. Software costs A. Transactional data
B. Personnel costs B. Technical metadata
C. Hardware costs C. Business metadata
D. none of above D. Operational data
80. A 81. B 82. B 83. B 84. C 85. B 86. A 87. B 88. C 89. B 90. B
90. Which of the following is used to help iden- 95. Executive Information Systems (EIS)
tify changes in data over time? A. 1970s
91. D 92. D 93. B 94. C 95. B 96. A 97. A 98. B 99. A 99. B 99. C 100. D
intelligence tools available in the market
include:reporting and querying software, B. What happened yesterday?
data visualization and dashboarding tools, C. What’s happening today?
self-service BI platforms, and advanced
D. When did it happen?
analytics tools.
107. Decision Support Systems use to pro-
102. What is Moore’s law?
duce information
A. The number of transistors on a mi-
A. Observation
crochip doubles about every two years
B. Description
B. The CPU performance mark doubles
about every two years C. Analisis what-if
C. The RAM cost increases about every D. All answers are correct
two years
108. Data warehouse, Business Analytics,
D. The RAM cost decreases about every BPM, dan User interface merupakan
two years
103. A characteristic of a patent licensing: B. Main Objectives of BI
A. Cover science C. Definition of BI
B. Ivestment coverage D. Main Components of BI
C. Cover innovation E. Main Benefits of BI
D. Export coverage
109. purification process
104. What does the scalability of a data min- A. data cleansing
ing method refer to?
B. cleansing process
A. its ability to accurately predict the out-
come of a previously unknown data set 110. Process in Business Intelligence (Correct)
B. its calculation speed and calculation A. Data Source-ETL DWH-Data Mining
costs in using the mode OLAP-Data Analysis Reporting-Decision
C. its ability to build a prediction model Making
efficiently given a large amount of data B. ETL DWH-Data Source-Data Analysis
D. its ability to overcome noisy data to Reporting-Decision Making-Data Mining
make fairly accurate predictions OLAP
C. Data Mining OLAP-Data Analysis
105. Fuzzy logic is usually represented as Reporting-Decision Making-Data Source-
D. none of above B. dissimilar characteristics.
122. This is an umbrella term that includes C. similar collection methods.
the applications, infrastructure, tools, and
best practices that enable access to and D. dissimilar collection methods.
analysis of information to help organiza-
127. Which of the following cannot be an-
tions improve and optimize decisions and
swered using business intelligence
A. business intelligence A. Where has the business been?
B. Offer a decision support tool 129. What statement below best describes
C. Building Dashboards why we do data analytics in business?
D. Collect structured and unstructured A. Analytics improve our understanding
data of how the business works
125. This is a systematic approach to the gath- B. We must show a return on the invest-
ering, consolidation, and processing of con- ment we make in data & analytical re-
sumer data (both for customers and poten- sources
tial customers) that is maintained in a com- C. We need specific insights to make busi-
pany’s databases. ness decisions
A. database marketing D. We have to calculate & report financial
B. marketing encyclopedia results to owners / shareholders
130. Who handle raw data? 136. sort, summarize, consolidate, compute
A. Data Analyst views, check integrity, and build indices
and partitions
134. Creating a model by classifying data to 139. OLAP summarizes data and makes fore-
predict data values is a technique of Data casts. Data mining discovers patterns
Mining. in data.
A. *Clustering A. obvious
B. *Visualization B. hidden
C. *Association C. output
D. *Classification D. input
135. The values of the set membership is rep- 140. Data that can be used for Business intel-
resented by ligence is (Which is wrong)
A. Discrete Set A. Past Data
B. Degree of truth B. Current Data
C. Probabilities C. Future Data
D. Both Degree of truth & Probabilities D. Time Series Data (Time Series)
and/or machines carry out business pro-
cesses, using information, technology, C. Data Mart
and other resources, to produce products D. Smart Data
and/or services for internal or external
147. Tools for Predictive Analysis (More than
1 answer)
A. Work System
A. Rapid Miner
B. Decision Support System
B. Microsoft Azure Machine Learning
C. Executive Information System C. Knime Analytics Platform
D. The BI system D. SAP Predictive Analytics
E. Management Support System E. IBM Predictive Avalytics
143. Business intelligence is only possible with 148. What are the two main structures of a
big applications like powerBI DW?
A. Yes, Expensive software is nessecairy A. Surrogate keys and data mart
B. Yes, if it doesn’t have a database, it’s B. Fact and Dimension Tables
not really BI C. Snowflake and star schemes
C. No, anything can be used as business D. None of the above
149. What are the skills that a Data Engineer
D. No, Business intelligence means using
should have?
data to support your case and displaying
it in an understandable way. A. Programming languages:Java, Python,
144. What is not a characteristic of a data
B. Good understanding of DS&A
C. Understanding of ETL tools
A. Topic direction
D. All answers are correct
B. Integration
150. What according to you is the role of Busi-
C. Sustainable space
ness Intelligence
D. Timed
A. To collect information on the competi-
145. . What is a field in a related database tors
table that refers to the primary key in the B. To streamline the Business Processes
primary table?
C. To evolve the organization from being
A. Secondary key Product to Customer Centric
B. Table key D. All the above
151. A business intelligence solution is repre- 156. Knowledge and Information is one and
sented by a series of the same thing
Advantages of a indirect exporting- ing a set of non-linear transformation func-
A. TRUE tions arranged in layers and depth is the
B. FALSE meaning of
A. Deep Learning
163. What is this following a definition
of?Stores data/information in an organ- B. Hierarchical Learning
ised way
C. Deep Structures Learning
A. Field
D. All True
B. Database
C. Record 168. What is the most accurate definition of
Business Intelligence?
D. File/Table
A. A reporting tool
164. What is a classification in data mining:
B. Reports and dashboards with graphs
A. represent a multi-dimensional point
and visualizations
cloud in 3D with “minimal” loss of infor-
mation C. Applications that transform data into
B. generalize a modeled structure to a meaningful information which helps busi-
new dataset ness make better decisions
171. CSV file format is commonly used as a 175. Which of the licenses protect secrecies?
data source in this type of tool A. Copyright licesing
181. systems include in Business Intelli- is the primarily the collective exper-
gence tise/experiences of the organizations em-
A. DSS ployees.
A. Business Intelligence
B. Knowledge Management System
C. Systems Planning & Development
D. Decision System Support
182. How much data is created every day in
2018? 187. What are the phases of the BI process?
D. All of the above 189. In what year did the use of the
term “business intelligence” become
184. The tools that allow transformation of widespread?
data into information and knowledge
A. 1970
A. Data warehouse
B. 1989
B. Business analytics
C. 1997
C. Business performance management D. 2005
D. User interface
190. The followings are examples of low-
185. What is the Full form of SQL? cardinality columns, except
A. Structured Query Letter A. gender
B. Structured Quality Language B. last education
C. Structured Query Language C. price
D. Simple Query Language D. department
186. Perform business intelligence activities 191. The types of decisions decided by the
while also pursuing the creation of middle-management level are
new knowledge in an organization A. strategic
B. The use of information collected C. Printer
through different channels to facilitate D. none of above
decision-making at management level.
208. Which of the following is an application
C. Software providing access to informa-
of Artificial Intelligence?
A. It helps to exploit vulnerabilities to se-
D. has. all data (data models and infras-
cure the firm
tructure), information access tools and
analysis techniques that enable the trans- B. Language understanding and problem-
formation of data into useful information solving
for organizational decision-making. C. Easy to create a website
204. A Computing Professional in charge of D. It helps to deploy applications on the
Data Warehouses and ETL Automation cloud
A. Data Scientist 209. is a tool that displays a user interface
B. BI Analyst that describes the measurement of organi-
zational achievements
C. Data Engineer
A. Dashboard
D. none of above
205. Expert System is a system that helps sup- C. Decision Support System
port and who is involved.
D. Portals
211. One of the worst practices when building E. there is no right answer
a Business Intelligence project is: 215. Disadvantages of a direct export-
A. Let common users participate in the ing:control of activities overseas tranfers
project. to the intermediary organization
B. Leave common users out of the A. TRUE
project. B. FALSE
C. Conduct interviews with users.
216. What do you consider to be the purpose
D. Perform exploratory analyzes at the of business intelligence solutions in organi-
beginning of the project. zations?
212. -Common/contextual, posed/distributed A. Facilitate data collection
among a few experts-extensive training B. Facilitate decision making
and/or experience C. Data integration
A. Organizational knowledge D. Promote business sales
B. Knowledge Acquisition
217. Standard error of regression analysis is
C. Expert knowledge known as
D. none of above A. average of coefficient
213. What is the significance of data visualiza- B. variance of residual
tion in business intelligence? C. mean of residual
A. Data visualization is irrelevant in busi- D. average of residual
ness intelligence
218. A technique of selling an additional prod-
B. Data visualization in business intelli-
uct or service to an existing customer is
gence is used for designing graphic user
called selling.
A. up
C. Data visualization in business intelli-
gence is significant as it helps in present- B. down
ing complex data in an understandable C. cross
and interactive format.
D. side
D. Data visualization in business intel-
ligence slows down data retrieval and 219. Data Mining task that is used to deter-
query performance mine which things go together. Typically
used to help in cross-selling
214. Connecting executable files, containers A. Affinity Grouping (market basket anal-
and tasks in package control flow, and ysis)
determining the conditions that determine
whether they can be executed or not is the B. Prediction
task of C. Clustering
A. destination D. CLassification
C. A business intelligence computer com-
D. Perform analysis for each source
ponent that will help the translation of dif-
ferent types of data into one format 225. What is not included in the type of data
D. A small data repository that is focused flow provided by SQL Server Integration
on information for a specific subject area Service is
of the company, such as Sales, Finance, or A. destination
B. transformation
221. The first step in a Stage-gate process is
C. task
D. source
A. Demonstrate a plan
E. there is no right answer
B. Initiate learning
C. Generate ideas and concepts 226. How many support activities were dis-
D. All of these cussed during the presentation?
A. 2
222. How does data warehousing contribute
to business intelligence? B. 3
Computing capabilities in progressD. Accu- 233. Focuses solely on capturing data, ma-
mulate dataE. Use IT tools to process data nipulating the data and analyzing the
in a semi-automated or automated manner data. It is concerned with internal
232. Amongst which of the following shows 237. An analysis type that describe “what will
an example of unstructured data happen happen”
A. Students roll number, age A. Historical
B. Videos B. Operational
C. Audio files C. Analytical
D. Both B and C D. Predictive
238. It is a business control tool that allows C. sheet that has controls that are used
you to establish and monitor the objectives to view and enter information
of a company and its different areas or D. group of information about a person,
units. thing, or event.
A. OLAP cube
243. They don’t necessarily have to be useful.
B. Big Data
C. Dashboard
B. Data
D. Data mining
C. Reportes/Dashboards
239. What is the main goal of data integra- D. Applications
244. data is information that does not re-
A. Ultimately, the data must be used in side in a relational database but that have
a homogeneous manner as if they consti- some organizational properties that make
tuted a single database, thus allowing an it easier to analyze
analysis of the existing situation.
A. structured
B. Ultimately, the data will be duplicable
B. semi structured
through the Cloud.
C. unstructured
C. Ultimately, the data should only be con-
trolled by the administrator. D. none of the above
D. Ultimately, the data is kept in the orga- 245. Feedback connection strength are usu-
nization’s archives. ally?
240. Which among the statements are correct? A. fixed
D. Depends on obsolete legacy systems. 252. This type of franchise is typically run
Explanation:Modern BI is characterized by from regional head offices and will in-
allowing users to collaborate and create volve the development, management and
257. Point out the correct statement D. group of information about a person,
thing, or event.
to an assortment of software applications C. Transaction processing systems
for analyzing an organization’s raw data
for intelligent decision making D. Executive unit systems
B. Business intelligence equips enter- 262. DOES NOT store historical changes
prises to gain business advantage from A. SCD 0
B. SCD 4
C. BI makes an organization agile
thereby giving it a lower edge in today’s C. SCD 5
evolving market condition D. SCD 1
D. None of the mentioned E. SCD 2
258. what data analytics provides us with 263. Which of the following does not corre-
A. hidden insights spond to risks in a BI project?
B. revenue C. Tableau
C. capital D. Oracle BI
A. HR Manager
and Business Intelligence, from a philo-
B. Marketing Communication sophical and applied perspective (Choose
C. Data Analyst the wrong one)
294. What does KPI stand for in BI? 299. Which of the following is used to anal-
A. Key Pad Interface yse customer behaviour and segment cus-
tomers into different groups?
B. Critical Performance Indicator
A. Data mining
C. Key Persons Index
B. Data reconciliation
D. Key Performance Indicator
C. Text mining
295. The phases of business intelligence are
D. Market segmentation
A. Data Delivery
B. Discovery of Relations, Patterns and 300. The most correct characteristic of Busi-
Principles ness Intelligence?
304. What is Data Warehouse? 309. If there are 5 rows in a table, and the
A. A repository bitmap index of “sales department” is
“01010”, that of “female” is “10011”,
315. Ability to provide accurate information D. Simple random.
when needed, including a real-time view
of the performance of the company and its 320. Mechanization is
components A. when a human operates a machine
A. Advantages of BI B. using machines to do work instead of
B. Model BI
C. installing machines into the human
C. BI Architecture
D. System DSS-BI
D. advancing machine technology
E. DSS-BI Relationship
321. Which of the following tools helps us
316. The network for pattern mapping is ex- evaluate KPIs?
pected to perform?
A. pattern storage
B. pattern classification
C. generalization
D. none of the mentioned
322. Examines the features of new objects and
317. It is defined:“the process of analyzing assigns them to one of a predetermined
volumes of data sets to discover patterns, set of classes. Often preceded by cluster-
in order to find trends and correlations ing.
that explain the behavior of the data”
A. Clustering
A. Data warehouse
B. Classification
B. Data mart
323. This is a broad category of applications
C. Data center and technologies for gathering, storing,
D. Data mining analysing, and providing access to data to
help enterprise users make better business
318. Which of the following is a type of train- decisions.
ing that should be given to technical ar-
eas? A. Data mining
A. Training in the usefulness of new tech- B. Data mart
nology C. Business intelligence
B. Training in technology management D. Business intelligence warehousing
C. Training in decision making E. Artificial intelligence
A. Supply Chain Management (SCM) 331. This is the processing of data about cus-
B. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) tomers and their relationship with the en-
terprise in order to improve the enter-
C. Material Requirements Planning prise’s future sales and service and lower
(MRP) cost.
D. Enterprise Information System (EIS) A. clickstream analysis
327. In which department does BI allow the B. database marketing
value of market segments to be evalu- C. customer relationship management
ated? D. CRM analytics
A. sales department E. B2C
B. Financial department
332. The value stores that can be used by SQL
C. Customer service department Server integration service packs and their
D. HR department containers, their tasks, and their event
handling at runtime, are called
328. Relationship between Business Intelli-
A. Tasks
gence and Data Warehouse (Wrong)
B. variable
A. The data owned by a company is large
and can be visualized C. Event Handler
B. Delivery of business intelligence data D. Package
as the technology used to present data E. there is no right answer
333. Transactional Database is highly normal- 338. In what phase of the Data Mining process
ized. are algorithms defined?
A. Correct A. Data preparation
B. Salah B. Data understanding
C. Modeling
334. Data in a database which is needlessly
D. Functional-commercial deployment
339. VirtualBox is a software that implements
A. data warehouses
what component of the Business Intelli-
B. flat file database gence System?
C. data mining A. Data Warehouse
D. data redundancy B. Automated ETL
C. OLAP Dashboards
335. Online Transaction Process. These are the
relational processes inserted in a transac- D. None of the Above
tional way (sales, purchases, release of 340. Refers to a field that will be used as anal-
notes ysis criteria and is stored in the fact table
A. OLTP A. Degenerate Dimension
B. OLAP B. Junk Dimension
C. OLL C. Time Dimension
D. OLA D. Conformed Dimension
341. What are the main problems associated
336. This activity is designed to take a pop-
with data mining?
ulation of objects (e.g. customers) and
develop characteristics that can be used A. Lack of data
to classify them. You start with no pre- B. Lack of computing power
defined classes. Often clustering is the
C. Lack of data scientists
first step in market segmentation. It could
be used to determine characteristics of cus- D. Lack of knowledge
tomers who respond to selected types of
342. Tableau’s advantages are:
promotions. Customers in the same area
get the same type of promotion material. A. Data statistics
348. In the Data Warehouse concept, meta- 352. Business Intelligence coincided with the
data makes it easier to extract informa- idea of Performance Management hap-
tion from data pened in what wave in the evolution of
Business Intelligence?
A. Correct
A. WAVE 1 1990
B. Salah
B. WAVE 2 2000
349. What is the name of the OLAP operation
C. WAVE 3 2010
in which you move up a level in the hierar-
chy? D. WAVE 4 2015
(BI)? such as conditional analysis (What-if Anal-
A. A system used to collect data from var- ysis)
ious sources and convert it into useful in- A. Heuristic
B. Simulation
B. A system used to store data on a
C. Financial Model
C. A system used to create financial re- D. Statistical Model
359. Business intelligence (BI) is a broad cat-
D. A system used to delete data from the egory of applications programs which can
server include
355. This is is a process based in calculations A. Decision support
or problem-solving operations, especially B. Report writing
in a computer. You can set it up to gen-
erate emails based off of employees’ first C. Sales pitches
and last names, to calculate the interest D. All of the above
earned on a particular investment, or any
variety of tasks. 360. Related records, for example, in a
student file containing various student
A. algorithm
records throughout the university, which
B. seo are related to which?
C. patent A. Byte
D. cloud B. Record
356. In which of these areas are failures in the C. File
data governance of any organization?
D. Field
A. Data quality
361. is a value generator that is derived
B. Risk measurement
from an increase in performance, improve-
C. Staff pick ment in process speed and increase in vol-
D. If I don’t know it, it’s C ume.
A. Risk
357. What is the data warehouse approach
that focuses on collecting actual data first? B. Finance
A. Inmon Method C. Trust
B. Kimball Method D. Productivity
362. This strategy requires additional columns 367. Processes involved in Business Intelli-
to be added to dimension tables gence
C. Kernel
373. Since it must deal with both structured
D. Nuclear
and semi-structured data simultaneously,
BI’s data architecture is business rather 378. It is a software tool that contains the
than technically oriented. Apache, PHP, MySQL or MariaDB server
C. Artificial intelligence
D. none of above
D. Weka
374. Which of the following is not a critical as-
pect of carrying out a BI project? 379. This is a short description in your profile
that tells people who you are. It’s also a
A. Consider proper planning great place to share links to your website
B. Have a proven and suitable implemen- or other accounts.
tation methodology A. bio
C. The use of technological tools
B. e-commerce
D. Prepare a BSC
C. patent
375. 2 tipe utama decision support systems D. SEO
A. Object Oriented DSS & Data Oriented
DSS 380. What are the main benefits of a database
vs a spreadsheet like Excel?
B. Model Oriented DSS & Object Oriented
DSS A. Data volume
C. Object Oriented DSS & Fact Oriented B. The rapidity
DSS C. Pivot tables
D. Model Oriented DSS & Data Oriented D. The graphics
E. Model Oriented DSS & Fact Oriented 381. What value chain models were men-
DSS tioned in the exhibition?
A. Porter.
376. What level of the organizational pyramid
corresponds to senior management? B. Mckinsey.
A. Strategic level C. Annuor.
B. Tactical level D. All of the above.
382. Which is to focus on individual data item 387. Which is not the content of metadata?
A. File type of data
391. This is the processing of data about cus- 396. Which of the following gives a logical
tomers and their relationship with the en- structure of the database graphically?
terprise in order to improve the enter-
A. Entity-relationship diagram
prise’s future sales and service and lower
cost. B. Entity diagram
A. a. clickstream analysis C. Database diagram
B. b. database marketing D. Architectural representation
C. c. customer relationship management
397. It has a Main Fact table and one or more
D. d. CRM analytics Auxiliary Fact tables
E. have been. B2C A. Snowflake outline
392. A type of knowledge where it is embed- B. Star scheme
ded in the human brain and cannot be ex-
C. Constellation scheme
pressed easily.
D. none of above
A. Explicit Knowledge
B. Implicit Knowledge 398. A regression model in which more than
C. Tacit Knowledge one independent variable is used to predict
the dependent variable is called as
D. Procedural Knowledge
A. a simple linear regression model
393. These are the moral principles that gov-
B. a multiple regression model
ern a person’s behavior or the conducting
of an activity. C. an independent model
A. ethics D. none of above
B. business IQ
399. Why is one of the characteristics of busi-
C. SEO ness tools versatility?
D. behavior A. So that the tools are easy to use
394. What is the process of extracting, trans- B. Since they allow different data sources
forming, and loading data into a data to be automatically loaded.
warehouse called?
C. Since the information can be personal-
A. Data Warehousing ized.
B. Data Mining D. Since it guarantees user access to all
C. Data Visualization data.
D. Big Data Analytics 400. What is the next topic after Data Mining
395. Difficulties breaking into target markets in this series?
410. What are the two main structures of a 415. Where can we create a calculated filed
DW? A.
A. Dimension table B.
B. Data Mart C.
C. Subrogated keys D. none of above
D. Fact table 416. Bitmap index
E. Historical table A. encodes each values into binary for-
411. In how many points was the practical ex-
ample carried out? B. is used to speed up calculations
C. has been created by Edgar Codd
A. 3
D. is used for OLTP databases
B. 4
C. 5 417. In the architecture of a BI project, in
which component is data exploitation car-
D. 6 ried out?
420. What is the relationship between the 424. Store quantitative data
Prime Minister and the country? A. None of the above
A. 1:1 B. Fact table
B. 1:N C. Time table
C. M:N D. Data Mart
D. M:M E. Dimension table
425. The tools provided by SSIS for managing
421. Which of the following is used to analyze
data sources are
past performance to anticipate what will
happen next? A. OLEDB
A. Investment analytics B. FlatFile
430. Between BI and DS, which is fundamen- 434. How many components are there in a
tally about the use structured data like op- Business Intelligence System?
erational organizational data A. 2
A. Data Science B. 3
B. Business Intelligence C. 4
435. The event handler that will be executed
when an error occurs during execution
B. FlatFile
C. Source Assistant
D. Union All
A. -It is a financial planning tool, a map E. there is no right answer
that helps you achieve these goals
436. Which of the following are not done by
B. -Possible thanks to the analysis and
BI systems
understanding of customer data.
A. Analyze past and current activities
C. -Make better decisions about where to
invest, reduce the number of errors and
increase efficiency. B. Process and record transactions only
D. -More complete and accurate vision C. Both A and B
of the current and future situation of the D. None of the above
437. How does BI differ from traditional re-
432. It is true that Business Intelligence has porting and querying?
the benefit of helping to make better deci-
sions. A. BI uses outdated methods for data
B. BI does not involve any tools or tech-
B. Falso niques for data analysis
433. A type of Business Intelligence that is C. BI involves advanced tools and tech-
based on running data and requires ad- niques for data analysis.
vance technologies that quickly performs D. BI only focuses on basic reporting and
integrations and calculations at real-time querying
438. In business intelligence it is more impor-
A. Self-service Business Intelligence
tant to:
B. Real-time Business Intelligence
A. Have more data so you can do more
C. Traditional Business Intelligence detailed analysis
D. none of above B. Connect all it systems together
C. Have one central place where I collect 443. Select a derived fact
A. Precio
B. Fully mobile software that allows ac- 445. What is meant by “scrapping” in the con-
cess to your data, dashboards and reports text of social network analysis?
wherever you are on smartphones and
A. Permanently delete someone’s social
media account
C. A voice communication device
B. Collect data from websites or social
D. Device optimization. Ready to use on
media platforms automatically
a tablet or smartphone
C. Editing someone’s social media profile
440. What is the process of converting data to increase visibility
into a form suitable for mining?
D. Spreading false information via social
A. Data cleaning media
B. Data integration
C. Data transformation 446. Which of the following should be the first
stage for a BI project?
D. Data visualization
A. Project strategy
441. What are the benefits of BI?
B. Technology selection
A. Limited analysis capacity.
C. Identification of necessities
B. Difficult to monitor business pro-
cesses. D. Deployment planning
C. Agility in assembling information. 447. accumulation of knowledge Or has devel-
D. Possibility of using management indi- oped into a problem that can be used to
cators. solve various problems related to which of
the following?
442. The 3 most important tools of BI are
A. central database A. Data
B. OLAP B. Information
C. Data Mining C. Knowledge
D. Advanced Analytics D. Wisdom
448. What Business Intelligence tool allows A. the responsiveness of the database.
you to collect and evaluate new informa- B. qualitative feedback.
C. external results.
A. Tools for data management
D. internal results.
B. Business intelligence tools
C. Tools to discover new data 453. [Look at image] What does regression
model imply?
D. Reporting tools
A. There is a trend
449. Netflix is known for its data-driven ap- B. There is no obvious trend
proach to content recommendations. How
C. There is negative scatter
does Netflix leverage business intelligence
to enhance its streaming service? D. Negative correlation
A. By implementing business intelligence 454. Individual items in a system can achieve
tools for financial forecasting and budget- nothing. It is only when they come to-
ing. gether they form a system that can deliver
B. By using business intelligence to op- something
timize supply chain and logistics opera- A. True
B. False
C. By analyzing viewer data and prefer-
ences to personalize content recommen- 455. What is meant by “social intelligence” in
dations. the context of social network analysis?
D. By leveraging business intelligence to A. Ability to use social media effectively
automate customer support processes. B. Ability to understand and interact with
others effectively
450. In the presentation, the classification
evaluation using the confusion matrix is vi- C. Ability to count the number of friends
sualized in a graph in the form of? on social media
A. Bar chart D. Ability to mine data from social
B. Line chart
C. Scatter chart 456. In what year was the value chain devel-
D. Heatmap
A. 1985
451. maps the core warehouse metadata
B. 1986
to business concepts, familiar and useful
to end users. C. 1980
A. Application level metadata. D. 1990
B. User level metadata. 457. Strategy that involves 2 bussiness
C. Enduser level metadata. A. Multi-domestic
D. Core level metadata. B. Piggymarket
458. Which data characteristic means that all 463. An ordered set of data constituting a
required data elements are included in the record is called
C. Python and R Integration
474. Using import and export data mining can
D. Transaction Services help detect tax evasion and money laun-
E. All of the above dering
470. Success factors of Business Intelligence B. Faux
implementation (Which is wrong)
A. Level of project commitment and sup- 475. The process of finding and evaluating al-
port from senior management ternatives from the design process. and
selecting only one option
B. The level of business need to create an
A. Intelligence Phase
IB implementation
B. Design Phase
C. The amount and quality of existing
business data. C. Choice Phase
D. Algorithm used D. Implementation Phase
476. BI helps businesses gain business advan-
471. Why we need database?
tage from data
A. To store a particular picture A. Correct
B. To store a particular text B. Sai
C. To store a particular collection of data.
477. In the sales department, what is business
D. To store a particular audio intelligence useful for?
472. The rows in a database are called: A. Link information to relate cost/benefit
B. Identify customer segments and help
A. Records
study their behavior
B. Fields C. Understand customer needs to take
C. Attribute advantage of market opportunities
D. Salloum D. Identify market segments and retain
the most profitable customers
473. Essentially, learned skills or know-how.
It is gained when you learn the best way 478. Which one is different from them?
to do something. You can then take that A. Data Visualization
experience and synthesize it with other B. Online Analytical Processing:OLAP
learned information in order to solve an
entirely new problem. This type of knowl- C. DBMS
edge has traditionally been excluded from D. Data Mining
479. It is because of that enables OLAP to 485. What does OLTP mean?
achieve great performance for a query. A. Online transaction processing
491. Data visualization or dataviz is to the problem at hand. But sometimes
A. the art of synthesizing and dematerial- the model that the user needs may not be
izing data to make it clear and understand- stored in the model base.
able to everyone A. Time Series Forecasting Method
B. the art of formatting data tables B. Time Series
C. making presentations with data C. Queuing Model
D. none of above D. MBMS
492. Communication with users To help users 496. This is a traditional business serving cus-
use the DSS system more easily. tomers in a building as contrasted to an
online business
A. brick and mortar
B. click and mortar
C. revenue
D. audit
497. What is the concept of value according to
A. Natural Language Processor the above?
B. Natural Language Processing A. A product that meets the needs of cus-
tomers, a quality product and at the same
C. Graphical User Interface time buys it at a low price.
D. Output Device B. Scope of significance, importance or
493. Big Data Can be produced by validity of a thing.
A. Smart Meters C. Quality or set of qualities for which a
person or thing is appreciated or well con-
B. Smart Grids sidered.
C. Smart Devices D. It is the price of a good or service.
D. ALL of the Above
498. relationship of What is the connection be-
494. Set of strategies, applications, data, tween a solo singer on stage and the audi-
products, technologies and technical archi- ence?
tecture, which are focused on the admin- A. 1:1
istration and creation of knowledge about
B. 1:N
the environment, through the analysis of
existing data in an organization or com- C. M:N
pany. D. M:M
499. Open source data mining tools include ap- D. A system used to control inventory
plications such as IBM SPSS Modeler and
Dell Statistica. 505. Which of the following comprises three
A. Niche markets or small segments. tion, Data Analysis, Modelling, Deploy-
B. Great markets. ment
A. Data source B. cd
B. Data Warehouse C. cd
C. Data mining D. cd
D. Presentation layer 535. Which of the following can improve the
performance of an AI agent?
529. Which technique is used to discover pat-
A. Perceiving
terns and relationships in large datasets?
B. Learning
A. Data Warehousing
C. Observing
B. Data Mining
D. All of the mentioned
C. Data Visualization
536. What is the “curse of dimensionality” for
D. Big Data Analytics OLAP database?
530. is the heart of the warehouse. A. Some witchcraft
A. Data mining database servers. B. More columns means a lot more possi-
ble aggregations
B. Data warehouse database servers.
C. More rows means an increase of com-
C. Data mart database servers. putational time
D. Relational data base servers. D. Non linear aggregative measures runs
in exponential time
531. UMTS corresponds to
537. With business performance management,
A. 1G bank administrators will supervise
B. 2G A. Balanced scorecard
C. ZG B. Report control
D. ChG C. Interest rate structure
D. Market segmentation
532. The y-intercept of the line y = 2x + 5 is
A. 2
B. X
C. 5
D. Impossible to tell
542. Fill in the blank: is a place to store ag- 546. This is someone or something that is ab-
gregate data normally large and powerful
A. Data warehouse A. behemoth
B. Data mining B. algorithm
D. Accumulate data
A. Top Management Level
E. Use IT tools to process data in a semi-
automated or automated manner B. Middle Management Level
C. Low Management Level
552. In which department does BI allow you
to analyze the performance of any type of
operational process?
A. sales department
B. Financial department
E. SCD 2
566. What types of data do graphs, social 570. Which BI approach is best suited for orga-
networks, and multi-connected data repre- nizations that want rapid implementation
sent? and do not want to invest in IT infrastruc-
A. Text data
A. BI Traditional.
B. Spatial data
B. BI Modern.
C. Data temporal
C. Both approaches are equally suitable.
D. Chart data
D. Neither approach is suitable for rapid
567. Who’s Edgar Codd? implementation.
Explanation:Modern BI is best suited for
A. A database legend organizations that want rapid implemen-
B. A character from Tintin tation and do not want to invest in IT in-
frastructure, as it is often based on cloud-
C. A corrupted computer scientist based solutions and is more agile.
D. A former student from Centrale Paris
571. The , makes it possible to store large
E. The inventor of the term OLAP volumes of data collected from transac-
tional systems. These are the so-called
568. What picture is this historical series that enable a better anal-
ysis of past events, offering support for
present decision-making and the prediction
of future events.
B. DataWarehouse
C. Data Analytics
D. Data Visualization
cascades into the next. Some of the in- 576. The application of solves the problem
dustries that regularly use this model in- of data synthesis, analysis and consolida-
clude construction, IT and software devel- tion, as it is the online analytical process-
B. Unstructured data is taken care of. 579. Using extraction and transformation
tools known as extract, transform, load
C. Both a and b
(ETL), the data originating from the dif-
D. Semi structured data is taken care of. ferent sources are stored in databases
intended to support business intelligence 584. Can value analysis be defined as a struc-
analyses. These databases are usually re- tured method for defining a product, pro-
ferred to as data warehouses and data cess or service?
marts A. TRUE
A. data warehouses B. Falso
B. data marts
585. What are the Soft Skills needed by a Data
C. external data Analyst?
D. operational data A. Critical thinking and problem solving
580. The following emphasize high efficiency B. Writing and communication
in transactions C. Domain knowledge
A. OLTP D. All answers are correct
586. The scientific discipline that includes the
C. Data mart design and development of algorithms
D. Data warehouse that enable computers to develop behav-
ior based on empirical data, such as from
581. Process to build a BI system sensor data databases is called
A. Collect data, Analyze data, Identify A. Machine Learning
types of data, Store and use data
B. Unsupervised Learning
B. Identify types of data, Collect data, An-
alyze data, Store and use data C. Supervised Learning
A. Correct B. FALSE
590. What type of visualization tool can be 595. Business Intelligence is an umbrella term
very useful when a dataset contains loca- that incorporates what items?
tion data?
593. Data mining can be very useful for detect- 598. 25 Degrees Celsius is Data
ing patterns such as credit card fraud, but A. True
is of little use for improving sales. B. False
599. It is a symbolic representation (numeric,
B. Faux
alphabetic, algorithmic, spatial, etc.) of
594. Combining 1 or more characters or bytes a quantitative or qualitative attribute or
to create meaning is related to what? variable.
A. Byte A. Given
B. Record B. Big Data
C. File C. Machine learning
D. Field D. KPI
600. Knowledge is transferable. This is and able to find information quickly and
A. True accurately.
B. False
601. accelerate
A. accelerate
B. transform
602. Which is a system where operations like
data extraction, transformation and load-
ing operations are executed. A. Data filtering section
A. Data integration B. Database management system
B. Data staging C. DBMS
C. ETL D. Inquiry section
D. None of the mentiones
607. A is connection between parts or links
603. Provide quantitative data in a robot that allow movement.
A. Fact table A. Hinge
B. Dimension table B. Joint
604. What is the mission of ransomware-type C. Dis joint
D. None of the mentioned
A. Delete all information from the disk
B. Make your PC a member of a BOTNET 608. What is the objective of descriptive meth-
ods in data mining
C. Explode the PC
A. Describe the data
D. Hijack information by encrypting it
B. Predict an unknown value
605. Benefits from BI are:
C. Lose as much useful information as
A. Increase the ability to control informa-
D. Use variables to explain
B. Maximum support in making decisions
C. Analyze and predict customer behav- 609. In the data analysis layer, the BI system
ior supports two basic functions:
D. All 3 answers above A. Reporting and practicing online analy-
sis OLAP2
606. The section helps in inquiring and search-
ing for information according to desired B. OLAP2 online analytical reporting and
conditions. It responds to requests from processing
other components of the decision support
C. OLAP2 online reporting
system. Good information inquiry system
It must be easy to use, not complicated, D. Practice OLAP2
620. Which of the following should be the sec- 624. Which data characteristic requires that
ond stage for a BI project? data variables and values be defined at the
A. Project strategy lowest level of detail (or as low as neces-
sary) for the intended use of the data?
B. Technology selection
A. reliability of data sources
C. Identification of necessities
B. data accessibility
D. Deployment planning
C. richness of data
625. Knowledge Management System (KMS)
is a system that helps support and who is
C. Artificial intelligence C. TURTLE
628. It is the term used to refer to freely dis- 634. The following are the benefits of Busi-
tributed and developed software. ness Intelligence are
alizing data in charts, graphs, and maps?
A. Data Warehousing
B. Data Mining
C. Data Visualization
D. Big Data Analytics 645. These are BI use cases related to the HR
640. Which data warehouse model is struc- A. Trade-off modeling
tured with little maintenance effort?
B. Productivity
A. Inmon Method
C. Product customization
B. Kimball Method
D. Price modeling
C. Data Vault
646. What is an API and why does it matter
D. Data Mart in BI
641. How can social network analysis benefit A. Academic Performance Index, a way
business organizations? to measure KPI’s
A. By increasing the number of followers B. application programming interface, a
on social media platforms way to talk to databases
B. By identifying potential customers and C. American Pacific Industry, the place
partners where BI was first created
C. By providing free advertising to busi- D. Air Pollution Index, a common mea-
ness organizations surement in BI systems
D. By improving the quality of products 647. Que es Data Warehouse (DW)
and services offered by business organi- A. It is a repository
B. It is a process
642. Which of the following are BI tools? C. It is a database
A. Informatica D. It’s a warehouse
B. Siebel
648. Allows monitoring, measuring, and com-
C. Cognos paring key performance indicators
D. All of the above A. Data warehouse
643. Which of the following is the branch of B. Business analytics
Artificial Intelligence? C. Business performance management
A. Machine Learning D. User interface
649. What is Tableau Public? 654. Which technique is used to uncover hid-
A. Paid service den patterns and insights in data?
651. In an Internet context, this is the practice 656. Identify the kind of learning algorithm for
of tailoring Web pages to individual users’ “facial identities for facial expressions”.
characteristics or preferences.
A. Prediction
A. Web services
B. Recognition patterns
B. customer-facing
C. Recognizing anomalies
C. client/server
D. Generating patterns
D. customer valuation
E. personalization 657. Indirect Market strategy of foreign trade
652. Which of the following describes the pro- A. Involves an organization to buy to an
cess of integrating and analyzing data intermediary in its own country
from many parts of the organization to
B. Involves an organization to sells to an
identify new opportunities?
intermediary in its own country
A. Data logging
B. Data gathering 658. Which of the following statements best
describes Business Intelligence (BI)?
C. Data mining
D. Data absorption A. BI focuses on data collection.
B. BI focuses on data visualization.
653. In the reporting tool, what type of users
can write all or part of the query in a data C. BI is limited to historical data analysis.
query language?
D. BI helps make informed decisions us-
A. Less expert users ing historical and current data.
B. Users with some experience Explanation:Business Intelligence is
about using historical and current data
C. Highly experienced users to make informed and strategic decisions
D. End users in an organization.
D. Data mining A. correct
678. Is there a variable to explain in a predic- 683. What kind of analysis deals with examin-
tive data mining model? ing individual customer interactions to cre-
ate customer profiles and improve market-
A. oui
ing results?
B. non
A. Ethnographic analysis
679. The advantages of BI? B. Structured analytics
A. Acceleration of ROI C. Unstructured analytics
B. Acceleration of sales D. Behavioural analytics
C. Improved visibility 684. What do the acronym OLAP mean?
D. Make happy A. Online data parameters
700. Ratio data is a type of categorical data. 705. Which is a performance management tool
A. TRUE that recapitulates an organization’s per-
formance from several standpoints on a
B. Faux single page.
701. The BIOS settings are saved in the A. Balanced Scorecard
A. agenda B. Data Cube
B. RAM C. Dashboard
C. CMOS D. All of the mentioned
D. XNUHAIV 706. How many samples are needed to build a
predictive model?
702. This is the exclusive legal right, owned
by the individual or group who created A. 1 to build the model and 1 other to test
a work, or by an individual or group as- it
signed by the originator, to use certain ma- B. 1 only to build and test
terial and to allow others the right to use
the material. C. 1 to build the model, 1 other to test it
and 1 other to apply it
A. copyright
D. none of above
B. patent
C. geotargeting 707. Identify the successful applications of
Machine Learning.
D. micro-blogging
A. Learning to classify new astronomical
703. Find the real cause of the problem, an- structures
alyze the problem To create a model used B. Learning to recognize spoken words
to describe characteristics and the cause of
the problem The result of this step is called C. Learning to drive an autonomous vehi-
a Decision Statement or Problem Identifi- cle
cation. D. All of the above
A. Intelligence Phase
708. Business Intelligence include
B. Design Phase
A. Data collection
C. Choice Phase
B. Data analysis
D. Implementation Phase
C. Data Reconciliation
704. Advantages of applying Business Intelli- D. All of the above
gence in an organization
709. Business Intelligence (BI) is a group of ap-
A. Employee benefits (paid vacation,
plications that include
health insurance)
A. Decision Support
B. Hybrid work mode (in-person and
home office) B. Data Mining
C. Competitive difference C. Business Insights
D. All of the above D. All answers are correct
720. The Internet emerged as a new medium
of viewing and brought all of the following ation of reports.
EXCEPT B. Less IT involvement in the reporting
A. global digital distribution of visualiza- process.
tion. C. Greater control and data security by
B. immersive environments to consume IT.
D. Greater speed in generating personal-
C. new forms of business logic calcula- ized reports.
tion. Explanation:IT Managed BI allows IT to
D. new graphic displays via PC screens. have greater control over data and ensure
security, which is essential in certain in-
721. Which of the following statements is dustries and scenarios.
A. IoT is a subset of IIoT 725. It translates commands from human lan-
guage into language that computers can
B. IIoT is a subset of IoT
understand. Therefore, the command is
C. All the devices in IoT are connected to sent back to the user interface media
the internet management system again. To manage
D. All IIoT devices are connected to the sending further commands to other compo-
internet nents such as the data management sec-
tion. Knowledge management section and
722. This company was the first to utilize a model management section which when
robotics system in its production line the command is processed as a result
A. Ford Motor Co
B. Volkswagen
C. General Motors
D. Toyota
726. How many stages does the execu- 729. What is a student ID classified in the
tive support system development process database system?
B. *Visualization D. 3840 x 2160
B. No, that will slow down the operation A. The first field in a database table
of the business B. A field in a table that contains real data
C. No, the totals need to be compounded with a unique identifier for each record in
for faster searching the table
D. Yes, that is the most reliable way to get C. A field that contains unique values that
information into the system are generated when new records are en-
E. Yes, multipule in fact, then they use tered
that information to make graphs! duhh D. A field in the database that has the
same value for each record
746. What can businesses gain by leveraging
customer data?
751. queries
A. More efficient manufacturing pro-
cesses A. Format of data in a field, such as text,
number, or date.
B. Increased customer satisfaction and
loyalty B. Method of extracting data from a
database that matches specific criteria
C. Higher employee retention rates
D. Reduction of marketing costs C. Collection of fields that represent a sin-
gle entity, such as a person.
747. Structured data is what data mining al-
D. Recording database transactions
gorithms use and can be classified as cate-
made by users (e.g. all edits, reads) for
gorical or numerical.
security purposes.
B. FAUX 752. They consist of metrics that help us mea-
sure and quantify progress performance
748. Which of the following is not a compo- based on goals and objectives set for
nent of business intelligence analysis cy- the different activities that we carry out
cle? within our company.
A. Analysis A. OLAP cube
B. Insight
B. Big Data
C. Decision
C. Dashboard
D. Design
749. Typical BI packages can cost $60, 000.
Subscriptions to various data services also 753. Business intelligence helps increase prof-
need to be taken into account. itability with simple correct decisions that
A. Software costs lead to well-structured businesses.
B. Hardware costs A. TRUE
C. Personnel costs B. Falso
754. Which systems are the upstream systems 759. The information that i have 25000 Ru-
and feed the data to HANA/CORA? pees in my bank account is provided to me
A. CS2000 by the teller at the bank because of his
knowledge to use the software.
B. PeopleHub
A. True
C. Give 0
B. False
760. We want to understand how Testing re-
sult depend on IQ, education level, nation-
755. What technology is used to perform com- ality.In this case, WHAT ARE THE INPUTS?
plex data analytics in data warehouses? A. IQ
A. OLTP B. Educational level
B. OLAP C. Nationality
C. Data mining D. All of them
D. Visualization
761. What are we talking about when we re-
756. What type of transaction processing sys- fer to the degree of structuring?
tem was not mentioned? A. From a benefit of BI that refers to the
A. Sales and marketing systems fact that the project must be well defined
A. The ability of the system to handle 763. Which of the following BI approaches al-
growing data volume lows end users to autonomously explore
B. The protection of data from unautho- data and create custom reports without re-
rized access lying on IT?
D. Business Analytics Avanzado. 768. If you use an analogy for Data Mining
Explanation:Self-Service BI allows end with mining, “knowledge mining” would
users to explore data and create custom be a more appropriate term than “data
B. algorithm D. store id
774. Feature extraction and classification are 780. The linear regression equation is y =
combined in machine learning? 61.93x-1.79. Use the equation to pre-
A. False dict how far this personwill travel after
10 hours of driving.
B. True
775. The place where we plan data movement,
A. Tasks
B. Data Flow
C. Containers
D. Precedence Constraints
E. there is no right answer
776. defines the structure of the data held
in operational databases and used by op-
erational applications.
A. 10 miles
A. User-level metadata.
B. 617.5 miles
B. Data warehouse metadata.
C. Operational metadata. C. 0.19 miles
D. Data mining metadata. D. 500 miles
777. Which is not a type of xPROM? 781. The main objective of the industrial robot
A. Flash is to
B. EEPROM A. Minimise the labour requirement
C. PPROM B. Increase productivity.
C. Enhance the life of production ma-
778. Smart business system chines
A. use artificial intelligence D. All of the above
B. exploit information resources
782. What is the name of a database manage-
C. Identify service patterns, relation-
ment system (DBMS)?
ships and trends
D. Evaluate the impact of changing busi- A. ETL
ness needs B. ClickHouse
779. It is the sum of type 1, 2 and 3 C. Dashboard
A. SCD 0 D. none of above
B. SCD 4
C. SCD 6 783. Data Warehouse is a part of BI
D. SCD 1 A. True
E. SCD 2 B. False
793. Machine Learning is the necessary skill to 799. What is part of business intelligence is
become? (More than 1 Answer)
A. Data Analyst A. Prescriptive Analytic
B. Data Engineer B. Descriptive Analytic
C. Data Scientist
C. Predictive Analytic
D. none of above
D. Standart Reporting
794. BI helps to
A. Arrange business meetings 800. Refers to the field of computer science,
which deals with the extraction of data,
B. Find out potential sales regions
trends and patterns from huge sets of
C. Identify business opportunities data.
D. All of the above A. Data Science
795. What business intelligence tool allows B. Data Mining
you to view information graphically and in-
tuitively? C. Data Analysis
A. Find patterns and relationships be- 810. When a problem has many attributes that
tween data impact the classification of different mod-
B. hierarchical arrangement of predic- els, decision trees can be a useful ap-
tion criteria proach.
814. How many countries are in the WIPO? 820. Visualization differs from traditional
A. 160 countries charts and graphs by the complexity of
data sets and the use of multiple dimen-
B. 180 countries sions and measures.
C. 210 countries A. TRUE
D. 170 countries B. FAUX
815. This method is called “history tables.”
821. The graph used to determine the linear
A. SCD 0 relationship between two variables is?
B. SCD 4 A. Line chart
C. SCD 5 B. Bar chart
D. SCD 1 C. Scatter chart
E. SCD 6 D. heatmap
816. What software should we use to create 822. Which of the following looks at the infor-
a database? Select the best answer. mation needs of an entire organization, or
A. Excel at least of a major division of it?
B. Access A. Systems integration
C. OneNote B. Implementation
D. Word C. Conversion
C. a centralized repository that allows A. Data Mining
you to store all your structured and un-
structured data at any scale. B. ETL
D. marine biota storage center C. Data Mart
D. Big Data
836. One of the following is wrong ! Which
one?! 842. OLAP, dynamic, multidimensional, ad-hoc
A. BI tries to improve efficiency reporting → coining of the term “BI”
B. BI improves visibility A. 1970s
C. BI controls consumer’s behaviour B. 1980s
D. BI turns data into actionable data C. 1990s
D. 2010s
837. Mr X is a Great person. Lets all hear
him. Then we will all become great like 843. What in business intelligence allows huge
him. This statement is data and reports to be read in a single
A. True graphical interface
B. False A. Dashboard
838. The three “V’s” of Big Data are:
C. Reports
A. Volume-Vitality-Versatility
D. Warehouse
B. Value-Versatility-Vitality
C. Speed-Variety-Versatility 844. This is the exclusive legal right, owned
by the individual or group who created
D. Volume-Speed-Variety a work, or by an individual or group as-
839. Two-tier data warehouse/BI infrastruc- signed by the originator, to use certain ma-
tures offer organizations more flexibility terial and to allow others the right to use
but cost more than three-tier ones. the material.
A. TRUE A. copyright
B. FALSE B. revenue
C. audit
840. is a category of applications and tech-
nologies for presenting and analyzing cor- D. business intelligence
porate and external data 845. are BI documents that are updated at
A. Data warehouse the time they are requested
B. MIS A. Static report
E. there is no right answer you to store all your structured and un-
structured data at any scale.
856. How many phases were carried out in the
Application of the Value Analysis method- C. a centralized repository that allows
ology to improve the competitiveness of marine biota to gather
industrial forklifts? D. an organized collection of structured
A. 10 information, or data, usually stored elec-
tronically in a computer system.
B. 3
C. 6 862. Data visualization is used in BI
D. 4
A. Can quickly and accurately convey con-
857. BI system structure includes: tent and concepts universally
A. 4 main parts and 1 data management B. The amount and complexity of data can
module be conveyed easily
B. 5 main components C. The human brain can quickly process
C. 1 main component and 4 data manage- information using graphs and diagrams
ment modules D. All answers are correct
D. 4 main components 863. What is the purpose of DBMS architec-
858. Foreign keys enforce referential integrity ture?
between the primary key in the dimension A. To provide a framework for managing
table and the foreign key in the fact table. and accessing data in databases.
A. True B. To design graphic user interfaces
B. False C. To create web applications
869. Data Visualization uses Business Intelli- 874. Data/Text/Web Mining; Web-based
gence because Portals, Dashboards, Big Data, Social Me-
A. It is a quick and accurate way to con- dia, and Visual Analytics
vey concepts in a universal manner. A. 1970s
B. Large amounts of complex data can be
B. 1980s
shown in an easy way
C. 1990s
C. The human brain processes informa-
tion fastly using charts or graphs D. 2010s
problems. which has variables with un- C. Ontario Lawyers’ Assistance Program
certain values Because solving a heuristic D. Online Asynchronous Processing
problem is actually Solving problems using
simple rules that come from past experi- 882. It represents not taking into account the
ences in solving similar problems. There- changes that the dimensions may have.
fore making the problem solving more A. SCD 0
B. SCD 4
A. Heuristic
C. SCD 5
B. Simulation
D. SCD 1
C. Financial Model
D. Statistical Model E. SCD 2
877. What kind of validations are performed 883. The following sources can be used for
on a daily basis from BI perspective? Business intelligence (Multiple are correct)
A. Daily Inventory A. Excel
B. Daily Traffic B. SQL
C. Punch record for Store Staff C. ERP
D. Daily Sales D. CRM
878. All of the following are issues with the E. None of the above
traditional file environment except
884. The followings are types of environments
A. data inconsistency in developing data warehouse, except
B. inability to develop specialized applica- A. development
tions for functional areas
B. maintenance
C. lack of flexibility in creating ad-hoc re-
ports C. testing
D. poor security D. production
E. data sharing 885. Hierarchical decomposition of organiza-
879. Que es Data Warehousing (DWH) tion’s business
A. It is a repository A. Metadata repository
B. It is a process B. Business data model
C. It is a database C. Business function model
D. It’s a warehouse D. none of above
A. subversion B. FCR
C. Defect analysis
B. sourceforge
D. Capacity Optimization
C. git
D. voxforge 893. Marketing managers make decisions to
add customer service criteria based on
888. Establishing procedures for deciding to feedback from promotional event activi-
solve problems that arise in a principled ties, which is a type of decision
manner By setting the steps from begin- A. Tactical
ning to end. to get the desired results
B. Strategic
A. Structured Problem
C. Operational
B. Unstructured Problem
D. Unstructured
C. Semi-Structured Problem
894. Which country government introduced
D. Decision Making Process
the Industry 4.0 concept?
889. What is the name of the procedure that A. United States of America
consists of storing summarized informa- B. France
tion at different hierarchical levels?
C. Germany
A. Simple accumulation
D. Great Britain
B. Rolling
895. The functions can be classified into:(check
C. Pivoting
the correct ones)
D. Transformation
A. Use.
890. What is the first thing that runs on a PC B. Product.
when it turns on? C. User.
A. Windows D. Size.
896. What best characterizes IT Managed BI?
A. Allows end users to create and man-
D. I don’t know, it goes so fast that I don’t age their own reports and analysis.
even have time to go to the bathroom. B. Requires high IT involvement for re-
891. In the architecture of a BI project, which port creation and maintenance.
component contains the analytical systems C. Promotes user autonomy to perform
that enrich the information? data analysis without help from IT.
cial networking, web 2.0 and more platform?
A. Markets A. By using business intelligence to opti-
mize supply chain logistics and minimize
B. Customer Demand delivery times.
C. Technology B. By implementing business intelligence
D. Societal tools for financial analysis and reporting.
898. From the OPERATIONS front, which of C. By analyzing customer data to person-
these objectives was presented? alize product recommendations and im-
prove customer experience.
A. Organize a crazy party This is a
crazy party He, he, he, he But I’m the only D. By leveraging business intelligence to
one who’s not crazy automate customer support processes.
B. Document and manage metadata. 903. What do you call the type of benefit in
C. Coordinate the development and mea- which you know which clients to target?
surement of the Indicators. A. Tangible benefit
D. Define business policies on data. B. Intangible benefit
B. Entity
C. Tuples
D. Relations
B. Bill B) Make Graphs C) Find informa- business decision making
B. To track competitor activities and mar-
C. Find information B) Make Graphs C) Do ket trends
C. To improve internal business pro-
D. Do predictions B) Make Graphs C) cesses and efficiency
Make Reports
D. To meet legal and regulatory require-
917. Business Intelligence (BI) is a broad cat- ments
egory of application programs which in-
922. If you click on a fraudulent email, you
have fallen into a scam.
A. Decision Support
A. phishing
B. Data Mining
B. tonting
C. Business Insights C. malwaring
D. All the Above D. bloating
918. Which Microsoft tool will we use to carry 923. What is a predictive model used for?
out the ETL phase?
A. Predicting behavior based on known
A. Integration Services behaviors
B. Services ETL B. Describe a behavior based on known
C. SQL ETL behaviors
D. Data SQL C. Find a link between explanatory vari-
ables and a variable to predict
919. Within the OBI deliverables, better called
D. none of above
Data Use Cases, we find:
A. Loss Rate-Fraud Alerted-False Posi- 924. describes the data contained in the
tive data warehouse.
B. Breiner, You’re not ready for that con- A. Relational data.
versation. B. Operational data.
C. Indicators-Risk Matrix-Epicas C. Metadata.
D. Controls-Indicators-Reports D. Informational data.
920. An entity has a set of that describe 925. Which module of BI handles data integra-
it. tion
A. Attributes A. Data Modeling
B. Salah
C. Data Mining
939. What are the components of a system? D. Transaction Processing
A. input, output, process
944. Ninja turtles are which animals? (Frogs
B. input, output process, feedback, envi-
or Toads?)
A. Frog
C. entry and exit
B. Frog
D. IBM, SAP, Oracle
C. No answer
940. What best characterizes Traditional BI?
D. none of above
A. Mainly uses real-time data sources.
945. Which of the following is not a data min-
B. It depends on centralized and struc-
ing metric?
tured systems.
A. Space complexity.
C. It focuses on collaboration and user
self-service. B. Time complexity.
D. Requires cloud infrastructure for im- C. KING.
plementation. D. All of the above.
Explanation:Traditional BI is based on cen-
tralized and structured systems for data 946. This is income, especially when of a com-
collection and analysis. pany or organization and of a substantial
941. Which level of database is viewed by
A. revenue
A. Internal level B. audit
958. Data interpretation refers 963. Update, summarize, clean, combine, and
distribute data. As well as changing val-
A. Process of attaching meaning to the
ues in columns, searching for values in ta-
bles, cleaning data, and merging column
B. Convert text into insightful information values are the tasks of
C. Effective conclusion A. destination
D. All of the mentioned above B. transformation
C. task
959. System for helping senior executives in
D. source
policy setting And prepare the organiza-
tion’s budget from data organized into E. there is no right answer
what type of system? 964. What is business intelligence
A. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) A. A automated system managing our
B. Executive Information System (EIS) business
B. A system to sort data and help us be
C. Enterprise Information System (EIS)
more efficient
D. Executive Support System (ESS) C. A program giving business models
960. This is money invested into a company or D. All of the above
project by its owners. 965. What is the analysis of information re-
A. capital garding the behavior of website visitors
B. audit
A. Data mining
C. e-commerce
B. Cloud services
D. copyright C. Web Analytics
961. Which of the following statement is true D. Monitoring tool
about Business Intelligence? 966. Pro for a franchise
A. BI converts raw data into Meaningful A. A Good opportunity to build up a
Information saleable business.
B. BI tools perform data analysis & cre- B. Less operational control on the
ate reports, dashboards, maps, graphs ground.
C. BI has a direct impact on an organiza- C. Their failure will damage your brand
tion’s strategic, business decision D. Less capital investment
D. All of the Above 967. Tools that can be used in Business Intelli-
gence are (more than 1 answer)
962. Feedforward networks are used for?
A. Painting
A. pattern mapping
B. Metrics Insights
B. pattern association C. Apache
C. pattern classification D. Power BI
D. all of the mentioned E. Looker
968. Which of the following BI-related state- 973. The columns in a database are called:
ments is correct? A. Records
978. What is the name of the data that de- 983. Which of the following BI technique can
scribes how the data is used? predict value for a specific data item at-
A. Transactional data tribute?
B. Technical metadata A. Predictive modeling
C. Business metadata B. modeling
D. Operational data C. Predictive value
D. Association
979. An example of a franchises
A. Starbucks 984. They are responsible for providing neces-
B. Burger King sary information in a timely manner and
in standardized formats, which helps man-
C. PEMEX agers make structured decisions and solve
D. Taco bell problems.
980. Uber has revolutionized the transporta- A. Decision-making support systems
tion industry through its innovative use B. Administrative information systems
of technology. How does Uber utilize C. Transaction processing systems
business intelligence to optimize its opera-
tions? D. Executive unit systems
A. By using business intelligence to track 985. Which data warehouse model is the
driver performance and ensure customer newest and most complicated?
A. Inmon Method
B. By leveraging business intelligence for
B. Kimball Method
targeted marketing campaigns and pro-
motions. C. Data Vault
C. By analyzing customer feedback and D. Data Mart
reviews to improve service quality.
986. Which is not a benefit of BI in business
D. By implementing business intelligence organizations according to a survey by
tools for inventory management and order Thompson (2004)?
A. Faster and more accurate reports
981. detect errors in the data and rectify them B. Improve customer service
when possible
C. Increase the prestige of a company
A. Data cleaning
D. Increase income
B. Refresh
C. Data transformation 987. BI reporting includes which of the follow-
D. none of above
982. The current CEO of Tesla is
A. Sascha Zahnd
B. Kimbal Musk
C. Elon Musk
D. Antonio J. Thank you
A. The ability to instantly create, share 992. Select the Bottom-Up architecture
and print reports without IT involvement A. Fuente-Data Warehouse-Data Mart
source tools for financial forecasting and budget-
999. V’s of Big Data
C. By utilizing business intelligence to au-
A. Volume tomate HR processes and manage em-
B. Veracity ployee performance.
B. Gives an elegant effect A. heat map
C. Detect patterns B. chip
D. All wrong
C. circular diagram
1020. The following are the functions of data
D. bubble chart
mining are
A. Prediction 1025. What is not a control flow element is
B. Classification
A. Control Flow
C. Association
B. Package SSIS
D. All True
C. Containers
1021. The process of collecting data from vari-
ous sources, both internal and external, is D. Data Flow
called E. there is no right answer
A. Export
B. Extract 1026. What is TALED?
C. Edit A. A proprietary programming language
D. Entry B. A software publisher specializing in
data extraction
1022. Which is FALSE about BI?
A. Exploit data security C. An open-source system for automat-
ing the deployment, scaling, and manage-
B. Transforms data to information and
ment of containerized applications
C. Enables easy access to data and mod- D. none of above
1027. Steps for implementing options from the
D. Helps to make decision and to take ac-
Choice Phase to solve problems which may
be successful Or you can fail.
1023. This method is generally called “history A. Intelligence Phase
B. Design Phase
A. SCD 0
B. SCD 4 C. Choice Phase
C. SCD 1 D. Implementation Phase
1028. Data collected from the same observa- 1032. What is the assignment of numbers to
tion unit over different periods of time is database variables called?
A. Data Mining
B. Data Mart
C. Data Warehouse
D. Data Time Series
1035. In the image below is an image 1040. Business intelligence is often considered
of Data Warehouse to be something very difficult, but hon-
estly it’s easy.
A. Characteristic
A. True
B. Framework
B. False
C. Nature
D. Method 1041. The historical database or Data Ware-
house facilitates Business Intelligence
1036. Which of these topics have been touched tasks by
on by the exponents?
A. The data is integrated
A. Value analysis of an organization B. Data is leaked
B. Value chain C. Data standardization
C. Competitive strategies D. They are found in a single source
D. Business Intelligence
1042. is a system where operations like
E. All of the above data extraction, transformation, and load-
ing operations are executed
1037. Strong competition, expanding global
market, blooming e-market on the inter- A. ETL
net, and innovative marketing methods B. Data Mining
A. Markets C. Data Integration
B. Customer Demand D. All of the Above
C. Technology
1043. Which kind of data warehouse is cre-
D. Societal ated separately from the enterprise data
warehouse by a department and not re-
1038. The implementation of “real-time BI” is liant on it for updates?
supported by the following technologies,
except A. sectional data mart