Business Studies
Business Studies
Business Studies
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1 BUSINESS STUDIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1 BUSINESS STUDIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1. When you go to a movie, make a deposit D. esteem
at the bank, get a haircut, take a swim-
ming lesson, use your telephone, or ride a 4. Satisfaction and loyalty analysis can be
bus, you are using services. tested by
A. Keeping how effective your marketing
campaigns really are.
B. Measuring customer satisfaction to in-
crease customer retention.
C. Surveys that ask customers to choose
between different products with unique
features and price points.
A. True
D. Tests of advertising campaigns can
B. False save you valuable time and resources.
2. The four factors of production are 5. pipelines are used to transport?
A. Land, capital, employees and owner A. goods, water and gases
B. Land, labour, Capital and Entrepreneur B. oil, gasses and water
C. Manager, labour, entrepreneur and C. water, gases and goods
natural resources
D. water, oil and goods
D. Land, labour, capital and en-
trepreneurship 6. management is considered important be-
3. needs are things we need to survive A. it helps an organization to adapt to the
A. Basic physiological changes
B. safety and security B. seeks to integrate individual efforts
C. love and belonging C. it helps in development of the society
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. D
7. D 8. D 9. D 10. B 11. D 12. A 12. B 12. C 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. A 16. A
17. D 18. A
take actions on its threats. Which analysis
B. Insurance fraud did the company use?
C. Internet and cyber fraud A. PETS
D. False accounting B. RIGHT
19. An alternative name for revenue is C. PEST
A. Gross mark-up D. SWOT
B. Cost of sales
C. Turnover 25. Which of the following is not a business
D. Stock turnover
A. Production of goods
20. True or false?Financial statements are not
made up of specific elements. B. Trading of goods
21. What is opportunity cost? 26. “Though, the business has to understand
A. the value of the next best option that the close relationship among several ele-
is not selected when a choice is made. ments of the business environment around
B. there is not enough of it. it.” Identify the features of the business
C. things people make to earn money.
A. Rigid
D. actions people do to earn money.
B. Complex
22. Staffing is very important function these
days because of C. Inter-relatedness
A. Increasing size of organisation D. Uncertain
B. Advancement of technology
27. Unity of command insists on
C. Complicated behaviour of human be-
ings A. One boss one employee
D. All of these B. Orders from a single superior
23. The heading used to describe the entire C. Match between orders of different
passage is called heading. bosses
A. major D. All of the above
19. C 20. B 21. A 22. D 23. C 24. D 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. B
28. What is personality test? 33. Home trade is divided into and
A. A test that will be tested on your skills A. external and internal
29. C 30. D 31. B 32. C 33. C 34. B 35. A 36. B 37. B 38. C
D. None of these D. the difference between a firm’s rev-
40. How much money did Samsung lose? enue and costs
39. C 40. C 41. A 41. B 42. A 43. C 44. B 45. C 46. B 47. B 48. A 49. A
50. B 51. A
56. The one whose name is written on a 60. State True or FalseMain elements of busi-
cheque is called the ness activities are industry and trade.
A. drawee A. True
B. drawer B. False
52. D 53. A 54. B 55. B 56. C 57. B 58. D 59. C 59. D 60. B
61. Business that exists within the locality in 65. What is the main purpose of a business
which the producers and the consumers plan?
are within close proximity of each other
A. To provide a roadmap for the business
known as
B. To attract investors
C. To set goals and objectives for the
D. All of the above
A. Local Business Opportunities 66. What are the three types of production?
61. A 62. A 62. C 62. D 63. B 64. A 65. D 66. C 67. C 68. A 69. B
72. are used extensively in areas like D. The one on the top is narrow, and the
ship building, construction projects, air- one on the bottom is wide.
craft manufacture, etc.
75. The row of keys on the computer keyboard
A. Break even analysis your fingers rest on when not typing. A,
S, D, and F and your right-hand are J, K, L,
B. Return on investment
and; (semicolon).
C. PERT & CPM A. Top Row
D. Critical Point Method B. Home Row
C. Bottom Row
73. A business wants to extend the life of
their product, what is this called D. Bottom column
plete? Give reason.
77. What is a transaction register? A. yes, the communication process is
A. A place to register banking mistakes complete even without feedback is given
to the superior.
B. A place to register your debit card
B. Feedback includes all those actions
C. A place to record withdrawals and de-
of the receiver indicating that he has re-
ceived and understood the message of
D. None of the above sender so follow is needed no matter how
is communication.
78. It is the process of ensuring that events
confirm to plans. C. No, the communication process is not
complete unless and until feedback is
A. Planning
given to the superior.
B. Controlling
D. No, the communication process is not
C. Organising complete unless and until sender send
D. Directing message.
79. Which items are human needs, choose 2 83. Which method of growth carries more
answers. risk?
A. shelter A. Internal
B. food B. External
C. calendar 84. During the recession more businesses shut
D. printer down, causing unemployment. This type
of unemployment is:
80. Which is not the benefit of e-business? A. Seasonal
A. Speedy B. Frictional
B. convenience C. Structural
C. costly D. Cyclical
D. easy
85. A business is launching a new product line
81. What characteristics must an entrepreneur and wants to understand consumer prefer-
possess. (There may be more than one cor- ences. Which marketing technique should
rect answer.) they use?
A. Persistent A. Market segmentation
B. Inquisitive B. Sales forecasting
77. C 78. B 79. A 79. B 80. C 81. A 81. B 81. C 82. C 83. B 84. D 85. C
A. Control B. Middle
B. Assurance C. Lower
D. Workers
88. Consumer spending is more likely to in-
crease when: 94. What is the function of planning?
A. Interest rates are rising A. 1
B. Employment levels are falling B. 2
C. Interest rates are falling C. 3
D. Unemployment levels are rising D. 4
89. Implementing policies, managing pro- 95. The Boston Matrix is used to help a firm
cesses, monitoring and controlling daily manage its ?
A. Cash Flow
A. Strategy
B. Product Portfolio
B. Risk management
C. Organisational structure
C. Business operation
D. Share Price
D. none of above
96. What is the purpose of using source docu-
90. To have an effective delegation is impor-
tant to have a responsibility along with?
A. To provide evidence and details of busi-
A. Authority
ness transactions.
B. Manpower
B. .To find the profit or loss of the busi-
C. Incentives ness.
D. Promotion
97. Which of the following statements is not
91. Brand name helps in creating an advantage of internal recruitment?
A. Product differentiation A. Vacancies can be filled quickly.
B. Product modification B. It brings new ideas.
86. D 87. B 88. C 89. C 90. A 91. A 92. B 93. C 94. A 95. B 96. A 97. B
A. To avoid congestion profitability and the efficiency with which
B. Minimise impact businesses might its capital is being used
have on local communities B. The return on capital employed is a
C. To encourage businesses to locate measure of a company’s employee produc-
where unemployment is high tivity
D. All of the above C. The return on capital employed is a
measure of a company’s revenue
99. In case a consumer is not satisfied with the D. The return on capital employed is a
order passed in the State Commission, he measure of a company’s total debt
can further make an appeal in the National
Commission within a time period of 103. The best means of transporting furniture
materials from Lagos to Kano is by
A. rail
B. road
C. water
D. none of above
107. Which one of traditional Techniques of 113. If you answer for number 6 is YES, please
managerial control is very time consuming explain why.
exercise? A. A Time line does not start in chronolog-
A. Personal Oberservation ical order.
A. cash flow is assessed 123. Which of the following job roles is most
likely to receive a company car as a fringe
B. market share is determined
C. similar businesses are evaluated A. Director
D. business sales growth is measured B. Team Leader
C. Operational staff
118. Planning leads to rigidity is
D. Supervisor
A. Features of Planning
124. Which are the types of business risks?
B. Limitation of planning
A. Strategic, operational, compliance,
119. Centralisation refers to and reputational
A. Retention of decision making authority B. Strategic, hazard, operational, and
B. Dispersal of decision making authority
C. Reputational, competitive, compliance,
C. Creating divisions as profit centers and operational
D. Opening new centers or branches D. Production, reputational, operational,
and compliance
120. Abigail, Olivia, and Evelyn are analyzing
the financial health of a company. They 125. What is a current asset?
want to measure the company’s working A. Something a firm owes that must be
capital, which helps in assessing: paid in > 1 year.
A. business profitability B. Something a firm owns that can turn
into cash in > 1 year.
B. business efficiency
C. Something a firm owns that you can
C. business liquidity turn into cash <1 year.
D. business productivity D. None of the above
121. Staffing function begins with 126. What is considered the most important
skill or quality found in entrepreneur?
A. Promotion
A. Aggressiveness
B. Estimating manpower requirements B. Decisiveness
C. Selection C. Having rich parents
D. Training D. Being careful to avoid risks
122. The of the industry extracts and uses 127. A good is essential to a business
the natural resources of Earth to produce when providing customer service.
raw materials used by other business
A. Primary Sector
B. Secondary Sector
C. Tertiary Sector
D. none of above
138. Contracts are invalid when 145. One disadvantage of a sole trader busi-
A. too vague ness is that
B. parties did not intend to contract A. capital is limited to the owner’s sav-
ings and bank loans
C. parties lack legal capacity
B. decisions take too long to make
D. contract is prohibited by legislation
C. owners may disagree
D. none of above
A. SHORT 146. Which one of the answers below is true?
B. MEDIUM A. Specialisation involves on investing in
C. LONG one business only
D. none of above B. Specialisation involves on focusing
one particular job only
140. Controlling guides the organization to
C. Specialisation involves on focusing
keep everything on right track.
one particular job and business only
A. True
D. None of the above
B. False
147. Job tasks, responsibilities and job skills
141. Debentures are loans. are all features of a job description. Is this
A. Secured statement true or false?
B. Unsecured A. True
142. 1 International business includes move- B. False
ment of
148. A manager asked his coworker, “How
A. Goods and services are the sales coming?” Is this internal or
B. Capital and personnel external communication?
C. Technology and intellectual property A. Internal communication
D. All the Above B. External communication
143. Tests organized for industrial/technical 149. External Borrowing, NRIs, Foreign Direct
workers. Investment are not foreign sources of fi-
A. Performance tests nance
B. Interview A. Agree
C. Promotion B. Disagree
D. Selection
150. Which career requires less education than
144. A. The end user of a product is an Auditor?
A. retailer A. Accountant
B. consumer B. Bookkeeper
C. manufacturer C. Credit Analyst
D. wholesaler D. Financial Manager
151. For debentures the issuing company B. Primary Sector Toy making sector
maintains a record of the debenturehold- Quinary sector Quaternary sector Sec-
ers. ondary sector
152. Adding value can be done with the help 157. Which department is responsible for mak-
of: ing the product?
A. Excellent Service quality
B. Product features
C. Convenience
D. All of them
153. The amount of money given to a petty
cashier is called
A. cheque. A. Operations
B. cash.
B. Finance
C. cash float.
C. Marketing
D. petty expenses.
E. against expenses. D. Human Resources
159. the is a legal documents between the 164. Changes should happen in one go because
employee and the employer it is harder to implement them in stages.
A. letter of appointment A. True
B. letter of acceptance B. False
C. employment contract 165. The word limited should appear after the
D. appoint contract name of
A. Partnership
160. The Government of India had introduced
four major reforms in the public sector in B. Registered company
its new industrial policy in C. Statutory company
A. 1993 D. None of these
B. 1992 166. Recruitment means
C. 1990 A. Total number of inquiries made
D. 1991 B. Total number of selections made
161. Organising is a process by which the man- C. Total number of persons short listed
ager D. Total number of applications received
A. Establishes order out of chaos
167. True/False:Job analysis is primarily used
B. Remove conflict among people over for employee performance evaluation.
work on responsibility sharing
A. True
C. Creates an environment suitable for
B. False
D. All of the above 168. Which service from the below mentioned
provides protection from risk?
162. Define Socio-economic Issues (UND) A. Banking
A. All issues affecting the economy B. Transportation
B. refers to the issues that the country is C. Insurance
D. Postal & telegram
C. Issue that the people are facing and
has affect to the economy 169. What are the two division of the key-
D. issues are concerns regarding the fac-
tors that can impact an individual or fam- A. Left hand side and Right hand side
ily’s social standing and economic status B. Home row keys and bottom row keys
163. Which of the following is a not a partici- 170. is the simplest business form under which
pant in the money market one can operate a business.
A. Large corporate house A. single proprietorship
B. RBI B. partnership
C. NBFCs C. corporation
D. retail investors D. none of above
171. WHICH IS APEX BANK OF INDIA 177. Choose the incorrect statement:
A. SBI A. All coins (50p, Rs1, Rs5) are token
C. World Power 186. The buying and selling of goods and ser-
vices between two or more countries is
D. None of the above
called trade
181. Contracts can be oral and in writing A. entrepot
A. True B. export
B. False C. import
D. foreign
182. The following is an example of which re-
sistor to change:this is one of the most 187. Which one of the following is not a pri-
common reasons for resistance to change. mary method
An employee who is required to learn a A. Internet
new skill may be concerned with failure
B. Focus Group
and be resistance to undertake the change.
C. Questionnaire
A. unknown
D. Interview
B. fear
188. The “Boston Matrix” is made up of four
C. trust
stages. Which stage has High market
D. timing share-Low growth
A. Dog
183. This principle emphasise kindliness and
justice in the behaviour of managers to- B. Cash Cow
wards workers: C. Star
A. Equity D. Problem Child
B. Order 189. A global business has adopted a strategy
C. Espirit de Corps which aims to lower the average cost of
its product by increasing output. What is
D. Initiative this strategy called?
184. Co-ordination is: A. Outsourcing
A. nominal and sleeping partner 196. What is the heart of marketing process
B. active and partner by estoppel A. Advertisement
C. partners by estoppel and partners by B. Accumulation
holding out C. Packing
D. nominal and partners by holding out D. Product
192. Choose the correct option 197. A need is not necessary to your survival
A. False
B. True
202. Choose three correct statements A. Division of work
A. Inflation means a price increase of B. Unity of command
goods and services over a period of time C. Unity of direction
B. Gross Domestic Product is the total D. Scalar chain
value of all goods and services produced
206. Financing is concerned with
by a country in a year, including second-
handed goods A. Capital
C. Gross Domestic Product is the total B. Committed workforce
value of all goods and services produced C. legal formalities
by a country in a year, excluding second- D. Nature of business
handed goods
207. refers to buying and collecting re-
D. The business cycle is made of various
quired goods for resale.
stages-introduction, growth, maturity and
decline A. Buying and assembling
E. If the government is slow in finding B. Packaging
ways to bounce back up in their economy, C. Standardization and Grading
the worse will recession be which will re- D. All of these
sult in slump.
208. Choose the correct source document:This
203. is the process of guiding the efforts document is issued by the seller to prove
of employees to accomplish the desired that payment of cash or cheque has been
goals. made by the customer.
A. Supervision A. Receipt
B. Directing B. Invoice
C. Controlling C. Bank statement
D. Motivating D. none of above
Explanation:Supervision being an element 209. At any level of output below the
of directing, every manager in the orga- breakeven point, a business will:
nization supervises his/her subordinates.
It means overseeing what is being done
by the subordinates and giving instruc-
tions to ensure optimum utilization of re-
sources and achievements of work tar-
gets. A. Make a profit
213. The secondary stage of production is D. His liability is limited to the capital con-
tributed by him.
A. manufacture goods made from raw
materials provided by the primary sector 218. Which function of management involves
B. extract and exploit the natural re- analyzing information, set goals, make de-
sources from the earth cisions.
C. provide services to consumers and A. organizing
other sectors of industry
B. leading
D. Relative decline in the importance of
C. planning
country’s secondary (manufacturing) sec-
tor D. controlling
219. Profit is the reward to the own- 224. Who is known as the father of Scientific
ers/shareholders of a business for: Management.
A. working hard A. Peter F. Drucker
B. lending money to the business B. Henry Fayol
C. being an entrepreneur C. Fredrick Winslow Taylor
D. risking their investment in the busi- D. None of the above
225. flooding and droughts
220. helps a business’s employees to gain A. environmental risks
new skills or develop existing skills.
B. reputational risks
A. Training
226. There is high degree of Nepotism in
B. Teaching
A. Government Company
C. Manufacturing
B. Statutory Corporation
D. Research
C. Departmental Undertakings
221. The buying and selling of goods and ser- D. All of the above
vices between two or more people within
a particular country is called trade 227. The three elements of sustainability are
A. Entrepot ,
230. What is the definition of Business? 235. Which is not the Features of Principles of
A. A beautiful place.
B. Rule B. cheque
C. debit note
C. Objective
D. invoice
D. Procedure
239. A cash-flow forecast shows the:
233. Exists if the insured losses financially if
A. timing of cash inflows and outflows
the insured object is destroyed or ceases
over a period of time
to exist.
B. amount of cash a business earns from
A. Indemnification sales
B. Insurable interest C. amount of profit a business earns over
C. Good faith a period of time
D. Compulsory insurance D. amount of cash a business has in its
bank account.
234. Which level of Management takes all the
240. Which of the following expenses cannot
decisions in a centralized organization?
be settled with petty cash/?
A. Top Level Management A. petrol
B. Middle-level Management B. Recharge card
C. Low-Level Management C. taxi to do
D. None of the above D. purchase of school bus
D. Flow production the transaction and the amount to be re-
ceived is known as:
242. Taylor’s views on worker motivation sug- A. Quotation
gests that:
B. Invoice
A. workers will work hard when they have
clean conditions C. Dispatch note
B. workers will work hard when they en- D. Letter of Advice
joy work socially
247. What is the primary reason for Abigail,
C. workers will work harder when they Mason, and Zoe to pursue the study of
are paid more business administration?
D. workers work harder when they are A. To gain insight into the principles of ef-
given extra responsibility fective management
243. Finance is B. To understand the history of ancient
A. a stock or supply of money, materials,
staff, and other assets C. To explore the field of astronomy
B. pecuniary matters, fiscal matters, eco- D. To learn about different types of rocks
nomics, money management, commerce, and minerals
business, investment, banking, account- Explanation:Abigail, Mason, and Zoe
ing. should study business administration to
understand the principles of effective
C. Buying, selling and dealing in the trade management.
of goods or services
D. none of above 248. refers to the duty of a business to
contribute to the well-being of a commu-
244. Which management approach requires nity
flexibility & the ability to adapt manage- A. Conservation
ment strategies to suit changing circum-
stances B. Social Responsibility
A. Autocratic C. Business Ethics
B. Contingency D. Worker Protection
C. Behaviouranl 249. Neena. a student of management, dur-
D. Classical ing a visit to an automobile factory ob-
served that for designing a car, the assem-
245. A percentage reduction in the price of ble line production would entail deciding
goods is known as a/an. the sequence of operation, place for men,
machines and raw materials etc. Name the 253. Which of following does not have Sepa-
technique of scientific management that is rate Legal Entity?
being be adhered to by the company.
252. Which factor of production would you 256. What is the most likely source of finance
consider a lawn mower? for buying property?
A. Mortgage
B. Factoring
C. A bank loan
D. none of above
C. Capital C. An office
D. Entrepreneur D. A store
258. What is happening at point F of the Prod- B. Includes letters and notices/posters,
uct Life Cycle? but increasingly involve the use of infor-
C. Sender speaks to the receiver
D. Sender reads the letter written by the
sender to the receiver
263. According to which scientific principle
“management should take workers into
confidence before taking important deci-
C. Extension Strategy C. STABILITY OF TENURE
D. Introduction D. SCALAR CHAIN
264. is when a business takes over or
259. What is Grammar?
merges with another business
A. It is an important part of a speech
A. Internal Growth
B. It is constructed using two verbs B. External Growth
C. It is the whole system and structure of
265. Which term is concerned with the acqui-
sition and conservation of capital funds in
D. It expresses an action or a state of be- meeting the financial needs of a business
ing. enterprise
A. Equity share
OF: B. Debenture
A. MNCs C. Preference Share
B. GOVT. CO. D. Retained earnnings
267. In which year, did consumer protection 273. Which term is used when a job is divided
Act come into existence? between two or more people?
A. 1986 A. Job share
268. Entrepreneurs look for business ideas and 274. Providing liquidity is an important func-
new and better ways to solve problems. tion of stock exchange.
A. True A. True
B. False B. False
269. Which of the following statements about 275. All newly promoted managers at a fast
personal sources of finance is false? food franchise are introduced to a senior
manager that can help with any questions
A. Often cheaper in the long-term and issues that arise. What is this process
B. Less ‘red tape’ or delay in getting the called?
cash A. Controlling
C. Less personal financial risk for the en- B. Forecasting
C. Franchising
D. May be harder to raise large amounts
D. Mentoring
270. Which limited companies required to dis-
276. All the workers must be treated as same
close financial information?
and at par with others without any partial-
A. Private Limited Companies ity.
B. Public Limited Companies A. Order
C. Private and Public Limited Companies B. Discipline
D. none of above C. Fair remuneration
B. technological dimension and Political
C. Political dimension and Social dimen-
A. Horizontal integration
B. forward Vertical integration
D. Economic dimension and Legal dimen-
C. Conglomerate integration sion
D. backward Vertical integration
284. Which of the following is not an advan-
280. This image represents which economic tage of exporting?
A. Easier way to enter into international
B. Comparatively lower risks
C. Limited presence of markets in foreign
D. Less investment requirements
A. Primary Sector
285. Various input resources are required by
B. Tertiary Sector
management to complete a task effec-
C. Secondary Sector tively and efficiently
D. Quaternary Sector A. Finished goods
281. Foreman and supervisors comprise B. Raw Material
A. Top level management
C. knowledge
B. Middle level management
D. none of these
C. operational level management
D. None of these 286. An individual who undertakes the risk
associated with creating, organizing, and
282. Which of the following is the best option owning a business.
to use for capitalizing an entire word?
A. Entrepreneurship
A. Right Shift Key
B. Cap Locks Key B. Entrepreneur
287. Your is made up of everything you B. to check the standard of work of all
own. workers
298. The main focus of the societal concept 303. Capital employed is the total value of out-
A. customer satisfaction put used in the business.
structure? B. Private Company
A. Mrs Kingswood C. Sole Trader
B. of Ferrers D. Public Company
C. The council 305. It found two factors one which affects
D. Mr Jackson the firm directly and the other which af-
fects all the firms in the business Identify
300. Which of the following describes the the features of the business environment
money going into a business? been highlighted in the above case.
A. Input A. Uncertainty
B. Revenue B. Specific and general forces
C. Output C. Dynamic
D. none of above D. None of these
301. CRT:Can you design your own stress man- 306. The room where typewriters are kept
agement model? and used is called
A. yes A. typing area
B. maybe B. typing house
C. No C. typing pool
D. none of above D. typing studio
311. What the Finance Department not do? 316. What happens to fixed costs if there is a
decrease in contribution per unit?
A. Forecasting cash flow.
A. Fixed costs increase
B. Producing accounting information for
managers. B. Fixed costs decrease
C. Hold Annual General Meetings. C. The margin of safety falls
D. Take important decisions of finance. D. No change, fixed costs are not affected
312. Shareholders are owners of
317. You maintain the diaries of three execu-
A. Partnership tives in your organization. When some-
B. Sole proprietorship one telephones to make an appointment
the first fact that you try to ascertain is
C. Limited liability companies
A. who they want to see
D. Public enterprise
B. What day they want to come
313. Negative effect on individuals, society
and business is known as C. what time they want to come
A. Social responsibility D. why they want to make an appointment
B. Social abuse
318. If an Indian company imports rubber from
C. Employment Thailand and exports it to Japan
D. Socioeconomic issues A. Import trade
314. When a property is insured by more than B. Export trade
one insurance (i.e in case of multiple insur-
C. Entrepot trade
ance), the insurers are to share losses in
what proportion? D. none of above
319. An opportunity is set of circumstances 324. If I buy 4 chocolate bars for a £1 and I
that a person can perceive as sell all my chocolates for 50p how much
profit have I made?
A. a way to make money
A. 50p
B. a way to gett rich quick
B. £1
C. an avenue to success
C. £2
D. none of above
D. £1.50
320. A business plan helps the entrepreneur to
ensure that all risks are identified, calcu- 325. Which of the following is a consequence
lated and proactively managed. of poor quality?
A. True A. Low capacity
329. Formal Sector + Informal Sector=? decision-making process that concern them
A. A good Government directly.
340. Money which is accepted as a medium 345. What is the primary purpose of collective
of exchange because of the trust between bargaining?
the payer and the payee is called A. To improve employee skills
A. Full bodied money B. To establish a maximum legal wage
B. credit money C. To negotiate terms and conditions of
C. Fiat money employment
D. To plan and organize
D. fiduciary money
346. ABC Ltd. is planting trees on the roadside.
341. Providing opportunities for personal Which objective is it trying to achieve?
growth and development is related to
which kind of business objective. A. Organisational
C. Esources should be divided among 365. Which one of the following statements is
jobs. not correct?
D. It leads to speacialisation A. Management is a goal-oriented pro-
360. Career opportunities in Business studies
involve the following EXCEPT B. Management is a continuous process
A. cashier C. Management is a dynamic process
B. marketer D. Management is a rigid process
C. administrator
D. hawker. 366. Which of the following pairs are the ma-
jor duties of a receptionist?
361. is an example of a non-current liabil-
A. Gossiping and receiving callers
B. Handling the telephone and posting let-
A. Equipment
B. Mortgage bond
C. Receiving callers and handling the tele-
C. Creditor phone
D. Short term loan
D. Smiling and conversing with visitors
362. Type of products which cannot be sold
without technical knowledge- 367. Which among the following is the exten-
sion of Harmony, not Discord?
A. Durable
B. Industrial A. Science not rule of thumb
C. Restoration B. 4
D. Returns C. 5
B. money is a must to satisfy only physio-
A. Informal Business Advantage logical needs
B. Informal Business Disadvantage C. it is easy to identify to which level a
C. Formal Business Advantage worker is on the hierarchy
D. Formal Business Disadvantage D. self-actualisation is never perma-
nently achieved
381. What is the main aim of the private sec-
tor businesses? 386. What does a business adjust to create a
A. To reduce unemployment brand image for a product?
B. To make profits A. The marketing mix
C. To increase competition
B. Market
D. To provide public services
C. Consumers
382. Extension of the product life cycle should
D. Distribution
be considered before the end of which
387. Which of the following is an essence of
A. Growth management?
B. Maturity
A. supervision
C. Saturation
B. directing
D. Decline
C. controlling
383. In case of Registration is compulsory
D. coordination
A. Sole Proprietorship
B. Partnership 388. One of the best definition of ‘piece rate’
C. None of these of pay is:
D. Company A. workers are paid according to the du-
ration of their work
384. A business is:
A. An organisation that always makes a B. workers are paid according to the
profit quantity of their work
B. Producing only the goods and services C. workers are paid according to the qual-
society wants ity of their work
C. Producing goods and services and D. workers are paid when they do not
adding value to these make any pieces of output
B. Business turn. Previous Page
C. Employment C. The business passes its profits and
D. All of the above losses to the owners, and they claim the
profits and losses on their sole proprietor-
401. All of the following are important fea- ship tax return.
tures of packaging for a breakfast cereal D. none of above
A. contains important health and con- 405. Which of the following sales promotions
tents information enables products to be sold at a price
lower than the original price to boost up
B. protects the cereal from being crushed sales in off seasons.
whilst being transported
A. Price off offers
C. is eye-catching and helps to attract the
consumer to the product B. Fairs and exhibitions
C. Middle level management 414. The following are the costs of developing
D. Operational level new products except:
419. Which of the following columns is not 424. Elements of direction are
part of a journal? A. Supervison, motivation, leadership
A. cash and communication
B. debit B. Supervison, motivation, leadership
420. Playing with friends, being a club pres- 425. Which two of the following are potential
ident, and doing chores are examples of risks of being an entrepreneur?Select two
what foundation skills category? answers:
A. Basic A. Ability to pursue an interest
B. Personal Qualities B. Flexible working hours
C. Writing C. Possible financial loss
D. Math D. Lack of financial security
E. Independence
ING IN MULTIPLES OF 100 STOCKS OR 426. What is the most likely objective of a
LESS? newly formed business enterprise?
441. The office is a place in which 446. What is one of the reasons or functions
of insurance?
A. business affairs are carried out.
A. To bear loss
B. information is driven.
B. To reduce risks
C. functions are varied.
C. To cause loss
D. All of the above.
D. To ensure loss
442. Which of the following options is most
447. The person that commits his financial re-
likely to be a reason why a firm may wish
sources to enjoy a product is called
to expand?
A. consumer
A. To keep control of the business
B. producer.
B. To increase the level of profits the firm
will make C. retailer.
D. trade
C. To encourage competition
D. To avoid publicity 448. Non profit organizations do what?
A. operate on donations
443. The type of retail business acts as a sup-
plier of a wide variety of products under B. provide goods and services to busi-
one roof: ness and individuals
C. Work for their own good
A. Departmental store
D. none of above
B. Chain-store
C. Mail-order house 449. The “start-up” stage is often called the
“pre-birth” stage of the business.
D. Multiple-shop
A. True
444. One of the uses of source documents is B. False
that it
450. Span of management refers to
A. helps in identifying troublesome cus-
tomers A. Number of managers
B. identifying the source of all problems B. Length of term for which a manager is
in a business appointed
C. Number of subordinates under a supe-
C. helps in analyzing business activities.
D. attracting more buyers
D. Number of in members in top manage-
445. . “Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Di- ment
recting and controlling” is the sequence of 451. Which of the following is least likely to
functions in a process. Name it. be part of a business plan
A. Management A. market research
B. planing B. aims and objectives
C. organisation C. cashflow forecasts
D. staffing D. owners hobbies
C. By improving marketing strategies
B. All quality errors are passed onto man-
agers for resolution D. By limiting customer service
C. All products are checked at the end of 467. Public sector usually include
the manufacturing process
A. electricity industry
D. All workers should aim to satisfy their
B. fashion business
internal or external customers
C. water supply
462. Costs that remain the same regardless of
D. health industry
how many products a business produces
A. Fixed costs 468. Which of the following is not a principle
of Henry Fayol
B. Variable costs
A. Division of work
C. Total cost
B. Harmony not discord
D. Average cost
C. Discipline
463. Management has dimensions D. Unity of command
A. 2
469. He arranges workers, machines, tools
B. 3 and materials etc. for the jobs
C. 4 A. Speed Boss
D. None of the above B. Gang boss
464. What is meant by the phrase CSR? Q.1. C. Repair Boss
What is meant by the phrase CSR? a) Cor- D. Inspector
porate Social Responsibility d) Company
Society Responsibility 470. Interest rate is a component of monetary
A. Corporate Social Responsibility
A. True
B. Company Social Responsibility
B. False
C. Corporate Society Responsibility
D. Company Society Responsibility 471. what are the causes of poverty?
A. corruption
465. A specific amount of money given to the
petty cashier to pay for minor expenses at B. world hunger
the beginning of account period is called C. Lack of access to education
A. float D. all the above
C. provide services to consumers and 486. Which of the following is related to Profit
other sectors of industry centre?
D. Relative decline in the importance of A. Production Department of manufactur-
country’s secondary (manufacturing) sec- ing organisation
tor B. Repair and Maintenance Department
481. An entrepreneur is C. Marketing Department
A. a. A person who is able to think of a D. Return on Investment Department
487. Directing is concerned with the following
B. A person who is able to see opportuni-
C. A person who has confidence and A. Communication
courage to take up a business B. Leadership
D. A person who identifies and grabs the C. Motivation and supervision
opportunity to make money D. All of these
482. Which of the following is not the Func-
488. Identify the stockholder definition from
tions of Wholesaler?
the choices
A. Pricing
A. Stock holders elect a board of direc-
B. Specializes in one good tors from among there group
C. Grading B. Group of individuals elected to repre-
D. Assembling of goods sent share holders. A boards mandate is
to establish policies and make decisions
483. Determining the size and categories of on many company issues
personnel required is called human re-
C. The person who owns stock in a cor-
source planning.
poration has the right to vote on com-
A. True pany matters which includes voting for the
B. False board of directors
494. imports are cheaper when 498. Which of the following does not charac-
terise the Business Environment
A. the exchange rate is higher in your
country. A. Uncertainty
B. exchange rate is lower in your country B. Employees
C. exchange rate is higher in the country C. Relativity
your importing from. D. Complexity
D. none of above 499. Which of the following is not a feature of
495. Identify which step composes and place
an advertisement. A. Planning is futuristic.
B. Advertisement
benefit of developing new products?
A. It is cheap to develop new products 507. In the context of business registration,
B. Latest technology can be a feature of what is the benefit of “limited liability”?
new products
A. Being morally responsible for anything
C. Customers always prefer newly devel- the company does.
oped products
D. It gives a business a big advantage be- B. Being able to say that you are better
cause competitors will not be developing than other companies.
new products C. Having to pay less tax.
502. Esprit de corps means D. If your company goes bankrupt you
A. Teamwork won’t have to pay for it.
B. Mutual understanding
C. Replacing I with we 508. The buying of right quality and quantity
of raw materials are duties of man-
D. All of the above ager.
503. Financial performance, policies, employ- A. Administrative
ees and corporate culture are all rea-
sons for change B. Production
A. internal C. Sales
B. operating
D. Purchasing
C. external
D. None of the above 509. What type of policy is the use of interest
504. Factors of production are below, EXCEPT rates to control the economy?
511. Does the factor below push or pull people D. Bank loan
into setting up there business? Disagree-
ment with management. 517. What is a verb?
B. Government B. 1 year
C. Board of directors C. 5 years
D. None of the above D. 10 years
520. Another name for Sole Trade is (a) 525. Customer is the of the market.
Sole Proprietorship (b) Partnership (c) A. king
B. master
A. Sole Proprietorship
C. servant
B. Partnership
D. seller
C. Limited liability company
526. State any one organisational structure
D. Public enterprises
A. Promotional structure
521. What is the full form of LLP?
B. Functional structure
A. Limited liability partnership
527. Monitoring the plan implies
B. Limited lliability partnership
A. Developing premises
522. Get Out There Pty Ltd is a company which B. Setting objective
manufactures outdoor goods. One product
they make is walking poles used for hik- C. Follow up action
ing. The fixed costs for the business are D. All of the above
$60 000 and the variable costs for man-
ufacturing each pole total $20. The busi- 528. What is social responsibility?
ness sells each pole for $40. What level A. Developing and promoting environ-
of output is needed for break-even to be mentally sound products and practices to
achieved for the hiking pole production? gain a competitive edge
A. 30, 000 poles B. Doing business to meet the needs of
B. 60, 000 poles the current generation, without harming
the ability of future generations to meet
C. 6000 poles their needs
D. 3000 poles C. The protection deliberately or promo-
tion of the interests of consumers
523. equity shareholders are called
D. An ethical theory, in which individu-
A. owner of the company als are accountable for fulfilling their civic
B. partner of the company duty
C. executives of the company 529. Movement along the Demand curve to
D. guardian of the company the right is called
A. decrease in demand
524. An advantage of delegation is
B. decrease in quantity demanded
A. workers have less work to do
C. increase in demand
B. managers can concentrate on more im-
portant tasks D. increase in quantity demanded
C. managers lose some of their responsi- 530. hey sell goods of different size, brands,
bilities designs, styles and quality of the same
D. managers can control subordinates product line
more closely A. Single line store
C. $1 050 D. Entrepreneurship
541. Which of these is not a personal quality 546. Organizational resources of a business in-
of a clerk? clude resources.
A. sound educational background A. financial, human, technological and
B. hostility physical
D. ability to answer questions 547. a training that gives employees the op-
E. has to be intelligent portunity to experience other tasks that
require the same skills
542. What is an entrepreneur? A. mentoring
A. A person who sets up a new business B. job rotation
for self-achievement.
C. coaching
B. A person who sets up a new business
solely for economic achievement. D. total quality management
B. Decentralised
of involuntary cessation?
A. Theowner wishing to retire 568. The procedure matches the require-
B. The owner moving overseas ments of a post with the strengths of a
C. Creditors forcing the business to
cease trading A. induction
D. Creditors invoicing the business for B. recruitment
C. placement
563. What is the column used for recording the D. remuneration
actual monetary value called?
A. Folio 569. The Constitution and Bill of Rights in
South Africa are part of the element
B. Discount
of the macro environment
C. Amount
A. International
D. particular
B. Economical
564. Why are ethical behaviour and govern-
ment regulation important in marketing? C. cultural and social
571. Which of the following sales document B. It helps them to know how the en-
accompany goods transported to the cus- trepreneur takes decisions.
574. provide capital for business operation 579. The Principal’s office is an example of
A. an accountant
A. Large office
B. a receptionist
B. small office
C. an entrepreneur
C. Bank
D. a cleaner
D. school office
575. Product Specialisation deals with
580. “Emerging entrepreneurs” is a term that
A. Functional structure is used to describe entrepreneurs who
B. Divisional Structure have previously been disadvantaged.
C. Formal Structure A. True
D. Informal Structure B. False
576. Which of the following statements not 581. All human efforts whether physically or
one of the Uses Of Business Plans To The mentally directed towards the production
Investors? of wealth is
C. threat B. Push
D. promotion
588. Labour is
E. manipulation
A. Paid physical work
583. What is the major difference between the
B. A person who purchases goods and
vision and objectives of a business?
services for personal use
A. A vision should meet the SMART crite-
C. A person company, or country that
makes, grows or supplied goods
B. Objectives encompass the values of
the business. D. none of above
C. Objectives are more specific and mea- 589. Which of these is not an objective of man-
surable. agement
D. A vision has a set time frame for its A. Optimum Utilisation of Resources
B. Fair Return on Capital
584. An office with a big space where many
C. Create Goodwill
workers carry out different activities is
called offices D. Reduce Productivity of All Factors of
A. Administrative
B. Closed 590. The market share of Nokia phones in In-
C. Large dia has shrunk from 80% to 20%. Nokia
faces business risk arising from
D. Open
A. Human Causes
E. Small
B. Economic causes
585. an employee’s voluntary decision to
leave the company C. Natural causes
A. termination D. Other causes
B. demotion 591. Which of the following is not an auxiliary
C. resignation to trade
D. transfer A. Insurance
586. commerce means B. Warehousing
A. Buying C. Mining
B. Selling D. Transport
592. What is the main role of the Johannes- 597. Having no Competitive Advantage one of
burg Security Exchange? Risks.
601. Liaison with the outside world is a func- 607. The product life cycle shows the different
tion of stages that a product passes through and
A. Top level sales that can be expected at each stage
A. True
B. Supervisory level
B. False
C. Middle level
D. All the above 608. Which one of following is commonly rel-
evant for both sole proprietorships and
602. Give an example of how corporate com- partnerships.
panies let know the candidate is hired A. Partnership ordinance 1890
A. through a message on Instagram B. Fraud fraudulent Act 1840
B. whatsapp call C. Business names ordinance No. 06 of
C. writing an email to the candidate 1918.
D. none of above D. Business registration act 1972
E. Act No 07 of 2007
603. This is a training method in which se-
lected candidates carry on regular studies 609. Which of the following is not a feature of
for the prescribed period. They also work organisation?
in some factory or office to acquire practi- A. Component of management
cal knowledge and skills.
B. coordination
A. Apprenticeship program
C. division of work
B. Internship training
D. one person
C. Vestibule training
610. A debit note can also be a/an
D. Induction training
A. complementary invoice
604. Putting a plan to action B. supplementary invoice
A. Archiving C. intermediate invoice
B. Adaptability D. external invoice
C. Compensation
611. “a business strategy that uses existing
D. Activating social networks to promote a product”
605. A sole proprietorship is taxed only once. A. E-Commerce
A. false B. Viral advertising
B. True C. E-Tailor
D. E-Shop
606. Is date an important column on the leger?
612. Which of the following is a specific form
A. Yes
of business organization where member-
B. No ship is by BIRTH?
C. Sometimes A. Sole proprietorship
D. Never B. Partnership
C. Joint Hindu Family Business CBSE pattern before its competitors could
D. Cooperative Society do the same. Which environment aware-
ness is being identified by ABC Pvt. Lt.?
623. From among the following, identify the B. it will lead to a long chain of command
factor which does not form part of facili- C. there will be more managers in the or-
tating function of marketing? ganisation
A. Financing D. none of above
B. Risk bearing
628. High powered money includes
C. Packaging
A. currency and demand deposits
D. Standardization
B. demand deposits and saving deposits
624. Term of treasury bill cannot be more than C. currency held by the public and the
year cash reserves with banks
A. two D. None of these
B. ten
629. I own a motel/hotel, what sized busi-
C. one ness am I most likely to be?
D. five A. Small
625. Identify the responsibility of consumers B. Medium
from the picture C. Large
A. Be honest in your dealings D. Micro
B. Learn about the risk associated with 630. Name the deposit arranged by one com-
product and services pany with another company for a short
C. Respect the environment term.
D. Assert yourself to ensure that you get A. Fixed deposit
a fair deal. B. Inter-corporate deposits
Explanation:Consumers should learn
about the risks associated with products C. Owned deposit
and services to make informed decisions. D. Borrowed deposits
This choice is correct because it empha-
sizes the importance of consumer knowl- 631. Which of the following is a part of the
edge and awareness. Central Processing Unit?
A. Printer
626. The possibility that an enterprise will
have lower than anticipated profits or ex- B. Key board
perience a loss? C. Mouse
A. Reward D. Arithmetic & Logic unit
636. Which type of activity this picture repre- 640. A provides for the greatest degree of
sents? continuity:
A. Corporation
B. Joint venture
C. Sole proprietorship
D. none of above
641. When a business buys up a firm operat- B. leave unused accounts open for possi-
ing in the same stage of production ble use in the future
C. wait 3-5 days before reporting a lost
or stolen card
D. sign the back of all credit cards with
your signature and “Please See I.D.”
A. Horizontal integration pact discs (CD’s) for computer, have be-
come obsolete. Google, with its Google
B. Vertical integration Drive service, Apple with its iCloud offer-
C. conglomerate ing, enables the users store documents,
photos, music and movies on web-based
D. Internal growth
servers. Identify the feature of business
642. The balances of demand deposits main- environment being described in the above
tained at commercial banks are called. lines.
A. Bank money. A. Relativity
B. Near Money B. Dynamic nature
C. Fiat Money. C. Uncertainty
D. Electronic Money. D. Interrelatedness
E. Currency Money.
647. Taking raw materials and making them
643. a psychologist who developed a theory into a finished or semi-finished product de-
of motivation. scribes which industry sector?
A. Abraham H. Maslow A. Tertiary
B. Frederick Taylor B. Secondary
C. Henry Fayol C. Primary
D. none of above D. Quinary
644. An askari rides his bicycle to work every 648. Infosys Limited is an Indian multinational
day. In this scenario, what is the method information technology company
of propulsion?
A. true
A. The bicycle
B. false
B. His legs
C. The road 649. If a business if acting ethical, it means
D. A motor A. They use Fair trade products
B. They pay a fair wage for their employ-
645. One way to protect credit cards and
credit card information is to:
A. carry a list of all credit card account C. They cut corners with safety regula-
numbers and phone numbers with your tions
credit cards D. They test on animals
650. set of standards of conduct that guide de- B. Institute of Charted Accountants of In-
cisions and actions based on duties derived dia
from core values
654. C is a person who is now a Chartered Ac- 658. The two types of transaction are and
countant. To practice as a CA he needs to
become a member of which professional A. cash and credit
association? B. payment and credit
C. credit and debit
D. cash and cheque
C. Guarantee for success of an organisa- A. The real business situations are com-
tion plex
D. All of the above B. The real business situations are dy-
660. Name the two broad categories of busi-
C. The principles act as general guide-
ness activities.
A. Trade and commerce
D. All of the above
B. trade and industry
666. Lack of Co-ordination results in
C. industry and commerce
A. Delay in work
D. none of these
B. Duplication of work
661. Suppliers are responsible for providing
C. Overlapping of activities
resources such as raw materials to a busi-
ness. D. All of these
A. True 667. Total costs = Fixed Costs +
B. False A. VC
662. Explain one benefit to a business of using B. EC
a market map C. LC
A. Reduced customer reach D. DC
B. Improved product positioning 668. Decision-making power is passed down
C. Decreased customer segmentation to the organization to empower subordi-
D. Limited market understanding nates and regional/product managers, re-
ferred to as?
663. Tangible goods are goods that you can. A. Decentralization
A. Performed B. Centralization
B. Provided C. Delegation
C. Rendered D. Span of control
D. See or hold
669. Identify the traits as business, profession
664. The cooperative society is required to be and employmentA hawker sells toys for
registered under the Cooperative Society children outside a function
Act A. Profession
A. 2013 B. Business
B. 1932 C. Employment
C. 1956 D. none of above
D. 1912 670. An advantage of Wimpy having a strong
665. The principles of management do not pro- brand could be that
vide ready-made straight jacket solutions A. management is able to offer below-
to all management problems because inflation salary increases
A. N5 Accounting
A. Banker’s supervisor
B. N5 Travel and Tourism
B. Lender of last resort
C. N5 Administration and IT
C. Money creation
D. N5 Business Management
D. Controller of credit
682. Direct exchange of goods against goods
is called: 687. Is a television a need or want?
B. MONEY B. Want
688. Productivity is ascertained by comparing
D. NONE OF THESE the value of output with the value of input.
It is associated as a measure of
683. What sector does Starbucks operate in?
A. effectiveness
B. efficiency
C. both
D. none
702. The functions performed by the top level A. Yell at everyone in the space.
management is the most important be-
B. Speak loudly so that others can hear
cause they take care of
A. Overall organization
C. Mumble under your breath.
B. specific problems
D. Use a presentation and poster board
C. routine problems
for your speech.
D. extra ordinary problems
707. According to the United Nations Envi-
703. By profession, FW Taylor was a
ronmental Agency, the world produces
A. Mechanical engineer around 300 million tons of plastic each
B. Mining engineer year, half of which constitutes single-use
C. Psychologist items. Ford is recycling over one billion
plastic bottles every year to develop el-
D. Human resource officer
ements of the car’s interior, reducing the
704. Grapevine is amount of plastic ending up in a landfill.
A. Formal communication The American car maker has revealed that
their Romanian-built EcoSport SUVs’ car-
B. Barriers to communication pets are made using 470 recycled single-
C. Lateral communication use plastic bottles. The process for mak-
D. Informal communication ing Ford EcoSport carpets involves shred-
ding bottles and their caps into tiny flakes
705. Imagine that you decided to found a gro- and then heating them to 260◦ C. Identify
cery store. You registered your business the related dimension of business environ-
so that all shoppers who wanted to shop ment.
at your store had to first buy an expen-
sive membership. Besides being able to A. Economic dimension
shop at your grocery store the shoppers B. Social dimension
would receive a share in the company and
C. Technological dimension
would be able to vote on all business deci-
sions the grocery store made. What type D. Political dimension
of business would your grocery store be?
A. A c-corp 708. Working capital can be termed as the cap-
ital invested in:
B. A benefit corporation
A. Current Assets
C. A nonprofit corporation
D. And co-op B. Inventories
B. C. £110, 000
D. £94, 500
C. 4 D. Principle of Initiative
D. 5 723. Which of these is NOT an example of a
E. 1 need?
A. Water
720. Which of the following ensures cost effec-
tiveness in managing in managing informa- B. Food
tion C. watch
A. Budgetary Control D. Shelter
B. Management Audit
724. Who defined Marketing management as
C. Management Information System the art and science of choosing target
D. Management by Exception markets and getting, keeping, and grow-
ing customers through creating, delivering,
721. Wants:desires for goods, services, feel- and communicating superior customer val-
ings, and other things we would like to ues of management.
have but do not need. ( Secondary Needs) A. Henry Fayol
A. True B. Philip Kotler
B. False C. American Management Association
C. Maybe D. Anita Roddick
D. none of above
725. Which of the following can lead to a poor
722. Mr Rajiv, the senior manager of Unique quality product?
enterprise, considered himself very wise A. Poorly motivated staff
and used to take all the decisions him-
B. It gives the product an easily recogniz-
self without consulting the employees, he
able name
never used to help any one nor he used
to take help of anyone. The employ- C. It means the business will increase its
ees of unique enterprise were not work- market share
ing efficiently and company’s profit mar- D. All of the above
gin started declining to tackle the prob-
lem, the company appointed a new man- 726. Transfer of interest exists in the case of
ager from IIM Bangalore. The new man- A. Profession
ager after joining made a policy that all
B. employment
the decisions will be taken after consult-
ing employees in the meeting. All employ- C. business
ees must give some suggestions and best D. none of these
suggestions will be rewarded with finan-
cial and non-financial incentives. This pol- 727. Previously undeveloped areas of land,
icy had a very positive effects on com- usually on the outskirts of towns and cities
pany.State the principle of Henry Fayol is known as?
used by new manager. A. Waste land
A. Principle of Division of work B. Greenfield site
B. Principle of Unity of Direction C. Desert
C. Principle of Unity of Command D. Brownfield site
732. By what means is Petroleum and natu- 738. In Marketing mix which scope of product
ral gas transported from one place to an- supports the elements:
other? A. Guarantee
B. Warranties A. profitability
C. Quality B. social
D. Packaging C. Porter’s five forces
E. All of these D. triple bottom line
739. Recruitment can be defined as 745. Which of the following is a basic need?
A. Total number of inquiries made A. love
B. Total number of applications received B. belonging
C. Total number of persons shortlisted C. shelter
D. Total number of selections made D. safety
740. Marketing management ensures that 746. The two basic types of office are small
marketing functions are to be performed and
in such a way that the organization’s ob- A. large.
jectives are achieved:
B. long.
A. effectively
C. medium.
B. efficiently
D. open.
C. practically
D. both (a) and (b) 747. The first communication gate way is Nige-
ria is
741. Mention one importance of business envi- A. Globacom
ronment is
B. Qualitative
A. Necessity for change
C. Mtn, Nigeria
B. Helps in tapping useful resources
D. none of above
742. Quality occurs when business do
check ups during the production process or 748. Legal controls on race state that all races,
every stage of manufacturing. colours, nationalities or ethnic origin must
be all of these except?
A. control
A. Treated equally during recruitment
B. assurance and selection process
743. select the options which describe Equity B. The employer is liable if they discrimi-
shares nate on racial grounds
A. High rate of interest C. They must employ an equal percent-
B. low risk, high returns age across all races
C. high risk, high returns than others D. Treated equally in all aspects of em-
ployment and training.
D. receive priority over creditors
749. Evenly distribution of Authority at every
744. Total ltd is not only concerned about their level leads to
financial position, but also about social &
environmental therefore report on their A. Decentralisation
performance B. Delegation
B. ignored a valid comment from the au- 759. It becomes difficult for investors to raise
dience. loans from banks against collateral of their
holdings in securities traded at the stock people free of cost in a charitable dis-
exchange. pensary.Dr.Gauri opened a medical store
A. False wherein she sells genuine medicines, get-
ting the minimum profit margin.3. The re-
B. True ward a business gets for bearing the risk
760. Enterprise is the act of is called
B. Borrowing money
C. Buying shares C. Bonus
D. Taking the risk of starting a business D. Profit
761. WHICH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING INDEX 765. Is a supplier a stakeholder in a business?
B. No
A. S & P 500
766. What is the purpose of screening a visi-
B. FTSE 100
A. To ensure that they are authorized to
762. Public enterprises are owned by public B. To ensure that they dress properly
A. True C. none of the above
B. False D. none of above
763. The main purpose of cooperative society 767. Which of the following forms of business
is to organization is an “ artificial legal person
A. buy goods for everybody “?
B. provide essentials services at cheaper A. A partnership firm
rate B. A Joint Stock company
C. sell goods and services to members at C. A Joint Hindu Family Business
a cheap rate
D. A Sole Proprietorship
D. to maximize maximum profit
768. Your style of delegation will change de-
764. Read the following carefully and an- pending on the experience and capabilities
swer the following question no. 1-4 of your team members.
on the basis of same:All the four chil-
A. True
dren of Mr.Madan Lal are doctors.Shyam
is a skin specialist, Krishna is a heart B. False
specialist, Radhika is a child specialist
and Gauri is a physician. Dr.Shyam 769. Tamara has decided to open a hair salon.
joined a multi-speciality private hospi- called lovely Hair Salon. She start the busi-
tal.Dr.Krishna established his own nurs- ness on her own. Her form of ownership
ing home. Dr.Radhika works in a gov- is a
ernment hospital and also treats the poor A. Sole Proprietor
A. 1-A, 2-C, 3-D, 4-E, 5-B 777. What is the function of the following im-
B. 1-C, 2-E, 3-A, 4-D, 5-B
C. 1-C, 2-A, 3-E, 4-B, 5-D
D. 1-B, 2-D, 3-C, 4-E, 5-A
E. 1-C, 2-A, 3-E, 4-D, 5-B
778. Goods are imported not for domestic pur- C. Office Guidelines
pose but to export to other countries is D. none of above
784. In order to achieve best practice, a mobile
A. Export trade
phone company examines global trends
B. Entrepot trade in phone technology before designing and
producing their phones. What operations
779. The following is not an objective of man-
strategy is this business using?
A. Standardisation
A. Earning profits
B. Global sourcing
B. Growth of an organisation
C. Scanning and learning
C. Providing employment
D. Inventory management
D. Policy Making
785. Which is not the function management of
780. Air India is an Exmple of? the following
A. Departmental Undertakings A. Coordinating
B. Statutory corporation B. Directing
C. Government Companies C. Cooperation
D. None of these D. Communication
781. Finding solutions to problems through 786. Tina a manager of Shikhar automobiles
carefully designed studies involving cus- limited establishes an atmosphere that en-
tomers. courages employees to do their best. She
also creates an environment that makes
A. Product
them want to work. She directs through
B. Services praise and criticism in such a way that it
C. Marketing research brings out the best in the employee. Iden-
tify the concept highlighted in the above
D. Marketing
782. The law of demand states that A. Management
A. consumers demand a larger quantity B. Coordination
of a good when price is low. C. Directing
B. consumer demand increases when D. Controlling
price is low.
787. Use the following statements to answer
C. sellers supply a larger quantity of a
this question:I. Markets that have only a
good when price is high.
few sellers cannot be highly competitive.II.
D. sellers increase supply when price is Markets with many sellers are always per-
high. fectly competitive.
783. A set of standard for how a staff works A. I and II are true.
together in the office is called B. I is true and II is false.
A. Office Techniques C. II is true and I is false.
B. Office Procedures D. I and II are false.
C. Scanning and Learning
planned performance
D. Inventory Management
C. Both planned and actual performances
798. What is the main focus of market re- are same
search in marketing? D. None of the above
A. Conducting a SWOT analysis
804. A typical example of an office operation
B. Comparing actual and planned results is the
C. Developing a financial forecast A. imprest system
D. Identifying target markets B. bank transfer
799. relating to both economics and social C. photocopying technique
factors. D. none of the above
A. Social justice
805. Products which are sold to the final con-
B. socioeconomic
sumer. They can be seen and touched.
C. poverty
A. Consumer Services
D. inequality
B. Consumer Goods
800. Which of these is not a row key C. Capital Goods
A. Home row key D. Consumer Satisfaction
B. Other row key
806. Which of the following is not associated
C. Top row key with the role of profit in business
D. none of above A. For building prestige and recognition
C. The amount of money required to have 813. If property is underinsured, the full
or do something amount of the damages will not be paid
out by the insurer.
B. False A. Inequality
B. Bribery
810. is the money paid regularly to those
who no longer work for length of years of C. Millionaires
service. D. none of above
A. pension 816. Which of the following is NOT Internal
B. compensation growth?
C. premium A. Opening a new location
D. indemnity B. Expanding through internet selling
C. Merging with a similar company
811. Which of the following statements de-
scribes ‘Unity of direction‘ the best? D. Offering franchises
A. One head One plan 817. What stage would Netflix be in? Discus-
B. One subordinate one superior sion.
B. Risk Management
vided into functions including production,
purchase, marketing, accounts and person- C. Business operations
nel. Identify the type of organisational D. none of above
structure followed by the organisation.
A. Functional Structure 824. The following are examples of Source
Documents EXCEPT
B. Relational Structure
A. Cheque
C. Divisional structure
D. None of the above B. Cash deposits
C. Purchase invoice
820. What is the definition of a receiver?
D. Receipts
A. The person whom the message should
be sent 825. Which of the following statements about
B. Method of sending the message CSR is untrue?
C. A person who wishes to pass on the A. It has a strong impact on corporate re-
information to others porting practices, investment strategies,
D. The receiver confirms the message SCM & public relations.
has been received and responds to it B. It is about striking balance between
economic performance, meeting stake-
821. Control is forward looking.
holders expectations & responsibility to-
A. Futuristic wards society.
B. Ongoing C. . It is about recognizing that no organ-
isation is an island & must operate in part-
822. Fixed costs vary with production.
nership with the outside world.
(fill in the blank)
D. Its main concern is about maintaining
a competitive edge in global market
827. Forests are examples of 832. The following are disadvantages of coop-
erative society except
A. Land
837. Every manager can direct his immediate 843. The ability to switch quickly and easily
subordinate and take instructions from his from one task to another
immediate boss. Identify the feature of di-
recting. A. Flexibility
A. Directing initiate action B. Quality
B. It is a continuous process C. Flow production
C. Flows from top to bottom
D. Batch production
D. Takes at every level of management
838. A good manager works through a combi- 844. What do the CEO abreviations stand for?
nation of
A. Community-based organisation
A. Practice, creativity, aim
B. creativity, imagination, innovation B. Growth, employment and redistribu-
C. aim, objective, profit tion
847. Special act of the parliament brings the 852. the conduct, aims, or qualities that char-
public sector enterprise into existence. acterize or mark a profession or a profes-
Identify the company. sional person
D. Directing flows from top to bottom C. goods and services
858. Transportation is D. none of above
A. To move from place to place
864. Which of the following is NOT a role of
B. To move and never return
change agent?
C. To move and build a new home
A. Responsible for supporting and carry-
D. To move communities ing out the change effort.
859. The communication network in which all B. Ensure the change can support the
subordinates under a supervisor communi- project goal and objectives.
cate through supervisor only is:
C. Act as a conduit of communication be-
A. Single Chain
tween the sponsor and the targets of
B. Inverted-V change.
C. Wheel D. Often report directly to the project
D. Free flow manager and must be able to diagnose
860. Which of the following is Not a method
form to determine business size?
865. Economic resources can also be referred
A. Value of output to as
B. Number of employees
C. Capital employed
D. Profit
877. Which of the following is a reward for 882. Which of the following banks provides fi-
being devoted to duty? nancial assistance to business to meet long
A. Demotion term capital requirements.?
E. Suspension
oritised C. Medium
A. Must have D. none of above
B. Needs 903. At which level of management, Plant Su-
C. Wish perintendent works?
D. Want A. Top Level
E. Top row keys are keys that are found D. profit level
at the bootom of a keyboard 905. The boards on which advertisements are
900. How has globalisation affected market- painted or electronically designed so that
ing management? they are visible during day or night are
A. It has decreased the importance of
customer satisfaction A. Vehicular display
ket false image of the business to the public.
934. To certain extend, the risk of loss or dam- 939. A Kenyan food delivery company trans-
age due to theft, fire, accidents etc. are ports meals from restaurants to con-
removes through sumers. Which of the following is the most
ideal form of transport?
A. Banking
A. Private car
B. Advertising
B. Matatu
C. Insurance
C. Human Porterage
D. Warehousing
D. Wedding Wedding
935. The process of safe-keeping records is re-
garded as 940. Which business device involves the cre-
ation of a new business by two or more
A. storing information companies, often for a limited period of
B. receiving information time?
C. giving information A. Multinational enterprise
D. interpreting information B. International joint venture
C. Horizontal merger
936. Environmental protection can be done
best by the efforts of D. Vertical merger
C. Change in Number of Consumers in the B. Poor reputation which can lead to loss
Market of sales, loss of revenue and loss of prof-
D. Change in Consumer Income
C. Commercial risks, failure of suppliers
938. Funds required to meet day-to-day ex- to supply and customers to pay
penses are known as finance D. Better work/life balance
A. Short-term
943. Which of the following is not a character-
B. Medium-term istics of TAP?
C. Long-term A. Dues process
D. shut up hahaha B. Fairness
947. Why is accurate and timely information C. Can never be completely centralised
important for effective management? or decentralised
955. Jivesh has joined as a creative head in an 960. There are factors of production
home decor company. He always ensures
A. 4
that the work has been divided into small
and manageable activities and also the ac- B. 8
tivities of similar nature are grouped to- C. 8
gether. Identify the related step in organ-
ising process being mentioned in the above D. 9
961. According to this principle of scientific
A. Identification and division of work management, “Scientific management has
B. Departmentalisation for its foundation the firm conviction that
true interest of the management and work-
C. Assignment of duties ers are one and the same; the prosperity
D. Establishing reporting relationship for the employer cannot exist for a long
time unless it is accompanied by prosper-
956. Local businesses are normally what ity for the employees and vice versa.”
sized? (Select all that apply)
A. Science, not rule of thumb
A. Small
B. Harmony, not discord
B. Medium
C. Cooperation, not individualism
C. Large
D. All of the above
D. none of above
962. Mohan is retired from the post of a fore-
957. What did you have for breakfast this
man in a factory. At what level of man-
agement is he working?
A. Porridge
A. Lower level
B. Eggs and toast
B. Operational level
C. Supervisory level
D. None of the above
D. All of the above
958. What is the relationship between quan-
tity supplied and price? 963. your feet should be
965. Which of the following statements about 970. Which one of these is a characteristic of
overdrafts is not true? business?
A. Short term source of finance A. Fixed wage or salary
B. It’s really a small, short term loan B. Fixed professional fee for services
C. It’s flexible, in that it can be used given
whenever it is needed C. Deals in goods and services
D. Cheap-the interest rate is usually D. none of above
lower than that of a long-term bank loan
971. Which one of the following costs is most
966. An act of writing that uses signs and likely to be variable for a fast food restau-
strokes to represent spoken sound is rant?
called A. the salary of the manager
A. Shorthand B. the rent of the restaurant
B. Phrases C. the cost of the food supplies
C. Dictation D. the machinery used to cook the food
D. Transcription
972. The Union Cabinet has given ‘in-principle’
967. Define who the board of directors is. nod to divest stakes in Air India-a wholly
A. The person who owns stock in a cor- government owned airline. This means the
poration has the right to vote on com- government is willing to shed a substan-
pany matters which includes voting for the tial portion of its stake and hand over the
board of directors management of the ailing airline to the pri-
vate sector. Identify the concept being de-
B. Group of individuals elected to repre- scribed in the above lines
sent share holders. A boards mandate is
to establish policies and make decisions A. Privatisation
on many company issues B. Liberalisation
achieved or not.
B. Centralization
A. Risk
C. Panchayat committee
D. Federalism B. Ideas
C. Actual performance
975. Which of the following is NOT an advan-
tage of privatisation as an economic pol- D. Costs
icy? Explanation:All members in an organiza-
tion need to work towards achieving these
A. Improved efficiency as profit incentive
goals. These goals set the targets which
leads to cutting cost and reducing waste
need to be achieved and against which ac-
B. There are many industries which per- tual performance is measured.
form an important public service, e.g.,
health care, education and public trans- 980. Discount supermarkets, such as Aldi and
port Lidl, are most likely to segment the market
C. It allows more firms to enter the indus- according to:
try and increase the competitiveness of A. Gender
the market which can improve efficiency
B. Age
D. Selling state-owned assets to the pri-
vate sector raised significant sums for the C. income
government as well as tax revenue D. Lifestyle
976. What is collecting “Primary Research”?
981. Proper use of product is a
A. Information collected for a specific
purpose A. Rule
B. Information collected second hand B. Regulation
C. Information collected offline C. Responsibility
D. Information collected through old D. Right
sales records
982. Which industry sector are raw materials
977. An employee is an internal stakeholder?
a part of?
A. True
A. The primary sector
B. False
B. The secondary sector
978. This type of business is a contractual
C. The tertiary sector
agreement with a parent company to sell
its products/services in an area. D. The manufacturing sector
983. you need how many objectives 988. Which is not an element of the promotion
A. 1 mix
C. 3 B. Publicity
D. 4 C. Personal selling
D. Packaging
984. The form of business unit which has a min-
imum of two and maximum of twenty peo- 989. In case of credit money
ple is A. money value=commodity value
A. Co-operative society B. money value>commodity value
B. Private limited company C. money value<commodity value
C. Public liability company D. none of these
D. Partnership
990. Teaching yourself, perhaps by thinking
985. This decision relates to the proportion why a problem occurred and making sure
in which funds are raised from various learn from your mistakes?
A. Self-learning
A. Dividend decision
B. Ongoing training
B. Financing decision
C. Informal training
C. Investment decision
D. Formal training
D. none of above
991. Do you think it is wise to create your own
986. A Business owned by one person is called pros and cons for your business
A. Yes
A. Business man
B. No
B. Sole Trader
992. Banking removes the hindrance of
C. Private limited company
A. Place
D. Partnership
B. Transfer
987. Lifestyle changes in today’s society has
C. Time
meant that many people no longer have
the time to cook and prepare meals from D. Finance
scratch. As a result, the ready meal mar- E. Information
ket has grown significantly over recent
years. Which customer need is the ready 993. There should only one boss over a subor-
meal market primarily meeting? dinate says
A. Price A. Unity of direction
B. Quality B. Unity of command
C. Choice C. Scalar chain
D. Convenience D. Authority and responsibility
994. Only based on sales forecasting he would 999. Assertion (A) The activities of each de-
support in the preparation of the annual partment need to be linked through coordi-
plans for its production and sales. ‘Iden- nation.Reason (R) Specialists usually think
tify the features of planning highlighted that they are only qualified to evaluate,
here judge and decide accordingto their profes-
A. Focuses on achieving objectives sional criteria.Alternatives
C. Mental exercise
B. Statement I is false and Statement II
D. None of these is true
995. People of all races, genders and religions C. Both the statements are true
working in a business and respecting each D. Both the statements are false
others values and beliefs is known as Explanation:Coordination is necessary to
A. Tolerance link department activities. Specialists of-
ten rely on their professional criteria for
B. Inclusivity
evaluation and decision-making. The cor-
C. Education rect choice is ‘Statement I is false and
D. Respectful Statement II is true’.
996. People use a checking account for the fol- 1000. Funds required for purchasing current
lowing reasons except: assets is an example of
A. Reduces the need to carry large A. Fixed capital requirement
amounts of cash B. Ploughing back of profits
B. Written record of expenses C. Working capital requirement
C. Convenience D. Lease financing
D. Earn large amounts of interest
1001. What is the ratio of deposits which com-
997. what would a business look for when re- mercial banks are required to keep with
locating. themselves called?
A. lots of KFC. A. CRR
B. good transport links. B. SLR
C. lots of good universities. C. both
D. town with not a lot of people. D. none of above
998. Which of the following is a direct bene- 1002. what is one of the argument for social
fit of having an efficient logistics depart- responsibility
ment? A. long-term interest of the firm
A. Products arrive exactly when needed B. development of social standard for
B. Labour productivity will reduce business
C. Efficiency will be minimised C. improve public image
D. Staff motivation will increase D. development of business education
1005. Ships plying over a fixed route and fol- D. It enables the firm to identify opportu-
lowing a prescribed timetable are called: nities and getting the first mover advan-
A. Cargo
B. Tramp 1009. Which implies being answerable for the
final outcome?
C. Liners
A. Accountability
D. Charter party
B. Responsiblity
1006. If something is scarce it has more than C. Authority
one valuable use
D. All of the above
A. true
B. false 1010. “Infosys decides to open school for
lesser privileged children” is an example
1007. Central Warehousing Corporation, the of environment.
premier warehousing agency in India, pro- A. Economic
vides logistics support to the agricultural
sector. Hence, such type of corporation B. Political
helps in removing hindrance of C. Legal
A. Place D. Social
1011. Which of the following price quotations B. There are not enough resources to sat-
contains the cost price, insurance charges isfy people’s wants.
and the cost of transporting the goods? C. There are too many factors of produc-
A. C.I.F tion.
B. F.O.R D. none of above
C. C & F
1017. Businesses that physically move travel-
D. F.O.B ers from one place to another.
1012. What are the two activities included in A. travel package
commerce B. travel industry
A. Business and trade C. lodging
B. Banking and Insurance D. tourism
C. Trade and auxiliaries to trade
1018. The following are disadvantages of pri-
D. Industry and Trade vate limited liability company except
1013. Mr. Martins told Miss Chinyere that A. not listed in the stock exchange
her cheque is stale. This means that the B. cannot sell shares
cheque is
C. management structure is simple.
A. dirty
D. Capacity to raise external finance to
B. expired expand business is limited
C. neat
1019. What can make humans resourceful?
D. rough
A. Education
1014. Which of the following is a reason for B. Training
international expansion of a business?
C. Experience
A. To maximise competitive risk
D. All of the above answers are correct
B. To ensure business efficiency
C. To find new markets 1020. Under which training method, both the
technical institutes and the business or-
D. None of the above ganisations jointly impart training to their
1015. Highlight a short term environmental ef-
fect A. Induction Training
A. Climate change B. Apprenticeship Training
B. Traffic congestion C. Vestibule Training
C. Resource Depletion D. Internship Training
D. Air noice and small pollution 1021. What is a variable cost?
1016. Which of these is the best definition of A. A cost which does not change
the ‘economic problem’? B. A cost which they must pay even if they
A. People do not have enough money. produce nothing
A. Recurring Deposit account C. Bonus
B. Multiple option deposit account
D. Salary
C. Current account
D. Fixed deposit account 1038. This type of partners is found in Limited
Partnership firms in some European coun-
1033. Which of the following is not an impor- tries and USA
tance of business studies? It
A. Limited Partners
A. Creates employment opportunities for
people B. General Partners
B. enables us to know the essence of 1039. “It has adapted to the market require-
keeping accounting records ments and produced different types of
C. helps to provide the basic skill neces- rugs suiting the customer needs.” Identify
sary to function as an activist the nature of management discussed here.
D. helps to improve the standard of living A. Continuous process
of the people
B. Intangible force
1034. If the product is branded, it will likely C. Dynamic function
be aimed at a particular market segment.
D. Multidimensional
A. True
B. False 1040. What is the quickest way to find a mis-
take in your bank account?
1035. Which seeks to bridge the gap between
where we are and where we want to go? A. writing a check
1042. Which of the following is not an eco- 1048. Keeping a check on the working of em-
nomic activity? ployees is
1043. Private enterprises are accountable to 1049. When a consumer makes a purchase on-
the public through the parliament. line they have a certain period known as
the “Cooling off Period” this covers this
A. True time frame:
B. False A. 28 Days
1044. In application of double entry principles, B. 14 Days
every transaction involves accounts C. 7 Days
A. 5 D. 24 Hours
B. 3 1050. Arrange the correct sequence of motiva-
C. 2 tion process in order.
D. 1 A. (i), (iv), (ii), (iii), (v), (vi)
E. 4 B. (i), (ii), (iv), (iii), (v), (vi)
C. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)
1045. Planning involves setting targets and
predicting future conditions, thus helping D. (iv), (i), (ii), (iii), (v), (vi)
in making a choice. Which importance of Explanation:The correct sequence of mo-
planning is highlighted in the above state- tivation process is (d) (iv), (i), (ii), (iii), (v),
ment? (vi).
A. Planning provides direction. 1051. Organisational change may be influ-
B. Planning reduces overlapping and enced by internal or external factors.
wasteful activities. A. True
C. Planning reduces the risk of uncer- B. False
1052. Contracts imposes rights and obliga-
D. Planning facilitates decision making. tions on BOTH parties.
1046. What is the risk of starting a business? A. True
A. be a boss B. False
1054. A business uses an overdraft. An over- 1058. Which of these is the appropriate way
draft is of greeting?
A. a long term finance A. “Thank you for calling B.H.S. This is Su-
B. a short term loan from a bank san, how may I assist you?”
C. a method of borrowing money without B. “Good afternoon. Thank you for call-
having interest ing B.H.S. This is Susan, how may I assist
D. none of above
C. “Good afternoon. Thank you for calling
1055. Recieving and attending to visitors in an B.H.S. This is Susan, what is your name?”
organization is the job of D. “Good afternoon. This is Susan, how
A. A clerical staff may I assist you?”
B. A manager 1059. Corner store, hairdressing salon,
C. An officer newsagent are all examples of what sized
D. Cop
A. Micro
1056. Newone Solar Limited was operating its B. Small
business in London. The company started
exporting its products to India when the C. Medium
Prime Minister announced relaxation in im- D. Large
port duties on solar products. The com-
pany also appointed retailers in India who 1060. Mohenjodaro werefounded in
had a direct on-line links with the suppliers A. Second millennium B.C.
to replenish stocks when needed. Identify
the dimension(s) of business environment B. third millennium B.C.
highlighted in the given case. C. Fourth millennium B.C.
A. Political environment D. third millennium A.D.
B. Economic environment
1061. internal operating unit or “brains” of
C. Both (a) and (b) the computer
D. None of the above
Explanation:The given case highlights
both the political and economic dimen-
sions of the business environment due to
the relaxation in import duties and the
appointment of retailers in India.
1062. Partnership firms can be classified in 1068. Which strategy for overcoming resis-
A. 2 tance is described below? involves
communication by listening and respond-
1066. Speculative risks involve both the possi- 1072. Read the following carefully and an-
bility of gain, as well as, the possibility of swer the following question no.1 on
loss the basis of the same:All the four chil-
dren of Mr.Madan Lal are doctors.Shyam
A. True is a skin specialist, Krishna is a heart
B. False specialist, Radhika is a child specialist
and Gauri is a physician. Dr.Shyam
1067. The basic needs of man are joined a multi-speciality private hospi-
A. land, money, car tal.Dr.Krishna established his own nurs-
B. food, money, land ing home. Dr.Radhika works in a gov-
ernment hospital and also treats the poor
C. food, clothing, shelter people free of cost in a charitable dis-
D. food, shelter, wifi pensary.Dr.Gauri opened a medical store
wherein she sells genuine medicines, get- 1077. For every decision he makes he has to
ting the minimum profit margin.2 is en- be very cautions as once the decisions are
gaged in employment. made he cant go back i.e., can’t cancel the
A. Dr. Shyam project.”Identify the type of concept dis-
cussed here
B. Dr. Radhika
A. Irreversible decision
C. Dr. krishna
B. Risk involved
D. Both a $ b
C. Amounts of funds involved
E. Dr. Gauri
D. Long-term growth
1073. What does a receptionist do?
A. answer phones 1078. An officer who gets goes to office on
time is said to be
B. help customers
A. Faithful
C. all of the above
B. Obedient
D. none of above
C. Punctual
1074. The total costs of business D are £25,
000. If business D makes a loss of £12, D. Regular
500, what are its sales? E. Sincere
A. Loss of £12, 500
1079. Which is an advantage of rail over road
B. Sales of £12, 500 transport for loads carried over long dis-
C. Sales of £37, 500 tances?
D. Loss of £37, 500 A. Fuel costs per unit are less.
1075. In trial balance, the total debit balance B. Goods are more secure.
should be equal to the total balance C. Small loads may be carried cheaply.
A. Asset D. There are rail links to all local areas.
B. Bank
1080. the process of starting up a business is
C. Cash
known as?
D. Credit
A. entrepreneurship
E. Discount
B. entrepreneur
1076. Capital refers to C. capital
A. The “gifts of nature” or natural re-
D. sole trade
sources not created by human effort.
B. people with all their efforts and abili- 1081. Boards
ties A. CBSE
C. the tools, equipment, and factories
used in production of goods and services
C. UP Boards
D. individuals who start a new business
or bring a product to market. D. Rabse
C. there is no defined leader its ability to satisfy its short term obliga-
tions as they become due.
D. everyone has input and leads them-
selves A. Activity
B. Liquidity
1093. Lack of consultation and a negative re-
lationships between employees and man- C. profitability
agement can lead to the change D. Solvency
A. not being accepted by employees 1098. Coordination is
B. being accepted by employees A. a management function
C. being implemented effectively and ef- B. the essence of management
ficiently C. an objective of management
D. being implemented effectively but not D. a social objective
1099. An individual is looking for a secure way
1094. A manager needs to produce 1000 units to save for retirement. Which banking
of a product in 6 months. He did produce product is most appropriate?
produce the expected units but at a higher
A. Checking account
cost. The manager is
B. Credit card
A. Goal oriented
C. Pension fund
B. Efficient
D. Mobile wallet
C. Effective
1100. provides a brief history and sum-
D. None of the above mary of the business, objectives of the
1095. Number of specialist in technique of business
functional foremanship A. Financial Information
A. 4 B. Business Location
B. 8 C. Market
C. 10 D. Description of Business
B. The act of being completely honest
D. Promotes effective staff training pro-
gramme C. The act of one Ego rules
E. Reduces the general cost of running D. The ability to be discipline
1118. A short account of the main features of
1113. Which of the following is not an at- the job
tribute of honesty?
A. Job roles
A. Commitment
B. Job description
B. Dedication
C. Job retention
C. Devotion
D. Job to do list
D. Fraudulence
E. Sincerity 1119. Total Costs = + Variable Costs
1122. What is the meaning of profit in a busi- 1127. To provide protection to the consumers
ness scenario? against the improper behaviour of the pro-
ducers and sellers is called
1134. helps in improving worker’s level A. Rewards and Recognition
skills which will motivate the employees B. Sharing Successes and Achievements
A. Training C. Continued Communication of the vision
B. Promotion D. All of the Above
C. Job Rotation
1139. A supermarket discovers that another
D. Job Enrichment grocery store has opened at a nearby lo-
cation. This represents an activity in the
1135. Which of the following is not a limita-
tion of a super bazar?
A. Micro
A. Heavy investment
B. Macro
B. Low credit facility
C. Market
C. Low operative cost
D. Marketing
D. Lack of efficient management
1140. What is the pay yourself first strategy?
1136. Customers are interested in a business
because: A. A strategy that helps a person take ad-
vantage of high interest rates when sav-
A. They want to be oaid they money they
ing money
are due
B. A strategy that requires a person to
B. They want the employees to be paid a
give up one thing for another
good salary
C. A strategy that recommends a person
C. They want the business to make the
set aside a portion of money for saving
products they want at good prices
each timemoney is received
D. They want to be paid a bonus
D. A strategy for developing goals
1137. Some employees have been assigned
1141. What is equity financing?
the job of measuring the output in an objec-
tive and reliable way. They are applying A. Selling company shares to raise capital
different techniques for achieving this aim. B. Using personal savings to fund busi-
Some of these are personal-observation, ness activities
sample-checking etc. They are also keep-
ing the units of measurement same as that C. Borrowing money from external
of the units in the standards. Name the sources to fund operations or expansion
step of ‘Controlling process applicable in D. Receiving grants from the government
the above paragraph. to finance operations
1142. Which DOES NOT belong to the group? 1147. Partnership means when a large organi-
A. Pie Chart zation sell shares for its owners
1153. A well motivated workforce gives ben- 1158. What impact would changing a business
efits to the business like objective to survival have on a c company?
A. Low output per worker (SELECT 2)
spend on promotion
1154. What is the better solution to minimize
the conflict in partnership? (EVA) 1159. Which one of the following businesses
would be classify as tertiary?
A. Everyone should contribute their per-
A. Strawberry farm business
sonal assets.
B. Bread manufacturing business
B. There should be government interven-
tions. C. Insurance
C. Written/ verbal agreement should be D. none of above
taken to consideration when conflict rises. 1160. What is the biggest risk of starting a
D. Major shareholders should be in new business?
charge. A. Losing Money
1155. CREATE:Why don’t you device your own B. Making Money
why to deal with problems? C. Being Successful
A. It might not work. D. Failing
B. The force-field is already proven that 1161. When is a business making a profit?
it does work.
A. When revenues are higher than costs
C. All the above.
B. When revenues equal costs
D. none of above
C. When revenues are less than costs
1156. What is one example of a Sole Propri- D. none of above
1162. CB means on the ledger
A. Landscaper
A. call back
B. McDonalds
B. come back
C. Insurance Agent
C. communication book
D. Nike D. cash book
1157. If you have an increase in sales what 1163. What is qualitative data?
effect would that have on the break-even
A. Data involving numbers
B. Data involving information with no
A. Increase
B. Decrease C. Data with information that involves
C. Stay the same business’ marketing strategies
D. none of above D. data involving colors
1164. It is the benefit that could have been 1168. Which one is not a quality of a good
gained from an alternative use of the same leader?
resource. A. Social Skill
A. How the products are organised in a 1177. Don’t purchase in haste’, this is an im-
supermarket portant of the consumer.
B. The way a business combines the main A. Responsibility
elements of marketing to sell products B. Right
that meet the needs and wants of cus-
tomers C. Act
1178. Do you agree or disagree with the fol-
D. The way the products are packaged. lowing statement:Social Media ISN’T a
form of Marketing Advertising?
1174. Importance of delegation includes
A. Effective management & Employee de-
B. Better coordination & Facilitation of
C. Quick decision making & Relief to top
D. Both a & b
1175. You can be loud without shouting. A. Agree-It isn’t a form of Marketing Ad-
B. Disagree-Yes it is a form of Marketing
Advertising as Business can promote their
brand and products
A. Training D. 75%
B. Selection 1190. In the context of a business, why would
C. Separation a company want to “pivot”?
D. Recruitment A. To rotate.
B. To increase the buyer power of its busi-
1185. Who can start a sole proprietorship?
A. You & your best friend
C. To change something that your busi-
B. Anyone ness is doing.
C. Your dog D. To make changes to a product based
D. Everyone on negative reviews.
1192. What is Insurance?
C. 5
A. Insurance offers financial protection
against possible loss D. 3
B. Insurance offers physical protection
1197. Which of the following is not a business
to the insurer
C. Insurance is back up if something goes
A. Production of goods
D. Insurance is a type of interest B. Work in a factory for wages
C. Exchange of goods
1193. Which was the first Indian product to
get a geographical indication? D. Transportation
A. Aranmula Kannadim
1198. The is responsible for establishing
B. Darjeeling Tea good relations with consumers, suppliers
C. sheared rice and investors.
D. Madhubani Painting A. public relations
1200. Variable cost per unit = Total variable 1205. Which of the following organizational
cost:number of units structure is followed by Co-operatives in
1212. Which of these is the purpose of recruit- 1217. “She analyses and finds out that there
ment? are many unnecessary obstacles in be-
tween which need to be eliminated.” Iden-
A. Make sure that there is match between
tify the principle of scientific management
cost and benefit
used by Sonia.
B. Help increase the success rate of the
A. Motion Study
selection process by reducing the number
of visibly under qualified or overqualified B. Simplification
job applicants.
C. Functional Foremanship
C. Help the firm create more culturally di-
D. Method Study
verse work-force
D. None of the above 1218. The business has no control over en-
1213. One-off production of a one-off item for
A. horizontal
a single customer
B. micro
A. Quality
C. market
B. Competitive advantage
D. macro
C. Batch production
D. Job production 1219. It refers to the process of sale of equity
shares to the private sector and to the pub-
1214. another word for a Sole Trader is lic
A. Sole Proprietor A. Globalisation
B. Sole Organization B. Disinvestment
C. Car wash C. Import Substitution
D. Solo D. Economies of scale
1215. what is meant by ‘recruitment sources’ 1220. When was the Make in India initiative
launched by the Government of India
A. they are referrals
A. 23 rd September 2014
B. place where candidates are avail-
able:internally or external B. 25th September 2014
C. it is the screening process C. 24th September 2014
D. none of above D. 22 nd September 2014
1221. What is needed to be included in a job 1225. What is the minimum amount of trea-
description? sury bills?
D. Accountability D. 10000
1226. What is the purpose of insurance?
1222. An ambassador of an organization from
whom the visitor gets his first impression A. To make profit
is called B. To make good the loss suffered
A. clerical officer C. To collect premium
B. receptionist D. To avoid loss
C. author 1227. This is an electronic device that enables
D. clerk instant transmission of any matter, which
may be handwritten or printed like letters,
1223. The workers of Halima Ltd.’ are unable diagrams, graphs, sketches etc
to work on new computerised machines A. Fax
imported by the company to fulfil the in- B. Voice-mail
creased demand. Therefore, the work-
ers are seeking extra guidance from the C. Telephone
supervisor and the supervisor is overbur- D. Audio-conferencing
dened with the frequent calls of workers.
1228. Which of the following groups contains
Suggest how the supervisor, by increas-
the major types of paragraphs?
ing the skills and knowledge of workers,
can make them handle their work indepen- A. Blocked, hanging and indented
dently. B. Blocked, indented and semi
A. By Motivating or Supervising or Com- C. Blocked, indented and wider
municating D. Indented, hanging and shoulder
B. By Recruitment or Vestibule training or
1229. Ram stays in a hostel in USA and his
parents stay in Mumbai. Ram’s birthday
C. By Motivation or Vestibule training or is in five days and his parents wish to gift
Directing. him a pair of branded shoes. How can they
D. By Training of employees or Vestibule gift?
training or On the job training. A. They can use the mode of B2C com-
merce where the business originates
1224. Debts that the business have to repay, from the Business and the ultimate desti-
are referred to as nation is also consumers This type of com-
A. Assets merce is best suited for dealing in goods
for which there is no established market
B. Liabilities
C. Owner’s equity B. They can use the mode of C2C com-
D. none of above merce where the business originates
from the consumer and the ultimate desti- 1233. are detailed statements about a
nation is also consumers This type of com- project which outlines the objectives, poli-
merce is best suited for dealing in goods cies rules etc.
for which there is no established market
A. Programme
B. Procedure
C. They can use the mode of B2B com-
merce where the business originates
1234. Give an example of a managerial role in
from the Business and the ultimate desti-
the decisional category.
nation is also Business. This type of com-
merce is best suited for dealing in goods A. Leader
for which there is no established market B. Supervisor
C. Coordinator
D. They can use the mode of Intra-
business commerce where the business D. Entrepreneur
originates from the Business and the ul-
timate destination is also Business. This 1235. The following shows the importance of
type of commerce is best suited for deal- office procedure except that it
ing in goods for which there is no estab- A. Allows for better co-ordination of activ-
lished market mechanism ities
1230. A public transport company that is B. Creates friction between staff and
funded by taxpayers. management
A. private C. Promotes a better flow of work in the
B. public
D. Promotes effective staff training pro-
1231. The allocative function of Financial mar- gramme
ket helps in
E. Reduces the general cost of running
A. Bringing transparency in trading pro- business
B. Earning higher rate of return to house- 1236. What is bias in interview?
hold sector A. Using your personal opinions or pref-
C. Better functioning of depository erences
1239. Mohit recently got a raise in his salary A. What you gain from buying a Trans-
due to annual increment. which of his hu- former
man needs is being satisfied through this? B. What you pay to buy some Shopkins
A. Security needs C. How much you get for an allowance
B. Belonging needs D. none of above
C. Self actualisation needs 1243. What is a brand image?
D. Basic physiological needs A. When consumers keep buying the
same brand again and again.
1240. Which production method would be used B. The identity given to a product.
for this product?
C. The unique name of a product.
D. When the product having good quality.
C. Unity of command 1252. What is the main reason for the increase
D. Order in the use of road transport?
A. Express road routes are available in
1247. Honesty, trust and fairness are classi-
many countries.
fied as types of:
A. data B. It can take loads of any shape or size.
C. things D. Transhipment is required for delivery.
D. values
1253. Which is an Example of Poor Hygiene
1248. the father of Scientific Management. Factors in Herzburg’s Theory
A. Frederick Winslow Taylor A. Relationship with supervisor and
B. Henry Fayol peers
C. Rico Ramos Jr. B. Not having a toothbrush
D. none of above C. Being recognized for ones work
1249. Policy formulation comes under which D. Not taking a Shower
A. Top-level managers 1254. What is the role of marketing in the
B. Middle-level managers
A. To handle financial forecasting
C. Operational management
D. All of the above B. To manage employee relations
C. To strategically promote goods and
1250. “They short listed one of the options to
sell ‘ready to make’ vegetable shakes &
milkshakes.” Identify the step been high- D. To solely focus on production and sell-
lighted in the above case. ing
A. Setting Objectives
1255. State any one element of delegation
B. Identify alternatives
C. Assisting alternatives A. Accountability
1267. Management is equally important to run 1271. What do the letters GDP stand for in
a political organisation as it is to run Business and Economics?
an economic organisation.Which feature of A. Gateway Discovery Protocol
management is highlighted in the given
statement. B. General Defense Plan
C. Management is all pervasive 1272. Research and development department
can also be referred to as department
D. Management is a group activity
A. administrative
1268. What should a business do in the intro B. finance
C. planning
D. sales
1277. Which of the following is a characteris- 1282. The difference between double column
tic of primary market research? cashbook and single column cash book is
the Presence of
B. Knob
C. Monitor
D. Mouse
E. Speaker A. Delegation of Power
1279. Quality assurance means: B. Authority
C. Delegation of Authority
A. checking all finished products for
faults D. Mixture of all
B. assuring customers that products are 1284. Business involves dealing in goods and
of the highest standard service on a regular and recurring basis.
C. setting quality standards at all stages
of products
D. assuring workers that the work they
do is of a high quality
C. Equal to the selling price per unit 1285. Job analysis means,
D. Equal to contribution per unit A. The process of determining the rela-
tive worth of the job
1281. McDonald’s and Burger King are exam- B. The process of studying in detail the
ples of operations and responsibilities in a job
A. Sole Proprietorships C. The process of evaluating employees
performance on the job
B. Partnerships
D. The process of analyzing and develop-
C. Corporations
ing skills and knowledge of employees for
D. Franchises the job
1286. What is the break-even point in units 1291. The reason why employees want to
for company where total fixed costs are work hard and work effectively for the
£275, 450selling price per units £16 vari- business
able cost per unit is £14.75 A. wage
A. 220, 360 B. salary
B. 183, 633 C. motivation
C. 150, 300 D. bonus
D. 225, 120
1292. Which of the following is not a subject
1287. Starving African children have the same in the field of business studies?
needs as obese American children. A. Physics
B. Accounting
C. Economics
D. Management
Explanation:Astronomy is not a compo-
nent of business studies because it fo-
cuses on the study of celestial objects,
A. True while business studies focuses on topics
such as marketing, computer, and short-
B. False
1288. A large retail chain has recently in-
1293. Variable costs
vested in a new customer ordering system
in all of its branches. Which of the follow- A. Change in direct relation to changes in
ing types of training should the business output
use to ensure all staff are able to use the B. Do not vary in proportion to sales
new system?
C. Vary in relation to fixed costs
A. Self-learning
D. Arise as direct result of incurring over-
B. On the job training heads
C. Off the job training
1294. Which is NOT a method of applying for
D. Induction training a job?
1289. How do you calculate ‘Total Costs’? A. CV
A. Fixed Costs-Variable costs B. Application Form
B. Fixed costs + Variable costs C. Letter of Application
C. Fixed Costs / Direct Costs D. Criminal Check
D. none of above 1295. Which of the following is NOT one of the
1290. Is this statement true or false?Business benefits of business growth?
activity is the process of producing goods A. Sales will increase.
and services to satisfy consumer demand B. Market share will probably rise.
A. True C. The business will probably become
B. false more secure.
D. Management will have less work to do. 1301. Communication is not always a vital
skill in the workplace.
1296. A company is one where all directors
1306. Parker is worried about losing his job. 1311. . The money raised by issuing such
Which level of needs (Maslow) is not be- shares is known as share capital
ing satisfied?
A. Equity
A. Self-Esteem
B. Preference
B. Social
1312. On this chart at which point does this
C. Safety
business break even?
D. Self-Actualisation
1307. Capital is defined as
A. The amount of money/assets the
owner invests into the business
B. The first letter of a sentence
C. The money the owner withdraws from A. 190
the business B. 200
D. none of above C. $2, 000
1308. Salary D. $1, 000
A. A payment relating to the number of 1313. Advantages of a external growth might
sales made. be
B. Payment for work, usually paid weekly. A. Better deals because of increased or-
C. Payment for work, usually paid der size, bulk-buying discounts etc.
monthly. B. Increased revenue and market share.
D. An additional amount of payment Increased size of the combined company
above basic pay as a reward for good increases market power and ability to set
work. higher prices
C. To gain resources. If one company has
1309. Organising give rise to resources (e.g. technology) that another
A. Authority and responsibility one wants then a merger may be the most
cost-effective way to get access to those
B. Delegation
C. Decentralisation
D. Slow growth so can be easily managed
D. Organising structure
1314. One limitation of the Bostrix Mix is
1310. What is the first phase of wholesale ?
A. A Cash Cow will not be profitable
A. Selling
B. It is easy to measure market share
B. Network and relationship building
C. Firms cannot invest in Dogs
C. Storage
D. High market share might not mean
D. Buying high profits
1315. Basic objective of any business is 1321. Importance of organising does not cover
A. Growth A. Benefits of specialisation & Clarity in
1326. The component not included in money 1332. A large office which receives and dis-
supply patches a large number of mails may use
A. Currency with private individuals A. addressing machine
B. Currency with business firms B. typewriter
C. Stock of gold with RBI C. time recorder
D. All of these
D. franking machine
1327. There are factors of production.
1333. The role of public sector is definitely not
A. 2
what was envisaged in the early or
B. 3
C. 4 A. 60’s or 70’s
D. 5 B. 70’s or 90’s
1328. The Balance of Payments is a statement C. 80’s or 70’s
D. 60’s or 80’s
A. The total visible exports and visible im-
ports of a country 1334. is a means of convincing people.
B. The total invisible exports and invisible A. Persuasion
imports of a country
B. Advertising
C. The total exports and total imports of
a country C. Marketing
D. The total balance of trade plus subsi- D. Promotion
1335. Registration of cooperative society is
1329. Producing high-quality products is an
example of what?
A. voluntary
A. legal and illegal
B. compulsory
B. legal and unethical
C. illegal and unethical 1336. PMC bank is a
D. legal and ethical A. foreign bank
1330. What is the secure range of current ra- B. private bank
C. commercial bank
A. 1.5-2.0
D. co-operative bank
B. 2.1-2.6
C. 0.9-1.0 1337. Why might a business want to grow?
D. none of above A. More Profit
1331. All partnerships must be 50-50? B. Give employees more time off
A. True C. To improve the business image
B. False D. To sell less products
1338. “By producing at a large scale, profit C. Both (a) and (b)
can be maximized, reducing the aver- D. corruption
age cost of production “Which marketing
1348. What is the primary source of finance 1354. The qualities of a clerk is divided into
that involves reinvesting profits back into
the business? A. five
A. Issuing corporate bonds B. four
B. Acquiring a car loan for a new vehicle C. two
C. Reinvesting profits back into the busi- D. three
1355. Planning is
D. Receiving a scholarship
A. Deciding in advance
1349. It is basic human nature of people to try B. Identifying
and keep their methods and customs con-
stant. 1356. “The injured person should not profit
from insurance”-what principle of insur-
A. True
ance is this to do with?
B. False A. Contribution
1350. Syllabus deleted in Organising chapter B. None of them
A. Organizational structure C. Subrogation
B. Delegation D. Indemnity
C. Formal and informal organization 1357. You buy a book from a garage sale.
D. None of the above A. Good
B. Service
1351. What is an action verb?
A. It takes works. 1358. can be set in both quantitative as
well as qualitative terms.
B. It takes an activity.
A. Standards
C. It expresses an action.
B. Performance
D. It focuses upon words.
C. Corrective action
1352. The industries which provide support D. Cost
services to other industries are known as: Explanation:Standards are the criteria
A. Primary industries against which actual performance would
be measured. Standards set in terms of
B. Secondary industries
cost to be incurred, revenue to be earned
C. Commercial industries are QUANTITATIVE terms and standards
D. Tertiary industries set in terms of goodwill, motivation level
are QUALITATIVE terms.
1353. A Net Profit occurs if:
1359. Acknowledgment with a show of appre-
A. Gross Profit is greater than expenses ciation
B. Incorrect Commission A. Job Enrichment
C. Expenses greater than Gross Profit B. Recognition
D. Incorrect Service Fee C. Employee empowerment
E. None of the listed choices D. Job security
C. Product development
investing in securities
D. Maturity
A. Monetary fund
1371. Which of the following is not a consumer B. Mutual fund
A. food
D. :(
B. water
1377. We have a prescribed code of conduct
C. a car
D. housing
A. Business
1372. Business cycle is also known as B. Profession
A. Enterprise cycle C. Employment
B. Full cycle D. None
C. Trade cycle
1378. What is a consumer?
D. Downturn
A. A person who goes to the shops.
1373. Our is how we think about someone B. A business selling things.
or something.
C. A person who purchases goods and
A. Interest services for personal use.
B. Attitude D. a consumer
C. Value
1379. I just had the worst day ever! A bit of
D. Reflecting shopping is the perfect thing to cheer me
1374. A retailer who sells something that is
intangible or does not last very long. A. true
A. General Merchandise Retailers B. false
B. Store Based Retailer 1380. ) In the travel and tourism industry, cus-
C. Service Retailer tomer’s perceptions of value and worth
are often associated with
D. Off-Price Retailer
A. Price
1375. Which of the following removes the hin- B. Profit
drance of time by facilitating the holding
of goods after production till the time of C. Place
distribution D. Promotion
1381. The role of private and public sector A. By external and internal sources of re-
were clearly defined by the government cruitment
1390. :a fall in the external value of a cur- 1395. He knew that without good planning he
rency as measured by its exchange rate would not be able to direct organise con-
against other currencies trol or perform any other managerial func-
tions efficiently and effectively.” Identify
A. Exchange rate appreciation
the features of planning highlighted here
B. Exchange rate recession A. Continuous
C. Exchange rate depreciation B. Futuristic
D. none of above
C. Mental exercise
D. Primary function
1391. The mental image a person forms of you
when you meet them for the first time 1396. Job rotation
A. Work experience A. Adds a variety of different tasks of the
B. First Impression same level to make job more diverse
B. Involves workers swapping round and
C. Availability
doing each specific task or working in a
D. none of above different department for a limited amount
of time
1392. The poor quality of selection will mean C. Involves adding more responsibility
extra cost on and supervision. with different skills
A. Training D. Fringe benefit
B. Recruitment
1397. This is the process which helps in mold-
C. Work quality ing the behavior of employees from nega-
tive to positive
D. None of the above
A. Supervision
1393. Low risk tactics for overcoming resis- B. Motivation
tance to change include;
C. Incentive
A. communication, support and threats
D. Leadership
B. participation, support and manipula-
tion 1398. Planning is a process
B. Unfavourable financial leverage, as re- 1415. What is the main objective of business?
turn on investment is lower than the cost A. Earning Profit
of debt.
B. Investment
C. Favourable financial leverage as debt
is easily available C. Production
D. Customer Satisfaction
D. Favourable financial leverage, as re-
turn on investment is higher than cost of 1416. The producer focuses on the quality of
debt products and services
1410. Qantas would be classified as which A. Production concept
size of business? B. Marketing concept
A. Small C. Product concept
B. medium D. none of above
C. large 1417. Tick the disadvantages of division of
D. extra large labour/ specialisation
A. Employees get skilled in one skill
1411. The human activities that are under-
taken with an objective to earn money or B. movement around the factory is re-
livelihood are called ? duced and safety improved
A. Economic activities C. less training is needed
B. Non-economic activities D. employees might be dissatisfied
1412. In many organizations, store records in- 1418. Which of the following is not a respon-
clude sibility of a clerk?
1432. The one who buys in bulk and sells in B. term loans
small lots is called as
C. debentures
A. Manufacturer
D. cash credit
B. Wholesaler
C. Retailer 1438. Pick the stakeholders of the local coffee
shop (multiple correct answers)
D. None of the above
A. Shareholders
1433. Which of the following is a pull factor to
B. Customers
A. Independence C. The CEO of Starbucks
B. Unemployment D. Farmers
C. Disagreement with current employer 1439. The act of manipulating computer keys
D. No formal training (can’t find a job) to produce information is called
1435. C2C transaction originate from the con- 1440. Analysis of business environment is also
sumer and they end on the consumer known as:
A. false A. Micro Environment
B. true B. Macro Environment
1436. Which is NOT a common characteristic of C. Internal Environment
an entrepreneur?
D. Environmental scanning
1454. When you delegate the authority to 1459. A want is:Something that makes life
complete a task or a project, it’s good to more happy and but not to survive.
inform other employees in the workplace
A. necessary, comfortable
about this?
B. essential, necessary
A. True
C. happy, comfortable
B. False
D. comfortable, necessary
1455. Management is an art science and
1460. The location decision of a firm in the pri-
A. Profession
mary sector is most likely to be affected
B. Partially a profession by:
C. Not a profession A. the location of the main markets
D. None B. the available supplies of labour
1456. The electronic devices that accepts data, C. the available sources of the main raw
processes it and gives out the result is material
called D. none of above
A. photocopying machine
1461. Disinvestments of PSE’s implies(a)
B. typewriter Sale of equity shares to private sec-
C. computer tor/public(b) Closing down operations(c)
Investing in new areas(d) Buying shares
D. duplicating machine of PSE’s
1457. Amar, Akbar and Anthony are three A. A
friends pursuing different careers.a) Amar B. B
is a doctor and is running his own clinic,
b) Akbar runs a bakery and makes breads C. C
and biscuits, whereasc) Anthony is an IAS D. D
officer.You are required to identify occupa-
tion for Anthony 1462. Which type of communication is used is
a letter is sent out?
A. Non-economic
A. Oral
B. Business
B. Electronic
C. Profession
C. Written
D. Employment
D. Visual
1458. In order to pass ordinary resolution at
the AGM of company how many Share- 1463. What would mental abilities be classi-
holders should agree? fied as?
A. 75 % A. Land
B. 50 % B. Labor
C. 40% C. Capital
D. 85 % D. Entrepreneurship
1464. The following are functions of an office 1470. Which one below is not an example of
except information. primary sector?(UND)
1465. What is included in Psychological Test? 1471. An additional amount of payment above
basic pay as a reward for good work
A. Interest Test (b) Intelligence Test (c)
Aptitude Test (d) All of the above A. salary
B. Intelligence Test (c) Aptitude Test (d) B. commission
All of the above C. profit sharing
C. Aptitude Test (d) All of the above D. bonus
D. All of the above 1472. Which of this is not a partnership deed?
1466. advertising can use different A. profit earned every year
A. sales B. name of firm
B. researches C. duration of firm
C. observations D. obligations of the partner
D. medias 1473. Management is defined as?
1467. Does the factor below push or pull peo- A. An art
ple into setting up there business? Gain a B. A science
sense of achievement. C. Both art and science
A. Pull D. None of the above
B. Push
1474. What is business?
1468. Which one from the above is not the A. A business is any person or organisa-
main cause of unemployment? tion trying to make profit.
A. decrease in Population B. A small house trying to lose profit
B. Slow Economic Growth when they sell it for a price lower than
they bought it for.
C. Fall of Cottage and Small industries:
C. A big house trying to make business by
D. slow Growth of Industrialisations
selling it more than they bought for.
1469. What is the primary motivation for en- D. A medium house by selling the house
trepreneurs to start a business? for a medium price but making a bit of
A. To become billionaires profit.
B. To fill a need or satisfy a want in the 1475. Strike, lockout, theft, fire are examples
community of
C. To gain fame A. risk
D. none of above B. return
1476. Which of the below is an example of a 1481. Another name for payslip is
A. Pay voucher
A. Shelter
B. payroll
B. A watch
C. pay advice
C. Going to school D. pay receipt
D. A car
1482. The principles of management are in-
1477. The following shows the importance of tended to be applied to all types and sizes
office procedure except that it of organisations. This statement reflects
that the principles of management are(a)
A. allows for better cor-ordination of ac-
General guidelines(b) Flexible(c) Univer-
sally applicable(d) Mainly behavioural
B. creates friction between staff and
A. General Guidelines
B. Flexible
C. promotes a better flow of work in the
office C. Universally applicable
D. reduces the general cost of running D. Mainly behavioural
1483. After a need for a new employee has
1478. Which of the following provides oppor- been established and a job description has
tunity for artisan? been written, the small business owner
must recruit job applicants. Sources of job
A. companies applicants include:
B. Large-scale business A. College and university placement pro-
C. small business grams.
D. none of these B. Referrals from existing employees.
C. Internet sites such,
1479. Why governments supports business and
D. All of the above are sources of job ap-
A. increase unemployment
B. increase competition
1484. Departments and individuals in the or-
C. reduce output ganization are able to work in coordina-
D. society do not gain any benefit tion. Which importance of planning is high-
lighted in the above statement?
1480. Select some examples of one-way com-
A. Planning provides direction.
B. Planning reduces overlapping and
A. Take these goods to the customers
wasteful activities.
B. Please keep it down
C. Planning reduces the risk of uncer-
C. What do you think of this graph? tainty.
D. How are you feeling today? D. Planning facilitates decision making.
1496. what is the formal name of the bene- 1501. Statement I:For any exchange to take
fits a government uses to attract overseas place it is important that there must be
businesses? at least two parties-a buyer and a seller.
A. government incentives Statement II:Exchange can take place even
if the buyers and sellers are not able to
B. tariffs communicate with each other. Choose the
C. workforce bonus correct option from the following:
D. none of above A. Both Statement I and Statement II are
1497. This clause contains the name of the B. Both Statement I and Statement II are
state, in which the registered office of incorrect.
the company is proposed to be situ-
ated.Name? C. Statement I is correct and Statement
II is incorrect.
A. registered office clause
D. Statement I is incorrect and Statement
B. city clause II is correct.
C. name clause 1502. What is the reward for enterprise as a
D. objects clause factor of production?
A. Rent
1498. In which type of production are several
identical products completed at each pro- B. Interest
duction stage? C. Profit
A. flow production D. Wage/salary
B. batch production 1503. Which of the following statements
C. job production about PLCs is most true
D. lean production A. The firm is owned and controlled by the
1499. Pricing is when B. The firm is owned by the directors but
A. the best way of advertising run by shareholders
B. the customers think good of the busi- C. The firm is owned by shareholders and
ness run by directors
C. the business wants to know who is bu- D. The firm is owned and controlled by
uying the government
D. the business charges for products they 1504. April believes that people’s actions are
sell guided by fear. Hence, she intimidates
when approaching change.The type of
1500. Social resposibility is than legal re- change strategy April most likely employs
sponsibility of business. is:
A. Smaller A. training
B. Broader B. coercion
C. A and B C. communication & education
D. None of these D. participation
D. cash balances, increasing receivable B. 10 weeks
levels and reducing trade receivables C. 80 Days
1516. Disney and Pixar joining together is an D. 30 days
example of
A. Forward Vertical integration 1522. “one command from one superior”.
which is the principle associated?
B. Horizontal integration
A. order
C. Conglomerate
D. Backward Vertical Integration B. equity
C. unity of command
1517. When consumers keep buying the same
brand, it is known as D. unity of direction
A. Brand loyalty
1523. The goods and services required by an
B. Brand equity individual to function effectively is known
C. Brand extension as
D. Brand name A. desire
1526. A sole proprietorship form of business 1532. It is the process of choosing from the
organisation cannot organise funds from: pool of the prospective job candidates de-
veloped at the stage of recruitment.
1537. Which one of the following is not a con- A. business investment that involves rent-
sumer right? ing or leasing another successful busi-
A. Right to safety ness model
B. Right to seek redressal B. unincorporated business owned and
C. Right to get discount run by a single person who has rights to all
profits and unlimited liability for all debts
D. Right to be heard of the firm; most common form of busi-
1538. Which of the following is not among ness organization in the United States
banking services?
C. unincorporated business owned and
A. Granting of loans operated by two or more people who
B. Issuing travellers Cheque share the profits and have unlimited liabil-
ity for the debts and obligations of the firm
C. Banker’ draft
D. Keeping valuables D. form of business organization recog-
nized by law as a separate legal entity
1539. Business organization always employ a with all the rights and responsibilities of
Looking receptionist an individual, including the right to buy
A. fierce and sell property, enter into legal con-
tracts, and to sue and be sued
B. haggard
C. horrible
1543. Tarang was a leading manufacturer of
D. rugged basic keypad mobiles. However, demand
E. smart for such mobiles drastically decreased
with the origin of smart phones. Identify
1540. in case of fire insurance policy the in- the main cause of business loss.
surer is liable to compensate for the loss
only when the proximate cause of loss is A. Natural Cause
B. Human Cause
A. true
B. false C. Economic Cause
A. Motivational theories help managers 1549. large store offering a range of food,
to understand the factors that lead higher beverage and household products
levels of employee performance in an or- A. supermarket
B. multi-channel retailer
B. Motivational theories help managers C. showrooming
to better understand how to create a
structure of fear and punishment in order D. product mix
to make employees perform better. 1550. A businesses attitude to taking and ac-
C. Motivational theories help managers cepting risks. eg. Nandos
to better understand how to best manip- A. risk profile
ulate their employees to get them to do
B. risk culture
what they want them to do.
D. Motivational theories are not neces- 1551. Fayol’s principle are related with ad-
sary, employees are expected to execute ministration at top level management
their tasks as outlined in their job descrip- whereas Taylor ‘s principles are related
tion. with
A. Floor level
1546. People’s wants are B. Middle level
A. Limited C. Top level
B. Unlimited D. None of these
1547. Eva:In which type of sector does ESKOM 1552. An advantage of the time rate system
and Transnet belong to and why? is that:
A. it encourages workers to produce as
A. Eskom belongs to private sector be-
much as possible
cause people buy electricity they don’t get
it free B. it is easy to calculate from a time sheet
B. individuals who start a new business 1558. Which of the following is Not a compo-
or bring a product to market. nent of a ledger?
C. the tools, equipment, and factories A. Amount
used in production of goods and services. B. Date
D. The “gifts of nature” or natural re- C. Folio
sources not created by human effort.
D. Particulars
1554. What is de-industrialisation? E. Net profit
A. Decline of primary sector in an econ-
1559. In a centralized organization, policies
and procedures are usually
B. Decline of tertiary sector in an econ-
A. Diverse
B. Uniform
C. Decline of the secondary sector or
manufacturing sector C. Strict
D. All of the above D. Effective
E. None 1560. All the following are the job qualities of
a clerical staff EXCEPT.
1555. CR and DR means
A. Punctuality
A. cash book and debtor
B. Reliability and job interest
B. Creditor and debtor
C. Loyal and obedience
C. credit and debit
D. Neatness in person dress
D. debit of journal
1561. The popularly known acronym ATM is
1556. John Insured his house with two differ-
ent insurance companies. When his car A. Automated Teller Machine
was stolen, he placed a claim with both B. Automobile Teller Machine
companies. Which Principle of Insurance is C. Automatic Teller Machine
in place here?
D. Authentic Teller Machine
A. Indemnity
B. Subrogation 1562. A private company can commence busi-
ness after incorporation.
C. Utmost Good Faith
A. True
D. Contribution
B. False
E. Insurable Interest
1563. What is the general term for products
1557. The most traditional form of public en- that have a physical form (i.e. you can
terprise is touch them)?
A. Statutory corporation A. services
B. Departmental Undertaking B. goods
C. Government company C. components
D. none of above D. raw materials
1564. True/False:Commercial banks are re- no competitor. From the following, iden-
sponsible for setting monetary policy in a tify the importance of Business Environ-
country. ment highlighted above:
1573. Business structure means how a busi- 1579. The organisation producing multiproduct
ness is organized must adapt
A. True A. Functional Structure
B. False B. Divisional Structure
C. None of the Above
1574. Any financial institution can become DP
after registration with D. All of the Above
A. RBI 1580. What is the other name of bottom level
B. SEBI of management?
A. Function level
C. Either
B. worker’s level
D. Neither
C. Policy making level
1575. Buying and selling between Nigeria and D. Officer level
South Africa is known as or trade
A. home 1581. A business reduces product defects by
using inspections in the production process.
B. foreign This is an example of quality
C. domestic A. control
D. traditional B. improvement
scale in Ludhiana but can be purchased
C. Consumers Cooperative Society from nearby markets in your town-Which
D. Marketing Cooperative Society P of marketing mix is this?
A. Product
1596. EVALUATION:What do you think the cor-
rect step for number 3 in John Kotter’s B. Price
model? C. Place
A. communicate the vision frequently and D. Promotion
B. Decide what values are central to the 1602. Which of the following is a motivational
change factor, according to Herzberg’s two-factor
C. Build on the change the quick wins are
only the beginning A. Pay
1615. How is EFFECTIVE DEMAND created? 1620. To develop to proper image in society
through continuous interactions with the
A. When a group of people want some-
various groups of people.
A. Responsibility towards the Investors /
B. When a large number of the population
want something.
B. Responsibility towards the Community
C. When everybody is hungry and want
food. C. Responsibility towards the Govern-
D. When a sufficient number of people
D. Both A and B
want something, and they are willing and
able to pay for it. 1621. Changes in customers habits and prefer-
ences can be considered as causes of
1616. People work hard for all of the follow- business
ing reasons except
A. External
A. earning money. B. Internal
B. having social contact C. None of the above
C. gaining recognition D. Both a and b
D. watching TV 1622. The symbol for the Euro currency is
1617. Delegation refers to A.
1626. Insurable Interest means 1631. All are personal qualities of an en-
trepreneur except
A. You can only insure something that you
B. Test C. Asia’s
C. Reference Check D. North India’s
D. Interview
1641. One disadvantage of a joint venture is
1637. What is this? A. Low cost
B. Both businesses will bring more knowl-
edge and skills into the new project
C. Both businesses does not agree in de-
cision making
D. none of above
A. Labour
1642. is a strategy in which a business ac-
B. Capital quires or merges with a supplier of raw
C. Enterprise materials needed in the production of its
finished products
D. Land
A. Backward integration
1638. Which of the following is NOT one of the
B. Forward integration
A. Product 1643. are effective techniques when resis-
tance to change is high (choose 2)
B. Packaging
C. Place A. Communication
D. Price B. Participation
C. Negotiation
1639. The principles of management are in-
tended to be applied to all types and sizes D. Manipulation
of organisations. This statement reflects E. Threat
that the principles of management are
1644. UK shown in high tertiary section is con-
A. General guidelines
B. Flexible
A. developed country
C. Universally applicable
B. developing country
D. Mainly behavioral
Explanation:The principles of manage- C. asian country
ment are intended to be applied to all D. none of above
types and sizes of organizations. How-
ever, the extent of their applicability 1645. screening is best described as
would vary with the nature of the organiza- A. looking for the best best for the job
tion and the business activity performed.
B. hosting interviews to check the best
1640. Azadpur Mandi is largest wholesale person for the post
market. C. checking applications and CVs against
A. India’s the requirement of job
B. World’s D. none of above
1646. Which one of the following is not a tool 1651. employees will stay with business only
of sales promotion? if they are satisfied with their working
1657. The management tasks of a business in- B. the act or rights of posessing some-
clude thing
A. planning, organising, controlling, di- C. the act of possessing something
recting, leading D. the act of possesing something
B. shoving, pushing, loading, bullying.
1663. Cash transaction means that money
1658. What are the government economic ob- paid
jectives? A. Immediately the transaction occurs
A. low and stable inflation, low employ- B. Paid two weeks after transaction oc-
ment curs
B. high and rapid inflation, high employ- C. Paid with borrowed money
D. Paid in instalments
C. low and stable inflation, high employ-
ment 1664. The principles of management are in-
D. low and stable inflation, high unem- tended to be applied to all types and sizes
ployment of organisations. This statement reflects
that the principles of management are
1659. Why are focus groups used? A. General guidelines
A. To bring together a group of people to B. Flexible
discuss a particular product or issue
C. Universally applicable
B. All of them
D. Mainly behavioural
C. It enables open ended questions
1665. Internal growth is usually slow.
D. It can generate ‘rich’ information
rather than a standard response A. True
B. False
1660. The employee of ABC Ltd. Take part in
volleyball matches on Sunday. Name the 1666. Commerce includes activities relating to
types of organization formed. trade and to trade.
A. Informal organization. A. Supporting
B. formal organization. B. Subsidiary
C. divisional organization. C. Auxiliaries
D. all D. None of these
1661. An open cheque can be cashed 1667. The goods used in the production pro-
A. over the counter cess such as factories, machinery and
equipment are classified into which factors
B. by mail
of production?
C. only by paying it into an account A. Land
D. all of the above B. Resources
1662. define ‘ownership’ C. Labor
A. the act of processing something D. Capital
1669. Human beings are said to have 5 ba- C. Establish effective directing
sic needs. These include Food Water D. Boosts morale
Clothes Warmth What is the missing hu-
1674. What is Marketing
man need?
A. House with a bedroom for each family
B. Palace
C. Large Family Home
D. Shelter
1677. What is a Blog? 1682. Which hand and finger is used to press
A. A website that contains an online per- the L key?
sonal journal. A. Left, Pinky
B. Digital media.
B. Left, Ring
C. A user Manual.
D. A bio note. C. Right, Ring
a part of?
A. The primary sector 1683. Advantages of off-the-job training
B. The secondary sector A. Broad range of skills can be taught us-
C. The tertiary sector ing these techniques
D. none of above B. Business will only need to pay for the
1679. Which of the following is a motivator course and will not lose output of the em-
according to Herzberg? ployee
A. Safe working environment C. Uses expert trainers who have up-to-
B. Responsibility date knowledge of business practices
C. Good wage D. Employees may be taught a variety of
D. Company policy skills, so become multi-skilled
1681. This image represents which economic C. it shows the levels of management and
sector? division of responsibilities
A. Leasing
A. Tertiary Sector
B. Debenture
B. Primary Sector
C. Secondary Sector C. Bank Loan
D. Equity Shares
A. Cash flow problems
B. Production complications and time 1703. PLC stands for
problems A. Public Limited Company
C. Delivery/distribution problems B. Partnership Licensed Corp.
D. Labour and skills problems C. Profit Linked Company
1698. is an accounting book used for D. Private Limited Chain
recording expenses which are small and of
1704. The rewards of business is called wages
little value.
and salary
A. Cashbook
A. True
B. Ledger B. False
C. Petty Cashbook
1705. An ATM is an example of
D. Single Column Cashbook
A. B2B
1699. The membership of this form of business B. B2C
organization is open to all those who have
common interest C. C2C
A. Partnership D. Intra B
C. Accounting Software C. Management of operations
D. Adding machines D. All of the above
1719. legislation is
1724. What does the term ‘human resource
A. the rights an employee has. management’ describes?
B. the rights the boss has. A. concept of competing through techni-
C. the rights a customer has. cal resources in organisations
D. none of above B. economic value of employees’ knowl-
edge, skills and capabilities
1720. One of the sources of capital for part-
nership is C. policies and practices involved in man-
aging managers of an organisation
A. contribution of capital by members
D. effective utilisation of an organisa-
B. personal saving tion’s people and their talent
C. limited partners
1725. What do the GEAR abreviations stand
D. contribution of capital by family mem-
A. Growth, employment and redistribu-
1721. Covers both the employer and the em- tion
ployee in case of injury or disease con-
tracted in the workplace, during the course B. Community-based organisation
of the employee’s employment. C. Chief executive officer
A. Unemployment Insurance D. Gross domestic product
B. Workmen’s compensation
1726. ABC Ltd. sells Blood sugar testing equip-
C. Life insurance ment of three different brands vizGluneo,
D. Medical insurance Onetouch and Oncall. There are three peo-
ple in the dispatch department, five in
1722. Ankita is engaged in manufacturing sales department and two in purchase de-
chocolates and biscuits by using environ- partment. Of late, customers are com-
mental friendly methods of production. plaining that the goods dispatched are as
Which management objective is used here? per the goods ordered. Many times quan-
A. Individual objective tity demanded is short or the products
B. Organisational objective are of different brand. The sales depart-
ment is also complaining that the goods
C. Social objective are not in stock therefore they are not
D. Economic objective able to meet with the orders. Purchase
department says that neither the store in- C. International Business Opportunities
charge informs them about the stock levels D. For-profit Business Opportunities
nor the sales manager provides them with
1735. Types of the goods and services pro- 1740. Every business activity requires
duced by the business: funds.The promoters have to estimate the-
fund requirements for the identifiedbusi-
A. Consumer goods and services
ness opportunity.Which feasibility studies
B. Capital goods is this part of?
C. Both of the Mentioned A. technical feasibility
D. None of the Mentioned B. economic feasibility
1736. Tangible products that we use to satisfy C. financial feasibility
our wants and needs D. none of above
A. Goods 1741. Which of the following is a merit of Sole
B. Services Proprietorship?
C. Marketing A. Quick Decision Making
D. Tangible B. Balance Decision-Making
C. Ease of Formation and Closure
1737. A/An means the bank allows the
business to spend more money than what D. Sharing of Risks
it has in its bank account.
1742. What is Trade?
A. loan
A. It is the buying of goods from one place
B. liability to another
C. overdraft B. It is the selling of goods from one place
D. overpayment to another
C. It is the buying and selling of goods.
1738. is the disclose of work done by
those in authority to people who have the D. It is the buying and selling of goods
right to ask questions and services to satisfy people’s needs at
a profit to the seller
B. Accountability 1743. What is not a feature of cooperative so-
C. Need for TAP
A. Voluntary membership
D. Transparency
B. Legal status
1739. Offering a way to own a business with- C. Control
out starting it from scratch and to expand
D. Unlimited liability
operations quickly into new geographic ar-
eas with limited capital investment is refer 1744. Considering the nationwide lockdown
to amid COVID-19 pandemic, ICICI has
A. franchising launched mobile ATM facility to let peo-
ple stay safe at their homes. Which im-
B. partnership
portance of business environment is high-
C. sole proprietorships lighted here?
D. joint venture A. Helps in getting first mover advantage
1745. An engineer running his consultancy firm 1750. need for social responsibility arises due
to the
A. Business
A. firms interest
B. Employment
B. interest of society
C. Profession
C. both firms and societys interest
D. none of above
D. none of above
1746. The current Minister of Finance is:
1751. What is this?
A. Tito Mboweni
B. Good luck Nene
C. Trevor Manuel
D. Pravin Gordhan
1754. The records that are kept in the of- 1759. If the government increases corporation
fices for keeping information that concerns tax
mails is called office A. Businesses have less profit to reinvest
A. Chart B. Businesses have more profit to rein-
B. Correspondence vest
C. New businesses are likely to start up
C. Diagram
D. Monopolies will become stronger
D. Document
1760. Carbon monoxide emitted by automo-
E. Procedure
biles directly contributes to
1755. An amount of money that is paid back A. Water pollution
within an agreed amount of time, with in- B. Noise pollution
C. Land pollution
A. Bank loan D. Air pollution
B. Angel investment
1761. Responsibility flows from:-
C. Overdraft A. Superior to subordinate
D. Retained profit B. Subordinate to superior
1756. Who is the insurer? 1762. If a business increases the price of a
product but sales do not fall then:
A. The insurance company
A. the break-even level of output rises
B. The person or company who insures and profit increases
his goods
B. the break-even level of output falls and
C. The government profit increases
D. The intermediary C. the break-even level of output remains
the same and profit increases
1757. Successfully organisations do not
D. The break-even level of output falls
achieve goals by chance but by following
and profit falls
a deliberate process know as:
A. Planning 1763. Double column cash book has
B. Co-ordination
A. 8
C. Controlling B. 12
D. Management C. 10
B. Farming, Fishery / Mining, construc- 1780. Arranging money and making payments
tion / Trade, Communication to the seller through banks and other
C. Farming, Mining / Construction, Trade sources is known as?
/communication, transportation A. Banking
D. Farming, Mining / Electricity and Gas / B. Insurance
Commerce, Auxiliary services
C. Warehousing
E. Mining, farming / Manufacturing con-
D. Communication
struction/ Auxiliary Services, Trade.
1776. The best businesses fit a need or want 1781. A good or service which people would
of customers. like, but is not essential for living.
A. True A. Need
B. False B. Wants
C. Scarcity
1777. In which type of company there is no re-
striction on the transfer of shares? D. Opportunity cost
1793. Choose the wrong statement. Why cus- 1798. Who are organizational stakeholders?
tomer’s spending pattern changes? A. Government
A. Changes in tastes and fashion B. Employees
B. Changes in price of competitor’s prod- C. Customers
D. All of the above
C. Changes in education level
D. Changes in population size and struc- 1799. What are the factors of production?
ture A. Supply, demand, price, quantity
1794. People who are part owners of a com- B. Money, resources, products, services
pany are known as C. Marketing, sales, promotion, distribu-
A. Stakeholders tion
1804. refers to as tools to help start ones C. Acceptable by Human needs and de-
own business at a lower cost sires
1816. The following must be shown on an in-
B. Wholesalers
voice, except the
C. Retailers
A. name and address of the seller
B. description of goods sold D. Consumers
A. Organising A. Partnership
B. Staffing B. Public Company
C. Planning C. Private Company
D. Controlling D. State owned enterprise
1819. The process of communicating the value 1824. Detergent powder is the name
of a product or service is
A. Generic
A. marketing
B. brand
B. promotion
C. general
C. brand
D. special
D. competition
1820. Keeping in view the changes in the con- 1825. Partnership enterprise is a-
sumer demands and preferences ‘Tasty- A. Private sector enterprise
maker Bakery’ has reduced the sugar and
B. Public sector enterprise
fat content in its products. This approach
of business shows that management is C. Joint stock enterprise
A. An intangible force D. None of the above
C. psychological
D. security
1847. Which of the following is not an impor- B. Loss amount, which will be contributed
tance of essence of management? by all three
D. Influencing the workers in the organi- Families take part in activities that benefit
sation others as well as benefit themselves. This
is the smallest of the four sectors but col-
1858. are public limited liability companies lectively, the most influential.
that are in the business of providing finan-
cial services to consumers and businesses 1862. Gross Profit-? = Net Profit
A. Market A. Expenses
B. Bank B. Sales
C. Industry C. Cost of Sales
D. School D. Money Out
1859. Service which helps in removing hin-
1863. A person who behaves in the public in
drance of knowledge
such a way as to give an impression that
A. Transport he/she is a partner of the firm
B. Insurance A. Partner by holding out
C. Advertising B. Partner by Estoppel;
D. warehousing C. General Partner
1860. A key reason for a business to have a D. Limited Partner
balanced portfolio of products is to ?
1864. The process of collecting, arranging, and
A. Raise finance
storing of document for easy retrieval is
B. Spread risk called
C. Encourage innovation A. Filing
D. Recruit staff B. Keeping
1861. The government sector C. Storing
A. focuses on client satisfaction, trust, D. Activating
and service for the common good. This
sector is not interested in making a profit, 1865. A single room with a table, telephone,
but in merely breaking even in their en- fax machine, computer is called
deavours. A. big office
B. is responsible for making and enforc- B. small office
ing the laws under which we live. Gov-
ernment is an integral part of our overall C. large office
economy as well. D. complex office
1866. One of the following is a career in busi- 1872. The machine that is used in place of
ness studies postage stamp is machine
means to solve business problems.
1883. What is the process of effective commu-
A. using old ways nication?
B. generating innovative ideas A. Transmitter → Message → Receiver
C. using routine thinking → Feedback
D. allowing one employee B. Transmitter → Receiver → Message
→ Feedback
1878. Reward for profession is called
C. Feedback →Transmitter → Message
A. Profit
→ Receiver
B. Salary
D. Transmitter → Feedback → Message
C. Wage → Receiver
D. Fee
1884. ANALYSE:Fill in the missing word is
1879. Very important information about the a time of great difficulty or danger
company, directors and sharholders are
A. Deadline
registered in
A. Articles of Association B. crises
1898. What do you call an area of land that 1903. Incoming and outgoing mails of an orga-
was once used for urban development? nization are called
A. Greenfield site A. Bulletin
B. Factory B. Correspondence
C. Industrial estate C. Handbill
D. Brownfield site D. Magazine
1904. Which of the following is NOT a busi-
1899. Which of the following occupations is
ness organization?
against the law of Nigeria?
A. Sole Proprietorship
A. farming
B. Corporation
B. teaching
C. Perfect Competition
C. smuggling
D. Partnership
D. trading
1905. is made up of a place where busi-
1900. Drawbacks to a business of using job ness transaction takes place.
production are (SELECT 2)
A. bedroom
A. Products required skilled workers who
B. office
are paid more
C. shop
B. Products take a long time to be made
D. hip
C. Lots of money is spent on technology
1906. What sector would a SCHOOL be part
D. Staff may be less motivated
E. As products are made quickly quality
A. Primary
may suffer
B. Secondary
1901. In what type of leadership style do man- C. Tertiary
agers take all decisions?
D. none of above
A. Autocratic leadership
1907. There are major factors of produc-
B. Democratic leadership
C. Laissez-faire leadership
A. 8
D. Centralised leadership
B. 4
1902. The occupation in which people work for C. 5
others and get remunerated in return is D. 6
known as:
1908. Aisha started business with her bank
A. Business
balance of N2, 000.00. The two accounts
B. Profession involved are accounts
C. Employment A. Aisha and capital
D. None of these B. Aisha and cash
C. Capital and book 1914. “She fixes a standard time for process-
ing the order”. Identify the techniques of
D. Capital and cash
scientific management used by Sonia.
1921. If a business currently has sales of
R250, 000 in a market worth R2 million, A. limited liability of shareholders
what is its market share? B. more money for investment
A. 10%
C. increased flexibility.
B. 12.5%
D. none of above
C. 17.5%
D. 25% 1927. Route suitable for speed and safety
1922. Which of the following is a benefit of
internal recruitment? A. Southern
A. Dynamic
B. Management
1934. Name that intangible force which cre- C. keep asking them for more
ates productive relationships among re- D. A good customer is a profitable cus-
sources of an organisation. tomer
mer season C. they provide important public services
B. hiring a car for the sales manager D. they are important for some strategic
C. building a new factory industries
D. paying creditors for goods supplied
1947. Economic goods are divided into
1942. Your father wants you to do MBA for A. Consumer goods and producer goods
joining family business what does this
show about the nature of management? B. Durable consumer goods and Non-
durable consumer goods
A. Management is science
C. Public goods and Merit goods
B. Management is profession
C. Management is art D. Economic goods and private goods
D. Management is on the path of becom- 1948. The first Tesco store was built in London.
ing profession Tesco has since opened stores all across
the UK and in other countries. Which type
1943. Which two of the following are exam-
of business growth is this?
ples of product extension strategies?
A. updating packaging A. Internal growth
B. reduced costs B. External growth
C. increased advertising
1949. A business that does $10, 000 in sales,
D. increased price and has $7, 000 in expenses has a profit
E. launch of a new product of?
A. $17, 000
1944. is a person employed to receive, as-
sist and direct visitors B. $10, 000
A. A banker C. $7, 000
B. Engineer D. $3, 000
C. A receptionist
1950. “Place” in 4Ps mean same as
D. A marketer
A. People
1945. The small sacle sector exports % of
total exports B. Distribution
A. 50 C. Demand
B. 45 D. Service
1951. A school is organizing a fundraising 1955. Which of the following is not a compo-
event and needs to consider financing op- nent of specific forces of business environ-
tions. Which of the following methods ment?
1960. There are four different types of Paid 1964. Private Limited Companies are owned
work by
A. Full Time, Part Time, Casual, Self Em- A. Sole Traders
B. Partners
B. Wage, Salary, Casual, Volunteer
C. Self employed, Busy, Wages, Salary C. Shareholders
D. none of above D. The Government
1961. Arnav has recently started a business to
1965. The document which contains a written
sell computers. Hee hired a shop in Nehru
order to a bank to pay a stated sum of
palace in New Delhi where he assembles,
money to a named person is called
make computers and various components
supplies them as per order. He performs A. Postal order
a series of composite but separate func-
tions simultaneously and ensures that com- B. Cheque
puters are delivered in time as per orders. C. Bill of exchange
These functions are performed by all man-
agers at all times. The feature of manage- D. none of above
ment highlighted above is
A. Management is pervasive 1966. Public corporations are financed mainly
B. Management is a continuous process
A. selling shares to the public
C. Management is dynamic
D. Management is a group activity B. selling debentures
1969. Which of the following statements 1974. The reward for labour is
about business plans is TRUE? A. Gratitude
profit ployee Development delegation helps the
organisation to
D. none of above
A. motivate the employee
1981. Warehousing is one of the important
auxiliaries to trade as it creates time util- B. facilitate growth
ity bridging the gap between production C. better coordination
and consumption of goods
D. all the above
A. True
B. False 1988. While working on an IT project, you
learn that a particular department plans
1982. I run a hairdresser with 3 employees, to reduce its staff by 50%. The manager
what sized business am I? of this department has asked the project
A. Small team to keep this information secret until
B. Medium the plans are finalized. A good friend of
yours works in this department and has
C. Micro asked you whether you heard of any news
D. Large concerning the future of the department.
This would be an example of which of the
1983. TQM aims to make quality the responsi- following ethical dilemmas?
bility of every employee in a firm.
A. Confidence
A. True
B. False B. Human resource
C. Corporate resource
1984. Items that can be seen and touched are
known as D. Conflict of interest
A. Goods
1989. Entrepreneurs often introduce a prod-
B. Services uct/service to the market to make cus-
tomers aware of a new need that they
1985. He knows that the funds invested are
may not even know about yet.
likely to give returns in the future and im-
pact the prospects of his business.” Iden- A. True
tify the type of concept discussed here
B. False
A. Irreversible decision
B. A large amount of funds involved 1990. What is Quantitative data
C. Both(i) and (ii) A. Numbers,
D. Long term growth B. Opinions
1991. Money allows us to buy the things trading methods of an existing successful
A. we need to survive business
2003. Money provided by a funder without 2009. “The company is good at fixing and com-
charging interest pleting targets.” Identify the nature of
management discussed here.
A. Debt financing
A. (i) Goal-oriented process
B. Equity
B. Persuasive process
C. Shares
C. Multidimensional
D. Entrepreneurship
D. Group activity
2004. If the delegate does not do the task
2010. What is centralized decision-making?
right, then you should not delegate to that
team member again. A. Decision-making through a small
group of senior executives
A. Yes
B. Decision-making through a large
B. No group of senior executives
2005. The is the amount the customer will C. Decision-making strictly through em-
pay for the product. The value of money or ployees
its equivalent placed on a good or service. D. Decisions made through consumers
A. Price
2011. What is the difference between a job
B. Product and a career?
C. Place A. A career is long term chosen field of
D. Promotion work and a job is just something you do
for quick money.
2006. Market value of shares are decided by B. Working a shift vs working everyday
A. the respective companies
2012. Discipline applies to only subordinates
B. the investment market
A. Yes
C. the government
B. No
D. the shareholders
C. To all in the organisation
2007. These are those leaders who helps in ac- D. To outsiders
tive participation of his employees in the
working 2013. Define job specification
A. Identifies and records the responsibil-
A. Autocratic
ities and tasks relating to a job
B. Democratic
B. Outlines the responsibilities and du-
C. Free-reign ties to be carried out by someone em-
D. none of above ployed to do a specific job
C. A document that outlines the require-
2008. How do you calculate ‘Gross Profit’? ments and qualifications for a specific job
A. Revenue-Total costs
B. Revenue-Fixed Costs D. none of above
2017. Which one of the following products is 2022. Which factors can affect changes for
likely to have the shortest product life cy- business?
A. A new design of washing machine
B. A mathematics textbook
C. A new hit pop music CD
D. A new hit pop music CD
2024. Finance Functions are 2030. From the following which of this is cov-
ered under Marine insurance?
A. Planning for funds
A. Endowment policy
B. Raising of funds
B. Act only
C. Allocation of resources
C. Liability insurance
D. All the above
D. Whole life poliy
2025. Management is 2031. Grouping of activities on the basis prod-
A. Science uct lines is a part of.
B. Art A. Delegated organization
C. Both B. Divisional organization
D. Non of these C. Functional organization
D. Autonomous organization
2026. when was DIC launched
2032. Which one is TRUE about management?
A. may 1, 1978
A. Transforms resources into products
B. may 1, 1980
B. Plans, organizes, controls, leads
C. july 1, 1978
C. Plans, obtains and manages company
D. july 1, 1980 funds
D. Provides knowledge and ideas that
2027. The revenue of departmental undertak-
help a company keep up and ahead of the
ings is deposited in
A. Government Treasury
2033. Consumer have the right which must be
B. State Treasury protected all the time
C. Company Treasury A. yes
D. All of the above B. no
2039. According to Henri Fayol, if this principle 2044. The total revenue of a business is:
of general management is violated, “au-
A. the same as profit
thority is undermined, discipline is in jeop-
ardy, order disturbed and stability threat- B. equal to total costs
ened.” Identify the principle. C. quantity of units produced times unit
A. Authority and responsibility production cost
B. Discipline D. quantity of units sold multiplied by the
C. Unity of command
D. Equity 2045. What is a tariff?
A. A tax on imports
2040. are the short-term steps that will
guide the business to achieve its goals. B. A tax on exports
A. Objectives C. A method of promotion
B. Gaols D. A method of production
2046. Action is taken to limit the possibility 2052. What are the interpersonal roles identi-
of the risk occuring and/or to mitigate the fied by Mintzberg?
impact of the risk A. figurehead, leader, and liaison
A. risk reduction B. disseminator, spokesperson, and mon-
B. risk acceptance itor
C. entrepreneur, disturbance handler,
2047. In which category does management
and resource allocator
D. spokesperson, negotiator, and moni-
A. Well-established profession
B. Semi-profession
2053. What is Caveat Emptor?
C. Emerging profession
A. nothing
D. Marginal profession
B. let the buyer beware
2048. Which is false about private limited com- C. a business
D. a consumer and producer
A. They are usually family-run busi-
nesses. 2054. What is a major advantage of a busi-
ness that is a partnership rather than a
B. They sell shares on the stock market.
sole proprietorship?
C. Their shares are owned privately.
A. The responsibility for the business is
D. They may be small businesses. shared
2049. Business operations is the department B. The business is easy to set up
in a business that is responsible for: C. The partners are not responsible for
A. Marketing business debts
B. Finance D. The business is easy to sell
C. Production of goods/provision of ser- 2055. which are the two limitations for equity
vices shares
D. Human resources A. issue of additional equity shares is
generally more as compared to the cost
2050. Pick out the odd one of raising funds through other sources
A. Feedback B. does not affect the control of equity
B. Decoding shareholders
C. Noise C. investors who want steady income
may not prefer equity shares equity
D. Intermediary
shares get fluctuating returns
2051. Which of the following is an example of D. none of above
social environment?
2056. You are not only to convey a message in
A. money supply in the economy a presentation, you are also playing a role
B. consumer protection act to inspire others.
C. the constitution of the country A. True
D. composition of family B. False
2057. Taylor Swift recommends this mouth- B. boom, slump, recession, growth
wash. This is an example of C. growth, boom, recession, slump
2068. Businesses which develop products for 2073. Which is the correct ‘Reward’ for an En-
distribution from raw goods? trepreneur?
A. Processors
B. Service Firms
C. Producers
D. Raw goods
2069. What is the last stage of the business
life cycle?
A. Winning a new car from a Competition
A. maturity
B. Unhappy Customers
B. establishment
C. Bankruptcy
C. post-maturity
D. Business Success
D. growth
2070. One of these is a disadvantage of a 2074. To focus on producing one thing to im-
small office. prove productivity is known as:
A. It can only take a few things such as A. Specialization
typewriters, photocopiers and computers. B. International trade
B. Workers are able to learn more about
C. Absolute Advantage
the activities within the whole business.
D. Supply and Demand
C. The workers enjoy a close relationship
with their employers, customers and sup-
2075. All are the Factors of Production ex-
D. The workers perform a wide variety of
A. Land
duties thereby reducing monotony of work
and idle times. B. Labour
2077. A baker’s fixed costs are $10, 000, 2081. The revenues of a firm do not change if
sells cakes at SP of $45 and the VC per a product’s price is changed. True or false?
cake is $25. What is the breakeven level
A. Services that have become obsolete 2085. Spending more than the balance in your
account is possible in
B. Products that have become obsolete
A. (a) Debit card
C. Changes in consumer demand
B. (b) Credit card
D. Changes in the interest rate
C. Both (a) and (b)
2080. Watches made in Norway are worn by D. None of the above
people in California.
2086. All of the following are reasons why
A. import
transportation is important to business ex-
B. export cept:
A. opening bank balance + cash out-flow cessfully sell on the market
B. opening bank balance + cash in-flow C. The distribution channel chosen will al-
ways ensure high sales
C. opening bank balance + net cash flow
D. Promotion methods chosen will be
D. net cash flow + gross profit
guaranteed to reach the customer
2088. facilitate buying & selling of goods
2092. Hritik Ltd target is to produce 10, 000
A. Trade shirts per month at a cost of Rs. 150
B. Industry per shirt. The production manager has
achieved this target at the cost of Rs 160
C. Auxiliaries to trade
per shirt. Do you think the production man-
D. None of these ager is effective?
2089. Which of the following did Herzberg be- A. He is effective as he has achieved
lieve is the best example of job enrich- the target but he is not efficient as he
ment? achieved the target by incurring higher
A. the worker is given more work to do
and is paid more B. He is efficient as he has achieved
the target but he is not effective vas he
B. the worker is allowed to change jobs
achieved the target by incurring higher
C. the worker is given more physical jobs cost
to complete
C. not effective and no efficient
D. the worker is encouraged to take more
D. both
responsibility at work
2093. What is an example of primary re-
2090. The diagram represents a
A. Magazine
B. Observation
C. Newspaper
D. Government statistics
2105. A minimum of R1 000 must be invested 2111. If the average variable costs £10, av-
in this form of investment: erage selling price is £25 and fixed costs
A. Unit trusts are £60, 000, then what is the break-even
B. Shares
C. Fixed deposit A. 5000
looking receptionist D. 4000
A. Fierce
B. Haggard 2112. Management is essential for the organ-
isation which are:
C. Horrible
D. Rugged A. Non profit organisation
E. Smart B. Service organisation
2107. A trader is transporting goods from C. Social organisation
Yemen into Kenya. Which of the following
D. All the above
is the most ideal form of transport?
A. Train 2113. At times, business may concentrate
B. Airplane more on producing goods with fewer re-
C. Boat sources i.e. cutting down cost but not
achieving the target production. Conse-
D. Matatu
quently, goods do not reach the market
2108. Fixed capital is the capital used to ac- and hence the demand for them declines
quire: and competitors enter the market. This is
a case of being-
A. Assets
B. Fixed Assets A. Effective but not efficient
C. Current Assets B. Efficient as well as Effective
D. Net Assets C. Efficient but not effective
2109. Middle management is responsible for D. Only Effective
making strategic decisions.
A. True 2114. A business plans to increase its stock to
B. False be ready for the grand opening of five new
stores. This shows the interdependence
2110. Which of the following is a purely Gov- between which business functions?
ernment owned company?
A. Operations and finance
A. Reliance
B. Operations and marketing
B. Indian Railways
C. Nestle C. Finance and human resources
D. Indian Post D. Human resources and marketing
B. Training A. Communication
C. Recruitment B. Consumer
D. Orientation C. Cost
D. Convenience
2116. An industrial unit is accused of violating
environmental norms. Which body is most E. None of these
likely to investigate? 2122. During Pandemic PT ArgoWolu offers
A. Ministry of Corporate Affairs their customer a new product with lower
B. Central Pollution Control Board material not as usual. This effort to main-
tain the customer loyal and interesting to
C. National Green Tribunal purchase their product with
D. Wildlife Protection Board A. Reduce the selling price and increas-
ing the cost of material
2117. Finance functions are
B. Reduce the cost of material but keep
A. Planning for funds
the same price
B. Raising of funds
C. Increase the Selling price and keep
C. Allocation of funds same the cost of material
D. All of the above D. Increase the selling price and reduce
2118. An office based system where employ-
ees are expected to work until the job is 2123. promotion has parts
finished are paid through
A. one
A. Time based
B. two
B. Results based
C. three
C. Salary
D. four
D. Wage
2124. Periods of growth in the economic cycle
2119. Which of the following is a motivator are known as
according to Herzberg?
A. Recession
A. A safe working environment
B. troughs
B. A competitive salary C. busts
C. Responsibility D. booms
D. Relationships with co-workers
2125. Identify the correct factor of produc-
2120. A prospectus is issued by tion.Machinery and factories are?
A. private company A. Natural resources
B. public company B. Labour
sion of the National Commission, he can
make a further appeal in
A. A booming economy
B. The naming of a new CEO
C. An organization-wide restructuring
D. A widening span of control for man-
2127. A receptionist is employed to
A. receive visitors and handle telephone
calls A. State Commission
B. discharge visitors B. District Forum
C. to gist with visitors
C. Supreme Court of India
D. to fight with the visitors
D. All of the above
2128. One of the advantages of a sole trader
business is that 2131. Which type of cooperative society pro-
A. owners have limited liability vides residential accommodation to its
members at reasonable rates?
B. shares can be sold to raise capital
C. decisions and responsibilities can be A. Housing Cooperative society
shared B. Credit Cooperative society
D. the owner has complete control over C. Producer cooperative society
decision making
D. Farmer cooperative society
2129. The collection of products a business is
currently marketing 2132. Which of the following is an advantage
of a sole proprietorship?
A. ease of starting a business.
B. being your own boss.
C. pride of ownership.
D. all of the above.
2143. The entrepreneurial process is ? 2148. Which of the following is not a compo-
nent of business studies?
A. How an entrepreneur turns their idea
into a business A. Book-keeping
B. The process of applying for a loan B. Commerce
C. The formal name of closing a business C. Keyboarding
D. Office practice
D. Teaching a younger person a trade
E. Salesmanship
2144. What is the purpose of bridge financ-
ing? 2149. “To judge the ability of an actor, an ex-
amination is conducted and then a degree
A. Providing immediate cash flow until a is allotted to the qualified people who can
more permanent financing option is avail- then do acting in films.” Identify the fea-
able tures of the profession depicted here.
B. Investing in stocks for long-term gains A. (i) Restricted entry
C. Obtaining funds for personal use B. (ii) Ethical code of conduct
D. Using personal savings to fund a busi- C. (iii) Well defined body of knowledge
ness for a long period D. (iv) Both (ii) & (iii)
2145. A social challenge that the business may 2150. If each worker in a business produces
face is: more than last year but fewer workers are
employed then has increased but total
A. exchange rates
output might be the same
B. a contagious disease such as Covid 19 A. production
C. a new president of the country B. employment
D. a new entrant to the market C. productivity
D. resource allocation
2146. A office usually have one to ten cler-
ical staff. 2151. Another name for Sole Trade is
A. small A. Sole Proprietorship
B. big B. Partnership
C. large C. Restaurant
D. huge D. Co-operative society
2152. Managers should, therefore, see that
2147. The principles of management aren’t
everybody in the organisation under-
rigid and can be modified when the situ-
stands its objectives and works in cooper-
ation demands. Which nature of principles
ation with others to achieve these objec-
is being discussed here?
tives. This is called
A. flexible A. Controlling
B. rigid B. Co-ordination
C. soft C. Both
D. all D. None
2153. Which of these might be an objective for 2158. is the best promotion tool in any
a small business? type of marketing.
B. Profit to earn an hourly wage?
C. Cost A. professional athlete
D. Debt B. teacher
B. Pursue an interest 2190. A is an invitation by a company to
C. Be her own boss the public to buy shares
2204. Which of the following is NOT an aim of C. Less committed to the job
governments in most countries? D. Easier to communicate with each other
A. Increase the number of Monopolies
2210. A car assembly plant had to shut down
B. Lower Inflation
operations for a day because tyres had not
C. Economic Growth been delivered. What inventory manage-
D. Reduce Unemployment ment strategy at the car assembly plant
may have caused this situation?
2205. The act of using the typewriter to pro-
A. Just-in-case
duce characters on paper is called
B. Just-in-time
A. analyzing
B. keyboarding C. First-in-first-out
C. processing D. Last-in-first-out
2224. which of the following is known as zero B. Higher inventory leads to higher stor-
coupon bond? age costs and better customer service
A. trade bills C. Higher inventory leads to lower stor-
age costs and lower customer service
B. call money
D. Higher inventory leads to higher stor-
C. treasury bills
age costs and lower customer service
D. commercial papers
2229. When a multinational company enters
2225. is the final link in channel of distri- the market, the company is eager in tak-
bution. ing preventive measures such as improv-
ing the product, aggressive advertising,
A. Market
and so on.” Identify the benefits of the
B. Consumer business environment been highlighted in
C. Producer the above case.
2233. The buying and selling of goods and ser- 2238. Rushan devised an apparatus to mea-
vices within your own country. sure the quality of air at home which can
be fitted in any Air conditioner and the
2243. There are 3 types of money namely, 2248. The possibilities of inadequate profits
A. eagle, gyral, electronic or even losses due to uncertainties are
known as
B. cartel, giral, electronics
A. Business contingencies
C. kartal, grill, digital
B. Business risks
D. cartel, grill, digital
C. Business ventures
2244. What is an example of a benefit?
D. None of these
2249. Long term finance is known as capi-
A. Fixed
A. the capital resources a company has B. Working
B. the cost of an item C. Fixed and working
C. extra time you have when you buy a D. Fixed or working
leaf blower
2250. It refers to the horizontal movement of
D. none of above employees along the organisational struc-
2245. Ways to advertise internally ture,
A. Staff notice board A. Transfer
B. Email B. Promotion
C. Workplace newsletter C. Demotion
D. Newspaper D. All the above
2246. Which of the following if the best defi- 2251. The Equality commission for Northern
nition for RESOURCES? Ireland aim is to build a more equal soci-
A. Resources are something from the ety in Northern Ireland. Its duties include
earth. all of these except.
B. Resources are something which can A. Keeping the relevant laws under re-
be bought. view
C. Resources are divided into two types. B. Working to eliminate unlawful discrim-
D. Resources are anything that people ination
can use to make or obtain what they need C. Promoting equality of opportunity and
and want. encouraging good practice
2247. Which of the following describes the D. Ensuring there is a balance of diversity
number of levels in an organisational struc- in each business
2252. What support do governments often
A. Span of control give to start-up business?
B. Chain of command A. No idea to help the business
C. Levels of hierarchy B. give finance, premises, labour and re-
D. Delegation search
2267. The next best alternative given up by
choosing another item called as
A. Opportunity Cost
B. Economic Choices
2265. . Under what headings will you show 2270. Any office item which is operated either
the following items in the bala manually, mechanically or electronically to
aid the office worker perform his duties
A. Preliminary expenses faster, neater and more efficiently is called
B. Copyrights and nce sheet of a company
C. Unclaimed dividend A. Communication
D. Loose tools B. Office document
2282. This is the cash that is generated by the C. Can invest only at home, but not over-
business when it operates successfully seas
D. Can invest only overseas, but not at
will be appoints for the money market.
A. Retained profits
A. Commercial Bills
B. Share capital
B. Commercial paper
C. Angel investor
C. Treasury Bill
D. Owner savings
2283. You should stand business environment
properly to become a successful business. 2287. Which of the following is an example of
Business environment can be classified as accountability?
internal and external. Match following A
A. Blaming Others
with B.
B. Making Personal Excuses
C. Owning Up to Your Mistakes
D. Waiting & Hoping Things Get Better
2291. arises out of the complexities of 2297. The means through which people in a so-
modern technology and the diversity of ciety earn their living by engaging in com-
tasks to be performed. mercial activities or occupation is called
2292. The Act which governs the formation of 2298. Which of the following is an example of
a partnership business is Indian Partner- an unethical business practice?
ship Act. A. Engaging in price fixing.
A. . 1932 B. Providing false advertising.
B. . 1956 C. Paying employees below minimum
C. . 1949
D. Using child labor in manufacturing
D. . 1912
2299. Which of the following activities lie
2293. cooperative societies registered under within the scope of consumer protection?
C. labour of product benefits?Choose all correct an-
D. land swers
A. ease of use
2302. A public company has shareholders.
B. colourful
A. unlimited
C. safety
B. 2-50
D. energy saving
C. 2-20
2308. Choose the correct Starting Conversa-
D. 1 tions.
2303. A machine used for sending and receiv- A. What’s New?
ing short information is called B. Guess What?
A. fax machine C. How’s it going?
B. text machine D. Guess What?
C. photocopy machine 2309. A mission statement describes the public
D. photocopier image that the business wants to convey.
A. True
2304. In which training method trainee is des- B. False
ignated as the successor to the trainer and
learns by observation and imitation? 2310. Which of the following falls in the cate-
A. Vestibule Training gory of Zero coupon bonds?
A. Treasury bill
B. Mentoring
B. Commercial paper
C. Understudy
C. Commercial bill
D. Refresher Training
D. Certificate of deposit
2305. How many Maximum Numbers of Part-
2311. At what level of management, man-
ners are required in Partnership Firm as
agers are responsible for welfare and sur-
Per Companies Act 2013?
vival of the organization?
A. 50 A. Top Level
B. 100 B. Middle Level
C. 20 C. Lower Level
D. 10 D. Supervisory Level
2324. provides against loss or dam- A. Making a profit
age over goods, the ships or boats carry- B. Delivering excellent customer service
ing goods. C. Having a good sustainability record
A. vehicle insurance D. Informing the public about events and
B. loss activities
2331. Mr. Odey is the owner of a memorial 2336. A “ “ will protest against a business
hospital. Which form of business unit does if they do something they disagree with.
the hospital belong to?
E. trickish A. Centralization
they become nervous.
2346. True or false?Financial statements are a
B. Stowed away and out of immediate report that will help us determine the fi-
reach. nancial position of a business.
C. Their best friend should hold their A. True
phone to maintain their social media sta-
tus and go live on twitter. B. False
D. At home.
2347. Stages in the formation of a public com-
2343. Explain the advertisement process pany are in the following order:
when recruiting internally
A. Promotion, commencement, incorpo-
A. business can write on the notice ration and capital subscription
boards, verbal announcement.
B. Incorporation, capital subscription,
B. business recruit new employees from commencement, promotion
outside the business.
C. Capital subscription, promotion, incor-
C. interviewing people for a possible new
poration, commencement.
D. none of above D. Promotion, incorporation, capital sub-
scription, commencement.
2344. At Wipro, Project Readiness Program
[PRP] a 68 day structured training pro- 2348. How many pros and cons must there be
gram is offered to all campus recruits com- in the force-field analysis
ing from varied background (Engineers +
Non-engineers) to be trained on essen- A. 7 pros and 8 cons
tial behavioral and technical skills that B. 4 pros and 4 cons
prepare them to work in live customer
projects. E-learning has been introduced in C. 10 pros and 5 cons
this training for engineering campus new D. none of above
hires. About 25% of the training duration
hasbeen adopted in E-Learning mode. Iden- 2349. What do financiers expect from lending
tify the method of training being described money to a business?
in the above paragraph.
A. Dividends
A. Apprenticeship
B. Vestibule B. Stock options
2361. What are the “ways” of communica- 2367. The initial amount used in starting a
tion? business is known as
A. One-way communication A. Capital.
B. Two-way communication
B. Cash.
C. Three-way communication
C. Current liabilities.
D. Four-way communication
D. Long term loan.
2362. Successful organisations do not achieve
their goals by chance but by following a
2368. Which of the four Ps of the marketing
deliberate process called
mix concerns how much a customer pays
A. Management for the products or services being offered?
B. Art
C. Science
D. Profession
A. Primary
2369. Which of the following is not a correct
B. Secondary sitting posture for keyboarding?
C. transportation
A. keep eyes on the home row keys
D. None of the above
B. keep fingers on the home row keys
2365. People who are adamant on maintaining
C. the feet are placed firmly on the floor
customs instead of taking risks and doing
new things will not resist changes. D. the head held erect facing the book or
A. True text materials
B. False
2370. The provides the essential informa-
2366. is between the organisation and tion on which each job is evaluated.
other organisations or individuals.
A. Job ranking
A. Internal communication
B. Job enrichment
B. Medium of communication
C. External communication C. Job description
D. Communication D. Job enlargement
2373. State any one process of staffing 2378. Economic activities may be classified
into business, and employment
A. Recruitment
A. Profession
B. Motivation
B. Occupation
2374. An international parcel delivery com-
C. Work
pany transports items throughout the
globe in a matter of days. Which of the D. none of above
following is the most ideal form of trans-
port? 2379. Which bank is known as the Apex Bank
of India?
A. Train
A. The State Bank of India
B. Airplane
B. The Union Bank of India
C. Boat
C. The Reserve Bank of India
D. Matatu
D. The Bank of India
2375. “Petty” refers to what?
2380. Mr. Koledowo a retailer has N5, 000 in
A. Big
his current account and is allowed to with-
B. Large draw N10, 000. How much is the over-
C. Increase draft granted to him?
D. Small A. N20, 000
B. N15, 000
2376. Identify the activity which is not an aux-
iliary to trade? C. Nkh, 000
A. Banking D. N50, 000
2381. Which of the following is not the inter- 2387. Businesses are investment opportuni-
nal stakeholder? ties for individuals-future income
A. managers A. True
B. owners
B. False
C. banks
D. workers 2388. Which of the following defines ‘Author-
2382. Is something a person must have in or-
der to survive A. A business removes a level of middle-
A. Need management
B. Want B. Passing on responsibility
2383. Transactions are of two types namely C. Where decisions are made centrally
(e.g. at headquarters)
A. Giving and taking D. The amount of power/control some-
B. Coming and going one has
C. Cash and Credit
2389. What is the difference between the cost
D. Optional of materials bought in and the selling price
2384. How do you introduce yourself? of the product called?
A. Good Morning everyone, let me intro- A. Added value
duce myself.
B. Profit
B. Hi, this is John.
C. Good Morning, meet John. C. Cost
2401. Select the appropriate examples for De- 2407. External Recruitment
partmental Undertakings. A. Giving a promotion
A. BHEL B. Using a recruitment agency
B. Railways
2408. Name the bank who recently came up
C. Defence Establishments with their Issue of Shares at Rs.12?
E. Telephone B. Canara Bank
C. IDBI Bank
2402. State any one internal source of recruit-
ment D. Yes Bank
A. Training 2409. What is the difficulty of measuring and
B. Promotion comparing business size using profit as a
measure? Please choose all that is rele-
2403. A formal greeting should be something vant.
like: A. Some firms do not make a lot of profit
A. Thank you for coming today. because of government policies.
B. Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen. B. Profits depend on varying factors;
skills of employees, management, effi-
C. Hi dude ciency of production keeping costs low
D. Good Bye! etc.
C. Some companies make profits from il-
2404. You should use a lot of animations and
legal activities.
sound in your presentation to keep your
audience engaged. D. Government companies are more in-
clined to serving the public as they pro-
A. True vide essential services (healthcare) and
B. False motive is well-being of people instead of
making profit.
2405. Which of the broad categories of indus-
tries covers oil refinery and sugar mills? 2410. Sales Forecasting is the basis on which
a business firm prepares its annual plan
A. Secondary
for production and sales. Which feature of
B. Primary planning is highlighted in the above case?
A. Planning focuses on achieving objec-
2406. The process of gathering information
about the market and customer needs and
wants. This can help business make busi- B. Planning is continuous.
ness decisions? C. Planning is the primary function of
A. Field Research management.
B. Questionnaire & Surveys D. Planning is futuristic.
2416. Asking survey questions aimed captur- 2422. Which of these is not a reward for being
ing needs, values, attitudes, behaviors a truthful employee?
and demographics. A. Demotion
and commitment to group success. 2429. A sole trader means
A. Coordination A. A business own and run by two or more
B. Supervision people
C. Controlling B. When a large number of people own a
D. Motivation & (d)Leadership business
2425. Ms. Oyinkan is a valued customer, Her C. When one person own and run a busi-
appointment with Ms. Kosi has been can- ness
celled because Ms. Kosi must travel to La- D. none of above
goon Enterprise on urgent business. The
receptionist deletes the information from 2430. Which one of the following is not an im-
her records. What action should follow? portance of management?
A. be guided by Ms. Kosi’s work sched- A. Integrating various interest groups
ule and instructions as an offer is made
for another date. B. Disciplining employees
B. ask Ms. Tamara to call when she feels C. Developing society
D. Inculcating creativity
C. forget about her
D. offer another date 2431. During a company’s annual meeting, the
CEO explained that shareholders’ funds in-
2426. Which of the following is an advantage clude:
of operating as a partnership.
A. share capital and taxation
A. Limited Liability
B. retained profit and dividend payments
B. Unlimited Liability
C. Shared Workload C. share capital and retained profits
D. Owner gets to receive all the profits D. retained profit and taxation
2433. involves designing and producing 2439. In the absence of international business
the container or wrapper for a product. the standard of living will be possible
2444. where does the extraction of fishing fits 2449. To continually meet customer needs. A
in the economic sectors.(APP) business should
A. Primary sector A. Stand still once they have a successful
B. Secondary sector product
C. Tertiary sector B. Innovate their product
D. Government sector C. Ignore complaints
2445. Why do leaders delegate? Select all D. Make sure their service is on time
that apply 2450. Which P is not included in the 7Ps of
A. to get things done more easily and marketing mix?
A. People
B. to use skills within the team
B. Purpose
C. to develop new leaders
C. Promotion
D. to increase motivation
D. Price
2446. Supermarket is a retail store
E. Physical environment
A. Large
2451. Which of these are questions a business
B. Small
should ask when identifying its target mar-
2447. Which of the following would be the ket? Check all that apply.
most appropriate source of funds for a A. How old are they?
new business (which is just launching) that
makes mobile phone accessories? B. How much money do they make?
A. Retained Profit C. How do they like to purchase their
products and services?
B. Sale of Assets
D. Where do they live?
C. Share Capital
D. Trade Credit 2452. What is a passport/visa?
2448. According to Taylor, “even a small pro- A. Travel documents required for interna-
duction activity like loading figures of iron tional travel.
into boxes can be scientifically planned B. A credit card.
and managed. This can result in tremen-
C. Travel documents required for domes-
dous savings of human energy as well as
tic travel.
wastage of time and materials.” Identify
the related principle of scientific manage- D. A pass to get on a boat.
2453. Adding salary negotiation in the process.
A. Harmony not discord How many total processes are there?
B. Science not rule of thumb
A. 6
C. Development of each and every person
B. 7
to his/her greatest efficiency and prosper-
ity C. 9
D. None of the above D. 10
2455. Pick the good slide. 2459. Quality “ “ involves checking for
quality at the end of production.
A. A. Control
B. Assurance
2464. Which of the following is not an exam- A. Statement I is true and Statement II is
ple of a pay-for-performance reward pro- false
gram that is used by managers?
B. Statement I is false and Statement II
is true
C. Both the statements are true
D. Both the statements are false
Explanation:Accountability can be dele-
gated, but responsibility cannot be dele-
gated completely. Therefore, Statement
I is true and Statement II is false.
2466. Dis-investments of PSE’s implies 2471. The most important drawback of part-
A. Closing down operations nership firm is that the liability of the part-
ners is unlimited i.e., the partners are per-
B. Investing in new areas
sonally liable for the debt and obligations
C. Sale of equity shares to private sec- of the firm
A. True
D. Buying shares of PSE’s
B. False
2467. Doing your chores to earn an allowance
2472. Going to the vegetable market you are
A. Extrinsic motivation going to obtain:
B. Intrinsic motivation
A. Goods
2468. Statement I:Accountability can be dele- B. Services
gated.Statement II:Responsibility can be
C. Intangible items
delegated completely.Choose the correct
option from the options given below: D. Free fruits and vegetables
2473. Basic needs also include the physical con- C. Management is a continuous process
ditions in which a person works, such as D. Management is a group activity
heating, lighting, and noise.
B. Trunk calls 2480. What are the potential career paths for
C. Inter-towns calls students interested in marketing, such as
Sophia, Arjun, and Anika?
D. none of above
A. Working as a professional athlete
2475. Which of the following is an example of B. Studying ancient architecture
a long-term source of business finance?
C. Exploring the field of music
A. Trade credit
D. Pursuing a career in advertising and
B. Share capital promotions
C. Overdraft Explanation:Sophia, Arjun, and Anika can
D. none of above pursue a career in advertising and promo-
tions, offering promising prospects in the
2476. An idea might be a business opportunity field of marketing.
A. your friends like it 2481. True/False:Shareholders are considered
B. it is creative external stakeholders because they do not
C. it passes the entrepreneurship test participate in daily operations.
D. it meets a consumer need A. True
B. False
2477. Which of the following is not a part of
the computer? 2482. The process of choosing the most suit-
A. Monitor able person from among a list of interested
B. Knob
A. Interview
C. Speaker
B. Selection
D. Mouse
C. Medical test
2478. Tarang enterprises Limited is planning D. none of above
to increase its sales by 30% in the next
quarter.Identify the feature of manage- 2483. Division of Labour can be defined as
ment being highlighted in the given state- A. This means every individualperforms a
ment specific task only so that he can give in the
A. Management is pervasive best output.
B. Management is a goal oriented pro- B. When people and businesses concen-
cess trate on what they are best at.
is known as?
A. Communication B. stored
B. Insurance C. stolen
C. Transportation
D. mismanaged
D. none of above
2490. Sold goods N500 cash. What is the par-
2485. it is not always true that just because a
ticulars for the transaction?
plan has worked before it will work again.
identify the related limitation of planning. A. Sold goods
A. planning leads to rigidity B. Sales
B. planning reduces creativity
C. Sells
C. planning may not work in a dynamic en-
vironment D. Sell
D. planning doesn’t guarantee success
2491. “The salesperson are permitted to close
2486. A system that allows the account holder a deal with a customer by giving a maxi-
to avail the banking facility overtelephone. mum of 12% discount. However, the de-
Comes under which e-banking transac- cision to give any further discount rests
tion? with Radha as the final authority.” Iden-
tify the principle of management depicted
A. Internet banking
B. Credit Card
A. Remuneration
C. Telebanking
D. ATM B. Authority & Responsibility
C. Centralisation & decentralisation
2487. Which of these sources of finance is
likely to charge the most interest? D. Initiative
A. Trade credit
2492. Choose two correct options. Which of
B. Retained profit
these refers to secondary research?
C. Bank loan
A. Forum
D. Overdraft
B. Internal business records
2488. Choose 3 functions of money from the
list C. Market research agencies
A. Durability D. Questionnaire
2494. How can you gather data yourself (oth- 2500. Management helps in providing good
erwise known as primary data)? quality products and services, creating
A. surveys employment opportunities, adopting new
technology for the greater good of the peo-
B. hiring a market research company ple and leads the path towards growth
C. eating at panera and development. This highlights the fol-
lowing point of importance of manage-
D. looking at online answers
2495. Which of these is an advantage of sec- A. Management helps in achieving group
ondary research? goals.
A. It is not specific to the business B. Management creates a dynamic organ-
B. It could be out of date isation.
C. It is quick and easy to gather C. Management helps in the development
of society.
D. It is exclusive to your business
D. Management helps in achieving per-
2496. What does de-industrialisation mean? sonal objectives.
A. The decline in financial services
2501. Which of the following cannot be classi-
B. The increase in manufacturing fied as an auxiliary to trade?
C. The decline in public services A. Mining
D. The decline in manufacturing B. Ware house
C. Recruitment
2510. Someone who is employed to keep
D. Project implementation
record of account in an office is called
E. Procurement
A. clerical staff
2505. Which of the following is NOT as stage B. account office
in the sales process
C. sales office
A. Approaching the customer
D. principal
B. Assessing the customers needs
2511. HRM can be most comprehensively de-
C. Post sales service
fine as a series of activities focused on
D. Promoting the product online
A. working towards strong communica-
2506. The machine that is used in place of tion with staff
postage stamp is machine B. obtaining, training and maintaining an
A. Addressing effective workforce
A. hiring and firing 2513. Get Out There Pty Ltd is a company
which manufactures outdoor goods. One
B. employee orientation
product they make is walking poles used
C. human resources management for hiking. The fixed costs for the business
D. job description are $60 000 and the variable costs for
manufacturing each pole total $20. The
2508. The route taken by goods in their move- business sells each pole for $40. Which
ment from producer to consumer is called: of the following two are variable costs?
A. Channel of distribution A. Wages and power connection costs
B. Channel of sale B. Rent and insurance
C. Channel of purchase C. Power and raw materials
D. Channel of marketing D. Power costs and council rates
A. Entrepreneurship
C. efficiency
B. Human Capital
D. profitability
C. Capital Goods
D. Natural Resources 2530. The making of goods and the provision
of service that satisfy the needs of people
2525. Planning helps in achieving coordination is called
and control. A. home trade
A. Feature of Planning B. commerce
B. Importance of Planning C. economics production
C. Neither D. foreign trade
D. none of above
2531. The following are examples of people
2526. A business is any activity an individ- who are engaged in commercial occupation
ual engages in involving the provision of except
goods and services for A. traders
A. gain B. marketers
B. profit C. sales manager
C. partnerships D. lawyers tagsOccupation
D. fortune
2532. How do you calculate ‘Revenue’?
2527. Staffing ensures the following benefits A. Price per unit x Quantity Sold
to the organisation
B. Total income x Quantity
A. Helps in discovering and obtaining
competent personnel C. Income-Total Costs
2534. Which term best describes a want? 2539. Mr Yao needs assistant to help him mak-
A. A service provided by a company ing wood tables, If we interpret The pro-
duction Factor will be needed is
2535. The private sector consists of business 2540. The best way to define worker motiva-
owned by individuals or a group of indi- tion is:
A. employees working hard due to the
A. True fear of losing their jobs
B. False B. employees work hard when they are
under close supervision
2536. Assertion (A):Plans then decide the
future course of action and managers C. employees work hard as they are
may not be in a position to change driven by their desire to do their best for
it with changed circumstances. Reason themselves and for business
(R):Planning is flexible. Find the correct D. employees work hard only because
option: they are paid a high salary or wages
A. Both A and R are true and R is the cor-
2541. Bonus, promotion and recognition are
rect explanation of A
the examples of
B. (b) Both A and R are true but R is not
A. Planning
the correct explanation of A
B. positive motivation
C. A is true but R is false
C. Controlling
D. A is false but R is true
D. Staffing
2537. The official signature of a company is
is a term coined in INDIA by
A. Prospectus
A. partnership act 1932
B. Debentures
B. companies act 2013
C. Shares
D. Common Seal
D. environmental protection act 1986
2538. The method of performing office duties
is called office 2543. Advertising is the promotion of
A. practice A. goods and services
B. procedure B. ideas, goods and services
C. design C. only goods
D. none of above D. only services
2544. What is an example of a service? 2549. Factors of production are materials use
A. A bus journey to provide
B. A bus A. issue
D. none of the above 2551. All except one are factors that cause
people to steal or tell lies
2546. Business risk is not likely to arise due
to: A. to cover up bad behavior
B. dishonesty
A. Changes in government policy
C. to become popular
B. Good management
D. to save face over a promise not kept
C. Employee dishonesty
D. Power failure 2552. What are the 3 communication methods
A. Verbal communication
2547. True/False:The primary objective of con-
sumer protection is to regulate competi- B. Sign communication
tion between businesses. C. Written communication
A. True D. Visual communication
B. False
2553. The prominent stock exchange enjoying
2548. Identify the object in the picture nation wide coverage that commenced op-
erations in 1994.
A. Bombay Stock Exchange
B. Global Stock Exchange
C. National Stock Exchange (NSE)
D. New York Stock Exchange
2565. The process of creating and internal en- 2570. Select the disadvantages of external re-
vironment, where individuals work effec- cruitment
tively and efficiently for achievement of A. Fresh and new ideas
goal is known as
B. Expensive
A. Coordination
C. Different sets of skills and experience
B. Delegation
D. Time consuming
C. Management
2571. The process of creating an internal envi-
D. Planning
ronment, where individual work efficiently
2566. Sani works for a large manufacturing and effectively for achievement of goal is
business. She organises the transport of known as
raw materials and finished products across A. Coordination
Australia. Which of the following de- B. Delegation
scribes her area of responsibility?
C. Management
A. Logistics
D. Planning
B. Service Design
2572. The main advantage of economies of
C. Global Sourcing
scale is that a business can achieve
D. Leading edge technology
A. economic objectives.
2567. Which of the following is the safest B. industry benchmarks
method to save money?
C. lower per unit input costs.
A. Piggy bank D. lower per unit input costs.
B. Jar
2573. Which of the following are natural ways
C. Coffee can of transit?
D. Accounts with depository institutions A. Ocean, airspace
2568. M/s Ratna Jewellers, an Indian firm B. Ocean, airspace, and roads
sales gold jewellery to US based firm Lux- C. Roads and train tracks
urious & Co. It is-
D. Train tracks, the ocean and rivers
A. Import trade
2574. It ensures that work is done according
B. Export trade to orders and instructions.
C. Entreport trade A. Supervision
D. Domestic trade B. Directing
2569. Needs of are being focused in Mar- 2575. In an autocratic leadership style, who
keting. holds decision-making power?
A. Customer A. Entire team
B. producer B. Shared among team members
C. Retailer C. The leader
D. wholesaler D. An external consultant
2587. Which of these is an example of an ex- C. The term ‘Superhero’ and Apple’s slide
ternal stakeholder? to unlock function.
A. Employees D. None of the above
B. Customers
2593. what is not an advantage of specialisa-
C. Employers tion?
D. Shareholders
A. lower cost per unit
2588. Leaders who do not listen to others and
B. boredom for workers
make all the decisions themselves.
C. better quality products
A. democratic
D. workers lose flexibility
B. autocratic
C. open 2594. removes doubts immediately
D. situational A. Advertisement
2589. Which of the following content is NOT B. Publicity
in a partnership deed? C. Personal selling
A. Name of firm D. Sales promotion
B. Profit-loss sharing ratio
C. Valuation of assets 2595. By what means is Petroleum and natu-
ral gas transported from one place to an-
D. Name of partners other?
2590. Which one of the following statements A. Pipelines transport
is not correct?
B. Ropeways transport
A. Management is a goal-oriented pro-
cess. C. Sledges
2598. This refers to short-term and temporary 2603. The various department that can be
incentives to purchase or induce trials of found in an organization include the follow-
new goods. ing except
materials provided by the primary
2614. The privately owned, publicly controlled
D. none of above central bank of the U.S.
2609. Directing helps to reduce resistance and A. Federal Reserve System
develop required cooperation in in the
B. Bank of the United States
A. balance
B. fully realize their potential D. State bank
B. Foreign direct investment sistance.
2632. Andy is walking in the streets. His 2637. When banks allow customers to draw
stomach is growling due to hunger. Andy more money than he has in his bank ac-
walks pass an electronics store. Andy is count, this is called
interested in getting a new computer. At A. loan
the same time, Sam is barefooted but he
B. cash
is inside a sports shop looking for a new
football. What are the needs found in the C. overdraft
above passage? D. debt
A. Food
2638. Leadership influence the behaviour of
B. Football others
C. Shoes A. True
D. Computer B. False
2649. Which one of the following is not a ben- 2654. Does the factor below push or pull peo-
efit to a firm from producing quality prod- ple into setting up there business? Un-
ucts: able to get job satisfaction from current
A. customers loyalty is likely to be high employment.
high product prices
D. the costs of returns and product fail-
A. DVD’s:to entertain you when you get
ures are likely to be low
2650. External influences on a business refer B. a pool:to keep you cool and so you can
to relax
A. Factors that are good for the business C. a million dollars:so you can be rich and
B. Factors that are bad for a business possibly famous
C. Factors that are outside the control of D. a doctor:to provide medical help when
the business needed
C. Shareholders A. True
D. Managers B. False
2653. The first task to be performed by a mail 2658. Why, according to stakeholder theory,
clerk when mails come to an organization is it in companies’ best interests to pay at-
is to them. tention to their stakeholders?
A. circulate A. If firms only act in their own self-
interest employees may feel exploited.
B. open
B. If firms only act in their own self-
C. receive interest government might put more regu-
D. sort lation on them.
B. comparative
C. persuasive D. Due process
2677. French economist named coined the 2682. One of the disadvantages of Sole trade
term “Entrepreneurship” in the early 18th is
2679. The industries which provide support 2684. To process imported raw materials,
services to other industries are known as which institute help SSI:
A. Secondary industries
B. Primary industries
C. Tertiary industries
D. none of above
2685. An ideal Capital market is one
2680. Successful organisations does not
achieve their goals by chance but by a A. Where finance is available at higher
deliberate process called cost.
A. Co-ordination B. Must provide insufficient information
to investors.
B. Planning
C. Where market operations are inconsis-
C. Management
D. Organising
D. Which facilitates economic growth.
2681. Define “Emotional Intelligence.”
2686. What is the name of the new course in-
A. The ability to feel what others feel. troduced within the Business Studies De-
B. Is made up of personal skills and peo- partment in 2023-24?
ple skills A. N5 Accounting
C. A combination of empathy and social
B. N5 Travel and Tourism
C. N5 Administration and IT
D. The ability to interact with others in a
positive way. D. N5 Business Management
2687. Which of these is the most liquid asset? A. A person who is the exclusive owner of
a business.
B. Two people who own a business.
C. A group of people who own a business
D. none of above
2691. Long term loans appear in
A. Income Statement 1
B. Cash Book
C. Statement of Financial Position
A. Checks
D. none of above
B. Property
C. Cash 2692. A business canhave full control over.
A. Inflation
D. Credit
B. The vision
2688. Division of labour means C. Customers
A. Different tasks are done by same peo- D. Economy
ple in a group of workers
2693. What is an advantage of delegation?
B. Different tasks are done by one person
in a business A. More money
2706. Economic activities may be classified 2712. Profit motives is a secondary objective
into business, and employment of every business enterprise
A. work A. True
B. occupation B. False
C. profession
2713. How many people own a sole trader
D. vocation
2707. Businesses can fail when
A. 3
A. They spend more than they earn
B. 2
B. They spend less than they earn
C. 1
C. They sell the right products
D. 20
D. They have market share
2708. An advantage to a business of leasing 2714. movement to a higher level or position
computers rather than buying them out- A. demotion
right is that:
B. promotion
A. the loan never has to be repaid
C. transfer
B. the computers will never go out of date
D. termination
C. the total cost of leasing is less than
buying the computers 2715. Which of these are financial objectives?
D. it doesn’t have to find a large cash sum
A. Independence
to buy computers
B. Positive Cash Flow
2709. Explain one benefit to a business of
maintaining product quality C. Increase market share by 2%
A. Increased customer complaints D. Financial Stability
B. Decreased market share 2716. Which one is a sensible ethical decision
C. Improved customer loyalty for businesses
D. Reduced sales A. Higher wages
2710. 4 functions of money are:store of val- B. Workers well-being
uemedium of exchangeunit of accountde-
C. Adding value
ferred payment
D. Minimizing costs
A. True
B. False 2717. The Department which is responsible
for the processing of all the money which
2711. What determines the position of an out-
comes into the business
line in shorthand?
A. The sound of the last writer A. HRM Department
2721. Chain of production refers to: 2725. is not the example of socio-
economic issues
A. The link between the primary and sec-
ondary sector activities A. inequality
B. The extraction of raw materials to be B. Poverty
used in the secondary sector C. Inclusive
C. The delivery of goods to the final con- D. education
2726. What is the concept of ‘economies of
D. Activities from the primary, secondary scale’ in business?
and tertiary sector activities.
A. Increasing production will increase to-
2722. The department that is responsible for tal costs
changing raw materials into finished good B. Decreasing production will decrease
is carried total costs
A. Finance C. Increasing production will decrease
average costs
B. Marketing
D. Decreasing production will increase
C. Production average costs
D. Purchasing
2727. What is not a limitation of a cooperative
E. Transport society
C. Employment B. (ii) Art & Science only
D. 7 B. Departmental Undertakings
C. Government Compani
2731. What auxiliary to trade removes the
hindrance of time? D. A and B
A. Warehousing 2737. What is the definition of Delegation
B. Banking & Finance A. Passing a portion of your authority to
C. Transport your subordinates
D. Insurance B. Telling others to do your job for you
C. Taking charge of a situation
2732. When a product or service is obsolete
sales will begin to drop, this is known as D. Asking for ideas from your subordi-
the stage of the product life cycle: nates
2743. Members of the board, people who 2748. Stakeholders are considered more im-
make big business decisions and could ul- portant to an organization when:
timately make a decision on recruitment. A. they can make use of their power on
A. Manager the organization
B. they do not emphasize the urgency of 2753. Poultary farms come under which type
their issues of industry?
C. their issues are not legitimate A. Extractive
D. they can express themselves articu- B. Genetic
C. Constructive
2749. Which of the following document is not
handled by a receptionist? D. Manufacturing
A. Business card 2754. The following are procedures to be con-
B. Delivery note sidered when making decision on needs
C. Request form and wants except
D. Telephone directory A. discount to be granted
E. Visitor’s book B. evaluation of alternatives
2750. Which of the following is a benefit to a C. information search
business of an employee receiving off the
D. problem recognition
job training?
A. It is tailored specifically to the needs 2755. Choosing products and services that
of the firm have been produced or supplied in an en-
B. It is usually cheaper than providing on vironmentally sustainable way is said to
the job training be:
C. New ideas can be brought into the A. Ethical consumption
B. Sustainable Consumption
D. Employees are able to produce whilst
being trained C. Substantial Consumption
D. Global Consumption
2751. The best definition of variable costs is:
A. they vary with the number of units pro- 2756. Which one is included in the primary
duced function of money?
B. they vary over time A. Medium of Exchange
C. they vary with the prices charged by
B. Measure of Value
D. they vary with tax rates set by govern- C. Both of the above
ment D. Store of value
2752. Discount allowed is written on the
side of the cash book. 2757. Select which of these insurance types
are compulsory.
A. debit.
A. Unemployment insurance
B. middle.
C. credit. B. Life insurance
2770. It is the function of management which
consists of monitoring and checking align- C. A company
ment of performance of predetermined D. None of the above
A. Controlling 2776. Who is the richest man on the Earth
2780. is an organization that produces and 2786. When decision-making authority is re-
distributes goods and services. tained organisation is said to be by higher
management levels, an
2785. The first person a visitor comes in con- 2791. What is the correct definition of
tact with in an organization is a Scarcity?
C. Variable costs less fixed costs
D. All of the above
D. Total sales less total variable costs
2793. A company has reduced the price of their
current razor as a new model will be re- 2798. National budget is
leased soon. Which stage of the product A. Payable by employers at a rate of 1%
life cycle for the current razor is indicated of the total remuneration paid to employ-
by this decision? ees
A. Introduction B. A plan that shows the government’s in-
B. Growth come and expenditure
B. Informal training A.
C. Self learning
D. Ongoing training
2829. WHO IS THE GOVERNOR OF RBI? A. Brownfield site
A. URJIT PATEL B. Enterprise zone
B. Reguram Rajan C. Science park
C. Shaktikanta Das D. Greenfield site
D. N.K SINGH 2835. Which of the following is a function of
top level management?
2830. Commerce includes activities relating to
trade and to trade. A. Ensuring quality of output
A. Supporting B. Assigning necessary duties and re-
sponsibilities to their departments
B. subsidiaries
C. Taking responsibility for all the activi-
C. auxiliaries
ties of the business and its impact on the
D. none of these society
2831. Products which are sold to the public, D. Ensuring that the safety standards are
but they cannot be seen or touched. maintained within the organisation.
Explanation:Ensuring quality of output-
A. Capital Goods
lower level managementAssigning neces-
B. Consumer Services sary duties and responsibilities to their
C. Consumer Goods departments-middle level management
D. Branding 2836. Management is equally important to run
a political organisation as it is to run an
2832. What Am I? economic organisation. Which feature of
management is being reflected in the given
A. Management is goal oriented
B. Management is multidimensional
2833. A business is experiencing increasing 2837. ” Principles help managers to take de-
costs for its stock over time. It is seek- cisions while performing functions of man-
ing to maximise its profit for the current agement “
financial period. Which strategy should it A. True, Principles are guidelines to take
adopt to value its inventory? actions
B. False, Functions of management are 2842. Which of the following is not a feature
not related with Principles of manage- of Entrepreneurship?
D. USA A. True
B. False
2841. Which of the following is the function of
marketing? 2846. What entry is passed for purchase of
raw material
A. warehousing
A. Trade Payable Dr
B. transportation B. Bank Dr
C. customer C. Manufacturing A/C Cr
D. branding D. Manufacturing A/C Dr
2848. The process of storing letters and doc-
uments in a systematic manner for easy
reference is known as
A. sorting
B. documentation A. Farming, fishing, mining
2868. is the key used for creating gap A. Yes, entrepreneurs should be risk-
while typing averse.
A. space bar B. No, entrepreneurs should rely on oth-
B. backspace ers to organize the business.
C. caps lock C. No, entrepreneurs must be risk-takers
who take initiative and have excellent or-
D. tab ganizational skills.
2869. Which of the following is the formula for D. Yes, all you need is good organiza-
the break-even point? tional skills.
A. Total revenue/ Contribution per unit
2874. What are the two activities that need to
B. Contribution per unit/Total fixed costs be done prior to recruitment and selection?
C. Total fixed costs/ Contribution per unit A. Job analysis and interview
D. Contribution per unit/Total costs B. HR Planning & background checking
2870. Why do you need a business plan? C. HR planning and job analysis
A. To explain your idea D. Resume scanning & job advertise-
B. the ability to get financing. ments
C. it’s a road map that sets objectives and 2875. The 4 main functional departments are:
goals for the business.
D. To help reduce the risk of business fail-
E. All of the above.
2877. Dan has $5, 000. He wants to invest 2882. An activity in which an individual works
his money in the type of business that has regularly for an agreed remuneration un-
the least amount of liability. In which type der the rules of service is known as-
2888. Transfer of interest exists in the case of C. Buying and selling of goods and ser-
vices in large quantities
A. Profession D. Buying and selling of goods and ser-
B. Employment vices in small lots
C. Business 2894. Which of these businesses operates in
D. None of these the secondary sector?
A. Dyson
2889. The form of business unit which has a
minimum of two and maximum of twenty B. Cineworld
membership is C. John Lewis
A. partnership business. D. EE
B. private limited company.
2895. why is it hard to measure the size of a
C. public enterprise. business by measuring the number of em-
D. public limited liability Company. ployees
A. hard to measure if business uses a lot
2890. What are the advantages of packaging
of machinery
for manufacturers?
A. Helps in sales and promotion B. hard to measure all employee across
B. Carries vital information
C. hard to keep track of part-time employ-
C. Minimizes the possibility of damage ees
D. All of these D. hard to measure different. types of
2891. Price employees
A. Informing customers about products 2896. Your grandfather has retired as the Vice
and persuading them to buy them President of a manufacturing company. At
B. The cost to the buyer of goods or ser- which level of management was he work-
vices ing:
C. Where goods or services are available A. Top Level Management
D. Goods or services that are sold B. Middle Level Management
C. Lower Level Management
2892. Calculate the return on owner’s equity
if profit = $50, 000 and the average D. None of these
owner’s equity = $200, 000
2897. Debentures, loans and public deposits
A. 20% are examples of
B. 25% A. Owned funds
C. 50% B. Borrowed funds
D. 150%
2898. What is a tariff?
2893. Wholesaler trade refers to A. a limit on the number of goods that can
A. Exporting goods and services be imported
B. Importing goods and services B. a tax on import
A. Physical
B. Human
B. Transparency, Accountability and Pro-
C. Economic ductivity
D. Natural
C. Transparency, Accountability and Prox-
2911. Which one of the following statements imity
about stakeholder groups is accurate? D. Transparency, Accountability and Prob-
A. Stakeholders are people who are not lem
interested in business E. Transparency, Accuracy and Probity
B. Stakeholder groups have direct inter-
est in firms decisions 2916. Businesses operate to earn profits
C. Shareholders of a ltd company are not A. True
a stakeholder group B. False
D. none of above
2917. What is the point of producing a mini-
2912. Which of the following is NOT a use of mum viable product?
A. To get positive feedback from con-
A. as a medium of exchange sumers.
B. as a unit of account B. To see if a product should be com-
C. as a store of value pletely abandoned.
D. as a means of barter C. To see if it is possible to produce as
much products as humanly possible.
2913. Which of the two following metrics are
used to distinguish the business sizes? D. To test and improve the product’s mar-
ket potential.
A. Turnover
B. Number of employees 2918. Mr. John, a bookshop owner, bought
C. Assets stationary for N400 by cash. The double
entry is
D. none of above
A. Cr Mr. John and Dr cash
2914. Profit is B. Cr stationary and Dr cash
A. the money that the business makes
C. Dr cash and Cr Purchase
from selling its products
D. Dr purchases and Cr cash
B. the money that the business receives
from the bank E. Dr stationary and Cr cash
2919. The possible benefits of growing the 2924. Workforce analysis would enable to
business are know whether the organisation is
2929. Identify the correct forumla for the net 2935. Mercedes benz is known for
profit ratio. A. clothing production
A. Profit/Revenue x 100
B. ship building
B. Revenue/Profit x 100
C. fishing
C. Profit/Capital x 100
D. car manufacturing
D. Revenue/Owner’s Equity x 100
2930. Explain one reason why new business 2936. Which of the following involves actions,
ideas come about on the part of senior management, to cre-
ate a plan of action to implement the
A. Government regulations change and delegating responsibility to
B. Technological advancements people who will manage the process?
C. Economic stability A. leading the change
D. Lack of competition B. resisting the change
2931. What is tourism? C. managing the change
A. Act of traveling and visiting a new D. implementing the change
B. Act of visiting your own city. 2937. Which of the following is a disadvan-
tage of corporations:
C. Act of traveling to school and back.
A. High taxes
D. Act of taking a tour around down town.
B. Unlimited life
2932. What is the first and most important ob-
jective of any business organisation? C. Unlimited liability
A. Profit Maximisation D. financial power
B. Growth 2938. Internal Recruitment
C. Survival
A. Giving a promotion
D. Social Responsibility
B. Using a recruitment agency
2933. Wages are paid annually
2939. A petty cashier who received N30000
A. True
as imprest for the month of June 2021,
B. False bought recharge card for the business, un-
der which analysis column will he post the
2934. Select the options which affect the Span
amount spent.
of Control
A. Age of the employees A. Stationeries
2940. It is that machine or device that is used come back the next morning. Here the as-
to copy a document sets refer to
2955. identify the logo
B. Accounts department
C. Personnel department
D. Purchase department
2968. Does the factor below push or pull peo- 2974. Opportunity Cost is
ple into setting up there business? Fear of A. The item we bought
B. The item we had to do without
A. Pull
C. The items that gave opportunity
B. Push
D. The Cost of goods
2969. The difference between the selling prod-
2975. To ensure that only good quality prod-
uct and the cost of bought in materials and
ucts are exported from our country, the
components called as
Government of India has made compulsory
A. Selling Price of goods
B. Added Value A. Pre-shipment inspection
C. Business unit B. Excise clearance
D. Value Point C. packing and marking
D. production
2970. Is Nike providing a product, service or
both? 2976. A group of products that are very simi-
A. Product lar
B. Service
C. Both
D. none of above
2988. ‘A social process by which individual
groups obtain what they need and want
through creating offerings and freely ex-
changing products and services of value
with others’ is known as:
A. Marketing
A. True
B. Marketing mix B. False
C. Branding
2994. What is the purpose of medium-term fi-
D. Packaging nancing?
2989. People generally find it convenient to A. Obtaining a loan for a medium period
continue doing something as they have of time to address immediate financial re-
always been doing. Making them learn quirements
something new is difficult. B. Acquiring a car loan for a new vehicle
A. True C. Utilizing personal funds to cover ex-
B. False penses
D. Investing money for a medium period
2990. Access to larger consumer markets of time
A. Informal Business Advantage
2995. Which leadership style encourages a
B. Informal Business Disadvantage rigid adherence to established procedures
C. Formal Business Advantage and policies?
D. Formal Business Disadvantage A. Transformational
B. Bureaucratic
2991. Break Even Point = Fixed Cost/ Selling
C. Charismatic
price per unit minus
D. Transactional
A. Factor Cost per Unit
B. Variable Cost Per Unit 2996. The primary stage of production is
A. extract and exploit the natural re-
C. Average Cost Per Unit
sources from the earth
D. Fixed Cost or Variable Cost whichever
B. manufacture goods made from raw
is lower
materials provided
2992. A is the owner of a bank account C. Relative decline in the importance of
who writes out a cheque. country’s secondary
A. drawer D. none of above
2997. How do you calculate labour productiv- 3002. The “Boston Matrix” is made up of four
ity? stages. Which stage has High market
growth-Low Market share
3007. What company did Bill Gates start? 3010. Which one is not a motivation theory?
A. Apple A. Herzberg
B. Microsoft B. Smith
C. Samsung C. Taylor
D. LG D. Maslow
3008. Which one of the following is in correct 3011. If the total revenue = £639 and the to-
order? tal costs = £427 what is the profit made?
C. Open/Laisser-Faire
A. Takes longer
D. Situational
B. Needs a lot work
3027. The concept of Work Study techniques C. Opportunity for immediate feedback
D. none of above
A. Time study
3033. Salesmen get no help from advertising
B. Motion study
while selling goods and services to cus-
C. Fatigue study tomers.
D. All of the above A. True
B. False
3028. To provide the regular, accurate and full
information about the working of business 3034. The best choice for Adidas to increase
as well as schemes of future growth. selling price is proven. The profit hike al-
A. Responsibility towards the Share- most 45% with
holder/Investors/Owner A. Reduce the cost of material with oth-
B. Responsibility towards the Consumers ers materials
C. Responsibility towards the empolyees B. Keep the Cost of material the same
C. Increase cost of material and the price
D. None of these
will be increased also
3029. Money paid to the original musician or D. Keep the price same and increase the
producer for each performance of their selling prices
3035. The process of changing an idea or prod-
A. Rent uct into a good or service that meets the
B. Interest needs of customers and one they are will-
ing to pay for.
C. Profit
A. Product Differentiation
D. Royalties
B. Product Adaptation
3030. Forecast can be made C. Product Innovation
A. Policy Changes D. Product Segmentation
B. Interest rates
3036. Which theorist believed that the only
C. Tax rates way to motivate staff is with money?
D. All of the above A. Herzberg
B. Maslow B. Confidence
C. Mayo C. Reference
3041. Feeling positive about your own feel- B. Employee retention decreases
ings and abilities C. Reduced numbers of job vacancies
A. Advocate D. Labour productivity decreases
3046. Which partner does not contribute to 3051. are compounds that are naturally or
capital artificially prepared.
A. Sleeping partner A. Chemicals
B. Active partner B. Substances
3052. Which element of SCAMPER are miss-
3047. SHOW THE MOVEMENT OF LETTER OF ing in the following list:Substitute, Com-
ENQUIRY bine, Modify, Put to new use, Eliminate,
C. Direct access to your money A. True
D. Other people access to your money
B. False
3067. It is a good or service which people
would like, but is not essential for living. 3073. Minimum number of members to form a
public company is
A. Need
A. 5
B. Want
C. Business B. 7
D. Business Activity C. 12
C. Small C. temporary
D. Good D. none
3077. When the Registrar is satisfied about 3082. Which of the following is not the advan-
the completion of formalities for registra- tage of partnership? (REM)
tion, a is issued to the company, which
3087. Which is not usually considered a suit- D. Management involves dealing with hu-
able solution to a short term seasonal cash- man behaviour and outcomes cannot be
flow problem predicted with utmost accuracy
A. asking for trade credit 3092. means every employee should get
B. remortgaging a property order from one superior only(a) Unity of
C. getting an overdraft command(b) Unity of direction(c) Centrali-
sation(d) Order
D. cutting back on non essential expendi-
ture A. a
B. b
3088. An employee
C. c
A. works for others
D. d
B. makes all the financial decisions
C. takes the risk of starting a business 3093. Principle of Responsibility and authority
insists on
D. sets non-financial goals
A. Responsibility> Authority
3089. Father of management B. Authority> Responsibility
A. F W Taylor C. Authority= Responsibility
B. Henry Fayol D. All of the above
C. Philip Kotler
3094. They open a number of branches at dif-
D. Peter F Drucker ferent localities in a city or in different
cities and towns in a country.
3090. A leader
A. Departmental Stores
A. is always voted on by the people that
they serve B. Multiple Shop
B. has a vision, a drive, and a commit- C. Super market
ment to achieve that vision and the skills D. none of above
to make it happen.
C. must have a higher education level 3095. The maximum number of members in a
than those they led private limited liability company is
3097. Shane is confuse when she has to choice 3102. An advantage of a business using Total
2 option int he same time between going Quality Management is:
to abroad and buying a new car. Then She
3099. Name the mandatory document that ev- 3104. An internal stakeholder is:
ery company required to prepare at the
A. Supplier
time of registration of company?
B. Bank
A. Article of Association
C. Employee
B. Consent of Directors
D. Local Community
C. Memorandum of Association
D. Registered office address 3105. In order to be successful a business
needs to?
3100. A limitation of this concept is that
A. Identify its customers needs and
quality-conscious customers hesitate in
B. Have a big shop
A. Product concept
C. Sell products really cheap
B. Production concept
D. Have lots of sales
C. Societal marketing concept
D. Selling concept 3106. In a financial market
A. Banks act as buyers when a borrower
3101. The ledger is divided into how many
needs a loan
B. Banks act as buyers when a saver (the
A. 5
seller) lends money to the bank
B. 6
C. Banks act as sellers when a saver
C. 4 lends money to the bank
D. 2 D. none of above
3108. Machines are called capital goods be- C. No vote
cause D. Multiple votes
A. they are not easy to get
3114. Which ownership has 2-20 people in it?
B. they help in the production of other
A. Sole Trader
B. Partnership
C. they are very cheap
C. Public Limited Company
D. they are not easy to get
D. Private Limited Company
3109. Which is a more time consuming phe-
nomenon 3115. What does APR stand for?
A. Annual Percentage Rate
A. Recruitment
B. Average Percentage Rate
B. Selection
C. Annual Personal Rate
C. Depends on the profile
D. none of above
D. Depends on the company structure
3110. The serial number of the document au- BRANCHES ACROSS INDIA
thorizing the payment of the petty ex-
penses is shown in the petty cashbook as A. POSTAL
A. Folio
B. particulars
C. voucher number
D. journal folio 3117. To determine customer satisfaction,
Macy’s places self-addressed survey cards
3111. WHICH ONE IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE to all customer purchases.
3118. The motivation theory which classified
C. DEVELOPMENTAL needs in hierarchical order is developed by
D. PROTECTIVE A. Peter f drucker
3112. When did India opened up its economy B. Abraham Maslow
and started the process of globalisation. C. Scott
A. 1990 D. Fred luthans
A. producer
A. operational reasons
B. consumer
B. misconduct
C. incapacity 3136. Primary Sector activity example is:
D. all the above A. Farming
B. Refining
3132. which of the following is the element of
C. Banks
D. Construction
A. continous
E. All of them
B. controlling
C. directing 3137. Entrepreneurship is ?
3140. This type of business is owned by two 3146. Which one of the following options
or more people. places the stages of a typical product life
cycle in the correct order?
3151. The settlement cycle of NSE B. Making customers aware of the busi-
A. T+2 ness
B. Comparing actual and planned results
A. Customisation
C. Developing a financial forecast
B. Input
D. Conducting market research
C. Output
D. Transformation 3158. An entrepreneur has produced a shav-
ing oil for customers with sensitive skin
3153. Expenses are to eliminate any pain when shaving. This
A. The cost of producing a product, other- is an example of a business idea that:
wise called direct costs A. Was developed and delivered to the
B. Other costs that are not related to pro- market quickly
ducing the product, otherwise known as B. Solved a customer problem
indirect costs C. Offered a cheaper way of doing some-
C. Cost that do not change with output thing
D. Running costs D. Is aimed at a fast growing market
3154. In which country do an estimated 3.6 3159. Resistance to change may be either
million families treat themselves to KFC overt or implicit
for Christmas dinner? A. True
A. China B. False
B. Japan 3160. According to the graph, what is the
C. Thailand quantity at equilibrium?
D. South Korea
3161. Which of the following is a characteris- 3166. Which of these is the symbol for Fair-
tic of a co-operative? trade?
3170. is the reward for risk taking 3175. What could a business do in the decline
A. Profit
B. Loss
C. Risk
D. none of above
A. remove the product from the market
A. It is relatively faster than road trans-
B. use a product extension strategy
C. increase production
B. It is suitable for carrying heavy goods
in large quantities over long distance. D. sack the directors and start again
C. it is a flexible mode of transport 3176. A benefit to a business of introducing
D. It is a convenient mode of transport for lean production methods is that:
travelling long distances A. Unit costs should be minimised in the
long term
3172. To determine problem, analyse causes,
B. New processes will be easily imple-
develop alternative solutions are part of
C. Training costs will be low
A. Class room Lectures
D. All staff will be happy to take on addi-
B. Internship tional responsibilities
C. Coaching
3177. Which two of the following businesses
D. Case Study produce goods for customers to buy?Select
two answers:
3173. A company assured the funds required
to execute an expansion programme. Iden- A. A local veterinary practice
tify the decision made by the company. B. A small producer of specialist moun-
A. Investment decision tain bikes
C. A local hairdressing salon
B. Financing decision
D. An independent travel agent
C. Dividend decision
E. A local ice cream manufacturer
D. none of above
3178. Rajan is working as marketing manager
3174. as a factor of production is a free in Timco ltd. At which level of manage-
gift of nature. ment is he working
A. land A. Operational manager
B. capital B. Top level management
C. labour C. Lower level management
D. entrepreneur D. Middle level management
3179. The person or organizations that decide 3184. A person working in his own garden.
to go into business is called
could this business have used to provide
primary data?
A. Customer survey
B. Published journal
C. Australian Bureau of Statistics cata-
D. Australian Bureau of Statistics census
3194. The way and manner in which offices 3200. Which of the following is a necessary
run their affairs is known as office condition for flow production?
A. procedure A. large numbers of specialist workers
B. operation B. high and steady demand for a stan-
dardised product
C. system
C. machinery that can be adapted for pro-
D. preparation duction if demand fell
3195. State True/ FalseA business activity D. high demand for the product only at
may be carried out without any sale or ex- certain times
3201. These are firms that supply service to
A. True consumers and other businesses.
B. False A. Duodenary Sector
3196. A Large office is usually found in or- B. Tertiary Sector
ganization with many clerical staff. C. Primary Sector
A. every D. Secondary Sector
B. big 3202. also known as democratic leadership;
C. small the leader encourages group participation
in the decision making but the leader has
D. medium
final say.
3197. When Union bank allows Mr. Agada to A. Authoritative Leadership
withdraw more than his credit balance, he B. Let it happen
is said to be given a/an
C. Participative Leadership
A. invoice
D. none of above
B. loan
3203. Advertising is part of the marketing
C. overdraft
function called
D. statement of account
A. distribution
3198. State the full form of B2B B. financing
A. Business to Consumer C. promotion
B. Business to business D. selling
C. Consumer to Consumer 3204. is also known as a caller.
D. none of above A. Visitor
3199. Before taking out insurance, you must B. Customer
complete which? C. Receptionist
A. Application Form D. Boss
3205. Departments are established on the ba- 3210. All services that have traditionally been
sis of in functional organisation. performed in the home describes with in-
A. Products dustry sector?
B. Demand A. Primary
C. Functions B. Quaternary
D. Market C. Quinary
ting up as a Sole Trader?
A. Costly
B. Takes a long time
C. Unlimited liability
D. Need to sign a contract
3207. What are the 4 p’s of marketing?
A. price, product, promotion, place 3212. Which department in an organization
keeps record of all the financial transac-
B. price, person, promotion, place tions of the business?
C. place, perspective, promotion, place A. Administrative department
D. none of above
B. Procurement department
3208. The process of introducing the selected C. Marketing department
employee to other employees and making
him familiar with rules and policies of the D. Accounting department tagsDepart-
organisation is known as ment in an Organization
3215. How many alphabetic keys can be found 3220. Which of the following is not a current
on the keyboard? liability?
A. Overdraft
3226. Amogh, a businessman got his godown sales and the productivity of sales repre-
insured against fire for Rs 1 lakh. One day, sentative?
a fire took place and goods of the value
A. Sales report
of Rs 80000 were destroyed. Amogh put
up the claim for Rs 1 lakh. Insurance com- B. Balance sheet
pany did not accept the claim for Rs 1 C. Cash budget
lakh but accepted it for Rs 80000. Under
which principle of insurance did the Insur- D. Performance appraisal
ance company take the decision?
3231. how does secondary sector link with ter-
A. Utmost good faith tiary sector? (ana)
B. Insurable interest A. how does secondary sector links to ter-
C. Indemnity tiary sector? (ana)
3235. which of the following items is not 3240. Which of the following is an external
recorded in the single column cash book? source of finance
A. Stock market floatation
B. It will help them fix the price of the A. When an employee has satisfied a
product(s). need associated with a level, he/ she can
still return and be motivated by the need
C. The information would have to be pub- of that lower level again.
lished to shareholders.
B. The complex needs are fulfilled at the
D. Costs will tell the managers what the lower level and the very basic needs are
firm’s profits are. fulfilled at the upper level.
C. There are five levels of needs that in- released on July 1, 2019.Identify the re-
fluence employee motivation and by exten- lated dimensions of business environment.
sion, their performance on the job. Needs
A. Economic
ranked from basic to complex.
B. Social
D. There are four levels of needs that in-
fluence employee motivation and by exten- C. technological
sion, their performance on the job. Needs
D. legal
ranked from basic to complex.
3244. Stock Exchange works as a mechanism 3248. True or False:Life assurance & life insur-
for valuation of securities through the ance are the same thing
forces of demand and supply. Identify the A. True
related function of performed by the stock
B. False
A. Providing liquidity and marketability to 3249. Labour
existing securities.
A. The surplus funds which remain after
B. Safety of transaction. all expenses have been covered.
C. Pricing of security. B. Any place where buyers and sellers
D. Spreading of equity cult. meet to engage in trade.
3245. The visitors book in an organization is C. This is the physical and mental con-
handled by the tribution of individuals to the creation of
goods and services
A. Clerk
D. none of above
B. Director
C. Receptionist 3250. Investor who wants to keep his securi-
D. Secretary ties in electronic form opens a account
with a Depository Participant.
E. Security
A. Savings
3246. Which of the following is not a princi-
B. Current
ple by Henry Fayol?(a) Division of work(b)
Harmony not discord(c) Discipline(d) Unity C. Demat
of command
D. Both (a) and (b)
A. a
B. b 3251. An increase in morale and motivation
can lead to what?
C. c
A. Reduction of costs
D. d
B. Improvements in quality
3247. India continues to be a lower-middle-
income country along with 46 others, C. Increased productivity
while Sri Lanka has climbed to the upper- D. Decreased productivity
middle-income group for the fiscal year
(FY) 2020, according to the World Bank’s 3252. A good public speaking skill can help to
classification of countries by income levels, create a good public image.
A. True D. five
D. A feeling of personal satisfaction B. Ledger folio
C. Particulars
3263. In network a subordinate is allowed
to communicate with his immediate superi- D. bank
ors as well as his superiors superior.
3269. Mention any one Dimensions of busi-
A. Wheel ness environment.
B. Single Chain A. Social environment
C. Inverted V B. global environment
D. Free Flow
3270. Jayant is holding a hundred shares of
3264. Which of the following is NOT a function a company. He has been given a privi-
of management? leged offered to subscribe to a new issue
of shares of the same company in the pro-
A. Planning
portion of 2:1 to the number of shares
B. Controlling already possessed by him. Identify the
C. Organising method of floatation being described in the
above case.
D. Negotiating
A. Offer through prospectus
3265. HRP is
B. Offer for sale
A. Human Resource Performance
C. Rights issue
B. Human Recruitment Planning
D. Private placement
C. Human Resource Planning
3271. Which item does not cause any business
D. Human Resource Protection
3266. The introduction should be A. Breakdown of machinery
A. 1 page B. Efficient management
B. 2 pages C. Riot
C. Half a page explaining what you will do D. Changing government policy
D. Extensive
3272. The responsibility flows
3267. According to the latest report released A. In all directions
by world intellectual property organiza-
tion (WIPO), which place did India rise up B. Downwards
to in 2021 from 81st position in 2015? C. Upwards
A. 69 D. None of the above
A. Communication media
B. Office document
C. Office equipment
D. Office procedure
E. Organization chart
3282. Why are goods and/or services central 3287. Maximum number of shareholders in a
to both marketing and operations? Private company.
A. Because they are the only source of A. 50
revenue for a business B. 100
B. Because they are essential for meet- C. 200
ing customer needs and wants D. maximum unlimited
C. Because they are required for legal
3288. Private Limited Companies sell shares
on the stock market
D. Because they are necessary for em- A. TRUE
ployee satisfaction
3283. . Goods for which import duty is not 3289. What does it mean to reconcile an ac-
paid are kept in which of the following count?
kinds of warehouses?
A. Pay outstanding transactions
A. Private
B. Deposit income and record withdraws
B. Public
C. Balance the checkbook register each
C. Government month to the balance shown on the state-
D. Bonded ment
D. Track Check 21 transactions
3284. True/False:All stakeholders have an
equal say in a company’s operational de- 3290. Identify the correct factor of produc-
cisions. tion.Skilled people working in a lawyers
firm will be seen as?
A. True
A. Natural resources
B. False B. Labour
3285. measures the responsiveness of de- C. Capital
mand for a product after a change in con- D. Entrepreneurship
sumer incomes.
3291. A public company necessarily is a public
A. Price elasticity of demand sector organization.
B. Income elasticity of demand A. True
C. none B. False
D. none of above 3292. SMTs
3286. Firms of country ‘A’ sell goods produced A. Solo-managing Teams
in their own country to firm ofcountry ‘B’. B. Self-managing Teams
This is known as?
3293. one of the recruitment resources is
A. Import Trade A. Recruitment agencies
B. Export Trade B. Tertiary institutions
C. Entrepot Trade C. In-house employees
D. none of above D. All of the above
3298. The drop in the employment rate is part 3303. Select one limitation of Outsourcing of
of the environment. Services
A. A economic A. It reduces confidentiality of informa-
B. B social
B. It helps in concentrating on the core
C. C political competency of the organization.
D. D legal C. It facilitates inter organizational
3299. The person that contributes capital and knowledge sharing and collaborative
does not take part in the running of the learning.
business is called partner D. none of above
3304. Which option is not a business activity? 3309. Jim maintains his family by using his pri-
vate vehicle for hire.
A. Production of goods
A. private
B. Transportation
C. Exchange of goods B. public
D. Work in a factory for wages 3310. What do shareholders expect from their
investment in a business?
3305. Which picture best represents the factor
of capital? A. Dividends
B. Stock options
A. C. Profit sharing
D. Interest
C. B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. None of the above
3312. ISI Mark is the quality certification mark
use in case of food products.
3306. The key on a keyboard that causes all
letters keyed to be capital letters.
A. Enter
B. Caps/Number Lock
C. Tab
D. Shift
D. Offers full protection against any finan- 3323. a pause for advertisements during a
cial loss television or radio programme is a
3318. Inner state that energises and directs to- A. commercial break
wards goals B. commercial channel
A. Motivation C. prime time
B. Motivators D. none of above
3324. The tertiary sector of industry tends to 3329. Labor Productivity is a measure of effi-
be the most important sector in high in- ciency of input used in the production pro-
come [Most developed] countries because: cess, especially labor and capital.
A. agricultural output is more important A. TRUE
than service B. FALSE
B. As customers have a little money to
spend, they use most of their income to 3330. Demat Account comes under which e-
buy manufactured good commerce application?
C. Most workers are employed in manu- A. Trading at stock exchange.
facturing products in these countries B. Post
D. As customers’ income are high, they C. Ticketing
spend more on services such as hotels
and Leisure D. none of above
3325. EVALUATE:Can you develop your own 3331. Which of the following characteristics is
pros and cons of a business when using not related to the various methods used to
the analysis? fulfil human needs?
B. No B. Unlimited
C. Not essential for the survival
3326. Memorandum is used
D. Can be created by businessmen
A. Between different organizations
E. Can be changed by social forces
B. By two companies only
3332. The following are functions of purchas-
C. To communicated between different
ing department except
government institution
A. Ensuring the correct quantities of
D. To communicate to the world
goods supplied
E. Within an organization
B. Keeping records of goods
3327. The cost of the advertisement is borne C. Making sure the products are of good
by the sponsor. quality
A. True D. Paying worker salaries promptly
B. False E. Storing goods until they are needed.
3328. The type of warehouses that can be set 3333. Process of entrusting responsibility &
up only after obtaining a licence from the authority & creating accountability of per-
government is son who work has been given:-
A. Public warehouses A. Delegation
B. Bonded warehouses B. Centralization
C. Government warehouses C. Decentralization
D. Private warehouses D. Informal organization
3334. trade is the act of buying and selling 3340. Anjusha running a bakery & Manjusha
goods within a particular country cooking food at resturant are activi-
B. False A. SENSEX
3337. Which of the following is an economic
activity? C. HOPE
A. Owner D. Primary
D. shareholder A. TRUE
3339. The regulatory body of stock exchanges
in our country granted statutory recogni- 3345. What are some of the ways of adding
tion in the year 1992 value?
A. SEBI A. Offering convenience
B. SIEVE B. Custom made capital
C. SBEI C. Customized services
D. IBES D. Advertising
C. Friend’s choice
if she achieves this? D. Health factor
A. £7, 500
3353. Planning brings about efficiency and ef-
B. £3, 750
C. £45, 000
A. Feature of Planning
D. £12, 500
B. Importance of Planning
3348. A consumer must derive from every C. Neither
goods used.
D. none of above
A. joy
3354. I am travelling to Aberdeen for a few
B. asset
days on business. I wish to work on the
C. product train and send the documents I have cre-
D. satisfaction ated to the office. Which piece of equip-
ment would be most suitable?
3349. These business owners may have trou-
A. Mobile Phone
ble raising capital. What type of business
ownership best describe the statement? B. Laptop
A. Sole proprietorship C. Tablet
B. Corporation D. Photocopier
C. Partnership 3355. What is the antecedent?
D. Franchise A. It is a phrasal verb.
3350. “There is full coordination and team B. It is a word, phrase, or clause that is
spirit among all employees”. Identify the replaced by a pronoun.
principle of management depicted here. C. It is a subject that represents clauses.
A. Equity D. It is a verb that gives additional pieces
B. Esprit De corps of information.
C. Initiative 3356. Qualification, Experience, Training and
D. Order Certification will fall under the umbrella of
3357. A small-sized business can have a max- 3362. Planning helps in reducing
imum of how many employees?
A. decision making
C. Marketing of goods and services to 3364. Read the case study identify the feature
prospective customers highlighted of Partnership?
D. Sourcing of raw materials
E. Warehousing of manufactured goods
3361. Setting goals for employees that are 3366. What is the job of a business manager
aligned with the company’s goals de- A. oversee the activities of workers
scribes which management function?
B. ensure that a company or department
A. Planning is on track to meet its financial goals
B. Controlling C. hire, train and evaluate new employ-
C. Commanding ees
D. Motivating D. All of the above
3367. What is the difference between income C. new, more comfortable chairs
tax and corporation tax? D. use more shampoo
A. Both means the same
3372. the matric jackets of Harry Gwala high
B. Income tax is paid by individuals, cor-
school are manufactured by T D Jakes man-
poration tax is paid by businesses on the
ufacturers. this is regarded as
profits they make
A. tertiary sector
C. Income tax is paid by individuals on ex-
B. manufacturing
tra payments received, corporation tax is
paid by businesses on revenues received C. secondary sector
D. Income tax is paid indirectly to the gov- D. primary sector
ernment, corporation tax is paid directly
to the government 3373. Which of these companies is most likely
to use the Boston Matrix?
3368. When we look at tools and money in-
vested in a business, it can be classified as A. Aldi
which factor of production? B. Cello tape
A. Natural resources C. Unilever
B. Labour D. A local window cleaner
C. Capital
3374. A business makes 28, 000 items a week
D. Entrepreneurship and employs 35 staff.Calculate the produc-
tivity per worker.
3369. Identify the correct factor of produc-
tion.Water, wood and fish are? A. 1500 units/week
A. Natural resources B. 35 units/week
B. Labour C. 800 units/week
C. Capital D. 900 units/week
D. Entrepreneurship 3375. Which of the statements about retained
3370. Identify the characteristics of profits is false?
management-” Management has to adapt A. You have unlimited amounts of money
itself to the changing environment.” available
A. Management is a continuous process B. Shareholders and employees could be
B. Management is a goal oriented pro- frustrated because there is less profit to
cess be ‘shared out’
C. Management is ever changing C. You do not have to pay interest
D. Management is a dynamic process D. You are free to use it for any purpose
C. People with mortgages have to pay 3381. Which of the following is industry had
less to the bank each month been privatisation by government?
consumer law? C. Survival
A. Employee rights
D. Customer satisfaction
B. Product safety
3394. The following except one are all ex-
C. National living wage
tractive occupationa. Agriculturalb. Oil
D. Safety in the workplace drillingc. Miningd. Fishing
3389. What is the reserve deposit ration A. Fishing
(rdr)? B. Mining
A. the proportion of money RBI lends to
C. Oil drilling
commercial banks
D. Teaching
B. the proportion of total deposits com-
mercial banks keep as reserves 3395. dr and cr in accounting means
C. the total proportion of money that com- A. doctor and creditor.
mercial banks lend to the customers
B. debit and credit.
D. none of above
C. director and credit.
3390. is the clerical activities that are car-
D. director and credit.
ried out on a day-to-day basis within an
organization in order to achieve set goals. E. director and credit.
A. Keyboarding 3396. Being effective means
B. Commerce
A. Completing task
C. office practice
B. Completing task efficiently but beyond
D. Computer Studies deadline
3391. Which of the following is not trained to C. Completing task on time using added
handle is work resources
A. the labourer D. None of the above
B. the teacher
3397. Liberalisation means:
C. the doctor
A. integration among economies
D. the mechanic
B. reduced government control and re-
3392. What is the advantage of partnership? striction
A. New skills and ideas C. policy of planned disinvestment
B. conflicts D. none of them
3398. Policy formation is the function of 3402. Which statement is TRUE:A ‘Business
A. Low level managers Enterprise is
3406. Planning process includes 3412. First bank of Nigeria Plc may dishonor a
A. 5 logical steps cheque presented for payment if
business D. There is sufficient money in the
A. corporation drawer’s account
B. entrepreneurship E. The signature of the drawer is regular
C. sole proprietorship 3413. When a vacancy is filled by someone
D. partnership who is an existing employee of the busi-
3408. which of following forms of organisa-
A. Internal recruitment
tion require maximum number of Members
to start with? B. External recruitment
A. Sole Proprietorship C. Employee selection
B. One Person Company D. Recruitment
C. Public Company 3414. Which of the following is an example of
D. Cooperative society social environment?
A. money supply in the economy
3409. is the activity of influencing people
to strive willingly for mutual objectives B. consumer protection act
A. Motivation C. The constitution of the country
B. Planning D. composition of family
C. Communication 3415. The following are benefits to creating a
D. Leadership spending plan except:
A. encourage individuals to spend more
3410. Liberty Shoes Limited is a based
B. track income and expense
A. Indian
C. help individuals meet financial goals
B. united kingdom
D. help individuals live within their in-
C. US come
D. Singapore
3416. principle relates to the arrange-
3411. Foreman belongs to: ments of things and persons.
A. Top level A. Remuneration
B. Middle level B. Remuneration
C. Lower level C. Discipline
D. None of them D. Order
3417. The amount received at the beginning of another by providing lunch rooms or al-
a particular period by the petty cashier is lowing employees to attend company re-
expected to be recorded on the side of treats.
B. It is a formal typed paper. 3425. The Ledger used for keeping accounts re-
lating to gains or losses of business is
C. It is informal notice.
A. Ledger
D. It represents whole segments.
B. Journal
3420. Identify the level at which the directing C. Nominal
function takes place in an organisation
D. Real
A. Top Level Management
3426. Little chance of business growing or be-
B. Middle Level Management
ing stable
C. Lower Level Management
A. Informal Business Advantage
D. All of the above
B. Informal Business Disadvantage
3421. Which of the following is the character- C. Formal Business Advantage
istic of a business? D. Formal Business Disadvantage
A. Production
3427. The structure in which there is separa-
B. Exchange or sale tion of ownership and management as per
C. Risk element law is called
D. All the above A. Company
B. All business organisations
3422. refers to work environments in which
colleagues interact by providing opportu- C. Partnership
nities for co-workers to socialize with one D. Sole proprietorship
3428. What is a consumer?-best answer 3434. is an enterprise with only one per-
A. A consumer is someone who buys son as a member which avails all the ben-
goods for their own use. efits of a private limited company such as
separate legal entity, protecting personal
B. A consumer is someone whos sell assets from business liability and perpet-
goods for profit. ual succession.
C. A consumer runs a business as a CEO.
A. One person company
D. A consumer is someone who buys
B. Sole Proprietorship
goods and services for their own use.
C. Company
3429. Select the 2 main types of stocks
D. Cooperative society
A. common stock and preferred stock
3435. Mr. Saad is setting up a bakery in his
B. investment and preferred stock
area which would design and sell cakes
3430. Net Profit = 500Revenue = 2000Ex- according to customer’s requests. Such a
penses = 1000Cost of Goods Sold =? business is an example of
A. 1500 A. Job Production
B. 1000 B. Flow Production
C. 3000 C. Partnership
D. 500 D. Batch Production
3431. are sections in a business where 3436. Which is the 4th step of the recruitment
all employees have similar skills and spe- procedure
cialise in particular activities.
A. interviewing
A. Groups
B. Identifying viable candidates
B. Departments
C. advertising
C. Wholesalers
D. none of above
D. none of above
3437. is a means of payment in written or-
3432. When your brand get legal protection der from a customer to his bank(banker),
and no one else is allowed to use it, this is to take money from his current account
called: and pay a certain amount of money to the
A. Copy right person whose name is written.
B. Patent A. Cash tape register
C. Trade Mark B. Cheque
D. None of the above C. Pay book
3433. Which of the following is an example of D. Atm card
a cash out-flow for a business?
3438. Reena maintains her family by using her
A. payments to creditors private vehicle for hire. Identify as public
B. sale of goods or private sector.
C. payment from debtors A. private
D. receiving a loan from the bank B. public
3439. How does technology affect the way 3443. When mr Shone decide to modernize his
people communicate? plant to use modern Machine for produc-
tion. He think twice to set up all. He will
3449. Which of the following is not an element of society
of directing? B. Behaviour that is illegal
A. Supervision C. Behaviour that is morally unaccept-
B. Communication able to society
C. Leadership D. Behaviour that is legal but morally un-
acceptable to society
D. Inspection
3454. Control as a short cut key is
3450. Which is a want?
A. cntrl
B. ctrl
C. crtl
D. cotl
3457. IN B2B TRANSACTIONS A BUSINESS 3462. This includes all charges at the post of
INTERACTS WITH A NUMBER OF OTHER shipment upto the loading of goods on
BUSINESS FIRMS WHICH MAY BE SUPPLI- board the ship and export duty, if any.
3460. What type of services would a car me- D. Both of the above
chanic provide? Explanation:The line ‘Uma works as the
production manager in a company’ high-
A. Repairing refridgerators lights the Functional structure.
B. Healing the sick
3465. Ordering only enough to stock to suit
C. Making new cars daily requirements is an examples of
D. Repairing cars which of the following?
3466. If a stock exchange goes in for ‘T+2’ 3472. In case of a Public company minimum
days of the transaction is settled within number of members are
two working days of occurring of the
A. 2
transaction, it is called
A. Fixed settlement B. 10
B. Rolling settlement C. 200
C. Pit stop trading D. unlimited
D. none of above
3473. are people who have a big social me-
3467. Which of the following is NOT a growth
dia following.
stage of a business?
A. Incubation A. Borrowers
B. Start-up B. Investors
C. Maturity C. Influencers
D. Delivery
D. Bankers
3468. The allignment between business strat-
egy and business operations 3474. All of the following are factors of pro-
A. Strategy duction. Except?
B. Risk Management A. Land
C. Business operations B. Labour
D. none of above
C. Capital
3469. When employment is ended against the
D. Product
will of the employee
A. dismissal 3475. When heading is double-underlined, it
B. resignation means
C. redundancy A. type the heading in uppercase
D. firing
B. centre the heading
3470. The note is used if the seller has un-
C. type the heading in lower case
dercharged the buyer.
A. Credit note D. type the heading and underline twice
B. Cash note
3471. What is the main aim of the Private sec- A. RBI
A. To provide essential services such as
hospital care C. SBI
B. To maximise profits D. BANK OF INDIA
3477. Which is not a benefit of divisional or- 3482. Rematerialisation (remat) that is get-
ganisation? ting physical certificates from the elec-
tronic securities.
3488. M in SMART stands for: D. EKJFIO4HFO
A. Modest 3494. Name the technique of Scientific Man-
B. Meaningful agement that lays down that there should
C. Money be two types of rates of wage payment
C. Merger
3514. What is commission?
D. Outsourcing
A. Staff are paid based on the number of
3509. Social responsibility is sales they make
A. Same as legal responsibility
B. Staff are paid based on hour many
B. Narrower than legal responsibility hours
C. Broader than legal responsibility C. Staff are paid based on overtime rates
D. None of them D. Staff are paid based on how many
3510. An objective of a sole trader is items they produce
A. to sell more shares on the stock mar- 3515. are what a person feels is important
ket in life.
B. to increase the dividend given to in- A. Interests
B. Values
C. to survive in tough economic times
D. to maximise the amount of loans they C. Attitudes
can receive D. Beliefs
3511. Which of the following is a legitimate
3516. Which one of the following is NOT re-
activity that one does in order to earn a
quired in a good presentation?
A. Occupation A. Facing the audience
C. Value C. Folio
D. Time D. Debit
3522. A sole trader invests $500 000 into her 3527. Any office item which is operated either
business. What is this an example of? manually, mechanically or electronically to
aid the office worker perform his duties
A. An overdraft faster, neater and more efficiently is called
B. Retained profits
C. Internal debt finance A. A. Communication
D. Internal equity finance B. B. Office document
3523. Secondary packaging refers to C. C Office equipment
A. transportation packaging D. D. Office procedure
B. first layer of protection E. E. Organization chart
market share?
B. number of employees
C. value of output
D. value of sales
C. forestry B. False
3551. One of advantages in specialisation is
A. Lack of security
A. workers move around
B. Independence
B. use limited resources
C. Financial loss
C. workers become bored and absent
D. Adding value
without replacement
D. Workers are trained and less time to 3557. Select the answer which is related to
move public limited company.1.Minimum number
of directors is one.2.Can be registered in
3552. The following are sanctions to check the share market’3.Minimum number of
lateness to work except members is one and maximum is unlim-
A. Denial of opportunities ited.4.Public can be invited to purchase
shares.5.Insolvency test should be done
B. Elevation before paying dividends.
C. Pay deduction A. 1, 2, 3, 5
D. Query B. 1, 3, 4, 5
E. Suspension C. 1, 2, 3, 4
3553. All are important features of packaging D. 1, 2, 4, 5
for a breakfast cereal except that it must E. 2, 3, 4, 5
A. contain important health and contents
information 3558. What is the MAIN purpose of using a
B. protect the cereal from being crushed
whilst transported
C. be eye-catching and attract the con-
sumers to the product
D. be able to be re-used by the manufac-
3563. The principles of management enhance 3568. Select the correct career pathways for
the understanding of relationship between the following career:Chef
human and material resources for the A. Lodging
B. Recreation, amusements & attractions 3574. Which of the following statements is in-
C. Restaurant and food/beverage ser- correct with respect to business environ-
vices ment?
A. Business environment is dynamic in
D. Travel and tourism
nature which keeps on changing
3569. Entrepreneurs tend to be cautious. B. Business environment is easy to under-
A. True stand in totality
B. False C. Business environment is the sum total
of all the factors external to a business
3570. Main methods of business expansion? firm
A. Internal growth & External growth D. Business environment is uncertain as
it is difficult to predict the future environ-
B. Horizontal integration and Vertical in-
mental changes
Explanation:The incorrect statement is
C. Backward vertical integration & For- that the business environment is easy
ward vertical integration to understand in totality. It is dynamic,
D. Conglomerate uncertain, and difficult to predict future
3571. which one of the following is depart-
3575. Which of the following countries has
mentalisation based on functions?
most likely seen the sharpest decline in em-
A. finance ployment in the primary sector in the last
B. marketing 50 years
C. both (a) and (b) A. USA
D. west territory B. Uganda
C. Bangladesh
3572. There are a few reasons why people go
to work. The main reason is money. The D. Chad
others are security, job satisfaction, social 3576. Which logo it this?
needs and
A. Health Care
B. Self-Importance
C. Business
D. Friends
C. Delegation B. Brand
D. All of the above C. Promotion
3588. include offering cash discounts, D. Slogan
sales contests, free gift offers, and free
3593. Which theorist said that people are only
sample distribution etc.
motivated by money?
A. Advertising
A. Maslow
B. Sales promotion
B. Taylor
C. Personal selling
C. Hertzberg
D. Public relations
D. O Brien
3589. Which of the following is not a non-
economic activities 3594. Books of original entry are also known
A. Personal satisfaction
A. cash book
B. Social obligation
C. Advertisement of products B. journal
3608. Jane is a current account holder with 3613. are intangible in nature; they are
Access Bank. She issues a cheque of neither manufactured, transported nor
#500, 000 to Jackson. From the state- stocked.
ment above, the drawer is
A. Management
A. #500, 000
B. Jackson B. Services
C. Access Bank C. Business
D. Jane D. Entrepreneurship
3609. What is the first stage of the product
life cycle? 3614. Commission agents and brokers were
known as
A. Trading community
B. Transportation agents
C. Intermediary
D. Company
A. Maturity
3615. The refers to the external environ-
B. Decline ment, over which management has no con-
C. Launch trol.
D. Introduction A. market
3610. Businesses can be stagnant true or B. macro
A. True 3616. Organisational development:
B. False
A. Is a strategy of redesigning the or-
3611. A Business is successful when ganisational structure to be flatter and
A. They sell products that the customers increasing cross-functional activities and
don’t want reshaping the culture to accept admitted
failures and mistakes.
B. They sell products that customers
want B. Is a change process based on system-
C. They want to spend more money atic collection of data and then the selec-
tion of a change action based on what the
D. They lose customers
analysed data indicates
3612. Under accountability a person is answer-
C. Is a culture for change that stimulate
able for the
a culture of innovation.
A. Growth of company
B. final outcome of the assigned work D. Is a collection of planned interven-
tions, built on humanistic democratic val-
C. delegation of authority ues that seeks to improve organisational
D. none of these effectiveness and employee well-being.
3617. A sole proprietorship form of business 3622. Rama bought a readymade dress for
has the following features except that it Rs.5, 000. her friend liked the design of
dress, so Rama sold the same dress to
D. (d) None of the above
B. outgoing
C. air 3633. Why must shareholders and investors
D. inland know the business size?
3628. The most popular classification of lead- A. They want to know if it’s safe to invest.
ership styles is based on
B. Larger firms are generally safer to in-
A. Authority vest.
B. Responsiblity C. They want know how you keep your
C. Delegation money.
D. Accountabilty D. none of above
3629. Who had given general principles of
management? 3634. In partnership, partners liabilities are
A. Taylor A. limited
B. Peter B. unlimited
C. Fayol
C. Limited to the capital of the business
D. Barnard
D. Both A and C
3630. Customer Needs
A. What a customer needs from a prod- 3635. Employees welfare and related matters
uct. are handled by manager
B. What a customer wants from a prod- A. Marketing
C. What a customer has to purchase in or- B. Personnel
der to survive. C. Production
D. What a customer really really really
D. Administrative
3631. Oil refining belongs to which sector of 3636. Top level management consist of
the economy?
A. Supervisors
A. Primary sector
B. Finance manager
B. Secondary sector
C. Tertiary sector C. CEO
D. none of above D. General manager
D. Promotion A. Invoice
B. Cheque
3646. A Net Profit occurs if:
C. Debit note
A. Gross Profit is greater than expenses
D. Credit note
B. Expenses greater than Gross Profit
is someone that has been given the
C. None of the listed choices 3652.
permit to import, buy and sell chemicals
D. none of above
A. an agent
3647. Which of the following best describes a B. a retailer
C. a consumer
A. Money borrowed that can be paid back
if one feels like it. D. a licensed vendor
E. 1, 1, 2 B. higher productivity
C. if someone is absent, the production
3661. Which of the following best describes line could stop
the term supplier? An individual or organ-
D. employees might get bored
isation that provides a business with:
A. Demand 3667. A note on the door stated, “Keep this
door closed at all times.”Are these one-
B. Raw materials way or two-way communication?
C. Labour A. One-way communication
D. Capital B. Two-way communication
3668. The insured should not be allowed to 3672. A good or service that is essential for
make any profit by selling damaged prop- living is called
erty or in the case of lost property being A. Want
recovered. Which principle of insurance is
associated with this? B. Needs
C. Principle of mitigation of loss
date submit when applying for a job?
D. Principle of subrogation
A. Curriculum vitae
3669. Office can best be defined as a place B. Job Specification
where activities are carried out
C. Application form
A. Ceremonial
D. Job Description
B. Recreational
3674. What is the formula for break even
C. Clerical
A. Fixed costs / contribution
D. Sporting
B. Fixed costs / selling price
3670. What is the production chain for the di- C. Variable costs / selling price
D. Fixed costs / margin of safety
C. The fact of partners consultation be- 3683. Which of the following best describes a
fore making decision can be time consum- balance sheet?
3679. Another name for producer is 3684. This form of investment requires a min-
imum amount of R1 000 to be invested:
A. users
A. Unit trusts
B. wholesalers
B. Shares
C. manufacturer
C. RSA Retail Savings Bonds
D. clients
D. Fixed deposits
3680. Grouping of activities on the basis of 3685. Unemployment refers to people who are
product lines is a part of willing and able to work, but cannot find
A. Delegated Organisation jobs.
B. Divisional Organisation A. True
C. Functional Organisation B. False
D. Autonomous Organisation 3686. Management is essential for the organ-
isation which are
3681. Name the economic activities in which
Rishab is involved who is working as man- A. Non-Profit organisations
ager in a bank? B. Service organisations
A. Profession C. profit organisations
B. Business D. All of the above
C. Employment 3687. Hertzberg discusses which two factors
D. None of these for motivation?
A. Money and Safety
3682. Who makes decisions in decentralized
organizations? B. Money and Happiness
A. A small group of people C. Health and Wellbeing
B. Decisions are delegated to a larger D. Hygiene and Motivators
3688. Which of the following is NOT an exter-
C. One person nal influence on a business?
D. None of these answers A. Changes in consumer tastes
B. Shopping 3695. Employee recognition programs consist
of personal attention and expressions of
C. Specialty
interest, approval and appreciation for a
D. All the above job well done.
3690. What does a sole trader who can no A. True
longer meet their debts face? B. False
A. bankruptcy 3696. Revenue is
B. liquidation A. Money made from selling products
C. prison B. Money paid to suppliers for materials
D. voluntary default C. Expenses x Units produced
3691. Top management makes decisions in D. Monthly rent payments to landlord
the business.
3697. Which of the following is not an at-
A. strategic tribute of honesty?
B. operational A. Commitment
3692. What is happening here? B. Fraudulence
C. Devotion
D. Sincerity
3698. disadvantages of a sole proprietor
A. unlimited personal liability
B. limited life span
A. Bartering
C. unwanted customer
B. Cooking
D. limited growth
C. Flirting
E. legal entities
D. Machismo
3693. Which device is the primary input device A. Directing initiates action
on the computer?
B. Directing is a key managerial function.
A. mouse
C. The directing takes place wherever
B. Microphone superior-subordinate relations exist
C. Keyboard D. Directing integrates employees-
D. Scanner efforts
3700. The reward for an entrepreneur is 3705. “They started collecting various alter-
natives start analysing them.” Identify
A. rent
the benefits been highlighted in the above
C. Dynamic C. both
3711. An applicant seeking employment A. True
should direct his application to the B. False
C. Maybe
A. accounts
D. I don’t know
B. personnel
3716. HR department is an information
C. production provider to raise awareness and inform
D. sales department and functional areas on change
in policy.
3712. It helps to save time, money and effort, A. Service Role
and increases efficiency.
B. Executive Role
A. Procedure
C. Audit Role
B. Programme
D. Facilitator Role
C. Rule
3717. The best definition of fixed costs are
D. Method those that do not vary with:
3713. Which of these is not part of the ways A. time
to maintain a good posture while using a B. seasons
C. output
A. Shoulders relaxed.
D. number of workers.
B. Keep wrist off the keyboard
3718. Which of the following categories busi-
C. Keep wrist on the keyboard ness is classified?
D. none of above A. Industry sector
3720. Government has the responsibility to 3725. A government company is any company
make policies and laws about the rights in which paid up capital held by the gov-
and responsibilities of citizens and the de- ernment is less than:
3731. which organisational structure is more B. Mining and Quarrying / Home dwelling
economical? / Manufacturing / Construction
A. functional C. Construction / Manufacturing / home
B. divisional industries / water supply / communica-
C. formal tion
3734. Dividend is a share of profit to 3738. which of the following statement is true
with reference to planning?
A. debtors
B. creditors A. planning is pre-requisite for control-
C. partners
B. planning does not lead to rigidity
D. shareholders
C. planning enables a manager to look
3735. which of the following is an example of ahead and anticipate changes
working capital requirements
D. planning facilitates co-ordination
A. furniture among departments and individuals in the
B. fixtures organisation
3739. What possess general acceptability? 3744. What is the disadvantage of a franchise
A. Bank draft A. Share Profits
3749. Metric used to measure the size of the 3753. Buying on credit means
publicly-listed companies is A. paying immediately
A. Market Capitalization B. hire purchase
B. Large C. paying later
C. Medium D. paying in advance
D. none of above 3754. What does CSR stand for in the context
of business ethics?
3750. How does motivation improve the effi-
ciency of workers in an organisation? A. Corporate Social Responsibility
B. Customer Satisfaction Rating
A. it improves efficiency by financial in-
centives only C. Company Sustainability Report
B. it improves efficiency by financial in- D. Consumer Support and Responsibility
centives and non financial incentives
3755. Which statement is an example of for-
C. it improves efficiency by bonus, status, wards vertical integration?
job enrichment etc.
A. A frozen food manufacturer buying a
D. it improves efficiency by profit sharing, poultry farm
benefits only B. An ice-cream producer opening its
own Ice-cream shop
3751. How is advertisement done when re-
cruiting externally? C. The merger off two taxi firms
wherein she sells genuine medicines, get- 3762. What is the main purpose of a trade
ting the minimum profit margin.1. The chil- union?
dren of Mr.Madan Mohan Lal are engaged
3767. Which of the following is a characteris- 3773. Find the odd one.
tic of a co-operative? A. Teaching in a school
A. dividends are paid on a per-share ba- B. Practicing in a court
C. Praying in a church
B. one vote per share
D. Running a hotel
C. profits are not subject to income tax
D. all of the above 3774. A company’s target production is 10,
000 units in a year, to achieve this tar-
3768. The visitors book in an organisation is get the manager has to operate in double
handled by the shifts due to power failure. The manager
A. Clerk is able to meet the target but at a higher
production cost. Is manager effective or
B. Receptionist
efficient or both?
C. Secretary
A. Efficient
D. Security
B. Effective
3769. An advantage to a business of using C. Both
flow production is that:
D. None
A. Unit costs will be high
B. Staff will usually be highly motivated 3775. Assurance refers to an agreement with
an assurer to financially compensate for in-
C. Productivity levels will be high
juries or loss of life
D. Each item produced will be different
A. True
3770. Money market instruments enjoy a B. False
higher degree of liquidity than capital mar-
ket. 3776. Which of the following is a disadvan-
A. True tage of being a private limited company?
D. no price-it will be given away in a BO- 3785. Which of the following is not a feature
GOF promotion of departmental undertakings.
3780. The method of paying wages at equal A. The employees of the enterprise are
amount per week or month, irrespective not civil servants
of quantity of work done is called B. They are generally considered to be a
A. flat rate major subdivision of the government de-
B. piece rate
C. Funding of these enterprises directly
C. time rate come from government treasury.
D. none of above D. all of the above
3781. There are some benefit for business be- 3786. Which of the following is a form of hy-
ing private limited company, except brid financing?
A. Legal formalities A. Personal loans
B. Continuity B. Convertible bonds
C. Raising Capital C. Bank overdraft
D. Limited liability for shareholders D. Angel investment
3782. The overall aim of legal controls on re- 3787. The grocery shops of your locality are
cruitment is to prevent at work? an example of
A. Fighting A. Small-Scale retailing
A. Promotion
B. Job analysis A. Horizontal Chart
B. Organizational Chart
C. Job rotation
C. Work Chart
D. Job enrichment
D. Line Chart
3789. What is being shown is the above pic-
3793. The following the methods of paying
wages in an organisation EXCEPT
A. Time rate method
B. Piece rate method
C. Pay-as-you-earn
D. none of above
A. 7 P’s of marketing 3794. The following are source documents ex-
B. Different activities in the business cept
A. Cash book
C. Functions of a business
B. Credit note
D. Factors of a business
C. Debit note
3790. Which of the following professions D. Invoice
could be run as a partnership?
E. Statement of account
A. Plumber, electrician, mobile hair-
dresser, ice cream van business 3795. What is a common drawback of a pri-
vate limited company partnership as a
B. Solicitor, accountant and doctor business structure?
3791. The person who contributes his capital A. Limited liability for partners
but does not take active part in the day to B. Splitting shares properly
day running of the business is called
C. Ease of decision-making
D. Strong legal protection
A. Active
C. Dormant SUPPLY?
3797. Selling shares to the public for the first 3802. Brochures, letters etc. sent by mail is
time to raise capital for a company called called
3798. an obligation or willingness to accept re- 3803. The key that is used to take the cursor
sponsibility or to account for one’s actions to a new line is Key
A. accountablity A. delete
B. willpower B. enter
C. patience C. escape
D. understanding D. insert
3807. With the presence of women in the 3812. Under this method of floatation in the
workforce, there has been a shift towards primary market, a subscription is invited
formal wear, increased demand of elec- from the general public to invest in the se-
tronic gadgets and increase in demand of curities of a company through the issue of
cosmetics. The related dimension of busi- advertisement.
ness environment referred in the above A. Private placement
lines is:
B. Offer through prospectus
A. Technological environment.
C. Offer for sale
B. Social environment
D. All of the above
C. Political environment.
3813. When one firm merges with or takes
D. Economic environment
over another one in the same industry at
3808. Limitation(s) of business planning is the same stage of production called as
(are) A. Internal Integration
A. Time Consuming B. External Integration
B. Expensive device C. Vertical Integration
C. Heavy cost of planning D. Horizontal Integration
D. all the above 3814. Under which philosophy of marketing,
efforts are made to bring down the cost
3809. A common disadvantage of primary re-
of production to the minimum?
search for a startup is that:
A. product philosophy
A. It is time-consuming to obtain
B. marketing philosophy
B. It doesn’t answer the questions asked
C. selling philosophy
C. It doesn’t allow for qualitative ques-
tions D. production philosophy
D. It can’t be done online 3815. is the identification of the need of
people in which an entrepreneur can invest
3810. refers to negative and unfavourable for profit making.
external factors that are likely to create
hurdles for a firm * A. Business mindedness
B. A firm might not be very accurate in 3821. In mixed economy, which of the follow-
their data. ing groups of industries are most likely to
C. A firm might be selling expensive prod- controlled/owned by government?
ucts which yields high output and sales. A. Consultant business and Homestay
D. Firms might be buying more raw mate- B. Pharmacy and Biscuit Shop
rials hence no revenue yielded. C. Water and Electrical Supply
3818. Someone who creates a business, tak- D. none of above
ing on financial risks with the aim of mak-
ing a profit from the business? 3822. Tick the correct feature(s) of profession
3819. Choose the incorrect statement from the 3823. Which company having business opera-
following? tion in more than one country:-
A. Job evaluation
step in the process of which of the follow-
ing functions of management? B. Work evaluation
A. Planning C. Performance evaluation
B. Controlling D. None of the above
C. Organising
3833. is a column for entering page num-
D. Directing bers.
3828. Marco’s computer repair business has A. Particulars
limited financial resources. What type of B. Folio
business is it?
C. Discount
A. Sole Proprietorship
D. Amount
B. Partnership
C. Corporation 3834. The principles of management enhance
the understanding of relationship between
D. none of above
human and material resources for the
3829. The meaning of the acronym HRM is achievement of organisational goals. Iden-
tify the feature of the principles of man-
A. Human Resourceful Management
agement being described in the given
B. Human Relation Management statement.
C. Humanistic Resource Management A. Cause and effect relationships
D. Human Resource Management B. Optimum utilisation of resources and
effective administration
3830. What is the primary purpose of trade
unions? C. Formed by practice and experimenta-
A. To negotiate with employers on behalf tion
of employees D. Mainly behavioural
B. To recruit new employees
3835. The have parts to play to get the
C. To enforce government labor laws best possible from money paid for goods
D. To manage employee benefits and services
A. consumer
3831. Which characteristics of management is
highlighted in the above case? B. producer
A. Management is multidisciplinary C. wholesaler
B. Management is goal oriented D. retailer
3836. The Online payment of telephone bills 3841. Which items are human unlimited wants,
comes under model of e-commerce. choose 2 answers.
3837. department is responsible for keep- 3842. Institutions of Jagat seths played an im-
ing the accounts and records of the busi- portant role during
ness transactions A. Mughal period
A. Personnel B. Gupta period
B. Planning C. British Raj
C. Accounting D. Maurya empire
D. Administrative 3843. A place where goods are kept until they
3838. Benefits of an entrepreneur include are needed is called
3847. The following are factors that make peo- 3853. When does the break-even point fall?
ple to lie in business except
A. When fixed costs rise
A. Bad upbringing
B. When depreciation increases
B. Honesty
C. When the selling price rises
C. Poverty
D. When fixed costs fall
D. Laziness
3854. Identifying departmental objectives and
3848. Effective directing helps to bring stabil- guiding lower level towards achievement
ity and balance in the organisation since it of objectives is whos function?
fosters among the people
A. Top level management
A. leadership and supervision
B. Middle level management
B. motivation and communication
C. Lower level management
C. cooperation and commitment
D. none of above
D. all of the above
3858. Managing Director is the position of 3864. This organisation investigates com-
level of management in a large company. plaints about unsafe products to make
sure that product safety rules have been
C. Both (1) and (2) 3865. Imports are goods and services sold to
D. None of the Above consumers and business in other countries.
3860. The techniques used by businesses to A. True
cut down on waste and therefore increase
B. False
efficiency, is known as
A. lead time. 3866. Which of the followings are counted as
B. lean production. non-financial rewards?
C. stock management. A. Delegation
D. just in time production B. Job enlargement
3861. which of the following is not an exam- C. Team working
ple of a financial incentive?
D. Profit-sharing
A. perquisites
B. job enrichment 3867. Which sector would include a legal firm?
C. profit sharing A. tertiary
D. co partnership
B. secondary
3862. The reason/reasons for market failure
C. informal
A. External costs D. primary
B. Labour training 3868. can be defined as original docu-
C. Monopoly producers ments on which monetary transactions are
D. all of the above recorded to provide necessary information
for the preparation of books of account in
3863. Explain one way in which a business can an organisation.
decrease its market share
A. Source documents
A. By improving marketing strategies
B. Sales books
B. By increasing product prices
C. By reducing product quality C. Purchase receipts
D. By offering excellent customer service D. Bills
3870. Some examples of expenses of a busi- B. False
ness are;
A. Salaries and wages, rent and discount 3876. The financial payment made to an in-
allowed sured person if they suffer an injured loss
B. Salaries and wages, rent received and
discount received A. Interest
C. Salaries and wages, dividends re- B. Compensation
C. Premium
D. Building and furniture
D. Safety
3871. The fastest means of transporting pas-
sengers and goods is by 3877. At which stage of the economic cycle is
A. air it most likely for a business to begin to
reduce staff working hours?
B. land
C. rail A. Boom
D. water B. Downswing
3880. A manager who possesses knowledge 3885. What are some advantages of induction
of the processes, equipment, and poten- training?
tial problems of an industry would possess
3890. Look at the detailed organisation chart 3895. A commercial bill is used to
provided. What is the size of the span of A. Finance the working capital require-
control of the factory manager? ments
B. Meet the short term debt
C. Meet the long term debt
D. Pay the interest
A. 18
3896. What is a feature of private limited com-
B. 2 pany?
C. 16 A. Shareholders have limited liability.
D. 12 B. Are required to produce annual re-
3891. Which of the following does not support ports.
keyboarding C. Cannot publicly advertise its shares
A. Typewqriter for sale.
B. i-pad D. Shares are listed on a stock exchange.
C. Computer 3897. The life of sole trader business is
D. Excercise book A. Stable
3892. Elements of directing B. unstable
A. Supervision
3898. What are the factors influencing cus-
B. Communication tomer choice in marketing?
C. Leadership A. Psychological, sociocultural, and eco-
D. Motivation nomic factors
E. All of these B. Environmental sustainability only
3893. A business that operates within one C. Technological advancements only
country is a what? D. Government regulations only
A. Local business
3899. A takeover is when a business buys
B. National business
over how much % of a businesses share
C. Global business capital?
D. none of above A. 25%
3894. An association of people acting together B. 50%
to pursue their own by interests by mak- C. 75%
ing certain benefits or saving available to
its members is known as D. none of above
A. A close corporation 3900. Speculation is the same thing as gam-
B. a partnership bling.
C. farmers A. False
D. A co-operative B. True
3901. Transfer of interest is not possible in 3907. is the percentage of total market
and sales held by one brand or business
3912. Which step of Organising is based on the A. Was developed and delivered to the
principle Division of Work market quickly
A. Identification and division of work B. Solved a customer problem
B. Departmentalisation C. Offered a cheaper way of doing some-
C. Assignment of Duties thing
D. Is aimed at a fast growing market
D. Establishing reporting relationships
3918. Contract of employment contains in-
3913. What are the main sources of revenue
for businesses?
A. Job Title
A. Sales revenue
B. Responsibilities
B. Donations
C. Allowances
C. Government subsidies
D. All the above
D. Investment income
3919. There are how many P’s in the market-
3914. what must a business do when recruit- ing mix
ing new employees?
A. 4
A. keep the information about the com-
pany to themselves B. 5
B. advertise the post available C. 6
3925. The money an entrepreneur or investor 3930. Income that has been adjusted to take
receives when a business succeeds? account of inflation is called
3926. The electronic card issued on credit basis 3931. Productivity is worked out by
3933. What happens in the primary sector? B. As a liability reduction in the balance
A. Raw materials are sourced sheet
in which the paid up capital held by the
A. one man one vote
government is not less than
A. 49% B. multiple votes
3943. Division of labour can be defined as: 3948. Om Prakash has set up a small business
A. Workers specialise on just one task unit for the manufacturing of detergent. In
order to market the detergent in the lo-
3953. deals with the specification of the 3959. Inflation occurs when?
actual good or service and how it relates A. Price of goods and services is falling
to the target customer.
B. Wages is falling
A. Price aspect
C. Price of goods and services rise
B. Product aspect
D. Price and wage both falls
C. Promotion aspect
D. Place aspect 3960. means doing the task correctly and
with minimum cost
3954. Refer to Q.2 Can the sale of dresses on
A. Management
her shop be called as business?
A. Yes B. Efficiency
B. No C. Target
D. Effective
3955. The constant rise in the general level of
prices over a period of time is termed 3961. environmental protection can best be
A. expansion done by efforts of
B. inflation A. business people
C. unemployment B. government
D. consumption C. scientists
D. all the people
3956. The factors of production are
A. labour, capital 3962. Select the answer which shows the evo-
lution of business properly.
B. land, labour, capital, entrepreneurship
A. Direct production / Usage of money /
C. capital, labour, commerce, and eco-
Barter system / Trade / Commerce / In-
dustrial Revolution / Auxiliary Services /
D. land, capital, commerce and en- E commerce / E-Business
B. Self-sufficient economy / Surplus Pro-
3957. Who is father of scientific management? duction / Barter system / Trade / Usage
of money / Auxiliary services / Industrial
A. Terry
revolution and large scale production /
B. Fayol information technology / Trade / E com-
C. F.w.Taylor merce / E business.
D. Maslow C. Industrial revolution / Direct produc-
tion / Barter system / Usage of money /
3958. Economic objectives are objectives re- large scale production / information tech-
lated to nology / Trade / E commerce / E business.
A. Money D. Self-sufficient era / Direct production
B. Science / Indirect Production / Industrial Revolu-
tion / Barter system / Usage of money /
C. Food Commerce / Electronic Business / Infor-
D. none of above mation Era.
A. Restaurant
B. Train
C. Nike jacket
D. Secondary school
A. Talking
3979. Which of the following offices is not
B. Teller
found in a manufacturing organisation?
C. Tax A. accounts
D. Trade B. administrative
C. consultancy
3975. It refers to the cost of borrowing money
normally charged by the lenders to bor- D. sales
3980. Define the term Demographic?
A. interest rate A. Relating to the population, such as av-
B. profit erage age, average income and so on
C. tariff B. Relating to the geography of the UK
C. Relating to people living in the UK who
D. subsidy
buy and sell products
3976. The karta in Joint Hindu family business D. Relating primary research and data
3981. Capital is divided into two. They are;
A. Limited liability A. Interest and loan
B. Unlimited liability B. Salaries and wages
C. No liability for debts C. Fixed and working
D. Joint liability D. Profit or loss
3977. Sending an inefficient employee to a 3982. Jacobs decide to increase their prices,
lower position is called what stakeholders have an influence on
this decision?
A. Transfer
A. Customers, managers
B. Promotion B. Local community and government
C. Demotion C. Banks and suppliers
D. Lay off D. Customers and banks
3995. A place where variety of products are 4001. refers to the process of identifying
made available for the purpose of buying and attracting job seekers so as to build a
and selling is called pool of qualified job applicants.
A. bank A. Selection
B. capital market B. Training
C. stock exchange C. Recruitment
D. market D. Induction
3996. The relationship which shows who re- 4002. Match the following marketing philoso-
ports to whom in an organization is re- phies given in Column I with their respec-
ferred to as: tive meaning given in Column II.
A. Chain of command A. P-(ii), Q-(iii), R-(i), S-(iv)
B. unity of command B. P-(i), Q-(ii), R-(iv), S-(iii)
C. span of control C. P-(iii), Q-(i), R-(ii), S-(iv)
D. hierarchy D. P-(iv), Q-(iii), R-(i), S-(ii)
3997. A lack of competition between busi-
4003. True or False:Basic needs must be met
nesses in a market could lead to
before we can fulfill higher needs.
A. Lower prices and better customer ser-
A. True
B. False
B. Higher prices and worse customer ser-
vice 4004. What is the main focus of business stud-
3998. the chairman of Microsoft India Private
Limited is A. The study of weather patterns
A. Bhaskar Pramanik B. The study of human behavior
B. Bill Gates C. The study of commercial activities and
C. Paul Gardner Allen their management
D. Natarajan Chandrasekaran D. The study of ancient history
Explanation:Business studies is the study
3999. Human resources are and of earning a living through commercial ac-
A. Heterogenous tivities.
B. Homogenous 4005. identify the personality
C. Identical
D. Dynamic
4000. Which industry sector is an advertising
agency part of?
A. The primary sector
B. The secondary sector
C. The tertiary sector
D. none of above
B. Direction B. pipeline
C. Control C. road
D. Forecasting D. sea
4007. All of the following are advantages of
specialisation EXCEPT. 4012. Which is not a reason for downsizing
A. Workers are trained in one task and
specialise in this this increases effi- A. automation
ciency and output.
B. relocation
B. Workers can become bored doing just
one job-efficiency might fall. C. falling demand
C. Less time is wasted moving from one D. redundancy
work bench to another.
D. none of above 4013. Mr Ankit is the chief manager in a well
known MNC, producing shoes. He called
4008. And are important documents of the production manager of his unit and told
Government company him to keep a constant watch on all the ac-
A. Prospectus and article of association tivities of his respective unit so that there
is no possibility of adverse results. Iden-
B. Memorandum and Article of associa- tify the function of management.
A. Planning
C. Memorandum and annual report
D. none of above B. Organizing
C. Controlling
4009. An advantage of purchasing a franchise
is D. Staffing
A. Flexibility in how to run the business
4014. Which of the following is NOT a way of
B. Established brand recognition
classifying costs?
C. Expensive to purchase
A. Fixed
D. Owner get to receive all the profits
B. Sales revenues
4010. The service which helps in removal of
hindrance of place is C. Variable
A. Transportation D. Set-up
4015. Which of the four Ps would help a busi- 4019. It is like a road map which directs the
ness to build customer awareness of its entrepreneur on which road to take in or-
products or services? der to put his business ideas in action in
order to be successful.
A. True
B. False
4020. + means to select all content of
the page
A. ctrl
A. Price B. V
B. Product C. A
C. Place D. B
D. Promotion 4021. Efficiency focus on Cost whereas Effec-
tiveness focus on-
4016. True/False:The primary function of HR
is to handle payroll and benefits adminis- A. Time
tration. B. Profit
A. True C. Objective
B. False D. Target
4022. If a business imports their supplies they
4017. Legal controls on religion state that all
will have to consider paying
of these should happen except?
A. Import protection
A. Equal opportunities in recruitment and
employment B. Export subsidies
C. Quotas
B. They should display all religions flags
and emblems D. Tariffs
C. Must register with the equality com- 4023. TAP means
mission A. Transpose, accountability, porbity
D. Must submit annual information about B. Transparency, accountability, probity
the religious composition
C. Transparency, account, probity
4018. The span of control can be defined as D. Transparency, accountability, probabil-
A. the number of subordinates directly
controled by one manager 4024. What is common to consonants p, b, t,
B. the number of departments in a busi- d, ch, j?
ness A. They are all curve strokes.
C. the number of managers who report di- B. They are all straight downwards
rectly to each worker strokes.
D. the number of levels in a firm’s hierar- C. They are all horizontal strokes
chy D. They are all straight up strokes.
4025. All of the following are disadvantages 4030. Which level of management is responsi-
of public corporations, except: ble for the welfare and survival of an or-
B. Informing customers about products
and persuading them to buy them
4036. The economic resource used to make a
desk is C. Where goods or services are available
D. Goods or services that are sold
4054. The companies which are registered in 4060. Visual methods include websites, illus-
Sri Lanka in order to do their business ac- trations, and landscapes
tivities in other countries are called.
A. True
A. Offshore companies.
B. False
B. Foreign Companies
4061. True or False?Marketing includes adver-
C. Multinational Companies
tising, selling, and delivering products to
D. Public limited companies consumers.
E. Companies limited by guarantee. A. True
4055. The terms ‘ redeemable’ is used for B. False
A. preference shares 4062. Trade can be classified into
B. Commercial paper A. Internal and external trade
C. Equity shares B. Primary and secondary
D. Public deposits
4063. Which one is NOT a component of mar-
4056. Which days will you prefer? keting mix?
A. Tue-Wed A. Place
B. Mon-Tue B. Product
C. Wed-Thu C. Promotion
D. Fri-Sat D. Process
4057. An example of registered electronic 4064. Which is not a benefit of being a union
money is member?
A. OVO A. strength in number
B. E-money B. better conditions
C. Flazz C. more security
D. Tap-cash
D. higher salary
4058. Off the job methods encourage self
4065. What is the definition of capital inten-
learning through practice.
A. True
A. A firm which uses machinery more
B. False than labourers.
4059. what are the 2 types of office B. A firm which operates using the banks
A. small and giant
C. A firm which uses its own money in
B. little and large buying stocks.
C. open and closed
D. A firm which enjoys trading in the stock
D. large and small exchange.
4066. One firm merges with or take over same B. Preference shares
industry/business at the same stage of C. Debentures
production is called
and total variable costs
ment. Identify the function of manage-
D. Total sales needed to cover the total
ment being carried out by Lakshay.
costs of the business
A. Planning
4078. The movement of goods from one loca-
B. Staffing
tion to another is handled by depart-
ment C. Organising
A. accounts D. Directing
B. production 4083. Which bank is called lender of last re-
C. sales sort?
D. transport A. Commercial bank
B. Agricultural bank
4079. In which stage of the entrepreneurial
process would the entrepreneur conducts C. Central bank
research to determine if their idea could D. none of above
be a successful business
4084. Who is known as ‘the father of Scien-
A. Concept Development tific Management’?
B. Discovery A. Henry Fayol
C. Resourcing B. Elton Mayo
D. Actualization C. Peter F. Drucker
4080. An advantage of internal recruiting-It is D. F.W. Taylor
likely to be quicker and cheaper than ex-
4085. No stranger can ever be qualified to be
ternal recruitment?
a Karta, but an adopted son who is the
A. True eldest in the family can be qualified
B. False A. True
4081. Recently his company pumped an B. False
amount of Rs 50 crores in a project and he 4086. Which of the following is not considered
know this project can affect the returns of a stakeholder?
the firms in the long run both positively
and negatively Identify the type of concept A. employees
discussed here B. investors
A. Long term growth C. company
B. Risk involved D. customers
4087. Which of the following chemical charac- 4092. Domino Pizza keep introducing new va-
teristics is suitable for home use? riety of Pizzas in its menu. Name the
characteristic of management highlighted
4090. Dinesh has 100 equity shares of a com- 4095. Respecting the religious sentiments and
pany. He wants to sell 500 of these dignity of people while advertising for a
shares. Which market should be ap- product is
proach? A. Legal responsibility
A. a. Secondary market B. None of these
B. b. Primary market C. Economic responsibility
C. c. Financial markets. D. Ethical responsibility
D. Money market 4096. The cheque-like piece of paper that
can be used to send money to someone
4091. GAIL(Gas Authority of India Ltd.) is: through a post office is called
A. Public Coorporation A. Money order
B. Private Ltd. Co B. Postal order
C. Departmental Undertaking C. Bank draft
D. Government Company D. none of above
cials, lawyers
D. none of above
4103. The relevance of business studies to the
4098. Departmental undertakings are those
students is for
undertakings which is managed and con-
trolled by A. agricultural development.
A. Private sector B. automobile servicing.
B. Public companies C. technological advancement.
D. Jointly by Private and Public compa- 4104. Which of these people would most likely
nies work in the accounts department of a food
4099. A gets to keep all of the profits.
A. Customer service assistant
A. Sole trader
B. Buyer
B. Charity
C. Credit controller
C. Shareholder
D. Sales person
D. Public limited company
4105. The two types of discount are
4100. The purpose of the trading account is to A. Cash and bank
B. Cash and discount
A. Net profit/ loss
C. Cash and trade
B. Gross profit/ loss
D. Trade and purchase
C. Fixed assets
D. Capital 4106. Business risk is not likely to arise due
4101. What type of agreement is used to form A. Changes in government policy
a partnership business?
B. Good management
A. Written agreement
C. Power failure
B. Oral agreement
D. Honestly
C. Written or oral agreement
4107. Which of the following is an advantage
D. None of them
of email?
4102. what are the four sectors of the Aus- A. You do not have a record of the mes-
tralian economy sage
B. It is slower than most other methods 4113. What are the home keys?
of communication A. qwerty
4119. Which of the following businesses 4125. The Act recognises the right of work-
would be classified as part of the Tertiary ers to picket.
sector? A. Employment Equity
A. Insurance
B. Basic Conditions of Employment
B. Manufacturing
C. Black Economic Empowerment
C. Mining
D. Labour relations
D. All of the above
4126. Availability of Raw Material one of
4120. which govt enterprise is registered un-
der Indian companies act 2013
A. departmental undertaking A. Collection
4121. Profits do not have to be shared. This 4127. A need is something we can’t live with-
statement refers to out.
A. Partnership A. True
B. Joint Hindu family business B. False
C. Sole proprietorship
4128. The advertising medium that is usually
D. Company found along major roads is
4122. Does the factor below push or pull peo- A. Bill board
ple into setting up there business?Exploit
B. Cinema
an identified business opportunity.
A. Pull C. Radio
B. Push D. Television
E. Window display
4123. If a manager is able to achieve the tar-
get of production of 5, 000 units but at a 4129. farmers growing crops fro their per-
higher cost. He is sonal consumption:
A. Effective A. economic
B. Efficient
B. non economic
C. Effective and efficient
D. Effective and efficient both all of the 4130. occurs when an employeeis offered
above suitablealternative employmentwithin the
same business.
4124. What is asset?
A. Reemployments
A. An item of property owned by a person
B. Dismissal
or company
B. An item owned by a business that lasts C. Redeployment
for several years. D. Redundancy
4131. When messages are sent through es- 4135. Which of the following describes the
tablished channels using professional lan- money going into a business?
4140. When production is divided into sepa- 4146. Which of these is NOT a correspondence
rate tasks and each employee does just book/record?
one of those tasks, this division is known A. Mail inward book
B. Cash book
A. Labor division
C. Mail outward book
B. Supply division
D. Postage book
C. Both of the mentioned
D. None of the Mentioned 4147. Choose the correct source document:
A. A document sent by the bank monthly
4141. Which of the following is not a Business
to state the deposits and withdrawals
from the business bank account.
A. Buying and selling a house by a prop-
B. Invoice
erty dealer
C. Receipt
B. Buying and selling car by a car dealer
D. Bank statement
C. Selling an old house to buy a new
house by Mohit 4148. All of the following are advantages of
D. None entrepreneurship, except
A. internal A. Colleagues
B. operating B. Managers
C. external C. Customers
D. None of the above D. Subordinates
4154. Which one of the following is an advan- 4159. Notice announcement in a public medium
tage of a small office? promoting a product, service or event or
publicizing a job vacancy.
A. It assists workers to learn more of of-
fice skills. A. ADVERTISEMENT
B. It can be divided into functional depart- B. ADVERTISING
C. Employees enjoy teamwork in their re- D. none of above
spective workplace and department.
4160. The following are included in the types
D. It provides social and welfare services,
of money based on the issuing institution,
such as staff canteen, medical facilities,
etc for it workers.
A. Eagle
4155. Which of the following refers to the tan-
gible good or intangible service offered by B. International Money
the business to the target consumers C. Electronic Money
A. Product D. Giral
4162. suggested that each level in the hi-
erarchy must be achieved before an em- B. personal management
ployee can be motivated by next level C. co-ordination
A. Abraham Maslow D. direction
B. Frederick Taylor
4168. Why did the student eat his/her home-
C. Miguel work?
D. Frederick Herzberg A. Because teacher told him/her it was a
none homework!
4163. Which of the following is NOT a column
on the Petty Cashbook? B. Because teacher told him/her it was a
piece of candy.
A. Date given
C. Because teacher told him/her it was a
B. Fuel price
piece of cake!
C. Voucher number
D. Because teacher told him/her it was
D. Particulars of expenses lomond pines.
4164. Which one of the following is NOT an 4169. What is a sole proprietorship?
example of fixed costs?
A. a) Refers of unlimited liability.
A. Salaries
B. a) Refers to a form of business organi-
B. Insurance zation which is owned, managed and con-
C. Water and electricity trolled by an individual.
4166. What do the GDP abreviations stand 4171. An increase in the national minimum
for? wage can cause a business’
A. Chief executive officer A. Variable costs to increase
4172. Apple buying a company that creates mi- 4177. refer to the end users of a product.
crochips for phones and computers is an ex- A. producer
ample of B. consumer
A. Backward Vertical integration C. retailer
B. Horizontal Integration D. wholesaler
C. Forward Vertical Integration 4178. A fall in the value of a currency due
D. Conglomerate to factors such as weaker economic funda-
mentals is termed
4173. The minimum number of Partners in
A. exchange rate appreciation
Partnership is
B. exchange rate depreciation
A. 5
C. exchange rate valuation
B. 2
D. exchange rate extrapolation
C. 4
4179. Fiscal policy is administered or per-
D. 20
formed by?
4174. All human efforts whether physically or A. banks
mentally directed towards the production B. individuals
of wealth is
C. central bank
A. land
D. government
B. labor
4180. What department coordinates all the ac-
C. capital tivities of all the other departments in the
D. entrepreneur organisation?
4175. Staff members at VAL’s vegan restau-
rant wear uniforms with a large letter V B. PURCHASING DEPARTMENT
on them. They are expected to greet cus- C. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT
tomers with a smile and clean up any spills
immediately. Which element of the mar-
keting strategy are these requirements an 4181. According to Taylor, “each specialist is
example of? to be assigned work according to his/her
A. Packaging qualities, the employees who possess tech-
nical mastery should be involved in plan-
B. Positioning ning work whereas those with energy and
C. Promotion mix good health may be assigned execution
work.” Name the related principle of sci-
D. Physical evidence
entific management.
4176. Entrepreneurship earns A. Science, not rule of thumb
A. Interest B. Functional foremanship
C. Development of each and every person 4187. An employee that is directly below an-
to his or her greatest efficiency and pros- other employee in the organisational struc-
perity ture is classed as a:
D. None of the above A. Superior
B. Subordinate
4182. Which of the following is not an eco-
nomic objectives of business C. Line Manager
A. a. Creation of customers D. Shop floor worker
B. b. Employment welfare 4188. A grievance procedure requires an ag-
C. c. Innovation grieved employee to first report the mat-
ter to his/her
D. the. Best possible use of scarce re-
sources A. supervisor
B. shop steward
4183. One of the internal factors that consti-
C. senior management
tute micro environment is:
D. trade union
A. Top management structure
B. Customer 4189. Can you provide an example of where
can this technique be implemented?
C. Competitor
A. In a business environment.
D. Supplier
B. In school environment.
4184. Balance of payment surplus happens C. All the above are correct.
D. none of above
A. export > import
4190. A business makes all the decision at the
B. export = import
core of the business then passes it down
C. export < import the chain of command. This is known as
D. none of above A. Centralised
B. Decentralised
4185. The validity period of a demand draft is
A. One month 4191. Economic activities may be classified
into business, and employment
B. Two month
A. Profession
C. Three month
B. occupation
D. Four month
C. vocation
4186. Composition of family is an example of D. work
4192. Which of the following can be mar-
A. Economic
B. Social
A. Red Cross society persuading to do-
C. Technological nate blood.
D. Legal B. Wedding planning services
C. Kerala Tourism persuading people to 4197. Which of the following is not a public
visit Kerala for health tourism sector organisation?
B. Hawthorne Experiment 4208. Identify the incorrect statement
C. Modern Theory (System Approach) A. Planning without controlling is mean-
D. None of the Above
B. Planning is blind without controlling
4204. What is a “Sample Group”
C. Planning and controlling are both for-
A. A small group selected to to take part ward looking
in a survey
D. Planning and controlling are both back-
B. A group of people used to ask people ward looking
to complete a survey
4209. The law that protects a person’s intel-
C. A group of people within a target audi-
lectual property is called
A. copyright
D. A family
B. patent
4205. A city is facing severe air pollution.
C. piracy
Which governmental body is most likely to
be involved in addressing this issue? D. trademark
A. National Green Tribunal 4210. Air, shelter, and food are all examples
B. State Pollution Control Board of
C. Central Pollution Control Board
D. Ministry of Urban Development
A. needs
B. wants
4212. does tertiary sector manufactures raw 4217. Poverty is the condition where by peo-
materials into consumer products(REM) ple cannot afford basic needs like food,
clean water and shelter.
B. Coordination A. Canada
B. China
C. Directing
C. India
D. Organizing
4216. What is the first stage of the business
4221. Which is NOT TRUE about Planned
life cycle?
A. Post-maturity A. often run as projects
B. growth B. high degree of control
C. maturity C. often managed by an expert
D. establishment D. slowly comes over time
stage? 4228. Which of the selection steps is the most
A. Unit of carriage
B. Method of Propulsion A. Physical examination
C. Way B. Selection decision
D. Terminal C. Reference and background checks
4224. Which of the following is NOT an exam- D. Employment interviews
ple of primary sector business activity?
4229. The capital of a company is divided into
A. Forestry a number of parts each one of which is
B. Fishing called
C. Oil refining A. Share
D. Mining for gold B. Dividend
4225. In an organisation, the targets are met C. Profit
according to the plans, the employees are
happy and satisfied and altogether, there D. Interest
is orderliness in the organisation. Iden-
4230. A fisherman selling fish in a village.
tify the characteristic of management men-
tioned here. A. Business
A. Group activity B. Employment
B. Dynamic function C. Profession
C. Intangible force
D. none of above
D. Goal oriented
4231. All other managerial functions are per-
4226. Credit Card
formed within the framework of the plans
A. Payment for goods through access of drawn. Identify the related feature of
consumer’s credit bank account planning.
B. Credit payment represented on paper A. Planning focuses on achieving objec-
to be taken from consumer’s credit bank tives
B. Planning is pervasive
C. Credit company pays for goods/services
while consumer makes payments to credit C. Planning is futuristic
company D. Planning is primary function of man-
D. none of above agement
4232. It refers to the typical goods and ser- 4238. are something people must have to
vices bought by individuals and groups. live.
4244. Which of the following is not a charac- 4249. Sonali is the manager of a large com-
teristics of business pany manufacturing garments for kids.
She plans her winter collection in the
A. Creation of utility
month of August itself. Then, she en-
B. Consumer satisfaction sures that there is adequate workforce.
Shecontinuously monitors whether produc-
C. Personal psychological satisfaction
tion is proceeding according to plans. She
D. Elements of risk asks the marketing department to pre-
pare their promotional and advertising
4245. The capital of a company is divided into campaigns also. Identify and explain the
number of parts each one of which are concept of management explained in the
called: above para.
A. Dividend A. Supervision
B. Share B. Directing
C. Interest C. Coordination
D. Profit D. Organising
4246. Which one of the following sources is 4250. IN WHICH YEAR NSE WAS INCORPO-
most relevant to recruiting managerial per- RATED?
sonnel? A. 1993
A. Direct recruitment B. 1994
B. Employment exchange C. 1996
C. Advertisement D. 1992
4264. Hindu Succession act was passed in B. oil prices would probably rise
A. 1956 C. oil prices would probably decline
B. 1948 D. the price for substitute products would
C. 1932
D. 1980 4270. The holders of GDRs have
A. Equal voting rights
4265. has to do with the activity of buy-
ing, selling and distribution of goods and B. No voting rights
services to the final consumers. C. voting rights depending on the number
A. Book keeping of shares it represents
B. Office practice D. none of these
C. Accounting 4271. A small number of consumers express-
D. Commerce ing opinions about a new product or ser-
vice in a group discussion is called
4266. The authority flows from
A. target market
A. Bottom to top
B. focus group
B. Top to Bottom
C. survey group
C. In all directions
D. experimental group
D. None of the above
4272. Recently a meeting was held which laid
4267. Choose the correct source document:This trauma on the need of taking good man-
document lowers the amount owed by cus- agement to all departments and levels of
tomers as goods are returned. organisations.” Identify the nature of
A. Invoice management discussed here.
B. Payment voucher A. Continuous process
C. Credit note B. Profit making process
D. none of above C. Dynamic function
4274. Pick the odd one out, one of these fac- 4279. The Act passed in the year 1956 for pro-
tors would not be considered attractive to viding recognition of stock exchanges by
a Transnational Company thinking of set- the central government
ting up in a country:
A. The Security Exchange Act
A. Low Corporation Tax
B. The Security Contracts (Regulation)
B. An unskilled workforce Act
C. A country that is part of the EU free
C. The Security Contract Exchange Act
trade area
D. Screwed!
D. A well-educated workforce
4275. A credit card holder can avoid paying in- 4280. All managerial actions are primarily con-
terest on the amount of money charged by: cerned with relations between people and
so it is treated as a
A. paying the minimum payment every
month A. Anti-social process
B. paying the APR every month B. Social process
C. paying the credit card balance in full C. Universal process
every month
D. None of these
D. It is not possible to avoid paying inter-
est on a credit card 4281. An advantage of a short chain of com-
4276. This function of management provides mand is that
right kind of people for the job- A. the company will gain unlimited liabil-
A. Planning ity
B. organizing B. managers will have greater bonuses
C. staffing C. fringe benefits will become more com-
D. Directing mon
D. communication between managers
4277. Which activity helps to make the con-
and staff will improve
sumers knowledgeable about the product
A. Transport 4282. Which means the same as human re-
B. Advertising sources
C. Communication A. Personnel
D. All of the above B. Knowledge
B. compact to save space
4284. Seeks open-ended responses. Answers
C. expandable to meet future needs
questions about “why” and “how”
D. All of the above
A. Qualitative Research
B. Quantitative Research 4290. An advertisement for a receptionist em-
phasizes the need to be articulate.
C. Survey
A. the art of being able to do two things
D. Questionnaire
at once
4285. Name the function of management B. the attribute of being able to express
which involves setting objectives and de- your thoughts clearly
veloping appropriate courses of action to
C. the desire to work hard and do well
achieve these objectives.
D. the skill of being able to draw accu-
A. Directing
B. Organising
4291. Calculate the total cost. Total variable
C. Planning
cost = 24 000 AED, total fixed costs = 10
D. Staffing 000 AED
4286. Which concept is followed to synchro- A. 0
nize the activities of an organisation? B. 24 000 AED
A. Management C. 14 000 AED
B. Planning D. 34 000 AED
C. Coordination
4292. If the margin of safety is 7, 500 units
D. Cooperation and breakeven output is 12, 200 units,
4287. using a famous person to recom- what is actual output?
mend a product
A. Testimonial advertising
B. Bandwagon advertising
C. Fear sell advertising
D. Glittering generality A. 4, 700 units
4293. What is the main feature that distin- 4298. Which of the following statements is
guishes a private limited company from a not relevant to the concept of “Manage-
public limited company? ment as an art”
4294. The following are rules of Trial Balance C. Managers deal with humans and the
except; all outcomes cannot be predicted with accu-
A. Assets must be on the debit side
D. Manager gained experience and easily
B. Expenses and income must be find creative and innovative ways to deal
recorded on the debit side with problems
C. Expenses must be recorded on the
debit side 4299. True/False:Direct marketing always in-
volves face-to-face interaction with the
D. Income must be recorded on the credit customer.
A. True
E. Liabilities must be on the credit side
B. False
4295. Which of the following is related to a
4300. An organization where clerical activities
specific ministry?
of an organization are planned, coordi-
A. Indian Railway nated and controlled is called a/an
B. FCI A. department
C. Coal India B. office
D. BHEL C. play ground
D. village square
4296. opening balance is £300; monthly net
cashflow is £120; the closing balance is 4301. Planning function is performed by:
A. £180 A. Top level management
B. £420 B. Middle level management
C. £300 C. Lower level management
D. -£180 D. All of the above
4297. Which is ONE disadvantage of Sole Pro- 4302. The following are rewards for punctual-
prietorship? ity and regularity except
A. Less direct control A. high patronage.
B. Disagreements B. increase in losses.
C. Hard to raise money C. increase in turnover.
D. none of above D. reduction of damages.
4303. All regional sales manager of Achieve 4309. Which logo is this?
Best Ltd., worked towards achievement of
company’s annual sales target of 50 toys.
The feature of management is
A. Goal oriented
B. Group activity
C. dynamic
D. Multi dimensional
A. Facebook
4304. The payment for the same is either
made by the customer through the money B. Miama Heat
order or demand draft in C. Twitter
A. Departmental store D. birdie
B. Consumer Co-operative Store
4310. What is the fourth layer of Maslows Hi-
C. Mail order retailing erarchy of needs
D. Super market A. Physiological
4305. Which is the process of helping new em- B. Saftey
ployees adjust to a company? C. Self actualisation
A. training D. Self esteem
B. recruitment
4311. Name the process which provides the
C. human resource management
requisite amount, quality, timing and se-
D. orientation. quence of efforts and ensures that planned
objectives are achieved with a minimum of
4306. Comprises organisations accountable to
and controlled by central or local govern-
ment (the state) A. Management
A. Private sector B. Organizing
B. Public sector C. Coordination
C. Chines sector D. controlling
D. US Government sector 4312. Which of the following is a human re-
4307. Lean production means source?
A. making smaller products A. Food
B. using smaller workers B. Clothes
C. creating less waste C. Intelligence
D. reducing output D. Shelter
4318. Select the odd man out-Product can be 4324. Which of these is not a method of pay-
broadly classified on the basis of ing wages?
A. Use A. Commission bonus
B. Durability B. Dividend payment
E. Time rate
B. Presence of risk
A. 5%
C. Sale or exchange of goods and ser-
B. 4%
D. Salary and wages C. 3%
D. 2%
4326. Chain stores are also called as Multiple
Shops E. 1%
4333. What is an advantage of an overdraft? 4339. Which is true of a private limited com-
A. There is never interest pany?
C. Useful for relatively small sums and B. It must sell shares to family and
short term finance friends
D. You don’t have to pay it back C. The owner chooses who to sell shares
4334. What are the functions of a a promoter? D. Anyone can buy a share of the business
A. Who identifies business opportunities.
4340. Ways to advertise externally
B. Who arranges finances for business
A. Newspapers
C. Who performs all legal formalities
B. Recruitment agencies
D. All of the above
C. Email
4335. The is an association or organisation D. Notice board
or a body of individuals established for the
purpose of assisting, regulating and con- 4341. Which of the broad categories of indus-
trolling the business of buying, selling and tries covers oil refinery and sugar mills?
dealing in securities A. Tertiary
A. Stock Exchange B. secondary
B. SEBI C. Primary
4336. Who said to bring mental revolution? D. None of these
Who said to bring mental revolution?
4342. This Act prevents unfair marketing prac-
A. Fayol tices
B. Tailor A. basic conditions of employment Act
C. Hemant B. consumer protection Act
D. neither of the above C. labour relations Act
4337. The exchange of goods and services for D. National Credit Act
services is called
4343. There are 4 factors of production, ex-
A. trade by barter cept
B. trade by exchange A. Land
C. trade by engage B. Labour
D. trade by moving C. Marketing
4338. Which of the following is not a synonym D. Capital
4344. In mixed economy, which of the follow-
A. Costs ing groups of industries are most likely to
B. Wage controlled/owned by government?
C. Bills A. Housing Property and Hotel
D. Expenditures B. Restaurant and Shopping Mall
4351. It is defined as the framework within
C. Their hours can change each week which managerial and operating tasks are
D. none of above
A. Span of management
4346. What is the reward for capital as a fac- B. Organisational structure
tor of production?
C. Informal organisation
A. Rent
D. None of the above
B. Wage/salary
C. Profit 4352. In an addition to regular compensation,
are monetary incentives that an em-
D. Interest ployee earns as a result of good perfor-
4347. Which machine is suitable for making
2000 copies of a coloured document? A. Motivational techniques
A. fax machine B. Financial reward
B. photocopier C. Non financial reward
C. scanner D. All the above
D. digital camera 4353. Trading one good or service for another
is called
4348. For depositing cash/cheques in the bank
account, which form has to be filled? A. trade
4366. What are application document or link 4371. What does this Gantt chart show?
is needed for a person to apply a job, ex-
A. Resume
C. Instagram Account Link
D. Application Form
A. Selection and training of staff will be-
4367. allow the firm to use their name gin in May.
as partner, They neither invest any capi-
tal nor participate in the day-to-day oper- B. The shop will be open for business at
ations the end of April.
A. Nominal partners C. Stock purchases and advertising will
B. Partners in profits be done simultaneously.
C. Active partners D. Some stock will be purchased before
D. idk the shop is completely refitted.
4368. Discount allowed and discount received 4372. Which is an example of an internal
is found in which of the cash book. source of finance?
A. three column cash book.
A. Owners’ Funds
B. petty cash book.
B. Venture Capital
C. two column cash book.
D. single column cash book. C. Overdraft
E. six column cash book. D. Trade credit
4369. Which of the following is NOT the rea-
son why some markets become more com-
A. There are not enough competitors in
the market A. SCHOLARSHIPS
B. Government intervention in markets B. STOCK MARKET
C. Growth of free trade between coun- C. PRIMARY MARKET
D. Shift to e-commerce platform and so-
cial networks
4374. What are different types of visual com-
4370. Which organizational chart represents munication?
direct reporting relationships
A. Telephone call
A. line
B. Memorandum
B. line and staff
C. flow C. Teleconferencing
D. functional D. Multimedia presentation
4375. The aim of this change-management the- 4380. Which of the following statements is
ory is to have long-term success of the not true with regard to primary market?
business through customer satisfaction
a business’ activities is known as a A. Unit of carriage
A. Manager
B. Method of Propulsion
B. Stakeholder
C. Way
C. Customer
D. Terminal
D. Government
4387. Which among the following is consid- 4392. The Karta in Joint Hindu Family business
ered to be the most liquid asset? has
A. Gold A. limited liability
B. Money B. unlimited liability
C. Land C. no liability for debts
D. Treasury bond D. joint liability
4388. What influence would the local commu-
nity have on the business? 4393. There are some factors why some busi-
ness is failed, except
A. They may refuse trade credit.
A. Poor Management
B. They may increase their prices.
B. Failure change
C. They may petition the business.
D. They may refuse to loan any money to C. poor financial management
the business. D. expansion
4389. What is the cost of developing a new
4394. An industry that deals with the manu-
facturing of goods. Turning raw materials
A. Creating new market. into a finished product for sale.
B. Allowed the business to expand. A. primary industry
C. The lost of company image if the prod-
B. secondary industry
uct failed.
D. To be the first in the market. C. tertiary industry
D. quaternary industry
4390. UK supermarket, Tesco has opened
stores all over the world. Which of the 4395. A customer is an internal stakeholder?
following objectives has the supermarket
met? A. True
A. Increasing customer satisfaction B. False
B. group of customers the business
4406. 2 types of countries are
seeks to attract
A. Developed countries and developing
C. way a business draws its customers
B. Asia countries and Europe countries D. sample of the market
4407. Is where there are a number of busi- A. A chocolate producer buys another
nesses attempting to persuade consumers chocolate producer
to buy their products. Such competition B. A chocolate producer buys a cocoa
will be based on such factors as price, de- farm
sign and quality.
C. A chocolate producer buys a chain of
A. Competitive Environment coffee shops
B. Dynamic Environment D. A chocolate producer buys a car pro-
C. Business Environment ducer
D. Perfect Environment
4413. Money Market is the market in which fi-
4408. Municipalities are not respon- nancial instruments having long-term ma-
sible for functions such as wa- turity are dealt with.
ter/electricity/refuse removal/etc. A. True
A. True B. False
B. False
4414. What is the formula for calculating price
4409. Which of the following is NOT usually elasticity of demand?
considered a personal source of finance.
A. Percentage change in price x Percent-
A. Savings age change in quantity demanded
B. Redundancy payments
B. Percentage change in quantity de-
C. Crowdfunding manded x Percentage change in price
D. Credit card C. Percentage change in price / Percent-
age change in quantity demanded
4410. Advertisement of ‘Polio vaccination’ on
a bus is the use of following media of ad- D. Percentage change in quantity de-
vertising: manded / Percentage change in price
4415. People in the organisation carry out di- 4420. Why a farmer producing crops for self-
verse tasks with the aim to achieve consumption cannot be called a business?
Identify the characteristic of business
4416. Mr Apeh bought goods worth #20, 00 D. Sale or exchange of Goods and Ser-
from a retailer, and is entitled to 5% dis- vices
count if payment is made within the stipu- 4421. The trade document which gives compre-
lated period. What type of discount is he hensive summary of transactions involv-
entitled to? ing sales or purchases of goods is known
A. Cash discount as
B. Cheque discount A. Delivery note
B. increase in the average price level of A. Receiver
goods and service over time B. Feedback
4426. What is an example of primary re- C. Transmitter
search? D. Sender
A. Internet
4432. is the process of choosing the most
B. Newspaper suitable candidate for the vacant position
C. Questionnaire in the organisation.
D. Books A. Recruitment
B. Training
4427. A sole trader has how many owners
C. Selection
A. 1
D. Performance Appraisal
B. 2
C. 3 4433. Which of the following is not a charac-
teristic of a profession?
D. Many
A. Service motive
4428. Successful organisations do not achieve B. Restricted entry
goals by chance but by following a deliber-
C. Based on practice and creativity
ate process called-
D. Well-defined body of knowledge
A. Co-ordination
B. Management 4434. The formation of partnership business
is always backed up by a legal document
C. Production called
D. Procurement A. partnership agreements
4429. Akash wanted to sell his Mumbai fac- B. deed of partners
tory and posted an advertisement about C. partnership deeds
business on sale.He received an e-mail
D. all of the above
from Jordan indicating the desire to buy
his business. Name the feature of e- 4435. Which is the service of the wholesaler
business which made this possible. to the consumer?
A. Convenience A. Helps in promotion.
B. Ease of formation B. Enabling large scale operation
C. Speed C. Wide selection
D. Global access D. Personal selling
A. income minus expenditure B. False
B. monthly inflows plus monthly outflows
4452. Products and services are advertised on
C. monthly inflows minus monthly out- vehicles through the use of
A. Journals
D. monthly outflows minus monthly in-
flows B. Newspapers
4448. What is the biggest problem with this C. Radio
slide? D. Stickers
E. Television
4455. What are the two types of External 4460. Which is not a role and function of man-
Growth for a business? agement?
duction to market, informing customers C. work in groups and are given the
about new designs and varieties and new chance to make decisions
deigns and varieties added every season, D. they have job security
threat of risk loss by fire or accident, stor-
ing the excess of stock of goods, etc.He 4470. A company is assessing whether to in-
approaches his friend Sandeep who ex- vest in new technology or expand its cur-
plained him about some branches, which rent facility. This decision involves:
can help Rajiv to overcome his hesita-
A. Revenue expenditure
tion.State which dimension of business can
help Rajiv to overcome these hindrances B. Capital expenditure
A. Trade C. Operating expenses
B. Business D. Deferred revenue expenditure
C. Commerce 4471. Which role involves sending e-mails
D. All of above and memos, holding meetings and training
4466. Which of the following is NOT a feature A. Disseminator
of corporative society?
B. Resource allocator
A. Legal status
C. Monitor
B. Government control
D. Disturbance handler
C. Limited liability
4472. Physical environment refers to
D. Service motive
A. human resources.
4467. With your justification it is mainly B. technological resources.
you have chosen the objective
C. capital.
A. Why
D. equipment and raw materials
B. How
4473. Identify the concept which means doing
4468. Planning function means the task correctly and with minimum cost.
A. Routine function A. Effectiveness
B. fixed function B. Efficiency
C. Steady function C. Management
D. ALL function D. Co-ordination
4483. “When it comes to settle down the con- 4489. The acronym SWOT stands for
flicts among the employees, she tends to
A. strategy, working capital, objectives
be more biased towards her female em-
and tactics
ployees.” Identify the principle of man-
agement being violated here. B. strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
and threats
A. Equity
C. strengths, working capital, opportuni-
B. Esprit De corps
ties and tactics
C. Authority & responsibility
D. strategy, weaknesses, objectives and
D. Order threats
4484. A skilled presenter will have higher 4490. Hero Ltd.’s target is to produce 10, 000
stress level when presenting in public. shirts per month at a cost of Rs. 150 per
A. True shirt. The production manager was able
to produce 10, 000 shirts at a cost of Rs.
B. False
140 per shirt but not within the stipulated
4485. Ledgers are divided into time. As a result, there was loss of rev-
enue. In this case the production manager
A. Real and Personal is
B. Personal and Impersonal
A. Efficient but not effective
C. cashbook and journal
B. Effective but not efficient
D. Impersonal and Nominal
C. Both effective and efficient
4486. Identify the type of organisational struc- D. None of the above
ture which facilitates occupational special-
isation, 4491. True or False? An employee usu-
A. Functional structure ally goes home with something less than
100% of his or her monthly salary.
B. Relational structure
A. False
C. Divisional structure
B. True
D. None of the above
4492. is one that does not have a separate
4487. Reducing the workers, absenteeism in a
legal identity.
factory by 20% is an example of
A. Quantitative standard A. Unincorporated Business
4494. What is meant by ‘adding value’? 4499. A understands the goals of the
A. The money a company invests into a business, delegates tasks to subordinates,
guides behavior and is usually appointed
4495. In which type of bank account, the ac- 4500. Current assets less current liabilities is
count holder needs to deposit a fixed equal to
amount of sum (as per their wish) for a A. capital owned
fixed time period? B. capital employed
A. Recurring Deposit Account C. working capital
B. Savings Acount D. total liabilities
C. Multiple Option Deposit Account
4501. What term is used for a business that
D. Fixed Deposit Account expands by acquiring other businesses
that are unrelated to its prime function?
4496. How do you calculate revenue?
A. Vertical integration
A. sales x price
B. Horizontal integration
B. price x cost C. Portfolio investment
C. cost + sales D. Diversification
D. sales-total price
4502. The ROCE is given by which formula?
4497. Henry Fayol, F W Taylor belongs to A. Gross profit / Revenue x 100
which of the following school of manage-
B. Operating profit / Capital Employed x
A. Neoclassical school C. Operating profit / Revenue x 100
B. Modern school D. Current assets / Current Liabilities
C. Classical school
4503. What’s the main economic problem?
D. Early Prespective
A. Needs
4498. What does it mean to be accountable? B. Wants
A. taking responsibility for your actions C. Limited resources
and being able to discuss the reasons be- D. Unlimited wants and limited resources
hind them
4504. Which of the following facilitates the
B. taking on a responsibility and not see-
supply of goods to the market?
ing it through
A. advertising
C. having a good excuse for something
that you did wrong B. banking
4505. The records that pass between one or- 4510. When one or more type of goods are
ganization to another for effective and sold to customers through big shops, it is
smooth running of business transaction is called
called office A. manufacturing
A. document B. Retailing
B. files C. Large-scale retailing
C. correspondence D. Wholesale trade
D. memorandum
4511. The person that commits his financial re-
4506. Which one does NOT belong on a person sources to enjoy a product is called
specification? A. Consumer
A. Pay B. Marketer
B. Qualifications C. Producer
C. Skills D. Retailer
D. Experience 4512. Concentration of authority at one level
is called:-(a) Decentralisation(b) Delega-
4507. Barter is the trade of goods or service tion(c) Accountability(d) Centralisation
A. a
A. free exchange of money
B. b
B. exchange of services
C. c
C. exchange of goods and services
D. d
D. None of them
4513. Which of the following are FINANCIAL
4508. which of the following chemical charac- reasons for someone to work?
teristics is suitable for home use?
A. Meet daily living expenses
A. flammable
B. Support their lifestyle
B. harmful C. Purchase material goods and services
C. healthy D. Improve their standard of living.
D. poisonous E. All of the above
4509. After the claim, the right of the property 4514. Management by Exception refers to
is transferred to the Insurance Company.
A. Significant deviation which goes be-
Under no circumstances, the insured is al-
yond the permissible limit should be
lowed to make any profit by sale of scrap.
brought to the notice of the management.
Identify the Principle.
B. Focuses on the key result areas.
A. Principle of indemnity
C. Comparison of actual performance
B. Principle of mitigation
with the standard.
C. Principle of Subrogation
D. Measurement of Company’s and its
D. Principle of proximate cause. employees’ performance.
4525. Profit is important to businesses be- 4530. Which one of the following is a disad-
cause: vantage of quality assurance?
A. it improves businesses, cash balances A. Tries to eliminate faults
B. it can be used to measure business B. Expensive to train employees to check
size products
C. it is a measure of businesses, success C. Customer complaints are reduced
D. Expensive to train quality control in-
D. none of above spectors
4526. Case study:the Business Incubator team 4531. The following are recorded on the debit
‘TradeTools’-an online platform connecting side of the cashbook except
neighbors who want to rent tools with A. Rent
neighbours that own them. They will pitch B. Cash received from Ade
their business concept in May-what would
be the most appropriate source of finance C. sales
for this new, untested idea? D. capital
A. Angel Investor 4532. “For more productivity, she divides the
B. Bank loan work into small tasks and each employees
is trained to perform his/her specialised
C. Personal savings
job”. Identify the principle of management
D. Credit cards depicted here.
4527. Which of the following is an example of A. Discipline
a ‘need’? B. Division of work
A. Car C. Equity
B. Television D. Order
C. Mobile phone 4533. Which of the following are external fac-
D. Water tors that may contribute to a business fail-
4528. Refer to Q.2 State the feature related A. Poor management
to above mentioned case.
B. Change in consumer demands
A. Production or Procurement of goods
and services C. Absenteeism
4538. The focus of this outsourcing is knowl- 4542. Internet providers are a product:
edge expertise.
A. Back office Outsourcing
B. Knowledge Process Outsourcing
C. Front office Outsourcing
D. Business Process Outsourcing
A. building
B. BEARER CHEQUE B. manufacturing
4544. A cash flow is useful for 4549. Which two of the following are bene-
A. Informing the business about its prof- fits of improving environmental sustain-
its ability? (SELECT 2)
B. Helping the business see where cash A. No pressure groups
shortages may occur
B. Good publicity
C. Seeing the flow of cash from the busi-
ness to the bank C. Increased costs
D. Choosing the best method of finance to D. Ability to increase prices
expand the business
E. de-motivated workforce
4545. A is a tangible good, something you
can touch. 4550. Term deposits are those
A. Customer A. against which no cheque can be issued
B. Service B. against which no interest is paid to the
C. Advertising depositor
D. Product C. which are fixed deposits
4546. What are the Factors of Production? D. Both (a) and (c)
A. Land 4551. What does a critical path identify?
B. Labour
A. The lowest cost path to complete all
C. Capital tasks in a project
D. Enterprise B. The highest cost path to complete all
E. Money tasks in a project
4547. Why is it a good thing to merge from a C. The longest time required to complete
sole trader to partnership? (EVA) all tasks in a project
A. The work load and responsibility will D. The shortest time required to com-
be shared. plete all tasks in a project
4552. The sequence in which particular opera- 4557. A period of very fast economic growth
tions are carried out in respect of the per- with rising incomes and profits is
formance of business activities of an orga-
A. Yes A. Discipline
B. No B. principles of management
C. Maybe C. mental revolution
D. none of above D. esprit de corps
4554. Restraining forces are those factors
4559. Which of the following statements is
that change.
A. promote
A. Planning reduces creativity.
B. resist
B. Planning is economical.
C. encourage
D. delay C. Planning focuses on achieving objec-
4555. A district forum has jurisdiction to enter-
D. Planning is a mental exercise.
tain a consumer complaint involving prod-
uct value:
4560. Uniformity of currency means that it is
A. Up to 20 lakh
A. easily divided.
B. Up to 10 lakh
B. easy to count and measure.
C. Between 20 lakh to 1 crore
C. accepted by everyone in a society.
D. Above 1 crore
D. scarce.
4556. Which is not related to banking in India
A. Currency issued by RBI is inconvertible 4561. What is Language?
B. All notes except one rupee is issued by A. Language is meaningful.
B. Language is an oral, written, or non-
C. Legal tender money is also called Fiat verbal system of communication.
money because it serves as money by the
order of RBI C. Language is symbolic it communicates
through the symbol.
D. Putting all currency notes and coins
into circulation, is done by RBI D. A language is a systematic unit.
4562. The life of sole proprietorship business B. Positive:Motivation and rewards trig-
is gers communication.
A. Unstable C. Negative:Motivation and rewards do
B. Stable not facilitate employee engagement.
4563. Which of the following is not an eco-
the “Economic Problem”?
nomic activity?
A. People do not have enough money
A. Production
B. There are not enough resources to sat-
B. Social service
isfy people’s wants
C. Professional
C. There are too many items
D. Trading in goods
D. There are too many factors of produc-
4564. Which type of function of management tion
is staffing
4568. Which of the following is a tool of sales
A. Productive promotion?
B. Objective oriented
A. Free samples
C. Managerial
B. Advertisement
D. Administrative
C. Publicity
4565. An advantage that an overdraft has D. Personal selling
over a bank loan is that:
A. it has a fixed rate of interest 4569. A business manufactures and sells veg-
etarian ready meals. Which type of mar-
B. it is paid back over a fixed time period ket segmentation would the business most
C. no dividends have to be paid to share- likely use?
holders as with a loan A. Location
D. the size of the overdraft varies with the
B. Lifestyle
needs of the firm
C. Gender
4566. What impact does motivating and re-
D. Age
warding employees have on employee pro-
4570. What is the maximum of number of per-
sons that can be admitted into cooperative
A. No maximum
B. 20
C. 30
A. Positive:Increase in job satisfaction
and in turn productivity D. 50
4571. In which type of partner “person is rep- 4576. Responsibilities of the Human Re-
resented as a partner and he does not deny sources department
such impression”
is the smallest of the four sectors but col- 4584. Organisation interest supersede em-
lectively, the most influential. ployees interest is indicated in
A. Principle of subordination of individual
4580. Which of the following definitions best
interest to general interest
explains the product life cycle?
B. Principle of Esprit de corps
A. The length of time taken for a con-
sumer to use up all of a product C. Principle of initiative
B. The length of time a product stays on D. Principle of discipline
a market from introduction to decline
4585. Sanya advised that they should keep
C. The stages that the sales of a product the silk bed covers for special festival oc-
pass through from introduction to decline casion and offer the cotton bed covers reg-
D. The length of time taken to develop a ularly to keep costs under control.” Which
new product to replace a declining one function of management is described in the
above lines.
4581. Which of the following is an objective of A. Controlling
time study?
B. Staffing
A. To determine the number of workers
to be employed C. Organising
4589. A transparent book keeper must be 4594. A change in the foreign exchange policy
A. Hardworking and corrupt of the country would take place in the
4600. A ‘high quality product’ means: A. True
A. the product will never go wrong B. False
B. customers will always be able to re-
use the product 4606. The element that aims at integrating
group efforts to achieve group objectives
C. the product meets customers high ex-
is called
A. Cooperation
D. the product is made from the highest
quality materials B. Coordination
4621. The Design mix is made up of three ar- 4626. If a decision affects a group of people,
eas. These are but doesn’t involve safety, it’s best to use
what leadership style?
A. The three P’s
A. Democratic
B. Function, Cost, Appearance
B. Directive
C. Franchise, Franchisor, Franchisee
C. Hands-off
D. Primary and Secondary data
D. Sympathetic
4622. Which of the following is a disadvan- 4627. What is called the quantative statement
tage of off-the-job training? of expected results?
A. It is less expensive than other types of A. Rule
B. Program
B. It improves employees’ skills. C. Procedure
C. It is more expensive than other types D. Budget
of training.
4628. Foreign trade can be classified into
D. It is only used to train managers. and
4623. identify the company by there A. import
tagline“Have it your way.” B. retail
A. dominos C. export
B. burger king D. wholesale
C. McDonald 4629. Does this person provide a good or a ser-
D. taco bell vice?
4631. Who is the father of modern manage- 4636. Business which provide services to con-
ment? sumers and other businesses
4642. In a correct sitting posture, fingers are 4647. Which of the following is true about
kept on the keys warehousing?
A. Cursor A. Removes the hindrance of time
B. Function B. Not an important auxiliary to trade
C. Home C. Not used to serve goods of seasonal
D. Numeric nature
4643. John wants to develop a software app D. Not useful for large scale trading
for mobile devisces that will allow uses to
4648. Is an individual or group who buys prod-
know where there is free parking in the
local area. He is investing $70000to de-
vlop this app that he will sell through the A. Co-worker
website. What would you describe John B. Customer
C. Friend
A. Manger
D. none of above
B. Operator
C. Entrepreneur 4649. The oldest form of advertising.
D. Consultant A. News Paper
4653. One of the drawbacks to division of 4658. means that the owners of the busi-
labour is that: ness can be held responsible for the debts
of the business they own
C. Goods and services produced by one 4670. Which of these is a petty cash ex-
business for another penses?
D. Goods and services produced for per- A. computer
sonal use
B. stationery
4665. What are some of the most famous ex- C. land
amples of patents ever taken? D. premises
A. The maglev, iphone
4671. The people who make the major policy
B. The drone, bluetooth and financial decisions in a corporation are
C. The Light Bulb the
B. Joint Stock Company
lines of communication to follow in an or-
C. Sole Proprietorship ganizational chart”
D. None of the above A. True
4684. responsibility may be fulfilled by B. False
mere compliance with the law.
4690. Planning is the primary function of man-
A. Social
B. Personal
A. Feature of Planning
C. Legal
B. Importance of Planning
D. Both B and C
C. Neither
4685. what is the relationship between human
D. none of above
resource and recruitment.?
A. there is no relationship between the 4691. Preference shares having a fixed date
two of maturity are called as preference
B. recruitment is the functions of human shares.
resource department A. Participating
4686. Resistance to change can take a number B. Redeemable
or forms. Which of the following is not a C. Cumulative
D. Convertible
A. Hostility in the workplace
B. Meetings with employees 4692. The bank who is requested to pay a cer-
tain amount to a named person is called?
C. Strike action
D. Reduction in out put A. Drawer
B. Drawee
4687. Which is the purpose of the employee
benefits? C. Payer
A. Increase individual and group aware- D. Payee
ness and responsibility
4693. A sole trader has what source of liabil-
B. Increase the economic security of
staff members
A. Limited Liability
C. Discourage the employees in the com-
pany B. Unlimited Liability
4694. Mr Yanto will launch his products ( Re- C. they provide service to the people free
cycle bags ) The Selling Prices has set is or at low cost
USD $5. The value of bought in Recycle
4703. National Parks are preserved with the 4709. A business that has 200+ employees is
help of a what sized business?
A. Animals A. Small
B. Taxes B. Medium
C. Large
C. Roads
D. Schools D. none of above
4704. A person who sets up a business or 4710. activities are performed out of love,
businesses, taking on financial risks in the sympathy etc
hope of profit is called? A. Non economic
A. Entrepreneur B. Economic
B. Franchiser 4711. which sector of the economy removes or
C. Director harvest products directly from the earth in
order to extract raw materials or food?
D. Trader
A. secondary
4705. “Employees turnover should be min- B. primary
imised to maintain organisational effi-
ciency”. Which principal of management C. tertiary
is being highlighted? D. linear
A. Order 4712. The items sold by a business that one
B. Stability of personnel can see or touch is
C. Initiative A. Goods
D. Discipline B. Services
C. Consumers
4706. is the assessment tool used in the
market environment. D. Intangible
A. SWOT-analysis 4713. A business ensures all its debts are paid
B. Porter’s Five as they fall due. Which financial objective
is the business satisfying?
4707. Promotion of employees results in A. Efficiency
A. Increase in pay B. Growth
B. Decrease in pay C. Liquidity
4708. Market in the context of product- D. Solvency
market refers to:A. Cotton MarketB. Sil-
4714. Rem:What type of sector does does the
ver market C. Share marketD. Gold market
government provide the goods and ser-
A. A and D vices for the people?
B. A, C, and D A. Private Sector
C. A, B, and C B. Public Sector
4715. Which is an advantage of an off-the-job 4720. Name the level of management engaged
training? in devise a suitable advertising campaign
to sell a new product a company is launch-
4719. Sole Trader has objective 4725. This type of finance does not need to be
A. Economic
A. Bank Loan
B. Non economic B. Overdraft
C. Both the above C. Mortgage
D. None of the above D. Government Grant
4726. What is the significance of learning fi- B. Developing budgets, determining fi-
nance and accounting in business studies nancial needs, maintaining record sys-
for Aiden, Lily, and Nora? tems, identifying financial risks, establish-
A. To explore the field of botany ing financial controls
B. To understand the principles of chem- C. Determining financial needs, develop-
istry ing budgets, maintaining record systems,
identifying financial risks, establishing fi-
C. To manage and analyze financial infor-
nancial controls
D. To study the behavior of birds D. Developing budgets, maintaining
Explanation:Learning about finance and record systems, identifying financial risks,
accounting in business studies is impor- establishing financial controls, determin-
tant for Aiden, Lily, and Nora to develop ing financial needs
skills in managing and analyzing financial
4731. Which of the following is not a feature
information, which is crucial for making in-
of planning?
formed business decisions.
A. Planning is futuristic
4727. The minimum deposit required to be
made each year in Public Provident Fund B. Planning is pervasive
Account is C. Planning establishes standards for
A. Rs 100 controlling
B. Rs 500 D. Planning focuses on achieving objec-
C. Rs 1000 tives.
B. Rule A. Want
B. Sugar
C. Policy
C. Cars
D. Budget
D. Need
4741. What is DELEGATION?
4747. The process of meeting customer needs
A. Giving authority to junior managers to
successfully before, during and after a sale
do a particular task
is called:
B. Passing down full responsibility to sub- A. Procurement
B. Kaizen
C. Keeping full control with senior man-
agers C. Customer service
D. Ordering workers to do certain jobs D. The sales process
4759. State the reason why do firms become 4765. Citizenship roles and responsibilities to-
multinational. wards stakeholders include factors such as
A. Firms become multinational because lobbying, recruitment and selecting.
to buy goods in other countries. A. True
B. Firms become multinational because B. False
to produce goods in other countries for
low wages, cheaper materials supply and 4766. Direct foreign investment has taken all
less competitors. of the following forms except:
4760. The value of our currency in terms of for- A. Investors buying bonds of an existing
eign currency, is known as a firm overseas
4770. Minimum number of members to form a 4774. When typing your wrist should be in a
private company is position.
4779. Which of the following are examples of 4783. Grouping process in organising process
Factory Overhead. Check all that apply is called
A. Salaries of Management A. Specialistion
B. Raw Materials B. Departmentalisation
C. Maintenance C. Decentralisation
D. Rent D. Diversification
E. Salaries of Direct Labor
4784. Which is NOT part of a job description?
4780. Name the process which results in elim-
inating wasteful movements in scientific A. job title
management? B. tasks & responsibilities
A. TIME STUDY C. dress code
B. METHOD STUDY D. qualification needed
4785. Which groups are internal stakehold-
4781. Which one is NOT a stage in the PLC? A. Owners, employees and customers
B. Shareholders, managers and the gov-
C. Customers, the government and em-
D. Owners, employees and managers
A. It is less costly than internal recruit- C. workers will always receive a higher
ment salary than piece rate
A. False
B. True
4796. Primary market is associated with
A. supply A. Old
B. equilibrium B. new
C. demand C. very old
D. surplus D. Old and New
4797. The following are the weaknesses of 4801. an over-insured warehouse implies that
the goods money system, namely it is insured for
A. Difficulty getting urgent items A. less than its replacement value
B. difficult to carry everywhere B. less than its actual value
E. doesn’t last long Internal Trading?
A. Manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer
4798. Which one of the following is a money and customer.
market instrument? B. Manufacturer, raw material, supplier,
A. Unit of mutual fund wholesaler, retailer and customer.
B. Debenture C. Raw material, supplier, manufacturer,
wholesaler, retailer and customer.
C. Bond
D. none of above
D. Treasury bill
4803. An Employer is
4799. If a news headline says, “Finally!!! 2 A. Someone who works in a company
straight months of increased jobs.”Where
B. Is the company that Employs people eg
on the business cycle is the current econ-
4804. Select all the correct answers that rep-
resent the factor of land.
A. Water
B. Air
C. Trees
D. Money
4805. The department responsible for process-
A. Peak ing staff salaries is the
B. Contraction/Recession A. transport
C. Trough B. production
C. purchasing
D. Expansion/Growth/Recovery
D. account
4800. Which of the following is not a type of
4806. What is the person or company that in-
business organization?
sures his property or life called?
A. Agriculture A. insured
B. Service B. insurer
C. Retail C. insurance company
D. Manufacturing D. premium
4807. The goals and objectives of an organisa- B. they serve as a written record
tion are set by which department? C. they serve as a basis for recording
B. Personal
4819. What is an emerging economy?
C. Individual
A. A country with no opportunity for eco-
nomic growth D. Organisational
B. A country becoming a developed na- 4825. Demand deposits are transaction money
tion driven by high economic growth which are bills to banks, while currency is
C. A business expanding overseas money in the form of paper or metal
D. The start-up of a new company A. True
4820. A right attitude to work can be defined B. False
as a situation where workers carry out
their duties 4826. There are universal rights of a con-
A. forcefully
A. 3
B. occasionally.
B. 8
C. positively.
D. sluggishly. C. 4
D. 7
4821. Directing takes place at
A. top level of management: 4827. What is the main objective of job evalu-
B. middle level of management: ation?
4829. What is the difficulty of measuring and 4833. By the end of the year the company
comparing business size using the output makes huge profit and by undertaking the
of goods/services produced by different business environment can increase its rev-
4839. Explain one reason why a business A. Financial decision
might want to expand its market reach B. Investment decision
A. To decrease competition C. Dividend decision
B. To increase profit margins D. All of these
C. To limit customer feedback 4845. A business is:
D. To reduce production costs A. A company that sells goods and ser-
4840. The captain or mate will issue a receipt
known as after the goods have been B. A person that sells goods and services
loaded C. A person that buys a good or a service
A. Captains receipt
B. Ship reciept D. none of above
4860. Which two of the following are disad- 4864. The occupation in which people work for
vantages to a business of using job pro- others and get remunerated in return is
duction? known as.
A. Requires a large amount of expensive A. Employment
B. Profession
B. Costs can be high as it is a slow pro-
cess 4865. are government bodies that make
rules and regulations to control business
C. labour costs can be high as skilled
workers are required
D. Worker motivation may be low due to A. Rulers
repetitive work B. Regulators
E. Less scope to make one off products
4866. Which of the following is the best defi-
4861. What is meant by the term Centraliza- nition of PROFIT?
tion A. The total amount of income a business
A. Office services for all departments are makes from selling products or services
done at a particular place. B. The amount of money a business has
B. Office located in Chaguanas left over after paying for their costs.
C. Office is located at the center of the C. The total amount of money a business
building spends.
D. Office services for all departments are D. none of above
done at different locations.
4867. STATEMENT I:Electronic holdings can be
4862. Marketing research: converted into physical certificates with
A. is used toobtain information for man- the process of dematerialisation. STATE-
agement to make more informed decision MENT II:There is no danger of theft, loss
making. or forgery of share certificates in demate-
B. is thecollection and analysis of data rialisation. Choose the correct option from
from a sample or census of individuals the following:
ororganizations. A. Statement I is true and II is false
C. includes allforms of market, opinion B. Statement II is true and I is false
and social research such as consumer and
C. Both the statements are true
D. Both the statements are false
D. is workundertaken to determine either
structural characteristics of the industry 4868. Workers in a car factory are allowed to
ofconcern. switch from one task to another to reduce
4863. Someone who creates their own busi- the risk of boredom. What is this known
ness is called a(n) as?
A. Entrepreneur A. Job satisfaction
B. Billionaire B. Job rotation
C. Investor C. Job enlargement
D. Stock Holder D. Job enrichment
4869. State Co. is a company of which the gov- D. in case of any of the above
ernment has 60% ownership; it supplies
4875. “Hence, after six months, when the
water to an Asian country.
4871. What do you call a situation in which 4876. Which of the following lists three exam-
you treat someone unfairly by asking them ples of transformed resources?
to do things for you, but give them little in A. Customers, information, materials
return? B. Facilities, information, technology
A. Corrupt C. Customers, human resources, materi-
B. Exploitation als
C. Partnership D. Facilities, human resources, technol-
D. Solidarity
4877. Which intermediary in the distribution
4872. Business is often defined as manag- process follows the wholesaler?
ing the triple bottom line.
A. Consumer
A. success
B. Sales Representative
B. sustainability
C. Retailer
C. profitability
D. Agent
D. productivity
4878. How can business risk be reduced?
4873. Total costs= A. Look at supply and demand
A. Fixed + Variable costs B. Carry out detailed market research
B. Fixed-Variable costs C. Consider most options
C. Fixed * Variable costs D. Speak to staff members in a staff meet-
D. Fixed / Variable costs ing
4874. A proposed name of company is consid- 4879. What is the meaning of privatisation?
ered undesirable if A. when a government convert into a pri-
A. it is identical with the name of some vate limited company
other company B. when a government or state owned in-
B. it resembles closely with the name of dustry is buy from private sector
an existing company C. when a government or state owned in-
C. it is an emblem of Government of India, dustry is sell to private sector
United Nations, etc. D. none of above
4880. Another name for ‘Land, Labour, Capital 4885. Which of the following is not a Cause of
& Enterprise’ Business Risks?
A. The economic problem A. Natural causes
B. Specialisation B. Human causes
4881. Which are the two most suitable forms customers is an example of what?
of transport for carrying flowers from a
A. Skill
farm in Kenya to a shop in Paris?
B. Mind set
A. air and rail
4887. How can we measure the size of a busi-
B. rail and road
C. road and air
A. The amount of employees they have
D. sea and road B. The amount of Facebook reviews they
4882. All the following are examples of small
offices except C. How many Twitter followers they have
4901. If Dan earns £20, 000 per year and 4904. Social responsibility is:
pays 20% income tax on all of his earn-
A. Same as legal responsibility
ings over £12000, how much income tax
does he pay? B. Broader than legal responsibility
C. Narrower than legal responsibility
D. None of the above
A. Assets
B. Manager
C. Finance
A. £2, 000 D. None of these
B. £2, 400
4906. Import means
C. £1, 600
A. buying goods from another country
D. £2, 800
B. selling goods to another country
4902. Tom decided to buy $200 worth of new
C. only making one kind of product
clothes. Which of the following would be
good reasons for the clothes being a need D. none of above
and not a want. (Pick 2)
4907. Name the function of management
A. Tom needed to look more stylish. His
which is concerned with finding out defi-
other clothes were too ugly.
ciencies in implementation of plans.
B. Tom needed to fit in with his friends.
A. Planning
All of his other friends wear the type of
new clothes he bought. B. Staffing
C. Tom needed to buy new clothes for his C. Directing
new job. His job has a certain dress code.
D. Controlling
D. Tom needed to wear name brand
clothes. His other clothes were from 4908. Which leadership style empowers em-
stores that no one shops at anymore. ployees to make decisions and take re-
E. Tom needed to buy new clothes be- sponsibility for outcomes?
cause he lost all of his other clothes. Un- A. Participative
fortunately, Tom’s house was flooded.
B. Bureaucratic
4903. Provision of finance by a bank which C. Transactional
businesses will repay in more than a year,
with interest. D. Autocratic
4910. Which of the following is a financial in- B. They have interest in the company
centive? C. Their parents own the company
B. 3
is each owner personally liable for all busi-
C. 1 ness debts, even if the debts were created
D. 5 by other owners?
A. corporation
4923. Which of the options means the right
to live and work in an envrionment that B. partnership
is non threatening to the well being of
C. proprietorship
present and future generation
D. S corporation
A. Right to use
B. Right to healthy environment 4929. displays the information on the
C. proper claims screen for the user to see what he/she is
doing. The information displayed on the
D. Right to choice screen is called
4924. includes those services which help A. hard copy
business to move smoothly
B. soft copy
A. Primary industry
C. screen
B. Secondary industry
D. monitor
C. Tertiary or Service Industry
D. None of them 4930. At present we have stock ex-
changes in the country
4925. Application for approval of name of a
A. 20
company is to be made to
A. SEBI B. 23
B. Registrar of companies C. 30
C. Government of India D. 25
D. Government of the State in which com- 4931. A business that becomes more stream-
pany is to be registered lined as a result of effective supply chain
4926. A sole trader is management is said to be running more:
4944. Which of these are examples of corre- 4949. The amount on a cheque must be written
spondence records? in figures and in
A. Inward and outward mail registers A. signs
B. Receipt and payment books B. pictures
C. Profit and loss books C. words
D. Receipt and payment books D. numerals
4945. Which of the following best describes 4950. A machine used for calculating and print-
the term limited liability? If the business ing details of transactions is known as a
A. calculator
A. Personal possessions of the owner
can be taken to pay any debts B. computer
B. The owner is personally liable for all C. cash register
the debts of the business D. typewriter
C. There is no limit on the amount the
4951. Which of the following best describes a
owner has to pay to settle debts
D. The owner only loses the amount in-
A. Skills obtained from completing vari-
vested in the business
ous jobs
4946. what to make, how to package it, what B. Building skills, knowledge, and experi-
brand name to use and what image to ences throughout a lifetime
project is classified as C. An occupation held during one part of
A. price a person’s life
B. product D. Personal satisfaction obtained from
completing a job
C. target market
D. Marketing mix 4952. Some firms undertake a contract of spe-
cialised services of several experts what
4947. True/False:Employees are considered is that known as?
external stakeholders because they are A. Hedging
not part of the management.
B. Sub contracting
A. True
C. Underwriting
B. False D. None of the above
4948. A business partnership has who 4953. Which one of the following does not fol-
share the risks and the profits. low scalar chain?
A. One owner A. Informal organisation
B. No more than three owners B. Functional structure
C. Two or more owners C. Formal organisation
D. Five or more owners D. Divisional structure
4954. Death of Sole Proprietorship will bring 4958. What is the best definition of an En-
the business to and end. trepreneur
4964. CSR stands for Social Responsibil- A. H&M
B. Uber and spotify
C. Nike and apple
D. All of the above
4965. Watching television, drawing, and read- 4971. The double column cash book is also
ing are all examples of: known as
4966. Marketing management is not related 4972. In which leadership style is the leader
to the creation of demand considered a visionary who inspires and
A. True
A. Transactional
B. False
B. Let it happen
4967. What is After-sales service?
C. Charismatic
A. Up selling products
D. Bureaucratic
B. Meeting of customer’s needs after
they have purchased a product 4973. Which P represents how you reach the
C. enticing customers to purchase more audience by advertising online or on bill-
products from your business boards?
D. Getting feedback on products/services A. Product
B. Place
4968. Which of the following is not a term
used in the office in relation to mail? C. Price
A. Dispatch D. Promotion
4974. A business enterprise has a responsibil- 4979. Identify two advantages of multination-
ity of providing fair returns to on their als operating in a country.
capital investment.
E. Single C. Corporation
D. none of above
4978. Classification of trade into wholesale
trade and retain trade is on the basis of-
4983. Kraft took over Cadbury in 2010.
A. Geographical location Which type of business growth is this an
B. Scale of operation example of?
C. Regional concentration A. Internal growth
D. Auxiliaries to trade B. External growth
4984. The following elements describe a 4989. Which of the following is not an objec-
SMART goal tive of management?
A. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Real- A. Earning profits
istic, Time Bound B. Growth of the organisation
B. Short, Measurable, Action, Realistic, C. Providing employment
Time Bound
D. Policy making
C. Specific, Monetary, Attainable, Recog-
nize, Temporary 4990. What is the purpose of short-term fi-
D. Short term, Mandatory, Attainable,
Repetition, Timely A. Investing in long-term projects
B. Saving money for retirement
4985. Trade is the process of taking goods
from C. Taking out a mortgage for a new home
C. The money spent buying all of the na- 4994. The main reason why an individual en-
tional output gages in business is to
D. All of the above A. ensure wide distribution of goods
A. an art
5007. A single room with a table, telephone, B. a science
fax machine, computer is called
C. both art & science
A. small office
D. none of the above
B. large office
5013. What is the formula for calculating mar-
C. partitioned office ket share?
D. building A. Sales of the product or brand or busi-
ness x 100 = Market share
5008. Why is providing good quality products
and services, creating employment, etc im- B. Total market sales / Total sales of the
portant for management company
A. achieving group goals C. Market size = Number of units sold x
price per unit
B. creates a dynamic organisation
D. Market capitalisation = current share
C. achieving personal objectives price x total number of shares issued
D. development of the society
5014. Which on of the following is NOT an ex-
5009. Which one of the following is not a ben- ample of a variable cost?
efit to a firm from producing quality prod- A. Wages
ucts: B. Raw materials
A. customers loyalty is likely to be high C. Water and electricity
B. all customers will be prepared to pay D. Insurance
high product prices
5015. Which stage has lots of competitors?
C. customers may tell other people about
the products
D. the costs of returns and product fail-
ures is likely to be low
5016. Select the business that is part of the 5021. Which two of the following are likely to
PUBLIC sector be sent to a business by a person applying
for a job?
A. profit C. Induction/orientation
B. Increase/maintain market share D. none of above
C. survival 5025. When goods are returned by the pur-
D. growth of the business chaser, the seller issues a
A. Debit note
5020. Which one of the following is not a
method of internal business growth? B. Credit note
A. Expand overseas 5026. Producing a limited number of identical
B. Launch new products products
C. Sell to new markets A. Flow production
D. Merger B. Batch production
B. Star 5032. The keyboard is divided into how many
C. Problem Child A. 1
D. Dog B. 2
C. 3
5028. How many types of communications are
there? D. 4
5037. What is a leadership style? 5043. This leader offers little or no guid-
A. The number of employees in a com- ance and leaves decision-making up to the
D. Purchasing A. N20
E. Transport B. N40
C. N60 E. N100
5040. The source of finance that is provided by
the Owners is called D. N80
A. Capital E. N100
B. Overdraft 5046. Medium scaleenterprises and service re-
5041. Identify the short term expenditure latedenterprises also come under thep-
urview of which Act?
A. Buildings
A. MSMED Act, 2006
B. Stock
B. SMED Act, 2006
C. Land
C. MSMED Act, 2005
D. Computers
D. MSME Act, 2005
5042. Leakage of business secrets to competi-
tors is which cause of business risk. 5047. Maximum autonomy is enjoyed by?
A. Natural Cause A. Government Company
B. Economic Cause B. Departmental undertaking
C. Human Cause C. public coorporation
D. Other Cause D. all of the above
5049. What is the most common type of de- B. Traveller’s Cheque
pository institution? C. Banker’s draft
A. Credit union D. insure properties
B. Savings and loan institution
5055. Which of the following is an example of
C. Commercial bank an intermediary?
D. Mortgage broker A. (Manufacturer’s) Sales Representa-
5050. Which of these documents records the
quantity and cost of items bought or sold? B. Agent
A. Teller C. Consumer
B. Invoice D. (Producer’s) Telemarketer
C. Cheque 5056. Sole trader has Capital
D. Letter of enquiry A. Limited
5051. which of the following in not an organi- B. Unlimited
sational objective?
5057. Which of the following is a reason for
A. Survival globalisation?
B. Giving employees opportunities to dis- A. Poor technology
advantaged sections of society
B. Increased regulation
C. Profit
C. Poor international transport networks
D. Growth
D. Saturated domestic markets
5052. Which of the following is a characteris-
5058. ‘Creation of customers’ is one of the fol-
tic of controlling?
lowing objectives of Business
A. Goal oriented
A. Economic objectives
B. Pervasive
B. Social objectives
C. Continuous C. Human objectives
D. All D. National objectives
5053. The following are components of busi- 5059. The forces in Business Environment that
ness studies except effect all the business houses are known
A. keyboarding as
B. banking A. General
5070. The insured must take care of his goods 5076. SAIL IS THE EXAMPLE OF
& other things for which insurance is be- A. PVT. COMPANY
ing taken as he was taking insurance pol-
icy. To which principle of insurance is this B. MULTINATIONAL COMPANY
related? C. GOVT. COMPANY
A. Principle of indemnity D. JOINT VENTURE
B. Principle of subrogation
5077. is used to correct underpayment.
C. Principle of mitigation of loss
A. Cheque
D. Principle of proximate cause
B. Invoice
5071. Vertical Integration can be C. Debit note
A. Forward D. Credit note
B. Backward 5078. factory worker
C. Forward or Backward A. Natural
D. none of above B. Labor
5072. Services are intangible in nature. C. Capital
A. True D. ?
B. False 5079. Which of the following should NOT be a
part of the government regulation for busi-
5073. A private sector business is owned by nesses?
A. Government A. Tax exemption
B. Employees B. Abiding by industrial norms
C. Shareholders C. Wage protection
D. Customers D. Encouraging monopoly
5074. Mails comes into or are sent out of an 5080. Why do you need a Business Plan?
organization by
A. To explain your idea
A. Hand
B. The ability to get financing
B. Post
C. It’s a road map that sets objectives
C. Electronic and goals for the business
D. All of the above D. All of the above
5082. All of the following are features of suc- E. None of the Above
cessful products except: Explanation:The concept of effectiveness
is related to the completion of the task
A. Horizontal Integration C. Bonded warehouse
B. Vertical Integration D. Cooperative warehouse
C. Conglomerate Integration
D. none of above 5095. In general people are living longer and
there are more local residents aged over
5090. This Policy refers to the Government fifty-five now than ever before.
policy of directly involving themselves in
Business: A. Strength
5091. The objectives need to be SMART to get 5096. A measure of efficiency, measured as
higher marks output per person in a particular time pe-
A. True
A. Productivity
B. False
B. Automation
5092. When actual performance is different
from planned performance. C. Product quality
A. DEVIATION D. Competitive advantage
5097. Chocolate flavoured ice-cream is
5093. A benefit of having a high staff reten-
tion rate in a business is: A. A product in a niche market
A. A large number of new employees
B. A product in both markets
need to be employed by the firm
B. Costs of recruitment and selection will C. A product in a mass market
D. Very tasty
C. The business will undertake large
amounts of induction training
5098. The word salary comes from the Roman
D. Lots of new skills and experience will word for which was Sal and the al-
be brought into the workplace lowance for it, which was called Salarium.
D. Profit with service
A. Made on a day-to-day basis without a
lot of thought 5115. The sponsor contacts the customers per-
sonally through advertisements.
B. Choices that have long-term effects on
a person’s life A. True
C. May become a habit B. False
D. The process of identifying personal in- 5116. Which of the following is most likely to
terests be a barrier to effective communication be-
tween workers? (1) Select one answer.
5110. are a line of 8 keys on the keyboard
used as a starting point for touch-typing. A. de-stocking
A. Function Keys B. poor customer service
B. Home Row Keys C. pressure groups
C. Control Keys D. use of jargon
D. Special Keys 5117. Who is an entrepreneur?
5111. . Which of the following is not a feature A. Grants a license to anotherperson or
of business? business
A. Exchange of goods and services B. Entrepreneur is a person who orga-
nizes, operates and takes the risk for a
B. Exchange on a regular basis
new business venture.
C. Fixed income
C. The owner of a business
D. Involves risk
D. These are closely held businesses usu-
5112. Which of the following is a financial ally by family, friends and relatives.
method of motivation?
5118. causes include flood, earthquake etc
A. Job rotation
A. Natural causes
B. Delegation
B. Human causes
C. Fringe benefit
D. Quality circles 5119. involves workers swapping around
and doing each specific task for a limited
5113. Which of the following is a feature of a period of time and then changing around
flat organisation structure? again
A. Many levels A. Job Rotation
B. Wide span of control B. Job Enrichment
B. A. value of sales
B. Value of output
C. value of capital employed
D. None
5126. Which of the following is an example of
a cash outflow for a business?
D. A. Payments to creditors
B. Sale of goods for cash
B. No A. PrimaryHigh SchoolCollege
B. PrimarySecondaryTertiary
5122. Which of the following is not a need for
ED C. BasicSecondaryTechnical
A. to help in capital formation D. BasicPrimaryUniversity
B. to develop backward and tribal areas
5128. Which of the following Consumer Orga-
C. To stagnate economic growth nization and NGOs is not in New Delhi?
D. to participate and involve all sections A. Consumer Co-ordinate Council
of society in growth
B. Consumer Protection Council
5123. To generate more employment opportu-
C. Common Cause
nities is the social responsibility of busi-
ness towards D. Voluntary Organization in Interest of
Consumer Education (VOICE)
A. society
B. customer 5129. People in organisations carry out di-
C. shareholder verse task with the aim to achieve:
5130. Manufacturers of household goods such 5136. is a sector that involves firms that
as soaps and beverages mostly use per- supply a service to consumers and other
suasive advertising to create interest in businesses.
their products. TRUE OR FALSE? A. Primary sector
A. True B. Tertiary sector
B. False C. Secondary sector
5131. This is the chain of authority relation- D. Intermediate sector
ship from the highest to the lowest ranks
5137. The book used to record the amount of
A. Scalar Chain stamps used and amount of stamps re-
B. Decentralization maining in an office is called
C. Centralization A. dispatch book
D. No clue B. postage book
5132. which of the following is not an exam- C. inward book
ple of fixed capital requirements? D. outward book
A. land and building 5138. Dyson started by selling vacuum clean-
B. taxes and rent ers they now sell hand dryers, wash-
C. fixtures ing machines, and fans. Which type of
business growth is this an example of?
D. none of the above
A. Internal growth
5133. is the distribution and exchange of B. External growth
goods and services.
A. insurance 5139. Leadership style that listens to employ-
ees and encourages their opinions.
B. commerce
A. Democratic
C. banking
B. Let it happen
D. book keeping
C. Autocratic
5134. is the system or process through D. Paternalistic
which a thing is done in an office.
A. Office practice 5140. An Ltd (Private limited company)
B. Office procedure A. Has unlimited liability
C. Office system B. Has limited liability
D. none of above C. Is listed on the stock market
D. Can have up to 100 investors
5135. There are not enough goods and ser-
vices to meet the wants of the whole pop- 5141. What is the most appropriate form of
ulation this condition is known as business for a multinational operator
A. Substitution A. Partnership
B. Competition B. Public corporation
C. Shortage C. Public limited company
D. Scarcity D. Social enterprise
5152. Which stage has rapid sales? 5157. True or false?Financial statements are
made up of specific elements.
A. true
B. false
A. introduction in this?
B. maturity A. Management is pervasive
C. decline B. Management is intangible
D. growth C. Management is goal oriented
5156. Indigenous thinking will not help busi- A. 360 degree feedback
nesses solve problems. B. 180 degree feedback
A. True C. Self-appraisal
B. False D. None of the above
5163. Which of the following does not charac- C. Soul Emperor, the car is indeed
terise business activity? D. none of these
B. Shops
D. Collection of mail which are not local.
C. Schools
5175. The occupation in which people work for D. Farmers
others and get remunerated in return is
known as 5181. Sam runs a business that designs and
sells custom-made, high fashion clothes.
A. Business In which type of market is Sam’s business
B. Profession operating?
C. Employment A. Intermediate
5185. A company can raise capital through the 5189. What is a benefit?
primary market in the form of
5193. Which of the following activities aid B. testing a sample of completed prod-
commerce by keeping goods until they are ucts
needed C. asking customers to check the quality
A. Banking D. none of above
B. Insurance
5199. The industry which provides support
C. Transportation services to other industries are known as:
D. Warehousing A. Primary
5194. Coordination is B. Secondary
A. A function of management C. Tertiary
B. An essence of management D. Commercial
C. Part of management 5200. Mention any one auxiliaries to trade
D. None of the above A. Banking and finance
5195. The following are all disadvantages of B. Retail trade
entrepreneurship, EXCEPT?
5201. How many spaces are left after a full
A. High risk of business failure. stop?
B. Possibility of low/no income A. 1
C. Potential for high income B. 2
D. Stress C. 3
E. Long work hours D. 4
5196. “Management helps in achieving group 5202. Need is a good or service which is es-
goals.” This is sential for living.
A. an importance of management A. TRUE
B. one of the features of management B. FALSE
C. meaning of management 5203. A is a business in the public sector
D. one of the concepts of management that is owned and controlled by the state
Explanation:Management helps achieve A. Public Corporation
group goals, making it an importance of
management. B. Joint Venture
C. Franchise
5197. Planning reduces and wasteful activ-
ities D. none of above
5205. The Act stipulates the rights of em- 5210. is an economic activity
ployees and employers and serve as a
A. non-employment
framework for collective bargaining in the
5215. They help importer and exporter in send- 5219. Describes nature of government inter-
ing and receiving the order of goods along vention in business
with other instructions.
A. Technological Enviornment
A. Export Houses
B. Legal Environment
B. Indent Houses
C. Political Enviornment
C. Shipping company
D. None of the above.
D. Not sure
5220. The following are the functions of an of-
5216. ‘Rule of thumb’ refers to Choose fice except
two correct answers.
A. Receiving information
A. Use of personal judgement in handling
management issues B. processing information
D. Anyone who works for the business B. Broader than legal responsibility
C. Kind of legal responsibility
5226. The level of packing used to present a
D. None of the above
gift to your friend on his birthday-
A. Primary 5232. Who was the founder of principle of
management by objective (MBO)?
B. Secondary
A. peter f. drucker
C. Transportation
B. taylor
D. None
C. fayol
5227. A contract between two parties for ille-
D. max weber
gal activities is not valid
A. True 5233. under this method of recruitment, a no-
tice is placed on the notice board of the
B. False
organisation containing the details of the
5228. The process of organisation does not in- job available.
volve A. casual callers
A. Departmentalisation B. labour contractors
B. fixing responsibility C. recommendations of employees
C. delegation of authority D. none of the above
D. appraisal of subordinate 5234. Risk of loss due to fire is a non-
5229. How many communication barriers are insurable risk
there? A. True
A. 1 B. False
general welfare and upliftment of the so-
ciety is- 5241. The most common paper size used to
A. Economic objective prepare EDPM documents are:
5246. in which of the following industrial sec- B. Motivational theories help managers
tors would a bed and breakfast guest to better understand how to create a
house belong? structure of fear and punishment in order
5256. Emma, Liam, and Noah are analyzing 5261. His theory believes that employees are
the financial health of a company. They motivated by money
want to measure the company’s liquidity.
A. Maslow
Which financial metrics can they use for
this purpose? B. Taylor
A. profitability C. Mayo
B. productivity D. Herzberg
C. liquidity
5262. A trader who carries his goods from
D. business performance place to place is called
5257. What is a service? A. a trader
A. Something provided to help others. B. a carrier
B. A way of selling products.
C. an hawker
C. A factor of production.
D. a seller
D. none of above
5263. The following are importance of book
5258. people only start businesses for money
keeping except to
A. true
A. ascertain profit and loss of the busi-
B. false ness.
5259. Which factor of production would you B. help in decision making.
consider a cow?
C. help to know the expenses incurred
D. increase population
E. provide jobs
5266. Name the two broad categories of busi- C. Withhold the accumulation of black
ness activities. money generated by undeclared income
C. industry and commerce 5272. Which of the following risks is not insur-
D. None of above
A. Storm
5267. Mr. Ali works in a tea manufacturing
B. Earthquake
factory. He gets transferred from mar-
keting department to finance department. C. Gambling
This is an example of job D. Thefts
A. enrichment. 5273. Which of the following is not a feature
B. enlargement. of a bank cheque
C. rotation. A. date
D. mobility. B. number
C. time
5268. is any activity performed or service
rendered with goods and services to sat- D. name
isfy human needs and desires. 5274. Chelsea had to buy a few replacement
A. Business screens and a magnifying glass to speed
B. Marketing up her service time. When she bought this
stuff she was making
C. Sales
A. an insider trade
D. Technology
B. a business proposal
5269. It is a document sent by the seller to the C. a mistake
buyer when goods are supplied
D. investment in her business
A. Performa Invoice
5275. The person or organization that decides
B. Invoice
to go into business is called
5270. A is a good or service which people A. Entrepreneur
like to have but which isn’t essential for B. Production
C. Capital
A. Need
D. Self-employed
B. Want
5276. An office with a big space where many
C. Scarcity
workers carry out different activities is
D. Opportunity cost called office.
5271. The aim of demonetisation was not to A. administrative
B. large
A. Curb corruption C. closed
B. Reduce the prices of real estate D. small
5278. occurs when there is a decline in the D. none of above
importance of the secondary, manufactur-
ing sector of industry in a country 5284. S Ltd assured their employees that in
A. De-Industrialization spite of recession no worker will be re-
trenched form the job. Name the type of
B. Industrialisation
incentive offered to the employees.
5279. Car manufacturer takes over car retail- A. Recognition
ing business is forward vertical integra-
B. Job enrichment
C. Job Security
A. True
D. Fringe benefit
B. False
5280. Identify the principle of management ap- 5285. Which form of organisation is suitable if
plied for the success of the programme. direct control over operations & absolute
decision making power is required in busi-
A. Esprit de corps ness?
B. Unity of direction A. Joint Stock Co.
C. Authority & responsibility B. cooperative society
D. Division of work C. Sole proprietorship
5281. Which of the following statements is D. HUF
5286. A receptionist must have the following
A. Planning reduce creativity qualities except
B. Planning is economical
A. Fluent in speaking
C. Planning focus on achieving objectives
B. Punctual to work
D. Planning is a mental exercise
C. Be neatly dressed
5282. A GOVERNMENT COMPANY IS ANY D. Poor human relationship skill
ITAL HELD BY THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT 5287. is an economic objective of business.
LESS THAN A. Survival
A. 49 PER CENT B. Employment generation
B. 51 PERCENT C. Providing good working condition to
C. 50 PER CENT employees
D. 25 PERCENT D. None of these.
5288. In which form of organization its shares 5293. What does direction include other than
can be transferred freely? order, instruction and guidance?
A. Suggestion
5289. A business that deals with the extrac- 5294. The possessions of a business that the
tion of natural /raw material is in the business will use to make money, are re-
ferred to as
A. Assets
B. Liabilities
C. Owner’s equity
D. none of above
5295. Which of the following is an environ-
mental problem resulting from a business
A. Primary Industry
select one answer
B. Secondary Industry A. lower profits
C. Tertiary Industry B. higher costs
D. none of above C. pollution
5290. Identify the Factors of Production. D. poor communication
A. Land, Labor, Capital, Enterprise 5296. Negotiations between a trade union and
B. Land, Enterprise, Cash, Building an employer are known as:
C. Labor, Cash, Enterprise, Capital A. Collective decision-making
D. Cash, Land, Labor, Enterprise B. Collective responsibility
C. Collective agreement
5291. application for approval of name of a
company is to be made to D. Collective bargaining
A. SEBI 5297. Debit cards are also known as
B. registrar of companies A. Plastic Money
C. GOI B. Digital Money
D. state govt in which co. is registered C. E-Cash
D. Online Cash
5292. What do you call a group of countries sit-
uated in the same region that join together 5298. Owners, shareholders, managers and
and enjoy trade, free of barriers? employees are:
A. Trade barrier A. Internal stakeholders
B. Merger B. External stakeholders
C. Trade union C. Intruders
D. Trade bloc D. Supporters
5299. Which of the following is NOT a use of doing business. Identify the concept being
cash-flow forecasts? described in the above lines.
A. They indicate how much cash is avail- A. Globalization
able for paying bills B. Privatisation
B. They show how much the bank needs C. Liberalisation
to lend to stop insolvency
D. none
C. They indicate whether the business is
holding too much cash 5304. In which state Dayabagha is practiced?
D. They indicate how much profit the busi- A. Madhya Pradesh
ness will make
B. Andhra Pradesh
5300. Which is a disadvantage of ‘division of C. West Bengal
D. none of above
A. workers and trained in one task & spe-
cialised in this, increasing efficiency. 5305. A Source Document contains
B. Quicker & cheaper to train workers as A. The business name and logo
fewer skills need to be taught. B. The idea of the business
C. Workers can become bored from doing C. How many children the manager has
just one job-efficiency might fall.
D. The amount of money in the bank
D. Less time is wasted moving from one
workbech to another. 5306. There are consumer guarantees that ap-
ply to any goods purchased from busi-
5301. The amount of money invested into a nesses in Queensland. Click the correct
business by the owner is known as box.
A. money. A. staying safe
B. credit. B. Acceptable quality, Fit for a specific
C. capital. purpose, Accurate description, Samples
or demonstration models, Spare parts and
D. assets.
repairs, Ownership, Available to use, No
E. debtor. debts or hidden charges
5302. A substitute product is: C. there is none
A. McDonald’s and Burger King D. hidden charges
B. Apple and iTunes 5307. An owner of a sole Proprietorship is per-
C. Glasses and Contact lenses sonality liable for all assets
D. None of the above A. True
B. False
5303. In today’s world, the flow of goods and
services is not only cheap and fast, but re- 5308. Intermediaries operate in the sector
liable and secure. You can order anything of the economy.
you wish from any part of the world. In-
ternet has been connecting people without A. market
any limitations or boundaries in the way of B. primary
C. secondary A. Customers
D. tertiary B. Shareholders
5319. Name the concept that says “It is an art 5323. Funds required for purchasing current
of getting things done through efforts of assets is an example of
other people. “ A. Fixed capital requirement
A. Planning B. Ploughing back of profits
B. Coordination C. Working capital requirement
C. Controlling
D. Lease Financing
D. Management
5324. Which of the following is an element of
5320. A person who posses right attitude to political environment?
work has the following characteristics ex-
A. A. The nature of relationship of our
country with the foreign countries
A. Consistency
B. B. Educational system and literacy
B. Hard work rates
C. Honesty C. C. Money supply in the economy
D. Punctuality D. Agricultural and industrial production
E. Truancy trends
5321. Determine which of the following is a 5325. Which is NOT a common characteristic of
primary sector industry (app) an entrepreneur?
A. Wholesales, retailers and agents
B. Forest, fishing and mining
C. manufacturing, energy generation and
D. Non of the above
C. Easy to set up
5345. Which is not a factor that make people
D. Long hours lie
A. Promotion
5340. Which of the following does the term
Corporate Social Responsibility relate to? B. Habit
A. Environmental practice. C. Laziness
B. Ethical conduct. D. Fear
5358. Explain the Public and Private Sectors 5364. Buy One Get One Free deals are always
A. .Owned by the Government.Has collec- a good choice.
tive goods A. true
B. Owned by private Entrepreneurs B. false
C. Aim is to satisfy customer’s needs and 5365. Which of the needs according to Maslow
wants is about being able to achieve status,
D. Owned By Cuba recognition, achievement and indepen-
5359. A sole proprietorship business can be
A. physiological
started by
B. security
A. at least seven persons
C. social
B. any one person
D. esteem
C. at least two persons
D. at least three persons 5366. when is your test
A. Jan
B. DEPOSITORY 5367. In which of the following account high-
C. DIRECTORY est rate of interest is given:
D. ALL OF THESE A. Saving account
B. Current account
5361. A lawyer practising in a court.
C. Recurring account
A. Business
D. Fixed deposit account
B. Employment
C. Profession 5368. What is a fixed cost?
5370. . Which form of business organization 5375. Identification of customer’s needs is the
can be formed with a minimum number of function of department
ten members having liability limited?
5380. are specific statements that inform
what is to be done. D. none of above
A. Strategy 5386. Principle of indemnity is not applicable
B. Rule on
5390. Which of the following is not a feature 5395. In fund flow statement, issue of shares
of a private limited company? is
5400. What right does a patent provide which D. Many levels of hierarchy
is in turn granted by the government?
5405. If a company decides to go public, which
A. the right to exclude stakeholder group is most directly af-
B. the right to include fected?
C. the right to remove A. Government
D. the right to attach B. Potential investors
A. As capital receipt in the balance sheet of management is being highlighted in the
B. As revenue receipt in the profit and above description. Identify the aspect.
loss account
A. Management as a science
C. As deferred revenue expenditure
B. Management as a profession
D. As a capital expenditure
C. Management as an art
5422. Which of the following depository insti-
tution accounts has the potential to earn D. Management as both art and science
the most interest?
5426. small store offering limited products,
A. Savings account quick service and extended hours in a con-
B. Certificate of Deposit venient location
C. Money market deposit account A. factory outlet store
D. All accounts at depository institutions B. convenience store
earn the same amount of interest
C. factory outlet
5427. The re-exporting of the already im-
B. PRIVATE PLACEMENT ported goods is called
C. FIXED SALE A. Enterprise
B. Import
5424. A customer wants to make a secure, C. Export
high-value transaction that clears the
same day. Which service should they use? D. Foreign
A. Savings Account
5428. A business wants to minimise the vol-
B. RTGS ume of its waste. Which performance ob-
C. Fixed Deposit jective is the business trying to achieve?
D. OIL A. Cost
5425. Hema is one of the most successful man- B. Customisation
agers of her company, Kobe limited. She
C. Flexibility
uses her creativity and initiative in han-
dling challenging situations at work. The D. Speed
5440. Management is always denoted by ‘we’ 5446. Which one is a non-financial objective?
and not by ‘ I ‘because A. increased income
A. It is a process B. greater work satisfaction
B. It is a continuous C. maximise profits
C. It is a group activity D. more wealth
D. It is intangible 5447. , also known as the private enter-
prise system, is based on competition in
5441. The process of transferring ownership
the marketplace and private ownership of
of a business from the public sector (gov-
the factors of production (resources).
ernment) to the private sector.
A. Communism
A. Planned/Command economy
B. Socialism
B. Nationalisation
C. Capitalism
C. Privatisation
D. Mixed Economy
D. De-industrialization
5448. The main reason why an individual en-
5442. Partnership is an example of gages in business is to
A. None of the above A. develop his immediate community
B. Private sector B. ensure wide distribution of goods
C. Statutory corporation C. execute philanthropic projects
D. Public sector D. make a living through profit realization
5449. Which one is not a part of recruitment
5443. An action or task that is performed, usu-
ally for a fee
A. Attracting candidates
A. Product
B. Selecting candidates
B. Service
C. Determining requirements
C. Good
D. Planning recruitment campaign
D. Customer
5450. Disadvantages of specialization
5444. Designation, Location and Job related A. Monotonous/boring for workers
duties are mentioned in the:
B. Workers may demand higher pay
A. Job Description
C. Overdependency
B. Job Specification
D. none of above
C. Job Evaluation
5451. Wealthy individuals who invest in high-
D. Recruitment Letter potential businesses are
5445. State any one importance of decentrali- A. Banks
sation B. Angel Investors
A. Effective management C. Shareholders
B. Quick decision making D. Crowdfunders
B. Service
C. Construction
D. Manufacturing
B. Managers
C. Directing
D. All of these
D. Board Members
SEND TO THE SELLER TO FIND OUT MORE 5468. In a mixed economy which of these in-
ABOUT THE GOODS? dustries is most likely to be controlled by
the government?
B. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT A. Hotels and restaurants
C. A fair wage for completing a job 5486. Success of Dabbawala who carry tiffin
to offices of Mumbai is example of which
D. The commission of selling products
aspect of Management?
5481. Which organisation gets created auto- A. Co-ordination
B. Directing
A. Formal Organisation
C. Planning
B. Informal Organisation
D. Staffing
C. Both of the above
5487. The advantage road transport has over
D. None of the above
other means of transport is that
5482. The following are needs except A. intermediate terminal handling is elim-
A. Toys inated by door-to-door delivery
5501. Which responsibility of the business is 5506. What is the reference material used to
not the responsibility of the business to acquire telephone numbers?
the government: A. Telephone Directory
A. Following the pollution laws as set by B. Encyclopedia
the government
C. Diary
B. Establishment of the industrial under-
D. Television
taking as per the government norms
C. Providing after-sales service 5507.
D. Payment of the fees, tax, surcharge FINANCING.
etc. with honesty.
5502. can be describedas the values, at- B. TREASURY BILLS
titudesand beliefs of thepeople working C. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITS
within abusiness.
A. Organisational Environment
5508. It is an expression that is used as a dis-
B. Organisational Culture claimer against clerical errors.
C. Organisational Mission A. Excepted Errors and Omissions
D. Organisational Vision B. Errors and Omissions Excepted
5503. ******** are non-physical items such as C. Omissions and Errors Exepted
hairdressing or dentistry. D. Confused!
A. Goods 5509. is the paper notes or coins that peo-
B. Services ple use to purchase goods or services in
5504. This leader encourages group members A. Forms
to participate, but retains the final say
B. Services
over the decision-making process.
C. Cash
A. Autocratic
D. none of above
B. Democratic
5510. Expenses can be referred to as ‘Over-
C. Open/Laisser-Faire
D. Situational A. True
5505. The sector includes the production B. False
industry/ services that is offered by the
5511. Identify the concept of management
business and consumers
highlighted in the above case?
A. quality control A. Importance of fixed capital
B. primary B. Factors affecting fixed capital
C. Government C. factors affecting working capital
D. secondary D. All of these
5512. It is a document prepared by the ship 5517. identify which objective of business is
owner or by the master of the ship ac- high lighted herein order to ensure contin-
knowledging the receipt of goods and un- uos survival and progress every organisa-
D. none of above countant(c) Mining Engineer(d) Farmer
5524. Rohan leases a car from Uptown Motors A. a
and pays Rs5000 a month as a lease pay- B. b
ment. Which one of the following terms
applies to Rohan? C. c
A. lessee D. d
A. Organising D. Manipulation
B. Staffing E. Threat
as A. The act of combining all the other fac-
A. accounting tors of production (land, labour and cap-
ital) with the aim of establishing a prof-
B. book-keeping itable venture for the production of goods
C. business and services.
D. sales B. A social arrangement which pursues
collective goals such as the production of
5542. What is the third layer of Maslows Hi- goods and services
erarchy of needs C. This is the division of labour into spe-
A. Love and belonging cific tasks. A whole process is divided into
B. Saftey several task.
D. none of above
C. Self actualisation
D. Self esteem 5547. In which aspect of a business does con-
tinuous improvement occur?
5543. A company wants to computerize its ac- A. Quality Assurance
counting system. It issues stocks to raise
additional funds. What type of business B. Legal Compliance
ownership best describe the statement? C. Just-In-Time management
A. Sole Proprietorship D. Total Quality Management
B. Corporation 5548. Managers at level spend more time
C. Partnership in planning and organising.
D. none of above A. Top level
B. Middle level
5544. Which advertising tool the business use,
C. Operational level
when they advertise position within the
business: D. All levels
A. radio 5549. is the rate at which commercial
B. newspaper banks borrow short term funds from the
central bank by selling their financial secu-
C. notice board rities to the central bank
D. billboard A. CRR
5545. Which of the following would NOT be a B. SLR
method of lowering the break-even point? C. Bank rate
A. Increase average selling price D. Repo rate
5550. What is the main role of the Johannes- 5555. Minerals would be classified as what?
burg Security Exchange? A. Land
A. Delegation
vice is most appropriate?
B. Spain of control
A. Long-term loans
C. Downsizing
B. Investment banking services
D. Empowerment
C. Overdraft facilities
5561. Which has a long history of interna- D. Fixed deposits
tional Maritime trade?
5567. The average revenue of a chip shop sell-
A. Malabar coast ing 1, 500 portions at an average price of
B. Calicut £3.50 is
C. Taxi A. £5, 250
D. Bengal B. £2, 350
C. £4, 500
5562. Which among the following is not an el-
ement of marketing mix- D. £3, 500
5581. Name the act of protecting informa- B. Limited wants and limited resources to
tion by transforming into an unreadable- produce products and services
C. Unlimited wants and unlimited re-
A. VIRUS sources to produce products and services
B. Hacking D. Limited needs but unlimited wants
C. Cryptography
D. None of the above 5587. A physical item that can e touched
A. Service
5582. REMEMBER:Will procrastination cause
you any stress? B. Product
A. True C. Good
B. False D. Customer
5583. You order a item of clothing off the in-
ternet. There is a hole in the product. Is 5588. Employment exists when members of
this breaking the law? the working population are willing and
able to work, but are unable to find a job.
A. Yes
A. True
B. No
B. False
5584. Price x quantity =?
5589. The target market of a Caribbean cruise
ship holiday is couples aged 65 years and
over with a keen interest in travel. This is
an example of segmentation according to:
A. Income and gender
B. Age and location
A. Break Even
C. Lifestyle and age
B. Net Profit
D. Gender and location
C. Revenue
D. Gross Profit 5590. Which is not related to importance of de-
5585. Which form of business organization
does not have separate legal entity? A. Better control
A. Joint Stock Company B. Facilitates growth
B. Cooperative Society C. Quick decision making
C. Sole proprietorship D. Better co-ordination
D. Multinational Enterprises
5591. Your dad buys the family a brand new
5586. What is the correct definition of the Eco- swimming pool.
nomic Problem?
A. need
A. Unlimited wants but limited resources
to produce products and services B. want
5592. A statement of specific target to be 5596. We can say that nonverbal communica-
achieved. They should be SMART. tion is
mulation of
B. Access Bank
A. guidelines for supervisors
C. Jackson
B. long-term plans
D. #500, 000 C. short-term plans
5603. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING CON- D. None of above
TAINED ONE OF THE EARLIEST APPLICA- 5609. Which stage would Nivea men’s mois-
TION OF INSURANCE PRINCIPLES turiser be in? Discuss.
5612. Is the registration of trademarks neces- 5616. The following are the characteristics of
sary? an entrepreneur except
5613. According to the World Health Organiza- 5617. A comprehensive and practical subject
tion, 39% of adults are overweight. Over that prepares students for managerial role
the last 40 years, the prevalence of obe- in both private and public sector is called
sity has tripled around the world. With
over half of consumers drinking at least A. Agricultural science
one sugary drink on a given day, regu- B. Business studies
lations towards the beverage sector are
likely to become increasingly onerous. In C. Further mathematics
the U.K., for example, a sugar tax was in- D. Home management
troduced in 2018 on beverages containing E. Physical education
more than 5% sugar. Identify the related
dimensions of business environment. 5618. Which of these is the best definition of
the ‘economic problem’?
A. Legal dimension and Social dimension
A. People do not have enough money.
B. Social dimension and Technological di-
mension B. There are not enough resources to sat-
isfy people’s wants.
C. Technological dimension and Legal di-
mension C. There are too many factors of produc-
D. Political dimension and Technological
dimension D. The amount of something produced by
a person, machine or industry.
5614. The transaction where money is not paid
immediately for exchange of good and ser- 5619. Stet in manuscript means
vices is called A. change the position of the word
A. Cash transaction B. change the word
B. Credit transaction C. delete the word crossed
C. Sales D. retain the word crossed
D. debit transaction 5620. One feature of business activities is
A. Element of risk
5615. Choose the correct vocabulary related
to Bank? B. Auxiliaries to trade
A. Health 5621. Suppose Akash is a shareholder in a
B. Balance company holding 200 shares of 10 each on
which he has already paid 6 per share. In
C. Bonus the event of losses or the company’s fail-
D. Interview ure to pay debts, Akash is liable to pay
A. Decentralization 5629. what is known as primarry function of
B. Centralization management?
C. Decapitalization A. controlling
D. work distribution B. organising
C. planning
5623. Name the punctuation below
D. staffing
A. at sign
B. asterix 5630. Ego needs are also known as:
C. tilde A. Esteem Needs
D. dash B. Self Actualisation Needs
C. Physiological Needs
5624. One features of business environment is
D. Social Needs
A. Complexity
B. Flexibility 5631. Which of the following may not be a
source of capital for a sole proprietor?
5625. This leader encourages group members
A. bank loan
to participate, but retains the final say
over the decision-making process. B. share
A. Autocratic C. private saving
B. Democratic D. borrowing from friends
C. Let it be 5632. Janaklal insured his property with two
D. none of above insurers, AIG Ltd. For Rs. 200, 000
and Shreekrishnan General Insurance for
5626. Which of the following is not a compo- Rs 600, 000. His loss of property actu-
nent of a ledger? ally was for Rs 400, 000. What amount
A. Amount he can claim from both the insurers?
B. Net profit A. AIG Ltd-200, 000 Shreekrishnan Gen-
C. Folio eral Insurance-200, 000
5633. Goods and services that are produced in 5639. A benefit of using the Boston Matrix to
our country and sold to buyers in another make decisions is that it may help a busi-
country are called ness ?
people free of cost in a charitable dis- D. is primarily concerned with the well-
pensary.Dr.Gauri opened a medical store being of the members of the household.
wherein she sells genuine medicines, get- Families take part in activities that benefit
ting the minimum profit margin.4. which others as well as benefit themselves. This
of the following is a non-economic activ- is the smallest of the four sectors but col-
ity? lectively, the most influential.
A. A factory owner producing school bags 5647. Merchandise export means sending tan-
for sale in the market. gible abroad.
B. Person begging at a busy traffic inter-
A. Goods
B. Services
C. Services of a housewife doing house-
hold chores at home. C. Both Goods and services
D. Both b $ C D. none of the above
5652. is an economy where the resources 5657. Distinguish between leadership and
are owned and controlled by both private management
and public sector.
A. they are often less skilled than full- 5665. Mrs Komal Purchased a smart phone
time workers, so ABC can pay them a from Apple Company through internet is a
lower wage. activity.
B. part-time workers do not have to be A. B2B
given holidays because they work for only B. B2C
part of the week.
C. C2C
C. part-time workers offer greater flexi-
D. Intra-B
bility to ABC.
D. part-time workers do not need as 5666. 4. Who issues a treasury bill?
much training as full-time workers. A. Any nationalised bank
B. Any private sector bank
5662. Isaac feels like his hard work is
never recognised. Which level of needs C. Reserve Bank of India
(Maslow) is not being satisfied? D. All of the above
A. Self-Esteem 5667. A compulsory payment by employers to
B. Social the government. The funds are used for
education and training.
C. Self-Actualisation
A. Premium
D. Physiological
B. Interest
5663. This symbol is a sign of standard on C. Tax
which kinds of products?
D. Skills levy
5668. Give an example for a plan which is nei-
ther single nor standing plan.
A. Projects
B. Objectives
5669. The part of computer that serves as an
input device is
A. Agricultural Products B. Monitor
B. Food Products C. Mouse
C. Electrical Products D. Printer
5671. Which of the following statements best 5676. A is an act of protest where a con-
defines the techniques of management? sumer refuses to buy from or deal with
a particular company for ethical reasons.
C. Daily national newspaper 5686. The institution for keeping and lending
D. Television money is
A. insurance company
5680. India is a top importer of the following
B. post office
A. Petroleum crude
C. deposit office
B. Jewellery
D. bank
C. Textiles
5687. Delegation is a skill that can be learned.
D. All of these
A. Yes
5681. As per Cooperation, Not Individual- B. No
ism principle of management, Competition
should be replaced with 5688. What are source documents?
A. Coordination A. The original record of a business trans-
B. Cooperation action.
5702. Businesses and governments don’t deal 5707. True/False:In finance, diversification is
with scarcity a strategy aimed at increasing investment
in a single asset to maximize returns.
A. True
B. False
A. True A. cash
B. False B. impersonal
C. nominal
5703. Which of the following is an advantage
to matatus? D. real
A. Some are poorly maintained 5709. What is the main disadvantage of auto-
B. The price changes depending on the cratic leadership style?
hours A. Employees feel less involved in
C. They fill up faster than buses decision-making
D. They cause congestion B. Employees are more motivated
5704. The centre of all activities of the organi- C. Employees have more freedom
zation is known as D. Employees have less respect for the
A. Toilet manager
B. Office 5710. Another name for factors of production?
C. House A. opportunity cost
D. Field B. unlimited resources
5705. Calculate the cost of productionPC = C. limited resources
Prime Cost = 135000FO = Factory Over- D. land
head = 85000 Op WIP = 19000Cl WIP =
21000 5711. When typing your fingers should be in a
A. 2, 22, 000 position.
5716. Which one of the following may not be 5721. What do the CBO abreviations stand
a factor behind starting a business? for?
A. Routine workload A. Growth, employment and redistribu-
B. size of the firm tion
C. finance B. Gross domestic product
D. location of the business C. Community-based organisation
5717. Thick and thin strokes are used to rep- D. Chief executive officer
5722. An invoice has the following information
A. Phrases
B. Punctuation marks
A. Names and addresses of both the
C. Consonants buyer and the seller
D. Vowels
B. The date of the sale
5718. A feature of leadership includes C. The description of the goods with quan-
A. Indicates ability of an individual tity
B. Bring changes the behavior of others D. Amount of light bill
5723. WHICH AMONG THE FOLLOWING IS 5729. Who is responsible for the business
MARKET? A. Franchisor
A. S & P 500 B. Franchise
B. FTSE 100
C. The Franchisee
D. Investor
5730. The buying, selling and distribution of
5724. Anything that serves as a generally ac- goods is categorized under occupation.
ceptable means of exchange is called
A. Commercial
A. Easy to carry
B. Constructive
B. Money
C. Commercial
C. Barter
D. Extractive
D. Portability
5731. Examples may include salaries, utilities,
5725. A positive balance of payment means rent, insurance, and office supplies.
A. Revenue
A. Spending < Income
B. Expense
B. Income = Budgets
C. Net Income
C. Imports < Exports
D. Net Loss
D. Exports < Imports
5732. All these planning activities may be
5726. Which of the following cannot be classi- meaningful only if they will coincide with
fied as an auxiliary to trade? the purpose for which the company is be-
A. Insurance ing carried out. Identify the features of
planning highlighted here.
B. Mining
A. Primary function
5727. What is Centralisation? B. Continuous
A. Retention of decision-making authority C. Mental exercise
B. Dispersal of decision-making authority D. Focuses on achieving objectives
C. Creating division as a profit centre
5733. The amount of money an insurance com-
D. Opening the new centre of branches pany pays to its clients to cushion the ef-
fect of a loss is called
5728. The process of starting & operating
one’s own business. A. Annuity
A. Entrepreneurship B. Endowment
B. Entrepreneur C. Indemnity
C. Venture D. Premium
D. none of above E. Term
5734. Which of the following persons is not an B. B Providing services, damaging the en-
office worker? vironment, exploiting workers
C. Someone who doe not understand the A. A company or organization that sells
business environment products or provides services to cus-
D. Someone who does not take time to
consider the risks B. A system in which people buy and sell
goods, services, and resources.
5746. takesplace when an employeeis dis- C. The more people demand the more
missed because a job no longer exists business will supply.
A. Reemployments D. Someone who starts a business with
B. Dismissal the intention of earning a profit.
C. Redeployment 5752. You buy glitter and markers to make
D. Redundancy your dad a special card on Father’s Day.
A. need
5747. is essential for covering costs and
risks of the business. B. want
A. Growth 5753. Rem:Mention a form of ownership
B. Profit which give the owner an authority to take
all the profit
C. Finance
A. Private Company
D. Management
B. Sole Proprietor
5748. UK shown in high tertiary section is con-
C. Close Corporation
D. Public Company
A. developing country
B. deindustrialisation 5754. An office where twenty or more per-
sons are carrying out different activities
C. developed country
is known as office
D. none of above
A. Closed
5749. (a) Credit Card(b) All of these(c) Net B. Large
banking(d) Debit Card C. Reception
A. A D. Secretary’s
B. B E. Small
C. C
5755. All selling activities are directed to-
D. D wards
5750. Revenue = 1000Cost of Goods Sold = A. Customer satisfaction
200Expenses = 300Gross Profit =? B. Develop product strategies as per cus-
A. 800 tomer needs
C. Trust
D. Communication 5772. Which of the following is classified as a
E. Timing factor of production?
A. Money
5768. The most important tool for a leader dur-
ing a change is? B. Labour
A. manipulation C. Technology
B. communication D. Marketing
C. participation
5773. lending which enables an individual to
D. threat obtain a loan directly from another individ-
5769. This is an intermediary that does not
own the goods that they are selling A. bank loan
B. crowd funding
C. peer to peer lending
D. overdraft
B. cash account
B. Two people who own a business.
C. trading account
C. A group of people who own a business
D. trial balance
5799. Which of the following information can 5804. An intoxicated person can enter into a
be obtained from the sales department of contract.
an organization? The
A. True
A. amount of goods sold daily
B. False
B. number of daily visitors to the firm
C. number of outgoing mails 5805. What is the meaning of Demand?
D. salaries of workers A. Demand means something we want.
5806. Which one of the following is a limita- 5811. Which statements are true of resistance
tion of financial data? to change?
A. The data is available for the whole in- A. Resistance to change can result in loss
dustry of employee loyalty and motivation, in-
creased errors or mistakes and increased
B. The data is expensive to buy
C. The data may be out of date
B. Group reasons to resist change
D. The data may be in another currency are:habit, security, economic factors, fear
of the unknown and selective information
5807. What should you do at the very begin- processing.
ning of a presentation?
C. Resistance to change can take the
A. Tell a joke form of a covert and immediate response,
B. Introduce yourself such as voicing complaints and engaging
in job actions.
C. Ask questions
D. Individual sources of change in-
D. Shake everyone’s hands clude:structural inertia, limited focus of
change, group inertia, threat to expertise,
5808. In case of Registration is compul- threat to power relationships and threat
sory to resource allocations.
A. Sole Proprietorship
5812. The following person has created the
B. Partnership principle of 8 hours work, 8 hours rest and
C. None of these 8 hours sleep.
D. Company A. Elton Mayo
B. Flippo
5809. Why are small businesses important to
an economy? C. Robert Owen
A. They are cheap D. Elliot Jacque’s
B. They are small and more flexible 5813. One of the reasons for filing letters in
C. They are the backbone of an economy the office is to
5815. what are the disadvantages of the inter- 5821. Tom has insured his warehouse against
nal recruitment process fire. His warehouse catches fire due to
electric short-circuit. However, he does
5820. WHEN MONEY IS DEPOSITED FOR 5824. What are the three government poli-
A. RECURRING DEPOSIT A. fiscal, tax and interest
B. FIXED DEPOSIT B. monetary, fiscal and tax
C. CURRENT DEPOSIT C. monetary, fiscal and supply-side
D. SAVINGS DEPOSIT D. monetary, fiscal and interest
5826. What is a dynamic market?
A. A market which is subject to continual C. If additional infrastructures must be
and rapid change built around the business area, and for
B. A market where prices and sales are
constant D. If your business is worthy enough to
be in their country.
C. A market where products are sold
quickly 5832. Which of the following is a claimed dis-
D. A mass market with high sales advantage of internal recruitment for a
management job?
5827. Which of these businesses provides a A. It saves time and money compared to
service to customers? external recruitment.
A. Florist B. No new ideas or experience is brought
B. Bakery into the business.
C. Dentist C. Workers are motivated by an opportu-
D. Butcher nity for a promotion
D. The recruit will already know how the
5828. Which form of media is inexpensive and firm operates.
can target consumers geographically?
5833. The conflict between unlimited wants
A. magazines
and limited resources is called:
B. television
C. newspapers
D. transit
Families take part in activities that benefit A. True
others as well as benefit themselves. This
is the smallest of the four sectors but col- B. False
lectively, the most influential.
5851. Capital
5845. Entrepreneurs want to be their own
A. Money which is used in the organiza-
bosses, set their own working hours, and
tion to acquire assets.
make their own decisions.
A. True B. Money which is used to pay bills in an
B. False
C. Money which is used for foreign ex-
5846. Barack Obama is an example of what change
type of leader?
D. none of above
A. Democratic
B. Autocratic 5852. Keyboarding skills is important in busi-
C. Let it happen ness because it
D. Charismatic A. Increase the production of materials
with pen
5847. What is a car an example of?
B. Is good for the production personal
A. A cost
handwritten documents only
B. A service
C. Is used for musical purpose only
C. A product
D. Take a longtime to complete writing of
D. none of above
large volume document
5848. When there are not enough goods and E. Takes short time to produce handwrit-
services to meet the wants of the popula- ten materials for personal and profes-
tion. sional uses
A. Opportunity Cost
B. Specialisation 5853. For frequent low-value transactions,
the most suitable banking service is:
C. Want
D. Scarcity
5849. The sales assistants discussing with his
friend regarding customers’ behavior. C. IMPS
A. Horizontal D. Mobile Wallets
5854. Terence Valley Furniture produces out- 5859. Verbal methods of community involve
door tables. Their sales and cost data are the sender of the message speaking to the
as follows Sales price (per table) $2, 000 receiver
5864. What is the role of management accord- 5869. Another name for primary production is:
ing to Mintzberg? A. A services stage of production.
A. Setting organizational goals and objec-
B. B distribution stage of production.
C. C extractive stage of production.
B. Performing interpersonal, informa-
tional, and decisional activities to achieve D. D manufacturing stage of production.
organizational goals.
5870. What is an example of a fixed cost?
C. Monitoring employee performance
and productivity. A. Rent
D. Implementing technological advance- B. Overheads ( water, electricity)
ments. C. Raw Materials
5865. Chain of command and chain of commu- D. Wages
nication is called
5871. The principles of management have
A. Scalar chain been developed on the basis of
B. Human chain
A. Observation
C. Communication path
B. Experimentation
D. Human and communication path
C. Personal experiences of the manager
5866. is used to record all the number of D. All of the above
letters posted, numbers of stamps used
and cost of letters sent by post. 5872. Clear division between the leader and
A. Mail inward book/register the followers.
B. Mail outward book/register A. Autocratic
C. Postage book B. Democratic
D. Despatch book C. Let it be
5867. What are Brochures? D. none of above
A. It is a sheet of paper. 5873. The principles of pure science is consid-
B. It is a small printed piece of paper usu- ered to be in nature.
ally made from a single sheet. A. Flexible
C. It is used for common variety of sizes. B. Rigid
C. Creative
D. none of above
D. None of the above
5868. The type of transaction that affect both
sides of the cash book is called. 5874. Canara Bank opened a new branch in
A. contra entries. Bangalore which objective is it fulfilling
B. against tiles. A. Survival
C. against paper. B. Growth
D. contra book. C. Innovation
E. against the debt D. None
5875. Which of the these sources of finance is 5880. Staffing function must not be performed
least useful for dealing with cash-flow is- efficiently by all organisation.
affairs of company
5892. Jim’s Lawnmowing franchise specialises
in home garden maintenance.This business
B. Prospectus belongs to which industry sector?
C. AOA A. Secondary
D. Statement in lieu of Prospectus
B. Tertiary
5887. It is Mandatory to register C. Quaternary
A. Sole proprietorship
D. Quinary
B. Partnership
C. Co-operative Society 5893. Which among these fall under primary
D. None of the above
A. Genetic industries
5888. Which of the following is NOT a need?
B. Analytical industries
A. Snacks
C. Assembling industries
B. Cleaning Supplies
C. Toiletries D. None of the above
5896. The importance of primary sector in the 5902. The term for a place where buyers and
developing countries can be as (Evalu- sellers interact to trade goods and services
ating) is called a
5907. What does an economy provide to the 5912. A method of measuring business size?
people of a country? A. Value of sales
A. Goods and services B. Names of workers
B. Land, labor, capital and management C. Research
C. Money and factories D. Business idea and help
D. none of above
5913. Definition for entrepreneur is.
5908. What is an example of a service? A. Person who involves in business man-
A. Bus agement activities.
B. Bus Ticket B. Person who employees money in a
business with the view to earn profit.
C. Bus Stop
C. Person who do changes to fulfill hu-
D. All of the above.
man needs and wants through innova-
5909. Jacobs decide to build a new factory in tions.
the local area what stakeholders would D. Person who continues a business car-
have an influence on this? ried on by his father.
A. Customers, employees and the local E. Person who manages a business by
community employing money.
B. Local community, banks and the gov-
5914. is the act of creating awareness for
a product
C. Suppliers, banks and the local commu-
A. Advertising
B. Transportation
D. Customers, banks and the government
C. Production
5910. Which of the following is not correct D. Transportation
with reference to ‘Specialization” term?
A. It reduces the workload & enhances 5915. “Company distributes an equal amount
productivity of work according to the specialisation
and also divide responsibilities between
B. Specific workers performing a specific employees and the management.” Iden-
job on regular basis tify the principle of management discussed
C. Allow a worker to gain experience here.
D. It leads to chaos A. Discipline
best describe
5926. This type of transportation is cheap and
A. Business Studies
is great for bulky, non-perishable items,
however, it is slow. B. Agricultural Science
C. Shorthand
D. Letter
5935. The labour force survey measure of un- 5941. is when the owners of two busi-
employment is nesses agree to join their business to-
gether to make one business
5947. The following are the duties of a junior 5952. Which of the following retailers is most
clerk in an organization except likely to experience a rise in demand as
A. Date-stamping the mails consumer income falls?
E. Taking minutes 5953. Insurance of life of a human being (that
cannot be replaced)
5948. Which one of the following statements
is NOT correct in regard to the develop-
ment of motivation theories?
A. employees work efficiently when they
are encouraged by the managers
B. employees work efficiently when they
work for themselves,
C. employees work efficiently when they
A. Unemployment insurance fund
work for others
B. Life Insurance
D. employees work efficiently when they
are paid well C. Road Accident Fund (RAF)
D. none of above
5949. Define impulse buying:
A. Making thorough consumer decisions 5954. What are the two types of chain of com-
B. Purchasing clothes only
A. long and big
C. Rational buying
B. tall and wide
D. Unplanned buying with little consider-
C. tall and big
D. wide and long
5950. A government employee is also refereed
to as 5955. Advertising helps in educating cus-
tomers about different products and their
A. Civil Servant
B. Worker
A. True
C. Pilot
B. False
D. none of above
5956. Ana:Critical evaluate the important of
5951. is the amount paid to an employee each sector from the previous question.
for one hour of work nothing can be done by the tertiary sec-
A. Time Rate tor without the existence of the primary
sector. (True or false)
B. Piece Rate
A. True:finished goods and services are
C. Salary made up of natural resources from the pri-
D. Bonus mary sector.
B. False:Not all goods are made up of 5961. Which of the following would be the
natural resources some are produces focus of a business aiming to reduce ex-
through technological advancement penses?
B. There are no formal documents re- 5972. extraction is another name for which
quired to start the business. type of production?
C. The owner provides capital and is enti- A. Secondary
tled to all the profits.
B. Tertiary
D. The partners can contribute capital,
goods, skills or labor to the business. C. Primary
nership agreement?
5973. is the news carried in the mass me-
A. ALL are correct.
dia about a product or about an organisa-
B. To separate the business, if necessary tion or product
C. To have a dispute resolution plan A. Advertising
D. In case of the untimely death of a part-
ner B. Publicity
C. Both
5968. The other names for lower level man-
agers are D. None
A. Operational managers
5974. What are the two types of market re-
B. Supervisors
search data?
C. White-collar workers
D. Floor level managers
5969. Sole Proprietorship is most suitable for
A. Medium scale concern
B. Large scale concern
C. Small scale concern
D. none of above
A. Competition
5970. Which of the below is NOT a factor of
production? B. Qualitative
A. Capital C. Target Market
B. Enterprise D. Quantitative
C. Government
D. Land 5975. What is a savings account?
5976. The validity period of a demand draft is 5979. Which of the following is not the social
A. 1 month responsibility of business towards the in-
5977. Crea:From the picture above, if you may C. To ensure proper utilisation of capital
be given a little capital to start a business D. To give fair Salary
which form of business you can choose to
start? 5980. Which of the following are marketing
management philosophies?
A. Distribution concept
B. Direct marketing concept
C. Sales concept
D. Societal marketing concept
A. Lets you have a few days off to watch 5983. What is undertaken to protect against
Netflix loss of life or property?
B. Allow parents to look after children of A. Business studies
school age
B. Insurance
C. Gives you time to focus on your hob-
bies C. Education
D. none of above D. Store-keeping
5984. If Mrs Wright talks to Miss Warren and 5990. is the assessment tool used in the
Mr Baillie. This is known as macro environment.
A. Horizontal communication A. Pestle
B. Vertical communication B. Porter’s Five
C. Poor communication
5991. Following are the characteristics of busi-
D. External Communication ness risks. One of them is not correct.
Please identify it.
5985. What department is responsible for sell-
ing products of the organisation? A. Loss is the reward for risk bearing
A. Accounting Department B. Business risks are due to uncertainties
B. Sales Department C. Risk is an essential component of ev-
C. Purchasing Department ery business
D. Administrative Department D. Degree of risk depends mainly upon
the nature and size of business
5986. One drawback of organic growth is
5992. Inducing consumers to shift interest
A. It is too fast
from one product to another is described
B. The new company will not always as advertising
agree on things
A. competitive
C. It can take a long time
B. informative
D. It involves merging with another com-
pany and sharing profits. C. persuasive
D. specific
5987. The essence of management is
A. Planning 5993. A I a good or service essential for
B. Organising
A. Need
C. Controlling
B. Want
D. Coordination
C. Scarcity
5988. Which one of these jobs calculates the
D. Opportunity cost
premium for insurance company?
A. Insurance Broker 5994. Return on Capital Employed is consid-
B. Agent ered to be good if
C. Actuary A. the return is equal than last year
D. Loss Adjuster B. the return is less than last year
C. the return is greater than last year
5989. What type of instruments are traded in
a Money Market? D. none of above
A. Call money 5995. Identify the component of business en-
B. Treasury bills vironment highlighted in the above para.
C. Commercial bills A. Technological
D. All of the above B. Social
rection for action. If goals are well de- Transport for London are all funded by tax-
fined, employees are aware of what the payers money through the government or
organization has to do to achieve those local councils. Therefore, these all belong
goals. to which type of travel and tourism organ-
6005. the minimum qualifications required by
a particular job such as education and ex-
A. job analysis
B. job title
C. job description
D. job specification
A. manufacture goods made from raw 6026. IF YOU WANT TO BUY SHARES
materials provided by the primary sector THROUGH A BROKER WHICH TYPE OF
B. extract and exploit the natural re-
sources from the earth A. FIXED ACCOUNT
6031. Which are the factor of production? 6037. COMPANIES NEED TO MAKE SURE THAT
A. food, shelter, clothing and drinking wa-
6049. Petroleum, Energy and Water supply
are common business for
A. Entrepreneurs
B. Elon Musk
C. Private sector
D. Public sector
A. introduction
B. growth 6050. What is the formula of added value?
6054. Complete the sentence:A business plan 6059. A firm is forecast to have a negative
closing bank balance. Which would reduce
the problem?
6056. Which market has no segmentation? 6061. Sole Trade is the business of
6064. The industries which provide support 6068. Which of the following does not charac-
services to other industries are known as terize business activity?
A. Primary industries A. Presence of risk
B. Secondary industries B. Salary, wages
C. Presence of risk
C. Commercial industries
D. All of the above
D. Tertiary industries
6069. There is no discrimination in the salaries
6065. The process of creating awareness in given to Radha and Rohan, who are work-
the mind of the public about the existence ing in different departments but at same
of goods is called level. Which principle of management is
followed here?
A. Transport
A. Remuneration
B. Insurance
B. Division of work
C. Advertising
C. Equity
D. Communication D. All of the above
6066. In Insurance this is added to your Pre- 6070. What is the marketing mix?
mium owing to an increased element of
A. Premium
B. Indemnity
C. Loading
D. Policy Excess A. Price, Product, Promotion, Place
6067. The three economic resources are often B. Functions, Cost, Aesthetics
shortened to C. Process, Produce, Price, purchase
D. Introduction, Growth, Maturity, De-
6071. The cheapest source of finance is
A. Debenture
B. Equity share capital
C. Preference share
D. none of above
6072. Which of the following is not a fixed as-
A. Earth, humans, and buildings
A. Car
B. Land, labor, and capital B. Van
C. Earth, people, and capital C. Loan
D. Land, humans, and capital D. Machinery
6073. The occupation in which people work for 6079. There are forms of production
others and earn fixedincome is called A. 2
employee agement
A. Survival
6084. Which sector does an amusement park
belong in? B. Profit
C. Growth
D. Fair wage
E. None of above
ments and qualifications for a specific job
A. Workers are trained in multiple tasks
D. none of above
B. More time is wasted in doing one task
6103. Concentration of decision making func- C. Replacement can easily be found when
tions at the apex of management hierarchy one worker is absent
is called
D. Workers are easily bored
A. Decentralisation.
6109. What skills must an entrepreneur pos-
B. Delegation
sess. (There may be more than one correct
C. Organisational structure. answer.)
D. Centralisation A. Problem solver
B. Communicator
6104. If the sales revenue is higher than the
total costs, the business is making C. Possesses basic business skills
D. Juggler
A. profit
B. loss 6110. Which of the following is not the ele-
ment of political environment:
6105. Which of the following best describes A. Constitution of the country
the term, obsolete? When consumers:
B. prevailing political system
A. Demand more of a particular product
C. popularity of e-banking
or service
D. Level of political morality
B. Want, and can afford, to buy more
products and services 6111. Which of the following is a financial
C. Can no longer afford to buy a particu-
lar product or service A. Increased sales and market share
D. No longer want to buy a product or ser- B. Expansion into new overseas markets
vice C. Reduced costs
D. Quality of outputs
6106. is one when one business merges
with or takes over another one in same in- 6112. Poor management is due to both and
dustry at same stage of production
A. Horizontal Integration A. Inefficiency and Ineffectiveness
B. Vertical Integration B. Goals and resources
6123. Partnerships require a written partner- 6129. Among the list, which is not part of our
ship agreement. stakeholders?
A. True A. Customers
B. False B. Shareholders
E. Business
A. Employees
6130. Mr kamlesh sahni a businessman, incur-
B. Shareholders
rred some financial loss due to the dishon-
C. Creditors esty of his workers this loss is caused due
D. Customers to
A. natural
6125. The refers to the inside of the busi-
ness, over which management has full con- B. financial
trol and can also make decisions. C. human
A. micro D. economic
B. market
6131. When something goes wrong in these
6126. Factors important while making the de- areas, the entire organisation suffers.
cision of location of enterprise They are
A. Labour A. Key Defining Areas
B. Raw materials B. Key losing Areas
C. None C. Key Performing Areas
D. All D. Key Result Areas
6127. The wholesaler informs the public about 6132. The person or firm who gets compensa-
his product through tion is called:
A. Telephone A. Insurer
B. Advertisement B. Insured
C. Internet C. Premium
D. All of the above D. Happening of an event
6128. It is an economy where the resources 6133. Provides clear expectations for what
are owned and controlled by both private needs to be done and how it should be
and public sector. done.
A. Duodenary Sector A. Autocratic
B. Public Sector B. Democratic
C. Private Sector C. Open/Laisser-Faire
D. Mixed Economy D. Situational
6145. What statements are true of planned
B. Bureaucratic Organizations
C. Administrative Management
A. The activities that are proactive and
purposeful; they are intentional, goal- D. Total Quality Management
oriented activities. 6150. In maturity stage, the price of a product
B. The goals of planned change are im- is reduced to compete with other competi-
proving the ability of the organisation to tor
adapt to changes in another environment A. True
and changing employee behaviour.
B. False
C. The change agents are people who re-
act to and assume the responsibility for 6151. Cheques can be or
managing change activities. A. Open, crossed
D. Is accidental in nature. B. Valid, stale
6146. Lack of overall planning and poor C. Open, valid
decision-making can lead to business fail- D. Stale, crossed
ure. This is known as:
6152. These refer to businesses that are con-
A. Poor management
trolled by the government
B. Poor quality
A. State own enterpride
C. Poor understanding of the economy B. State owned enterprises
D. Poor sales levels C. Woolworths
6147. What are the two components of fiscal D. Education department
6153. Choose the correct option
A. tax and interest rate
B. government spending and tax
C. interest rate and money supply
D. government spending and money sup-
6165. What is the main objective of private en-
terprise? C. Planning
A. Employee satisfaction D. Organising
B. Environmental sustainability 6171. Balance b/d means
C. Social welfare A. brought down
D. Maximize profit B. bill down
6186. The degree of mobility of factors of pro- 6191. refers to classifying the product into
duction like labour and capital is relatively different groups with same characteris-
in international trade. tics.
A. Less A. grading
B. High B. branding
C. Moderate C. packaging
D. None of the above D. labeling
6187. Explain an advantage of being a part- 6192. An example for producer good is
nership A. Tractor
A. As there is more than one owner it is B. Newspaper
easier to raise capital (money) to start or C. Package holiday
expand the business
D. Meal at a restaurant
B. Easiest and cheapest form of business
ownership to set up 6193. Which one of the following businesses
would you classify as being in the second
6188. what is not a features of a private lim- respecter of industry?
ited company?
A. Oil exportation company
A. able to raise capital from sales of
B. Family run farm business
C. Doxie operating business
B. legal identity in own rights
D. shoe manufacturer
C. owned by individuals
D. sell shares to the public 6194. ANALYSIS:In which incident would you
apply the force-field analysis?
6189. Which of the following names should A. When you would like to know more
come first in an alphabetical filing? about the business it self.
A. Let’s go B. When making decision, particularly
B. We when implementing change.
6200. The authority to perform tasks and C. Private company because the produc-
make decisions from higher to lower lev- tion is always high due to the use of tech-
els in the organization is referred to as? nology.
A. Centralization D. none of above
C. A person company, or country that 6207. Books of original entry are also known
makes, grows or supplied goods as
D. none of above A. journal
B. petty cashbook
6205. What is a value?
C. receipt.
A. A fundamental belief or practice about
what is desirable, worthwhile, and impor- D. Voucher.
tant to anindividual
6208. How many different types of training
B. Thoughts that are created indepen- did we learned?
dently with no external influence
A. 35
C. Beliefs or practices that all individuals
B. 4
share and agree upon
C. 3
D. Ideas that individuals are born with
and are not influenced by daily experi- D. 30
ences 6209. It is the benefit that could have been
6206. Selcan, Asma and Afra are the owners gained from an alternative use of the same
of a handicraft unit in the urban area of resources.
Moldova, which is involved in the manufac- A. Scarcity
turing and marketing of traditional mats B. Specialisation
and (the traditional headgear). They de-
cided to shift this manufacturing unit to a C. Opportunity Cost
rural area with an objective of reducing the D. Business Activity
cost and providing job opportunities to the
6210. In order to become a lawyer one has to
locals. They followed the functional struc-
register himself as a member of Bar Coun-
ture in this organisation with a view to
cil of India. Which feature of profession is
increasing managerial and operational ef-
being revealed?
ficiency. They assessed and analysed the
type and number of employees required, A. Ethical code of conduct
keeping in mind that they had to encourage B. Restricted entry
the women, and the people with special
C. Service motive
needs belonging to the rural area. State
the next three steps that they will have to D. Professional association
undertake, for obtaining a satisfied work-
6211. Common name of ATM, credit card, debit
force for their handicraft unit.
Card metro card is
A. Estimating manpower requirement, A. Smart card
training & development, And Placement
& orientation B. Master card
B. Recruitment, Training & development, C. PAN card
and Placement & orientation D. Visa card
6212. EVALUATE:Select the first step in Kurt 6217. Government run organisation that helps
Lewin 3 step change model people find work?
B. The company should produce more
A. Large
competitive products.
B. Small
C. The company’s products should
change based on the creator’s opinions. 6229. The 4 P’s-product, place, promotion,
D. The company’s products should price is called
change in a random way. A. price
6224. Which of the following is an advantage B. selling
of a sole proprietorship? C. target market
A. ease of starting a business D. Marketing mix
B. being your own boss.
6230. A key component of lean production is:
C. pride of ownership.
A. Paying suppliers the minimum amount
D. all of the above. possible for materials
6244. Code of conduct is a major feature of D. Services produced to help other busi-
A. Business
B. Profession 6249. Public sector enterprises are organiza-
C. Employment tions owned by
D. None of these A. joint Hindu Family business
6246. What is the purpose of short-term fi- 6251. What is meant by ‘break-even’?
nancing? A. costs that directly vary with the output
A. Obtaining a loan for a short period of produced or sold
time to address immediate financial re-
B. the output at which total revenue
equals total costs
B. Acquiring a car loan for a new vehicle
C. show how costs and revenues of a
C. Utilizing personal funds to cover ex- business change with sales
D. the factors that lead to a reduction in
D. Investing money for a short period of average costs as a business increases in
time size
6247. Day to day operating expenses of a
6252. 2 benefits of being an employee are:
A. Assets A. Less risk
B. Liabilities B. Collect the most wealth possible
C. Expenses C. Work/Life Balance
D. Debt D. Getting to build a business
6253. What is the most likely source of finance 6258. MM Ltd. Could have raised the working
for buying a new IT system? capital through:
6254. At least 10 adults, no maximum limit in 6259. To which insurance principle of indem-
case of nity is not applicable?
6256. Which wholesale trade provide manu- 6261. The process of creating a new or signif-
facturers to expand sales volume because icantly improved good, service or process
of their special expertise is called
A. Manufacturer wholesaling A. invention
B. Merchant wholesaling B. innovation
C. Agents and brokers C. inventing
D. All of these D. invented
6257. A document sent by the seller to the 6262. MONEY MARKET IS A MARKET FOR
buyer at regular interval showing credits TERM FUNDS.
and debits and the balances due is called A. LONG
A. Credit note B. SHORT
B. Debit note C. MEDIUM
C. Invoice D. none of above
D. Petty cash vouchers
6263. Which of the following is the best defi-
E. Statement of accounts nition ofPROFIT?
C. sole proprietorship
D. none of above
6267. centralisation refers to
A. Retention of decision making
B. dispersal of decision making
C. creating divisions as profits
D. opening new centres of branches
A. The total amount of income a business
6268. Which of the following statements best
makes from selling products or services
defines the term market share?
B. The amount of money a business has
A. The increase in total sales made by a
left over after paying for their costs.
C. The total amount of money a business
B. The percentage increase in sales
made by a business
D. none of above
C. The increase in total market sales
6264. One of the best definition of ‘piece rate’ D. The percentage of total market sales
of pay is: made by one business
A. Each production worker gets paid ac- 6269. What is the main disadvantage of a tall
cording to their quantity of output organizational structure?
B. Workers are hourly paid, therefore the A. Complex information flow
more hours worked the higher the pay
B. Demotivated employees
C. A worker is paid according to the qual-
ity of work. The lower the wastage the C. Little input from the leader
higher the pay D. Too many levels of hierarchy
D. Workers are paid regardless of quality 6270. Flow production is always better than
or quantity of their outputs job production
6265. Define visual communication! A. True
A. Includes methods such as charts only B. False
B. Includes methods such as diagrams, 6271. are general statements which
charts and calling serves as a guideline for decision making
C. Includes methods such as calling, in the organisation.
speaking, and screaming A. Policy
D. Includes methods such as diagrams, B. procedure
charts and videos
6272. Mr. Raj Narayan talks to existing em-
6266. Sara’s Hair Palace is a small, locally ployees for information about candidates
owned beauty salon in Sterling. This rep- in their knowledge who can be recruited
resents what type of business? in organisation. Which method of recruit-
A. corporation ment is highlighted here?
B. partnership A. Casual callers
6282. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS NOT AP- 6288. Which of the following is NOT a non-
B. UNILATERAL B. Job enrichment
D. NONE OF THE ABOVE D. Employee progress
Explanation:Bonus is an incentive offered
6283. Policeman on duty at your local police
over and above the wages/salary to the
station. employees. Therefore it is a financial in-
A. Business centive.
B. Employment 6289. Iron Ore
C. Profession
D. none of above
C. punctuality A. Communication
D. rudeness B. Participation
E. sincerity C. Negotiation
D. Manipulation
6297. There are two levels of channel of dis-
tribution and E. Threat
Transport Corporation.
A. Business 6311. When presenting, you should show en-
thusiasm for your topic or creation
B. Employment
C. Profession A. True
6306. The shortcut Ctrl + V means to 6312. Which is not a communication method?
A. copy A. online
B. select B. visual
C. paste C. written
D. highlight D. verbal
6307. Make decisions independently with lit- 6313. Which of the following is an input de-
tle or no input from others. vice?
A. Autocratic
B. Democratic A.
C. Let it be
D. none of above
A. cash
B. cheque
C. bank transfer C.
sibilities of a job B. 7
C. 10
6325. Which are the following are the advan-
tages for quality control? D. 20
A. Quality is built into each part of the pro- 6330. The final intermediary in an indirect
duction. It becomes a habit for the em- channel that sells products to consumers
B. Not much training required for con-
ducting this quality check
C. Since each stage of production is
checked for quality, faults and errors can A. Sales Agents
be easily identified and solved B. Wholesalers
D. Products don’t have to be scrapped or C. Producers
reworked as often
D. Retailers
6326. Which of these does a balance sheet
show 6331. Which of the following is not a solution
to TAP?
A. How much gross profit a business
made A. Partiality
A. sole proprietorship
B. general partnership.
C. franchise
D. corporation.
A. Demutualisation
A. Finance
B. Dematerialisation
B. Operations
C. Speculation
C. Marketing
D. None of the above D. Human Resources
6345. Which of the following is a type of seg- 6349. A blue collar worker is
mentation based on how much a customer A. Office based employee
B. Manual based employees
A. Lifestyle
6350. Broadcasting advertising includes inter-
B. Age
net and email.
C. Location A. True
D. Income B. False
6346. A summarized record of information re- 6351. The head of sales department is called
lating to all mails received by an organisa-
tion is called book A. Sold
A. dispatch B. Planning
B. inward C. Manager
C. outward D. Sales manager
D. postage 6352. It is very difficult to detect the source
of such communication
6347. Need for cloth will be included under
A. Upward communication
which type of need?
B. Vertical communication
A. Safety
C. Lateral communication
B. Physiological
D. Informal communication
C. Ego
6353. To survive and grow business firms
D. Social adopted aggressive selling techniques to
attract customers to buy their product.
6348. Which department is responsible for
selling goods/services to customers that A. Production Concept
will satisfy their needs/wants? B. Product concept
6363. Our account walk out of the door each A. A sole trader is owned by 1 person,
evening. We have to make sure that they whereas partnership is owned by 2-20
come back the next morning. Here the ac- members.
count refer to B. Partnership has 2 directors & sole
A. (a) Vehicles trader has 1 director.
B. (b) account C. It is not easy to establish a sole trader
than it is for partnership.
C. c) Employees
D. None of the above.
D. (d) Machines
6368. Money is something that is
6364. writes official letters to other orga-
A. Accepted by banks
nizations as directed by a superior officer
B. Locally accepted
A. Gate man
C. Regionally accepted
B. Office staff
D. Universally accepted
C. Pastor
6369. Which of the following is a financial in-
D. Janitor
6365. Restrictions that prevent a message A. Promotion
from being sent/received/understood ef- B. Stock incentives
fectively is called
C. Job security
A. Communication barriers
D. Employee participation
B. Internal communication
6370. The private sector is funded by tax
C. One-way communication
A. True
D. Transmitter
B. False
6366. Things that you can see and touch are 6371. Which of the following is a disadvan-
tage of purchasing a franchise?
A. They are turnkey businesses.
B. Startup costs are high.
C. There are no royalty fees.
D. There are very few rules in a franchise.
6378. The person who coordinates and con- 6383. Which of the following is a non-financial
trols other to achieve his aims is method of motivation?
known as A. Commission
A. capital B. Autonomy
B. labour C. Remuneration
C. factors of production D. Bonus
D. entrepreneur
6384. Disadvantages include limited life and
6379. What word refers to a chance of danger the potential for conflict between partners
or loss? A. Sole Propriotorship
easier by using transportation and inter- B. Commercial paper
net access to compare the price ordering C. Call money
D. Certificate of deposits
B. Expensive travel links and communica-
tion for business to deal and internet dif- 6391. Management is a group activity.
ficult to access for comparing the price of
the products A. True
B. False
6386. Which phrase best describes the concept
“collective bargaining”?
A. Continuous improvement MENT WHICH HELPS TO SETTLE DIS-
C. Quantity over quality
D. Fight for what is right A. CONTRACT NOTE
6387. Which of the following columns is not
part of a journal? C. DEMAT NOTE
B. credit
6393. deals with the way a company or
C. date organisation need to reconcile a company’s
D. folio finances or that of any organisation.
6395. How many “ways” of communication? 6400. This is when there is only one business
A. 1
C. 3 B. Partnership
D. 4 C. Sole trader
D. none of above
6396. What is the computerized tool for mak-
ing online transactions called? 6401. The work time and work effort that peo-
A. ATM ple devote to producing goods and services
A. Labor
C. I-Phone
B. Land
C. Capital
6397. This type of can change and does not al-
D. Rent
ways stay the same
A. Fixed 6402. One of the benefits becoming an en-
trepreneur is
B. Variable
A. No risk
C. Total
D. none of above B. no opportunity cost
C. More independence
6398. Business Risk arises due to
D. Cannot be success
6405. A business is purchasing a new property. 6410. A partner who is not actually involved
Which source of finance would be the most in the partnership but lends his name for
appropriate? public relations purposes is a:
A. Shares A. Silent Partner
B. Mortgage B. General Partner
C. Niche C. Nominal Partner
D. Resource D. Dominant Partner
6406. What is a key feature of globalisation? 6411. Choose two characteristic of successful
A. Goods and services are traded freely
across international borders A. Always rich
B. There is a high level of interdepen- B. Self-confident
dence between nations C. Effective communication
C. Capital can flow freely between differ- D. Usually shy
ent countries
6412. “Let’s work together to solve this!” is
D. All of the above
an example of this leadership style:
6407. A is a place for selling raw materi- A. Autocratic
als and finished goods (a) Market square
B. Democratic
(b) Free Market (c) Commodity market
C. Let it happen
A. Market square
D. Self Managed Team
B. Free market
C. Commodity market 6413. is a transaction in which goods and
services are bought and sold are paid for
D. Money market
6408. which of the following is incorrect re- A. Immediate transaction
garding the limitation of e-business?
B. Credit transaction
A. incongruence between order giving
C. Cash transaction
and order fulfilment speed
D. Debit transaction
B. easy acceptance by people as they
quickly adjust to new technology 6414. An individual or group who buys prod-
C. low personal touch as it lacks interper- ucts
sonal interactions A. Product
D. all statements are correct B. Service
6409. How do you reduce the risk of starting C. Good
a new business? D. Customer
A. Advertising 6415. True/False:Sales promotion is a long-
B. Planning term strategy focused on brand building.
C. Investing A. True
D. none of above B. False
6426. Which of the following cannot be classi-
B. Tuna Food canning manufacturing busi-
fied as an auxiliary to trade?
A. Mining
C. Strawberry farm business
B. Insurance
D. Bus operating business
C. Warehousing
6431. What Am I?
D. Transport
A. Good
B. Service
6443. is a handwritten note, disjointed ma- 6448. Even though the ancient society prod-
terial that need to be typed in a readable uct their needs and wants by themselves,
and meaningful way these needs and wants are now mostly ob-
A. manuscript tained through market. This happens due
B. manuscret
A. Barter system
C. manual
D. memorandum B. Job production
C. Direct production
6444. What is the formula for Total Cost
A. actual or budgeted sales-break even D. Indirect Production
sales E. Primary Production
B. total fixed cost + total variable cost
C. opening balance + net cash-flow 6449. How might a pressure group impact the
marketing mix of a company? SELECT 2
D. price x quantity
A. The business may have to reduce
6445. What is a benefit to an Australian cloth- prices
ing company of outsourcing its manufactur-
ing overseas? B. The business may have to increase
A. It can control the production costs.
C. The business may have to change how
B. It can lower human resource compli-
the product is made
ance costs.
C. It can decide which particular employ- D. The business will hire less staff
ees manufacture its products. E. The business will have to pay staff
D. It can consider foreign manufacturer’s more
workers as its own employees.
6450. What source of finance will lead to the
6446. What are common mistakes people have owners taking a smaller share of the prof-
with contacts its?
A. Not having a contract at all A. Bank loan
B. Failing to provide for a clear opportu-
B. Taking on a new partner
nity for termination for each party
C. Not considering what constitutes a C. Crowdfunding
breach D. Trade Credit
D. people do not read them
6451. How can added value of a product be
6447. The right sign for hyphen in shorthand increased?
A. Decreasing quality
A. =
B. z B. Raising prices
6452. When a furniture manufacturer uses an- 6458. Which of the following statements best
other business to produce sofas on its be- defines the techniques of management?
half it is known as:
B. Business plan answers investor ques- 6468. Entrepreneurs take calculated risks.
tions such as:is there a need for prod- A. True
uct/service? ;What are the financial pro-
jections? ; What is the company’s existing B. Home
strategy? 6469. A profit is:
C. It is a written document that describes A. Man made things that help make a
in detail how and a business (usually a good or service
start-up) definesits objectives and how it
B. The money left over after paying off op-
is to go about achieving its goals.
erating costs
D. Creating business plan forces you to
C. Gifts of nature
analyse the competition. It can be direct
or indirectand it is critical to understand D. The amount of money it takes to run a
the company’s competitive advantage. business
6464. What is the study of economics and man- 6470. One of the drawbacks to division of la-
agement known as? bor is that
A. output and efficiency falls
A. Biology
B. workers spend time on training to do
B. Physics
several different jobs
C. Business Studies C. workers can become bored through
D. History concentrating on one job
D. no machinery is used and this slows
6465. A hairdresser includes proceeds of the
down production
sale of salon equipment in the business’s
income statement. Which limitation of fi- 6471. Mr. Saleem, an ice-cream seller, has
nancial reporting is evident? opened another branch of his ice cream par-
A. Timing issues lour. Such a business growth is considered
B. Valuing assets
A. internal growth.
C. Normalised earnings
B. external growth.
D. Capitalising expenses
C. take over.
6466. Ledger is classified into the following D. integration.
6472. Deflation:an increase in the average
A. Cash price level of goods and services-it results
B. Impersonal in a fall in the value of money.
C. Nominal A. True
D. Personal B. False
6473. Which of the following statements is
6467. ANALYSE:Do you think crises can course
true with reference to principles of man-
a stuff member to freeze?
A. Yes A. The principles of management have
B. No evolved
B. The principles of management are yet 6479. The column that differentiate single col-
to be evolved umn cash book from double column cash
book is column.
A. An obligation to act without being told C. Porters
B. An obligation to do what your told D. All of the above
C. An obligation to always do right 6491. Small Scale Industry in service sector
D. An obligation on the part of a leader to with the capital investment in the equip-
take action ment of Rs 1 crore is:enterprise Enterprise
A. Micro
6486. The system within a country which de-
termines the production, exchange and B. Small
consumption of goods and services. C. Medium Enterprise
A. Barter D. Large Enterprise
B. Economy 6492. this of business is owned by two or
C. Organization more people
D. none of above A. partnership
B. cooperation
6487. is when the production process is
split up into different. C. private company
A. Division of labour D. public company
B. Specialisation 6493. When an organization is concerned
C. Both about personal growth and development
of employees which management objec-
D. none of above tive is highlighted
6488. It refers to the process of searching A. social objective
for prospective employees and stimulating B. organisational objective
them to apply for jobs in the organisation.
C. personal objective
A. Selection
D. none of these
B. Training and Development
6494. Cadbury chocolate has alot of competi-
C. Recruitment
tors in its market. They have a lot of re-
D. Orientation turning customer This is known as
6489. The following items are found in debit A. Customers
side of trial balance except B. Customer Loyalty
A. Electricity bill C. Negative comments
B. Loan D. Returning employees
6495. The main reason why an entrepreneur 6500. A sandwich shop bakes a variety of
will convert an LTD into a PLC is breads throughout the day. Customers se-
lect the choice of bread and filling(s) and
6503. Which is not a type of leadership? 6508. Controlling does not highlight the devia-
A. Autocratic tions in the process
nity in Business Studies?
A. accountancy B. feed well
B. marketing C. make profit
C. banking D. face competitors
D. management 6510. A plumber who’s providing his services
E. pharmacy independently might be a
A. Sole proprietor
6505. An interview in which has a set of stan-
dardized questions is known as B. Public limited company
A. behavioral interview C. Partner
B. structured interview D. Franchise
C. situational interview 6511. What is the role of a shareholder in a
D. unstructured interview corporation?
6506. Business activity is classified into three A. Ownership rights and potential divi-
sectors. What are they? dends
A. Primary, Secondary and Charity B. Providing legal advice to the corpora-
B. Secondary, Charity and Corporate
C. Managing day-to-day operations.
C. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary
D. Voting on company decisions.
D. Primary, Corporate and Tertiary
6512. Which of the following is not an element
6507. The following picture represents which
of delegation?
A. Responsibility
B. Authority
C. Accountability
D. Decentralisation
6523. Which of the following words means the 6528. Controlling function of an organisation
same as lodging and may be used to mean is
a place to sleep? A. Forward looking
A. Accommodation B. Backward looking
B. Bed-and-breakfast C. Forward as well as backward looking
C. Campground
D. None of the above
D. Lodging industry
6529. What is not a reward of truthfulness
6524. True or False “A line of communication
A. peace of mind
is a way to arrange people and work in a
business” B. Promotion
A. True C. Peace of mind
B. False D. Trustworthiness
6525. Rearing cows for beef is in which sec- 6530. is the study of the management of
tor? individuals to maintain collective produc-
tivity, which accomplishes particular cre-
ative and productive goals, usually to gen-
erate profits.
A. Management
B. Business
C. Business Studies
A. Tertiary D. Accounting
B. Secondary
6531. All of the following are considered liquid
C. Quaternary assets EXCEPT
D. Primary A. traveler’s checks.
6526. Magazines and pastries are examples B. money market mutual funds.
of products. C. currency.
A. Convenience D. deposits in checking accounts.
B. Shopping
6532. Mention one features of planning
C. Specialty
A. Selecting an alternative
D. All the above
B. Planning is futuristic
6527. there is a time gap between produc-
tion and consumption of goods, therefore 6533. A company needs to ensure just-in-time
warehousing is required which overcomes delivery for its products. They should fo-
the problem of cus on:
A. funds A. Increasing warehouse capacity
B. storage B. Diversifying transportation modes
C. time C. Optimizing supply chain management
D. place D. Expanding product lines
C. Bank overdraft
A. State
D. Angel investment
B. Government
6535. What was known as‘Black Gold’?
C. Public
A. jute
D. all of these
B. cinnamon
C. Black Pepper 6540. PBIT is called
D. Saffron A. Profit Before Income and tax
A. whiteboard
B. water cooler
C. bulletin board
D. sofa A. Mr. Farr sells guitars.
6537. Which of the following will NOT in- B. Mr. Swenson gives art supplies to con-
crease economic growth? sumers.
A. Updates in technology C. Coach provides lessons for different
B. Immigration sports.
6543. A person who possesses right attitude 6548. extraction of natural resources moves
to work has the following characteristics to
except A. tertiary
A. Cosistency B. developed countries
B. Hardwork C. secondary sector
C. Truancy D. none of the above
D. Punctuality
6549. Which of these businesses are ethical?
6544. Which one of following is not an eco-
nomic objective of a government.
A. Economic growth and development.
B. Reasonable income distribution.
C. Full employment
D. Utilization local resources.
A. Nike
E. Economic Stability B. Coca Cola
6545. Which of the following is an objective of C. Starbucks
Advertising? D. Amazon
A. Purchase of goods
6550. The difference between a single column
B. Providing services cashbook and a double column cashbook is
C. Educating customers
D. Payment of correct amount of tax. A. Date column
B. Bank column
6546. From the picture, which part of the oral
presentation is this? C. Particulars column
D. Transaction column
6551. What is an advantage of Organic
A. Greeting
B. Conclusion
C. Introduction
D. Objective
A. Can take a long time to grow internally
6547. A nominal partner is one who allows the B. Better control and coordination
use his/her name by a firm, but does not C. Can take long time to adapt to big
contribute capital. changes in the market
A. True D. Market size not affected by organic
B. False growth
6563. Using the list below click on the one you B. Participate in the management of the
feel is the best example of a need? organization
A. Holiday C. Sell the assets
B. Mobile Phone D. Use the asset for a specified period
C. Shelter 6569. The three Rs of redress are?
D. Computer
6564. What is the reward for labour as a fac-
tor of production?
A. Rent
B. Wage/salary
C. Profit A. Refund, repair, replace
D. Interest B. Refine, reduce, reiterate
C. Refund, repair, remeasure
6565. Disadvantage of internal recruitment?
D. Reduce, reuse, recycle
A. Quicker and cheaper
B. Greater variety of promotional oppor- 6570. Responsibility is derived from
tunities A. Authority
C. The firm will already be aware of the B. Formal position
employees skills and attitude to work
C. Accountability
D. Relying on existing employees may
D. All the above
lead to a stagnation of ideas for the busi-
ness 6571. Which independent federal body en-
sures that businesses adhere to govern-
6566. Is business considered to be innovative? ment regulations, maintain appropriate fi-
A. True nancial information and provide consumer
B. False protection?
B. Job enrichment
C. Co partnership
6575. Which organisation is more constant? 6579. The balance of trading account shows
A. Informal A. capital
B. Formal B. gross profit/loss
C. Both A and B C. interest
D. None of the above D. net profit/loss
B. Just In Time
your team members will be more qualified
C. Job In Trade than you and can take your position.
D. Jump Into takeover A. True
6582. What is the main disadvantage of being B. False
a sole proprietor?
6588. Owners will be interested in:
A. High start up costs
A. Wanting good bonuses and promotion
B. Limited skills
C. Unlimited liability B. Wanting good pay and job security
more people and may be general or limited A. General & Specific forces
A. Sole Propriotorship B. Dynamic
B. Partnership C. Diversity
C. Corporation
D. Totality of external forces
D. none of above
6610. sells in bulk
6606. Which of the following is not a feature
A. retailer
of Business environment? *
A. Interrelated Elements B. wholesaler
B. Complex C. producer
C. Continuous D. consumer
D. Dynamic 6611. Which business sector deals with raw
material and natural resources?
6607. In which year did the owner receive the
certificate for ‘’woman owned business”? A. primary
A. The award was received in 2018 B. secondary
B. The owner did not receive such an C. tertiary
award D. all of the above
C. The award was received in 2017
6612. The Primary goal of financial manage-
D. none of above ment is
6608. What type of technique or strategy is A. to maximise return
used for this advertisement?
B. to minimize risk
C. to maximize the wealth of owners
D. to maximize profit
managing their work. Which principle of 6628. If a person registers their company to
Taylor is it referring to? get limited liability and owns all stock but
A. Rule of thumb cannot sell that stock publicly, what type
of business did they register their company
B. scientific as?
C. traditional A. A c-corp.
D. all B. A limited liability company.
6624. Which type of business organisation is C. A sole proprietorship
the most popular and suitable for Small D. A general partnership
6629. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of
A. Joint Hindu Family Needs, which need is fulfilled by having
B. Sole Proprietorship job security?
C. Partnership A. Physiological Needs
D. Cooperative society B. Safety/Security Needs
C. Social Needs
6625. Which of the following cannot be used
as an identification to open an account? D. Esteem Needs
A. Passport 6630. Sunita calls her friend Suman and re-
B. Driver’s License quests her to sell one of her paintings to
Rama’s mother. In this transaction who is
C. Birth certificate the marketer
D. A piece of mail with your name A. Sunita
6626. Conglomerate occurs when B. Suman
A. firms in the same industry and at the C. Both
same stage of the production process D. None
combine to form a larger business.
6631. The historic difference between Barter-
B. when a firm expands by combining ing and Trading is
with an existing business in the same in-
dustry but at a different stage of the pro- A. Bartering exchanges services; Trade
duction process. exchanges money
6635. Which is a feature of a partnership? 6639. What impact do most businesses have
on the local community?
A. Decreased employment
B. Reduced infrastructure
C. More jobs and possibly higher pay
D. Higher taxes
C. location of competitors 6648. Which of the following is not a benefit
of planning?
D. location of energy sources
A. Planning reduces overlapping and
6643. In marketing when exporting products wasteful activities.
all over the world businesses typically op-
B. Planning is futuristic
erate this type of Marketing Mix:
A. Worldwide Marketing Mix. C. Planning provides directions.
6652. The first thing that a visitor is most 6657. Some of the reasons that leaders do not
likely to note about a receptionist is delegate are:(click all that apply)
6653. The other name for sales returns is 6658. What is the formula for revenue
A. Purchases journal A. total fixed cost + total variable cost
B. Sales journal B. (gross profit/sales revenue) x 100
C. Exploiting a small segment of a larger 6668. Members tend to make more demands
market by developing products to suit it on the leader, show less cooperation and
D. Creating an identifiable image and are unable to work independently.
clear expectations about a product A. Autocratic
6663. Being effective or doing work effec- B. Democratic
tively basically means- C. Let it be
A. reducing costs
D. none of above
B. using more inputs
C. cost benefit analysis 6669. Social enterprises are likely to have
which combination of objectives?
D. finishing the given task
A. Maximum returns for owners and in-
6664. On the basis of generation source of creased market share
funds are classified into
B. Community service, profits and protec-
A. owners and borrowed funds tion of the environment
B. short term, medium-term and long C. Survival and an increased share price
D. Increased profits for owners and pro-
C. non of these
tection of the community
D. internal and external source
6670. The legal means by which people earn
6665. The Principles of Management are con- their living is called
sidered to be as their application is
dependent upon the prevailing situation at A. business
particular point of time. B. service
A. Flexible C. goods
B. General guidelines D. trade
C. Contingent
6671. Put them in correct order from lowest:1.
D. Mainly Behavioral
Manager / 2. Director / 3. CEO / 4. Em-
6666. In a product life cycle, growth stage is ployee
when A. 4123
A. sales start to grow slowly.
B. 1342
B. sales start to grow rapidly.
C. 4213
C. sales are starting to decline.
D. 1423
D. sales has reach saturation.
6672. The money used in starting a business
6667. Which of the following has unlimited li-
is called
A. Private Limited Company A. business Money
B. Public Limited Company B. cash
C. Franchise C. capital
D. Sole Trader D. loan
6675. Star hotel operates in CBD and has 100 A. 2 000 units
employees. It is a B. 5 500 units
A. Microbusiness C. 4 500 units
B. Small business D. 3 500 units
C. Medium business
6680. Low inflation is a good sign of economic
D. Large business growth because:
6676. The manufacturer produces goods be- A. It shows the government is spending
cause of who? its income by creating jobs and better in-
A. A producer
B. It shows a good balance of payments
B. A seller and more workers are now employed
C. A consumer C. It shows a good purchasing power
D. An officer caused by a better living standard of cit-
6677. involves taking the materials and D. All statements are correct
resources provided by primary sector and
converting them into processed goods 6681. Major changes have occurred in most
A. Primary Sector businesses setting up their internal man-
agement structures including more and
B. Secondary Sector more companies adopting a ‘flatter’ and
C. Tertiary Sector more decentralized structure where deci-
sions are taken elsewhere than at the
D. none of above
head office. The question is why did this
change happen?
6678. Which of the following is an internal
source of recruitment? A. All the answers are correct
D. Employees are becoming better quali- antees order and security.
fied and more knowledgeable-they do not D. Negotiation with management, which
want to work in formal hierarchies can result in the management accepting
6682. Shipping and insurance services, ser- a compromise, as the employees outnum-
vices to foreign tourists, services of for- ber management.
eign technicians are examples of E. The community of various employees
A. Visible trade of the same status creates a sense of
B. Invisible trade union and community, and then job secu-
6683. An entrepreneur uses social media to
sell make-up to her friends and acquain- 6686. According to Taylor, which of the fol-
tances. What marketing strategy is the lowing is most likely to motivate an em-
entrepreneur using? ployee?
A. E-marketing A. Promotion
B. Personal selling B. Fringe benefits
C. Product differentiation C. Bonus
D. Intensive channel choice D. Team working
6684. Explain one way in which new business 6687. True/False:External stakeholders are
ideas come about usually not involved in the day-to-day op-
A. Market saturation erations of a company.
B. Labor shortages A. True
C. Consumer demand B. False
D. Government subsidies 6688. When an individual becomes the owner
of his business, it is called
6685. Select all those that are advantages of
being part of the Trade Union A. an entrepreneur
B. an employee
C. an accountant
D. a worker
6689. You need to include reliability and valid-
ity in your assessment to get higher marks
A. True
B. False
6698. Import trade and export trade are also 6703. The following are petty cash expenses
known as- items except.
A. Foreign trade, domestic trade A. stationery
B. International trade, domestic trade B. transportation.
C. Domestic trade, foreign trade
C. postage stamp.
D. Foreign trade, global trade
D. loan
6699. In India, the Co-operative Societies Act
was passed in which year? E. refreshment expenses.
6708. What are the potential career paths for A. Tertiary sector
students interested in business studies like B. Secondary sector
Sarah, Michael, and Emily?
6718. “A manager applies the acquired knowl- 6723. A cashflow forecast cannot be used to
edge in a personalised and skillful manner A. raise finance from a bank
in the light of the realities of a given situ-
ation”. The given situation indicates that B. identify when there may be a liquidity
management is: issue in the business
C. A profession take action such as getting an overdaft
D. None of these 6724. Advantages of this business type are
that the owner is their own boss and gets
6719. JIT stands for
to keep all the profits.
A. Joint Intervene Testimony A. Partnership
B. Just-IT-Test B. Sole Proprietorship
C. Just C. Corporation
D. Just-In-Time D. Franchise
6720. How can a business improve the Net 6725. This type of market buys and sells
Profits Margin? goods and services
A. find expensive supplier A. Financial Market
B. Taxes
C. Services
D. Consumers
6731. Government organizations are a part of
the sector.
A. public A. Promote the demand
B. private B. Promote the seller
6732. The primary functions or activities that C. Protect the interest of consumers
management performs to get things done
D. Promote the development of India
is referred as
A. Goal 6737. The life of sole proprietorship business
B. Target is
C. Process A. Unstable
D. All of the above B. Stable
6739. The department deals with all mat- 6744. What is a product extension?
ters about staff welfare
A. Planning department
B. Administrative department
C. Accounts department
D. Personnel department
6740. Heinz are reviewing their advertising
policies. This is know as what area of the
marketing mix? A. longer production time
A. Price B. products with extension features
B. Promotion C. strategies to keep the product from de-
C. Product clining
6760. There are three objectives for social en- 6765. market instruments enjoy higher de-
terprise whose goal is to provide a service gree of liquidity
for a society. Pick all that apply. A. Capital market
A. Social B. money market
B. Historical
6766. Jane has to pay for many services and
C. Environmental buy multiple goods every month. She has
D. Financial a lot of
A. profit
6761. Buying and selling of goods and services
B. loans
is called.
C. money
A. Banking
D. expenses
B. Trade
6767. Radha enjoys teaching slum areas chil-
6762. Which one is NOT TRUE about profit dren in her free time. It is an example of
A. Economic Activity
A. Incurs expenses for operations
B. Non-Economic Activity
B. Generates revenues from contribu- C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these
C. Profit is used to pay owners, partners,
and shareholders 6768. Which is NOT a reason why government
D. Pays salaries to employees and man- intervene in the economy?
agers A. To protect individuals and groups
B. To provide essential industries and
6763. store offering overproduced or irregular
stock at discounted prices
C. To control all business establishments
A. factory outlet store
D. To help the economy to run smoothly
B. convenience store and to protect employment
C. factory outlet
6769. Which of these products is an example
D. boutique of a producer good?
6771. Explain one way in which a business can 6776. A good receptionist treats visitors to
retain its existing customers the organization with
6781. The listing of the balances of all the ac- 6786. What is the merits of e-business?
counts in a ledger is called
A. It takes less time to give order for de-
A. Cash book sired goods and services.
B. Imprest system B. The privacy of personal details and se-
C. Petty account curity of financial transactions are acon-
cern for many users.
D. Journal entry
E. Trial balance C. It lacks personal touch in business
6782. A good manager synchronizes all the ac-
D. none of above
tivities of different departments through
the process: 6787. All cash payments are recorded on the
A. planning column of the cashbook
B. staffing A. Debit
C. coordination B. Credit
D. controlling C. None of the above
6783. Which is not a principle of Directing? D. All of the above
A. Harmony of objectives
6788. Name two broad categories of business
B. Integration of employee efforts
C. Unity of command
A. Trade & commerce
D. Leadership
B. Trade & Industry
6784. Marketing
C. Industry & commerce
A. The combination of factors which help
D. None of these
a business to sell its products. It is usually
considered to involve the 4Ps of product,
6789. Which of the following are examples
price, promotion and place
of product features?Choose all correct an-
B. Promoting a product to make it stand swers
out from other products.
A. size
C. The process of splitting the market
into smaller markets. B. colour
D. Advertising. C. price
6791. Which of the following is not a responsi- 6796. Select all the options which represent in-
bility of the business towards consumers ternational source of finance
6794. use goods and services. 6799. A is where two or more businesses
start a new project together, sharing cap-
A. Customers ital, risks and profits
B. Consumers
A. Franchise
C. Businesses
B. Public Corporation
D. none of above
C. Joint Venture
6795. “An employee, Hari, designed a plan D. none of above
that helps to reduce cost, but the produc-
tion manager did not appreciate it. An- 6800. “It arises from a superior-subordinate
other employee gave useful suggestion for relationship because the subordinate is
improvements in design, and it was also bound to perform the duty assigned to him
not welcomed by the production manager”. by his superior.” Which element of delega-
Identify the principle violated above? tion is highlighted in this statement?
A. Unity of Command A. Authority
B. Initiative B. Responsibility
C. Authority and Responsibility C. Accountability
D. Unity of Direction D. None
6801. What kind of cost do salaries belong? 6806. Ashutosh works as a manager in kuber
A. fixed ltd. Besides the salary, the company of-
fers him benefits suvh as hree housing,
B. variable medical aid and education to the children,
C. total etc. Identify the type of incentives being
offered to him
D. average
A. Perquisites
6802. Which of the following is an external B. Job enrichment
factor which may
C. Co partnership
A. Change in consumer demand
D. Pay and allowances
B. Poor management style
6807. How many people can be in a partner-
C. Marketing strategies ship?
D. absenteeism A. 2
6803. One goal of JIT partnerships is the re- B. 2-10
moval of in-plant inventory by delivery in C. 2-20
small lots directly to the using department D. 200
as needed.
A. true 6808. In which scenarios is location nearest to
reliable suppliers likely to be most impor-
B. false tant?
6804. Henry Fayol is famous for A. a manufacturing firm using Just-in-
Time stock policies
A. Scientific Management
B. a bank with many personal and busi-
B. Rationalization ness customers
C. Industrial Psychology C. a farmer raising sheep for meat pro-
D. Principles of Management duction
D. a specialist clothes designer who uses
6805. The symbols, brand names, slogans in job production
the above picture can be defined as a.
6809. Select the appropriate examples for
Public Corporation.
A. Broadcasting
B. Damodar valley Corporation
C. Indian Oil Corporation
D. Life insurance Corporation of India
6810. An example of a current asset is:
A. A trademark A. machinery
B. Advertising B. buildings
C. Branding C. profit
D. Logo D. inventories
6822. Which of these products is an example 6827. When conducting a cost-benefit analy-
of a consumer good? sis, people analyze where to spend their
money to see what will give them the
A. Washing-up liquid most
B. Washing machine repair A. Answers
C. Drink can filling machine B. Taxes
D. Design of an advertisement for com- C. Benefits
D. Consequences
6823. Which of the following statements best
6828. Identify the traits as business, pro-
describes an entrepreneur?
fession and employmentA person repairs
A. Someone who buys a product from a scooters on roadside
business A. Business
B. Someone who uses goods and ser- B. Profession
vices product by a business
C. Employment
C. Someone who works for a business
D. none of above
D. Someone who is willing to take the risk
involved in starting a business 6829. The working capital required by MM Ltd.
Initially can be termed as:
6824. Which term describes reducing the num-
A. Permanent Working Capital
ber of levels in the organisational struc-
ture? B. Variable working capital
A. Delegation C. Working capital
B. Delayering D. Initial working capital
C. You will get a promotion. order. On receipt of her order, she no-
D. All the employees will get promotions. ticed that the smartphone received by her
was different from what she had ordered.
C. Online shopping, physical shops, mar- 6846. capital is money provided by a per-
ket stalls son to help a start-up business, in ex-
D. Command, Mixed, Market change for a a share in the business.
A. Adventure
6841. Give the definition of contract of em-
B. Venture
A. A document that needs to be signed by 6847. Being determined is an example of
a new employee what?
B. Black and white document. A. Mind set
C. contract of employment B. Skill
D. Name of the employer 6848. What benefit does limited liability give
an entrepreneur?
6842. Lenders, suppliers, customers, govern-
ment, and local community are: A. More sales
6844. What is the most important part of mak- 6850. The quality of production is not as per
ing a successful presentation. standard. On investigation it was ob-
A. Use of Technology served that most of the workers were not
fully aware of proper operation of the ma-
B. Appropriate visuals chinery. What could be the way to im-
C. Planning and Preparation prove the accuracy?
D. Interacting with the audience A. Vestibule training
B. Apprenticeship training
6845. After paying the full compensation the
insurer enter into the shoe of insured. This C. Internship training
is related to D. Off-job training
A. Principle of indemnity
6851. Development of products for the satis-
B. Principle of subrogation faction of the target market is
C. Principle of contribution A. Societal marketing concept
D. Principle of utmost good faith B. Product concept
purchases is
D. Implement your own ideas and deci-
A. Trade sions
B. Cash 6867. Which one is not a way to measure busi-
C. Bank ness size?
D. Receipt A. number of employees
B. number of entrepreneurs
6864. Mr. Vivek is working as the General
Manager of Oshin Hotels Ltd. Mr. Vivek C. market share
observed that Government was taking a D. value of output
special interest in the Tourism industry as
this sector is an important source of for- 6868. What is management
eign exchange and employment promotion. A. Art
On the basis of this news, the company B. Science
decided to set up hotels at several tourist
C. Profession
places. Oshin Hotels Ltd. established 50
hotels before other companies considered D. All
this issue. Very soon, this brand Oshin Ho- 6869. is uncertainty associated with an ex-
tels Ltd. became well known in the mar- posure to loss
ket. Identify the importance of business
environment described here. A. return
B. risk
A. It enables the firm to identify opportu-
nities and getting the first mover advan- 6870. A company purchases new software for
tage. long-term use. This is classified as:
B. It helps the firm to identify threats and A. Revenue expenditure
early warning signals. B. Capital expenditure
C. It helps in tapping useful resources. C. Operating expense
D. It helps in improving performance. D. Deferred revenue expenditure
6865. To what does the strategic plan of a 6871. Identify the traits as business, pro-
business refer? fession and employmentHari sells mobile
A. AThe day-to-day operations of the busi- phones on behalf of his employer
ness A. Business
B. The business’s overall long-term plan B. Profession
C. Decisions made by functional depart- C. Employment
ments D. none of above
C. Planning D. g, f, h, j, e, i
D. Manager E. e, f, g, i, j, h
6876. Some examples or Internal stakehold- 6880. What must a company do to ensure any
ers are; new idea is successful?
A. Employees, managers, suppliers and A. Check it satisfies a customer need =
government market research
B. Managers, owners, employees and su- B. Carry out a successful launch of the
pervisors product/service
C. Government, employees, owner, in-
vestors 6881. Which of the following is not an exam-
ple of non-economic activity?
D. Employees, managers, investors and
government A. Patriotism
6887. Name the central bank of our country
6891. Which one is not a method of motivation A. Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)
in a financial reward sense? B. Workers Compensation Act 1987
6901. The assessment to used for the Micro 6906. Which of the following is used for the
environment, is the correction of error?
A. Porter’s Five A. balance sheet
B. SWOT-analysis B. cash book
6902. The disadvantage of using a barter sys- C. journal
tem is D. trial balance
A. There is a disagreement with the ex-
6907. Through their efforts quality of output
change value.
is maintained, wastage of materials is
B. Fast, easy to do, and practical minimised and safety standards are main-
C. Easily assess prices and quantify an tained. Identify the level management
item mentioned here.
D. none of above A. Top level
B. Middle level
6903. How is a Business most likely to encour-
age applicants? C. Supervisory level
A. Job Adverts D. None of the above
B. Internal Recruitment 6908. Name the response of the receiver to
C. Staff Appraisal the message.
D. none of above A. Encoding
D. People below the business communi- 6916. Who designed the hierarchy of needs?
cate with each other A. Frederick Herzberg
6921. What is a gap in the market 6926. A company decided to distribute a por-
A. A hole in a market roof tion of the profits earned in the previous
years among its shareholders. Identity the
B. No markets in a meter square type of decision involved.
C. Lack of good and services in a certain A. Financial decision
B. Investment decision
D. None of the above
C. Dividend decision
6922. A manager applies the existing theoreti- D. All of these
cal knowledge in his own unique 1 manner.
This reflects that management is 6927. Which of these is not a factor of produc-
A. Universally applicable
A. Land
B. A Science
B. Labour
C. pervasive
C. Capital
D. An Art D. Road
6923. The number of persons you have as your 6928. Something that is needed to survive
direct subordinates is referred to as
A. Want
A. chain of command
B. Candy
B. unity of command
C. Need
C. span of control D. Batteries
D. hierarchy
6929. What does LLP stand for?
6924. What is the reward for land as a factor A. Limited Liability Partnership
of production?
B. Lying Losers Pos
A. Rent C. Losing Limited Pace
B. Wage/salary D. Limited Liability Property
C. Profit
6930. identify the style of leadership in which
D. Interest the superiors uses file forces from within
the groups to establish control
6925. Which one of the following is not an ex-
ample of an economy of scale as a com- A. autocratic leadership
puter manufacturer increases its scale of B. democratic leadership
production? C. let leadership happen
A. Supplies of components are bought at D. authoritarian leadership
a lower average cost
6931. Firms that exist to handle recruiting
B. The price of the product to the con-
staff for other firms, in return for a fee?
sumer falls
A. Commercial recruitment agencies
C. Expert managers can be employed to
increase efficiency B. Local newspaper offices
D. The most advanced equipment can C. TV advertising
now be purchased D. Global corporation
6932. is the avenue or channel of accessi- C. fewer workers employed but output
bility into and out of a country in commu- level remainsthe same
nication. D. 10% more workers employed and out-
6948. Which of the following is NOT a method
of internal growth?
A. Increasing output
B. Gaining new customers
C. Developing new products
D. Merging with / taking over another
6963. All of these are shown on the ledger ex- 6968. Watching television programmes and
cept videosAre these one-way or two-way
A. Column communication?
company is to prepare
A. credit note
B. delivery note
C. requisition form
D. store records
E. payroll
B. Only private sector activities 6972. Popular name of debit card and credit
C. Only public sector activities card
C. a long period of no increases in family 6988. Taking more money out of your account
incomes than is available is called?
D. government grants available to busi- A. Overdraw
nesses in all sectors B. Deposit
B. Self-esteem, self-awareness, social the postal order service delivery is called
A. Del-credi commission
C. Self-esteem, self-awareness, empa-
thy B. Poundage
D. Self esteem, self-awareness, self- C. Interest
regulation D. none of above
6985. What is a company called that sells 6990. Should include:title of the position,
stock to raise money? department, management level, general
tasks and requirements, key areas of re-
A. Partnership sponsibility, assigned team members and
B. Corporation work groups, terms of employment, quali-
C. Sole Proprietorship
A. Job Description
D. Limited Partnership
B. Needs Assessment
6986. An is similar to a loan which must C. Recruitment
be paid back with higher interest. D. Recruitment Policy
A. underdraft
6991. Angel ltd. has functional structure,
B. overdraft there are different managers for different
departments and they are liable towards
6987. Himalaya ltd is engaged in manufactur- achievement of their assigned targets and
ing of washing machines. the target of they plan accordingly with organisational
organisation is to manufacture 200 per objectives, which principles is highlighted
day. there is an occupational specialisa- here?
tion in the organisation which promotes
A. Unity of Action
efficiency of employees. the is no duplica-
tion of efforts in such type of organisation B. Division of work
structure. identify the type of organisa- C. Organising
tion structure.
D. Unity of direction
A. divisional
6992. Wanting to always support someone or
B. functional something?
C. operational A. Partnership
D. centralised B. Shareholder
D. Politicians will now influence business 7000. Which of the following are accepted
decisions rules of thumb for communicating organi-
sational change:
6997. Explain the chain of production.
A. Pay attention to the quality of informa-
A. An assortment strategy in retailing in- tion disseminated
volves the number and type of products
that stores display for purchase by con- B. Use numerous methods of communica-
sumers. tion
refuse trade credit.
D. They may refuse to lend money to the B. National Business Opportunities
business. C. International Business Opportunities
7002. . Planning tells us where to go, it pro- D. Not-For-Profit Business Opportunities
vides direction and reduces the risk of un-
7008. Which is not a benefit of a partnership?
certainty by preparing forecasts.
A. All profits belong to the partners.
B. FALSE B. The partners have limited liability.
C. Partners can add different skills and
7003. Providing fair remuneration and job sat- expertise.
isfaction to employees is related to-
D. Partners can provide extra capital for
A. Generation of employment the business.
B. Community service
7009. The service which helps in removing hin-
C. Welfare of employees drance of time
D. Avoidance of unfair trade practice A. Advertising
7004. Profit is B. Transport
A. Another name for revenue C. Warehousing
B. Revenue plus costs D. Insurance
C. The income earned from sales
7010. Managers at the top level spend their
D. Revenue minus costs time more in
7005. A test to measure mental capabilities A. Planning
such as general intelligence, verbal fluency, B. Organising
numerical ability, and reasoning ability is
C. Staffing
called as
D. Directing
A. psycho-motor test
B. job knowledge test 7011. Which of the following statements best
C. cognitive ability test describes the term, unique selling point?
When a business:
D. work sample test
A. Establishes a clear target market for
7006. Which technique of scientific manage- its products
ment is not described in the above case? B. Develops an aspect of a product that
A. Motion Study makes it different to its rivals
C. Carries out market research effec- 7016. Which of the following nature of man-
tively agement is being discussed in the above
A. Unknown D. Departmentalistion
7026. What are the two factors of Herzberg’s
C. Less likely to generate sales and less
Motivational Theory
likely to survive
A. Poor Hygiene and Motivating Factors
D. Less likely to generate sales and more
likely to survive B. Management and Peer Review
C. Family Life and Work
7022. Give an example for budget
D. Food and Sleep
A. Cash budget
B. Service budget 7027. Which of the following offices is not
found in a manufacturing organization?
7023. The factors of production which coordi-
nates other factors is A. Accounts
A. land B. Administrative
B. labour C. Consultancy
C. capital D. Staff
D. entrepreneur E. Sales
7024. A business that buys consumer goods or 7028. Quality assurance means:
services and sells them to the ultimate con- A. checking all finished products for
sumer faults
B. setting quality standards at all stages
of products
C. assuring customers that products are
of the highest standard
D. assuring workers that the work they
do is of a high quality
A. Wholesaler 7029. Which of the following is not a purchase
B. Retailer document?
C. Global Business A. Credit note
D. Gas Station B. Invoice
7030. Can a minor be admitted as partner in a step in the planning function of manage-
partnership firm? ment. It involves creating a foundation
for decision-making and setting goals.
7035. ‘Developing premises’ is a step in which 7040. The factor market includes which of the
function of management? following as factors of production?
A. Staffing A. land, labor, capital, and entrepreneur-
B. Controlling ship
D. the results (positive or negative) of an D. none of above
action or decision
7047. Maslow was a psychologist who devel-
7042. What is market research? oped a theory of motivation
A. Business conducts market research to A. True
help identify gaps in the market and busi-
B. False
ness opportunities.
B. Business which doesn’t conducts mar- 7048. capital is used by businesses to
ket research to help identify gaps in the achieve long-term goals like buying assets
market and business opportunities. or expanding the business.
C. Business conducts market research to A. Fixed
help make more profit in the market and B. Working
business opportunities.
D. none of above 7049. True/False:RTGS transactions are re-
versible once processed.
7043. A business buys one of its suppliers in A. True
order eliminate the power of the supplier
in the process. B. False
7044. The reward to the entrepreneur as a fac-
tor of production is D. TRADE
A. capital 7051. “Once you step out of the firm, there
B. profit are competitors, customers, government
authority and almost everything one can
C. risks think of.” Identify the features of the busi-
D. money ness environment.
7063. IPR stands for 7068. Which is not on the job training?
A. intelligent person rights A. Job rotation
B. intellectual Property Rights B. Internship
C. internal Property rights C. Coaching
D. International Property Rights D. Classroom lectures
a sole trader is A. Financial institutions are sufficiently
A. Can control how the business operates developed
B. Limited liability B. Finance is available at a reasonable
C. Shared workload cost
7082. What is the main focus of business stud- D. The mass production helps to keep
ies according to Isla, Anika, and Priya? costs per unit low.
A. The study of plants and animals 7087. Which of these should you consider be-
B. The study of ancient civilizations fore making an investment?
C. The study of business administration A. Dogs are better than cats
and economics B. How many words are in the dictionary
D. The study of space exploration C. Your current income
Explanation:According to Isla, Anika, and
D. Who died in the most recent Game Of
Priya, the scope of business studies is the
Thrones episiode
study of business administration and eco-
nomics. 7088. Australian businesses export to Canada.
What would happen if the value of the Aus-
7083. Classified 3 types of external growth tralian dollar increased compared to the
A. Business Merger Canadian dollar?
B. Horizontal Merger A. There would be no effect on Canadian
C. Vertical Merger
B. Australia’s imports from Canada
D. Internal Merger
would become more expensive
E. Conglomerate Merger
C. Canadian businesses would find Aus-
7084. Leadership is the internationally ac- tralia products more affordable
cepted standards/ expectations of peo- D. Australian products would become
ple’s conduct and levels of competence in more expensive for Canadian businesses
the workplace
7089. If Samsung purchased a fruit farm this
A. True would be an example of
B. False A. Forward Vertical integration
7085. The two types of office by administra- B. Horizontal integration
tive structure are C. Conglomerate
A. closed D. Backward Vertical Integration
B. small 7090. Name the two broad categories of busi-
C. open ness activities.
D. large A. Trade and commerce
B. trade and industry
7086. Which of the following is a claimed ad-
vantage of flow production? C. industry and commerce
A. Each worker enjoys doing one repeti- D. none of above
tive job all the time.
7091. Shopping at my local store that has a
B. Making a product that allows all con- rewards program is the best idea because
sumer needs to be met
C. The capital costs of setting up a pro- A. i will get rewards that could give me
duction line are low. money back
7102. deals with the management of of- 7108. Principles of management cannot be
fices meant for business activities.
A. Defined
A. Office practice
B. Applied anywhere.
B. Commerce
C. Banking C. Tested in Laboratories
D. Book keeping D. Part of Business
7103. One of disadvantage of partnerships is
7109. The minimum amount of paid-up capital
A. easy to set up for a public company is determined at
B. new skills and ideas
A. Rs. 10, 00, 000
C. conflicts
B. Rs. 5, 00, 000
D. more capital investment
C. Rs. 1, 00, 000
7104. These two theories both include social
needs to improve motivation D. Rs. 7, 00, 000
A. Herzberg
7110. Which activity removes the hindrance of
B. Mayo
C. Maslow
A. Banking
D. Taylor
B. Transport
7105. Which one of the following costs is most
likely to be variable for a fast food restau- C. Warehousing
D. Insurance
A. the salary of the manager
B. the rent of the restaurant 7111. One of the objectives of management is:
C. the cost of the food supplies A. Development of people
D. the machinery used to cook the food
B. Development of nation
7106. A mechanic fixing your car is a good or
C. Higher standard of living
a service?
A. service D. Generation of employment.
B. good
7112. Which of the following is an activity
7107. How do you define value? through which an organization receives in-
A. when the perception of competition is flow of cash?
too expensive A. Creditors deposited cash into the busi-
B. the perceived benefits by a customer ness organization’s account
of price to the time and money spent
B. Purchasing goods as material for pro-
C. when market research establishes the duction
floor price
C. Payment of wages or salaries
D. when a customer purchases for the
lowest price in town D. Repaying loans or creditors
7113. Case study:Apple plans to develop a pro- 7118. All business risks are controllable.
totype for an iPhones with a flexible dis-
A. True
play. Which of the following sources of
D. individuals who start a new business
or bring a product to market.
7133. The value of one nation’s currency ver- A. Company makes neither profit nor loss
sus the currency of another nation is called B. Company makes profit
7143. A country wide system through which 7149. Who is the Top Management person in
person can electronically transfer from one Business.
bank branch to another person having an A. Managers
account with the other bank branch in the
country is known as B. Chief Executive Officer
A. Pay order C. Middle level Managers
B. RTGS D. B and C
C. Bank draft
7150. Communicating information about the
D. OIL products or services to the prospective cus-
tomers is known as
7144. A high employee turnover rate in a busi-
ness is a challenge in the environment. A. Trade
A. macro environment B. Transportation
B. human resources C. Advertising
C. market D. Communication
D. micro 7151. Which of the following does not charac-
7145. Which piece of office equipment will teristic business activity?
create several hundred duplicates of a A. Production of goods & services
newsletter for me?
B. Presence of risk
A. Laminator
C. Sales & exchange of goods & services
B. Scanner
D. Salary or wages
C. Photocopier
D. Mobile Phone 7152. What is the formula for calculating
7146. is the next best alternative given up
A. Sales-Costs
by choosing another item.
B. Revenue-Expenses
A. Opportunity cost
B. Scarcity C. Income-Expenditure
D. Gross profit-Net profit
7147. Which of the following is a traditional
means of communication? 7153. Greg bought biscuits from Sarah and
A. palm frond promised to pay her later. Greg is the
B. Internet A. debtor
C. GSM B. accountant
D. Mango tree C. creditor
7148. What type of business is McDonald’s D. supplier
A. Sole Trader 7154. Foreign Trade only happens between
B. Franchise countries.
C. Partnership A. True
D. Non Profit B. False
7155. Reason of product failure associated C. someone who starts their own busi-
with its feature is due to ness
7166. The number keys can be found on the 7170. Which of the following is a benefit to an
row of the keyboard. employee of a business providing excellent
customer service?
A. 4
A. Lower number of returns
B. 3
B. Improved reputation in the market-
C. 2 place
D. 1 C. Customers may increase their spend
with the business
7167. India continues to be a lower middle in- D. Positive working environment
come country along with 46 others, while
Sri Lanka has climbed to the upper middle 7171. An office can best be defined as a place
income group for the fiscal year 2020, ac- where
cording to the World Bank’s classification A. Building and desks are displayed
of countries by income levels, released on
B. Business is carried out
July 1, 2019. Identify the related dimen-
sions of business environment. C. Buying and selling is done
D. Debts are paid
A. Social Dimension
E. People discus their problems
B. Technological Dimension
7172. How can managers and by extension in-
C. Economic Dimension
stitutions benefit from motivating employ-
D. Political Dimension ees with suitable reward strategies?
7175. Which of the following is an example of 7180. Which can be a barrier to effective com-
a fringe benefit? munication
C. Customisation, flexibility, profit, qual- 7191. Which leadership style involves consult-
ity ing with team members before making de-
D. Choice, customisation, dependability,
profit A. Autocratic
B. Let it happen
7186. The various departments that can be
found in an organization include the follow- C. Transactional
ing except D. Democratic
A. Administrative
7192. Components found in the micro environ-
B. Finance ment are:
C. Staff A. consumers, supplier, competitors, in-
D. Production
B. vision, mission statement, goals,
E. Protocol
objectives, organisational culture and
7187. Mcdonalds buying a cattle farm would sources, 8 functions.
be an example of 7193. ABC Ltd. Is not able to achieve its
A. Backward Vertical integration objective on analyzing, they found that
employees were not given their best,
B. Horizontal integration
so he decided to announce an incentive
C. Forward Vertical Integration plain, which offers various incentives to
D. Conglomerate employee workers at different level for
achieving their target. (i) Which element
7188. True or False:A service is something that of directing is used by manager?(ii) Sug-
someone else does for you, or provides gest incentive suitable for:1. Employees
you. operating at lower level. 2. Employees
operating at higher level.
A. true
A. (i) Supervision is missing. (ii) (a)
B. false Lower level:offer promotion. (b) Higher
level:offering bonus
7189. is the study of people’s vital statis-
tics, such as their age, gender, race and B. (i) Communication is missing. (ii) (a)
ethnicity, and location. Lower level:offer monetary incentives. (b)
Higher level:non-monetary incentive
A. Social
C. (i) Leadership is missing. (ii) (a)
B. Technology Lower level:offer monetary incentives. (b)
C. Economic Higher level:non-monetary incentive
B. Partners contribute their personal as- 7200. All these are elements of Business Stud-
sets. ies except
B. Risk taker
C. Powerful 7211. What is meant by Efficiency?
D. Innovative A. Completing a task in time
7206. Which of the following is a disadvan- B. Completing a task with minimum re-
tage of sole proprietorships: sources
C. It is used to create peace in the busi- 7220. All shareholders have limited liability in
ness environment. private limited company
7225. Dr Mohan Kumar is working against the 7230. Employees welfare and related matters
post of a senior doctor in a government are handled by manager
hospital. He does not discriminate be- A. marketing
tween the rich and poor while treating his
patients medically. When he returns home B. personnel
from the hospital, he attends to the poor C. production
patients at home free of cost between D. purchasing
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Besides, he gives
them the information about the employ-
7231. Why start a business?
ment opportunities. 1. What type of ac- A. make money
tivities does Dr Mohan Kumar perform at
home? B. waste time
7228. Which of the following is NOT usually 7234. A subsistence economy is one in which
part of the selection process? the people are able to provide for their
own wants and needs through farming and
A. Short listing fishing.
B. Interviewing A. True
C. Induction B. False
D. none of above 7235. Management is intangible.
7229. Currency notes and coins are called as: A. True
B. FIAT MONEY 7236. A bank is an institution
C. LEGAL TENDER MONEY A. owned by merchants.
D. BOTH 2 AND 3 B. that collects taxes for the government.
C. for receiving, keeping, and lending 7243. What does the importance of ethical be-
money. havior, integrity and trust call into ques-
D. Managers cannot control subordi-
nates closely B. Secondary
C. Does not effect on morale of employ- 7263. Filling up of blank application form dur-
ees ing the selection process contains informa-
tion about
C. Insurance
7275. Management is used only in Business or-
D. Mining
B. False
7276. Expanding the product line is an exam-
B. SELLER TO BUYER ple of what type of growth?
7271. The examples of the sole trader includes
A. Barber shop
B. Tuck shop
C. Street vendors
D. All of the above
A. Internal growth
7272. The use of debt increases the financial
B. External growth
risk of a business. The factor determining
the choice of an appropriate capitalstruc- 7277. Continuous production of identical prod-
ture of a company highlighted in the above ucts, therefore giving scope for high levels
statement is: of automation
A. Debt Service Coverage Ratio A. Job production
B. Risk consideration B. Productivity
C. Cost of debt C. Flow production
D. Flexibility D. Batch production
7273. A benefit of using zero hour contracts to 7278. management means
an organisation is that:
A. an art
A. It will attract the best applicants to a B. a science
C. both art and science
B. Employees will have increased free-
dom over their working hours D. none of above
C. It will reduce the total wage bill 7279. A provides for the greatest degree
D. Recruitment and selection costs will of continuity:
be reduced A. General Partnership
7290. Which of the businesses below would 7296. The after sales service that allows cus-
form part of a quaternary industry? tomers to return products if found faulty
A. a large nursing home or not performing according to specifica-
tions within a specified time is called
B. a poultry farm
A. installation
C. a news publisher
B. warranty
D. a takeaway hamburger shop
C. maintenance
7291. One of the following is an example of an
D. operation of a product
organization that is none profit oriented
A. Importation of electronics 7297. Responsibility
B. Services of a Red cross A. Can be delegated
C. Selling of foodstuff B. Cannot be entirely delegated
D. None of the above C. Cannot be delegated at all
7292. It refers to right of an individual to com- D. None of the above
mand his subordinates
7298. What is a “Product Trial”?
A. authority
A. When a customer buys a product for
B. responsibility the first time
C. accountability B. When a customer buys a product for
D. centralisation the tenth time
A. Abraham Maslow
C. The background is simple and the text
B. Frederick Taylor
is easy to read.
C. Frederick Herzberg D. The background is simple and the text
D. Miguel matches the background.
7310. Cooperative Society can be started with- C. The interpreter the policies made by
out registration? top level managers
A. True D. Co-operate with other departments for
B. False the smooth running of the organisation.
C. Recruits and Selects employees
A. courier
D. Identifies and groups the activities
B. telex
C. telegram 7316. Which is the last step in the planning
D. none of above
A. Setting objectives
7312. Which of the following is correct? B. Follow up action
C. Developing premises
D. Identifying alternative courses of ac-
7317. What is the definition of labour inten-
B. Examples of capital resources are wa- B. A firm which uses labourers/ workers
ter, iron, air, or gold in its production cycle.
C. Human resources are also called peo- C. A firm which only wants to employ ex-
ple perienced workers.
D. Services are things you can buy, like D. A firm which buys many stocks.
ice cream or textbooks 7318. What is a cats favourite colour?
7313. What source of finance could lead to an
unwanted takeover of the business?
A. Sale of assets
B. Owner’s capital
C. Trade credit
D. Share issue
7314. Which of the following statements does
not pertain to middle level management?
A. They are responsible for all the activi-
ties of the operational managers.
B. They are responsible for the welfare
and survival of the organisation. A. piiii-nk
D. Remuneration C. Privatization
7329. An online store uses targeted email mar- 7334. Which of the following is a feature of an
keting for its products and offers loyalty autocratic leadership style?
discounts. Which activity is marketing and A. Communication is two-way.
which is sales promotion?
B. Employees are involved in decision-
A. Email marketing-Sales promotion; Loy- making.
alty discounts-Marketing
C. Communication is one-way.
B. Email marketing-Marketing; Loyalty
D. There is little input from the leader.
discounts-Sales promotion
C. Both are marketing 7335. Which of the following statements
is/are true with reference to principles of
D. Both are sales promotion management?
7330. Which of the following is not a legal con- A. The principles are guidelines to action
trol over the employment of employees? B. The principles denote a cause and ef-
A. Contract of employment fect relationship.
B. Discrimination C. Principles help the manager to take de-
cisions while performing various manage-
C. Maximum legal wage ment functions
D. Health and safety D. All of the above
7331. What are stakeholders? 7336. How many types of Cashbook are
A. Anybody who knows the name of the there?
business A. 3
B. Anybody who takes an interest in a B. 2
business C. 4
C. Anybody who works for the business D. 5
D. Anybody who buys from the business
7337. How many economic sectors are there?
7332. Which concept of marketing emphasise A. 0
on availability and affordability of the B. 4
C. 3
A. Marketing Concept
D. none of above
B. Production Concept
7338. What is a break-even analysis?
C. Product concept
A. The level of output where revenue
D. Sales Concept
equals total costs
7333. Planning is helpful in increasing B. The level of input where revenue
equals total expenses
A. Cost
C. The level of output where revenue
B. Loss
does not equal to total cost
C. Efficiency
D. The level of input where revenue dos
D. None of these not equal to total expenses
7339. Our facial expressions, tone of voice, D. The power that one person has to
movement, appearance, eye contact, ges- make decisions and control what other
tures, and posture are called workers do
7351. Which items are human needs, choose 2
answers. 7357. Enterprise can mean which of the follow-
A. Clothing ing
B. car A. A business
C. Drinking plain clean water
B. The act of setting up a business
D. pencil case
C. Neither
7352. The registration of partnership firm is
compulsory D. Both
A. False
7358. Which of the following is a possible
B. True drawback of on-the-job training?
7353. Which of the following is an economic A. There will be additional expenses from
activity? travel costs.
A. A housewife cooking food for her fam- B. Workers will not gain experience of
ily people outside the firm
B. A person selling cold water on the
pavement C. The worker won’t be able to do any
work during the training
C. A young boy driving his motorcycle in
the City D. The business will not have to employ
its own training staff
D. An old man offering prayers in a tem-
7359. Firms whose business activity involves
7354. Which is not the service of the whole- the extraction of natural resources.
saler to the manufacturer?
A. Primary
A. Facilitating large scale production.
B. Storage B. Secondary
B. Middle-level managers
B. Evaluating alternative
C. Operational management
C. Identifying the alternative
D. All of the above
D. Implementing the Plan
7376. The business owned and operated by a
7372. Who among the following can be Presi- single person
dent of the State Commission?
A. Partnership
C. Sole Proprietorship
D. Co-operative society
7380. In the above case “objective is to pro- 7385. A good receptionist treats visitors to
mote the sales of handloom and handicraft the organization with
products”. Which feature of management A. Disobedience
7391. How many types of service provided by 7397. All of these are personal qualities of a
wholesaler? clerk except
A. 1 A. He/ she should be able to keep office
B. 4 information secret.
C. 3 B. He/she must be punctual to work.
D. 5 C. He/ she must be honest.
D. He/she should dress properly.
7392. Mrs King, the insured, must pay a cer-
tain amount when a claim is lodged: 7398. An example of an esteem need, accord-
A. Excess ing to Maslow is:(a) praise from the boss
B. Premium A. praise from the boss
C. Book value B. six weeks holiday per year
D. Interest C. job security
7393. An example of a service is D. job security
A. Petrol 7399. Authority granted to an employee
B. Diesel should be
C. Taxi Ride A. More than the responsibility entrusted
D. Shoes to him
B. Less than the responsibility entrusted
7394. What is the common sequence for re- to him
solving workplace disputes?
C. Equal to the responsibility entrusted to
A. Mediation, negotiation, involvement of
courts and tribunals
D. All of the above
B. Negotiation, mediation, involvement of
courts and tribunals 7400. Human activities are of types
C. Involvement of courts and tribunals, A. one
negotiation, mediation
B. two
D. Negotiation, involvement of courts and
tribunals, mediation C. three
D. four
7395. Which of the following is the method of
lean production? 7401. The task of management is to make peo-
A. Just-in-case ple work towards achieving the organi-
sation’s goals, by making their strengths
B. Cell Production
effective and their weakness irrelevant”.
C. Just-In-Time Name the dimension of management high-
D. Job Production lighted here.
A. Management of People
7396. Driving forces are factors that support
the change. B. Management of work
A. True C. Management of operations
B. False D. Management is pervasive
7402. A business in crisis needs to make imme- D. make sure that everyone is using the
diate and timely decisions in order to sur- new system
vive. Which leadership style does a man-
7404. Select the true statement about sole 7408. a person is considered a partner if
traders. through his/her own initiative conductor
behavior he/ she gives an impression to
A. They are run by and employ one per- others that he/she is a partner of the firm
A. active
B. Most small businesses are sole
traders. B. sleeping or dormant
C. All sole traders are public companies. C. secret
D. Most charities are sole traders. D. partner by estoppel
7405. A new tracking system was imple- 7409. The parties to a cheque are , and
mented at Roadworks. Workers, how-
ever, avoided using it because it looked so A. Payee, drawee, receiver
complicated, though in actuality, the new
B. Drawer, owner, receiver
system was easier than the former. As
a manager of these workers, what would C. Drawee, payee, drawer
you do to best minimise this source of re- D. Owner, receiver, bank
sistance at this stage?
A. clarify intentions and methods 7410. mr.ram sold his old house at a very price
and earning huge amt and invested that
B. delay change and await a better time money in his business.identify what is the
C. offer information and encouragement activity
forma task
D. Assets Account
7418. A form of business organization with
7412. is the method of writing that uses one owner who takes all the risks and all
symbols to represent letters, words or the profit is called-
A. partnership
A. Shorthand
B. proprietorship
B. Cursive
C. corporation
C. Nelson
D. governorship
D. Algerian
7419. One of the following is not a quality of
7413. what are benefits of a sole trader
an entrepreneur
A. lots of holiday time.
A. organization
B. unlimited liability.
B. receiving instruction
C. you get to keep all the profits.
C. decision making
D. low start up costs
D. risk bearing
7414. Which of the following is not an element
of the sales process? 7420. is a responsibility of a consumer
7415. It is when two or more businesses agree 7421. Why do people start thier own busi-
to start a new project together. ness?
A. franchise A. To be their own boss
B. social enterprise B. Flexibility
C. joint venture C. Achieving their dreams
D. public sector D. All of the above
7416. Which of the following does not charac- 7422. True or False “Subordinates are the em-
terise business activity? ployees who do not work for managers”
A. Presence of risk A. True
B. Salary of wages B. False
7423. What is the primary sector? 7428. “The activities involved in managing
an enterprise are common to all organ-
isation whether economic, social, politi-
7432. An external factor that may influence 7437. is the most common source for leads
change is LEAST likely to be: generation for any company
A. Customer service A. White pages
B. technology B. Yellow pages
C. economic C. Green pages
D. legal/political D. Blue pages
E. Orange pages
7433. The mail room in an organization con-
tains for its smooth running 7438. Which of these is NOT a monetary
A. Postage book method of motivation?
B. mail inward register A. Commission
C. mail outward register B. Pay Rise
D. All of the above C. Recognition
D. Bonuses
7434. PK Enterprises Limited has sold an en-
tire lot of 5, 00, 000 equity shares @ |9 7439. The controller’s responsibilities are pri-
each to Prosperous Bank Private Limited. marily in nature, while the treasurer’s re-
The bank, in turn, will offer the shares to sponsibilities are primarily related to.
the general public for subscription @ |11
per share. Identify the method of floata- A. operational; financial management
tion being described in the given lines. B. financial management; accounting
A. Private placement C. accounting; financial management
B. Offer through prospectus D. financial management; operations
C. Offer for sale 7440. Which is the formal line of authority and
D. Rights issue communication that runs from top to bot-
tom level of management
7435. Receipts are
A. unity of command
A. Books of knowledge
B. scalar chain
B. Cash papers
C. authority and responsility
C. Are documents confirming that cash
D. centralization and decentralization
orgoods have been received.
D. None of the above 7441. Identify the nature of management that
says “It is practiced as a personalized ap-
7436. Which of the following business types plication of existing knowledge to achieve
is the EASIEST to setup? desired result.”
A. Sole Proprietorship A. Art
B. Partnership B. Science
C. Corporation C. Profession
D. LLC D. None of the above
7453. Government Aid to Start Ups 7459. what is the most important part of mak-
A. Provide advice through experienced ing a successful presentation?
staff A. organization
B. Provide low interest loans B. preparation
C. Tax Amnesty
C. software
D. High Interest Loans
D. time
7454. A is an additional amount of pay-
ment above basic pay as a reward for good 7460. Which of the following is recorded on
work the right hand side of the trial balance?
A. Bonus A. bad debts
B. Salary B. bank overdraft
C. Wage C. debtors
D. Commission
D. creditors
7455. At least 10 adults, no maximum limit in
case of 7461. Which of the following is a disadvan-
tage of reduced motivation resulting from
A. Joint Hindu Family growth?
B. Cooperative Society
A. Purchasing economies of scale
C. Partnership
B. Rising average costs
D. Company
C. Rising fixed costs
7456. How many Types of IPs?
D. Outsourcing
A. 3
B. 4 7462. The power to make decisions through
their knowledge or job.
C. 2
D. 6 A. Authority
B. Top position
7457. Promotion is
A. When you spend money C. Important person
7467. Which of the following is NOT a strat- A. Fixed capital of the company
egy for negotiating change? B. permanent capital of the company
A. Expect resistance C. fluctuating capital of the company
B. Time for negotiation D. loan capital of the company
C. Build a coalition 7473. No business enterprise can flourish in a
D. Focus on outcomes competitive world without
E. Build a culture A. productivity
7474. Where is discount allowed located in the 7480. An economic activity which is conducted
cash book? by person having some specialize knowl-
A. Debit side edge to serve the different section of soci-
B. Credit side
A. Business
C. Debtor side
B. Profession
D. Creditor side
C. Employment
7475. purchase goods and services. D. Government service
A. Businesses
7481. The advertiser can promote
B. Consumers
A. an idea
C. Customers
B. design of a product
D. none of above
C. packaging and pricing
7476. At which level of management Sanya is D. all of the above
A. Lower level 7482. A document which serves as an evidence
of payment is called
B. Top level
A. invoice
C. Middle level
B. receipt
D. Shop Floor
C. cheque
7477. Co-operative movement originated first D. debit note
A. Spain 7483. What are the solutions to the unemploy-
B. .Germany
A. Encourage Entrepreneurship
C. England
B. All secondary schools should have ac-
D. France tive partnerships with employers
7478. Which of the following is a home row C. Earlier Career Guidance
key? D. All of the above
A. E
7484. Which of the following is not a single
B. H use plan?
C. M A. Budget
D. S B. Programme
7479. Money is used to for the future. C. Method
A. go D. All of the above
B. save 7485. Which of the following is NOT a reason
C. measure for filing documents?
D. none of above A. To keep the office tidy
7496. One advantage of decentralised is 7501. Economic activities may be divided into
A. Don’t need to respond to local changes A. Industry
in the market
B. Business
B. Quality is maintained
C. Decision making is fast 7502. You can measure a busines size with
7497. What of the following is NOT a form of
communication? C. Capital Employed
A. Playing games on a phone D. Profit
B. Letters 7503. Every organisation has a basic
C. Signs which will differ from each other
D. Smoke signals A. Target
7498. What is the meaning of privatisation? B. Function
A. When private limited companies con- C. Process
vert into public limited companies D. Goal
B. when a partnership convert into a pri-
vate limited company 7504. What is the primary reason for Emma,
Abigail, and Nora to study business?
C. when a government or state owned in-
dustry is sold to private sector A. To understand various business activi-
ties and the profit they make
D. when a private sector business is pur-
chased by the government B. To learn about different types of plants
and animals
7499. Which of these is a method of product
C. To develop an interest in space explo-
A. Having a unique selling point
D. To understand the history of ancient
B. Selling a product in multiple territories civilizations
C. Introducing a product at a low price Explanation:The study of business is im-
D. none of above portant for Emma, Abigail, and Nora to un-
derstand various business activities and
7500. Grace is considering investing in a com- the profit they make.
pany and wants to understand the concept
of profit margin. What is profit margin? 7505. This type of partnership is less risky be-
cause this partner is only responsible for
A. Profit margin is a measure of a com- the contribution he/she has made to the
pany’s debt partnership
B. Profit margin is a type of tax
A. Sole proprietorship
C. Profit margin is the total revenue of a
B. General Partnership
D. Profit margin is a measure of a com- C. Corporation
pany’s profitability. D. Limited partnership
7506. In a recent SWOT analysis conducted by B. purchase cheaper resources from sup-
a manager it was identified that the busi- pliers
ness uses outdated technology? C. improve reputation of the business
7509. Why must a business grow? 7513. Which of the following signs on the text
A. waste time indicates a new paragraph?
B. lose money A. [
D. none of above C. ]
D. #
7510. Which of the following types of ware-
houses are used to store imported goods 7514. What do we call a person who starts a
for which import duty is yet to be paid? business?
A. Public warehouses A. Entrepreneur
B. Government warehouses B. Enterprise
C. Bonded warehouses C. Store
D. Cooperative warehouses. D. Extraposer
7511. which is not a way to increase the price 7515. every business requires to produce
for are added value? and supply goods and services to its cus-
A. improve quality of products by adding tomers
features A. social responsibility
B. productivity B. Commerce
C. physical and financial resources C. Communication
D. none of the above D. Trade
7516. What could happen in terms of produc- 7519. A consumer is
tivity, if employees are not motivated or
rewarded? A. Make something that is in demand,
B. Of two or more people or things, de-
pendant of each other
C. A person who purchases goods and
services for personal use
D. none of above
7524. The ultimate objective of personal sell- 7530. The span of control of the production
ing is: manager is
7529. There are not enough goods and ser- A. Limited flexibility in how to operate the
vices to meet the wants of the population. business
A. Scarcity B. Training is provided by the franchisor
B. Opportunity cost C. Required to pay fees to franchisor
C. Capital goods D. Advertising is provided by the fran-
D. Consumer services chisor
7534. was the first mutual fund started in In- 7540. Advertising and customers service units
dia can be found in which of these depart-
A. DBS Chola Mutual Fund ments?
B. HDFC A. Personnel
C. Unit Trust of India B. procurement
C. production
7535. The activities provided by a business
D. sales
that cannot be touched is called
A. Goods 7541. A trademark is a recognizable sign, de-
B. Services sign or expression which distinguished
C. Consumers products or services of a particular trade
from the similar products or services of
D. Tangible other traders
7536. The commonly used words in English A. true
represented by single signs are called
A. Phrasing B. false
B. Consonants
7542. True/False:Warehousing is only con-
C. Vowels cerned with the storage of goods, not with
D. Short forms their distribution.
7545. The use of office correspondence records C. A list of all the ledger accounts and
help the organization to know the number their balances extracted from the General
of that comes into an organization Ledger on a given date
prospective customers
A. closer to supplier
D. producing sub-standard goods.
B. closer to labour
7562. Planning provides the goals against
C. closer to competitor
which the actual performance is measured.
D. closer to the government This statement is related to which impor-
tance of planning.
7557. Sipho owns a factory where he designs
a wool jersey, what does he needs for the A. Planning provides directions
designing of jerseys? (Creating) B. Planning reduces overlapping and
A. Sewing machine, wool, thread wasteful activities
B. Leader, sewing machine, washing ma- C. Planning facilitates decision making
chine D. Planning establishes standard for con-
C. scissor, sallo tape, water trolling
7559. By comparing with standards man- 7564. What are the four types of IP’s in law?
ager can know whether the goals are A. Copyright law, Trademark Law
achieved or not:-
B. Trade Secret, Patent law
A. a) Risk C. Both A and B
B. (b) Ideas D. None of the above
C. (c) Actual performance
7565. The major source of capital for Public
D. (d) Costs Limited Liability Company is
7560. The break-even level of output is that A. selling of shares
number of units where: B. personal savings
A. profit is at its highest level C. partnership contribution
B. variable costs equal revenue D. contribution by family members
at a cost of Rs 15. Is he effective or effi-
cient? A. rope
A. Effective
B. rock mountain
B. Efficient
C. rock climber
C. Effective & Efficient
D. none of above
D. none of above
7582. Government is not responsible for
7578. which of the following services provide
protection from risk A. Food
A. banking B. Health
B. transportation C. Infrastructure
C. insurance D. Safety
D. postal and telecom
7583. The primary purpose of a business plan
7579. Lease agreements of movable property is to define what the business is or what
are between a it intends to be over time.
A. lessor and lessee A. True
B. seller and buyer B. False
C. tenant and a landlord
7584. Jasjeet and Inderjeet are partners in a
D. insurer and insured
partnership firm. Inderjeet participates ac-
7580. Which of the following would be inter- tively in the management whereas Jasjeet
ested in seeing the business plan of a new do not. They contribute capital, share prof-
company? its & losses and have unlimited liability.
Identify, Jasjeet is of which type of part-
A. Customers ner.
B. Potential investors
A. Secret Partner
C. The owners of the company
B. Active Partner
D. Banks/ potential lenders
C. Nominal Partner
E. Local council
D. Sleeping Partner
7581. What part of the picture is the natural
resource? 7585. Where is this Changi airport?
7595. Is an operational management tech- 7599. Introduction of new ideas are methods
nique and form of non-financial motivation is
that involves workers switching between A. Production
jobs (tasks) for a period of time.
B. Innovation
A. Job rotation
B. Teamwork 7600. means people swapped onegood or
service for another.
C. Empowerment
A. Bartering
D. none of above
B. Currency
7596. Manufacturer uses wholesalers and re- C. Globalisation
tailers to distribute goods to the cus-
tomers. Which level channel of distribu- D. none of above
tion is the manufacturer using- 7601. In a SWOT analysis which of the follow-
A. Zero ing would be considered by the business to
B. One be a weakness?
7605. Identify the image 7610. which is the following statement best
explains that “Management is an art”
7614. the total cost of production divided by 7619. Which form of business is not a part of
total output. the private sector?
A. Fixed costs A. Partnership
B. Variable cost B. Joint Stock Company
C. Total cost C. Sole proprietorship
D. Average cost D. Public Corporation
7615. Which of the following is not a home 7620. This is an example of
row key?
A. A
B. K
C. D
D. B
7627. Select the statements which defines 7632. not get a fixed dividend but are paid
Trade Properly. on the basis of earnings by the company.
7634. Governments can support business 7639. Which of the following statements is in-
start-ups buy: correct?
A. Increasing taxes A. The protective functions of the Securi-
ties and Exchange Board of India include
B. Increasing regulations
levying fee or other charges for carrying
C. Increasing grants out the purposes of the Act.
D. Increasing interest rates B. The development functions of the Secu-
rities and Exchange Board of India include
7635. The process of making a machine ready training of intermediaries of the securities
to be use is market.
A. warranty C. The regulatory functions of the Secu-
rities and Exchange Board of India in-
B. branding
clude registration of collective investment
C. sales schemes and mutual funds.
D. packaging D. The objectives of the Securities and Ex-
change Board of India include protecting
7636. Following is not a general force environ- the rights and interests of investors, par-
ment: ticularly individual investors and to guide
A. political environment and educate them.
B. social environment 7640. Ships plying over a fixed route and fol-
lowing a prescribed timetable are called:
C. competitors environment
A. Cargo
D. Economic environment
B. Charterparty
7637. Make final use of finished product
C. Liners
A. product
D. Tramp
B. wholesaler
7641. A place where clerical work is called
C. retailer a/an
D. consumer A. office
7638. Which strategy for overcoming resis- B. department
tance has the following drawback? The C. firm
danger of this tactic is that employee may
appear to be compliant but are in fact re- D. organization
sentful of the change.
7642. Which are the correct examples of con-
A. negotiation sumer services?
B. manipulation A. Education and insurance.
C. participation B. Advertising and accounting.
D. threat C. Machinery and spare parts.
E. communication D. Food and clothing.
7643. What is the sum of money paid by the 7648. The buying of right quality and quantity
insured to the insurance company called? of raw materials are duties of man-
7651. choice11
A. 12
B. 10
A. profit
C. 3
B. sales revenue
D. none of above
C. sales volume
D. variable costs 7652. This term is used to describe a payment
system when people get paid according to
7646. Import and export trade are what they produce?
A. Internal trade A. Piece rate pay
B. External trade B. Pay per product
C. Domestic trade C. Commission
D. Auxiliaries to trade D. Pay for what you make
7647. Which form of media is expensive but 7653. essentially implies a process which
reaches the most people? coordinates human efforts, assembles re-
sources and integrates both into a unified
A. radio
whole to be utilised for achieving specified
B. outdoor objectives.
C. television A. Coordination
D. online B. Planning
C. Product pricing
ple of a consumer ‘want’?
D. Production process
A. Warmth
7655. Which of the following is not a barrier B. Shelter
to effective communication?
C. Makeup
A. Noise
D. Food
B. Long channel of communication
7662. The senior management of the organisa-
C. The receiver is demotivated tion maintains full control of decision mak-
D. There is trust and respect between ing and there is a minimal delegation of
sender and receiver responsibility
A. Centralisation
7656. The first step in Planning process is
B. Decentralisation
A. Setting objectives
B. Developing premises 7663. It plays an important role at the aware-
ness stage and develops product prefer-
7657. By profession, FW Taylor was a ences with the aim of making sale.
A. Mechanical engineer A. Personal selling
B. Mining engineer B. Sales Promotion
C. Psychologist C. Advertising
D. Human resource officer D. Public Relations
7670. The chain of command in an organisation 7675. Differentiation, Positioning and Brand-
is ing are all related to
B. Planning A. Praise and recognition
C. Organising B. salary and commission
D. Directing C. Job rotation, Job Enlargement
7677. An office can best be defined as a place D. Company car and cell phone
A. Building and desks are displayed 7683. involves using group of workers and
B. Business is carried out allocating specific tasks and responsibili-
ties to them
C. Buying and selling is done
A. Team Working
D. Debts are paid
E. People discuss their problems B. Training
C. Promotion
7678. where does the development of the
product start from.(UND) D. none of above
A. Primary sector
7684. Which is not an example of Market Re-
B. Secondary sector search?
C. Tertiary sector
A. Asking people who would want to buy
D. All of the above a product
7679. When a business buys goods/services B. Identifying the target market
from their supplier on credit, it means they
have a/an C. Finding what kind of package to put the
product in
A. balance
D. Looking at who the product would sell
B. asset
C. owner’s equity
D. liability 7685. A form of business organization with
two or more owners who share the risks
7680. Staffing is the stage of management and the profits-
A. proprietorship
A. First
B. Second B. corporation
C. Third C. wholesale
D. Fourth D. partnership
7686. Assembly, shoes factories, and textile 7691. Explain a disadvantage of being a part-
factories are examples of what type of nership
REASONING (R):For management both C. Administrative and logistical work for
efficiency and effectiveness need to be an organisation
balanced. D. Promoting the business and mission of
A. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are an organisation
true and Reason (R) is the correct expla-
nation of Assertion (A). 7701. Which stage relates to registration of
B. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are
true and Reason (R) is not the correct ex- A. Promotion
planation of Assertion (A) B. Incorporation
C. Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is C. Capital Subscription
D. Commencement of Business
D. Assertion (A) is False but Reason (R) is
True 7702. Paying to sponsor a sports or a charity
event is called
A. Display Ads
A. 1
B. Event Marketing
B. 2
C. Outdoor Advertising
C. 3
D. Social Media Ads
D. 4
7703. One of the characteristic of successful
7698. What is the term describing the growing entrepreneurs is that
integration of the world’s economies?
A. Always rich
A. Peace deal
B. Risk takers
B. Trade deal
C. Usually shy
C. Globalisation
D. Avoid hard work
D. None of the above
7704. What does internal mean?
7699. What are the common formula ratios
used in liquidity ratio calculation? A. A source from within the business
A. current ratio and gross profit margin B. A source from outside the business
C. A named product that is seen as differ- 7711. What are Fixed Costs?
ent to other products A. the amount of money allocated for a
C. Job availability
D. Job Analysis
C. Gives an objective look at what you are 7742. Authority is related with
doing and why A. Duty
D. It is required by law B. Accountability
7737. Which of the following not an example C. Position
of multinational companies? D. Function
A. Pepsi
7743. In which year and date “Make in India”
B. Colgate was launched by the Government of India?
C. Pizza hut A. 15 August 2014
D. multi B. 25 September 2015
7738. sells in bulk C. 25 September 2014
amounts of money in order to do so. Which they believe in the prosperity of the work-
source of finance would be a good fit? ers.” Identify the principle of manage-
A. Raising share capital by transforming ment.
from a partnership to a public corporation A. Standardisation
B. Taking advantage of the agreed over- B. Remuneration
draft with the bank C. Harmony, not discord
C. Retained profits of $80, 000 D. Order
D. Crowdfunding
7763. Which of the following is not a statutory
7759. Which of the following facts about corporation?
crowd-sourcing is/are TRUE? (choose as A. LIC
many as apply!)
A. It is a method of internal fund raising
B. Can also be an excellent marketing
tool for a business
C. It doesn’t matter if the product 7764. The picture is an example of a toll road.
launched is not successful Which is a possible social benefit of this
business establishment?
D. Great way of raising money quickly,
esp. for a new business idea
7761. How do you define profit? 7765. The key that is used to take the cursor
to a new line is Key
A. when revenue exceeds cost
A. Delete
B. when costs exceed revenue
B. Enter
C. when revenue achieves planned target
C. Escape
D. when the bottom line is in the red
D. Insert
7762. “Pawan never discriminates his subor-
dinates. All employees are satisfied with 7766. What is the purpose of long-term financ-
the working conditions. The company is ing?
earning huge incomes. The management A. Investment in stocks for long-term
shares the profits with the workers as gains
7767. All of the following are likely to affect 7772. is the mail received in and sent out
the location of a stationary wholesaler ex- of an organization.
A. Journal
A. the availability of government grants
in certain regions B. News book
C. The difference between revenue and 7782. What is the 3 stages of economy activ-
expenditure ity? Choose 3 answers.
D. All of the above A. Primary, Secondary, Tertiary
7777. There may be among the stakehold- B. Primary, Secondary, Economy sectors
ers of a company C. Primary, Economy Sectors, deindustri-
A. Fight alisation
B. Conflict of Interest D. none of above
C. Dispute
7783. “Giving false information” “Failing to
D. None of these give important information” “Acting ag-
7778. Which one of the following isn’t likely
to be a common business objective? A. The Sales of Goods Act
A. To make profit B. The Trade Description Act
B. To provide a service to the community
7784. A garbage truck driver is an example of
C. To pay as much tax as possible which Factor of Production?
D. To increase market share A. labor
7779. has a code of conduct prescribed by B. land
a professional association
C. entrepreneurship
A. Profession
D. capital
B. Employment
C. Business 7785. A document containing terms and condi-
tions of partnership
D. None
A. Bill
7780. Firms that manufacture and process
B. Agreement
goods from natural resources.
A. Tertiary Sector C. Hundi
7787. Which one following is not an advan- A. Planning may not work in a dynamic en-
tage received by a consumer due to con- vironment
sumer protection. B. Planning does not guarantee success
7796. Which of the following stakeholders is 7802. A cracker making in the UK is booming
most likely to have the objective of receiv- well. The company makes crackers for var-
ing high dividend payments? ious occasions such as Diwali, Holi, Christ-
A. Employees mas, New Year, the production and sell-
ing of crackers reaches to a new height.”
B. Suppliers Identify the dimension of the business en-
C. Shareholders vironment.
D. Customers A. Economic Environment
7797. Business is established for the purpose B. Social Environment
of providing services to C. Technological Environment
A. Commandant D. Global Environment
B. Commodity 7803. Digital Ads, Billboards, Newspapers
C. Customers and Magazines are examples of
D. Commoners A. Display Ads
7798. A is sent with the goods being de- B. Podcasts
livered. It’s then signed by the buyer to C. Social Media Ads
state that the goods have been received D. none of above
in good condition.
7804. Classify the following cost as either
A. Receipt
fixed or variable:Materials
B. Payment
A. Fixed
C. cash bill
B. Variable
D. Delivery note
7805. A ‘service’ in business terms is
7799. reflect what the business wants to
A. An action provided to/ for you
achieve in the long run.
B. An item you can see and touch
A. Objectives
B. Goals 7806. Abolition of Licensing requirement in
most of the industries.
7800. Who is responsible for the welfare and
A. Privitasation
survival of an organization?
A. top level
C. Globalisation
B. middle level
D. Liberalisation
C. lower level
D. none of the above 7807. what is the recruitment process?
A. a business finding ways to make a
7801. Which of the following is an example of profit
a social enterprise?
B. sourcing for the purpose of finding and
A. Advertising agency hiring new employees
B. Computer manufacturer C. evaluation of CV and creating a short-
C. local charity list
D. Caravan site D. none of above
7818. Which of these is not protected under 7823. Name the function of management un-
copyright? der which policies and strategies are for-
A. Song lyrics mulated.
C. Logos B. Planning
D. Novel C. Staffing
D. Middle level
7819. What is the definition of ‘International
Trade’? 7824. Which of the following are goods?
A. The buying and selling of goods and A. Shoes
services between different countries B. Couch
B. Exchanging goods and services within C. Apple
a country
D. Doctor
C. is exchanging of goods and services
between two parties in return for pay- 7825. Which does NOT belong to the group?
ment. It can be domestic or international
A. Gender
D. The free movement of people across
B. Location
C. Height
7820. The buyer will send an to the seller
D. Income
when he wants to place an order for
goods. 7826. A non-Cash form of income
A. application form A. State Benefit
B. blank form B. Benefit in Time
C. order form C. Benefit in Kind
D. none of the above D. Social Welfare
7821. Management is not 7827. In decline stage, price discount might be
A. an applied science. offered to stop sales from declining too
B. a pure science. much.
C. an art. A. False
7822. What does the owner of a miniature 7828. Which one of following is not a function
golf business provide her customers with? of Central Bank of Sri-Lanka.
a) b) c) A. Operating Fiscal Policy.
A. A service B. Issuing fiat money.
B. A promotion C. Operating financial policy
C. A good D. Operating Exchange Policy.
D. An exchange E. Managing Foreign reserves.
7829. Which of these should you consider be- 7834. planning requires logical and systematic
fore making an investment? thinking rather than guess work or wish-
ful thinking. identify the related feature
7839. Name the concept which ‘helps a man- C. Products/services provided to cus-
ager to extend his area of operations tomers
as without it, his activities would be re- D. none of above
stricted to only what he himself can do’.
7844. Coordination act as a binding force be-
A. Delegation of Authority
tween various departments.
B. Centralisation
A. True
C. Accountability
B. False
D. Responsibility
7845. All the following are components of
7840. Jack, a waiter, is late for work because business studies EXCEPT
he has missed the bus. He has only ten
A. Commerce
dollars in his wallet. He will lose his job
if he is late. However, the taxi fare is B. Banking
ten dollars. The lunch at his office costs C. Keyboarding
nine dollars. The canteen below is decid- D. Computer studies
ing whether to serve Chinese noodles or
burgers. What is theopportunity cost for 7846. Why added value is important?
the taxi fare? A. Because sales revenue is greater than
A. Breakfast cost of materials bought in by business
B. Lunch B. Because people have unlimited wants
C. Burgers C. Because workers are trained in one
D. Chinese Noodles
D. Because resources are scarce
7841. Lobbying activities are functions of
which level of management? 7847. Deposit creation process comes to an
end when
A. Top
A. fresh deposit with bank become zero
B. Middle
B. LRR become zero
C. Supervisory
C. money multiplier becomes zero
D. Lower
D. total reserves equal initial deposits
7842. A smallholder farmer needs to travel
from her village into town to buy fertil- 7848. is an objective of sole trader
izer. Which of the following is the most A. Earning profit
ideal form of transport? B. Rendering service
A. Train C. Profit with service
B. Airplane D. All the above
C. Boat
7849. The acronym AIDA stands for?
D. Matatu
A. Attention, interest, desire, action
7843. What happens in the secondary sector? B. Apply, interest, determined, action
A. Raw materials are sourced C. Attention, involvement, desire, action
B. Products are made D. none of above
7850. What is the major difficulty during the 7855. What is a ledger
establishment stage? A. Double entry
B. More people spending on the tertiary A. Owners
B. Workers
C. High levels of unemployment in the pri-
mary sector. C. Consumers
D. High levels of employment in the ter- D. Community
tiary sector.
7865. Which two of the following increases
7861. The following picture represents which the risk of business failure? Select two
externality? answers:
A. Draws up a detailed business plan
B. Produces goods that do not meet cus-
tomer needs
C. Makes a product that stands out from
its competitors
D. Fails to carry out comprehensive mar-
A. Private Cost ket research
B. External Cost
E. Offers exceptional customer service
C. Social Benefit
D. Private Benefit 7866. is at both ends of the typewriter and
they are used for insertion and removal.
7862. A comprehensive and practical subject
A. ribbon
that prepares students for managerial role
in both private and public sector is called B. carriage return lever
C. paper bail
A. Agricultural science
D. cylinder knob
B. Business studies
C. Further mathematics 7867. The main function of is to provide
information required by law.
D. Home management
E. Physical education A. Labelling
B. packaging
7863. Efficiency is concerned with:
C. Branding
A. Utilization of minimum resources &
completing the task D. all the above
7868. These needs are most basic in the hier- 7873. Raw materirals are gathered in sec-
archy of motivation theory and correspond ondary production.
to primary needs. Identify.
B. clerk B. Plenty
C. accountant C. Scarcity
D. Abundance
D. teacher
7877. Choose the best features of packaging
7871. Which places that are most affected by
for a new soft drink aimed at young chil-
the poverty?
A. Rural areas
A. made of glass, with a label containing
B. Suburbs details of contents and healthy qualities of
C. Urban areas the drink
7878. Which one is NOT TRUE about non-profit 7884. what is BOGOF
business? A. a sales method using a mathematical
A. Generates revenues from sales formula
and/or contributions
B. another name for fringe benefits
B. Operated by board of directors,
trustees, or managers C. a marketing term to refer to end of
season sales
C. Profits are not subject to taxation by
local, state, and federal authorities D. an acronym standing for ‘buy one get
on free’
D. Owned by individuals, partners, or
shareholders 7885. Successful organisations do not achieve
their goals by chance but by following a
7879. . Suppose you take a loan of Rs. 20,
deliberate process called
000 from your friend Jagan. You can
make a document stating that you will pay A. Management
the money to Jagan or the bearer on de- B. Coordination
mand. Or you can mention in the document
that you will pay the amount after three C. Directing
months. D. Efficiency
A. Promissory note
7886. The reward for capital resources in a
B. Call money company is:
C. Bill of Exchange
A. Rent
D. Treasury
B. Salaries and wages
7880. State any one importance of organising C. Interest
A. Expansion and growth
D. Profit
B. Establishing reporting relationships
7887. What is unemployment?
7881. Clever Communicator
A. The figure the government uses to
A. Farhan compare people out of work
B. faith
B. When a person is available to work, is
C. Madiya looking for work, but has no work
D. Reena C. When someone doesn’t have a job
7882. When someone is accountable for some- D. Students
7888. Which of these departments is in charge
A. they are held responsible
of procuring materials in a company?
B. they are in charge of someone
A. purchasing
7883. True/False:Intermodal transportation B. administrative
refers to using one mode of transport from
origin to destination. C. accounting
A. True D. production
B. False E. personnel
A. Services that have become obsolete B. large quantities
B. Products that have become obsolete C. none of these
C. Changes in consumer demand D. all of these
D. Changes in the interest rate 7905. One of the insurance policy is not for mo-
7900. is the assessment tool used in the tor vehicle
micro environment. A. third party
A. SWOT-analysis B. marine
B. Porter’s Five C. comprehensive
7909. Name me an example of a Competitor? 7915. Which of the following answers are
A. McDonalds and KFC business objectives?
D. A and C A. Control over corruption
E. A, B and C B. counterfeiting use of high denomina-
tion notes for illegal activities
7921. “ “ is the process of making a prod-
C. Control on black money
uct unique to make it more attractive to a
particular target market. D. More demanding coustomers
A. Marketing 7926. Are those which are produced for other
B. Promotion businesses to be able to produce other
goods and services
C. Differentiation
A. Consumer Good
D. Economies of Scale
B. Producer Good
7922. Which of the following is likely to be
C. Business Goods
the main factor influencing the location of
a small barber shop? Proximity to: D. Private Goods
A. Customers 7927. No company can legallyundertake activ-
B. Labour ities that are notcontained in its
C. Raw materials A. Memorandum of association
D. Competitors B. articles of association
7923. Entrepreneurship means, A. Acting as a 7928. Which of the following includes two ex-
bridge between labour and management.B amples of transforming resources?
Engaging in business activities bearing A. Facilities and Customers
risks.C Carrying on a new business suc-
B. Materials and customers
cessfully.D Capturing new business oppor-
tunities.E Ability to obtain profits through C. Facilities and human resources
business activities. D. Material and human resources
7929. A company’s policy is to purchase from
B. ABC lowest cost suppliers regardless of their
C. CDE location. What is this policy an example
D. ADE of?
B. Purchases account; credit Green pub- 7935. What does SMART stand for?
lisher account
A. Really clever answer.
C. Purchases account; credit cash ac-
count B. Statement, Member, Agreed, Realistic,
D. Green publisher account; credit pur-
chases account C. Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realis-
tic, Timed
7931. Capital is not an essential element in
D. Set Measurable And Realistic Targets
A. Business
B. Profession 7936. Things about work that are important
to you.
C. Employment
D. None of these A. Economic Values
B. Work Values
7932. The first form of production usually re-
ferred to as primary production consists of C. Ability
A. manufacturing industry D. Aptitude
B. extractive industry
7937. Which of these relates to niche market-
C. commercial services ing?
D. constructive industry
C. Standardize Process
many companies is essentially a part of D. none of above
their business policies or strategic manage-
ment. 7945. Choose two ways by which a manger
A. true should perform Analysis Deviation.
B. cannot say A. Corrective Action
C. false B. Critical Point Control
D. none of above C. Management by Exception
D. Sample Checking
7940. A Partner whose association with the
firm is unknown to the general public is E. Performance Standards
7946. Identify the feature of co-ordination
A. Nominal partner being highlighted in the given state-
B. Active partner ment:“Coordination is not a one time func-
tion, it begins at the planning stage and
C. secret partner
continue till controlling.”
D. Sleeping partner
A. Coordination ensures unity of action
7941. The movement of people and goods B. Coordination is an all pervasive func-
from one place to another is called tion
A. aeroplane C. Coordination is a continuous process
B. transportation D. Coordination is a deliberate function
C. bus
7947. The place where visitors are first at-
D. ship tended to in an office is called
7942. A Prospectus is issued by A. nursery
A. A Private Company B. Guard Room
B. A Public Company seeking Investment C. Kiosk
C. A Public Sector D. Reception
D. A Public Company E. Store
7943. A similarity between the computer and 7948. Which of the following implies being an-
typewriter is that both have swerable for the final outcome?
A. carriage A. a) Authority
B. margin stop B. Responsibility
B. E. Reduces the general cost of running 7958. Which of the following is a more suit-
business able mode of purchase of goods in bulk?
C. C. Promotes a better flow of work in A. Purchase through auction
the office
B. Purchase by sample
D. D. Promotes effective staff training
C. Purchase by inspection
E. B Creates friction between staff and D. Purchase by description.
management 7959. A sole proprietor has a limit in which of
7953. What is a car an example of? the following ability
A. A Cost A. Managerial
B. A service A Service B. Owner
C. A Product/Good C. Worker
D. none of above D. None of these
7960. All except one are forms of business 7966. Which of the following does not form a
A. co-operative society part of staffing process?
B. partnership A. Recruitment
C. public/private company B. Selection
D. Nigeria labour congress C. Performance Appraisal
7961. Employers and Employees have the D. Resource analysis
same responsibilities in the selection pro-
cess. These are all of these except 7967. How many types of recruitments are
A. Honesty there?
B. Flexibility A. 1
C. Objectivity B. 2
D. Fairness
C. 3
E. Confidentiality
D. 4
7962. The following is an example of a socio-
economic issue 7968. Which of the following is the most likely
A. Taxes objective of a large, established and highly
profitable international business?
B. Inequality
C. Changes in legislation A. Market dominance
D. The level of pollution created by in- B. Making a profit
dutries C. Survival
7963. Self assessing helps people figure out D. Domestic growth
A. Attitudes 7969. If vegetable Oil produced in a factory in
B. Values any part of the country are to reach mil-
lions of consumers throughout the country,
C. Interest the help of and are required.
D. All of the Above
A. Employee
7964. Firman-jog Hundi is payable on order.
B. Manufacturer
State whether statement is True or False.
A. True C. Retailer
B. False D. Wholesaler
7965. The part of the economy that is owned 7970. A Business that is the only producer in
and controlled by individuals and compa- a particular market is known as
nies for profit.
A. Oligopolist
A. Private Sector
B. Public Sector B. Monopolist
7971. The chain of command is 7976. Eva:All three factors play an important
role to the economy which sector do you
A. the path in which an order is passed up
think generate a large revenue for the
7981. Framework for the expansion of human 7986. This is not a type of example of psycho-
capital within an organization. logical barrier.
A. Human Resource A. Distrust
B. Human Resource Management B. Lack of proper attention
C. Lack of confidence of superior in sub-
C. Human Resource Development
D. none of above
D. Premature Evaluation
7982. Which of the following is a type of sec- 7987. Which of the following is an example of
ondary market research? an economy of scale?
A. Government report A. Reduced staff motivation
B. Survey B. Purchasing
C. Focus group C. Poor communication
D. Coordination issues
D. Questionnaire
7988. Planning is deciding in advance
7983. Identify the Concept (training Method)
A. What to do
B. How to do
C. Whom to do
D. Only a & b
7992. The objective of wealth maximization 7996. The following are function of an office
takes into account except information
D. Budget
C. Exports from Country A will become
8002. If the exchange rate in country A appre- cheaper in other currencies
ciates (rises in value) which one of the fol- D. Export sales from Country A will in-
lowing isthe most likely effect? crease