Baker 1988
Baker 1988
Baker 1988
To cite this article: C.G.J. Baker (1988) THE DESIGN OF FLIGHTS IN CASCADING ROTARY DRYERS, Drying Technology: An
International Journal, 6:4, 631-653, DOI: 10.1080/07373938808916402
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DRYING TECHNOLOGY, 6(4), 631-653 (1988)
C.G.J. Baker*
Engineering Sciences Division, Harwell Laboratory,
Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 ORA, England.
.FIGURE 1 Typical cascading rotary dryer.
Not to scale
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tip of the flight with the horizontal at the centre of the drum.
The angle formed by the free surface of the solids on the flight
with the horizontal is denoted by 6 and the drum radius by R.
6 = :- "
+ 0 (COS 0 r sin 0
(sin 0 + p cos 0;
rotary dryers are commonly operated in the range 0.0025 < v < 0.04
(Glikin, 1978). Consequently, this equation can be regarded as
giving acceptably accurate results over the range of practical
importance. It should be stressed, however, that this equation
was only tested'for freely-flowing solids. It cannot be expected
to hold for wet, sticky materials which adhere to the flights.
Angled Flights
I R cos a
a sin-' [ I (3)
( R ~ PRL sin or + ~ ~ ) f
L' sin ($ + 1)
0 = tan-1 [
L' cos ($ + I) + (R
2 - 2RL sin a + L2) .
The expressions from which the component areas of equation (6) may
be calculated are summarised in Table 1. Note that equation (2)
is an odd function with respect to the angle a. Thus, in the
situation shown in Figure 78 (a = 0-0>0), the area of wedge BSC is
a positive quantity. However, in the case depicted in Figure 7b,
(a1 Case 1
19 < pl)
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l b ) Case 1
(8 > 4 )
F 0
F 0
FIGURE 7 Passage of an angled flight around the drum
Calculation of Areas
a = $-8<0 and the area of BSC calculated from equation (2) is also
negative. Thus, equation (6) holds equally for both these cases.
Extended-Circular Flights
L' = r sin 6
cos (612)
Case 2 {
Coincidence of C with A
Case 3 {
Flight empties (coincidence of C with B).
The holdup per unit length of flight (ares DAHBC. Figure 9a,
b) is given by:
Case 2: This is also analogous to Case 2 for the angled flights
and is illustrated in Figure 9c. It applies for
(0-6) T1<(0-#)<(8-#)T2; the limiting values of (0-#) are again
given by equations (5) and (7).
Id Case 2
Id1 Case 3
where h
* is the value of h* at 0 = OO.
Angle a 90'
Angle @ 90'
Flight Number
Here points C and D' coincide. Under these conditions, the solids
contained in the fullest flight (at 9 = )'0 just impinge on the
flight above. The angular spacing between flights is then
zl -
L' sin ($ + 1) sin $o
$o - sin-' [
R sin 13 I (16)
C2 = cos-1 R - L sin a
[(R 2 - 2R L sin or + L2)* 1
'i,min = 12.10
n = 360°/12.1 = 29.75
Perry and Chilton (1974) have indicated that the number of flights
in most rotary dryers ranges from 6.6D to 9.8D, where D is the
drum diameter in metres. This ampirical formula, which is videly
used in practice, indicates that, in the present case, the number
of flights should lie between 20.and 28. The predictions of the
two methods,are therefore in excellent agreement.
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Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 21:41 26 December 2014
r - -
100 120 1LO 160 180
.. 8, Degrees
D Drum diameter, m
8 Acceleration due to gravity, m/s
h* Design holdup of flight, m /m
Design holdup of flight at 0 = 0 ° , m-/m
H Actual holdup of drum, q /m
H* Design holdup of drum,.m3/m
L Length of flight stem, m
L' Length of flight lip, m
Number of flights, -
n Maximumnumber of flights. -
N Rotational speed of drum, rpm
Radius of curved lip of extended-circular flight, m
r Radius of flight tip, m
R Radius of drum, m
X ~dtersection length along a radius, m
a Angle between flight stem and tangent to drum at their
point of intersection, radians or degrees
0 Angle subtended by'flight lip at centre of drum, radians or
II Angle between flight stem and radius passing through point
of intersection between flight stem and lip, radians or
6 Angle subtended by curved lip-of extended-circular flight
at its centre, radians or degrees
of like granules, -
v Ratio of centripetal to gravitational forces, -
Angle defined in Figure 10, radians or degrees
Angle defined in Figure 10, radians or degrees
d Angle between radius and chord, radians or degrees
$ Angle between surface of solids in flight and horizontal,
radians or degrees
Value of $ at 0 = 0 ° , radians or degrees
rP Angle between flight stem and lip, radians or degrees
w Rotational speed of drum, rad/s.