NeonMoney YouTube Script

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study("AIO", "NeonMoney YT", overlay=true, max_bars_back=500)

// Line Style

linestyle = plot.style_circles

linestyle1 = plot.style_line

//linestyle1 = plot.style_cross

// Label for S/R

chper = time - time[1]

chper := change(chper) > 0 ? chper[1] : chper



num = syminfo.mintick

s = valu

if na(s)

s := syminfo.mintick

if num < 1

for i = 1 to 20

num := num * 10

if num > 1


a := a +1
for x = 1 to a

s := s * 10

s := round(s)

for x = 1 to a

s := s / 10

s := s < syminfo.mintick ? syminfo.mintick : s

//Camarilla PIVOTS

PIVOT = input(title="CCPivot", defval="D", options=["D", "W", "M"])

DP = input(true, title="Daily Pivots Range")

CP = input(true, title="Camarilla Pivots")

HL = input(false, title="M, W, D Highs/Lows")

//TP = input(false, title="Tomorrow Pivots")

//WP = input(false, title="Weekly Pivots")

//MP = input(false, title="Monthly Pivots")

// Example DP in the prefix implies daily pivot calculation

DPopen = security(syminfo.tickerid, PIVOT, open[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)

DPhigh = security(syminfo.tickerid, PIVOT, high[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)

DPlow = security(syminfo.tickerid, PIVOT, low[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)

DPclose = security(syminfo.tickerid, PIVOT, close[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)

DPrange = DPhigh - DPlow

//Daily Pivots Formula

pivot = (DPhigh + DPlow + DPclose) / 3.0

bc = (DPhigh + DPlow) / 2.0

tc = pivot - bc + pivot

r1 = pivot * 2 - DPlow

r2 = pivot + DPhigh - DPlow

r3 = r1 + DPhigh - DPlow

r4 = r3 + r2 - r1

s1 = pivot * 2 - DPhigh

s2 = pivot - (DPhigh - DPlow)

s3 = s1 - (DPhigh - DPlow)

s4 = s3 - (s1 - s2)

// Rounding levels to min tick

nround(x) =>

n = round(x / syminfo.mintick) * syminfo.mintick

previous_values = false

display_value = true

//Tomorrow's Pivot Calculation

TPopen = security(syminfo.tickerid, PIVOT, open, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)

TPhigh = security(syminfo.tickerid, PIVOT, high, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)

TPlow = security(syminfo.tickerid, PIVOT, low, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)

TPclose = security(syminfo.tickerid, PIVOT, close, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)

TPrange = TPhigh - TPlow

TPpivot = (TPhigh + TPlow + TPclose) / 3.0

TPbc = (TPhigh + TPlow) / 2.0

TPtc = TPpivot - TPbc + TPpivot

//Camarilla Pivots

H5 = (DPhigh / DPlow) * DPclose

H4 = DPclose + DPrange * 1.1/2

H3 = DPclose + DPrange * 1.1/4

H2 = DPclose + DPrange * 1.1/6

H1 = DPclose + DPrange * 1.1/12

L1 = DPclose - DPrange * 1.1/12

L2 = DPclose - DPrange * 1.1/6

L3 = DPclose - DPrange * 1.1/4

L4 = DPclose - DPrange * 1.1/2

H6 = H5 + 1.168 * (H5 - H4)

L5 = DPclose - (H5 - DPclose)

L6 = DPclose - (H6 - DPclose)

offs_daily = 0
//Daily Pivot Plot

plot(DP and pivot ? pivot : na, title = "PIVOT" ,color = pivot != pivot[1] ? na :, linewidth = 2,
style = linestyle1, transp = 0,display = display.none)

tcline = plot(DP and tc ? tc : na, title = "TC" ,color = tc != tc[1] ? na :, linewidth = 2, style =
linestyle1, transp = 0,display = display.none)

bcline = plot(DP and bc ? bc : na, title = "BC" ,color = bc != bc[1] ? na :, linewidth = 2, style =
linestyle1, transp = 0,display = display.none)

fill(tcline, bcline, color = tc != tc[1] and bc != bc[1] ? na :, transp = 80, title = "Pivot")


//cr1 = plot(CP and H1 ? H1 : na, title = "H1", color =, linewidth = 1, style =
plot.style_cross,transp = 0,display = display.none)

//cr2 = plot(CP and H2 ? H2 : na, title = "H2", color =, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_cross,
transp = 0,display = display.none)

cr3 = plot(CP and H3 ? H3 : na, title = "H3", color = color.purple, linewidth = 2, style = plot.style_cross,
transp = 0,display = display.none)

cr4 = plot(CP and H4 ? H4 : na, title = "H4", color =, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_cross,
transp = 0,display = display.none)

cr5 = plot(CP and H5 ? H5 : na, title = "H5", color =, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_cross,
transp = 0,display = display.none)

cr6 = plot(CP and H6 ? H6 : na, title = "H6", color =, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_cross,
transp = 0,display = display.none)

//cl1 = plot(CP and L1 ? L1 : na, title = "L1", color =, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_cross,
transp = 0,display = display.none)

//cl2 = plot(CP and L2 ? L2 : na, title = "L2", color =, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_cross,
transp = 0,display = display.none)

cl3 = plot(CP and L3 ? L3 : na, title = "L3", color = color.purple, linewidth = 2, style = plot.style_cross,
transp = 0,display = display.none)

cl4 = plot(CP and L4 ? L4 : na, title = "L4", color =, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_cross, transp =
0,display = display.none)
cl5 = plot(CP and L5 ? L5 : na, title = "L5", color =, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_cross, transp =
0,display = display.none)

cl6 = plot(CP and L6 ? L6 : na, title = "L6", color =, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_cross, transp =
0,display = display.none)

fill(cr5,cr6,color = H6 != H6[1] and H5 != H5[1] ? na : color.yellow, title = "H5 & H6",transp = 85)

fill(cr4,cr5,color = H4 != H4[1] and H5 != H5[1] ? na : color.lime, title = "H4 & H5",transp = 85)

fill(cr3,cr4,color = H3 != H3[1] and H4 != H4[1] ? na :, title = "H3 & H4",transp = 85)

//fill(cr3,tcline, color =,title = "H3 & TC" ,transp = 80)

//fill(cl3,bcline, color =, title = "L3 & BC",transp = 80)

fill(cl3,cl4,color = L3 != L3[1] and L4 != L4[1] ? na :, title = "L3 & L4",transp = 85)

fill(cl4,cl5,color = L5 != L5[1] and L4 != L4[1] ? na : color.lime, title = "L4 & L5",transp = 85)

fill(cl5,cl6,color = L5 != L5[1] and L6 != L6[1] ? na : color.yellow,title = "L5 & L6", transp = 85)

src = input(close,"source")


vwap_color = vwap > vwap[1] ? #00ffcc:#ff9900

plot(vwap, color= vwap_color,title="VWAP", linewidth=2, transp=33)

//Exponential Moving Average

len11 = input(21, minval=1, title="EMA #1")

//src = input(close, title="ema Source #1")

//out1 = ema(src, len1)

out11 = ema(src, len11)

plot(out11, title="EMA #1", color=close >= out11 ? #66ff66:#ff6666, linewidth=1, transp=33)

//Simple Moving Average

len1 = input(200, minval=1, title="SMA #1")

//src1 = input(close, title="SMA Source #1")

//out1 = sma(src1, len1)

out1 = sma(src, len1)

plot(out1, title="SMA #1", color=close >= out1 ? #33cc33:#ff3300, linewidth=2, transp=33)


length = input(20, minval=1, title="BB")

mult = input(2.0, minval=0.001, maxval=50)

basis = sma(src, length)

dev = mult * stdev(src, length)

upper = basis + dev

lower = basis - dev

plot(basis, title="BB Median", transp=15, color=#CCCCFF,display = display.none)

p1 = plot(upper, title="BB Upper", transp=15, color=#CCCCFF,display = display.none)

p2 = plot(lower, title="BB Lower", transp=15, color=#CCCCFF,display = display.none)

fill(p1, p2, color=#FFFFFF, transp=90, title="BB BG")

////zigzag org////

prd1 = input(defval = 5, title="ZigZag Period 1", minval = 2, maxval = 20)

prd2 = input(defval = 21, title="ZigZag Period 2", minval = 2, maxval = 50)

showzz = input(defval = "Show Both", title = "Show Zig Zags", options = ["Show Zig Zag 1", "Show Zig Zag
2", "Show Both", "Show None"])

showhhll = input(defval = "Show Both", title = "Show HHLL", options = ["Show HHLL 1", "Show HHLL 2",
"Show Both", "Show None"])

upcol1 = input(defval = color.lime, title = "Zig Zag 1 Up Color")

dncol1 = input(defval =, title = "Zig Zag 1 Down Color")

upcol2 = input(defval =, title = "Zig Zag 2 Up Color")

dncol2 = input(defval = color.purple, title = "Zig Zag 2 Down Color")

txtcol = input(defval =, title = "Text Color")

zz1style = input(defval = "Dashed", title = "Zig Zag 1 Line Style", options = ["Dashed", "Dotted"])

zz1width = input(defval = 1, title = "Zig zag 1 Line Width", minval = 1, maxval = 4)

zz2width = input(defval = 1, title = "Zig zag 2 Line Width", minval = 1, maxval = 6)

float ph1 = highestbars(close, prd1) == 0 ? close : na

float pl1 = lowestbars(close, prd1) == 0 ? close : na

float ph2 = highestbars(close, prd2) == 0 ? close : na

float pl2 = lowestbars(close, prd2) == 0 ? close : na

var dir1 = 0

var dir2 = 0

dir1 := iff(ph1 and na(pl1), 1, iff(pl1 and na(ph1), -1, dir1))

dir2 := iff(ph2 and na(pl2), 1, iff(pl2 and na(ph2), -1, dir2))

var max_array_size = 10 // [5, 2] matrix

var zigzag1 = array.new_float(0)

var zigzag2 = array.new_float(0)

add_to_zigzag(pointer, value, bindex)=>

array.unshift(pointer, bindex)

array.unshift(pointer, value)

if array.size(pointer) > max_array_size



update_zigzag(pointer, value, bindex, dir)=>

if array.size(pointer) == 0

add_to_zigzag(pointer, value, bindex)


if (dir == 1 and value > array.get(pointer, 0)) or (dir == -1 and value < array.get(pointer, 0))

array.set(pointer, 0, value)

array.set(pointer, 1, bindex)


dir1changed = change(dir1)

if ph1 or pl1

if dir1changed

add_to_zigzag(zigzag1, dir1 == 1 ? ph1 : pl1, bar_index)


update_zigzag(zigzag1, dir1 == 1 ? ph1 : pl1, bar_index, dir1)

dir2changed = change(dir2)

if ph2 or pl2

if dir2changed

add_to_zigzag(zigzag2, dir2 == 1 ? ph2 : pl2, bar_index)


update_zigzag(zigzag2, dir2 == 1 ? ph2 : pl2, bar_index, dir2)

if array.size(zigzag1) >= 6

var line zzline1 = na

var label zzlabel1 = na

float val = array.get(zigzag1, 0)

int point = round(array.get(zigzag1, 1))

if change(val) or change(point)

float val1 = array.get(zigzag1, 2)

int point1 = round(array.get(zigzag1, 3))

if change(val1) == 0 and change(point1) == 0



if showzz == "Show Zig Zag 1" or showzz == "Show Both"

zzline1 := = point, y1 = val, x2 = point1, y2 = val1, color = dir1 == 1 ? upcol1 : dncol1,
width = zz1width, style = zz1style == "Dashed" ? line.style_dashed : line.style_dotted)

if showhhll == "Show HHLL 1" or showhhll == "Show Both"

hhlltxt = dir1 == 1 ? array.get(zigzag1, 0) > array.get(zigzag1, 4) ? "HH" : "LH" : array.get(zigzag1, 0)
< array.get(zigzag1, 4) ? "LL" : "HL"

labelcol = dir1 == 1 ? array.get(zigzag1, 0) > array.get(zigzag1, 4) ? upcol1 : dncol1 :

array.get(zigzag1, 0) < array.get(zigzag1, 4) ? dncol1 : upcol1

zzlabel1 := = point, y = val, text = hhlltxt, color = labelcol, textcolor = txtcol, style = dir1
== 1 ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up)

if array.size(zigzag2) >= 6

var line zzline2 = na

var label zzlabel2 = na

float val = array.get(zigzag2, 0)

int point = round(array.get(zigzag2, 1))

if change(val) or change(point)

float val1 = array.get(zigzag2, 2)

int point1 = round(array.get(zigzag2, 3))

if change(val1) == 0 and change(point1) == 0



if showzz == "Show Zig Zag 2" or showzz == "Show Both"

zzline2 := = point, y1 = val, x2 = point1, y2 = val1, color = dir2 == 1 ? upcol2 : dncol2,
width = zz2width)

if showhhll == "Show HHLL 2" or showhhll == "Show Both"

hhlltxt = dir2 == 1 ? array.get(zigzag2, 0) > array.get(zigzag2, 4) ? "HH" : "LH" : array.get(zigzag2, 0)

< array.get(zigzag2, 4) ? "LL" : "HL"

labelcol = dir2 == 1 ? array.get(zigzag2, 0) > array.get(zigzag2, 4) ? upcol2 : dncol2 :

array.get(zigzag2, 0) < array.get(zigzag2, 4) ? dncol2 : upcol2

zzlabel2 := = point, y = val, text = hhlltxt, color = labelcol, textcolor = txtcol, style = dir2
== 1 ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up)
// |--------------------------------------------------------------------------||

// | ZigZag: ||

// |--------------------------------------------------------------------------||

// |{

string percent_method = input(

defval="ATR005 * X",

title="Reversal range:",



"ATR005 * X"

var float percent = input(


title="Percent of last pivot price for zigzag reversal:",

minval=0.0, maxval=99.0

) / 100

float percent_multiplier = input(


title="Multiplier to apply to ATR if applicable:"

if percent_method == "ATR005 * X"

percent := atr(005) / open * percent_multiplier

// ZigZag options:

bool show_real_pivots = input(defval=true, title="Show real zigzag pivots:", type=input.bool)

bool show_zigzag_lines = input(defval=true, title="Show zigzag lines:", type=input.bool)

// Forecast options:

bool show_projections = input(defval=true, title="Show projections forecast of zigzag:", type=input.bool)

// ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------||

// || zigzag function:

// ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------||

// |{


// direction after last pivot

var bool _is_direction_up = na

// track highest price since last lower pivot

var float _htrack = na

// track lowest price since last higher pivot

var float _ltrack = na

// zigzag variable for ploting

var float _pivot = na

// range needed for reaching reversal threshold

float _reverse_range = 0.0

// real pivot time

var int _real_pivot_time = na

var int _htime = na

var int _ltime = na

// reverse line

var float _reverse_line = 0.0

if bar_index >= 1

if na(_is_direction_up)

_is_direction_up := true

_reverse_range := nz(_pivot[1]) * _percent

if _is_direction_up

_ltrack := na

_ltime := time

if na(_htrack)

if high > high[1]

_htrack := high

_htime := time


_htrack := high[1]

_htime := time[1]


if high > _htrack

_htrack := high

_htime := time

_reverse_line := (_htrack - _reverse_range)

if close <= _reverse_line

_pivot := _htrack

_real_pivot_time := _htime

_is_direction_up := false

if not _is_direction_up

_htrack := na

_htime := na

if na(_ltrack)

if low < low[1]

_ltrack := low

_ltime := time


_ltrack := low[1]

_ltime := time[1]


if low < _ltrack

_ltrack := low

_ltime := time
_reverse_line := (_ltrack + _reverse_range)

if close >= _reverse_line

_pivot := _ltrack

_real_pivot_time := _ltime

_is_direction_up := true

[_pivot, _is_direction_up, _reverse_line, _real_pivot_time]

// || |}---------------------------------------------------------------------<•

// ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------||

// || zigzag data:

// ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------||

// |{

[price_a, is_up, reverse, _rl_time] = f_zz(percent)

alt_time = show_real_pivots ? _rl_time : time

zz_color = is_up ? : color.teal

is_new_zig = change(price_a) != 0 ? price_a : na


//plot(is_new_zig, title="Z", color=zz_color, linewidth=1, transp=80)

plot(reverse, title="ATR", color=close >= reverse ? #00ffcc:#ff9900, style=plot.style_line, linewidth=1,

transp=40, offset=1)
// | Get Pivots:

var int time_a = na

var int time_b = na, var float price_b = na

var int time_c = na, var float price_c = na

var int time_d = na, var float price_d = na

var int time_e = na, var float price_e = na

var int time_f = na, var float price_f = na

var int time_g = na, var float price_g = na

if is_new_zig

time_a := alt_time

time_b := time_a[1], price_b := price_a[1]

time_c := time_b[1], price_c := price_b[1]

time_d := time_c[1], price_d := price_c[1]

time_e := time_d[1], price_e := price_d[1]

time_f := time_e[1], price_f := price_e[1]

time_g := time_f[1], price_g := price_f[1]

float AB_price_difference = abs(price_a - price_b)

//float AC_price_difference = abs(price_a - price_c)

int AB_time_difference = time_a - time_b

//int AC_time_difference = time_a - time_c

// || |}---------------------------------------------------------------------<•

// ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------||

// || Pivot Labels:

// ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------||

// ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------||

// || Function to process data, return range, avg, +/- dev, max to be ploted:

// ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------||

// |{

f_mode_process_stats(_weight, _data)=>

float _avg_range = _data, float _max_range = 0.0

if bar_index < 1

// on 1st bar, make it equal to _data

_avg_range := _data


if change(_data) != 0

_weight_data = _weight * _data

_weight_previous = (1 - _weight) * nz(_avg_range[1], _data[1])

_avg_range := _weight_data + _weight_previous


_avg_range := _avg_range[1]

_max_range := max(nz(_max_range[1], _data), _data)

_pos_range = max(0.0, _data - _avg_range)

_neg_range = min(0.0, _data - _avg_range)

var float _pos_dev = 0.0, var float _neg_dev = 0.0

if bar_index >= 1

if change(_pos_range) != 0

_pos_dev := _weight * _pos_range + (1 - _weight) * _pos_dev[1]


_pos_dev := _pos_dev[1]

if change(_neg_range) != 0

_neg_dev := _weight * _neg_range + (1 - _weight) * _neg_dev[1]


_neg_dev := _neg_dev[1]

[_avg_range, _max_range, _pos_dev, _neg_dev]

// |}---------------------------------------------------------------------<•

// |{

weight = 2 / (input(1) + 1)

[price_avg_range, price_max_range, price_pos_dev, price_neg_dev] = f_mode_process_stats(weight,


[time_avg_range, time_max_range, time_pos_dev, time_neg_dev] = f_mode_process_stats(weight,


target_avg_price = price_a > price_b ? price_a - price_avg_range : price_a + price_avg_range

target_price_upper_dev = price_a > price_b ? price_a - price_avg_range - price_neg_dev : price_a +

price_avg_range + price_neg_dev
target_price_lower_dev = price_a > price_b ? price_a - price_avg_range - price_pos_dev : price_a +
price_avg_range + price_pos_dev

target_price_0618_dev = price_a > price_b ? price_a - (price_avg_range + price_neg_dev) * 0.618 :

price_a + (price_avg_range + price_neg_dev) * 0.618

target_price_1618_dev = price_a > price_b ? price_a - (price_avg_range + price_pos_dev) * 1.618 :

price_a + (price_avg_range + price_pos_dev) * 1.618

target_avg_time = int(time_a + time_avg_range)

target_time_upper_dev = int(target_avg_time + time_pos_dev)

target_time_lower_dev = int(target_avg_time + time_neg_dev)

target_time_0618_dev = int(time_a + (time_avg_range + time_neg_dev) * 0.618)

target_time_1618_dev = int(time_a + (time_avg_range + time_pos_dev) * 1.618)

// || |}---------------------------------------------------------------------<•

// ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------||

// || Line projection:

// ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------||

// |{


var line line_midline = na

var line line_price_dev = na

var line line_time_dev = na

var label _la0618 = na

var label _la1618 = na

// || Style abreviation:
xtend = extend.right

st_dash = line.style_dashed

st_arrow = line.style_arrow_both

// | clear past lines:






line_midline :=

time_a, price_a,

target_avg_time, target_avg_price,

xloc.bar_time, extend=xtend,, style=st_dash, width=1

line_price_dev :=

target_avg_time, target_price_lower_dev,

target_avg_time, target_price_upper_dev,

xloc.bar_time, color=#0066ff, style=st_arrow, width=1

line_time_dev :=

target_time_lower_dev, target_avg_price,

target_time_upper_dev, target_avg_price,

xloc.bar_time, color=#0066ff, style=st_arrow, width=1


first_realtime_bar = (barstate.islast and barstate.ishistory[1])

if show_projections and (is_new_zig or first_realtime_bar)


// || |}---------------------------------------------------------------------<•


fastLength = input(12, minval=1, title="Fast Length")

slowLength = input(26, minval=1, title="Slow Length")

fastMA = ema(src, fastLength)

slowMA = ema(src, slowLength)

macd = fastMA - slowMA

//plot(macd, title="MACD", color=White, linewidth=2, transp=0)

// Signal

signalLength = input(9, minval=1, title="Signal Length")

signal = ema(macd, signalLength)

lookback = input(1, minval=0, title="Color Lookback (0 to disable)")

signalColor = lookback == 0 ? #009933 : rising(signal, lookback) ? #5cd65c : falling(signal, lookback) ?
#ff3333 : #ff3333

plotchar(signal,char='░', title="Signal", color=signalColor, transp=0, location=location.bottom,


///Volume profile

block_size = input(96, "Bars in profile block", minval=10, maxval=500)

visual_row_width = input(10, "Visual row width", minval=10)

show_peaks = input(true, "Show peaks")

use_custom_volume_source = input(false, "Use custom volume source")

volume_source_symbol = input("", "Custom volume source symbol", input.symbol)

BOUNDS_COLOR = color.gray



custom_volume = use_custom_volume_source ? security(volume_source_symbol, timeframe.period,

volume) : volume


// Calculate profile

block_high = highest(high, block_size)

block_low = lowest(low, block_size)

float highest_row_value = 0

float row0_price = na

int row0_width = 0

float row0_value = 0.0

row0_is_peak = false

float row1_price = na

int row1_width = 0

float row1_value = 0.0

row1_is_peak = false

float row2_price = na

int row2_width = 0

float row2_value = 0.0

row2_is_peak = false

float row3_price = na

int row3_width = 0

float row3_value = 0.0

row3_is_peak = false

float row4_price = na

int row4_width = 0

float row4_value = 0.0

row4_is_peak = false

float row5_price = na
int row5_width = 0

float row5_value = 0.0

row5_is_peak = false

float row6_price = na

int row6_width = 0

float row6_value = 0.0

row6_is_peak = false

float row7_price = na

int row7_width = 0

float row7_value = 0.0

row7_is_peak = false

float row8_price = na

int row8_width = 0

float row8_value = 0.0

row8_is_peak = false

float row9_price = na

int row9_width = 0

float row9_value = 0.0

row9_is_peak = false

float row10_price = na

int row10_width = 0

float row10_value = 0.0

row10_is_peak = false

float row11_price = na

int row11_width = 0
float row11_value = 0.0

row11_is_peak = false

float row12_price = na

int row12_width = 0

float row12_value = 0.0

row12_is_peak = false

float row13_price = na

int row13_width = 0

float row13_value = 0.0

row13_is_peak = false

float row14_price = na

int row14_width = 0

float row14_value = 0.0

row14_is_peak = false

float row15_price = na

int row15_width = 0

float row15_value = 0.0

row15_is_peak = false

float row16_price = na

int row16_width = 0

float row16_value = 0.0

row16_is_peak = false

float row17_price = na

int row17_width = 0

float row17_value = 0.0

row17_is_peak = false

float row18_price = na

int row18_width = 0

float row18_value = 0.0

row18_is_peak = false

float row19_price = na

int row19_width = 0

float row19_value = 0.0

row19_is_peak = false

float row20_price = na

int row20_width = 0

float row20_value = 0.0

row20_is_peak = false

float row21_price = na

int row21_width = 0

float row21_value = 0.0

row21_is_peak = false

float row22_price = na

int row22_width = 0

float row22_value = 0.0

row22_is_peak = false

float row23_price = na

int row23_width = 0

float row23_value = 0.0

row23_is_peak = false
float row24_price = na

int row24_width = 0

float row24_value = 0.0

row24_is_peak = false

float row25_price = na

int row25_width = 0

float row25_value = 0.0

row25_is_peak = false

float row26_price = na

int row26_width = 0

float row26_value = 0.0

row26_is_peak = false

float row27_price = na

int row27_width = 0

float row27_value = 0.0

row27_is_peak = false

float row28_price = na

int row28_width = 0

float row28_value = 0.0

row28_is_peak = false

float row29_price = na

int row29_width = 0

float row29_value = 0.0

row29_is_peak = false

float row30_price = na
int row30_width = 0

float row30_value = 0.0

row30_is_peak = false

float row31_price = na

int row31_width = 0

float row31_value = 0.0

row31_is_peak = false

float row32_price = na

int row32_width = 0

float row32_value = 0.0

row32_is_peak = false

float row33_price = na

int row33_width = 0

float row33_value = 0.0

row33_is_peak = false

float row34_price = na

int row34_width = 0

float row34_value = 0.0

row34_is_peak = false

float row35_price = na

int row35_width = 0

float row35_value = 0.0

row35_is_peak = false

float row36_price = na

int row36_width = 0
float row36_value = 0.0

row36_is_peak = false

float row37_price = na

int row37_width = 0

float row37_value = 0.0

row37_is_peak = false

float row38_price = na

int row38_width = 0

float row38_value = 0.0

row38_is_peak = false

float row39_price = na

int row39_width = 0

float row39_value = 0.0

row39_is_peak = false

if barstate.islast

block_height = block_high - block_low

row_height = block_height / 40

row0_low = block_low + row_height * 0

row0_high = block_low + row_height * 1

row1_low = block_low + row_height * 1

row1_high = block_low + row_height * 2

row2_low = block_low + row_height * 2

row2_high = block_low + row_height * 3

row3_low = block_low + row_height * 3

row3_high = block_low + row_height * 4

row4_low = block_low + row_height * 4

row4_high = block_low + row_height * 5

row5_low = block_low + row_height * 5

row5_high = block_low + row_height * 6

row6_low = block_low + row_height * 6

row6_high = block_low + row_height * 7

row7_low = block_low + row_height * 7

row7_high = block_low + row_height * 8

row8_low = block_low + row_height * 8

row8_high = block_low + row_height * 9

row9_low = block_low + row_height * 9

row9_high = block_low + row_height * 10

row10_low = block_low + row_height * 10

row10_high = block_low + row_height * 11

row11_low = block_low + row_height * 11

row11_high = block_low + row_height * 12

row12_low = block_low + row_height * 12

row12_high = block_low + row_height * 13

row13_low = block_low + row_height * 13

row13_high = block_low + row_height * 14

row14_low = block_low + row_height * 14

row14_high = block_low + row_height * 15

row15_low = block_low + row_height * 15

row15_high = block_low + row_height * 16

row16_low = block_low + row_height * 16

row16_high = block_low + row_height * 17

row17_low = block_low + row_height * 17

row17_high = block_low + row_height * 18

row18_low = block_low + row_height * 18

row18_high = block_low + row_height * 19

row19_low = block_low + row_height * 19

row19_high = block_low + row_height * 20

row20_low = block_low + row_height * 20

row20_high = block_low + row_height * 21

row21_low = block_low + row_height * 21

row21_high = block_low + row_height * 22

row22_low = block_low + row_height * 22

row22_high = block_low + row_height * 23

row23_low = block_low + row_height * 23

row23_high = block_low + row_height * 24

row24_low = block_low + row_height * 24

row24_high = block_low + row_height * 25

row25_low = block_low + row_height * 25

row25_high = block_low + row_height * 26

row26_low = block_low + row_height * 26

row26_high = block_low + row_height * 27

row27_low = block_low + row_height * 27

row27_high = block_low + row_height * 28

row28_low = block_low + row_height * 28

row28_high = block_low + row_height * 29

row29_low = block_low + row_height * 29

row29_high = block_low + row_height * 30

row30_low = block_low + row_height * 30

row30_high = block_low + row_height * 31

row31_low = block_low + row_height * 31

row31_high = block_low + row_height * 32

row32_low = block_low + row_height * 32

row32_high = block_low + row_height * 33

row33_low = block_low + row_height * 33

row33_high = block_low + row_height * 34

row34_low = block_low + row_height * 34

row34_high = block_low + row_height * 35

row35_low = block_low + row_height * 35

row35_high = block_low + row_height * 36

row36_low = block_low + row_height * 36

row36_high = block_low + row_height * 37

row37_low = block_low + row_height * 37

row37_high = block_low + row_height * 38

row38_low = block_low + row_height * 38

row38_high = block_low + row_height * 39

row39_low = block_low + row_height * 39

row39_high = block_low + row_height * 40

for i = 0 to block_size + 1

n_rows_affected = 0

bar_row0_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row0_high and high[i] > row0_low

bar_row0_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row1_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row1_high and high[i] > row1_low

bar_row1_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row2_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row2_high and high[i] > row2_low

bar_row2_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row3_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row3_high and high[i] > row3_low

bar_row3_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row4_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row4_high and high[i] > row4_low

bar_row4_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row5_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row5_high and high[i] > row5_low

bar_row5_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row6_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row6_high and high[i] > row6_low

bar_row6_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row7_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row7_high and high[i] > row7_low

bar_row7_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row8_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row8_high and high[i] > row8_low

bar_row8_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row9_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row9_high and high[i] > row9_low

bar_row9_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row10_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row10_high and high[i] > row10_low

bar_row10_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row11_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row11_high and high[i] > row11_low

bar_row11_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row12_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row12_high and high[i] > row12_low

bar_row12_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row13_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row13_high and high[i] > row13_low

bar_row13_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row14_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row14_high and high[i] > row14_low

bar_row14_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row15_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row15_high and high[i] > row15_low

bar_row15_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row16_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row16_high and high[i] > row16_low

bar_row16_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row17_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row17_high and high[i] > row17_low

bar_row17_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1
bar_row18_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row18_high and high[i] > row18_low

bar_row18_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row19_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row19_high and high[i] > row19_low

bar_row19_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row20_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row20_high and high[i] > row20_low

bar_row20_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row21_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row21_high and high[i] > row21_low

bar_row21_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row22_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row22_high and high[i] > row22_low

bar_row22_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row23_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row23_high and high[i] > row23_low

bar_row23_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row24_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row24_high and high[i] > row24_low

bar_row24_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row25_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row25_high and high[i] > row25_low

bar_row25_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row26_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row26_high and high[i] > row26_low

bar_row26_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row27_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row27_high and high[i] > row27_low

bar_row27_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row28_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row28_high and high[i] > row28_low

bar_row28_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row29_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row29_high and high[i] > row29_low

bar_row29_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row30_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row30_high and high[i] > row30_low

bar_row30_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row31_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row31_high and high[i] > row31_low

bar_row31_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row32_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row32_high and high[i] > row32_low

bar_row32_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row33_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row33_high and high[i] > row33_low

bar_row33_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row34_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row34_high and high[i] > row34_low

bar_row34_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row35_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row35_high and high[i] > row35_low

bar_row35_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row36_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row36_high and high[i] > row36_low

bar_row36_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row37_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row37_high and high[i] > row37_low

bar_row37_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row38_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row38_high and high[i] > row38_low

bar_row38_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

bar_row39_value = 0.0

if low[i] < row39_high and high[i] > row39_low

bar_row39_value := nz(custom_volume[i])

n_rows_affected := n_rows_affected + 1

row0_value := row0_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row0_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row1_value := row1_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row1_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row2_value := row2_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row2_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row3_value := row3_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row3_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row4_value := row4_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row4_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row5_value := row5_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row5_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row6_value := row6_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row6_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)
row7_value := row7_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row7_value /
n_rows_affected : 0)

row8_value := row8_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row8_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row9_value := row9_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row9_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row10_value := row10_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row10_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row11_value := row11_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row11_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row12_value := row12_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row12_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row13_value := row13_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row13_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row14_value := row14_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row14_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row15_value := row15_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row15_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row16_value := row16_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row16_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row17_value := row17_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row17_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row18_value := row18_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row18_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row19_value := row19_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row19_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row20_value := row20_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row20_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row21_value := row21_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row21_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row22_value := row22_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row22_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)
row23_value := row23_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row23_value /
n_rows_affected : 0)

row24_value := row24_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row24_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row25_value := row25_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row25_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row26_value := row26_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row26_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row27_value := row27_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row27_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row28_value := row28_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row28_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row29_value := row29_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row29_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row30_value := row30_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row30_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row31_value := row31_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row31_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row32_value := row32_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row32_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row33_value := row33_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row33_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row34_value := row34_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row34_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row35_value := row35_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row35_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row36_value := row36_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row36_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row37_value := row37_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row37_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)

row38_value := row38_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row38_value /

n_rows_affected : 0)
row39_value := row39_value + (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row39_value /
n_rows_affected : 0)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row0_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row1_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row2_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row3_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row4_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row5_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row6_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row7_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row8_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row9_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row10_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row11_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row12_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row13_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row14_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row15_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row16_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row17_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row18_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row19_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row20_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row21_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row22_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row23_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row24_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row25_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row26_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row27_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row28_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row29_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row30_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row31_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row32_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row33_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row34_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row35_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row36_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row37_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row38_value)

highest_row_value := max(highest_row_value, row39_value)

row0_price := (row0_low + row0_high ) / 2

row0_width := floor(visual_row_width * row0_value / highest_row_value)

row1_price := (row1_low + row1_high ) / 2

row1_width := floor(visual_row_width * row1_value / highest_row_value)

row2_price := (row2_low + row2_high ) / 2

row2_width := floor(visual_row_width * row2_value / highest_row_value)

row3_price := (row3_low + row3_high ) / 2

row3_width := floor(visual_row_width * row3_value / highest_row_value)

row4_price := (row4_low + row4_high ) / 2

row4_width := floor(visual_row_width * row4_value / highest_row_value)

row5_price := (row5_low + row5_high ) / 2

row5_width := floor(visual_row_width * row5_value / highest_row_value)

row6_price := (row6_low + row6_high ) / 2

row6_width := floor(visual_row_width * row6_value / highest_row_value)

row7_price := (row7_low + row7_high ) / 2

row7_width := floor(visual_row_width * row7_value / highest_row_value)

row8_price := (row8_low + row8_high ) / 2

row8_width := floor(visual_row_width * row8_value / highest_row_value)

row9_price := (row9_low + row9_high ) / 2

row9_width := floor(visual_row_width * row9_value / highest_row_value)

row10_price := (row10_low + row10_high ) / 2

row10_width := floor(visual_row_width * row10_value / highest_row_value)

row11_price := (row11_low + row11_high ) / 2

row11_width := floor(visual_row_width * row11_value / highest_row_value)

row12_price := (row12_low + row12_high ) / 2

row12_width := floor(visual_row_width * row12_value / highest_row_value)

row13_price := (row13_low + row13_high ) / 2

row13_width := floor(visual_row_width * row13_value / highest_row_value)

row14_price := (row14_low + row14_high ) / 2

row14_width := floor(visual_row_width * row14_value / highest_row_value)

row15_price := (row15_low + row15_high ) / 2

row15_width := floor(visual_row_width * row15_value / highest_row_value)

row16_price := (row16_low + row16_high ) / 2

row16_width := floor(visual_row_width * row16_value / highest_row_value)

row17_price := (row17_low + row17_high ) / 2

row17_width := floor(visual_row_width * row17_value / highest_row_value)

row18_price := (row18_low + row18_high ) / 2

row18_width := floor(visual_row_width * row18_value / highest_row_value)

row19_price := (row19_low + row19_high ) / 2

row19_width := floor(visual_row_width * row19_value / highest_row_value)

row20_price := (row20_low + row20_high ) / 2

row20_width := floor(visual_row_width * row20_value / highest_row_value)

row21_price := (row21_low + row21_high ) / 2

row21_width := floor(visual_row_width * row21_value / highest_row_value)

row22_price := (row22_low + row22_high ) / 2

row22_width := floor(visual_row_width * row22_value / highest_row_value)

row23_price := (row23_low + row23_high ) / 2

row23_width := floor(visual_row_width * row23_value / highest_row_value)

row24_price := (row24_low + row24_high ) / 2

row24_width := floor(visual_row_width * row24_value / highest_row_value)

row25_price := (row25_low + row25_high ) / 2

row25_width := floor(visual_row_width * row25_value / highest_row_value)

row26_price := (row26_low + row26_high ) / 2

row26_width := floor(visual_row_width * row26_value / highest_row_value)

row27_price := (row27_low + row27_high ) / 2

row27_width := floor(visual_row_width * row27_value / highest_row_value)

row28_price := (row28_low + row28_high ) / 2

row28_width := floor(visual_row_width * row28_value / highest_row_value)

row29_price := (row29_low + row29_high ) / 2

row29_width := floor(visual_row_width * row29_value / highest_row_value)

row30_price := (row30_low + row30_high ) / 2

row30_width := floor(visual_row_width * row30_value / highest_row_value)

row31_price := (row31_low + row31_high ) / 2

row31_width := floor(visual_row_width * row31_value / highest_row_value)

row32_price := (row32_low + row32_high ) / 2

row32_width := floor(visual_row_width * row32_value / highest_row_value)

row33_price := (row33_low + row33_high ) / 2

row33_width := floor(visual_row_width * row33_value / highest_row_value)

row34_price := (row34_low + row34_high ) / 2

row34_width := floor(visual_row_width * row34_value / highest_row_value)

row35_price := (row35_low + row35_high ) / 2

row35_width := floor(visual_row_width * row35_value / highest_row_value)

row36_price := (row36_low + row36_high ) / 2

row36_width := floor(visual_row_width * row36_value / highest_row_value)

row37_price := (row37_low + row37_high ) / 2

row37_width := floor(visual_row_width * row37_value / highest_row_value)

row38_price := (row38_low + row38_high ) / 2

row38_width := floor(visual_row_width * row38_value / highest_row_value)

row39_price := (row39_low + row39_high ) / 2

row39_width := floor(visual_row_width * row39_value / highest_row_value)

if row0_value >= row1_value and row0_value >= row2_value and row0_value >= row3_value
and row0_value >= row4_value and row0_value >= row5_value
row0_is_peak := true

if row1_value >= row0_value and row1_value >= row2_value and row1_value >= row3_value
and row1_value >= row4_value and row1_value >= row5_value and row1_value >= row6_value

row1_is_peak := true

if row2_value >= row0_value and row2_value >= row1_value and row2_value >= row3_value
and row2_value >= row4_value and row2_value >= row5_value and row2_value >= row6_value and
row2_value >= row7_value

row2_is_peak := true

if row3_value >= row0_value and row3_value >= row1_value and row3_value >= row2_value
and row3_value >= row4_value and row3_value >= row5_value and row3_value >= row6_value and
row3_value >= row7_value and row3_value >= row8_value

row3_is_peak := true

if row4_value >= row0_value and row4_value >= row1_value and row4_value >= row2_value
and row4_value >= row3_value and row4_value >= row5_value and row4_value >= row6_value and
row4_value >= row7_value and row4_value >= row8_value and row4_value >= row9_value

row4_is_peak := true

if row5_value >= row0_value and row5_value >= row1_value and row5_value >= row2_value
and row5_value >= row3_value and row5_value >= row4_value and row5_value >= row6_value and
row5_value >= row7_value and row5_value >= row8_value and row5_value >= row9_value and
row5_value >= row10_value

row5_is_peak := true

if row6_value >= row1_value and row6_value >= row2_value and row6_value >= row3_value
and row6_value >= row4_value and row6_value >= row5_value and row6_value >= row7_value and
row6_value >= row8_value and row6_value >= row9_value and row6_value >= row10_value and
row6_value >= row11_value

row6_is_peak := true

if row7_value >= row2_value and row7_value >= row3_value and row7_value >= row4_value
and row7_value >= row5_value and row7_value >= row6_value and row7_value >= row8_value and
row7_value >= row9_value and row7_value >= row10_value and row7_value >= row11_value and
row7_value >= row12_value

row7_is_peak := true

if row8_value >= row3_value and row8_value >= row4_value and row8_value >= row5_value
and row8_value >= row6_value and row8_value >= row7_value and row8_value >= row9_value and
row8_value >= row10_value and row8_value >= row11_value and row8_value >= row12_value and
row8_value >= row13_value

row8_is_peak := true

if row9_value >= row4_value and row9_value >= row5_value and row9_value >= row6_value
and row9_value >= row7_value and row9_value >= row8_value and row9_value >= row10_value and
row9_value >= row11_value and row9_value >= row12_value and row9_value >= row13_value and
row9_value >= row14_value

row9_is_peak := true

if row10_value >= row5_value and row10_value >= row6_value and row10_value >= row7_value
and row10_value >= row8_value and row10_value >= row9_value and row10_value >= row11_value and
row10_value >= row12_value and row10_value >= row13_value and row10_value >= row14_value and
row10_value >= row15_value

row10_is_peak := true

if row11_value >= row6_value and row11_value >= row7_value and row11_value >= row8_value
and row11_value >= row9_value and row11_value >= row10_value and row11_value >= row12_value
and row11_value >= row13_value and row11_value >= row14_value and row11_value >= row15_value
and row11_value >= row16_value

row11_is_peak := true

if row12_value >= row7_value and row12_value >= row8_value and row12_value >= row9_value
and row12_value >= row10_value and row12_value >= row11_value and row12_value >= row13_value
and row12_value >= row14_value and row12_value >= row15_value and row12_value >= row16_value
and row12_value >= row17_value

row12_is_peak := true

if row13_value >= row8_value and row13_value >= row9_value and row13_value >=
row10_value and row13_value >= row11_value and row13_value >= row12_value and row13_value >=
row14_value and row13_value >= row15_value and row13_value >= row16_value and row13_value >=
row17_value and row13_value >= row18_value

row13_is_peak := true

if row14_value >= row9_value and row14_value >= row10_value and row14_value >=
row11_value and row14_value >= row12_value and row14_value >= row13_value and row14_value >=
row15_value and row14_value >= row16_value and row14_value >= row17_value and row14_value >=
row18_value and row14_value >= row19_value
row14_is_peak := true

if row15_value >= row10_value and row15_value >= row11_value and row15_value >=
row12_value and row15_value >= row13_value and row15_value >= row14_value and row15_value >=
row16_value and row15_value >= row17_value and row15_value >= row18_value and row15_value >=
row19_value and row15_value >= row20_value

row15_is_peak := true

if row16_value >= row11_value and row16_value >= row12_value and row16_value >=
row13_value and row16_value >= row14_value and row16_value >= row15_value and row16_value >=
row17_value and row16_value >= row18_value and row16_value >= row19_value and row16_value >=
row20_value and row16_value >= row21_value

row16_is_peak := true

if row17_value >= row12_value and row17_value >= row13_value and row17_value >=
row14_value and row17_value >= row15_value and row17_value >= row16_value and row17_value >=
row18_value and row17_value >= row19_value and row17_value >= row20_value and row17_value >=
row21_value and row17_value >= row22_value

row17_is_peak := true

if row18_value >= row13_value and row18_value >= row14_value and row18_value >=
row15_value and row18_value >= row16_value and row18_value >= row17_value and row18_value >=
row19_value and row18_value >= row20_value and row18_value >= row21_value and row18_value >=
row22_value and row18_value >= row23_value

row18_is_peak := true

if row19_value >= row14_value and row19_value >= row15_value and row19_value >=
row16_value and row19_value >= row17_value and row19_value >= row18_value and row19_value >=
row20_value and row19_value >= row21_value and row19_value >= row22_value and row19_value >=
row23_value and row19_value >= row24_value

row19_is_peak := true

if row20_value >= row15_value and row20_value >= row16_value and row20_value >=
row17_value and row20_value >= row18_value and row20_value >= row19_value and row20_value >=
row21_value and row20_value >= row22_value and row20_value >= row23_value and row20_value >=
row24_value and row20_value >= row25_value

row20_is_peak := true

if row21_value >= row16_value and row21_value >= row17_value and row21_value >=
row18_value and row21_value >= row19_value and row21_value >= row20_value and row21_value >=
row22_value and row21_value >= row23_value and row21_value >= row24_value and row21_value >=
row25_value and row21_value >= row26_value

row21_is_peak := true

if row22_value >= row17_value and row22_value >= row18_value and row22_value >=
row19_value and row22_value >= row20_value and row22_value >= row21_value and row22_value >=
row23_value and row22_value >= row24_value and row22_value >= row25_value and row22_value >=
row26_value and row22_value >= row27_value

row22_is_peak := true

if row23_value >= row18_value and row23_value >= row19_value and row23_value >=
row20_value and row23_value >= row21_value and row23_value >= row22_value and row23_value >=
row24_value and row23_value >= row25_value and row23_value >= row26_value and row23_value >=
row27_value and row23_value >= row28_value

row23_is_peak := true

if row24_value >= row19_value and row24_value >= row20_value and row24_value >=
row21_value and row24_value >= row22_value and row24_value >= row23_value and row24_value >=
row25_value and row24_value >= row26_value and row24_value >= row27_value and row24_value >=
row28_value and row24_value >= row29_value

row24_is_peak := true

if row25_value >= row20_value and row25_value >= row21_value and row25_value >=
row22_value and row25_value >= row23_value and row25_value >= row24_value and row25_value >=
row26_value and row25_value >= row27_value and row25_value >= row28_value and row25_value >=
row29_value and row25_value >= row30_value

row25_is_peak := true

if row26_value >= row21_value and row26_value >= row22_value and row26_value >=
row23_value and row26_value >= row24_value and row26_value >= row25_value and row26_value >=
row27_value and row26_value >= row28_value and row26_value >= row29_value and row26_value >=
row30_value and row26_value >= row31_value

row26_is_peak := true

if row27_value >= row22_value and row27_value >= row23_value and row27_value >=
row24_value and row27_value >= row25_value and row27_value >= row26_value and row27_value >=
row28_value and row27_value >= row29_value and row27_value >= row30_value and row27_value >=
row31_value and row27_value >= row32_value

row27_is_peak := true
if row28_value >= row23_value and row28_value >= row24_value and row28_value >=
row25_value and row28_value >= row26_value and row28_value >= row27_value and row28_value >=
row29_value and row28_value >= row30_value and row28_value >= row31_value and row28_value >=
row32_value and row28_value >= row33_value

row28_is_peak := true

if row29_value >= row24_value and row29_value >= row25_value and row29_value >=
row26_value and row29_value >= row27_value and row29_value >= row28_value and row29_value >=
row30_value and row29_value >= row31_value and row29_value >= row32_value and row29_value >=
row33_value and row29_value >= row34_value

row29_is_peak := true

if row30_value >= row25_value and row30_value >= row26_value and row30_value >=
row27_value and row30_value >= row28_value and row30_value >= row29_value and row30_value >=
row31_value and row30_value >= row32_value and row30_value >= row33_value and row30_value >=
row34_value and row30_value >= row35_value

row30_is_peak := true

if row31_value >= row26_value and row31_value >= row27_value and row31_value >=
row28_value and row31_value >= row29_value and row31_value >= row30_value and row31_value >=
row32_value and row31_value >= row33_value and row31_value >= row34_value and row31_value >=
row35_value and row31_value >= row36_value

row31_is_peak := true

if row32_value >= row27_value and row32_value >= row28_value and row32_value >=
row29_value and row32_value >= row30_value and row32_value >= row31_value and row32_value >=
row33_value and row32_value >= row34_value and row32_value >= row35_value and row32_value >=
row36_value and row32_value >= row37_value

row32_is_peak := true

if row33_value >= row28_value and row33_value >= row29_value and row33_value >=
row30_value and row33_value >= row31_value and row33_value >= row32_value and row33_value >=
row34_value and row33_value >= row35_value and row33_value >= row36_value and row33_value >=
row37_value and row33_value >= row38_value

row33_is_peak := true

if row34_value >= row29_value and row34_value >= row30_value and row34_value >=
row31_value and row34_value >= row32_value and row34_value >= row33_value and row34_value >=
row35_value and row34_value >= row36_value and row34_value >= row37_value and row34_value >=
row38_value and row34_value >= row39_value
row34_is_peak := true

if row35_value >= row30_value and row35_value >= row31_value and row35_value >=
row32_value and row35_value >= row33_value and row35_value >= row34_value and row35_value >=
row36_value and row35_value >= row37_value and row35_value >= row38_value and row35_value >=

row35_is_peak := true

if row36_value >= row31_value and row36_value >= row32_value and row36_value >=
row33_value and row36_value >= row34_value and row36_value >= row35_value and row36_value >=
row37_value and row36_value >= row38_value and row36_value >= row39_value

row36_is_peak := true

if row37_value >= row32_value and row37_value >= row33_value and row37_value >=
row34_value and row37_value >= row35_value and row37_value >= row36_value and row37_value >=
row38_value and row37_value >= row39_value

row37_is_peak := true

if row38_value >= row33_value and row38_value >= row34_value and row38_value >=
row35_value and row38_value >= row36_value and row38_value >= row37_value and row38_value >=

row38_is_peak := true

if row39_value >= row34_value and row39_value >= row35_value and row39_value >=
row36_value and row39_value >= row37_value and row39_value >= row38_value

row39_is_peak := true


// Draw profile


var int first_bar_time = time

if barstate.isfirst

first_bar_time := time
//var line block_high_line =, high, bar_index, high, color=BOUNDS_COLOR)

//var line block_low_line =, low, bar_index, low, color=BOUNDS_COLOR)

var label row0_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row1_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row2_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row3_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row4_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row5_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row6_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row7_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row8_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row9_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row10_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row11_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row12_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row13_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,
var label row14_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,
color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row15_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row16_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row17_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row18_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row19_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row20_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row21_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row22_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row23_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row24_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row25_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row26_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row27_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row28_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row29_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,
var label row30_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,
color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row31_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row32_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row33_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row34_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row35_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row36_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row37_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row38_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

var label row39_label =, close, "", xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,

color=PROFILE_COLOR, style=label.style_label_left,

if barstate.islast

//line.set_xloc(block_high_line, max(time[block_size], first_bar_time), time_close,


//line.set_y1(block_high_line, block_high)

//line.set_y2(block_high_line, block_high)

//line.set_xloc(block_low_line, max(time[block_size], first_bar_time), time_close, xloc.bar_time)

//line.set_y1(block_low_line, block_low)

//line.set_y2(block_low_line, block_low)
row0_text = ""

for i = 0 to row0_width + 1

row0_text := row0_text + "#"

row0_color = show_peaks and row0_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

label.set_x(row0_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row0_label, row0_price)

label.set_color(row0_label, row0_color)

label.set_textcolor(row0_label, row0_color)

label.set_text(row0_label, row0_text)

row1_text = ""

for i = 0 to row1_width + 1

row1_text := row1_text + "#"

row1_color = show_peaks and row1_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

label.set_x(row1_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row1_label, row1_price)

label.set_color(row1_label, row1_color)

label.set_textcolor(row1_label, row1_color)

label.set_text(row1_label, row1_text)

row2_text = ""

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row2_text := row2_text + "#"

row2_color = show_peaks and row2_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

label.set_x(row2_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row2_label, row2_price)
label.set_color(row2_label, row2_color)

label.set_textcolor(row2_label, row2_color)

label.set_text(row2_label, row2_text)

row3_text = ""

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row3_color = show_peaks and row3_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

label.set_x(row3_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row3_label, row3_price)

label.set_color(row3_label, row3_color)

label.set_textcolor(row3_label, row3_color)

label.set_text(row3_label, row3_text)

row4_text = ""

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row4_text := row4_text + "#"

row4_color = show_peaks and row4_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

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label.set_y(row4_label, row4_price)

label.set_color(row4_label, row4_color)

label.set_textcolor(row4_label, row4_color)

label.set_text(row4_label, row4_text)

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label.set_y(row5_label, row5_price)

label.set_color(row5_label, row5_color)

label.set_textcolor(row5_label, row5_color)

label.set_text(row5_label, row5_text)

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label.set_y(row6_label, row6_price)

label.set_color(row6_label, row6_color)

label.set_textcolor(row6_label, row6_color)

label.set_text(row6_label, row6_text)

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row7_text := row7_text + "#"

row7_color = show_peaks and row7_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

label.set_x(row7_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row7_label, row7_price)

label.set_color(row7_label, row7_color)

label.set_textcolor(row7_label, row7_color)

label.set_text(row7_label, row7_text)

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label.set_y(row8_label, row8_price)

label.set_color(row8_label, row8_color)

label.set_textcolor(row8_label, row8_color)

label.set_text(row8_label, row8_text)

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row9_color = show_peaks and row9_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

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label.set_y(row9_label, row9_price)

label.set_color(row9_label, row9_color)

label.set_textcolor(row9_label, row9_color)

label.set_text(row9_label, row9_text)

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row10_color = show_peaks and row10_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

label.set_x(row10_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row10_label, row10_price)

label.set_color(row10_label, row10_color)

label.set_textcolor(row10_label, row10_color)

label.set_text(row10_label, row10_text)
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label.set_y(row11_label, row11_price)

label.set_color(row11_label, row11_color)

label.set_textcolor(row11_label, row11_color)

label.set_text(row11_label, row11_text)

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label.set_x(row12_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row12_label, row12_price)

label.set_color(row12_label, row12_color)

label.set_textcolor(row12_label, row12_color)

label.set_text(row12_label, row12_text)

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label.set_y(row13_label, row13_price)

label.set_color(row13_label, row13_color)
label.set_textcolor(row13_label, row13_color)

label.set_text(row13_label, row13_text)

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label.set_y(row14_label, row14_price)

label.set_color(row14_label, row14_color)

label.set_textcolor(row14_label, row14_color)

label.set_text(row14_label, row14_text)

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row15_text := row15_text + "#"

row15_color = show_peaks and row15_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

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label.set_y(row15_label, row15_price)

label.set_color(row15_label, row15_color)

label.set_textcolor(row15_label, row15_color)

label.set_text(row15_label, row15_text)

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row16_color = show_peaks and row16_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

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label.set_y(row16_label, row16_price)

label.set_color(row16_label, row16_color)

label.set_textcolor(row16_label, row16_color)

label.set_text(row16_label, row16_text)

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label.set_color(row17_label, row17_color)

label.set_textcolor(row17_label, row17_color)

label.set_text(row17_label, row17_text)

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row18_text := row18_text + "#"

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label.set_y(row18_label, row18_price)

label.set_color(row18_label, row18_color)

label.set_textcolor(row18_label, row18_color)

label.set_text(row18_label, row18_text)

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label.set_y(row19_label, row19_price)

label.set_color(row19_label, row19_color)

label.set_textcolor(row19_label, row19_color)

label.set_text(row19_label, row19_text)

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label.set_y(row20_label, row20_price)

label.set_color(row20_label, row20_color)

label.set_textcolor(row20_label, row20_color)

label.set_text(row20_label, row20_text)

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label.set_y(row21_label, row21_price)

label.set_color(row21_label, row21_color)

label.set_textcolor(row21_label, row21_color)

label.set_text(row21_label, row21_text)

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label.set_y(row22_label, row22_price)

label.set_color(row22_label, row22_color)

label.set_textcolor(row22_label, row22_color)

label.set_text(row22_label, row22_text)

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label.set_y(row23_label, row23_price)

label.set_color(row23_label, row23_color)

label.set_textcolor(row23_label, row23_color)

label.set_text(row23_label, row23_text)

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label.set_x(row24_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row24_label, row24_price)

label.set_color(row24_label, row24_color)

label.set_textcolor(row24_label, row24_color)
label.set_text(row24_label, row24_text)

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row25_text := row25_text + "#"

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label.set_x(row25_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row25_label, row25_price)

label.set_color(row25_label, row25_color)

label.set_textcolor(row25_label, row25_color)

label.set_text(row25_label, row25_text)

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label.set_y(row26_label, row26_price)

label.set_color(row26_label, row26_color)

label.set_textcolor(row26_label, row26_color)

label.set_text(row26_label, row26_text)

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label.set_y(row27_label, row27_price)
label.set_color(row27_label, row27_color)

label.set_textcolor(row27_label, row27_color)

label.set_text(row27_label, row27_text)

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label.set_y(row28_label, row28_price)

label.set_color(row28_label, row28_color)

label.set_textcolor(row28_label, row28_color)

label.set_text(row28_label, row28_text)

row29_text = ""

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row29_text := row29_text + "#"

row29_color = show_peaks and row29_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

label.set_x(row29_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row29_label, row29_price)

label.set_color(row29_label, row29_color)

label.set_textcolor(row29_label, row29_color)

label.set_text(row29_label, row29_text)

row30_text = ""

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row30_text := row30_text + "#"

row30_color = show_peaks and row30_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

label.set_x(row30_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row30_label, row30_price)

label.set_color(row30_label, row30_color)

label.set_textcolor(row30_label, row30_color)

label.set_text(row30_label, row30_text)

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row31_text := row31_text + "#"

row31_color = show_peaks and row31_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

label.set_x(row31_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row31_label, row31_price)

label.set_color(row31_label, row31_color)

label.set_textcolor(row31_label, row31_color)

label.set_text(row31_label, row31_text)

row32_text = ""

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row32_color = show_peaks and row32_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

label.set_x(row32_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row32_label, row32_price)

label.set_color(row32_label, row32_color)

label.set_textcolor(row32_label, row32_color)

label.set_text(row32_label, row32_text)

row33_text = ""

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row33_text := row33_text + "#"

row33_color = show_peaks and row33_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

label.set_x(row33_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row33_label, row33_price)

label.set_color(row33_label, row33_color)

label.set_textcolor(row33_label, row33_color)

label.set_text(row33_label, row33_text)

row34_text = ""

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row34_text := row34_text + "#"

row34_color = show_peaks and row34_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

label.set_x(row34_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row34_label, row34_price)

label.set_color(row34_label, row34_color)

label.set_textcolor(row34_label, row34_color)

label.set_text(row34_label, row34_text)

row35_text = ""

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row35_text := row35_text + "#"

row35_color = show_peaks and row35_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

label.set_x(row35_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row35_label, row35_price)

label.set_color(row35_label, row35_color)

label.set_textcolor(row35_label, row35_color)

label.set_text(row35_label, row35_text)
row36_text = ""

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row36_text := row36_text + "#"

row36_color = show_peaks and row36_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

label.set_x(row36_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row36_label, row36_price)

label.set_color(row36_label, row36_color)

label.set_textcolor(row36_label, row36_color)

label.set_text(row36_label, row36_text)

row37_text = ""

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row37_text := row37_text + "#"

row37_color = show_peaks and row37_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

label.set_x(row37_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row37_label, row37_price)

label.set_color(row37_label, row37_color)

label.set_textcolor(row37_label, row37_color)

label.set_text(row37_label, row37_text)

row38_text = ""

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row38_text := row38_text + "#"

row38_color = show_peaks and row38_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

label.set_x(row38_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row38_label, row38_price)

label.set_color(row38_label, row38_color)
label.set_textcolor(row38_label, row38_color)

label.set_text(row38_label, row38_text)

row39_text = ""

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row39_text := row39_text + "#"

row39_color = show_peaks and row39_is_peak ? PEAK_COLOR : PROFILE_COLOR

label.set_x(row39_label, time_close)

label.set_y(row39_label, row39_price)

label.set_color(row39_label, row39_color)

label.set_textcolor(row39_label, row39_color)

label.set_text(row39_label, row39_text)

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