FINAL 2018 (1) Business Igcse
FINAL 2018 (1) Business Igcse
FINAL 2018 (1) Business Igcse
1) Dowson is a large business which owns a number of shops. It sells a range of electrical goods such as
computers and televisions. The Finance Director has been looking at some recent financial data, as shown in
Table 1. He is pleased with Dowson's liquidity but knows he must reduce its high level of debt including an
overdraft of $6m. He said: 'The economy is in recession. Many small retailers have failed. Size is an advantage!’
2) Dhoni is a successful small business. It has five shops which sell kitchen equipment such as cooking pots and
knives. Most of its products are sold to restaurants and hotels. The company has received a takeover offer of
$700 000 from a large competitor. Dhoni’s shareholders have been looking at the accounts. They are not sure
whether shareholders would benefit from the takeover. Dhoni’s return on capital employed was 7% in 2015 and
9% in 2016.
3) TWH makes a range of toys using batch production. TWH’s Managing Director, Dylan, plans to invest in new
technology to reduce average costs. ‘It’s the only way to increase efficiency as I do not know how we can
improve employees’ motivation’ he said. Dylan cannot decide on whether it would be better to use retained
profits or a long term loan as the source of finance.