Episode 1 The School Environment

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Episode 1 The School Environment

School Facilities Observation Checklist

Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the column to
indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available, and say how each
will contribute to the students’ learning and development.

Facilities Description Will it contribute to the

students’ learning and
development? Why?
Office of the Principal Is a wide office,it has The principal is the leader of the
a comfort room.This school and sets a tone for the
office has locker school.So, its important to give
where they put their her a pleasant and comfortable
documents and have room.So that she can do her
a big table they use role /job greatly.
when they're doing
Library The library is very It can help the students to find
wide and the nice some information about their
their the are school works or homeworks.
comfortable ,because
they have probably 6
tables with chairs
inside and one
librarian desks near
the entrance .
Counseling Room

Canteen/Cafeteria The school canteen Canteen /cafeteria plays an

have a huge place,the important educational and
students might be modellling role for healthy
comfortable when eating habit.
they take their snacks
or lunch.
Medical Clinic The Medical clinic medical clinic in schools not
are very clean and only addresses immediate health
also to provide their issues but also plays a crucial
basic medicals care to role in promoting a holistic
students and approach to student health,
Sometimes the staff. fostering a conducive
environment for learning and
Audio Visual/Learning
Resource Center

Science Laboratory School science Science Laboratory contribute

laboratories are significantly to students' overall
specially designed learning, development, and well-
spaces where students being, providing a more
engage in hands-on comprehensive educational
scientific exploration experience.
and experimentation.
These labs are
equipped with a
range of tools and
equipment tailored to
specific scientific
disciplines such as
biology, chemistry,
physics, and
science. They
typically feature
workstations with lab
benches, safety gear,
glassware, measuring
instruments, and
specialized apparatus
required for various

Gymnasium A gymnasium,is a Gymnasium serves as a crucial

dedicated space space for physical education,
within a school used promoting not only physical
for physical health but also contributing
education and sports significantly to students' social,
activities. It's a large emotional, and cognitive
indoor area equipped development, creating a well-
with sports rounded educational experience.
equipment such as
basketball hoops,
volleyball nets. The
space is designed to
accommodate various
sports and physical
exercises, providing a
safe environment for
students to engage in
organized sports.

Outdoor/Garden The outdoor /Garden school gardens or outdoor spaces

is very important to serve as dynamic learning
the student by environments that nurture
engaging them by students' curiosity, critical
creating a helpful thinking, and appreciation for
manner to the nature while fostering a holistic
environment by approach to education and
planting personal development.
trees,vegetables and
fruits .
Home Economics Room The Home Home Economics Rooms offer a
Economics Room various range of realistic
aims to equip capabilities and know-how that
students with no longer only enrich students'
essential life skills lives however also make
needed for daily contributions substantially to
living, promoting their personal development,
self-sufficiency, getting ready them for a
healthy habits, and successful and well-rounded
responsible future.
management of
household tasks.
Industrial Workshop

PTA Office

Comfort Room for Boys These facilities aim Comfort Room for boys might
to provide a clean, not directly impact academic
functional, and learning, it contributes indirectly
private space for by promoting a conducive and
male students to supportive environment that is
attend to their vital for students' overall well-
personal hygiene being and their ability to engage
needs while at school. effectively in their educational
Comfort Room for Girls These facilities aim Comfort Room for lady performs
to provide a clean, a crucial characteristic in
private, and growing a supportive and
functional space for conducive surroundings that is
female students to indispensable for students' well-
attend to their being, comfort, and their ability
personal hygiene to absolutely have interaction in
needs while at school. their instructional experiences.
Regular cleaning and
maintenance are
essential to ensure a
sanitary environment.
Others (Please Specify)

School Guards school guards play a School guards circuitously make

pivotal role in a contribution to students'
retaining a studying and development by
invulnerable and means of growing a impervious
orderly environment and conducive environment that
conducive to helps tutorial engagement, social
learning, contributing development, and emotional
to the well-being and well-being.
security of everybody
inside the school.

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the space

Guide Question Classroom Observation Report

1. Describe the community or Base of our observation the school is very near
neighborhood where the school is in the city with sprawling
found. landscapes ,agricultural are especially in the
backyard of each classroom .
2. Describe the school campus. What ~the campus are clean and sorround by the tree
colors do you see? What is the and rooms.The condition of the building was
condition of the buildings? probably good and it cannot cuase of an
accident and the student will be safe.
3. Pass by the offices. What impression do In the School were we are deployment all i can
you have of these offices? say is that most of the officers in tha said
School is very welcoming especially if theirs is
a visitors and also the classroom officers are
very kind and easy to approach .
4. Walk through the school halls, the
library, the cafeteria. Look around and Classrooms: Where active learning takes
find out the other facilities that the place.
school has. Science Labs:Equipped for hands-on
experiments and research.
Computer Labs: Equipped with technology
for computer-based lessons.
Gymnasium:A space for physical education,
sports, and fitness activities.
Outdoor Sports Facilities: Such as fields,
courts, or tracks for athletics.
Auditorium or Theater:For assemblies,
performances, and events.
Health Clinic: Providing basic medical care
for students.
Administrative Offices: Where staff manage
school operations.

These facilities cater to diverse aspects of

education and student development, providing
a well-rounded experience beyond the
academic curriculum.
Resource Teacher:________________ Teacher’s Signature: _____________School:_________________

Grade/Year Level: ________________ Subject Area: ___________________ Date: _________________

1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What heroes, religious
figures, lessons, visual aids, announcements, do you see posted?
2. Examine how the pieces of furniture ae arranged. Where is the teachers table located? How are
the tables and chairs/ desks arranged?
3. What learning materials/equipment are present?
4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?
5. Is the room well-lit and well-ventilated?


Classroom Facilities Description

(location, number, arrangement, condition)
1. Wall displays Their are different wall displays their is a
decorative display where it focuses on the
students psychological and social needs, a
motivational where their is a word of wisdom
and verses are written, informational where the
announcements and different tasks are posted
and an instructional where students are able to
compare and contrast their individual
2. Teacher’s Table Located on the front area where the students
can approach the teachers easily when they are
having a trouble on understanding the lesson.
Their is also a teachers table at the back where
teacher puts some of her learning materials.
3. Learner’s Desks The learners desks are arrange properly where
the students can move freely and they are
4. Blackboard It is neat and clean where the students can
easily see the writings and visual aids posted
on it.
5. Learning Materials/ Visual Aids The teachers uses a book and laptop in doing
and printing learning materials. She also uses
manila papers and television on delivering the


1. How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the
students going to school? What are your conclusions?
➢ The school campus impacts the students learning particular going to school
because the school provide a diverge approach to every students where they can
show and practice their skills and talents with the motivations given by the
teachers and their co-students. I can say that a diverge and a welcoming school
has a very big impacts on the students achievements and learning's.
2. How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development? How does
this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
➢ My knowledge and understanding on child and adolescent development sheds
light on the critical developmental phases and obstacles that these young students
face in their daily activities and on how they find ways to overcome those
circumstances. It helps me to identify the support kids require at every stages, it
also supports us in understanding their progress in terms of their physical,
cognitive, and emotional development.


1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why?
➢ Yes, I like to teach and it is a great pleasure for me to teach on the school
environment I just observed. It is because of the following reasons: first it is my
Alma mater and the school shaped me to become who I am today as a future
educator, second is that all the teachers are very nice and approachable that they
are willing to help students to achieved their goals and to gain self confidence,
and lastly some of students are really nice even though they call me name like
“ante” and “hoy!” on our fist day of observation. As time goes time they become
more respectful and I enjoy watching them during class discussion because all of
has different ideas, and most of all they respect each other despite of their
2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?
➢ As a future educator, a school campus can be conductive to learning when all
stakeholders, principals, teachers, staffs, parents and students have the ability to
respect, accept and understand individuals differences. Their is an acceptance and
freedom of everybody to say about their opinions and suggestions. In other words
those who are in the higher position must respect to those whose are lower to
them and those who are lower must respect the higher positions and vice versa.
3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?
➢ For me a conductive classroom is that a well ventilated, clean, and it entails on
providing attributes of classrooms that the res-ponder considers minimizes distraction and
maximizes learning. A classroom that has good lighting, arrange desks and chairs, their is a
presence of technologies just like television and speakers, it has electric fans and wall fans to
freshen the classroom and most of it has a comfort room and a sink.
4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?
➢ In the future I can accomplish my answer in question 3 by providing everything in
the best that I can so that my students can have a peaceful and a healthy
classroom. I will provide them a high-tech functionality inside the classroom and
I will make our classroom a simple, clean and a un-distracted one.

5. Write your additional learnings and insights here.

➢ A future educators must prioritize fostering a welcoming and positive school
climate while thinking about the learning environment. Effective instruction and
learning for students are nurtured by an environment that is encouraging. The
following are some salient observations:

1. Classroom Climate:

◦ Creates a friendly and upbeat environment. Encourage students to

collaborate, show respect, and communicate openly. Encourage a feeling of
community to support a positive learning atmosphere.

2. Differentiated Instruction:
◦ Identify and meet the needs of a wide variety of learners and different levels
of skills in the classroom. Adapt a teaching strategies to meet the needs of each
student, fostering a more diverse and productive learning environment.

3. Technology Integration:
◦ Use technology as a tool to improve instruction. Incorporate instructional
technology to boost student engagement, enhance interactive learning, and get
them ready for a world driven by technology.
4. Student-Centered Approach:
◦ Convert from an approach that is teacher-centered to one that is student-
centered. Promote problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and involvement.
Create a classroom atmosphere where students are empowered to take charge of
their education.

• 5. Cultural Competence:
◦ Recognize and value different cultures and beliefs in side the classroom and
outside the classroom. To give every student a welcoming and rewarding learning
environment, incorporate a variety of viewpoints and resources into the lessons
you teach.

• 6. Cooperation with Coworkers:

◦ Encourage a cooperative atmosphere among teachers. Enhanced education
outcomes plus ongoing career development may result from exchanging ideas,
resources, and the latest standards.

• 7. Classroom management:
◦ Clearly define rules and expectations. A pleasant and concentrated
educational setting can be improved by consistent and effective instruction

• 8. Professional Development:
◦ Remain current with the newest approaches, technologies, and
advancements in teaching. Take part in continuing professional development to
enhance your teaching abilities and adjust to changing educational environments.
Resource Teacher:________________ Teacher’s Signature: _____________School:_________________

Grade/Year Level: ________________ Subject Area: ___________________ Date: _________________

To achieve the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps:

1. Examine for bulletin boards displays. Include samples of those found at the entrance,
lobby, hallways and classrooms.
2. Pick one and evaluate the display.
3. Propose enhancements to make the display more effective.
An Observation Guide for the BOARD DISPLAYS
Read the following carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board displays do you
2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can see
3. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What images and
colors do you see? How are the pieces of information and images arranged?
4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used?
5. Do you noticed some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the like)
6. Are all messages clear and easily understood?
7. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get your attention?
8. Take a photo of the display boards (if allowed).

Topic of the Board Display ___________________________________________________

Location of the Board Display in school _________________________________________

Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings.

4-Outstanding 3-Very Satisfactory 2-Satisfactory 1-Needs improvement

Criteria NI S VS O Comments
1 2 3 4
It conveys the
message quickly and
Colors and
arrangement catch
and hold interests
Objects are arranged,
so stability is
Repeated shapes or
colors or use of
borders hold display
The style and
approach entice
learners to be
involved and
Letters and
illustrations can be
seen from a good
It is free from
grammar errors,
misspelled words,
and ambiguity.
It is well-
constructed, items
are securely

1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective
board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
➢ Creativity:
A future educator needs to have a creative mindset in order to come up
with visually appealing and engaging board displays. Creativity allows
them to think outside the box and design displays that capture students'
attention and make learning more enjoyable.

➢ Organizational skills: Effective board displays require careful planning and
organization. A teacher needs to be able to arrange information, visuals, and
materials in a logical and coherent manner. This skill ensures that the display is
easy to understand and navigate for students.

➢ Visual design: A teacher should have a basic understanding of visual design
principles such as color, balance, and typography. This skill helps in creating
visually appealing board displays that are aesthetically pleasing and enhance the
overall learning experience.

➢ Communication skills: Board displays serve as visual aids to support the teacher's
instruction. Therefore, a teacher needs to effectively communicate the key
concepts and information through the display. Clear and concise communication
ensures that students can easily grasp the content displayed on the board.

➢ Adaptability: A teacher should be adaptable and able to modify board displays
based on the needs of different students or topics. This skill allows them to tailor
the display to suit different learning styles, accommodate diverse student abilities,
and address specific learning objectives.

➢ These skills collectively contribute to the effectiveness of board displays by
making them visually appealing, well-organized, informative, and adaptable to
different teaching and learning situations.
2. Which of the skills you named in # 1 do you already have? Recall your past experiences
in making board displays? How do you practice these skills?

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how you
can improve on or acquire these skills.

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