This room
PTA Office PTA Office creates relations They plan social events, family
between the school and the activities, and shared efforts to bring
home, and helps to build this people together.
sense of community. The Parent-
Teacher Association is governed
by an Executive Board comprised
of the President, Executive Vice-
President, School Level Vice-
Presidents, Secretary, and
It has three cubicles, but the
placement of these utilities needs
to be improved.
and clean
room won’t
Comfort Room give
for Boys
to the
Students will not be bothered or
distracted by a comfortable and clean
comfort room.
It has three cubicles, but the Students will not be bothered or
Comfort Room
placement of these utilities needs distracted by a comfortable and clean
for Girls
to be improved. comfort room.
Activity 2 – Read the following statement carefully. Then write your observation report on the space
2. Describe the school The vast campus is ideal for the students attending this school. Despite
campus. What colors do the fact that the school uses a variety of colors on campus, blue is the
you see? What is the dominant color. The condition of the building are good but there are
condition of the buildings? some things need to improve.
3. Pass by the offices. When it comes to offices, what I've observed is that they are treated
What impression do you with respect. They appreciate its value and worth. They demonstrate
have these offices? this by going through it silently and greeting everybody who comes
through inside.
2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the Teacher’s table located? How are
the tables and chairs/desks arranged?
Ans: The equipment in the classroom is well-made and neat, particularly the tables used by the
teacher, the seats and desks used by students, the dividers that hold papers, and even the broom
box. The afternoon assigned teacher’s table located at the back and the other table is located side in
front of the blackboard. So that it's well organized and it doesn't bother to those who walk inside.
3. What learning materials/equipment are present. Give the importance of having these in the
Ans: The teacher use a digital instructional materials such as word processing software to create
documents, Powerpoint Presentation, online flashcards, interactive whiteboards and educational
games. Therefore, with the help of technology, the teacher use a television and mobile phone to
present her lesson to her pupils.
1. How do the school campus and the classroom contribute a particular impact the learning of the
students in going to school? What are your conclusions?
Ans: Students' learning environments are the school campus and the classroom. As a result, what
makes up these two may have a direct impact on the pupils' learning process. Everything in the
school and classroom influences whether or not the student's learning is successful or unsuccessful.
At last, the actual setting, such as the place of school and classroom, is one of the factors that
contribute to children's educational experience. As a result, the school and teachers have to make
sure that these learning environments are helpful to learning.
2. How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development? How does this relate
to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
Ans: The idea of educational settings having one of the most important factors in the success of
student learning is related to the idea of "nature vs. nurture" in child and adolescent development,
especially in terms of what "nurture" wanted to emphasize about the child's development. This
means that the school campus, as an important institution where students learn, has to provide
advantageous experiences for students and encourage them to develop their values and grow as
1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why?
Ans: Yes, because even though I know there is still much to do, fix, and change in the schools, my
passion for teaching remains. It makes no difference what kind of school it is or how good it is, the
important thing is that I can share knowledge with my students that they will keep with them till
they grow up. Maybe the school is not in that condition right now, but I am going back to the school
where my knowledge developed and was appreciated by the children and my cooperating teachers.