Geography Glossary and Topic Vocabulary Document

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Geography - Glossary and Topic Vocabulary Document

General Glossary of Geographical Terms

Please find below a bank of general geographical terms with their associated definitions, use this to ensure you have accurate understanding of the terms
that are commonly used when teaching the subject of geography – these terms have been selected as they will be commonly used in all year groups across
the school.

Key Term Definition

Arctic and The Arctic Circle is a line of latitude, which is an imaginary horizontal line around the Earth. The lands and ocean north of the Arctic
Antarctic Circles Circle is called the Arctic. A very cold and icy place, it is home to people, animals, and some unusual occurrences such as the northern
The Antarctic Circle is a special line of latitude that circles the Earth near the South Pole. All the lands between the Antarctic
Circle and the South Pole are called Antarctica. Antarctica is a very cold, icy, and dry land.

Biomes A large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat e.g. forest or tundra.

Capital City A capital is a city where a region's government is located. This is where government buildings are and where government leaders
Characteristics A distinguishing feature or quality.
City A large or important town.
Climate The weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
Climate Zone Divisions of the Earth’s climates into general climate zones according to average temperatures and average rainfall. The three major
climate zones on Earth are polar, temperate and tropical. Temperatures in these three zones are determined mainly by the location
or latitude or the zone.
Polar – Has the coldest temperatures, almost always below freezing.
Temperate – Contains most of Earth’s land masses with more moderate temperatures and rainfall year-round.
Tropical – Has the warmest average temperatures and gets the most rainfall.

Compare Estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between two places/locations.
Continent The world’s main continuous expanses of land. The world has 7 continents, they are as follows: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia,
Europe, North America and South America.

Contrast To look for differences between two or more places/locations.

Country A nation with its own government occupying a particular territory.
Differences A point or way in which a place or location is dissimilar.
Economic activity The activity of making, providing, purchasing, or selling goods or services. Any action that involves producing, distributing, or
consuming products or services is an economic activity. Additionally, any activities involving money or the exchange of products or
services are economic activities.
Equator A line notionally drawn on the earth equidistant from the poles, dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres and
constituting the parallel of latitude 0°.
Human feature A man-made feature of an area or environment. Some key human features are as follows: city, town, village, factory, farm, house,
office, port, harbour, shop.
Land use This is the function of the land, what it is used for e.g. farming, housing, industry.
Latitude The angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator, or of the equator of a celestial object, usually expressed in
degrees and minutes.
Locate To identify or discover where something is placed or found. In the subject of geography it is a key skill for children to be able to
identify and describe where a place is located both in their locality and beyond.
Longitude The angular distance of a place east or west of the Greenwich meridian, or west of the standard meridian of a celestial object, usually
expressed in degrees and minutes.
Name A word or a combination of words by which a person, place, or thing, a body or class, or any object of thought is designated, called,
or known. In the subject of geography it is a key skill for a child to name different places both in their locality and beyond.
Natural Hazards Natural hazards are extreme natural events that can cause loss of life, extreme damage to property and disrupt human activities.
Some natural hazards, such as flooding, can happen anywhere in the world whereas some hazards need climatic or tectonic
conditions to occur, for example tropical storms, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.

Natural Materials or substances occurring in nature which can be exploited for economic gain e.g. timber, gas, coal, oil etc…
North/South Either of the two locations (North Pole or South Pole) on the surface of the earth (or of a celestial object) which are the northern and
Poles southern ends of the axis of rotation.
Northern and The Northern Hemisphere is the half of Earth that is north of the Equator. The Southern Hemisphere is the half of Earth that is south
Southern of the Equator.
Ocean A very large expanse of sea/body of water. The world has 5 oceans and these are the main areas into which the sea is divided
geographically, they are as follows: Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean aka Antarctic Ocean and Artic
Physical Feature A naturally created feature of an area or environment. Some key physical features are as follows: beach, cliff, coast, forest, hill,
mountains, sea, ocean, river, soil, valley, vegetation.
Prime/Greenwich As the prime meridian, the north-south line at Greenwich is used as the reference for all other meridians of longitude, which are
Meridian numbered east or west of it. The Greenwich meridian also serves as the basis for the world's standard time zone system.
Region A region is an area of land that has common features. A region can be defined by natural or artificial features. Language, government,
or religion can define a region, as can forests, wildlife or climate. Regions, large or small, are the basic units of geography.
Seasons Each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) marked by particular weather patterns and daylight
hours, resulting from the earth's changing position with regard to the sun.
Settlement A place, typically one which has previously been uninhabited, where people establish a community.
Similarities A similar feature or aspect of a place or location.
Time zones A range of longitudes where a common standard time is used.
Topographical Topography describes the physical features of an area of land. These features typically include natural formations such as mountains,
features rivers, lakes, and valleys. Manmade features such as roads, dams, and cities may also be included. Topography often records the
various elevations of an area using a topographical map.
Trade The action of buying and selling goods or services.
Tropics of Cancer The Tropic of Cancer is an imaginary latitude line above the equator that runs across the globe at about 23 degrees north, while
and Capricorn the Tropic of Capricorn is an imaginary latitude line below the equator whose latitude line circles the globe at about 23 degrees

United Kingdom The children need to know the names of the countries in the United Kingdom and their capitals e.g. England – London, Scotland –
Edinburgh, Northern Ireland – Belfast, Wales – Cardiff. The children will also need to know that the capital of Ireland is Dublin.

Vegetation belt An area with distinct plant types, determined by climate, soil, drainage, and elevation. There are five major vegetation regions:
forest, grassland, tundra, desert, and ice sheet.
Water Cycle The water cycle is the journey water takes as it moves from the land to the sky and back again. It follows a cycle of evaporation,
condensation and precipitation.
Weather The state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time as regards heat, cloudiness, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc…

Relevant Topic Vocabulary

Please find below lists of geographical terms relevant to the topics being studied by Year Groups 1-6, the definitions for each of the word

Year 1

*Please note that the words displayed below are additional to those displayed in the glossary, relevant key terms from the glossary will be used throughout
these topics.

Autumn Term – Treasure Island Spring Term – Time Travel Summer Term – A Day in the Life of…
Map A drawing of a particular Globe A round object with a map of Geographical Areas of the Earth’s
area, for example a city or the Earth drawn on it. patterns surface which have
country, which shows features in common.
its main features, such as its
roads, rivers, mountains etc…
Features A part of something that Pollution The process of making air, Bogs An area of wet,
you notice because it seems water, soil etc… muddy ground that
important, interesting, dangerously dirty and is too soft to support
or typical. not suitable for people to use, or a heavy body.
the state of being dangerously
Similarities A similar feature or aspect of Local The characteristics associated Marsh An area of low-lying
a place or location. Environment with a particular area. land which is flooded
in wet seasons or at
high tide, and
typically remains
waterlogged at all
Differences A point or way in which a Landscape All the visible
place or location is dissimilar. features of an area
of land, often
considered in terms
of the way they look.
Wind The natural
movement of air
flowing in a
particular direction.
Weather The state of the
atmosphere at a
particular place and
time as regards heat,
cloudiness, dryness,
sunshine, wind, rain,
Busy An area populated
by many/lots of
Quiet An area populated
by few people.

Year 2

*Please note that the words displayed below are additional to those displayed in the glossary, relevant key terms from the glossary will be used throughout
these topics.

Autumn Term – The Earth Our Home Spring Term - Buildings Summer Term – The Magic Toymaker
Globe A round object with a map of Capital City A capital is a city where a region's No Geography being taught this term.
the Earth drawn on it. government is located. This is
where government buildings are
and where government leaders
Local Relating to the particular area you United The children need to know the
live in, or the area you are talking Kingdom names of the countries in the
about. United Kingdom and their capitals
e.g. England – London, Scotland –
Edinburgh, Northern Ireland –
Belfast, Wales – Cardiff. The
children will also need to know
that the capital of Ireland is
Map A drawing of a particular area, for Surrounding Places/areas located in close
example a city or country, which Areas proximity to an identified location.
shows its main features, such as its
roads, rivers, mountains etc…
Symbol A mark or character used as a
conventional representation of an
object, function, or process.

Key A list of the signs, colours etc…

used on
a map or technical drawing
that explains what they mean.
Improving The process or actions taken to
make something better.
Aerial Photograph taken of an area from
Photograph above.
Change To become different, or to make
something become different.

Year 3

*Please note that the words displayed below are additional to those displayed in the glossary, relevant key terms from the glossary will be used throughout
these topics.

Autumn Term – Scavengers and Settlers Spring Term – Different Places, Similar Lives Summer Term – A to B
Map A drawing of a particular area, for Local Relating to the particular area Physical features A naturally created feature
example a city or country, which you live in, or the area you are of an area or environment.
shows its main features, such as talking about. Some key physical features
its roads, rivers, mountains etc… are as follows: beach, cliff,
coast, forest, hill,
mountains, sea, ocean,
river, soil, valley,
Atlas A book containing maps of Global Affecting or including the whole Human features A man-made feature of an
the whole world. world. area or environment. Some
key human features are as
follows: city, town, village,
factory, farm, house, office,
port, harbour, shop.
Aerial Photograph taken of an area from Symbol A mark or character used as a Secondary sources A secondary source of
photograph above. conventional representation of information is one that was
an object, function, or process. created later by someone
who did not experience
first-hand or participate in
the events or conditions
you're researching.
Key A list of the signs, colours etc… Locate To discover the exact place
used on or position of something.
a map or technical drawing
that explains what they mean.
Compass An instrument that Survey An examination of an area
shows directions and has to determine what it is like.
a needle that always
points north. Children need to
know the 8 compass points.
Directions The course along which
someone or something
Compass An instrument containing a
magnetized pointer which
shows the direction of
magnetic north and
bearings from it.
Route A way or course taken in
getting from a starting point
to a destination.
Journey Act of travelling from one
place to another.
Transport Take or carry (people or
goods) from one place to
another by means of a
vehicle, aircraft, or ship.
Locality An area of neighbourhood.
Environment The natural world, as a
whole or in a particular
geographical area,
especially as affected by
human activity.
Continents The world’s main
continuous expanses of
land. The world has 7
continents, they are as
follows: Africa, Antarctica,
Asia, Australia, Europe,
North America and South
Countries A nation with its own
government occupying a
particular territory.
Gondola A long, narrow, flat-
bottomed boat having a tall,
ornamental stem and stern
and sometimes a small
cabin for passengers, rowed
or poled by a single person
who stands at the stern,
facing forward: used
especially on the canals of
Venice, Italy.
Rickshaw A light two-wheeled
passenger vehicle drawn by
one or more people, chiefly
used in Asian countries.

Barges A long flat-bottomed boat

for carrying freight on
canals and rivers, either
under its own power or
towed by another.
Steamboats A boat that is propelled by a
steam engine, especially (in
the US) a paddle-wheel
craft of a type used on
rivers in the 19th century.

Year 4

*Please note that the words displayed below are additional to those displayed in the glossary, relevant key terms from the glossary will be used throughout
these topics.

Autumn Term – Made a Difference Spring Term – Island Life Summer Term
Locate To identify or discover where Ordinance An Ordnance Survey map is a No Geography being taught this term.
something is placed or found. In survey map detailed map produced by the British or
the subject of geography it is a Irish government map-making
key skill for children to be able to organisation.
identify and describe where a
place is located both in their
locality and beyond.

Europe A continent located entirely in the Impact The effect or influence of one thing on
Northern Hemisphere and mostly another.
in the Eastern Hemisphere. It
comprises the westernmost part
of Eurasia and is bordered by the
Arctic Ocean to the north, the
Atlantic Ocean to the west, the
Mediterranean Sea to the south,
and Asia to the east.
North The planet's 3rd largest continent, Rivers A large natural stream of water flowing in
America includes (23) countries and a channel to the sea, a lake or another
dozens of possessions and river.
territories. It contains all
Caribbean and
Central America countries,
Bermuda, Canada, Mexico, the
United States of America, as well
as Greenland - the world's largest
South A continent in the Western Symbol A mark or character used as a
America Hemisphere, mostly in the conventional representation of an object,
Southern Hemisphere, with a function, or process.
relatively small portion in the
Northern Hemisphere. ... It is
bordered on the west by the
Pacific Ocean and on the north
and east by the Atlantic Ocean;
North America and the Caribbean
Sea lie to the northwest.

Key A list of the signs, colours etc… used on

a map or technical drawing
that explains what they mean.
Tectonic Very large sheets of rock that form
plates the surface of the Earth.
Flooding To cover a place with water, or to
become covered with water.
Earthquake A sudden shaking of the earth that often
causes a lot of damage to property and
can also cause loss of life. The size of
earthquake can vary from very minor to
Tsunami A very large wave, caused
by extreme conditions such as
an earthquake, which can cause a lot
of damage when it reaches land

Year 5
*Please note that the words displayed below are additional to those displayed in the glossary, relevant key terms from the glossary will be used throughout
these topics.

Autumn Term – Moving People Spring Term – Earth as an Island Summer Term
Food Production is the process of Landscape All the visible features of an area of land. No Geography being taught this term.
production manufacturing or growing
something in large quantities, in
this case the processes involved
in the manufacturing and
growing of food for people to
Migration The movement of animals or Observation The action or process of closely observing
people from one region to or monitoring something or someone.
Human The interactions that humans Commercial Industry involved with making (or
activity have with their environment. intending making) of a profit.
Landscape All the visible features of an area Industrial An industry is a group of manufacturers
of land. or businesses that produce a particular
kind of goods or services. For example
workers in the textile industry design,
fabricate, and sell cloth.
Impact The effect or influence of one thing on
Grid A map reference indicating a location in
references terms of a series of vertical and
horizontal grid lines identified by
numbers or letters.
Ordinance An Ordnance Survey map is a
survey map detailed map produced by the British or
Irish government map-making
Year 6

*Please note that the words displayed below are additional to those displayed in the glossary, relevant key terms from the glossary will be used throughout
these topics.

Autumn Term – Ancient Civilisations Spring Term – Going Global Summer Term
The subject of geography is not taught as part of Population All of the inhabitants of a No Geography being taught this term.
this topic. particular place.
Transport The term “transportation system”
systems is used to refer to the equipment
and logistics of transporting
passengers and goods. It covers
movement by all forms of
transport, from cars and buses to
boats, aircraft and even space
Geographical The physical and human forces
processes that work in combination to form
and transform the world, for
example, erosion, the water cycle,
migration or
urbanisation. Geographical
processes can operate within and
between places.
Ecology The branch of biology that deals
with the relations of organisms to
one another and to their physical
Thawing The process of ice, snow, or
another frozen substance
becoming liquid or soft as a result
of warming up.
Freezing The process of liquid becoming a
solid, for water this occurs at 0°C.
Temperature The degree or intensity of heat
present in a substance or object,
especially as expressed according
to a comparative scale and shown
by a thermometer.
Precipitation Rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls
to or condenses on the ground.
Sustainable An action that can be kept going
for ever, something that can
continue to be done without it
having damaging consequences
that might limit that activity in the
Bio-diversity The variety of plant and animal
life in the world or in a particular
habitat, a high level of which is
usually considered to be
important and desirable.

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