IC Course Outline 2022-2023 (Giao Tiếp Liên Văn Hóa)
IC Course Outline 2022-2023 (Giao Tiếp Liên Văn Hóa)
IC Course Outline 2022-2023 (Giao Tiếp Liên Văn Hóa)
Intercultural Communication
Program: Undergraduate
Course title: Intercultural Communication
Course credit 3
Course code: ENG2015
Course status: Core
Semester: 4
Class hour: Mon - Fri
7. Trần Hoàng Anh hoanganh26.ulis@gmail.co
8. Nguyễn Thị Nhung nhungnguyenclc.ulis@gmai
Cross-cultural understanding and sensitivity (sự tôn trọng) are essential for effective communication and
socially engaged living in the modern world. They are of even more importance for learners, users, and
teachers of English. This course is designed to introduce basic concepts, theories, and processes of cross-
cultural (đa dạng văn hóa) and intercultural communication, which may serve as thinking tools for students
to critically examine issues related to culture and communication, self and others. Through active reading,
engaged discussion, sustained reflection and deliberate practice, the course offers students the opportunity
to acquire an informed understanding and appreciation of the dynamics of culture (sự năng động của văn
hóa, có sự tác động và thay đổi trong suy nghĩ từ bản thân và người khác để dẫn đến một hành xử khác) ,
the diversity of values and perceptions that give meaning to people’s lives. In addition, students may gain a
critical distance to effectively reflect on personal values and practices, and develop more mindfulness and
intentionality in their own communication within and across culture.
Linear: một chiều
Judgemental: vô trách nhiệm
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
● apply basic concepts and processes of cross-cultural and intercultural communication to describe,
● gain more awareness of their own beliefs, actions and behaviours and those of others
● identify challenges that arise from differences in intercultural communication and the context of
● demonstrate their improved communication skills through the ability to reflect, suspend judgment,
Core texts:
Baldwin, J. R., Coleman, R. R. M., González, A., & Shenoy-Packer, S. (2014). Intercultural
communication for everyday life. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Recommended texts:
Holliday, A., Hyde, M. & Kullman, J. (2004). Intercultural communication: An advanced resource
book. London: Routledge.
Martin, J. N., & Nakayama, T. K. (2010). Intercultural communication in contexts (5th ed.).
Boston, MA: McGraw Hill Higher Education.
Lustig, M. W., and Koester, J. (2010). Intercultural competence: Interpersonal communication
across cultures (6th ed.): Pearson/A and B.
Nguyễn, Phương Mai (2017). Intercultural communication: An interdisciplinary approach: When
neurons, genes, and evolution joined the discourse. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University
Film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2RfyRpy3w4
Journal of Intercultural Communication Research
International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Language and Intercultural Communication
Journal of Intercultural Communication
Journal of Intercultural Studies
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication
International Communication Gazette
Science Direct
intercultural communication
3 Action, ethics and research Baldwin et al chapter 2
Approaches to studying intercultural
4 Culture, communication and how they are Baldwin et al chapter 3
5 Identity; self and others Baldwin et al chapter 5
Intercultural Sensitivity
7 Verbal intercultural communication Baldwin et al chapter 7
● Cultural differences
● New media
● Cultural shock
Last reflection
● Presentation
● Attend at least 80% of the total class hours if she/he wants to do the end-of-term assignment
● Actively prepare for the class by reading and reflecting on what they have read for each class
● Work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers. Each group member must contribute to the
preparation and presentation of the task assigned to their group. Their performance in the group
presentation will be assessed both individually and as a team.
● Seek out information from other sources (television, newspaper, movie, talking with others,
personal observation…) and relate to what they learn in the course to become better informed about
intercultural communication
● Regularly discuss with their peers and their instructor about their progress on course assignments to
● Complete all the assignments by the due dates. Late work will be marked down. Work submitted
over one week after its original deadline will not be accepted.
mini summary/review essay
(from 200 words)
End-of-term 60% Individual assignment will be - To assess students’ Week
assignment required for each student understanding of the topics 16/
covered in the course and their 1200-
ability to apply this 1500
understanding to solve practical words
Assignment Details
Reflections (10%): To reduce the workload, this assessment is not compulsory this semester. You can
replace it with active participation in class interaction.
You need to submit at least three reflections on either the whole class sessions or your classmates’
presentations. Don’t worry about being wrong or too informal. The minimum length is 200 words, no
maximum. It can be quite informal. Roughly, it answers all or some of the following questions:
1. Have you learnt something today?
2. Does it change your perspectives or does it reinforce any current perspectives?
3. How are you going to apply it?
4. Have you got any further comments or suggestions for the next lesson?
Your entries should be submitted BEFORE the next lesson (I encourage you to do it as soon after the
chosen lesson as possible). What lessons to reflect on are up to you, but make sure you have at least three
entries before the end of the semester.
This project encourages you to think critically about representation of others in the media. In many cases,
all we ever know about a group of people is through the media. How to engage with the media and what to
learn from it become important questions.
Step 1: Choose a cultural group which (1) you are interested in learning more about; (2) is different from
you in some significant way. Think broadly and critically about what constitutes a cultural group, and what
culture means in that case.
Step 2: Study how this group has been represented AND how they have represented themselves in various
kinds of media. Some possible sources are movies, music, photo essays, art, research articles, nonfiction,
fiction, someone you know who has experience with this group… You should include at least three
different types of sources and focus on interesting, quality materials. The scope of this research can be
broad. You should feel free to let your curiosity lead you.
Step 3: Curate an online exhibition (a website, a google doc, a Facebook page…) to showcases the sources
you’ve looked at and what you’ve learned. Whatever form, the exhibition should include (1) the sources
you studied and (2) a brief summary for each of them (type, author, time and/or place, main content, how it
relates to your chosen group). Share with me the link to your online exhibition by Week 9.
Step 4: Create an advertisement for your exhibition, highlighting (1) the significance of your topic, (2) the
main findings from your research, and (3) your most interesting items. This is the synthesis of your whole
project, so make sure it’s both attractive and informative. Distribute it to me and your classmates at least
03 days before the exhibition.
On exhibition day, our class will gather and check out every group’s product. You should set up your
corner with your laptop or artifacts and be ready to engage/interact with your audience. Take turn to take
care of your station so that you can check out other groups’.
● Read extensively on the topic chosen until you form a well-grounded argument. Choose cultural
materials you can access to analyse and shed light on your answers to the questions
● Time allowed for each group presentation: maximum 25 minutes – 15 minutes Q&A
● You can be creative in choosing the format of the presentation: It can be a presentation, a talk
● The presentation must indicate your critical understanding of the concepts/theories chosen with
vivid illustrations of examples from any sources. Be creative, critical and engaging.
● Each group work must be a single project presented by 4 – 5 speakers (not 4 – 5 mini-presentations
● Use visual aids (e.g. videos, pictures, tape, …) or physical demonstration (role-play, mini drama,
● Be prepared to answer any questions from the audience. You’ll be assessed both as a group and
● Critical, informative, perceptive discussion of the links between the concepts/theories to the
Choose one of the following questions to write an analysis essay of 1500 words
Learning to understand who we are as people is an important existential experience. Strong self-knowledge
may help us be more confident, make better decisions, and relate to and understand others better. It’s easy
to think of and describe yourself by personality traits, hobbies, talents, achievements, or values and you
may or may not know where or how they come from. However, this assignment asks you to focus on your
social and cultural identity – what values, beliefs or behaviors you have that seem to been learned from
others (either consciously or subconsciously), what social group, role or relationship you identify with or
reject or see in others, how that influences your sense of self. Maybe you haven’t actively thought much
about it but it doesn’t mean these group affiliations and influences are not operating in your life right now.
If you choose this option, start early. Keep a diary so that you can take notes of your evolving thoughts and
observations. Consider conducting a few interviews with your family members or friends to inspire your
For this task, identify a current debate or topic of discussion in Vietnam which is substantially cultural in
nature and compose a response to it.
There are two main criteria for a topic. First, it should be current and real, which means it is a real
discussion (rather than a hypothetical one), usually surrounding an event, happening around the time of our
course. Second, it should be cultural in nature. A debate about how many tests students should take to
graduate may not be substantially cultural. However, a controversy regarding whether abortion should be
outlawed can be very cultural1.
Choosing a worthwhile topic is difficult, so please talk with me about your ideas. You should commit to
one topic and have it approved by Week 12.
In this activity, you will identify an intercultural phenomenon and conduct a mini study to address it. A
study should be driven by one (or more) question and involve the collection and analysis of a defined range
of data. Survey or interview data is not the only accepted kind. You could also gather and read existing
materials to answer your question.
Similar to option 2 above, coming up with a topic is difficult. Therefore, please brainstorm a few things
you’re interested in or curious about and discuss with me as soon as you can. Have your topic approved by
Week 12 as the latest so that you have a few weeks to work on it.
2 This means you may need to write in Vietnamese if your audience is mostly Vietnamese.
● Read extensively on the topic chosen until you form a well-grounded argument.
● Basically, this assignment is the same as the group presentation project. However, you are going to
write an essay by yourself rather than do a group project. You need to choose a different question
from the one you have already done a group discussion on.
● You must demonstrate your thorough and critical understanding of the theories/concepts chosen by
reviewing relevant literature and illustrate your understanding with relevant examples. It would be
easier to follow if you choose to analyse a certain set of cultural materials in light of certain
● Peer feedback is allowed. If you use peer feedback, hand in copies of all versions with peer
● Format: essay, font Times New Roman, size 14, 1.5 spacing, printed on two sides, stapled, no cover
or binding required. (Save the environment). Your names, class, title of the project all in half of the
first page. Include the cover sheet provided
● Hand in both hard and soft copy (email the soft copy to your lecturer)
● Submit your final essay according to the agreed schedule. Late papers will be accepted, but will be
marked one grade lower than the grade deserved for every day of delay.
Grading criteria:
● Critical, informative, perceptive discussion of the links between the concepts/theories to the
To lecturers: To ensure academic integrity, all soft copy essays (both group presentation and final essays)
will be collected and put together in a file and kept for years. This will be shared among lecturers, which
will help us track students’ original works and detect possible plagiarism.