Heroic Stands

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Heroic Stands

Lectured by
Shiekh Abu Nizhar Ash Shaami

Ramadhan 1444/2023

Transcripted and edited by

Hameed bin Ahmad


S.No Contents Pg. No.

Introduction 3
1 At Tufayl Bin Amr Ad Dawsi 4
2 The Believer from the Family of Yaseen 6
3 Abu Bakr As-Siddiq 8
4 Abdullah Bin Unays 11
5 Iyas Bin Muadh 13
6 Anas Bin Nadhr 15
7 The Firawn’s Daughter’s Hair Dresser 17
8 HudHud – The Hoopee 19
9 Nusaybah Bint Kaáb Al-Ansaariyyah 21
10 Jaafar at tayyar 23
11 Abu Dhar AL-Ghifari 26
12 The Magicians of Firawn 29
13 Heroes from the story of elephant 31
14 Youths of the cave 34
15 Believer from the family of firawn 37
16 Muhammad al-Fatih 40
17 Shiekh Taqiuddin An-Nabhani 42
18 Shiekh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah 45
19 As’ad ibn Zurara 47
20 Omar bin Abdul Azeez 49
21 Qutaybah bin Muslim 51
22 Al-Hussayn and Az-Zubair 53
23 Abdullah bin Umm Maktum 55
24 Sayyid Qutb 57
25 The boy of trench 59
26 Saad bin Muad 61
27 Khadijah, Abubakr, Uthman and Abudahdah – Sacrificing with money 63
28 Shiekh Al-'Izz bin Abdussalam 65
29 The Ummah of Heroes 68

Introduction- Heroic Stands

Our lives are a collection of stands taken. These stands are what will decide our
status and value before Allah (swt) on the Day of Judgement. Heroic stands, which
changed the course of history, produced events, and greatly influenced all who
witnessed them or heard of them. Heroic stands, which we mention while living at a
time when most stands we see are those of humiliation and shame. Heroic stands, we
mention them whose heroes are mentioned in the Quran, and the pages of the Seerah
and our Ummah's past and recent history are overflowing with them. Heroic stands,
which we mention in order to take lessons from. We mention them in order to receive
flames of glory, optimism, and expecting good from Allah, and to prove that our
Ummah, by the permission of Allah, is capable of bringing back the dignified stands
which will fill the world with justice and light after it was filled with injustice and

In this small booklet, we mention some of the heroic stands of our pious
predecessors so that we take lessons and emulate them in our actions. This booklet is a
compilation of talks given by sheikh Abu Nizhar Ash-Shaami (Hz)

Lectured by Shiekh Abu Nizhar Ash-Shaami

Transcripted and edited by Hameed Bin Ahmad

1. At Tufayl Bin Amr Ad Dawsi – Heroism in facing distortion, fabrication
and lies about Islam

Distortion and fabrications by the media of Islam needs a heroic stand by the
Muslims to face it. The hero of our story today is a man from the Sahabah who refused
to be a victim of the fabricating media and refused to hand over his head to the media
so that they may fill it up with whatever they want. At-Tufayl bin Amr Ad-Dawsi (ra),an
influential man among Daws in Yemen, came to Makkah for trade and pilgrimage and
was received by Makkah's leadership and media saying:"don't listen to Muhammad",
"don't listen to Islam", "he breaks families", and they sewed some lies together.As a
result of being affected by their media, he put cotton in his ears and decided not to
hear.He was circling around the Ka'ba and saw the Prophet (saw). Allah did not allow
him not to hear some of the words of the Prophet (saw).
So, At-Tufayl said to himself:"May my mother lose me, I am an intelligent man,
why shouldn't I hear from Muhammad;if I heard something good, I'd accept it, and if
not, I'd leave it."Then he took the heroic stand: he took the cotton out of his ears, sat
and listened to the Prophet. So, he heard Islam and the Quran then embraced Islam.
Then he immediately said to the Prophet (saw): "O Messenger of Allah, I am obeyed
among my people, so I will go to them and call them to Islam." At-Tufayl departed and
the Prophet gave him a Karama, which was to have a light on his face and in his voice.
At-Tufayl went and called his people to Islam. Some of them embraced Islam but others
did not. So, he came to the Prophet (saw) and asked him to pray to Allah to destroy
Daws because they were refusing to enter Islam. So, the Prophet (saw) raised his hands
and At-Tufayl said: "Daws is finished". But the Prophet (saw) said: "O Allah guide
Daws and bring them to me". Then told At-Tufayl to go, call his people and be gentle
with them. At-Tufayl went and was gentle with his people. So, more than 80 families
became Muslim. He brought them all with him and caught up with the Prophet (saw) at
Khaybar i.e. in the 7th year after Hijra.The Prophet (saw) received him and allotted
some of the booty to him i.e. he regarded him as one of the Mujahideen.
Brothers and sisters, what if At-Tufayl did not remove the cotton from his ears?
What if he had surrendered to the media fanfare that is fabricating against Islam and

distorting it? Would 80 families have been recorded in his book of deeds, among whom
was Abu Hurayra? Imagine! Abu Hurayra (ra) was one of the good deeds of At-Tufayl
bin Amr Ad-Dawsi and he was one of causes behind the entering of Islam into Yemen.
My brothers, the lessons from this heroic stand are many:
Firstly, do not be led by media fabrications that distort Islam, the callers to Islam
and Islamic organisations such that you refuse to hear from them. You accept to hear
about your brothers who call to Islam but refuse to hear from them. Be like At-Tufayl
who went and heard from the Prophet (saw), and refused to just hear about Him.
Secondly, remove the cotton from you ears. Do not allow them to fill your head
with lies about Islam and those who call to it. Do not be swept by the current. Do not
be like the ones who just indulge in falsehood along with the indulgers.
Thirdly, At-Tufayl transformed immediately, from the moment he heard the
ABCs of Islam, to a Dawah carrier. "I shall go to my people and call them to Islam".
He didn't say: "I'll sit and learn Islam for 10 years and then Fiqh for 20 years. And since
the situation is difficult I won't speak or carry Dawah." Rather, he immediately turned
into a Dawah carrier.
These are the stands that deserve to be taught, my brothers.
One of the lessons is gentleness with the Ummah; At-Tufayl came asking the
Prophet to make Dua against his people but He made Dua for them and commanded
him to be gentle. We hear many callers to Islam today saying: "We do not deserve
victory", "Our Ummah is Fasiqa, Fajira, defeated and divided". They begin to lash the
Ummah's back. Do not lash your Ummah's back. Rather, be gentle and be the doctor
who offers them the cure, support them and straighten their crookedness, and warn them
regarding the media that is distorting their Deen. Learn from At-Tufayl bin Amr Ad-
Dawsi and be the counter-narrative. Be the media that plants optimism, ambition, hope
and expecting good from Allah (swt). I ask Allah, the majestic Lord of the noble throne,
to make us guided callers like At-Tufayl bin Amr and to show us a clean media which
displays the greatness, justice and mercy of Islam.

2. The Believer from the Family of Yaseen – Heroism of talk

There are stands which are similar to martyrdom operations; stands made by
individuals where they put the interests and duty of the Dawah ahead of their lives and
interests. One of the most prominent of these stands mentioned in the Quran is the one
taken by the believer from the family of Yaseen; a man who believed in the Dawah of
Allah and the messengers, in a town where all its people were ungrateful Kuffar. Allah
sent to them one messenger after another after another; three messengers who were all
rejected and threatened. Despite all this, and despite having a strong illness and being
far away, this man decided to take his part in the Dawah and came rushing from the far
end of the city "He said, "O my people, follow the messengers."" So, they rejected him,
beat him up and killed him, such that he acquired the honour of Allah showing him
Jannah on the Day of Judgement. "He said, "I wish my people could know""

My brothers, we can take many heroic lessons from this heroic story. One of
these is that we learn to have compassion; the compassion a Dawah carrier has for his
Ummah. When this man saw the corruption in his people, he didn't excommunicate
them, he didn't say "there is no good in these people" and start whipping the backs of
the Ummah as we hear nowadays day and night: "there is no good in us", "we have been
defeated", "the West has won". Rather, compassion manifested in him just as it was in
our Prophet: "O my Lord, guide my people, for they do not know".

One of the lessons is that the Duaat (Dawah carriers) should not isolate
themselves from their Ummah using the excuse of reforming ourselves first. Real
Dawah is to reform the self and the society at the same time just as this hero did; he did
not isolate and busy himself with reforming his self. He rather came to call his people.

One of the lessons is to hasten and not make excuses. He came rushing from the
far end of the city. Despite having leprosy, he didn't make excuses and say "my house
is far". Rather he came rushing with apprehension. He wasn't like the indifferent ones.
And these, my brothers, are the scales which split the people in terms of their reactions

to the Dawah: "But as for he who came to you striving" and "As for he who thinks
himself without need". So, which of these two camps are you from?

One of the lessons, my brothers, is that the Dawah requires implementation and
not just belief. This man did not just say "believe in what the messengers brought". He
didn't say "believe". Rather, he said "follow". "He said, "O my people, follow the
messengers."" I.e. implement this path. And this is what we need today. How many are
those who memorised the Book of Allah. What we need is for the Book of Allah to be
implemented and for its laws to be followed within a State and authority on Earth.

One of the lessons, my brothers, is the prohibition of despair and leaving it to

others. This man saw that the Duaat and Messengers were being rejected and threatened.
He didn't become scared. He didn't despair. He didn't leave it to others and say "It's their
job, what has it got to do with me if the prophets failed." Not at all. Rather, he took his
part and called them as if he was the one that was sent. This is what we need, my
brothers, in the children and youth of the Muslims today. We have to treat "Arise and
warn" as if it was revealed to us. This is how the early Sahabah were. The greatness of
the Dawah, my brothers, makes it deserve to have heroic stands which Allah
immortalises and raises the mention of those who took them just as He raised the
mention of the believer from the family of Yaseen. So, whoever wishes Allah to raise
their mention, then they should hasten to book their place among the Duaat today and
perhaps we will be raised (in the Akhira) with those predecessors and Allah raises our
mention in 'Illiyyun. He is our Lord who is capable of that and is its custodian.

3. Abu Bakr As-Siddiq – Political aqeedah and heroic emulation

There are stands which do not correct the error of individuals or groups only.
They are stands through which Allah corrects the error of the entire Ummah. Stands,
through which, Allah protects the Ummah from deviating. And this is what manifests
itself in the heroic stands that litter the life of Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (ra). Since, his
stands were characterised by having thought, awareness and determination, by being
fundamental and principled, and having political vision and many others.
The first heroic stand by Abu Bakr was the one he took at the death of the Prophet
(saw). This heroic stand featured the creedal uprightness and awareness of Abu Bakr
As-Siddeeq (ra) in his understanding of the Deen of Allah. When the Prophet (saw)
passed away, thought faltered in many of His beloved. Some of them said: "The Prophet
(saw) did not die", "Whoever said the prophet died, I will strike him". Here, my
brothers, the Aqeedah was unfortunately shaken by the great power of emotion. As-
Siddeeq overcame his self and adhered to awareness and thought, placing them ahead
of emotion when he said: "Whoever was worshipping Muhammad, then know that
Muhammad has died. And whoever was worshipping Allah then know that Allah is
ever-living and does not die". There is no doubt that Abu Bakr was one of the most
beloved Sahabah to the Prophet (saw) and was the foremost in sacrificing for Him.
Unfortunately, in contrast to the clarity of such heroic stands, we see people today
justifying the deviance of rulers whom they love so they place what the rulers do ahead
of the fixed constants of the Ahkam Shar'iah. This is not how Abu Bakr behaved.
Rather, he stood and brought back the Aqeedah of Islam to its secured position, thus his
love for the Prophet (saw) was real.
The second stand by the hero, Abu Bakr, was his stand towards those who
refused to pay Zakat. His heroic stand featured being principled and refusing to accept
compromise on principles, and to never give concessions not matter how small they are,
and the prohibition of gradualism in implementing Islam completely. Umar's (ra) stance
was like many of the Sahabah towards those who refused to pay Zakat, where he said:
"O Abu Bakr, how do you war against people who bear witness to La ilaha illa Allah,
Muhammad Rasool Allah?" So, my brothers, Sayyiduna Abu Bakr grabbed him by the

lapels and said: "O Umar, are you mighty in Jahiliyya but weak in Islam? Have you not
heard the Prophet (saw) say: "except by its due" and Zakat is from its due. By Allah, I
will fight whoever separates between Salat and Zakat, since Zakat is the right on wealth.
By Allah, even if they refuse to pay a rope which they used to pay to the Messenger of
Allah, I will fight them over their refusal to pay it." In these stands, my brothers, As-
Siddeeq teaches us that the calculations of the Deen are not based on profit and loss.
Rather, they are based on adherence and standing firm. He regarded the disregard of
Zakat as a reduction from the Deen. One of the most quintessential things As-Siddeeq
said is: "The Deen will not be reduced while I am alive". How much it is that we need
these heroic stands by these great heroes today. Many Muslims, unfortunately, give
concessions, accept compromise, accept to rule by other than what Allah revealed, and
to share in power with the Kuffar. All of these, my brothers, are from errors and
disturbances that need heroic stands to remove them from the thinking of Muslims so
that it returns pure and clear as it was with the early companions.
Another heroic stands of Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (ra) is that, His great stand when
the mass Ridda (apostasy) occurred, Since the Arab tribes had apostatised from Islam
after the death of the Prophet (saw). The army of Musailama Al-Kadhab alone was
made up of 40,000 fighters. In other words, we can say that if free and fair elections
were held at that time, Abu Bakr (ra) would not have won. Since, majority, popularity
and people's sovereignty were all not on the side of the Sahabah. They were rather with
Banu Hanifa, Musailama and others. How did As-Siddeeq deal with this situation? His
(ra) stance was remarkable and unrelenting. He waged war against the Murtads
unrelentingly and mercilessly, and despatched generals to fight them until he brought
them back submittingly under the system and Shariah of Islam. This was from the
Tawfeeq of Allah (swt) to Abu Bakr (ra) who reinforced the power of the Islamic State
and inviolability of the laws brought by the system of Islam. One result of these wars
which he waged, was the returning of many of the Murtads to obedience and
implementation of all Islamic laws. By Allah, if it was not for the boldness of Abu
Bakr's stand, these people would've been dominant and stronger than the Islamic state.
Another great stands of abu bakr (ra) is despatching the army of Usama where
this stand manifested the heroic character of emulating the Messenger of Allah and

following his instructions. Imagine my brothers! After the death of the Prophet, the
peninsula went through a wave of Ridda. Imagine with me, a country going through a
brutal civil war that has more than 10 large revolts occurring internally, killing each
other. Then, the leader of this country despatches an army, which was prepared by a
previous leader, to fight a neighbouring country. Abu Bakr was not looking at the
situation in this way. Rather, his stance was that the Prophet (saw) knows better, when
he despatched the army of Usama. So, he would say: "How can the Messenger of Allah
despatch him and then I stop him?" So, he sent Usama's army to the Romans while there
were tens of thousands of Murtads and Zakat-avoiders around Madinah. Abu Bakr (ra)
was aware of all the risks but he had strong Iman in the methodology of the Prophet
(saw). The army of Usama departed and this caused the Romans to tremble and the
Arabs lost their will to fight who thought to themselves that it was not possible for Abu
Bakr to have sent this army without there being enough defences in Madinah. But the
reality was that there were no defences. But there was good conviction in Allah (swt).
The Romans withdrew, so Usama's army did not fight and returned victoriously, then
all the Murtad tribes were defeated, so, he (ra) brought back unity and strength to the
Islamic State and the greatest lesson was in Abu Bakr not conceding on a single Hukm
nor instruction of the Messenger (saw). How great is our need for leaders, heroes, whose
stands are like these. We ask Allah to let us witness together stances just like these
heroic stands. We ask Allah the Almighty, to return to us the stands taken by these
heroes. He is our Lord who is capable of that and is its custodian.

4. Abdullah Bin Unays – One man army

Some stands have martyrdom as their most prominent feature. Stands which
prioritise the interests of the Dawah and Deen over those of the self and desires, and
pay more attention to warding off dangers from Islam than from their own selves.

After Uhud, my brothers, and specifically on the 4th year after Hijra, bad news
was reaching the Messenger of Allah (saw). "O Messenger of Allah, Banu Asad are
gathering to fight you", "Such-and-such tribe are preparing for an attack" etc. All Jahili
tribes now wished to mobilise in order to attack Madinah and eradicate Islam from
within it. Of the most dangerous news to reach was that of Hudhayl. Hudhayl, my
brothers, are clans whose fighters are counted in the hundreds. "O Messenger of Allah,
Hudahyl is mobilising to march on you". The Prophet (saw), my brothers, looked
intently across the faces of the Sahabah. What should he do? He can't just send armies
and scatter his troops everywhere. So he chose a hero - one man to do what armies do.

He (saw) told Abdullah bin Unays: Hudhayl are gathering to fight us. I want you
to go to them, meet their commander in chief, Khalid bin Sufyan Al-Hudhali, kill him
and return to me. Abdullah bin Unays, my brothers did not ask the Prophet (saw): "Who
are you sending with me?" "How am I supposed to be alone?" He didn't think about his
safety at all. He only asked for one thing: "O Messenger of Allah, describe him to me."
That was it. He (saw) said: "When you see him, he will remind you of Shaytan. And
one sign between you and me is that you will feel goosebumps." He said: "I don't get
scared O Messenger of Allah if you send me." He (saw) said: "It is but a sign between
you and me". This was enough for Abdullah bin Unays and he accepted a mission
behind enemy lines where the chance of survival is almost 0%. Abdullah bin Unays (ra)
departed and arrived at Hudhayl. He surveyed the scene and saw armies, battalions,
divisions, weapons and training, until his eyes met with Khalid Al-Hudhali. He said: "It
was as if he was making the Earth crack"; surrounded by officers and banners from all
directions. He said: "Then I felt the goosebumps which the Messenger of Allah
mentioned to me". So he advanced towards him but realised that the time of Dhuhr Salat
was almost over. He said: "I feared that if I delayed (praying) and fought him (i.e.
Khalid), that I would miss the Salat." So, he prayed while on his horse using sign. This

Ijtihad that he did later became a legislated Sunnah known as the Salat al-Talib wal-
atloob (The Prayer of the chaser and chased) Look at the honour given to this hero!
Moving on, Abdullah and Khalid Al-Hudhali met. Khalid said to him: "Who are you?"
He said: "An Arab man who heard of your mobilisation against Muhammad, so I came
to join you." Then he played along with, distracting him, until they were in a hidden
area and they became secluded then he killed him. He said to him: "Take this from the
strike of a noble monotheist upon the Deen of the Prophet Muhammad. And if the
Prophet had set his eyes on a Kafir, I would be first to him by speech and action". Then
he (ra) left the secluded area quietly with no one noticing him, then flew to the
Messenger of Allah (saw) to give him the good news. Before he said anything, our
Messenger (saw) saw him and said: "A successful face, O Abdullah". Then, He (saw)
gave him his staff and said: "This is a sign between me and you on the Day of

My brothers, our Messenger (saw) is not with us today. However, the greatness
of the Messenger is in His message and Shariah. And today, armies are mobilised to
attack the Shariah of Islam, and media organisations are set up to misrepresent and
distort it and to turn Muslims away from implementing it. So who will be like Abdullah
bin Unays? Will you be like this hero who goes up against all of these mobilisations,
without fearing anything nor does he simply coexist with the danger or negotiates with
it? My dear brother, your response to the misconceptions surrounding the Shariah today
and your killing of every idea that distorts our Deen could make our Messenger (saw)
on the Day of Judgement say when he sees you: "a successful face". So, do you want to
be like Abdullah bin Unays? Be first to the enemies in thought, speech and action just
like this hero was.

And let me ask you the more important question: If you were with the Prophet
(saw), would He have chosen you for that mission? The field is open, my brothers, and
the enemies of Islam are many. So, be like Abdullah bin Unays and learn how to support
Islam and shield it from dangers just as this hero did.

5. Iyas Bin Muadh – Taking da’wah oppurtunities of youth

Of the heroic stands are those where the heroism is in taking opportunities -
taking the right opportunity, within which is the victory of Islam and achievement of
truth and justice. This is what the hero of our story today did: Sayyiduna Iyas bin

During the early days of Islam, in the Makkan period, Iyas bin Mu'adh was in
Madinah from Bani Abd Al-Ashhal from the Aws tribe. Their leader, Anas bin Rafi',
came in a delegation from the Aws to Makkah to meet the Kuffar of Quraysh in order
for the Kuffar of Quraysh to ally themselves with the Aws against the Khazraj in
Madinah. Here, the young man, Iyas bin Mu'adh also came, and when they arrived in
Makkah, the Prophet (saw) entered upon them. He (saw) learned what they came for: a
political alliance against the Khazraj. So, He (saw) said to them: "Shall I not direct you
to what is better for you than this?" They said: "And what is that?" He (saw) said that
He was the Messenger of Allah, called them to Islam and recited the Quran to them.
Then the leader of the delegation, Anas bin Rafi', stood up and said: "We have no need
for you nor do we want this message." That young man, Iyas bin Mu'adh, heard this and
he was the youngest of his people there. This situation required a stand to be taken. So,
he stood up amongst his people - his tribe - and said: "O people, by Allah, what
Muhammad is calling us to is better than what we came for, so why not follow him?"
Their leader, Anas bin Rafi' heard this and grabbed some sand in his hand then struck
his face with it then they all began fighting amongst each other. Then, their alliance
didn't materialise and they returned to Madinah without achieving anything.

They reached Madinah and the Bu'ath war broke out. It was only some days after
that they found Iyas bin Mu'adh taking his final breaths in his bed. But the strange thing
was that they heard him saying: "Subhanallah wa Alhamduillah wa la ilaha illah Allah
wa Allahu Akbar" He was making Tahleel and Tasbeeh, and died a Muslim. He was
one of the very first Ansar who supported the Messenger of Allah (saw) in one stand he
took during one meeting only with Him. My dear brother, we see the differences in

reactions and stands taken in response to hearing the Dawah. Allah says: "Indeed, your
efforts are diverse." "As for he who gives and fears Allah. And believes." and there is
also one who "withholds and considers himself free of need. And denies" Iyas bin
Mu'adh found an opportunity to support Islam.

If this alliance had been concluded between the Aws and Quraysh, the Hijra of
the Prophet (saw) to Madinah would have been jeopardised and His Dawah would not
have flowed so easily as it did among the Aws and Khazraj. Who was the hero behind
this? It was that young man! Therefore, my brothers, our lives are but a collection of
opportunities. So, do you firmly make stands of truth? Unfortunately, my brothers,
sometimes the first to stand in your way and prevents you from the Dawah and from
letting you make the heroic stands that support the truth, are you family or the closest
people to you. So, will you give in to the status quo and leave the truth just to please
your family and the people around you? No. Ibn Al-Qayyim (ra) says: "Be on the side
of Allah and His Messenger even if all the people were on the other side."

The opportunities that come during our lives and need heroic stands to be taken
are many. While in a taxi, you might hear a passenger expressing disgruntlement with
Allah. While at university, you might hear a lecture or some words from a lecturer that
insult Islam and accuse it of terrorism. Your brothers might invite you to join an
organised Islamic Dawah where you would learn how to support Islam and work to
establish its State. For the sake of Allah, when in all these situations, take the stance
that would please Allah and support Islam and its people and take the stand that will
honour you and brighten your book of deeds with Allah before you meet Him (swt)
whilst being among the regretful ones.

6. Anas Bin Nadhr – Heroic thinking

Heroic stands cannot be mentioned without mentioning the hero Anas bin An-
Nadhr (ra). In his stand, there are 2 heroic points: the heroic point of sincerity to Allah
despite the dangers and the heroic point of firmness of thoughts when despair engulfs
everyone else.
Anas bin An-Nadhr is a Sahabi who was not able to participate in Badr.
However, he learned of the great favour bestowed upon those at Badr so, he vowed to
Allah, saying: "If Allah allows me to witness a confrontation alongside the Messenger
of Allah in Jihad of the Kuffar, then Allah shall see what I am capable of.". Then came
Uhud and he (ra) fought valiantly until the Muslims began to falter. He saw Muslims
disobeying the Messenger (saw) by descending from the mountain and he said: "O Allah
I seek your pardon for what they are doing". He carried on fighting. In the midst of the
battle, the Kuffar spread the rumour of the killing of Sayyiduna Muhammad (saw). The
news spread around: "Muhammad has been killed" This news was harsher upon the
Sahabah than swords and arrows. Such that some of them sat on the ground in
resignation. If matters stayed like this, the entire army would have been eradicated.
Here, my brothers, manifested the heroic point of thought. Anas saw this scene of
Sahabah on the ground. So, he said: "Woe to you, what are you doing?!" They said:
"Muhammad has been killed!" He said: "So what will you do with life after Him? Stand
and die for what Muhammad died for!" He raised them and awoke them from slumber.
So, they returned to fighting once more and the balance of power began changing once
again. Anas, my brothers, did not see in the Kuffar any power, intimidation or valour.
Sa'd bin Mu'adh, the leader of the Ansar and for whom the throne of Allah shook when
he died, says: "I was chasing after him and saying: "Anas, slow down" and Anas replied:
"Sa'd, by Allah I can smell the fragrance of Jannah close to Uhud"" and he continued
fighting until he (ra) was martyred.
My brothers, we did not participate with our Messenger (saw) in establishing the
Islamic State just as how Anas did not participate in Badr. And we have heard about the
great reward in establishing the Islamic State just as how Anas bin An-Nadhr heard
about the greatness, status and value of the fighters at Badr. So, will we vow to Allah,

just as he did that if Allah lets me live, that He will see what I am capable of in
establishing the Islamic State just as the Sahabah did? We learn from the stance of Anas
to seek pardon for the Muslims when they err just as when he said: "O Allah I seek your
pardon for they are doing". We support our brothers to stand up just as he did. Not to
declare them Kafir or Fasiq, blame them for our problems and whip their backs, just as
many malicious scholars do today.
Anas, my brothers, teaches us that heroism is in being sincere to Allah and taking
initiative. Not in making up excuses and conjuring up justifications for making
concessions to the enemies and neglecting obligations. His sincere stance kills despair
in hearts, overcomes fear in souls, and forms an example for others to follow, moving
them after stagnation and encourages them after despair. We learn that following
thoughts and putting thinking in control of emotions is unparalleled heroism. "So what
will you do with life after Him? Stand and die for what Muhammad died for!" In this is
a response to those who devalue thinking and says: "You people only have words".
Notice that false words (Muhammad has been killed) almost destroyed the whole army.
Whereas the true words (Stand up and die for what Muhammad died for) aroused
enthusiasm, transformed events and saved lives.

Therefore, thoughts are capable of what military arsenals are incapable of. We
learn not to be fooled by the Kafir media which has been, for more than 100 years,
spreading amongst the Ummah of Islam: "Muhammad has been killed" "The leadership
of Islam has been killed" "The Islamic State has fallen" "You no longer have leadership"
"The rule of the Shariah is over" And they are waiting for us to bow down and stop
resisting. So, will you be like Anas bin An-Nadhr and awaken your Ummah to defend
herself and bring back the leadership of Islam, and you continue to call and work for
this sincerely for Allah until you succeed or die for what those early greats died for?

O Allah make our witnessing of that soon.

7. The Firawn’s Daughter’s Hairdresser – The worship:- Speaing the truth in
front of tyrants

It isn't necessary for heroics to have been done by those with strong muscles and
large builds. This is because heroics require strong concepts, not strong bodies. The
hero of our story today is a woman of weak build but strong intellect and strong Iman.
A woman who was working in the palace of the biggest tyrant, Fir'awn. She used to
serve the daughter of Fir'awn and comb her hair. The hairbrush fell from her hand, so
she picked it up while saying: "Bismillah (in the name of God)". This woman was in
rejection of Fir'awn and his tyranny, and she rose above her job and wage and was a
believer in Allah and in Sayyiduna Musa. The daughter of Fir'awn said: "Did you mean
my father?"
Here, my brothers, she had to make a decision to take a stance which may be to
give up her message, knowing that she had 5 children. However, my brothers, she took
a stand that made our Messenger (saw) tell us about her proudly. She said: "Rather, my
Lord who is your Lord, and your father's Lord". The girl flew to her father and Fir'awn
then gathered troops and the court, filled a cauldron with boiling oil and had her 5
children brought. "Do you have a Lord other than I?" She was firm like the mountains:
"My Lord and your Lord is Allah (swt). The first son was thrown in the oil and his bones
floated in front of his mother. "Do you have a Lord other than I?" She continued to say:
"Allah is my Lord and your Lord". Her 4 sons were thrown in and then they brought
her fifth who was an infant. So, she held him tightly to her chest and shook. Then Allah
sent down the miracle of the boy speaking while in the arms of his mother. He said: "O
mother, you are upon the truth, so be patient". Then, my brothers, her fifth son died and
she looked at Fir'awn and said: "I want you to gather my bones and my children's bones
together in one grave." Imagine now! Fir'awn is the one that shook now and he obeyed
her will, not the other way around. He said: "It shall be done."
My brothers, this story was narrated by Jibreel (as), the guardian of revelation,
to the Messenger of Allah, the final prophet, during the Isra' and Mi'raj in the upper
heavens, where our Messenger (saw) smelled a beautiful fragrance. "Whose fragrance
is this, O Jibreel?" He said: "it is the fragrance of the hairdresser of the daughter of

Fir'awn and her children". This great status was given to them because of this heroic
stand from which we learn many lessons. We learn that speaking the truth raises your
status and immortalises your mention. We say this to the malicious scholars who weave
fatwas due to the ruler's reward or punishment. Those who weave Fatwas to fit the
measurements of the likes of Fir'awn, Haman, and their soldiers. Muftis of palaces
unfortunately. And we also say this to those who make excuses for them and say: "my
brother, they are incapable". We say that if they are incapable of speaking the truth, then
they should seal their mouths with hay and stay silent instead of defending the pharaohs,
justifying their tyranny, and covering up their wrongs using the Quran and Sunnah. And
what a wretched action this is.
We learn from this great woman, my brothers, that our Deen deserves enormous
sacrifices from us and that you, your wealth and children belong to Allah and to be used
in the way of Allah. You need to make your children, wealth and family, follow the
Dawah wherever it goes and not make them excuses for leaving the Dawah. Rather, you
prioritise the Dawah above all interests of family, children and wealth. We learn that
refusing to submit to tyrants will give you a beautiful fragrance and a good reputation
that pleases the hearts of prophets and spreads widely in the highest heavens. For this,
my brothers, and for the greatness of this worship - the worship of speaking the truth -
He (saw) says: "Indeed the fear of the people will prevent a man from saying the truth
if he saw or witnessed it. Truly, to say a truth or advise of something good will not bring
death closer nor push wealth away" And Imam Ahmad (ra) said, while in prison and
being lashed for staying firm in speaking the truth, after being asked if it was permitted
for a scholar to stay silent out of caution, he said: "If the ignorant stayed silent due to
his ignorance and the scholar stayed silent out of caution, then when will the argument
for Allah be made?" We ask Allah to make us of those who make arguments for Him
and advise on the good, and do not feat any but Him. He is our Lord, the One capable
of that and its custodian.’

8. HudHud – The Hoopee – Internatioal political da’wah

The hero of our story today is not a prophet, nor a Sahabi, nor a righteous man
or woman. Would you believe that the heroic stand taken in our story today was not by
a human being? My brothers, there are lines of Jinn standing, animals and birds, all are
waiting for the king. The king arrives and inspects the lines. When inspecting the line
of birds, he says: "Why do I not see the hoopoe - or is he among the absent? I will surely
punish him with a severe punishment or slaughter him unless he brings me clear
authorisation." Where did this hoopoe go - the hoopoe of Sayyiduna Sulayman - whilst
knowing the gravity of leaving the line? There was something on the mind of this
hoopoe that was irking him. He flew over Palestine, leaving a very prosperous kingdom
that will never be given to anyone else and also has the Deen since its king was the
prophet of Allah. None of this made him lazy and content with individualistic living at
home. He rather launched himself above Palestine and flew and crossed the Arabian
peninsula from one side to another, travelling thousands of miles. Then he immediately
returned with a detailed report. "But he [i.e., the hoopoe] stayed not long" and stood in
front of Sulayman. A scene which would scare the Jinn. He said: "I have encompassed
[in knowledge] that which you have not encompassed, and I have come to you from
Sheba (in Yemen) with certain news. Indeed, I found [there] a woman ruling them, and
she has been given of all things, and she has a great throne." He was really annoyed;
how can there be a throne that rules by other than what Allah revealed? Then he went
on as if he was complaining about a problem of his own: "so they do not prostrate to
Allah, who brings forth what is hidden within the heavens and the earth and knows what
you conceal and what you declare - Allah - there is no deity except Him, Lord of the
Great Throne." He twice mentioned a "great throne" in his report as if to say that he
wants Sayyiduna Sualayman to move and not accept the presence of a land or a throne
on the planet that rules by other than what Allah revealed. Immediately, my brothers,
Sayyiduna Sulayman received the report, postponed the punishment, and promoted this
soldier to being an ambassador. "Take this letter of mine and deliver it to them. Then
leave them and see what [answer] they will return." The hoopoe then departs on the
same journey again that is surrounded by dangers and risks. The hoopoe went but
Sayyiduna Sulayman was worried. He just heard that there is another throne that rules
by other than what Allah revealed. He looked at those present with him and said: "which
of you will bring me her throne before they come to me in submission?" "A powerful
one from among the jinn said, "I will bring it to you before you rise from your place""
So roughly after an hour. Sayyiduna Sulayman did not accept and was not comfortable
with that and wanted it faster. "Said one who had knowledge from the Scripture, "I will
bring it to you before your glance returns to you." And when [Solomon] saw it placed
before him, he said, "This is from the favor of my Lord"" Now, my brothers, Sayyiduna
Sulayman could relax. And it is only a few quick scenes later when the Queen of Sheba,
who worshipped the sun, was at the doorstep of Sulayman's palace entering and saying:
"My Lord, indeed I have wronged myself, and I submit with Sulayman to Allah, Lord
of the worlds."

Who is the hero of the story? Who is the hero of this scene? It is that great
hoopoe, the international Dawah carrier. My brothers, we learn from the story of the
hoopoe of Sayyiduna Sulayman that the Dawah carrier should not limit himself to
reforming the self. Rather, he should seek to reform the self, the society and the state.
Not to limit himself to private individualistic spiritual Dawah that many call us to today
unfortunately. We learn about international political Dawah to bring all peoples and
lands into Islam. We learn that ruling by what Allah revealed and working to remove
any other throne or rule on Earth must be the objective of every Muslims who calls to
Allah. We learn about the marvellous harmony between ruler and ruled upon the same
message. This is why the hoopoe was not afraid. He knew that the ruler and ruled will
co-operate to spread one message and one Dawah across the world. My brothers, how
many thrones are there today that rule by other than what Allah revealed? How many
countries are there that do not prostrate to Allah (swt) in their laws and legislation?
When Allah records this story in the Quran, He is telling you and me to have the same
stance of that hoopoe and the great determination that he had. So, do we have enthusiasts
who have an international political and creedal Dawah working to bring the whole world
[into Islam] and to bring down all thrones that rule by other than what Allah revealed?

9. Nusaybah bint Ka’b Al-Ansaariyyah (Umm ‘Amara) – Mujahid

When heroics are mentioned, the mind usually thinks of men. The truth is, my
brothers, the heroine of our story today did not leave any heroic stand without recording
her name on it alongside the men. Rather, she partook in stands which men fled from.
Nusaybah bint Ka'b Al-Ansariyah - Umm 'Amara (ra). She participated in giving the
pledge of allegiance to the Messenger of Allah (as) in the Bay'ah of Aqaba. And she
made the pledge of Ridwan to Him. She participated in Uhud, Hudaibiya and Yamama
and undertook Jihad, losing her hand and achieving many great feats. Today's heroic
stand of this great woman was at Uhud - during the Uhud disaster when the Messenger
(saw) was surrounded, most people around him had fled and the arrows and blows were
coming his way. They were looking at him then fleeing. Nusaybah had come to the
battle but her role was not to fight. Her role was only to provide water for the soldiers.
But when she found this crisis unfolding around the Prophet (saw), she took a
magnificent heroic stand. She dropped everything, took her two sons, and rushed [to the
Prophet (saw)]. She (ra) said: "I saw the Messenger of Allah (saw) at Uhud and he had
been surrounded. Only a few individuals were left with him who may have numbered
just under 10. So, I took my two sons and husband, and we stepped up to defend the
Messenger of Allah (saw)". She went to defend the Messenger of Allah (saw) with her
husband and her two sons: Abdullah and Habeeb. She stood in front of the Messenger
of Allah (saw) without a weapon or a shield but she was protecting Him with her body.
The Prophet (saw) looked and saw a man running away but had a shield with him. So,
He said to him: "Drop it for someone who will fight" So, Nusaybah took it and used it
to defend the Messenger (saw). Ibn Qamiah squared up to her as he tried to reach the
Messenger (saw) so she barricaded herself in front of him without a weapon at hand, as
if prepared for what the result will be. He tried to go right so she blocked him. And
when he tried to go left she blocked him, preventing him from reaching the Prophet
(saw). So he struck her on her shoulder which then burst out blood. He then stepped
past her and was faced by Mus'ab bin 'Umayr. Here, my brothers, she and her sons were
in the line of sight of the Prophet (saw). He (saw) looked at her and said: "Who is

capable of bearing what you are bearing O Umm 'Amara?" Then He looked at her
wound, her sons and husband, then said: "O Allah make them my companions in
Jannah". This, my brothers, was the medal of highest honour received by this heroine.
So, she said: "By Allah, nothing that afflicts me in the Dunya any more matters to me."

From this great heroic stand by this great woman, my brothers, we learn about
the Dawah, Jihad and political role of the woman. We learn of the role of the supporting
woman to Islam and its people and in participating alongside the man in the gravest of
situations and missions. My brothers, the woman carries the Dawah like the man. The
woman carries Dawah, raises others, is arrested, gives Bay'ah and sacrifices. Let's not
forget that the first martyr in Islam was a woman. In fact, the first Muslim after the
Prophet (saw) was the Sayyida Khadeejah (ra).

We learn from this heroic stand about raising children and the whole family in a
way that supports Islam. Her son, Habeeb, was tortured and cut to pieces by Musaylama
Al-Kadhab who wanted to get a confession out of him but couldn't. And her son,
Abdullah, avenged his brother and was the killer of Musaylama Al-Kadhab.

My brothers, we learn from this good believing family to endeavour and not use
weakness as an excuse to not support the Deen. Not to say "but I am woman", or "I am
tired", or "I am poor" and so on. Contribute in your capacity and Allah (swt) will bring
forth great energy from you.

O women of the Muslims, in the face of the global campaign today that is seeking
to destroy the woman, to destroy the family, to destroy nurturing children, to destroy
the youth, and seek to deviate the compass of the family which Allah (swt) wishes to be
a brick in the fortress of Islam, we want you to raise your children upon supporting the
Deen and upon repelling all of those poisonous waves. Your children are well but not
when you keep them in your embrace, but rather when you place them in the embrace
of this Dawah which Umm 'Amara showed us the most magnificent stand in supporting
it. Raise your children on defending Islam so that the Du'a of the Messenger (saw)
regarding Umm 'Amara may encompass us all: "O Allah make them my companions in

10. Ja’far bin Abi Talib (At-Tayyar) – Negotiation based on principles,
Not negotiating the priciples

Usually, stands taken are categorised as being of Dawah, Deen, Aqeedah, Politics,
Ideology or others. However, when one stand taken combined all of the above, then we are
talking about the stand taken by the hereo "At-Tayyar", Ja'far bin Abi Talib, before the King
of Abyssinia. The Prophet (saw) sent him with a delegation of persecuted Muslims seeking
political refuge in Abyssinia. Quraysh immediately sent a full diplomatic embassy to convince
the king to extradite this delegation. 'Amr bin Al-'Aas, the head of foreign affairs and diplomacy
for Quraysh, met with the patriarchs and government, and gave them presents so that he could
buy their position. The king sent for Ja'far. The door was knocked. "The king summons you".
Ja'far understood the matter and that Quraysh had sent to have them returned. The Muslims
asked their delegation: "What will you say?" They said: "We will say what Allah and His
Messenger say, not matter what that is". No matter what the consequences are. "O Ja'far, what
is this Deen for which you have left your people's Deen but did not entered mine?" Here, my
brothers, what's required from Sayyiduna Ja'far is to describe Islam, vilify Jahiliyya, respond
to 'Amr bin Al-'Aas, and make his request in a very summarised, effective and eloquent style.
And this is what he (ra) did.

He started with the first section - vilifying Kufr: O king, we were a people of ignorance
who used to worship idols, commit highway robbery and mistreat neighbouring people..." And
he listed the issues which would disgust Christianity and other religions.

The second section - introducing the Messenger (saw): "We were like that until Allah
sent us a man whom we know very well of his truthfulness, trustworthiness and decency"

The third section - describing Islam in a way that everyone would love: So, he called
us to believe in Allah alone and worship Him, and to leave what we used to worship of stones
and idols other than Him (swt), and He commanded us to be truthful in speech, fulfil trusts and
keeping family ties..." And he listed the positives of Islam.

The fourth section - the tyranny of the rulers: "Our people attacked us. They tortured
and persecuted us, and wanted to force us back to worshipping idols" He mentions worshipping
idols once again. He knows that he is talking to someone who believes in Allah, so he reaffirms
this point.

The fifth section - presenting the request in utmost brevity: "So, when they persecuted
us, oppressed us, tormented us and prevented us from practicing our Deen, we left for your
country and chose you over others, and hoped not to be oppressed by you, O king."

The king, my brothers, just heard very impactful words. "Do you have anything from
your Lord's book?" I.e. have you got anything from the Quran to share? Sayyiduna Ja'far was
ready and had chosen the most apt and effective passage for a Christian king: Surah Maryam.
"[This is] a mention of the mercy of your Lord to His servant Zakariyya when he called to his
Lord a private call [i.e., supplication]." Sayyiduna Ja'far is speaking whilst the tears of the king
and patriarchs are flowing down their cheeks and beards. Sayyiduna Ja'far finished as the king
and patriarchs wept. He looked and said: "By Allah, I will never hand you over!" He
commanded that they may go back and refused the request of 'Amr bin Al-'Aas. 'Amr bin Al-
'Aas did not go quietly and returned: "They say about Isa, son of Maryam, tremendous things...
Ask them about it"

On the next day, the door is knocked: "O Ja'far, the king is summoning you once more."
"What will you say?" "We will say what Allah and His Messenger say, no matter what that is."
"O Ja'far, what do you say about Isa, son of Maryam?" It's not about Islam now, it's about Isa
bin Maryam. What Ja'far will say now contradicts the law of the state and religion of its king.
Yet, he did not hesitate at all. He said: "He is the slave of Allah, His messenger,, His word
which He gave to the pure virgin Maryam, and a spirit from Him." Absolute clarity. Yes, he is
a slave of Allah. Perhaps the whole delegation knew that the consequences would be grave and
bad. However, when Allah makes the believers steadfast in their speech with firm words for
the Dunya and Akhira, then it is something else. And a surprise happened which I am almost
certain did not occur to anyone's minds. That Christian king grabbed a twig from the ground
and said: "Isa, son of Maryam did not surpass what you described except by this twig" I.e. that
Isa, son of Maryam is as you described, O Ja'far. The patriarchs grunted and snarled at this so,
the king silences them saying: "He is as described even if you grunt" "You are safe in my land.
Whoever insults you has committed and offence." And to 'Amr bin Al-'Aas: take your
presents and return, I will not accept to be bribed in religion. The delegation is now secure so
they return safe and sound.

What do we learn from this stand, my brothers? Being principled in Dawah and the
prohibition of conceding on the principles to appease the powerful. We learn that the Dawah
carrier should have a deep awareness of what Islam is. We learn to use the most powerful,

impactful, comprehensive and summarised style to convince other people. We learn to adhere
to the revelation and not to fabricate unprincipled solutions in order to deviate from the path.
The Dawah carrier should arm himself with the necessary ammunition from the Quran as well
as political awareness, and having eloquence, strength, principle and fundamentalism in

O Du'aat, Is it not time to realise that principled programmes are what please Allah and
achieve the best results? How often have we tried humiliated stances, co-operating with the
Kuffar and appeasing the international community, so has your enemy become pleased with
you? Or has your Lord become pleased with you? How pertinent is our need today for our
Du'aat and youth, especially the leaderships of Islamic organisations, to have heroic stands
such as these, which fill the pages of our history and which we ask Allah, would enlighten the
pages of our future by His permission.

11. Abu Dhar Al-Ghifari – Heroism of being forerunner to truth

Do you know who Afeef Al-Kindi is? I suppose most of you do not know of him. But
who amongst us doesn't know Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari? The difference between the two of them,
my brothers - both of them lived at the same time, and saw the same scene but the stand they
each took was the difference between heroism and lack thereof. Afeef Al-Kindi came to
Makkah for trade with Al-Abbas and while he is doing his business, he sees a striking scene.
He said: "I saw a man come out of his house for prayer..." I.e. the Messenger (saw) "Abbas,
who is this?" "That is my nephew" The Sayyida Khadija stood behind him and Ali next to him.
Afeef said: "What is he doing?" Abbas said: "He is praying. He says that he is a prophet sent
by the Creator of the heavens and Earth and that he will conquer the Romans and Persians."
Afeef Al-Kindi's Fitra began to move. Al-Abbas took the opportunity: "Shall I speak to him
for you?" "Shall I speak to him for you" meaning to meet him? To meet him? As in to believe
in him or not? A man going against his people's laws - the price of doing so may be very painful.
Afeef made the worst decision of his life and took a stance which he regretted for his entire
life. His demeanour was as if to say: "No, Abbas, let's stick to our business." Due to the stance
Afeef bin Qays took here, he returned to his country and embraced Islam 20 years later. 20
years later, when everyone embraced Islam in the year of delegations around the 9th year after
Hijra. All the people were happy and jovial except for Afeef who was weeping. "What makes
you weep, Afeef? It is a day which doesn't sadden anyone." He said: "I weep because I could
have been the fourth of Islam". Number 4. He could have been the fourth Muslim.

What did he miss? By Allah, he missed so much goodness. He missed out on being a
forerunner. He missed out on helping the Sahabah in establishing the Islamic State. He missed
out on Badr, Uhud, Khandaq and so much more virtue. At the same time, my brothers, Abu
Dharr was in Ghifar which is also a very distant village. He heard of the Prophet (saw) and the
call to Islam. He also heard the misleading media which was scaring people from following
Him (saw). "Soothsayer", "Poet", "Magician", "Madman", "Ancient Legends" etc and that
anyone asking about will get beaten. He sent his brother to gather more news but wasn't
satisfactory. So, he took initiative himself and travelled from Ghifar all the way to Makkah
alone, knowing the danger in asking about this wanted man. He stayed for 10 days and his
supplies and money ran out. He was eating and drinking from Zamzam only until his belly
caved in and skin became pale. Sayyiduna Ali met him and took him in as a guest for 3 days

then Ali asked him: "Is it not time for the man to know where he belongs?" He said: "Yes". He
now decided to venture and take the risk of declaring his intention. He said: "Guide me to
where Muhammad is". How much, my brothers, does the whole world need us to guide them
to Muhammad (saw). Abu Dharr entered and met the Prophet (saw). He rejoiced and saluted
first. He said: Assalamu Alaika O Messenger of Allah" "Where are you from?" "From Ghifar."
The Messenger (saw) said: "Subhanallah! From Gihfar?" The land infamous for criminality,
murder and highway robbery. You leave all of that and come here? You overcome yourself
and all this propaganda to meet the Prophet? Anyway, my brothers, the Prophet invited him to
Islam and he immediately embraced it. "What do you command me with, O Messenger of
Allah?" The habit of the Prophet (saw) with all the new Muslims, even if their Islam was only
one minute old: "Go and call your people. When you see that I have prevailed, then bring them
to me." He said: "No, O Messenger of Allah. By Allah, I will proclaim it loudly between them"
So Abu Dharr went and publicly proclaimed the Shahadah and was the first person to do so in
front of the leaders of Quraysh. So, they beat him up until he became red with blood. He was
saved by Al-Abbas and then returned to his people.

The Prophet (saw) did not see Abu Dharr again for 14 years. He came with 2 tribes: All
of Ghifar became Muslims and so did Banu Aslam. The Prophet was delighted with this and
made Du'a for them and made Du'a for Abu Dharr, saying: "The earth does not carry nor the
heavens cover a man more true and faithful than Abu Dharr." "May Allah have mercy upon
Abu Dharr! He' walks alone, will die alone and will be summoned on the Day of Judgement

My brothers, a piece of advice from the heart: be like Abu Dharr and do not be like
Afeef bin Qays. Hasten and do not delay joining the ranks of the Du'aat since, life runs out
quickly and the Dunya will sweep you away from the path of Allah. Do not place obstacles
between yourself and the Dawah exactly like how the rulers today wish you to be. "The Dawah
will put you at risk!" "All Du'aat are corrupt!" "Look to yourself!" Destroy all of these obstacles
that divert you from the Dawah just as Abu Dharr destroyed all the obstacles. He rejected all
the prejudiced propaganda and went himself to listen from the Du'aat and not about them. We
learn from Abu Dharr the virtue of being a forerunner and to be first in the eyes of Allah. "And
the first forerunners among the Muhajireen and the Ansar and those who followed them with
good conduct - Allah is pleased with them" Abu Dharr used to pass by the Sahabah and say: "I
was the fourth of Islam" I am number 4. I am from the forerunners. Today, my brothers most
of the Ahkam of Islam are disabled. The enemies of Islam are roving around the world. By

Allah, they are not equal in the eyes of Allah: a youth who hastened to join the ranks of the
Du'aat so he studied and expended his entire life in defending His Deen, and someone who
lived comfortably only concerned with himself and his safety and waits for others to support
[the Deen], for others to undertake Dawah, and for others to change the situation. "Not equal
among you are those who spent before the conquest [of Makkah] and fought [and those who
did so after it]. Those are greater in degree than they who spent afterwards and fought."

12. The Magicians of Firawn – Heroism of returning to truth

If admitting to the truth is a virtue then sacrificing for the sake of the truth is
heroic. Especially when this stand means that one relinquishes convictions, interests
and loyalties which he had for his entire life. In today's story, there isn't just one hero.
There is rather a group of heroes. They all made the same heroic stand: The magicians
of Fir'awn. They were akin to media outlets that promote his lies, cover up his tyranny,
and debate his opponents on his behalf. They are his assistants and supporters whose
role is to mould public opinion in favour of Fir'awn. When Fir'awn was defeated in front
of Sayyiduna Musa and saw the miracles of the hand and staff, he felt that his throne
was being shaken "Then Pharaoh sent among the cities gatherers" The tyrant needs you.
Where are the deceivers? Where are the professionals in playing with people's minds?
Where are the magicians who are adept at hiding things and hiding facts? The magicians
were gathered. What were the magicians seeking in return for their fabrications? "And
the magicians came to Pharaoh. They said, "Indeed for us is a reward if we are the
predominant." He said, "Yes, and, [moreover], you will be among those made near [to
me]."" You will be appointed to important positions in the state and will be backed by
the head of state. The confrontation occurred. The magicians threw forth their
deceptions and they tricked the eyes of the people as usual and convinced the people
that their ropes are moving. Even Musa (as) felt some fear from what he saw of their
falsehood. So Allah made him reinforced him: "We [i.e., Allah] said, "Fear not. Indeed,
it is you who are superior. And throw what is in your right hand; it will swallow up what
they have crafted."" The magicians saw the real (snake) which consumed their illusions
and defeated the ruler they serve. What was their stance after defeat?
Herein, my brothers is the heroism. Perhaps all the magicians knew that opposing
Fir'awn does not just mean death, but it means cutting their hands and feat and being
crucified on the trunks of palm trees. Despite all this, their heroic stand came forth: "So
decree whatever you are to decree. You can only decree for this worldly life." "So the
magicians fell down in prostration. They said, "We have believed in the Lord of Harun
and Musa.""

My brothers, we say to the assistants of the tyrants today: O assistants of the
tyrants, whether journalists, security apparatus, evil scholars and others... you may not
be worse than the magicians of Fir'awn were before they believed, so, will you not be
like them after they believed? My brother, learn that no matter how much a person sinks
into falsehood and sells himself to the devil, he can turn the situation upside down in
one sincere moment and return quickly to the truth. This is, by Allah, heroic. We learn
that no matter how much falsehood has been imprinted and how much public opinion
has been misled, in one heroic stand, the people's will can change and they follow the
Du'aat just like the stance of Banu Isra'eel changed and they followed Sayyiduna Musa
after seeing the stance of the magicians.
O Muslims, the West and their assistants today play magic on our eyes and throw
forth their ideas before us thus making us imagine, because of their magic, that their
civilisation is correct, good and brings happiness to people. They threw in front of us
the ideas of: utilitarianism, freedom, democracy, secularism and so on, intimidating
people with them. They brought a great lie. The Ummah stood and felt fear within her
due to the strength of this falsehood and forgot that she is carrying a miracle which is,
by Allah, greater than the miracles and staff of Musa and more lethal to the ropes and
deceptions of Kufr.
Therefore, O Muslim, fear not. Indeed you are superior. Throw what is in your
right hand. Put forward the Quran as an alternative to all this falsehood. It will, by Allah,
swallow up what they crafted. And we will, by the permission of Allah, witness the day
in which all the magicians fall down in prostration, in submission, and in subordination
to the rule of Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

13. Heroes from the story of elephant

Sometimes treacherous stands appear along with heroic stands in one event. Thus
appears the world of difference between the two. In the story of the Elephant, there are
heroic men as well as villainous traitors. How similar is their time to ours! Abraha Al-
Ashram was an Abyssinian king who wanted to grab the attention of the Arabs whom
he was envious of their pride in their values and the Ka'bah. So, he built the large
Qullays cathedral and contacted his superior, the Najashi (Negus) to get his recognition
for building a large church for the Christians. As for the Arabs, they did not pay attention
to the Qullays or fall for all its adornments. In fact, an Arab man from Kinanah taught
Abraha a lesson which he would not forget: he travelled all the way to the Qullays,
defecated, then smeared its walls with that Arab impurity. Abraha saw that (wall) and
decided to conquer and demolish the Ka'bah. The army moved. Then began the heroic
stands. An Arab man called "Dhu Nafar", gathered whomever he was capable of around
him: "Abraha is targeting your way of life, your destination, the Sacred House of Allah"
They faced him but he defeated them and took Dhu Nafar as a prisoner. He advanced
and was faced by another hero from the tribe of Khath'am who did the same thing He
gathered support and faced Abraha but he defeated them and also took this leader,
whose name is "Nufayl bin Habeeb" as a prisoner. He reached Taif. He thought that
"Bait Al-Laat" in Taif was the Ka'bah He wanted to demolish it and here, my brothers,
begin the treacherous stands. A traitor from Thaqeef called "Mas'ood Ath-Thaqafi" told
Abraha this is not the Ka'bah, the Sacred House of Allah is that way. He showed him
where the Ka'bah of Allah was and sent with him one of the biggest agents among the
Arabs to guide them: "Abu Rughal". On the way, and before reaching the Ka'bah, Abu
Rughal died and was buried. His grave was pelted with stones for decades afterwards
as a symbol of Arab betrayal. Then, my brothers, Abraha arrived and pushed the
elephant "Mahmoud" forward to demolish the Ka'bah. Then Nufayl bin Habeeb stepped
forward and grabbed the ear of the elephant and shouted in it: "Mahmoud, sit down or
return sensibly; you are at the Sacred House of Allah" The elephant sat down, my
brothers, and disobeyed the orders. Allah sent down the miracle of the flocks of birds
which annihilated the army of Abraha.

My brothers, the West is in a coalition against us, and they think about us day
and night. They are envious of our Ummah because of this pure and magnificent Deen
which they all suffer with being away from. "Neither those who disbelieve from the
People of the Scripture [i.e., the Jews and Christians] nor the polytheists wish that any
good should be sent down to you from your Lord." They are diligent in diverting us
from our Deen by decorating their civilisation just as Abraha decorated Qullays. They
see us possessing what they lack: spiritual tranquillity, the family unit, the status of
women, the magnificence of the Islamic legislations, how Islam purifies wealth,
organises the instincts, protects society from greed and utilitarianism which consumed
their lives. They see all of this while on the other hand seeing that they have: broken
families, nihilism, suicide, disease and high rates of crime. All of this irritates them so
they try to deceive the Muslims about what they have. They decorate their civilisation
as being of science, progress, prosperity and quality of life.

My Muslim brother, learn from the Arab from Kinanah not to be fooled by the
adornments and facade of the West. Trust your Deen and hold your head up high, proud
of what you have. Work to show the impurity of Western civilisation just that Arab
from Kinanah besmirched the Qullays. Learn from Dhu Nafara and Nufayl bin Habeeb
to support your Ummah and not fear the West's numbers and armies. Awaken the
Muslims to resist and make change without despair or despondency and Allah will be
with you and ease the challenges by His permission. If an animal (the elephant) refused
to co-operate with the international community to combat Islam, then by Allah, every
Muslim that co-operates with the West today, or their rulers and helps them, or absorbs
and promotes their concepts is lower than animals and we fear they may be brought up
on the Day of Judgement with Abraha, Mas'ood Ath-Thaqafi and Abu Rughal. By the
permission of Allah, the Ummah will step on of all the Arab and non-Arab traitors, and
pelt their names just as the Arabs pelted the grave of Abu Rughal. The best of what we
learn from the story of the elephant is that no matter how powerful the Kufr becomes,
the final victory will be for those with Taqwa. Just as Allah sent the flocks of birds when
the grandfather of the Messenger (saw) didn't even have a small group to face Abraha

with, then we, the followers of the Messenger (saw), ask Allah to make us the flocks of
bids that annihilates and eliminate Kufr, rendering it like eaten straw by the permission
of Allah (swt).

14. Youths of the cave – The heroes of cave

When we talk about heroes and heroics, the image of passionate youth with high
determination quickly enters the mind - the supporters of Allah and His beloved. The
heroes of today's story have pages dedicated to them by the Quran and our Messenger
advised those who want to increase their reward to read their story. In fact, it is the
protector from the Fitnah of the Dajjal when the crises intensify. A group of youth who
believed in their Lord. How difficult the Iman of youth is upon the thrones of tyrants.
No tyrant dreams of anything better than a deep coma for the youth of his nation or a
sleep that distracts them from their pioneering and leading role which Allah obliged
upon them. You could be [like] the youth of the cave Today, you live in a time and
circumstances similar to theirs. A whole people bowing down and submitting to an
unjust system against their will. There is no opposition in the society and fear covers
everyone. So, will you make a heroic stand just like theirs? These, youth, my brothers,
made the heroic stand of refusing to live a life of slavery like the rest of the people.
They rather called their people, reviving them, to make change, without caring for the
challenges and consequences. The result of this was that today and forever, we worship
Allah through recounting the glorious stands they made. Whoever reads the context in
which Allah mentions their story finds the magnificent support of Allah for every step
they took. "And We bound [i.e., made firm] their hearts" "So We cast [a cover of sleep]
over their ears" "Then We awakened them" "And We turned them to the right and to
the left" "My Lord is most knowing of their number" Not just this. Allah also issues
commands regarding them: "So do not argue about them except with an obvious
argument and do not inquire about them among [the speculators] from anyone."
What kind of divine assistance shrouds the young Du'aat to Allah? My brothers,
it is the assistance in which Allah employs the laws of nature to protect them. He used
the sun:" you would see the sun when it rose, inclining away from their cave on the
right, and when it set, passing away from them on the left" and the angels are looking
after them. All of this is for Allah to say to you - for Allah to say to the youth that carry
His Dawah and make the heroic stands that please Him (swt) - it is as if Allah is saying
"do not fear anyone so long as My authority remains and My power, authority and

ability will surround you, divert eyes away from you, put the universe in your service
and the angels to check you." What's required is for you to stand up and say: "Our Lord
is the Lord of the heavens and the earth. Never will we invoke besides Him any deity."
"We will not accept any rule other than His nor any system and constitution other than
His Shariah".What's required is for the Muslim youth today to know - [the youth] whom
the West mobilises their media, military and economic arsenals to divert them from
understanding their Deen and working to implement it - know that clear failure in the
Akhira and great loss in the Dunya would be in if they accept to live according to the
Western way and creed. This is what the youth of the cave realised. "Indeed, if they
come to know of you, they will stone you or return you to their religion. And never
would you succeed, then - ever."
The youth of the cave whom Allah narrated their story in truth story to us stood
together and formed an intellectual and creedal party against the party of the tyrant king.
"Then We awakened them that We might show which of the two factions was most
precise in calculating what [extent] they had remained in time." All of these, my
brothers, are heroic lessons we learn and hope to see in our youth today. And from the
favour of Allah upon them is that He extended their presence which is contrary to what
all tyrants wish. The rulers wanted to end their mention, so Allah extended their mention
and their lives such that they outlived the tyrants. In fact, He made their mention
excellent and repeated by the believers forever.
Therefore, O youth, the young star today is not the model the West wants for
you. The young star is not the one who has a soft voice, feminine hair that is dropping
down, and a neat and flashy look. Is this how you see yourselves? The young star among
you is the Dawah carrier with the message of the Quran who is educated and
understands his Deen, is a fierce opponent to those who promote immorality and
misconceptions. He is the worshipper at night and champion of platforms whose voice
fills the pages of the internet, books and media platforms. He is the one whom the rulers
fear his activities and calculate the risks. This is because he rattles their beds, ruins their
sleep and exposes their policies against the Ummah. The young star is the good son to
his Ummah and the cane which the Ummah leans on in her awakening. He is her shield

and unsheathed sword. O Allah, we ask of you youth like the youth of the cave and
divine assistance just like theirs, as well as a good conclusion for those with Taqwa.

15. Believer from the family of firawn – Heroism of ahlul nusrah

Behind every sent Prophet is a hero who supports Him during crises. When doors
close in the face of the Du'aat, the Earth suddenly opens and from the depths of the
crisis comes a believer who saves the Dawah from its predicament and that is heroic by
Allah. "And a believing man from the family of Pharaoh who concealed his faith said..."
Manhood and Belief - these are the two characteristics by which Allah honoured the
heroic stand taken by that man. And there is no doubt that manhood is different to male-
hood in the Quran. There are many males but few men. What was the crisis through
which this believer was living? A whole nation enslaved by one man. Thinking is not
allowed. Opposition is not allowed. Worshipping Allah is not allowed. Disobeying
commands is punished by mutilation and crucifixion. Everyone is in submission and
subordination. It is darkness, repression and tyranny. In the midst of this, Fir'awn orders
his soldiers to arrest Sayyiduna Musa and sentences Him to death. "And Pharaoh said,
"Let me kill Moses and let him call upon his Lord. Indeed, I fear that he will change
your religion"" Much do tyrants fear the changing of public opinion about them.
Avenues for Sayyiduna Musa were shut and the choke-hold was tightened around Him.
He raised his hands and made Du'a: "But Musa said, "Indeed, I have sought refuge in
my Lord and your Lord from every arrogant one who does not believe in the Day of
Then suddenly, Allah answers His call from whence he does not know nor
expect: A man from the people of Fir'awn, from his soldiers, relatives and assistants. A
man who was expected to be a shield for Fir'awn. However, he decided to sacrifice his
life and take a courageous heroic stand in the face of the merciless: "And a believing
man from the family of Pharaoh who concealed his faith said, "Do you kill a man
[merely] because he says, 'My Lord is Allah' while he has brought you clear proofs from
your Lord?"" He then looks at his people who are quiet and fearful in order to convince
them to take the most dangerous stand in their life: Facing up to Fir'awn, disbelieving
in his system and believing in the Lord of Musa.
In a few minutes, he tried all styles of intellectual convincing and influencing
audiences: The style of intellectual argumentation: "...while he has come to you with

clear signs from your Lord? And if he is a liar, then, his lie will fall back on himself"
Why not judge his proofs?
Then the style of historical lessons: "O my people, indeed I fear for you [a fate]
like the day of the companies - Like the custom of the people of Noah and of ʿAad and
Thamud and those after them." Do not repeat their crimes so as not to meet the same
end as them.
The style of fearmongering: "And O my people, indeed I fear for you the Day of
Calling - The Day you will turn your backs fleeing; there is not for you from Allah any
The style of enticement: "whoever does righteousness, whether male or female,
while he is a believer - those will enter Paradise, being given provision therein without
account." He did not leave any style of influencing except and he used it. He finished
his eloquent speech and realised that it was the end undoubtedly. "And you will
remember what I [now] say to you, and I entrust my affair to Allah. Indeed, Allah is
Seeing of [His] servants."
However, the power and ability of Allah are beyond the understanding of the
mind and its expectations. "So Allah protected him from the evils they plotted, and the
people of Pharaoh were enveloped by the worst of punishment" Who would have
believed that the result of this heroic stand was victory and salvation for the believer
and destruction for Fir'awn?
Brothers and sisters, and especially the people of power and support among our
Ummah, You might find that you are among the soldiers of Fir'awn, your shoulders
carrying stars and ranks, but remember that you are not the sons of Fir'awn, you are the
sons of the Ummah of Muhammad Remember that you are the shoulder which the
Prophet (saw) leaned on, the hand that built the Islamic State with him, the sword that
looked after it and the shield which defended it. Remember the love and Du'a of the
Prophet (saw) for you: "O Allah have mercy on the Ansar, on the children of the Ansar,
and on the grandchildren of the Ansar". Stand by your Ummah and give her your
Nussrah (material support) and do not fear the outcome for it belongs to those with
Taqwa. You are the most familiar people with the tyranny of our rulers. You are the
most capable people of making change. Learn from the believer from the family of

Fir'awn his ability to convince and influence. How much do we need to day for our
youth to expose the corruption of Capitalism to the Ummah with such fluency and
eloquence. By Allah, what the Fir'awns of today fear the most is a heroic believing stand
just like what this believer from the family of Fir'awn did. By him, Allah supported the
revolution of the prophets, removed the thrones of tyrants, and Allah protected him from
the evils they plotted. O Allah, we ask of you the Nussrah of the Ansar, and the Iman
of the pure, and allow us to witness the demise of the wretched, by Your Power and
Ability O Azeez and Jabbar.

16. Muhammad al-Faatih – Herosim of glad tidings

No matter how many types of heroics we mention, the heroics of a victorious Muslim
leader for the Deen of Allah has its unique brilliance. Muhammad Al-Fatih - a record full of
glorious stands. Yet, his most outstanding stand was this man's refusal to surrender to repeated
failures. This young man did not say: "Brother, many others of the Sahabah and great leaders
tried to conquer Constantinople and failed" He overcame the self which desires safety and
comfort and took on stubborn competitiveness in order to win the medal of honour - the
prophetic award - which the Prophet (saw) set for whoever fulfils the prophecy:
"Constantinople will be conquered. What a great leader that leader will be and what a great
army that army will be". The young Fatih did not say: "I need to wait for the Mahdi for him to
fulfil this prophecy" as we hear such absurdities today unfortunately. Rather, this young Fatih
placed this prophecy in his sights as an objective and highlight of his reign so, from the moment
he took over, he gave his attention to the land army and naval fleet, organised them and
prepared them to be good enough for fulfilling this prophecy. He then built fortifications around
Constantinople and the efforts of the Byzantine emperor to stop him via offering money and
peace agreements failed.
However, Fatih faced a big problem: in his era, there were no advanced weapons that
could fire long-distance projectiles at the walls of Constantinople. He didn't despair. He
gathered engineers and commanders and gave them all the mission of employing all efforts and
resources in building a giant bombard whose missiles reach those walls. And the Sultan
Bombard was indeed built which Europe had not seen anything like before. On the blessed
morning of a Tuesday and by the first cry of Takbeer: "Allahu Akbar" by the voice of the
mujahid Fatih, the general attack on Constantinople began from all sides - land and sea. The
Byzantines reinforced their fortifications. Constantinople was strongly fortified and surrounded
by sea on three sides. It had walls and chains that prevented breaching by land or sea. The night
arrived bitterly for Fatih. He doesn't want a [protracted] siege. He wants to breach but the chains
prevented him. So, what should he do? Here, my brothers, an idea crossed the mind of this
young leader which would be unbelievable if it didn't fill the pages of many trustworthy and
reliable histories. Fatih commanded his valiant troops to cut down trees, lay down the wood
slathered in oil and made this into tracks over the mountains. What do you want, commander?
I want you to drag 70 ships over your shoulders from the sea for 3 miles between rough hills
and deposit them in the Golden Horn in front of Constantinople. All of this must occur in the

cover of darkness in silence without your enemy noticing. Brothers and sisters, who believes
that such a spectacle actually happened? The Byzantines woke up to a scene of Islamic sails in
front of their eyes then their resolve and morale collapsed and the great leader, accompanied
by the great army, entered Constantinople holding his head high and placing the prophetic
medal of honour on his chest, fulfilling the prophecy of his Prophet, deserving that virtue due
to his determination vigour and Iman. Not by waiting and relying on others. This landsliding
conquest had a great impact on Europe and the rest of the world. Their devils who plot for the
Islamic State day and night receded and their dreams of destroying, weakening or distorting
Islam were put to bed.
Brothers and sisters, we learn from Fatih that our Ummah is only missing a great leader
who puts her resources and energies to use and leads her to great heights and achieves wonders
with her. We learn that the duty of the Khalifahs is to prepare for the Muslims sufficient
weaponry just as Fatih did - the man of the giant bombard. The desire of all Kafir states today
is to disarm the Muslims. The one who said "Constantinople will be conquered" is also who
said: "then there will be a Khilafah upon the methodology of prophethood". So, where is the
leader who will lead the Ummah in fulfilling this prophecy today? Where are the pious Du'aat
who will awaken their Ummah to bring down the thrones of the tyrants and give Bay'ah to a
leader who crafts victories with her and fulfils these prophecies? O Allah, we ask of you a
conquest like the conquest of Constantinople, a leader like Muhammad (Al-Fatih) and a
Khilafah upon the methodology of prophethood which ends our humiliation, destroys our
enemies and brings happiness to the hearts of the believers.

17. Sheikh Taqiuddin an-Nabhani – Hero of revival

"And they will say, "If only we had been listening or reasoning, we would not be among the
companions of the Blaze."" Intellectual deviation can lead a whole nation to the most declined
consequences. This is why repairing the thoughts of the Ummah and correcting its pathway is
one of the greatest heroics. The heroic Sheikh the courageous Shar'i judge the reviver of Islamic
thought Taqiyudeen An-Nabhani the good son of his Ummah and passionate for her revival.
He lived a life where he witnessed the chaos caused by the destruction of the Khilafah. He
witnessed the permeation of Western culture and the crashing of different ideas and
organisations which corrupt the pure idea of Islam in the minds of the people, such as
Patriotism, Nationalism, Freemasonry, Marxism and others. And behind each of these
ideologies were a thousand squealers. He was shocked by the Nakba in Palestine, whom he is
a son of. He studied many different Islamic programmes for change. He could have despaired
and isolated himself from the people or taken a pragmatic individualistic Dawah approach just
as many others did. But he (rh) took a heroic principled stance which is only taken by people
of great resolve and intellect.

The Sheikh memorised the Quran at the age of 13 then he studied Arabic and judicature,
and attained the highest level in Shariah in Al-Azhar University. He studied deeply the
organisations and movements that existed at his time and placed his finger on the error which
many of them had: weakness of the Islamic thought and its contamination by Western
impurities which invaded the lands. The Sheikh began meeting the different Islamic
organisations and their leaderships of his time at Al-Azhar in Egypt as well as in Palestine,
where he was a judge in the Court of Al-Quds, discussing with them and presenting to them
the ideas he reached. At the same time, he was debating the secularists, nationalists, socialists
and their ilk. He combined in himself fierceness in attacking non-Islamic ideas with respect
and softness when discussing with Islamic bodies no matter how much he disagreed with them
since part of the methodology of Nabhani was to refrain from attacking personalities and bodies
which were working for Islam. He was also characterised with being kind to his Ummah and
not holding her responsible for the decline like many do unfortunately. He was bursting with
intelligence, filled with energy, powerful in reasoning, outstandingly capable of convincing
others, unknown to rest, he was clearly active because of the wounds sustained by his Ummah.

After a deep and accurate study, Allah granted Sh. Taqi success in identifying the
source of the disease the Ummah is suffering from the absence of a state which implements the
system of Islam thus looking after the people and repelling their enemy. He was also guided to
the prophetic method in awakening the Ummah and resuming its Islamic way of life:
establishing a party from among the sons of the Ummah, which takes Islam as a political
ideology seeking to resume the Islamic way of life via re-establishing the Khilafah Rashidah
which was promised by Allah and the Messenger. The Sheikh began giving Khutbahs and
lectures in Al-Aqsa mosque, in Al-Khaleel and other cities in Palestine, showing the Muslims
their duty and attacking the Arab regimes by calling them Western Colonial creations. He used
to expose the political plans of the Western states and their intentions towards Islam and the
Muslims. He met the Ulema whom he knew and offered them to join him in his work until he
managed to convince a group of distinguished Ulema and notable judges and he crowned his
political activism by founding Hizb-ut-Tahrir in the year 1952 despite them all knowing the
risks of what they were about to embark on.
The Hizb began its Dawah in Al-Quds and the surrounding areas. The authorities
realised the danger posed by this Dawah so they swiftly moved to attack the Hizb, ban it, shut
down its offices and arrest its members. The Jordanian and Palestinian authorities strangled the
Hizb. However, Alhamdulillah, this coincided with the spreading of the idea of Khilafah across
the country. In fact, its light illuminated across borders. The Sheikh did not call to Khilafah as
a mere slogan. He rather managed to produce a Shar'i detailing for what is before and after
establishment of the Khilafah. He modelled the Shar'i prophetic method for establishing the
Khilafah State. He also defined the Dawah structure necessary for organising the journey of
the Party working to establish this State in a manner that protects it from deviation and
derailing. He (rh) went on to produce detailed Ijtihadi material for all systems within the
Khilafah State in ruling, economics and others. Then he presented to the Ummah, the highest
intellectual output which no organisation had done before him: a complete constitution for the
Khilafah State derived from the light of the Quran and Sunnah, encompassing all of its
institutions and departments, ready to be implemented immediately! The Sheikh was arrested
numerously and was tortured. He migrated to Damascus, planting the sweet fruits of his Dawah
there and tasting the bitterness of its prisons and pain of its whips. The waves of the tyrants
pushed him out to Iraq and then to Lebanon where the persecution took its toll on him and his
soul returned to its Creator, leaving behind a global ideological political party which emerged
from the blessed land to reach more than 50 countries and the Khilafah now has an echo and
irritates the beds [of tyrants], seen and heard everywhere. Its members work day and night,

repelling the attacks of the West and awakening their Ummah whom is embracing them
evermore each day, and the Secularists and those who promote corruption and misconceptions
flee before them. May Allah have mercy on the Taqi An-Nabhani and allow us to witness the
achievement of what he expended his life to see: A Khilafah Rashida which fills the world with
light and justice after it had been covered in tyranny and injustice.

18.Shiekh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (rh) – The political muhajid aalim

When an Alim can combine in himself depth in Fiqh, strength in argumentation,

boldness in accounting and ferocity in Jihad, then that is heroic, by Allah. How similar the age
Sheikh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyya lived in is to ours today. For, he witnessed the crusaders invade
the land and witnessed agents working for the invaders. He lived through a period of intra-
Muslim wars. Sheikh ul-Islam lived through wars of a more dangerous kind against the
Ummah. Since, in his time, atheists, philosophers and deviants had increased. Unfortunately
however, this also coincided with a recession in Ijtihad - rather a cessation of Ijtihad. Taqleed
became more widespread and a Madhabist way of thinking dominated issuing of Fatwas. Also
widespread was partisanship and narrow-mindedness in the face of the wave of new issues and
risks. Additionally, governing became spiritless and was overtaken by tyranny and repression.

In the face of this dark reality, the Alim Ibn Taymiyya didn't decide to leave his injured
Ummah and isolate himself from the people using the excuse of avoiding Fitna and reforming
the self. He didn't decide to leaving the traitor rulers alone using the excuse of obeying Wali
ul-Amr like the worshippers of rulers do today. Rather, he (ra) decided to revolt against the
entire status quo. His life was full of heroic stands. He fell upon 'Ilm (Islamic knowledge) and
drank from it profusely. He then began publishing and teaching early, and reviving 'Ilm. He
detailed the Hukm Shar'i on many new issues of his time. He would go out to the desert to write
and if he got stuck on something, he would pray, putting his face on the dirt and make Du'a to
Allah: "O Allah, Teacher of Ibrahim, teach me. Explainer to Sulayman, explain to me." He
responded to the scholars of Kalam and the philosophers, and debated them intellectually. He
also ended many deviations and innovations which became widespread during his time while
the Ulema were oblivious. He then paid attention to the occupiers. So, he authored on Shar'i
politics, Jihad and the duties of the ruler and state. His publications became intellectual and
Fiqhi references to this day. He joined his Ummah in Jihad against the invaders. He travelled
to Cairo in order to call upon the Mamluk Sultan to send an army to Ash-Shaam. The people
of Ash-Shaam themselves appointed him to negotiate with the Tartar Sultan on their behalf.
So, he boldly met him and made him listen to what leaders and commanders wouldn't dare to
say, as he said to him: "Your father and grandfather were Kafir and you are claiming to be
Muslim today yet they were more faithful to their pacts."

He also motivated the Ummah on Jihad. He passed Fatwa on the obligation of repelling
the invader. He encouraged the Muslims in Ash-Shaam, Egypt as well as the Arab Bedouins to
fight. He also undertook Jihad with them until Allah gave them victory and the Tartars
collapsed. Sheikh ul-Islam was not safe from his enemies. His opponents conspired against him
and got support from some Sultans so he was imprisoned 7 times in Ash-Shaam and Egypt. He
used to make use of his time in prisons to write and teach. In prison, he wrote a letter to the
ruler about reforming the prisons and the state's duties. It included the need to teach the
imprisoned. The surprise was that the ruler implemented Ibn Taymiyya's suggestions. The
mountain of knowledge, Ibn Taymiyya, died in prison among his students such as Ibn Al-
Qayyim and Al-Ghayyani and others. Of the pearls that he said which was passed on for
generations: "What can my enemies do to me? My garden and paradise are within my chest,
killing me is Shahadah, imprisoning me is Khulwa (with Allah), and exiling me is travel." May
Allah be pleased with him.
Sheikh ul-Islam departed, leaving behind a massive heritage of over 500 books and
thousands of letters and Fatwas. He did undertook Jihad with his life, wealth and pen, and he
refused to submit to the tyrant nor stay silent on deviation nor accepting bribery in the Deen.
Brothers and sisters, the fields of Dawah are open today for the determined. The greatest
weapon Sheikh ul-Islam had was 'Ilm and Islamic thought, with which he scattered the darkness
of ignorance and repelled the impurities of fabricators - and how many they are today. We learn
from him the role of the courageous Alim who adopts the concerns of the people and is the
radar who picks up on any threat to their thinking or anything that muddies their concepts. We
learn about the political role of the Alim who accounts the ruler and condemns their evils. That
role which unfortunately the majority of Ulema today have resigned from and left the Ummah
to the waves of Fitna. Today, we live in the time of misconceptions, the shaking of
fundamentals and attacks on sanctities. So where are the determined ones who will defend their
Deen, account their oppressors, awaken their Ummah to make the change that pleases Allah,
and exonerates us before Allah. O Allah we ask of You Ulema of Khair who will lead the
Ummah to the Khair and are not afraid of repercussions for Your sake.

19.As’ad Bin Zurara – The first ansari

When you find that the truth was rejected by everyone due to its danger and abstain
from it due to its rarity, then you overcome your self and challenge yourself, advancing where
others retreated then that is heroic by Allah. For 10 years, the Messenger (saw) was presenting
himself to the people. Hundreds of people heard his Dawah. More than 20 states (tribes) heard
what He was after from Him. Some rejected, others placed conditions and others harmed and
beat Him. A man whom the peninsula was in uproar over the risk He posed and the Arabs
warned everyone from speaking to Him or coming near Him. In this context, As'ad bin Zurara
comes to Makkah among 6 of his people - the Khazraj. Suddenly, this dangerous man enters
upon them. "Who are you people?" "A group from the Khazraj?" "From the allies of the Jews?"
"Yes." "Will you not sit so that I speak to you?" They said yes. They sat with Him. He called
them to Islam and recited the Quran. As'ad stood up and said to his people: "He is, by Allah,
the prophet whom the Jews have been threatening you about. Do not let them get to Him
first."Meaning "take it". Take it and leave the way of life of your ancestors, your alliance with
the Jews, toss aside all the media propaganda that is scaring you and prepare yourself for the
dangers that will fall upon you because of this stand. What triumph over the self and what
awareness and heroism did Allah give this young man who was in his early twenties. He was
the first Muslim from the Ansar and that delegation indeed became Muslim at the hands of the
Prophet (saw), bringing joy to His noble eyes for the first time after tens of failed attempts and
harsh rejections. Then, As'ad said to the Messenger: "We left our people back (in Yathrib) and
there is no people between which is such enmity and hatred as theirs, but if Allah unites them
under you then you will be the mightiest of people." How did you know, As'ad, that a Dawah
which you just heard its very basics - La ilaha illa Allah - how did you know that this Dawah
is capable of uniting the worst enemies and stop the bloodshed between the Aws and Khazraj?
What political awareness did this hero have regarding the Islamic Dawah!

Then As'ad returned and took responsibility for spreading Islam among his people, the
Khazraj in Madinah. In fact, some of the Aws - the enemies - embrace Islam with him and he
comes back the next year among 12 men to give the Messenger (saw) the first Bay'ah then
returning to Madinah but this time in the company of the ambassador of Islam, Musab bin
Umayr. As'ad was Musab's advisor and established the centre which Musab was based in. There
was Dar ul-Arqam in Makkah and Dar As'ad bin Zurara in Madinah. As'ad would gather the

people to him and introduce him to tribal leaders without caring for the looming danger. He
would join Musab in all of his ventures. He is the one who introduced Musab to the leaders of
the Aws: Sa'd bin Mu'adh and Usayd bin Hudhayr. And he advised him saying: "This is the
leader of his people, so be true to Allah regarding him." He (ra) was also from the stars of the
second Bay'ah of Aqaba - the Bay'ah of war - the critical one. In fact, he was the youngest of
the 70 men giving the Bay'ah, and the Messenger had chosen him to be a representative for his
people. At Aqaba, he was holding the hand of the Messenger and calling the delegation, saying:
"O people, do you know what you are pledging allegiance to Muhammad over? You are
pledging allegiance to Him to fight the Arabs and non-Arabs, humans and Jinn!"

Brothers and sisters, would you believe that all of these heroic stands were made by a
man who hadn't reached 25 years of age yet? Would you believe that the age of As'ad's Islam
was only 3 years? He passed away just after the Hijra and did not participate in Badr nor Uhud,
nor any Jihad or conquest. Yet, his glorious stands were shrouded in heroism. O Youth! Yes,
you can do what As'ad did. Yes, you can pledge allegiance to the programme of establishing
the Khilafah State. You can reject the "hazards" which are fabricated for you by the rulers to
scare you away from Islamic political Dawah. You can call your family and people, and
introduce them to the Du'aat, opening your localities to the Dawah. You can decorate your
youth with spreading and supporting this Dawah, so your stands are taught in the universities
of the Khilafah State in the future just as we teach the stands of As'ad bin Zurara today.
Therefore, arise to work so that we may all be able to witness what As'ad bin Zurara wanted to
see: "Victory from Allah and imminent conquest"

20.Umar bin Abdul Azeez – The Herosim of rightly guided change

For a person to change himself and reform his private life, then this is excellent. As for
one individual to change an entire era, transferring it from deviance to being rightly-guided,
then that is heroic by Allah. The rightly-guided hero of today is the second Umar bin Al-
Khattab, the fifth rightly-guided Khalifah who managed to transform a biting rulership into a
Khilafah upon the methodology of prophethood in just 30 months. The heroism was in that he
took over at a time when special privileges were widespread, officials had deviated and
administrative corruption seeped in, and injustice was common. Here, Umar did not say: "What
could I possibly do by myself? I must use a gradualist approach in fighting corruption because
people have become accustomed to it. I do not want to turn my family and clan into enemies"
or anything else of such drivel we hear today. Rather, from the moment he took office, he (ra)
held a meeting with his clan, Banu Umayya and demanded that they return any land, assets or
slaves which they took possession of unjustly. Then he abolished all of the special privileges
enjoyed by the princes, dismissed all of the corrupt governors, and reformed the state's
administrative structure. So, in their place, he appointed Faqihs and the trustworthy. He spent
money in returning what was unjustly taken to their rightful owners until money ran out from
the Bait ul-Maal in Iraq so he supplemented it from Ash-Shaam. He abolished taxes and tariffs,
and invested in agricultural and infrastructure projects. He also spent on social care for all
levels of society. He cancelled Jizya from those who embraced Islam. All of that led to releasing
efforts so agriculture and trade grew, and revenue from Zakat, Kharaj and Ushr increased, and
the State's budget swelled up. He (ra) paid great attention to Zakat, so he collected it until
poverty became extinct during his reign. The Zakat collectors passed through streets and
markets asking: "Any poor persons?", "Any needy persons?" And the people would look at the
money but not reach out to take it. This was the major economic crisis in the reign of Umar:
finding ways to spend the surplus in the budget. People were no longer needy even though the
area of the State he ruled was 13,000,000 kilometres squared. So he commanded to have slaves
bought and then freed and youth married off using Bait ul-Maal funds. Poverty became extinct
even though during the reign of Umar, there was no oil, gas or any of these massive resources
which Allah blessed our lands today with. But, it is rightly-guided ruling, brothers and sisters,
not corrupt ruling.

One of his most remarkable heroic stands is that he (ra) began spreading Islamic
knowledge ('Ilm). He sent Faqihs and Ulema to teach the people their Deen. and he provided
grants for anyone who dedicated himself to 'Ilm. So, the numbers of people embracing Islam
increased in Persia, Egypt and other places. One of the greatest ways in which Allah supported
Islam him was that he commanded the recording of the noble Prophetic Sunnah. So, he (ra)
protected it from loss and fabrication. Umar refused to ride in the escort and processions of
Sultans and preferred his own mule to ride on. He had taken a house near the poor and needy
whom were his main priority. He even granted an attendant and wage for anyone who was sick
and incapable of having his needs met. His concern even extended to animals such that he
instituted a weight limit on what they are made to carry out of mercy to them. When Umar first
took office, he summoned his wife and told her to choose between staying with him and sending
all what she owns of gold and jewellery to Bait ul-Maal and between going back to her family,
even though she is the daughter of a Khalifah, the wife of a Khalifah and a sister of Khalifahs.
She preferred to stay with him and said about him: "I have not seen anyone who prays and fasts
more than him nor anyone who fears Allah more than him" Brothers and sisters, this is how
Khalifahs produce revival and this is the level of radical change they can cause in their Ummah
at all levels. Our Ummah today is full of resources and manpower but has become weak, poor
and needing other nations in this age of tyrannical rulership. And just as Umar was able to
bring the Ummah out of the biting rulership, our Ummah is likewise promised, through the
efforts of the Du'aat, to come out of the tyrannical rulership into the age of the prophetic
methodology again by the permission of Allah. So let's work hard to bring back this glory once
more. By Allah, all of what we are going through will change, and Islam with its justice will
cover the east and the west by the might of the noble or submission of the ignoble, a might
through which Allah raises Islam and a submission which He humiliates Kufr with.

21. Qutaybah bin Muslim – The heroism of Jihad

Heroics can not be mentioned without history bringing forth the pages of glory written
by the conquering Mujahids. But here, we are searching for a heroic stand which was
exceptional in its support for the truth. So, how about when both kinds of heroics appear in one
man? Qutayba bin Muslim Al-Bahili - the son of Iraq but whose cavalry reached China and
brought whole countries and nations into Islam. Qutayba, the Mujahid Knight, became the
governor of Khorasan but found that the message of Tawheed had yet to reach the eastern
frontier of the Islamic State. So, he took the decision to launch campaigns of Jihad there. He
sought reliance on Allah and personally led those campaigns. His strategy was to open a land,
build a mosque and leave a group of Ulema and Du'aat to spread Islam there, then move on to
the next. No time passes until the populace of that land become Muslim. This commander
advanced under the protection of Allah. He had opened Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Uzbekistan
and all the Caucasian countries. Persian and Turkic tribes of various clans embraced Islam at
his hands. Of the blessings of these conquests is that they produced Mujahid leaders native to
those lands who conquered India after him. As such, all of that returns to the one who sowed
the first seeds: Qutayba bin Muslim.
The courageous personality of this commander, which combined his fear of Allah, his
knowledge and military experience, and his fervour regarding the violation of the sanctities of
Allah, in addition to his high determination and restless energy all of that had a big impact on
people's admiration of him and their coming to Islam which was embodied by this merciful
conqueror. One of his brilliant heroic stands is when he conquered the city of Paykend in
Uzbekistan, he appointed a Muslim governor there and Ulema to guide the people. But after he
left, a one-eyed Kafir man incited the people to kill the governor and cut off the noses of the
Muslims. The news came to Qutayba as he was besieging another city. He left the siege and
returned quickly to Paykend and conquered it militarily and killed all the fighters in that one-
eyed man's army, then he captured him and consulted the army commanders about him. The
one-eyed man said to Qutayba: "I can ransom myself with a million". So, the army commanders
advised Qutayba, saying: "Commander, releasing him will increase the spoils of the Muslims
and the risk he posed is finished since his entire army was eliminated." Qutayba took a moment
to think and then he took the courageous stand and said: "No, by Allah, I will not allow a
Muslim to be terrorised by you ever again." Then ordered his execution. Meaning: "Your name
has become tied to killings and massacres you criminal, such that your name now frightens
Muslims if they hear it. And for one Muslim woman to be frightened by your name is heavier

than having millions of gold and silver. So, I want the news of your death to spread such that
women and children can relax". These are my forebears so try and bring someone like them.

Brothers and sisters, this is how Muslims leaders should be: Stopping the tyrant and
punishing the violator, establishing security and eliminating dangers, and bringing back dignity
to honours and sanctities. Our leaders were not characterised by reconciliation with our
enemies, signing peace treaties with criminals, nor normalisation with prophet-murderers. In
the era of humiliation which we live in, our foolish rulers made us taste lives of misery and
depression. What can be better in this depression than to breathe in the biographies of these
heroes so that we may perhaps follow their footsteps and repeat their glories via a rightly-
guided state which produces the likes of Qutayba bin Muslim by the permission of Allah (swt).

22. Al-Hussayn and Az-Zubayr – The champions of prophetic methodology

If heroism by those following the methodology of prophethood is praised, then heroism

is trueborn in the noble sons of the prophetic household and nothing else is expected from them.
True history has recorded for us the most majestic stands by the sons of the prophetic household
and revivers of its period. The noble grandchild and flower of the Chosen One, one of the
masters of the martyrs in Jannah, Al-Husayn bin Ali (as). And after him is Abdullah bin Az-
Zubayr, the first child born in Islam. The heroism which decorated the life stories of these
greats was their principled and bold stand regarding the biggest issue in the Deen: the Khilafah.
Since, Al-Husayn (ra) saw the first attempt to change the Khilafah Rashida from the prophetic
methodology to a hereditary methodology, to the biting rulership: inheriting power. He
witnessed the coup against the pillars set by his infallible Grandfather as if he had sensed the
bitterness of the biting rulership and what it will bring upon the Ummah of crises and darkness.
He (ra) also saw the corrupt having control over the trust of ruling and the absence o the
conditions of uprightness which were legislated by the Quran and Sunnah. He saw the attempt
to usurp the Ummah's right in choosing the pious and competent freely without coercion and
suppression. And here was his courageous stand through which he prevented the Ummah's
authority being seized from her hand. Thus, his (as) revolution came in order to return
sacredness to these two fundamental pillars in ruling: firstly, Shura. There is no legitimacy for
the one who usurps the people's right to choos their leaders and nobody is to take the office of
Khilafah against the will of the people.

This, my brothers, was the prophetic methodology followed by the rightly-guided

Khalifahs. Umar (ra) said in a Saheeh narration: "Whomever tried to take leadership for himself
without the consultation of the Muslims then it is only Halal for you to kill him." Secondly,
uprightness. The Fasiqs and deviants should not get the Bay'ah. The Ibn Ali (ra) clashed with
piles of obstacles. The public agreed with him and droves gave him Bay'ah. Likewise, many
were too afraid to come near him and others were fearing for him. But he (ra) bore the entire
cost and gave his pure life for defending the Ummah's right which was given to her by Allah
no matter how much the Ummah herself neglected preserving it and didn't seek it. Al-Husayn
(as) was killed and the Ibn Az-Zubayr (ra) came after him and continued in the path of the
glories written by the noble predecessor. So, he refused giving Bay'ah to those whom he saw
were corrupt and grabbed the biting rulership with both hands, shaking it, so that it doesn't
settle into place. He tried to revive the Khilafah by pumping the prophetic methodology into

its veins but he was failed by the people's fear and retreat. He was followed by heroes and
abandoned by others. And when he found himself facing death, he visited his mother, Asmaa
bint Abu Bakr (ra), requesting her support and reinforcement. And here, my brothers, the
mother (ra) took the rare heroic stand and said: "My son, if you know that you are upon the
truth and calling to the truth, then persevere on it - persevere on it and the Deen will not
diminish with the your companions being killed for its sake. However, if you are seeking the
Dunya by this, then what a wretched slave you are; you just had yourself and your companions
killed." It is from here, my brothers, that these greats attain their heroism and stands: A mother
who nurtures, a Deen that strengthens, and then an Ummah that supports or abandons. Ibn Az-
Zubayr went forth such that he mixed his blood with that of Al-Husayn. I.e. not retreating nor
neglecting (with the same fate). And unfortunately, the biting rulership took control over the
best nation and which was then followed by the tyrannical rulership which we suffer from day
and night. Such are the heroes; their lives turn into lessons for those that come after them,
lighting the path for them and teaches them that the Ummah's neglecting of its right will bring
her tyrants after tyrants, and the Ummah's laxity in protecting the knots of Islam will undo all
of the knots and then Islam becomes open season and our honours are violated as we see today;
to Allah we complain. These greats teach us that bringing back the Khilafah upon the prophetic
methodology is an obligation for which blood is uncostly and lives are sacrificed for it. We
learn to remain steadfast upon the truth despite being abandoned by those close to us, having
few joining us and few supporting us. O Allah, bring forth from among us heroes like Al-
Husayn, Ibn Az-Zubayr and Asmaa, who stand up to the tyrant no matter how extreme he gets
and challenge tyranny no matter how powerful it becomes. And let us see the prophetic
methodology erase the misery of the tyrannical rulership and heal the hearts of the believers.

23. Abdullah bin Umm Makhtoum – The Heroism of overcoming disability

There are stands for which the heavens shake and the angels descend, and the prophets
speak of. Abdullah bin Umm Maktoum the blind man who competed with those who can see,
and beat some of them to the highest of heights. He could have used his disability as an excuse
thus leaving the field for others and living like a nobody among the people. But he (ra) took
Islam which he knew as an ideology for which he dedicated his life and effort with what
capability he had. He was one of the first to Islam so was of the earliest Muslims. Ibn Umm
Maktoum leaves his house, and he is blind, and hurries wanting to attend the class of our
Messenger (saw). That dangerous class, about which, Quraysh is searching for the weak like
him who attend in order to persecute and torture them. Despite all of this, this blind man does
not pay attention or care about the difficulties nor does he hesitate. He rather attends the class.
However, the Messenger (saw) was talking to a group of leaders and notables from Quraysh
and was passionately calling them to Islam so that at least one of them embraces Islam and
relieves the pressure off the Muslims. The blind man came: "Where is the Messenger?" "He's
busy with the Kuffar of Quraysh calling them". It would have sufficed Abdullah to sit and wait
for the teacher to return from his business. But his thirst for knowledge made him unable to
wait. So he went staggering and searching until he grabbed the Messenger (saw) and interrupted
him then pulled him: "Teach me, O Messenger of Allah" "Guide me, O Messenger of Allah".
The Messenger (saw) looked at him without saying a single word. He just frowned in irritation
from his interruption as if to say to him: "O Abdullah, just wait a little for me. Do you not see
me busy with these powerful men whom I wish to get their support for the Deen?" Now
imagine! Brothers and sisters, the blind man did not see that frown and despite that, the angels
are in discord and the revelation comes down our Messenger (saw): "He [i.e., the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬
] frowned and turned away because there came to him the blind man,[interrupting]". The
revelation comes to support the position of Abdullah, reprimanding the master of the creation
and categorising people between "But as for he who came to you striving [for knowledge]" and
between "As for he who thinks himself without need," And the Quran commands His
Messenger to completely turn to those who come striving, wanting Islam even if they are weak
or less-abled. And to not prefer the powerful whom are shunning Islam. Since, victory will not
come at the hands of the arrogant. But do not worry O Muhammad for this great Deen because
it is "[Carried] by the hands of messenger-angels, noble and dutiful." What a deep lesson for
our Messenger and for us, His Ummah, after him. Our great Deen is sought out and does not
seek out. Those who are willing should come, follow and turn with it and it does not go after

them. 16 Ayahs gave lessons in dignity and loftiness. The blind man came to the class in order
to learn but he ended up teaching. Such that our Messenger (saw) said to him whenever he saw
him: "Welcome to the one for whom my lord reprimanded me". Surah 'Abasa was also names
Surah Al-A'ma (the blind man) not as a definition based on the characteristic of disability but
rather to honour a man who overcame blindness thus being an ennobling characteristic for him.
The heroic stands of Abdullah bin Umm Maktoum were not limited to this situation. His life
was rather full of its like. And the Ayah "as for he who came to you striving" accompanied him
in his entire life. For, he had beaten others in leaving his homeland and migrating to Madinah.
He found Mus'ab calling the people so he helped him and recited the Quran, teaching the Ansar.
Since, he was one of the Sahabah (ra) who memorised most of the Quran. He found in his voice
sweetness so he partnered with Bilal bin Rabah in giving the Adhaan. The Messenger (saw)
saw in him competency in governing. So Imagine! The Messenger deputised him over Madinah
13 times! Even when the call to Jihad is made, the blind man came striving while fearing Allah,
leaving behind all excuses. "O Abdullah, what will you do in the army alongside us?" He would
reply to them: "Stand me between the lines and give me the banner to carry for you." And he
(ra) continued to strive until he was martyred at Qadisiya carrying the banner of Islam.

Brothers and sisters whom are healthy, how many times do we hear today excuses and
excuses to leave the Dawah or be neglectful in it? The blind man participated in knowledge,
Dawah, Adhaan, governing and Jihad. He also taught us that the Dawah carrier and student of
knowledge are under the protection of Allah and have His support. He also taught us not to
appease the powerful to seek their support. So, arise and carry the banner which was carried by
the blind man and shake off feebleness. And do not be among those who turn away then Allah
turns away from us.

24. Sayyid Qutb – The Heroism of Da’wah for change

The difference between the safe (correct) path and a path of safety is like the difference
between heroism and immaturity. This is especially so when the safe path is not popular during
the time of concessions. The martyred hero, Sayyid Qutb (rh) lived in the time following the
destruction of the Islamic State, the assault of the Western civilisation, and the permeating of
Secularism between Muslims. But the more hideous scene which provoked his very being was
the appearance of propositions which claimed to be Islamic and tried to make ridiculous
reconciliations between Islam and other civilisations. Propositions which abandoned Dawah to
making the Shariah of Allah rule, and made flimsy stands that call to partnering with the tyrants
and co-existing with Jahiliyya systems for the sake of safety and getting benefits. Sayyid took
a heroic and principled stand. Through which, he rejected the status quo imposed by the
Colonialists. He demanded governing by Islam completely and to bring back the Khilafah
which had collapsed. He faced down the corruption of the authorities and did not accept their
offers to buy his speech or silence him. Of what he said: "The tyrant in reality is but a man who
possesses no power or authority. It is rather the unaware and submissive public who offer their
backs so he sits, offer their necks so he drags them, lower their heads so he lords over them,
and surrenders her right to dignity so he transgresses." He faced the people of the path of safety
and Faqihs of concessions. He debated them, nullified their misconceptions, and proved that
real change can only be radical, and that patchworking is not the work of the prophets and
rather serves the tyranny and prolongs its existence. Of what he said: "If you have fallen into
the swamp of concessions then do not attack the steadfast and describe them as extreme.
Instead, look at your footing to know that you are stranded in the mud." It is not possible for
Islam to accept or agree to having part-Islam and part-Jahiliyya. The result as expected was
that Sayyid was imprisoned and the tyrannical authority suppressed him just as the case was
for everyone who went down this path of the prophets. However, anyone who thinks that
imprisonment silences the truth will be disappointed. Since, Sayyid took advantage his years
in prison to give the Ummah one of the most impressive Tafseers of the Book of Allah: "In The
Shade of The Quran". He didn't talk in it about the suffering of imprisonment. He wandered
through the meanings of the word of Allah and applied them to the corrupt reality his Ummah
lives in. He presented it to be a stitch for the Ummah's wounds and balm for her suffering.
Sayyid was inspiring his Ummah to make change and tried to awaken her from her slumber.
He used to say: "Tyranny is not afraid of anything like it is of the awareness of the people and
alertness of hearts, and doesn't hate anyone like it hates those who call to awareness and

alertness, and does not hold a grudge against anyone as much as it does against those who
disturb dozed consciences. He detailed the concept of Hakimiya (sovereignty) and that it is the
sole right of Allah, no one shares it with Him. He affirmed the obligation of completely
contrasting the truth with the falsehood. Sayyid was imprisoned but his shade shone from
behind the bars and it travelled around awakening the downtrodden and reviving the dead and
unaware. Allah decreed for it to become widely-accepted and widespread. The tyrants found it
necessary to immediately eliminate this man who became a real threat to the existence of a
state which stood helpless in the face of his steadfastness. Sayyid was executed but his
illuminating words were not nor his towering heroic stands. He died in dignity. His name lives
on while the names of his enemies and opponents faded. They offered him choices like Al-'Izz
bin Abdussalam was, just like all the greats before him: "Will you backtrack and support the
ruler?" He (rh) said: "The index finger which testifies with the oneness of Allah refuses
outrightly to write even one letter in support of the tyrant's rule." Allah have mercy on the pious
Alim, fierce statesman and ideological thinker, Sayyid Qutb who died a free man behind those
walls, who died a free man in those shackles. Unlike the deaths of the capitulators and those
trying to force-marry Islam with Kufr whereby history has wıped out theır names and they
neither pleased their Lord nor their enemy for whom they angered their Lord. Instead, their
enemy spat them out like a pulp once he no longer needed them. A message to Dawah
organisations today: Learn that Islam's material is unique and does not accept being divided or
reduced. Neither is it detailed according to the measurements of the tyrants. So, whoever takes
it as it should be taken, then he would be giving life to himself and his Ummah. O Allah there
is no legitimate rule except Yours so make us live as its caretakers or give us death as martyrs
while trying.

25. The Boy of Ditch – The Victory of Principles

Heroism doesn't have an age or gender. Men and women can compete over it, and the
young and old can record heroic stands. Since, heroism makes great people out of everybody.
Our hero today is a boy whom our noble Messenger spoke of his heroics and the Quran
designated a Surah for these heroics. How much Allah and His messengers love heroic stands.
A boy employed by a tyrant king in his palace to learn the profession of magic to trick the eyes
of people just like media outlets do today. They praise the rulers, distort the calls for change
and hide betrayals. Allah decreed for this boy to meet with a priest on the road. This priest
taught the boy about Islam and the corruption of the ruler. The boy embraced the Deen and
renounced the tricks of the magicians and even surpassed the priest. This is because that priest
was isolated from the people, not involved in making change, sitting in his monastery without
calling the people. As for the boy, he made the required heroic stand. He went on to mingle
among his people, adopt their interests and call everyone to the Deen of Allah. He didn't say
"I'm too young to carry the Dawah. The adults are afraid of the king and haven't dared to
challenge him so how can I?" He didn't say this. He rather overcame his fear and young age
until Allah bestowed upon him tranquillity and produced miraculous phenomena through him.
So, he used to heal the blind, the leper and all kinds of diseases. And the people would seek his
protection so he would kill predators that attack them.

The boy became well-known and the Dawah spread in the society. In fact, it reached
the highest civil servants and the great impact of the boy's Dawah was apparent on the public
opinion. So, the people abandoned silence and submission, and life began flowing in them once
again. This is how heroic stands are, my brothers; they revive rotted hearts. The news reached
the palace. Those involved were summoned. The priest was brought alongside high-ranking
civil servants in the palace. "Who is behind this Dawah?" Saws were brought out and the
executions began whereby the believers were being sawed in half. This is a tradition that is
recurrent with every tyranny: the killing increases thus the Deen spreads even more until the
tyrant loses control and his mind. The boy was caught and was sentenced to being thrown off
a cliff. The boy made Du'a to His Lord: "O Allah save me from them however You wish." The
mountain shook, the soldiers fell and the boy survived. The king lost his mind again: "Throw
him into the sea". "O Allah save me from them however You wish." The soldiers drowned and
the boy returned to the king and stood before him in defiance. The king gave up. Here, my
brothers, the young hero took the greatest stand of sacrifice. He sought for the whole village to

embrace Islam even at the cost of his pure blood. He told the king: "I will show you how to kill
me; gather the people, then take an arrow from my quiver (from my weapons not yours), then
scream loudly: "in the name of Allah, the lord of this boy" (thereby declaring the falseness of
your lordship, magic and deception which you boasted)" "In the name of Allah, the lord of this
boy and then fire the arrow" in this way, the king caved in to the instructions of the self-
sacrificing boy and he gathered the people to witness the greatness of this Deen and see the
feebleness of falsehood and exposing of Kufr. The boy died just as the king desired. However,
what he did not expect was for the entire village to embrace Islam and disbelieve in him.

The soldiers were summoned, ditches were dug and fires were lit. "Disbelieve in Allah
or be burnt to death!" And the surprise was that not a single person from the village disbelieved.
Even the babies spoke in the arms of their mothers: "Mother, you are upon the truth so be at
ease." This is what the boy taught them: that the Deen is sacrificed for with life. Brothers and
sisters, the school of tyranny is one. And Allah said truthfully: "Did they suggest it to them?
Rather, they [themselves] are a transgressing people." The most notable lesson is Surah Al-
Buruj is that true victory is the victory of principles since the people of ditch were killed but it
was the king who was defeated. As for them, then they had won just as Allah said about them:
"That is the supreme triumph." The boy teaches us that it is Dawah, not safety that makes of
you a man. Brothers and sisters, raise your kids upon lofty matters Teach them that our Deen
is a Deen of dignity and does not accept the tyranny of rulers nor stays silent about their
deception. Just like that boy stood up to the tyrant king, and that was a political action. Teach
them to have passion for their Ummah and not to abdicate from her concerns, and that the
young Dawah carrier is in the care of Allah and in His guarded chamber. O Allah we ask of
You victory for this Deen and make us witness the final victory of the pious.

26. S’ad Bin Muad

To support a correct idea is excellent, and to spread it among the people is virtuous, but
as for defending it and supporting it while bearing harm and the rejection of everyone, then
that is heroism by Allah. And the heroic stand which our noble Messenger (saw) at length
searched for manifested in the unique stand in which Sa'd bin Mu'adh overcame his self, people
and interests. Many were those who heard the Dawah of the Prophet (saw) and accepted it. As
for Sa'd bin Mu'adh (ra) then just believing was not enough for his kind since he was the leader
of half of Madinah's people - the Aws. He heard a Dawah that asks amazing things of him. It
asks him to disbelieve in the way of life of his ancestors and to leave his people's traditions and
to take the risk of publicising his apostasy from their way of life and beliefs. In fact, it is asking
of them all to accept a message which he heard from a foreign man, not from his people. In
fact, he only heard it from a student of that man, Mus'ab (ra), and not from the Messenger
directly. This was a step which everyone was afraid of and rejected without hesitation. As for
the stance of Sa'd, then it had surpassed heroism many times over. From the moment he heard
the Dawah from Mus'ab, the most amazing stands exploded from him. He flew to the gathering
of his people, the Aws, and shouted: "The words of your men and women are forbidden for me
[to hear] until you embrace Islam!" And the surprise was that they all embraced Islam. It was
a stand through which Allah boosted Islam and relieved the weariness from the heart of our

The stance of supporting Islam with life, wealth and followers, accompanied Sa'd until
death. At Badr, the Messenger was asking the Ansar indirectly as if he was saying: "Will you
also fight with us outside Madinah?" So, the leader of the Ansar shines once again in a historic
stand: "Go forth O Messenger of Allah and we are with you. By Allah, if you decided to swim
through the sea, we would cross it with you." Ibn Mu'adh remained an impenetrable shield and
a mighty sword for the Islamic State until he was shot, injured and bled, and was on the verge
of death at Khandaq. At this time, his old allies, the Jews, request that he be the judge regarding
them instead of the Messenger. Sa'd stands before his former allies and friends whom are
seeking his leniency and relentingness. "What is your position, O Sa'd?" "O Messenger of
Allah, I sentence them to have their fighting men killed, their women and children be enslaved
and their wealth divvied up". A stance by Sa'd which matched the judgement of Allah from
beyond the 7 heavens. It isn't surprising with such heroic stands for his funeral to be attended
by a delegation of 70,000 angels and for the throne of Allah to shake. A man who led his people

and employed his leadership, sword, influence, wealth and blood to support Islam and defend
its State.

O Brothers, Muslim army officers, powerful sons of the Ummah and possessors of
ranks and medals, Ibn Mu'adh was just like you; a leader among his people and commanding
officer in his tribe. His heroic stands pleased the Messenger, established his state and
humiliated its enemies. So, will you learn such heroism from him? Will you step up to support
you Ummah and hand over your leadership to the sincere Dawah carriers? Or will you remain
the entourage of the treacherous tyrants? Supporting Islam is a heroic act for which the throne
of Allah shook and the angels clamour for those that undertake it. The field is open before you
and the Shariah of Allah is crying out: "Who are my supporters for Allah?" So, will you not be
the supporters of Allah? Sa'd teaches us to cancel every loyalty and alliance with anyone but
Allah and not be afraid of the consequences for the sake of Allah. Supporting Islam must not
have any limit or conditions. He teaches us that calling our people and followers to support the
Deen is a responsibility on our necks, and that the people should work together in serving this
message - serving it with blood and wealth. [Establishing] the Islamic State today requires
support like that of Sa'd and a glorious stand just like his. So, O Allah we ask that You make
the hearts of the people of power hurry towards our Dawah and protect it and support it with
Your angels and the sincere of Your righteous servants.

27. Sacrificing with money for dawah – Khadijah – Abubakr – Uthman –
Abu dahdah (Radhi Allahu Anhum)

In the same way that the Dawah needs support through speech, weapons and followers
then its need for money which assists it and provides it with means of continuation may be
more pressing and obligatory This is why sacrificing money for the sake of the Dawah of Islam
is heroism and an exceptional one Stands which removed obstacles facing the Islamic State
and eased the spread of its message to reach the people From the earliest years of the Dawah,
the Sayyida Khadija made the heroic stand of relieving the Prophet and Muslims with her mone
thus easing matters for them during the boycott and blockade Then Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (ra)
showered the Prophet (saw) with all of his money twice The first time was on the day of the
Hijra where he left not even one coin for his wife and daughters He rather took all the money
that he had to spend upon the Messenger. The second time was for the 'Usra army where he
beat everyone else and once again donated all of his wealth and he left nothing for his family,
such that the Quran even mentioned the heroism of Abu Bakr, saying "[He] who gives [from]
his wealth to purify himself"
Then there was the heroism of Uthman in the army of Tabuk where he brought one of
his biggest trade deals whose profits were multiplied many times over and threw it all on the
lap of the Prophet (saw) without hesitation. The Prophet was turning the money over and
saying: "Uthman shall not be harmed after what he has done" Imagine! One man prepares a
whole army with his money. And when the Islamic State was established, the Messenger found
that all the drinking water sources were owned by Jews. They had control over a well called
"Roma" from which they sell to the people. Our Messenger's chest tightened and became afraid
that the Kuffar will use this well to strangle the believers. So he called out for financial
Mujahids and He made them offers. Uthman heard the lucrative offer: "Who will buy the Roma
well for a spring in Jannah?" So, he (ra) hurried and bought it for 35,000 Dirhams. "O
Messenger of Allah, I have designated it for the Muslims (free of charge)" He (ra) burned the
card of besieging the Muslims. And such was the case whenever things became difficult for
the Islamic State and the prize of Jannah emerged, the righteous jumped to buy the Akhirah
with what is valuable, and kicked money away.
An orphan came to the Messenger of Allah complaining about a neighbour of his. This
orphan wanted to build a wall for himself but there was a palm tree from the neighbour's which
was blocking the wall. He asked his neighbour to sell the palm tree to him but he refused. He
complained about his neighbour to the Prophet (saw). The Prophet said [to the neighbour]:

"Give him the palm tree." He said: "I won't, O Messenger of Allah". He (saw) said: "Give him
the palm tree and you will have a palm tree like it in Jannah." He said: "I won't, O Messenger
of Allah". So, now what does our Messenger do regarding this crisis? The Ansar heard the
word "Jannah" and so the race began. Abu Dahdah came forward - a Sahabi who owned a
garden which had 600 palm trees which he had inherited over generations. "O Messenger of
Allah, if I was to buy that palm tree, would I have a palm tree in Jannah?" Meaning: "Is this
offer open to me as well?" He said :"Yes". So, he looked at the man who has the palm tree and
said: "Do you know my garden?" That large garden which has 600 palm trees. He said :"Yes,
I know it." He said: "Would you sell me your palm tree for my whole garden?" He said :"Yes".
Abu Dahdah then looked at the orphan and said: "This palm tree has become yours now, so
build your wall." Then he faced the Messenger (saw): "O Messenger of Allah, do I now have
a palm tree in Jannah?" So, the Prophet (saw) said: "What a great number of long branches in
Jannah for Abu Dahdah". Then Abu Dahdah flew to get his wife and children out of the garden:
"Leave, for I have sold the garden to my Lord for a palm tree in Jannah." Then she says: "What
a successful sale".
Brothers and sisters, through the phrase "and for him will be Jannah", the most difficult
crises were resolved because the Muslims within it would help and aid their state in fear of
Allah, not the punishment of the authority and seeking Jannah, not appeasement of the leaders.
The coming Khilafah State will open up opportunities for competition once again. "And strive
with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah" So, will we learn from these radiant
examples that the Dawah today needs people who spend in order to overcome its difficulties
and buy books, filming equipment and all the needs for spreading the truth using their personal
wealth? How wonderful it is to spend money in order to gain these winning deals. O Allah take
from our wealth, youth and blood until You are pleased with us and raise us with the righteous

28. Al-'Izz bin Abdussalam

All heroic stands are good But the best and greatest heroic are those which are
recorded by Ulema in the face of tyrants Stands which today we have to search for as if we are
mining for gold or silver The Sultan of Ulema and the seller Emirs The man of heroic stands,
Al-'Izz bin Abdussalam, the devoted and courageous Alim who lived at a time which very
much looked like the dark reality we live in today He was truly a beam of light that changes
this darkness with the light of the Quran and Sunnah Al-'Izz lived during a time of a very
unstable political climate It was the era of weakness and collapse of the Abbasid State The era
of internal disunity and combined assaults by the Crusaders, Mongols and Tartars upn the
Ummah of Islam. In these conditions, most people of knowledge retired from the public arena
and decided to stay silent about the truth and neglect the great responsibility which Allah placed
upon them: guiding the people and condemning their evils. Whereas Al-'Izz bin Abdussalam
set foot right into the heart of these crises providing an alternative image for an Alim. So, he
was always saying the truth and striving in the way of Allah without fearing any repercussions
from rulers. All of the stands of Al-'Izz were heroic.

The first of them came when the King Imadudeen in Ash-Shaam decided to get the
assistance of the Kuffar Crusaders to fight his brother, the King Najmudeen in Egypt and take
power from him. So, he allied with them, opened up the country to them and put the people in
their service. Al-'Izz condemned that and did not stay silent. He climbed the Minbar and
conducted a Khutbah the people and he gave a Fatwa prohibiting co-operation with the
Crusaders and making agreements with the enemies. Then he descended without making Du'a
for the ruling king. The result was that the Sheikh was arrested and imprisoned with his head
held high. A result which we know and we expect. As for what was not expected and we do
not know of in our time was that the people of Ash-Shaam clamoured and rose up against the
ruler so he was forced to release Al-'Izz. In this way, my brothers, the real Ulema have an aura
and popularity that is stronger than the weapons and prisons of rulers. The ruler of Ash-Shaam
sent for Al-'Izz seeking to compromise and negotiate with him and promised him to have
positions on the condition of backtracking and kissing the Sultan's hand. He then threatened
him with retribution if he remained as he was. So, the Sheikh said smilingly to the deputy:
"Poor fellow.. By Allah, I do not accept the Sultan to kiss my hand, let alone I kiss his. O
people, you are in a valley and I am in completely different valley. All praise is to Allah who
has kept me healthy from your disease." The result, my brothers, was that he was imprisoned

again and remained there until the Crusaders were defeated, then he came out with his head
held high but he decided to leave the country and migrate to Egypt. In Egypt, he was welcomed
by the ruler there who was a harsh tyrant whom everyone feared and would not disobey. He
welcomed Al-'Izz and appointed him as a Khateeb and Qadi so that he may buy his loyalty like
he bought others. How impossible! When the Tartars invaded the land, Al-'Izz worked to incite
the ruler to engage the Tartars who are marching in the lands of the Muslims. The Sultan
requested from Al-'Izz to release a Fatwa allowing him to levy taxes on the people to prepare
for the war. So, Al-'Izz (ra) said to the ruler: "If you bring what you and your women have, as
well as what the Emirs and their women have, of jewellery and then you turned that into coins
which you spread across the army and then that was not enough for the army, then taxes can
be levied on the people." The ruler was forced to listen to his Fatwa then the Muslims met the
Mongols at Ain Jalut and were victorious by the permission of Allah.Al-'Izz noticed that
governorships and high positions in the state were under Mamluks whom were bought
previously by the ruler of Egypt. And according to the Shariah, they are not allowed to conduct
sale transactions or marry free women because they are actually slaves. So, he refused to
conduct any sale transaction for them. Imagine! The Emirs turned on him, threatened him and
complained to the king about him so the king ordered him to backtrack from his Fatwa but he
refused. In fact, he asked the king not to interfere with the judiciary. Al-'Izz told the king not
to interfere with the judiciary. Of course, the ruler refused.
Here, my brothers, Al-'Izz felt that he was in danger and that the word of truth is not
accepted, so what does he do? He had tasted disobeying the commands of the rulers in Ash-
Shaam. Did he say: "I need to preserve the benefits which I achieved since what is important
is to stay in the positions of judgement" or any other such nonsense which we have been hearing
for decades from Islamic movements unfortunately? Never! Al-'Izz refused for the Alim to be
an empty image who threads his Fatwas according to the reward and punishment of kings. He
(ra) rather resigned from the judiciary then he gathered his wealth and furniture and then bought
two riding-animals. He put his wealth on one of them and put his wife and child on the other,
then walked in this caravan back towards Ash-Shaam. The people saw him in the street: "Imam,
where are you going?" "Do not leave us O 'Izz." Imagine what happened, my brothers.The
people's fear of this heroic Alim leaving them reached a point of droves of people rushed to
join him - merchants, farmers, craftsmen, men, women and children - in a sublime scene
embodying the Ummah's gathering around and warm embracing of the Muslim Alim whom is
guided by the light of Allah (swt). The news reached the tyrant ruler like a bolt of lightning.
What's the solution for a man who cannot be bought and doesn't back down? In fact, it is also

impossible to get rid of him by killing him since the whole Ummah is with him. And that is,
by Allah, strength that is second to none. The ruler thought about it and didn't find a solution
other than to leave his palace, gather his Emirs and run after Al-'Izz like children - running
after his ride, seeking his approval: "What do you wish, may Allah have mercy upon you?"
Brothers and sisters, then came the stance which defies imagination. He said: "I will
sell you". "You will sell us?" "Yes, I will sell you" I'll sell the ministers of the state, and its
highest ranking Emirs and then whoever buys them frees them. And since the price of these
Emirs had previously been paid for from Bait ul-Maal, then it was incumbent to return those
fees to Bait ul-Maal and the seller of Emirs, Ibn Abdussalam, indeed did that by Allah. He held
a public auction and he set the prices and people with grand titles lined up in a scene which
human history has not seen the like of. What kind of lessons do we learn from you, Ibn
My brothers, we learn from Al-'Izz that the Alim should be dealing with the biggest
affairs of his Ummah so he provides the Hukm Shar'i regarding the corruption of the politics
and politicians and condemns the evils of the rulers. It shouldn't be that the people live in one
reality and their Ulema in another reality without talking to the people about their concerns and
leaving them lost between Fitnas. Of the golden words he spoke were: "Whoever goes to a land
where Zina was widespread but talked to people about the prohibition of Riba, then he has
betrayed" I.e. betrayed Allah. Brothers, our righteous Ulema... The defining feature of Al-'Izz
bin Abdusalam was that he was bigger than the job, than the position and than ranks and
interests. He taught us that the devoted Alim has influence that is derived from the sacredness
of knowledge and an aura that is derived from the magnificence of the message that he carries.
An aura which instils fear in Emirs since the UIema are the inheritors of the prophets and they
are the ones that sign on behalf of the Lord of the worlds. Whereas inheriting from the prophets
is the status of good Ulema, then inheriting from devils is the status of evil Ulema. It is, by
Allah, the lowest job and most wicked profession for an Alim to cover up the misconduct of
tyrants with leaves from the Quran and Sunnah and what a great crime it is. "Indeed, those who
conceal what We sent down of clear proofs and guidance after We made it clear for the people
in the Scripture - those are cursed by Allah and cursed by those who curse" O Allah we ask of
you dignity like that of 'Izzudeen and authority like that of the Sultan of Ulema.

29. The Ummah of Heroes

This is the Ummah of Khair (Goodness). It is the Ummah of relieving rain. Brothers
and sisters, our Ummah is carrying heroes in her womb. She is fertile and will never be sterile
nor elderly. Her children make dignified stands which you barely find in the history of other
people in the past of present. Stands of various kinds of heroism such that they covered all of
life's fields and arenas; In Jihad as we saw with Qutayba bin Muslim Al-Bahili and Abdullah
bin Unays. In the Dawah as we saw with At-Tufayl bin Amr Ad-Dawsi and the believer from
the family of Yaseen. Heroics in spending like with Uthman and Abu Dahdah. Heroics in
politics like we saw with [Abu Bakr] As-Siddeeq. Heroics in stands taken by Faqeehs such as
with Ibn Taymiyya and Al-'Izz bin Abdussalam. We saw the heroism of supporting the truth
such as with Sa'd bin Mu'adh. We learned from the heroics of Sayyid Qutb and Taqiyudeen
An-Nabhani in leading the Ummah for change. We had stands by leaders such as Umar bin
Abdulazeez and followers such as Ja'far At-Tayyar. Examples of stands which Allah loves and
demands of us, the Ummah of Khair, to make. Allah demands us to have the heroism of the
people of the cave and the hoopoe of Sulayman and the stand of the believer of the family of
Yaseen or the believer from the family of Fir'awn. As we saw, everyone can make heroic stands
without any excuses. They were made by the weak such as Ibn Umm Maktoum just as the
healthy did like Iyas bin Mu'adh. They were made by men just like As'ad bin Zurara just as
they were by women such as Umm 'Amara or the hairdresser of Fir'awn's daughter. In fact,
they were even made by children like the boy of the ditches. And if we take a tour around the
pages of these stands, we would fine shared characteristics in its heroes which we desire in our
youth today and which the West with its media and institutions ardently works to destroy in
the Muslim youth today. Chivalry, Iman, Being principled, Fervour for the sake of sanctities,
Supporting the weak, Sacrifice, Having pride in values. These have all become targets for the
poisonous arrows of the West. This is why you find corrupt campaigns being waged in order
to destroy these values such as CEDAW, "Women's freedom", "Safeguarding children",
LGBT, "Genderism", and the Abrahamic religion.

Therefore, my brothers, Allah wants us to be heroes while the West wants us to be

sissies without dignity, honour or respectability. Brothers and sisters, perhaps the most
common thread between the majority of these stories and heroics is the presence of a leader,
an Ameer, at the head of a state which produces such capabilities and employs them to serve
the people and reach great heights. And this is what our Ummah is missing today. Without the

presence of a leader, these heroics remain confined without there being a reality it can be
executed in nor an arena in which there competition over it. And we know that our Ummah
today is, by Allah, capable of repeating the likes of these heroics and reviving those shining
stances. This is because Khair will remain in the Ummah until the Last Day. Heroes, Ummah
of the descendants of heroes... perhaps the most magnificent and greatest heroism today is the
serious work to re-establish the promised Khilafah State. So, make the heroic stand which
pleases Allah so that He then puts the laws nature in your service as He did for His heroes and
raises your name just as He raised theirs. Come to make change since the world and those
within it are waiting for an heroic awakening by the youth of the Muslims. Youth who reject
Western culture, their rulers and filthy media, and who work alongside the heroes that are
working to bring back the rule of Allah which will fill the world with light and justice after it
had been filled with tyranny and oppression.


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