Enabling Technology For Smart City Transportation in Developing Countries
Enabling Technology For Smart City Transportation in Developing Countries
Enabling Technology For Smart City Transportation in Developing Countries
Abstract—Traffic in the major cities of developing countries developing urban transportation infrastructure such as Mass
such as the Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh cities is chaotic because Rapid Transit (MRT) system. Smart city is the theme of current
multiple transport modes such as cars, buses, motorbikes, and city development program all over the world. The goal of this
bicycles share the same road lanes together with narrow road research is to bridge the gap between the current technological
infrastructure. In addition, traffic is poorly managed due to lack
of efficient traffic-management system. These problems have
advancement and the infrastructure of developing countries. To
accumulated with the increase in mobility demand because of establish the foundation for smart city development in the
rising urban population. The objectives of this study are to developing countries, this research measures and analyzes
propose a solution to mitigate traffic-congestion problem, to transportation-related data and proposes solutions that support
provide better driving and commuting experience to commuters, sustainable transportation infrastructure. The research goal is to
and to assist in the implementation of efficient transportation- understand transport issues, the cause of traffic jams, and to
management system in the Hanoi city. This paper presents data- propose solution(s) to avoid them. Specifically, the objective is
monitoring and analysis tools to enable smart mobility to analyze the data collected in Hanoi in March 2014. The
capability; adaptive traffic signaling that is the scheduling of analysis result will be the basis to propose solution(s) that will
traffic light timing based on road capacity and congestion
indicator. We propose three congestion indicators: stop count,
benefit the riding public of Vietnam.
velocity, and travel-time variation, which represent the state of
congestion at individual road segment.
The city population is dramatically increasing due to
urbanization, especially in the developing countries. According
to UN World Urbanization Prospects report [1] in 2014, city
population constitutes 54% of the world population. Vietnam is
a developing nation in South East Asia (SEA) and the
population of its two major cities Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh are
6.4 million and 7.1 million, respectively. The rise in population
has led to an increase in the need for transportation facilities.
In addition, personalized motorized traffic is common in
Vietnam with 85% of transport mode share being contributed Fig. 1. Unmanaged traffic flow in Vietnam
by motorbikes. Moreover, traffic-flow management is
undeveloped, as buses, cars, and motorbikes share the same Conventional data collection in transport research uses
road lanes. This is worsened by the absence of proper flow survey form [2][3] to collect the trip-activity data such as
control of vehicles, especially at intersections (see Fig. 1). In origin, destination, and mode of transport or surveillance and
this figure, traffic builds up not only on the side streets of the traffic camera [4] to collect the traffic information. With the
crossing but also at the crossing center. This effectively leads proliferation of smartphones and development of smartphone-
to narrowing of streets from multiple lanes to becoming single- sensing technology, smartphone-based data collection is
lane only. It both slows down traffic movement and is prone to gaining popularity [5][6][7][8][9]. Smartphones equipped with
road accidents. GPS and other sensors such as accelerometer, magnetometer,
Therefore, it is important to develop an efficient and and gyroscope provide new opportunity for location-based
sustainable transportation-management system in addition to services and traffic-state estimation. While commuting on
vehicles, these phones can be used as probe tools to measure
For each trip, the origin and destination locations were 81%
captured by the app and the users input the trip purpose and
travel mode. The collected data includes social demographic P2
and trip-activity data. The social demographic data comprises
gender, age, occupation, social status, household size, and
house and vehicle ownership. For trip-activity data, two
categories of data, trip information and sensor data, are
recorded. The trip information includes trip profile, the travel
mode, and trip purpose. The trip profile contains the origin and
destination of a trip, its location as well as the time when a P8
subject started the trip, and when she/he has reached a
destination. The travel mode is updated every time the user
changes the mode. The sensor data contains the details of a
particular trip such as GPS traces from origin to destination, Mode
accelerometer data, and battery percentage of the phone and are M1 – Motorbike M2 – Bike M3 – Bus
collected as long as Trip-Activity Diary (TAD) is running. M4 – Walking M5 – Car M6 – Taxi
M7 – Other M8 – Still
TABLE 1. COLLECTED DATA P1 – Home P2 – Other P3 – School
P4 – Eat P5 – Work P6 – Entertainment
Data Type Categories Data Description P7 – Business P8 – Shopping
Personal Name, age, gender, civil
Fig. 2. Trip purpose and transport mode distribution of experimental dataset
information status, occupation
Subject profile
Transport-related Car ownership, motorbike III. DATA ANALYSIS FOR TRAFFIC-CONGESTION ESTIMATION
attributes ownership, residence type The proposed method employs the commuters' smartphone
to estimate traffic congestion. The acceleration and braking are
Origin, destination, trip
Main trips
purpose, location, and time
detected algorithmically by using open source statistical
Trip profile computing and graphic software, namely R[10]. To do that, the
Transportation mode, data are first collected by using android application, TAD
Trip changes
location, and time
installed on the commuters' smartphone. The data are then sent
Location position GPS location, time to the central server through the data connection if Wi-Fi is not
Sensor data available. The program checks if the smartphone is connected
Speed, location to power source and Wi-Fi connection is available. If both
conditions are met, the data are transmitted automatically to the
server. If not, the data are kept in the device and transmitted
Table 1 summarizes the data collected using smartphones. when the user initiates the data transmission. The collected
The information of subject profile is used to characterize the data are then analyzed to detect events like congestion from
sampled population in the experiment. The social demographic frequent braking activities, velocity, and travel-time variation.
data covers diverse group of subjects such as student, engineer, The information is useful to notify the drivers of the traffic
condition and send driving recommendation so that they will
be able to make well-informed decisions. The goal of this
research is to utilize sensor infrastructure to understand and Filter
improve traffic condition and road safety via the Velocity from time
velocity data median
dataset period to time
implementation-adaptive traffic light timing in a motorbike- by link velocity
dominant city like the Hanoi city.
The individual and population velocity profile are
important to represent traffic perceptions because it targets on
travel experience made by an individual or a specific
population segment. The Day-of-the-Week velocity profile is
useful in monitoring traffic fluctuations on specific days such
as Mondays versus Fridays, or Weekdays against Weekends.
The process illustrated in Fig. 4 was carried out in all GPS
data for all applicable links of the network model of the Hanoi
C. Travel-time variation 1
Logically, the traveled time can be separated into two parts:
the idling time and the actual running time when a vehicle is in 2
motion. Comparing their two values such as in the form of their
ratio can give a more accurate picture of traffic condition in © OpenStreetMap Contributors
contrast to monitoring only the traveled time. However, any Fig. 5. Selected street with high GPS concentration
traveler may not perceive in this manner. She/he may perceive
the idling time duration at one instance or other instances. For a Similarly, velocity-estimation method is applied on the
time-controlled traffic such as intersections with traffic-light Hanoi city dataset. Fig. 7 is the calculated velocity profiles for
control, the traffic-light cycle time is constant for a time period. the two traffic flows for a 1-day period. Fig. 7 corresponds to
In normal case, this cycle time is varied at specific peak-hour the traffic flow going into the city. The velocity levels dip at
periods. In the worst case, it is changed variably depending on two instances at 8-9 AM and 3-4 PM, which can be considered
the current traffic condition. For developing cities, where as rush hours in going to work or school and going back to
improvement of traffic-control infrastructure is needed, it can home from school, respectively, since most of the subjects are
be assumed that the cycle time is constant or is changed at students or school workers.
specific periods.
Assuming that the idling time duration is constant, the
frequency of idling instances (i.e., stop count) is a practical 70
measure of a traffic perception. The stop count is intuitive. 60
First, it can be proportional to the idling time based on the
assumption. Moreover, based on the above narrative, if a trip- 50
Stop Count
40 reference orientation. Therefore, if there is error in orientation
estimation and re-orientation, the accuracy of our algorithms
will be affected. Second, our experiment is carried out by
recruiting commuters in the Hanoi city and by installing TAD
Speed (KPH)
Travel Time (Sceond)
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implementations include sensor orientation and inconsistency
in sensing technology. Sensor orientation is an issue in
smartphone-based data-collection approach where sensors are
placed arbitrarily; the device has to be re-oriented to a