Urban transportation challenges are crucial to enable passenger mobility in significant urban
agglomerations since an increasing proportion of the world's population now resides in cities. Due to
the various forms of transportation, a large number of sources and destinations, and the volume and
variety of traffic, urban transportation is extremely complex. As cities were seen as places of intense
human contact with complex traffic patterns connected to commuting, business transactions, and
leisure/cultural activities, the focus of urban transportation has historically been on passengers. Cities
are, however, also sites of production, consumption, and distribution, all of which are connected to
the movement of freight. Conceptually, the relationship between the urban transportation network,
urban form, and spatial organization is complex. Urban transportation is a significant aspect of
mobility, especially in densely populated areas.
The future vision of a state, region, or community is fundamentally dependent on
transportation planning. It entails a thorough examination of all potential courses of action, a
thorough evaluation process that takes into account many points of view, cooperative involvement of
pertinent transportation-related authorities and organizations, and transparent, prompt, and
meaningful public participation.
A proactive public participation strategy is used in transportation planning to encourage
engagement from all system users, including businesses, community organizations, environmental
groups, the traveling public, freight operators, and the general public.
In urbanized areas, a Metropolitan Planning Organization manages the transportation planning
process in collaboration with the State Department of Transportation and transit operators. The state
manages transportation planning processes in rural areas in collaboration with local government
representatives from non-metropolitan areas and transit service providers.
Urban transportation is the collection of means we use to transport passengers and goods into, out
of, and within city limits.Urbanization is being shaped by transportation, which has an impact on the
spatial organization of cities. The capacity of urban transportation to manage this density while moving
people and products is its defining characteristic. Urban mobility is hampered by density because of
congestion and the high cost of building infrastructure in populated places.
Transportation Planning
Transportation planning is the process of regulating and controlling the provision of transport to
facilitate the efficient operation of the economic, social and political life of the country at the lowest
social cost.
The primary aim of transport planning is the identification and evaluation of the future
transport needs. The basis of transport planning process has been depicted in Figure 9.1.
The comprehensive knowledge of traffic flows and patterns within a defined area is
essential. In addition to traffic data, planners also require land use and population data for their
study area. In this connection West Midlands Transportation Study (1968) provides a format,
which is useful for transport survey and data collection (Figure 9.2).
The survey should be well defined and be divided in ‘zones’ so that origins and
destinations of trips can be geographically monitored. The data collection regarding existing
travel patterns is time consuming as well as a costly affair. It involves both ‘roadside-interview’
and ‘home-interview’. The variables for both types of interviews are given in the Table 9.1
The details-of existing transport network are an important source of information. In some
cases, a very detailed description of links and nodes in terms of vehicle speed, carriage-way
width and nodal type is collected. Travel times and network characteristics of public transport
networks are simultaneously collected. Finally, data processing should be done. When this has
been completed, planners can begin their data analysis.
1. Trip Generation:
The first stage of model building process is that of trip generation. Trips are made for a variety of
purposes and for various land uses. For convenience, trips are often split into two groups:
i. Home-based trips:
Such trips have one trip end at the home of the person making the trip, which may
be either the origin or destination of the given trip.
Consequently, a more recent approach to trip generation has been to use a technique
known as ‘category analysis’. The trip-generation stage of the planning process estimates the
total number of trips originating in the survey area at one or more future dates.
2. Trip Distribution:
It is the function of trip distribution to calculate the number of trips between one zone and
another, given the previously determined numbers of trip ends in each zone together with further
information on the transport facilities available between these zones.
3. Traffic Assignment:
The third stage of the modelling process is that of traffic assignment, its aim being to
stimulate route choice through a defined transport network. Traffic assignment may be
considered in two parts.
First, it is necessary to define the transport network and determine criteria for route
choice through the network. Second, using the inter-zonal trip matrix as the input data, trips are
assigned to this network.
When future trip levels are assigned it is possible to assess deficiencies in the existing
transport network and so determine a list of construction priorities. Network description refers to
the process where the highway network is broken down into links and nodes. For each link, data
is required on its length, road type, vehicle travel time and traffic capacity. When coding the road
network, links are usually identified by the node numbers at each of its ends. In addition to such
route-intersection nodes, zone-centroid nodes are also defined. In the assignment process, all
traffic originating in a particular traffic zone is assumed to be loaded on to the network at this
latter type of node.
The early transportation studies used manual assignment techniques, but with the
universal use of computer analysis, the transport network can be specified to the computer in a
most detailed manner. Special data collection surveys (especially of journey times) are usually
needed to provide this network specification information.
4. Model Split:
This term is used by transport planners to describe the phase where the choice of travel
mode is incorporated into the model. The positioning of this stage is neither fixed nor singularly
definable since elements of model split are part of the other stages. Its position within the
transportation model differs between studies. It is either used at the trip generation stage by
stratifying the total trips or at the assignment stage of the model. The main purpose of the model-
split stage is to determine the trip shares of public, as against private, transport.
Since transportation planners are usually working at least 10, and sometimes 25 years
ahead, their estimates are inevitably open to much criticism. Nevertheless, estimates of future
travel demands have to be made using the best methods, which are available. Some of these
forecasting problems are amplified below in the listing of the main land use inputs necessary for
travel forecasts to be made.
The above groups of variables have a compound influence upon the overall level of
demand for travel at some future date. Further complications arise when their impact upon the
spatial pattern of this demand is assessed. So, forecasts of population and economic variables are
an important input into the use of the transportation model for forecasting future travel demands.
d. Evaluation:
The final stage of the transportation planning process is one of evaluating the alternative
policies, which have been suggested. The evaluation stage is probably the most important of all,
yet has received only limited research attention. An economic evaluation of transport proposals
is necessary because vehicle-km and road space are commodities, which are not directly bought
and sold.
The technique of cost benefit analysis has consequently evolved as an investment
criterion in the public sector. As such, it provides an economic evaluation. On the cost side of the
calculation, estimates are made for capital outlay, land purchase and maintenance.
The benefits are those accruing to users, e.g., savings in time, vehicle operation and
accidents. The individual costs and benefits are assessed over a particular number of years and
discounted back to the base year so that a rate of return can be calculated. On the basis of
‘transportation plan’, transport policies should be formulated and implemented properly so that
systematic ‘sustainable’ development of transport can be done.
Transport Policy:
Nowadays every country is particular regarding the planned development of transport
system, thus formulate their own transport policy, which depends upon their needs and resources.
The nature of transport policy varies with time and space. In formulating transport policy, one
should take into consideration the ‘coordination’ and ‘competition’.
The coordination involves the relationship between two or more different modes of
transport. On the others hand, competition has occurred as a consequence of the public/private
sector interaction. The transport policy also differs with the type of government, i.e., socialistic,
democratic, etc. Inspite of variations in policy, which are natural, there are certain points which
are useful if incorporated in transport policy. The points are from transport policies of the
countries like USA, UK, Netherland, and European Union. These are as follows:
In the field of TDM, the USA has done considerable work. Persuading a number of large
companies to introduce flexible working hours (‘flexitime’) is a logical way to reduce congestion
at peak periods. The introduction of car-pooling is another step in this direction. The most TDM
measures are ones that require employers to reduce the number of peak-period car trips made by
their worker. In USA at least 20 suburban communities have enacted such programmes.
The Fiscal Year 2022-2026 Strategic Plan establishes the U.S. Department of
Transportation’s strategic goals and objectives. This is a roadmap for transformative investments
that will modernize our infrastructure to deliver safer, cleaner, and more equitable transportation
Strategic Goals
Make our transportation system safer for all people. Advance a future without
transportation-related serious injuries and fatalities.
Reduce inequities across our transportation systems and the communities they
affect. Support and engage people and communities to promote safe, affordable,
accessible, and multimodal access to opportunities and services while reducing
transportation-related disparities, adverse community impacts, and health effects.
Tackle the climate crisis by ensuring that transportation plays a central role in the
solution. Substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transportation-
related pollution and build more resilient and sustainable transportation systems to benefit
and protect communities.
Design for the future. Invest in purpose-driven research and innovation to meet
the challenges of the present and modernize a transportation system of the future that
serves everyone today and in the decades to come.
Organizational Excellence
The second track, of reducing car use, aims to shift people from cars to public transport
for the longer journeys and to cycling or walking for the shorter ones. This is to be achieved
through provision of more and better facilities for cycling and public transport, more subsidies,
better fare and ticket integration and publicity campaigns.
However, it is recognised that if the policy is to seek a balance between individual
freedom, accessibility and the environment, the only way to achieve this is to control the use of
cars. Therefore, the strategy is to increase variable motoring costs through fuel taxation and road
pricing. Car commuting will be discouraged through a variety of TDM measures including
‘kilometre reduction plans’, whereby companies and institutions will have to draw up and then
implement plans to reduce the distance travelled by employees in the course of work and in
commuting to it.
Additionally, the second track will improve the transport of freight by rail and water and
will tighten up physical planning policy, to ensure that businesses which are labour-intensive or
amenities which attract numerous visitors are not permitted to locate at places which are not well
served by public transport.
As well as having cleaner vehicles, which are used less, the NEPP recognises – the third
‘track’ – that further measures are necessary to alleviate the problems at a local scale. These
include stricter enforcement of parking controls, traffic management to influence drivers’ choice
of routes, circulation schemes to slow traffic and similar measures to improve road safety and
increase environmental protection.
The most noticeable feature of the NEPP is the way that its individual measures reinforces each
other, to produce an integrated package which links environmental, transport and land use policy.
Yet even this impressive, comprehensive approach comes nowhere near solving the problems.
Without the NEPP, car-kilometres had been expected to rise by 72 per cent over the period 1986-
With the NEPP this increase is lowered to 48 per cent, a worthwhile reduction but still a
very long way from a sustainable level of transport use. The NEPP must be seen only as the first
stage in a long-term drive towards sustainability: it serves to illustrate what a difficult task lies
ahead of the Dutch (and indeed all motorised countries).
d. The energy crisis of 1973 has necessitated a revision of car ownership forecasts.
e. Overshadowing all the above developments is the need for public expenditure
Following Britain’s accession to the EEC in 1973, the transport policy has also been
changed accordingly but its basic features remained the same.
2. Its rates of use for non-renewable resources do not exceed the rate at which sustainable
renewable substitutes are developed; and
3. Its rates of pollution emission do not exceed the assimilative capacity of the
Issues of Urban Transportation
The biggest transportation problems arise when urban transportation systems fall short of
meeting urban mobility needs.
Cities are areas where economic activity is highly concentrated and accumulated. They
are intricate spatial structures supported by several systems of infrastructure, including
transportation. Greater complexity and disruption possibilities come with larger cities, especially
when this complexity is not adequately managed. The ability of an urban area's transportation
infrastructure to transfer people, goods, and freight between various origins and destinations is
crucial to the city's productivity. Additionally, transportation hubs like ports, airports, and rail
yards are positioned in metropolitan areas, which aids in securing a city's position within a local
and international mobility system.
However, terminals and transportation infrastructure also play a role in a particular set of
problems. While certain problems, like traffic congestion (which affected ancient cities like
Rome), are more recent, others, like the distribution of urban freight or environmental effects, are
One of the most common transportation issues in dense metropolitan areas is congestion.
Although it can happen in any city, congestion is more common in those with more than one
million residents. These buildings are substantial and intricate enough to produce situations that
result in a systematic level of congestion. In addition to scale and complexity, the motorization
of society and the widespread use of the automobile have raised the need for transportation
infrastructure. However, the infrastructure supply has frequently been unable to keep up with the
rate of increase in mobility. Motorization has increased both the need for road infrastructure and
parking space because automobiles spend the bulk of their time in parking lots. As a result, there
were issues with footprint, especially in the city's core where parked cars leave a big carbon
footprint and use up precious resources. Drivers today are three times more likely to experience
traffic congestion than they were in the second half of the 20th century.
Congestion and parking are also interrelated since street parking consumes transport
capacity, removing one or two lanes for circulation along urban roads. Further, looking for a
parking space (called “cruising”) creates additional delays and impairs local circulation. In
central areas of large cities, cruising may account for more than 10% of the local circulation, as
drivers can spend up to 20 minutes looking for a parking spot. This practice is often judged more
economically effective than using a paying off-street parking facility. The time spent looking for
a free (or low cost) parking space is compensated by the incurred monetary savings. Parking also
impairs deliveries as many delivery vehicles will double-park at the closest possible spot to
unload their cargo.
Identifying the true cause of congestion is a strategic issue for urban planning since
congestion is commonly the outcome of circumstances specific to a city, such as the lack of
parking or poorly synchronized traffic signals.
B. Longer Commuting
The amount of time people spend traveling between their homes and places of
employment is rising, along with traffic. The affordability of housing, which is a key driver of
this trend because housing is more affordable the farther you are from the city center (where
most of the jobs are still) As a result, commuters trade their commute time for more affordable
accommodation. Long commutes, however, are associated with a number of social issues,
including isolation (less time spent with family or friends) and worse health (obesity). The time
spent traveling comes at the expense of other social and professional pursuits. However,
commuters may now complete a range of things while on the road thanks to information
technologies like smartphones.
C. Public Transport Inadequacy
Since there are peaks and valleys in the demand for public transportation, many public
transit systems, or portions of them, are either over or underutilized. Users experience discomfort
during busy times as the system adjusts to a brief increase in demand. Due of this, it becomes
difficult to provide enough transit infrastructure and services. Planning for average capacity will
result in congestion during peak hours, while planning for peak capacity leaves the system
significantly underutilized during off-peak hours.
Many services are financially unsustainable due to low ridership, especially in suburban
areas where the density is insufficient to support such services. Nearly all public transit systems
are unable to make enough money to cover their running and capital expenses, despite major
subsidies and cross-financing (such as tolls). Public transportation's financial burden is a topic
that is receiving more and more attention, despite the fact that in the past deficits were
considered acceptable due to the vital service it provided for urban mobility.
These issues are either the result of heavy traffic, which restricts the mobility of
bicyclists, walkers, and other non-motorized vehicles, or they are the direct result of a flagrant
disregard for bicyclists and pedestrians in the physical design of infrastructure and amenities. On
the other hand, the installation of bicycle routes reduces the capacity of the roads and the
available parking. The allocation of more space for non-motorized transportation than the actual
demand for mobility would result in a negative consequence and worsen congestion.
In most cases, public roadways are open to all. Markets, agoras, parades and processions,
games, and exchanges among neighbors are only a few examples of the public events that are
negatively impacted by increased traffic. These have slowly vanished, being replaced by cars.
These activities have often been moved to retail centers, but in other cases they have also been
completely abandoned. The way that residents interact with one another and use the streets is
influenced by traffic movements. Interactions between people and street activity are hampered
by increased traffic. When traffic is heavy, people typically bike and walk less.
Cities with old transportation systems are under pressure to update to more up-to-date
infrastructure and must shoulder rising maintenance expenditures. Maintenance and repair
activities impede circulation in addition to the associated expenditures. Delaying maintenance
often results in lower current expenses, but at the penalty of increased future costs and,
occasionally, the danger of infrastructure breakdown. The cost of maintenance and its financial
burden increase with the size of the road and highway network. The same is true for public
transportation infrastructure, which needs a strategy for system-wide upkeep.
Urban inhabitants' quality of life and even health are being hampered by pollution, which
includes noise from traffic. Additionally, the dependence on petroleum has rapidly expanded
along with the energy consumption of urban transportation. These factors are becoming more
closely related to peak mobility expectations, where high energy prices encourage a move
towards public transit as a more effective and environmentally friendly mode of urban
transportation. Urban transportation systems are under pressure to become carbon-free,
especially as alternative energy sources like electric cars gain popularity.
I. Land Footprint
The automobile has the largest environmental impact of all modes of transportation. Due
to the over-reliance on the infrastructure supporting road traffic, between 30 and 60% of a
metropolitan area may be allocated to transportation. However, because mobility is a sign of
effectiveness and wealth, this footprint also emphasizes the strategic significance of
transportation in the economic and social wellbeing of cities.
J. Freight Distribution
The amount of freight traveling within cities has increased as a result of globalization and
rising living standards. The mobility of freight in metropolitan settings has come under increased
scrutiny because it frequently uses the same infrastructures as passenger transportation. The
expansion of e-commerce and home delivery has put further strain on the freight's ability to
move around cities. Delivery times and parking are just two examples of the numerous
difficulties faced by urban freight distribution that might be mitigated by city logistics
solutions.Many dimensions of the urban transport challenge are linked to the dominance of the
2. Automobile Dependency
3. Congestion
Congestion occurs when transport demand exceeds transport supply at a specific point in
time and in a specific section of the transport system. Under such circumstances, each vehicle
impairs the mobility of others.
Congestion can be perceived as an unavoidable consequence of the usage of scarce transport
resources, particularly if they are not priced. The last decades have seen the extension of roads in
urban areas, most of them free of access. Those infrastructures were designed for speed and high
capacity, but the growth of urban circulation occurred at a rate higher than often expected. Road
infrastructures that were designed to be more than adequate a couple of decades earlier were then
found to run out of capacity faster than expected. Investments came from diverse levels of
government intending to provide accessibility to cities and regions. There were strong incentives
for the expansion of road transportation by providing high levels of transport supply. This has
created a vicious circle of congestion, which supports the construction of additional road
capacity and automobile dependency. Urban congestion mainly concerns two domains of
circulation, often sharing the same infrastructures: Passengers and Freight.
In some areas, the automobile is the only mode for which adequate transportation
infrastructures are provided. This implies less capacity for using alternative modes such as
transit, walking, and cycling. At some levels of density, no public infrastructure investment can
be justified in terms of economic returns. Longer commuting trips in terms of average travel
time, the result of fragmented land uses, and congestion levels are significant trends. A
convergence of traffic is taking place at major highways serving low-density areas with high
levels of automobile ownership and low levels of automobile occupancy. The result is energy
(fuel) wasted during congestion (additional time) and supplementary commuting distances. In
automobile-dependent cities, a few measures can help alleviate congestion to some extent:
As cities continue to become more dispersed, the cost of building and operating public
transportation systems increases. For instance, as of 2021, about 205 urban agglomerations
had a subway system, the vast majority of them being in developed economies. Furthermore,
dispersed residential patterns characteristic of automobile-dependent cities make public
transportation systems less convenient for supporting urban mobility. Additional investments in
public transit often do not result in significant additional ridership. Unplanned and uncoordinated
land development has led to the rapid expansion of the urban periphery. By selecting housing in
outlying areas, residents restrict their potential access to public transportation. Over-investment
(when investments do not appear to imply significant benefits) and under-investment (when there
is a substantial unmet demand) in public transit are both complex challenges.
Urban transit is often perceived as the most efficient transportation mode for urban areas,
notably large cities. However, surveys reveal a stagnation of public transit systems, especially
in North America, where ridership levels have barely changed in the last 30 years. The economic
relevance of public transit is being questioned. Most urban transit developments had little impact
on alleviating congestion despite mounting costs and heavy subsidies. This paradox is partially
explained by the spatial structure of contemporary cities, which are oriented along with servicing
individual mobility needs. Thus, the automobile remains the preferred mode of urban
Besides, public transit is publicly owned, implying a politically motivated service that
provides limited economic returns. Even in transit-oriented cities, transit systems depend
massively on government subsidies. Little or no competition within the public transit system is
permitted as wages and fares are regulated, undermining any price adjustments to ridership
changes. Thus, public transit often serves the purpose of public service as it provides
accessibility and social equity, but with limited relationships with economic activities. Among
the most difficult challenges facing urban transit are:
Decentralization. Public transit systems are not designed to service low-density and
scattered urban areas dominating the urban landscape. The greater the decentralization of
urban activities, the more difficult and expensive it becomes to serve urban areas with
public transit. Additionally, decentralization promotes long-distance trips on transit
systems causing higher operating costs and revenue issues for flat-fare transit systems.
Fixity. The infrastructures of several public transit systems, notably rail and subway
systems, are fixed, while cities are dynamic entities, even if the pace of change can take
decades. This implies that travel patterns tend to change with a transit system built for
servicing a specific pattern that may eventually face spatial obsolescence; the pattern it
was designed to serve may no longer exist.
Connectivity. Public transit systems are often independent of other modes and terminals.
It is consequently difficult to transfer passengers from one system to the other. This leads
to a paradox between the preference of riders to have direct connections and the need to
provide a cost-efficient service network that involves transfers.
Automobile competition. Given cheap and ubiquitous road transport systems, public
transit faced strong competition and lost ridership in relative terms and, in some cases, in
absolute terms. The higher the level of automobile dependency, the more inappropriate
the public transit level of service. The convenience of the automobile outpaces the public
service being offered.
Construction and maintenance costs. Public transit systems, particularly heavy rail, are
capital-intensive to build, operate, and maintain. Cost varies depending on local
conditions such as density and regulations, but average construction costs are around
$300 million per km. However, there are exceptions where cost overruns can be
substantial because of capture by special interest groups such as labor unions,
construction companies, and consulting firms. When there is inefficient regulatory
oversight, these actors will converge to extract as much rent as possible from public
transit capital improvements. The world’s highest subway construction costs are in New
York. For instance, the Second Avenue subway extension in Manhattan, completed in
2015, was done at the cost of $1.7 billion per km, five to seven times the average in
comparable cities such as Paris or London. This project employed four times more labor,
with construction costs 50% higher.
Fare structures. Historically, most public transit systems have abandoned a distance-
based fare structure for a simpler flat fare system. This had the unintended consequence
of discouraging short trips, for which most transit systems are well suited for, and
encouraging longer trips that tend to be costlier per user than the fares they generate.
Information systems offer the possibility for transit systems to move back to a more
equitable distance-based fare structure, particularly with smartcards that enable charging
according to the point of entry and exit within the public transit system.
Legacy costs. Most public transit systems employ unionized labor that has consistently
used strikes (or the threat of labor disruptions) and the acute disruptions they create as
leverage to negotiate favorable contracts, including health and retirement benefits. Since
public transit is subsidized, these costs were not well reflected in the fare systems. In
many transit systems, additional subsidies went into compensation or covered past debt,
not necessarily into performance improvements or additional infrastructure. As most
governments face stringent budgetary constraints because of social welfare commitments,
public transit agencies are being forced to reassess their budgets through an unpopular
mix of higher fares, deferred maintenance, and the breaking of labor contracts.
Self-driving vehicles. Developments in information technologies underline that self-
driving vehicles could be deployed in large numbers. Such a development would entail
point-to-point services by on-demand vehicles and a much better utilization level of such
assets. This system could compete directly with transit systems due to its convenience,
comfort, and likely affordability.
A 2012 ADB study identified the main challenges the Philippine transportation faced:
Poor quality of road network
Poor intermodal integration
Weak sector governance and institutional capacity
Lack of quality urban transport systems
Limited private investment in transport infrastructure
National Planning A greater emphasis is now being placed on the need for planning at
national level. The setting up of a Ministry of Land and Natural Resources in 1964, responsible
for the availability of natural resources to meet the needs of the community, the development of
new natural resources and the better use of existing resources, is one example of initiative taken
at national level. Considerable guidance on planning matters is given to local planning
authorities and local authorities generally by Government departments, in particular the issue of
planning bulletins has proved very useful. In the wider field, national plans are needed for
transportation, location of industry and population and other major aspects.
An act for the proper control and regulation of town and country planning and for purposes
connected therewith or ancillary thereto
Part 1 Preliminary
a. To promote in the country, within the framework of the national policy, town and country
planning as an effective and efficient instrument for the improvement of the physical
environment and towards the achievement of sustainable development in the country.
b. To advise the government of any State, on matters relating to the town and country
planning required under this Act
c. To perform any other functions conferred upon the Council under this Act
Responsible for the general policy in respect of the planning of the development and use of all
lands and buildings within the area of every local authority in the State
a. To promote in the State, within the framework of the national policy, the conservation,
use and development of all lands in the State.
b. To regulate, control, plan and coordinate all development activities in the State
c. To advise the State Government, either on its own initiative or in response to a request by
the State Government, on matters relating to the conservation, use and development of
land in the State
a. To regulate, control and plan the development and use of all lands and buildings within
its area
b. To undertake, assist in, and encourage the collection, maintenance, and publication of
statistics, bulletins, and monographs and other publications relating to town and country
planning and its methodology; and
c. To perform such functions as the State Authority or Committee may from time to time
assign to it
When a local plan or alteration of a local plan affect the use, density or floor area of any
land to enhance the value of the land, a development charge shall be applied.
a. For prohibiting the felling of trees except with the written permission of and subject to
conditions, if any, imposed by local planning authority and
b. For securing the planting of trees or the replacement of trees by replacing in such manner
as may be determined by the local planning authority
- Tree preservation order
- Tree preservation order not to be made if tree is already subjected to conditions
- Appeal against tree preservation order, etc.
- Compensation under a tree preservation order
- Replacement of trees
- Local planning authority to replace tree is the person whose duty it is to replace fails
to do so
- Revocation of a tree preservation order
- Prohibition to fell, etc., tree with girth exceeding 0.8 meter
Part 6 – The Appeal Board
- A purchase notice shall be issued and the owner is required to vacate the land in the
given time
Part 8 – Development Areas