Islamic History & Culture 24.03.19
Islamic History & Culture 24.03.19
Islamic History & Culture 24.03.19
Subj e c t : Isl a mic History & Culture
Detailed Syllabus
First Year
Pre Islamic Arabia - Geography, Politics, Society, Culture & Economy-Prophet Mohammad
(SM) - Hizrat Charter of Madina – Battles of Badr, Uhud and Khandaq - Treaty of Hudaybiah
– Conquest of Mecca - Farewell Sermon-Khulafai Rashidun – Regiins of Hazrat Abu Bakar
(R) - Hazrat Umar (R) - Hazrat Uthman (R) - Hazrat Ali (R) - The Umayyads -Reign of
Muawiah - Yazid Tragedy of Karbala- Abdul Malik I, al walid I - Expansion of the Khilaphat
- Umar bin Abdul Aziz – Marwan II and the fall of the Umayyads - Five Pillars of Islam –
Literary Contributious of the Umayyads – Sects in Islam - Kharijites, Shi’tes, Sunnis,
Jabarites, Qadarites Murjites -Ummayyad Architecture: Mosques and Dome of the Rock.
Books Recommended:
1. Hitti, P.K, : History of the Arabs
2. Ali, Syed Ameer : A Short History of the Saracens
3. Ali, Syed Ameer : The Spirit of Islam (Selected chapters)
4. Muir, W. : The Caliphate: Its Rise. Decline and Fall
5. ‡kL wiqvR DÏxb Avng` (Ab~w`Z): Avie RvwZi BwZnvm, evsjv GKv‡Wwg, XvKv
6. ‡iRv-B-Kwig : Avie RvwZi BwZnvm, evsjv GKv‡Wwg, XvKv, 1989
7. ‡kL jyrdi ingvb : Avie RvwZi BwZnvm, evsjv GKv‡Wwg, 4_© ms¯‹iY,
8. ‡kL jyrdi ingvb : Bmjvg t ivóª I mgvR, evsjv GKv‡Wwg, XvKv
9. ivkx`yj Avjg : gymwjg `k©‡bi f~wgKv, XvKv
10. ‡kL jyrdi ingvb : Bmjv‡gi c ¯—¤¢, BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb, XvKv
Books Recommended:
1. Hitti, P.K, : History of the Arabs
2. Ali, Syed Ameer : A Short History of the Saracens
3. Ali, Syed Ameer : The Spirit of Islam (Selected chapters)
4. Muir, W. : The Caliphate: Its Rise. Decline and Fall
5. ‡kL wiqvR DÏxb Avng` (Ab~w`Z): Avie RvwZi BwZnvm, evsjv GKv‡Wwg, XvKv
6. ‡iRv-B-Kwig : Avie RvwZi BwZnvm, evsjv GKv‡Wwg, XvKv, 1989
7. ‡kL jyrdi ingvb : Avie RvwZi BwZnvm, evsjv GKv‡Wwg, 4_© ms¯‹iY,
8. ‡kL jyrdi ingvb : Bmjvg t ivóª I mgvR, evsjv GKv‡Wwg, XvKv
9. ‡kL jyrdi ingvb : gymwjg `k©‡bi f~wgKv, XvKv
10. ‡kL jyrdi ingvb : Bmjv‡gi c ¯—¤¢, BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb, XvKv
Second Year
Books Recommended:
1. Ishwari Prasad : A Short History of Muslim Rule in India
2. Ishwari Prasad : Medieval India
3. Roy Chowdhury, :
Majumder & Dutta : An Advanced History of India
4. Avjxg, G †K Gg Avãyj : fvi‡Z gymwjg ivR‡Z¡i BwZnvm, 4_© ms¯‹iY, 1990,
evsjv GKv‡Wgx, XvKv|
5. Ave`yj Kwig : fvi‡Z gymwjg kvm‡bi BwZnvm, evsjv GKv‡Wgx,
Books Recommended:
1. Ishwari Prasad : A Short History of Muslim Rule in India
2. Ishwari Prasad : Medieval India
3. Roy Chowdhury, :
Majumder & Dutta : An Advanced History of India
4. Avjxg, G †K Gg Avãyj : fvi‡Z gymwjg ivR‡Z¡i BwZnvm, 4_© ms¯‹iY, 1990,
evsjv GKv‡Wgx, XvKv|
5. Ave`yj Kwig : fvi‡Z gymwjg kvm‡bi BwZnvm, evsjv GKv‡Wgx,
Third Year
Book Recommended:
1. Ketelbey : A Short History of the Modern Times
2. Davies : Europe: 1789-1939
3. Hazen : Europe since1815
4. Lipson : Europe in the Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuries
5. Lvb, Avjx AvmMi : AvaywbK BD‡iv‡ci BwZnvm, evsjv GKv‡Wwg, XvKv
6. Aveyj Kvjvg : divmx wece, XvKv
7. ‡Mvjvg wKewiqv f~Bqv : Avš—Rv©wZK m¤úK© I AvaywbK BwZnvm Awfavb, XvKv
Course Outline:
The Great Mongols and IL- Khans of Persia:
Review of the sources – origin and foundation of the Great Mongols by Chengiz Khan –
other great Khans - division of the Mongol Empire – Halugu Khan and the foundation of the
IL-Khanid state in Persia- early IL- Khanid rulers- Accession of Ghazan Khan: relations with
the Mamluks of Egypt and his achievements- Later IL- Khanid rules – the disintegration of
the IL- Khanid dynasty and rise of Petty dynasties – the Jalairids –Muzaffarids – the Kurts –
Cultural Contributions of the IL- Khans .
Ottoman Rules:
Rise and foundation of the Ottoman Dynasty – Orkhan – Murad I – Bayzid I- Battle of
Angora – Muhammad the restorer – Murad II – Muhammad II – the conquest of
Constantinople and its aftermaths – Selim I, Battle of Marg-i - Dabiq – Sulaiman the
magnificent – The decline of the Ottoman Empire, Kuprili Waziers- Eastern Question- Treaty
of Kutchuk Kainardji- Selim – III- Culture and Society of the Ottoman.
The Afsharids dynasty, The Zand dynasty and the Qajar dynasty:
The rise of NadirShah and his achievements – The Zand dynasty – Karim Khan Zand – Rise
of the Qajars in Persia.
Reading List:
1. Jeremiah Curtin, : The Mongols: A Hitory, Boston, 1908
2. S M Imamuddin : A modern History of the Middle East and North Africa, Najma and Sons,
Dhaka, 1960
3. Stanely Lane-Poole, : Egypt in the Middle Ages, London, 1925
4.Percy Sykes : History of Persia, Vol, II London, 1951
5. Lord Eversley : Turkish Empire, Lahore (Reprint) 1957
6.David, Morgan : The Mongols, Blackwell, Oxford, 2007
7.William Muir : Mamluk or Slave Dynasty of Egypt, London, 1996
8.G. Lenczowski : The Middle East World Affairs, New York, 1952
9.Bertold Spuler : History of the Mongols, London, 1972
– : The Muslim World – A Historical Survey, Parts III-IV, Leiden, 1981
10.E.S, Creasy : History of the Ottoman Turks, London, 1956
11.Inalcik Halil : The Ottoman Empire : The Classical Age (1300-1600), New York, 1973
12.Jacob Smuel : History of the Ottoman Empire, London, 1954
13.Avkivd DÏxb Avng`, ga¨hy‡Mi gymwjg BwZnvm, XvKv, 1976
14. †gvt dRjyj nK (m¤úv.), mgKvjxb ga¨cÖvP¨, †dgvm eyKm, XvKv, 2017
15. †gvnv¤§` †Mvjvg imyj, ga¨cÖv‡P¨i BwZnvm, XvKv, 1973
16. Bqvwnqv AvigvRvbx, ga¨cÖvP¨ AZxZ I eZ©gvb, (Aby.) gynv¤§` Bbvg-Dj-
nK, RvZxq MÖš’
cÖKvkb, XvKv, 2000
17. mwdDwÏb †Rvqv`©vi, AvaywbK ga¨cÖvP¨, 1g I 2q LÛ, XvKv, 2002
18. G.we. Gg. †nv‡mb, ga¨cÖv‡P¨i BwZnvm, A‡Uvgvb mv¤ªvR¨ †_‡K RvwZmË¡v ivóª,
BDwRwm, XvKv, 2011
19. Avãyj Kvw`i : Zzi‡¯‹i BwZnvm, XvKv, 1986
20.W. †kL gyn¤§` jyrdi ingvb : Dmgvbxqv mvjZvbvZ, BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb, XvKv, 1991
21. gynv¤§` Avjx AvmMi Lvb : AvaywbK Zzi‡¯‹i BwZnvm, XvKv, 1984