Wag Pansinin Ang Chapter 2

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Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of

the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.






A student’s communication skills and social interaction are closely linked to their
cognitive development. Having either favorably or unfavorably impact their
emotional, mental, and physical capacities, they serve as two of the many important
factors one must apply to their everyday life. Socializing and communicating are
also important, specially to adolescents who are nearing their tertiary education.
Social interaction plays an important role in learning by performing academic tasks
(Ali et al., 2022). Furthermore, students who are skilled communicators have the
capability to articulate thoughts and opinions, forming relationships without facing
difficulties on the topics such as gender, race, or religion. (Sabbah et al., 2017).

Competency in communication skills facilitates learner’s socialization and

strengthens their bonds with teachers and fellow pupils. It cultivates the development
of relationships, which can improve a student's academic experience. “There is
nothing like social functioning without effective communication.” (Gumínska &
Smiley, 2015). Moreover, positive student interactions, in particular, enhance the
development of learner’s interpersonal relationships, communication abilities,
emotional comprehension, and emotional control. (Ioannis & Maria, 2017).

According to (Siew et al., 2016) in order for education to be effective and reach
its full potential, research on how collaborative learning affects secondary school
students' social interaction abilities is essential. Numerous studies have demonstrated
that a large majority of kids and teenagers struggle to establish and maintain
relationships with their classmates. These days, social interaction skills are critical
for everyone in all spheres of life, including future employment. Social skills play a
crucial role in how young people interact, communicate, and operate in a connected

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.



Despite the fact that collaborative learning is a useful tactic that is strongly
associated with students' academic achievement, Students' social interaction skills
and interactive activities may suffer from inadequate or ineffective programs and
practices for collaborative learning in the classroom. As a result, instructors are
crucial in helping students develop successful collaborative learning techniques in
the classroom.

According to Dasalinda et.al (2021) therefore, teenagers, especially students, need

the ability to interact socially. But many students are less able to interact socially.
This leads to students having difficulty interacting socially, causing them to feel
isolated from friends who are better able to interact with people in the school
environment. A person experiencing obstacles or failure in their efforts to adapt to
the social circumstances of the environment will also manifest in the form of
tendencies and behaviors. In addition, the lack of social interaction skills makes it
difficult for adolescents to adapt to new environments. Students who have difficulty
interacting socially often have few friends. Social interaction in school is essential
because through interaction students can exchange information.

If a student’s do not develop social interaction skills in adolescence, it will be

more difficult for them to develop in the next stage of adulthood. One of the factors
that influence low social interaction in adolescence is that adolescence tend to not
trust themselves, which can also cause difficulties for students in the learning

Critical thinking, creative thinking, originality, and the capacity for

communication Twenty-first-century educational achievement is affected by a
variety of factors, including the ability to work together to solve social problems and
make the best judgments (Perez & Montoya, 2022) and in a democratic society,
harmonious cohabitation will result from effective communication through skills,

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


Students could strengthen their bonds with society, other people, and themselves.

Additionally, the development of talents and sensitivity in people's social lives, the
creation of positive interpersonal relationships, and the removal of cultural barriers
all depend on effective communication (Rubtsova, 2019).

Effective communication is essential to learning because it enables students to

articulate their learning outcomes and achieve effective educational results.
Communication skills are essential for learning (Supena et al., 2021). In order to
build strong relationships with their teachers and peers at school and feel
comfortable and motivated to study, children must also have effective
communication skills (Alawamleh et al., 2022). This aligns with the objectives of
social studies education, which include the development of critical and creative
thinking skills, effective communication abilities, and the ability to assess, resolve,
and make wise judgments on community issues (Sá & Serpa, 2020). Social science
education places a strong emphasis on helping students become human beings by
changing their behavior into human personalities in addition to imparting

The Researchers observed communication skills essential to social interaction for

performing academic tasks, collaborative learning, and cognitive development. The
Researchers also observed that communication skills and social interaction
strengthen their bonds with teachers and fellow pupils. To know further about the
communication skills and social interaction of the students, this study was

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


Background of the Study

For learning to be successful, students need to develop their communication

skills. Research on the impact of think-pair-share (TPS) on enhancing students' oral
communication abilities in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classes was
conducted at An-Najah National University in Palestine. The study's conclusions
show that the majority of educators agreed that the think-pair-share method works
well in speaking classrooms. They discovered that this method works incredibly well
at keeping students engaged. Moreover, following the implementation of this
method in speaking sessions, students showed increased cooperation (Raba, 2017).

The social interaction students have inside their alma matter is an important
factor, that can contribute great amounts to their personality development. A
research conducted in University of Münster, Germany, was done to analyze how
social interactions affects one’s personality. Based on the researcher’s findings, the
way people interact with each other, talk to strangers or their peers, significantly
influences and shape one’s personality. People differ from each other in the many
ways that they interact with one another; these interactions serve as a conduit
between personality and its long-term implications. (Back, 2021)

According to Huang, (2021). Communication skills of the students of Letran-

Calamba Grade 12 Senior High School students were evaluated for college
preparedness, utilizing the stratified random sampling technique. The research,
conducted through Focus Group Discussions, found that overall, the Grade 12
students were deemed college-prepared in communication skills, encompassing
content, oral communication, development, and behavioral aspects in both English

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


and Filipino. However, some students faced challenges expressing complete
thoughts, resorting to code-switching ("Tag-lish") when struggling.

According to Mildin, (2014). In this study on third-year students' performance in

geometry, the relationship between social interaction and academic achievement was
investigated. The research examined accidental, repeated, regular, and regulated
social interactions. Descriptive-correlation methods were used with 39 students as
respondents. The results indicated no significant correlation between social
interaction levels and geometry performance. However, students' overall
performance in geometry was found to be very satisfactory. The study suggests
further investigation into the relationship between students' performance and social
interaction levels for more targeted interventions.

The problem identified in the high school student is decline in reading

proficiency, comprehension skills, and listening skills among high school students.
Addressing the issue of declining reading proficiency, comprehension skills, and
listening skills are of paramount importance. A successful intervention could lead to
improved academic performance, increased enthusiasm for learning, and enhanced
cognitive development.

Different personalities among students may include interpersonal conflicts,

difficulty in group work, and potential communication breakdowns.

The Researchers aims to study how communication skills and social interaction
influence each other. Researchers exploring this connection may learn how strong
communication impacts interaction and ties with each other. How can help educators
and parents understand the importance of developing communication skills in
children and can this possibly affect their social interaction.

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


Theoretical Framework

Figure 1: Social Penetration Theory

The Social Penetration Theory sets out how communication varies depending on the
extent of connections among individuals develop. The theory, which was developed
in 1973 by psychologists Irwin Altman and Dalmas Taylor, claims that relationships
can develop mature over time through communication. Interpersonal perceptions,
verbal and nonverbal communication, and interactions with the surroundings are
examples of factors that can affect one’s relationship. Furthermore, as observed by
Altman and Taylor relationships “involve different levels of intimacy of exchange or
degree of social penetration.”

Also called the onion model, The Social Penetration Theory, has been likened to an
onion because people possess layers to their personalities. There are multiple levels
that make up social penetration theory, including the core personality, inner, middle,
and superficial layers. A person's personality and the extent to which they share it
with others are presented in each of these layers. One's public identity is their most
surface-level representation of themselves; their core personality, which holds their
most personal and intimate features, can only be reached as their relationship with

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


that person develops. Alongside this process of self-disclosure, Altman and Taylor
distinguished the many phases of intimacy that follow. These stages are the
Orientation, Exploratory Affective, Affective, Stable, and Depenetration stage.
These stages present the process of one's relationship from beginning to end. The
theory is also guided by the assumptions that relationship development is systematic
and predictable. These phases show a relationship's journey from beginning to the
end. The notion that relationship development is systematic and orderly also serves
as the basis for the theory.

Figure 2: Vygotsky Sociocultural theory of development.

Established in 1978, Vygotsky sociocultural theory was developed by the Soviet

psychologist, Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky. The sociocultural theory is a sociological
and psychological theory that addresses the significance social environments and
cultures are to people's development as individuals. It depicts how people's
sociocultural, cognitive, and learning abilities are developed by friends, parents, and
other members of society. This core concept of behavioral psychology additionally
points out the significance sociocultural values and beliefs are to accomplishing
these responsibilities.

Lev Vygotsky highlights the importance of communities are important to the higher-

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


level cognition development. He believed that social interaction is essential for
human growth and that cultural differences might have a significant effect on this
aspect. A specific culture may emphasize memory tactics such as note-taking.
Others, on the other hand, might rely more on tools such as rote memory (the
practice of repeating material) or prompts. These minimal or notable distinctions
influence how a pupil learns, affecting the resources utilized in the particular culture.

One of the most important concepts in The Sociocultural Theory is the ZPD or The
Zone of Proximal Development. Vygotsky presented the concept in the latter three
years of his life, but regrettably, he passed away before it could be fully developed.
The concept presents the distinction between the level of development- -what
students can accomplish on their own-and the potential level—what they can
accomplish with assistance.

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


Conceptual Framework


Communication Skills Social Interactions

Figure 3: Conceptual Framework

This study central concept is focused on the Correlation between

Communication Skills and Social Interactions of the Grade 12 student of Upper
Villages Christian Academy, Inc.

Figure 3 shows the independent variable which consist of the variable that can
change in the Social Interaction of the students which is the Communication
Skills. The response variable which is the Social Interaction towards
Communication Skills are perceived by the Grade 12 students of Upper Villages
Christian Academy, Inc.

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the correlation between communication skills and
social interaction among grade 12 students at Upper Village Christian Academy, Inc.

This study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age; and
1.2 Sex?

2. What communication skills can affect students in terms of:

2.1 Competence
2.2 Discouragement
2.3 Body Language
2.4 Dignification

3. How does the factors of social interaction affects students in terms of:

3.1 Social/Popularity
3.2 confident/studious

4. Is there a significant correlation between Communication Skills and Social


Hypothesis of the Study

The researchers will use all hypothesis in this study that will state that:

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


Ho: There is no significant relationship between Communication Skills and

Social Interaction

HI: There is a significant relationship between Communication Skills and

Social Interaction

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will beneficial the following:

To the Students

Developing effective communication skills boosts students' confidence, self-esteem,

and assertiveness, empowering them to advocate for themselves and pursue their

with greater determination.

To the Teachers

Teachers can use the study findings to tailor their instruction and classroom activities
to enhance student’s communication skills and promote positive social interactions.

To the Parents

Parents and Guardians can provide additional support and encouragement to their
child in developing communication skills and navigating social interactions, thereby
bolstering their confidence and resilience.

To the Future Researchers

This study may be beneficial to the future researchers, as it will be a source or guide
for future studies.

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on the Communication Skills and Social Interactions of Senior
High School students of Upper Village Christian Academy, Inc. The data
collection will be conducted to randomly selected 204 with a 2 online Grade 12
student’s out of 422 Grade 12 students of Upper Village Christian Academy
school S/Y 2023-2024.

Definition of Terms

Connectivism -theory centres largely around technology, as well as freedom and

the access to information that this affords students. Blended learning balances the
emphasis that we put on classroom learning and learning from home
(Greenwood, 2020).

Collaborative Learning- describe a situation in which particular forms of

interaction among people are expected to occur, which would trigger learning
mechanisms, but there is no guarantee that the expected interactions will actually
occur. (Dillenbourg, 1999).

Tactic- an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end. (Kevin

Klein, June 23, 2015).

Knowledge acquisition- occurs as the result of the formation of a

representational hierarchy of content linking information between lower-level
sensory and perceptual features to higher-order cognitive and language
development (Aslin & Fiser, 2005).

Isolated- means far away from everyone or everything else. (vocabulary.com)

conduit- someone or something that conveys goods, information, or ideas.


Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.



This chapter contains the review of related literature and studies that consist of
foreign and local references, along with a synthesis that is connected to our research in
finding the correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of the
Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc.

Importance of Communication Skills

Communication is the intricate process of exchanging information or ideas
between individuals, involving a sender transmitting a message to a receiver through
mediums like speech or writing. Effective communication requires a shared language and
context, fundamental for life's existence and progress. The importance of communication
skills for students spans academic, social, and professional success. Academically, these
skills are crucial for participating in discussions, presentations, and writing papers.
Career-wise, employers value clear communication, providing a competitive edge.
Socially and emotionally, effective communication fosters positive relationships and self-
esteem. Linked to critical thinking, communication skills enable students to analyze,
evaluate, and express ideas. Cultural competence is also enhanced, allowing effective
communication across diverse perspectives. Developing strong communication skills
offers benefits like academic success, improved collaboration, relationship-building,
enhanced confidence and self-expression, critical thinking, and career readiness,
providing a comprehensive foundation for success in various aspects of life (Lancehgs,

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


2023). (Literature)

Verbal communication, essential for expressing needs, asking questions, and

describing, is a powerful tool for informing, persuading, and considering. Proficient
communication skills, encompassing verbal aptitude, contribute to self-confidence,
knowledge acquisition, effective research, and the organized presentation of ideas. These
skills are crucial for academic success, career development, and personal growth. It
emphasizes enhancing verbal communication skills and speech etiquette, including word
selection, key phrases, visual aids like movies, and strategies for responding to different
types of questions. The significance of this topic in linguistics lies in its relevance to
language learning and teaching methodologies, highlighting the pivotal role of verbal
communication and speech etiquette in personal and academic development
(Abdikarimova et al., 2021). (Literature)

Self-Assessment on the Oral Communication of Filipino College Students, in the

Philippines, the official languages are English and Filipino. Given that practically every
subject taught at the various levels of basic education is taught in English, it is assumed
that every person who enrolls in college will be able to speak both languages well. The
first ten years of schooling in English create the impression that students acquire
communicative competence through language learning in the classroom. However, the
foundation for student language acquisition is the practice of speaking Filipino in casual
conversations (Aislinn et al., 2019). (Local Studies)

Purposive communication and learning competency of general education subjects

of students in private higher education institutions (HEl). The perspectives of students on
speech communication skills as the basis for their academic success in the Philippines
depend on the reason for learning. It is the process of using messages to decode spoken
communication. It attempts to explain how communication works. As a result, speech
communication makes use of the informal or formal spoken transmission of information.
It builds an argument in an effort to provoke the audience's or receiver's feelings. It is

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


helpful for communicating in real time. It examines how speech communication
assessment learning relates to intended learning objectives, core competencies, and
student-centered teaching and learning. Additionally, it describes a structure and method
of instruction for outcome-based learning and critical thinking (Mallillin & Caranguian,
2022). (Local Studies)
However, the elements of speech communication involved sources, conversations,
channels, and receivers. For speech communication to be effective, a number of
components must come together, including the speaker, message, audience or receiver,
channel, feedback noise, and location. The learners need to comprehend that
communication might take both an interactional and transactional form in this case. It
identifies the evaluation of students' oral communication and skill sets as one of the
primary components of learning. It describes and concentrates on enhancing the learners'
academic performance as well as their speech communication competency (Mallillin,
2023). (Local Studies)

Communication, an essential aspect of human existence, has been present since

the dawn of humanity. The term "communication" is linguistically linked to the Latin
word "communis," meaning "common," reflecting its significance in partnership,
socialization, and coexistence as a means of transmitting community rules, values, and
beliefs. In the 5th and 4th centuries BC, communication was defined as the skill and art
of an orator to sway and persuade audiences through speech. Literature offers diverse
definitions: communication is the transfer of information, ideas, and emotions;
communication is the exchange of information and understanding between individuals.
Communication, embracing verbal, written, and nonverbal forms, is an intricate process
with inherent challenges. Communication dissects the connections between information,
behavior, and communication for a more nuanced comprehension of this multifaceted
concept (Akyurt, 2018). (Foreign Studies)

Language Proficiency and Communication Enhancement

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


According to Pamintuan (2022), in the news headline "Language Proficiency"
the Philippine Star, a young single mother aims to improve her one-year-old daughter's
English skills in anticipation of English becoming the primary language of instruction in
Filipino education. Surpassing her parents in English proficiency, the mother underscores
language as a crucial tool for personal advancement. The piece delves into the historical
context of English proficiency in the Philippines, recognizing a decline due to social
media communication habits. Ferdinand Marcos Jr.'s directive to restore English
proficiency sparks a debate, with proponents advocating for Filipino as the medium of
instruction. The article concludes by proposing collaborations with private institutions
and the reintroduction of educational tools like illustrated comics to enhance language
proficiency in both English and Filipino. (Local Literature)

Moreover, the essential need for reconsidering language education in local

schools is English proficiency. The focus of this news article is on developing strong
language skills, particularly proficiency in both English and Filipino. While English
fluency is prevalent among students in private schools, the concerning decline in their
ability to communicate effectively in the local language is attributed to parental language
choices at home and the absence of Filipino content in the media. It suggests a necessary
shift in private schools towards prioritizing conversational Filipino to ensure future
leaders can connect with the public. And the importance of maintaining English
proficiency for less privileged students while proposing the inclusion of at least one
foreign language, such as Spanish or Mandarin, in the curriculum to enhance students'
employability in the global workforce (Siao, 2024). (Local Literature)

However, by exploring how having conversations with children builds their

language and strengthens family connections, it explores the profound impact of
purposeful and strategic conversations on children's well-being, language development,
and family relationships. Beyond the routine post-school inquiries, engaging in quality
conversations with attentive adults contributes to enhanced vocabulary, trust, and formal

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


language structures. A recent article in the Journal of Neuroscience establishes a link
between conversational "turns" and increased strength in white matter connections related
to speech
and language comprehension in the brain. It suggests practical ways for parents and
caregivers to spark language-building conversations, emphasizing active listening, asking
open-ended questions, adopting the "Strive-for-Five" framework, embedding
conversations in everyday routines, and scaffolding discussions. These approaches not
only foster language skill development but also strengthen family relationships. Beyond
the routine post-school inquiries, engaging in quality conversations with attentive adults
contributes to enhanced vocabulary, trust, and formal language structures. A recent article
in the Journal of Neuroscience establishes a link between conversational "turns" and
increased strength in white matter connections related to speech and language
comprehension in the brain. It suggests practical ways for parents and caregivers to spark
language-building conversations, emphasizing active listening, asking open-ended
questions, adopting the "Strive-for-Five" framework, embedding conversations in
everyday routines, and scaffolding discussions. These approaches not only foster
language skill development but also strengthen family connections by elevating the
quality of interactions. Overall, it underscores the transformative power of purposeful
conversations in shaping children's language comprehension, reading comprehension,
and familial bonds (Hillier, 2024). (Foreign Literature)

According to Herrera (2018), the focus on mastering the art of engaging

conversation, offering three practical tips for becoming a more enjoyable conversation
partner. The first tip emphasizes understanding the three tiers of conversations, from safe
subjects like sports to more intimate topics such as family and health. It underscores the
need to navigate these tiers cautiously, testing the waters before delving into potentially
controversial discussions. The second tip encourages individuals to be more interested
than interesting, adopting an approach of active listening and drawing people out.
Channeling one's inner Oprah is recommended, highlighting the power of asking
questions and genuinely engaging with others. The third tip highlights the importance of

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


not dominating conversations, urging individuals to share the conversation pie by being
attentive, making
eye contact, and waiting before expressing their thoughts. The article concludes by
inviting readers to share their own insights into fostering good conversation. (Foreign

Through continual practice, presentation skills, and group discussions based on

the requirements of the learners as the focus of education, effective speech
communication can be polished and acquired. This can foster communication skills in
voice and thought. It possesses a desire for more effective communication and enhanced
learning capacity. It evaluates how well speech communication stages and processes use
learning dynamics. It includes speech recognition methods and information. It explores
effective and accurate speech communication skills analysis. It determines how well
students are able to communicate verbally as learning centers (Guo et al., 2022). (Local

Therefore, communication skills and perspectives explore the improvement and

effect of presentation skills. It helps in the application of speech communication to
improve the motivation and confidence of students in the delivery of skills from the
perspective of speech communication strength during the process of learning. It helps to
increase and better formulate the structure of the delivery and process of the speech
communication module. As people put the ideas of speaking, communication techniques,
and viewpoints into practice, this can develop (Ying et al., 2022). (Local Studies)

According to Alsubaie (2022), the study of second language acquisition has

become an important academic field covering various disciplines such as languages,
communication, art, and psychology, leading to a deeper appreciation of diverse cultures.
To effectively learn and use a second language, learners need to discuss their needs and
the best learning strategies. This research suggests incorporating communication skills
courses into second language programs, acknowledging their vital role in enabling

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


meaningful interactions in the target language. By highlighting the significance of
communication alongside language learning, this study aims to improve learners' capacity
to engage confidently and proficiently in cross-cultural communication. (Foreign Studies)

Impacts of Communication Skills on Education

Why Communication Skills Are Essential in College: Effective communication

skills are indispensable for college students, serving as a foundational life skill with wide-
ranging benefits. Mastery of communication is crucial at all levels of education, as it
safeguards against academic setbacks, emotional overwhelm, and social withdrawal.
Whether expressed verbally, in writing, or through nonverbal cues, effective
communication fosters clarity, makes better impressions, and facilitates engagement. In
the dynamic global landscape, honing interpersonal skills, particularly communication,
equips students to navigate the evolving career landscape and digital advancements.
Academic success hinges on adept communication, both orally and in writing. Key
components include mastering verbal communication, encompassing tone and
articulation, and recognizing the significance of nonverbal cues such as body language.
Active listening emerges as a vital skill, enhancing response capabilities and fostering
meaningful insights. Authenticity, often overlooked, builds genuine connections, and
practicing communication skills in college, especially through public speaking or debate
courses, proves invaluable. Beyond academic settings, strong communication skills
contribute to enhanced empathy, critical thinking, group dynamics, workplace
performance, and social confidence, positioning students for success in various aspects of
life (McMillan, 2021). (Foreign Literature)

An analysis of nonverbal communication in a student's speaking performance.

The use of nonverbal communication in speaking classes and explain the reason behind
using it in the English department of the University of Kuningan. People use nonverbal
communication when the words they employ cannot describe what they are going to say,

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


and there are four categories of nonverbal communication: facial expression, eye
movement, gestures, and eye contact. Facial expressions, in particular, the way someone
looks and moves their head. Eye movement typically gives instructors insight into a
student's actions. And they use gestures to express their emotions, and they are more
likely to do so when they are happy, excited, or energized. Making and maintaining eye
contact is crucial for nonverbal communication, including looking, staring, and blinking
(Thamrin, N., Darsih, E., 2023) (Foreign Studies)

Strategy and mathematical reasoning ability towards mathematical

communication skills. In mathematics classes, many forms of communication can take
place. This activity can happen through interaction with the teacher, small group work, or
standing before the class to present a presentation to clarify a found idea. Teachers can let
students face and discuss, encouraging them to speak up their ideas and take time to
discuss with people around them; this is especially beneficial for students who are less
confident when sharing ideas in front of the class. It is believed that communication is an
essential part of mathematics and mathematics education. A way to see communication is
to perceive it as sharing ideas, being open to discussing these ideas, and reflecting on
them quickly (Makur, 2019). (Foreign Studies)

The problem of reading and reading culture improvement among students-

bachelors of elementary education in modern high institutions Communication skills are
the skills and abilities to communicate with people that determine its success. People of
different ages, educations, cultures, levels of psychological development, and life and
professional experiences can differ from each other in their communication abilities.
Educated and cultured people have more pronounced communicative abilities than
uneducated and uncultured people. The richness and diversity of a person's life
experience, as a rule, positively affects the development of a person's communication
abilities. People whose professions involve not only frequent and intensive
communication but also the performance of certain roles in communication (actors,
doctors, teachers, politicians, and managers) often have more developed communication

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


abilities than representatives of other professions (Kamalova & Koletvinova,2016).
(Foreign Studies)

The Decline of Communication Skills in the Philippines and its Impact on Global

Filipino graduates' English skills were lower than the target for cab drivers in
Dubai. According to Morallo (2018), college graduates in the Philippines had a lower
level of English proficiency than Thai high school students. Given that one of the main
factors in hiring applicants was communication abilities, this was a serious problem.
Employers are not hiring graduates for any other reason than their communication
abilities. The majority of the main economic drivers in the nation are based on English
competence. In order to effectively equip a workforce that is competitive on a global
scale, we need to collaborate and adopt a multi-sectoral strategy. An additional cause for
concern is that research participants who were English majors and graduates of the
Bachelor of Science in Education program received English proficiency scores ranging
from 2 to 5. What makes it unique is that they graduated despite low proficiency.
Companies in the Philippines and throughout the world were looking for workers with a
variety of talents, including collaboration, impact, and communication. (Local Literature)

Senate to probe declining English proficiency. According to Romero (2018), The

Philippine Star reports that the Senate is launching an investigation into the declining
English proficiency of Filipino students, a concern with potential repercussions for the
country's global workforce competitiveness. The inquiry seeks to address the alarming
decline in English skills among Filipino college graduates. Senator Grace Poe emphasizes
the need for the government to adopt global English standards, urging educational
institutions to revise curricula for enhanced English instruction. The Philippines, known
for its English-friendly environment, faces challenges as recent studies reveal a
narrowing edge in English proficiency. A two-year study by Hopkins International
Partners indicates that Filipino graduates score lower than the competency requirements

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


for jobs abroad. Despite being a global destination for English language learners, the
country's economic lifeline, the business process outsourcing industry, is at risk due to
this declining proficiency. It reveals Filipino graduates' proficiency comparable to that of
fifth- and sixth-grade students in English-speaking nations like the United States and the
United Kingdom. (Local Literature)

Mother tongue in a power play. According to Sarza (2023), emphasize how

important communication is in the Philippines. The history, culture, and socioeconomic
features of the Philippines are connected with the power dynamics associated with
fluency in English. When Filipinos come across someone who speaks English very well,
they frequently feel intimidated. Since the United States was once a colonizer, English
has come to be seen as a sign of luxury and power. During the American colonial era,
English was the main language used for business, government, and education. English
proficiency has been given utmost importance in the country's education system. Many
schools prioritize English as a core subject, judging students' abilities based on their
comprehension and articulation skills. This emphasis unintentionally reinforces the belief
that those who master English are intellectually superior, while those grappling with
language complexities are considered less competent. The feeling of intimidation that
some foreigners may encounter in the Philippines doesn't reflect an inherent characteristic
of the Filipino people. It's also important to take note of the noteworthy trend among
Filipino parents who are committed to raising their kids as fluent English speakers even
though they themselves do not speak the language well. These brave parents give up a
lot, even in the face of language barriers, to make sure their kids get the greatest
education in English possible. Filipinos are known for their adaptability, speaking
English, Spanish, Filipino/Tagalog, their mother tongue, and several regional languages
and dialects. Talking in more than one language should be valued and embraced, not
overshadowed by English's overwhelming dominance. (Local Literature)

Synthesis of the Study

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


In conclusion, study and literature. emphasizes effective communication.

discussing strategies for language proficiency and methods to enhance communication
skills, including engaging conversations and presentations. impacts of communication
skills in education, linking them to interpersonal skills and critical thinking. It also
addresses the challenges of declining communication skills in the Philippines, connecting
them to global competitiveness and language dynamics. Overall, the synthesis provides a
comprehensive understanding of communication skills.

Social Interaction

The Concept of Social Interaction

According to Mondada's (2016) work, Challenges of Multimodality: Language

and the Body in Social Interaction, this article reflects on the subsequent challenges that
emerge from thinking about dialect and the body in social interaction. Dialect and the
body have a transdisciplinary interest that has welcomed a rethinking of broader
questions of action, cognition, culture, information, social relations and characters,
chance, and transience. When dealing with social communication, the focus is on how
multimodal assets- taking into account dialect and significant development-are
comprehensively and conveniently used in the construction of human activity. This
article examines some of the results and challenges of putting the body at the center of
consideration: it positions dialect among other modes, invites us to consider the
integration of whole bodies in social interaction, and goes beyond the logocentric view of
communication and the visually focused view of encapsulation. These questions arise
through the arrangement of discussions, first on topics in classical phonetics such as deix,
and then on later topics such as transmissibility and sensitivity. The role of language and

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


the body in social interaction has been revisited in recent research, offering new ways of
conceptualizing how speakers and other actors mobilize communicative means to
construct their actions in social interaction and ultimately in the organization of human

According to Ploderer et al. (2014), in their work entitled Social interaction and
reflection for behavior change, the concept of social interaction and reflection for
behavior modification is introduced in this article. There is a wealth of research on
systems intended to support users in altering their behavior, such as increasing the
frequency of their exercise or consuming less energy. These systems are concentrating on
many users more and more, usually to promote free-form contemplation instead of
dictating a specific path of action. This article provides background information on
behavior change support systems that emphasize social contact and reflection in order to
set the scene for this subject issue. Among these systems, the review identifies five
critical approaches: reflection-in-action, reflection-on-action, social traces, and social
support. While there are advantages to each strategy, there are also drawbacks for those
designing behavior change support systems. Beyond that, we lay out some general
possibilities for future work, and we highlight how the papers in this theme issue add to
our existing understanding of these five approaches.

According to Robinson, in their work entitled Accountability in Social Interaction

(2016), accountability, a concept in language and social interaction, is crucial for
managing reputations and understanding public personas. Students, however, find it
difficult to fully understand all of its nuances. This volume explores accountability
through conversational analytic investigations, examining key theoretical topics such as
social solidarity, action formation, repair, turn-taking, sequence organization, and
context. The goal of the chapters, which provide data in Korean, Japanese, and English, is
to provide fresh insights and suggest new lines of inquiry for subsequent research.

According to Langer's (2018) work entitled Rethinking the Role of Thought in

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


Social Interaction, this chapter explains the implications of the query and offers some
alternative hypotheses that might be more beneficial. Research findings are presented to
show the seeming mindlessness of supposedly thoughtful activity, and historical literature
addressing the issues is examined. The attribution process and the behavior that goes
along with it have received a lot of attention in social psychology, but the extent to which
the attribution phenomenon is widespread has not received as much attention. A
theoretical model used in much psychological research presents the person as cognitively
aware most of the time, applying "rules" consciously, continuously, and methodically to
incoming environmental information to form interpretations and actions. The planned
structure of ordinary interactions seems to underpin a large portion of human interaction,
as opposed to the active processing of incoming information that attribution-making
depends on.

The Impact of Social Interaction on Decision-Making and Learning Behavior

According to Anders et al. (2014), in their work Designing Events for Social
Interaction, socialization makes people attend events, and the social instinct among event
participants affects their contribution to the event. From buyer to buyer, smart benefits
and relaxation are considered through extensive research. However, almost no reflection
has focused on the influence of different visitors on the association of a single event. The
explanation of this reflection is to examine what the mutual association of event guests
means for the amount of individual event experience and how arrangements can be
organized so friendly and skillfully. The decisions are based on a review of the
composition and observational data collected at the Swedish Music Festival. In the
question, it was found that the friendly nature between the guests of the event is an
important part of the participation in the event and the satisfaction of the event-goer. The
social instinct includes three important types: socialization in a known group;

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


socialization in the outside world; and socialization in the observer group. All aspects of
the event-theme and program, activities, accessories, and benefits— can be outlined in a
way that promotes positive encounters and prevents negative ones. It is also noted the
importance of social interaction between event guests and the need to plan events for
social interaction. The fact that these interactions are so central to the individual
experience that an audience might have them suggests that they should not only be
managed during the event but proactively planned and facilitated (and, where necessary,
limited) event planner.

According to Cheng et al. in their work entitled Does social interaction have an
impact on residents' sustainable lifestyle decisions? Through multi-agent stimulation
based on regret and game theory (2019), through the exchange of information,
individuals in society become more interconnected in a dynamic process known as social
interaction. Furthermore, due to limited comprehension as well as restricted
understanding, studies suggest that social interactions have a significant impact on
decision-making and behavioral choices. As a result of social networking sites and
today's communications technology, individuals are also impacted by others who belong
to their reference group, such as friends, neighbors, or work colleagues. The results
revealed that substantial nodes, or those with many neighbors, are crucial in helping
locals adapt sustainable lifestyles.

According to Abbas et al. (2019) in their work entitled The Impact of Social
Media on Learning Behavior for Sustainable Education: Evidence of Students from
Selected Universities in Pakistan, through social media platforms, social interaction and
engagement are built among students to connect, share, transform ideologies, and get
informed. The platforms improve students' communication, engagement, networking, and
social interaction with peers and lecturers. This study seeks to determine the impact of
social media platforms on facilitating students' social interaction in their daily activities.
Social media platforms can help students engage in communication with others easily.

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


According to Lagat, in their work entitled Social Interaction, Collaborative
Learning, and Perceived Learning in an Online Learning Environment (2022), in the
Philippines, a study assessing social interaction, collaborative learning, and perceived
learning among 288 teacher education students revealed that these aspects are highly
present in an online learning environment. The findings suggest that these factors
significantly influence students' perceptions of their own learning and contribute to a
more effective learning experience.

Unraveling the Dynamics of Social Interaction: Insights Across Diverse Domains

According to Yin et al. In their work entitled How Social Interaction Affects
Purchase Intention in Social Commerce: A Cultural Perspective (2019), considering
social commerce can be defined by "sociality," it is still useful to examine the aspects that
influence purchase intention. According to the report, consumers in social commerce
have closer relationships with one another than in traditional e-commerce, and they have
more access to information through interaction with others. The findings reveal that, to
some extent, intimacy and trust will convey the effects of perceived risk on later purchase
intention in social commerce. In addition, investigations have shown that cultural factors
strongly influence individuals' social interactions.

According to Giusti et al., in their work Predictors of academic performance

during the COVID-19 outbreak: impact of distance education on mental health (2021),
social cognition and memory abilities in an Italian university student sample, the subject
of the possible impacts of the absence of typical academic contacts and social context
cues on students' learning and adjustment to online studying arises since the lack of social
interactions can be experienced in a variety of social situations, including educational
contexts. Specifically, the absence of the customary in-person academic social
connections may exacerbate the sense of alienation already brought on by the other social
distancing tactics implemented during the epidemic. The most significant drawback of
distance learning during the epidemic, according to university students, was the lack of

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


in-person interactions with instructors. It should be mentioned that the pandemic context
has already shown interest in this component of online learning and distance education.

According to Lu & Churchill's (2014) study, The Effect of Social Interaction on

Learning Engagement in a Social Networking Environment, this study looked into how
student learners' social connections with one another affected their participation in online
learning. During the course of a semester, thirteen undergraduate students at a Hong
Kong university engaged with one another and developed their digital portfolios using an
Elgg-based social networking platform. Content analysis and descriptive statistics with
social network analysis were used to study the online activities of the students. The
results imply that social interaction inside a social networking setting was transient,
personal, and informal. To promote communication, students must possess both
autonomy and communication skills. The study also showed that, although these social
patterns in the context of social networking seemed to improve social engagement, there
was no evidence of significant cognitive engagement. Suggestions are offered regarding
the efficient use of a social networking site to facilitate meaningful and fruitful learning.

According to Monninger et al. in their work entitled. The importance of high-

quality real-life social interactions during the COVID-19 pandemic (2023), where they
examined the extent to which social interaction traits influence wellbeing. Previous work
has shown that the amygdala may play an essential role in establishing a connection
between social embeddedness and well-being, emphasizing positive social interactions as
a crucial protective component. Additionally, individuals with increased amygdala
activity showed greater responsiveness to mood signals during social interactions,
making them more mindful of both positive and negative interactions. More research
showed that while interacting with internet communication had no impact on one's
current mood, positive in-person social interactions were indicative of higher momentary

According to Sandstrom & Dunn's (2014) study entitled Social interactions and

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


well-being: The surprising power of weak ties, the study investigates the connection
between contacts with strong and weak social lying and subjective well-being. The
findings indicate that students who engage with more of their peers feel happier and more
like they belong. Additionally, the study discovered a relationship between weak ties and
emotional and social well-being, indicating that even insignificant social connections
have an impact on our wellbeing.

According to Ynares, in their work entitled Social Interaction and Learning

(2022), students in online classes were only able to interact with their teachers during the
times when they were virtually present on a computer or tablet. Learning how to live and
interact with others is one of the most important things students have gained from their
time in school. It takes specific patterns and abilities to engage in genuine and enjoyable
human interaction. Additionally, the relationships we developed with our peers taught us
how to convey to others our opinions, or how we view the world, as well as our take on a
topic or issue. (Local Literature)

According to Chukwuere's study, The Impact of Social Media on Students's

Social Interaction (2021), he set out to investigate the impact of social media platforms
on students' interpersonal relationships. Students can examine their ideas, think back on
their experiences, and solve difficulties when they interact with others. Social
connections, learning, and social adaptation for students. It influences how they learn and
interact with others. Social media sites also give students the opportunity to connect,
engage, and communicate. This study looked at how social media platforms affect
students' everyday social interactions using quantitative research methodology, namely a
questionnaire. The results of the study assist students in understanding that although
social media platforms promote physical distance between peers during a meeting or
event, they also improve social involvement.

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


According to Shively, in their study, An Activity Theoretical Approach to Social

Interaction during Study Abroad (2016), studying overseas is examined. The way that
students view social interaction employs activity theory to study interaction in Spain. It
indicates that interacting with others is not just about learning a second language but also
for fun and the development of relationships. The research demonstrates the fluidity of
social communication and the significance of equivalent age.

According to Jiang, his study entitled Preference for Online Social Interaction: A
Research on the Potential Influencing Factors (2015) explores factors influencing
preference for online social interaction over offline communication. Results from an
online survey reveal that individuals lacking face-to-face communication may prefer
online interaction more. Popularity among the crowd also influences this preference.
Individuals more involved in online social interaction are more likely to prefer online
interactions. The findings are useful for social networking site users and designers.

Understanding Social Dynamics in Education: Virtual Learning and Inclusive


According to Delahunty et al., in their work entitled Socio-emotional

Connections: Identity, Belonging, and Learning in Online Interactions, A literature
review (2014) examined in this paper the sociolinguistic features of virtual education,
such as dialogue, a feeling of belonging, and identity building. It calls attention to the
learning objectives' importance for human connections as well as feelings in online
learning environments. Nevertheless, identity-less research has been done on formation.

According to Tenerife et al., in their work entitled Social Interaction and

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


Academic Performance of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in Cebu City, Philippines
(2021), students who are deaf or hard of hearing socialize with one another more than
they do with the hearing community. Due to their lack of ability to interact with those
who can hear them, deaf and hard-of-hearing children are often put in environments that
are ideal for them. However, when the school accommodates deaf students, it is there that
they may experience a sense of belonging. Furthermore, improving their interactions with
these students may be able to help enhance the school performance of deaf or hard-of-
hearing students.

Synthesis of the study

Knowing how important social interaction is in different situations is key for

learning, relationships, and personal growth. Researchers use different ways, like
studying how social media affects learning and planning events that encourage positive
interactions, to make social interaction work better. Good things come out of social
interactions, like better communication, engagement, making new connections, and
having better learning experiences. Social interactions also help in changing our
behavior, making us feel better, and choosing a more sustainable lifestyle. Positive
meetings at events make people happier, and online learning gets better when people
collaborate more. But there are challenges, like not meeting in person during distance
learning in the COVID-19 pandemic, and some people finding it hard to understand the
details of being responsible in social interaction. Recognizing these challenges and
looking at different ways like language and the body highlights how important social
interaction is in education, changing behavior, making decisions, and our overall
experiences. Planning events that encourage positive social interactions and making
social interactions better can make a more inclusive and positive environment, especially
helping groups like deaf or hard-of-hearing students. This shows that social interaction is
not just talking - it involves different ways like language and the body, making very
important in many way.

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.



Research Design

In conducting a research it is important to use the appropriate research design as it

makes the study more coherent and logical.

Which is why for our study titled "The correlation between communication skills

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


and social interaction among grade 12 students at Upper Villages Christian Academy
Inc.," we chose a descriptive correlational research design. This method, as explained by
Adi Bhat (2018), focuses on understanding and describing the connections between two
or more variables. This approach is ideal for our study because we aim to explore and
explain the relationship between communication skills and social interaction.

Descriptive correlational research fits well with our study because it allows us to
investigate how communication skills and social interaction relate to each other without
implying that one causes the other. By gathering and analyzing data on these two aspects,
we aim to uncover insights into how they interact among grade 12 students at Upper
Villages Christian Academy Inc.

Respondents of the Study

The sampling technique used in this study Simple Random Sampling is used to measure
the sample size that will respond in the questionnaires that the researchers prepared.
According to Frost (2013), simple random sampling (SRS) is a probabilistic sampling
technique used by researchers to randomly select participants from a population. In this
case the population consists of 206 Grade 12 students from 13 sections including Garnet,
Amber, Alexandrite, Opal, Citrine, Jade, Tourmaline, Agate, Amazonite, Topaz, Pearl,
Carnelian, and Aquamarine at Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y 2023-2024.

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


Research Instrument

The objective of this study is to gather data and an objective image of student’s
classroom communication abilities. With the assistance of library studies, the research
methodology employs quantitative descriptive methods that bolster the researchers'
analysis and conclusions on the subject matter—the data gathering procedures based on
the Likert scale model. There were statement items and four indicators in the
communication skills questionnaire. This study aims to identify the underlying factor
structure of children's social interactions on scores on the SIQ and compare the responses
of children attending a conventional school to those in the gifted children cohort of Two
independent factors were identified from the data: social/popular and confident/studious,
with internal reliability.

Research Procedure

This part contains the orderly process that the researchers carried out in the study.

1.) After brainstorming the three titles, Researchers have them checked by the
Research Adviser.
2.) All the Researchers assigned to each part of our conducted titled, the Researchers
study each part and Researchers formulating a Statement of the Problem to better
validated have them by the Assistant Principal.
3.) Then, the Researchers requested a complete list of names of the respondents from

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


the Office of the Registrar. Then, with the help of a Research Adviser,
Researchers begun to calculate the required total number of respondents using the
margin of error.
4.) After being given a list of names, the Researchers solved how many respondents
we needed per section using slovin’s formula the Researchers came out on the
206- Sample size.
5.) With the permission of the Principal and Research Adviser, the survey was
6.) The collected data was classified, encoded, and summarized by the Researchers
after they received the results
7.) Afterwards, the researchers analyzed and interpreted the findings of the study
following the sequence of the problem.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The information gathered from those being interviewed is recorded, evaluated and
analyzed. This overview sets the stage for understanding the role and importance of
statistical treatment in research endeavors across various disciplines.

The following equations are applied:

Weighted Mean: This statistic is used to calculate the respondents' index score.
(∑ wixi)
Formula: x=

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


Where: (∑wixi) = summation for each of the variables related to the subject index score.
N = number of subjects

Pearson Correlation: an inferential-statistics used to identify the relationship

between levels of Communication Skills and Social Interaction.

∑ ( xi− x̄ ) ( yi− ȳ )
Formula: r = x= √ ∑(XI −x ̄ )2 ∑ ¿ ¿
Where: r = correlation coefficient
xi = values of the x – variable in a sample
x̄ = mean of the values of the x-variable
yi =values of the y-variable in a sample
ȳ = mean of the values of the y-variables

Data Gathering Procedure

The following steps are performed by the researchers in gathering the data needed
from the respondents:

1. The researchers collaboratively developed a survey questionnaire consisting of

56 items that aimed to investigate "The Correlation between Communication
Skills and Social Interaction in grade 12 students at Upper Villages Christian
2. The research adviser and the school’s guidance advocate reviewed and

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.


approved the questionnaire.
3. The research team identified all of the grade 12 sections in UVCA and selected
a sample of 206 students as survey respondents, using a simple random sampling
4. The research team drafted a letter of request addressed to the school
administrators, which included a brief explanation of the study, its significance,
and the anticipated benefits.
5. After securing the necessary approvals, the research team administered the
paper survey questionnaire to the selected respondents during a designated class
6. The survey forms did not include any identifying information to protect
respondents' privacy.
7. The research team promised that the collected data would remain confidential
and that only aggregate results would be reported.
8. After the completion of the survey, the research team meticulously reviewed
and manually encoded the survey responses for data analysis.

Correlation between Communication Skills and Social Interactions of
the Grade 12 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y.




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