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IJLI – ISSN: 2833-230X International Journal of Language Instruction Vol. 2; No.

1; 2023

The Effect of Video Clips on Students’ Speaking Performances

Dinh Thi Hong Thuy1*
Thanh Loc Middle and High School, Kien Giang, Vietnam
Corresponding author's email: hongthuyth2@gmail.com

Copyright (c) 2023 Dinh Thi Hong Thuy

Received: 27/07/2022 Revision: 27/03/2023 Accepted: 27/03/2023 Online: 28/03/2023


The literature review is aimed at enhancing the quality of speaking

English learning through video clips. The paper's objectives are to
use technology to stimulate students’ interest in learning English and
to how teachers accelerate students’ speaking English learning in
their classroom. One of the reasons is that frameworks of language
function constrain the design of teaching methods and curricula, and
so this skill is often only used as a motivator or to enrich language
teaching activities. The participants are one hundred eleven students
at Thanh Loc high school 11th Grade and Five English Teachers.
Data collection includes analyzing and discussing the obtained data
in light of the theoretical basis of combining teaching speaking skills
Keywords: English to develop inter-communication competence for learners, and the
speaking, role-play, teacher makes specific recommendations on classroom teaching
technology, video- design and the professional development of learners in the file of
based instruction technology.

Communication by video clip is one of the successful techniques in many countries around the
world. But in Vietnam, it is not quite popular. Video clips allow the students to work with their
friends in the classroom, at home, or anywhere on how an individual or group might behave in
response to a particular situation. Role-playing through technology can help students learn more
easily and efficiently in this type of teaching. Role-playing is often used primarily to promote
speaking skills in class and help students gain more confidence in a second language. Liu &
Ding (2009) pointed out that role-play helps teach speaking skills effectively, interest learners,
and impress learners with the lecture content. The teacher should use the role-playing method.
But most Vietnamese teachers have not been successful in this approach.
Role-playing is an effective learning technique for students and makes communication more
lively. Based on my experience, many problems make students unmotivated to speak English
at Thanh Loc High School. Students were very shy when practicing speaking and acting in a
dialogue at the teacher's request because they felt the students' difficulty, so I found out the
reason through a questionnaire with a few questions about why they did not like it. The results

CITATION | Dinh, T. H. T. (2023). The effect of video clips on students’ speaking performance. International
Journal of Language Instruction, 2(1), 40-50. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54855/ijli.23214
E-ISSN: 2833-230X International Journal of Language Instruction Vol. 2; No. 1; 2023

received from the students were that they were afraid to speak, afraid of wrong pronunciation,
useful vocabulary, and afraid of making grammar mistakes. Rafsanjani et al. (2020) reported
that the teacher used a traditional teaching style that rendered the students bored and unable to
respond when someone presented to them in English, which made them passive participants.
This is the problem that made me think and research how to solve the problem. Kaharuddin &
Rahmadana (2020) related that the teacher gives those exercises with basic sentence patterns,
asking short questions, and using role-plays in short conversations in class can also develop
speaking skills. This study investigates using video clips for role-playing in teaching and
learning to speak English.

Literature review
Saeed et al. (2016) believed that communicative language learners who want to improve their
speaking ability through interactive activities that take place between learners through
conversation combined with information technology to help learners practice better. Krebt
(2017) states that Iraqi English teachers have applied various techniques to teach speaking to
increase comprehension in the classroom, but those techniques have mostly been unsuccessful.
Role-playing is one of the effective ways to teach speaking. I have used role-play in my classes
in my school, but it is not perfect for the student’s sides to practice role-play. Besides that,
Shrosbree (2021) stated that using videos in foreign language classes attracts learners a lot.
Learners can interweave environmental factors to enrich their communication content. Learners
can use technology to enrich and animate videos through role-playing activities that are easy to
edit at their discretion, such as adding subtitles, and illustrations, creating sound and creating
an environment in the communication, helping students develop their speaking skills, ‘model
videos’ that visually demonstrate that learners are expected to do in an oral task by role- play.
Role-playing exercises help students improve their communication abilities and are urged to
grasp and extend their vocabulary learning through conversational exercises (Alabsi, 2016).
Speaking through role–play is very important in speaking English. When used appropriately,
role-playing can be a highly good teaching technique. Teachers shouldn't overlook including
such a speaking exercise because its main objective is increasing student involvement. This
allows learners to apply their technical concepts of a language (Kuśnierek, 2015). These ways
help learners practice role-playing easily, confidently, and effectively. From the basics, students
are free to promote their creativity through non-verbal behavior, turn the original situation into
their own and make it a habit of repeating many times to inculcate their ideas deeper knowledge,
from which learners form behaviors more naturally and more effectively. Pinatih (2021)
mentioned that as just a simulation or an action emulating a person, role-playing could be
characterized as student play acting as someone else in the actual world. Students participate in
role-playing as a way of teaching, speaking, and acting in the roles they are given. The role-
playing method has various benefits that can assist in resolving pupils' speech difficulties.
According to Stokoe (2011), role-playing is divided into two groups. First, this is a comparison
with other forms of communication of learners through practical activities, in the direction of
theory, and responses by action through observation.

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The second is the learners' communication skills through role-playing and non-verbal actions.
From there, the ultimate goal is to create a framework for learners to communicate naturally
and effectively. Shih (2010) pointed out that English has emerged as one of the common
languages that unite people in this age of internationalization and globalization. For scholars
and educators studying the topic of English language education in Taiwan, methods for
promoting and improving the quality of English teaching and learning have thus become more
important. Yükseli & Şevki Kömür (2017) pointed out that the use of online videos as well as
other technology-based materials has attracted the attention of researchers and lecturers,
especially in the last ten years, as communicative language education theories spread all over
the world. Pinatih (2021) considered that in speaking class, students face some problems, such
as students showing little enthusiasm and motivation in speaking, being shy, and being afraid
to speak.
Speaking is a difficult skill that students must master in English. Role-playing is the most
suitable technique for speaking skills in the 21st century, and it has the many benefits of
encouraging students to speak naturally. Gudu (2015) Large classes cause students not to have
the opportunity to practice speaking or speak very little or not at all. This makes students worry
about making mistakes for fear of being criticized or shy. Students are not motivated to express
themselves. This problem makes students limited in communication. This limits students'
ability to communicate; at this time, teachers should find the most suitable support method for
students to develop their communication abilities. Baile & Blatner (2014) role-playing is the
most effective method of communication. The role-playing method includes a warm-up, role-
playing, duplication, and role reversal, which is promoted through the use of video clips.
Through role-playing activities, students have a lot of difficulties when practicing mastering
four skills in learning English, especially speaking students lack vocabulary; this happens
because in the learning process, students are lazy to study, afraid to make mistakes, don't care,
and don't pay attention when teachers teaching.
Research Questions
To fulfill the purpose of the study, the survey was seeking to answer the following research
1. What are the effects of video clips on students speaking performances?
2. What are students’ attitudes towards students speaking performances?

Regarding the research, I used a very convenient technique of collecting opinions through a
questionnaire to collect opinions through a google form. I use this technique to get results that
are easily accessible, close to students, and easy to manipulate for accurate results. I had gotten
with 4 English teachers at Thanh Loc high school and 103 grade 11 students at Thanh Loc high
school by participating in surveys through questionnaires by google form.
Pedagogical Setting & Participants

E-ISSN: 2833-230X International Journal of Language Instruction Vol. 2; No. 1; 2023

An experimental study was conducted at Thanh Loc high school, which was one of the high
schools in Kien Giang Province. Through the general education program, the goal to achieve is
the ability to communicate in English for high school students to reach the b1 level. In the 10th
grade year, students have to complete 16 topics with the final goal of A1. Similarly, in grade
11 students also study 16 topics and communicate in English up to A2 standard, which usually
ranges from 40 to 45 students in a class. The high school English training program, aims to
equip students with the necessary English skills that enable them to continue their studies at the
university level or to have basic communication skills.
The participants of this study are all EFL students at a high school in Kien Giang, which consists
of 103 EFL students who study English at high school. Students who were in grade 11 and
judged to be comparable at practicing speaking performance are enrolled in the studies.
Design of the Study
This study is descriptive, mixed-methods research. Fraenkel et al. (2012) stated that a mixed-
methods design, including both qualitative and quantitative approaches, will be used in this
study. Its benefit is that researchers are better able to collect and evaluate significantly more
varied types of data using numerous approaches than they would be able to use just one. Studies
using a combination of methodologies may favor one strategy over another or give each about
equal weight.
A questionnaire and individual interviews are used to discover more about how teachers regard
active learning. On the other hand, a combination of in-person interviews and classroom
observations is used to examine the benefits and drawbacks of teachers using active learning
approaches in the classroom. This design will integrate quantitative and qualitative approaches,
including a questionnaire, in-person interviews, and classroom observations to explore the two
study questions.
Data collection & analysis
Data is collected from students' speeches in class and speeches via video clips for analysis.
First, a personal talk about a certain topic, then a talk through dialogue in pairs or groups, and
finally, taking by role-play in class and through a video clip. This test aims to find out which
student activities in the live classroom and practice speaking skills through video clips are more
effective for students. Second, to test whether there is any significant difference in students'
influence and learning attitude through video clips. The last part is the investigation through
questions using a google form to get accurate results. The data collection will be conducted for
15 weeks. Three instruments, namely questionnaires, observations, and interviews, will be
carried out, respectively.
The study addressed two research questions. The first study question is, "Does using talk videos
help students improve their public speaking skills?" and the second is, "What do students think
about using videos to help students improve their public speaking skills?" To respond to the
questions, the researcher used a degree of agreement scale ranging from "strongly disagree" to

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"strongly agree." Additionally, the research approach was a mixed-method study. The pupils
choose the answers to inquiries and the provision of fundamental personal data.

Results/Findings and discussion

Presenting the results in the light of the research questions.
The first research question of the study whether, “What are the effects of video clips on students
speaking performances?” Using video clips is an activity that helps students better participate
in speaking skills in class. Besides, students have more opportunities to practice and more time
for their speaking skills, especially for students whom the teacher corrects 100 percent for each
student through their submissions. Besides, students think that speaking is a difficult skill and
they are always scared to practice communicating in a class in English. I had taken a survey
with 112 students who said they felt difficulty when they learned to speak face-to-face with the
teacher in class. I took the survey with Thanh Loc high school students and received the result
from chat 1. When they answered the question, “What are the effects of video clips on students
speaking performances?” Look at chart 1.
Chart 1.

From chart 1, we can see that students had just answered the question, “what skills in English
do you feel difficulty with? The results of the current study, chart 1 shows 72,3% of students
who feel speaking skills are difficult, meaning 81 students feel speaking is difficult. This
reflects that it is difficult for students to meet the requirements in speaking skills, but the rate
of students failing is high. Besides that reading skill, only 45 students felt difficult and took
40,2 %. This is a problem that needs to be solved.

E-ISSN: 2833-230X International Journal of Language Instruction Vol. 2; No. 1; 2023

Chart 2.

Through the survey in chart 2. When students asked, “Do you want the teacher to correct your
pronunciation?”. As a result, 79.6% answered “yes”. This means that students want to be
corrected by the teacher. 8.8% said that they were unconfident may be “yes or no”; also, 8.8%
do not want to correct their mistakes by the teacher. In addition, 2.8% of the students wanted
to ask the teacher to correct their homework.
It is very difficult for teachers to correct all students' pronunciation errors in one period of 45
minis in a large class with up to 40 - 45 students, but with video clips, teachers can use time at
home to correct students' mistakes and feedback. Students can correct themselves by Zalo or
Chart 3

Besides, I also had a survey with teachers in Thanh Loc school with the question "Do you use
video clips in teaching?" and the result is that 60% often use video clips in teaching and 40%
sometimes use this tool. The survey is in chart 3.

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Chart 4.

At Thanh Loc school, there were 5 English teachers. Through survey chart 4, all 5 teachers
usually used video clips to teach speaking skills and listening 60%, and 40% used video clips
for teaching reading skills.
Chart 5.

From chart 5, the teacher asks, “what results do you get from it (video clips)? The results
answered that 100 % of their students were interested in learning through the method during
the speaking time and most practically, they communicate directly.
So far, the answer to the first research question has shown that video clip activities help students
learn better speaking skills.
As for the study's second research question regarding students' attitudes towards this teaching
trick, “What are students’ attitudes towards students speaking performances?
In response to this research question, I took a survey through a questionnaire, and the results
were obtained after about 4 months of applying the experiment with 111 students at Thanh Loc
high school, 72.1 percent of students have a positive attitude. Be positive with this activity. In
chart 6

E-ISSN: 2833-230X International Journal of Language Instruction Vol. 2; No. 1; 2023

Chart 6

As you can see, In chart 6, there were 72,1 % of students said “yes” to the question “Do you
like using video clips for speaking skills?” Besides, there was 26,1% disliked this teaching tool
for speaking skills, and about 0,9% couldn’t decide whether they liked it or not, and 0.9 % gave
a personal opinion.
More importantly, the results are also obtained from the practice of teaching students to
participate in learning with a more positive and excited attitude. The most obvious thing I have
noticed is that students speak more confidently, even when participating in role-playing
communication activities. They are more engaged and use more vocabulary than before, and
the best result I got was the speaking test results of the district's high schools. The student
organization got second place in English speaking contest. Thereby showing the effectiveness
of the teaching method through video clips that helped me initially succeed with students at the
school I am teaching. Pham and Nguyen (2019) found that by using video clips to help students
practice back-to-back communication, both in terms of grammar, pronunciation, and
vocabulary, students still improved more, and through questionnaire, the results showed that
students who used videos to learn to speak English had a positive attitude towards the task.

This section develops from the results to discuss the two research objectives stated before
and the study's weaknesses, pedagogical implications, and ideas for future research. The study's
first purpose is to examine the effects of video clips on students speaking performances. The
results showed that using video clips in teaching speaking skills to help students become more
confident and practice speaking more fluently is evidenced through speech contests at schools,
districts, and provinces. Through the analysis results, 72.1% prefer to use video clips to practice
speaking skills and gain more confidence when speaking in front of a crowd, or performing
through role-playing, based on chart 6 above. Students who have been supported by their
teachers to “prepare, organize, and deliver their presentations” (Nguyen, 2022), can be more
confident, dynamic, and creative when creating attractive video clips that attract listeners.

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Thanks to video clips, students can make advance their speaking skills inside and outside class
(Le, 2022).
The second purpose is that answer the question about students’ attitudes toward students
speaking performances. English communication is very popular nowadays. When entering
university, all schools check English entrance exams, so it is important to pay attention to
English, especially speaking skills that are being improved and investigated. My school's
teachers rated up to 100%. Teachers demonstrate this through speaking tests and contests of
eloquence. This shows that students use video clips regularly to give them confidence,
interwoven with role-playing activities to help students express the material better.
The gap for these studies is to use existing video clip performance, but the student video clip
for students’ control was not rich in the content of them. Through role-playing activities,
students have a lot of difficulties when practicing mastering four skills in learning English,
especially speaking; students lack vocabulary. This happens because, in the learning process,
students are lazy to study, afraid to make mistakes, don't care, and don't pay attention when
teachers teach. Krebt (2017) stated that students use their speaking in every contact they have,
whether inside or outside of the classroom. Such a skill necessitates a large number of
repetitions and is mainly thought of as a neuromuscular rather than a cognitive process.

The purpose of the survey is to find out to what extent the method of teaching speaking skills
to high school students through video clips is effective, and as shown, the results are very
promising. The student's learning progress, as well as the student's learning attitude, improved
markedly. In this activity, students can promote their creativity, record their clips, listen to them,
and review them to correct their own mistakes before the teacher corrects them in class; the
opportunity to work more and practice more, and 100 percent of students have teachers correct
mistakes in pronunciation, grammar, and word form. Moreover, students' vocabulary is
increasingly richer due to self-discovery learned through individual speaking exercises, pairs,
and hands-on role-playing. As technology develops, students spend more time on their phones
for entertainment purposes. This is how we make it possible for them to play and learn at the
same time more effectively and efficiently, as evidenced by: the given ab.
The student's learning progress, as well as the student's learning attitude, improved markedly.
In this activity, students can promote their creativity, record their clips, listen to them, and
review them to correct their own mistakes before the teacher corrects them in class. Moreover,
students' vocabulary is increasingly richer due to self-discovery learned through individual
speaking exercises, pairs, and hands-on role-playing. As technology develops, students spend
more time on their phones for entertainment purposes. This is how we make it possible for them
to play and learn at the same time more effectively and efficiently.

E-ISSN: 2833-230X International Journal of Language Instruction Vol. 2; No. 1; 2023

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Dinh Thi Hong Thuy is an English teacher at Thanh Loc Middle and High school in Giong
Rieng district, Kien Giang province in Vietnam. Up to now, she has been teaching for twenty
years and has a lot of experience in teaching methods and student psychology, problems
students face in learning each time they encounter difficulties.


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