Phys8017 QFT (I) - Spring 2024: Instructor: Chang-Tse Hsieh Problem Set #1 (75 PTS) Due
Phys8017 QFT (I) - Spring 2024: Instructor: Chang-Tse Hsieh Problem Set #1 (75 PTS) Due
Phys8017 QFT (I) - Spring 2024: Instructor: Chang-Tse Hsieh Problem Set #1 (75 PTS) Due
1. Exercise (2.2)
2. Exercise (2.4)
3. Exercise (3.3)
4. Exercise (4.3)
5. [10 pts] Verify that the normalization factors defined in Eqs (3.24)-(3.26) in [Lancaster-Blundell]
are consistent with the definition of a general (occupation number represented) state:
6. [10 pts] Let Â, B̂, and Cˆ be first-quantized single-particle operators and Â, B̂, and Ĉ be their
second-quantized many-body upgrades, respectively. Show that if [Â, B̂] = Cˆ then [Â, B̂] = Ĉ.
(Remember that for a single-particle operator Ô = α,β Oαβ |α⟩ ⟨β|, where the matrix elements
Oαβ = ⟨α| Ô |β⟩ are taken in the single-particle Hilbert space, its second-quantized upgrade takes
the form Ô = α,β Oαβ â†α âβ , where â†α and âβ are creation and annihilation operators acting on
Here we impose the periodic boundary condition ĉ†j+N = ĉ†j and ĉj+N = ĉj .
√1 eikja ck
(1) Write the Hamiltonian in the momentum space using Fourier transform, cj = N k
and c†j = √1N k e−ikja c†k with k ∈ [− πa , πa ), and put it in the form
Ψ†k H(k)Ψk ,
Ĥ =
up to a constant term. Here Ψk = ĉ−k , ĉ†k and H(k) is a 2 × 2 Hermitian matrix of the form
A(k) B(k)
B ∗ (k) −A(k)
, where A(k) and B(k) are some functions of k.
(2) Show that the single-particle Hamiltonian H(k) has a particle-hole symmetry, namely there
exists a 2 × 2 unitary matrix UC such that
Argue that, given a solution of H(k) with energy ϵ and momentum k, there is also a solution with
energy −ϵ and momentum −k according to the above particle-hole symmetry.
(3) Diagonalize H(k) and express Ĥ in the form
X †
Ĥ = ϵk γ̂k γ̂k − 1/2 ,
up to a constant term. Here γ̂k† and γ̂k are certain linear combinations of ĉ†±k and ĉ±k satisfying
fermionic creation and annihilation anti-commutation relations
(4) Set ∆ = t. Plot the energy levels E(k) = ±ϵk (in unit of t) against k for a few values of
µ/t. Determine the values of µ/t where Ĥ becomes gapless (i.e. where the energy gap mink (2|ϵk |)
vanishes) and find the dispersion around the gap-closing momentum k0 , i.e. find E(k − k0 ) for
|a(k − k0 )| ≪ 1.