Ip Camera Thesis

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Writing a thesis on IP cameras can be a daunting task due to the complexity and depth of the subject

matter. IP cameras encompass a wide range of topics including networking, security protocols, image
processing, and hardware design. Gathering relevant information, conducting thorough research, and
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The analysis considered 11 vulnerabilities along with their CVSS scores. Moreover, analysing the
firmware image is error-prone because it requires many manual activities such as assembling
vulnerability, exposing content. Also, there are third-party software that get deeply analyze CCTV
footage and provide certain types of information. IoT devices are used in a variety of IoT
applications, including smart homes, smart grids, self-driving cars, smart cities, smart buildings, and
smart health. Prevalent security vulnerabilities at the physical layer include lack of physical
hardening, lack of proper encryption, weak or hardcoded passwords, weak authentication and
authorization, unnecessarily open ports (e.g., open SSH and Telnet ports), lack of secure boot
process, insecure firmware, and insecure and outdated components. What are the Features of an IP
Camera i. Cable ii. Resolution iii. Digital Zoom What to Consider Before Installing an IP Camera i.
The framework assigns scores to the vulnerabilities using CVSS base metrics. The network camera
captures images the same way any digital camera does. It has high resolution and scalability over
analog cctv cameras. Two of the networks consist of one IoT device with corresponding CVE and
one network with two IoT devices with all their related CVEs. High Resolution ii. Fewer Cables iii.
Independent System iv. The report also assists in understanding the research direction in IoT
vulnerability assessment approaches, making it beneficial for those looking to create new methods for
determining IoT vulnerabilities. Step three is to further filter papers from step two by reviewing the
title, abstract, and conclusion. Explain your objectives, methodology, results and conclusions in a
structured and professional way. Figure 7 shows the trends in research publication by type. These
cameras also have a greater field of view and no unnecessary conversion is required. We further
filtered the papers from the initial query through multiple phase processes, as shown in Figure 5. IP
cameras offer secure data transmission through encryption and. If you have any questions or
comment about IP cameras, please feel free to share it with us. An IP camera works by collecting
data in the form of videos, just like a digital camera, and transmits them to a storage device via the
internet or local area network. Figure 12 shows the distribution of the validation methods in the
studies. It will be of interest to a spectrum of readers, including those in the IoT research community,
researchers in cybersecurity, risk and vulnerability management professionals, and others. The
authors also assume all IoT devices can maintain connection always, which may not be the case in
real environments. SAFER also predicts future security issues that may arise from the device based
on previous vulnerability information and IoT device patching intervals. Unauthorized software and
firmware updates represent a significant attack surface for IoT devices. We have highlighted the
benefits of machine learning techniques for automating the IoT vulnerability assessment.
Vulnerabilities due to insecure ecosystem interfaces could lead to the compromise of an IoT device
or its associated components. There are a large number of service providers to allow for cloud of
your. Motivated by this, we put forward a state-of-the-art systematic literature review on IoT
vulnerability assessment and quantification frameworks. An IP camera does not need a Wi-Fi
connection to function.
The chance of this occurring is then assessed to enhance the precision of the related risk. It offers
background information for cybersecurity researchers and practitioners seeking to understand current
methods and techniques for assessing IoT device vulnerabilities. For example, Shodan is used to
gather information about IoT devices, which is subsequently evaluated by Nessus to see if there are
any potential vulnerabilities and to report their scores. 3.2.2. Quantifying Vulnerabilities Once
vulnerabilities are identified, it is important to quantify them for the purpose of determining their
score. They also calculated a CVSS score based on the base metrics for each device individually.
Distribution of vulnerability assessment frameworks. A Full HD 2-Megapixel camera has a
resolution of 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high. While some brands of security cameras come
with their own digital signal processor, others require you to buy it from third-party vendors at a
token and then connect it. Feature papers are submitted upon individual invitation or
recommendation by the scientific editors and must receive. Figure 8 shows the trends in research
publication by the publishers. In Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Software
Security and Assurance (ICSSA), St. Even though they use up enormous amounts of bandwidth,
they capture and transmit high-quality video resolution over the internet or through local area
networks. An IP camera has a higher resolution than a CCTV camera, which means lesser IP
cameras are needed to monitor a specific area. An IP camera offers higher video quality, which
makes it suitable for monitoring large and narrow areas. Moreover, analysing the firmware image is
error-prone because it requires many manual activities such as assembling vulnerability, exposing
content. If you buy a battery powered wireless IP camera, check in the event the battery is still on
the job. However, the attack graph model used in the experiment is on a small scale, with only a few
IoT devices. Based on the security requirements extracted from the questionnaire, the authors
mapped security questions to NIST SP800-53 and ISO 27001 security standards. Paper should be a
substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for.
Context of application domain Description of the study domain (e.g., critical infrastructures, smart
home, smart health). Analysis of Consumer IoT Device Vulnerability Quantification Frameworks.
Figure 11 also shows a significant number of studies on critical infrastructures. Each IoT device is
assigned a score depending on the number of vulnerabilities detected in the device. They also used
the Markov transition probability matrix to compute the probability distribution of IoMT security
threats. The results from Nessus were stored in a database for manual evaluation and verification.
The Pixar Way: 37 Quotes on Developing and Maintaining a Creative Company (fr. The overall
approach is staged as (i) modelling of the game strategy, (ii) the cost-impact analysis, and (iii) the
computing payoff. The scenarios are based on typical IoT devices and domains, such as smart
healthcare and smart homes. If implemented in actual systems, the framework will be able to assist
users in understanding the privacy of their devices. We developed a checklist of questions for
judging the quality of the papers to ensure that the studies included contributed significantly to the
SLR. The authors extended the original CVSS scoring equation by introducing a set of factors
relevant to a BLE-based IoT system security framework.
Figure 9 shows the distributions of the studies by type and publisher. The study did not actually
indicate which devices were vulnerable and this information would have been useful to the vendors
of the devices to mitigate the vulnerabilities. Nebbione, G.; Calzarossa, M.C. Security of IoT
application layer protocols: Challenges and findings. Specifically, the authors focus on the
relationships among the vulnerabilities and proposed an IIoT risk assessment security framework
based on a weighted and directed attack graph. The framework is based on the Hierarchical Attack
Representation Model (HARM). Alex Kwan Addressing your security needs with V-Secur
Addressing your security needs with V-Secur LMKT Private Limited Viewers also liked ( 20 )
Analog CCTV Cameras vs. We must choose the best product for ourselves in order to bypass the
risks efficiently. To analyse the risk, the IoT vulnerability scores from CVSS are mapped to the 5W-
tree and the risk values are computed using a data flow diagram (DFD). Last but not least, the
practical application of current IoT vulnerability assessment frameworks in IoT contexts still needs
more research. The flow network, which the authors refer to as an attack circuit, aids in the
modelling of potential attack paths as well as the assessment of the security state of the represented
IoT network and each individual device within it. The cables of IP cameras go for half the price of
closed-circuit television cameras. ii. Resolution The major reason why IP cameras stand out from the
rest of the competition is because of their resolution. For example, the CVSS score was calculated
using the likelihood of attack and incorrect estimates. Statistics Make data-driven decisions to drive
reader engagement, subscriptions, and campaigns. The authors used three small networks to
demonstrate the effectiveness of their framework. A vulnerability scan searches the network for a set
of known vulnerabilities, such as device misconfigurations, missing patches, and open ports.
Honeywell hires the best talent because you deserve the best. You will be able to operate this system
through a centralized software network. Furthermore, these databases were chosen due to the fact
that they contain materials that are peer-reviewed. These surveys exclusively focus on IoT
vulnerability identification, detection, and discovery. Cable Unlike most electronic devices, IP
cameras do not come with power cords for powering them. There are a handful of surveys that
specifically focus on the growing IoT vulnerabilities. Generally speaking, no, but it depends on the
particular camera and how you have it set up. This layer contains the application user interface and
provides the end users with application-specific services, such as integrating and analysing data from
IoT devices. Given reported vulnerability instances with no assigned scores, the ML-based method
automatically assigns CVSS scores to the vulnerability instances. These cameras have their own IP
addresses and only need a network connection to start transmitting and receiving video and images.
Simple To Use Web Configuration Remote Utility Broad Range of Applications. A security
vulnerability corresponding to a DoS attack was quantified in the case study. Depending on what
type of camera it is, it may save video to an attached memory source, connect to another device on
the network for storage, or stream captured video to the internet.In internet camera captures images
the same way any digital camera does. High Resolution ii. Fewer Cables iii. Independent System iv.
Since this study only takes into account the five most prevalent vulnerabilities in IoT devices, the
size of vulnerabilities taken into consideration is insufficient.
Conference publication per year is roughly 1.6, while journal publication is almost two per year.
Furthermore, IoT devices that run unnecessary or insecure network services, particularly those
connected to the Internet, threaten information confidentiality, integrity, and availability. A video
streaming and production solution company focused on providing affordable and quality video
products. Many studies have used smart homes or smart buildings as case studies to evaluate and
demonstrate the frameworks. However, each protocol has its different vulnerabilities, thus giving
attackers more than one way of intercepting sessions and tampering with data. Mini IP Outdoor
Camera is such devices that have escalated the living standard of living. CVSS scores are risk
metrics that are calculated based on factors such as impact and exploitability ratings for a CVE.
Three phases of a systematic literature review process. The problem with this approach is that the
attack circuit complexity rises exponentially as the devices in the network increase. Protocols at this
layer such as Message Queuing Telemetry Transfer (MQTT) play a significant role. If the default
password of an IP camera is not changed to a more secure one, hackers may be able to gain
unauthorized access. This approach will only identify publicly disclosed security vulnerabilities that
have been included in the CVE database. The results and discussions are highlighted in Section 5,
followed by possible future directions in Section 6. Shodan is, regrettably, also a preferred tool of
adversaries for carrying out reconnaissance. The study provides insight into current IoT vulnerability
assessment approaches, which is useful for ongoing efforts to characterise cybersecurity risks and
manage IoT vulnerabilities. For more information on the journal statistics, click here. The data
extraction for the selected studies was primarily guided by the form shown in Table 4. Shodan uses a
searchable database to maintain the information discovered on the devices. Note that from the first
issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. Axis Dome IP Camera
adalah Network IP Camera yang didesain. Figure 1 also shows security vulnerabilities related to
each layer of the IoT architecture. 3.1.1. Physical Layer The physical layer, also known as the
perception layer, is the lowest layer of the IoT architecture. This is due to a recent increase in ICS
cyberattacks. The IP address of the devices discovered from Shodan were passed on to Nessus for
scoring the vulnerabilities. Most IP cameras are powered by standard network cables such as Cat 5
and Cat 6. As if that’s not enough, the recorded data is also stored in the memory card, so you can
have it offline if the need arises. This is a complex framework, and it will not work in the absence of
a prior history of vulnerabilities in specific device models and information on how quickly those
vulnerabilities were patched. Distribution of IoT application domains used in the assessment
frameworks. There is no SLR in vulnerability assessment and quantification frameworks. These
cameras also have a greater field of view and no unnecessary conversion is required. The system
model considers the IoT devices as unmovable once installed.
The testbed is composed of a Kali Linux server, a Wi-Fi hotspot, five IoT devices that include smart
things (plug, bulb, camera), and a Google Home Mini, with the aim of finding the most common
vulnerabilities that appear in them. The reason for the majority of home-based IoT research is
because it serves as the basis for IoT deployments. The insights into current IoT vulnerability
assessment approaches, gaps, and research directions provided in this paper are useful for ongoing
efforts to characterise cybersecurity risks and manage IoT vulnerabilities, as well as to develop new
and efficient IoT vulnerability assessment methods. Validation methods Simulation, penetration test,
testbed, etc. Once your system is set up, the only requirement is Internet access. A Full HD 2-
Megapixel camera has a resolution of 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high. Many studies have used
smart homes or smart buildings as case studies to evaluate and demonstrate the frameworks. To
avoid publisher bias, we started by selecting papers from Google Scholar. 4.2.2. Search Keywords
To search the above electronic databases, we formulated search strings. First, we will discuss the
analysis of research trends in IoT vulnerability assessment. Instead of transmitting video over a video
cable to a monitor or DVR, an internet camera transmits digital video over a data connection:
ethernet, USB, WiFi, etc. Since an approach designed for a specific class of IoT devices may not be
viable for IoT systems with heterogeneous device configurations, there is a need to expand these
frameworks or develop new approaches that take IoT device variability and different deployment
contexts into account. Cyberattacks on IoT devices have the potential to expose sensitive data,
disrupt operations, and even endanger lives. While the CVSS scoring system was not designed
specifically for IoT systems, it is widely used by researchers to quantify IoT vulnerabilities, or
indirectly through the Nessus tool. Validation methods for IoT vulnerability assessment approaches.
These databases are the most widely used databases in similar studies. IoT technology is used in
many sectors, such as healthcare, business, and home automation. Step four is to filter papers based
on full inclusion and exclusion criteria. Assessment methods CVSS, Nessus, Game theory, Graph,
Tree, etc. They specifically broaden the authentication metric to include newer security variables
intrinsic to Bluetooth technology. Specifically, the authors focus on the relationships among the
vulnerabilities and proposed an IIoT risk assessment security framework based on a weighted and
directed attack graph. This study covers research published between 2016 and 2022 to identify the
common frameworks used to assess and quantify vulnerabilities in the IoT domain. The aim of the
second research question (RQ2) is to determine the vulnerability score assessment methods used in
the articles. Security of cctv and video surveillance systems: Threats, vulnerabilities, attacks, and
mitigations. So you have to spend extra cash to get a cable that is compatible with your monitoring
device. It provides visibility to the security weakness of a system and a network and helps prioritize
high-risk vulnerabilities that need immediate action. We want to be your partner of has unique
security requirements that a standard off-the-shelf and other collateral; and help you provide a
tailormade solution. Based on these weight values, each link in the attack graph is assessed and given
a new score. Those wonderful devices have helped us capture some of the most important moments
of our lives and history. Social Posts Create on-brand social posts and Articles in minutes. Prevalent
security vulnerabilities at the physical layer include lack of physical hardening, lack of proper
encryption, weak or hardcoded passwords, weak authentication and authorization, unnecessarily
open ports (e.g., open SSH and Telnet ports), lack of secure boot process, insecure firmware, and
insecure and outdated components.
The study provides insight into current IoT vulnerability assessment approaches, which is useful for
ongoing efforts to characterise cybersecurity risks and manage IoT vulnerabilities. The firmware of
the device may also include third-party libraries. Based on the security requirements extracted from
the questionnaire, the authors mapped security questions to NIST SP800-53 and ISO 27001 security
standards. The simulation also has an adversary that intends to steal the database’s root login
information on the physical server in order to obtain business data. Gout, Urate, and Crystal
Deposition Disease (GUCDD). The imagery is then compressed and transmitted over the network.
Dengan desain yang kompak, Axis Dome IP Camera cocok digunakan. Editors select a small number
of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly. When an IP camera
is set up without the internet, it is no different from a CCTV camera. All predicted scores for
privilege are more than 95%, while scores for integrity and exploitability metrics are more than 90%.
The overall approach is staged as (i) modelling of the game strategy, (ii) the cost-impact analysis, and
(iii) the computing payoff. Specifically, the framework creates an attack tree from the attack graph
for each vulnerability, and a maximum flow algorithm is applied to the tree to calculate the attack
risk for various attack paths. Last but not least, the practical application of current IoT vulnerability
assessment frameworks in IoT contexts still needs more research. So image quality remains high even
when transferred over the network. To minimise cyberattacks in IoT, organizations need to conduct
360-degree vulnerability assessments; therefore, there is an urgent need for research on new
approaches that calculate the true score that vulnerability poses to an organisation. Simulation is by
far the most common validation method used in the studies. The authors ran two performance
evaluation experiments using 156,040 vulnerability records from existing repositories as well as data
from crawled websites. Security of cctv and video surveillance systems: Threats, vulnerabilities,
attacks, and mitigations. IEEE published 45% of the studies, followed by Elsevier at 22%. You will
be able to operate this system through a centralized software network. Given the fundamental
differences between IoT and traditional IT systems, the use of default impact and exploitability
factors does not provide security professionals with insight into the IoT-specific risks that IoT
ecosystem vulnerabilities pose. Furthermore, IoT devices that run unnecessary or insecure network
services, particularly those connected to the Internet, threaten information confidentiality, integrity,
and availability. Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present.
When vulnerabilities are sourced from only NVD, the attack vector classifier achieves 90.36%
accuracy. The accuracy increases to 93.68% when data are sourced from both NVD and
SecurityFocus entries. The result shows an upward trajectory in IoT vulnerability assessment
publications. When you purchase peace of mind from Amcrest in the form of the latest Wireless IP
camera it will make you feel even more secure in your home. Whether you need to upgrade an old
analog system to digital, create a complete end-to-end solution, or simply add new surveillance
components, D-Link has the knowledge and experience to help you succeed. Specifically, to our
knowledge, no systematic literature review (SLR) on IoT vulnerability assessment frameworks has
been conducted. Also, there are third-party software that get deeply analyze CCTV footage and
provide certain types of information. If you buy a battery powered wireless IP camera, check in the
event the battery is still on the job.

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