Ring Car Board II With OCSS Feature Setup Document: Preliminary - AAA30005AAI
Ring Car Board II With OCSS Feature Setup Document: Preliminary - AAA30005AAI
Ring Car Board II With OCSS Feature Setup Document: Preliminary - AAA30005AAI
Preliminary - AAA30005AAI
This work contains proprietary information and is the property of Otis Elevator Company. It is
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Revision History
30005-101 08/25/94 J. Stone Chnaged comment for British Standard fire code.
30005-83 08/25/94 J. Stone Added Car Failed to Start signal tests.
30005-91 08/26/94 J. Stone Added EHS selectable time.
30005-222 09/01/94 J. Collins Converted EN-SHB to a bit mask and added the “L” bit to
enable/disable lanterns during separate riser operation.
30005-214 09/02/94 J. Collins Added CPC-O to select either the link for the CPCs.
30005-81 09/12/94 J. Stone Updated SES feature setup.
30005-82 09/27/94 J. Collins Added the ability to specify different PI types for each of the
serial links.
30005-106 09/27/94 J. Collins Added Dot Matrix Pis.
30005-81 09/27/94 J. Stone Added SESPRO to SES PhaseII setup.
30005-80 09/30/94 D. Hughes Added Emergency Power Operation: Rescue Operation Setup
30005-111 10/01/94 J. Collins Re-added the FSR output (#2494). Added GFSL1 (#2564)
through GFSL60 (#2623).
30005-117 10/13/94 J. Stone Add DDSR2 relay for Taiwan
10/14/94 J. Stone Updated ELD with new version of ELD Setup Guide.
30005-114 10/14/94 J. Stone Update CRO operation.
30005-119 10/17/94 J. Collins Added the SYNCH. CLOCKS command to the service tool (Menu
30005-128 10/19/94 J. Collins Replaced the LWTYPE and MC-ICD parameters with the MCSS-
O parameter.
30005-132 10/28/94 J. Stone Generic security override by ISC is now global instead of element
30005-136 11/10/94 J. Stone Update SES setup.
30005-147 12/02/94 D. Hughes Removed “D” bit in EPO-O parameter and replaced with
mandatory addressing of discrete relays for discrete-based EPO.
30005-159 12/16/94 J. Stone Rename EN-MOD to EN-EMO.
30005-160 12/16/94 J. Stone Remove P bit from ISC-O parameter.
30005-162 12/19/94 J. Stone Add comments to the ISC setup.
30005-178 12/25/94 J. Collins Added GNGDLY to specify activation/deactivation delay for
down hall lanterns using HL-SET=3, 4, 6, 8, or 9.
30005-177 12/25/94 J. Collins Deactivate MIT Next Selected Car lantern at lobby if both the “F”
and “f” bits of MIT-O are zero.
02/06/95 D. Hughes Corrected description of AEPS output
02/10/95 D. Hughes Renamed LFC (#434) to LFCC and LR (#2492) to LFCG.
30005-191 02/10/95 J. Collins Renamed EN-MT5 to EMS-O.
30005- 02/15/95 D. Hughes Updated description for discrete-based EPO.
30005-205 02/21/95 J. Collins Grouped EZ parameters under the Rise Group.
03/07/95 J. Stone Add to Singapore SES setup.
30005-284 03/08/95 J. Collins Modified SRO to disable rear car calls with allowed masks.
30005-312 03/27/95 J. Stone Add Chicago-94 SES
Table of Contents:
RSL & Installation Parameter Description....................................................................................
Service Tool Menus......................................................................................................................
ADA Door Dwell..........................................................................................................................
ADA Emergency Communications...............................................................................................
Anti-Crime Protection Operation (ACP).......................................................................................
Anti-Nuisance Operation (ANS)...................................................................................................
Attendant Operation (ATT)...........................................................................................................
Available Signal Lamps................................................................................................................
Cafeteria Position (CFT)...............................................................................................................
Call Generation, Random..............................................................................................................
Cancel Door Dwell Time..............................................................................................................
Car Call Card Reader, car link (CRC)...........................................................................................
Car Call Card Reader, hall link (CRH)..........................................................................................
Car Call Cutoff.............................................................................................................................
Car Calls Behind..........................................................................................................................
Car Calls to Terminal Landings....................................................................................................
Card Reader Lock down (CRL)....................................................................................................
Card Reader Operation (CRO)......................................................................................................
Car Failed To Start (CFTS)...........................................................................................................
Car Position Contacts (CPC).........................................................................................................
Car Secure Access........................................................................................................................
Car to Landing Operation.............................................................................................................
Channeling (CHN)........................................................................................................................
Contract Enabling.........................................................................................................................
Correction Operation (COR).........................................................................................................
Crowd Sensing..............................................................................................................................
Delayed Car Protection Operation (DCP)......................................................................................
Disable Doors Feature...................................................................................................................
Distress Signal..............................................................................................................................
Door Configuration: Front............................................................................................................
Door Configuration: Rear.............................................................................................................
Door Hold Button Operation (DHB).............................................................................................
Door Lock Failure Operation (DLF).............................................................................................
Door Time Close Operation (DTC)...............................................................................................
Door Time Monitoring (PMO)......................................................................................................
Door Time Open Operation (DTO)...............................................................................................
Door Dwell Times........................................................................................................................
Double Riser of Hall Buttons........................................................................................................
Drive Brake Failure Operation (DBF)...........................................................................................
Drives: Direct Drives....................................................................................................................
Drives: Group Successive Starting (GSS)......................................................................................
Drives: Velocity Profiles...............................................................................................................
E335M System Setup....................................................................................................................
Earthquake Operation (EQO)........................................................................................................
Electroluminescent Display (ELD)...............................................................................................
ELD Interface Board LED Definitions..........................................................................................
Emergency Medical Operation (EMT)..........................................................................................
Emergency Medical Car Operation (EMK)...................................................................................
Emergency Power Operation: Automatic......................................................................................
Emergency Power Operation: Automatic Transfer To/From Standby Power.................................
Emergency Power Operation: Discrete-Based...............................................................................
Emergency Power Operation: Intergroup......................................................................................
This document has been created to aid in setting up the Operational Control Sub-System software. Each
feature description contains the following information:
· Feature Description. This description is usually derived from the product Terms of Reference
· Inputs and Outputs. This subsection describes the I/O required for contracting this feature.
Listed is the I/O's acronym, number, serial link, description, and active state.
· Installation Parameters. This subsection describes the installation parameters required for
contracting this feature. Listed is the installation parameters acronym, location, description, and
disabling value.
· Setup. Describes in more detail how each feature can be configured.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
ASL2-P 6 Fire service second alternate recall landing 255
FSKTYP 6 Fire service switch types N/A
Inputs and Outputs Table
The six columns of the inputs and outputs table are defined as follows:
· Name: The associated acronym
· #: The location in the EEprom
· I/O: Input or Output
· Link: Car, Hall or Group
· Description: The description of the I/O
· Active: The active state of the input: Without voltage or Low(L), and with voltage or
High(H). All outputs have a dash ('-') to signify the output is activated by introducing a
The above example gives the following information:
· The input ESH is located on the car link at 324. The input is for the HOLD position of the
fireman's switch and is active when the input has voltage, active high.
· The output FSR is located on the group link at 2494. The output is the group fire service
lamp and is activated by introducing a ground.
· The input EQS is located on the hall link at 1293. The input is for the earthquake sensor
and is active when the input has no voltage, active low.
M,1,2: TEST
M,1,2,1: RSL I/O
M,1,2,1,1: CAR RSL I/O
M,1,2,1,2: HALL RSL I/O
M,1,2,1,3: GROUP RSL I/O
M,1,2,2: LOGS
M,1,2,2,1: EVENT LOG
M,1,2,2,2: OPMODE LOG
M,1,2,2,3: CPU LOG
M,1,2,2,4: RING LOG
M,1,2,2,5: CALL LOG
M,1,2,3,2: CAR RESULTS
M,1,5: CLEAR
M,1,7: CLOCK
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
ADA-T 3 ADA lantern dwell time 0
The ADA-T parameter is used to enable the ADA Door Dwell feature. This parameter holds the
minimum acceptable time from notification that the car is answering a hall call until the doors of that car
start to close.
The following formula should be used to calculate the ADA-T value for each car in the group:
ADA-T = Distance (ft) / (1.5 ft/s)
ADA-T = Distance (mm) / (445 mm/s)
where "ADA-T" is the total time in seconds and "Distance" is the distance (in feet or millimeters) from a
point in the lobby or corridor 60 inches (1525 mm) directly in front of the farthest hall call button
controlling that car to the centerline of its hoist way door.
The minimum acceptable notification time is 5 seconds.
Installation Parameters
Addressing all the I/Os is the only setup required.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
IST-P 7 Intermediate stopping position 255
The IST-P parameter needs to be set to a valid building landing and at least one of the inputs needs to
The IST-P parameter can have the following values:
· 1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64, car stops in both directions
· 101 to 164 = landing 1 to 64, car stops in up direction only
· 201 to 254 = landing 1 to 54, car stops in down direction only
· 255 = disables
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
ANS 3 Anti-nuisance car call limit 0
The ANS parameter need to be defined with the number of calls that trigger this operation when the load
is anti-nuisance. Valid values range from 0 to 255.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
ANNU-T 3 Annunciator panel buzzer delay time 255
ATT 3 Attendant operation type N/A
The ATT parameter needs to be defined with the correct attendant operation type. The following values
are valid types:
· 0 = No annunciator panel, start with DCB
· 1 = No annunciator panel, start with ATTU/ATTD or DCB
· 2 = No annunciator panel, start with DCB
· 3 = Annunciator panel, start with DCB
· 4 = Annunciator panel, start with ATTU/ATTD or DCB
The inputs and outputs need to be addressed according to the attendant operation type selected.
If an annunciator panel is used, the ANNU-T parameter defines the time interval between buzzer pulses
when the car has demand. Note that a time of zero constantly sounds the buzzer.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
CFT-P 2 Cafeteria landing position 255
CFT-NT 2 Cafeteria landing door time N/A
EN-CK 3 Enable cancel door time 0
The CFT-P parameter needs to be defined to a valid building landing:
· 1 to 64 = landings 1 to 64
· 255 = disabled
The CFT-NT parameter needs to be defined to the desired door time at the cafeteria landing position.
· 0 to 255 = 0 to 25.5 seconds
Under normal operation the door close button does not cancel door times. If desired, the door close
button is allowed to cancel the door times when the EN-CK parameter is set to the value 2.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
RAND-H 5 Random hall call generator time 0
RAND-C 5 Random car call generator time 0
To activate the random hall call generator, the RAND-H parameter needs to be defined.
· 0 = Disabled
· 1 to 255 = A hall call is generated every 1 to 255 seconds
To activate the random car call generator, the RAND-C parameter needs to be defined.
· 0 = Disabled
· 1 to 255 = A car call is generated every 1 to 255 seconds
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EN-CK 3 Enable cancel door time 0
The EN-CK parameter defines how the door dwell time can be canceled.
· 0 = disabled
· 1 = enabled, car button cancels door dwell
· 2 = enabled, door close button cancels door dwell
Note the some regions do not allow this feature to be enabled.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EN-CRC 7 Enable car call card reader operation 0
Car call card reader operation can be activated by the CCRCCC or CCRCCH inputs, or by a request from
EMS. If EMS is not the only source used to activate card reader operation, at least one of the mentioned
inputs needs to be addressed. These signals are considered to be the card reader contact inputs which
activate/de-activate card reader operation.
The EN-CRC parameter needs to be defined according to the desired car call card reader operation.
· 0 = All car calls allowed.
· 1 = Activation of card reader allows calls.
· 2 = Same as type 1, except ISC operation allows calls to secured landings.
· 3 = Activation of card reader, and activation (high) of CRIC or RCRIC allows car calls at the
specific landings. If card reader is not active, allow car calls to all landings.
· 4 = Same as type 3, except ISC operation allows calls to secured landings.
· 5 = Activation of card reader, and activation (low) of CRIC or RCRIC allows car calls at the
specific landings. If card reader is not active, allow car calls to all landings.
· 6 = Same as type 5, except ISC operation allows calls to secured landings.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EN-CRH 7 Enable car call card reader operation 0
Car call card reader operation is activated by the CCRCHH input. This signal is considered to be the
card reader contact input which activates/de-activates card reader operation
The EN-CRH parameter needs to be defined according to the desired car call card reader operation.
· 0 = All car calls allowed.
· 1 = Activation of card reader allows calls.
· 2 = Same as type 1, except ISC operation allows calls to secured landings.
· 3 = Activation of card reader, and activation (high) of CRIH or RCRIH allows car calls at the
specific landings. If card reader is not active, allow car calls to all landings.
· 4 = Same as type 3, except ISC operation allows calls to secured landings.
· 5 = Activation of card reader, and activation (low) of CRIH or RCRIH allows car calls at the
specific landings. If card reader is not active, allow car calls to all landings.
· 6 = Same as type 5, except ISC operation allows calls to secured landings.
Installation Parameters
At least one of the inputs needs to be addressed.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EN-CCO 3 Enable car calls in the opposite direction 0
The EN-CCO parameter defines if car calls are allowed in the opposite direction of the car's current
· 0 = Disabled, car calls allowed in current direction
· 1 = Enabled, car calls allowed always
Installation Parameters
The inputs must be addressed correctly.
Note that for buildings with Odd Travel, the calls to the top or bottom landing are dependent upon the
RSL address in the EEPROM for car calls. This requires that the car call addresses above the top landing
and below the bottom landing are 00-0.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EN-CRC 7 Enable car call card reader operation 0
SAR-P 7 Secure return position 255
SAR-DR7 Door N/A
state at
Secure and shut down operation is activated using the HCRC input.
The EN-CRC parameter needs to be defined.
· 9 = Secure and shut down
The SAR-P parameter must be defined with the CRL return landing.
· 1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
· 255 = disabled
The SAR-DR parameter must be defined with the CRL door state at the return landing.
· 0 = Park with both doors closed
· 1 = Park with the front door opened
· 2 = Park with the rear door opened
· 3 = Park with both doors opened
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EN-CRC 7 Enable car call card reader operation 0
SAR-P 7 Secure return position 255
SAR-DR 7 Door state at the Secure return position N/A
Car call card reader operation can be activated by the CCRCCC or CCRCCH inputs, or by a request from
EMS. If EMS is not the only source used to activate card reader operation, at least one of the mentioned
inputs needs to be addressed.
The SAR-P parameter must be defined with the CRL return landing.
· 1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
· 255 = disabled
The SAR-DR parameter must be defined with the CRL door state at the return landing.
· 0 = Park with both doors closed
· 1 = Park with the front door opened
· 2 = Park with the rear door opened
· 3 = Park with both doors opened
The EN-CRC parameter needs to be defined according to the desired car call card reader operation.
· 7 = Activation of card reader, and activation (low) of CRIC or RCRIC allows car calls at the
specific landings. If card reader is not active, allow car calls to all landings. Automatic
return to the SAR-P landing.
· 8 = Same as type 7, except ISC operation allows calls to secured landings.
Installation Parameters
The CFTS signal must be addressed to a hall link output.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
CPC-O 8 Car Position Contacts Options N/A
To track the car's actual position in the hoist way, each landing needs to be assigned to the corresponding
CPC output.
If the “C” bit of CPC-O is active, the CPC01-CPC80 outputs will be transmitted on the Car Link. If the
“H” bit of CPC-O is active, the CPC01-CPC80 outputs will be transmitted on the Hall Link. If both the
“C” and “H” bits of CPC-O are active, the CPC01-CPC80 outputs will be transmitted on both the Car and
Hall links.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
SAC-D1 7 Secure access master code digit 1 0
SAC-D2 7 Secure access master code digit 2 0
SAC-D3 7 Secure access master code digit 3 0
SACTYP 7 Secure access characteristics 255
CSA1 through CSA6 are assigned the same addresses as 6 of the first 10 front car buttons, which are used
by the passengers to enter the landing access codes and master access codes. These need to be addressed
to disable the buttons TTL. Note that only front car buttons can be used as secure access buttons, and
that some odd travel setups may reduce the number of possible security codes.
The three position spring loaded toggle switch needs to be addressed to the CSAC and CSAK inputs,
while the "Reserved Landing" sign is addressed to the output CSAL. The group input and output, GSAK
and GSAL, need also to be addressed.
The SAC-D1, SAC-D2 and SAC-D3 parameters are assigned the three digit master code, respectively.
· 1 to 10 = valid car call button 1 to 10
· When the master code is programmed into these three parameters, the button number is used.
For example, if the master code was the first three front car call buttons, the SAC-D1, SAC-
D2, and SAC-D3 parameters would be assigned 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
The SACTYP parameter defines how secure access operation operates.
· 0 = Landings cleared at any time, ISC does not override security
· 1 = Landings cleared at any time, ISC overrides security
· 10 = Landings cleared only when secured, ISC does not override security
· 11 = Landings cleared only when secured, ISC overrides security
· 255 = Disabled
To assign a landing access code to a landing:
· Place the car secure access switch in the SECURE (CSAK) position.
· Press the car button of the landing to be secured.
· Use the defined six car buttons to enter the 3-digit master access code.
· Use the defined six car buttons to enter a 3-digit landing access code.
· Release the car secure access switch.
· The landing is now secured.
To desecure a landing without clearing the landing access code:
· Place the car secure access switch in the CLEAR (CSAC) position.
· Press the car button of the landing to be desecured.
· Use the defined six car buttons to enter a 3-digit landing access code.
· Release the car secure access switch.
· The landing is now desecured.
To secure a desecured landing without changing the landing access code:
· Place the car secure access switch in the SECURE (CSAK) position.
· Press the car button of the landing to be secured.
· Use the defined six car buttons to enter a 3-digit landing access code.
· Release the car secure access switch.
· The landing is now secured.
To clear a landing access code:
· Place the car secure access switch in the CLEAR (CSAC) position.
· Press the car button of the landing to be cleared..
· Use the defined six car buttons to enter a 3-digit master access code.
· Release the car secure access switch.
· If the SACTYP parameter is less than 10 or if the landing is secured, the landing access code
is cleared.
· The landing is now desecured.
Refer to the chapter Ring Communications, Contractible bits to ensure the secure access ring
communnication bit is defined correctly.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
CTL-P 3 Car to landing position 255
CTL-O 3 Car to landing options N/A
PKSTYP 7 Car to landing shutdown switch polarity N/A
The CTL-P parameter defines the return landing. To disable CTL operation, set CTL-P to 255. The
CTL-O parameter is a bitmask which defines the following options:
· F bit = 0: keep the front doors closed at the CTL position
· F bit = 1: open the front doors at the CTL position
· R bit = 0: keep the rear doors closed at the CTL position
· R bit = 1: open the rear doors at the CTL position
· H bit = 0: answer both car calls and hall calls when returning
· H bit = 1: answer only car calls when returning
The PKSTYP parameter defines the polarity of the PKS input of the toggle switch.
· 0 = The PKS input is active low
· 1 = The PKS input is active high
The inputs needs to be addressed to the three position switch.
Note: To perform the shutdown feature, the car must be at the CTL-P landing position on ISC mode,
with a door open.
Channeling (CHN)
Feature Description
Elevator performance throughout the morning up-peak period is measured by the speed in which people
are moved from the lobby to their respective floors within the building. The time spent by a passenger
during a typical up-peak run can be broken into two major phases: waiting time at the lobby and riding
time in the car.
Moderate Incoming Traffic (MIT) provides a means to move large amounts of people into the building.
This is accomplished by repeatedly sending the cars in the group to the lobby and dispatching these cars
when they have been loaded with passengers. A person boarding a car during MIT may enter a car call to
any floor above the lobby. As the car is loaded, many car calls are entered throughout the entire
building. The ride times and the round trip times of the car increase with the number of stops the car
must make on an up-peak run.
Up-peak performance could be enhanced if the round trip time of the car was decreased without
substantially increasing the waiting time at the lobby. Channeling enhances system performance during
up-peak by reducing the round trip time of each car. This is accomplished by grouping passengers going
to the same general area of the building into the same car. The rise is divided into sectors. When a car is
approaching the lobby, it chooses a sector and will only serve floors contained within that sector. The
round trip time of the car is decreased due to the small number of landings being served.
The size and number of sectors is the most important aspect of Channeling. The most significant
performance increase will result from sectors which share the same traffic density, not necessarily the
same size. High traffic zones should be placed into smaller sectors, as there exists a large probability that
car calls will be entered to most of the floors within the sector. Low traffic zones can be placed into
larger sectors because of the low probability of receiving car calls throughout the entire sector. Sectors
which share the same traffic density will have similar round trip times. If the round trip time of each car
is equivalent, the performance increase will be maximized.
As a general rule, the number of sectors should not exceed one less than the number of cars available for
Channeling. However, for maximum effect, the size and number of sectors should be based upon traffic
density, not necessarily the number of cars. Though theoretically a larger number of sectors has a bigger
performance improvement, it might cause passenger confusion and irritation, especially at a modernized
building or a site with an ever changing population. If the number of sectors is too small, resulting in
large sectors, Channeling performance benefits are reduced.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
CHN-EN 4 CHN Enable 0
CHN-ST 4 CHN Traffic Induced Start Time 0
CHN-T 4 CHN Timeout 0
The CHN-EN parameter enables Channeling operation.
· 0 = disable Channeling
· 1 = enable Static Channeling
· 2 = enable Fixed Channeling
· 3 = enable Fixed Non-Rotational Channeling
The CHN-ST parameter specifies the period in which two cars, with loads greater than or equal to CHN-
LD, must depart the lobby to begin traffic induced Channeling.
· 0 = disable traffic induced Channeling
· 1 to 255 = 1 to 255 seconds
The CHN-T parameter specifies the period in which no cars depart the lobby for Channeling to be
· 0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds
The CHN-LD parameter defines the load state which activates Channeling. This load state is also used to
immediately dispatch a car from the lobby during Channeling.
· 0 to 5 = load states 0 to 5
The CHN-DT parameter specifies the period which must expire before a car is dispatched from the lobby
to serve demand in its sector.
· 0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds
The CHN-EA parameter specifies the period in RRT (dispatching) seconds at which the car will attempt
to assign a sector. This allows the ELD sector message to be displayed early.
· 1 to 9 = 1 to 9 RRT seconds
The CHN-AT parameter specifies the period of inactivity before releasing an assigned sector at the lobby,
in an attempt to get a new, more active, sector.
· 0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds
The CHN-O parameter specifies various Channeling options using a bit mask. All cars in the group must
have this parameter set to the same value.
· H = 0: hall ELD failures terminate Channeling
· H = 1: ignore hall ELD failures
· C = 0: car ELD failures terminate Channeling
· C = 1: ignore car ELD failures
· B = 0: disable basement sector during Static Channeling
· B = 1: enable basement sector during Static Channeling
· D = 0: up basement demand must depart at or below the lobby
· D = 1: up basement demand is allowed to travel above the lobby
· U = 0: OCSS up-peak clock activates Channeling after a car departs lobby
· U = 1: OCSS up-peak clock immediately activates Channeling
The CHN-T1 through CHN-T8 parameters specify a set of fixed sectors. CHN-T1 specifies the top
landing of the first fixed sector. If a basement sector is desired, CHN-T1 must be set to the landing
below the lobby. If no basement sector is desired, CHN-T1 must be set to a position above the lobby.
The remaining sectors must specify landings above the lobby. The final sector must be set to the top of
the rise.
· 1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
· 255 = disabled
The CHN-A through CHN-H parameters specify the sectors assigned to each car in the group during
Fixed Non-Rotational Channeling.
· 0 = disabled
· 1 to 8 = sector 1 to 8
Static Channeling
Static Channeling divides the floors above the lobby into equal sized sectors, based upon the number of
cars in the group available for Channeling. It is also possible, to define the basement as a sector. If the
number of cars in the group changes, the Static sectors will be adjusted accordingly. Static Channeling
performance is maximized when the traffic distribution of the rise is evenly distributed.
The number of Static sectors calculated is one less than the number of cars in the group available for
Channeling. Should the group have only one car available for Channeling, one Static sector will be used.
If the “B” bit of the CHN-O parameter is set to zero or the number of cars available for Channeling is less
than three, a basement sector will not be calculated. The bounds of the Static sectors will be calculated
by partitioning the floors above the lobby into equal sized sectors and distributing any extra floors among
the lowest sectors.
If the “B” bit of the CHN-O parameter is set to one and the number of cars available for Channeling is
three or more, a basement sector will be calculated. The first Static sector will range from the bottom of
the rise to the floor below the lobby. The remaining Static sectors will be calculated by partitioning the
floors above the lobby into equal sized sectors and distributing any extra floors among the lowest sectors.
When the number of cars in the group available for Channeling changes, the Static sectors will be
adjusted accordingly and the new sectors will be used by the next car which assigns itself to a sector.
This means there may be a period of overlap, as the cars switch from the old set of Static sectors to the
new set of Static sectors.
Static Channeling is enabled by setting the CHN-EN parameter to one.
Fixed Channeling
Static Channeling is most effective when the traffic density of the building is evenly distributed
throughout the entire rise. However, if the traffic density of the rise is not even, Static Channeling may
over-serve some portions of the rise and under-serve other portions of the rise.
To address this problem, Fixed Channeling was created. During Fixed Channeling, a rise is divided into
a set of Fixed sectors, which are defined in the CHN-T1 through CHN-T7 parameters. The Fixed sectors
maximize Channeling performance by evenly distributing the traffic in the building within the sectors.
The number of Fixed sectors may not exceed one less than the number of cars in the group available for
If no basement sector is desired, the first sector will begin at the floor above the lobby and end at CHN-
T1. The second sector will begin at the floor above CHN-T1 and end at CHN-T2. The final Fixed sector
must be set to the top floor in the rise.
If a basement sector is desired, CHN-T1 should be set to the floor below the lobby. The first sector will
begin at the bottom of the rise and end at CHN-T1. The second sector will begin at the floor above the
lobby and end at CHN-T2. The third sector will begin at the floor above CHN-T2 and end at CHN-T3.
The final Fixed sector must be set to the top floor in the rise.
If the Fixed sectors are invalid, Static Channeling will be performed. If the number of cars in the group
available for Channeling falls below that required to use the Fixed sectors, Static Channeling will be
performed. Once the number of cars in the group available for Channeling is at least one greater than the
number of Fixed sectors, Fixed Channeling will be resumed.
Fixed Channeling is enabled by setting the CHN-EN parameter to two.
Fixed Non-Rotational Channeling
During Fixed Non-Rotational Channeling, a set of Fixed sectors, which are defined in the CHN-T1
through CHN-T8 parameters, are permanently assigned to specific cars in the group. This reduces the
passenger confusion caused by assigning a car to a different sector each time it arrives at the lobby,
especially at sites with a constantly changing population.
Furthermore, some lobbies are designed in a way which prevents passengers from being able to see all of
the Hall ELDs at the same time. In this case, Static and Fixed Channeling might not be feasible, as
passengers can not determine which car to board. Assigning specific cars to specific sectors allows the
placement of physical signs in the lobby to direct passengers towards a specific set of cars and; therefore,
eliminates the need for ELDs.
If no basement sector is desired, the first sector will begin at the floor above the lobby and end at CHN-
T1. The second sector will begin at the floor above CHN-T1 and end at CHN-T2. The final Fixed sector
must be set to the top floor in the rise.
If a basement sector is desired, CHN-T1 should be set to the floor below the lobby. The first sector will
begin at the bottom of the rise and end at CHN-T1. The second sector will begin at the floor above the
lobby and end at CHN-T2. The third sector will begin at the floor above CHN-T2 and end at CHN-T3.
The final Fixed sector must be set to the top floor in the rise.
The CHN-A to CHN-H parameters are used to assign each car in the group to a specific sector by placing
the sector number into the appropriate car parameter. Up to eight Fixed sectors can be assigned to an
eight car group. However, it is recommended that each sector be served by at least two cars, just in case
one of the cars is taken out of service.
If the Fixed sectors are invalid or all of the Fixed sectors are not served by at least one car, Fixed Non-
Rotational Channeling will be terminated and MIT will be used to serve the up-peak traffic.
Fixed Non-Rotational Channeling is enabled by setting the CHN-EN parameter to three.
Dynamic Channeling
Fixed Channeling addressed the problem of uneven traffic distribution throughout the rise by defining a
set of Fixed sectors. However, in a typical up-peak period, the traffic distribution of the rise changes as
specific portions of the rise are populated. In other words, to maximize Channeling performance, the
sector definitions should be modified throughout the up-peak period to maintain an even traffic
distribution in the sectors.
To address this scenario, the ADS Dynamic Channeling algorithm was created. The ADS maintains two
time periods related to the morning up-peak, the up-trend interval and the up-peak interval. The up-trend
interval is a fixed period of time in which up-peak is possible. The up-peak interval is a period during
the up-trend interval in which the ADS predicts the morning up-peak will occur.
The ADS can send sectors which are Static or Dynamic in nature. Static ADS sectors are sent to the
OCSS during the ADS up-trend interval. The number and size of Static ADS sectors is calculated by
dividing the floors above the lobby into equal sized sectors and distributing any extra floors among the
lower sectors. During the ADS up-peak interval, Dynamic sectors are sent to the OCSS. Dynamic
sectors vary in size and number based on the real-time prediction of the current up-peak period and the
history of previous up-peak periods in the building.
When the ADS begins up-peak, it places the group into MIT for a few minutes, by activating its up-peak
clock. If the up-peak traffic dissipates, the ADS will terminate MIT without ever triggering Channeling.
Should the up-peak traffic persist, the ADS will send sector definitions to place the group into
When the Dynamic sectors change, the new sectors will be used by the next car which assigns itself to a
sector. This means there may be a period of overlap, as the cars switch from the old set of Dynamic
sectors to the new set of Dynamic sectors.
Dynamic Channeling is enabled by setting up one of the Channeling algorithms described above. In
other words, Dynamic Channeling is enabled if the CHN-EN parameter is set to one, two, or three.
Channeling Activation
For Channeling to be activated, the CHN-EN parameter must be setup and the CHNRQ group request
must be active.
If the EMS activates its up-peak clock, the group will immediately perform Channeling. If the ADS
activates its up-peak clock and sends a set of sectors to each OCSS to be used during Channeling, the
group will immediately perform Channeling.
Channeling will be traffic induced if two cars depart the lobby with a load greater than or equal to the
CHN-LD parameter within the time specified by the CHN-ST parameter. Traffic induced Channeling
can be disabled by setting CHN-ST to zero. Because Channeling is designed to handle a steady up-peak
period, it is recommended that traffic induced Channeling be disabled.
If the “U” bit of the CHN-O parameter is set to zero and the UPC signal is active, Channeling will be
clock induced after one car leaves the lobby with a load greater than or equal to the CHN-LD parameter.
If the “U” bit of the CHN-O parameter is set to one and the UPC signal is active, Channeling will be
immediately clock induced. The UPC signal is disabled if the ADS or GCB is part of the group.
Channeling Termination
If the EMS activated Channeling by turning on its up-peak clock, Channeling will be terminated
immediately after the EMS deactivates its up-peak clock. If the ADS activated Channeling by turning on
its up-peak clock and sending a set of sectors, Channeling will be terminated immediately after the ADS
deactivates its up-peak clock.
If the OCSS activated Channeling, it will be terminated when the UPC signal is deactivated and the
period specified by the CHN-T parameter expires. Each time a car with a load greater than or equal to
CHN-LD leaves the lobby, Channeling will continue for at least the time specified by CHN-T. Because
Channeling is designed to handle a steady up-peak period, it is recommended that the CHN-T parameter
be set to zero to immediately terminate Channeling after the UPC signal is deactivated.
If a car’s Hall ELD is not functioning and the “H” bit of the CHN-O parameter is set to zero, Channeling
will be terminated for that car. If the “H” bit of the CHN-O parameter is set to one, that car will ignore
its Hall ELD failure.
If a car’s Car ELD is not functioning and the “C” bit of the CHN-O parameter is set to zero, Channeling
will be terminated for that car. If the “C” bit of the CHN-O parameter is set to one, that car will ignore
its Car ELD failure.
Serving A Sector
When a car is approaching the lobby and its RRT time to the lobby is less than or equal to the value
specified by the CHN-EA parameter, it will attempt to assign a sector.
A car serving a sector will only allow car calls in its sector and any existing car calls which may have
already been entered prior to the sector assignment. There are many hall call restrictions designed to
quickly return the car to the lobby during Channeling.
If the car has demand, it will remain at the lobby for the time specified by the CHN-DT parameter. If the
car’s load is greater than or equal to the CHN-LD parameter, it will immediately be dispatched to serve
its up-peak traffic.
If the car does not have demand and the time specified by the CHN-AT parameter expires, the car will
close its doors and attempt to assign a new, more active, sector. Note that this feature is disabled during
Fixed Non-Rotational Channeling, as the car can only serve one sector.
Serving A Duplicate Sector
If a car’s demand forces the car to stop at the lobby or bypass the lobby, that car will assign itself to a
sector, even if that sector is already being served by another car in the group. This scenario results in a
duplicate sector assignment.
A car serving a duplicate sector will only allow car calls in its sector and any existing car calls which
may have already been entered prior to the sector assignment. The car will not assign any hall calls, as
the car already serving its sector will be responsible for serving those calls.
If the car already serving the sector completes its lobby service or one-half the time specified by the
CHN-DT parameter expires, a car serving a duplicate sector will perform the normal sector processing
described above.
If the car’s load is greater than or equal to the CHN-LD parameter, a car serving a duplicate sector will
immediately be dispatched to serve its up-peak traffic.
Waiting For A Sector
If a car returned to the lobby, all of the sectors were being served, and there was no need to assign a
duplicate sector, that car will wait for a sector to become available.
While waiting for a sector, all car calls will be disabled. If a basement sector is being used, a car waiting
for a sector will not assign any hall calls. If a basement sector is not being used, the car will be allowed
to serve a down hall call at the lobby and basement hall calls.
Restricting Up Traveling Basement Demand
The “D” bit of the CHN-O parameter specifies how up traveling basement demand is served during
Channeling. If the “D” bit is set to zero, up traveling passengers must depart at or below the lobby. If
the “D” bit is set to one, up traveling passengers are allowed to enter car calls to any landing above the
Contract Enabling
Feature Description
The contract chip software can be enabled or disabled using the service tool. The contract chips are
located in sockets Z36 and Z53.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EN-CON 1 Enable contract software 0
The EN-CON parameter enables the contract software located in the contract EPROMs.
· 0 = Disabled
· 1 = Enabled
Note that the car must have a POR performed after the parameter is updated.
Installation Parameters
This operation mode is triggered by the actual floor message from MCSS being invalid.
Crowd Sensing
Feature Description
The crowd sensors are optional hardware devices designed to aid the dispatching of cars by providing a
count of waiting passengers.
A crowd sensor is mounted above the door jamb of each elevator. The crowd sensor determines if there
is a waiting passenger in front of this particular elevator door, and transmits this information to the
controller. If several sensors at the landing detect waiting passengers, the dispatching sends additional
cars to the landing to handle the additional traffic.
Crowd sensors can be installed at up to 5 landings in an elevator group.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
# CRWD 5 Number of hardware crowd sensor landings 0
% CRWD 5 Percent of active crowd sensors N/A
CRWDF1 5 Crowd sensor 1 landing 255
CRWDF2 5 Crowd sensor 2 landing 255
CRWDF3 5 Crowd sensor 3 landing 255
CRWDF4 5 Crowd sensor 4 landing 255
CRWDF5 5 Crowd sensor 5 landing 255
The #CRWD parameter defines the number landings in the group that are equipped with hardware crowd
· 0 = disabled
· 1 to 5 = 1 to 5 landings
The %CRWD parameter defines the percentage of crowd sensors at a landing that must be active to
indicate a crowd.
· 0 to 100 = 0 to 100 percent
The CRWDF1 through CRWDF5 define the landings equipped with crowd sensing hardware.
· 1 to 80 = landing 1 to 80
· 255 = disabled
Each crowd sensing unit attaches to the RSL serial link, using three inputs. These inputs are used to
transmit the passenger data to the car controller. For example, the first crowd sensing unit uses the inputs
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
DCP-T 3 Delayed car protection time N/A
The DCP-T parameter defines the time allowed for a passenger to delay the car before the car enters DCP
mode and attempts to nudge the doors closed and remove the delay.
· 0 to 20 = 20 seconds
· 21 to 255 = 21 to 255 seconds
Note that the delayed car protection time should be greater than the nudging time and less than the door
time close operation time-out.
Installation Parameters
Addressing the Inputs is the only required setup.
Activation of the DDOSC or DDOS input disables both doors and leaves the car in the group. This input
can be found in most controllers.
Activation of the DFD or DRD input disables the front or rear door respectively, and calls are not served
for the corresponding door. For example, if DRD is active, the rear door does not open and rear calls are
not registered.
Feature Description
The default method of dispatching is Variable RSR. Also, the Advanced Dispatching System (ADS) is
supported using the A1130133BAA version of the ICSS2 and A1330107AAA version of the ADS.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
V-RSR 5 Enable Variable RSR N/A
RDSP-T 5 Re-dispatch timer N/A
GCB-EN 5 Enable GCB features 0
ADS-EN 5 Enable ADS features 0
Variable RSR is enabled by setting the V-RSR variable to a one. If this parameter is set to zero, Fixed
RSR will be used. Note that Variable RSR has been adopted as the current Otis dispatching
methodology. Therefore, the V-RSR parameter must always be set to one.
The period between re-dispatching of hall calls during Variable RSR is specified through the RDSP-T
parameter. The current Otis dispatching methodology requires this parameter to be set to 20, indicating
calls should be re-dispatched every two seconds. This parameter should not be set to a different value
unless CPU utilization requires a higher re-dispatch interval.
The ADS features must be enabled through the ADS-EN bit mask parameter to have an affect on
dispatching as follows:
Bit U = 0: Disable ADS Uppeak operation
Bit U = 1: Enable ADS Uppeak operation
Bit D = 0: Disable ADS Door Dwell operation
Bit D = 1: Enable ADS Door Dwell operation
Bit C = 0: Disable ADS Crowd Sensing operation
Bit C = 1: Enable ADS Crowd Sensing operation
Bit R = 0: Disable ADS RSR Plus operation
Bit R = 1: Enable ADS RSR Plus operation
The GCB features must be enabled through the GCB-EN bit mask parameter to have an affect on
dispatching as follows:
Bit U = 0: Disable GCB Uppeak operation
Bit U = 1: Enable GCB Uppeak operation
Bit D = 0: Disable GCB Downpeak operation
Bit D = 1: Enable GCB Downpeak operation
Bit C = 0: Disable GCB Crowd Sensing operation
Bit C = 1: Enable GCB Crowd Sensing operation
Distress Signal
Feature Description
Activation of the distress signal sounds a buzzer and illuminates a lamp in the lobby panel. The outputs
remain active until the distress reset is toggled.
Installation Parameters
Addressing the I/Os is the only required setup.
Installation Parameters
The first allowed mask must be set up to allow front hall and car calls.
Front Rear
This example shows a 4 stop elevator
with 3 front and 2 rear landings. The
4 4 allowed mask is setup as follows:
Front Rear
4 1010 1010
3 0000 1110
1 2 1110 0000
1 1100 0000
The front car call buttons, front up and down hall buttons, front up and down hall lanterns and the front
door close button need to be addressed.
If in-car direction lamps are to be used, the CDLD and CDLU outputs, or the CDDL and CUDL outputs
need to be addressed.
If separate gong outputs are needed, the CDGD and CDGU outputs need to be addressed.
If priority service is required, the corresponding FEHC inputs must be defined and the first allowed mask
must have the 'E' bit set to a '1' for each allowed priority landing. If the priority service operation is
Emergency Hospital service, then the CEL output needs to be addressed.
Installation Parameters
The first allowed mask must be set up to allow rear hall and car calls.
Front Rear
This example shows a 4 stop elevator
with 3 front and 2 rear landings. The
4 4 allowed mask is setup as follows:
Front Rear
4 1010 1010
3 0000 1110
1 2 1110 0000
1 1100 0000
The rear car call buttons, rear up and down hall buttons, rear up and down hall lanterns and the rear door
close button need to be addressed.
If in-car direction lamps are to be used, the RCDLD and RCDLU outputs, or the RCDDL and RCUDL
outputs need to be addressed.
If separate gong outputs are needed, the RCDGD and RCDGU outputs need to be addressed.
If priority service is required, the corresponding REHC inputs must be defined and the first allowed mask
must have the 'E' bit set to a '1' for each allowed priority landing. If the priority service operation is
Emergency Hospital service, then the RCEL output needs to be addressed.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
DHB-T 3 Door hold button open time N/A
DHB-O3 Door N/A
The DHB-T parameter defines the time the doors remain open when a door hold button is pressed.
· 0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds
The DHB-O bitmask parameter defines door hold button options. Note that the door close buttons always
cancel the door hold button time and are not part of the options flag.
· C bit = 0, cancellation of the DHB time via car call registration is disabled
· C bit = 1, cancellation of the DHB time via car call registration is enabled
The door hold button inputs, DHB and RDHB, need to be addressed.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
MCSS-O 9 MCSS Options 0
The Door Lock Failure feature requires four byte messages to be sent from the MCSS to the OCSS. The
MCSS must be setup to send four byte messages. The OCSS is setup to handle four byte MCSS messages
using the “B” bit of the MCSS-O parameter.
· Bit B=0: Two byte messages sent from the MCSS to the OCSS
· Bit B=1: Four byte messages sent from the MCSS to the OCSS
The output lamps need to be addressed to allow notification of this shutdown operational mode.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
DTC-O 3 Door time close options bitmask N/A
DTC-T 3 Door time close time-out N/A
The DTC-T parameter defines the time allowed for the doors to reach the fully closed state before
entering the DTC mode. Note that the timer begins to count down when the door are commanded to
· 0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds
The DTC-O bitmask parameter defines various options pertaining to the DTC operation. Note that these
option pertain to different door types and configurations.
· S bit = 0: Standard DTC processing enabled for front
· S bit = 1: Special DTC processing used with front doors utilizing a retiring cam
· B bit = 0: Buzzer inactive for front door
· B bit = 1: Buzzer sounds as front door closes
· C bit = 0: Front door triggers DTC with lack of DCL
· C bit = 1: Front door does not trigger DTC with lack of DCL
· F bit = 0: Front door triggers DTC with lack of DFC
· F bit = 1: Front door does not trigger DTC with lack of DFC
· s bit = 0: Standard DTC processing enabled for rear
· s bit = 1: Special DTC processing used with rear doors utilizing a retiring cam
· b bit = 0: Buzzer inactive for rear door
· b bit = 1: Buzzer sounds as rear door closes
· c bit = 0: Rear door triggers DTC with lack of DCL
· c bit = 1: Rear door does not trigger DTC with lack of DCL
· f bit = 0: Rear door triggers DTC with lack of DFC
· f bit = 1: Rear door does not trigger DTC with lack of DFC
The bitmask supports elevators with dissimilar doors. When one door on the elevator needs to have a
cam picked, i.e. a manual or freight door, the door that does not need a cam to be picked must have the
bitmask defined to not trigger on lack of DFC. This prevents the car from entering door time close
operation inadvertently. Note that when the bitmask parameter is defined to be zero, the standard DTC
operation for normal power operated doors is used.
The DTP lamp illuminates when the car shutdown after the 3 retries.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EN-PMO 3 Enable door time monitoring 0
The EN-PMO parameter needs to be defined.
· 0 = Disabled
· 1 = Enable at all landings.
· 2 = Enable at all landings except the lobby and cafeteria positions.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
DTO-O 3 Door time open protection options N/A
FDTO-T 3 Front door time open delay N/A
RDTO-T 3 Rear door time open delay N/A
The FDTO-T and RDTO-T parameters define the time allowed for the doors to reach the fully open state
before entering the DTO mode. Note that these times pertain to different door types and configurations.
· 0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds
The DTO-O bitmask parameter defines various options pertaining to the DTO operation. Note that these
options pertain to different door types and configurations.
· S bit = 0: Standard DTO processing enabled for front
· S bit = 1: Only issue a close command and then exit DTO for front
· B bit = 0: Buzzer inactive for front door
· B bit = 1: Buzzer sounds as front door opens
· s bit = 0: Standard DTO processing enabled for rear
· s bit = 1: Only issue a close command and then exit DTO for rear
· b bit = 0: Buzzer inactive for rear door
· b bit = 1: Buzzer sounds as rear door opens
The DTP lamp illuminates when the operational mode is entered.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
CC_DT 3 Car Call Door Dwell Time N/A
HC_DT 3 Hall Call Door Dwell Time N/A
SST-DT 3 Standing Stop Door Dwell Time N/A
REV-DT 3 Reversal Door Dwell Time N/A
LOB-T 2 Lobby Door Dwell Time N/A
The CC-DT parameter defines the door dwell time for car calls.
· 5 to 255 = 0.5 to 25.5 seconds
The HC-DT parameter defines the door dwell time for hall calls.
· 5 to 255 = 0.5 to 25.5 seconds
The SST-DT parameter defines the door dwell time for hall calls which are answered by a car parked at
the hall call landing.
· 5 to 255 = 0.5 to 25.5 seconds
The REV-DT parameter defines the door dwell time for door reversals.
· 5 to 255 = 0.5 to 25.5 seconds
The LOB-T parameter defines the door dwell time for calls at the lobby.
· 1 to 255 = 0.1 to 25.5 seconds
Installation Parameters
Double riser is configured one of two ways, both producing the same result.
The first method shows all the hall buttons on the same link feeding into the same car controller. This
controller passes the hall call information to the other cars in the group.
Car Controllers
Each car in the group has a switch-over module except the last one. This module is responsible for
connecting a car controller to the serial link. If one car can not read the serial link, the switch-over
module passes the link to the next car controller. The switch-over modules for this method are set up as
Serial link
The second method shows the hall links physically separated from each other, and feed into separate
controllers. It does not matter if the hall button addresses are different, but it is recommended the
addresses are the same. The demand is passed along the ring to illuminate the second risers hall button.
Car Controllers
Each of the serial links serve one-half of the entire group, and the location of the switch-over modules
reflects this. The switch-over modules for this method are set up as follows:
Installation Parameters
This operation has no setup and can only be triggered from MCSS messages.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
MG-TIM 9 Motor generator time 0
The MG-TIM parameter must be equal to zero.
For selectable profiles, refer to the Drives: Velocity Profiles chapter.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
MG-TIM 9 Motor generator time 0
MG-DLY 9 Motor generator successive start delay N/A
The MG-TIM parameter defines the idle time before the car's generator can power down.
· 0 = Disabled
· 1 to 255 = 1 to 255 minutes
The MG-DLY parameter defines the amount of time the car delays between placing the power request on
the ring communications, and sending the "power up drive" message to the MCSS. Note that this is to
prevent two cars from powering up at the same time.
· 1 to 255 = period of delay as defined below
Actual delay = (RCB_NO - 1) * MG-DLY * 200ms.
The MGPL lamp is illuminated when the car is powered up.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
MG-PRO 9 Drive special profile selection 255
SESPRO 6 SES while on EQO drive profile 0
The SESPRO parameter defines the drive profile to use for fire service during earthquake operation.
· 0 = Disables
· 1 to 7 = Selects profile type 1 to 7
The MG-PRO parameter selects a user define drive profile.
· 0 to 7 = Selects profile type 0 to 7
· 255 = Selects default profile
Note that the default profile selection chooses type 0. During Up-peak, Down-peak and when the
MGPRO group request is active, the profile selection is type 1 when the default profile is selected.
Otherwise, the profile remains 0 through 7.
Note that the earthquake profile selection has highest priority and overrides other selections.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
RSLCFG 1 RSL Configuration for E335M 0
MCSS-O 9 MCSS Options (Load Weighing Type) 0
The remote serial link configuration must be determined for the contract. The RSL configuration
function allows one to redefine which remote serial link the car, hall, and group RSL I/Os are to be read
on. There are four different possible combinations based on the RSLCFG installation parameter:
0 = Car I/O read from car link, Hall I/O read from hall link, Group I/O read
from group link
1 = Car I/O read from car link, Hall I/O read from car link, Group I/O read
from group link
2 = Car I/O read from car link, Hall I/O read from car link, Group I/O read
from car link
3 = Car I/O read from car link, Hall I/O read from hall link, Group I/O read
from car link
On the E335M system, the load weighing information is provided discretely to the OCSS via the car
remote serial link in lieu of being received from the MCSS. The “L” bit of the MCSS-O installation
parameter defines the method used to determine load weight.
MCSS-O Bit L=0: Load weight information sent from MCSS
Bit L=1: Load weight information sent from RSL discretes
There are five car RSL inputs associated with this function. Each RSL input represents a different
increment of load weight. The increments presently available are empty car (default), 10% of full load,
30% of full load, 50% of full load, 80% of full load, and 110% of full load. The following list shows the
relationship of the load weight to operational mode selections:
Load Weight Opmode Service Tool Display
Empty NOR/ANS 'E'
10% NOR/ANS '1'
30% NOR '3'
50% NOR/MIT/CHN '5'
80% LNS/MIT/CHN '8'
110% OLD 'F'
There are many different door operators that can be used on the E335MW system. These include manual
doors, freight doors, and semi-automatic doors. To allow proper operation with each door, the DTO and
DTC modes have been updated to perform special functions when eneabled. Refer to sections Door Time
Close Operation (DTC) and Door Time Open Operation (DTO).
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
AMF-P 6 About mid-hoist way position 255
SESPRO 6 SES during EQO drive profile 0
EQMS-L 6 Earthquake magnetic sensor zone - lower boundary 255
EQMS-U 6 Earthquake magnetic sensor zone - upper boundary 255
EQOTYP6 Earthq N/A
The EQCW, CEQRS, EQL, and GEQRS I/Os need to be addressed regardless of earthquake setup.
Earthquake can be triggered by the seismic detector. This detector can be located on the car link or the
hall link. The appropriate input, EQSC for the car link or EQS for the hall link, needs to be addressed.
When the car needs to rescue into a landing away from the counterweight, the magnetic sensor is to be
used. The magnetic sensor can be located on the car link or the hall link. The appropriate input, EQMS
for the car link or AMF for the hall link, needs to be addressed. An active state does not really exist. A
low signal from the magnetic sensor means the car is below the counterweight, while a high signal means
the car is above the counterweight.
To guarantee the integrity of the magnetic sensor, the sensor signal is checked with the current car
position. This check is done outside the boundary defined by the EQMS-L and EQMS-U parameters.
· 1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
· 255 = disabled
When the car is within the defined boundary, the integrity check is not performed.
If the magnetic sensor is not used to detect counterweight positioning with respect to the car, the AMF-P
parameter needs to be defined.
· 1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
· 255 = disabled
The AMF-P landing is the hoistway position where the car and the counterweight are located next to each
other. If this position does not correspond to landing, the AMF-P landing should be assigned as the next
higher landing position in the hoist way.
Note that resetting the earthquake inputs needs to be performed using both the CEQRS and GEQRS
inputs. If one is not used, default the input active.
The SESPRO parameter defines the drive profile to use for fire service during earthquake operation.
· 0 = Disables
· 1 to 7 = Selects profile type 1 to 7
Note that on some MCSS systems, the hoistway position is exactly known and may prompt the car to
rescue in a direction chosen by the MCSS.
Note that when the AMF-P has been correctly defined, it has rescue priority over the hoistway sensor.
When upgrading to the hoistway sensor, the AMF-P parameter must be set to 255.
The EQOTYP parameter defines if the door is allowed to open when the car is at a landing and the actual
position is invalid.
· 0 = Alway open the doors at a landing
· 1 = Open the doors at a landing only if the car has a valid position
If the car is not allowed to perform a correction run to a limit when on SES PhaseI operation, then the
door should never be allowed to open. To ensure the car is empty, prior to resetting off Earthquake
operation, the car must be run on Inpsection. Once this is done, the doors can not open and the car is
checked to be empty. This is an issue in L.A. on MRQ systems.
Refer to chapter Drives: Velocity Profiles for information regarding earthquakes during fire service
c. ELD Driver/Screen
Contains a video receiver driver and a glass screen with a 640 x 200 pixel resolution. This
assembly is attached to the ELD Interface Board through a ribbon cable.
The ELD operates using three EPROMs. They are installed in the U24, U25, and U26 sockets of the
ELD Interface Board. Socket U24 holds the operational software and sockets U25,U26 hold the font
information. The three EPROMs come as a set under the 30001 SCN number.
An optinal fourth EPROM is used for special contract configurations. This is a 128kByte EPROM and is
installed in the U61 socket of the ELD Interface Board.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
ELD-T 8 ELD blank delay N/A
The following items must be setup to properly configure an ELD. The setup procedure for these items
are explained in the sections to follow.
Dipswitch 3 (SW3)
Positions 1 through 6
Positions 1 through 6 of dipswitch 3 are used to set the ELD address. The ELD address is used for
communications with the EMS. A unique ELD address is required for each ELD. This unique address
allows the EMS to distinguish communications among each ELD. The following tables show the default
ELD addressing scheme. The primary table is for single ELD configurations. The secondary table is for
when there are two separate ELDs used for one car.
Positions 7 and 8
Dipswitch 4 (SW4)
The SW4 dipswitch is used for video timing. This dipswitch should be set as follows:
Jumper Switches
There are six dipswitches that are used to set six different RSL addresses. The address is determined by
the binary pattern of the dipswitch setting. The dipswitch position labeled OPEN is equivalent to a
binary 1. For example, the numeral 5 is equal to a '000101' binary pattern and this is equivalent to a
'CCCOCO' dipswitch setting pattern.
Hall ELD Note: In the table above, dipswitch 1 of the Hall ELD is set to 4. This setting is used by the
ELD to determine the floor that it is installed on. The value should be set to the floor
number plus 3 (floor 1 set to 4, floor 2 set to 5, floor 3 set to 6, ... floor 54 set to 57).
1 The value nn should be set to the floor number plus 3 (floor 1 set to 4, floor 2 set to 5, floor 3 set to
6, ... floor 54 set to 57).
reset L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
button green red red red red
Status L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
Normal ON off ON off ON
(Alternates State) ON ON off ON off
RAM Test Fail ON off off ON off
RAM Download Fail ON off off ON ON
DRAM Test Fail ON off ON off off
UART Test Fail ON off ON off ON
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EMT-P 6 Emergency medical operation return landing 255
The I/Os are all required to be addressed.
The EMT-P parameter needs to be defined.
· 1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64, open front door
· 101 to 164 = landing 1 to 64, open rear door
· 255 = disabled
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EMT-P 6 Emergency medical operation return landing 255
The I/Os are all required to be addressed.
The EMT-P parameter needs to be defined.
· 1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64, open front door
· 101 to 164 = landing 1 to 64, open rear door
· 255 = disabled
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EPO-P 6 EPO Return Landing 255
EPO-DC 6 EPO Door Close Time 0
EPCARS 6 Number of cars to run on EPO normal 1
SF_EPO 6 Split Feeder EPO 0
IGEPO 6 Enable Intergroup EPO 0
IGDSTM 6 Intergroup car deselect delay 0
EPCAR1 6 Priority Car 1 under EPO 255
EPCAR2 6 Priority Car 2 under EPO 255
EPMANC 6 EPO number of cars on manual operation 1
PWRXFR 6 Enable Power Transfer Operation 0
EPO-O 6 Emergency Power Options 0
EPRCR1 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 1 255
The EPO-P installation parameter defines the EPO return landing. This is normally the same as the lobby
· 1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
· 255 = disabled
In some regions, the regional code may require the car doors to close after the car has returned to the
EPO-P position and discharged the passengers. The EPO-DC parameter is used to set the time before the
doors will close.
· 0 = the doors remain open indefinitely after the car rescues to the EPO-P position.
· 1 to 255 = the doors close after 1 to 255 seconds
The number of cars that can run simultaneously on normal operation under EPO can be defined, based on
the capacity of the building's emergency generator. The number of cars that can run simultaneously on
normal operation under EPO is defined by the EPCARS installation parameter.
· 1 to 8 = 1 to 8 cars
For Automatic Emergency Power Operation (using only one feeder), the SF_EPO installation parameter
is set to 0 and the GNP2 RSL input must be set to "01-0". Additionally, the IGEPO installation
parameter must be set to 0 in order to disable intergroup emergency power operation.
For selection of a specific car(s) to run on normal operation upon completion of the rescue operation, this
is accomplished by setting the EPCAR1/EPCAR2 installation parameters with the car ID.
· 1 to 8 = car ID 1 (A) to 8 (H)
For some regions, there may be a requirement to allow multiple cars to run on manual operation. If this
is the case, the EPMANC installation parameter must be set with the allowable number of cars that can
operate on manual operation. Otherwise, this parameter must be set to 1.
· 1 to 8 = 1 to 8 car running during emergency power operation
From the wiring diagrams, program the RSL input addresses for GNP, GBEP, and BEP. Since only one
feeder is required for the automatic emergency power operation, the GNP2 input must be set to "01-0".
The EPO-O options parameter provides various options for the emergency power operation.
· F bit = 0: keep the front doors closed at the rescue landing
· F bit = 1: open the front doors at the rescue landing
· R bit = 0: keep the rear doors closed at the rescue landing
· R bit = 1: open the rear doors at the rescue landing
· L bit = 0: car will rescue to the EPO-P position
· L bit = 1: car will rescue to the next commitable landing
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EPO-P 6 EPO Return Landing 255
EPO-DC 6 EPO Door Close Time 0
EPCARS 6 Number of cars to run on EPO normal 1
SF_EPO 6 Split Feeder EPO 0
IGEPO 6 Enable Intergroup EPO 0
IGDSTM 6 Intergroup car deselect delay 0
EPCAR1 6 Priority Car 1 under EPO 255
EPCAR2 6 Priority Car 2 under EPO 255
EPMANC 6 EPO number of cars on manual operation 1
PWRXFR 6 Enable Power Transfer Operation 0
EPO-O 6 Emergency Power Options 0
EPRCR1 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 1 255
EPRCR2 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 2 255
EPRCR3 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 3 255
EPRCR4 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 4 255
EPRCR5 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 5 255
EPRCR6 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 6 255
EPRCR7 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 7 255
EPRCR8 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 8 255
This feature monitors a signal from the power transfer switch which will indicate that a power transfer is
about to occur. A set of normally closed dry contacts will be provided to the elevator system from the
transfer switch, defined as the PTC input. The contacts will be closed in both the normal and standby
power conditions, and will be opened upon initiation of the power transfer and remain opened until the
transfer is complete. When the transfer is complete, the PTC contacts will return to the normally closed
This feature can be used with any of the emergency power type operations (automatic, intergroup,split
feeder) by addressing the PTC input.
Additionally, the PWRXFR installation parameter must be set to 1.
The following illustration shows the states of the PTC and BNP inputs before and after the power
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EPO-P 6 EPO Return Landing 255
EPO-DC 6 EPO Door Close Time 0
EPO-O 6 Emergency Power Options 0
The EPO-P installation parameter defines the EPO return landing. This is normally the same as the lobby
· 1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
· 255 = disabled
In some regions, the regional code may require the car doors to close after the car has returned to the
EPO-P position and discharged the passengers. The EPO-DC parameter is used to set the time before the
doors will close.
· 0 = the doors remain open indefinitely after the car rescues to the EPO-P position.
· 1 to 255 = the doors close after 1 to 255 seconds
The EPO-O options parameter provides various options for the discrete-based emergency power
· F bit = 0: keep the front doors closed at the rescue landing
· F bit = 1: open the front doors at the rescue landing
· R bit = 0: keep the rear doors closed at the rescue landing
· R bit = 1: open the rear doors at the rescue landing
· L bit = 0: car will rescue to the EPO-P position
· L bit = 1: car will rescue to the next commitable landing
For the first car in the group to be rescued, the GNP and GBEP inputs must be addressed with the RSL
address for the GNP contact. The remaing cars in the group must have the GBEP inputs addressed based
on the desired order of rescue according to the hardware wiring configuration. The last car in the group
that is rescued will have its NUSD output wired such that it will select the desired car to run on normal
operation during emergency power. This output shall be wired into the car’s BEP input that is to run on
normal operation. The following diagram shows an example of how a typical discrete-based EPO
contract would be configured.
The NUG output is used to signal another car in the group to operate on normal operation if that car times
out while operating on normal during emergency power operation.
NOTE: The NUG and NUSD outputs MUST be addressed with a valid RSL address for discrete-based
emergency power operation. This is required in order to enable the discrete-based operation.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EPO-P 6 EPO Return Landing 255
EPO-DC 6 EPO Door Close Time 0
EPCARS 6 Number of cars to run on EPO normal 1
SF_EPO 6 Split Feeder EPO 0
IGEPO 6 Enable Intergroup EPO 0
IGDSTM 6 Intergroup car deselect delay 0
EPCAR1 6 Priority Car 1 under EPO 255
EPCAR2 6 Priority Car 2 under EPO 255
EPMANC 6 EPO number of cars on manual operation 1
PWRXFR 6 Enable Power Transfer Operation 0
EPO-O 6 Emergency Power Options 0
EPRCR1 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 1 255
EPRCR2 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 2 255
EPRCR3 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 3 255
EPRCR4 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 4 255
EPRCR5 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 5 255
EPRCR6 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 6 255
EPRCR7 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 7 255
EPRCR8 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 8 255
For intergroup emergency power operation, follow the same setup for the Automatic Emergency Power
Operation with the following exceptions:
· If intergroup emergency power operation is desired, the IGEPO installation parameter must
be set to "1" on all cars in the attached groups.
· The IGDSTM installation parameter must be set with a value representing the longest one
floor flight time among any of the cars in any of the groups that are tied together for
intergroup EPO. First, examine each car to determine the longest inter-floor distance (or
express zone, if any is present). Next, divide this value by the long run speed of the slowest
car in any of the interconnected groups. Add 5 to 10 additional seconds to cover acceleration
& deceleration delays, and the resulting value should be programmed into the IGDSTM
installation parameter in all of the cars.
· The GT RSL output must be addressed on all cars according to the wiring diagrams. The
GEPO input for the first group to be rescued must be addressed using the same RSL address
as the GNP RSL input so that the rescue operation will commence upon the detection of loss
of normal power. For subsequent groups, the GEPO RSL input should be addressed
according to the wiring diagrams. This input will be controlled by the previous group's GT
RSL output, which signals that the next group should initiate the rescue operation.
· The GEPN RSL input should also be addressed according to the wiring diagram. This input
will enable the desired group to run on EPO normal automatic selection operation. This
input will be controlled by the GT RSL output from the last group that has rescued. The
GEPN RSL input for all remaining groups must be programmed to "01-0" on all cars.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EPO-P 6 EPO Return Landing 255
EPO-DC 6 EPO Door Close Time 0
EPCARS 6 Number of cars to run on EPO normal 1
SF_EPO 6 Split Feeder EPO 0
IGEPO 6 Enable Intergroup EPO 0
IGDSTM 6 Intergroup car deselect delay 0
EPCAR1 6 Priority Car 1 under EPO 255
EPCAR2 6 Priority Car 2 under EPO 255
EPMANC 6 EPO number of cars on manual operation 1
PWRXFR 6 Enable Power Transfer Operation 0
EPO-O 6 Emergency Power Options 0
EPRCR1 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 1 255
EPRCR2 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 2 255
EPRCR3 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 3 255
EPRCR4 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 4 255
EPRCR5 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 5 255
In order to designate the order of cars to be rescued during emergency power operation, the EPRCR1
installation parameter must be setup with the car ID (1-8) of the first car to be rescued followed by setting
up EPRCR2 with the second car to be rescued and so on for the remaining cars in the group. In order to
disable the designated order of rescue, the installation parameters EPRCR1 - EPRCR8 must be set to 255.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EPO-P 6 EPO Return Landing 255
EPO-DC 6 EPO Door Close Time 0
EPCARS 6 Number of cars to run on EPO normal 1
SF_EPO 6 Split Feeder EPO 0
IGEPO 6 Enable Intergroup EPO 0
IGDSTM 6 Intergroup car deselect delay 0
EPCAR1 6 Priority Car 1 under EPO 255
EPCAR2 6 Priority Car 2 under EPO 255
EPMANC 6 EPO number of cars on manual operation 1
PWRXFR 6 Enable Power Transfer Operation 0
EPO-O 6 Emergency Power Options 0
EPRCR1 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 1 255
EPRCR2 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 2 255
EPRCR3 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 3 255
EPRCR4 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 4 255
For split feeder emergency power operation, follow the same setup for the Automatic Emergency Power
Operation with the following exceptions:
· The SF_EPO installation parameter must be set to indicate which feeder each car's
emergency power will be supplied on. For cars to be supplied on feeder #1, SF_EPO must be
set to "1". For cars to be supplied on feeder #2, SF_EPO must be set to "2".
· The GNP RSL input for each car in the group must be addressed with the address of the
contacts for feeder #1. The GNP2 RSL input for each car in the group must be addressed
with the address of the contacts for feeder #2. For example, if a six car group is configured
for split feeder EPO with the odd number cars on feeder #1 and the even number cars on
feeder #2, the GNP RSL input for all cars would be addressed for feeder #1 and the GNP2
RSL input would be addressed for feeder #2. The following diagram illustrates which RSL
inputs are addressed to feeder #1 and #2 from the above example.
Feeder Feeder
1 2
Cars 1,3, and 5 - Feeder #1, SF_EPO = 1 Cars 2,4, and 6 - Feeder #2, SF_EPO = 2
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EPO-P 6 EPO Return Landing 255
EPO-DC 6 EPO Door Close Time 0
EPCARS 6 Number of cars to run on EPO normal 1
SF_EPO 6 Split Feeder EPO 0
IGEPO 6 Enable Intergroup EPO 0
IGDSTM 6 Intergroup car deselect delay 0
EPCAR1 6 Priority Car 1 under EPO 255
EPCAR2 6 Priority Car 2 under EPO 255
EPMANC 6 EPO number of cars on manual operation 1
PWRXFR 6 Enable Power Transfer Operation 0
EPO-O 6 Emergency Power Options 0
EPRCR1 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 1 255
EPRCR2 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 2 255
EPRCR3 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 3 255
EPRCR4 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 4 255
EPRCR5 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 5 255
EPRCR6 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 6 255
EPRCR7 6 Emergency Power Rescue Car 7 255
This feature can be used with any of the emergency power type operations (automatic, intergroup,split
feeder) by simply addressing the PSC RSL input with the proper address of the signal provided to the
elevator system indicating that a transfer to normal power is going to occur within a predetermined time.
Installation Parameters
The door close buttons need to be addressed.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
ESB-XHC 5 Enable hall call cancellation during ESB mode N/A
Hall call cancellation is now selectable through the ESB-XHC parameter:
· 0 - 254 = Hall calls are not assigned to this car after 0 to 254 seconds. A simplex car will
have the hall calls deleted after the timeout period.
· 255 = Hall calls are allowed to be globally assigned. A simplex car will not have the hall
calls deleted.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EMS-XC 7 EMS security options flag N/A
EMS-O 1 EMS Options 0
The EMS-XC bitmask parameter defines options for EMS security:
When EMS security is acvtivated, the existing calls assigned to a car at the secured landings
may want be deleted immediately. If the calls are not to be deleted immediately, then security
at landings with demand is preempted until all calls have been answered at that landing. This
option is defined by the D bit:
D bit = 0: Allow calls to remain upon activation of security
D bit = 1: Delete calls upon activation of security
It may be desired to have EMS security overridden by a car on Independent Service mode. This
option is defined by the I bit:
I bit = 0: Disable ISC override of EMS security
I bit = 1: Enable ISC override of EMS security
The EMS-O parameter specified various EMS options. Systems with EMS v2.0 or lower must have
parameter passing disabled. Systems with an EMS configured as ICD 4.1 or lower must have the L bit
set to 0.
P bit = 0: disable EMS parameter passing
P bit = 1: enable EMS parameter passing
L bit = 0: transmit OCSS load states using ICD 4.1 or lower
L bit = 1: transmit OCSS load states using ICD 4.2 or higher
Express Zones
Feature Description
An express zone is defined when all the cars in the group do not serve a defined number of landings.
Usually, these landings are served by a different bank of elevators. Up to three express zones per rise are
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EZ-LFT 8 Left position indicator digit for an express zone N/A
EZ-RGT 8 Right position indicator digit for an express zone N/A
EZ1BOT 2 Express zone 1, bottom landing 255
EZ1TOP 2 Express zone 1, top landing 255
EZ1RSR 2 Express zone 1 RSR penalty 0
EZ1DLY 2 Express zone 1, lantern delay 0
EZ2BOT 2 Express zone 2, bottom landing 255
EZ2TOP 2 Express zone 2, top landing 255
EZ2RSR 2 Express zone 2 RSR penalty 0
EZ2DLY 2 Express zone 2, lantern delay 0
EZ3BOT 2 Express zone 3, bottom landing 255
EZ3TOP 2 Express zone 3, top landing 255
EZ3RSR 2 Express zone 3 RSR penalty 0
EZ3DLY 2 Express zone 3, lantern delay 0
The EZ-LFT and EZ-RGT parameters define the digits displayed on the PI while the car is in an express
· 0 to 38 = Acceptable characters, refer to the Position Indicators chapter for definitions
The EZ1BOT, EZ2BOT, and EZ3BOT parameters define the bottom landing of each express zone.
· 1 to 64 = Landing 01 to 64
· 255 = Disabled
The EZ1TOP, EZ2TOP, and EZ3TOP parameters define the top landing of each express zone.
· 1 to 64 = Landing 01 to 64
· 255 = Disabled
The EZ1DLY, EZ2DLY, and EZ3DLY parameters define the activation delay of the hall lanterns
bounding the express zones.
· 0 = Disabled, hall lanterns activated half-way through the express zone
· 1 to 255 = 1 to 255 second lantern activation delay
The EZ1RSR, EZ2RSR, and EZ3RSR parameters define the number of seconds it takes to travel through
the defined express zone.
· 0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
FIELD1 1 Field engineering spare parameter N/A
FIELD2 1 Field engineering spare parameter N/A
FIELD3 1 Field engineering spare parameter N/A
FIELD4 1 Field engineering spare parameter N/A
FIELD5 1 Field engineering spare parameter N/A
FIELD6 1 Field engineering spare parameter N/A
FIELD7 1 Field engineering spare parameter N/A
The FESP2H input is used to determine whether or not the arrow is displayed during channeling
Refer to the Up-peak: Channeling Operation chapter for more information.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EN-FPD 6 Enable Fire Proof Doors 0
The Fire Proof Door input at each landing must be addressed.
The FPDL output must be addressed to signal at least 1 FPD input is active.
The EN-FPD parameter enables the Fire Proof Doors feature.
· 0 = Fire Proof Doors disabled
· 1 = Fire Proof Doors enabled
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EFS 6 Fire service operation code compliance N/A
EFS-CK 6 Fire service operation code compliance check N/A
EFO-P 6 Main SES recall landing N/A
EFO-CK 6 Main SES recall landing check N/A
ASL-P 6 Alternate SES recall landing N/A
ASL-CK 6 Alternate SES recall landing check N/A
ASL2-P 6 Second alternate SES recall landing 255
ASL2-C 6 Second alternate SES recall landing check 255
EFO-DC 6 Fire service door open time 0
FSKTYP 6 Fire service switch types N/A
SMKTYP 6 Fire service smoke sensor types N/A
SES-O 6 Fire service options bitmask N/A
SESOVR 6 Fire service PhaseI override delay N/A
There are many different fire service operations to satisfy the many code variants. Not all of the inputs,
outputs and installation parameters are used by each code. This description is designed to give the proper
setup instruction with respect to the code variants supported.
SES PhaseI installation parameter values
The EFS and EFS-CK parameters define the fire code operation. If these two parameters do not match,
the car is placed in not available operation and the event code 802 is logged.
0 = Reserved 1 = Automatic SES
2 = Manual SES 3 = ANSI 1987 SES
4 = British SES 5 = Reserved
6 = Chicago 1994 7 = Canadian SES
8 = California SES 9 = New York City SES
10 = Chicago SES 11 = Hawaiian SES
12 = Detroit SES 13 = ANSI 1989 SES
14 = Canadian 1990 SES 15 = New York City 1993 SES
16 = Mass/ANSI 1993 SES 17 = Australian SES
18 = Singapore SES 19 = Hong Kong SES
20 = Taiwan SES 21 = New Zealand SES
The EFO-P and EFO-CK parameters define the main SES recall landing. If these two parameters do not
match, the car is placed in not available operation and the event code 800 is logged.
1 to 64 = Landing 1 to 64, opens front door
101 to 164 = Landing 1 to 64, opens rear door
201 to 254 = Landing 1 to 54, opens both doors
The ASL-P and ASL-CK parameters define the alternate SES recall landing. If these two parameters do
not match, the car is placed in not available operation and the event code 801 is logged.
1 to 64 = Landing 1 to 64, opens front door
101 to 164 = Landing 1 to 64, opens rear door
201 to 254 = Landing 1 to 54, opens both doors
The ASL2-P and ASL2-C parameters define the second alternate SES recall landing. If these two
parameters do not match, the car is placed in not available operation and the event code 803 is logged.
1 to 64 = Landing 1 to 64, opens front door
101 to 164 = Landing 1 to 64, opens rear door
201 to 254 = Landing 1 to 54, opens both doors
The EFO-DC parameter defines the delay in seconds to have the doors close at the designated SES recall
0 = Disabled
1 to 255 = 1 to 255 seconds
The FSKTYP parameter defines the fire service input active states.
0 = Active high PhaseI switch and active high PhaseII switch
1 = Active high PhaseI switch and active low PhaseII switch
2 = Active low PhaseI switch and active low PhaseII switch
3 = Active low PhaseI switch and active high PhaseII switch
Old Switch REFK input REFKB input New Switch REFK input REFKB input
The SMKTYP parameter defines the fire service smoke sensor active states.
E bit = 0: Building smoke sensor is active low
E bit = 1: Building smoke sensor is active high
1 bit = 0: Main landing smoke sensor is active low
1 bit = 1: Main landing smoke sensor is active high
2 bit = 0: Alternate landing smoke sensor is active low
2 bit = 1: Alternate landing smoke sensor is active high
M bit = 0: Machine room smoke sensor is active low
M bit = 1: Machine room smoke sensor is active high
The SES-O parameter defines fire service options.
1 bit = 0: The emergency stop input is ignored during SES PhaseI
1 bit = 1: The emergency stop input is allowed during SES PhaseI
2 bit = 0: The emergency stop input is ignored during SES PhaseII
2 bit = 1: The emergency stop input is allowed during SES PhaseII
L bit = 0: Disable software latching of all SES PhaseI inputs
L bit = 1: Enable software latching of all SES PhaseI inputs
The SESOVR parameter defines the delay in seconds to have the car override ATT, ISC or EHS to
perform a return to the designated SES recall landing.
0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds
5. The FSKTYP parameter must define the active states of the SES PhaseI and PhaseII switches.
6. The ASL2-P, ASL2-C, SMKTYP, SES-O, and SESOVR parameters are not used by this
region and should be defaulted inactive.
7. The following inputs must be addressed: EFK, EFKB, REFK, REFKB, EFO, and ASL.
Australian SES PhaseI Setup
1. The EFS and EFS-CK parameters must be equal to 17.
2. The EFO-P and EFO-CK parameters must be defined to the door and landing associated with
the main SES recall landing.
3. The ASL-P and ASL-CK parameters must be defined to the door and landing associated with
the alternate SES recall landing.
4. If the doors are to close at the designated SES recall landing after a timeout period, then the
EFO-DC parameter must be defined to the delay time in seconds. Note that in order to
reopen the doors, the input HDOB must be used.
5. The FSKTYP parameter must define the active states of the SES PhaseI and PhaseII switches.
6. The SMKTYP bitmask parameter describes the active states of the SES smoke sensors:
An active low building smoke sensor must be used by setting the ‘E’ bit to 0.
An active low main landing sensor must be used by setting the ‘1’ bit to 0.
7. The ASL2-P, ASL2-C, SES-O, and SESOVR parameters are not used by this region and
should be defaulted inactive.
8. The following inputs must be addressed: EFK and ASL.
Automatic SES PhaseI Setup
1. The EFS and EFS-CK parameters must be equal to 1.
2. The EFO-P and EFO-CK parameters must be defined to the door and landing associated with
the main SES recall landing.
3. The ASL-P and ASL-CK parameters must be defined to the door and landing associated with
the alternate SES recall landing.
4. If the doors are to close at the designated SES recall landing after a timeout period, then the
EFO-DC parameter must be defined to the delay time in seconds. Note that in order to
reopen the doors, the input HDOB must be used.
5. The FSKTYP parameter must define the active states of the SES PhaseI and PhaseII switches.
6. The SMKTYP bitmask parameter describes the active states of the SES smoke sensors:
An active low building smoke sensor must be used by setting the ‘E’ bit to 0.
An active low main landing sensor must be used by setting the ‘1’ bit to 0.
7. The SES-O bitmask parameter describes when the car is allowed to ignore the in-car
emergency stop input.
To ignore the in-car emergency stop, the ‘1’ bit is set to 0.
To allow the in-car emergency stop, the ‘1’ bit is set to 1.
The ‘2’ bit is defined by SES PhaseII
The ‘L’ bit is not used by this region.
8. The ASL2-P, ASL2-C, and SESOVR parameters are not used by this region and should be
defaulted inactive.
9. The following inputs must be addressed: EFK, EFKB, EFO, and ASL.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EFS 6 Fire service operation code compliance N/A
EFS-CK 6 Fire service operation code compliance check N/A
FSKTYP 6 Fire service switch types N/A
SESPRO 6 Fire service profile selection 0
SES-O 6 Fire service options bitmask N/A
SES-R 6 Fire service PhaseI recall delay N/A
There are many different fire service operations to satisfy the many code variants. Not all of the inputs,
outputs and installation parameters are used by each code. This description is designed to give the proper
setup instruction with respect to the code variants supported.
SES PhaseII Installation Parameter Values
The EFS and EFS-CK parameters define the fire code operation. If these two parameters do not match,
the car is placed in not available operation and the event code 802 is logged.
0 = Reserved 1 = Automatic SES
2 = Manual SES 3 = ANSI 1987 SES
4 = British SES 5 = Reserved
6 = Chicago 1994 7 = Canadian SES
8 = California SES 9 = New York City SES
10 = Chicago SES 11 = Hawaiian SES
12 = Detroit SES 13 = ANSI 1989 SES
14 = Canadian 1990 SES 15 = New York City 1993 SES
16 = Mass/ANSI 1993 SES 17 = Australian SES
18 = Singapore SES 19 = Hong Kong SES
20 = Taiwan SES 21 = New Zealand SES
The FSKTYP parameter defines the fire service input active states.
0 = Active high PhaseI switch and active high PhaseII switch
1 = Active high PhaseI switch and active low PhaseII switch
2 = Active low PhaseI switch and active low PhaseII switch
3 = Active low PhaseI switch and active high PhaseII switch
The SESPRO parameter defines the profile number to use when the car is in SES PhaseII operation and
the car is to move with the doors unlocked.
0 = Disabled, use default profile
1 to 7 = Use profile 1 to 7
The SES-O parameter defines fire service options.
1 bit = 0: The emergency stop input is ignored during SES PhaseI
1 bit = 1: The emergency stop input is allowed during SES PhaseI
2 bit = 0: The emergency stop input is ignored during SES PhaseII
2 bit = 1: The emergency stop input is allowed during SES PhaseII
L bit = 0: Disable software latching of all SES PhaseI inputs
L bit = 1: Enable software latching of all SES PhaseI inputs
The SES-R parameter defines the delay in seconds to have the car perform an SES PhaseI return to the
designated SES recall landing.
0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds
SES PhaseII outputs
These generic SES PhaseII operation outputs are activated as follows:
· SESL: Firehat jewel
· FSIILC: Car on SES PhaseII lamp
3. The SES-O bitmask parameter describes when the car is allowed to ignore the in-car
emergency stop input.
The ‘1’ bit is defined by SES PhaseI
To ignore the in-car emergency stop, the ‘2’ bit is set to 0.
To allow the in-car emergency stop, the ‘2’ bit is set to 1.
The ‘L’ bit is not used by this region.
3. The SESPRO and SES-R parameters are not used by this region and should be defaulted
4. The following inputs must be addressed: ESK and ESH. Note that ESK must be addressed to
the same address as the SES PhaseI EFK input for those cars designated as SES PhaseII
compliant. Also note that ESH must be defaulted according to the above switch logic table.
California SES PhaseII Setup
1. The EFS and EFS-CK parameters must be equal to 8.
2. The FSKTYP parameter must define the active states of the SES PhaseI and PhaseII switches.
3. The SESPRO, SES-O, and SES-R parameters are not used by this region and should be
defaulted inactive.
4. The following inputs must be addressed: ESK and ESH.
Canadian SES PhaseII Setup
1. The EFS and EFS-CK parameters must be equal to 7.
2. The FSKTYP parameter must define the active states of the SES PhaseI and PhaseII switches.
3. The SESPRO, SES-O, and SES-R parameters are not used by this region and should be
defaulted inactive.
4. The following inputs must be addressed: ESK and ESH.
Canadian 1990 SES PhaseII Setup
1. The EFS and EFS-CK parameters must be equal to 14.
2. The FSKTYP parameter must define the active states of the SES PhaseI and PhaseII switches.
3. The SESPRO, SES-O, and SES-R parameters are not used by this region and should be
defaulted inactive.
4. The following inputs must be addressed: ESK and ESH.
Chicago SES PhaseII Setup
1. The EFS and EFS-CK parameters must be equal to 10.
2. The FSKTYP parameter must define the active states of the SES PhaseI and PhaseII switches.
3. The SESPRO, SES-O, and SES-R parameters are not used by this region and should be
defaulted inactive.
4. The following inputs must be addressed: ESK and ESH. Note that ESH should be defaulted
according to the above switch logic table.
5. The following output must be addressed to keep all cars on SES PhaseI operation whenever a
car is on SES PhaseII operation: GCES.
Chicago 1994 SES PhaseII Setup
1. The EFS and EFS-CK parameters must be equal to 06.
2. The FSKTYP parameter must define the active states of the SES PhaseI and PhaseII switches.
3. The SESPRO, SES-O, and SES-R parameters are not used by this region and should be
defaulted inactive.
4. The following inputs must be addressed: ESK and ESH. Note that ESH should be defaulted
according to the above switch logic table.
5. The following output must be addressed to keep all cars on SES PhaseI operation whenever a
car is on SES PhaseII operation: GCES.
Detroit SES PhaseII Setup
1. The EFS and EFS-CK parameters must be equal to 12.
2. The FSKTYP parameter must define the active states of the SES PhaseI and PhaseII switches.
3. The SESPRO, SES-O, and SES-R parameters are not used by this region and should be
defaulted inactive.
4. The following inputs must be addressed: ESK and ESH.
Hawaiian SES PhaseII Setup
1. The EFS and EFS-CK parameters must be equal to 11.
2. The FSKTYP parameter must define the active states of the SES PhaseI and PhaseII switches.
3. The SESPRO, SES-O, and SES-R parameters are not used by this region and should be
defaulted inactive.
4. The following inputs must be addressed: ESK and ESH.
Hong Kong SES PhaseII Setup
1. The EFS and EFS-CK parameters must be equal to 19.
2. The FSKTYP parameter must define the active states of the SES PhaseI and PhaseII switches.
3. The SESPRO, SES-O, and SES-R parameters are not used by this region and should be
defaulted inactive.
4. The following inputs must be addressed: ESK and ESH. Note that ESK must be addressed to
the same address as the SES PhaseI EFK input for those cars designated as SES PhaseII
compliant. Also note that ESH must be defaulted according to the above switch logic table.
Manual SES PhaseII Setup
1. The EFS and EFS-CK parameters must be equal to 2.
2. The FSKTYP parameter must define the active states of the SES PhaseI and PhaseII switches.
3. The SES-O bitmask parameter describes when the car is allowed to ignore the in-car
emergency stop input.
The ‘1’ bit is defined by SES PhaseI
To ignore the in-car emergency stop, the ‘2’ bit is set to 0.
To allow the in-car emergency stop, the ‘2’ bit is set to 1.
The ‘L’ bit is not used by this region.
3. The SESPRO and SES-R parameters are not used by this region and should be defaulted
4. The following inputs must be addressed: ESK and ESH.
Massachusetts/ANSI 1993 SES PhaseII Setup
1. The EFS and EFS-CK parameters must be equal to 16.
2. The FSKTYP parameter must define the active states of the SES PhaseI and PhaseII switches.
3. The SESPRO, SES-O, and SES-R parameters are not used by this region and should be
defaulted inactive.
4. The following inputs must be addressed: ESK and ESH.
New York City SES PhaseII Setup
1. The EFS and EFS-CK parameters must be equal to 9.
2. The FSKTYP parameter must define the active states of the SES PhaseI and PhaseII switches.
3. The SESPRO, SES-O, and SES-R parameters are not used by this region and should be
defaulted inactive.
4. The following inputs must be addressed: ESK and ESH. Note that ESH should be defaulted
according to the above switch logic table.
New York City 1993 SES PhaseII Setup
1. The EFS and EFS-CK parameters must be equal to 15.
2. The FSKTYP parameter must define the active states of the SES PhaseI and PhaseII switches.
3. The SESPRO, SES-O, and SES-R parameters are not used by this region and should be
defaulted inactive.
4. The following inputs must be addressed: ESK and ESH.
New Zealand SES PhaseII Setup
1. The EFS and EFS-CK parameters must be equal to 21.
2. The FSKTYP parameter must define the active states of the SES PhaseI and PhaseII switches.
3. The SESPRO, SES-O, and SES-R parameters are not used by this region and should be
defaulted inactive.
4. No inputs need to be addressed since all the cars automatically enter SES PhaseII operation
after recalled to the designated SES recall landing.
Singapore SES PhaseII Setup
1. The EFS and EFS-CK parameters must be equal to 18.
2. The FSKTYP parameter must define the active states of the SES PhaseI and PhaseII switches.
3. The SES-R parameter defines the delay , in seconds, until the car begins an SES PhaseI recall
after the SES PhaseI EFK input is deactivated.
4. The SESPRO parameter is not used by this region and should be defaulted inactive.
5. The following inputs must be addressed: ESK and ESH. Note that ESK must be addressed to
the same address as the SES PhaseI EFK input for those cars designated as SES PhaseII
compliant. Also note that ESH must be defaulted according to the above switch logic table.
Taiwan SES PhaseII Setup
1. The EFS and EFS-CK parameters must be equal to 20.
2. The FSKTYP parameter must define the active states of the SES PhaseI and PhaseII switches.
3. The SES-O, and SES-R parameters are not used by this region and should be defaulted
4. The SESPRO parameter defines the profile to use during SES PhaseII movement with the
doors unlocked.
5. The following inputs must be addressed: ESK, ESH and ESRUN. Note that ESH should be
defaulted according to the above switch logic table.
6. The following outputs must be addressed to allow an SES car to move without having the
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EN-SFR 8 Enable signal flicker 0
The EN-SFR parameter enables this feature.
· 0 = Disabled
· 1 = Enabled
Generic Security
Feature Description
Generic Security utilizes inputs from various sources such as key switches, clocks, or any other hardware
device from any of the RSL links (car,hall,group). Additionally, generic security can be utilized through
EMS provided the appropriate Subtype/Byte/Bit information is defined.
The car(s) which physically have the group link attached are considered the master cars and will be
responsible for dispatching the generic group security messages around the ring. The method for
detecting which car(s) is the master car, is through the RSL input, GSMAST. If a car detects that the
GSMAST RSL input is active, that car will be the master car for generic security. All other cars in the
group will be responsible for reading their security messages from the ring and implementing the
specified cutoff operations.
For maximum flexibility, a table is defined with elements specifying the type of security operation, the
cars that will be affected, and the landings that will be affected. Each element in the table contains the
following items:
Input source Indicates which RSL link the RSL input is addressed on or whether the
security operation is being requested from EMS. A value of 0 represents the group
link, 1 represents the hall link, 2 represents the car link, and 3 indicates the request
will be from EMS.
RSL input The input that will activate the security operation specified in the element.
Normally a key switch or clock contact.
EMS Subtype/ The EMS defined message subtype/byte/bit information to indicate that EMS
is Byte/Bit requesting a security operation.
RSL state Indicates if the RSL input is an active-high or active-low signal. A value of 0
represents an active-high signal, and a value of 1 represents an active-
low signal.
Floor affected The floor number that will be affected when the specified input or request
becomes active.
Cutout mask Defines the call types that will be secured at the specified floor when the
specified input or request becomes active.
Extended call Not implemented yet. Will be used for future expansion.
Cars affected Defines the cars in the group that will be affected when the specified input or
mask request becomes active.
RSL output Lamp output that indicates that the RSL input or EMS request is active. This
output is specified on the group RSL link.
By the setup of the elements in the generic security table, different security configurations are allowed, as
shown in the examples below.
If multiple elements affect the same car(s) at the same landing, the cutoff masks are OR'd together.
Thus, if one element cuts off hall calls at a landing, and another element cuts off car calls at the same
landing, when they are both activated, car and hall calls are secured.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
SEC-O 7 Security Options N/A
In a multi-car group with dual hall button risers, both hall
button risers (group links) must have the GSMAST signal
wired on the group link. It is also imperative that all the cars
in the group have the exact same generic group security
tables. If the car attached to hall button riser A has different
table contents that the car attached to hall button riser B, the
resulting group security operation will be unreliable.
Simplex Configuration
In a simplex configuration, the individual floor inputs are usually placed on the hall link, with the
GSMAST input being set to "01-0" (always high).
Group Configuration
In a group configuration, the individual floor inputs are usually located on the group link, but some
contracts may have specific car and/or hall inputs for their security operations. The GSMAST input must
be configured to a tied high RSL input on the group link in order to identify the group security master
car. All cars must have the same address assigned to the GSMAST input. The default 01-0 should not
be used in a multi-car configuration.
Service Tool Setup
The generic group security elements can be edited using the service tool. For each element in the table,
the eight data segments are individually accessible. Editing the security table elements is done by
selecting the SETUP menu on the service tool.
To move through the elements in the group security table, the GO ON and GO BACK keys are used. To
move through the data segments for each element, the UP and DOWN keys are used. The service tool
interface is shown below.
Input Source
RSL state
NEW E001 =
001 003
Defines the landing that will be affected when security is activated. This can be any valid floor
CUDE E001 1110
Defines the calls that will be cut off when security is activated. The first group defines call
cutoffs for the front doors, the second group defines call cutoffs for the rear doors.
· 10 story building, 8 cars.
· Single key switch, active high signal on group link.
· Key switch secures front hall calls on top 5 floors of all 8 cars.
· Lamp to signal activation of security.
Because five landings are being secured, five elements are used. The single security key switch will be
assigned to the RSL input for all five elements. If a key switch has a lamp output, and multiple elements
are activated by that key switch, only one of the elements needs to specify the lamp output (as shown in
element #1 in this example).
Element Input RSL/ RSL Floor Std. calls Ext. calls Affected RSL
source EMS state affecte cars in output
1 Group 60-1 HIG 6 0110 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 34-3
2 Group 60-1 HIG 7 0110 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 00-0
3 Group 60-1 HIG 8 0110 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 00-0
4 Group 60-1 HIG 9 0110 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 00-0
5 Group 60-1 HIG 10 0010 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 00-0
· 5 story building, 4 cars.
· Key switch for each landing of the building, active high signal on group link.
· Each key switch cuts off the front car calls at it's assigned landing.
· No lamps.
There is an element for each key switch, defining the landing secured and the car calls secured at that
Element Input RSL/ RSL Floor Std. calls Ext. calls Affected RSL
source EMS state affecte cars in output
1 Group 60-1 HIG 1 1000 0000 0000 0000 1111 0000 00-0
2 Group 60-2 HIG 2 1000 0000 0000 0000 1111 0000 00-0
3 Group 60-3 HIG 3 1000 0000 0000 0000 1111 0000 00-0
4 Group 60-4 HIG 4 1000 0000 0000 0000 1111 0000 00-0
· 6 story building, 3 cars.
· Two key switches for each landing, active low signal on group link.
· First landing key switch secures hall calls at landing.
· Second landing key switch secures car calls at landing.
· No lamps.
Each landing has two elements to handle the two cutoff operations, one for cutting of hall calls, and the
other for cutting off car calls. Each element also has a unique RSL address. Note that this example
illustrates how generic security could be defined for a lobby panel, due to the RSL/EMS data definitions.
For switches located at each landing, a different RSL address should be used to reduce wiring costs.
Element Input RSL/ RSL Floor Std. calls Ext. calls Affected RSL
source EMS state affecte cars in output
1 Group 58-1 LOW 1 1000 0000 0000 0000 1110 0000 00-0
2 Group 58-2 LOW 1 0100 0000 0000 0000 1110 0000 00-0
3 Group 58-3 LOW 2 1000 0000 0000 0000 1110 0000 00-0
4 Group 58-4 LOW 2 0110 0000 0000 0000 1110 0000 00-0
5 Group 59-1 LOW 3 1000 0000 0000 0000 1110 0000 00-0
6 Group 59-2 LOW 3 0110 0000 0000 0000 1110 0000 00-0
7 Group 59-3 LOW 4 1000 0000 0000 0000 1110 0000 00-0
8 Group 59-4 LOW 4 0110 0000 0000 0000 1110 0000 00-0
9 Group 60-1 LOW 5 1000 0000 0000 0000 1110 0000 00-0
10 Group 60-2 LOW 5 0110 0000 0000 0000 1110 0000 00-0
11 Group 60-3 LOW 6 1000 0000 0000 0000 1110 0000 00-0
12 Group 60-4 LOW 6 0010 0000 0000 0000 1110 0000 00-0
· 6 story building, 3 cars.
· One key switch, active high signal on group link.
· Key switch cuts off car and hall calls for last two cars in group.
· Key switch also cuts off car and hall calls to top floor of first car.
· No lamps.
One element is required for each landing secured. The element for the first five landings affect cars B &
C only, but the element for the last landing affects all three cars.
Element Input RSL/ RSL Floor Std. calls Ext. calls Affected RSL
source EMS state affecte cars in output
1 Group 60-1 HIG 1 1100 0000 0000 0000 0110 0000 00-0
2 Group 60-1 HIG 2 1110 0000 0000 0000 0110 0000 00-0
3 Group 60-1 HIG 3 1110 0000 0000 0000 0110 0000 00-0
4 Group 60-1 HIG 4 1110 0000 0000 0000 0110 0000 00-0
5 Group 60-1 HIG 5 1110 0000 0000 0000 0110 0000 00-0
6 Group 60-1 HIG 6 1010 0000 0000 0000 1110 0000 00-0
· 9 story building, 4 cars, lobby at 4th landing.
· One key switch, active high signal on hall link.
· Key switch shuts down cars A & B by excluding all hall calls.
· Key switch also prevents car C from serving above lobby.
· Key switch also prevents car D from serving below lobby.
· Lamp to signal security active on group link.
Because the security operation for cars A & B is identical, the first nine elements are used to secure their
hall calls. Additional elements 10-15 prevent car C from answering up hall calls at the lobby, and from
serving any calls above the lobby. Additional elements 16-19 prevent car D from serving down hall calls
at the lobby, and from serving any calls at the landings below the lobby.
Note that if this car does not have the group link, the GSMAST input is never seen, rendering this setup
Element Input RSL/ RSL Floor Std. calls Ext. calls Affected RSL
source EMS state affecte cars in output
1 Hall 60-1 HIG 1 0100 0000 0000 0000 1100 0000 55-2
2 Hall 60-1 HIG 2 0110 0000 0000 0000 1100 0000 00-0
3 Hall 60-1 HIG 3 0110 0000 0000 0000 1100 0000 00-0
4 Hall 60-1 HIG 4 0110 0000 0000 0000 1100 0000 00-0
5 Hall 60-1 HIG 5 0110 0000 0000 0000 1100 0000 00-0
6 Hall 60-1 HIG 6 0110 0000 0000 0000 1100 0000 00-0
7 Hall 60-1 HIG 7 0110 0000 0000 0000 1100 0000 00-0
8 Hall 60-1 HIG 8 0110 0000 0000 0000 1100 0000 00-0
9 Hall 60-1 HIG 9 0010 0000 0000 0000 1100 0000 00-0
10 Hall 60-1 HIG 4 0100 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 00-0
11 Hall 60-1 HIG 5 1110 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 00-0
12 Hall 60-1 HIG 6 1110 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 00-0
13 Hall 60-1 HIG 7 1110 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 00-0
14 Hall 60-1 HIG 8 1110 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 00-0
15 Hall 60-1 HIG 9 1010 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 00-0
16 Hall 60-1 HIG 1 1100 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 00-0
17 Hall 60-1 HIG 2 1110 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 00-0
18 Hall 60-1 HIG 3 1110 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 00-0
19 Hall 60-1 HIG 4 0010 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 00-0
· Hospital building, 6 cars with 10 stops.
· EMS request.
· On request from EMS, cars D through F unable to answer emergency hospital calls.
When EMS requests this operation, cars D through F are prevented from answering emergency hospital
calls, but cars A through C are still able. Because 10 landings are affected, 10 elements are created, all
using the same EMS request (subtype/byte/bit) for activation. The EMS request data can be assigned to
any subtype, byte and bit under the Information State and Request message. In this example, the
security request from EMS is assigned to subtype 1, byte 3, bit 2. Refer to the Ring Communications:
Contractible Bits chapter for more infomation on the communications.
Element Input RSL/ RSL Floor Std. calls Ext. calls Affected RSL
source EMS state affecte cars in output
1 EMS 1,3,2 HIG 1 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 1100 00-0
2 EMS 1,3,2 HIG 2 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 1100 00-0
3 EMS 1,3,2 HIG 3 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 1100 00-0
4 EMS 1,3,2 HIG 4 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 1100 00-0
5 EMS 1,3,2 HIG 5 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 1100 00-0
6 EMS 1,3,2 HIG 6 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 1100 00-0
7 EMS 1,3,2 HIG 7 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 1100 00-0
8 EMS 1,3,2 HIG 8 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 1100 00-0
9 EMS 1,3,2 HIG 9 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 1100 00-0
10 EMS 1,3,2 HIG 10 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 1100 00-0
· 4 car group in 5 story building.
· During the day, clock input on group link prevents car D from answering rear calls.
· Signal lamp on group link shows when calls are disabled.
Car D is a service car which cannot handle rear calls during the day. For each landing, an element is
prepared which will disable rear car and hall calls when the clock input goes high. The lamp output is
specified on element 1. The clock input is addressed as 51-1, and the lamp output is addressed as 51-2.
Element Input RSL/ RSL Floor Std. calls Ext. calls Affected RSL
source EMS state affecte cars in output
1 Group 51-1 HIG 1 0000 1100 0000 0000 0001 0000 51-2
2 Group 51-1 HIG 2 0000 1110 0000 0000 0001 0000 00-0
3 Group 51-1 HIG 3 0000 1110 0000 0000 0001 0000 00-0
4 Group 51-1 HIG 4 0000 1110 0000 0000 0001 0000 00-0
5 Group 51-1 HIG 5 0000 1010 0000 0000 0001 0000 00-0
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
HBP-P 5 Hall button protection position 255
HBP-O 5 Hall button protection options N/A
The HBP-P parameter defines the hall button protection return landing. To disable hall button protection,
set the HBP-P parameter to 255. The HBP-O parameter is a bit mask which specify the following hall
button protection options:
· F bit = 0: keep the front doors closed at the HBP position
· F bit = 1: open the front doors at the HBP position
· R bit = 0: keep the rear doors closed at the HBP position
· R bit = 1: open the rear doors at the HBP position
The GRPTST output and GRPFBK input are connected together through an RS4A remote serial board on
the group link. The GRPTST output is toggled, while monitoring the GRPFBK input for feedback from
the output. If the GRPFBK input does not toggle, the group link is assumed to be failed. Note that there
is a chance the RS4A board is malfunctioning. The RS4A board needs some modifications.
· A pull-up resistor must be added between E14 and E8. The recommended resistor is a 4.7k,
1/4 watt 5% component.
· A jumper must be added between E8 and E4 to tie the input to the output. This requires that
pin 4 of the input and output be reserved for this operation on at least one RS4 board on each
group link.
Only one car needs to be reading the group link, to prevent the entire group from entering hall button
protection, but every car needs this change since any car can be reading the group link.
Note that with a double riser, both risers must be installed with the hall button protection setup. This
allows one riser to fail without triggering hall button protection operation.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EN-HCR 7 Enable hall call card reader 0
Hall call card reader operation can be activated by the HCRC input, or by a request from EMS.
The EN-HCR parameter needs to be defined according to the desired hall call card reader operation.
· 0 = All hall calls allowed
· 1 = Activation of card reader allows hall calls
· 2 = Activation of card reader and the landing input allows hall calls
Installation Parameters
At least one of the three inputs needs to be addressed.
Installation Parameters
At least one of the two hall call cutoff inputs needs to be addressed.
If no rear car calls are desired, then the RCCOC input needs to be addressed.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
ISC-O 3 Independent service options bitmask N/A
The desired outputs need to be addressed.
If the Independent Service Direction Buttons are to be used as start buttons, then the ISU and ISD inputs
must be addressed.
At least one of the inputs, ISS or ISSH, must be addressed.
The ISC-O bitmask parameter defines the Independent Service options.
· D = 1 enables the door close buttons as start buttons, while 0 disables them
· * = Reserved for future use
· I = 1 enables the Independent Service buttons as start buttons, while 0 disables them
· B = 1 enables the car call buttons as start buttons, while 0 disables them
· O = 1 enables call cancelation when a door opens, while 0 disables it
· C = 1 indicates the ISS input is active low, while 0 indicates it is active high
· H = 1 indicates the ISSH input is active low, while 0 indicates it is active high
The power failure routine to reopen a door after a power failure is only available when the car has a door
close button and the ‘D’ bit of the ISC-O parameter is set to 1. This will soon be expanded to include the
other start button options.
If the ‘B’ bit of the ISC-O parameter is set to 1, the doors shall close with reversals. This is to avoid the
doors from closing at full speed without reversals for an elevator with the I/O module car call buttons
which latch active via the hardware. To overcome a false firing reversal device, a door close button must
be activated, even if not selected as the start button.
Inverted Rise
Feature Description
Inverts all operational control for rises with the lobby closer to the top of the rise. This feature requires
many EEPROM changes, which are discussed below in Setup.
Note that an Inverted Rise also requires an inverted version of the EMS to process the inverted ring
message. The ADS will function in a group with an inverted rise.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
INVERT 2 Inverted rise. 0
Note that many changes to the existing Installation Parameters are needed, as specified below.
Inverted Rise is enabled by setting the INVERT parameter to one.
For the operation to work correctly, all position and direction dependent EEPROM variables which
interface the OCSS to a peripheral device must be inverted. The following list indicates the EEPROM
variables which need to be inverted:
· MCSS Floor Translation Table
· Position Dependent Installation Parameters
· Car Call Buttons
· Hall Call Buttons
· Hall Call Lanterns
· Car Direction Lanterns
· Position Indicator Table
· Allowed Masks
Note that other features not included in this list may also need to be inverted to operate correctly. One
example is card reader operation.
The following example shows the inversion process for a rise with five landings, physically numbered: 1,
2, 3, 4, 5 from lowest to highest. The BOTTOM landing is physically the fifth landing, the LOBBY
landing is physically the fourth landing, and the TOP landing is physically the first landing.
Allowed Masks
When inverting the allowed masks, the landings are inverted as well as the Up and Down bits within the
masks. Note that a standard rise with only front doors and no Emergency calls would result in the same
setup after the inversion. To invert the Allowed Masks, the relative positions of the allowed masks need
to be inverted as follows:
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
CC-LPT 8 Landing passing tone for car calls 0
The LPT output must be addressed.
The CC-LPT parameter defines when the landing passing tone is to sound.
· 0 = Do not sound LPT for car calls, sound LPT for all landings
· 1 = Sound LPT for car calls, sound LPT for all landings
· 2 = Do not sound LPT for car calls, sound LPT for allowed landings
· 3 = Sound LPT for car calls, sound LPT for allowed landings
· 4 = Do not sound LPT for car calls, do not sound LPT for landings
· 5 = Sound LPT for car calls, do not sound LPT for landings
Note that allowed landings means all non-secured landings.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EN-HLC 8 Enable lantern gong for call types N/A
HL-SET 8 Hall lantern definition N/A
GNGDLY 8 Gong Activation/Deactivation Delay For Down Hall Calls N/A
The HL-SET parameter defines the hall lanterns in use.
· 0 = RS4A gong board or hardware controlled gongs on car link
· 1 = Lanterns/Gongs on same pin
· 2 = RS4 with luxury fixture chime board
· 3 = Software controlled gongs, lamp and gong on separate car link outputs
· 4 = Software controlled gongs, lamp and gong on same car link outputs
· 5 = Hardware controlled gongs, lamp and gong on gong output, gongs activated when doors
fully opened
· 6 = Software controlled gongs, lamp and gong on same hall link output
· 7 = Reserved for ICA Luxury Fixtures
· 8 = Hall lantern combination. If the “H” Special Mask bit is 0 for a landing, use HL-SET = 6.
If the “H” Special Mask bit for a lnding is 1, use HL-SET = 2.
· 9 = Hall lantern combination. If the “H” Special Mask bit is 0 for a landing, use HL-SET = 6.
If the “H” Special Mask bit for a lnding is 1, use HL-SET = 0.
· 10 = Hall lantern combination. If the “H” Special Mask bit is 0 for a landing, use HL-SET =
0. If the “H” Special Mask bit for a lnding is 1, use HL-SET = 2.
If the advanced chime board is used with HL-SET 2, the CHMU and CHMI outputs must be addressed
for the front door and the RCHMU and RCHMI outputs must be defined for the rear door.
The EN-HLC parameter enables lantern gongs for various call types.
· 0 = Gong on hall call only
· 1 = Gong on hall and car calls
The GNGDLY parameter specifies the delay between activation/deactivation/activation of down hall
lanterns and gongs. This only applies to HL-SET = 3, 4, 6, 8, or 9.
· 100 to 255 = 400 milliseconds to 1.02 seconds (4 millisecond timer)
The CDGD, CDGU, RCDGD and RCDGU outputs are addressed when front and rear gongs are used.
The CDDL, CUDL, RCDDL, RCUDL, HDDL, and HUDL outputs display the car's next intended
direction and are activated when the actual landing equals the target landing. Note that if the rise
contains an express zone, these outputs activate halfway through the express zone when the target landing
is a landing adjacent to the express zone.
The CDLD, CDLU, RCDLD, and RCDLU outputs must be addressed for lamps defined on the car link
by the HL-SET parameter.
The CDML, CUML, HDML and HUML outputs display the car's direction of motion on the car and hall
links, respectively.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
REVCNT 3 Late push hall call door reversal count 255
The REVCNT parameter allows the doors to reverse for a late push hall calls as follows:
0: Late push hall call will always cause a door reversal.
1 to 254: Allow 1 to 254 late push hall call door reversals.
255: Late push hall call will never cause a door reversal.
Note that once the car begins nudging or enters DCP because it can not close its doors, late push hall calls
will no longer be answered by the car.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
LR-T 3 Light and fan turn off delay N/A
The LR-T parameter defines the time before a car is allowed to turn off the light and fan in the car.
· 0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds
Power is removed from the light and fan via the LFCC or LFCG outputs.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
LDR 3 Enable limited door reversal N/A
The LDR parameter specifies the default door reversal command.
· 0 = Full DOB, full EDP, full LRD
· 1 = Full DOB, limited EDP, full LRD
· 2 = Full DOB, limited EDP, limited LRD
Installation Parameters
This operation is triggered using information from MCSS.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EN-XLT 9 Enable MCSS offset table 0
The EN-XLT parameter enables the use of the MCSS offset table.
· 0 = Disabled
· 1 = Enabled
The MCSS offset table is reached via the service tool menus M,1,3,4,4.
The default relationship for the MCSS door zones to the OCSS group landings is 1:1. This relationship
must be re-configured if the group contains Odd Travel features. Refer to the Odd Travel chapter for
more setup information.
Note that if all cars have the same express zones, there is no need to alter the offset table from a
1:1 relationship. It is only when at least one car within the group has a different hoist way
layout that the offset table need be altered. Also note that this example could easily be handled
by disabling the translation table, but it is here to illustrate the translation tables use.
3 2
Table # Car A Table # Car B
5 5 5 5
2 L
4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3
1 B
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
MIT-ST 4 MIT Traffic Induced Start Time 0
MIT-T 4 MIT Timeout 0
MIT-MN 4 MIT Minimum Variable Interval Dispatch Time 0
MIT-MX 4 MIT Maximum Variable Interval Dispatch Time 0
FLK-T 8 Flicker enable/speed for hall lanterns 0
The MIT-ST parameter specifies the period in which two cars, with loads greater than or equal to MIT-
LD, must depart the lobby to begin traffic induced MIT.
· 0 = disable traffic induced MIT
· 1 to 255 = 1 to 255 seconds
The MIT-T parameter specifies the period in which no cars depart the lobby for MIT to be terminated.
· 0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds
The MIT-LD parameter defines the load state which activates MIT. This load state is also used to
immediately dispatch a car from the lobby during MIT.
· 0 to 5 = load states 0 to 5
The MIT-MN parameter specifies the minimum interval between the dispatching of cars from the lobby
during MIT operation.
· 0 = disable minimum VID specification, assume 7 seconds
· 7 to 60 = 7 to 60 seconds
The MIT-MX parameter specifies the maximum interval between the dispatching of cars from the lobby
during MIT operation.
· 0 = disable maximum VID specification, assume 60 seconds
· 7 to 60 = 7 to 60 seconds
The MIT-O parameter specifies various MIT options using a bit mask. All cars in the group must have
this parameter set to the same value, except for the “B” bit, which can be different in each of the cars.
NOTE: If the Next Selected Car is enabled and both the “F” and “f” bits are zero, the Next Selected Car
will deactivate its lantern at the lobby.
· B = 0: disable No Lobby Bypass for this specific car
· B = 1: enable No Lobby Bypass for this specific car
· D = 0: unselected cars will open their front doors
· D = 1: unselected cars will close their front doors
· U = 0: OCSS up-peak clock activates MIT after a car departs lobby
· U = 1: OCSS up-peak clock immediately activates MIT
· N = 0: disable next selected car
· N = 1: enable next selected car
· F = 0: disable selected car lantern flashing
· F = 1: enable selected car lantern flashing using FLK-T
· f = 0: disable next selected car lantern flashing
· f = 1: enable next selected car lantern flashing using FLK-T
MIT Activation
If the EMS activates its up-peak clock, the group will immediately perform MIT. If the ADS activates its
up-peak clock, the group will immediately perform MIT. If the GCB activates its up-peak clock, the
specific cars chosen by the GCB will immediately perform MIT, while the remaining cars will operate
MIT will be traffic induced if two cars depart the lobby with a load greater than or equal to the MIT-LD
parameter within the time specified by the MIT-ST parameter. Traffic induced MIT can be disabled by
setting MIT-ST to zero. Traffic induced MIT is disabled if the GCB is part of the group.
If the “U” bit of the MIT-O parameter is set to zero and the UPC signal is active, MIT will be clock
induced after one car leaves the lobby with a load greater than or equal to the MIT-LD parameter. If the
“U” bit of the MIT-O parameter is set to one and the UPC signal is active, MIT will be immediately
clock induced. The UPC signal is disabled if the ADS or GCB is part of the group.
MIT Termination
If the EMS, ADS, or GCB activated MIT by turning on its up-peak clock, MIT will be terminated
immediately after the corresponding subsystem deactivates its up-peak clock.
If the OCSS activated up-peak, MIT will be terminated when the UPC signal is deactivated and the
period specified by the MIT-T parameter expires. Each time a car with a load greater than or equal to
MIT-LD leaves the lobby, MIT will continue for at least the time specified by MIT-T.
Selected Car
One car at the lobby is selected to serve up-peak traffic. This car is called the Selected Car. The
Selected Car opens its doors at the lobby and activates its front up hall lantern. This lantern may be
flashed by setting the “F” bit of the MIT-O parameter to one and setting the FLK-T parameter with the
desired flickering speed.
When the Selected Car is chosen, its Variable Interval Dispatch (VID) time is calculated. This is the
time the car will wait at the lobby before it serves up-peak traffic. As a default, the VID time can range
from 7 to 60 seconds. The minimum VID time can be increased to a value greater than 7 seconds by
setting up the MIT-MN parameter. The maximum VID time can be decreased to a value less than 60
seconds by setting up the MIT-MX parameter.
The Selected Car is kept at the lobby until the VID time expires or its load state reaches MIT-LD. At
that time, the car is dispatched to serve the up-peak traffic.
Next Selected Car
If the “N” bit of MIT-O parameter is set to one, a car at the lobby will be chosen as the next car to
become the Selected Car. This car is called the Next Selected Car. The purpose of the Next Selected Car
is to get passengers preboarding the next car to leave the lobby, when the Selected Car is becoming full.
The Next Selected Car opens its doors at the lobby and activates its front up hall lantern. This lantern
may be flashed by setting the “f” bit of the MIT-O parameter to one and setting the FLK-T parameter
with the desired flickering speed..
When the Selected Car is dispatched, the Next Selected Car will become the Selected Car and another car
at the lobby will be chosen as the Next Selected Car. If the Next Selected Car reaches the MIT-LD load
state, it will immediately be dispatched to serve up-peak traffic, regardless of whether the Selected Car
was dispatched.
If the Next Selected Car feature is active, either the Selected Car or the Next Selected Car should be
setup to flash its hall lantern so that passengers can tell the difference between the two cars.
Unselected Cars
Cars waiting at the lobby which are not the Selected Car or the Next Selected Car are referred to as
Unselected Cars. These cars will become the Selected Car or Next Selected Car when they are needed.
If the “D” bit of the MIT-O parameter is set to one, Unselected Cars will park with their doors closed.
Otherwise, Unselected Cars will park with their doors opened.
No Lobby Bypass
There are many hall call restrictions built into the MIT algorithm which expedite the return of cars to the
lobby. In addition to these restrictions, a feature called “No Lobby Bypass” can be enabled by setting the
“B” bit of the MIT-O parameter to one in specific cars. Note that the “B” bit of the MIT-O parameter is
the only bit that may be different in each of the cars in the group.
During No Lobby Bypass, any cars with the “B” bit set to one will bypass all hall calls which do not have
a coincident car call at the landing whenever there are no cars at the lobby to serve up-peak traffic. To
ensure that hall calls are properly served during MIT, it is recommended that no more than 25% of the
cars in the group should have this feature enabled.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
MOT-T 4 MOT Traffic Induced Start Time & MOT Timeout 0
EN-UCB 4 MOT Up Hall Call Bypass 0
The MOT-T parameter specifies the period in which two cars, with loads greater than or equal to MIT-
LD, must arrive at the lobby to begin traffic induced MOT. The MOT-T parameter also specifies the
period in which no cars arrive at the lobby for MOT to be terminated.
· 0 = disable traffic induced MOT
· 1 to 255 = 1 to 255 seconds
The EN-UCB parameter enables the Up Hall Call Bypass feature during MOT. Any cars with this
parameter set to one will not answer any up hall calls, unless a coincident car call exists at that floor. It
is suggested that no more than 25% of the cars in the group have this feature enabled.
· 0 = up hall call bypass disabled
· 1 = up hall call bypass enabled
MOT Activation
If the EMS activates its down-peak clock, the group will immediately perform MOT. If the GCB
activates its down-peak clock, the group will immediately perform MOT and the cars will park at the
landings dictated by the GCB.
MOT will be traffic induced if two cars arrive at the lobby with a load greater than or equal to the MIT-
LD parameter within the time specified by the MOT-T parameter. Traffic induced MOT can be disabled
by setting MOT-T to zero. Traffic induced MOT is disabled if the GCB is part of the group.
If the DPC signal is active, MOT will be clock induced after one car arrives at the lobby with a load
greater than or equal to the MIT-LD parameter.
MOT Termination
If the EMS or GCB activated MOT by turning on its down-peak clock, MOT will be terminated
immediately after the corresponding subsystem deactivates its down-peak clock.
If the OCSS activated down-peak, MOT will be terminated when the DPC signal is deactivated and the
period specified by the MOT-T parameter expires. Each time a car with a load greater than or equal to
MIT-LD arrives at the lobby, MOT will continue for at least the time specified by MOT-T.
Modernization Setup
Feature Description
Some modernization jobs need special I/O to have the job work correctly with the modular software. The
following outputs may need to be added.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EN-EMO 1 Enable overlay controller functionality N/A
HB-TYP 1 Hall button type N/A
CB-TYP 1 Car button type N/A
ENMDSG 8 Enable MOD double stroke gong 0
0 = disable modernization controller functionality
1 = enable modernization controller functionality
The EN-EMO parameter enables/disables modernization controller functionality. This parameter should
be enabled when the OCSS resides on an EMO or TEMO. Once a full MOD controller is in place; for
example, an E411M or E311M controller, this parameter should be disabled.
· 0 = Disable modernization controller functionality
· 1 = Enable modernization controller functionality
The HB-TYP and CB-TYP parameters define the type of buttons present.
· 0 = Default
· 1 = Mechanical
· 2 = Touch tube
The ENMDSG parameter enables the double stroke gongs for EMOs.
· 0 = Disabled
· 1 = Enabled
The RCB output is used to cancel car calls when the car changes direction, or the car enters independent
service, anti-nuisance, and fire service operations.
The FUHL, FDHL, RUHL, and RDHL outputs are generic with respect to the hall lantern types selection.
These outputs always reflect the car's direction. Refer to Lanterns and Gongs for information on hall
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EN-DDO 3 Double door feature 0
The EN-DDO parameter enables the double door feature.
· 0 = Disabled
· 1 = Enabled
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
RCB-NO 1 Ring Car Board number N/A
TOP 2 Top of group landing N/A
LOBBY 2 Lobby landing N/A
BOTTOM 2 Bottom of group landing N/A
SPB-NT 3 Special door open button time N/A
DWL-NT 3 Hardware door dwell sensors 0
GROUP 4 Number of cars in group N/A
The SDB and RSDB inputs open the doors for a specified period of time. The inputs are enabled for each
landing through the “B” bits of the Special Masks on the Service Tool.
at P O W S H B
xx x x x x x x
· 1 to 64 = Landing 1 to 64
The RCB-NO parameter defines the unique address for the car. This allows the car to receive the correct
messages from the ring communications. Note that even though a number is entered on the service tool,
the corresponding letter is displayed.
· 1 to 8 = Car number 1 to 8
The GROUP parameter defines the maximum number of cars that could be present in the group. This
allow the dispatching of cars to be accurate.
· 1 to 8 = 1 to 8 cars
For door time monitoring, refer to the Door Time Monitoring chapter.
For double door operation, refer to the Non-Selective Door Operation chapter.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EFO-P 6 Main return landing N/A
EFS 6 Fire service operation code compliance N/A
ASL-P 6 Alternate return landing N/A
ASL2-P 6 Second alternate return landing 255
EFO-CK 6 Main return landing check N/A
ASL-CK 6 Alternate return landing check N/A
ASL2-C 6 Second alternate return landing check 255
EFS-CK 6 Fire service operation code compliance check N/A
Each time this mode is entered, a 700 event is logged.
If the MCSS is ready, the listed parameters need to be correctly set to avoid entering not available
If events 800, 801, 802 or 803 are logged, refer to the Fire Service: PhaseI Operation chapter for correct
fire service setup.
If event 806 is logged, refer to the Earthquake Operation chapter for correct earthquake setup.
If event 701 is logged, then the car shutdown during an emergency power operation.
Nudging (NDG)
Feature Description
If the doors are prevented from closing for a fixed period time, the door reversal devices are rendered
inoperative (except for the door open buttons), a buzzer sounds, and the doors begin to close at a reduced
speed. Normal door operation is resumed when the door fully closes.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EN-NDG 3 Enable nudging operation 0
NDG-T 3 Nudging time N/A
If nudging is desired, the EN-NDG parameter needs to be defined.
· 0 = Disabled
· 1 = Enabled
The NDG-T parameter defines the time delay before nudging is entered.
· 0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds
Note that the nudging delay should be set less than the DCP delay.
Odd Travel
Feature Description
Odd Travel is used when one or more landings are not served by all the cars in the group. Some
examples are Bottom Odd Travel, Top Odd Travel and Mid-Building Odd Travel.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EN-XLT 9 Enable MCSS offset table 0
Because the switch-over modules connect the group link to any car in the group, each car must be
capable of handling all hall calls in the group, even if the individual car can not serve certain landings.
Therefore, each car in the group must have all the hall buttons addressed to allow all cars the ability to
dispatch every hall call.
The cars must have their allowed masks defined according to the landings able to be served.
The parameters TOP and BOTTOM are defined for each car on a per group basis. This allows all
landings to be dispatched regardless of which car has the group link.
Refer to the MCSS Offset Table chapter for more information on how to setup the Translation table.
The EN-XLT parameter is used to enable the odd travel feature.
· 0 = Disabled
· 1 = Enabled
Note that for buildings to use the car call to terminal landing inputs, the calls to the top or bottom landing
are dependent upon the RSL address in the EEPROM for car calls. This requires that the car call
addresses above the top landing and below the bottom allowed landing are 00-0.
The following examples illustrate how to define Top, Bottom and Mid-Building Odd travel.
All cars must have the hall button I/Os defined for all the landings.
The allowed mask for each car defines the calls that each car is capable of answering.
For this example, the allowed masks for each car are:
Car A Car B
5 1 010 1 010
4 11 10 11 10
3 11 10 11 10
2 11 10 11 00
1 11 00 000 0
All cars must have the hall button I/Os defined for all the landings.
The allowed mask for each car defines the calls that each car is capable of answering.
For this example, the allowed masks for each car are:
Car A Car B
5 1 010 0 000
4 11 10 10 10
3 11 10 11 10
2 11 10 11 10
1 11 00 110 0
All cars must have the hall button I/Os defined for all the landings.
Only car A has a car button for the 1st and 5th landings.
The allowed mask for each car defines the calls that each car is capable of answering.
For this example, the allowed masks for each car are:
Car A Car B
5 1 010 0 000
4 11 10 10 10
3 11 10 11 10
2 11 10 11 00
1 11 00 000 0
All cars must have the hall button I/Os defined for all the landings.
Only car A has a car button for the 3rd and 4th landings.
The allowed mask for each car defines the calls that each car is capable of answering.
For this example, the allowed masks for each car are:
Car A Car B
5 1 010 1 010
4 11 10 00 00
3 11 10 00 00
2 11 10 11 10
1 11 00 110 0
OtisCheck Signals
Feature Description
OtisCheck is an external system that monitors the operations of an elevator group. OtisCheck records
events within the group, such as car and hall calls, door operations, and car movement. This information
is later analyzed.
Various events in the system drive RSL outputs. OtisCheck is interfaced to these RSL outputs through
the car and group serial links.
Installation Parameters
OtisCheck monitors car and group information. The corresponding outputs listed should be addressed for
each of the signals OtisCheck is to monitor.
Installation Parameters
This operation is triggered using information from MCSS.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
PKS-P 7 Park and shutdown position 255
PKS-O 7 Park and shutdown options N/A
The PKS-P parameter defines the recall landing for this operation.
· 1 to 64 = Landing 1 to 64
· 255 = Disabled
The PKS-O parameter defines the door states for this operation.
· 0 = Park with front and rear doors closed
· 1 = Park with front doors open
· 2 = Park with rear doors open
· 3 = Park with front and rear doors open
The PKL output lamp illuminates when the car is at the park and shutdown position.
Activation of PKS:
The park and shutdown operation is activated in one of three ways: the PKS2 input (input
induced), an EMS information state and request bit (bit induced), or an EMS enter call message
(command induced). The operational mode is only entered when a valid PKS position is known
and the PKS options are defined.
Termination of PKS:
The feature is terminated when the PKS2 input is off for input induced PKS, the information
state and request bit is inactive for the bit induced PKS, the reset message from EMS is received
for EMS command induced PKS, a car call is registered for EMS command induced PKS wait
for car call mode, or a higher priority operation is activated. Termination of the higher priority
mode allows PKS to be re-activated if the PKS2 input or the EMS information state and request
bit is active. It does not re-activate for EMS command induced PKS.
Algorithm Priorit
Cyclic parking test 1
Automatic car return 2
Simplex parking 3
Fixed zone parking 4
Dynamic zone parking 5
Note that with certain algorithms, the excluded zone and door open features can be used.
Installation Parameters
See desired parking algorithms.
See desired parking algorithms.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
ARD-P 4 Automatic car return landing 255
ARDTYP 4 Automatic car return door operation N/A
The ARD-P parameters needs to be defined.
· 1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
· 255 = disabled
The ARDTYP parameter specifies the door options.
· 0 = park with doors closed
· 1 = park with front door open
· 2 = park with rear door open
· 3 = park with both doors open
The active ARD input and a valid ARD landing enables this feature. While this feature is active, the
open field (Op bit) is not used to determine the door states. Note that other cars in the group are notified
that a car is performing ARD parking. As a result, the other cars in the group perform zoned parking
leaving the ARD car out of all calculations.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
TPOS-1 4 Car test cycling, position 1 255
TPOS-2 4 Car test cycling, position 2 255
TDELAY 4 Car test cycling, delay time 255
The TPOS-1 and TPOS-2 parameters must be defined.
· 1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
· 255 = disabled
The TDELAY parameter must also be defined.
· 0 to 254 = 0 to 254 seconds
· 255 = disabled
Note that all three parameters must be defined to valid values to have the car cycle between the two
TPOS landings, every TDELAY seconds. If a car or hall call is assigned to the car, the feature is
suspended until the car has no demand with the doors closed.
The Parking - Door Open feature can be used with this algorithm to select the door state.
This feature has the highest parking priority and; therefore, overrides any other parking algorithm. Note
that other cars in the group do not know that a car is performing the cyclic parking algorithm. This car
will not perform any zoned parking algorithm as other cars expect.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
PRKDLY 4 Parking delay 0
To delay the car from immediately parking, the PRKDLY parameter needs to be defined.
· 0 = no delay prior to parking the car
· 1 to 255 = 1 to 255 seconds of delay prior to parking the car
Although beneficial in some cases, it is strongly recommended that the PRKDLY parameter be set to
zero (0).
Installation Parameters
The Door Open Feature is enabled using the “O” bits of the Special Masks on the Service Tool.
at P O W S H B
xx x x x x x x
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
CNL 4 Number of cars to park at the lobby N/A
CNL-MN 4 Minimum group requirement for CNL 0
ELZ-P 4 Expanded lobby zone position 255
BPZ-EN 4 Enable basement zone parking 0
BPZ-MN 4 Minimum group requirement for BPZ 0
It may be desirable to have more than one floor allocated as the lobby parking zone. For example, a rise
has two landing above the lobby and then an express zone. In this case, it could be beneficial to assign
the two landings to an expanded lobby zone. The lobby zone is treated as a single floor parking zone,
unless otherwise specified by the ELZ-P parameter.
· 0 or 255 = disabled
· 1 to 64 = enable expanded lobby zone, ranges from LOBBY to defined position
Several options are provided for lobby zone parking. Most buildings require one car to park at the lobby.
However, certain buildings may require more than one car to handle heavier lobby traffic. In rare cases,
a building may decide to not allow any cars to park in the lobby. The CNL and CNL-MN parameters can
handle all of theses scenarios.
The CNL parameter is used to define the number of cars to park at the lobby landing.
· 0 = no cars park in the lobby
· 1 to 8 = 1 to 8 cars
Parking many cars at the lobby can degrade performance throughout the rest of the rise. To help lessen
the effect, the CNL-MN parameter defines the number of cars required to be in the group for cars with
CNL > 1.
· 0 = disabled, no minimum group requirement
· 1 to 8 = at least 1 to 8 cars required to allow CNL>1
Building containing high traffic basements might need a basement parking zone. The BPZ-EN parameter
provides a basement zoning feature.
· 0 = disabled
· 1 = enabled, zone ranges from bottom landing to one landing below the lobby
Parking cars in the basement zone can degrade performance throughout the rest of the rise. To help
lessen the effect, the BPZ-MN parameter defines the number of cars required to be in the group to allow
cars to park in the basement zone.
· 0 = disabled, always attempt to park a car in basement zone
· 1 to 8 = at least 1 to 8 cars required to attempt to park in basement zone
The Parking - Door Open, Parking - Excluded Zone and Parking Delay features can be used with this
algorithm to select the door state and excluded parking landings, respectively.
Installation Parameters
The Excluded Landing Feature is enabled using the “P” bit of the Special Masks on the Service Tool.
at P O W S H B
xx x x x x x x
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
CNL 4 Number of cars to park at the lobby N/A
CNL-MN 4 Minimum group requirement for CNL 0
FZP-EN 4 Fixed zone parking enable 0
FZPMSK 4 Fixed zone parking disable mask N/A
FZP-1B 4 Fixed parking zone 1, bottom landing 255
FZP-1T 4 Fixed parking zone 1, top landing 255
FZP-2B 4 Fixed parking zone 2, bottom landing 255
FZP-2T 4 Fixed parking zone 2, top landing 255
FZP-3B 4 Fixed parking zone 3, bottom landing 255
FZP-3T 4 Fixed parking zone 3, top landing 255
FZP-4B 4 Fixed parking zone 4, bottom landing 255
FZP-4T 4 Fixed parking zone 4, top landing 255
FZP-5B 4 Fixed parking zone 5, bottom landing 255
FZP-5T 4 Fixed parking zone 5, top landing 255
FZP-6B 4 Fixed parking zone 6, bottom landing 255
FZP-6T 4 Fixed parking zone 6, top landing 255
FZP-7B 4 Fixed parking zone 7, bottom landing 255
FZP-7T 4 Fixed parking zone 7, top landing 255
FZP-8B 4 Fixed parking zone 8, bottom landing 255
FZP-8T 4 Fixed parking zone 8, top landing 255
The FZP-EN parameter needs to be defined.
· 0 = disabled
· 1 to 8 = enable with 1 to 8 zones
The correct number of zones needs to be defined using the FZP-1B through FZP-8T parameters. The
zones must be specified in ascending order and no two zones may overlap.
· 1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
· 255 disabled
If it is desired to have the lobby zone all to itself, a one floor fixed zone must be specified. this is done
by specifying the bottom and top landing of the same zone to the lobby position. Note that it is possible
to include the lobby in a multiple landing zone or excluded from all zones. Basement zones can also be
defined as long as the above conditions are followed.
If the CNL and CNL-MN parameters are used, it is required that the number and size of zones reflects
the number of cars to park at the lobby landing. The CNL parameter is used to define the number of cars
to park at the lobby landing.
· 1 to 8 = 1 to 8 cars
The CNL-MN parameter defines the number of cars required to be in the group for cars with CNL > 1.
· 0 = disabled, no minimum group requirement
· 1 to 8 = at least 1 to 8 cars required to allow CNL>1
To prevent a car from parking to a specific fixed zone, the FZPMSK bit mask parameter is defined.
· 1 bit: If set, car not allowed to park in zone 1
· 2 bit: If set, car not allowed to park in zone 2
· 3 bit: If set, car not allowed to park in zone 3
· 4 bit: If set, car not allowed to park in zone 4
· 5 bit: If set, car not allowed to park in zone 5
· 6 bit: If set, car not allowed to park in zone 6
· 7 bit: If set, car not allowed to park in zone 7
· 8 bit: If set, car not allowed to park in zone 8
The Parking - Door Open, Parking - Excluded Zone and Parking Delay features can be used with this
algorithm to select the door state and excluded parking landings, respectively.
Note that Fixed Zone parking is of higher priority than Dynamic Zoned parking and; therefore, overrides
the Dynamic Zoned parking. Fixed Zoned parking is not as robust as Dynamic Zoned parking. It's use
should be limited to special cases.
Parking: Simplex
Feature Description
Simplex parking is performed when only one car in the group can serve hall calls. The car will park at
the last landing served, or at the lobby landing.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
SIMPLX 4 Simplex parking operation 0
If there is only one car available to answer calls, the SIMPLX parameter is used to determine how the car
should park.
· 0 = park the car at the last stop
· 1 = park the car at the lobby
The Parking - Door Open, Parking - Excluded Zone, and Parking Delay features can be used with this
algorithm to select the door state and excluded parking landings, respectively.
Position Indicators
Feature Description
The position indicator can be located on the Car, Hall, and Groups links. Each shows the actual position
of the car.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
PI-C 8 Position indicator type, Car link N/A
PI-H 8 Position indicator type, Hall link N/A
PI-G 8 Position indicator type, Group link N/A
The PI-C parameter specifies the type of PIs used on the Car link. The PI-H parameter specifies the type
of PIs used on the Hall link. The PI-G parameter specifies the type of PIs used on the Group link.
· 0 = 7/16 segment PI (Supports 64 landings)
· 1 = multilight PI using Remote Interface Board (Supports 24 landings)
· 2 = dot matrix PI without direction indicator (Supports 31 landings)
· 3 = dot matrix PI with direction indicator (Supports 31 landings)
The alphanumeric characters for the 7/16 segment PI are defined in the following table:
On the Car and Group links, the Dot Matrix PI will only display the “Out Of Service” message when the
car’s position is invalid.
On the Hall link, the DMPI-O parameter specifies when the Dot Matrix PI displays the “Out Of Service”
· Bit E = 0: EHS mode does not display Out Of Service message
· Bit E = 1: EHS mode displays Out Of Service message
· Bit P = 0: PKS mode does not display Out Of Service message
· Bit P = 1: PKS mode displays Out Of Service message
· Bit C = 0: CRL mode does not display Out Of Service message
· Bit C = 1: CRL mode displays Out Of Service message
· Bit I = 0: ISC mode does not display Out Of Service message
· Bit I = 1: ISC mode displays Out Of Service message
· Bit S = 0: INS mode does not display Out Of Service message
· Bit S = 1: INS mode displays Out Of Service message
· Bit F = 0: Car Failed to Start does not display Out Of Service message
· Bit F = 1: Car Failed to Start displays Out Of Service message
Note that on the Hall link the “Out Of Service” message is automatically displayed when the DMOOS
input is active, the car is initializing, the car is correcting, or the car’s position is invalid.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EN-EPS 6 Priority service type N/A
EHS-T 6 Priotity service timeout N/A
PPA-P 6 Penthouse Priority Position 255
The correct type of priority service must be defined.
· 0 = Enable emergency hospital service, remain on EHS for one call or for a number of calls
with the optional car switch
· 1 = Enable express priority service
· 2 = Enable emergency hospital service, remain on EHS until no car demand
· 3 = Enable penthouse priority service
The EHS-T parameter defines the timout delay before the car reverts to previous operations after
answering an express call and never being used as an express call.
· 5 to 255 = 5 to 255 seconds
If penthouse priority service is required, the PPA-P parameter must be defined.
· 0 to 64 = Landing 0 to 64
· 255 = Disabled
If emergency hospital service is required with a car switch, the EHS input needs to be addressed.
Each car must be specified to serve a priority call at specific landings. This is done through the first
allowed mask setup. The service tool display is shown below.
To allow the car to serve priority calls, the front and/or priority bit
needs to be set as shown below.
To allow priority calls to a specific
landing, the 'E' fields are set to a '1'.
nn nnn1 nnn1 n
The landings requiring a priority call need to have the corresponding front/rear priority call button
The outputs are illuminated under the following conditions:
· The CEL and RCEL lamps illuminate whenever the car is under EHS operation
· The AEPS lamp illuminates when a priority call is not registered and pending
· The EPL lamp is illuminated when the car is under EHS operation
Installation Parameters
Address the BUTS, CPR, DIR, MF, NORM, and OOS outputs on the Car Link. These signals must be
fed into the REM controller as discretes.
To achieve the out of service indication for REM systems that do not support the OOS input, the OOS
output from OCSS should be used to drive the POW- REM input. This will place the REM into the
INOP9 state.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
R-BAUD 1 Ring communications baud rate N/A
The R-BAUD parameter defines the baud rate.
· 96 = 9600 baud
· 192 = 19200 baud
Note that all cars in the group must have the same baud rate and after changing the R-BAUD parameter,
the power must be recycled.
Installation Parameters
The EMS selectable request parameters can be changed by using the service tool function located by
pressing M,1,3,4,5. Once in this menu, the message subtype, byte and bit are defined. Some of the listed
features have the standard message location, defined by the ring communication ICD, in the EEprom.
These should not be adjusted unless one of the standard features is not to be used at the job site. Note
that some of the group communications are transmitted through the standard requests.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
RIOT-P 7 Riot return landing 255
The RIOT-P parameter must be defined when using the RIOTS input.
· 1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
· 255 = disabled
Note that if the car is required to be moved, refer to the Independent Service Operation chapter for setup
For group riot operation, the GRIOT input must be addressed. It does not require the RIOT-P parameter.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
WCO-DT 5 Wildcar and Sabbath operation door time N/A
The SABCK input must be addressed.
The WCO-DT parameter must be defined.
· 0 to 80 = door time of 8 seconds
· 81 to 255 = door time of 8.1 to 25.5 seconds
The sabbath service landings are defined using the “S” bits of the Special Masks on the Service Tool.
The Allowed Masks at the sabbath landings must allow the car to travel to the landing. At least two
landings must have the “S” bits defined for Sabbath Service to operate properly.
at P O W S H B
xx x x x x x x
Security Options
Feature Description
This section talks about security options that affect most security features.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
SEC-O 7 Security Options bitmask N/A
The SEC-O bitmask parameter defines options for general security:
One of the lobby doors can be selected to override security. Which door is selectable by the
customer and can change by toggling a switch. Enabling this feature is done by setting the L bit:
L bit = 0: Disables lobby door security override
L bit = 1: Enables lobby door security override
When a car stops at a secured landing and opens a door for a passenger, it is because the call
type was not secured. Once the doors close at the secured landing, they are not allow to reopen
at that landing. In many cases though, it may be desirable to allow the door to reopen at a
secured landing. This feature has priority over the D bit feature. Enabling this feature is done
by setting the R bit:
R bit = 0: Disables secured door reopen
R bit = 1: Enables secured door reopen
If a passenger is in a car that stops at a secured landing, it is desirable to not let that passenger
open the door without a call to that landing. It may be desirable to return the car to the lobby
and let that passenger out. This is done when the car has no other demand. Enabling this feature
is done by setting the D bit:
D bit = 0: Disables lobby recall when DOB at secured opening
D bit = 1: Enables lobby recall when DOB at secured opening
The LDOS input is used in conjuntion with the L and D bit options of the SEC-O bitmask parameter:
· LDOS is inactive opens the front door at the lobby
· LDOS is active opens the rear door at the lobby
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
SACA-T 8 Selectable advanced car assignment time 0
The SACA-T parameter defines the number of seconds of advanced hall lanterns based in RRT seconds.
· 0 = Disabled
· 1 - 10 = 1 to 10 RRT seconds of advanced warning
· >10 = 10 RRT seconds of advanced warning
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
EN-SHB 5 Enable separate hall button riser bit mask 0
Separate hall button riser is performed by addressing the rear hall buttons, which upon activation via the
SROS input, operate as front buttons on the separate hall button riser. The Rear Hall Call allowed masks
must be defined for all landings on the cars that are to serve the separate riser demand. Note that Rear
Car Call allowed masks should not be setup, as the Front Car Call allowed masks are used.
The EN-SHB bit mask parameter enables Separate Riser Operation and specifies separate riser options.
· Bit * = 0: Reserved for furture use
· Bit * = 1: Reserved for furture use
· Bit S = 0: Disable Separate Riser Operation
· Bit S = 1: Enable Separate Riser Operation
· Bit L = 0: Hall Lantern Operation Is Enabled During Separate Riser Operation
· Bit L = 1: Hall Lantern Operation Is Disabled During Separate Riser Operation
The DCB and the RDCB inputs must be addressed to the same value.
Note that the separate riser hall button addresses must be unique from the primary riser hall button
addresses. No address on the primary riser can be duplicated on the secondary riser. If this is not going
to be the case, refer to the Swing Car Operation chapter to setup up swing car.
Installation Parameters
The setup procedure for shuttle car operation requires several parameters to be entered into the shuttle
car EEPROM table. There are five separate modes of shuttle car operation of which two modes can
support up to three sub-modes of operation which allows additional configurations within a group for
shuttle operation. Detailed examples of modes and sub-modes will be covered later in the setup section.
The parameters for shuttle car operation are defined as follows:
Sub-mode Indicates which sub-mode within the given mode the car is to respond to. Note
that all modes can operate in sub-mode 1, and only modes A and B support all
three sub-modes. A value of 1 for the appropriate sub-mode(s) will provide the
desired operations as defined in the table for the respective mode. The
following table indicates which input(s) activates each and/or all sub-modes:
Bottom Defines the bottom shuttle position. Value must be >= bottom position and <=
top position.
Top Defines the top shuttle position. Value must be >= bottom position and <= top
Intermittent Indicates position for intermittent stop 1 between the shuttle positions. Value
Stop 1 (IST1) must be > bottom position and < top position.
Intermittent Indicates position for intermittent stop 2 between the shuttle positions. Value
Stop 2 (IST2) must be > bottom position and < top position.
Sub-mode Indicates which shuttle position is the preferred position for the car when
Group 1 shuttle car is activated for sub-mode 1. A value of "1" will set the
preferred (G1) position as the bottom shuttle position, and a value of "2" will set the
preferred position as the top shuttle position.
Sub-mode Indicates which shuttle position is the preferred position for the car when
Group 2 shuttle car is activated for sub-mode 2. A value of "1" will set the
preferred (G2) position as the bottom shuttle position, and a value of "2" will set the
preferred position as the top shuttle position.
Sub-mode Indicates which shuttle position is the preferred position for the car when
Group 3 shuttle car is activated for sub-mode 3. A value of "1" will set the
preferred (G3) position as the bottom shuttle position, and a value of "2" will set the
preferred position as the top shuttle position.
Doors Defines the state of the doors when the car is parked at one of the shuttle
positions. The following table defines the possible values for the
DOORS parameter:
0 Park at the lower and upper shuttle positions with both doors closed.
1 Park at the lower and upper shuttle positions with the front doors opened and the
rear doors closed.
2 Park at the lower and upper shuttle positions with the front doors closed and the
rear doors opened.
3 Park at the lower and upper shuttle positions with both doors opened.
100 Park at the lower shuttle position with both doors closed and at the upper shuttle
position with both doors closed.
101 Park at the lower shuttle position with both doors closed and at the upper shuttle
position with the front doors opened and the rear doors closed.
102 Park at the lower shuttle position with both doors closed and at the upper shuttle
position with the front doors closed and the rear doors opened.
103 Park at the lower shuttle position with both doors closed and at the upper shuttle
position with both doors opened.
200 Park at the upper shuttle position with both doors closed and at the lower shuttle
position with both doors closed.
201 Park at the upper shuttle position with both doors closed and at the lower shuttle
position with the front doors opened and the rear doors closed.
202 Park at the upper shuttle position with both doors closed and at the lower shuttle
position with the front doors closed and the rear doors opened.
203 Park at the upper shuttle position with both doors closed and at the lower shuttle
position with both doors opened.
Figure 1-1
Hall Calls (HC) Defines whether hall calls are enabled or disabled when shuttle operation is
active. A value of "0" disables hall calls and a value of "1" enables
hall calls.
Dispatch Indicates the distance (number of landings) that a traveling car will be from its
Distance (DX) destination position before the car parked at the destination position is
dispatched to the opposite shuttle position. A good
value for DX would be (Top - Bottom)/2.
Priority Determines the delay time for a one car shuttle that is to be automatically
dispatched. The delay time has a range from 0 to 255 seconds. Note
that for shuttle car operation with intermediate stops, the car will be
immediately dispatched when the door cycle has completed and with only
terminal stops the delay time is used. It should also be pointed out that
this time should be set with two car shuttles in order to prevent the car from
always remaining at one shuttle position when there is no demand.
· Two car shuttle, cars A and B between floors 1 and 16 activated via key switch.
· No intermediate stops.
· Car A will have it's preferred landing at 1, and car B will be 16.
· Hall calls disabled for both cars.
· Both cars are to park with front doors opened.
· Dispatch distance will be 8.
· Priority delay will be 30 seconds.
The following tables illustrate how this operation would be setup for this example:
Setup for Car A
The RSL address for the key switch on the group link would be addressed at SCXA1, I/O #2551.
· Two or four car shuttle as follows:
Cars A & D and/or cars B & C
· All cars will shuttle between floors 2 and 50.
· Cars A and B will have the preferred landing as 1, and cars C and D will be
50. · Two intermediate stops for all cars at landings 4 and 5.
· Hall calls enabled for all cars.
· All cars to park at upper shuttle position with doors opened
and at lower position with doors closed. · Dispatch distance will be 24.
· Priority delay will be 30 seconds.
The following tables illustrate how this operation would be setup for this example:
Note that there are three different combinations of operation. Because of this, the three sub-modes are
used for Mode A. They are as follows:
Mode A - Sub-mode 1 -- Cars A & D, activated by SCXA1
Mode A - Sub-mode 2 -- Cars B & C, activated by SCXA2
Mode A - Sub-mode 3 -- Cars A & D and cars B & C,
activated by SCXA1 and SCXA2.
The RSL addresses for the key switches on the group link would be addressed appropriately at SCXA1
and SCXA2.
Sub-mode 1
Sub-mode 2
Sub-mode 3
Intermittent Stop 1
Intermittent Stop 2
Indicates position for intermittent stop 2 between the shuttle positions. Value must be > bottom
position and < top position.
Sub-mode Group 1
Sub-mode Group 2
Sub-mode Group 3
Hall Calls
Dispatch Distance
Speech Synthesis
Feature Description
Equipment is furnished to allow an audible announcement of the name of the next landing at which the
elevator will stop, and the committed direction of travel. Several advisory messages shall also be
available to indicate the need for the elevator to be on special services, passenger delay, and other
informational messages.
Installation Parameters
The phrases to be spoken at each landing are contracted on a job basis, and incorporated into the baseline.
Figure 1-1 shows the standard speech phrases allowed with the Okidata speech board.
If additional or special phrases are required, the special phrases are inserted in the spare phrase locations.
Changes must also be made to the data stored on the Okidata speech board for these situations.
Ensure that the base RSL address listed on the wiring diagrams of the start output (SSMS) is greater than
the base RSL address of the data output bits (SSM0 - SSM6). This is necessary due to a software change
to improve the speech performance with the AAA30005AAG baseline.
Figure 1-1
Service Tool Setup
The speech messages for each landing are stored in EEPROM which allows easy configuration using the
service tool.
The speech message configuration selected is listed under the "SETUP" service tool menu. When you
select it, a display similar to the following illustrations will appear.
Phrase A
Phrase C
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
SGO-C1 5 SGO Configuration 1 Mask 0
SGO-C2 5 SGO Configuration 2 Mask 0
SGO-C3 5 SGO Configuration 3 Mask 0
Up to three SGO configurations can be defined with the SGO-C1, SGO-C2, and SGO-C3 installation
parameters. Each of these parameters is a bit mask indicating the cars in the group when a specific SGO
configuration is activated, as follows:
· Bit A: If one, car A is part of the group. If zero, car A is not part of the group.
· Bit B: If one, car B is part of the group. If zero, car B is not part of the group.
· Bit C: If one, car C is part of the group. If zero, car C is not part of the group.
· Bit D: If one, car D is part of the group. If zero, car D is not part of the group.
· Bit E: If one, car E is part of the group. If zero, car E is not part of the group.
· Bit F: If one, car F is part of the group. If zero, car F is not part of the group.
· Bit G: If one, car G is part of the group. If zero, car G is not part of the group.
· Bit H: If one, car H is part of the group. If zero, car H is not part of the group.
A specific SGO configuration is activated with its corresponding input (SGO1, SGO2, or SGO3). If more
than one of these inputs is active at the same time, SGO1 will have the highest priority and SGO3 will
have the lowest priority.
A bank of elevators consists of eight cars. Two of the cars (G and H) are service cars which normally run
in duplex mode, leaving six cars (A - F) to serve the passenger traffic. During busy periods, all eight cars
(A - H) are combined into a single group to better serve the traffic.
This can be implemented using Split group Operation with a single configuration. Cars A - F should
have the SGO-C1 parameter set to the following value:
Cars G and H should have the SGO-C1 parameter set to the following value:
When the SGO1 input is inactive, the bank of elevators will consists of an eight car group (A - H). When
the SGO1 input is active, the elevator bank will function as two separate groups: (A - F) and (G and H).
Stuck Button
Feature Description
The stuck button feature ignores the stuck button to allow a car to serve other demand more efficiently.
At defined time intervals, the stuck button is registered as demand to bring the car to the stuck button
landing to serve any demand that may be present. This is very important in-case the stuck button occurs
at the lobby landing.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
SB-DLY 1 Stuck button processing delay N/A
The SB-DLY parameter defines the time delay before re-registering a stuck button.
· 0 to 255 = process a stuck button every 0 to 255 seconds
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
SCOTYP 5 Enable swing car operation 255
The SCOTYP parameter enables swing car operation.
· 0 = enable swing car relays on hall link
The swing car allowed mask defines the calls available to this car
when it is part of the swing car group. The format is the same as
the allowed mask.
01 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1
The outputs SCOK1H - SCOK5H, for hall link, or SCOK1G - SCOK5G, for group link, need to be
addressed to switch the ring communications for the swing car group. Note that only the first car in the
swing car group controls the ring communications switching.
The request inputs SCOC, SCOH and SCOG must be addressed for every car to be in the swing car group
to operate correctly.
The hall buttons on the swing car hall button riser must be addressed identically to the default group hall
button riser. It is acceptable for the swing car hall button riser to have more hall button addressed than
the default group riser, since the default group allowed mask will not allow those calls.
If either group has a different top landing, the TOP parameter must be set to the highest value among all
cars. This allows the cars to serve all landing in both groups.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
TFPOS1 2 Transfer floor service position 1 255
TFPOS2 2 Transfer floor service position 2 255
The TFPOS1 and TFPOS2 parameters define a transfer floor landing.
· 1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
· 255 = disabled
The transfer floor position is usually the highest landing where the low-rise and high-rise groups both
stop. The TFK input must be addressed for the conditional operation to be used. This allows a clock to
control when transfer floor service is in effect.
The down hall button at the transfer floor of the low-rise group must be disabled during this operation.
At this time, Group Generic Security should be used to disable the hall button.
The TFL output is active when the feature is enabled and in use.
In this configuration, passengers travelling from a low rise landing can access
the upper landings by transferring to the high-rise group at the 6th floor.
To minimize service delays, the down hall button for the high-rise, 6th
floor is not allowed to operate. Additionally, the high-rise cars have the
6th floor car call button disabled as the car travels in the up direction.
Low-rise: No setup required.
6 6
High-rise: TFPOS1 = 2, because floor 6 is the 2nd landing of the high-rise.
TFK = 01-0 if permanent, an address if conditional.
1 1
Example 2
Installation Parameters
Each of the four outputs must be addressed.
Installation Parameters
Name Group Description Disable
WCOTYP 5 Wild car operation type N/A
WCO-DT 5 Wild car operation door time N/A
If the operation is to be automatic, the WCOS parameter needs to be defaulted on. Otherwise, for manual
wild car activation, the WCOS input needs to be addressed.
The WCO-DT parameter must be defined.
· 0 to 80 = door time of 8 seconds
· 81 to 255 = door time of 8.1 to 25.5 seconds
The WCOTYP parameter defines the car direction required for stopping at designated landings.
· 0 = The car stops in both directions
· 1 = The car stops in the up direction
· 2 = The car stops in the down direction
The wild car landings are defined using the “W” bits of the Special Masks on the Service Tool.
at P O W S H B
xx x x x x x x
# CRWD, 47
% CRWD, 47
AACK, 14
AAL, 14, 19
ACSC, 15
ACSH, 15
ADA-T, 13
ADS-EN, 51
AEPS, 21, 191
ALBI, 14
ALBO, 14, 19
AMF, 74
AMF-P, 74
ANND01 - ANND80, 17
ANNU01 - ANNU80, 17
ANNU-T, 17
ANS, 16
ARD, 179
ARD-P, 179
ARL, 17, 19, 128
ASL, 109
ASL2, 109
ASL2-C, 110, 166
ASL2-P, 110, 166
ASL-CK, 110, 166
ASL-P, 110, 166
ATK, 17
ATT, 17
BATT, 19
BEP, 86, 88, 91, 94, 96, 98, 101
BPZ-EN, 183
BPZ-MN, 183
BUTS, 193
BUZ, 109, 128
CB-TYP, 162
CCBL, 29
CC-DT, 64
CC-LPT, 147
CCOC, 27
CCOH, 27
CCRCCC, 25, 31
CCRCCH, 25, 31
CCTL, 29
CDDL, 148
CDGD, 54, 148
CDGU, 54, 148
CDLD, 19, 54, 148
CDLU, 19, 54, 148
CDML, 19, 54, 148
CEL, 19, 54, 191
CFT-NT, 22
CFT-P, 22
CFTS, 21, 32
CHCC, 140
CHCS, 140
CHMI, 148
CHMU, 148
CHN-A, 39
CHN-AT, 39
CHN-B, 39
CHN-C, 39
CHN-D, 39
CHN-DT, 39
CHN-E, 39
CHN-EA, 39
CHN-EN, 38
CHN-F, 39
CHN-G, 39
CHN-H, 39
CHNL, 21, 38
CHN-LD, 39
CHN-O, 39
CHN-ST, 39
CHN-T, 39
CHN-T1, 39
CHN-T2, 39
CHN-T3, 39
CHN-T4, 39
CHN-T5, 39
CHN-T6, 39
CHN-T7, 39
CHN-T8, 39
CNL, 183, 186
CNL-MN, 183, 186
CPC01 - CPC80, 33
CPC-O, 33
CPR, 193
CRIC01 - CRIC80, 25, 31
CRIG01 - CRIG80, 138
CRIH01 - CRIH80, 26
CRWDF1, 47
CRWDF2, 47
CRWDF3, 47
CRWDF4, 47
CRWDF5, 47
CSA1, 34
CSA2, 34
CSA3, 34
CSA4, 34
CSA5, 34
CSA6, 34
CSAC, 34
CSAK, 34
CSAL, 19, 34
CTL, 37
CTLL, 21, 37
CTL-O, 37
CTL-P, 37
CUDL, 148
CUML, 19, 54, 148
CWDS1I1, 47
CWDS1I2, 47
CWDS1I3, 47
CWDS2I1, 47
CWDS2I2, 47
CWDS2I3, 47
CWDS3I1, 47
CWDS3I2, 47
CWDS3I3, 47
CWDS4I1, 47
CWDS4I2, 47
CWDS4I3, 47
CWDS5I1, 47
CWDS5I2, 47
CWDS5I3, 47
DISB, 14
DISL, 14, 21
DISTL, 21, 53
DLSC, 59
DLSH, 59
DMD, 21
DMOOS, 189
DPC, 160
DRD, 50
DRES, 14
DSGSR, 109, 121
DTC-O, 60
DTC-T, 60
DTO-O, 63
DTP, 21, 60, 63
DWL, 164
DWL-NT, 164
EFK, 109
EFKB, 109
EFO, 109
EFO-CK, 110, 166
EFO-DC, 110
EFO-P, 110, 166
EFS, 110, 121, 166
EFS-CK, 110, 121, 166
EHS, 191
EHS-T, 191
ELDCC1, 77
ELDCC2, 77
ELDCC3, 77
ELDCC4, 77
ELDCF1, 77
ELDCF2, 77
ELDCF3, 77
ELDCF4, 77
ELDHC1, 77
ELDHC2, 77
ELDHC3, 77
ELDHC4, 77
ELDHF1, 77
ELDHF2, 77
ELDHF3, 77
ELDHF4, 77
ELD-T, 77
ELZ-P, 183
EMKH, 85
ESK, 121
ESRUN, 121
EZ1BOT, 106
EZ1DLY, 106
EZ1RSR, 106
EZ1TOP, 106
EZ2BOT, 106
EZ2DLY, 106
EZ2RSR, 106
EZ2TOP, 106
EZ3BOT, 106
EZ3DLY, 106
EZ3RSR, 106
EZ3TOP, 106
EZ-LFT, 106
EZ-RGT, 106
FREV, 173
FSBPL1, 21, 109
FSBPL2, 21, 109
FSIILC, 19, 121
FSIILH, 21, 121
FSKTYP, 110, 121
FSL, 19, 54, 109, 128
FSR, 21, 109, 128
FUHB01 - FUHB80, 54, 65, 173
FUHL, 21, 162
FUHL01 - FUHL80, 54
FZP-1B, 186
FZP-1T, 186
FZP-2B, 186
FZP-2T, 186
FZP-3B, 186
FZP-3T, 186
FZP-4B, 186
FZP-4T, 186
FZP-5B, 186
FZP-5T, 186
FZP-6B, 186
FZP-6T, 186
FZP-7B, 186
FZP-7T, 186
FZP-8B, 186
FZP-8T, 186
FZP-EN, 186
HBP-O, 137
HBP-P, 137
HB-TYP, 162
HC_DT, 64
HCCO, 139
HCOC, 139
HCOG, 139
HCRC, 30, 138
HDDL, 19, 148
HDML, 21, 54, 148
HDOB, 109
HL-SET, 148
HUDL, 19, 148
HUML, 21, 54, 148
LDOS, 198
LDR, 152
LFC, 151
LNSL, 173
LOBBY, 164
LOB-T, 64
LPT, 147
LR, 151
LR-T, 151
LW10, 72
LW110, 72
LW30, 72
LW50, 72
LW80, 72
MCSS-O, 59, 72
MF, 193
MG-DLY, 70
MGPL, 21, 70
MG-PRO, 71
MG-TIM, 69, 70
MIT-LD, 157, 160
MIT-MN, 157
MIT-MX, 157
MIT-O, 157
MIT-ST, 157
MIT-T, 157
MOT-T, 160
MOVD, 173
MOVU, 173
MREFO, 109
NDG-T, 167
NORM, 193
NSB, 17
NSLC, 17, 19, 128
NSLH, 17, 19, 128
NUG, 91
NUSD, 91
PFLH, 91
PI-C, 189
PI-G, 189
PI-H, 189
PKL, 20, 176
PKS, 37
PKS2, 176
PKS-O, 176
PKS-P, 176
PPA-P, 191
PRKLT, 21, 37
PSC, 86, 88, 94, 96, 98, 101
PTC, 86, 88, 94, 96, 98, 101
PWRXFR, 86, 89, 94, 96, 98, 101
RAND-C, 23
RAND-H, 23
RB, 121
R-BAUD, 194
RCB, 162
RCB-NO, 164
RCCB01 - RCCB80, 56, 173
RCCOC, 140
RCDDL, 19, 148
RCDGD, 56, 148
RCDGU, 56, 148
RCDLD, 19, 56, 148
RCDLU, 19, 56, 148
RCEL, 19, 56, 191
RCHMI, 148
RCHMU, 148
RCRIC01 - RCRIC80, 25, 31
RCRIG01 - RCRIG80, 138
RCRIH01 - RCRIH80, 26
RCUDL, 19, 148
RDCB, 56, 58, 103, 191, 200
RDFC, 173
RDHB, 56, 58
RDHB01 - RDHB80, 56, 65, 173, 200
RDHL, 21, 162
RDHL01 - RDHL80, 56, 200
RDO, 173
RDSP-T, 51
RDTO-T, 63
RDWL, 164
REFK, 109
REFKB, 109
REHC01 - REHC80, 56, 191
REV-DT, 64
RFSL, 19, 56, 109, 128
RIOT-P, 196
RIOTS, 196
RNDG, 173
ROLS, 19, 128, 175
RREV, 173
RSDB, 164
RSTC, 19
RUHB01 - RUHB80, 56, 65, 173, 200
RUHL, 21, 162
RUHL01 - RUHL80, 56, 200
SABCK, 197
SACA-T, 199
SAC-D1, 34
SAC-D2, 34
SAC-D3, 34
SAR-DR, 31
SAR-P, 30, 31
SB-DLY, 215
SCOC, 216
SCOG, 216
SCOH, 216
SCOK1G, 216
SCOK1H, 216
SCOK2G, 216
SCOK2H, 216
SCOK3G, 216
SCOK3H, 216
SCOK4G, 216
SCOK4H, 216
SCOK5G, 216
SCOK5H, 216
SCOWA, 216
SCXA1, 202
SCXA2, 202
SCXB1, 202
SCXB2, 202
SCXC, 202
SCXD, 202
SCXE, 202
SCXL, 202
SDB, 164
SEC-O, 130, 198
SESL, 19, 121, 128
SES-O, 110, 121
SESPRO, 71, 74, 121
SES-R, 121
SF_EPO, 86, 89, 94, 96, 98, 101
SGO1, 213
SGO2, 213
SGO3, 213
SGO-C1, 213
SGO-C2, 213
SGO-C3, 213
SGOL1, 213
SGOL2, 213
SGOL3, 213
SPB-NT, 164
SPL, 21, 86, 88, 94, 96, 98, 101
SPTL, 21
SROS, 200
SSM1, 210
SSM2, 210
SSM3, 210
SSM4, 210
SSM5, 210
SSM6, 210
SSMB, 210
SSMO, 210
SSMR, 210
SSMRL, 210
SSMS, 210
SST-DT, 64
STC, 19
STH, 20
TFK, 218
TFL, 21, 218
TFPOS1, 218
TFPOS2, 218
TOP, 164
TPOS-1, 180
TPOS-2, 180
VFSBB, 220
VFSBD, 220
VFSBT, 220
VFSBU, 220
V-RSR, 51