Bai Matabay Plang Monument
Bai Matabay Plang Monument
Bai Matabay Plang Monument
Namli Plang
The Bai Matabay Plang Monument stands in the heart of USM, honoring Hadja Bai Fatima
Matabay Namli Plang's dedication to education, compassion for the underprivileged, and
cultural heritage preservation. Despite her royal background, she founded educational
institutions across Mindanao, making significant contributions. This landmark was chosen by our
group because we are amazed by the elements of arts present and as symbol of deep respect
and gratitude for her unwavering dedication in founding what would become a prestigious
institution. As we approach the Bai Matabay Plang Day on October 1, it is only fitting to honor
her legacy in this meaningful way.
Monuments like Bai Hadja Fatima Matabay Plang's play a vital role, preserving cultural richness
and celebrating diversity. We chose this because of the elements of the arts present in the
monument. The gold and white color symbolizes honor, achievement, and virtue. The gold color
adds sophistication to the monument and represents Bai Hadja Fatima Matabay Plang's
significant contributions, while white embodies coolness and neatness that signifies her noble
intentions and virtuous character, emphasizing her dedication to educational and cultural
integration efforts.
The use of concrete in the monument symbolizes the lasting impact and resilience of Bai Hadja
Fatima Matabay Plang's contributions. It represents the enduring legacy, solid groundwork, and
foundation upon which her vision for education and cultural integration was built. We also
noticed the text inscriptions within the monument that add depth and context, allowing visitors to
connect with Bai Hadja Fatima Matabay Plang's life and contributions.
Moreover, we are amazed with the structure of the monument as the conical shape symbolizes
growth and progress, reflecting Bai Hadja Fatima Matabay Plang's transformative impact. The
open central structure invites exploration, emphasizing her achievements as the heart of the
monument's design, making her contributions visually compelling and symbolically significant.
Overall, we chose Bai Matabay Plang Monument because it encapsulates the enduring legacy
of Hadja Bai Fatima Matabay Namli Plang. Its symbolic representation of education, unity, and
cultural richness serves as a poignant reminder of her significant contributions. Through its
design, color choices, inscriptions, and architectural elements, the monument engages visitors
in a profound exploration of her life's work. It stands as a testament to her dedication and
inspires future generations to uphold the values she championed.