ACTIVITY: ____________________________________________
5 4 3 2 POINTS
PERSONAL The PPEs were complete The PPEs were The PPEs were complete and The PPEs were complete and
PROTECTIVE and properly worn. complete and properly properly worn but has there is properly worn but has there is
EQUIPMENT worn but has there is 1- 3-4 kinds that is missing. 3-4 kinds that is missing.
(Hairnet, apron,towel, 2 kinds that is missing.
facemask, white shirt,
long pants, shoes)
PREPARATION Student practice excellent Student completed all Student completed most of Did not measure out all the
(Measuring, and preparing their the steps but the use the preparation steps but missed ingredients and the used of tools
otherwise preparing ingredients, and tools and equipment in one of or more of the and equipment is not totally
the ingredients, job procedures. The use of a proper way is slightly procedures and the use of observed and handled.
use of tools and tools and equipment is observed. tools and equipment is not
equipment and properly handled and properly handled.
utensils) observed.
SAFETY AND Great care is taken to keep Has the care to keep Little care as to how food is Several safety and sanitation
SANITATION OF self; food, areas and self; food and kitchen being handled. Little care is rules were not followed. Do not
AREA kitchen areas clean to areas are clean to avoid taken to keep self and kitchen use safety practices to avoid
avoid cross cross contamination. area clean. Has safe practices foodborne borne illnesses after
contamination. The The area/table is kept to avoid food born illness multiple reminders. Kitchen is
area/table is kept organized and clean at after reminder. Kitchens are not kept organized and clean at
organized and clean at all all times but require kept organized and clean at all all times after requiring
times. reminders. times but require multiple multiple reminders after the
reminders. reminder.
TIME Use time efficiently. Little disorganized but Students did not use time Objective for the day was not
MANAGEMENT Stayed focused on the got the job in time. efficiently and barely got met on time. Students were off
task. Did not sit down Students were on task done in time. Students were task majority of the task and
until kitchen was spotless. for majority of the lab. frequently off task with frequently directions needed.
Students stayed on task redirection needed.
and entire lab.
10 8 5 3 POINTS
PRESENTATION Great care is taken to make Food is very close to Food did not have the Food could not be eaten. Final
and APPEARANCE food appetizing. Food placed having the appropriate appropriate look. Final product is not plated for
OF PRODUCT neatly on plates. Final product look. Final product is product is plated for evaluation or presentation
is plated appropriately for plated appropriately evaluation and appears sloppy and or
(plating) evaluation. Food items for evaluation with compliance only. The unfinished. The food is messy
arranged neatly and with flair assistance. Food items arrangement of food is and is full of destruction.
imagination and creativity arranged neatly. not properly managed
were visible. The appearance Slightly appetizing and is messy. Look is
is appetizing. look and little not appetizing. No
creativity used. creativity at all.
Right full of flavor ingredients Good flavor Flavor is mild Little or no flavor
well blended good texture.
Answers well all the question Answers only the Answers are not Did not answer the questions.
and has additional question without any satisfying.
informations discussed. additional information.