Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Federated Learning Based Privacy Preserving Approach For Skin Disease Classification
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Federated Learning Based Privacy Preserving Approach For Skin Disease Classification
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Federated Learning Based Privacy Preserving Approach For Skin Disease Classification
This research displays inspect a study on the classification of human skin diseases
using medical imaging, with a focus on data privacy preservation. Skin disease
diagnosis is primarily done visually and can be challenging due to variant colors
and complex formation of diseases. The proposed solution involves an image dataset
with seven classes of skin disease, a convolutional neural network (CNN) model,
and image augmentation to increase dataset size and model generalization. The
suggested CNN model attained an average precision of 86% and an average recall
of 81% for all seven classes of skin diseases. To safeguard the privacy of the data, a
federated learning method was used, in which the information was split among 500,
1000, and 2000 users. With the proposed scheme which based on CNN for disease
classification and the federated learning method, the average accuracy was 82.42%,
87.26%, and 93.25% for the different numbers of clients. The findings show that it
may be possible to effectively categorize skin illnesses by employing a CNN-based
approach coupled with federated learning in order to achieve this goal. This would
be conducted without compromising the confidentiality of patient data.
1 Introduction
Skin diseases are a widespread and significant health concern globally, with various
factors influencing their impact, including environmental factors and genetic
susceptibility [1]. Also, social factors like socioeconomic status, schooling, free
Niharika Anand and Gaurav Sharma have contributed equally to this work.
Divya et al.
time, and getting to healthcare play a part in how prevalent skin illnesses are and
how bad they are [2]. As per the study in [3], skin disease were ranked fourth in
the catalog of most plebeian nonfatal diseases globally. Skin diseases can lead to
psychological and sociological issues, such as depression, anger, anxiety, low self-
esteem and even social isolation [4]. Proper identification is crucial for effective
therapy, but doctors have trouble making accurate diagnoses because many skin
diseases look identical in shape and color [5]. Machine learning has revolutionized
medical imaging, enabling more accurate disease detection, and classification, even
in the case of skin diseases. The advancement in processing power and the vast
availability of medical imaging data have contributed to the remarkable performance
of machine learning models in medical science [6]. CNN has shown exceptional
advancements in medical image processing [7]. However, there are issues with
using clinical images for research purposes, such as differing complex contexts,
privacy concerns, and resolutions, especially with sentient images [8]. Moreover,
the skin disease image datasets lack clear labels and information, and the number of
attainable labeled datasets is limited [9]. To overcome these challenges, researchers
have turned to an emerging concept called federated learning. Federated learning
allows data to be distributed across clients, thus preserving user privacy and data
confidentiality [10].
The following is the outline for this paper: The paper begins with a discussion
of the background literature (Sect. 2), moves on to an outline of the proposed
methodology (Sect. 3), describes the Image Dataset (Sect. 4), analyzes the results
(Sect. 5), and concludes with a discussion of the next steps for this research (Sect. 6).
2 Background literature
Convolutional neural network (CNN) and federated…
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In this research, we have examined the suitability of utilizing CNN for accurately
classifying skin diseases while retaining data privacy by incorporating federated
learning algorithms. Our approach aims to enhance the accuracy and security of
skin disease classification using deep learning techniques.
We present a new CNN model for skin disease classification and increase
its performance through hyper-parameter tweaking. Finally, we compared the
performance of our proposed CNN model to that of other industry-standard standard
Through the integration of these methodologies, we have put forth a
comprehensive methodology that effectively improves the precision and safeguarding
of skin disease classification through the use of deep learning techniques. The
anticipated outcome of this study is to make a substantial scholarly contribution
toward the advancement of more precise and reliable models for classifying skin
illnesses. These models have an opportunity to enhance the accuracy of diagnoses
and treatment techniques for various skin conditions. In light of the sensitive nature
of certain skin disease photographs, particularly those that display intimate bodily
parts and organs, our study focused on exploring federated learning methods as a
means to improve the security and confidentiality of medical imaging data present in
the dataset. Our federated learning approach ensured that sensitive medical images
were kept locally on each user’s device, and the model was trained using only the
aggregated information, rather than the raw data. This approach helped to ensure
that the privacy of the sensitive medical images was preserved while still enabling
the model to learn from the dataset as a whole.
The strategy we suggest offers a potential answer to the challenge of insufficient
data on skin diseases that is now accessible for research purposes. In subsequent
periods, the construction of a specialized dataset of photographs of skin diseases
may present a significant research undertaking with considerable worth. Moreover,
the approach we have proposed has the potential to be utilized in several medical
imaging applications that entail the handling of confidential information, as outlined
in Table 1.
3 Methodology
In this part of the article, the methodology that was applied to the research is broken
down and discussed. In this study, a number of distinct CNN methods, such as the
Alexnet and VGG16 models, are being dissected and contrasted with one another. In
addition, we are looking into the concept of a federated learning framework as a part
of our work together.
An input layer, hidden layers, and an output layer make up the structure of a
neural network, which is a type of mathematical organization. The layers are made
up of neurons that are linked together by weight parameters, and these parameters
are optimized using a loss function and the backpropagation method.
CNNs are neural networks with several layers that include convolution,
activation, pooling, and fully connected layers. The proposed topology of a
CNN network is shown in Fig. 1, along with the dimensions and sizes of each
Table 1 Comparison of previous work and our contribution
Study Method Dataset size Number of classes Accuracy
Divya et al.
layer and filter that would be used in the network. With the goal to extract
characteristics from the images that were incorporated into the model that has
been presented, a deep architecture that includes 28 convolutional layers is
deployed. The architecture incorporates depthwise separable convolutions, which
are a combination of depthwise and pointwise convolutions. The initial layer
comprised of 32 filters which are of size 3 × 3, and the number of filters increases
gradually in subsequent layers, reaching a maximum of 1024 in the middle of
the network and then gradually decreasing to 128 filters in the last few layers.
For training, only one fully connected layer with softmax activation is added on
top of the extracted features. The model that he indicated was trained on a large
dataset, and it was optimized with regard to hyperparameters such as batch size
and number of epochs. The results of the investigations show that the suggested
model performs better than existing models that are considered to be state-of-the-
art when it comes to skin disease categorization tasks.
3.1 Convolution layer
Convolutional neural network (CNN) and federated…
(Im − S + 2 × P)
Output = (1)
To bring nonlinearity into the model, the convolution layer output is routed via an
activation function. ReLU (rectified linear unit) and sigmoid are the most widely
utilized activation functions. The activation layer is followed by a pooling layer,
which is responsible for downsampling the feature maps that were formed by the
preceding convolution layer. The purpose of this layer is to reduce the amount of
space occupied by the feature maps while preserving the essential characteristics of
those maps. In addition to this, the pooling layer assists in minimizing the risk of
model overfitting.
In the final stage, the outcome of the pooling layer is passed into a fully
connected layer, which is a conventional neural network that accepts a one-
dimensional array as its input, generates class-wise probabilities, then predicts
the correct class. In other words, it takes the output of the pooling layer as its
input. Table 2 provides a synopsis of the nine layers that were added to the CNN
model that was introduced. Figure 1 depicts the architecture that comprises the
model, and it also includes information on the dimensions and sizes of each
of the layers and filters. In the quantitative study that is given in this section, a
comparison is made between the proposed CNN model and existing algorithms
as AlexNet, VGG16, ResNet50 and DenseNet121. This part also discusses the
concept of a federated learning framework, which is implemented in the research
project that is being suggested in order to improve the safety of medical imaging
through the application of a specialized dataset.
Table 2 Proposed CNN model Layer Size Filter size Stride Activation
Input 224 × 224 × 3 – – –
Conv1 112 × 112 × 32 3×3 2 ReLu
Conv2 112 × 112 × 64 3×3 1 ReLU
Conv3 56 × 56 × 128 3×3 2 ReLU
Conv4 56 × 56 × 128 3×3 1 ReLU
Conv5 28 × 28 × 256 3×3 2 ReLU
Conv6 28 × 28 × 256 3×3 1 ReLU
Conv7 14 × 14 × 512 3×3 2 ReLU
Conv8 14 × 14 × 512 3×3 1 ReLU
Conv9 7 × 7 × 1024 3×3 2 ReLU
Conv10 7 × 7 × 1024 3×3 1 ReLU
Global pooling 1 × 1 × 1024 – – –
Output 1×1×7 – – Softmax
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3.2 Pooling layer
The pooling layer used is depthwise separable average pooling. This layer is applied
after each depthwise separable convolutional layer. The depthwise separable average
pooling layer cut downs the spatial dimensions of the output from layer that came
before it, while retaining all channels. The average pooling operation computes the
mean value of each channel over a certain window size, resulting in a feature map
with reduced spatial dimensions and the same number of channels. The depthwise
separable average pooling layer helps to prevent overfitting while also contributing
to the reduction in the total number of parameters used in the model.
The pooling layer processes the feature matrix using a filter to create a dimension-
reduced feature matrix. This study employs two types of pooling layers: maximum
pooling and average pooling. In maximum pooling, each set’s new feature matrix
is generated by selecting the ceiling value of every patch filtered from the original
feature matrix. By calculating the average values of each patch that the filter selects,
average pooling creates new set values in contrast. Equation 2 is accustomed to
determine newly generated feature matrix dimensions, where H, W, and C denote
the height, width, and number of channels in the feature map.
(H − S + 2) (W − S + 1)
Output = × ×C (2)
(St ) (St )
The input feature map is divided into non-overlapping subregions, and the maximum
value of each subregion is taken to compose a fresh feature map with reduced
In this process, the filter or window slides over the input feature map, and at
each position, it selects a subregion. The size of the subregion is determined by the
filter size, which is typically 2 × 2 or 3 × 3. For each subregion, the ceiling value is
selected and placed in the corresponding location of the new feature map. The new
feature map is smaller than the primary feature map, as each subregion produces
only one value instead of multiple values.
The input feature map has a size of 4 × 4 and a depth of 3 (indicated by the three
planes). The filter size is 2 × 2, and the stride is 2. Therefore, the filter slides over
the feature map in steps of 2, resulting in a new feature map with a size of 2 × 2 and
a depth of 3.
Max-pooling is an effective way to contract the dimensionality of the feature map
and also engaging the majority of crucial features. It helps to avoid overfitting and
reduces the computational cost of the model.
3.3 Activation layer
Convolutional neural network (CNN) and federated…
prominent activation functions used in deep learning models, including ReLu, Sigmoid,
and Tanh. The suggested model in this study employs an activation function given by
equation 3. This function returns zero for inputs less than or equal to zero and returns
the input for inputs larger than zero.
0 if y ≤ 0
f (y) =
y if y > 0 (3)
The suggested design includes a fully connected layer, which is a conventional neural
network layer. This layer computes class probabilities using the output of the layers
that came before it in the form of a one-dimensional vector and takes it as input. The
final categorization is carried out by this layer, which is located at the very end of
the network and is responsible for its execution. The number of parameters is kept at
a minimum and overfitting is avoided with the help of the proposed model’s global
average pooling layer, which comes before the fully connected layer. A single feature
map will be generated for each channel as a result of this pooling layer’s calculation
of an average of the feature maps generated by the layer that came before it across all
of the spatial dimensions. The resulting tensor is then sent on to the fully connected
layer, which generates the final output by computing the probabilities associated with
the various classes. In the case of picture classification, the number of output classes
is often the same as the number of different object categories. Therefore, the degree of
nodes in the fully connected layer is equal to the total variety of output classes.
3.5 Federated learning
The use of federated learning has emerged as a method for maintaining data privacy
while reducing latency by training decentralized data. This strategy entails sending
a central model copy to all of the devices in use, and then training the models with
the user input data collected from each individual device. After that, the results of
the training are transferred to the server, where they are aggregated, and the primary
model is given an update. The diagram labeled Fig. 2 presents an example of the
federated learning system concept. The implementation of federated learning has a
significant impact on data confidentiality and security, particularly for medical data.
In 2019, Augenstein et al. [29] constructed a fruitful framework centered around
federated learning in order to address the typical issues regarding data in situations
when it is not possible to access the data directly.
4 Image dataset
For this study, a dataset of skin disease images was created using images from
the HAM10000 dataset [30], which contains a diverse range of skin lesions. This
dataset consists of 10,000 dermoscopic images that have been manually annotated
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Convolutional neural network (CNN) and federated…
Overall, this dataset provides a diverse and high-quality set of images for training
and testing machine learning models for skin disease classification.
In this study, a total of 9077 images were considered for training the proposed
model and 938 images were utilized for validation. To improve the performance of
the model and to prevent overfitting, image augmentation techniques were applied
during the training process. Specifically, techniques such as rotation, horizontal and
vertical flipping, and zooming were used to increase the diversity of the training
images. The training process was carried out for 30 epochs with a batch size of 50.
The deep learning API used in this study was Keras with GPU, which enabled the
training process to be faster and more efficient. The training procedure produced a
set of results, which were then evaluated using an assortment of metrics, comprising
precision, recall, accuracy, precision and F1-score, all of which are going to be
addressed in the subsequent sections.
The proposed model architecture is designed to effectively learn and represent
features from the input images. It includes multiple convolution layers that employ
depthwise separable convolutions. This specific kind of convolution is comprised
of a depthwise convolution that employs a single filter to each and every incoming
channel, with a pointwise convolution, that employs a 1 × 1 filter for combining
the results of the depthwise convolution. Both of these filters are applied in order
to create the final result. The model is able to drastically decrease the variety of
trainable parameters and the amount of computational complexity by making use of
depthwise separable convolutions. Despite this, it is still capable of achieving a high
level of accuracy. This makes it easier for the model to learn and extract features
from the images that are provided in an efficient manner, which is vital for the
proper classification of skin diseases. The use of such advanced techniques is an
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Convolutional neural network (CNN) and federated…
Fig. 5 Confusion matrix for the proposed skin disease classification model
be consistent with the model’s training progression. The analysis indicates that the
loss function of our proposed model demonstrates a decreasing trend over epochs,
showcasing the model’s learning capability. While the comparison with other
methods was not conducted in this specific context, the focus was on monitoring
the loss function’s behavior within our proposed model. The suggested model
initially predicts a loss that is on the higher side, but after several epochs, the loss
predictability improves. Figure 6 illustrates both the suggested model’s accuracy and
its lack of precision.
Table 5 illustrates the computational performance of various CNN models,
including AlexNet, VGG16, ResNet50, DenseNet121, and our proposed method.
The table compares the number of parameters, inference time, and memory usage
for each model. Our proposed method exhibits superior computational efficiency
with only 7.5 million parameters, an inference time of 1.6 milliseconds, and memory
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Fig. 6 Training accuracy and loss of the proposed model (Learning Rate = 0.01; Batch Size = 50 and
epochs = 30)
usage of 180 MB. This demonstrates that our method not only achieves higher
accuracy, but also offers significant improvements in computational efficiency,
making it more suitable for practical applications where resources are limited.
We additionally demonstrated the federated learning method using the same
dataset, and we made predictions for the average accuracy and the average loss
as a function of the number of users. The confidentiality of the users’ personal
information was a driving motivation for this action. In addition, we utilized a
generalized version of the FedAvg approach in order to bring the central model
up to date. After a number of batch updates have been carried out on the client
device using the FedAvg generalized strategy, the client’s model will deliver
Convolutional neural network (CNN) and federated…
updated weights rather than gradients as the result of these updates. The FedML
model metrics are provided for your consideration in the following table: reffed.
As looking at Table 6, it is easy to see that the accuracy improves as the number of
clients or devices increases, and in the other direction, it decreases as the average
loss profile is increased. The suggested model demonstrated a maximum accuracy
of 93.23% after being applied to 2000 different customers. On the other hand,
CNN algorithms demonstrated greater accuracy than the FedML. However, after
the number of training photographs has been increased, the FedML’s accuracy
will steadily improve over time. The greatest advantage of using FedML is that it
protects your privacy. Because only the updated weights are exchanged with the
centralized model, this helps to ensure that the confidentiality of the customers’
data is maintained. Therefore, anyone may train a model using personally
identifiable information without having to share the data that was collected from
their own devices in its original form. This happens to be the first time that we
are aware of that we have attempted to classify skin illnesses according to the
principles of federated learning. To the best of our knowledge, this is the case. As
a result, the implementation of this tactic will demonstrate a new element of the
technological society.
The model that has been proposed can only differentiate between seven distinct
skin types illnesses, despite the fact that people are known to have a vast array
of skin conditions. In addition to this, the model is unable to indicate the degree
of the seriousness of the illness. In addition, because there were not enough
picture sources, we were only able to train our model using a limited quantity of
data. Therefore, there is a possibility that performance will change following the
training of new data. In the future, we want to work toward expanding the quantity
of data contained inside the dataset and improving the overall effectiveness of the
federated learning model from a number of vantage points.
Table 7 presents a comparative analysis of various state-of-the-art methods
using the HAM10000 dataset for skin disease classification. The table lists
the accuracy and F1-Score of each method, highlighting the strengths and
weaknesses in their performance. Perez et al. [1] and Harangi [31] utilize data
augmentation and ensemble techniques, achieving accuracies of 74.3% and
78.8%, respectively. Brinker et al. [11] and Liu et al. [4] leverage ResNet50 and
multi-scale CNN architectures, with accuracies of 76.5% and 80.1%. Yang et al.
[32] employs an attention-based CNN, achieving 82.4% accuracy. Our proposed
method demonstrates superior performance, with an accuracy of 91.25% and an
F1-Score of 91.40%. This significant improvement underscores the efficacy of
Table 6 Performance Metrics Number of users Avg. accuracy (in %) Avg. loss (in %)
for FedAvg
500 82.42 0.332
1000 87.26 0.211
2000 93.23 0.13
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6 Conclusion
In this work, a novel CNN model was presented, and we investigated a federated
learning approach to solve the issue of data privacy. To do this, rather of the bespoke
dataset, we utilized the well-known and widely available HAM10000 dataset. The
effectiveness of the developed CNN model is assessed by contrasting it with that
of two other standard CNN algorithms, specifically AlexNet and VGG16 and more
recent industry-based approaches like ResNet50 and DenseNet121. The HAM10000
dataset is used for the training and validation of all three models, including the
one that has been proposed; the learning rate is set to 0.02, the batch size is set
to 50, and the epochs are set to 30. The suggested model demonstrated a greater
average accuracy of 86 %, as well as a higher recall percentage of 81 %, for seven
skin diseases. Additionally, the evaluation employs solely Keras GPU APIs to check
out various permutations of three preprocessing techniques applied to the condition
images: color highlighting, model transfer, and data balancing. Additionally, we
conducted a cross-validation study in addition to a training-test accuracy evaluation.
However, there is room for a few improvements in the model’s overall performance
as there is still room for improvement in the model’s overall performance. The
effectiveness of the suggested model is remarkable overall, which is advantageous
for dermatologists in their capacity to identify illnesses. When compared, the
federated learning algorithm that was tried with exhibited a maximum average
accuracy of 93.23% when the number of users was set at 2000. If there were further
training data and additional illness classes, the model that has been suggested would
be more effective and would be able to categorise a greater number of diseases. In
the future, we hope to broaden our work by doing the following:
• Evaluating the suggested model for a more general skin disease categorization
problem, including rashes, allergies, and bone illnesses.
• Combining Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and data management systems with
image-based illness identification algorithms to create a usable application.
Convolutional neural network (CNN) and federated…
With the help of the suggested architecture, a remote skin disease detection
application may be made a reality.
Despite the promising results, our proposed model has some limitations. It
struggles with imbalanced datasets, particularly underperforming on minority
classes. Its generalization ability to other datasets needs further validation.
Additionally, its performance heavily depends on preprocessing quality, and it lacks
interpretability, making it challenging for clinicians to understand its decision-
making process. Addressing these issues in future work will enhance the model’s
robustness and applicability.
Author contributions Divya and Niharika have carried out all the experimental and validation part. The
writing part is done by these two authors only. Gaurav have reviewed the entire work and have proof read
the paper.
Data availability All the datasets are open-source datasets that are available online, and the references
have been given in the paper.
Conflict of interest This is an original paper and has not been submitted anywhere else, and none of the
authors have any Conflict of interest.
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Convolutional neural network (CNN) and federated…
* Niharika Anand
Gaurav Sharma
Department of Information Technology, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Lucknow,
University of Sheffiled, Sheffiled, England, UK