WileyBlevins Phonics

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STEP 4 Phonics | Long Vowels | Final e

STEP 5 Phonics | Long Vowels | Final e

Phonics | Long Vowels

Sort Words Connect to Reading

Final e a_e as in snake
Use the digital or print “Sound-Spelling Word Sort: Final e” activity and have children work with Use the digital or print “Interactive Story: Make a Front-Load Content: For children below
partners to sort the words by their sound-spellings. Kite.” Read the story with children several times. grade-level expectations, have them

978-1-338-89781-4 • 757089 • TM ® & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Teaching Phonics by Wiley Blevins. Copyright © 2023 by Wiley Blevins. Published by Scholastic Inc.
Model blending, as needed. Then have children listen to an audio reading of the story
 ules and Generalizations: These spelling
R independently complete the questions and • Develop Phonemic
DIFFERENTIATION before the whole-group lesson and/
patterns most often stand for long-vowel sounds. prompts. Have children reread the story multiple or guide them through an echo-read. Awareness
Some notable exceptions include come, some, Modify Expectations: To support times for fluency. Use the enhanced Decodable Discuss the key ideas and vocabulary. • Introduce the
done, gone, love, and above. children who are below grade-level Sound-Spelling Sound Boxes Articulation Mirrors
Text Lesson Planner (Program Guide, page 42) Cards
expectations, modify the activity by
to focus on vocabulary, comprehension, writing,
having them sort only a subset of
the words to minimize the workload. and building early reading behaviors, in addition
to the work with decoding and fluency.
Choose high-utility words, such as
Final e Blend Words


Read the words.

name, write, like. Focus on having

hop hope rip ripe stripe
bit bite hat hate grade
hid hide cut cute huge
us use mad made scrape
take write home cube eve

• Model Blending
age page ice nice whole

children master reading and writing

TM ® & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Teaching Phonics by Wiley Blevins. Copyright © 2023 by Wiley Blevins. Published by Scholastic Inc.
Read the longer words.

note notebook grace graceful

ripe ripen make making
compete complete price priceless

these high-impact words.

Do More!

• Blend Words
• Build Reading Fluency: Read the word lists until you can read them
quickly and correctly. Practice reading the lists 3–4 times each day.
• Spell It: Have a friend say each word. Write the word on another
sheet of paper. Check your answers.
• Write About It: Use the words to create a story. Use as many words
as possible. Circle the words from the list that you use.

194 Wiley Blevins TEACHING PHONICS | Phonics

Phonics | Long Vowels | Final e

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Build Fluency Words:
Blend Words:
Final e
Final e
Use the printable “Quick Check: Final e” activity for additional fluency building and formative
assessment. Begin by giving children two minutes to underline the final-e spelling in each word.
Spell Words Then have them practice reading the words independently to prepare for the one-minute speed drill.
Build Words Final e

Fill in the blanks to make words using each spelling pattern.

ake ame ale ate

ade ane age ace

Use the digital or print “Spell Words: Final e” activity to have children practice spelling. (Answers:
ide ine ike
ite ime ice
oke one ose
Write sentences using the words you made above.

• Teach High-

TM ® & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Teaching Phonics by Wiley Blevins. Copyright © 2023 by Wiley Blevins. Published by Scholastic Inc.
k-i-t-e, s-n-a-k-e, b-i-k-e, p-l-a-n-e, n-o-s-e; the final e’s are silent) On a separate sheet of paper, have
Frequency Words
children spell the following words as you dictate each one: make, use, write, drove, shine. Continue DIFFERENTIATION CONNECTED TEXT Wiley Blevins TEACHING PHONICS | Phonics 195

• Build Words
WBTPK3_2023_CSWB_194_223_LongVowels.indd 195 23/11/22 4:40 PM

by dictating this sentence: Rose rode her bike. Display the words and sentence and have children Support for Dyslexia: Children who are Extend the Reading: To build fluency, Build Words: Build Words: Magnetic Letter
self-correct their answers. designated as dyslexic or who have have children read additional decodable Final e Final e Tiles and Trays
an IEP will struggle with automaticity. text. For decodable book lesson
 uild in Review: Use cumulative spelling
B Focus instead on accurate reading of guidance and recommended texts, see
sentences to monitor children’s spelling the words. Program Guide, page 43.
Final e Sound-Spelling Word Sort Spell Words Final e
Name Name
Read each word. Then write it under the correct spelling pattern. Say each picture name. Listen for all of the sounds in the word.

growth. See the sentences below. In addition,

Write the spelling for each sound in a separate box.
The gray box stands for the final, silent e.
Word List

name Steve nose grade like

stone cute complete write place
use smile mule globe evening

periodically review their writing, such as in their

TM ® & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Teaching Phonics by Wiley Blevins. Copyright © 2023 by Wiley Blevins. Published by Scholastic Inc.

TM ® & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Teaching Phonics by Wiley Blevins. Copyright © 2023 by Wiley Blevins. Published by Scholastic Inc.
• Sort Words
ae ee ie


oe ue 4.

writing notebooks, and take note of words with • Spell Words



196 Wiley Blevins TEACHING PHONICS | Phonics Wiley Blevins TEACHING PHONICS | Phonics 197

previously taught phonics skills that they are not

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Sound-Spelling Word Sound-Spelling Spell Words: Spell Words:

spelling consistently and accurately. Add these Use the following digital or printable activities to extend learning. These activities Sort: Final e Word Sort: Final e Final e Final e
words to future dictation activities. make great learning centers and send-home practice extensions. (Specific teaching
• My name is Sam. notes appear on these pages.)

Final e Interactive Story

Learning Center: Vowel Checkers


• Can you tell me the time?

Read the story. Then answer the questions.

Make a Kite
Steve will make a kite. It will be a huge kite. He will use sticks
to make the frame. He will use twine to make the line. The
kite will be white with red stripes.
Now the kite is done. Steve and Dad take the

• Connect to Reading
kite outside to the lake. The sun shines. There
is lots of wind. “I hope it will go,” says Steve.

TM ® & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Teaching Phonics by Wiley Blevins. Copyright © 2023 by Wiley Blevins. Published by Scholastic Inc.
Steve calls for Kate to come. Kate and Mom
ride their bikes to the lake. Kate has a big smile on her face.
Why? The kite is for Kate!

Independent Activity: Magic E Fill-In

“Surprise!” says Steve. “I made this kite for you.

• Kate has five pet mice.

“I like this surprise! This is a nice kite,” says Kate. Kate takes
the line. Kate lifts the kite up. She runs and lets go. The kite

• Build Fluency
1. Circle all the words with a_e.
2. Draw a box around the word that rhymes with race.
3. What did Steve use to make the kite? Write about it.

198 Wiley Blevins TEACHING PHONICS | Phonics

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Interactive Story: Interactive Story: Quick Check:

Make a Kite Make a Kite Final e

Words for Instruction and Practice

For a list of final-e words to use for instruction, see Phonics From A to Z (4th edition), pages 128–132.
STEP 1 Phonics | Long Vowels | Final e

STEP 2 Phonics | Long Vowels | Final e

STEP 3 Phonics | Long Vowels | Final e

Develop Phonemic Awareness Model Blending Teach High-Frequency Words

Have children say /ā/ every time they hear a word with the /ā/ sound. (Note: The word list that follows Write the words mad, made, bit, bite, not, note, cut, cute, and Steve on the board. Model blending Introduce the following high-frequency words using the Read/Spell/Write/Extend routine: says,
includes distractors.) Say: mat, mate, fad, fade, same, Sam, plate. Then guide children to orally blend the words sound by sound. Underline the final-e spelling (a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e) in each word done, come, you.
and segment words with /ā/ and other long-vowel sounds. These two skills are directly related to containing the long-vowel sound. Point to the spelling and say the sound. Have children repeat.
early reading and spelling development. 1. Read: Write the word in a context sentence, 3. Write: Have children write the word as they say
Cumulative Review: Add a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, and letter or spelling as you display the card. Note underline it, and read it aloud (e.g., Come here aloud each letter name.
Oral Blending: Say the following sounds: Oral Segmentation: Say the following words: u_e to your spelling card set to review previously sound-spellings children struggle with and now.). Have children repeat. Then ask children
man, mane, fin, fine, hop, hope. Guide children to taught sound-spellings. This will aid in mastery. provide additional small-group instruction to orally segment the word. Say: Tell me the 4. Extend: Have children write and complete this
• /k/ /ā/ /n/ cane orally segment the words by sound. For support, Have children chorally say the sound for each and practice. sounds you hear in come (/k/ /u/ /m/). Then sentence: Do you want to come to ______?

• /b/ /ī/ /k/ bike use Sound Boxes and counters. Have children highlight the irregular spelling that children
stretch the sounds in the word and then move need to remember. Say: The word come ends
• /n/ /ō/ /s/ nose one counter into a box for each sound. Children in e, so you may think the o stands for the DIFFERENTIATION
• /m/ /yoo/ /l/ mule
can also tap the sounds as they say them. Blend Words long-o sound. But the middle sound in come Extra Support: For children who need
is /u/. This is the same in words like some and more support, have them write the
Use the digital or print “Blend Words: Final e” activity to have children chorally blend the words on done. This is the part of the word we need to
• /t/ /ā/ /k/ take word on one side of an index card. On
each line. Model the first two words: hop and hope. Then point to each word, say “whisper read” as remember. Underline, highlight, or draw this the other side, co-construct a simple
• /p/ /ā/ /j/ page children quietly blend the sounds, and then say “all together” as children chorally read the word. part of the word that has to be remembered sentence or phrase. Children will use
Corrective Feedback: Provide corrective mastery and serve as a good check for fluency “by heart.” these flashcards to practice reading the
Guide children to orally blend the sounds to form
words in both isolation and in context.
each word. feedback as needed. Point to the missed sound- and transfer abilities. 2. Spell: Have children chorally spell the word.
spelling and state the spelling and sound, If needed, do an echo spell for children still
blending the word again. Then have children  uild Word Fluency: Children can use
the lists for further independent practice. learning their letter names.
blend the word.
Assign partners to read the word lists during
Introduce the Sound-Spelling Cumulative Review: Add words with previously independent work time while you meet with
Write the word tap on the board and have children sound it out. Then add an e to the end of tap to taught skills to the Blend Words activity to small groups. Have children complete the Do
form the word tape. Underline the a_e spelling, say the sound, then model blending the word. extend the learning, practice, and application. More! activities, one per day. Build Words DIFFERENTIATION
Use words with skills children have not fully
Write to Transfer Sound to Spelling: Tell Articulation Support: Introduce the Articulation Have children use the Magnetic Letter Tiles and Extra Support: Repeat the Build Words
mastered from the previous four to six weeks.
children that the letters a_e work together, like Cards for /ā/, /ē/, /ī/, /ō/, and /yoo/, and watch trays to build the following words in sequence: activity during small-group time for
This extra repetition will help children gain
a team, to make a new sound—the long-vowel the articulation videos. Model how to make each bit, bite, kite, kit, fit, fin, fine, mine, pine, pin, spin, children who need more support. Fold
sound /ā/. The vowel says its name, and the sound. Have children practice using handheld spine. Then have them work on the digital or in words with previously taught skills to
final e is silent. Guide children to sound out the mirrors or working with a partner. Provide print "Build Words: Final e" activity. extend the learning. Allow children to
DIFFERENTIATION MULTILINGUAL LEARNERS use their letter cards or Magnetic Letter
new word formed. corrective feedback.
Decodable High-Frequency Words: To Vocabulary Support: During small- Tiles during independent work time
support children with additional words group time, introduce and/or reinforce to build and record on paper as many
to practice reading and writing, share the meanings of a few words from the words as they can form.
MULTILINGUAL LEARNERS the following decodable high-frequency Blend Words activity, such as cube,
Language Transfer: For children words, as these will have the most eve, huge, scrape, stripe, whole. Use
whose home language lacks the a_e immediate impact on student reading actions, pantomime, drawings, pictures,
and spelling growth: make, use, white, and simple definitions in both English
sound-spelling pattern (see Language
take, made. and the child’s home language (using a
Chart, pp. 343–346 of Phonics from
translation app, if needed).
A to Z), provide extra articulation
practice and some words and phrases
to copy.
STEP 1 Phonics | Long Vowels | Final e

STEP 2 Phonics | Long Vowels | Final e

STEP 3 Phonics | Long Vowels | Final e

Develop Phonemic Awareness Model Blending Teach High-Frequency Words

Have children say /ā/ every time they hear a word with the /ā/ sound. (Note: The word list that follows Write the words mad, made, bit, bite, not, note, cut, cute, and Steve on the board. Model blending Introduce the following high-frequency words using the Read/Spell/Write/Extend routine: says,
includes distractors.) Say: mat, mate, fad, fade, same, Sam, plate. Then guide children to orally blend the words sound by sound. Underline the final-e spelling (a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e) in each word done, come, you.
and segment words with /ā/ and other long-vowel sounds. These two skills are directly related to containing the long-vowel sound. Point to the spelling and say the sound. Have children repeat.
early reading and spelling development. 1. Read: Write the word in a context sentence, 3. Write: Have children write the word as they say
Cumulative Review: Add a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, and letter or spelling as you display the card. Note underline it, and read it aloud (e.g., Come here aloud each letter name.
Oral Blending: Say the following sounds: Oral Segmentation: Say the following words: u_e to your spelling card set to review previously sound-spellings children struggle with and now.). Have children repeat. Then ask children
man, mane, fin, fine, hop, hope. Guide children to taught sound-spellings. This will aid in mastery. provide additional small-group instruction to orally segment the word. Say: Tell me the 4. Extend: Have children write and complete this
• /k/ /ā/ /n/ cane orally segment the words by sound. For support, Have children chorally say the sound for each and practice. sounds you hear in come (/k/ /u/ /m/). Then sentence: Do you want to come to ______?

• /b/ /ī/ /k/ bike use Sound Boxes and counters. Have children highlight the irregular spelling that children
stretch the sounds in the word and then move need to remember. Say: The word come ends
• /n/ /ō/ /s/ nose one counter into a box for each sound. Children in e, so you may think the o stands for the DIFFERENTIATION
• /m/ /yoo/ /l/ mule
can also tap the sounds as they say them. Blend Words long-o sound. But the middle sound in come Extra Support: For children who need
is /u/. This is the same in words like some and more support, have them write the
Use the digital or print “Blend Words: Final e” activity to have children chorally blend the words on done. This is the part of the word we need to
• /t/ /ā/ /k/ take word on one side of an index card. On
each line. Model the first two words: hop and hope. Then point to each word, say “whisper read” as remember. Underline, highlight, or draw this the other side, co-construct a simple
• /p/ /ā/ /j/ page children quietly blend the sounds, and then say “all together” as children chorally read the word. part of the word that has to be remembered sentence or phrase. Children will use
Corrective Feedback: Provide corrective mastery and serve as a good check for fluency “by heart.” these flashcards to practice reading the
Guide children to orally blend the sounds to form
words in both isolation and in context.
each word. feedback as needed. Point to the missed sound- and transfer abilities. 2. Spell: Have children chorally spell the word.
spelling and state the spelling and sound, If needed, do an echo spell for children still
blending the word again. Then have children  uild Word Fluency: Children can use
the lists for further independent practice. learning their letter names.
blend the word.
Assign partners to read the word lists during
Introduce the Sound-Spelling Cumulative Review: Add words with previously independent work time while you meet with
Write the word tap on the board and have children sound it out. Then add an e to the end of tap to taught skills to the Blend Words activity to small groups. Have children complete the Do
form the word tape. Underline the a_e spelling, say the sound, then model blending the word. extend the learning, practice, and application. More! activities, one per day. Build Words DIFFERENTIATION
Use words with skills children have not fully
Write to Transfer Sound to Spelling: Tell Articulation Support: Introduce the Articulation Have children use the Magnetic Letter Tiles and Extra Support: Repeat the Build Words
mastered from the previous four to six weeks.
children that the letters a_e work together, like Cards for /ā/, /ē/, /ī/, /ō/, and /yoo/, and watch trays to build the following words in sequence: activity during small-group time for
This extra repetition will help children gain
a team, to make a new sound—the long-vowel the articulation videos. Model how to make each bit, bite, kite, kit, fit, fin, fine, mine, pine, pin, spin, children who need more support. Fold
sound /ā/. The vowel says its name, and the sound. Have children practice using handheld spine. Then have them work on the digital or in words with previously taught skills to
final e is silent. Guide children to sound out the mirrors or working with a partner. Provide print "Build Words: Final e" activity. extend the learning. Allow children to
DIFFERENTIATION MULTILINGUAL LEARNERS use their letter cards or Magnetic Letter
new word formed. corrective feedback.
Decodable High-Frequency Words: To Vocabulary Support: During small- Tiles during independent work time
support children with additional words group time, introduce and/or reinforce to build and record on paper as many
to practice reading and writing, share the meanings of a few words from the words as they can form.
MULTILINGUAL LEARNERS the following decodable high-frequency Blend Words activity, such as cube,
Language Transfer: For children words, as these will have the most eve, huge, scrape, stripe, whole. Use
whose home language lacks the a_e immediate impact on student reading actions, pantomime, drawings, pictures,
and spelling growth: make, use, white, and simple definitions in both English
sound-spelling pattern (see Language
take, made. and the child’s home language (using a
Chart, pp. 343–346 of Phonics from
translation app, if needed).
A to Z), provide extra articulation
practice and some words and phrases
to copy.
STEP 1 Phonics | Long Vowels | Final e

STEP 2 Phonics | Long Vowels | Final e

STEP 3 Phonics | Long Vowels | Final e

Develop Phonemic Awareness Model Blending Teach High-Frequency Words

Have children say /ā/ every time they hear a word with the /ā/ sound. (Note: The word list that follows Write the words mad, made, bit, bite, not, note, cut, cute, and Steve on the board. Model blending Introduce the following high-frequency words using the Read/Spell/Write/Extend routine: says,
includes distractors.) Say: mat, mate, fad, fade, same, Sam, plate. Then guide children to orally blend the words sound by sound. Underline the final-e spelling (a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e) in each word done, come, you.
and segment words with /ā/ and other long-vowel sounds. These two skills are directly related to containing the long-vowel sound. Point to the spelling and say the sound. Have children repeat.
early reading and spelling development. 1. Read: Write the word in a context sentence, 3. Write: Have children write the word as they say
Cumulative Review: Add a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, and letter or spelling as you display the card. Note underline it, and read it aloud (e.g., Come here aloud each letter name.
Oral Blending: Say the following sounds: Oral Segmentation: Say the following words: u_e to your spelling card set to review previously sound-spellings children struggle with and now.). Have children repeat. Then ask children
man, mane, fin, fine, hop, hope. Guide children to taught sound-spellings. This will aid in mastery. provide additional small-group instruction to orally segment the word. Say: Tell me the 4. Extend: Have children write and complete this
• /k/ /ā/ /n/ cane orally segment the words by sound. For support, Have children chorally say the sound for each and practice. sounds you hear in come (/k/ /u/ /m/). Then sentence: Do you want to come to ______?

• /b/ /ī/ /k/ bike use Sound Boxes and counters. Have children highlight the irregular spelling that children
stretch the sounds in the word and then move need to remember. Say: The word come ends
• /n/ /ō/ /s/ nose one counter into a box for each sound. Children in e, so you may think the o stands for the DIFFERENTIATION
• /m/ /yoo/ /l/ mule
can also tap the sounds as they say them. Blend Words long-o sound. But the middle sound in come Extra Support: For children who need
is /u/. This is the same in words like some and more support, have them write the
Use the digital or print “Blend Words: Final e” activity to have children chorally blend the words on done. This is the part of the word we need to
• /t/ /ā/ /k/ take word on one side of an index card. On
each line. Model the first two words: hop and hope. Then point to each word, say “whisper read” as remember. Underline, highlight, or draw this the other side, co-construct a simple
• /p/ /ā/ /j/ page children quietly blend the sounds, and then say “all together” as children chorally read the word. part of the word that has to be remembered sentence or phrase. Children will use
Corrective Feedback: Provide corrective mastery and serve as a good check for fluency “by heart.” these flashcards to practice reading the
Guide children to orally blend the sounds to form
words in both isolation and in context.
each word. feedback as needed. Point to the missed sound- and transfer abilities. 2. Spell: Have children chorally spell the word.
spelling and state the spelling and sound, If needed, do an echo spell for children still
blending the word again. Then have children  uild Word Fluency: Children can use
the lists for further independent practice. learning their letter names.
blend the word.
Assign partners to read the word lists during
Introduce the Sound-Spelling Cumulative Review: Add words with previously independent work time while you meet with
Write the word tap on the board and have children sound it out. Then add an e to the end of tap to taught skills to the Blend Words activity to small groups. Have children complete the Do
form the word tape. Underline the a_e spelling, say the sound, then model blending the word. extend the learning, practice, and application. More! activities, one per day. Build Words DIFFERENTIATION
Use words with skills children have not fully
Write to Transfer Sound to Spelling: Tell Articulation Support: Introduce the Articulation Have children use the Magnetic Letter Tiles and Extra Support: Repeat the Build Words
mastered from the previous four to six weeks.
children that the letters a_e work together, like Cards for /ā/, /ē/, /ī/, /ō/, and /yoo/, and watch trays to build the following words in sequence: activity during small-group time for
This extra repetition will help children gain
a team, to make a new sound—the long-vowel the articulation videos. Model how to make each bit, bite, kite, kit, fit, fin, fine, mine, pine, pin, spin, children who need more support. Fold
sound /ā/. The vowel says its name, and the sound. Have children practice using handheld spine. Then have them work on the digital or in words with previously taught skills to
final e is silent. Guide children to sound out the mirrors or working with a partner. Provide print "Build Words: Final e" activity. extend the learning. Allow children to
DIFFERENTIATION MULTILINGUAL LEARNERS use their letter cards or Magnetic Letter
new word formed. corrective feedback.
Decodable High-Frequency Words: To Vocabulary Support: During small- Tiles during independent work time
support children with additional words group time, introduce and/or reinforce to build and record on paper as many
to practice reading and writing, share the meanings of a few words from the words as they can form.
MULTILINGUAL LEARNERS the following decodable high-frequency Blend Words activity, such as cube,
Language Transfer: For children words, as these will have the most eve, huge, scrape, stripe, whole. Use
whose home language lacks the a_e immediate impact on student reading actions, pantomime, drawings, pictures,
and spelling growth: make, use, white, and simple definitions in both English
sound-spelling pattern (see Language
take, made. and the child’s home language (using a
Chart, pp. 343–346 of Phonics from
translation app, if needed).
A to Z), provide extra articulation
practice and some words and phrases
to copy.
STEP 4 Phonics | Long Vowels | Final e

STEP 5 Phonics | Long Vowels | Final e

Phonics | Long Vowels

Sort Words Connect to Reading

Final e a_e as in snake
Use the digital or print “Sound-Spelling Word Sort: Final e” activity and have children work with Use the digital or print “Interactive Story: Make a Front-Load Content: For children below
partners to sort the words by their sound-spellings. Kite.” Read the story with children several times. grade-level expectations, have them

978-1-338-89781-4 • 757089 • TM ® & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Teaching Phonics by Wiley Blevins. Copyright © 2023 by Wiley Blevins. Published by Scholastic Inc.
Model blending, as needed. Then have children listen to an audio reading of the story
 ules and Generalizations: These spelling
R independently complete the questions and • Develop Phonemic
DIFFERENTIATION before the whole-group lesson and/
patterns most often stand for long-vowel sounds. prompts. Have children reread the story multiple or guide them through an echo-read. Awareness
Some notable exceptions include come, some, Modify Expectations: To support times for fluency. Use the enhanced Decodable Discuss the key ideas and vocabulary. • Introduce the
done, gone, love, and above. children who are below grade-level Sound-Spelling Sound Boxes Articulation Mirrors
Text Lesson Planner (Program Guide, page 42) Cards
expectations, modify the activity by
to focus on vocabulary, comprehension, writing,
having them sort only a subset of
the words to minimize the workload. and building early reading behaviors, in addition
to the work with decoding and fluency.
Choose high-utility words, such as
Final e Blend Words


Read the words.

name, write, like. Focus on having

hop hope rip ripe stripe
bit bite hat hate grade
hid hide cut cute huge
us use mad made scrape
take write home cube eve

• Model Blending
age page ice nice whole

children master reading and writing

TM ® & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Teaching Phonics by Wiley Blevins. Copyright © 2023 by Wiley Blevins. Published by Scholastic Inc.
Read the longer words.

note notebook grace graceful

ripe ripen make making
compete complete price priceless

these high-impact words.

Do More!

• Blend Words
• Build Reading Fluency: Read the word lists until you can read them
quickly and correctly. Practice reading the lists 3–4 times each day.
• Spell It: Have a friend say each word. Write the word on another
sheet of paper. Check your answers.
• Write About It: Use the words to create a story. Use as many words
as possible. Circle the words from the list that you use.

194 Wiley Blevins TEACHING PHONICS | Phonics

Phonics | Long Vowels | Final e

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Build Fluency Words:
Blend Words:
Final e
Final e
Use the printable “Quick Check: Final e” activity for additional fluency building and formative
assessment. Begin by giving children two minutes to underline the final-e spelling in each word.
Spell Words Then have them practice reading the words independently to prepare for the one-minute speed drill.
Build Words Final e

Fill in the blanks to make words using each spelling pattern.

ake ame ale ate

ade ane age ace

Use the digital or print “Spell Words: Final e” activity to have children practice spelling. (Answers:
ide ine ike
ite ime ice
oke one ose
Write sentences using the words you made above.

• Teach High-

TM ® & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Teaching Phonics by Wiley Blevins. Copyright © 2023 by Wiley Blevins. Published by Scholastic Inc.
k-i-t-e, s-n-a-k-e, b-i-k-e, p-l-a-n-e, n-o-s-e; the final e’s are silent) On a separate sheet of paper, have
Frequency Words
children spell the following words as you dictate each one: make, use, write, drove, shine. Continue DIFFERENTIATION CONNECTED TEXT Wiley Blevins TEACHING PHONICS | Phonics 195

• Build Words
WBTPK3_2023_CSWB_194_223_LongVowels.indd 195 23/11/22 4:40 PM

by dictating this sentence: Rose rode her bike. Display the words and sentence and have children Support for Dyslexia: Children who are Extend the Reading: To build fluency, Build Words: Build Words: Magnetic Letter
self-correct their answers. designated as dyslexic or who have have children read additional decodable Final e Final e Tiles and Trays
an IEP will struggle with automaticity. text. For decodable book lesson
 uild in Review: Use cumulative spelling
B Focus instead on accurate reading of guidance and recommended texts, see
sentences to monitor children’s spelling the words. Program Guide, page 43.
Final e Sound-Spelling Word Sort Spell Words Final e
Name Name
Read each word. Then write it under the correct spelling pattern. Say each picture name. Listen for all of the sounds in the word.

growth. See the sentences below. In addition,

Write the spelling for each sound in a separate box.
The gray box stands for the final, silent e.
Word List

name Steve nose grade like

stone cute complete write place
use smile mule globe evening

periodically review their writing, such as in their

TM ® & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Teaching Phonics by Wiley Blevins. Copyright © 2023 by Wiley Blevins. Published by Scholastic Inc.

TM ® & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Teaching Phonics by Wiley Blevins. Copyright © 2023 by Wiley Blevins. Published by Scholastic Inc.
• Sort Words
ae ee ie


oe ue 4.

writing notebooks, and take note of words with • Spell Words



196 Wiley Blevins TEACHING PHONICS | Phonics Wiley Blevins TEACHING PHONICS | Phonics 197

previously taught phonics skills that they are not

WBTPK3_2023_CSWB_194_223_LongVowels.indd 196 23/11/22 4:40 PM WBTPK3_2023_CSWB_194_223_LongVowels.indd 197 23/11/22 4:40 PM

Sound-Spelling Word Sound-Spelling Spell Words: Spell Words:

spelling consistently and accurately. Add these Use the following digital or printable activities to extend learning. These activities Sort: Final e Word Sort: Final e Final e Final e
words to future dictation activities. make great learning centers and send-home practice extensions. (Specific teaching
• My name is Sam. notes appear on these pages.)

Final e Interactive Story

Learning Center: Vowel Checkers


• Can you tell me the time?

Read the story. Then answer the questions.

Make a Kite
Steve will make a kite. It will be a huge kite. He will use sticks
to make the frame. He will use twine to make the line. The
kite will be white with red stripes.
Now the kite is done. Steve and Dad take the

• Connect to Reading
kite outside to the lake. The sun shines. There
is lots of wind. “I hope it will go,” says Steve.

TM ® & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Teaching Phonics by Wiley Blevins. Copyright © 2023 by Wiley Blevins. Published by Scholastic Inc.
Steve calls for Kate to come. Kate and Mom
ride their bikes to the lake. Kate has a big smile on her face.
Why? The kite is for Kate!

Independent Activity: Magic E Fill-In

“Surprise!” says Steve. “I made this kite for you.

• Kate has five pet mice.

“I like this surprise! This is a nice kite,” says Kate. Kate takes
the line. Kate lifts the kite up. She runs and lets go. The kite

• Build Fluency
1. Circle all the words with a_e.
2. Draw a box around the word that rhymes with race.
3. What did Steve use to make the kite? Write about it.

198 Wiley Blevins TEACHING PHONICS | Phonics

WBTPK3_2023_CSWB_194_223_LongVowels.indd 198 23/11/22 4:40 PM

Interactive Story: Interactive Story: Quick Check:

Make a Kite Make a Kite Final e

Words for Instruction and Practice

For a list of final-e words to use for instruction, see Phonics From A to Z (4th edition), pages 128–132.
STEP 4 Phonics | Long Vowels | Final e

STEP 5 Phonics | Long Vowels | Final e

Phonics | Long Vowels

Sort Words Connect to Reading

Final e a_e as in snake
Use the digital or print “Sound-Spelling Word Sort: Final e” activity and have children work with Use the digital or print “Interactive Story: Make a Front-Load Content: For children below
partners to sort the words by their sound-spellings. Kite.” Read the story with children several times. grade-level expectations, have them

978-1-338-89781-4 • 757089 • TM ® & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Teaching Phonics by Wiley Blevins. Copyright © 2023 by Wiley Blevins. Published by Scholastic Inc.
Model blending, as needed. Then have children listen to an audio reading of the story
 ules and Generalizations: These spelling
R independently complete the questions and • Develop Phonemic
DIFFERENTIATION before the whole-group lesson and/
patterns most often stand for long-vowel sounds. prompts. Have children reread the story multiple or guide them through an echo-read. Awareness
Some notable exceptions include come, some, Modify Expectations: To support times for fluency. Use the enhanced Decodable Discuss the key ideas and vocabulary. • Introduce the
done, gone, love, and above. children who are below grade-level Sound-Spelling Sound Boxes Articulation Mirrors
Text Lesson Planner (Program Guide, page 42) Cards
expectations, modify the activity by
to focus on vocabulary, comprehension, writing,
having them sort only a subset of
the words to minimize the workload. and building early reading behaviors, in addition
to the work with decoding and fluency.
Choose high-utility words, such as
Final e Blend Words


Read the words.

name, write, like. Focus on having

hop hope rip ripe stripe
bit bite hat hate grade
hid hide cut cute huge
us use mad made scrape
take write home cube eve

• Model Blending
age page ice nice whole

children master reading and writing

TM ® & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Teaching Phonics by Wiley Blevins. Copyright © 2023 by Wiley Blevins. Published by Scholastic Inc.
Read the longer words.

note notebook grace graceful

ripe ripen make making
compete complete price priceless

these high-impact words.

Do More!

• Blend Words
• Build Reading Fluency: Read the word lists until you can read them
quickly and correctly. Practice reading the lists 3–4 times each day.
• Spell It: Have a friend say each word. Write the word on another
sheet of paper. Check your answers.
• Write About It: Use the words to create a story. Use as many words
as possible. Circle the words from the list that you use.

194 Wiley Blevins TEACHING PHONICS | Phonics

Phonics | Long Vowels | Final e

WBTPK3_2023_CSWB_194_223_LongVowels.indd 194 23/11/22 4:40 PM

Build Fluency Words:
Blend Words:
Final e
Final e
Use the printable “Quick Check: Final e” activity for additional fluency building and formative
assessment. Begin by giving children two minutes to underline the final-e spelling in each word.
Spell Words Then have them practice reading the words independently to prepare for the one-minute speed drill.
Build Words Final e

Fill in the blanks to make words using each spelling pattern.

ake ame ale ate

ade ane age ace

Use the digital or print “Spell Words: Final e” activity to have children practice spelling. (Answers:
ide ine ike
ite ime ice
oke one ose
Write sentences using the words you made above.

• Teach High-

TM ® & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Teaching Phonics by Wiley Blevins. Copyright © 2023 by Wiley Blevins. Published by Scholastic Inc.
k-i-t-e, s-n-a-k-e, b-i-k-e, p-l-a-n-e, n-o-s-e; the final e’s are silent) On a separate sheet of paper, have
Frequency Words
children spell the following words as you dictate each one: make, use, write, drove, shine. Continue DIFFERENTIATION CONNECTED TEXT Wiley Blevins TEACHING PHONICS | Phonics 195

• Build Words
WBTPK3_2023_CSWB_194_223_LongVowels.indd 195 23/11/22 4:40 PM

by dictating this sentence: Rose rode her bike. Display the words and sentence and have children Support for Dyslexia: Children who are Extend the Reading: To build fluency, Build Words: Build Words: Magnetic Letter
self-correct their answers. designated as dyslexic or who have have children read additional decodable Final e Final e Tiles and Trays
an IEP will struggle with automaticity. text. For decodable book lesson
 uild in Review: Use cumulative spelling
B Focus instead on accurate reading of guidance and recommended texts, see
sentences to monitor children’s spelling the words. Program Guide, page 43.
Final e Sound-Spelling Word Sort Spell Words Final e
Name Name
Read each word. Then write it under the correct spelling pattern. Say each picture name. Listen for all of the sounds in the word.

growth. See the sentences below. In addition,

Write the spelling for each sound in a separate box.
The gray box stands for the final, silent e.
Word List

name Steve nose grade like

stone cute complete write place
use smile mule globe evening

periodically review their writing, such as in their

TM ® & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Teaching Phonics by Wiley Blevins. Copyright © 2023 by Wiley Blevins. Published by Scholastic Inc.

TM ® & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Teaching Phonics by Wiley Blevins. Copyright © 2023 by Wiley Blevins. Published by Scholastic Inc.
• Sort Words
ae ee ie


oe ue 4.

writing notebooks, and take note of words with • Spell Words



196 Wiley Blevins TEACHING PHONICS | Phonics Wiley Blevins TEACHING PHONICS | Phonics 197

previously taught phonics skills that they are not

WBTPK3_2023_CSWB_194_223_LongVowels.indd 196 23/11/22 4:40 PM WBTPK3_2023_CSWB_194_223_LongVowels.indd 197 23/11/22 4:40 PM

Sound-Spelling Word Sound-Spelling Spell Words: Spell Words:

spelling consistently and accurately. Add these Use the following digital or printable activities to extend learning. These activities Sort: Final e Word Sort: Final e Final e Final e
words to future dictation activities. make great learning centers and send-home practice extensions. (Specific teaching
• My name is Sam. notes appear on these pages.)

Final e Interactive Story

Learning Center: Vowel Checkers


• Can you tell me the time?

Read the story. Then answer the questions.

Make a Kite
Steve will make a kite. It will be a huge kite. He will use sticks
to make the frame. He will use twine to make the line. The
kite will be white with red stripes.
Now the kite is done. Steve and Dad take the

• Connect to Reading
kite outside to the lake. The sun shines. There
is lots of wind. “I hope it will go,” says Steve.

TM ® & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Teaching Phonics by Wiley Blevins. Copyright © 2023 by Wiley Blevins. Published by Scholastic Inc.
Steve calls for Kate to come. Kate and Mom
ride their bikes to the lake. Kate has a big smile on her face.
Why? The kite is for Kate!

Independent Activity: Magic E Fill-In

“Surprise!” says Steve. “I made this kite for you.

• Kate has five pet mice.

“I like this surprise! This is a nice kite,” says Kate. Kate takes
the line. Kate lifts the kite up. She runs and lets go. The kite

• Build Fluency
1. Circle all the words with a_e.
2. Draw a box around the word that rhymes with race.
3. What did Steve use to make the kite? Write about it.

198 Wiley Blevins TEACHING PHONICS | Phonics

WBTPK3_2023_CSWB_194_223_LongVowels.indd 198 23/11/22 4:40 PM

Interactive Story: Interactive Story: Quick Check:

Make a Kite Make a Kite Final e

Words for Instruction and Practice

For a list of final-e words to use for instruction, see Phonics From A to Z (4th edition), pages 128–132.

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