A Seminar On Electrolytic Production of Metallic Powder: Prepared By: Darshit Fadadu ROLL NO: 938
A Seminar On Electrolytic Production of Metallic Powder: Prepared By: Darshit Fadadu ROLL NO: 938
A Seminar On Electrolytic Production of Metallic Powder: Prepared By: Darshit Fadadu ROLL NO: 938
These methods are based on the electrolysis of molten solutions of metals or fused salts. The metals are electrically deposited on the cathode of an electrolytic cell as a sponge or powder or at least in a physical form in which it can be easily disintegrated into a powder. An electrolytic process is the use of electrolysis industrially to refine metals or compounds at a high purity and low cost. Some examples are the hall-heroult process used for aluminum, or the production of hydrogen from water. Electrolysis is usually done in bulk using hundreds of sheets of metal connected to an electric power source. In the production of copper, these pure sheets of copper are used as starter material for the cathodes, and are then lowered into a solution such as copper sulfate with the large anodes that are cast from impure (97% pure) copper. The copper from the anodes are electroplated on to the cathodes, while any impurities settle to the bottom of the tank. This forms cathodes of 99.999% pure copper.
Brief history
The very earliest uses of metal powders have been traced to several parts of the world. For example, gold powder was fired onto jewellery by the Incas, and the Egyptian uses of iron powder date back to 3000 BC. During the 1800's, the use of powder metallurgy techniques began in earnest. Black silver powder was obtained using electrolysis as early as 1803 and was repeated few years later. Smee recognized, as early 1842, the main features of the dependence of crystallite size on current density and concentration and he described the conditions under which black metals are formed, whose dark color he correctly explained as being caused by the very small size of the deposited particles. The conditions of formation and the properties of electrolytic black silver powder were studied in detail already in the nineteenth century, and the growth of the highly dispersed deposits of silver and copper were followed under the microscope. In an extended study of the electrodeposition of copper, the current densities above which copper is deposited in powder form were determined in 1886. Besides copper and silver, the nature and the causes of formation of zinc sponge have drawn the attention of various early investigators. One process by which iron powder (mainly for magnets) was manufactured around 1920 was described in details. Further older work on the formation of powders, flakes, etc., of various metals (lead-sponge, tungsten, platinum, etc.) is reported in a period up to 1925.
Before 1910, many papers dealt in detail with the formation of electrolytic metal powders and sponges; however, this problem was rarely considered for its own sake between 1910 and 1935. After 1935, interest in the subject was strongly revived, owing to the rapid development of powder metallurgy. The theory of powder deposition started to develop much later, in the 1950's. Electrodeposition of metal powders evolved from an art to a science by the chapter of Ibl (1962) and especially by the book of Calusaru (1979). Calusaru reviewed all theoretical and practical knowledge up to 1979, and provided the basis for the scientific approach to the field. The essence of it is the conclusion that for electrochemical production of metal powders the corresponding electrochemical processes must be under diffusion control. The properties of metal powders depend on the properties of the powder particles, which, in turn, depend on the conditions of electrodeposition. A methodology for modeling of powder particles, and hence properties of the powder, for electrodeposition at a periodically changing rate was introduced by Popov and Pavlovic (1993). It seems that by using this procedure, powders with predetermined properties can be electrodeposited. The development of this idea will probably be the future of electrochemical powder formation.
Basic principle
The basic principle is the electrolysis process in which decomposition of a molten salt/aqueous solution into its ions is obtained by the passage of electric current. The metallic ions are deposited at the cathode which can be removed with a brush and collected at the bottom. The equipment used is an electrolytic bath made of steel, and lined from inside with rubber. Two electrodes are inserted in the bath. Cathode is made of lead while anode is made of the same metal whose powder is being produced. The electrolytic tanks have conical bottoms with a valve. Suction pipes are connected to these bottoms and powder is removed from the tank. The efficiency of the tank/process depends on the deposition rate.
electrode during electrolysis is directly proportional to the quantity of electricity transferred at that electrode. Quantity of electricity refers to the quantity of electrical charge, typically measured in coulomb.
Faraday's 2nd Law of Electrolysis - For a given quantity of electricity (electric
charge), the mass of an elemental material altered at an electrode is directly proportional to the element's equivalent weight. The equivalent weight of a substance is its molar mass divided by an integer that depends on the reaction undergone by the material
Mathematical form:
Faraday's laws can be summarized by
m is the mass of the substance liberated at an electrode in grams Q is the total electric charge passed through the substance F = 96,485 C mol1 is the Faraday constant M is the molar mass of the substance z is the valency number of ions of the substance (electrons transferred per ion).
Note that M / z is the same as the equivalent weight of the substance altered. For Faraday's first law, M, F, and z are constants, so that the larger the value of Q the larger m will be. For Faraday's second law, Q, F, and z are constants, so that the larger the value of M / z (equivalent weight) the larger m will be. In the simple case of constant-current electrolysis, Q
= It leading to
and then to
n is the amount of substance ("number of moles") liberated: n=m/M t is the total time the constant current was applied.
In the more-complicated case of a variable electrical current, the total charge Q is the electric current I() integrated over time :
Here t is the total electrolysis time. Please note that tau is used as the current I is a function of tau.
weak metal concentration; addition of acids; low temperature; avoidance of agitation, and;
Suppression of convection. * Very fine powder can be obtained when the current flowing is so strong in relation to the strength of the solution that hydrogen is strongly evolved from the cathode.
* When metal is deposited without evolution of hydrogen, the deposit may be ductile and compact if the current is just not great enough to cause hydrogen formation, or very hard with large crystals using strong solutions and large quantities of electricity, or sandy and brittle with little cohesion using very small current.
An outstanding characteristics of electrolytic powder process is the large number of variables which either have to be selected and fixed before plant is erected, or which have to be controlled during operation. The most important are; Electrolytes Electrodes Current Flow of electrolyte Structural considerations After treatment
The choice of the type of electrolyte will depend largely upon the cost of the chemicals involved. Electrolyte should not corrode the apparatus i.e., it should be of non-corrosive nature. Concentration of the electrolyte should remain same with the passage of time. Relatively pure salts of copper which are cheap and freely available are uncommon, and therefore most copper powder production has been derived from sulphate-sulphuric acid baths. Some scientists are in favor of copper chloride bath because of better cathode efficiency, lower cell voltage and less power consumption. It is claimed that the chloride bath produces a more dendritic powder with better pressing properties
In the case of sulphate electroyte, the presence of a small amount
of chloride improves the anode current efficiency. Such additions may, however, cause corrosion problems in the cells and deterioration of the keeping qualities of the powder.
Having selected the type of bath, the exact composition must then be chosen and thereafter maintained with considerable care
With copper sulphate/sulphuric acid electrolytes, it has been found
that cathode current efficiency improved as the copper content increased, reaching a maximum of 96.4 % at 35 gm./liter, and decreased with increasing acid, being 91.9 % at 25 gm./liter. The apparent density of powder produced increased to a maximum of 0.663 gm./ml. at 8.6 amp./dm.2 and thereafter decreased, and similarly attained a maximum of 0.42 gm./ml. at 100 125 gm./liter
of H2SO4. The copper concentration had a large effect on the apparent density which varied from 0.42 gm./ml. at 5 gm./liter to 2.44 gm./ml. at 45 gm./liter. Increasing the copper content substantially increased particle size of the powder
The electrolyte composition does not necessarily stay constant during electrolysis. Variations are usually caused mainly by differences in anodic and cathodic current efficiencies. In the case of copper, the concentration of metal in the bath generally rises. Subsidiary effects are caused by evaporation, by drag-out when the powder is removed, and by the chemical solution of the electrodes when the current is interrupted. Replace the electrolyte with fresh solution. Control of temperature is also important. It was found that as the temperature increases from 15 to 60 C, the current efficiency increased from 66.8 to 91.4 % and the apparent density from 0.451 gm./ml. to 0.746 gm./ml.
The size, shape and disposition of electrodes may vary widely. The anode may be soluble or insoluble and may be placed directly in the electrolyte or within a porous pot, or be separated by a diaphragm. The anode may be of pure or impure metal, or in the form of scrap supported in a basket. Unless, however, special precautions are taken, impure anodes may cause operating difficulties or at least contamination of the powder by the formation of slimes.
It is not unusual for the area of the anode to be larger or smaller than that of the cathodes, for the purpose of balancing the electrode efficiency. For similar reasons, in order to improve the distribution of powder deposit on the cathodes, it is recommended to use anodes with rows of holes bored in them
In the case of cathodes, the choice may depend upon whether the deposit is going to be stripped off or allowed to fall off in the form of a sponge or powder, or weather it is intended to make a coherent brittle deposit. In the former case, the choice is mainly a matter of minimizing corrosion, especially at the liquid level, and facilitating clean stripping. For copper ----- copper rod, Al sheets, Pb sheet. For iron -------- Nb, Mo, Ta, W or Pb sheets When the deposit is of a brittle nature, it may be removed either by knocking it off or flexing the sheet cathode. Sponge deposits may be removed using brushes. Layers of graphite paint or oils may be employed to facilitate the separation. Castor oil oxidized with 1-3 % perchloric acid applied by pre-immersion has been used. It is not unusual to make the deposition upon a cathode starting sheet which is substantially crushed along with the deposit. For example, iron gauze has been recommended and used. This becomes embrittled during the electrolysis and is readily crushed. It has even been proposed to employ cold-pressed and un-sintered or sintered cathode which easily disintegrate. Rotating electrodes
The choice of a specific operating current density will depend mainly upon whether a coherent brittle or powdery spongy deposit is to be made. In the former case the current density will be low, in the latter it will be high.
In each case there may be an optimum density which gives the highest current efficiency, but this may not necessarily be the same density which produces the most suitable grade of powder. Some workers have found that rising temperature increases the current efficiency. Apparent density of the product is unaffected by current density. The frequency at which the current is interrupted has a most important influence upon the particle size of the powder, and the longer the intervals the larger the particle. The greater the interval between current interruptions, the higher is the apparent density. If this effect is important in practice, it can be counteracted by suitable increases in current density.
Flow of Electrolyte:
In practice, convection and development of gas bubbles cause a considerable flow of electrolyte over the cathodes, and an important practical difficulty is to maintain this reasonably constant. It would appear that a certain minimum forced circulation would be helpful in attaining this. In an experiment it was found that stirring the electrolyte coarsened the powder and increased the apparent density. As stirring is advantageous from the point of view of evening out bath variables, but to some extent disadvantageous in increasing the density and therefore reducing the compressibility.
Owing to the substantial changes in behavior of an electrolytic powder cell when its size is increased, it is advisable that, when such a process is advised in the laboratory, it should be operated as a unit cell with full-sized electrodes before an attempt is made to design the final plant.
Structural design factors involve taking decision upon the size and nature of the electrodes, whether they should be stationary or rotary, or be sheets, tubes or rods, etc., whether the cathodes should be lifted out of the cell for scrapping or not, whether the scrapping should be manual or mechanical. Other problems concern with the corrosive nature of the electrolyte: such as tank construction and linings, contacts, electrolyte handling, cooling or heating, used anode treatment, etc.
An electrolyte powder is generally in a reactive condition, and is also wet with reactive electrolyte, there are considerable problems in washing and drying it and bringing it to a dry powder which is not only low in oxide but reasonably stable on storage. For example, with electrolytic iron powder, it was found necessary to wash the cathode deposit with water, 2 % H2SO4, water, dilute citric acid, water, dilute ammonia, and finally with distilled water before filtering, and then moistening with acetone before drying. Even then it is recommended that the powder should be annealed in hydrogen to reduce the oxide content. Tyrrell, with copper powder, recommends annealing in a reducing atmosphere. He found, however, that treating the powder in a cracked ammonia atmosphere often led to rapid subsequent deterioration on storage. He recommended treating the powder with suitable water-repellent chemicals and indicated that stearic acid dissolved in ammonia was suitable for a commercial process. Many manufacturers avoid washing and drying difficulties by annealing the powder in a reducing atmosphere. When a brittle electro-deposit is the first product, annealing may be absolutely necessary in order to produce a powder having reasonable pressing qualities, and is customary among iron powder producers.
Owing to the reactive nature of many electrolytic metal powders,
difficulties are frequently observed in preventing them from oxidizing or corroding on storage. It is customary, at least with copper powder, to add corrosion inhibitors to the powder.
CONDITION Copper (solution) Sulfuric acid Temperature Cathode current density Anode current density Cell potential
SET-VALUE 5-15 g/l 150-175 g/l 30-55C 700-1100 A/m 430-550 A/m 1.5 V
Alloy powders cannot be produced. The product of process is frequently in active condition (presence of chemicals on powder particles) which may cause difficulties in washing and drying it (contamination/oxidation with atmospheric oxygen may occur). The cost of operation may be high in some cases.