Research Article: Research and Application of A Smart Monitoring System To Monitor The Deformation of A Dam and A Slope

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Advances in Civil Engineering

Volume 2020, Article ID 9709417, 13 pages

Research Article
Research and Application of a Smart Monitoring System to
Monitor the Deformation of a Dam and a Slope

Yongfei Wang,1,2,3 Dingbin Shen,3 Jiankang Chen,1,2 Liang Pei ,1,2 Yanling Li,1,2
Xiang Lu,1,2 and Lei Zhang4
State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, Sichuan, China
College of Water Resources & Hydropower, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, Sichuan, China
Dam Management Center of Dadu River Hydropower Development Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610065, Sichuan, China
Chengdu Geo Space-Time Science & Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610065, Sichuan, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Liang Pei;

Received 10 January 2020; Revised 14 August 2020; Accepted 29 October 2020; Published 12 November 2020

Academic Editor: Zaobao Liu

Copyright © 2020 Yongfei Wang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Deformation monitoring is one of the most important means of providing feedback to ensure the safety of projects. Problems plague the
existing automatic monitoring system, such as the small monitoring range of monitoring devices, the inadequate field safety protection,
and the low accuracy under extreme weather conditions. These problems greatly reduce the real time and reliability of deformation
monitoring data and restrict the real-time intelligent control of engineering safety risk. In this paper, a multitype instrument-integrated
monitoring system based mainly on the total positioning station (TPS) and supplemented by the Global Navigation Satellite System
(GNSS) was promoted with the methods of large field angle, data complementation, environmental perception and judgment, automatic
status control, and baseline calibration-meteorological fusion correction. The application results of Pubugou Station show that the
averages of mean square error of points (APMSE) for the dam are 0.41∼1.65 mm and the averages of mean square error of height
(AHMSE) are 0.42∼0.89 mm. Moreover, the APMSE and AHMSE for the slope are less than 3 mm. The maximum relative error of the
TPS and GNSS data compared with the artificial monitoring data is less than 10%. Besides, the system has good overall performance and
is of significant comprehensive benefits. The proposed system realizes the all-weather real-time monitoring of deformation and enhances
the emergency response capability of special conditions in dams during the operation period.

1. Introduction real-time data intelligently under complex environments (e.g.,

unfavourable weather, high-risk slopes, and field risks) has
Hydropower projects are the indispensable basis of national been a problem that has plagued the industry.
economic and social development because such projects in- To date, great progress in monitoring automation has been
volve the smart management, control, and linkage response of made, and many practical software systems and monitoring
safety risk, which is a strategic demand for the national in- technologies have been developed at home and abroad [1–7],
formation industry and smart energy development. Defor- such as the three-dimensional (3D) laser scanning technology
mation monitoring is an important support for the scientific [8–10], remote sensing technology [11, 12], surveying robot
assessment of real-time safety risk of dams and reservoir slopes. technology [13], and optical time domain reflection technology
However, the traditional monitoring of deformation has such [14]. The Geomatic Monitoring System (GeoMos) of Leica in
problems as low efficiency, high operational risk, slow feed- Switzerland, the Deformation Monitoring System (DIMONS) of
back, and low regularity of data. These problems greatly reduce New Brunswick University in Canada, and the automatic de-
the real time and reliability of deformation monitoring data formation monitoring system (AutoMos) are representative
and restrict the real-time intelligent control of engineering deformation automation monitoring systems [15–17]. More-
safety risk. Developing a method to acquire high-confidence over, some interesting results have been reported. Yang et al. [18]
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

studied an automatic monitoring system including monitoring storage environment of the exact instruments, the real-time
modules, data acquisition module, and data processing module monitoring of the operation conditions, the automatic
to overcome the plateau climate and frozen soil. Zhang et al. [19] regulation of temperature and humidity, the acquisition of
developed the deformation monitoring system Georobot De- basic meteorological parameters, the intelligent selection of
formation Monitoring System (GRT-DEMOS), which has been the time to open or close the observation window of a station
tested successfully in the east landslide section of the Three automatically (periodically or in real time), and the coop-
Gorges Project Reservoir Area. The research above shows that eration with the measuring robot to complete the defor-
there are the following selected problems in the existing auto- mation monitoring task.
matic deformation monitoring stations and systems: (1) enough The functions of the TPS module mainly involve the
stations are needed for the large-scale hydropower projects grouping of monitoring information, task formulation, data
because the field angle of a station and the monitoring range of a quality control, and backup. The TPS is the main means of
single surveying robot are small, leading to a higher invested cost measuring station platform. Besides, the baseline calibra-
and postmaintenance workload; (2) qualified or high-accuracy tion-meteorological fusion correction method is proposed
monitoring data cannot be obtained under extreme weather considering the uncertainty of the atmospheric vertical re-
conditions, such as torrential rain and strong wind due to the fraction coefficient on the basis of quality control in the
difficulties in identifying the external environment and select a traditional meteorological correction method; the baseline
suitable measurement time intelligently; (3) the measurement calibration-meteorological fusion correction coefficient and
accuracy and long-term stability of equipment operation per- the atmospheric refraction coefficient from the smart station
formance are hard to guarantee due to the influence of tem- to monitoring points can be calculated using the interpo-
perature and humidity inside the stations. What is worse, the lated algorithm. By these means, the unilateral monitoring
damage risk of stations without comprehensive protection accuracy of triangulated height will be improved by updating
measures in the field is very high because of the unfavourable the original monitoring data from the TPS (the horizontal
weather conditions. With more and more attention paid to the angle, vertical angle, and slant distance).
safety of water conservancy projects, the online real-time control The sampling adjustment, data detection, and excep-
and early warning of physical quantities that affect or charac- tional cases are expressed in the GNSS module, which can
terize engineering safety are necessary, such as the flood, the assist the measurement of TPS and complete the monitoring
deformation, and the rainfall [20–25]. Aiming at the problems task at a regular time. The coaxial installation of multitype
existing in the current deformation online monitoring system, precise observation equipment and the mutual comple-
the objective of this paper is to develop a high-accuracy remote mentation of different monitoring data sources are achieved
smart monitoring system for deformation to improve the real- by the concurrent monitoring of TPS-GNSS.
time, intelligent, and reliable property of deformation moni-
toring enabling the aspects of a smart station of the protection of
exact instruments, remote control, data acquisition, and early 2.1.2. Measurement Process. According to the framework of
warning. the integrated smart station platform, the intelligent mon-
A multitype instrument-integrated monitoring system itoring measurement process of deformation mainly in-
based mainly on the total positioning station (TPS) and cludes Part A and Part B, as shown in Figure 2.
supplemented by the Global Navigation Satellite System
(i) Part A. The Intelligent Data Acquisition of TPS
(GNSS) is promoted in the paper, and a smart station
platform of deformation integrating large field angle, en- Section a. After starting the monitoring task through
vironmental real-time identification, self-selection of the the smart station platform constructed by the large
measurement period, automatic adjustment of station status, field angle method, the wind speed and rainfall
and baseline calibration-meteorological fusion correction is conditions are judged first. If the external environ-
constructed. It realizes the real-time smart acquisition of ment conditions do not meet the setting require-
high-confidence monitoring data in a complex environment ments (which can be set according to the user needs),
and enhances the emergency response capability of special then the monitoring task will be abandoned, or the
conditions in dams during the operation period. safety cover will be open to allow the surveying robot
to adapt to the external temperature within one
hour. Afterward, the condition of wind speed and
2. Integrative Smart Station Platform of rainfall will be in the real-time monitoring state for a
Deformation Monitoring while. Note that the monitoring task will be can-
celled if the environmental conditions cannot satisfy
2.1. Overall Framework and Measurement Process the demands during a measurement process.
2.1.1. Overall Framework. The main modules of the smart Section b. The observation options and related pa-
station platform based on the large field angle method to rameters, such as the measuring accuracy of the angle,
increase the monitoring range are the deformation moni- the measuring accuracy of the side, the tolerance, and
toring station host (DMSH), the TPS, and the GNSS, as the projection direction, are preset during the moni-
shown in Figure 1. toring of TPS. After the data are collected, the baseline
The DMSH module can realize the intelligent perception calibration-meteorological fusion correction coefficient
of environmental conditions, the automatic control of the is determined by the known information between the
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

Figure 1: Framework of the integrated smart station platform.



Large field angle Wind Rain- Storing
speed fall
2 Ending the
Environment b monitoring
smart adaptation Observation
options and settings
Coaxial installation
Automatic regulation Measuring Measuring
Yes No
and control of status accuracy accuracy Data Data
Open the End the of side of angle correction adjustment
3 Automatic cover monitoring
regulation and Baseline calibration-
control Projection
Yes No Tolerance meteorological fusion
Behavior monitoring direction
Temperature Whether 4
humidity control conditions are
Field protection

Figure 2: Smart measurement process of deformation.

smart station and the control points based on the 2.2.1. Large Field Angle. In general, the horizontal field
baseline calibration-meteorological fusion correction angle of the surveying robot placed in the observation
method; subsequently, the horizontal angle, vertical room can reach up to 150° at most through a viewing
angle, and slant distance of the original observation data window, and sometimes can be up to 200° through a
can be corrected. Finally, the adjusted data are stored in curved window; such a robot is unable to adapt to the
the database. needs of large hydropower projects of monitoring the dam
(ii) Part B. The Data Acquisition of GNSS. crest, dam slope, network point, and slopes. By height-
ening the observation pier and adopting a 360° cylindrical
The data acquisition of GNSS is measured regularly every 24 lifting window, the horizontal and vertical field angles of
hours (settable), and the measurement results are stored directly. the promoted smart station platform can be approxi-
mately 335° and − 45°∼35°, respectively. This technology
2.2. Methods. All four key technologies of the large field greatly increases the monitoring range of the single sta-
angle, environmental smart adaptation, automatic regula- tion, reducing the cost of building multiple stations and
tion and control of the station status, and baseline cali- realizes the monitoring task of large-scale regions with a
bration-meteorological fusion correction are introduced in minimum number of stations in actual engineering
the smart station platform. projects, as shown in Figure 3.
4 Advances in Civil Engineering

robots, prisms, GNSS aerial, and other precision instruments

are located in the field, and the annual temperature variation
will exceed 50°C sometimes; such variations are not con-
ducive to the long-term stable operation of precision in-
struments and have great influences on the instrument
operating status, accuracy, and reliability of data. Therefore,
the video monitoring system, the temperature, and the
humidity monitoring system and the smart automatic
opening and closing system of air conditioning are installed
to adapt to the changing environment. The annual tem-
perature variation of the integrated station is approximately
Figure 3: Drawing of the large field angle in the smart station.
20°C in one year through the automatic temperature ad-
justment of the air conditioner. Moreover, the real-time
2.2.2. Environmental Smart Adaptation temperature and humidity conditions can be used as the
basic parameters of meteorological correction. The protec-
(1) Complementation of Monitoring Data
tion and working statuses of the station in the field are often
The TPS monitoring prism and the GNSS aerial are shown via video monitoring.
installed (TPS-GNSS) coaxially to realize the mutual
complementation of different monitoring data
sources (shown in Figure 4(a)), leading to a com- 2.2.4. Baseline Calibration-Meteorological Fusion Correction.
prehensive analysis of the deformation and pro- The influences of the meteorological conditions, earth
viding more accurate and reliable deformation curvature, and refraction and the long-term stability of
monitoring results. The design of complementation instruments on the distance measurement cannot be ignored
not only can effectively solve the problem that TPS in the automatic deformation monitoring system. However,
has difficulty in collecting effective data quickly and the uncertainty of the atmospheric vertical refraction co-
providing feedbacks timely but also can strengthen efficient and the representative error of the surveying robot
the observation of points with a long measuring line are not considered in the traditional meteorological cor-
or in the reservoir area. rection method, which has some influence on the accuracy of
(2) Environmental Perception and Judgment the deformation sequences. To address this issue, a baseline
Based on the automatic monitoring at a fixed time, calibration-meteorological fusion correction is introduced
the traditional automatic monitoring system of de- in the integrated station platform by using the known in-
formation cannot acquire qualified data under ad- formation between the stations and the control points.
verse weather, such as rain, snow, fog, and strong The difference between the actual observation data and
sunlight. The designed smart station platform with the coordinate inverse calculation data is calculated by the
the functions of environmental perception and actual observation data (horizontal angle, vertical angle, and
judgment can select the time to open the safety cover slant range) between the station and the control point. First,
and the time of observation to avoid the risk of the known slant distance d0S0 Xi and the measured slant
opening the safety cover and performing measure- distance diS0 Xi between station S0 and control point Xi is
ments under the conditions of heavy wind and rain, performed in the following equations:
thereby improving the overall quality of the defor- 2 2 2
d0S0 Xi � x0 − xi 􏼁 + y0 − yi 􏼁 + H0 − Hi 􏼁 , (1)
mation monitoring data. The rain sensor is shown in
Figure 4(b). 􏽱�����������������������������
2 2 2
Besides, the temperature sensors are set up to measure diS0 Xi � x0 − x′i􏼁 + y0 − y′i􏼁 + H0 − H′i􏼁 , (2)
the change of the temperature gradient. The conditions of no
where (xi , yi , Hi ) is the coordinate information of the
wind (less than 4 m/s), no rain (less than 5 mm/12 h), high
control point Xi ; (x0 , y0 , H0 ) is the coordinate information
visibility (more than 700 m), and stable temperature and
of station S0 ; (x′i, y′i, H′i) is the actual measurement coor-
pressure are selected intelligently to minimize the effect of
dinate information of control point Xi ; and i is the number
weather conditions on the observation precision.
of control points (i ≥ 3).
The slant distance of the TM30 surveying robot resulting
2.2.3. Automatic Regulation and Control of the Station from the meteorological conditions is shown in the fol-
Status. The temperature and humidity of the station change lowing equation:
periodically with the season because the intelligent surveying

0.30 × 10− 3 · p 4.13 × 10− 7 · h

ΔS � ΔS1 + ΔS2 � 􏼐ak + bk · S × 10− 3 􏼑 + 􏼠0.29 − − · 10x 􏼡 · S, (3)
(1 + αt) (1 + αt)
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

GNSS + Prism + Total station

perspective and decomposition map of the station
GNSS aerial
Rubber waterstop

Screw for GNSS and prism Shield 1

Shield 2
Nut for shield 1 Cable

Total station Nut for shield 2
Plate for balance

Screw for total station
Junction plate

Plate of point pier

(a) (b)

Figure 4: Diagram of the (a) TPS-GNSS and (b) the rain sensor.

where ΔS is the correction value of distance, mm; ΔS1 is the characteristics of large altitude differences, wide scope, and
correction value of the additive constant and multiplicative lots of measuring points; thus, the limited control points at
constant, mm; ΔS2 is the meteorological correction value, different elevations play an important role in the distance
mm; ak is the additive constant, mm; bk is the multiplicative correction. The monitoring points in a dam or slope are
constant, ppm; S is the measured distance, m; p, h, and t are usually arranged with the same elevation as a unit, and
the pressure (hPa), dry temperature (°C), and relative hu- several elevation units are designed. It is noted that the
midity (%), respectively, and the values of them are meteorological condition at the same elevation in the dam or
1013.25 hPa, 12°C, and 60%, respectively, based on the slope areas is almost the same. Therefore, to determine the
meteorological value in the dam; α is the atmospheric ex- baseline calibration-meteorological fusion correction coef-
pansion coefficient, with α � (1/273.15); and x is the hu- ficient pi and the atmospheric refraction coefficient ki of
midity index, with x � (7.5t/(237.3 + t) + 0.79). each measuring point, an interpolated model combining the
According to equations (1)–(3), the baseline calibration- equal elevation-based hierarchical observation scheme is
meteorological fusion correction coefficient pi can be given, proposed to greatly reduce the internal meteorological
as shown in the following equation: gradient change of each elevation. The commonly used
interpolation methods in data processing are the nearest
diS0 Xi − d0S0 Xi − ΔS neighbor interpolation, bilinear interpolated, B-spline in-
pi � . (4)
diS0 Xi terpolation, convolution interpolation, Lagrange interpola-
tion, Newton interpolation, Hermite interpolation, and
In addition, the influence of atmospheric refraction and polynomial piecewise interpolation algorithms [27, 28], in
Earth curvature should be also considered on the basis of which the bilinear interpolated model is an interpolation
baseline calibration-meteorological fusion correction, and method for two variables and is suitable to be adopted for the
the atmospheric refraction coefficient ki can be expressed correction analysis of deformation monitoring in the
based on the principle of geometric triangulation [26]: measuring points at the same elevation. The model is shown
2R in the following equation:
ki � 1 + D tan α + i − v − h0i 􏼁, (5)
D2 f(x, y) � a0 + a1 x + a2 y + a3 xy, (7)
1 − ki 2
h0i � D tan α + D + i − v, (6) where f(x, y) is the trend surface for baseline calibration-
meteorological fusion correction coefficient and the atmo-
where h0i is the elevation difference between points of S0 and spheric refraction coefficient; x, y is the coordinate infor-
Xi ; D is the horizontal distance between points of S0 and Xi ; mation of a point; and a0 , a1 , a2 , and a3 are the coefficients to
α is the vertical angle; R is the radius of Earth curvature with be solved and can be solved by the least square method.
the value of 6371 km; i is the height of instrument height in Based on equations (1)–(7), the 3D coordinate infor-
point of S0 ; and v is the height of the prism in Xi . mation of the measuring points is obtained with the cor-
In practical engineering projects, the deformation rected monitoring data and the coordinate information of
monitoring areas of the dam and slope have the S0 .
6 Advances in Civil Engineering

3. Case Study 􏽴
1 n i 2
3.1. Project Background XMSEi � 􏽘 􏼐Xik − X 􏼑 , (10)
n k�1
3.1.1. Dam Specifications. The Pubugou Hydropower Sta-
tion is located on the Dadu River on the border between 􏽶����
Hanyuan County and Ganluo County, Sichuan Province, 1 n i i 2
China. This enormous hydroelectric project has a total YMSEi � 􏽘 􏼐Yk − Y 􏼑 , (11)
n k�1
electric generating capacity of 3600 MW and the ability to
seasonally regulate output. The storage capacity is 5.39
billion m3, the maximum height of the dam is 186 m, and the where HMSEi , PMSEi , XMSEi , and YMSEi are the mean
square error of height, the mean square error of point, the
normal water storage level is 850.00 m. The hydropower
mean square error of horizontal displacement across the
station is mainly composed of three parts: a core rockfill
river, and the mean square error of horizontal displacement
dam, a water power generation system, and a discharge
along the river on the ith day, respectively; Xik , Yik , and Zik are
structure, as seen in Figure 5.
the horizontal displacement across the river, the horizontal
displacement along the river, and the elevation of the kth
3.1.2. Monitoring Layout Design. An integrated intelligent observation on the ith day, respectively; X, Y, and Z are the
station scheme is adopted for the deformation monitoring of corresponding mean values of n observations; and n is the
the dam and the slope in Pubugou Hydropower Station, number of observations on the ith day.
including the “TB02” station (back of dam) and the “TB01” Therefore, the calculation formulas of AHMSE and
station (front of the dam), the measuring points (Measuring APMSE are shown in the following equations:
PT), network points (Network PT), and the back sight points
i�1 HMSEi
(BKS PT), as shown in Figure 6. The deformation moni- AHMSE � , (12)
toring points of the dam are arranged in the dam crest m
(EL.856.00 m), the benches (EL.806.00 m and EL.756.00 m),
i�1 PMSEi
and the downstream pressure zones (EL.731.00 m (U) and APMSE � , (13)
EL.731.00 m (D)). Moreover, three groups of points are m
designed in the horse road (1-1 section) and the upper part where m is the time range of measurement accuracy eval-
(2-2 and 3-3 sections) of the tension-displaced body in front uation (day).
of the dam. The number and location of points are shown in
Figure 7. Besides, GNSS prisms are placed on the points of (1) Dam. Figures 8 and 9 show the MSE accuracy of
TP13, TP21, TP27, and TP32 to form concurrent monitoring monitoring points of the dam from July 2014 to May 2018.
with the TPS. The deformation smart station platform of As shown in Figure 8, the APMSE of points in the Pubugou
Pubugou Hydropower Station was completed and began dam is small and is controlled between 0.41 mm and
operation in 2015; the smart station platform realized the all- 1.65 mm, which is in line with the accuracy requirements of
weather real-time monitoring of the dam and the slope and the second deformation monitoring (3 mm). Also, the
increased the emergency disposal ability under special AHMSE is controlled between 0.19 mm and 0.89 mm. The
conditions such as heavy rainfall and earthquake. points at EL.856.00 m and EL.806.00 m do not meet the
accuracy requirements of the second deformation moni-
toring (0.5 mm) but can meet the accuracy requirements of
3.2. Results and Analysis the third deformation monitoring (1.0 mm).
Although the AHMSE of some points cannot meet the
3.2.1. Reliability Evaluation of Monitoring Data. The average
accuracy requirements of the second deformation moni-
mean square error of height (AHMSE) and the average mean
toring (ARSDM), it does not mean that all MSEs of those
square error of point (APMSE) are selected as the accuracy
points do not satisfy the ARSDM. Figure 9 shows the ratio
evaluation indicators of the monitoring data concerning the
(RM) of measuring the accuracy of different measuring
GB 50026-2007 [29]. The average mean square error
points during the monitoring period lower than the
(AMSE), including the AHMSE and APMSE, is the average
ARSDM. The RM of HMSE is found to be significantly
of multiple mean square errors (MSE) of the measuring
different at different elevations. The maximum RM is up to
points in a day. The mean square error of height (HMSE)
55.31% in the point of TP 10Z at the elevation of 856.00 m
and mean square error of point (PMSE) of a point on the ith
(Dam crest), in which the fluctuation range of RM is
day are expressed by the following equations:
􏽶���� 34.37%∼55.31%. The minimum RM is as low as 2.02% in the
􏽴 point of TP 38 at the elevation of 731.00 m (D), in which the
1 n i
fluctuation range of RM is 2.02%∼7.52%. For the points at
HMSEi � 􏽘 􏼒Zik − Z 􏼓 , (8)
n k�1 the elevation of 756.00 m, the fluctuation range of RM is
7.86%∼34.04%. It can be found that the RM at a high ele-
􏽱�������������� vation is higher than that at a low elevation, and the reason
PMSEi � XMSE2i + YMSE2i , (9) may be that the accuracy of the deformation of points at
Advances in Civil Engineering 7

Figure 5: The layout of the Pubugou hydropower station.

TB 01


TB 02
Measuring PT

Network PT

Figure 6: Layout of the deformation measuring points in the Pubugou hydropower station.

different elevations is affected by the location and elevation (2) Slope. The AMSE results of the slope monitoring system
of the smart station. Therefore, the relationship between are shown in Table 1. It can be seen that the maximum
location and accuracy is the key issue to be solved in future APMSE of slope measuring points is 2.84 mm, whereas the
research. Moreover, the RM of PMSE is very small, with minimum is 0.94 mm; the maximum and minimum values
measuring accuracy of almost all points being in line with of AHMSE are 1.85 mm and 1.48 mm, respectively, which
the requirements. satisfy the allowable AMSE with the value of ±3 mm in
8 Advances in Civil Engineering

(a) (b)

Figure 7: Measuring points of (a) the dam and (b) the slope.

1.2 2.25 60 15

RM of PMSE (%)
EL.856.00 m EL.856.00 m

RM of HMSE (%)
0.8 1.50 40 10
AHMSE (mm)

AHMSE (mm)

0.75 20 5
0 0
0.0 0.00
TP10Z TP10 TP11 TP12 TP13 TP14 TP15 TP16 TP17 TP18 TP18Z
TP10Z TP10 TP11 TP12 TP13 TP14 TP15 TP16 TP17 TP18 TP18Y 60 15
1.2 2.25 EL.806.00 m
EL.806.00 m
RM of HMSE (%)

RM of PMSE (%)
40 10
0.8 1.50
AHMSE (mm)

AHMSE (mm)

20 5
0.4 0.75
0 0
0.0 0.00 TP19 TP20 TP21 TP22 TP23 TP24 TP25
60 15
TP19 TP20 TP21 TP22 TP23 TP24 TP25 EL.756.00m
RM of HMSE (%)

RM of PMSE (%)
1.2 2.25
EL.756.00 m 40 10
AHMSE (mm)

AHMSE (mm)

1.50 20 5
0.4 0.75 0 0
TP26 TP27 TP28 TP29 TP30
0.0 0.00 60 15
EL.731.00m (U)
RM of HMSE (%)

RM of PMSE (%)
TP26 TP27 TP28 TP29 TP30 TP58
1.2 2.25 40 10
EL.731.00 m (U)
0.8 20 5
AHMSE (mm)

AHMSE (mm)

0 0
0.4 0.75
TP31 TP32 TP33 TP34
60 15
0.00 EL.731.00 m (D)
RM of HMSE (%)

RM of PMSE (%)

TP31 TP32 TP33 TP34 TP60 40 10

1.2 2.25
EL.731.00 m (D)
20 5
AHMSE (mm)

AHMSE (mm)

0.8 1.50
0 0
0.4 0.75 TP35 TP36 TP37 TP38
Measuring point
0.0 0.00
TP35 TP36 TP37 TP38 HMSE
Measuring point
Figure 9: RM of HMSE and PMSE.

Figure 8: AHMSE and APMSE of the monitoring data.

3.2.2. Concurrent Monitoring Analysis of TPS-GNSS. The
comparative analysis results of TPS-GNSS concurrent
monitoring show that the fluctuation range of data from TPS
SL197-2013 [30], indicating that the proposed deformation is larger than that of data from GNSS in a certain time, and
monitoring system meets the accuracy requirements of slope the latter has better continuity than that of the former, as
monitoring. shown in Figure 10.
Advances in Civil Engineering 9

Table 1: Statistical results of AMSE in the slope monitoring system.

Section Number APMSE (mm) AHMSE (mm)
T05 1.44 1.14
T06 1.61 1.25
T07 1.21 0.61
T08 1.29 0.85
T22 0.97 0.63
T21 1.08 0.73
T01 1.25 1.85
T02 1.33 0.73
T03 1.51 1.05
T04 0.94 0.74
T16 1.51 1.09
T20 1.29 0.48
T13 2.31 0.95
T14 2.84 1.02
T15 1.46 0.81
T17 1.98 1.05
T18 1.92 1.04
T19 2.10 0.96

100 120
80 100
Displacement (mm)

Displacement (mm)

60 80
40 60
20 40
0 20
–20 0
–40 –20
2014/6/1 2015/6/1 2016/6/1 2017/6/1 2018/6/1 2014/6/1 2015/6/1 2016/6/1 2017/6/1 2018/6/1
Time Time

(A) (B)
60 100
50 80
Displacement (mm)

Displacement (mm)

0 0
–10 –20
2014/6/1 2015/6/1 2016/6/1 2017/6/1 2018/6/1 2014/6/1 2015/6/1 2016/6/1 2017/6/1 2018/6/1
Time Time
(C) (D)
Figure 10: Continued.
10 Advances in Civil Engineering

25 35
20 30
Displacement (mm)

Displacement (mm)
15 20
10 15
5 10
0 0
–5 –5
2014/6/1 2015/6/1 2016/6/1 2017/6/1 2018/6/1 2014/6/1 2015/6/1 2016/6/1 2017/6/1 2018/6/1
Time Time

(E) (F)

Figure 10: Comparison of displacements obtained from the TPS-GNSS monitoring. (a) TP13: (A) horizontal, (B) vertical; (b) TP21: (C)
horizontal, (D) vertical; (c) TP27: (E) horizontal, (F) vertical.

Undeniably, there are some abnormal monitoring data Table 2: Relative error between the TPS data and artificial mon-
due to the environmental influence that cannot be offset by itoring data.
the baseline calibration-meteorological fusion correction Relative error to artificial
method. Based on the data from GNSS, the error fluctuation Elevation Points monitoring (%)
of deformation along the stream direction is approximately Max. Min. Aver.
12%, and that of vertical displacement is approximately 20%.
TP10Z 7.90 0.00 0.35
The high error phenomenon of vertical displacement is TP10 3.17 0.01 1.07
consistent with the above conclusion that the monitoring TP11 1.58 0.01 0.57
system is not sufficiently accurate at a higher elevation. In TP12 0.98a 0.01 0.31
general, the monitoring results from two monitoring TP13 1.20 0.00 0.33
methods display the same trend of deformation and have EL.856.00 TP14 0.95 0.01 0.30
high consistency, indicating that the deformation condition TP15 1.19 0.01 0.30
reflected by the monitoring results is reliable. TP16 1.34 0.01 0.52
TP17 1.96 0.01 0.74
TP18 8.63 0.01 2.89
3.2.3. Comparative Analysis with the Artificial Monitoring TP18Y 8.53 0.00 0.43
Data. The “Comprehensive Analysis on Dam Operation TP19 5.58 0.07 2.71
Performance of Pubugou Hydropower Station” [31] shows TP20 2.64 0.09 1.25
that the accuracy of the artificial monitoring data during the TP21 1.12 0.02 0.39
EL.806.00 TP22 1.24 0.00 0.35
first six-year operation period is within the range required by
TP23 2.91 0.01 1.04
the standards [29, 30]. Therefore, a comparative analysis TP24 1.34 0.00 0.35
between the artificial monitoring data and the TPS-GNSS TP25 6.00 0.04 1.97
monitoring data is made to further verify the monitoring TP26 8.38 0.04 3.03
accuracy of external deformation intelligent station based on TP27 2.13 0.12 1.31
TPS-GNSS. EL.756.00 TP28 3.45 0.03 1.22
In view that only the artificial monitoring of vertical TP29 5.03 0.03 1.45
deformation remains, the comparative analysis results of TP30 9.98 0.14 3.57
vertical deformation between the years of 2015 and 2018 are TP31 8.96 1.02 5.35
shown in Table 2. As seen in Table 2, the maximum relative TP32 5.65 0.25 2.77
EL.731.00 (U)
error of the TPS data is 9.98% compared with the artificial TP33 9.41 0.06 4.31
monitoring data being 9.98%, and the maximum relative TP34 9.49 0.14 4.63
error of more than 50% points is less than 5%. The average TP35 5.30 0.02 2.78
relative error of 63% points is less than 2%. Table 3 shows the TP36 7.65 0.16 4.01
EL.731.00 (D)
relative error of TPS-GNSS concurrent monitoring data TP37 6.36 0.00 2.88
compared with the artificial monitoring data. It can be found TP38 8.78 0.25 4.23
Advances in Civil Engineering 11

Table 3: Relative error between the TPS-GNSS concurrent Table 4: The mean time between failures of the acquisition units in
monitoring data and artificial monitoring data. the Pubugou dam.
Relative error to artificial Data acquisition Normal working times
Number of failures
Points and modes monitoring (%) unit (h)
Max. Min. Aver. TPS in TB01 8736 3
TPS 0.99 0.00 0.27 TPS in TB02 8712 2
TP13 GNSS in TB01 8760 0
GNSS 1.86 0.03 0.97
GNSS in TB02 8736 1
TPS 0.67 0.02 0.34
TP21 GNSS in TP13 8760 0
GNSS 1.04 0.02 0.36
GNSS in TP21 8712 1
TPS 2.13 0.17 1.05 GNSS in TP27 8736 1
GNSS 2.85 0.04 1.18
Sum 61152 8
MTBF of this
that the results of artificial monitoring, TPS monitoring, and 7644
GNSS monitoring are consistent, and their deformation
trend and change law are the same. The relative error of TPS
data is lower than those of GNSS data compared with the about 1 week. The application of smart stations greatly
artificial monitoring data. The results illustrate that the TPS improves the effectiveness of deformation monitoring in the
and TPS-GNSS monitoring results are consistent with ar- Pubugou dam, provides the technical support for intensive
tificial monitoring results, displaying that the system is of monitoring, and reduces the safety risk of survey persons
high accuracy and can meet the engineering requirements of during the trip to and from the stations under the mountain
the external deformation monitoring of Pubugou hydro- occurrence environment. Results illustrate that this smart
power station. system is of significant comprehensive benefits.

4. Conclusions
3.2.4. Evaluation of the System Performance and Compre-
hensive Benefit (1) In view of the general problems such as small
monitoring range, inadequate field safety protection,
(1) System Performance. The system performance can be and low monitoring accuracy under extreme weather
assessed by the mean time between failures (MTBF) within the conditions in the traditional monitoring system for
assessment period of one year, the definition of which is [32] deformation in dams, which greatly restricts the real-
time intelligent control of engineering safety risk, a
􏽐ni�1 ti multitype instrument-integrated monitoring system
MTBF � , (14) based mainly on the TPS and supplemented by the
􏽐ni�1 ri 􏼁
GNSS was promoted in the paper with the methods
of large field angle, environmental smart adaptation,
where ti is the normal working times of the ith acquisition
automatic regulation and control of status, and
unit; ri is the number of failures of the ith acquisition unit;
baseline calibration-meteorological fusion correc-
and n is the total number of data acquisition unit.
tion. The proposed system provides the functions of
Table 4 shows the MTBF of the seven data acquisition
real-time identification of environmental conditions,
units in the system. The MTBF of the system is 7644 h, and it
self-selection of the measurement period, comple-
is greater than the allowable threshold of 6300 h [32]. Results
mentation of multisource data, and smart correction
imply that the overall operating performance of the system is
of monitoring data and realizes the real-time smart
good, which meets the needs of practical engineering and
acquisition of high-confidence monitoring data in a
plays an important role in the safe operation of the Pubu-
complex environment.
gogou high core rockfill dam.
(2) By heightening the observation pier and adopting a
(2) Comprehensive Benefit. The comprehensive benefit of this 360° cylindrical lifting window, the monitoring range
system is studied from aspects of the economic and effi- of the single station is greatly increased. The problems
ciency fronts. of the low accuracy and slow information feedback
On the economic front, the designed five TM30 sur- under special working conditions are effectively
veying robots with the unit price of 250,000 Renminbi solved through installing the TPS monitoring prism
(RMB) are replaced by two smart stations with the unit price and the GNSS aerial coaxially. Besides, the system
of 500,000 RMB, thereby leading to the direct saving of allows the environmental conditions to be perceived
equipment cost of 250,000 RMB. Additionally, the number and judged intelligently through the rain and wind
of survey person is reduced from 6 to 1, with the saving of speed sensors, thereby minimizing the impact of
labor cost of 600,000 RMB. meteorological conditions on observation accuracy.
On the efficiency front, the time for finishing the (3) The application results of the Pubugou Hydropower
monitoring tasks and interpreting data of the smart system is Station project show that the APMSE for the dam
about 10 mins, while that of the traditional surveying robot is points meets the accuracy requirements of the second
12 Advances in Civil Engineering

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