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April 11, 1950 R. J.

Filed June 6, 1946

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Patented Apr. 11, 1950 2,503,539


Reginald James Aspeek, East Ham, England, as
signor to Coborn Engineering Company Lim
ited, Barkingside, Essex, England
Application June 6, 1946, Serial No. 674,83
In Great Britain June 14, 1945
Clains. (CI. 41-)
This invention relates to power-Operated hand an eccentric crank pin secured to one face of
tools and particularly to a power-operated hand the flywheel, the crank pin being set at an angle
tool for scraping and 'feathering' the Surface to the normal, i.e. by using a so-called “wobble'
of metal sheets. Crankpin. The holder is then located in a trun
It is common practice in forming flat metal nion fitted on the crank pin, the trunnion per
surfaces to scrape the Surface of the metal with mitting the rocking motion. In this construc
a hand tool in those areas which are above the flat tion the eccentricity of the crank pin causes the
datum level. Thus a metal sheet, having been reciprocating movement while the inclination of
brought to a state of approximate flatness may the crank pin introduces the rocking motion.
be brought into contact with a master plate of O The Same System may also be set up to reverse
known accuracy of flatness, the master plate these functions, i. e. So that the eccentricity of
being coated with a transferable Coloured layer. the crank pin introduces the rocking motion and
Then those areas of the metal sheet which are the inclination of the crank pin causes the re
aibove the datum level of flatness “take' the ciprocating movement.
colour by transference from the master plate. 5 A Specific form of this invention which has
These areas are scraped down and the test of been found very Suitable is illustrated in the ac
flatness repeated until the metal sheet takes the companying drawings in which
colour substantially uniformly from the master Figure 1 is a diagrammatic cross-section
plate, thus indicating that it has acquired the through the whole tool, showing the tool blade
same degree of flatness as the master plate. 20 in a rearward position.
It is also common practice to finish the Sur Figure 2 is a diagrammatic plan of part of
face of metal objects, for example, parts of na the tool.
chine tools, with a slight Surface irregularity Figures 3, 4, 5 and 6 diagrammatically illus
known as “feathering' from its appearance.
This is commonly done by hand, the Operator by trate the movement of the cutting blade and the
a Wrist movement so guiding the scraping tool shape of the cut obtained.
that the “feathered' appearance is obtained. Fig. 7 is Somewhat similar to Fig. 1 and shows
Both the hand scraping and the feathering the blade of the tool disposed in a forward posi
operations referred to above are highly skilled tion.
operations and the operator only acquired a de 30 Referring to Figures 1 and 2 of these drawings
gree of skill which yields a satisfactory product the tool comprises a body casing provided with
after long experience. two handles 2 and 3 adapted to be grasped by
According to the present invention a power the operator. The handle t3. is set at right
operated hand tool for scraping or “feathering' angles to the handle 2. Within the body cas
comprises a blade with a substantially arcuate ing is located a shaft 4 running in bearings
cutting edge, means for reciprocating Said blade 5 and 6. These bearings are separated by a
along a line normal to the centre of Said cutting sleeve T and the shaft 4 is connected via a con
edge, means for simultaneously causing Said nection 8 to a flexible shaft 9 which may be
blade to reck about said line as axis, Said means connected to a power Supply.
including a flywheel of Substantial maSS, a hous 40 Secured to the innermost end of the shaft 4
ing for said means and a power-driving connec is a driving member in the form of a truncated
tion thereto. cone 20. This is intended to drive by friction
Since the cutting operation using the tool ex and may conveniently be made of a plastic such
erts a substantial reactionary thrust on the Op as “Bakelite.' The cone 20 engages with a fly
erating mechanism it is desirable that the Whole wheel 2. The flywheel 2 has an upwardly pro
tool should have substantial weight consistent jecting shaft 22 which is located in a sleeve 23
with its being readily handled by the operator. to which it is locked by a bolt 24. The sleeve 23
A net weight of about 12 to 17 lbs. is generally is located within a second sleeve 25, rotating
suitable but over net Weights may be employed Within it on ball races 26 and 2. This second
if the reciprocating movement is relatively short 50 sleeve 25 is locked to the body by bolts 28.
and/or the speed of the reciprocating move The bearings 26 and 27 are so designed that they
ment is relatively high. carry the weight of the flywheel 2.
A preferred method of effecting the combined The lower surface of the flywheel 2 is pro
reciprocating and rocking motion of the blade Vided with a Slot 29 in which a side member 3
is to secure the blade in a holder connected to 55 may be adjusted by means of screws 3. The
3 4.
slide member 30 carries a crank pin 32. The cutter blade is COnveniently a tungsten tipped
crank pin 32 may thus, by adjustment of the blade.
position of the slide member 30 in the slot 29, be Warious modifications of the specific design
given any desired degree of eccentricity. The described above and illustrated in the accom
crank pin 32 is set at a small angle to the axis 5 panying drawings may be made within the scope
of the flywheel 2. of this invention. For example the flywheel
The crank pin 32 is mounted for free rotation may be made to rotate on a horizontal axis and
in a bush 33 secured by trunnions 34 across the may be spring-loaded to take up Some of the re
fork 35 of a blade holding member 36. To the actionary thrust of the cutting blade. Further,
other end of the member 36 is secured, by a 10 although in the tool illustrated in the drawings
screw 37, a cutting blade 38 having an arcuate the bearing for the blade-holding member is a
cutting edge, 39. Single ball, any other form of bearing which will
The member 36 is mounted for reciprocating permit the three movements of the member, i. e.
movement on a single ball bearing 40 mounted reciprocating, rocking, and side-to-side, all re
between a pair of V-shaped grooves 4 and 42, Sultant on the movement of the crank pin, may
groove 4 on the member 36 and groove 42 in be employed. Thus a suitable alternative is a
the body casing f. Springs 43 anchored at one tubular sleeve bearing mounted on a vertical
end to the body casing f and at the other end to trunnion.
the blade holding member 36, hold the blade In the case where the eccentricty of the crank
member and body casing in juxtaposition. pin is responsible for the rocking movement and
The lower part 44 of the body casing is cut the inclination of the crank pin is responsible
away to allow for movement of the member 36 for the reciprocating movement, there is no side
and is removable to enable the interior of the to-side movement of the blade-holding member
tool to be assembled, adjusted or inspected. and a bearing catering only for the reciprocat
In Operation, rotation of the shaft 9 is trans 25 ing and rocking movements may be employed.
mitted through the shaft 4 to the cone 20 and What claim is:
thus to the flywheel 2. The resulting move 1. A power-operated hand tool for scraping
ment of the crank pin 32 causes the member 36 or feathering which comprises a blade with a
to reciprocate and also to rock about the line of Substantially arcuate cutting edge, a flywheel
reciprocation, thus imparting to the blade 38 a. 30 of Substantial maSS, an eccentrically mounted
reciprocating movement combined with a rock crank pin located on the face of said flywheel,
ing movement about a line normal to its direc a blade-holding member connecting Said crank
tion of reciprocation. pin and said blade, whereby rotation of said fly
The actual movement of the cutting blade is wheel causes a reciprocating movement of said
illustrated in Figures 4, 5 and 6 of the drawings, member and therefore of said blade on a line
Figure 4 shews the blade at the commencement normal to the centre of its cutting edge, said
of its forward stroke, Figure 5 shews the blade at crank pin being disposed at a Small angle to the
its mid-position and Figure 6 shews the blade at axis of Said flywheel whereby rotation of Said
the end of its stroke. The blade rocks similarly flywheel causes simultaneously a rocking move
On its return movement but of course does not 40 ment of said blade about said line as axis, a holls
exert any cutting action. The shape of the cut ing for Said flywheel, crank pin and blade
obtained (in the direction of the arrow) is dia holding member and a power driving connection
grammatically indicated in Figure 3 and it is such to said flywheel.
that the depression formed by the cut grades off 2. A power-operated hand tool for Scraping
imperceptibly into the main surface of the metal, 45
or feathering which comprises a blade with a
leaving no sharp edges. substantially arcuate cutting edge, a flywheel of
It is found in practice that a general purpose substantial mass, an eccentrically mounted
tool according to this invention may conveniently crank pin located on the face of Said flywheel, a
be designed so that the reciprocation is of the blade-holding member connecting said crank pin
order of 300-500 strokes per minute, the length and said blade, whereby rotation of Said flywheel
of the reciprocation being from about 3%' to causes a reciprocating movement of said member
14''. The inclination of the crank pin may and therefore of said blade on a line normal to
Conveniently be about 2 degrees to the axis of the the centre of its cutting edge, said crank-pin
flywheel. A flywheel of substantial mass is re being disposed at a small angle to the axis of said
quired and the net weight of the tool may be 55 flywheel and said blade-holding member being
about 15 lbs. However, if a smaller tool is de connected to said crank pin by a trunnion con
sired, as for Special work in confined spaces, the nection, whereby rotation of said flywheel causes
weight may be reduced, for example, to 7 to 12 simultaneously a rocking movement of said blade,
lbs. and the Speed of reciprocation increased to permitted by said trunnion, about Said line as
Say 500 to 1500 strokes per minute and the length 00 axis, a housing for Said flywheel, crank pin,
of the stroke reduced, say to 4 to 5%'. blade-holding member and trunnion connection,
The cutting blade, as stated above, has a sub and a power driving connection to said flywheel.
stantially arcuate cutting edge. This need not 3. A power-operated hand tool for scraping or
be an absolutely true arc but may if desired have feathering which comprises a blade with a sub
a greater degree of curvature towards the ends Stantially arcuate cutting edge, a flywheel of
of the arc than at its centre. An arc of about Substantial maSS, an eccentrically mounted crank
4 inch radius has been found very suitable. It pin located on the face of Said flywheel, a blade
is not absolutely necessary for the blade to be holding member connecting said crank pin and
Symmetrical since, as will be apparent from Fig Said blade, whereby rotation of said flywheel
lures 4, 5 and 6 one half of the blade does not O Causes a reciprocating movement of Said men
exert a cutting action. Nevertheless it is con ber and therefore of Said blade on a line normal
venient to make the blade symmetrical as it may to the centre of its cutting edge, said crank pin
then be removed from the blade-holding being disposed at a Small angle to the axis of
member, turned over and replaced, thus bringing said flywheel and said blade-holding member
the other half of it into cutting operation. The being Connected to Said crank pin by a trunnion
5 6
connection, whereby rotation of said flywheel 6. A power-operated hand tool for Scraping or
Causes Simultaneously a rocking movement of feathering Which comprises a blade With a Sub
said blade, permitted by Said trunnion, about stantially arcuate cutting edge, a flywheel of
Said line as axis, Said blade-holding member Substantial ima,SS, an eccentrically mounted crank
being mounted for movement in a bearing per pin located on the face of said flywheel, a blade
mitting the reciprocation, rocking and side-to holding member connecting Said crank pin and
Side movement thereof, a housing for said fly Said blade, whereby rotation of said flywheel
Wheel, Crank pin, blade-holding member and causes a reciprocating movement of said mem
trunnion connection, and a power driving con ber and therefore of said blade, on a line normal
nection to said flywheel. ( to the centre of its cutting edge, said crank pin
4. A power-operated hand tool for scraping being disposed at a Small angle to the axis of
Or feathering which comprises a blade with a Said flywheel and said blade-holding member
Substantially arcuate cutting edge, a flywheel of being connected to said crank pin by a trunnion
Substantial mass, an eccentrically mounted crank connection, whereby rotation of said flywheel
pin located on the face of said flywheel, a blade CauSeS Simultaneously a rocking movement of
holding member connecting said crank pin and Said blade, permitted by said trunnion, about
Said blade, whereby rotation of said flywheel Said line as axis, a housing for said flywheel,
Causes a reciprocating movement of said mem Crank pin, blade-holding member and trunnion
ber and therefore of said blade on a line normal connection and a power driving connection to
to the centre of its cutting edge, said crank pin Said flywheel, Said tool being so dimensioned and
being disposed at a smail angle to the axis of designed as to permit a reciprocating stroke of
Said flywheel and said blade-holding member length between 'A' to 5%', a speed of reciproca
being connected to said crank pin by a trunnion tion of the order of 500 to 1500 strokes per minute
Connection, whereby rotation of said flywheel and SO as to have a net weight of 7 to 12 lbs.
causes Simultaneously a rocking movement of 7. A power operated hand tool for scraping or
said blade, permitted by said trunnion, about said feathering, which includes a blade having a sub
line as axis, Said blade-holding member being Stantially arcuate cutting edge; a fly wheel of
mounted for movement on a single ball bearing Substantial mass mounted rotatably; a crank
moving between V tracks, a housing for said pin eccentrically mounted on the face of the fly
flywheel, crank pin, blade-holding member and 30 Wheel and disposed at a Small angle to the central
trunnion connection, and a power driving con axis of the latter; a blade-holding member inter
nection to said flywheel. connecting the crank pin and the blade in such
5. A power-operated hand tool for scraping or manner that the eccentricity of said crank pin
feathering which comprises a blade with a sub and its angular disposition with respect to the
Stantially arcuate cutting edge, a flywheel of sub central axis of said fly wheel are effective upon
Stantial mass, an eccentrically mounted crank rotation of the fly wheel to cause a simultaneous
pin located on the face of said flywheel, a blade reciprocation of the blade along a line normal to
holding member connecting said crank pin and the center of its cutting edge and a rocking
said blade, whereby rotation of said flywheel movement of said blade about an axis coinciding
causes a reciprocating movement of said mem 40 With Said line; a housing for said fly wheel, crank
ber and therefore of said blade, on a line normal pin and blade-holding member; and a power
to the centre of its cutting edge, said crank pin driving connection to said fly wheel for rotating
being disposed at a small angle to the axis of the same.
Said flywheel and said blade-holding member REGINATD JAMES ASPEEK.
being connected to said crank pin by a trunnion
connection, whereby rotation of said flywheel REFERENCES CITED
causes Simultaneously a rocking movement of The following references are of record in the
Said blade, permitted by said trunnion, about file of this patent:
Said line as axis, a housing for said flywheel, UNITED STATES PATENTS
Crank pin, blade-holding member and trunnion 5)
connection, and a power driving connection to Number Name Date
Said flywheel, Said tool being so dimensioned and 1315,964 Jantsch ----------- Sept. 16, 1919
designed as to permit a reciprocating stroke of 1,617,924 Russell ------------ Feb. 15, 1927
length between 36' and 1,4', a speed of recipro 1,898,411 Watts -------------- Feb. 21, 1933
cation of the order of 300 to 500 strokes per
minute, and so as to have a net weight of the
Order of 12 to 17 lbs.

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