Pier Letters
Pier Letters
Pier Letters
ABSTRACT: This article presents a novel numerical approach to reduce scattering echoes in the front region of dielectric objects with the
method of auxiliary sources. The method involves using a Gaussian radio pulse covering the 6–12 GHz frequency range. The approach
involves optimizing the dimensions and dielectric permittivity of an elliptical cylinder in order to make it invisible, thus eliminating
the need for metamaterial cloaking. The proposed approach has been validated by comparing the results of numerical experiments
obtained during pulse echo observations with the FDTD and MoM numerical methods. The proposed method is a highly efficient and
practical approach for scattering problems, such as scattering echo reduction, offering comparable results to FDTD and MoM methods
with significantly reduced computational requirements.
1. INTRODUCTION ner PEC surface and an outer surface coated with metasurfaces,
n recent years, notable progress has been made in the ad- aiming to achieve scattering reduction. The study [9] explores
vancement of radar-based detection and EM cloaking tech-
across various media, including inside ground, wa-
metasurface that is polarization-insensitive and has angular sta-
bility, designed to achieve radar cross-section reduction over an
ter, and other specialized medias. These efforts aim to en- range from 7 to 12 GHz.
hance stealth capabilities, reduce detection risks, and improve These mentioned studies generally involve providing invis-
the overall effectiveness of military, security, and civilian ap- ibility in all directions through the different types of coating
plications. Due to these factors, scientists have directed their materials and this make it complex to make object invisible in
endeavors towards investigating solutions in this particular do- wide frequency range. Researchers often neglect geometric op-
main. Many research studies have been conducted aiming to timization and primarily concentrating on cloaking metallic ob-
minimize detection risks and enhance invisibility capabilities, jects. In the literature review, no study has been encountered
focusing on reducing radar cross-section [1] and discovering on the topic of invisibility achieved through the optimization of
cloaking methods [2]. The study [3] presents a gradient-based dielectric object parameters inside the ground or any other lay-
optimization method using Maxwell’s equations for reducing ered medium with the purpose of reducing the echo in the front
radar cross section through shape and material modifications. region. What distinguishes our current work from other studies
The study in [4] employs the 2-D ADE-FDTD method to an- is the specific idea of optimizing the dimensions and dielectric
alyze bistatic radar cross section of a plasma-coated airfoil. It properties to minimize the reflection in the front region when
shows that the optimizing plasma frequency and collision fre- an object is located in a hostile environment, as example land-
quency can improve backscattering invisibility and reduce RCS mine inside the ground. This is especially significant because a
at certain angles for bending airfoils. In paper [5] the straight- majority of modern landmines are constructed using dielectric
forward radar cross section suppression structure is proposed, materials. In that sense our study is unique. We focus on the
utilizing only a dielectric superstrate with varying loadings to scattering echo reduction in the front area because the echo in
achieve wideband backscattering reduction. In paper [6], a the back area, even it is big, is directed backward and can be
technique is introduced for reducing the radar cross section of absorbed by the ground below object. So, it will not reach the
rod-like targets over a wide bandwidth. The method involves sensor located above ground.
using multistep cylindrical structures with different radius to Continuing from the previous studies [10, 11], this study in-
create a phase reversal that cancels backscattering. The study troduces a novel Gaussian radio pulse echo observation method
in [7] discusses recent developments in artificially structured based on the method of auxiliary sources (MAS) aimed at
metamaterials, focusing on a non-magnetic cylindrical cloak mitigating scattering front echoes caused by dielectric objects
designed to operate at optical frequencies. The research [8] within the broadband frequency range of 6–12 GHz. The
presents analytical models for mantle cloaking of electrically method involves a unique approach of optimizing the ellipse’s
large objects, using the two-sided surface impedance method dimensions and dielectric permittivity to reduce front echo,
to analyze a cloak composed of a dielectric cylinder with an in- which eliminates the necessity for metamaterial cloaking.
This technique exhibits remarkable efficiency over a wide
* Corresponding authors: Emre İşcan (emre.iscen@itu.edu.tr).
frequency spectrum, providing invisibility at different incident
angles as well. This study can be useful for engineers for de- medium II. Finally, the auxiliary sources located on the contour
signing undetectable dielectric landmines. ⃗re_out are responsible for generating the field in medium III.
The incident source location ⃗rinc = (xinc , yinc ) = (dinc ·
sin(θ), dinc · cos(θ)).
2.1. Analysis of the Problem from a Time Domain Approach TABLE 1. Parameters and their corresponding values.
The content of this section presents the mathematical formula-
tion for reducing the scattering echoes from the dielectric ob- Parameter Value Parameter Value
jects located inside the ground or other environments in the εg 2 dp_out 0.01 m
front region. The Gaussian radio pulse used as the incident field
is specified in formula (1): εe 4 dp_in 0.01 m
d 0.1 m de_out min(R1 R2 ) ∗ 0.3 m
−α2 ( ρc +iT ) Ne 100 de_in min(R1 R2 ) ∗ 0.3 m
E inc (ρ, t = jT ) = √
i=−∞ ρ Np 200 dinc 1.7 m
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Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letter, Vol. 114, 1-6, 2023
In this context, we have H0 representing the Hankel func- elliptical object, respectively. Formulations (10)–(11) define
tions of the 1st kind and 0th order. The Xnp in corresponds the magnetic field boundary condition on the plane and the el-
to the unknown complex amplitudes of the auxiliary sources, liptical object, respectively. Here, τP (i) represents the tangen-
which are positioned on the inner auxiliary contour. Also, k0 tial component of the plane, and τe (j) stands for the tangential
denotes the wave number of the vacuum. In the media II elec- component of the elliptical object. Therefore, the continuity
tric field is described by the outer auxiliary sources of the plane of the tangential components of the total electric and magnetic
and by the inner auxiliary sources of the elliptical object. The fields must be ensured at each contour. Once the electric and
electric field represented by the outer sources of the plane is magnetic fields’ boundary conditions are satisfied, the system
given by the formula (3): of formulations (8)–(11) gives rise to a set of linear algebraic
∑Np equations. By performing inversion procedure on these equa-
Ep_out (⃗r) = Xnp_out H0 (kg |⃗r − ⃗rp_out |) (3) tions, the amplitudes of the unknowns can be determined. The
direct problem is solved for each frequency component of the
Xnp_out represents the unknown complex coefficients of the incident pulse, allowing us to determine the field values inside
auxiliary sources that are distributed across the outer auxiliary and outside of the object. Afterwards, these calculated values
contour of the plane. kg represents the wave number of the are multiplied by the complex amplitudes of the spectrum and
media II. The electric field represented by the inner auxiliary the exponential term e−iωt , and then summed up. As a result,
sources of the elliptical object is given in formula (4). the total field in the time domain is determined for a particular
Xne_in corresponds to the unknown complex amplitudes of point in space and time. This approach allows for the calcula-
the auxiliary sources, which are positioned on the inner auxil- tion of the pulse echo at a specific point.
iary contour of the ellipse.
∑Ne (1)
Ee_in (⃗r) = Xne_in H0 (kg |⃗r − ⃗re_in |) (4)
n=1 The analysis of the numerical experiments and their corre-
The formula for the electric field inside the elliptical object is sponding results centers on the evaluation of the echo distri-
given by (5): butions of the scattered electric field for both dielectric me-
dia and the elliptical object inside this media under various
∑Ne (1) scenarios. Subsequently, specific values of the total field are
Ee_out (⃗r) = Xne_out H0 (ke |⃗r − ⃗re_out |) (5)
n=1 given for a particular observation point in time. As we men-
tioned above the incident wave has the form of a Gaussian ra-
Xne_out describes the unknown complex coefficients of the aux- dio pulse. The period of the pulse T for the numerical exper-
iliary sources that are distributed across the outer auxiliary con- iments is set as 9 nanoseconds. In formula (1), the value of
tour of the ellipse. Meanwhile, ke represents the wave number α2 = ( 641
) × 1021 sec−2 .
inside the ellipse.
Scattering echoes in the front area can be reduced by optimiz-
The incident field is defined in the medium I and is expressed ing various parameters, such as adjusting the dimensions and
as: dielectric permittivity of an elliptic dielectric object. Dielectric
Einc (⃗r) = H0 (k0 |⃗r − ⃗rinc |) (6) objects tend to produce more echoes at their resonant frequency
The method used to express the magnetic field components in- range. To address this, a Gaussian radio pulse is used, covering
side and outside the scatterer is analogical. Using Maxwell’s a wide frequency range from 6 to 12 GHz, occupying multiple
Eq. (7), we can derive the expression for the magnetic field. resonances. Figure 2(a), shows the total radar cross-section of
rotE⃗ = −iωµH ⃗ (7) the elliptical cylinder measured in meters. As we see the cylin-
der has many resonances throughout given frequency range.
Here, the symbol ω is used to denote the angular frequency, Consequently, by deliberately choosing frequencies within
while µ is employed to represent the permeability. Moreover, this specific interval for the incident pulse spectrum, one can
the term rot pertains to the curl operator. In order to determine ensure a notable amplification of echo signals enhancing the
the unknown complex amplitudes in the field expressions, it is efficiency of signal detection and analysis.
necessary to apply the boundary conditions as follows (8)–(11): ωmax has been chosen as 9 GHz. Figure 2(b) provides the
Ep_in (r⃗p (i)) + Einc (r⃗p (i)) near field distribution at the resonance value f = 8.6689 GHz.
= Ep_out (r⃗p (i)) + Ee_in (r⃗p (i)) (8) We can see the high field values on the contour of the cylinder.
In this scenario the object is located in the infinite dielectric
Ep_out (r⃗e (j)) + Ee_in (r⃗e (j)) = Ee_out (r⃗e (j)) (9) media. ⃗rinc = (−1000, 0)(m).
Hpin (r⃗p (i)) τP (i) + Hinc (r⃗p (i)) τP (i) The program package developed in MATLAB has been uti-
= Hp_out (r⃗p (i)) τP (i) + He_in (r⃗p (i)) τP (i) (10) lized to solve the diffraction problem based on the above-
Hp_out (r⃗e (j))τe (j)+He_in (r⃗e (j))τe (j) described algorithm. This program package generates an ani-
mation [12] that visualizes the evolution of the electromagnetic
= He_out (r⃗e (j))τe (j) (11)
field on a 2D plane as a Gaussian radio pulse signal interacts
The variable i ranges from 1 to Np , and the variable j ranges with an elliptical scattering object. The animation shows how
from 1 to Ne . From the formulations given above (8)–(9) de- the field changes over time due to the scattering process. We
fine the electric field boundary condition in the plane and the optimize the incident field parameters and carefully adjust the
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İşcan and Tabatadze
(a) 0.12 (b) -0.1
X 7.62542 5
Y 0.116037
X 6.56187
X 8.6689
0.1 Y 0.0955241
Y 0.0938331
-0.05 4
X axis
X 9.2107
Y 0.072276 3
0.06 X 9.73244
Y 0.0523064
X 10.2542 0.05
0.04 Y 0.0373722
X 11.2977
Y 0.0294084
0.1 0
6 7 8 9 10 11 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1
Frequency (GHz) Y axis
FIGURE 2. Total radar cross section inside ground (a) R1 = 0.05 m, R2 = 0.05 m, εg = 2, εe = 4, (b) Resonance field distribution atthe frequency
f = 8.6689 GHz.
source location and object parameters to achieve the front echo object inside the ground and a Gaussian radio pulse, and it
minimization. demonstrated how the echo behaves for 180 different scenarios
During the pulse echo observations, for an effective reduc- evolved over time. For obtaining these 180 videos we changed
tion of scattering front echoes, critical parameters such as the permittivity in the range 1 to 5 with the step 1. We changed semi
dimensions and dielectric permittivity of an elliptical cylinder axes values between 0.01 and 0.06 with the step 0.01. From
need to undergo a precise optimization process. these 180 videos we chose the best ones: εe = 5, R1 = 0.02 m,
As an example, for the not optimized parameters, the front R2 = 0.05 m and εe = 6, R1 = 0.02 m, R2 = 0.05 m. For all
echo distributions are shown in Figure 3. In Figure 3(a), a sig- these 180 cases θ = π2 . After that for these optimized val-
nificant maximum front echo formation is observed at the cen- ues of parameters we calculated results for different incidence
ter. In Figure 3(b), there are a total of 3 front echoes, one at angles such as θ = π2 , π3 , π4 , π6 , it can be observed from the
the center and the other two shifted to the sides. Subsequently, snapshots obtained from animations that Gaussian radio pulses
as seen in Figure 3(c), the existing front echo is minimized at create comparatively small echo in the front region, as shown
the center and predominantly reflects towards the right and left in Figure 4.
sides. This approach demonstrates that larger maximum front
echoes can be effectively controlled and reduced in pulse echo (a) (b)
by changing the dielectric parameters. After pulse echo analy-
ses, a series of optimization processes were conducted to reduce
the detected front echoes by optimizing parameters such as the
dimensions and dielectric permittivity of the elliptical cylinder.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
FIGURE 4. Optimized echo field distributions (εe = 5, R1 = 0.02 m,
R2 = 0.05 m) for (a) θ = π2 , (b) θ = π3 , (c) θ = π4 , (d) θ = π6 .
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Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letter, Vol. 114, 1-6, 2023
(a) (b) y
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(a) (b)
tional efficiency over a wide frequency range and ensures in- FIGURE 7. Comparison of MAS and MoMfield distributions (a) MAS
visibility at different incidence angles as well. As a result, the circle in free space (R = 0.05 m, ε = 2, f = 2 GHz), (b) MoM circle
proposed approach presents a practical numerical method with in free space (R = 0.05 m, ε = 2, f = 2 GHz).
versatile applications in military and industrial settings. It can
be utilized for stealth and invisibility technology, missile guid- (MoM) (b). The suggested approach has been found to calcu-
ance, and more, effectively reducing echoes in the front region late results faster than the MoM method while achieving com-
of the object. parable accuracy in obtaining the same result.
These results have demonstrated that the proposed approach
4. COMPARISON WITH OTHER METHODS is efficient in terms of computation, especially for scattering
problems where FDTD and MoM require more computational
The obtained results with MAS have been compared with the resources and longer time to achieve comparable results.
finite difference time domain (FDTD) and method of moments
(MoM) numerical methods, and the accuracy of the proposed
method has been demonstrated. The method comparison has 5. CONCLUSION
been conducted at 2 GHz. We chose this specific frequency This article proposes a novel numerical strategy aimed at reduc-
because in FDTD code we solve 3D problem with actual 3D ing scattering front echo around dielectric objects located in the
cylinder which for higher frequencies required too much com- ground or other media. The approach involves utilizing a Gaus-
putational time. sian radio pulse with a frequency range of 6–12 GHz and opti-
Figure 6 demonstrates a comparison of the magnitudes of mizing an ellipse’s dimensions and dielectric permittivity. By
electric field distributions between the suggested approach (a) doing so, the need for metamaterial cloaking is eliminated. This
and the FDTD method (b). method demonstrates impressive effectiveness across a broad
While calculating with FDTD we put the media II with fi- range of frequencies, enabling invisibility from various inci-
nite length which causes some back reflections and as a result dence angles as well. This is the first study presented in terms of
it gives some deviation from the MAS results. But still, we see optimization to reduce scattering echoes around dielectric ellip-
very good match in the field features. It is important to highlight tical cylinder in the dielectric media in order to make dielectric
that the suggested approach requires less than 1 minute to yield objects invisible. The animations [12] obtained with the devel-
the result, whereas the FDTD method, while achieving compa- oped code showcase the remarkable capabilities of the program
rable accuracy, takes approximately 10 minutes to compute the in visualizing the field distribution with reduced front echoes
same outcome. and improved invisibility. The effectiveness of the suggested
We assume that if at one frequency we have a good match we method has been confirmed through a comparison of results
will get good match for gaussian pulse also because the pulse from numerical experiments conducted at specific frequency
is the combination of multiple frequencies. using both FDTD and MoM numerical methods. Unlike FDTD
Figure 7 illustrates a comparative analysis of the electric field and MoM methods, this novel approach achieves comparable
distributions between the MAS (a) and the Method of Moments results with significantly reduced computational requirements.
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İşcan and Tabatadze
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great promise for invisibility and stealth technologies by reduc- and Propagation, Vol. 63, No. 4, 1849–1853, April 2015, doi:
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