Islam 2019
Islam 2019
Islam 2019
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4 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Rakibul Islam on 05 October 2020.
Abstract—Delivery of fluids such as nutrients and and exchange data among the systems [1],[6] . Thus, Syringe
medications into a patient’s body in a controlled environment is pump can be made smart by incorporating security systems
one of the essential prerequisites of a treatment that requires and cloud servers to store data permanently both in the cloud
precise flow control. Advancements in wireless technologies and storage and patient’s ward for further analysis. This will
internet of things (IoT) facilitates the use of medical devices reduce risks and saves time respectively. Moreover, the
wirelessly so that they can be accessed over a long distance for security system can be designed to protect sensitive patient
tele-monitoring and telemedicine. In this work, a frame work of information as well as secure alarm system to alert the
a low-cost medical syringe pump is designed to provide better hospital staff while the device is malfunctioning. The
health care in the rural area. A dc motor driven syringe pump
previous drug delivery systems like rack and pinion
is designed using microcontroller board with necessary driver
mechanism and manual system are not appropriate to get a
circuitry. Armature voltage of the DC motor is varied to
generate different flow rates. To convert rotary motion of the
better efficiency of the system. Lead screw mechanism might
motor into linear motion, lead screw mechanism is employed. be the solution. Lead screw has an additional efficiency of
Almost all parts of this device are easily available to local producing enough torque with low power consumption.
market. There is provision for multiple flow rate control, safety However, the main goal of this paper is to focus on IoT based
features and wireless control of the device. GSM module is used healthcare application to smart drug delivery system using a
to show the wireless operation of the device. Experimental specific medical ICU device: Syringe pump. In our hardware
findings show that the error of flow rate is within ± 5% of the a dc motor is proposed for controlling the flow rates of the
desired flow rate. The objective of this research work is to design medication. A related work has been done by S. Dubey et al.
a low cost, portable, smart syringe infusion pump to improve [1]. They designed an IoT based the android controlled
quality of service in the healthcare sector of developing syringe pump. But there are some limitations on that project.
countries. A slow android phone was one of the drawbacks. A smart-
phone needs to be calibrated continuously otherwise it may
Keywords—syringe pump, telemedicine, telehealth, internet of lose its effectiveness. So, replacement of an android smart
things (IoT), hospital information system (HIS) phone is needed after some time of usage. The proposed
device in this work tries to overcome these drawbacks. A
GSM/LTE module that are used to communicate worldwide
Syringe pump is a small infusion device that is used for are chosen for communication purpose.
controlled administration of small amounts of drugs or
medications to a patient or for use in chemical and biomedical Our proposed device is designed with a specific goal in
research [1]. It can administer fluids precisely; especially for mind, to develop a smart syringe pump with reduced cost and
the child to administer liquid drug for long time. Mainly there better efficiency for the application of telemedicine in the
are two general types of syringe pumps: medical infusion rural areas of developing countries. Everyone likes smartness
pump and research syringe pump. Medical infusion pump is of a system that is integrated with vast applications in a single
a device used to deliver controlled quantities of fluids like one. In this work, an IoT based syringe pump having
nutrients, drugs, chemo and blood to patients. They are used connectivity with cellular network is proposed. This device
actually for in-vivo diagnosis, treatment, and for research [1], will also have safety features to ensure smooth operation at
[2]. On the other hand, research syringe pump is a device used the patient’s bedside. The procedure is easy, riskless and time
in research laboratories for applications that can distribute saving for doctors, patients and staffs. This is the primary and
very small fractions of fluids or liquid medications [2]. The principal motivation behind this paper.
accuracy of performance or efficiency of the flow-rate control II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
is so much important for the application of droplet micro-
fluidic systems [3]. In the manual liquid drug delivery A. Framework of the Project
systems, fluctuations may occur while operating by a nurse The basic frame work as well as construction can be
or hospital staff. At present, syringe pumps are used understood from Fig. 1. Fig. 1 indicates general outline of the
worldwide for healthcare purpose as well as research proposed work. A microcontroller will be used to control dc
purpose. With the advancement of communication motor through motor driver circuitry. A lead screw or threaded
technology specially internet of things (IoT), there is an rod will be coupled to the dc motor shaft. Lead screw will
opportunity for syringe pumps to be integrated with IoT [4], produce linear motion to the syringe plunger which will in turn
[5]. IoT is the inter-networking of physical devices push the liquid out of the or pull the liquid into the syringe.
embedded with electronics equipment, software, sensors, The operational status of the pump will be fed back to the
actuators, and network connectivity which ensures to collect sever or hospital information system to ensure proper
2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)
operation of the syringe pump. If necessary, there is provision circuit resistance in ohm. is the voltage across the field
for manual intervention. The device can also be connected to circuit in volts. is the total effective torque in N.m.
the wireless networks for telemedicine application.
C. Proposed Algorithm
Microcontroller Algorithmic development is the key steps in designing
(Send control
signal to motor
Manual any application overviews the proposed system as it is the set
driver, of instructions that governance “what”, “when” and “how” to
buzzer,server) accomplish a task on a particular signal over the full time
performance. The flowchart of the proposed algorithm is
DC motor
Coupler gear, Hospital
Wireless Module
(Coude Server,
depicted in Fig. 3.
threaded rod word
SMS, etc.)
Fig. 1. Frame Work of the Syringe Pump. Yes Wait for manual
Fail intervention
B. Lead Screw Mechanism No
Fig. 2 shows a lead screw which translates rotary motion Send diagnostic
Set operation mode data to Server
into linear motion.
Clockwise No
direction Does motor functioning clearly? Stop Motor
Send device state and
direction to server
Fig. 2. Lead screw mechanism. Dose Complete?
2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)
Fig. 4. System architecture of the proposed work. Fig. 5. Experimental Setup of the proposed syringe pump system.
The main purpose of our system architecture is to make The LTE performance is not affected by the other
compatibility with the patient. The alarm system is something communication standard like Wi-Fi, ZigBee, Bluetooth etc.
looks a noise pollution inside of a hospital. It may cause the The authors proposed an LTE system for the benefit of better
disturbance of other patients besides them. In this position it efficiency and performance than Wi-Fi communication
2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)
standards [10]. LTE provides a high data rate and low latency sensors are sent to a server for hospital information system
and optimized packet with the help of wireless data transfer (HIS).
access. There is a feature of interference avoidance among
the other communication standards is clarified and it increase
the capacity of small cell networks in the unlicensed spectrum
without affecting Wi-Fi [11]. An experiment on feasibility of
LTE module is performed with better evaluation output
showed in [12].
GSM modem is the communication standards for remote
sensing and measuring of several remote monitoring stations
and central stations. The SIM (Subscribers Identity Module)
are attached to the GSM module for communication via the
specific server. This module is used worldwide because of
covering a large range and cost reduction and here there is no
need of infrastructures to transfer data from the remote station
to the central base station [13]. Mobile phone tracks their (a)
current position by their nearest tower of antenna by the help
of GSM system and it offers the real power efficient service
and unfortunately it reacts with the substantial error that
causes fluctuated outcome [14]. LTE communication
standard is more preferable than the GSM system standard
for the cause of its high data rate with low time consumption.
The goal of this work is to make a low cost smart syringe
pump for telemedicine purpose in the rural areas of developing
countries to enhance their healthcare facilities. The proposed
device works fairly well in its prototype condition. Pulse
width modulation is used to vary the voltage across the (b)
armature of the dc motor. The motor control signals for two
different flow rates, namely 0.70 ml/s and 0.45 ml/s are shown Fig. 6. Motor control signal for 0.70 ml/s (a) and 0.45 ml/s (b) flow rate.
in Fig. 6. Form the figure it is clear that for higher flow rate
the effective voltage across the armature of the dc motor is If the data from the syringe pump can be uploaded to a
higher than that of lower flow rate. Only forward flow secure cloud server then authorized personnel such as
direction is shown in Fig. 6 but it is also possible to reverse physician or clinician can monitor the activity or even give
the flow direction by inversing the polarity of the voltage new command to the proposed syringe pump. The proposed
across the armature of the dc motor. The performance of the device can also be customized according to the demand of the
proposed syringe pump is evaluated by sending appropriate client for commercial purpose. Almost all the component
control signal for a desired flow rate and subsequently used in this work can be easily found in the local market with
determining the actual flow rate by measuring how much fluid lower price. Large scale production of the device will further
is actually pumped by the syringe pump and the time it takes reduce the cost.
to do so. The control signal for a desired flow rate was
calculated from the required magnitude of the effective
voltage across the armature of the dc motor as discussed in the SL. Desired Actual volume
Actual Actual flow Error
previous section. The overall performance is summarized in No. time rate(ml/sec) (%)
flow rate administered
Table I. The error is defined as the percentage change of flow (ml/sec) (ml)
rate from the desired flow rate. From Table I, it is found that 1. 0.45 4.72 10.02 0.4800 +4.68
the error is within ± 5% of the desired flow rate. This error 2. 0.50 4.10 7.91 0.5183 +3.67
can be attributed to many factors such as mechanical backlash 3. 0.60 6.30 10.03 0.6281 +4.69
in the lead screw mechanism, loose contact in the dc motor 4. 0.65 6.94 10.43 0.6653 +2.37
5. 0.70 7.50 11.17 0.6714 -4.08
driver circuit, error in calibration, error in power supply etc.
These errors can be effectively minimized by careful design IV. CONCLUSION
procedure and robust algorithm development. The proposed
syringe pump can also be integrated with IoT. In this work In this work, low cost smart syringe pump is designed for
integration with cellular network is proposed for developing telemedicine application. The proposed syringe pump is
countries in order to minimize cost of a dedicated separate designed primarily for stationary use at patient’s bedside. It
communication network. To show its effectiveness, a GSM can be operated at different flow rates by varying the voltage
module is connected to the microcontroller that is operating across the armature of the dc motor using pulse width
the syringe pump. The operating status such as current dose modulation of the voltage. The error is within ± 5% of the
rate, starting time, end time, device temperature etc. can be desired flow rate. The device maintains continuous flow and
successfully sent to the cell phone in the designated there is provision for safety such as all switch will be locked
destination. The proposed system can also be a part of smart when pump is working, backup power supply and alarm for
hospital word where different sensors are used to form a failure alert. GSM module is used for integration with cellular
bodyarea network (BAN) and the information from these network for tele-monitoring and telemedicine healthcare.
2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)