Sustainability 14 02895 Published
Sustainability 14 02895 Published
Sustainability 14 02895 Published
The Cost Benefit Analysis of Commercial 100 MW Solar PV: The Plant Quaid-
e-Azam Solar Power Pvt Ltd
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The Cost Benefit Analysis of Commercial 100 MW Solar PV:
The Plant Quaid-e-Azam Solar Power Pvt Ltd.
Muhammad Asad 1 , Farrukh Ibne Mahmood 2 , Ilaria Baffo 3 , Alessandro Mauro 1 and Antonella Petrillo 1, *
1 Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”, Isola C4 Centro Direzionale,
80143 Napoli, Italy; (M.A.); (A.M.)
2 Department of Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85281, USA;
3 Dipartimento di Economia e Impresa, Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Loc. Riello s.n.c.,
01100 Viterbo, Italy;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +39-0815476747
Abstract: The energy crisis in Pakistan has crippled the country’s economy with an energy shortfall
reaching up to 6000 MW. Fortunately, Pakistan lies close to the Sun Belt and therefore receives
very high irradiation. To this end, in the beginning of 2014 the Pakistani government sanctioned a
solar photovoltaic project namely Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park which was rated at 1000 MW. In this
study, a cost benefit analysis for the Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park has been developed. The model uses
RETScreen software. In fact, a literature review pointed out that most of the previous research work
with reference to cost benefit analysis for solar projects has been mainly carried out on smaller power
plants. The outcome of the study shows promising results with the simple payback period coming out
at 5.6 years. Furthermore, this analysis can serve as guideline for future solar photovoltaic projects in
Pakistan and can help in the development and utilization of the huge solar potential of the country,
thus aiding in the reduction of energy shortage. In its proposal, our research is unique and innovative
in the Pakistani context. The results aim to serve as a guideline for decision makers and researchers
Citation: Asad, M.; Mahmood, F.I.; interested in this topic.
Baffo, I.; Mauro, A.; Petrillo, A. The
Cost Benefit Analysis of Commercial Keywords: renewable energy sources; photovoltaic technologies; solar power plant; cost benefit
100 MW Solar PV: The Plant analysis; QASP
Quaid-e-Azam Solar Power Pvt Ltd.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 2895. https://
to 20 h, while in cities load shedding of 10 h a day can occur [8]. The upsurge of power
shortages represents one of the most serious adverse domestic developments in Pakistan.
The electricity shortage did not emerge suddenly. It is the direct result of imprudent and
reckless energy policies over the last three decades. Hence, Pakistan’s energy bankruptcy
is ultimately due to massive institutional and governance failure [9]. The energy crisis
in Pakistan has crippled the country’s economy with an energy shortfall reaching up to
6000 MW. Amid this crisis, solar energy provides a way out for meeting the country’s power
demands [10]. Moreover, the government is also seeking to increase the renewable energy
sources within the country [11]. Pakistan, being close to the equator, receives abundant
sunlight and therefore has a huge potential for solar energy [12]. The irradiation in the
majority of the cities in Pakistan is close to 4.5 kWh/day, which is very high and can be
used to produce electricity through solar technologies such as photovoltaic or solar ther-
mal technologies [13]. In this context, in the beginning of 2014 the Pakistani government
sanctioned a solar photovoltaic project (the Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park) which was rated
at 1000 MW. At the end of 2014, the first phase of the project with a capacity of 100 MW
was completed and came into being as the Quaid-e-Azam Solar Power Pvt Ltd. (QASP).
(Bahawalpur, Pakistan). A literature review pointed out that most of the previous research
work with reference to cost benefit analysis for solar projects has been mainly carried out
on smaller power plants. The aim of the present research is to bridge this gap. Thus, our
research develops a cost benefit analysis for the QASP 100 MW solar plant. RETScreen
software was used to make an energy model and perform a cost, financial, and emission
analysis. The results of the analysis showed that the simple payback period of the project is
5.6 years and the equity payback period is 5.8 years. The net present value (NPV) calculated
by the model is $31,661,157 and the benefit to cost ratio is 1.33. Furthermore, the model
shows that the net greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions over the lifecycle of the project (i.e.,
25 years) are 2,264,250 tons of carbon dioxide. These results indicate that large scale solar
PV systems in Pakistan can not only bridge the energy gap but also help in reducing carbon
emissions. These results also reflect a positive outcome for private or foreign investments
as the return on investment (ROI) can be gained in almost 5 to 6 years over the 25-year
lifetime of the project. Moreover, this analysis can assist in increasing the use of solar PV in
the country and act as a reference for other large scale commercial PV projects in Pakistan.
In its proposal, our research is unique and innovative within the Pakistani context. The
results aim to serve as a guideline for decision makers and researchers interested in this
topic. In addition, the proposed analysis helps commercial and future investors evaluate
the economic and financial benefits of investing in Solar PV technology in similar areas to
that of QASP, Pakistan.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 summarizes current develop-
ments on the economic topic under consideration. Section 3 outlines our materials and
methods. In Section 4 and in Section 5, the main results and their discussion are summa-
rized, respectively. Section 6 points out suggested directions for future research that have
emerged from the analysis. Finally, Section 7 summarizes the main conclusions of the study.
2. Literature Review
For an efficient utilization of a solar power plants, a cost benefit and techno economic
analysis is very important for determining the optimum conditions for efficient opera-
tion [14]. In fact, as suggested by Khan et al. [15], the peculiarity of a photovoltaic system is
that it requires a strong commitment of initial capital and low maintenance costs (annually
about 1% of the cost of the system) [16]. The analysis of all of the economic aspects relating
to a photovoltaic system is complex, considering that each installation must be evaluated in
its particular context (local conditions, regulations, solar radiation, available areas, etc.) [17].
In order to make a correct comparison, it is necessary to talk about the value of the energy
produced and not about the cost of energy. This is due to the fact that the quality of the
energy produced by photovoltaic sources is not the same as that of traditional sources (en-
vironmental impact, intermittent energy, etc.). To better understand the reference scenario,
Sustainability 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 13
Sustainability 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 13
produced andandnotnotabout the the
about costcost
of energy.
of energy. ThisThisis due
is due to the factfact
to the thatthatthe the
Sustainability 2022, 14, 2895 3 of 13
of the energy produced by photovoltaic sources is not the
of the energy produced by photovoltaic sources is not the same as that of traditional same as that of traditional
(environmental impact, intermittent
impact, intermittent energy,
energy,etc.). To better
etc.). To better understand
understand the the
ence scenario, we have investigated the documents published
ence scenario, we have investigated the documents published on this topic in the litera- on this topic in the litera-
ture. investigated the documents published on studies
this topic in analyze
the literature. In the last
ture. the last
In the fewfew
last years,
years,there have
there been
have beeninteresting
interesting studies that that analyze the themost mostcostcost
few analysis
benefit years, there for ahave
PV been interesting
plant. For a studies that
comprehensive analyze
survey of thephenomenon,
the most cost benefit an analysis
benefit analysis for a PV plant. For a comprehensive survey of the phenomenon, an inves-
for a using
tigation PV plant. SCOPUSFor a database,
comprehensive the the survey
largest of the phenomenon,
abstract andand citation an investigation
database of peer-re- using
tigation using SCOPUS database, largest abstract citation database of peer-re-
viewed database,
literature, waswasthe
carriedlargest abstract
SCOPUS and citation
supports database
a Boolean of peer-reviewed
syntax, which literature,
is aistype of of
viewed literature, carried SCOPUS supports a Boolean syntax, which a type
search carried out. usersSCOPUS
to combine supports
keywords a Boolean
with syntax,
operators whichsuch isasa AND,
type ofNOT, search and allowing
search allowing users to combine keywords with operators such as AND, NOT, and OR
users toproduce
to further combinemore keywords
relevant with operators
results. Thus, such as AND,
search string NOT,
used and
in the OR to further
literature produce
to further produce more relevant results. Thus, search string used in the literature survey
waswas“solar relevant
power results.
plant” Thus,“cost
AND search stringanalysis”.
benefit used in the Theliterature
string survey
was was according
defined “solar power
“solar power
AND “cost
AND “cost
string was
string was
defined according
to thearticles.
to the
to standards
the standards of the SCOPUS
of the SCOPUS database.
database. WeWe applied
applied three main
three main criteria to select
criteria to select articles.
Onlyof the SCOPUS
articles in which database.
the the
stringWe applied
“solar three
power main
plant” criteria
waswas found to select articles.
in “article title”Onlyandandarticles
the the
in whicharticles
the in which
string “solar string
power “solar
plant” power
was plant”
found in found
“article in
title” “article
and the title”
string “cost
string “cost
string benefit
“cost analysis”
benefit analysis” was found
was foundin (1)
in article
(1) in title,
article in (2)
title, in or abstract,
(2) inabstract,or in
or (3) key
in (3)were
words were analysis”
analyzed. was found
TheThe survey in (1)
SCOPUS title, (2)
highlighted abstract,
179179 documents (3) key
on this wordstopic.
analyzed. were analyzed.
The survey survey
highlighted highlighted
179 documents on this topic.
document waswaspublished
published in 1987,
in as shown
1987, asFigure
shown in documents
in Figure 1. Fromon this
From 2017 topic.
2017(17 (17The first
ments) to 2021 was
(26 published
documents) in 1987,
there isas
a shown
percentage in increase1. From
in the 2017
number documents)
of publications todocu-
ments) to 2021 (26 documents) there is a percentage increase
(26 documents) there is a percentage increase in the number of publications equal to 53%. in the number of publications
equal to 53%.
equal to 53%. TheThedatadata
highlights the the growing scientific interest on this issue.
The data highlights the highlights
growing scientific growing scientific
interest on thisinterest
issue. on this issue.
Figure 1. Documents
Figure by years
1. Documents (source:
by years Scopus).
(source: Scopus).
Among the the
ten ten
the most
ten productive
most countries,
productive it emerges
countries, thatthat
it emerges
it emerges the the
that most productive
the most
most coun-
productive coun-
are the
tries are United
are the States (15%) and India (14%), followed by China (9%) as shown
the United States (15%) and India (14%), followed by China (9%) as shown in
United States (15%) and India (14%), followed by China (9%) as in
shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2.2.
Figure 2. Documents
2. Documents by country
by country (source:
(source: Scopus).
Figure 2. Documents by country (source: Scopus).
The result does not surprise us since, alongside the interest of the scientific community,
the importance of the topic is also demonstrated by the latest Global Market Outlook
Report [18] produced the SolarPower Europe Association. The market analysis showed
Sustainability 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 13
Sustainability 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 13
The result does not surprise us since, alongside the interest of the scientific commu-
Sustainability 2022, 14, 2895 The result does not surprise us since, alongside the interest of the scientific commu- 4 of 13
nity, the importance of the topic is also demonstrated by the latest Global Market Outlook
nity, the importance of the topic is also demonstrated by the latest Global Market Outlook
Report [18] produced the SolarPower Europe Association. The market analysis showed
Report [18] produced the SolarPower Europe Association. The market analysis showed
that in 2020, despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the sector globally recorded
impactof the
theCOVID-19 pandemic, the sector globally recorded
double-digit growth (+18%) and of
a new COVID-19 pandemic,
annual record of 138.2the
GW sector globally
of solar recorded
double-digit growth
growth (+18%)
(+18%) and
anda anew
new annual
record ofof138.2
GW ofofsolar
installed (Figure 3). Furthermore, possible growth is estimated for the period from 2021
installed (Figure 3).
3). Furthermore, possible growth is estimated
estimatedfor forthe
to 2025. In(Figure Furthermore,
this context, the United possible growth
States and Chinaisare the main players.
Figure 3.3.Annual
Figure3. solar
Annualsolar PV
solarPV installed
PVinstalled capacity
installedcapacity from
capacityfrom 2000
from2000 to
2000to 2020
to2020 (source:
2020(source: Global
(source:Global Market
GlobalMarket Outlook
MarketOutlook For
Figure Annual
Solar Power
SolarPower 2021–2025).
Furthermore, possible
Furthermore,possible growth
possiblegrowth isisestimated
growthis for
estimatedfor the
forthe period
theperiod from
periodfrom 2021
from2021 to
2021to 2025.
to2025. In
2025.In this
Furthermore, estimated
context, the
States and
and China
China are
are the
the main
main players
players (Figure
(Figure 4).
context, the United States and China are the main players (Figure 4).
Figure of of global
global annual
annual solar
solar PV PV market
market shares
shares untiluntil
20252025 (source:
(source: Global
Global Market
Market Out-
Figure 4. Evolution of global annual solar PV market shares until 2025 (source: Global Market Out-
look for Solar Power 2021–2025).
Outlook for Solar Power 2021–2025).
look for Solar Power 2021–2025).
Among the
Among the documents
SCOPUS, wewe
have more
have carefully
more analyzed
carefully those
closest to ourthe documents
research. In identified
detail, Ullah on
al. [19] we have
develop a more carefully
feasibility of a analyzed
solar thermal
those closest to our research. In detail, Ullah et al. [19] develop a feasibility of a solar
power closest to Pakistan.
plant in our research.
IrfanIn detail,
et al. [20] Ullah
presentetaal. [19] economic
techno develop aanalysis
for of
an aoff-grid
solar PV system. He suggests that their designated area (Punjab) in Pakistan is not only
ideal for solar but will also supply cheap electricity and assist in reducing carbon emissions.
Xu et al. [21] present a similar study for another area (Sindh) in Pakistan, reahcing the
Sustainability 2022, 14, 2895 5 of 13
same conclusion that solar PV can provide cheap and green energy. Moreover, Shah et al.
also presents a techno-economic analysis for use of solar PV in the Balochistan region
of Pakistan, suggesting similar positive outcomes for cheaper and carbon-free sources
electricity [22]. Sadiq et al. also reports similar findings as per his cost benefit analysis for a
solar water heating system in Islamabad, Pakistan [23]. Although there is some research
work highlighting the benefits of solar energy in Pakistan using techno-economic or cost
benefit analysis, most of them have taken into consideration either residential or small-scale
systems and have not performed analysis on larger commercial systems. However, our
literature review pointed out that most of the previous work with reference to cost benefit
analysis for solar projects has been mainly carried out on smaller power plants. The aim
of the present research is to bridge this gap. Thus, our research develops a cost benefit
analysis for the commercial system QASP 100 MW solar plant. RETScreen software was
used to make an energy model and perform a cost, financial, and emission analysis.
NPV = −C0 + ∑ (2)
i =0 (1 + r ) i
where −C0 is the initial investment, C is the cash flow, r is the discount rate, i is the number
of time periods, and T is the maximum time period.
While NPV can demonstrate the project’s net present worth in dollars, the IRR uncov-
ers the rate of return from NPV money cash flows from an investment in solar PV based
project. IRR (Equation (3)) is a useful tool for investors to determine the viability of an
Sustainability 2022, 14, 2895 6 of 13
investment when comparing projects. IRR can be determined as the value of ρ that would
make the following equation zero [32]:
=0 (3)
(1 + ρ ) T
Solar irradiation, azimuth, sunshine hours, and ambient temperature have significant
impact on the power output of the plant. QASP employs poly-crystalline JA Solar poly-Si—
JAP6-60-255/MP solar panels with a rated power output of 255 W per unit of PV module
and an efficiency of 15.6%. To produce 100 MW of cumulative output, about 400,000 units
of PV panels have been installed over an area of 500 acres (2.023 million m2 ). This power
plant does not employ any solar tracking equipment due to inhibitive cost. The slope of
the panels has been kept equal to the latitude (i.e., 29.4 degrees). Miscellaneous losses of
the plant are around 23% and include PV loss due to irradiance level, PV loss includes loss
due to temperature, array soiling/dust loss, module quality loss, module array mismatch
loss, ohmic wing loss, inverter loss, external transformation loss and transmission loss. The
specifications for all main equipment, PV modules, inverter, and transformers are shown in
Table 2.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 2895 7 of 13
4. Results
RETScreen calculated the annual energy output (141,306 MWh) against an8 annual
Sustainability 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW of 13
average sunshine hours of 8.5 h. The monthly energy output for QASP against an average
sunshine hours per month is plotted in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Bar graph showing monthly energy prodcution for QASP as given by RETScreen.
Figure 5. Bar graph showing monthly energy prodcution for QASP as given by RETScreen.
The cumulative cash flows of the power plant were also calculated over the plant’s life
cycle of 25 years the following graph in Figure 6 shows the cash flows over the period of
the plant’s life cycle.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 2895 8 of 13
Figure 5. Bar graph showing monthly energy prodcution for QASP as given by RETScreen.
Figure 6.
Figure Cash flow
6. Cash flow as
as given
given by
by RETScreen.
From these cash flows, RETScreen calculated the required financial parameters for
Table 3. Financial viability factor results from RETScreen.
example IRR, NPV and BCR. These are summarized in Table 3.
Financial Viability Parameters Value
Table 3. Financial viabilityIRR—Equity
factor results from RETScreen. 15.1%
IRR—Assets 8.1%
Financial Viability Parameters Value
Simple Payback 5.6 years
IRR—Equity 15.1%
Payback 8.1%
5.8 years
Net Present
Simple Payback Value (NPV) $31,661,157
5.6 years
Payback Life Savings $3,488,049/year
5.8 years
Net Present Value (NPV)
Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) $31,661,157 1.33
Annual Life Savings $3,488,049/year
Debt Services Coverage 4.40
Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) 1.33
Debt Services Coverage 4.40
GHG emission reduction for 100 MW solar power plant was also estimated. A very
respectable 95,570 t of CO2 (per annum) emissions has been estimated to be reduced,
GHG emission reduction for 100 MW solar power plant was also estimated. A very
which would have been emitted from a conventional thermal power plant. The annual
respectable 95,570 t of CO2 (per annum) emissions has been estimated to be reduced,
energy output for QA Solar was calculated at around 141,306 MWh which is comparable
which would have been emitted from a conventional thermal power plant. The annual
to the target energy value of 153,300 MWh by the National Electric Power Regulatory Au-
energy output for QA Solar was calculated at around 141,306 MWh which is comparable
thority (NEPRA) and reported in the annual performance report of the solar plant in the
to the target energy value of 153,300 MWh by the National Electric Power Regulatory
2020–2021 period [35]. This energy is the actual electrical energy that has been exported
Authority (NEPRA) and reported in the annual performance report of the solar plant in the
to the main grid. Similarly, the capacity factor of the plant is calculated to be around 15.8%,
2020–2021 period [35]. This energy is the actual electrical energy that has been exported
which is also very close to benchmark value of 17.5% set by NEPRA [36], which represents
to the main grid. Similarly, the capacity factor of the plant is calculated to be around
the percentage of actual power delivered relative to theoretical possible. Energy genera-
15.8%, which is also very close to benchmark value of 17.5% set by NEPRA [36], which
tion from plant varies per month according to the radiation and temperature [37]. In sum-
represents the percentage of actual power delivered relative to theoretical possible. Energy
mers, due to
generation increased
from temperature
plant varies per month(and heat), PV
according to panels have less
the radiation and efficiency so [37].
temperature the
In summers, due to increased temperature (and heat), PV panels have less efficiency so
the maximum power cannot be extracted [38] as depicted in Figure 2, where sunshine
hours increase May through July but overall energy output decreases due to increased
temperatures, which conversely affects the PV performance [39]. An important point here
is to highlight that electricity export price has been taken as mentioned by National Electric
Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA), i.e., $18.43/MWh. The first step in calculating NPV
and IRR is performing cost analysis of the plant. PV panels make up the bulk of the cost and
engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) is another major contributor. Moreover,
technical and other services also require substantial costs. As this is a grid tied power plant,
there is no need for storage [40]. Power systems’ cost have the lion’s share in total initial
costs [40]. These include cost of PV ($66,299,999), transmission line, substation equipment
(transformers, circuit breakers etc.), cables, and inverters ($33,000,000) [41]. These costs
amount to about 80.2% of the total initial investment. Power system costs are part of the
EPC costs, which themselves constitute the greatest portion of initial capital expenditure.
Other costs include the investment for feasibility study ($1,000,000) about 0.7% of total cost,
Sustainability 2022, 14, 2895 9 of 13
a development ($2,500,000) close to 1.7% of overall cost. Furthermore, the cost of other
engineering services is $20,000,000 about 13.8% of total cost and balance of system and
miscellaneous costs add approximately $5,172,446 or 3.6% of overall expenditure. Another
aspect of these costs are operation and maintenance costs which amount to $3,037,000
per annum for the life of project (25 years). Other annual costs include debt payments
for 10 years which are calculated as about $5,154,666 per annum. Primary income of this
plant is from selling electricity to the national grid. NEPRA has kept the levelized cost of
electricity at $18.4/MWh. Per annum income amounts to $26,042,728. As a way of attracting
investment in solar PV, the government kept the income tax to 0% during the time of plant
commissioning. To calculate the yearly cash flows and hence other parameters for the
100 MW plant, financial parameters such as discount rate (10%), inflation rate (10%), debt
ratio (33%), debt interest rate (1.38%), and debt term (10 years) are important. At the time of
tariff determination, values of these rates were taken from State Bank of Pakistan’s archive.
Figure 2 show these results. Note that after year five, the project has recovered its initial
investment and returns from the project are enough to consider the project to be profitable.
The trend for increased cash flows continues till year 24, after which a decline is observed.
This represents both the decreased efficiency of the plant and cost of replacing the defected
panels in year 25. It is quite evident that this project is quite attractive to the investors.
With discount and inflation rates of 10% each, NPV amounts to a very high $31,661,157
and initial investment will be recovered in less than six years. As QASP is part of a larger
1000 MW solar park, these values also act as a guide for future investors. Moreover, as
the project has a BCR of 1.33, this solar plant is a very valuable investment opportunity.
The reason for this project being so financially viable is mainly due to the reduction in
per watt cost of the PV modules over time [42]. As the PV modules are becoming cheaper
it is more economical to produce power through solar PV on a large scale, moreover the
solar plants also need minimal operation and maintenance during their lifetime, hence
once the initial investment recovers in 5 to 6 years, then throughout the module lifetime
of around 25 years, the plant owner can expect a good profit margin [43]. Furthermore,
this is an environmentally friendly technology and does not produce any harmful gases
to the atmosphere [44]. RETScreen was also used to estimate GHG emission reduction for
100 MW solar power plant. To put this into perspective, this same amount of CO2 reduction
means that about 15,000 cars and light trucks are not used for a year [45]. As this project
relies on clean and renewable solar energy, no CO2 , CH4, and N2 O will be emitted during
the plant operation. Furthermore, this project is eligible for carbon credits under the clean
development mechanism (CDM), which can be traded in future for increased revenue.
5. Discussion
Pakistan is a country where there is a high solar potential. In Bahawalpur, with very
little rain and lots of sun, the project is not only feasible but also economical despite the
installation of a power plant requires a heavy investment (i.e., equipment, labor, services,
etc.). In addition, the developed analysis shows that providing the green energy produced
reduces gas consumption and avoids the emission of more than CO2 into the atmosphere
throughout the life cycle of the plant. In other words, renewable energy plays a fundamental
role in a country such as Pakistan. Renewable energy technologies offer, in fact, clean
sources of energy that have a much lower environmental impact than conventional energy
technologies. The importance of the issue is demonstrated by the fact that major global
players such as the multinational Eni S.p.A. are committed to promoting sustainable
development in the countries in which they operate (as part of the energy transition
strategy in which renewable sources play a central role). Eni, through its company Eni New
Energy Pakistan, has started the construction of a new photovoltaic plants in the vicinity of
the Bhit gas field (Eni op. 40%) in Pakistan. This trend obviously derives from the Pakistani
state’s intent not only to be able to stop the vast economic crisis that is gripping the country
but also to cope with the continuous and unbearable blackouts that occur day after day
(an economic crisis that encompasses both energy shortages, political difficulties and fear
Sustainability 2022, 14, 2895 10 of 13
of terrorism, and scarce foreign investment). In addition, it is important to note that the
State Bank of Pakistan and the Council for Alternative Energy Development have decided
to finance (it is said up to five million rupees, about 50 thousand dollars) the installation
of domestic photovoltaic systems. These loans bear the name of “green market” and are
aimed at “solar roofs”. It will take time, but we are convinced that only the use of renewable
or alternative energy. Solar energy will be able to solve the problem of a chronic lack of
electricity in countries such as Pakistan.
7. Conclusions
In this study a cost benefit analysis for the Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park has been devel-
oped. The model uses the RETScreen software. From the cost benefit analysis of the power
plant, some important conclusions can be drawn:
• The installation of the 100 MW solar PV power plant for Bahawalpur is an example of
decentralization of the power sector.
• A high potential for solar energy can help ameliorate the energy crisis in Pakistan and
substantially decrease GHG emissions.
• QA Solar Power is a lucrative project established by the government aimed at a rated
capacity of 1000 MW of which the first 100 MW QASP is running and supplying
energy to the grid.
• Through RETScreen software, a cost benefit analysis of the project shows that it has a
simple payback of 5.6 years and BCR of 1.33. This project will generate 141,306 MWh
per year and prevent about 90,570t CO2 emissions. This high return shows that such a
Sustainability 2022, 14, 2895 11 of 13
solar PV based projects can be very successful in Pakistan and can help the country to
not only eliminate its energy issues but also strengthen its economy in the long run.
Consequently, the model established in this work can serve as guideline for future
solar photovoltaic projects in Pakistan and can help in the development and utilization
of the huge solar potential of the country, thus aiding in the reduction of energy shortage.
In addition, from the investors’ and a regulation point of view, this model can provide an
overview of cost analysis.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.A. and F.I.M.; methodology, M.A. and F.I.M.; software,
M.A. and F.I.M.; validation, A.P., I.B.; investigation, A.P., I.B., and A.M.; resources, M.A., F.I.M., and
A:P.; writing—original draft preparation, M.A., F.I.M., A.P., I.B., and A.M.; writing—review and
editing, M.A., F.I.M., A.P., I.B., and A.M.; visualization, M.A., F.I.M., A.P., I.B., and A.M.; supervision,
M.A., F.I.M., A.P., I.B., and A.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: The QASP team especially, Engineer Jahanzaib Jamshed and Engineer Kamran
Iqbal for providing relevant data and help for this article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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