Literature Review On Students Shopping Online
Literature Review On Students Shopping Online
Literature Review On Students Shopping Online
students' online shopping behaviors. It involves meticulous research, thorough analysis, and concise
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Throughout the research, it is evident that student engagement and achievement is well-supported in
a synchronous VLE. Future work should also focus on collecting and triangulating different types of
data from different sources (e.g., systems’ logs). The reviewed studies were conducted mainly by
using survey data, and they made limited use of data coming from the platforms; thus, the
interpretations and triangulation between the different types of collected data were limited. It
likewise reveals the integration of personal traits in the adaptive learning environment, which
involves many personality traits and identification techniques that can influence learning. That is all
to say that the interventions themselves were multifaceted, and one could surmise a possible inability
to distinguish which key facet or combination was pivotal in the intervention. Additionally, there was
an evident need to improve the physical learning environment and facilities to adapt to emerging
educational needs. McCombs and Whisler ( 1997; as cited in Lee et al., 2018 ) claimed that a learner-
centered environment develops as it considers learners’ unique characteristics using the best
knowledge of teaching and learning which are available. Students’ feelings of burnout and academic
pressure find echoes in existing literature on the subject. The theoretical framework is the concepts
and theories upon which your work is based. Summary of Secondary Research Literature The
following points can be made about online distance learning based on the foregoing review:
Successful online learning depends upon the formation of an online learning community. Another
important implication addressed by some studies relates to the capabilities of the e-learning
technologies, with easy-to-use, useful, and social technologies resulting in more efficient eOL (e.g.,
higher adoption and performance). Knowing the proper steps makes the process more organized and
therefore more efficient. In particular, most of the reviewed studies recognize that organizational
learning occurs at multiple levels: individual, team (or group), and organization. This survey
identifies five major directions of the research on the confluence of e-learning and organizational
learning during the last decade. We noted earlier that a peculiar number of studies had been
published using nursing students as the study participants, reporting on their role as student and
practitioner. And among many options, you can choose a favorite writer. Springer Nature remains
neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. For
further inquiry, we would suggest research that included groups of whole divisions across multiple
school boards allowing for parallel interpretation and consistency. Besides, another obstacle is the
researchers and policymakers should show the same interest to personalized learning so the demand
and research can align. When you write your conclusion or the results of your study, you need to use
the literature review as a point of reference. Educational factors Decisions about the importance and
relevance of their learning. These critical aspects for effective eOL are sometimes the main objectives
of the studies (see Appendix ). Fifteen were completed by researchers in Europe (Belgium, Cyprus,
Georgia, Germany, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Turkey, Ukraine, and the
United Kingdom), and six were completed by researchers in Asia (India, South Korea, Taiwan, and
Vietnam). E-learning systems are categorized based on their functionalities and affordances. Choose
the structure you intend to use and use the format we discussed above. A systematic literature
review of personalized learning terms This paper provides a review of the recent research literature
on personalized learning as technology is changing how learning can be effectively personalized.
Chatti et al. ( 2010 ) and Peng et al. ( 2019 ) s paper put all together very well, and Peng et al. ( 2019
) called it a personalized adaptive smart learning environment. Incorporating practical case studies
and scenarios will enable students to relate their learning to real-life situations, enhancing practical
knowledge application. This study can provide a springboard for other scholars and practitioners,
especially in the area of knowledge-based enterprises, to examine e-learning approaches by taking
into consideration the prior and ongoing research efforts. Profiling the digital readiness of higher
education students for transformative online learning in the post-soviet nations of Georgia and
Ukraine. Internship Research Report is a document that tells what you did during your internship and
your productive approach towards the process.
Whichever way you choose to discuss the literature, make sure your review is clear and coherent.
Reading examples of literature review online should give you a better idea. Only a few Universities
stress on a Strong Research Foundation and IILM being one benchmarks its Research Teachings on
many platforms Does it end here? No. A Review of Literature on E-Learning Systems in Higher
Education A review of the literature points out that a successful e-learning system should consider
the personal, social, cultural, technological, organizational and environmental factors to offer
academic. Medical student perceptions of the Learning Environment in Medical School Change as
students transition to clinical training in Undergraduate Medical School. Keep in mind that you might
have to discard some articles if they do not suit your purpose. Without daily, live interaction with
students, how is it possible to wholly meet these expectations. E-learning systems are categorized
based on their functionalities and affordances. Now we understand that the building is new, and this
is the third year since we moved in. Overall, researchers instead focused on studying only the
perceptions of online learning in general or one specific piece of the online learning experience (for
instance, the posting of recorded lectures or an asynchronous discussion board section) without
giving any precise attention to the LMS used to create the VLE. Which strategy helped them
understand the job requirements and better assessment of the candidates. Smart Learning
Environments, 1, 2.. Spector, J. M. (2015). Foundations of educational technology: integrative
approaches and interdisciplinary perspectives, (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge. In this review study,
we have answered some critical research questions, including the issues with different terms that
have been used for personalized learning, components of personalized learning, and obstacles to the
development of personalized learning. Related Terms and Theories Collaborative learning is
sometimes used interchangeably with the term “cooperative learning” (Writers, 2018). The idea of
personalized learning rests on the foundation that humans learn through experience and by
constructing knowledge. If this is the case, then you could find limitations in the existing literature
and use them to build or enhance your own research question. 4. Follow the citations of the articles
you do find Citations direct readers to prior relevant research in a specific field. Discussion forums
often serve as the backbone for learning in online environments. The Gurgaon Campus is situated on
the Golf Course Road and the Greater Noida Campus is located at Knowledge Park, amidst the
most affluent corporate hub in the NCR. Groups are engaged in a variety of activities to enhance
their understanding of lesson concepts, and members have a shared responsibility to help one
another learn and grow. Research on TLE has highlighted its influence on student learning
approaches and outcomes, yet gaps remain, particularly in qualitative insights, especially in Saudi
Arabian contexts. Many students shared that they had taken on full-time hours at their part-time
jobs. J Univ Teach Learn Pract. 2016;13(2):6. MathSciNet Google Scholar Griggs MD. For example,
George and Lal ( 2019 ) argued that personalized learning is meant to incorporate a learner’s varied
attributes, including learning style, knowledge level on a subject, preferences, and learner’s prior
knowledge while they discussed adaptive learning is adapting content according to learner’s choice
and pace. A further systemic barrier to data production that is noted is the problem of implementation
of programming without conducting research (Cavanaugh et al., 2004 ). Benefits of VLEs In
response to our first research question regarding the benefits of a wholly synchronous VLE
experience, the research is generally favourable toward academic achievement with some degree of
attestation to its social-emotional benefits. Bates (2015) concludes that CoI and OCL are more
“complementary rather than competing” (section 4.4.3) ideas and are, therefore, not mutually
exclusive models for learning. The systematic review focuses on a certain empirical question
commonly posed in the “cause and effect” form. It should have a summary of the main points you
have taken from the literature. When students relate their learning to real-life situations, they are, in
essence, crafting a narrative that might foster more profound reflection. Medical students’
participation in extracurricular activities: motivations, contributions, and barriers. Effectiveness of
online and blended learning from schools: A systematic Effectiveness of online and blended learning
from schools: A systematic review - Topping - 2022 - Review of Education - Wiley Online Library
SYNTHESIS Effectiveness of online and blended learning from schools: A systematic review Keith
Prior research review direct researcher towards an unbiased view. The researchers review the main
databases for educational technology to ensure all related journals of the field are included. A
further systemic barrier to data production that is noted is the problem of implementation of
programming without conducting research (Cavanaugh et al., 2004 ). Benefits of VLEs In response
to our first research question regarding the benefits of a wholly synchronous VLE experience, the
research is generally favourable toward academic achievement with some degree of attestation to its
social-emotional benefits. On the other hand, the doctors who are teaching and giving us information
are not presenting to us in a perfect way. To measure these indices, various metrics (quantitative,
qualitative, and mixed) have been applied. Now we understand that the building is new, and this is
the third year since we moved in. These tools offer learners a way to discuss and share ideas and
gain instant feedback. Our research results and discussion will outline how a team approach that
brings together teachers, students, administration, counsellors, mental health support staff,
instructional designers, and ICT specialists is necessary to create a genuinely enriching VLE where
both learning and social-emotional needs can be met. The concept of “teacher” as “facilitator” is a
hallmark of student-centered, online learning. According to the United States National Education
Technology Plan 2017, personalized learning is defined as “instruction in which the pace of learning
and the instructional approach are optimized for each learner’s needs. Three discussion sessions
involved the male student group (same participants complete the three sessions), and two sessions
were held with the female student group (same participants complete the two sessions). Cavanaugh
et al. ( 2004 ) mentioned a similar dynamic in considering that common goals are needed in policy
making to identify the effectiveness of an intervention and policy makers and evaluators are
exhorted to work together in partnership to ameliorate this. They enable the readers to perform
comprehensive research and allow the reader to access more data without the limitations of space and
time. Preparing and implementing PLPs allows for adjusting the pace to individual learners,
adjusting instructional methods to individual characteristics, and having different learning goals
tailored to individual interests. Fortunately, there are plenty of available literary review websites,
where you can find useful tips on how to cope with almost any literature review-related problem.
Besides the minimization of bias and support for reproducibility, an SLR allows us to provide
information about the impact of some phenomenon across a wide range of settings, contexts, and
empirical methods. Online learning in Australian higher education: Opportunities, challenges and
transformations. PDF Perception of Students towards Online Learning: A Review of Literature This
literature review aims to explore the perception of students towards online learning. In short, having
a literature review protects you from any threat of plagiarism. It serves a number of purposes, chief
among them the provision of context and the identification of gaps in current knowledge. To achieve
this, it is advisable for organizations to define the expected objectives, catalogue the individual
needs, and select technologies that have the capacity to support and enrich learners with self-
directed and socially constructed learning practices in the organization (Wang 2011 ). Although a
few studies have utilized contemporary e-learning systems (see Appendix ), even in these studies
there is a lack of alignment between the capabilities of those systems (e.g., open online course,
adaptive support, social and collaborative learning) and the objectives and strategy of the
organization (e.g., organizational value, fostering learning). You can organize your review in several
subcategories, each addressing a certain aspect of the research question. One recommendation for
future researchers is to clearly describe the eOL approach by providing detailed information about
the technologies and materials used, as well as the organizations. Do you know how to develop your
research design and methodology? 4. The systematic review focuses on a certain empirical question
commonly posed in the “cause and effect” form. The model can be developed and evolved as
technology develops and we learn more about human learning and machine learning. Be vulnerable
and take advantage of learning opportunities when they become available. We don’t have student
activities to motivate us and entertain us. In general, contemporary research has investigated how
novel technologies and approaches have been utilized to enhance organizational learning, and it has
highlighted both the promises and the limitations of the use of different technologies within
With respect to RQ1, we analyzed the papers from different perspectives, such as research
methodology, technology, industries, employees, and intended outcomes in terms of organizational
value, employees’ performance, usage, and behavioral change. In extension to this, adequate control
conditions were not always apparent, especially those which considered many factors that were
changed in the experience of intervention groups. This is the essence of computer-supported
collaborative learning (CSCL). Therefore, this review was done to close that gap and respond to the
need for a unified, personalized learning term. Once I got the completed paper, my last doubts were
gone. Giving it away forward we at IILM University help students at every step in their internships
where they work on Research Projects and Proposals. WHAT TO DO IF THERE ARE NO PAPERS
IN YOUR RESEARCH AREA Tips for effective literature searching and keeping up with new
publications 3 Quick tips for researchers to make Google searches more effective A young
researcher's guide to writing a literature review How to keep up with the scientific literature How do
you find relevant literature in your field. The purpose of a literature review is to make the foundation
of any report strong enough. Our study’s findings resonate with this, as during the focus group, the
reflections leaned toward discussing personal experiences. Miliband ( 2006, as cited in Lee, Huh, Lin
and Reigeluth, 2018 ) promoted personalized learning to be the solution to tailoring the learning
according to individuals’ needs and prior experience so as to allow everyone to reach their maximum
potential through customized instruction (Hsieh and Chen, 2016; Lin, Yeh, Hung and Chang, 2013
).The customized instruction that includes what is taught, how it is taught, and the pace at which it is
taught. The model can be developed and evolved as technology develops and we learn more about
human learning and machine learning. This study contributes to existing literature by pinpointing
specific improvement areas, emphasizing the importance of student involvement and faculty roles in
the educational process. However, when conducting research, your review of the existing literature
must present a view of the research field as it currently is. What does the secondary research
literature tell us about distance learning. Therefore, in this review we aim to answer the following
research questions (RQs): RQ1: What is the status of research at the intersection of e-learning and
organizational learning, seen through the lens of areas of implementation (e.g., industries, public
sector), technologies used, and methodologies (e.g., types of data and data analysis techniques
employed). Nevertheless, this study also faces the possible limitation caused by the selection criteria.
COVID-19 and teacher education: a literature review of online teaching This paper provides a
review of the literature on online teaching and learning practices in teacher education. Almansour,
M., Almoayad, F. Exploring challenges and perceptions in the learning environment: an online
qualitative study of medical students. In the following discussion of these gaps, we will humbly aim
to make moderate suggestions for further inquiry that could enrich the current available research.
Being a student of a business school, you can consult your mentor or project guide. Does a case-
based online group project increase students’ satisfaction with interaction in online courses. This
sector currently faces multiple challenges, but the two most prominent ones are information
asymmetry and financial illiteracy. From the selected studies, we can infer that eOL research is either
conducted in an industry-agnostic context (either generic or it was not properly reported) or there is
a focus on the IT industry (see Appendix ). The systematic review focuses on a certain empirical
question commonly posed in the “cause and effect” form. Chang and Hannafin (2015) add that it
will be important to consider the unique traits of adult-learners and the impact that online
collaboration tools may have on learning for this group. Even though the impact factor is not
perfectly aligned with Google Scholar’s h5-index order, the selected journals listed the most
impactful journals in the educational technology field. Notably, differences in satisfaction levels
between clinical and basic science students, as well as gender-specific perceptions, noted in the
research. Most of the approaches were employee-centric, with a small amount of studies focusing on
managers and the firm in general. Traditional learning approaches fail to substantiate learning flow
on the basis of daily evidence and experience. Furthermore, enhancing supportive infrastructures,
such as mental health and financial services, and promoting extracurricular activities are crucial for
fostering a more effective and nurturing learning environment.
In their study, they identified three main factors in approaches to studying: orientations toward
personal meaning, reproducing, and achieving. The top nine journals from the “Educational
Technology” category from google scholar h5-index selected to keep the range of the papers
manageable while trying to ensure the review is broad enough to include enough studies that can
satisfactorily answer the research question. The title, abstract, and when necessary, the full paper was
reviewed to decide if the paper met the inclusion criteria. In some classes, I ask students to work in
groups on individual assignments, but for the purpose of giving and receiving feedback on their
respective projects. Your keywords should be well defined and specifically targeted to the research
papers you are looking for. For example, try summarizing the entire article in a few sentences.
Further still, as online learning continues to be a the only viable option for many families, educators
in Ontario must ensure that the creation of a VLE and the curriculum delivered through it is guided
by the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) Ethical Standards of Care, where it is understood that
Ontario Teachers ought to avoid practices that may not support the welfare of all students placed in
their care. In this paper, we define e-learning enhanced organizational learning (eOL) as the
utilization of digital technologies to enhance the process of improving actions through better
knowledge and understanding in an organization. The main researcher, an observer from the research
team (two sessions only), and the participants were the only individuals in the Zoom meeting.
Furthermore, the following questions are sub-questions to be considered during the study. Students
with the capacity for self-regulated learning tend to achieve better outcomes from online courses.
Writing a literature review could be hard, especially if you have never handled one before.
Incorporating practical case studies and scenarios will enable students to relate their learning to real-
life situations, enhancing practical knowledge application. This communication is best generated
through synchronous connections where there exists the ability to convey the student’s immediate
needs in real-time. In this review study, we have answered some critical research questions, including
the issues with different terms that have been used for personalized learning, components of
personalized learning, and obstacles to the development of personalized learning. The rationale for
focusing on this span of just over a decade was to draw our attention to the most recent research
evidence related to our question. Besides, another obstacle is the researchers and policymakers should
show the same interest to personalized learning so the demand and research can align. While the
current study focused on the students’ perspectives, the literature suggests that both educators and
students have unique insights to offer in this respect, and the bridge between theory and practice can
only be truly constructed when these insights are aligned. Firstly, the findings are presented as they
relate to the R.Q. (Research Question) s; then, the future direction and limitations are discussed. The
literature and student feedback collectively emphasize the importance of enhancing the supportive
infrastructure within educational environments. RQ2: How can e-learning be leveraged to enhance
the process of improving actions through better knowledge and understanding in an organization.
The ongoing evaluation and adaptation of TLEs in collaboration with teachers and students is crucial
for improving medical education. The study results revealed that various elements, such as
educational content, faculty roles, and personal factors, collectively influenced the students’
educational experiences. You used their work to fortify yours, similar to how your work will be used
by others in the future to help strengthen theirs. Avoid viewing the VLE as merely a space to bank
work packages and collect evaluations. This type of review serves to place certain research through
its historical context to show the developments and any predictable future. Future studies can be
built on this approach to develop a general framework. In some cases, the professor may fail to
provide you with a topic, which tasks you with the responsibility of coming up with one. By
“method” in the Appendix, we refer to the distinction between quantitative, qualitative, and mixed
methods research. Therefore, it aims to find all the relevant publications.
Are you ready to write the overview for your study? 8. If you were to broaden your search area, you
might find relevant literature to back the hypothetical research question mentioned above. Both the
preclinical and clinical phases of the MBBS program were well represented. An investigation of
motivation and experience in virtual learning environments: A self-determination theory. Finally,
enhancing psychological and financial support services, including counseling and financial aid, is
crucial for students’ overall well-being and success. As educational technologies began to mature in
the last half of the previous century, personalized learning took the form of intelligent tutoring
systems. In this century, big data and learning analytics are poised to transform personalized learning
once again. Inclusion criteria In initially assessing and screening the results of the database searches,
we ventured to remove sources that did not pertain to the contexts of VLEs and the student’s
experience of those VLEs. Since the lit review provides a concise overview of the current state of
knowledge regarding the topic, it naturally also reveals the gaps present in the body of knowledge.
You can identify the best methods to collect data and analyze your work. This point recognizes that
VLEs require specific access to resources that may be limited, making widespread and universally
approachable studies a challenge. BMC Med Educ. 2021;21(1):165.. Saigal P, Takemura Y, Nishiue
T, Fetters MD. Below we offer several links and brief descriptions of some really helpful literature
review sites. Later, most of the journals about educational technology were indexed. When faculty
actively interact and engage students in a face-to-face classroom, the class evolves as a group and
develops intellectual and personal bonds. This is followed by a mandatory internship year (phase 4)
comprised of clinical rotations in medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, and
emergency medicine. But you’re already worrying about what will go in your literature review
section. Taking a more student-centred approach during online instruction fits with features of the
online environment. Traditional learning approaches fail to substantiate learning flow on the basis of
daily evidence and experience. Also, you can discuss the conclusions which were arrived at as you
compare results from qualitative and quantitative research. However, a preference for experimental,
quasi-experimental, qualitative analysis, and mixed-method correlational analysis did emerge. Each
journal was searched for “personalized learning,” “adaptive learning,” “individualized instruction,”
“customized learning,” and each result gone through the inclusion criteria and final phase; papers
were saved in Mendeley under subfolders for each journal. This paper will present a research-based
framework for personalized learning and discuss future research directions, issues, and challenges
through an in-depth analysis of the definitions and terms used for personalized learning. Although a
literary review is a tricky assignment indeed, there are still many ways to make the work easier.
Washington, DC: Office of Educational Technology. U.S. Department of Education, Office of
Educational Technology (2017 ). Overall, researchers instead focused on studying only the
perceptions of online learning in general or one specific piece of the online learning experience (for
instance, the posting of recorded lectures or an asynchronous discussion board section) without
giving any precise attention to the LMS used to create the VLE. Table 4 shows the results of the
searches for each term by journals. You no longer have to worry if what you write is good enough.
Use your conceptual schema to identify where you will begin and in what order. All focus group
discussion sessions took place during a lockdown because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which
mandated the use of technology to conduct the sessions. Use online databases like EBSCO, JSTOR,
and ProQuest among others.
It is important to highlight that the articles were coded based on the reported information, that
different authors reported information at different levels of granularity (e.g., an online system vs.
Nonetheless, it is the view of the authors that such comments appearing from within the unique
context of the mandated and sweeping switch to online learning warrant an investigation of what
research might exist to establish acceptable standards of VLE implementation. Pappas You can also
search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar Corresponding author Correspondence to Ilias O.
Pappas. Additional information Publisher’s note. Thus, you will not make unnecessary mistakes and
will not have to waste time doing the same work twice. In recent years, several models of
organizational learning have been published (Berends and Lammers 2010; Oh 2019 ). Some of the
papers that did not fit the inclusion criteria are referenced in this paper as they provide valuable
information about personalized learning. It is perfectly fine to ask them to guide you in the right
direction when you find yourself stuck. Moreover, it seems in education industry terms are quite
varied, but when it comes to academia, it is mostly adaptive learning and personalized learning being
used interchangeably Rastegarmoghadam and Ziarati ( 2017 ); however, mostly adaptive learning is
being used when it is technology-enhanced learning. In addition, several studies focused on the e-
learning system’s ability to improve employees’ performance, increase the knowledge flow in the
organization, and foster learning. Finally, you could check other papers published by the authors of
the papers you have found. Which strategy helped them understand the job requirements and better
assessment of the candidates. The primary coder prepared the initial coding for a number of articles
and both coders reviewed and agreed on the coding in order to reach the final codes presented in the
Appendix. Implementing structured reflection activities tailored to different curriculum stages can
deepen students’ engagement and understanding. While the two concepts share many of the same
characteristics, Falcione et al. (2019), argues that cooperative learning is, in fact, different from
collaborative learning. So, you will be providing an answer to the research question based on existing
information. Write the review: The process of a systematic literature review was explicitly described
in adequate detail that other researchers can independently reproduce the review’s results. Therefore,
in this review we aim to answer the following research questions (RQs): RQ1: What is the status of
research at the intersection of e-learning and organizational learning, seen through the lens of areas
of implementation (e.g., industries, public sector), technologies used, and methodologies (e.g., types
of data and data analysis techniques employed). The emphasis is on the characteristics of
personalized learning that need to be taken into consideration to have a well-developed concept of
personalized learning. The Researcher can compare and contrast the findings of prior researches
conducted. Research summary of the various iterations of virtual learning environments (VLE) Note:
3DVR: 3D Virtual Reality, 3DVE: 3D Virtual Environment, AR: Augmented Reality, BLM:
Blended Learning Model, F2F: Face-to-Face, LMS: Learning Management System, SCR: Screen
Capture Recording, VLE: Virtual Learning Environment Our research provided studies that had been
conducted from nearly every continent of Earth, save South America and Antarctica. Challenges
with Collaborative Learning While there are many documented benefits of collaborative learning,
this strategy also comes with its fair share of challenges. Students were at home, cut off from
teachers, school, and friends, alone with the computer screens. In addition, Kinshuk et al. ( 2013 )
pointed out that practitioners in education could not take advantage of all that research at an equally
fast pace, and the implementation lagged severely behind. Looking at the contemporary eOL
research, we notice that the exploration of e-learning capabilities to nurture the aforementioned
elements and support employee-centric approaches is very limited (e.g., personalized technologies,
adaptive assessment). The global research output increases every year by approximately 2.5 million
new journal articles. Future studies can be built on this approach to develop a general framework.
Professional writers have had plenty of experience with this type of paper, which makes the job far
easier for them than it is for you. This helps them know that you did an excellent job writing your
homework, and the paper is therefore credible. Also, researchers are seeking a unified definition of
personalized learning that will include all those different components. However, employees were
seen as static entities within the organization, with limited work investigating how eOL-based
training exposes employees to new knowledge, broadens their skills repertoire, and has tremendous
potential for fostering innovation (Lin and Sanders 2017 ).