Literature Review of Power Sector
Literature Review of Power Sector
Literature Review of Power Sector
It requires extensive
research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature to provide a comprehensive overview of
the topic. From understanding the historical context to analyzing current trends and future prospects,
a literature review demands meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of the subject
One of the main challenges in writing a literature review is the sheer volume of literature available.
Navigating through numerous academic journals, research papers, books, and reports can be
overwhelming, especially for those new to the field. Additionally, synthesizing diverse perspectives
and arguments into a coherent narrative requires both time and expertise.
Moreover, ensuring that the literature review is structured logically and effectively communicates the
key findings and insights can be another hurdle. It's essential to strike the right balance between
summarizing existing research and providing original analysis to contribute meaningfully to the
discourse on the power sector.
Given the complexities involved, many individuals may find it beneficial to seek assistance from
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A systematic literature review is defined as an objective, transparent and complete method (
Tranfield et al., 2003; Cook et al., 1997 ). Precisely, a systematic literature review consists of a
thorough search for outstanding contributions to a specific topic, which are assessed and synthesized
according to a predefined and precise methodology. In conjunction with the actions of individual
members, however, enhancing interconnections amongst the EU’s regions and different sectors, thus
creating a single European energy market, constitutes one of the top priorities towards achieving the
2050 goals. While batteries would not be suitable in the long-term for storing large quantities of
power in the range of tens of terawatt hours, they could serve as grid-stabilizing components with
short response times. Decision rules based on these decision quantities are applied to identify and
classify the PQ events in this captured signal. Moreover, such synthetic fuels could be tailored to
improve engine efficiency and decrease emission levels. Based on the principles of the SBSC, Zhao
and Li (2015) add the dimensions of Environment and Sustainability to the traditional BSC to assess
and rank the performance of four power generation groups in China. Thirdly, while the
environmental and economic sustainability performance of power systems has received widespread
attention, the existing literature has paid relatively little attention to the issues of the social
sustainability performance of power systems. The stability and safety of the power system have a
significant impact on society. TABLE 13 TABLE 13. Summary of the use of MCDM methods. 5.3
Life Cycle Assessment Method Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an essential environmental
management tool. Typical ranges are, at present, between 400 and 700 km. Distribution the last mile
connectivity in the system was next to consumers. Dr. Harvey V. Fineberg is president of the
Institute of Medicine. For each half cycle of the processed signal, five decision quantities are
calculated based on iTHD and energy and these quantities are the three consecutive maximum values
of iTHD, standard deviation and energy difference between distorted signal and its fundamental
frequency component. This part of the power system is the revenue generator for all the other parts
and hence the life line of system to support it financially. For reference, according to the U.S.
Geological Survey (USGS, 1979), thermal energy stored as hydrothermal resources ranges between
2,500 EJ (0.67 billion GWh) and 9,700 EJ (2.7 billion GWh). Detection, classification and mitigation
are the main steps used in the power quality analysis. TABLE 11 TABLE 11. Summary of other
sustainability indicators. 5 Evaluation Methods 5.1 Data Envelopment Analysis In the early 2000s,
Olatubi and Dismukes (2000) apply DEA methods to measure the cost performance of coal-fired
generation facilities. Almost all of the articles deal with the environmental aspects, which shows that
the environmental sustainability caused by power systems have attracted the attention of the vast
majority of scholars. India's natural gas production reached a level of 29.69 BCM in 2001-02. The
projected domestic. The remaining electricity is produced with natural gas, oil derivatives and other
sources. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease (JCDD). The first dimension of
sustainability is about the environment. The allocation of energy sources used to produce electricity
is shown in Figure 10. A combination of different evaluation methods can be explored and even more
precise evaluation methods can be developed. For example, a combined heat and power plant that
generates electricity would supply excess heat that would otherwise be wasted to other industries or
the household sector. Furthermore, Sun et al. (2020) introduce an improved DEA model to analyze
the sustainable performance of Chinese electricity supply chain. Deng et al. (2020) combine DEA
methods with MCDM methods such as Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Preference Ranking
Organization Methods for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE) to study the financial
sustainability performance of nuclear power companies. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences USA 101:16115-16120. Darjeeling. However, commercial production and distribution
started in 1889, in. Because heat extraction may not be uniform, the MIT report assumes that
reservoirs would have a lifetime of 30 years, with periodic re-drilling, fracturing, and hydraulic
simulation. Therefore, all pathways must be considered in terms of modeling a future energy system,
so as to identify the optimal solution for each country. Whereas the sectors of industry and
households could respectively affect a GHG reduction of 34% and 21% from 1990 to 2013, the
sectors of power generation and mobility could only contribute 15% and 3%, respectively, in practice
(compare Figure 10 ).
In 1978, with the passage of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA), small generation
units and renewable resources were given special attention. Despite efficiency gains in technologies
relating to traditional electricity provision, the use of more applications of electricity arises (rebound
effect), such as those described in this paper. Details of Inter-Regional capacity planned for 12th
plan. The review team define the research questions and solution ideas as follow after three-round
discussions: Q1. Nuclear energy has the potential to meet the future needs of electricity demand in
the country. The. Parameters To be Considered for consideration Revenue Enhancement: Any
company which has to establish itself ha to see to it balance sheets. Download Free PDF View PDF
POWER SCENARIO IN INDIA Vaibhav Patil Download Free PDF View PDF Energy Resources:
Indian Scenario Alok Chandrakar Download Free PDF View PDF ELECTRICITY SECTOR IN
INDIA: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES UGC Approved Journal of Marketing Strategy(JMS) In
this era of development, power sector has become important and indispensable partially in every
sphere of activities. The most significant step it took towards a common and greener energy policy
was made in 2005 in London, where the development of corresponding legislation was approved by
the European Council. In the study, the primary energy demand for Germany in 2050 is first
identified. This potential represents more than 7 times the actual electric generation from biomass in
2005 (0.054 million GWh, which accounted for just above 1 percent of the 2007 U.S. electricity
generation). GE employees embrace Six Sigma's customer-focused, data-driven philosophy and.
Author Contributions All authors contributed to the study conception and design. This part of the
power system is the revenue generator for all the other parts and hence the life line of system to
support it financially. Gallego Carrera and Mack (2010) evaluate the social sustainability of energy
technologies from stakeholders’ perspectives by applying some social indicators, such as security and
reliability of energy supply, political stability and legitimacy, social and personal risk and quality of
life. 3.2 Evaluation Framework With Multiple Sustainability Dimensions 3.2.1 Traditional Triple
Bottom Line About 21% of the selected articles are based on the Triple Bottom Line. Conflicts of
Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. You can download the paper by clicking the
button above. Atilgan and Azapagic (2016) combine the LCA approach with MAUT (Multi-
Attribute Utility Theory) to assess the integrated life-cycle sustainability of power generators in
Turkey. The broad criteria adopted for selection of hydro projects for 11th plan are as under. Ryberg
and Thomas Grube wrote sections of the paper (ranked by their contribution). For example, millions
of homes and business entities were left without electricity, making millions of people live in the dark
and cold due to a blizzard that devastated Texas in the United States ( Tribune, 2021 ). Social
sustainability includes the concepts of equity, empowerment, accessibility, participation, cultural
identity and institutional stability ( Daly, 1992 ). It is autonomous in its administration and in the
selection of its members, sharing with the National Academy of Sciences the responsibility for
advising the federal government. Out of the projects totalling to 37,524 MW under committed
category as given above, orders for. Energy storage, demand side man-agement, and network
extension from an interdisciplinary perspective. In the year 1947, the country had a power
generating. International Energy Outlook 2016; U.S. Energy Information Administration:
Washington, DC, USA, 2016. Over the last six decades, India has taken rapid development of the
electricity sector both in terms of power generation and distribution. Register for a free account to
start saving and receiving special member only perks. The share of primary energy imports in the
total commercial energy supply is currently estimated at.
After a plodding start, research on this topic is generally in a state of growth. Finally, in terms of the
geographical distribution of research on the performance evaluation of power systems, future
research should focus on the sustainable development of power systems in underdeveloped regions
such as Africa. It was planned to serve as a foundation for subsequent policy studies, at the
academies and elsewhere, that will focus on energy research and development priorities, strategic
energy technology development, and policy analysis. However, as described in the remainder of this
report, many other factors will determine what portion of these resources will actually be
incorporated into the electricity system; some of these factors include. Nevertheless, renewable
energy is the fastest growing energy sector in terms of percent annual increase. It was also suggested
that each BoP should invariably be awarded as a package instead of breaking up. Thermal and Hydro
Main Plant Equipment -Need to augment existing indigenous manufacturing. It should also be noted
that the economic discussion of whether there will be a surplus in future energy systems, or if
demand will always be consistent, is beyond the scope of this paper and therefore will not be further
discussed. Reducing Emissions from Transport—A European Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility.
2016. Available online: (accessed on 24 October 2016). Eurostat. Greenhouse Gas Emission
Statistics. 2016. Available online: (accessed on 24 October 2016). However, the achievements of
India's power sector growth looks phony on the face. Electricity generation by renewables;
corresponding excess electricity generation and the amount of excess electricity used for power-to-
gas (P2G) in TWh for Germany in the year 2050, according to the associated study and scenario.
Table 13 provides the summary of the application of MCDM methods. Diesendorf (2000) also states
that environmental sustainability means that natural resources must be not harvested faster than
regenerated. Inadequate network planning is one of the reasons for hap-hazard and unscientific
development of the. Out of the projects totalling to 37,524 MW under committed category as given
above, orders for. Richard Sweeney of Resources for the Future also contributed to the economic
analysis in Chapter 4 in his role as an unpaid consultant to the panel. Lawrence T. Papay, Chair Panel
on Electricity from Renewable Resources. Responsibility for the final content of this report rests
entirely with the authoring panel and the institution. Adequate availability of energy would be a
fundamental requirement for this objective to materialize. Equally important is availability of reliable
and quality power at competitive rates to Indian industry to make it globally competitive and to
enable it to exploit the tremendous potential of employment generation. Journal of Manufacturing
and Materials Processing (JMMP). Classification of targeted German studies on future power supply
systems, based on their considered grid expansion (minor to strong) and the strategic development of
the power supply system (from Germany to Europe). Substantial expansion of coal and gas
production as well as exploration of new fossil fuel reserves needs to be expedited. While in the first
category, electricity generation only focuses on the power sector, the second also includes additional
sectors. References Afgan, N. H., and Carvalho, M. G. (2002). Multi-criteria Assessment of New and
Renewable Energy Power Plants. In terms of percentage increase in installed capacity, renewable
energy collectively is the fastest growing energy source. There was capability of recording the
parameters of the system during fault. How do hotel linen suppliers contribute to sustainable and
eco-friendly pract. The transmission line expanded from 52,034 ckm during the sixth plan to 269,571
ckm at the end of. The remaining electricity is produced with natural gas, oil derivatives and other
sources. Accordingly, imported coal of the order of 40MT, equivalent to 63 MT of Indian coal, may
have to be.
Gallego Carrera and Mack (2010) evaluate the social sustainability of energy technologies from
stakeholders’ perspectives by applying some social indicators, such as security and reliability of
energy supply, political stability and legitimacy, social and personal risk and quality of life. 3.2
Evaluation Framework With Multiple Sustainability Dimensions 3.2.1 Traditional Triple Bottom Line
About 21% of the selected articles are based on the Triple Bottom Line. It was planned to serve as a
foundation for subsequent policy studies, at the academies and elsewhere, that will focus on energy
research and development priorities, strategic energy technology development, and policy analysis.
Then the instantaneous total harmonic distortion (iTHD) and the energy are calculated. Also, you
can type in a page number and press Enter to go directly to that page in the book. Whereas the
approach of SC is likely to be more frequently used, the principle has yet to be clearly defined, and
its possible features are yet to be described. Indeed, a recent MIT report (2006) notes that some
temperature drawdown should occur if such reservoirs are used most efficiently. Over the last six
decades, India has taken rapid development of the electricity sector both in terms of power
generation and distribution. What are the current state and the trend of research on the performance
evaluation of power system from the sustainability perspective. The aim of this paper is therefore to
clarify the concept of SC in a general sense (see Section 2 ) and show in more detail the principal
pathways by which the power and transport sectors may be linked (see Section 3 ). Feeder
separation programme needs to be given a major push in those states. Table 1 provides a brief
overview of the advantages and challenges facing BEVs and FCVs. 3.2. Power-to-Fuel On the
mobility side, today’s passenger car- and truck-based road transport, as well as aviation and maritime
shipping, relies heavily on crude oil-derived liquid fuels. Discussion of this resource base sets the
stage for the scenarios of renewable energy deployment in Chapter 7. Future research should pay
attention to the hybrid and application of MCDM method and other methods. In the current 5-year
plan, a transmission plan has been evolved for strengthening the regional grids to. Due to the
fluctuating nature of RESs, it is necessary to install more wind and photovoltaics (PVs) generation in
terms of nominal power than would otherwise be required in order to ensure that the power demand
can always be met. The panel will evaluate technologies based on their estimated times to initial
commercial deployment and will provide the following information for each. This could be
attributed to several factors such as the improvement in. TABLE 13 TABLE 13. Summary of the use
of MCDM methods. 5.3 Life Cycle Assessment Method Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an
essential environmental management tool. Next Article in Journal Comparison of the Performance of
Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic for Recognizing Different Partial Discharge Sources.
Dr. Charles M. Vest is president of the National Academy of Engineering. Introduction Renewable
energy sources, for the most part originating from the sun's radiant energy, are ubiquitous, long-
lived, and essentially free of carbon emissions. There are many definitions of sustainability, among
which one of the most widely accepted preliminary definitions was presented in the 1987 United
Nations report “Our Common Future,” namely, “development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” ( WCED, 1987 ).
Power Equipments can be met by Importing or from the domestic suppliers. So the. Hydrothermal
(sometimes referred to as conventional geothermal) electric generating facilities use hot water or
steam extracted from these reservoirs and supply this energy to turbines to generate electricity. Apart
from this, exploration work in two blocks has been awarded to. Among these indicators, Efficiency
is in the leading position, followed by Technical Innovation, Installed Capacity, Technical Reliability.
It can be observed that most of the existing studies focus on the sustainability evaluation of power
generation technologies and power generation enterprises, while there are fewer studies on the
sustainability evaluation of the power supply chain. Protection system deployed for such lines in the
case of fault protection were also no capable to diagnose the reason for fault. Furthermore, a
literature review provides an overview of relevant scientific papers on the topic. In 1960s and 70s,
enormous impetus was given for the expansion of distribution of.