Internal Family Systems Notes
Internal Family Systems Notes
Internal Family Systems Notes
Family as a System:
Imagine your family as a constellation, where each member is a star and their relationships
are the connections between them. IFS, inspired by systems theory, views families as
interconnected units where a problem in one part can impact the whole.
Systems theory
● Freud
● Differentiation individual is from the family
● Helping person regulate
● Salvador Munchkin
Postmodern approaches
● Attachment based family therapy
○ Rupture and repair
○ There will always be fights
○ How do you put it back together
● Emotions focussed attachment
○ Fostering the emotional bond
○ Emotions as the driver for behaviour
○ If you can connect with the emotion
● Narrative therapy applications to family
○ Co Authoring
○ Externalising
Session 2:
1. Draw a self at the centre. 2. Think of all the words/ adjectives that have come to represent
you. 3. Write these words around your 'Self' at the centre
Richard Schwartz
Treatment goals
● Which parts are being protected
● Which are being protected
Infinite parts to ourselves
Manager, firefighter, exiles
● Exile - formed in younger age- to be protected- are vulnerable
● Manager - day-to-day tasks- develop coping mechanisms to protect exiles-process
oriented approach
● Firefighters- protectors- anything that slips manager’s attention- defensive, reactive,
loosing track of urges- temporary relief- trauma response
Teacher-classroom-student analogy
Self energy
“We all know about those luminous moments of clarity and balance…which come briefly now
and again. However we get there, we suddenly encounter a feeling of inner plenitude and
open heartedness to the world that wasnt there the moment before. The incessant nasty
chatter inside our heads ceases, we have a sense of calm spaciousness, as if our minds and
hearts and souls had expanded and brightened. Sometimes, these evanescent experiences
come in a bright glow of peaceful certainty that everything in the universe is truly okay, and
that includes us – you and me individually – in all our poor struggling, imperfect humanity.”
● Calm
● Curiosity
● Clarity
● Connectedness
● Compassion
● Courage
● Confidence
● Creativity
● Patience
● Presence
● Perspective
● Persistence
● Playfulness