Recitation 3
Recitation 3
Recitation 3
Contents Comment/Suggestion
Learning At the end of the lesson, at The objectives that At the end of the lesson, at least
Objective least 75% of the students were presented lack 80% of the student must be able
s must be able to: the 4C’s and are only to:
composed of cognitive
Define Convenience and psychomotor. The
Outlet and right objective must Analyze scenarios and
Electrical be composed of three determine the
Grounding. domains, which are appropriate convenience
Identify the cognitive, outlet for specific
different types of psychomotor, and location.
convenience affective. It is also Understand and explain
Outlets. important that the safety measures to be
Employ the use of objectives of the 4C's observed when using
the Grounding be acquired to create convenience outlets.
System in a comprehensive and Demonstrate ability to
Convenience engaging educational connect the stripped
Outlets. experience. For wires to the appropriate
example, in critical terminals on the
thinking and the convenience outlet,
cognitive domain, ensuring a secure and
instead of just proper connection.
memorizing the types
of outlets, “analyze
scenarios and
determine the
convenience outlet for
specific location.”
Activity A. Activity A. Activity